' 1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, MAKUri 13; lBfcU 13 ruNF-At, directors OKI JIK5TS A.vD, Kenwortfoy & Co. 8802 304 92D ST. 8. K.. LENTS. Phone Tabor 6367. Hobs Fhorte D-61. (9BLACSIMQ GRATWTE C?l Portland MarbEe "Works 266 4th st , opp. City Hill Neu Bros. LOST AID FOUND tl THE following arthie liate been found on can of tlM Portland Railway, Light A Power Co., March 11: Pwur purees. 2 palm gloves. 2 gloves, bunch. keys, enff link, 2 hook, blue print. 5 ptrkagy. 4 suitcaei. 2 lunch box, Ut,- eoat, 14 umbrellas. Owner may obtain property at 1 st and Alder sta, t8T OR MIHl.AND-PoHcy No. 793414, ls- mied by The Penn Mutual Life Insurance To., n the life of George W. Hansen. The finder . will please return It to toe undersigned. An application ha been made for the issuing of a duplicate. George W. Hansen. 1830 K. Lincoln, A LAVENDER and gray mixed wool, n-srf. With purple stripe In the end. lost on Iur bam ave. bet. lVkum ira. and Vulcan at.. Wednesday evening. Finder please tail Wood lawn 1429 Reward. , LoHi' Kriiiay etefling, purse with glasses, on Alberta car or bet. Union and Williams eves, on Kitwell it Return purse and glasses to 609 Horn at. Upward. Wtlii the party who picked up umbrella in . ' Robert Rms. about 8 :S0 Thursday, March 11. please rail Marshall 2459, u It was rai ned as a gift? Reward. WfLLHperty who picked up silk umbrella with ivory handle ana amber handle, in Meter A Frank's text room about 8 p. in. Tuesday, call Tabor 480. Hewrd.j tTOST Medal. irfit-Os "onback. "P. n. IL. Jan. 1. 1917 " Rcwsrd. P. I. Holmer, 1018 Douglas at. N. E.. Washington, 1). U. EbsT ABot.onbrindle bulldog. Main 8389. Reward. LOST--Silver cigarette cam; initials "t. J." ,on jnsVle. Phone Marshall2407 Reward. LOST -By soldier, email purse containing $85. fall Woodlawn 6052. Reward. LOST Msrrh 10, cameo brooch. Reward for return to 81 l lt at, FOUND Setof"fufs. Call Manhall 1800. HFLP WANTED W ALP. SALESMEN Trie Journal wants arreral young men to solicit classified adrerttiting. Splendid opportunity to learn newspaper and advertising work. Nicer future for the right men. Must be energetic and .thoroughly reliable. At least high irhool educa tion necessary. Salary to start 13 a day. Apply to Mr. Pickens, classified advertising manager, between 9 and 10 l m. only. Don't phone. THE PL' BMC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU City of Portland U. 8. Government Can fumlah help, male or female, frea of charge to either party. MEN'S DIVISION Flatlron bldf., 811 Pine IU rnnne Broadway 3(U. WOMEN'S DIVISION 202 Beck bide Broadway and Oak. Phone Broadway4 3o. MEN WANTED Lumber Industry In Klsmsth county, Ore gon, will open about March 1 or 15. Employ ment for about 2000 men in logging camps, sawmills and boi factories. Good wages. 8 hour day. Address Klsmsth Lumbermen's A Loggers' assn., Klamath Falls, Or. tAIilEsHind gantu' tailor and buihelman, one. who can draft and cut. patterns; good wages and steady job to right party. French lye Works,' Centralia. Wash. , V A N TEI-' '1 A ew ire' , sal esman; position will make big money and future; state age and experience; prefer young man with knowledge of automobile. W-580. Journal. VANT EU- Two strong, active young men for packing and shipping department; also one for wrapping mail orders. Ask for Cliarlie at qui; warehouse, E. Oregon and Union ave. TAILORS. ATTENTION! Strike still on in Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. SALESMEN Experienced or inexperienced (H9 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. FIRST CLASS layer-out, capable of taking charge of general vrnrk In boiler shop, (jive full particulars. N-681, Journal. - WANTED Vahers "and eneineera; one that can make repairs; good wages to competent man. Oregon City Laundry. 