The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 15, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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    - , . - ... i - . .
Innoont ckild and saww-whlta ftowsr.
Wall r n paired ta yoar opening hoar.
Tho ihoald the pun tod th lowly meet.
Stainless srith sulnleas, and tweet wltk asset
Devoted to Babies
And Their Welfare
White as' tfcoa haw. fast Mown
An taa folds of tny own roans Baart;
GoUty pMiion ted ctnkerini etrt
NereT hart left their trace tberc.
' Brjrant.
Milk Is Essential
In Feeding
MILK la the best food we have. Every
child should have ratlk and adults
r$Jm should use milk; a quart a day for
every, child, 'if possible, a pint without
fall ; a third of a quart for each adult.
Plenty. of milk will help give all chll-
' dren, big and little, the chance for
health they ought to have. Buy more
milk and your family will be better fed.
Milk helpe your children to grow. Be
tides being a good all aroulid food, milk
'haa something- special, not found in
many other foods, which children muat
have for their growth they cannot
(row without It. Give your boys and
flrla milk for their chance to prow.
Milk helps your children to keep well.
It will help you to keep well too. Liook
' at children who do not get milk but get
tea and coffee Instead. Aren't moat of
them pale and alckly. There are always
very many alck children in cities and
In countries where milk Is scarce. When
milk prices go up and mothers begin to
economize on milk more children be
come sick. Do not let your children run
this rUk. Give them clean, pure milk
end help them to jrrow up strong and
well and win in their fight against dis
ease. Save on other things if you must,
tout not on milk, your child's best food.
.Yeats, Irish Poet
And Playwright, to
Lecture Friday Eve
William Butler Teats, Irish poet and
Dlaywrlght. will lecture at the Masonic
temple next Friday evening, under the
auspices of the Drama league. Yeats nas
written that the Sinn Fein is taking a
leading part In the Gaelic revival, and
that -under its influence multitudes are
studying the Irish language and a pro
nounced movement toward revival of old
customs is noted.
Yeats and Lady Gregory founded the
Abbey theatre In Dublin, whore they are
producing plays Interpretative of true
Irish life,, and Teats himself is now the
leader of the Irish theatre movement.
This is his first visit to America since
1914. The subject of his lecture will be
"A. Theatre of the People." Tickets may
be obtained from Sherman. Clay & Co.,
or Meier & Frank's bookshop.
BOVE, Robert Woodrow Colquitt, son of Mr. and. Mrs. J.
E, Colquitt, formerly of this city but now of Monrovia,
Cal who scored 100 per cent in a eugenics test at the age
of eight months. ' Below, left to right, James DeFprest Bennett,
son of Mr. and Mrs C. J. Bennett, who scored 89 per cent;
Porothy May Bliss, daughter oV Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bliss, who
scored 99 per cent at 14 months. -ry
Knights Templar to
Give Easter Party
Washington commandery. Knights
Templar, will give a grand Easter ball
and party on April 10 at Multnomah ho
tel, having as its guests officers and
inembers of Oregon commandery. This
will be one of the leading Masonic par
ties of the Beason, and will be a formal,
either in full uniform or dress suit.
- 1 l
1 , ::-',
COLIC is pain, caused by the pressure
of gas in stomach or abdomen. The
symptoms are a shanOoila cry, soon
repeated. The legs draw up. the abdo
men feels tense. If the baby is prone
to colic, observe the following precau
tions : Keep the bowels open. A col
icky baby should, have two bowel move
ments a day.
Keep hands and feet warm, and the
abdomen covered with a knitted wool
band. Woolen stockings worn day and
night are a great protection.
Do not let the baby nurse: too fast or
too often,- or suck an empty bottle.
Leave a little milk In each time, as the
last' always contains bubbles of air.
During an attack of the colic, warm
the baby's stomach with a hot-water
bottle. Do not offer food. Instead,
give the baby four or five ounces of
salt water heated to 100 degrees, then
lift to an upright position against your
shoulder and pat its back gently until
gas is belched. For abdominal colic, a
warm salt enema may be necessary.
Gentle massage of the bowels with warm
oil may start, the gas.
Colic need not alarm the mother if
the baby is thriving otherwise. It is
common with both breast-fed and bottle-fed
babies, but usually disappear
between the second and fourth month.
Cleanliness Important
TWO essential attribute of clothing
lor school children are comfort and
cieanness; a third, and! often over
estimated quality, is attractive appear
ance. - .j
Because clothing for boys is already
standardized and because n natural boy
will submit to discomfort for looks' sake
a boy's clothing needs only to be chosen
so that It Is adapted to weather con
ditions and can be kept in good condi
tion in spite of rough usage.
