THE OREGON SUNDAY . JOURNAL, ; PORTLAND, . SUNDAY 1 MORNING, MARCH 14, 1920. , BOrHKllOLl) OOOPW FOB KALE t fEHYBIO" AND ffASSrVB sipbboakd AND CHINA CABINET. Then two pteca mat b mm to be realised. ' They are in leant quarters, wed oak in the beautiful pol aalMd , finish. Either one of tbeae pieces would mt new at leant 1178. but we will sell either' otM or both for 175 each. Eey term U derinrd- We cham no Interest Qevurtz Furniture Co. The Bier Store ILL TJNDEB ONE HOOF. Pill stores NO BRANCH J8S First St. JtEMEVBER, 2 DOORS FROM YAMHTLI, PUBLIC MARKET t BK! BARGAINS in talking machine. 1 Victor, regular 125 00. special I1R.75; ' 1 Columbia $80 machine for $19.76;. 1 mahogany Victrola, almost new. regular $110 sixe, special price $89.50. A. St S. Qevurtz x ' Furniture Store 205-2(07 First St. Bet. TayBor and Salmon ATTENTION SPECIAL SALE OF STEEL BEDS Two-ineb continu'ua port steel beds, with heavy Inside filer. brand new, but man-Mi a bit in transit, reduced to 111 no each DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE Mish Furniture Co. 188-180 FIRST ST. DININ'GROOM iutt of solid qtiarteimwed oak. Consist, of 6 chair. leather seats, 45-inch pedestal table, 4 8 inch buffet: very maaaive. Will ieU for HOT. CO. Terms tt tVeslred. A. & S. Qevurtz Furniture Store . - , 2(05207 First St. Bfot. Taylor and almon ItUCS OASRANGE, SLIGHTLY FRED. Tbe Im we anil for $75. Thin baa white enamel Joon and tplashers and ia in very fin. shape. Imoat like new. Our price ia $55. Easy ierma. No interest. Oevurtz - Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL. TJNDKR ONE- BIG ROOF NO BRANCH STORES 185 First St. REMEMBER, TWO DOORS FROM TAMH1LL PUBLIO MARKET SOME $Mrhtly wA wloXer furnrture, rhslrs. rockers and tables to match. Abnt SO i( t vilncl from. " Priced from $8 96 to $16.76. A. & . Oevurtz Furniture Store 205207 First St. Bet. Taylor and Salmon BARGAINS IN USED RUGS il 2 high grade body Brussels rug in viy nrett.y colors, with silver grey predominating, ai.d dainty all over design, extremely chuup at $49. 50. 9ll2 Axminater rug. 2-tl'e rrren and very tieavy;; a vnap at $39.50. $Q0, 9x12 velvet rug. new bnt slightly damsged. reduced to $3,75. EASY TERMS Mish Furniture Co. 188, 190 1st st. ' BI LK'S BEArriTTL ALL-ENAMELED satln- imisn mst-iron range, oniy usi-a aoont uiree weeks. This range sells for $187. BO. Just like new. Kwj terms. Complete, all set and connected, with fine hot water coil, pipe and til ilumhln$ charge for $99.80. No interwt and a long term contract. Qevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL, UNDER ONE ROOF. M NO BRANCH STORES. 185 First St. REMEMBER, 2 DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET. $40 BABY BUGGY with large hood, all nisei tubing, Chase leather upholstered, $23.51). A. & S. Qevurtz Furniture Store 205207 First St. Bet. Taylor and Salmon CAN YOU BEAT IT? Pilot Economy steel ranges, brand new. with 4 -hole top. heavy cast-iron sanitary base, oven guaranteed to bake, fine firebox for wood or coal, and warming closet, and th. price only $411 r0. Terms. Mish Furniture Co. 1K8-I80 FIRST fiT. MASSrVE overstuffed rocker upholstered in moleskin, for only 'J2 SO. This la special bargain, aa this rooker should toet twice tint. OWL FURNITURE CO.. Sn.l.S lull LESS. 166-168 Klrst St.. Near Morrtson. SPECIAL TT enfold Davenport, oak frame, uphea atered In leather; including pad; for only $85. OWL FURNITURE X)., SELLS FOR LESS. 16S-16K First St. Near MorrUon. REMNANT SALE TiF INLAID LINOLEUM In sixes suitable for small kiu-hens or bathroom. t $1.09 s?r sq yd. Mish Furniture Co. ISIS I W0 FIRST ST. STANDARD make of combination gas. coal snd wood range at Ws ! can buy anywhere. 'let our price.- Fine Stewart combination isnie St JiiK 5V Feudsteio Furniture Co. 174 1st st., Cor. Yamhill. 1HGH grade genuine birdseye maple Pvincess dresser, large beveled lYench plate mirror. Top of this is slightly marred; otherwise In perfect rondiion. Sieclal irice. f;-l.85. . Star Furnature Co. THE STORE OF BARGAINS 01 First st, Near Taylor. TtOfND pnlctal dining table, 4. inch top. vrith el giwd b"X seated chairs to match. Special price. :t."o. Star Furniture Co. THE STORE OF BARGAINS 204 First St., Near Taylor. WAI.rWiRF Charter Oak ooal er wood range. ti li l-m. oven, iu fine contlition for culv JS9.60 OWL FURNITURE CO.. SKI.1.8 FOR LESS. l-lS First St.. Near Mornaon. A I.AROE selection of used 9x12 ruga. Axiniuster. Bnissels and Wdtona: alao carpete in large nxm si.t at Unv pricea. OWL FURNITURE CO., SE.l.S FOR l.EKS.-180-10S rlrst Su. Near Morrison. aaw SPECIAL - New Method a stove, 4 burners and aimnicr; lor only $12.00. ... . OWL FURNITURE CO.. 8KI.L8 FOB I.E3S. 106-168 First St.. Near Morrison. AXMINHTKR rug. 9x12. beautiful design and in good condition. Sitecial 2 O. r0 "- - Star Furniture Co. THE STORK OF BARGAINS . ' 04 First at.. Near Taylor. sANG EH and water beaters moved from on. address to another; free connections mad. a altrcialtv. Phone Taboe 2807. , Dixi.NG table,-round, extension, heavy pedestaT. Uttruiuti, o. 0717$ iieusout. HOtgEHOLB GOODS FOB SALE EVERY STAR i ON YOUR DOLLAR TWINKLES HERE Do not Davy fanor prioea. Btev down to Front street end see the food line of used and new funntnr. offered by the Ievtn Hardware At Furniture Co. a prices that put the rati buying power back into ererjr one of your dollars. Prettf pattern new Ax minster rat, 6x12. t factory close out, bought at nig redaction ; a $70 rus; special D3.Z3 Good pattern used Axminater rug. 0x12 . . $26.00 Bod Brussels 9x12 used rug ........ .$18. 00 Serviceable rocs that show wear, 8x12 and other sizes, reduced to as low aa $5 OO Oak kitchen cabinet new. metal slide top. floor box filter, .to.. eompleU; big special. .$35.00 Genuine oak real leather1 upholstered new rock' en, a few on hand at big special. ... sir A few" standard make rans-es in firBtclaaa coo- oition on which you can save many dollars: Laurel oast range on nickel leg baa. $55.00 Quick Meal range with large ooppar reservoir ior voo.ou Universal range Buck range, on leg base . , Majestic range .......... Stewart range . . $37. SO , .$40.00 . .$47.50 , .$27.80 Garland combination gas. ooal and wood range for $75.00 Water .power washing machine, in food running order ...$12.50 Florence Perfection. Windsor and other standard mac oil and gasoline store.. A complete stock both new and rued. W. aav. wu money 9 Burner Perfection oil cook store.., .$9.85 A fine selection of good patterns, inlaid lino avmn, Pabcolin, Congoletim, Rlngwalta floor ooverings. Bring in the size of your room. A few patterns 10 to 25 yards left in the piece to close oat at, per aa. yard 65s Children's iron cribs, drop sides perfect condi tion, reenameled; special, $7.50, $6.50, $5.50 Just received. 