100 UOnTfTTEllsTboTh gas and hand work. Stb and Hawthorne. Tabor 1644. Sunny tide Fuel Co JANITOR WANTED 207 14TH ST. WANTED Woodcutters; fir, J2.25; ash, $2.73; otk, $8. U. J. Berltman, Battle Ground, Wash. .xWO boys over 16 to learn pottery tradeT Pa cific Stoneware Co., 687 Sherlock ave. N. CKAKiE K Lon Job and rfood ky. La layette Nnr-ery Co.. Lafayette, Or. HELP WANTED MISC. 4 A1H 0X AUTO SCHOOL" UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. WE HAVE GRADUATED A LARGER PER CENTAGE OF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS THAN ANY SCHOOL IN THE WEST. II CATALOG FREE $A LARGE R8-PAGE BOOK WITH COM PLETE INFORMATION WILL BE MAILED FREE TO AN k ADDRESS ASK FOR BOOK NO. tt. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. THE COURSE IS FREE TO TOU TOO IX) NOT HAVE TO ADVANCE ONE CENT THE STATE PAYS US. SCHOOL CAN BE IN8PECTED Daily at 11 a. m. ADC0X ATJTO & GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. CNQUESTIONABIr THE PUPERI0B SCHOOL WE PAY STUDENTS WHILE LEARNING. Wa teach our students by practical et perirnoe as well as the theory. In whatf Automobiles, Gaa TraMori, Stationary and Marine Engines, Ignition Systems. Gener ators, Starting Motors, Lighting Systema and Storage Batteries. Our students take down and build up automobiles an dt rect ors. HEMPHILL S AUTOMOBILE AND GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 IJaw. T1IORNB AVE. To prove that Uita school excela we give tour weeks' frea trial la tha beat automobile school in tha Northwest- Satisfied arudenta boost our school. . Hemphill's teachings bring gaa luceeaa. A Poaition for Each Gradual. ALIHKI BLDG. MEN WANTED Gat Into the automobile biuineaa. Give ns 8 weeks of your time end see how easy it is to learn under HEMPH ILL'S latest Improved xorthod. Apply HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne are. Take ML Scott or Hawthorne car at 2d and Alder to K. 20th. POSITIONS ASSURED" tVEBT GRADUATE OP BKH.N EE-WALKEB BUSINESS COLLEGE, PORTLAND Enroll any ttm. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Frea catalog. '7 LEARN TELEGRAPHY Tonng men and woman wanted. Call 434 Bailwar exchange bide. Splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profeasioa. Frea booklet Ballway Telegraph Institute, DKKo BlIlNESS COLLEGE. bookkeelnnT ataaography. ciril service, sec rets rial, special oursee. Uxiwrt teachers; day and aiabt; earoU ow. Phone Broadway 8083. BOCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank 1C Welles, former Assistant Stat, erupt., mgr.-5. W Bank bldg. Phone Main 8276. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Regina Bucket's private school; individual kert ruction. 122 Vj Grand aee Eaat 4T H ELP,VASTED FEMALE I EXPERIENCED saleswoman for infanta' de . part menu Apply employment bureau before 10:80. LIVMAN, W0IJE ft CO. WANTED SEVERAL TIDIES P0R DEMON. - STRATING WORK IN OREGON; SALARY AND ALL EXPENSES PAID. SEE W. R. HA DUE Y. CONGRESS HOTEL. APPLY IN ritBSON. NO NOT PHONE. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted, 8 in family, modern -- bouse; good home for the right woman. Call t 406 Ivy st., between 9 and 12 t. m. WANTED Woman or gTri to take care ot 4-year-old girl while mother worka. 987 H xnvision, oetween aaa ana m its. WAStLD An" to sMUtf room a a Immu la &Vocl& JD H. Welch. .4fttrU, Or. wanted ExpraT ooet finisher, ' $80 per week, if eatisfsctory. Room 436 Waahlna toei bldg. V' AXTEl A practical nurte to rtrg for betlthj baby and assist with housework. Call 1332 Alameda Drive. Roe City Park car. WOMAN for wood 491. housework. . No washing, gell- CIRL tot general hoiisswoia. Apply J 61 Lad- ehngtoa ooun. . ..v ...,,...-.. HELP WANTED FEMALE DO TOO WANT TO JEABM A tiOOO SALABTT A aalary that ta paid whfla yoo lean the buaineae and that tncraasea fre ejacBUr a you gaia experience' UO TOO KNOW BOW MUCH TRI.KPRO.WB OPIBATINU KMP1AIXES HA H.N And what celll, opportunltSee that hare for promotion to eiecuUvg poii tioat Wat NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS f Our Employment Saperrtaor will gladly Uli you the fact and will tlao explain the many other adrantagee of talaphoaa aparaung tor youna woman. Apply at Telephone Company, Boom aui 8th rioor Telephone BuUdjna. Park and Oak Street The Pacific Telephone a Telegraph Company WANTED Eipertenced marker and norter to go to Tillamook ; fare paid, good wagee. good rlace to work. Ree Mr. Blmona. NatiuDal sundry Co. phona Sunday Eat 8246. HELP WAKTEP MALI AND FEMALE. WANTKU Men to learn the barber trade recetra aome pay wjiile learning; poettiom ecred : Oregon ex-aerrice men. the course I free to you. Call or write for particulars and catalogue. JIOI.KIt BAKBKH COUJCUE, 234 Bumide t. HOW would you like to make f 2 to $4 per eve ning soliciting In your- neighborhood? Iiigh class bmineaa. Apply 2M Oak St. MKN, WOMEN, learn baroar trade; wages while learning, position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' experience. Oregon Barber College. 2S3 Madison PORTLAND Barber college pars yon while learning gives rpn sat 'of tools frea; posltloa secured 88 N. 2d ft. WANTED AGENTS THE PREMIER BURNER concentrates the tremendous heat unite of kerosene In a eiean gas fire without smoke, toot or fiimea. Wrll not car bonise, being scientifically cor rect in all details, perfect com. bustlon and a complete circut; the possibility of carbon haa been entirely overcome. Can put m any atove. Country managers wanted to start on small expense. For particulars write HARRY MESSLER. 69 H North Sixth St., Portland, Or. SALESMEN WANTED 88 Pass This One Up Iff Yoo Are Looking for a . Soft Soap But if you are willing to work and can use both hands and brain this will Intercut you. $175 required to p.tart wi'B. Must have a car, prcfer aliiy a Ford. A used one will do. 0-899, Journal. WANTED Stock salesman to sell stock, for cor poration manufacturing company; state permit and lUence furnished: will let contract to sell all or part of stock issue. P. O. Box 7 HIT Astoria. Of. 81 1 CATION'S MALE BUSINESS MEN DO YOU NEED HELP? SMALL SETS OF HOOKS K fci-T MONTHLY STATEMENTS PREPARED AND MAILED TKIAL BALANCES PERFECTED POSTING DONE REPORTS WRITTEN A LL WORK DONE BY EXPERIENCED MEN WE CAN SATISFY YOU Business Men's Clearing ouse 447 MORGAN BLDG. MAIN f76. SALES MANAGER With executive ability" in handling and manag ing salesmen and details of all kinds; jiut ar rived in this vic.nity from the East