THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PO RTLANJP, 'MONDAY. MARCH,' 15, 1920. 15 (f- CUT M rOUiano u. o, Mi"iM . i I MM llrflua evil, w. p, "e w wbaree to either party. MEN'S DIVISION Flstlroo bldg., (11 Pin ft. Phone Broedwsy 4876. WOMEN'S DIVISION 203 Bee Mdg .. Broadway and Oak. Fhons Broedwy4869. MEN WANTED Lumber Industry In KUmath county, Ore gon,, will open about March 1 or 15. Employ, ta.nt tor about 2000 m in hcdm camps, sawmills and boa facto ris. Good wages, 8 hour. diy. Address Klamath Lumbtrata' ' Longer sen.. KUmath Falls. Or. COMEDY DIRECTORS APPLY EAGLK FILM CO.. 101$ Chamber of Commerce. WANTED An experienced tea and coffee root salesman: established routs; reference re owired: pcrntTienl position Ur right man. Good proposition with reliable hom concern. Apply at one. Ideal Tea Co.. Til Union ar. N. ' First-Class Character Man tor light comedy. 1013 Cliamber of Com- ' (Dart-a. f.Afilir.ll' end ff.ntk' (jLtlor and rmsbelman. one who can draft and cut pattern ; good wagca and steady iob to right party. French Dye works. Central!. Wash. VNTED "Ctte wire" .airman; position will m.k. hi mnnev and future I U age and "experience: prefer voting men with knowledge af automobile, w ooo. journai. a kur.vrftAY; iiandv man In furniture etore ' . must be a Hlrman. Phone or get in touch ''.with u at onr. Hogg Bros.. Oregon City, Or, HELP WAITED MISC. 49 LEARN A TRADE NOTICE To all atiidente enrolling on r before April ' 1, 1920, will be siren a life membership In all ot our school, which are located in be lol , . lowing cities : Portland, Or. Tecotna, Wuh. Oakland, Cel. Salt I sis City, Ctah. - Denver, Colo. Victoria. B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Calgary. Alt. EdmrrfitoQ. Alta. Lettibrldlra. AKa -y Begin. Sesk. Saskatoon, flssk. Winnipeg. Man. This Is the largest chain of schools in the world. - Hemphill's certificate are recognised verywhsr. Don't mtsa this opportunity. Write or call today for free catalogue. Hemphill's Trade Schools, Amerlra'a leading Automobile A ' Gas Tractor Schools. 707 Hawthorne are., r-cr. K. 20th. Take Mt. Scott car at Second and Alder to E. 20th at adcox acto school; UNION AVE. AND WA3CO ST. WE HAVE GRADfATED A URliER PER. CENTAGE OF SUCCESSFUL STt'DENTS THAN ANT SCHOOL IK THE WEST. (I CATALOG I REE A LA ROB 88-PAGE BOOK WITH COM PLETE INFORMATION WILL- BE MAILED PR EE TO ANT ADDRESS ASK FOR BOOK NO. ' OREGON EX-BKRVICB MEN, THE COURSE 18 FREE TO YOU TOO IKl NOT HA V K TO AIVANCJB1 ONE CENT TUB PTATE PATS CS. SCHOOL CAN BE INSPECTED Daily at II I m. ADOOX ADTO A UAS ENGINE BaiOOU, I NION AVE, AND WAKCII KT. D A Position lor Each Graduate. ALISKX BLDG. PUSITKMH ASSURED EVERT GRADUATE OF BEHNKE WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any., time. Teletrspoy. aianography, wanking, bookkeeping.- eecretartwi Free cstsln. llakn tklegSaphy Toung men snd women wanted. Call 484 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity is learn a weu utiu yruiwwu Kiev uuuiin, Itsilwav Teleursph Institute LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, bookkeeping. stenography civil service, secretarial, apeeial course i. Expert teachers; day and night; enroll sow. I'bon Bfuedwey 8088; BoCKV MOUNTAIN T eschars- Agency. EnroU free. Frank K. Welles, former Assistant .State , 8)upt., mgr .V W. Bnk bldg Phone Main 827$, " EAST SIDE cTiMMERClAI. SCHOOL M1k RegMis HucselV private Khool; fndlvidusl teetmetlnn. . 138H Grand ave East 4 IT HELP WANTED FEMALE rw TOW WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY' A aalary that Is paid while ytm lean the boeineee and that increase fre aeatiy aa you gain experience r DO YOU KNOW OW MUCH TEI.EPHONB OPERATING EMflAlIKS EARN f And wbat excelleL. opportunities they hiv for promotion to eiecutive poet. tioaf WITT NOT OBTAIN TUB FACTS f our Emplnynsent Supervisor will gisdly toll yon the facts and will also explain the many other advantages of telephone peratiaa fur young women. Apply at Telephone Company. Room ttol th Floor Telephone Building, Park and oak StreeU. Telegraph Company WANTED Sis capable, energetic women, full or frt Mm, for pr...r.t, profitable outside work.! -f Cioehett hide i WANT good bookkeeper and stenographer f.w nrtM mIm .ota hn lie. !i a ! .T perienr with m'anufscturing eatAblishment 500 E. I.incoin st- East 708. ' vt'A STEP-iAu experienced hsrtd ironer on ladies' clothes. Steady position and good pay to good ironer Union Laundry, 2d and t Columbia. WANTED Experienced marker snd sorter to go to Tillamook; fare paid, good wages, good rlac to work. See Mr. Simons. National sundry Co. fhone Sunday East 8246. . FirstC!a Character " for. light comedy. 1013 i'hmnbwfr of WA N TEl Worn an or girl to lake careni 4-year-eld girl while mother work. 987 Division, between 33d and 84th sts. W'AN T E D A n experienced working housekeeper to manage rooming bouse In Astoria, D. H : Welch. Astoria. Or. WOMAN for wnixl 4 91. housework. No washing. Sell- GIRI. for general housework dlngton conn. EXPERIENCED pants finisher? wealth hldg. Apply 181 Lad- 405 Oouimon- HELP WA5TPP MALA. AND FEMALE ft WANTED Men to learn the harher trade; receive some pay while learning; positions ' secured : O resort ex-service men. the course is free to you. Call or write for psrtlciflaes Snd I rttalue. MOLER BARBER CsJLLEUE, 284 Bornslde st. CeN; wTJmEN, learn baroer trade; srasas whU. learning, position gusrsnteed Mgt. S3 years' eiperjenee. Oregon Barter Cellegt. 288 Madison. Barber college pays yon while ; learning, give yon set of tools free; poattton serursd ' 88 N. 2d st WANTED AGENTS 6 THB PREMIER BURNER concentrates the tremeDdous heat units of keroaene rn a clean ga fir without amoke. soot or fumes. WB1 not car bon!, being sesentificslly cor rect In all details, perfect eoxn bnstion and a complete eircut: the poastMlity of omrbon baa been entirely ovwrcome. Cava put to any atov. Country manager wanted to start on email expense. For particulars writ HARHI MESSLER, It North Sixth St.. 16ENT8 to sell new invention. Titan split rim auto tool and Wallace elinrher tire tool. Rest market, aU on sight. 