The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 13, 1920, Page 16, Image 16

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    J ' -.A
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SATURDAY, ' MARCH 13, 1020.
Nineteen Protestant Denomina-
r tions . to Be Represented at
Conference Here March 17.
Oregon county directors for the
simultaneous financial campaign of
the Interchurch World movement
and denominational county directors
will meet in conference at the First
Congregational church Wednesday,
March 17, to outline the entire finan
cial campaign. Nineteen Protes
tant denominations of Oregon are
represented In the movement and
the organization for the financial
campaign includes a county direc
tor for the interchurch movement
Itself In each county and a county
director for each of the denomina
tions. There, will he morning and
afternoon sessions' and a noon lunch
eon. A team of speakers which has
conducted similar conferences at Se
attle, Spokane, Boise and in Mon
tana towns, will have charge of the
The state campaign has been placed
In charge of Frank C. Jackson an
there are state directors for each de
nomination.' The national campaign has
for its goal a budget for 1920 of $036.-
This is the largest financial budget
ever proposed for volunteer giving, be
ing more than twice that of the United
War Work campaign. It Is the first
objective in which the element of con
jecture Is absent, for It is based on a
clentifio survey of the needs of the
world. The raising of the $336,777,572
will be adequately distributed among the
states and each? state will make quotas
on the same basis to each county, ac
cording to Lyman L.. Pierce, director
. general of the simultaneous campaign.
The county will make quotas to the
committees and the communities will
raise the funds through an organiza
tion made up of a number of divisions.
Each local church will maintain its
identity and be a unit in its denomina
tional division. There also will be a
"cltliens' division," which will seek to
secure Its share from the community at
Sinister Efforts of
Militarists, Topic
President Wilson's recent letter is the
topic that will be discussed at Dr. Mc
Klveen's Current Event class at the
First Congregational church Sunday
- noon. The doctor will indicate how
much of Article X in the covenant of
the League of Nations is a new idea
in the realm of international affairs.
He will also have a word to say about
the revelations that the letter gives of
the sinister activities of the militarists
and Imperialists then and since.
East Taylor at Sd
Rev. J. J. Staub, D. D.
11 A. M. "The Pilgrim
7t4S P. M. "The Peace and
Power of His Presence"
First Presbyterian:
- Twslfth end Alder StraaU.
o. o.
10:30 . W.
7:30 r. M.
by I. I. Courttn.
SOLOS, by Mre. Virginia
Spencer Hutchinson. and
Mr. Otto
11 A. M. Sermon by the Pastor,
7i30 Missionary Meeting
Mitt VIRNA HERTZLER, t rsturrttd ml.
Sronary from JAPAN. Mil iput.
10:10 A. M.
- - .Seeeotf mt Lentan Ma
7rSO P. M.
Country Purvey
ikows Necessity
&l pastoral Sid
Morrow county, Oregon, with 5000 in
habitants, has only two resident Protes
tant ministers, according to surveyors of
the Interchurch World Movement now
working IrK that locality. One of the
Protestant pastors has been in the field
uix months, the other only about a
month. A Roman Catholic priest- was
the only pastor at the county seat. A
15-year old boy living not far from the
county seat had never seen a preacher.
Surveys showing the present ' extent of
religious work in every district in Ore
gon are nearing completion.
Dickson to SH-ak
Evangelist L. K. Dickson will speak in
Christensen's hall Sunday night at 7 :30
o'clock on the much discussed topic, "Can
the Dead Communicate With Us"? This
lecture will be the fourth in the series
which Mr. Dickson is giving on Spirit
ism. A program of music will be ren
dered and a congregational sing will
precede the lecture.
Over 40 Respond
Over 40 persons responded to the altar
calls given by the blind evangelist. Rev.
E. J. Freeman, in his recent campaign
at the Swedish Baptist church, accord
ing to a report given by the pastor. Of
this number, SO are said to have pro
fessed conversion. A large number of
those converted are young people.
East Side Christian
Church Remodeled
The interior of the East Side Chris
tian church is being remodeled to meet
the requirement of that thriving con
gregation. The pipe organ is being re
built, the console being removed to a
place at the left and in front of the
pulpit; the choir loft and pulpit plat
form is undergoing a complete change.
and the baptismal font is also to be
Improved. Two large rooms are to be
added in the basement for Sunday
school purposes. The work Is being
rushed day and night and, while the
auditorium will not be fully completed,
arrangements have been made to hold
the usual Sunday services. The church
has made a remarkable progress during
the pastorate of the Rev. R. H. Sawyer.
who is now upon his fourth year with
the congregation. During this time the
congregation has bought and paid cash
for its present church home, and in the
many changes and improvements that
have been made no indebtedness Is in
curred, pastor and people adhering
strictly to the policy of "pay as you
Month Devoted to .
Work of Evangelism
Centenary Methodist church is devot
ing the month of March to an Intensive
program' of evangelism and social ef
fort., designed to bring every member to
undertake some distinctive Christian
task. "Get busy," is becoming the
watchword in all organizations) More
than 100 persons are devoting some time
each week to special work in behalf of
the church. The pastor, the Rev.
Frank L. Wemett, is preaching a series
of sermons dealing with vital religion.
Baptists Open New
Revival Campaign
A revival campaign will commence
Sunday at Glencoe Baptist church.
Meetings will be held each night during
the coming week except Saturday.
Monday night the Highland gospel team
will be in charge : Tuesday the Glencoe
Etheal gospel team ; Wednesday, Rob
ert Mcintosh and his Bible class, and
Thursday and Friday the pastor, thr
Rev. F. C. Laslette. March 21 to 28,
Evangelist S. J. Reid will preach.
District Superintendent, G. E. McDon
cld will preach Sunday morning at
the Fourth United Brethren church.