1 2 new dressers, three drawers, Kquar wood knobs, 10x24 mirror; big p OiaJ $10.50 A-B gas range, side oven, white enamel splashos, drip pans, doors; special $40.00 New Method side ovem gas range $25.00 Used cook stovsa s good selection up from $8.00 Twenty-five years in business in the ssme lo cation. One of the largest stocks of used home furnishings on the Coast. Eery piece guaranteed to be $ represented. Como in and ee our four !Z.Sd TJhl rZJ: tnnhiHH. whlfh enAhlea . i . fairs ailwantiimk I nf mi Siva nnrelisi. .tul lhn umir. In. Inml price. ETVERT TAR ON TOT'R DOLLAS TWINKLES HERE Levin iidw. & Furn. Co. CREDIT IP DESIRED PROMPT ATTENTION COURTEOUS TREATMENT MAIN 9072 USED RANGES TO THE NUMBER OF OVER 100 We have a big selection of those moner saving articles at prices so low they will sur prise you. We can only enumerate a few, but we have them to suitall pockets. Kridge-Beaoh Superior $20.60 Cascade 33. 76 Universal 88.75 Garland and coll connection, a fine range 69.00 Moore's Premium, a big, good range. with reservoir 89.60 Real KiUte, a fine nickeled range 65.00 And many others Easy terms, no interest. Qevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL, UNDER ONE BKi HOOF NO BRANCH .STORES 1185 First St. REMEMBJBR. TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC llAKKET SPECIAL. OFFER FOR THIS WEEK Library table $ 7.50 Chain 1 25 Rockers . . .' 2.60 Cook stovea 11 .00 I ins plate '. 2.7.1 Copper coil water heater 12 50 Iron beds 8.00 Iron beds 4.50 Bed springs 1.75 Msttreeaee 3.00 Kitchen Treasures 4.75 Breakfast table 3 DO Genuine leather seated dining chain 4.50 Hound extension table 14.00 OWL FURNITURE CO., SEI.I.S FOR LESS. 100-168 First SL, Near Morrison. A VEKT unusual opportunity to tt a new ranga at th? price you would pay for a necond hand one. 5 high grade Columbia word and coal ranges, sanitary nickel bae, hole, 18 4n-h oven, highly poliim. top.- The raneeri were purha.ei sligiitly dam aged from the railroad company. llir- iiic this aale we give you the aame ndvHiiUgf. Thin its a lifetime cni- tuiuty. Come in and see them. While tti last. $74.85. Kearutar price 1 20.0O. Feldsteim Furniture Co. I 174 1st st.. Cor. TamhilL .GENUINE Victrola Phonograph, slightly used bnt perfect condition ; cabinet con tains nice assortment of records, including Ked Heal font new $7S. Owner says sell for $40 ff all ca-sh or for $5 extra will arrange terms. See this Monday morn ing at Oregon Kilern Music House, third floor, phonograph dept., 287 Washington, below Fifth. SQUARE extension table. 0 aining chairs. 1 combination luglicliair. Morris chair, oak rocker, sanitary couch, sewing rocker, 2 dressers, 1 steel b-d. prinir aji.1 mattress: 1 fine Monarch range, smsil gas range, kitchen cup board, family site; Hibson refrigerator, nida icer; some other houseliold goods. Inquire 6717 S.lth ave. 8. E. ai Aiur.. a i dresser, sur.d utile, d-piece Par- lor se . sewing machine with motor tal.l.. drees form. 3 n,3, v work t.hle lioing East, must sell, nil I Pittnck block to 4 today, or Monday only. A OENUINE J. 4c7. Fl cher upright. In ex cellent condition, $176. Owner needs cash at once. An opportunity to secure a really good musical instrument at about half. See at firegon Eil-r Music House. 287 Waah lngtn st. below 6th. ' moXHOGANY Princess dressers and chif foniers for $N.V United Furniture Store 173 1ST ST.. S1DKOVEN Vulcan gas range. $32.60; also a Jewel box range, $16; Ruud copper coU water heater, $16: also Superior copper coil. $10; all in good condition. East 4852. 76t Eat Broadway. FURNITURE for sale. A good wood and coal range, three burner gas range, extension din ing tablo-und dresser for sale cheap. 625 E. 84th N. or tel. 313-45. HOUSEHOLD furniture of 5 rooms, beds. davenport, dresser, table, chairs. Wdln. car. Call Sunday. 005 Liberty st cor. 15th st. RELIABLE gas range, also Buck wood and coal range, first-class condition. East 4647 mornings. ONE baby buggy. 1 oak frame couch, ti oak dining chairs, .3 rockers. 400 E. Clay. Call Monday.. SIX bole ('barter Oak range and four hole small stove, excellent condition: $30 for both. H58 Kerby at. FOR SALE 6ne smafl roiltop desk and one 5 ft. bookkeepers' desk. In good condition. Inquire A. J. Lennon Co.. 8 H N. 11th st. LARGE oak dining table, chairs, old-fashioned mahogany settee with reed bottom. Sellwood 1767. Call alter lO a. m. Sunday BUFFET, golden waxed oak, $33; Majestic eico trir heater, $7: piano a tool, $3. 519 E. 7th N. Phone East 3249. FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale, house for rent. Call Eaat 1176. WHITE enamel chiffonier. Phone East 6678. 50L E. Market at. FURNITURE of a 0 room bouae for sal. No dealers. 674 Seat Couch. WOOD' arid coal range for sals reasonable. Either phone. 219-21 auto. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sal. at 393 East Yamhill at.' Call after 9 a. m. r HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB RALB BUCK'S COMBINATION RANGES . Bake in the rTen with eosL wood or fta. Only one store to clean. Warm kitchen ia winter, cool In summer. Save space and ex pense. Call and look at our beautiful new models. Some are all pore A moo cast iron. Lifetime ranges, enameled all over in beautiful Mue and gray. Let as demonstrate to you their superiority orer other ' ranges tnat cost more. Easy terms, no interest. We take your old range or gas range in exchange. Qevurtz Furniture Co. The Bis: Store ALL, UNDER ONE BIG ROOF NO BRANCH STORES 185 First St. REMEMBER, TWO DOORS FROM TaVHTLL PUBLIC MARKET STANDARD felt mattnms. wtth bj$h grade art ticking, guaranteed 45 lbs., ail new material. Other stores ask $25. Our price $16.50. A. & S. Qevurtz Furniture Store 205207 First St. Bet. Taylor and Salmon THIS OFFER IS WELL WORTHY OF YOUR PROMPT ATTENTION We offer 10 rolls of Super-ear Con- g oleum at 9!ta per yard. The Super wear Is alinotft twice as heavy as or dinary Cong-oleum and will last for years. Regular $1.05 value for 98c Easy terms. Mish Furniture Co. 188-190 FIRST- ST. TAPESTRY LIVING-ROOM SET, comprising elegant overstuffed davenport and 2 rockers to match, ail upholstered in a fin. grade of tapestry. The davenport is of the big. roomy back, spring edge and arras, and fine, loose ciuhiona, also with spring. The set would be cheap at the regular price of g'JSO. Special Monday (1 set oruyj ior $179 50. Easy terms, no interest Qevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL TJNDER ONE ROOF NO BRANCH STORES. 1185 First St. nEMEMBEU. TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL PCKLIO MARKET. SIX-HOLE ooal and wood range, in A-l shape, good baker, practically new lin ings, 16-inch oven, Special price $24.75. A. & S. Qevurtz Furniture Store 205207 First St. Bet. Taylor and almnio!i riKv--i;p-i - . ..... j . .. COME AND btt, United Furniture Store 173 1ST ST. MACHINEET 81 4 GALVANIZED cans for mixing paints, 200 horsepower electric motor, complete; belts and shafting, for sacrifice. UNITED FTR. STORK. 