408 Rail war Exchange bldg. ss- i SALESMEN WANTED if RKK EnVi.T established wholes, how... desire city and traveling saieanaen to sell ootnplete line eleetrva light lamp .duplicating Mssdaa. AI) , elaase trsde. Eiclnsive or side una. Samples ' weigh not row ounce, fxnrasx rrrice; tet gnar nnty oar Ceawt. Eacelient earnings ew eomsnis- jitot aal$.y Record 4 S Ulster, $24 Ey. Ex. bld. rJUTl e3 BALBBMETT TTJUTTET. Pass This One Up If You Are Looking for a Soft Snap Hut if too are willing to work and can m both hands and brain this will interest you. SI 75 required to start with. Must hr a oar, prefer ably a Ford. A used one. will do. 0-899. Journal. i SITUATIONSWALE BUSINESSMEN DO YOU NEED HELP? SMALL. SETS OF BOOKS SErf MONTHLY 8TATr.MR.NTS PREPARED AND MAILED TRIAL, BALANCED PERFECTED POSTING DONE REPORTS WRITTEN ALL WORK DONE BT EXPERIENCED MEN WE CAN 8ATI8FT TOG Business Men's Clearing House 447 MORGAN BLDG. MAIN S76. CHAtTFFEtrR. married. wouM Hke permanent poairion with private family; aeyeraf years experience; ame to keep car in good condition. Jolmson. Call Broadway 4881 day, or Tabor 46o8eTerung; WANTED Tour sewing machines to repair; first claw work. Call up , BEX REPAIR CO., ' Machinists, Not Agents. Phone Broadway 8411. t S23 Alder t TO I 'NO man watite work, ohaoffenr ot dry ing delirery car: hae had experience in taking care of high-priced cars ; will work for rery reasonable pay. Call Tabor 0803. OWN EIW LDBf lLl5ERSA TTENTIOX ! A-1 painter, exterior and interior, will gie 20 per cent discount on ail work oontraotad Una month. XX-524, Journal. WEST MAGU1RE Painting, paper hanging and tinting. 81 5. Roe. and shop, S97 E. gUth at. Tabor HOUSE PAINTING Paper banging and kalaomining. zperiancad workmen, moderate prices. Main 8383. MAN offera to put lip Montgomery" Ward bldg. without union bricklayers. 859 Haw- thorno are., Kaat 8468, fatter Day Saint WOTTLD like position in dry cleaning plant. First Hasi on hand pressing; beat of reference. H. W. Holmes. St. Helens, Or. EXPERIENCKD yonne farmer, married, wants job on farm. Wages or shares. W-600, Journal. A DELIA BLE married men wishes steady work, with opportunity for advancement- Call RelL 8230. CEVfENT'loundations, houses raised and base ments enlarged, lawns graded; reasonable. Marh&Tl 1882 evenings. ROOMSTlnted IS; painting, papering, enameling, reasonable. Rdwy. 2288. PAINTrNG. tinting, prices reasonable, guaranteed. Tahor 8077. work WANTED Hauling for owner. V 67, Journal 2 -ton truck, by CEMENT chimney work plastering: Korping A Walton 109 E. 46th rt. Tabor 2658- A-1 CARPENTER" buildsana remodeU cheaply; contract. Call Woodlawn 1 li 6 . CES8POOI, and comiectlono made. Basement work Call Wdln. 5405. EXPERT remodeling by reliahle builders; eeti mntei. free. i'hone Woodlswn 634 H. EXTMPTNiNGarrdnrpraying.' BartletTi I Kim. both phonea 219 23. : PAINTING, tinting, papering, good work. nv I sotiable. SU. 1SMII. i CEM EN trkby-contract ; all-work-gnaran" teed. East 7858. or Sellwood 910. PAINTING and tinting. Main 3021. All work guaranteed. PAINTING, papering, tinting, work guaranteed. Cha. Gorman. Tabor 5804. GARAGES, cement work of all kinds, carpenter work and repairing. Sell 3768. PAPERHANGING. Main 4844. SITUATIONS FEMALE IADY would like managing apt. or rooming house?" slate wages and particulars; can give good references. N-391. Journal. WASTED Place to cook ln logging, lumber or road paving camp. Mra. H. F. Warren. Albany,- Or. 2 WANTED Day work by lady. Call Ant $1648 DBESHMAKINO 40 ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of todies' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed J Benb n. r.eeles' Tailor. 4 08 Knli Ar l ane bid DRnSSMAKTXG, UUoring, alteration and re modeling. 205 tt Allsky bldg.. 8d and Mor rison. HK'.H-CXASS dreamklna: street d mer voile, etc. ; making of suits Into neat dte-see. - Mr. Kelly. East 7807. HEMSTITCHING and scalloping. " 1 0e a yard. 205 'A Aliaky bldg.. 8d and Morrison. NURSES PARAI.TTIC or sick lady patients graduate nurse: ptivt residence. taken by Tab. 299. FURNISHED AND tTNFURNTSHED FUENISHED ROOMS I FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. be.t and cold water, steam heat in rooms; prefer workinrmen; within easy walking dts tanre from business district Phone E. 6382. RiCELY furnished room in modern home for 1 or 2: ariose 1n. White Temple district. Marshall 2543. 490 Taylor. 2 R00M3, splendid location, rent reasonable. 100 E. 21st st N. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 71 GENTLEMEN Beautiful rooms. furnished in mahogany, strictly modern, bot water heat, single or two in one room: very reasonable; walking distance. 188 N 21st st. Bdwy. 2488. ! FURNISHED rooms -in private family, large ! moms, nicely furnished; bath, elect light, heat, walking distance, block from 2 carllnes; reason- i eble; gentlemen only. East 7172. ROOMS suitable-for mother and daughter, witm use of kitchen; homr privileges; reasonable. ,800 Esat 27th st; Richmond car. ' Z, , ' r'hml erences required. Phone Esst 862. with Ref- ! TWO NICE furnished rooms, ga. heat, light. , r. oiari et 1 VERT preasant aleeping rooms. 13 per week. 1042 Belmont- Phone Tabor 802. i THREE furnished rooms. 1394 Thorborn ave. iae atontaviiia-ntara at. car. 8 ROOM, completely furnished. $4 per week, or St per month. 4 84 E. Grant. UlfFUBSISHED ROOMS SeKORE rf-ntifLg large onfurnUhed fron room, 1 r7 V H. Apply to photogr-iphfrr. ROOMS AND BOARD PRITATE ' FAMILY 79 WANTED Two young men to room snd boanl: home cooking and home privileges; large front room. 60 E. 12th it. N. Phone 824R. GOOD room and board in prlvjste family for 1 or 2 persons; 8 meals $50, 2 $42,60. 1 $25. 269 E. 82d st, nesr Hawthorne. Anto- mstic 22 4 -nn. FURNISHED sleeping room tor tent, will board if desired. Phone East 2790. 374 Van couver sve. . WANTED Children to board, in exclusive prtrate home; mollier's csra. Call Wdln. 2642' bet.2 and 4 P M. daily. WANTED For company" a lady boarder; $20 a month. Ella Finney. Gewais, Or.. R, 2. WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD 88 YOUNG man attending school desires room with board or room without board, in private fam ily. Call East 2018. FURNISHED A.ND UYFrBtI8BED " HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS $4.50 CP, completely furnUhed housekeeping suites, Bbeolutely clean, every convenience; hot water and baths at all hours; save carfare. Th Cadillac. 8d near Jtfferaon. G 6ot clean housekeeping rooms! steam heat. phone: also one suit. 125 14th at. Phone Broadway 1010. FURNISHED IL' K, rooms, reaaonable phone and water. Phone Tabor 9079. E Taylor. light 1058 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, tight gas, phone. water. $20 per month. 882 E. Morrison. FJasW2743. rOR NT 35 Its Stark st. Hasiseaeeoina rooms, close In. Phon Bdwy. 1688. TWO good sued room, walking distance, low price of $18.50. 386 6th at, near Montgomery. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 179 Stout near 20th and Morrison Call Mar. 1639. LARGE front room and kitchenette, bay win dow, not water always, boo r landers. TWO light TCX. roomaTltgbt heot and phone furnished; reasonable. Phong East 7741. LARGS H. K. rooms, fuel, water, gas. electric tight, $20. Wdln. 2682. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 78 3 RtXlMhouxekeeping "stiito. $3 a weekT 4i Ell et.. near Washington. $18 THJIF.E clean, furnished housekeeping worn; eloee ill. West Side, Tafcot 1114. HOTTSEKBEPIKG ROOMS FTJBH lHUKU AND XXK f vUA IBHEIi FBfV ATE FAMILt W fWO single desirable 11. K. room. 9 and 12 per mo. 32 tlaaden at. Phone Broad way 2256. ' TWO large, clean baAement room for H. K. also one latrga rootc for tL K. ; reasonable. 