Regular Sunday services will be held at
Third church. .
SERVICES 7:80, 9:30, 11 and 7:30.
7:30 R. M.
It Physical Heallnt Included In the
Oempariton af Ancient Beliefs With the
Ormmt. Doctrine ef the Bible,
irectors for Snterchurch
important ems
The budget for 1920 for the SO de
nominations cooperating in the inter
church world movement is S336.777.S27,
of which S17S.448.349. ia to be paid this
year. This budget is subdivided Into
seven general sections, which cover ail
or the church boards and organizations.
The divisions are : Foreign missions,
$107,661,488 ; home missions, U09.949.-
037 ; American education, 178,837,431 ;
American religious education. $5,931,-
925 : American hospitals and homes. $5,
15,116,465 ; American ministerial support
and relief, 120,510,299: special items in
cluding war relief, temperance work,
etc,, $8,770,927.
Dr. William A. Waldo, pastor of the
White Temple, has launched an evan
gelistic campaign looking forward to a
great ingathering between now and
Easter. Of the 475 resident families be
longing to the church, 63 family groups
have been organized, through which
service will be performed. Dr. Waldo
will preach twice Sunday The evening
service will be evangelistic.
Dr. W. B. Hinson announces that he
will answer the question Sunday morn
ing at the East Side Baptist church :
"Why Only One Bible?" In the eve
ning he will warn his hearers not to
become a member of the "S. I. W."
This service will be followed by bap
tism. Twenty new members were re-
"Portland JBranchSs
pened for Church
publishing p)ouse
In order to meet the demand of the
Methodist churches In the Northwest
areas, the Methodist Book Concern has
opened an office here in the Piatt build
ing. A salesroom was opened In con
nection with the - of fice of the Pacific
Christian Advocate in 1915, but when
ever any church needed extra supplies
it was necessary to send to the nearest
depository at San Francisco. In the
future this will not be necessary as the
local office now has a complete supply
on hand. Charles B. Penney, who has
been with the office 'since it opened in
1915. has been appointed manager. Mr.
Penney has been with the book concern
for 14 years, having worked his way
through the shipping and sales depart
ments to his present capacity. Supplies
for all Methodist churches in Oregon,
Washington and Idaho will be ordered
through the Portland office, and the
Northwest business hereafter credited to
Portland instead of San Francisco.
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Uniform Sunday School Jiessons
"John-On the Isle of Pitmos." ReT. 1:4-18.
Golden Text: "Jeus Christ t the same yester
day and today, yea and foreYer.' Heb. 13:8.
Young People's Topics
Baptist Union "Patience and Its Rewards."
I Cor. 13:4-7; I-uke 21:19.
Christian Endearor "Patience and Its Re
wards." I Cor. 13:4-7; Lute 21:19.
Epworth League "Patience and IU Rewards."
I Cor. .13:4-7 ; Luke 21:19.
First White Temple. 12th and Taylor TUt.
William A. Waldo. 11, "The Voice of a
Prophet": 7:30, "Election, or The Chosen Life."
East Side E. i-'Oth and Salmon Rer. W.
B. Hinson. Rer. II. T. Cash, associate. 1 1 ,
"Why Only One Bible?" 7:30, "Dont Be an
S. I. W.," followed b) baptism.
Third ancouier and Knott Rer. R. E.
Close. 11. "The Christian and His Friends":
7 :30, "The Conrerslon of the Queen's Treas
ures.' followed by baptism.
Ariel E. 4th and 48th t. Rer. Owen
T. Day. Preaching by Dr. S. J. Reid. 11.
7 :30.
f Canary E. 8th and Grant Rer. J. E.
TiutTias. .11, "Like t Mighty Army "; 7:30,
"Come and 8ee."
Glencoe E. 4 6th and Main Rer. F. C.
Laslette. 11, "A Ruler in the Church Who
Needed to Be ConTerted"; 7:30, "The Tragedy
of Almost"; baptismal serTice.
Sellwood Bethany Bet. W. X. Ferris. 11.
7 :45. .
irace E. 76th ind Ash Rer. F. W. Star
ing. 11. 7:45.
Unirersity Park Key. 8. Lawrence Black.
11. 8.
Swedish 16th and Hoyt R. T. G. Sjolan
der. 10:30. 7:30. "The Deeper Meaning of
Belierers' Baptism."
St.. Johns Chicago and Ionard 11 7:30
Highland E. 6th and Alberta Dr. W. T.
Milliken. 11, "The tiod You Know"; 7:30,
' Unconscious Glory."
Mt. Olivet (colored) Broadway and ETerett
Ry. J. ,W. Anderson. 11. 8.
Elim Swedish Mallory and Skidmore ReT.
A. G. Ssndblom. a :30, 3:30.
Lents SSth at. and 60Ui aye. Rer E A
Smith. 11. closing semce of Eyingeiisl S. J.
Reid; 7:30. "The Supreme Moment," by the
Cat hollo
Pro-Cathedral l.TTh and Darl Rer. E V
O'Hara 6. 7:15. 8:30. 8:45. 11. 7:45.
ios3op7r3ror1"nu-R"- v- Beuuen 8-
M. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rer. J
Hughes. 8, 8:30. 10:30, 7:30.
t. FVam-is E., 12th and Pine Rer. J.
. o. if. ivu, i:ay.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and
Stanton Rer. W. A. Daly. , 8, 9, 11. 7 30
Holy Rosary E. 8d and Clackamas Uey. E
8. OUon. 6. 7, 8, 9. 11. 7:30.
St. Rote E. 53d and Alameda Rey. J.
OTarrell. 8. 10:30. 4.
.-.i. jynarews k. th and Alberta Kay. J.