and looking Icr good connection; excellent opportunity for some growing concern where real, sales manage ment is ruwes-ary. E-tlls. Journal. CHAUFFEUR, married, would like permanent position with prirate family; several years experience; able to keep car in good condition. Johnson. Call Broadway 4881 day, or Tabor 4656 evening. YOUNG man Vanta work, chauffeur or driv ing delivery car; have had experience in taking care of high-priced rars; will work for very reasonable pay. Call Tabor 5603. W'ESfMAGUlRE Painting, paper hanging and tinting. 6193. Rea. and shop. 897 E 89th at. Tabor HOUSE PAINTING Paper hanging and kalsomining, experienced workmen, moderate' prices, Main 8883. SINGLE man. 81, capable to mansge. wishes permanent place on livestock farm. n-681. Journal. MAN offers to put ux Montgomery A Ward bltig. .without union bricklayers. 8H9 Haw thorne ave., Eaat 8408, Latter Day Saint. WOULD like position in drycleanlng plant First class on hand pressing: best of reference. H. W. Holmes. St. Helens. Or. EXPERIENCED young farmer, married, wants job on farm. Wagea or ahares. W-650. Journal. A RELIABLE married man wishes steady work. with opportunity for advancement. Call Sell. 8230. PAINTING, tinting, prices reasonable, work guaranteed. Tabor 80 7 7 . CEMENT chimney work, plaatering. Kopplng A Walton. 109 E. 46th st. Tsbor 2658. ROOMS TINTED. $8: in and Bdwy outside 2258 houae painting; lead and oil. CESSPOOL and connections made. Basement work, rail Wdln. 5405. EXPERT remodeling by reliable builders; esti mates free. Phone Woodlawn 6848. CARPENTER AND REPAIR WORK SELI.WOOD 1012 CEMENT work by contract: all work guaran teed. East 7638. or Sellwood 919. WANTED Cement work and repairing. Wood lawn 4852. PAINTING, papering, tinting, work guaranteed Chas. Gorman. Tabor 5304. PLASTERING, brick work," concrete work done by competent workman. Phone 8eIL 2488. GARAGES, cement work of all kinds, carpenter work and repairing. Sell 8 758. PAPERHANGING. Main 4844. SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED Place to cook in logging, lumber or road paring ramp. Mn. U. F. Warren, Al- bany. Or.. R. 2. DRESSMAKINQ 41 FOR drapery work and hemstitching call Tabor 5830: prices reasonable; work guaranteed satisfactory; will call and give estimates; sev eral years' experience ALTERATIONS, refitting and miking t ladles' garments, reasonable prices i work guaranteed. J Reubln, la sites' Tailor. 406 Rush A Lane bid DRESSMAKING, tailoring, alteration and re modeling. 206 H Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor rison. HIGH-CLASS dressmaking; street dreeeee, sum mer voiles, etc.; Baking of suits into neat dresses. Mrs. Kelly, Eaat 7807. HEMSTITCHING and ecalloping," 10c "syard. 205 H Alisky bldg., 8d and Morrison. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, reasonable. 810-76 automatic. Call " CURSES It PARALYTIC or sick lady paTieota taken iy graduate nurse; prirate residence. Tab. 299. JTRNISHED AND UNFURNISHED FURNISHED ROOMS t FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. hot and cold wtter, steam beat in rooms; prefer work in gm en; within easy walking dis tance from busi nees district. Phone - E. 63 8 2 . WEST SIDE, walking distance, newly rurnlabed room for rent; furnace beat gad phone. Main 6613. ONE two room apt., also sleeping room, all very good. 80S 17tb st. near Taylor. , Mrs. B. E. Kay NICELY furnished room in modern home for 1 or 2; close in. White Temple district. Marshall 2543. 