Beys scorn rubbers, bo; that shoes
should be chosen with good, soles and,
if laced, with a tongue so sewed in that
water can not enter oven the top of
the foot. The shoes should be aa nearly
waterproof as can be . purchased, and
should be carefully fitted, always long
enough, never too wide.
If rubber boots are worn, a pair of
elk skin shoes should be kept at school,
for, under no circumstances, should a
child keep boots onr while In the house.
For Snowy weather rubber boots should
be large enough to permit of the wear
ing of a doe-skin inner shoe. Tight
shoes mean cold feet, and should
be endured by either boys or girls.
Girls should be put into low-heeled,
comfortable shoes with adequate pro
vision for varying" conditions of -weather.
Woolen stockings and socks are not
recommended because, in them, the feet
become sweated and later cold. Any
needed extra warmth should be supplied
by added warm outer foot and leg cov
erings. " t
Excessively warm clothing is quite aa
injurious as insufficient clothing. In ex
treme cold weather several layers of
woolen garments of medium weight are
a greater protection than one very
heavy 'garment and also permit of vari
ations of coverings to suit changing
weather conditions. Ideal clothing con
stats of about the same amount of pro
tection over- every part of the .body
not heavy overcoats with but two lay
ers of cloth over the lower limbs, not
many skirts and a thin shirt waist.
Supply the children light-weight wool
en or wool and cotton underwear for
early cool days or fall, medium weight
Girl Has Needle in
. Foot Three Years
Photo by Van ryci Studio.
Admission will be by 1920 card, and
each Sir Knight will be limited to one
lady. All visiting Sir Knights in the
city at" that 'time will be welcomed.
Washington commandery. Knights Tem
plar, will Jpln with Oregon, pornmandery
in attending Easter services at The
Auditorium on Raster Sunday. The Sir
Knights will attend In full uniform, and
be accompanied by the Washington
commandery band.
It's Up To You
what chance your youngsters have for success in life.
If you don't give them a good start, it may mean medi
ocrity or failure all their lives.
That being so, keep their bank accounts growing. Let
this home savings bank assist you, or if you prefer, get
.one of our dime banks. But the important thing is to
keep the kiddies bank accounts always increasing.
Oldest in the
L-Nasar- Y
Washington and
Tested Suggestions
For Feeding Young
Children Are Given
Following are tested suggestions for
feeding young children: ,
For ages. 12 to 24 months Fruit juices,
best milk, milk gruel, custard, rice, iwie-
back, graham crackers, apple sauce,
scraped beef, beef, chicken, or mutton
broth, small amount baked potato, soft
boiled egg. Always plenty of water.
For ages 24 to 36 months Scraped
apple, vegetable soup, milk, poached egg.
minced, steak, spinach, fruit gelatine.
mashed or baked potato, beef, mutton or
chicken broth, asparagus tips, bread one
day old, well cooked cereals, cooked
prunes, without skins ; light puddings,
baked or scraped apple, minced stck
or chicken. Plenty of water.
Not to be given before 36 months
Cherries, bananas, corn, grapes, welnles,
cucumbers, popcorn, fried potatoes, pork,
beans,, cheese, raisins, peanuts, nuts,
candy, pie. rich cake, fried meats, hot
bread, doughnuts, ham, chipped beef.
pears, pickles, cabbage, rich pudding,
over-ripe fruits.
St. Louis. Mo. An X-ray disclosed
one half of a needle in the foot of
Yvonne Oillis. 9 years old, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gillls of St. i
Charles. Mrs. Oillis recalled that three
years ago her daughter stepped on a.
needle, but physicians at that time
believed they had removed It
Physicians now say that an opera
tion for its removal would likely per
manently affect the child's foot and
advise that It be permitted to remain in
the foot in the hope that it i would work
to another portion, when an operation
could be more successfully 'performed.
Her Birthday
There cime a birthday, tnd he wis not there.
vuiupiewu wm me in rionjj ministry.
Completed, too. the loring industry
That Tied with death to tire us each
Of hanriiwnrk that h.
But still is left the precious memory
Of an all Icing, steady sympathy,
A tact that soothed and softened eTerywhera.
She wa not there, but Lore and Life instead
Ire closer each mysterious, binding thread
Around cur hearts, and answered so the
r'0' loring harmony of our dear dead. :
mvt iTitruicuon n aouoty aear when ere
Our mother's birthday comes though she's
not here.