Kiernan. 8. 10:80. 7:30.
The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Re?.
George V. Thompson. 7:30. 8. 11.
Ascension E. 76th and Yamhill Franciscan
Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Blewed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena
Ker. F. VV. Black. 8. 10;30, 7:30.
8 "oT3ort7sl.'774 Bwdoil-K"- c Ryond.
St. Ig'natius-3220 43d at. 8. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 6:30. 8. 10:30. 4
St. Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Key War
ren A. Waitt. 6. 8:30, 10:30. 7 30
Holy Redeemer Portland blyd. and' Tancon
730"' WU1Um J- rtrte- 6. 8, 10:30,
St. PhilliD Neri Puili
and Hickory Re?. M. L. Ferry
10:30. 7:30.
E. 16th
7:80, 8,
St. Clements S. Smith in. and N'ewtoi
Semte Fathers. 6. 8. 10:30 7 30
Sacred Heart K. 11th and Center' Rt
Rob. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Agatha E. 18th and Miller Bt. J.
Commissi. 8. 10:30 7:30.
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fail
ingKey. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30. 7.80.
SL Joseph (German) 15th and Couch
ReT. B. Rurrer. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
S .MiehMl (ItAliM) -4th and Mill Rt.
M. Balestra. 8:30. 10:30, 7:30.
O t-' M 'i7o'C5I-,o1 F,ther --loin.
St, Charlea -E. "33d and Albert ReT. J.
P. OFlyiin. 8, 10:30.
All Saints E. 39th and G'lisan ReT. Father
Wilham rontn. 8. 10:3O
v 8mm t"ct1 9tflh ,nd Sayier Rer. Charles
M. Smith. Maasei 6:30. 8, 0:15, 10:30. 7:45.
Flr? PV "d Columbia Rer. Harold H.
,JlV The GosP' of Good Health.";
7:45, "The Loom of Proridenee." '
East Side E. 12th and Taylor BeT. R. H.
IX" i, ThK Erolution of the Christian":
7 :30 "The Bloody Track of Ciriliaation." '
D.Bll,,niT-E-87th ttd Librty-IUT. Jowph
Maie'lTE713Roh w"nt R" R- Tlbba
..Ke? PVk Rt. J. V. Ghoraley. n
ndT,I,1in,": 7:80 ,,H " Read
the Bible to Understand It."
ChrMlM Sctoftot '
Leasoa subject: "Subetance."
Firt 1BU and Etwrett. 11. 8.
Second E. tn and Holladaj. n, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth Vannwayer and Emerson. Jl, J.
Fiftn 2d mmi 3d aT. . E. ji a.
of M ews Smong (Churches and Houng
ceived last Sunday, the beginning of
Dr. HInson's fourth year aa pastor.
Large audiences have greeted the
Baptist ministers of Portland who have
been conducting evangelistic meetings
at the Arleta Baptist church during
the past week. Next week's campaign
will be conducted by Dr. 8. J. Reid,
state evangelist for the denomination.
The pastor of the church, the Rev. O. T.
Day, Is directing -the music Evangelist
Reid will preach Sunday night.
The Rev. H. E. Close, new pastor of
Third Baptist church, will administer
baptism Sunday evening to several can
didates. Evangelist S. J. Reid will close his
revival campaign at Lents Baptist
church on Sunday morning. The pas
tor, the Rev. E. A. Smith, will preach
Sunday night
The much discussed topic of divine
healing will furnish the Rev. H. H.
Griffis with his topic for Sunday morn
ing at the First Christian church. In
the evening he will speak on the divine
ordering of human events. A musical
offering will be given by the church
quartet The new church building com
mittee will meet Monday evening at the
Hazelwood to further plans for the new
church. A large portion of the funds
have been subscribed. The time Tor
commencing construction will be settled'
soon. The building committee: A. H.
Averill. R. B. McClung. C. B. Brown.
A. E. Meserve. F. A. Douty, Mrs. M. D.
Owens, Mrs. B. E. Kennedy.
Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner an
nounces that the permanent diocesan
headquarters of the Episcopal church
have been opened in the Ainsworth
building. Third and Oak streets. The
bishop, the nation-wide campaign com
mittee and "The Oregon Churchman"
will have departments. Special stress
is being laid upon religious education
by the denomination, so a display of
the latest church material and literature
will be on hand.
Dean Reginald T. T. Hicks will preach
at both services on Sunday at the Pro
Cathedral. Intercessory prayers are be
ing offered at all services for those who
attended the healing mission held by
Mr. Hickson. The Sunday evening
young people's meeting will be led by
Miss Helen Ballard, who will read a
paper on "St. Patrick." The red and
blue campaign teams will make a re
port through their captains. A dinner
will be given to the winning team at
the close of Lent. The teams are in
charge of Miss Armande Wilson and
Goodrich Hayes.
Mrs. Wilson Johnston has issued a
call to all interested in ethical teaching
of the young to meet Monday night in
Siith Masonic temple, 368 Yamhill. 11, 8.
Seyenth Holhrook .block. St. Johns. 11.
AU churches Wednesday. 8 pa m.
First Park and Madison Dr. TV. T. McEl-
l reen. 11. "A Challenge to the Church." by
Key. W. S. Beard of New York; 7:30, "la Man
Depraved or Diyine?"
Sunnyside E. 3 2d and Everett., ReT. 3. J.
Staub. 11. sermon by Rer. J. H. Matthew of
Seattle; 7:45.
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett.
Rer. E. E. FHnt. 11. address by ReT. R. M.
Pratt; 7:4, "The Masters Word, the Key to
Health and Freedom."
Highland E. Kth and Preseott 'Rev. Edward
Constant. Preachin3 by KeT. C H. Shank of
Alaska, 11:. 7:30.