244 Montgomery st. ON CAR LINE FumUhed bedroom and uas of kitchen, with heme priTilegas, for rent to 1 or 2 ladles. Call Wdln. 8S8.W LARUE clean front room; gentlemen preferred. 218 West Park. 270 COLUMBIA at.; housekeeping rooms; and phone. fS and np. bath ONE famished ho aaeker (ring room with kitch enette; rent reasonable. 603 Johnson. roa bekt-Horsss U7CFUE5I8HED STORAGE COMMERCIAL, AND HOCSEHOtD OOODS. MOVLVB, PACKING, SHIPPINQ. Rednred freight ratea. For expert aerriea ?aB Bdwy. 70S. atacnlng Warehouse A Trans fer Co. . For a Large Family Vacant spacioua 7 rvttn home ; excellent lot ; modem. Easy terms. 103tt E. Grant. Mis glncomb. Main 4246. Furniture Moving Vim Transfer nd Storage. Ixing . distanrg kaullna. 884 E. Bnmside. Phone East 6484. 318 SIX-ROOM" flat, 'modem. 1 room rcuted. on carline, walking distance; can make rent; mtwt buy few pieia furniture, more if wanted. 1022 "A Hawthorne are.. Flat A. upstairs. WE CAN TINT your stained walls In a satis factory manner, try na. W. B. Hubbard, 188 Orand aye.. Fsst 588. FOR RENT st $10.60 3 room house, small yard, walking distance. 344 S. 17th et. Wert Hide. A ROOM house to rent to parties baying fur niture; fruit gas, water; will lease with furni ture. $10 month. M. V. Depot car, 2201 E. Ash. FOR RENT, 120 per month. 4 room modern bungalow at Lake Grove, 1 acre ground. Tel D. O. Runkle. Oswego 643. WHEN TOD MOVE, USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT BERVIGB 10th and Washtogtats. Broadway FOt'R ROOM house, good condition, garden spot, west side. Pbone Bdwy. 4439. 6-ROOM house for rent, 392 Eugene, garden spot ; Union ave. car. SKOOM Loose for rent. Call owner. Marshal 6211. HOUSES FOR BEJfT FTJKSITUEE FOB SALE 88 ON ACCOUNT of settling an estate in Wash"- ington. must leavs citv. Have decided to sell the furniture of our home and rent house. This plane ia close in, completely furnished, modern, garage, garden all plowed, (2 lots), rent $40. Nothing like thia in the city for the price. See it for yourself, but act quick Call East 3H86 after Monday noon. 5 ROOM house for rent and furniture for sale; all clean and ready to move in; will sell very reasonable. Call East 1176. 2 ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale; ! vacant by 1st of April. 1619 H Fremont at, and 62nd. Rose City ear. I FOR SALE -Good clean furniture for 8 or 8 rooms; sacrifice if sold at once; house to rent If desired. Phone East 4876. FURNISHED HOUSES 88 T For Rent, Good Home Furnished 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fruit snd berries, garage. Man and wife, no children can occupy as long as both parties are satisfied; rent $40 per month. Can have immediate pos sesion. 7626 62nd ave. S. E., Bdwy. 1010. 7 -R'K)M house, furnished, newly papered, clean thromthout; walking distance: flowers, fruit; rent $80. Aclultt only. Phone East 858; LOWER FLOOR, one room second floor, gai range, water heater and lights. Mississippi avenue car to Failing at-, four blocks west. FTRMHHEb 5 "room house, not over $ Good car of house or garden. Sellwood 1659 after 7 p. m. - t FURNISHED 2 room cottage, sleeping porch. gas, garage, Vancouver oar, BridgeURi sta tion. Woodlswn 4024. $20 FOUR hecL w 50; h electricity, garbage included ; $22 urry. 649 2d. MODERN furnished 6 room house. $40. . E Franklin rt- Phone Tabor 6412. 887 MODERN 6-room furnished house, rent $40. 87 E. Franklin st. Call Tabor 8412. 4 -ROOM house Rorthwick st. nicely furnished. $38. MODERN furnished cottage; adults. East 16027 FLATS TO RE7VT, UNFURNISHED IS FIVE large modern rooms, upper flat, garage. 1071 E. 28rd N. Alberta. FIVE large rooms, corner flat. 6th and Caru th ere st. FURNISHED FUAT8 tt 6 ROOM furnished flat for rent and furniture for sale. Owner leaving city. Sacrifice for cash. 50 N. 15th at, near Washington it West Sid. THREE outside rooms; clean. light, airy; new furniture. Adults. Phone East 858. FOUR-ROOM furnished ture for sale. 70 E. flat; part of fvscai 30th. Sunnyside. 1 A PA BTMENTB FOB RENT 43 THE JEFFERY Two-room furnished apart ment. $16 month, corner Russell and Krrby. between Mississippi and Williams sves. Phone East 1594 after 1 p. m. FOR RENT. 8 unfurnished lower flats. Includ ing wood, water and light, within easyi walk ing distance of business district; adults only. PhoneEast 8347. THE GROVER One and two room furnished housekeeping eiiartments. 181 G rover st, 8outh Portland. Main 9058. STANFIELD APTS.. 204 Porter St.. modern 2 room apartment, furnished reasonable. Main 7392. SUNNY apU., also sleeping rooms, children. 208 17th st, near Taylor. No FIVE room apt., porches and sleeping porch. 1299 Kelly t, Fulton car. Flower st; $20. SAND 8 room apt. Liberty-Apts.3 tt ' K. Clay. Under new managemei.r. WANTED TO RENT MODEItN furnished .V room bungalow for April 1, east side, beyond 26 th at preferred. Phone Sellwood 1659. ' WANTED Unfurnished cottage or bnngalow by adults: good care. Phone Tabor 9100. REAL ESTATE BEACH FROPERTY 48 A REAL GOOD BUY $2750 A ? etory store building, storeroom snd three apartmems, lot 83x100. In an established busi ness district For further information see J. J. OEDER CO., 4 Grand ve. N., Near K. Bumide. BUSINESS PROPERTY 1$ GARAGE OR Site Ousrter block, southeast corner of Fifteenth snd Couch streets. Moderate price. Satisfactory terms. Most available and . best located site for the purpose Indicated. Close to the business center of city. See W. HAGOOD, 500 Journal Building Main 4958 or 7178 SOUTH MT. TABOR store building at 1721 Division st for sale: $2000, easy terms; for rent. $14 a month. Owner. 812 W. 18th at., Vancouver. Wash. TO CLOSE estate. Income property. Union avenue corner, hear Russell East 2195. GENERAL REAL ESTATE ft "THE ECONOMY REALTT CO. SUCCESSOR TO Cooperative Realty Co. at 345 V 4th at., is now ready to do legitimate business buy, sell or exchange farms or city property; special attention to emigration: a free information burean. So us, and save money and trouble. Call ROBERTSON A LEWIS, Marshall 8843. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 ALBERTA By owner. Just built, 3 large rooms and breakfast room, attic, hardwood floors, etc. Very complete. 1161 E 18th N. BARGAIN 8 room modern bungalow, garage. 100x100, fine fruit, near car, $2600. terass. Dubois, 808 Spalding bkfe. , 8' ROOM (new) boose. 8 lota, bare, chicken house, fenced, gas, , running water. . fruit; a bargain. H. McMillan,' Ms pie wood. Or. FOR KALE Lot and 5 room house, block to car Phone Lent 3022. FOR 8AIX by owner, lot snd eiisck, some fur- I niton. ,211 8. Iiaahog at. St John. - SB All K8TATK FOB SALE HOCRES 1 BLUR-CAREY 00. j Sl Hallway Exchange bldg. Malm 7487. 8d and Staxk sts. . Open eeeninga. Home of every description from $1000 to $20,000. - Think what it means to you, Mr. Home Buyer, to step -into our showroom and see hundreds of photo ot homes on display, each district arranged separately.