178 1st St. FOR SALE 1 Orton & Steinberg, locomotive crane, 13 V4 tons, 3 years old. Inqulra at Alblna Engine Ai Machine works. Lewis and Loring sts.. Portland, or at Broadway hotel. Portland, and ask for M. Swarts. WANTED A 25 or 50 h. p. stationary gas en gine; a 50 h. p. tractor will do. Triple A Lnmber Co.. Wilbur. Or. FOR SALF, Fordon tmctor. plowed 80 scree; first clsss condition. Price $850. Must sell. 0-248, Journal. ' LATHE -American turret, completely equipped, including pulleys and belts; cash or terms. 4 82 Hawthorne ave. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS II WALNUT TREES 60O Franquette walnut trees, grafted stock. $2 and $2.25 each. WOODSTOCK NURSERY. 6803 Woodstock Ave., end of Woodstock earllne. Phone Sellwood 23S2. BUY THAT-PHONOGRAPH NOW Remember any new Brnnswick. 'Victrola, Ed ison. Columbia or Stradivara up to $125 on special terms dnring March for only $6 down. $5 monthly. HyaU Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. PLUMBING Plumbing work done quickly and efficiently at reasonable prices. New installations specialty. Workmanship guaranteed. MEItKO METAL WORK. Pbone Fast 1954. 161 Russell st. FILBERTS Barcelona. Duchilli and other filberts very fine stock. See WOODSTOCK NURSERY. 6803 Woodstock Ave., end of Wnodstock earllne. Phone Sellwood 2332. PORTABLE electric sewing machine, only $40: Gia w..w.v.:nn. o r, . .1.. v nn hand a stock of -Singer portable electric sewing machines. Morrison St. Singer Store, 382 Mor- rifvm. Marshall 721. BRUNSWICK B Tl CNS W ICK See the new Brnnswick at $116: terms this month: $5 down, $5 monthly. Liberty bonds taken at par. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3u0 Alder. NOTICE Don't wait ontu it snows. Get your next winter's wood now at prices that are right Big first growth fir wood, green or dry. Phone Wdln. 4672 or East 4681. motoiu:yi:les. launches or boata are separate claasificationa. A larga lt'ting can b. found under these dilterent classi fications. NON'ORA rilOVOc.R.lPH Beautiful mahogany Sonora taken in on deal. Cost $185; vrire $150; $25 down, $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co... 350 Alder. LEAKY ltOOF. EH f Very aggravating, Indeed Why not a permanent snd comfortable roof ? We repair and Rubber Bond all. kinds of leaky roofs ; work guaranteed. Phone Main 0640. HOT WATER TANKS 80 gal. $7. 4-0 gal 9 Tested and guaranteed rtov. and furnace coil Gas heaters intalled Expert pramhing renal ring. Kat Fide Welding Shop. 203 A!um st El51 U8ED APPAREL Secured from wealthy ladies, reasonable price 1132 E UUsan. Montavilla car to 39th. Tabor 2826 ORDER BY MAIL Send for rricellst; all kind of clothing. A8PINWAI.L ARMY GOODS STORE. 167 West Park st. CEMENT FLOWER POTS GARDEN FURNITURE Buy direct from factory and see display. E. 11th st. $09 MUST tell at once, one Ford tOUlf car 1914 j enBinli lel8 , bicyclTl grub Iwx 1 aut tent: some canned food. Take ontavilla car lSl" 0u- "J2. ,e8 Oreg,m. Tabor 732 $16.5(0 to S2S Guaranteed We Rent and Repair 172 3d St., near Yamhill. Main 1845, A-1918 F5kSALE WMU Salmon Newtown apples $1 per box and up. Call evenings after 6 and Sunday. 368 Eaat 4 3 rd at., near Harrison. Phone Tabor 483. FINE VICTOR horn machine, wooden horn; coat $4 6; price $15: $6 down. $4 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 360 Alder. SAFES , New and second hand; tome with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. Paelfl. Scale A Supply Co.. 4 8 Front at. Rdwy. le BATTERY charger, lamp socket anywhero. A. C. or D. C. No eiperienre. Cheap to operate. Will demonstrate. Eaat 7185 I A BARGAIN' 2 heavy doors 8-ft. by 6-ft heavy glass 6 ft. by 4 -ft East 7658, J. A.. Butler. EI .KCTRlCIANS NOTB'EFor .vale cheap. about 00 automatic -bell ringers. No bat teries necevart- Main 5471. WILL exchange new phonograph for first class carpenter work. Hyatt Talking Machine Gq.. 850 Alder. 3" PEDESTAL lavatories. 2 without; "if toilet bowl: 1 sink; new, steel, enameled ; cheap. 824 Jackson. 2 GOODRICH smooth tires 84x4 H ; also 5 -lb. cans transmission grease, new. 824 Jackson. POTATOF.S and onioaj for sale. Phone Broad way 464. PLUMBING expert, repair all plumbing, gas; very reasonable. Meunvdy. sellwood 1125 VACUUM cleanetm, sold, repaired rented, ex changed, bnnght Be.tley Co., Main 4007. FOR SALE UP TO DATE Complete vulranreing outfit cheap. 288 CASH REGISTERS, Fl (JOB CA8KS And other fUtura. 242 Salmon. Maia 842. VACUUM cleaners rented. $1 a day. dellv. ered. Daya. Main 2Q1Q. Evenings. Tabor 6786 PBACTICALLT new Majestic range Al conditiom Price (70. Call 131 Union are., near Morrison. VACUUM cleaners toe rent. 24 hour 'day $1. dsllverI anywhere. Call Bdwy 238 FOR SALE A coal stove in good condition! 252 E. 8th at. Tabor 14. eTECTRIO heater for aale. Can Feist 46rTjr PTJBE Swiss eoata' tuilt Tabor 3i58 7 FOB i SALK M ISCELLAITEOCS 19 EVERY STAR ON YOUR DOLLAR . TWINKLES HERE MR. WILSON WAS RIGHT! "Msks the world safe for demociscr." Why not mao.e your HOME and SHOP SAFE for ECONOMY? ECONOMY No. 1 BNTLDEBS' HARDWARE $16 0 cylinder front door set $13.75 1.65 Corbin inside mortise set.... 1.25 1.50 Oorhin inside mortise get 1.10 8.60 front door set . . . 2.75 8.50 store door locks 6.25 -A COMPLETE LINE OF BUTT HINGES If you are figuring on building hardware, we would be pleased to figure with you. NAILS WE HAVE THEM ECONOMY No. 2 CARPENTERS' TOOLS Used planes, hammers, braces, saws, chisels ' and other carpenter tools; good merchandise at prices that speak for themselves. , 150 guaranteed Atkius hand sawi, tliehtly rusted, with a 40 per cent reduction off n.w $40i) Croodell-Pratt braces $2.95 5.50 lipped adz 2.75 5.60 ship axe 2.75 Lath hatchets. U. 8 1.2S 2.25 Union block plane 1.75 I ff 5 Union block plane 1.25 These are just a few of the items we are overaxoeaea on; tnry mean a real aaving to you. ECONOMY No. 3 GARDEN TOOLS 9000 fet of rised GARDEN HOSE, atiee s and inch, at one half th. new price. All-steel garden spades ....$1.40 A dependable garden ho. no All-steel bow rakes 90 All-steel sboves, $1.25 and 1.45 Chicken ' netting, 1 and 2 inch mesh. All sizes. .If less than a roll, w. cut any length. "ECONOMY No. 4 BICYCLES $65 used RAMBLER Wheel $22.50 A dandy wheel, good as new 14.60 Messenger wheel, "CHIEF," double bar. You can't tell it from the new 25.00 ECONOMY No. 6 SOME REAL BUYS Do you know we have a complete line of cross cut saws. Dependable saws at a price undreamed of, a foot 9 Oc Any size, any length. "Neptune" dynamo KVt inch belting, 19 ft. long. Leather, A-l condition, f 1S.00 A few thousand pounds of rusty nails, a pouad Be BIRD CAGES, in the brsaj. or enameL Get dur price before you purchase. ECONOMY No. 6 ROOFING Dependable merchandise, complete with nails and cement : in 1 . 