Charlotte Brewster Jordan.
' r -i r vlv.
, - '
t , " J v J" ,
Makes Babies Thrive
Sample Free
Sold by Toor Druggist .
amass- V . .
in the
en o
f Lif
What painsl What care! should
cultivation, of these
la Our Book Shelving will be
found books for - mothers'
guidance in the care and
feeding of children. All the
standard authorities to
choose from.
Babjr RecordBook Baby's
own book 'for mothers to
. keep a complete record of
these little prattlers as" they
trow and learn.' : '
we take in the. nutriment and
charming; plants.
Kodaks and Kodak Service
Photo Phil in charge. No
baby record book is complete
without many snaps of baby
in his first years of advance
ment. Engraved Birth Announcements
for the announcement of the
happy event. You will find
here all the newest styles and
designs in Birth Announcements.
The astablishment that follows baby
trom cradle to school, from school to
?1,eKS-. from college through busi
ness life. Fifty year of intimate-
2qn.a,n,tnc wltn "e public in the
great Northwest.
are to be found in this exclusive shop for Bab-ywear.
Just such sheer little dresses as you will delight in.
having for your own baby.
Stamped and cut little garments or those that are
ready for instant use are here for little tots up to
4 years. J .. - '
Are Our Special
388 MorrisonBelow Tenth
'When Buying Your Children's
you will want something more than a stylish long
wearing shoe.
You will want a correct-fitting shoe. One that
they will enjoy wearing, because it is comfortable as
well as good looking.
Our stock of shoes guarantees you style and
Let our Foot Specialist examine your children's
If they have trouble he will know at once whether
the trouble is with their feet or their shoes.
Knight Shoe Co.
Morrison St., Near Broadway
wool for winter. Keep the rirW In waah
dresses), simple, neat, and dean, aa long
aa possible In the fallv
Supply every child with a food sweat
er that may be slipped on or off at
need, and a waterproof coat That will
permit them )o enjoy rainy diya, Train
the children to wear, enough warm
clothing "that ' they do not fear a cool,
well ventilated school room, and. not
so much clothing that the skin Is kept
moist with perspiration and a Buacepti-
bility to cold, produced.- .
Learning to "Wife
Eighteen engaged girls In Denton,
Texas, are studying "How to Be Married.-
. The special class occurjlea two cottarea
leased by the College of Industrial Arts.
where by bard knocks and benevolent:
Instructlonnhey are 1 earn trig first hand
the duties of a glorified "kitchen police."
Tbey peel the rpuds, scrub the floor,
keep accounts, wrangle with the Ice man.
neua worn bocks everyimng. '
"Practice" Is the watchword, and
President Bralley promrned If they'd de
fer their marriages until tbe end of th
wlfeology course, they would split their
hubbies' salary checks unUl they; war
called "Grandmother." , ,
C. I. A. Is the necond largest school of
its kind in the world. Its clasit for en
gaged girls Is unique, attracting wide '
attenUon. , ;
i M:
Michigan is the leading suits in the
tnanufacture of sanrl iime brick, fol
lowed by Minnesota and N'pw York. ..
Buy Baby Furniture
" . of
Powers' Prices
A wide selection to choose from ; all styles to suit
various tastes; prices as moderate as you can find
anywhere for such high quality. What more could
you desire ?
Reed Carriages worth $27.50 go this week at $23.35
Reed Carriages worth $36.50 go this week at $31.25
Reed Carriages worth $39.50 go this week at $33.85
Reed Carriages worth $4 J. 50 go this week at $35.45
Reed Carriages worth $46.50 go this week at $35.60
Reed Carriages worth $55,00 go this week at $46.85
$9.25 Sturgis Folding Sulkies Now $7.65
$ 7.25 values at $ 6.15
$ 9.25 values at $ 7.95
$11.50 values at $ 9.65
$17.50 values at $14.95
Reed Baby Wardrobes
$17.50 values at $14.9.5
$19.50 values, at $16.45
Baby Swing 95f
Regular $1;75 value.
$10.85 Baby Yards with wood floor complete $5.95
4m u i j ft,"" Jjm 1
A LARGE glass of
A milk is the best rem-
i edy for your kiddie's
"between meal" appetite.
It satisfies the appetite
is easily digested has
wonderful food value and
the growth promoting
substances necessary for
the growing body of your
Milk "is liquid life, the
natural food of children.
For your child's sake give
him plenty of milk to ap
pease that "between meal"
appetite, that' just won't
wait for dinner.
A quart a day is a good
allowance for a growing