490 Taylor. LARGE well furnished heated rooms. 788 John eon, between 2 2d and 28d sts. Main 8796. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE ' . FAMILY Tt VERY pleasant sleeping rooms. $3 per week. xux ceimont rnone Tabor 802. 3 BOOM, completely furnished, 84 'Per week, or 816 per month. 4S4 E. Onst. LARGBT well furnished, heated roouu.?38 Johnson it. between 22nd and ISrd sts. - (LiusiHHED sleeping rooms at 290 Columbia ' - e.w-ie weea.... FCBSIHKTi ROOMS PRITATB , f FAMILY 7S GENTLEMEN Briutiftil roomx, fumibd In mguocto;. strictly modern, hot water heat, single or two in one room: very reasonable; walking distanee. 18 V Slrt at. Bdwy. 24K8. TWO or 8 furnished housekeeping rooms. N. 2Sd- t. Ill CNFCBHISHED BOOHS If BEFORE renting sea larga unfurnished front room. 167' I t. Apply to photographer. ROOMS AXD BOARD li VOrNf, man wiehes room with board in prirate family, cloee to Hawthorne aye. and between 40th and 60th sta, preferred. E-618, Journal. BOOMS AND BOABD FAMILT FRITATE 7a VANTE1 Two young man to room and board; home oooking and home priTilegea: large front room. 60 E. 12th st Jf. Phone East H2. CfOU room and board in private family for 1 or 2 person : 8 mrala f.tfl, 2 g42.50, 1 125. '269 E. 32d St., near Hawthorne. Auto- matlc 224 So. FURNISHED sleeping mom for rent, will board if desired. Phone East 2790. 374 V an confer ave. TWO nice gentlemen, widow'i home: priTiL'i sa of same, no children, rates reasonable, 1 W blocks to car. 195 E. 74th st. N. MV car. WANTETiFor-company, a lady boarder; $20 a month. Ella Finney, (ierTais. Or.. R. 2. WA5TED ROOMS BOARD 19 TOFXr; man attending school desirea room it.h brd or room without board, in private fam ily. Call Eat 2016. FURNISHED AND UKFTJRTflSHED H OUSEKEEP1NQ ROOMS 8 7 WO newly decorated completely furnished front H. K room. Plenty of steam heat, electri city, gas range, laundry room. 186 Sherman U Msr. 30M3. NICE light H. K. rooms, private "entrance; also sleeping rc.m. 314 8d at. Mar. UU5 or P-'vt. 65R7. TWO arid 3 room H. K. rooms and one single, with kitchenette. Phone, light and water, 6S7 Clhurti. Phone Main 081. tiOOD clean houRekeeping roomt, steam heat, phone; also one suite. 123 14th st. Phone B roadway 1010. , . KU lt. ISHKD l.ouckeetiing, al.o sleeping rooms. 2 BO week. White Housee Room.-. 21.". MUl $12 ONE front room with kitchenette, free cooking gas. light, bath, phone. Adults. IK 2 E 23d S S car. NICE, clean furnished II. K. rooms ill outside. Ea-st 8317. TWO single H. K. rooms, suitable for bachelors. $10 and $12 per montaw 164 N. 18th at. TWO light H K. rooms, light, heat and phone furnkhed ; reasonable. Phone East 7741. FURNISHED tf-room apartment, Williams ave. East 6379. 05414 LA RGE H. K. lights, $20. rooms. Wdln. fuel, water. 2662. gaa. electrio HOFBEKEEPISG ROOMS FURNISH KD AND UN I RN 1SHED PR5VATE FAMILY 78 ONE room for light housekeeping for one. 1717 Portsmouth ave.. St. Johns car. t ROOMS suitable for housekeeping ; will fur nish 1088 E. 18th N. Main S490. 2 ROOM housekeeping suite. $5 Ella St., near Washington. weet 41 ONE clean, cozy, furnished housekeeping room for rent; near car. Tabor 274S. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, closi in. light-, bath, phone. 