2 and 3 ply ; 3 ply, slighUy damaged $1.75 EVERY STAR ON YOURDOLLAfi Mi TWINKLES HERE; Levin . & Furn. Co. Main 9072. 221 Front. BATHROOM OUTFITS COMF1 ET1 AT SPECIAL. LOW PRICES BATH TT'BS LOW DOWN TOILETS CORNER OR FT AT BACK BASINS (oomplete) PIPE AND FITTINGS Get our prices before yon let your con tract We also nav. some slightly damaged goods. A. L. Howard 208 FOURTH ST., bet Taylor and 8slroon its, LEAVING city, selling 13 sacks of fine Ne braska whuo rice popcorn, pops 95 per cent; extra fine seed corp. Two new motors, A. C, 1-10 and 1-20 H. P.; gas heater, fruit jan, vacuum carpet sweeper. Colt's automatic 82 cal.. Jewel gas stove, kodak. Singer sewing machine All In fine condition and cheap. East 8686. 20 E24th stji. FOR SALE- Two National cash registers, penny keys; large icebox, 1 small register, $oda fountain complete, Toledo scales, 1 8-ft. plate glass floor case, wall case, ice t cream tables, chairs and stools, floor rases and re frigerator, floor cases, gas griddle, sate and number of other futures to be sold. Hurry. 242 Salmon at. WATER STILLS made of heavy polished cop p.r. one or three gallon capacity, prices $25 and $40 respectively. Sent prepaid the name ; day we receive your order. Ideal for distilling water for automobile batteries and drinking pur poses. Avoid the "Flu" and fevers. Boyer dt Co.,- X-68, Farnum bldg., Omaha, Neb. IF YOU are in need of a good 6-hole steel rang, with gas connections; sanitary couch, with pad; good 9x12 floor mat; Htand table; cook table; empty fruit jars; dishes or wash Inn machine, call Sunday at 4 89 E. Clay St.. east side, or in evenings after 6 p. m. Private home. Nc dealers. A REAL, big seller! My book. "How to Pre vent Weeds."- explains how to till the soil so the cantankerous pests cannot grow. Every gardener and every farmer will want my book! Write today for my agents' terms. DeWltt C. Reiliy 528 Clinton st.. Hudson. N. Y. KNOCKED-DOWN bouse. 14x40 (new), rued by govt. In training camps; Urge enough for 3 rras. and bath; doors and windows: make ideal summer home or cheap house. $200. 180 Vista ave.. Apt. 62. Kingsbury apts.. . ; H i TEN drophead sewing machines wtih attachments. AU sr. in very good oondltion. Sewing machines rented at 3 per month. Phone East 2369. E. B Steen, In 2 Grand ave., hear Belmont. FOR SALE A com gas range, canopy style. Ruud water heater, rockers, child's crib, folding bed. Inlaid linoleum. Wdln. 402 after 10 A m. ABSOLUTELY brand new $38 electric vacuum cleaner for $26 : also new $8 electric iron for $4; both extra samples In braker'g office. 324 Ry. Ex. bldg. GOOD 10x1 tent, .22 Remington rifle, pair BICYCLE gcceasoriM including tnieinj lUnd for tracing wheels, cheap. 362 Chapman or B- TtVO lot. on 18th st Westmoreland district; i $250 each imp. about $200. A desirable residential location. 1 lot on 17th ft., $350 Phone Bellwood 1794 or M. 6761. No agents. FOR SALE tOO Italian prune trees. 6 to 8 feet; grown by established nursery man, but I have no place to plant them. For prices phone 268 Camas, or write Box 10V STRONG early Jersey Wakefield cabbage plants ready for hotbed. $2.50 per 1000. 1015 East Simpson st, Woodlawn 1253 TWO new tiree. 86x4 4 guaranteed 6000 miles. $35 each, and Washington sts. 203 Stevens bldg., Sth 6-HOLE wood and coal range, water coil, and 3 -burner gasplate attached; good as new 545 E. 39th st. Tabor 3380. BUY your coal from the Central Fuel Co.. 249 2nd at. ; deliveriea to all parts of city; no extra charges for suburban deliveries on west side. TERRA COTTA CHIMNEY With iron jacket, made to pase inspection; $5; worth double 5827 E. 83d S. E. ANYONE in'erested in an up-to-the-minute farm lighting plant will be agreeably surprised by a call at b.. Murnsiae. t-oone M. Bl. BH J CLE accessories including truing star, a lor turing wheels, cheap. 352 Chapman or B- 618. Journal. . HEATING wood range, davenport, bedroom set, other furniture; cheap. Woodlawn 293. 77 Interstate. t4 -HORSEPOWER motor with table, aawa and emery wheel; alao a second hand furnace. Sell. 1746. HOUSEHOLD goods, folding baby buggy. $7.80; sanitary couch. SO: carpet sweeps, StZ.DO; Call Monday. Woodlawn 129. ORIENTAL ruga, less than half pries; "9il2 Kiva, $300; alao smaller rugs. The French Shop, 410 Morrison. TTWO perfect-diamonds, blue in color, weight 1 karats; good match for earrings. Price, $450 for quick sale. JJ-892. Journal. GOOD 14x20 4 ft. wall tent and fly. $25 for , quick sale. Tabor 890. WOOD latbe for ale cheap. 205 to Jefferson. 207 Pennoyer. or LADIES' blue serge suit and dress. Sizes 36 each $14. Tabor 2825. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your home. 3 5c a rag. Call East 1508. GOOD cook "atovf for gu, Water heater with coOs. 308 Crosby. ' HAND garden aeeder. cream separator, mower ; half price. Aylsworth, 1075 Hawthorne. TsTSVRIXO wgon," 8fiTbOTriiiiT 1. Tabor 7062. WILL excliange new phonograph for plumbing. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. ADJUSTABLE dress form, practically new; U, $10. Main 1529. ' FOR SALE Good oak roiltop desk and chair, $35, 272 E. 75th at. N. MonUvilU car. 750 SECOND firebrick. 3430. , Tabor 315. Ftjit SALE 12 H yards of inlaM linoleum ia good condition. $14. Call Sell. 437. 6 HOLE Columbia range, wood or coal, with eoil, $20. 960 E. 29th N. ONE' large and 1 small gag range, 1 steal wood and coat range. X steam table. 122 16th st. KEPAIK leaky roof for 9x12 rug. good condi tion. Call mornings. Marshall 1072. SMALL gas range, $27.50. ;CaU Tabor 356. FOR SALE, sewing machine. Call Wdln. 4388, FOB SALE Vukan gaa range. Call Tabor 282. FOB 8 A LB MI8CELl,AJgEOrB 19 1RMT GOODS! ABUT GO0DSJ ORDER BY MAIL Jumpers. oaavraUa. wool pants, enttm pants, slickers. raincoats. poncboa. ram blankets, horse blanket, white duck coals and pants, hats, men's shoes, ladies' and ebildiwa's shoe., belts, wool shirts, cotton shirts, gloves, lcggins. tents. Write for price lilt or come and get them at AfiPIN WALL'S ARMY GOODS STOBX. 167 WEST PABJt ST. FOR BALE FRANOrETTE WALNUT tree. L Concord grapes. DU CHILLI and BARCKV LUSA FILBERTS, ClTMBfiHT nWMmn. BLACKCAPS. Hawaii Ann. Lambert, Duke and "pie" cherry trees. Urge rariety of APPLES. The famous ETTERBERG. GOLD DOLLAR, WILSON and MARSHALL strawberry plants. Perfection and Prolific currants, very fin. plants, 2000 to ft. ITALIAN prune trees. Crawford peach trees. Beautiful Dutcb bolly trees with lots of berries. Reasonable, 6S03 Woodstock are. Sellwood 2832. Cash or Terms We buy. sell and exchange cash registers, showcases, scales and other fixtures. CIGAR STAND. Ill SECOND ST. CEBAR CHESTS Direct from factor to your bom. oesse. tnd Port Orford eedar; solid WP" trimmhgs. lstevt designs. Write for catalogue. Factory. 