- light salesmen .with auto to show your prop erty day or evenings. MONTATHJA SNAP $1850 20() cash take this 6 nom cottage on 1 2d L, 4 block to Montarilla car. Fine attic basement, 2 bedroom, 80z 124 ft. lot. Hera ia anmathinw worth the money. ANOTHER IN MONTAVILLA 81800 $500 cash and the balance like rant take this dandy 5 room bungalow on 76th St.. $ blocks from the car; 2 bedrooms, lifing room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, hatk and toilet; base ment, full slxed lot: bearing fruit trees. A real little home. .... PENINSULA DISTRICT 18300 $500 down, 5 room bungalow, 1 block from car on a 50x100 loti 2 bedrooms, dining room, bath, toilet, white enamel plumbing; ail newly minted inside and repainted outside; attractive electric fixtures, full basement. You will hare to act quickly if you want this one. . . RICHMOND HOME . $2250 $500 down, balance aay; eoiy S room bungalow on a 60x100 lot; full set of plumbing, fall cement basement; ewer in and paadfor; l Mock to car; wocg lrnm Kraniun high. . . ALBERT A BUNGALOW (3300 S5O0 down, 5 rooms and breakfast nook, cement basement, floored attic, garage with concrete runway; block to ear. Splendid buy. aMB-e'Jol,., ALBERTA BUNGLOW 8BS $500 down, typioal bungalow lines; cement basement, attic, 5 room; gen eral condition good: hard surfaced t; 1 block off Union v. See thi before you buy. BIHR-CARET CO. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 7487. 8d and Stark sta. Open evening. HERE'S A BARGAIN For An attractive bungalow on 60x1 OO comer lot in Hawthorne district. House U double constructed, 5 light, glry rooms, bath, closets, large attic, ce mented basement, fireplace, beautiful built-in buffet and boolekLses, Dutch kitchen. Hniahed in olT irory and white enamel, tapestry paper in dining room, hardwood floors: floor plugs snd other conveniences. Garage 10x18. electric lighted. Yon ihouW see thta if you want a most desirable home. Call owner on Automatic 313-31 for terms and to make an appointment. Rose citt park 85800 Here ia a new, nifty bungalow, ideally inlaid. in me very neart of Rose City Park. esr 4Pth and Brazee, just one block north of Sandy. Come, see for yourself this tmlv besuti. ful home. The -construction will appeal to you. 8 nice lante rooms and attic. - Here you will find everything one would naturally expect in I a real modern costly hom. Ton can see thia today. The location: ,9th and Brazee, A. G. TEEPE CO.. 84 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 8002. $2730 PICK THIS LP QUICK Sunnyside district, close in. 6 room cot tage, beautiful 50x100 lot. fruit trees. 2 Eng lish walnuU. Lot alone worth $1500. If you object to doing a little painting and kalsomin ins don't bother about answering. This propo sition is for party that can see possibilities and knows property value. Key at office, E. 89th and Ollsan sta., or pbone Tabor 3483. Evening, East 2086. PARKROSE 1 ACRE NEW BUNGALOW ?4 500 Here, folk, you will find a splendidly built 5 room bungalow, -ideally located on one acre of g-round in beautiful Parkroee. You will ap preciate the real downright value in this splen did property and we want you to see it. Tee, there is a garage. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Start St., near 8d. Main 3092. Branch Office. 50th and Sendy. (Open Sunday.) $230, Terms $500 Down 8 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW Iarge living room, paneled dining room with built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath room, white enamel plumbing, paved street, sewei in and paid; fruit trees. Mt Tabor ear. 1952 ETamhill st Phone Tabor 51 9 8. gS500 A IN 8 WORTH ave. near th. takes bungalow of 5 rooms; large reception hall, bath and screened bark . porch, cement base ment, fnmsce, fireplsee. Dntch kitchen, screens, double constructed: Jot 60x100; street paved, paid; immediate posseeslon: $1000 cash, $35 per month, including interest 8 per cent No mortgage. Tabor 6441. A BIG SNAP o room house, lot 104x148, hearing fruit snd berries. Price only $1400; terms. $200 cash, balance $15 per month. WILLIAMS REALTY CO.. Gray Crossing Tabor 4984. BARGAIN $1000 Must leave on acet. of health win sell my 4-room house, lot 6O1IOO, 10 fruit trees, t blka to Woodlawn car; part cash, bal. $18.50 month. 1420 Leonora st. Phone Wdln. 1413 Sunday, between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. FOR 8ALE Completely furnished four room honse, close in. fine oak furniture, ivory en ameled bedroom suite, large size duplex Aicaxar pi nee. Will sell furniture and p'ac together or separate, funuuire oou. flaoe $2200. Tabor 301. STRICTLY modem 6-room bungalow and garage, 50x100 feet, half block to car; pise was built last fall, have $1500 equity; will take light late model auto and balance cash. Main 4697. apartment 25: call between 6 and 8 p. m. No agents. ROSE LT PARK. $4500 New 5-room. strictly modern bungalow, built- in-, fuU cement basement. Curnace. wash trays, garage 10x16. Can be ready in 80 days. See owner and builder at 884 E. 3 1st. st N. 82000 cash. FOR SALE Three room house and 2 lota. No. 8915 43d ave. S. E household foods. 7 hearinc fruit trees. mll fruit, chickens tn at Kern Park. Take Mt Scott car. " $2900 SIX ROOM8. GARAGE Fruit. 50x100, pared, Glenn ave., close to Hawthorne: terms. Mutual Realty Co., 1219 Northwestern Bsnk bldg. VVITJLAMETTE HEIGHTS Two-story 6-room house, hot water, furnace, fractional corner lot. Take D-M car to 82d at, N.. 1 block went on Vughn to 1 113. FOR A LARGE FAMILT Vscant 7 room house, modern; 84100. very easv term-. 1036 E- Grant st. Miss Slocomb. Main 424 8. HAVE 2 modern houses, 6. and 7 rooms, fooC clean condition, good location; reasonable price', terms: no agents. . Woodlswn 454 or 1432 Albina ave. MODERN 5 room bungaiow. 82200; terras. Call 8810 44th ave. S. E. near 67th st, Mt. Scott ear to Kern Park, 5 ROOM house and garage, lot 88x100, and 6-room honse, lot 67x100. By owner. Call Tbor 856. 336 E. 44th st- FOR SALE 100x100 lot and 5 room iH story boose, near school and ear. $2400. gshO down. Phone Sellwood 24 58. 10 ROOM house, perfect condition, 405 East 18th st-N., Irvington; $15,000. FOR-SALE house and four-lotsT$2M0, and $1000 down. 1846 Washburn st. St. Johns ear. KRAZY KAT SUBVtUftlA,nsX ) (HE vBLCHJ I (rfeAJA3rU5X6 7rviv RBAtT CSTATB FOB. SALB HOC8ES 1 j. HARTMAN COMPANY 1 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PARK ROSE BARGAINS $650 DOWN 93S50 Cottage. 4 roemw and bath, grwnnd 100x200, some fruit tree and berries, one block to carline. gei and electricity in bout. $180 DOWN a 87 8 1 0fU 1 SO around alt cleared, corner I tract, 2 blooka to Sandy bird.. on.a-ravelM road, i tract, 2 blocks to Bandy blvd.. oa rrsnM road, i Monthly payment! only $20 month, including ; iSVOiaJM fU ws pawr rwni, i S50 DOWN ; I I20O6 Bunrttow. 