Waverieigh Heights E. 33d and Woodward
Rev. Oliver P. Avery 11. address by Rev. C.
H. Harrison of New York: 7:30, illustrated lec
ture. Lmurelwood 45tb ave. and 65th t. S. E.-a-
Mrs. Alice M. Handssker. 11. 7:30. addreaa
by Rev. W. S. Beard of New York.
Pilgrim Missouri and Sliaver Rev Robert
Murray Pratt. 11. address by Rev. E. 0. Mead;
Vniversity Park Haven and Iorobartl' ReT.
C. H. Johnston. 10:30, address by Rev. A. J.
Snllena; 7:30.
Finnish Mason and Albina Rev. A. A.
Hariu.. 6 and 8 p. m.. address . by Rev. E.
St Johns 8. Ivarvhoe. and Richmond Rr.
J. T. MerrilL 11. 7:30. address by Rev. E. O.
Dajiifh-Norwegiui E. 23d and Sumner
Rev. Ole Torgewn. 11. 7:30.
First German E. 7 th and Stanton ReT.
George Zocher. 11. address by Rer. G. Hein;
Second German E. 8t.h and Skidmor Rev.
Henry Hagelganz. 11. address by Rev. G.
Graedel; 7:30.
Zion German E. 9th and Fremont- Rev. J.
H. Hoop. 11, 7:30. address by Rer. G. Hein.
Chnrv.h of the Brethren Borthwick and Brai
r.ard Ry. George C. CarL 11,8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop; Very Rev. It.
T. T. Hicks, dean. 11, "Our Father"; 7:45,
"Go Tell That Fox."
Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor
rison. 8, 11, 8.
St David E. 1 2th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 11. 7:30.
St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rer. J. G.
Hatton. 7:30, 11, 7:45; daily. 7:30 a, m.
St. Andrews Hereford St., Plymouth Arch
Deacon Chambers in charge. 9. 11. 7:80.
Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Rev.
Osward W. Taylor. 8, 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8.
St. Michael and All Angels E. 4 3d and
Broadway Rev. F. T. Bowen, vicar. 8, 10, 11,
Church of Our Savior 60th iavej. and 41st
st. S. E. Rev. E. II. Clark, vici'r. 7:30. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial - Good Samaritan
hospital Rt. Frederick K. Howard. 7. 9:30.
St. Paul Woodmere Rev. Osward W. Tay
lor. 4.
All Sainra 25th and SaTier Rer. Frederick
K. Howard. 10. 11.
St Johns Memoria.1 E. 16th and Harney,
Sellwood. ReT. H. Clark in charce. 11. 7 :30.
St. Matthew Corbett and Bancroft Rer.
W. A. M. Breck. vicar. 10, 11.
Fim E. th and Market ReT. E. D. Horn
achuch. 11, 7:30.
Clay Street 10th and Clay Rev. Jacoh
Stocker. 10:43. (German). "The Blessing of
Family Worship"; 7:80 (English), "Dynamics,
Without Which the Mechanics Are Dead."
Swedish Tabernacle V. 17th and Gliaan
Rer. J. C. Ledin. 11. 7:30.
Frw Methodist
Ontral East B5th and Flanders Rer. E. L
Uarrlngton. 11. 7:30.
First E. 9th and Mill Rer. S. H. Upton.
11. 7:30.
Albert E. 30th and Wygant Her. M. V.
WheUelL 11. 7:30.
St JotuM E Richmond and Hudson liev.
E. D. Black man. 11. 7:30.
Lents Rev. 8- H. Upton, acting pastor
2:30. 3:30.
First E. 85th and Haiti Rot. Homer L.
Ccx. 11. 7:45.
Seoond E. 92d and Slat are. Her. Lurane.
K. Terrell. 11. 7.
West Piedmont Borthwick tad Jersey Rev.
Care? Jeesupp. 11, 8.
Jewish -
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Reform Synagogue.
Service Friday 8 p. m . BaturVlay 10:30 a. in.
Congregation AhaTal Sholom Park and Clay
t. Kabbi R. Abrahameon. Friday, 8 p. m. ;
Batnrday. 8:30 a. m.
Congregation Nerah Zedeok Talmud Torah
tb and Hall Rev. Abraham I. Raeenciantl.
Friday, 8 p. m.; Saturday. a. m.; Sunday, 10
a.- m. EaUgioua tchool.
Latter Day SalnU
Church of Jeans Christ of Latter Day Saints
R. 28th and Madiadn Ueber C. Iverson,
miaaion president. 10. 7:30.
W Park : and Jrffenon Rev.
William E. Bnnkman. 11, 7:30
St. Paul E. 12th i and Clinton Rer. A.
Kranae- l:Sp (German). "Tb. Greet Amen
th Conclusion of the Lord's Prayer"; 7:80,
"Th Lord Re.gneth." ,. , ' '
(Muaoen Wynod) William and
mimbeeh, 1:16, 2:80.
Trinity church parish house. Talks
will be given by Dr. A. A. Morrison,
Walter Senkins and Miss Rock wood.
St Andrews mission, under Arch
deacon Chambers, has ready for presen
tation to the bishop a class of confirma
tion candidates. As soon as Bishop
Sumner is able to resume activities one
of his first offices will be a special
service of confirmation.
Inquiries are being received at the
diocesan office for the little book writ
ten by Dr. Hickson on "Healing In the
Church," A supply win be received
shortly, when copies will be available.
Dr. Joshua Stansfield, pastor of the
First Methodist church, has announced
that he. will Bhow in his Sunday morn
ing sermon that there is an infinite dif
ference in human experience and char
acter between a doom for man and a
destiny. He is preaching the sermon
by request "God is man's shield from
the worst of nature and circumstances
and lifts and carries man to immortal
destinies." Dr. Stansfield says. The
evening service will be evangelistic.