1P12-1-18 K. OHsan. Tabor 808 SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New and 2d hand, sold for leas no acenta employed. Comp'eU Una of parts for all makes. Machines repaired and rented MeHv KW1NO MACBINB EMPORIUM. 9Q d. near Taylor at. 20 LATE dropheads, all makei, like new. perfeot condition; Singers, Whites Standards. National Rotary, other good makes; $16 to $36. Machines rented, $3 per month. SINGER STORE (Moose Bldg ). 198 4th Main 6H.13. HYATT'S PHONOGRAPH SALE Remember for ony $5 down and $5 monthly e offer you any brand new. latest style Vie- trola. Brunswick. Rdiiton. Columbia or Stradivara up to $125 for $5 down. $5 monthly. Larger models $15 down, $7.50 monthly. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 850 Alder OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT from N. W. 8teel and Spruce Production for sale at 91 N. 6TH ST. Between Burnaid. and Couch, 0. M. BABCOCK. D. C, WAX. O. K. and Rose City Plenty of abort dry wreckage wood. Broadway 184 6. LAMBERT CHERRY TREES Very fine 2 and 8 year old Lambert cherry trees for sale. See WOODSTOCK NURSERY. S80S Woodstock Ave., end of Woodstock earnne. Phone Sellwood 2332. EDISON CYLINDER PHONOGRAPH Good Edison cylinder horn machine taken in on large Kdiaon and 100 good records all fcr $17. SO; terms $5 down. $S monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 360 Alder. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Eiectric Works, 4 IS Burn ide, corner 10th Brosdwsv 5874. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.- -Typewriters" and "Household Goods" are separate classlnV cations. All advertisements of tbeva goods are DUblbhed under their respective elaanificatloaa, I .OOK THEM OVER ADDING MACHINE WANTED WIU exchange fine, new Victrola, Edl'oTi, Stradivara, Brunswick or Grafonola for Bur roughs or Comptometer. Hyatt Talking lis chine Co, 350 Alder. WILL sacrifice 2 loads of hardwood, chair stock. oak. maple and birch, all manufactured and ready to pot together, 76 sets of hardwood chairs, rockers. 384 388 E. Morrison st. WE HAVE over 600 books from 3 and 10s up; also new style pboto pocket k watches and chain.; everything at a big bar- gain, 186 Glbb?. Take N. S. car. LATE model 66 Singer sewing machine, prtVct condition : also drophead late model Willam ette, reasonable price. b& N. - 18Lh it.. Broad - wy 4921 $300 BUYS good woodaaw. team and li amass, $200 takes Studebaker bug. first class con dition with 1920 license. Owner leaving city. Phone Mar. 8740. PIANO WANTED Will exchang. fin. new victrola, Edison, Brunswick, Grafonola or Stradivara for piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 250 Alder. FOR SALE First growth fir wood. 16 inch. $10.60 per cord; 4 foot, $8.75 per cord. Phone Woodlawn 6018. FOR SALE 12x14 Brussels rug, 9x12 Wilton rug, 1 36x4 8 mirror, 1 6-ft. atandlng desk. 1-ton truck. 608 Williams ave. GET YOUR suits, eoata relined for half price. Fur coat, muffs and soarfa specialty. 216 4911 FIFTY SACKS of choice Early American Wonder Potatoe Seed, f. o; b. Metager $5 per hundred. Aggress j . it. Gorgon. Me. tiger, or. FOR SALE 1 oak roll Urp detik, 2 leather upholstered office chairs. Call at 212 Abing ton bldg.. 10 to 3 Sunday. FERTILIZER Good rotted manur., delivery aide. Tabor 2704. sat or west A KIRSTEN one-man atump puller, new. very reasonable; also small gas beater, new, very cheap, 348 Union ave. N. FOR SALrf B7xkTndiing at the army retail store. 5th and. Pine. 8e. Mr. Mygren. Phone Main 8385. FOR SAIJC One small roll top desk and on. 5 ft. bookkeepers' desk, in good condition. Inquire A J. Lennon Co.. 8 M N. 11th st. j HAVE $ good Louso and lot at raihart by the a. Will trade for good n-ed car. What have ycru? Call Woodlawn 842- SI i TWO 3 -in. wagon, wltn wooflrac. first ejawflJIQ U-aHSC I HHtTi OOttltTOL shape, $80. EAST SIDE FUEL CO, , io Union ave. FOR SALE Tent 12x14. alao fly. good condi tion and cheap. R. G. Lewis, route 2. Willamlua. Or. COMPLETE vulcanizing outfit, new. very rea sonable. 687 Washington west. Marshall 1331. . SAFES for aae, cheap; one large, one small and on. with burglar-proof cheat. X-616. Journal. CJRCLE EXCHANGE Suits and dreaaee for less than half ; also alterations. Tenth and Washington sts . 415 Fliedner bldg. CEMENT laundry tubs, guarsnteed; buy direct from factory. Th. Duplex. 314 E. Wash ington at: WOOD Country slab, blockwood. railroad ties. Msrion Fuel. Msin 2676. FULL dress Tuxedo snlta. sftk bats for rent at Barell'a Misfit Clothing store. 31 3d at. FOR SALE Good trunk, nearly new. 1010 Albtna. apt. D. j oNE-Sb-horsepowM tubular boflef Phone E. 1576. BN A PS In uncalled for tr ' -mad. raits for sale. Modern Tailors. 89 N Ath at. - TOR SALE Wood and coal eng., alao gas range. East 2374. ME8HKR PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., wholesale and retail. 24 8 3d at. Main 6277. GROW 8 kinds fruit each tree, make worthless ones valuable. Tabor 6602. evenings. 1 i -H. Pi motor complete. Call Tabor 2456. evenings. EYES tested free. Spectacles guaranteed. Belding, 248 V, Alder st. Main 1692. Dr. "Call FOR SALE Sugar beets. 60c 1-er sack. WocdlawTi 3878 164S Miss. ave. YOUR diamonds sold on commission by Belding the Jeweler. 245 y. Alder at. Main 1692. DRY oak wood sawed. $10 a truck load. Wood lawn 1950 MODEL FUEL CO. has brick, beavy timbers, lumber and flooring for aale. East 5188. icORSALE Up to data baby carriage. 871 Kelly st ANY part of 500. 00O feet of 2x16 and 2x10 plank for sale, any site timbers. Main 2676. AM amount of flooring and tiding, hatdwood floor and windows. Main 2676. UNCALLED for tailor-mad. rulta. $12. BO op. Taylor, the TaOor. 289 H Burnaid. st PROTECTOGRAPH Practically new; a bargain at $16. Tabor 614. PLOWING and hauling done; also well rotted fertilizer. Phone Sell 2438. KITCHEN range. $25. Can after Sunday. Eaat 5799. 70 E. 18th N. LATH mill, complete, Immediate delivery. G. L Schroeder. 37 Prescott at. Wdln. IKON lawn fence for aale cheap, fax. Wdln. 1789. 17 W. Col- .22 MODERN repeating rifle, also grit trinde. 154 N. 18th. Bdwy. 1818. WILL exchange grafonola for small dawk oc letter file. Phone Sellwood 3227. QUANTITY of baanttiful black beads, available for Cm trimming. East 7860. EXPENSIVE large alligator purse, worth $35. Will take $15. phone Tabor 3451. NEW BASSINETTE, NIVEYt TJBED. TA. 1260. J GARDEN manure and plowing. Tabor 6634. FOB SALE MI8CXL1.AITEOTJ8 19 Plumbing Supplies We hare a oomplete line of bathtub, sinks, lavatories, toilets and eement laundry tray. For this week only w ra seUing 5-foot bathtub 10 below wholesaie price. We will gladly furnish esrimatea on saa terial. 