4 rooms snd bath. omtAA& Cnic rosd, half block to esilins. Ground 50z I 1AA Rtt.lw4 LrsaV 4. M. Ka katrf 1 1 w v. , aaujviiMiip sit. t i trs iiian m 100x150 FEET glOSO Ground all cleared, only half block to carline, on Richardson road. Terms cash. 8108 DOWN 815 PER MONTH j $1 10O- Acre tract. corner. ground all cleared, one block north of Sandy bird., gas and water connections. ' SNAP $20 DOWN : 820 MONTH $800 Lnree tract- 180x280 ft.. ground level, some fir trees. located , on Fremont at. This to a mighty good buy at there la rery good investment future for acreage In thia vicinity. Only four of those tracts are left at these terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT, T Chamber of Commerce bldg. 4th and Stark sts. Main 208. Parkroee Branch Office on Sandy Blvd. at End of Parkroee Carline. HEIGHTS HOME $18,000 Ideally located, gently terraced, archi tecture severely American with grace ful facade. We submit for your ap provsl thia modem nine room home containing four bedrooma, .servant Quarter, three baths, two fireplaces, hardwood floeri; corner lot, 100 by 125 feet: on block from carline. View of mountains unsurpassable. Corner of 32nd and Franklin streets. Inspec tion, by appointment C0E A. McKENNA k CO.'. 82 Fourth St. Main 4622. IRVINGTON BARGAIN CORNER LOT GARAGE Pine 2 story home. weU arranged inside with reception hall, large living room, dining room, sun porch, kitchen and butler's pantiy down stairs, and 8 sood sized sunny bedroom, bath and sleeping porch upstair; full cement baaersent with furnace, wash trays, .toilet, etc.: desirable location. Price only $8000 : will eetl furniture at groat acrifice if desired; reasonable terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 618 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8987 SACRIFICE FOR TODAY HAWTHORNE 7 BOOM BUNGALOW Must sell . my beautiful 7 room bungalow at once. Hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, large buffet Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, downstairs, 2 cure large bedrooms up; full cement beiefnent furnace, Isundry trays, level lot, 8 bearing fruit trees, berries, fine shrub bery, street Improvements in and paid. If you are in the market for an out of the ordinary bungalow at $ sacrifice, see mine today at 338 E. 86th st., 2 blocks south Hawthorns. Price $4760; terms. No -agent. - READ THIS BUNGALOWS UP-TO-DATE Hawthorne. 6 rooms with atlic, garage. .$4800 Hawthorne, 7 rooms, attic, garage...... 4M0 Rose City. 8 rooms, tun room 8750 Roes mere. 5 bedrooms, sleeping porch. . 6600 it A. moat complete Dungalow, line condition Phone Sunday and evenings 8-2699. Week dan Main 2279. FOR SALE EASY TERMS OWNER GOING EAST. MC8T SELL HOMBr POSSESSION AT ONCE. Lot 80x1 OO, 6 room cottage with bath, pen try, electricity and gas, excellent chicken house, large garden. Will not last long at the prtoe and terms. Ina aire of owner. o717 B5th ave. 8. E. PENINSULA HOME At 71 W. Church St., one block from St John car and six blocks from Piedmont car barns, is a double constructed, modern. 7 -room house; fireplace, full cement basement, two porches, nice lawn.' garden and fruit: sidewalk in and paid; all in A-1 condition. Could not be built now for $8500. but if sold by March 88 will take $2700; naif cash, balance like rent Call Sundays, or evenings after 8 o'clock. ROSE CITY DISTRICT 8-room house, line 'corner lot 59x100, side walk and curb in and paid, lot of nice fruit tree and berries, abundance of rases and shrub bery; beat paying rent: 81875, $200 down,, balance easy terms. Phoae 818-32 or call at 658 East 75th st N. $2850 A EeTE 8NAP- $2860 In a 6 room and sleeping porch bungalow in Alberta district, full basement, laundry trays, exceptionally fine electric fixtures, on bard sur face street; lot about 42 ft by 67 H. See J. A. McCarty st 270 V Stark a. Main 1700, eve nings Tabor 5057. iTslSO CORNER lot. 8 room house, large living. 6 bedroom and other nocesaaries. front and back porches, garage and plenty of fruit, close to Jefferson school. 1 bloek of Piedmont barns; good place for roomers or boarder. Houso No. 1188 Missouri ave. No pbone. ATTENTION, HOME SEEKERS WE CAN SELL -TOtT A HOMB OF ANY DESCRIPTION. PHONE WDLN. 6207,' AL BINA REALTORS. A CAB AT TOUR SERV ICE. HOtSES AND BUNGALOWS I hare s number of extra fine, buys in bun galows and houses ranging In pries fronrr$2000 to $26,000, located In an parts of the city. Call or phone J. -A. McCarty, 270 V Stark st Main 1700. Eve. Tabor6057. FOR SALE-BY OwtEK $4000 7 -room bungalow and garage, near ear and school; $1000 cash; best of terms on balance. Phone Tabor 1263. Mt Scott line, Firlsnd station. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN New,, latent design bungs low, 5 rooms. Urge attic, cement basement; a real homey pleewith modern conveniences. Term. 1228 XAncoln near 41st. $1260 A BIG SNAP Good 4 room cottage and bath, gaa. elec tricity, on hard-vurfaeed street, 1 M blocks to rarhne; $720 cash, balance $20 per month. 7019 65th ave. 8. E. FOR SALE Three room cottage, all plumbing, including bath, fruit trees, garage; 812 60, $550 down, balance terms. Call 1107 East 83d st N. Phone Woodlawn 4807, ON EASf JUr. 8-roonu double constructed' modern house, with garage, chicken house and fruit trees, $8000. Terms, $1000 cash and balance $80 per month. 011 Seat 6117. $8600 7 ROOM n.odern home on payments. 1142 East Morrison. Call, look it over. A 8eeT, Tabor 886 or 386 evenings. 4 ROOM house. 100x100. 6 ft fence, ohicken bouses, garage, electric light, water. Easy terms. Boggeas, 149 Front . 6-ROOM house, modern, lot 100x150, pared street, 1 H blocks Richmond car. 4 let and Woodward ave.. 55Q E. 4 1st et- B. E 4-ROOM modem bungalow, all built-in, doable constructed, no liens. $2650; terms. Wdln. 6680. , . (Copyright, 1920, by International Feature Service, Inc.) W0rWy i 3 I IS t-wtM AS &rs J VO E .-jS iWifkn ansoxew ennss. has. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES wl a. c. qoldenbeW "35 Years in Portland" ffCfk 8 r. plaatered; en. plum bin, attic, i74r?W Tcd lU waiting dist.; eoav.; Broad. war Br.: $2000. 5C(Oi r. cement bast.; en. plumbing, 28x 95511' 100. close in; cony, to Waah. nigh widow closing eeUte: SZ2TO. I eSITE r. ekes, hom; cor.. 50x100; paved i fW'f 8 blka, Irr. cm; garage; 8S47S. '.eBTk 8 r. Alberta bung.; SOilOO; payed; block eaxj- $2059. 0VWI s e.(ri(o, 6 Urge rma., attic, bas t. alpg. prch. JfdWi) buffet, en. plumbing; 80100; fmU; very attractive buna.: no mtc. or other debt. ; near Union and Dekum ; $SOO0. 6 r. undisputed bargain, 8 bed cham ber, cement baa't, everything nice; 2 blka. "W-W" car. near 4 2d and Hole-ate; $2SOO. , 4 r. bung., flrepl., L e. baa'tr oeet plumbing; 47x100; 4 blka. "8-W" ear; eon v. to 6. P. car shops; $2850. 