Dr. E. C. Hickman, pastor of Wilbur
Methodist church, will tell his congre
gation Sunday morning of the great
task lying before the church to win one
million souls by June, 1920. Dr. ,Hick
man recently gave up his position with
the church Centenary to accept the
local charge.' A program of music has
been arranged. To more effectively ad
minister the social service program of
Wilbur church, the pastor and official
board have opened an office at 206
Beck building. Sunday night Dr. Hick
man will conduct an evangelistic service
at the Montavtlla church. He will be
assisted by Methodist minute men and
special singers.
A series of revival meetings will be
held during the coming week at Lin
coln Methodist church. The pastor will
preach twice Sunday. Beginning Mon
day, Mrs. Laura Jones, a graduate of
the Chicago Deaconess Training school,
will be in charge.
The Sunday evening services at Clin
ton Kelly Methodist church are being
conducted by the minute men. This
Sunday the Rev. C. H. Burkholder of
the Centenary movement will preach.
A quartet of minute men will sing.
In the morning the pastor, the Rev. E.
S. Mace, will preach a Lenten sermon.
Dr. Howard Agnew Johnston will
preach a special sermon for young peo
ple and their parents Sunday morning
at the First Presbyterian church. In
the evening he will begin a three weeks'
series covering questions about the Gos
pels. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock Dr.
Johnston will conduct a class for the
graduates of the junior department of
service for the deaf, led by Rev. G. W. Gaettner
of Seattle; 7:30.
Our Savior E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. A.
Christensen. 11 (English). "The Greatest
Miracle"; 7:30, special meeting of church mem
bers. Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davis Rer.
Wilhelm Pettersen. 11, 8.
Grace (English) E. 24th and Broadway
Rer. C. H. Bernhard. 11. 7:30.
Bethel Norwegian- (Free) Wygant and Rod
ney. Bethany Danish Evangelical I'nion and Mor
ris Rev. L. P. Kjoller. 11, 7:30.
St. Johns Peninsula and Kilpatrick Rev. L.
Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30.
Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodneys
ReT. V. G. Ogren. 10:4 5. 7:4 5.
Immanue) 10th and Irving Rev. A. V. An
derson. 11, 8.
Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune Rev. 8. C.
B. Knutsen. 11. 7:80.
Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap
man and Salmon Rev. H. H. Koppelmann.
9:15. 10:15. 7:45.
Alberta English E. 17Ui and Alberta (Baker
hall). 10. 11.
Methodist Episcopal
Carson Heights Rer. G. S. Brown. 10.
11. 7,.
Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rev. Frank L.
Wemett. 11, "The Romance of Redemption";
7:30. "Holy Boldness."
Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. A. R.
Maclean. 11. 7:30.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell-Rev.
E. 8. Mce 11. "Art Thmi Alo One of; This
Man's Disciples?" 7:30. "Existence or liife 7 "
by Rev. C. II. Burklyokler.
Epworth 26th and Savier Rev. J. Sanford
First t3th aud Taylor Rev. Jothna .Stans
field. 10:30. "God Our Shield '; 7:45. "Why
Not a Christian Now, Excuses or Reasons
Fin,t Norwegian Danish i 8tb and Hoyt
Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11. 8.
Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. Rev. A. C.
Brakenbury. 11. 7 riO.
Lenta 86th and 6Sth ave. Rev. F. R.
Sibley. 11, 7:4 5,
Lincoln E. 6 2d and Lincoln. Rev. F A.
Glnn. 11, Christian Dynamics ; 7:30, Things
Worth While."
Montarilla E. 80th and Pine- Rev. Hirsm
Gould. 11. 7:30, preaching HJr Dr. E. C.
Mt. Tabor E. '81-st and Stark. Rev. E. G.
Decker. 11. "They Shall See to Whom No
Tidings of Him Caiue"; 7:30, "The Tcaciier h
Patton Alberta and Michigan Rev. George
H. Bennett. 1 1. 7:30.
Rose City Park E. C8tb and Sandy Ksv.
D. Lester Fields. 11,7 :80.
Sellwood E 15th and Tacotna Rev. W.
S. Gordon. 11. "The Meaning o( the Lords
Supper." followed by communion; 7:30, "The
Man Whom Jesus Sent Home."
Sunnyside E. 30th and Yamhill Kev. W.
F. Ineson. 11. sermon by pastor: 7:4 5, lec
ture by Profeteor .Nurman F. Coleman, presi
dent of the L. L. L. L. Topic, "Lincoln and
St- Johns W. LeaTitf and Syracuse Rot.
W. E. kloeter. 11, 7:80.
Swedish Beech and Borthwick Rev. Abel
Eklund. 11.8.
University Park Fiske and Lombard Rer.
H. T. Atkinson. 11, 7:30.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid
more and Vancourer Rer. A. Christensen. 11.
7 :30.
Wesleyan E. 53d and Gliaan Rev. D. B.
Hampe. 11. 7:45.
Westmoreland Milwaukie and Midway Rev.
E. 8. Mace. 7:30.
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. E. C. Hick
man. 10:30, "Winning a Million Folks for the
Woodstock E. 4 4 th and Woodstock Rev.
L. (J. Poor. 11, 7:30.
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rer. J.
H. Irnne. 11, "The Great Central Doctrine
and Dynamics of Christianity"; 7 :30, "A Great
World Quarantine."
District superintendent. Rev. William Wallace
Youngaon. D. D-. 91 E. 62d st. N. Tabor 2790 ;
M. E. South
First Union and Multnomah Roy J W
Byrd- 11. 7:30.
Nazerene ?
First E. 10th and Weidler Rev. J. T.