1 with or without Installation. MESHEH PLCMBINO SUPPLY CO." 248 Third St. BET. MAIN AND SALMON Main 5277 GENITTNB VietroU Phonograph, alightly used but perfect condition; cabinet con tains nice assortment of records, including Red gel. Cost new $75. Owner iwiyi aeU for $40 if all cash or for $5 extra will arrange terms. See this Monday morn ing at Oregon Ellen Musio House, third floor, phonograph dept. 287 Washington, below Fifth. WB 8AVB X0D MONEY. Bghttas fix tures, eteetrlcal repairing sup plies. Third 6treet Electric Store, 124 H Third street, near Halmon. Main 606S. GRAFONOLA BARGAIN mn. fin.h ton beautiful Grafonola taken In on larger Orafonola and $50 worth fine records. , Outfit would cost about $175. Price only aieis- t.rm. t?0 down. 87.61 monthly. This is an exceptionally fine buy. Hyatt Talking Ma rline Co.. 350 Alder. FOR SALE New Ford bug body, wall cigar cabinet, glass eliding doors, top and bottom: 14 leather seat nd back opera chairs; Hoffman-Van Houten electric bath cabinet, stoves and ranges. Rose City Upholstory Works, 870 K. Morrison at. MILK wagon, Sliaver st. good condition, cheap. 51 FCRNITTHE WASTED 14 ffiUDSEHOElli s WANTED VTm want vnor nsed furniture, rugs. stoves and all household goods and will pay the highest ps'h piines. Our' Three Large Stores elieble us to di-pose of these goods at once, and the'efnif we can my the Top Market Prices We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sport ing goods, tents, bicyoles. typewriters, sddlng machines and store and office furniture. When you have -nvtb'ne to hnv. sell or trade Call Main W2 Levin. Eidw. & Furn. Co. 251 8 5 FRONT ST SELL US Your VM Pie, . or C "-inlet-' FnrM.Mngs. We Pay Top Cash Prices Call l"s for ITompt, Courteous Service. POHTt-AND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 209 FIRST ST MAIN 7728. SPOT CASH FOR USFn FURNITURE Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STORE, 173 FIRST STREET. WANTED USED FURNITURE. IMSAllM Will Pay Bert Prices. IVHfliUl Star Furniture Co. 5064 204 First St. Owl Furniture Co. NEAR MORRISON We want yonr nsed furniture, stoves, carpets and ptanon ; we pay the highest cash price.. 166 and 168 First st Call Main 4flST. PIKER-JOHNSON FURNITURE. CO.. S8-8O Grand ave. East 77fle) Highest price, paid for nsed furniture, car pets, stree. ranges, etc. We "call promptly. SWAPS ft 12 COWS, all just fresh with oalves, 5 laige Durham and Holsteins: these are heavy milkers for dairy use, the balance are Jer seys and Jersey-Guernseys, milking from 4 to 5 gallons per day. This ia mostly a new bunch received Saturday. Will take beef cows In ex change. 1128 Macadam at. South Portland car to end of line, 1 block south. 1 block east DlsC phonograph, $25; Pittsburg typewriter. $26; ltoesall electric Ian, 2n; eierinc heater. $9; Chadmnn'e law, complete. $25; two good watches, $26. Want aut-j, furniture. piano, clothing, or whatf Tabor 332-', WILL trade some good work horses and some frcdi cows for a light automobile. 890 Powell Valley road. Woodstock car 8PASS7AUtO cheap for cash, or will accept desk typewriter or what aa part payment. 746 E. 1 lth at. PIANO teacher i professional ) will exchsnge in stniction for dressmaking. Marsh. 8780 after Sunday. OOCH? organ to swap for good graphaphon. grafonola; must be good. Bellwood 1179. LADY'S new gold watch, 2 French plumes: want rugs, or whatf Phone 319-01. WILL exchange grafonola or Victrola for type- wrlter. Phone Bellwood 3227 WIU, exchange brand new grafonola for piano. Phone Sellwood 8227. WAXTED MISCELLANEOUS I WANT U8ED CIXTHINQ W, pay from giu up for men for all kinds of other clotliiiig all us and be convinced. 167 First sf.., near Morrison. Main 788. GOLDBAUM. the Tailor. i o - wo pay up to $26 por plats; old timers ar. moet valuable; no matter if broken; orowna. bridgework. dental gold bought. Bring or mail. Mail orders receive? promp) attention, (licensed.) THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 408 Spalding bldg.. 4th floor. Corner 8d and Wash. WANTEIs People of Portland to know that I pay tlie highest cash prices for second hand household goods. No amount too large or too small Prompt attention. N M. 8 EATER, Phone East S 2Q8. 148 Bnssen st. WANTEIs Rose and tree pruning and all k!nds of lawn work done; also wanb-d lawn, to keep I porvo f meeting the deficit in main dnring the summer. Ed Darr. 246 H Alder j tenance for the year 118 meeting th. cost Ma'n 16S2. 'ENCYCIPEDIA BRITANNICA." Uth ed., India psper; Book of Knowledge complete: eoturr "stuoMtj iu i voi.; g,v. oargain pnc. for spot cash. P-675, Journal. WANT to buy from private party white or cream-color party dress, size 88: must be in ' good condition and a bargain.' W-666. Journal. WANTED 10,000 factory second or second hand pressed brick; can also use large quan tity used common brick and hollow tile. C-i 52, Journal. WANTED Electric elevator outfit 1 ton ca pacity or over. Must be In first alas. I dltion C-4&3, Journal. WANTED Stovea, dressers, bedding and all kinds of household furniture for eaah. Phone East 8923. SEWER CONNECTIONS AND CESSPOOLS R. Miller & Son, Tabor 6652. 25 E. 7th at. OLD IRON FENCING WANTED Prop postal giving description and where at Shelton Bcchtel. Jennings Lodge, Or. WXNTED A femilynittipg-macbin.; must be in good order. Stale price. X-526. Journal. WA'NTiriwvn. vort..,., .k .... . t- i ooel eoort.tie. .h ..Til V-o good Tabor 873 5 PRIVATE party will buy 10,000 feet 8 or 4x4 rough lumber. j 1880 E. Taylor. TO buy a fireproof Safe. Give price and sis. and where it can be seen. 8-81, Journal. SMALL power sprayer, with or without truck. N-562. Journal. SMALL second hand power sprayer, eitner on truck or without L-928, Journal. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras, leoaam. Hochfield, 85 8d at. Phone Main 8681. 30 CALIBRE Springfield "magagtae rifle f$UU price and conditions. W-459, Journal. BANDSAW, 20 or 26-tncb, Inquira 207 Pen noyer st. zoo Jeflerson. 'ia.nLWANTED For rtt " mink or aqulrreL 19SO. 4. Particulars. G 24U. Journal Particulars, i; 24a. Journal WANTED Fur coat in seal, mink ox squirrel. Particulars. B 518, Journal WASTED Used dragsaw. preferred; moat be cheap. WadV or Vaughn 680 Si. 4 1st st. .8 WANTED A kitchen cabinet. 234. Phone Tabor WANTED Child'a bigb chair. Tabor 8795. PERSONAL 8 I -rf i-xrrtr Consultation FREE. AH LWyer 611t Belling bldg. Main Consultation FREE. AD LADY, BARBERS Shave 20c. haircut 85c, face maaeag 35. 253 Everett Ami 34. tl GST WELL. fbes rftKB r, nst Every day from 10 a m. to 4 p. a. and ev eninca on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from T to and Sundays from 10 to IS. THOUSANDS OF St'Ff ERER8 WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are invited to investigate Chiropractic methods, which are per manently curing hundred! every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS win thoroughly examine you, mak. a eonvplet. diagnosis of your cam and direct your treat menu WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOD WHATEVER CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, rare and modern science of curing and pntentinf disea-. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cor. 95 per rent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns. The above eervte. la all free to yon at the oollege building and may b. had in private it desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also b. had "iese onuamg ty members of tne I acuity by either lady or men practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner nf Park and Yamhill. Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL in connection with college. Will handle out of town patients at a most reasonable rate in orucr to now what Chiropractic can do. Ad dress all communications to DK, 0. W. ELLIOTT. President 100 CHIEOPKlCTin STSTVT.M Dr. McMahon. Macleay bldg., Portland, Or. a past-amsieur, a cmroiiractor of wide exnerl ence. a 100 par cent chiropractic specialist, srith highest testimonials from patient, from Eastern state. familiar with, best adiust- ments; also from Western- and local patients having unfortunately had loss than 100 per cent chiropractic elsrwbera, with, oft course, corres ponding disappointments in delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with my 100 chiropractic philosophy, experianc. nd auperior skill demonstrated in consultations, evsmtnationn. adjustments, rates and, finally, results. Tenth year in this city. Phone,: call- or write. 81 "treats" $15. 4th AND WASHINGTON NEW HOME. 647 E. SALMON ST. Accomplished at Last Painless dentistry absolutely performed by the nerve blocking mehtod, without after effects; let Ul prore it to you We make X ray ex aminations of teeth when necessary, along with other operations... We speoiaua. in first daas dentistry at reasonable fees. DR. A W. KEENS DR. E. H PUEHN Majesltc Theatre bldg., 8M H Washington St. Old False Teeth Bought We pay up to $28 per plate; old ttmers are most valuable; no matter if broken; crowns, bridgework, dental gold bought. Bring or mall. Mail orders receive prompt attention. (Llcenaed.) THE AMERICAN BROKER AG IS 405 Spalding bldg.. 4th floor. Corner- 8d and Wash. STAGE DANCING TAUGHT By P&ntages circuit' moat clever dancing comedian; eccentric, buck and wing, clog. )ass, soft shoes, shtmmie or comic. I produce or teach anything to fit yon for vaudeville. DAVEY JAMIESON. 12 to 2 p. m, 71 8 Filers Music h'dg ILLUSTRATED' Instruction by competent dental nurse. - for parents and , children, on "Oral Prophylaxis" Ithe eare of the mouth and teeth), Tuesday and Thursday, 4 .30 p. m. Contributed by J. E. Steventon nd C. Smith Long, 310 Bush A Lane hldav NO PROFITEERING IN CLASSES Dr. Oeorg. Ruben. tetin. the veteran optician. Rakes the beet eyeglasses at very reasonable prices. Torfe and Kryptok, also th. cheaper grades 226 Morri'nn t Main 291 W0ITI.D like to meet any person that Is instructed in mechanical ideas, steam or gas engine: worm gears, hydrology, where a steady, constant flow is wanted and several other mechanical ideas. W-654, Journal. 1 1 ( i ET8 bot h ' tied np" good af Tr.ilons". CKIKOPOIJIST and FOOT Sl'ECIALI.IT, wno doesn't bun yon. 8 yrs. hete. Exam, free, h-b. Theaue bldg., 11th A Washingtcn. Mdwy. 281'4. BATHS Steam baths and massage, new enuip ment.. apotleasly clean; loth floor Broad way bldg. Marshall 8187. ' Trained nurse. Dr. Lonra E Downing. ERICKSON'S WHITE SHIELD MATERNlfT HOME for unfortunate girls; no publicity ; babies placed in Christian homes. Address 798 E. 72d at. N. Phono 312-79. WANTED Composers . of vera, or inualc to write me at onoe; brilliant opportunity for good talent. Addresi Hurrell VanBuren. R. 2. Grand Opera House. Chicago. DR7H. L. HEISLEItrdrugleaa physician: acut. and chronic diseases, nerrvnusness, cunstlija tlon. Eveninga, by apiiointment, office- 208 E. 35th and Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 1565. PR IM ED A BAI.M, "Tormerly- called "Balm "of Figv, for diseases nf women. 844 E. 88d st Sell. 2218. Phone mornings GOITRE, enlarged glanda. rnopia cnira them- selves pormauenUy. A.' R. tilraohaa, HUls boro, Or., Route 6. CUT PRICE- s tora v! packing, mfr. Ed w ards Furniture Co. Main 1927, A 2828. Store Sth and Oak. ; SCIENTIFIC BODY MA&SAGK DR. 0VI01A 1.ARSKN. 427 MOBCAN,. MAIN 1999; RESIDENCE EAST 1147. OPALINE Mrs. Sninmerj reinsdles for fits eases of women; positive relief. 246 I An coin. Main 9470. MYRTLE CUIUl'8 manimirinf parlor, fine and scalp treatment 783 Morgan bldg Marshall 2886. FEHSOTAVX Hair Cut 35c, Shave ISeiivST- opt"nietruc 209 Morr- 107 4th st. near l.yne theatre. T. HOWARD M.-Pleas, verite to gen.ral de livery Spokane, Wash. Can help you, lick or well. Laura peards BUPEftFLI'OlTS moles, warts re,mov.d by 10 needle method, trial frs.. Joala Finlay, 814 Bush A Una -bldg Main 0308. DR. SACRY treats corns, ingrowing naila. pedT-cur-.og and manicuring. (ipen evenings. 605. 327 Wash. st. Msnhall 3378. , virrETvTadoi,tbsby girl tinner 8 rfia old: have clothes and all meana of aopportlng. Phone Main 943, Mrs. Adama. XQTICE9 a KOTIEC OF BONTOifcAl.E OF PAYETTE OREGON elAJI'ESCSillt'SIIOS IMSTU1I T, LOCATED IN MALHEUR COUNTY, ORE GON. Until' 2 o'clock p. m.. April 6. 1920. th. Board of Directors of Payette-4 regor Slope Irrigation District will receive sealed proxoejUs at their office in Malheur county, state of Oregon, said office being located in th. one story frame dwelling house jf the aald district, more particularly described as being located In the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 2, township 17 south, rang. 47 eaat. W. M.. in Malheur county. Oregon, for th. purchase of the 6 per cent negotiable bonds of the district in the amount of $10,000, aald bonds being signed and dated January 1. 1919; aald bonds having been authorized for of enlarging the . ditchea and dredging the in take canal, and to provide funda for th. J rf" rnarching i new pumping unit to ! mleraent ,he eli,ting pumping system of bm dilitrict: interest on aaid bonds payabl. I miannuallv. to wn: On the first dsv of i January and July of each year, $3000 of said bonds being due and payable January 1. 1W36. and $500O thereof being -du. and pay able January 1, 1937 . i. L. BROWN, A. A. GUTTERRIDGB. O. W. LATTIG. Board of Directors of the Payette-Oregon Slop. Irrigation District P. M. BOALS, Secretary of th. Board of Directors of Payette Oregon Slope Irrigation Diatriet. . BIDS WANTED Bids for the installation of heating In the Woman's building for the University of Oregon will be received by, the nuilding committee of th. board of regents of the University of Oregon on Thursday. April lit. 1920. until 2 o'clock p. ux. at the office of L. H. Johnson, secretary of the -board of regents. Administration building. University of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon. Plans and specifications may be secured by applying at the office of Lawrence A Holfovd. architects. 