5 r. nifty Calif, bung., adj. E. Mora land: cone, to Reed college; Dutch S - SdyQD " " kitchen- bunt-ins: en. plumbing, full bae't: attic: 75x100; fruit: bkk. of! paring: 2475, Main 4908. Q. c. goldenberg ABINGTON BLDG. "85 Years in Portland.' OVER 30 FRIT IT TREKS and a corner lot 110x166 feet, with all the room an average family would need for the aeasoh'a gardening, a seveii room house suitable for two Is mine; basement, big porch around two udea of house; only two, short blocks from ear. Owner will accept house up to $mO0 in part trade. Price $5000. $1250 cash. Mr. Mahoney, C0E A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St Main 4522. Evenings and Sunday, Columbia 688. ROSE CITT PARK $4800 Splendid bunga low, nicely located, near Alameda Drive. Large hving room extending en ure width of honse; hard wood k TJoore, fireplace. buffet.- Dntch kitchen breakfast nook, cement Basement furnace, etc Material on premises for garage. There is a large attic This ia finished in ' rich old ivory and white throughout Paving and sewer peidT Better hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark at near 3d. Main 8092. $2900 5-ROOM bungalow, newly painted. 50 xlOO, on 32d St.. near Clinton St.; full basement; very neat place; $1000 down. $3500 5-room bungalow, Irving ton Heights, 1 block to car, paved streets, lot 50x 137; fruit, fireplace, full cement base ment ; very attractive ; $ 1 000 down. G. Y. EDWARDS &-CO. 212 Board of Trade. Main 2010. READ THIS Bungalows Up-toDate Hawthorne, 5 rooms with attic, garage. . 84800 Hnvrthorne, 7 rooms, attic, garage 4500 Rose City. 6 rooms, sun room 5730 Roaimere, 5 bedrooms, sleeping porch. . . . 6800 A moat complete bungalow, fine cundiUon. Phone Sundae- and evenings, 8-2689. Week days. Main 2279. .. LATJRELHTTRST home, bungalow type. rically new, strictly . modern, 8 rooms, finest location in this addition. It would take lot of apace to describe this lovely bone. Call np foi information. Price $V0OO; term. Tabor 781. Owner. LAURELHURST Beautiful 7 room home with garage, 1 block from car; exceptionally large living arid dining room, with solid oak floors; kitchen and bathroom In white- enamel. 8 large light bedrooma; full cement basement with laundry trays, furnace and fireplace. Owner, 1280 E. Flanders st. Tabor 6984. ATTRACTIVELY fumiihed 6-room bungalow, by owner, ready to move In. All built Ins Dutch kitchen, ensmel bath, panel dining room, fireplace, bookcase; modern in every way exeept furnace, full basement and attic pertly floored, near school. $4200; $2000 will handle; terms. Tabor 8343. . E. 0TH ST. NEAR E. BURN8IDE, $4000 6 room cottage, lot 50x100, 40 E. s 0th st. N. W sdmit that tt is sn old cottage, but the lot is well worth the price aaked for the property. 3. 3. OEDER CO.. 4 Grand ve. N.. Near E; Bomside. BT OWNER $2250. term. $250 down. 4 room modern pUvstered bouse, fine condition, double floors. Iutch kitchen, sleeping porch, close to school, 1 block off pavement, full base ment, be&rinr fmit, 2 lots, ftrage. Mt Scott car to Gray Crossing. 8 blocks south. 6404 81st st. FROM OWNER Five room modem honse, furnished complete, furniture cost $1100 alone; full lot. chickens and fruit trees; 'close to Laurelhnrst Park. Everything goee for 83500 cash. East 8088. $1860 FURNISHED ROSE CITY PARK. Modern 4 room bungalow, bath, toilet nice electric fixtures, gas, good basement. Urge lot, no lien: chicken runs; fruit, shrubbery; garden tools; wood. coal. Owner going East, wanta quirk action. Tbor 6559. RT OWNER tsTe commission. $1750 6 room house. 1 bloek to school and Arleta station on ML Scott car; bath, sas, electric light, fruit trees snd berries; $300 cash. 4868 86th it S. E. 5-ROOV semi-modern bungalow type, lot 90s 100, chicken house. 15 fruit trees, 1 walnut, 4 shade, all kinds of berries, rose snd Shrubbery. 1 blocks north of Piedmont; $2600; terms, Wdln. 8838 MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Residence at 1008 Raleigh st (Willamette Heights) . partially destroyed by fire. Owned by an estate. Look it over snd submit me an offer. Mrs. L. L. Ormaby, Portland hotel. EQUITT m- 5 room bungalow and garage, IV blocks from Sellwood carline; balance on straight contract of $20 per month and inter est. Phone Broadway 804. $2500 8UNNT8IDE HOME Leaving city. will sell 6 room semi modern house with or without furniture, close to car and school. Owner, 1000 E. Taylor st I , HAVE for sal or exchange for lot and 6 room boose. Call and see owner, 6103 ome CIWI 1U.JUI uavw.u enow 86th st 8. E. 8-BOOM house. 60x100 lot. third honse south of Hawthorne ave.. on 88d at; 85600. Iaoutre 865 Morgan bldg. E-R00M bungalow, on pared street, all Im- provement paid, eloee in, near oar line. Easy term. Owner. l K. 7th et. N. FOR SALE By owner, oni 7 room house, one 6 room hows and one 2 room honse; blocks 'rom carhne. Phone Wdln. 1888. f2800 8 ROOMS, 75x100 lot; terms. Owner, frank Cain. Phone Wdln. 1684. 827 E, llth at. N. 2 ROOM ho' furnished : 2 lots ; terms, on car. -.808 Woodstock sve. Tabor 2225. FOR SALE 5 room house in Hawthorne diih -tri't: $1950. 270 E. 86th et. By Herriman iC5P CP iMBM HKaWlSfcLV. I 5 11 hWesT I KnE , REAL ESTATE FOR BALE HOUSES Best Bargain in Portland It would be hrd to . find attflhlng better constructed than thia beautiful It room house. It was built 7 years ago by the present owner for hi own use. It to tripl instructed, with fun ponereta haaemant. lane furnace (heating whole Bonsai, wash trays, woodlift, and base ment la dry and weU lighted by window. No pipe froa in this hone last winter. Beautiful front, porch with solid wall, in tare tastily built and large enough to hold four oar. The rooms - are large, arranged juj right, with easy stairs leading to sewing room, den and 2 bedrooms upstair. Everything built in and fixture, the beet Tbtte I teeryining you want in a borne, and thiii property could not be duplicated today tor $7000. $10O0 cash and term. FOR 8ALE BT OWNER Phone Tabor 5768. . CLOSE-IN COTTAGE 81800 5 room good exUage. bath, cement bsutnent In fin con dition, paved street, liens paid; on Mal lory ave.. near Mason. $500 cash. $16 month. 6 per cent. . - j ALBERTA BUNGALOW . $S50O 6 room nice bungalow, full ce ment basement, Dutch kitchen, nioe bath, trays, gas range, on . 27th near Preacott $J50 cash. POWELL ST. 8 ROOM HOUSE $3800 8 room 2 story 'house, eiec., hath, corner lot SOrtS.-paved street and an liens inclnded in price. -Sexnt-businee corner. $1250 cash. Grussl & Bennett $18 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. R08E BUNGALOW $ rooms, large living Kiora, sleep, ina porch, three bedrooms, pipeless fumaoe. chicken houe. large garden, .apple cherry, pear and peach trees; lot 68x110; bowers and borders of bushes ot rosea. Her is a splendid ban.sin In Portsmouth. Price $3076. 31000 down. Mr.- Mshoney, COB A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4622. . Evenings and Sunday, Columbia 688. 80MEB0DTS BARGAIN POSSESSION AT ONCE $3500. $1760 cash, botance 5 years: house alone would cost $45O0 to build: lot lOOxlOO. 