Little. 11. 7:30
BcUwrod E. 9th and Spokane Rv J. G
Brlngeoabl. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood 65th ave. and 67m at. Her
a C. Fowler. 11, 7:30.
Highland Park E. 14th and Jarrett Rer.
W. P. Keebaugh. 11. 8.
Scandinavian D48 Garfield Rer. Daniel
HaUstrim. 11. 7:30.
First 1 2th and Alder Rev. Howard Amww
Johnson. aiti)t pastor.. 10:30. "Th. Cri&i
Tear in th. Ufa of a Boy"; T:30 "Hw Much
ot . th Oropela la Iegnd 1
Weotminaier East 17th and Schuyler Rer
Edward H. Penrs. 10:30, "Mart"; 7:30,
"Vindrswa and I nor in the Horn-"
Crrtrat E. 13th and Ptne. ItrT. Walter
Henry Nafent. It. "The Secret of Gimtnew"
T :30, "God's Wsy snd Ours."
Calrary 11th and (lay Rrr. Bowrinc
Quiek. 11. "DiTtae Hralin Under the Lens";
7.30. "The Gospel in MJdnurht Skies."
Mt. Tabor K. 35th aod Belmont Key. Ward
MacHenry. 11. 7:30.
Vernon 19U) and Wrrant RrT. Brace
J, Giffea. 11. 7j30.
Piedmont 0e!and and J a rrrtt Preac h iaf
by Her. Lcrt Jobruoa. 11. 7:80,
Fourth Kirt . and Oibba Rer. Monroe i.
FTerctt. 10:30. "Beta a tientlenaa Wita
God"; 7:80, "Utrwofth isd Coarace."
Jkenirworta E. 34th and Uladatoae Ber.
L. K. Gnaaea." 11. "The PUcoat a Sons":
- " , ", , ,
people's Societies
the Sunday school. He will be assisted
by Mrs. A. B. SlauKon. For several
weeks the members of this church have
been working on a campaign of invita
tion and persona work outlined by Dr.
Johnston in January. Thursday eve
ning at the mid-week service there will
be! a conference for all workers in the
campaign. At the monthly meeting of
the Woman's Missionary Boclety last
Tuesday, the following officers .were
elected f President, Mrs. W. B. Osborne ;
ftrBt vice president. Mrs. Wallace Mc
C am ant ; second vice president, Mrs. W.
A. Evans ; third vice president Mrs.
Henry Kirk; secretary, Mrs. Glen G.
Tqwnsend ; treasurer. Miss Cornelia
Lamberson ; secretary of literature, airs.
E. E. Everts ; secretary of young peo
ple's work. Mrs. B. P. Duncan ; secre
tary to children's work, Miss Viola
Charleston ; membership secretary, Mrs.
James F. Swing. The woman's asso
ciation meets every Friday and makes
hospital supplies for the tuberculosis hos
pital. Much work is also being done
for babies in homes in the city. A spe
cialty is made of quilting. The regular
meeting of the auxiliary to the Woman's
Missionary society will be held next
Tuesday at 7:30" p. m. Annal reports
will be read and officers elected.- Mrs.
Fred N'eal of Kameron. Africa, will talk.
The Warren vesper class has increased
its membership to over 200 adult young
people. The class meets each Sunday
at 4 p. m. Clinton O. Bay has been se
cured to take charge of the devotional
and song service work.
Dr. Edward H. Pence will continue
his Lenten sermon series Sunday morn
ing at Westminster Presbyterian church.
He will preach Sunday evening on early
Children's W&eek to
c Ohs erved Bet.
gipril 25 and jlflay 2
International Children's week will be
observed this year between April 25
and May 2, according to an announce
ment made by Miss Georgia Parker.
superintendent of children's work for
the Oregon Sunday School association.
Mies Parker does not expect to .do much
of the individual work herself, but she
is now busy giving the ounty super
intendents instructions In order that the
celebration might be a success in every
county. The work in Multnomah coun
ty will be in charge of Mrs. S. Earl
Du Bois. Conferences will be conducted
and parent-teacher meetings held in the
various churches. On the clostng day
pastors will be asked to speak on some
phase of religious education.
"The Story of How Scotty Won Two Crosses."
Hone 78th and Everett Rev. H. E. Giles.
11. 7:30.
Roe City Dr. Robert H. Millifan. 11,
"The Doc trine of the Atonement"; 5:30, "The
Arrest and Trial of Jesus."
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein Rev. Ward
Wrlris Long. 11, "The Call of a Jew Day";
7:30, "The Upward Look."
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Iter. Theo
dore P. Smith. "Gifts or God's Grace"; 7:30,
"Two Sons."
; Anabel F. H. Mixaell. 11. "Rooted in
Christ": 7:30. "A Toung Man's Religion."
Millard Avenue Rev. W. Lee Gray. 11,
"Let's Fish": 7:30. "Mother's Ixive."
Marshall Street 17th ana Marshall Rev. A.
J, lUnna. 11.
Mispah E. 19th and Division Rev. P. A.
Thompson. 11. "Confessioa" : 7:45, "Barb
Wire Entanglements."
Unity E. 71st and Sandy Rev. 8. W.
Seeroan 11. "Christ s Friends"; 7:30, story
of missionary work m Africa by Mrs. F. W.
N'eal of Africa.
Reformed Prebytrln
First Minnesota and Ainsworth Rev. F. D.
Frazer. 11. 7:80.
Seventh Day AdvenUsU
Note Regular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Everett U K. Dick
aon. p.tor. 10. 11:15.
Tabernacle ftth and Montgomery G. W.
PetMt. minister. lO, 11.
Montavilra E. hOth and Everett J. A. Gar-'
hart 10. II.