1021 Chamber of Commerce build- i irrg, Portland, or at the pfflr. of the secretsry 1 the board of regents, Administrstion building. L Diversity of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon The executive committee of the board of gents reserves the right to reject any or all bids. f Successful bidders will he required to fur nish a bond for th faithful performance of the contract. L. H. JOHNSON. Secretary of the Board of Regents, University or Oregon. JsOTfCE "hereby given that m and after this date I will not be re'iponsible for any debt contracted. ry my nusband. A. T. r.mat, nniaaa 'authorised in writing bv me. I fella r.rnst. WALNUT PARK MARKET, R. A. Idicia, pro- prietor. 909 Williams ave.. Portland. Or., sold - i 10 J- D- BMxm kaarch 11. 120. PROFESSIONAL ARB BOSIKBS MMECIOW BARBERS' iUPPLItS LEWIS .STENtiER BARBER SUPPLY :0.. I Oth and Morriaon t. The place to buy barber chairs and supplies. Stock of furniture always on hand at right price. ," BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLM AN, LNU, 109 2d $t. blank book saanufactuiwra. A-8181, Main 188. OOK) i KEW AND USED BOOKS, t ALL SUBJECTS. t JOHNSON'S BOOK 8WHK, 848 Main St.. bet. 2d and 8d CARWBT OLEANIfta Fluff Rugs From Old . Carpets " J;;. Rag Ruga, all sires M.ii Orders lrampt.'' Send for Rieklet. 9x12 Ruga, Steam or Ory Cleaaad. $1.59. TIA FF RUG CO., 84-58 rnion are. V iRsat 51. B-147S. .Carpet Cleaning i Sizing and Refitting Fluff and Rag Rugs WOVEN ALL 8I7.ES WHITE OR CALI.. PORTLAND RUG CO.. 1072 E. 1 7th t A litems tie 818-94. We Make Fluff Rugs ; From Your Old Carpets- Rag nigs, all iso. Mail orders prompt. Hugs snd caneta steam and dry cleaned. Phosai or write for trW lint. Northwest Rug Co. 183 E Eighth ft- East 880. OAT AND 00a H08PITAL ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL 4 E. Tth ?t-, cor ilrant Kaet 1HT, B-I989.-- CELLULOID BUTTONS THE lKWINIIOHrtON COMPANY 87 Ws-ihinglon Rroadway 484, A-19B cement Work GENERAL building and excavating and eema$ work Oarages a specialty Eaat 7876. Boat dene and office, HE. 22d at. OHIMNaTV IWIIP BISHOP, CHIMNEY SWEEP Fumsce smokes t)iroigli registers, neend rw Palring or cleaning Can its. Tabor 86. OHISIOPOOI8T DR. T. H. CH A M B E RS foot specialist sad chiropodist, will call st voiir home Hours 19 to. B Rooms 805 S06 Swetiand bldg. Mar. 814. ' 0MIR0PRCT0rt CHIHOI'IUCTORH Dra. Todd A llamaoh.r Acute and ehronia hours. 10 to 6. Room 805. BwetUnd bldg. DR. MM A HON, 1 00 per eent adjustments, oaailjf. mreftilly. permanent. Stt rna tm U $16. Phorny OOAL AND WOOD ROC SI'HINt.S UTAU COAL Main D606 CENTRAL Kt'EI. CO.. 249 2D BT ' JFLIVF.WIE8 TO AU. I'AIITH OF CITT. Dry Wreckage" Wood" Sawed to Onier Oordwnod and I'oai MODEL FUEL CO. EAST 6188. O'fic. and Yard. 184 Union Arm. WE SELL IN I.AIKii: OR SMALL QIJANTITl Henry Ci...ev Slab. Mak nd rVrrttmod. Star Wood Coat Co. 34 3d at. Main 6011. lb or block sawsxt t0 order; ooal special price in 8 ton lots, big hhjck and slab atilxad, p.rtly dried, .awed . .t,eiat prlc.: in 2 or a load lots National Foe! I'n., Fat 2041, Delivand lmruedlaUly by Fulton Wood Oc. 1191 ?'l.r'm i'!"m!L Mln 1 7 8. i GOOD Tump coal $10 p.r tint Eaat" Sid. SUav wood rmiti), 287 E Morriaon at. Pbooo Ea.H 2220. BLOC K and " .labwoodr .8 80 " alonbTTJoal lota. V,M11awn 4 102. OOLLEOTIONS NETH A CO. Worcester bliig" Main lit. No oollection. no charge Estab. 1 900. EDUCATIONAL DAM 01 NO THE Dance Studio. 609 Dekumhhfe Wa.kln. tn at Bd. Strictly pnvabj eaa,na, half hour" " fL - 'SZ" M ' onn" l""na sixvially priced. Daily. 9 3Q a m to 0 p m. wim Ireland. UIM.l.r.H S Dancing At-sriemv tnl.-. ij lr.f school. Class and private lessonj dlllf. f.tHU..BJ.alI. 14tt,.nd W..I... E. Rdw, 8880 MR' ''M KITS BerVeley dancing iiidimF. 19 4th at. laaona day, evening; class Thur. Indies, $2 60; genu, $fl. Main 8318. .""O ..Hei JNO TEsCHISI VTT)LIN. mandolin Instructions;" advanced" hill. "EItfU?J IMIORTINO DO., dli v L .. " 7 " and smoked fish Tamhtll t . Portland, fir I HE Fi b SHOP Expert remodeling at a aavlng ",,mm'r price, now In affnel ' Swetland bldg., 8th and Wfiwtl0o, qPTOMBTellgTB AND OPTIOIAN GIABHEf, AT A SAVINO"" 3HT . ' yur patmnaf on the Hr-' basl. nf capahl. .ervice. . TrWsand. . "f sat(.fied p.itronv '),..L.. tr KT!';!."'',?VTI.''PA, r-v TESTK5 tmnt. inatrum.nta. Ulaasaa hJJ.!W7X. Jh-totrietrtst. 228 1st H 5 1? ILIOl.!? T!5 L' ' m AWtiTeio"" I'ATsNoro',28fla,, Uaaut- '""riss: J II. CLIFTON nalndotf tintiH. .. i - . . U I N ATtaiT ATTORNCVfl 1"?. r"7'-ly..a cla.-d with na 8 xamt- era from th. U. M patent of'u-a Maan taL.. wick U.W, lawyers, flOO F at Wash! - Ihgtotl f. C.; 220 llnaJ... S T cfty- itl WHv.iciANa " I'R. R A PHILLIPB, BniadwiTrddi iGZZ matlam, stomach, bowel, lungf Uver. MrS. arrectlon, high Mood pressure PLUWUHvO 'IjDJTIsM Urrtnr ' ' PLUMBING fJUI'PLIES AT WHOLES A I 1 PRICES BTA UK-PA VIS f TO. . 1 8 8 4 th St. frtlWTINa. KMORAVISia aiSJBlia F W. liALTES CO, ls hd Oak Main 166, 81168. TAILORINO IN OPENING MY ORI0INAT BI SINEKS AT 245 FIFTH STREET PORTLAND. '1111:1.0s On March let aa designer and tailor I tain 1 . . , .... - . mis uptsmiiniiy 01 siating tnat as a meant ef iniroductlon. I will from the 16th of March to April 1st. cut pat terns from an? fahion hook for children of either sex not over iu years of age. free nf chare: after ad.i.k date I shall be pleased to cut for both ladle boo gentlemen at reasonable ensrgea ALL WORK GUARANTEED In cotinecttloD with tlili establishment ning classes for pupils will be opened. D MASF1IN PHONE MAIN 2048. TINNERS JACOB IOHI.I. TIN, 6HKET DION AND ftOOl WORK. 310 in t 1 Ph'-ne Mala 1434, T88iri8 and iToeaai STORAGE SPACE. ; Infiwtifat Onr riant, ud BatiH. VTiy $usum istrlv-r jrmyt b'tH) -wis! CLAY S. MORSE, Inc. 12th .ad CllWn. Vhotim Hdwy. Oregon Transfer Co. - KfltablHied 170. ,, Transfer and Forwarding Agents. '. : STORAGE--FREE TRACKAGE. Office and' StoreKt 474 Glkaas. 18tb and GHian. Broadway 1281. A-1169. ALWAYS PICK THE BLST HOUSEHOLD GOOD8 SPEf:ULIMT - Storag.. packing. shipping and moving. Hors. and atao vaxaa Special rates to all points. 4 0 0. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGl! CO., V 2d and Pine, Broadway 696. A-1996. CUT FHGIUilT RATES On household gwls rhiined east and south. Maay ning WtrWioti.e A Trsnifer Co., Oth tad Boyf. Broadway 708. - SECURITY STOlRAGE TRANSFTBR CO., . 106 park at, Main 5196, A-1Q61. WATCH REPAIetlNQ WATCH AND CLOCK Bring ua your wort and bar. it AVrne fight; $11 work guaranteed. Cst ttwk Co., 21t irtXllnger bldg., Aldar at. COT. 2d. ' t