5 blocks to car and school; 7 nice clean rooms, 4 on tint floor, 8 with bath on aecond; 2 chicken houses: one could be ' used as garage; fruit, berries and apaoe for garden; on 4 2d ave. near 50th st $2830, $800 rash, balance to suit; B room cottage with bath, basement ceftent walks, fruit, be me, chicken houses, 80x20 ). on 60th at., hard surface all paid. Call Marshsll 217 Sunday. ? Of fice 617 Ab Ington bldg. Main 887. ROSE CITT- -ROSE CITY 6 room modern story and a half butisalow in the best part of Rose Oky Park, on 4 0th, near Sandy; double oonstructad. hardwood floors, large living and dining room, extra good fixture, two bedrooms and sleeping porch. Price $5260. $1750 down, balance terras. Reily & Gustafson 906 Teon Hldg. ' Marshall 1456 $8000 $500 CA-SH NEAR 28TH AND HANOI 6 rooms, standard plumbing, -full cement base- i ment latest lighting fixtures, lot 50x118, bear- 1 ing truit trees, et. Imp. in and paid: vacant: 'immediate possession; gsoo cssh. balance rent; terms. Sunday oail East 6666. m wvr i iTi iiin ni'im rk ff 212 n;ZZ?' Main .152. WALKING DISTANCE 7 room full 2 story borne, located con venient to east end of Broadway or railroad bridse. Belong to a non-resident who wishes to sell at once. $4500; ia exceptionally low priced. Will make term very easy if desired. Johnson-Dodson Co. 682-633-684-635 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. R08E CITT PARK $5850 8 rocma and sleeping 'porch. Hero you will find the kind of a home that will appeal to you. Colonial type. Enduring oon stTuotion. You couldn't build, the house alone today for $0600. Near Sandy. Every con ceivable convenience. Iet us show your A. G. TEEPE CO., 284 Stark at, near 8d. Main 3092. ; CEOSE-IN OLOBE-iN . A good .-room house, double constructed, ga and electricity, 8 nice bedrooms, full else base ment, stationary tubs, lot 60x100; sewer in; only 2 blocks to Woodstock car. Price $2500; $6uo down. Balance to suit. HRieSy & Gustafson 905 'Yeon Bldg. Marshsll 1 466. FOB SAtE LOTS 100x260 TRACT $20 DOWN $20 MONTH $1000 Park rose, half block to Sandy blvd. and earltn. ground all cleared ready for plow ing, on Craig road. This is not only a rock bottom price, but will enable you to build a little home snd cut down expenses. Low eonnty tax, ho street improvements to pay. Wonder ful garden soil. BOxll $426 $25 down, $10 month $nd interest at 6 per oent, on Sandy blvd., one short block to car. Pressure water, gas. electricity; Parkroee. lust outside city limit. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, w 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 4th and Stark sta. Mats 208. STOP rent; buy a lot; build a temporary home. 18 minute from Washington and Broadway. Lot near park and high school; $500, $60 cash, $10 monthly. - t JOeirtsOuVDodson Co. 682-688-6$4-635 N. Wg Bank bldg. Main 8787. FINE improved comer lot, lawn, fruit and ' shade trees, walking distance to Broadway bridge; grammar and nigh school, on car lint: no encumbrance; ridiculously cheap st gSAO. Owner. 46 Shaver rt Phone Woodlawn 1 600. BOilOTLOT" Kenton "3istrici.r$300r $30 cash.' $6 monthly; no building rautrirttirms. Jo!lnsonDodson Co. 6$2-8$8-684-685 N. W. Bank bldg. Main $787. BEAUTIFUL corner lot 66x100 in Westmore land.' wonderful soot to build oa: all im provements in; corner of Tukon and MUwsoki itrsets. Will eeU very reasonable. Cell Wood- lawn 4846. ' FOR SALE Corner lot, 67th and Tillamook, l$0x80, with 10 ft alley, up-to-date ab stract, no ineurabrane: $oI5 cash Apply 992 Minnesota ave. or call Woodlawn 105 evenings. MAKE me n offer on lot 6 block 18, Errol Heights. Write Jerome Janeeek, Grand ave., Wausau. Wis. ALAMEDA PARK lot. $875, oa fVnncklev ar., street parsd, paid. Tabor .441. ACREAGE TOUR OPPORTUNITY 10 acre of fine black loam sofl, with about 9 acres cultivated, balance fine beery ssw timber! will mske about 800 cords of first growth wood or lumber, with a good sawmill near: 1 mil Feller, I V. iionaid. Oregon Klectrie, 1 to Hubbard on 8. P.; on good road, eloee to paved highway; finest kind of onion and - loganberry land: oo building, hut build a small bnngalow and nam your own terms. Price $1760. A. J. PRESTON. 502 Spanlding bldg. Phon Main 884. 74 Acres ON JOHNSON CREEK ' On block from carline, 26 mi mite from heart of city. This is th beet truck and berry land In OTcgotc svxb-rrTiamtlon; asodera o house, electric lights, telephone, gse snd city ws ter, barn, chick enbonse and wood shed. This place ia for sal ebp, easy term. Inquire of "m"r' 148 CRAXD AYE, EAST 6168. tOB Rt NT hi acre. 8 tt. block. " north of , Sandy blvd.. on K. T7ta '. N. X chicken Wm, 1 big barn, $ room oottag and all kind af small irnit owney. SNAP By owner. 1 il i . m '"L..1. I 1 ' By owner, s x-b acres on saiiwsuki read, all lmprovemenu in, for $750; stood homealte; acre 4oUUXig izoo. Phon 32-J. Hiiwaukio, 8$ ACRES virgin soil, close to Vancouver, eloee to school, on food rosd: at n bargain, try owner. Address 1161 E. Lincoln. Tabor 1325. FOR SALE t 1-i acres Board man ststiew. Ore, City Carlias. Inqnlr st 750 E. 8th a. K. or pbone Woodlawn 8881. TO CELL or trade. 189 acres on CdaraMa highway et Rowvne ststioe; trlf take light oar as part payment. Phone Tabor 783. : FOR BALE 5l acres, 8 tnflea front Elms. Please eaU or write O. W, Bowkes, Elrna, Wasn., rontai 2, neat w. . - -: : - ' -. ONE ACRE eieae toil near MontsvUla - ewoet. 121 E, lots . . Woodlgw 1147. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 15 iWO-ROOM1 house, 8 gore garden, fruity nfr. nine water, aiouo. six room nouee, 1 H garden, fruit. 3180. Rnhnni ,mi4 road, eloee to Portland' wees, side ' growing manufacturing district below Ltnnton, Easy terra. Owner. 318 Railway Kicliange, Mala 875. Residence East 7688. fiiM i, .A '' !"i rs .. i i iv , r. , acre oi ootbowi tana at eteasKie,. or t uncleared, will sell cheap, part down, j pat . -easy terms. 8706 TOth are. 81 E-. Portland! Or. SUBURB AH HOMES - T FOR BALE Eight room house, sleeping perch! , wood ahed. chicken house and garage, on ' acre, all cleared and fenced, on Hoffman : road, 30 minute out by tram or auto. Maple- ' wood, Oregon Electric; Shattuck. Southern Pa oific red line. WUI i sell at a bargain; tut :. eaah. Come out and ' took thia plane ovar. " J8000 If you can pay cash Com out . ' : v. tssva. atapiewooa. or. AT MlPLtwnnn -avi hnr wt wo v -"m o.rn doable constructed bungalow, bath, built-in kitrhe., cement basement, water, light, gas. J big lot for garden; plenty of frul trees and berries; chicken house, barn, eloee to school, store, postoffiee; price $2500; sum terms. Phone Main 21 $8. H. Olson. ; . AT MAPLE WOOD, on Oregon " Electrio. 1 room plastered bouse with unfinished up- . stairs, abundance of fruit and rtnw.e a.' M. fare .for werkert. Terms. C$11 $1 brows house, side of wtei tank. ' !r FOR SALE 5 scree, amairhuildlngs, fruit' bh, berry bushes, vines, splendid view of Poitlani and mountain; 1 mile east of Courtney st. on Oregon City Electric, mile east of Oatfield road. ACRE and 8 room houM,nfrulFtreet, jaear! 