Unu-04th st. and 58th ave. W. D Hunting-ten.
lo. 11.
St. John. - Central ve. and Charleston
A. K. Folkenberg. 10, U.
Albina Skiluiore and Mallory Elder M. H.
Wentland 10. 11.
Scandinavian 'j!d St. and 89th ave. Elder
O. 8. Lee. 10, 11.
Salvation Army
Corr No. 1 24 3 Ash st Adjutant Henry
B. OoJtens. 11, 8:15, 8.
. Cori No. 4 128H 1st Captain William
(i. Smith. 11. 3. 8.
New Church Society 331 Jefferson Rev.
Villiam H. Reece. 10:45. "The Three-Fold
Meaning of the Second Commandment."
' Churrh of Oar Father Broadway and Yam
mill ReT. W. G. Kliot Jr. 11. "Certain lm
inrtant Problems for Every ,Prent in Bringing
Up Children, and the Solution"; 7:45
Chrutisn View of Msrnags "
United Brethren
Conference superintendent Re
G. E. Me
Donald. ' .
First F I 5th and Morrison Rev. Byron J. :
Clark. 11. "Preparing the Way"; 7:30.;
"Points of Emphasis." - j
Second E. 27th and Sumner Rev. Irs
Hawlej. 11. "The Finger of God" : 7:30. "Rich
in All Vidom Is the Word of Christ."
Thini 87th st snd 32d ave. S. E. Rev. E.
0. Shepherd 11. "Satan's Neicliborbood ' ; .
7:30. "The Ksre."
Fourth Tremont Rev. C. P. Blanclisrd.
11. preaching by Rev. G. E. McDonald, district
suoerintendenf. 7:30, "Heaven, by pastor.
Clover-dale 446 Jessup Rev.
Walter Rern-
old.". 10. 6:30. 7:30.
United Evangelical
First E. 1 6th snd Poplar Bev. J. A.
Goode. 11. 8. .
CK-kley Green Willamette bird, and Gay
Rev. H. H. Famhaan. 11. i do
St. Johns Kev. A. P. Layton.
11. 7:80.
United Presbyterian
FirrtF,. 87th and Hawthorne Rev. H. F.
Given. 11. sermon by Rev. M E. Dunn, synod-
leal superintendent: 7:30. sermon by Dr. J.
Knox Montgomery of Muskingum college.
Church of the Strangers Grand and Wasco
Rev S. Earl Dn Bois. 10.30, sermon by
PreKident J Knot Montgomery of Muskingum
college' 7:80. sermon by Rv. R. W. Caldwell.
Kenton 120 West lK)mbsrd Rev George
N Taylor. 11. sermon by Ret. R. W. Cafd
will of Pittsburg; 7 :30. sermon by Rev. M. E.
Dunn of Spokane.
Christian and Missionary Alliance E 0i
and Clay Rev. John K. Fee lO 11. 7.30
Realization League 148 18th Rer. Edward
Slilli. 1 1 . "Preparing tt Understand ; 8, 'In
trinsic Nobleness." '..,
. Chrwtaderpbian 821 E. Washington. IO:80.
Chursh of God 88 Falling Harry Neai.
11. 7:30.
Gospel Hall E. 28th and Stark.
Men's Ueeort th and Burnside
11. 7:30.
-ReT. LTi
Johnson. MlperinteSKiertt- 8.
J c!f,n.Tn,,rd
11 . ft' .d W
Dirine Scieore I'ortiana notei i,
M. Mi-
Herrteeoatal Kirt and m ahinEtn He.
Will C. Trotter. 1 1 . 3. 7 :30. retly. T : II O
Glad Tidinia (PentacoaUl Mission) 24SJ4
Jt 2. 3. 7:30. ,
Volunteers of America 224 Bumaide. Een-
incs except Monday at 8: Bunday .8. 8.
Portland Kcclr-ia ( CbnatadelphiAB) 1S97
Belmont Oeone H. TilUrur. secretary. 11.
Peniet Miaaion 266 H Alder. 4, 8. Serrieea
each night at 8.
Church of Christ E. 7th and Gliaan. 11.
i Fir Npiritoalist E. 7th snd Haasslo. ler
Inre and menace by C. W. Shaw at 8 snd 7 :45.
First Spiritual Science 121 4th t. Rer.
Mai Hoffman. 8, lecture by Bar. J. H. Lncaa;
8. lecture by Rer. R. M. Hiiifleion
Penteeoatal 310Ve Tamblll 2:80. 7:80:
daily, 7 -SO.
Internatkmal Bible Htnderrta W. . O. W.
temple, 11th and Alder, 3. 7:30.
City jsO 2d sad Osk " Coapsl strms st
SM to David law. ' . 'i
to J5leet in
CDhurch HCeaders
jFrom utside to
ccwgy pulpits
Three leaders irg the United Presby
terian church President J. Knox Mont
gomery of Muskingum college, Concprd,
Ohio : the Rev. rJ W. Caldwell, a mis-
Dunn of Spokane, synodical superin
tendent will be tut Portland over Sun
day and occupy pulpits. They will
speak in the United Presbyterian
churches as folloVrs: At I-Hrst church.
Dr. Dunn In the njorniiig and Dr. Mont
gomery in the evening; at the Church
of the Stranger. rJjr. Montgomery in the
morning and Dr. ..Caldwell in the eve
ning; at the Kenton church. Dr. Cald
well in the mornidg ' and Dr. Dunn i,n
the evening. Thf three men will also
attend a conference In the Church of
the Stranger Monday afternon and eve
ning in the interest of the New World
Movement. A baiqvfet will be held at
6:15 In the College Inn. The aftrnoon
and evening addresses will be Illustrated
by the Ptereoptlcqn. Tuesday the team
will be at Albany!. The public will bo
home life. The woman's association will
meet Monday, at :30 p. m. Mrs. F. W.
'eal will relate stftn? of her experiences
while a missionary in Africa.
Or. Walter H. ?,urent was greeted bv
a large audience litst Sunday on his first
appearance at Central Preshyterian
church. He will preach twice this Sun
day. k
A "juvenile reception" will be Riven
by the older foISs of Anabel Presby
terian church net Wednesday to the
younger folks. :'i
'j sit
Certain important problem for every
parent to consider in the raisin? of cfrll-
dren and the solution of these problems
will be the text Jif the Sunday morning:
sermon by the Rijv. W. O. Kliot at the
CVurch of Our Father. In the evening
he will speak onjjthe Christian view of
riarriafte. The choir has prepared music
for both service?. The Lenten study
subject for next vreek is "Meditations at
Pilgrim Shrines.' The classes meet
Monday night at the pastor's homo; and
Tuesday evening; and Thursday after-
roon at the churcji.
; k
In response to ,the call of Bishop W.
H. "Washinger, thO members of the First
United Brethren church pledged them-
pelves last Sunday to give $6000 to pur
chase additional rjrround adjacent to the
present edifice, ijj order that the work
of the church might be enlarged. The
plans of the congregation call for the
erection of a neyr -structure soon. Less
tljan two years ago the church was J2000
in debt. This djbt has beerjj canceled
and in addition !he church put over a
3000 endowment campaign for the Unit
ed Brethren colleee at Philomath. Bet
tor business mertiods is given as the
cause for the advancement. Dr. Byron
J. Clark Is pastof of the church. He is
planning to beglrj n. three weeks' evan
rellstlc campaign;; on Sunday. The ser
ies will culminate;-on Easter. The junior
and adult choirs ewill sing at each serv
ice i
First Methodist
12th an(( Taylor lbU.
Nature Mldt Only Doom.
God etitaida From Nature
"Why Not 4 Christian Now
Excuses or Reasons,,
Rev. Fraik L. Wemett,
William T. MUlihen, D. D.,
11 Pattor
11 A, M. "Tke God You Know"
6:30 J. M. B. Y. P. U.
7 jO P. M, "Unconscious Glory"
"Winning 4 Million Folks"
Heart Message
- (Mrtbodlct Eplanpall
.. Utlt A. M.
. Innoirlnar Mostc Ir! by Professor
XaJo Jbrtet Mixed qaavrtri 4Sol
raise wool
Three hundred years ago tie Pil
grims landed on Plymouth Rock.
Sunday another group of 1'llgrims
land on Oregon. They come from
the North, East, South and West,
and they are here to help the Port
land pilgrims raise $50,000, Port
land's share or the Pilgrim Memo
rial fund of ,8.000.000. The land
ing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth is
an event worthy of commemoration.
It was in the cabin of the Mayflow
er that the covenant was formulated
which became the. banin of the con
stitution of the United Stated. It
was there that they arranged for
what became the New Englnnd town
meeting, which Senator Hoar de
scribed as "the finest piece of-polttl-
cal mechanism ever devised by th
human mind."
The leader of this IH'.'O pilgrim band
is the Rev. W. S. Heard of New York
city. Mr. Beard has Just completed a
campaign In Washington, which WM
highly suoce.spf ul.
Ills first lieutenant is the Rev. C. H.
Harrison of Pullman. Wash. The aeu-
ond lieutenant is the Kev. Thomas
Street. Mr. Street In an Americaniiad
Englishman. Before we entered the
war he tried to enter the Canadian serv
ice, but they turned him down for some
Incidental reason like flat feet, but Mr.
Street kept everlastingly m u and final
ly got into the American service not as
a chaplain but as a doughboy. He served
for a year and a half.
Other Invading pilgrims are the Her.
H. J. Kllbourn of Montreal, the He.
Klwood O. Mead of Ohij. the Rev. Wil
fred Withington to Cheney, Wash. ; the
Rev. C. H. Shank of Alaska, the Rev.
W. Ft. Prltcharrt of Spokane, the llev.
Gottfried Uraedel, the Kev. E. Koven.
the Rev. .1. 11. Matthews of Seattle, the
Rev. W. W. Blnir of Forest Grove, the
Itev. II. O. Crocker of Oregon City and
the Rev. Arthur J. SullrtiM.
Local pulpits will be occupied by these
men Hunday. The Sunday morning
schedule Is: First ehurcli. Dr. Reard ;
Pilgrim church. Dr. Mead ; Sunnyside,
Dr. Matthews: Highland, Dr. Shank;
University Park, Dr. Sullen ; Svaver
lelgh Heights. Dr. Harrison; Atkinson
.Memorial, the Rev. R. M. Pratt : First
oerman, the Rev. a. Ileln; Second
German, the llev. (5. Grnodel. Sunday
evening's schedule is: Laurel wood. Dr.
Beard; Parkrose. I lev. Thomas Htree.t ;
St. Johns, the Rev. R O. Mead; Zloit
German, the Rev. (1. Hrln. In addition
speakers will be In Congregational pul
pits at Astoria. Reaverlon. Hlllsboio.
Rainier, Scappoose. Ht.. Hel-
rns. forest Grove. Sherwood,
"Can the Dead
With Us?"
Where Are They?
What Does the Bible
llth Hi. But. Morrison anil Tamhili
Special Program of Music
'Divine Healing'
Are the present day mani
festations evidences of the
returning of God's favor to
the race?
All Bible references on thi
subject clearly and fully
explained by
Lecturer for
the International Bible
Students' Association
Sunday. March 14
3 P.M.
lit St. Bet. MTatshlffUm and .Aider
t .4tip-