0e wego lake, sell or t lease reasonable. J.j A. Taylor. Waluga ave. FOR SALE or rent, 8 acre under cultivation,' I room house, chicked house; good well, 'Call Wdln. 5970. . i FOB SALE FARMS If ATo7i2Ifci .-"I-TirTF-cil " " " ".' ."Ill r , WILLAMETTE VAIJ.RY STARS' 500 aore. ,rivr bottom land; 210 acre 1m cultivation, bal pasture and timber; 18 sera prunes. 1 acre cherries, 4 scree pear. 10 extras apples; 2 houses. 2 barns. 1 fruit dryer and other building. Best of Jand for loganberries. Locsted 5 miles from a good live town $o4 pavement Price 850,000. s. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM ' 1 OO acre., river bottom land : 68 acre ' in ' cultivation, no wast lend on place, all nan be put under the plow; good bam, silo, house and other buildings; 8 acres of fruit In No. 1 condi tion, cherries, peaches and applea. Crop gww with plac. A real snap, $7000 will handle this. ;, .- 1 . 30 acre, located 8 ml lea from good live gown and paved road: 40 acres In cultivation,: 10 acres put u re and Umber. 4 sores good creek bottom soli. This soil ia rich, dark loam, great for berries: good variety of fruits for family use ; good improvements, running wster through plan all the year. Price, $200 per acre; $6000 will handle. i 12 acres, locsted on hard surfaced road. 1 I miles from a good live town, all in cultivation: good deep soil, fine for hoi or berrieai 'hop house on place ; good well; $8 miles from Port land. $1600 down will hsndle this. ,i 111 acre; 9) acres In cultivation: locate! on hard surfaced road, only a few step to a good town; two thirds of this land is river bottom and deep, rich anil, no tilltur bench land,: bal ance a natural slot!, good drainage ran be. had by tiling; 40 sore of A-1 potato land. One third of crop go with plae free from alt ex -pense of harvesting. Price $200 per acre. $11,100 cah, bal. on term. Write or phon R. W. KREITZ, Dayton, Or. FULLY EQUIPPED DAIRY FARM ; FOR SALE ( This farm la located on the state highway. bout 4 mil north of Holbrook and 6 mues from the city limits ; 170 gore of land, $11 under cultivation and the very finest soil good .. ijtood neaa ot good Oalry cowa and a good apes of mules go with the plae, and all necessary im plements to fsrm the plsc. Will glvs tmmedt ste possession, including some crop. Come in snd see us and we will be glad to show tt to you at any tan. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO.. , " 8$) 4th at HERE IS ONE Which must appeal to anyone who know land, 40 saves adjoining th elty of Lebanon.. all-unrier plow, all Santlam bottom; no better land any where, susceptible of producing 400 bushel of "spuds" per sere. Tou can but- this a a spec ulation as it is $100 per acre nnderprloed. ' Also you can lire in the city and farm this. Good for prunes, loganberries, hops or, in fact anything. Better than a bond; $200 pet aere. This will bear the closest inspection. UtAVENUOOIl A DAVIS, Lebsnon, Or MB FARM- BITTER If torn want a real farm at the right rlee, ft will pay you to see me be fore buying. I can save you manest, I neve sons BOO fig 'tnsi; my years af experience are worth many dollar -to ten end tt ooat yon nothing, fee or writ to me. A. O. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE A CO,, 901-7 Board of Trad bldg. HERE IS A REAL FARM 160 scree on good graveled road ' 10 mile from Lebanon mile to school and gong dis tance from church. R. F. D.. atory and half house, good barn, well water and on of the best creak running through place, with - about 70 acres of bottom land under cultfvstinn, rest pasture and some second growth, $60 net acre on good liberal terms. i LKATENGOOD A DAVIS, Lebanon, Or, r ' DO YOU WANT ! A HtU home at almost your own price 1 Here It Is. A tract of 25 acres, about $ aere under Plow and th rest logged off. with rough Inm ber house, fslr barn, spring, with some bearing : yost the pise for poultry ralsis. $660. Easy term. LEAVEN0O0D A DAVIS, leibanoB, Or. . . $50 to 5500 Per Acre Prune nrchard. dairy farm, acreage; all high- ' ly improved, eery best soil, good rosd. fine weter: near good schools and thriving atty: good markets. Urge cannery snd creameries. At) Would pay you to see tu before yon reirrhase, ; . .Z sisissus at POKTER, 1 1 8th et., Yancovver. Wssb. Phone $38. SPECIAL value in Northwest Ts7m7:rri" ' grain and diversified farms all ..J price. A 2000 sere cstti snd hog . ranch equipped, for $86,000, No crop failure; ar winters; mild summers. Good hralth sni tier-. perlty prevail Descriptions snd list T F Kendall, Fveewater. Or. ' ' ANTiTEavN-f-BrT I 66 acres, 16 mile vwlh of Pnrttaail en paved highway; 48 under tmhivation: mostly river bottom; running water, spring, timber; lie -level: 7 room house, bsrn and onion house. . Immediate poascssioti : $9000: Iieit cash. ifi. B. Cranflll, 208 H First et Main 4208. , . ALFALFA farm, government project water right, 88 acres, Hf cleared. 80 In alfalfa and re food buildings. Pries $06 per acrw, easy terms, or will accept other property In part payment. Geo. C. Howard. 114 thamher of iwnmerce owg. 148 ACR14vMMtomr.0 a. eultlvafton, II a. clover, pas to re. timber, woven wire fences, ere hard, epting creek, good building. mile from railroad town on Paoifte highway; wilt consider Portland residence or in suburbs. . Own- sr.- Address 291 Columbia tt, spt. 8, Portland. 41 ACRES, H suit to splendid town and highway, improved, tine soil, fenced, mod ern house, fine bsrn, dmiM gsfsge. oqfhnildV fogs, gravity water piped to buildings. Stock. .. Implements, crops, grains, house, furniture ell - goee $0X00, good term. Dnbols, 801 bVek Ing bldg , EXCEPTIONAL Wsshington eount'y tavrgsint ' AS seres, adjoining town, fin land. 4 cultivated, several building, orchard , vanning : water. Umber; $1260, good terms. 160 acre ear Forest Grove, wster. fine timber; 820 aero, good terms. SOB gpaldng bldg. J - r ToTTCAN'T BEAfTHE"8E - ' " . 60 gerea good fare, land Beer Portland, 11680. 0 acre good farm land IH mil from Hood . River near (Columbia river highway. $10OV Owner. .! 888 Cleveland ave. Woodlawn ' 4848. " FOR ilLE 187 acre of th best wliis'ov ' its valley hop and logmherrr land, all level and under cultivation, sttusted -sails north of Salem, on Oregon Electric and twa ' teein hlgbweya Phone East 1719. FORTY . acres, 13 cultivated; house. Yaashlll county. Pries $2000. FartlcnlaxY Butkin, 1466 Dolor. 8n Francisco. CL i FARMS 'WANTED RENT OK BUT 88 FARMS WANTEf WE are turning CASH buyer for farm sway from our office every day because tea .cannot snwplr their wante. WHY not let US e11 YOU R farms for yon? W are th oldest and one of the meet reliable realty firm in PORTLAND. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., f Chamber of Commerce bldg. - i ' , , tOeflUnil- 841 reilewlfif pang) . , . ,