105 E. 11th. FOR REST HOUSES UNFURNISHED II STORAGE COMMERCIAL AND HOUSEHOLD C.00DS. MOVING. PACKING, SHIPPING. Reduced freight rstes. For expert service call Bdwy. 703. Manning Warehouse & Trana- fer Co, Furniture -Moving Vim Transfer and Storage. Long distance ha-illng. 384 E. Burnsidf. Phone East 6434. 1S SIX ROOM flat, modern.. 1 room rented". on carline. walking distance; can make rent; must buy few piecae furniture, more if wanted. 1 022 H Hawthorne, are., Flat A. upstAin. FOR RENT 4 room house: bath, toilet, base ment, chicken coop, on corner, fruit trees and nice place for garden, rose btuhes, cheap. 8S35 81st st. S. E. A 6 ROOM house to rent to parties buying fur niture; fruit gas, water; will lease with furni ture. $10 month. M. V. Oeput car, 2201 E. Ash. FOR RENT. 120 per month. 4 room" modern bungalow at I.ake Grove, 1 acre ground. Tel D. O. Runkle. Oswego 643. WHEN YOU MOVE. USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT BERVICS 10th and Washington. Broadway BSeV 6-R00M cottage on E. 9th, $15; 6-room house, 845 Front st $15 The Lawrence Co., 212 Corbett bldg. 5 ROOM cottage in rear of" other house; no bath; $ 15. 405 H 4th tt, FOUR ROOM house, good condition, garden spot, weet side. Phone Bdwy. 4 4. "'.9. 5 -ROOM house for rent, 892 Eugene, garden spot; Union ave. car. FOUR-" ROO M house, partly furnished, 3216 3 3rd st. S. E.. near 33rd ave. Mt Scott car. HOUSES FOB RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE tl FOR SALE Good clean furniture for 6 or " rooms; sacrifice if sold at once; bouse to rent If destred. Phone East 4076. 7-ROOM. furniture for sale, house for rent, west side, walking distance. Mar. 1128. FURNISHED HOUSES 86 FOUR modern rooms, partly furnished; water, electricity, garbage included; $22.60; hurry. 649 2d. MODERN furnished fl room house, $40. 887 E. Franklin st- Phone Tabor 6412. MODERN 6-room furnished house, rent $40. 887 E. Franklin st. Call Tabor 6412. THREE room Mar. 4 431. furnished house. Dbli lt St. All modem. FLATSjrO BENT. TJNFFBNISHED 18 5 LARGE modern rooms, upper flat, garage. 1071 E. 23d st N., Alberta. STORE adults. rooms 917 arranged Williams for ave. sleeping rooms. FURNISHED FLATS 4-ROOM flat, partly furnished, fireproof build ing; just painted.' All oonvenJencea, $22.60 per mo., including water, elect light and gar bage. 64 9 2d st. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 41 THE JEFFERT Two-room furnished apart ment. S16 a month, corner Russell and Kerby. between Mississippi and Williams aves. Phone East 1394 after 5 p. m. FOR REN"T Sleeping rooms; easy walking d is- tanoa from the business district; nnt&id. rooms. Ross and Broadway, phone East 1268. FURNISHED 2 room apartment 554 Vt Wil- Hams ave. Eat 5379. Three" furnished apartment: adults. 1157 Williams ave. Wdln. 4336. 2 ROOM, furnished apt for rent, 2 blocks east eteel bridge. 74 K. Holaday ave. 2 AND 3 room apts. Liberty Apti.. 872 E. Clay. Undr new management. KRAZY KAT ftfi30ftOJ STArtt UrVD (JUW 1 SUCH J fa) V APARTMENTS TOR BE5T II APT. FOR BENT PtTRSTSHED Vary attractive 2 and 3 room apartment, wall fumwhed, crupaloo'ly dean; witablt for 2 or 4 adulta. 11T N. 18th at FOR RENT. 8 unfurnlphed lower flats, includ ing wood, water and light, within easy walk ing distance of business district; adulta only. Phone East BS47. THE G HOVER One and two room famished housekeeping apartments. 181 G rover at.. South Portland. Main 9058. WANTED TO BENT SMALL boute of bungalow type with yard or apartment with sleeping porch, unrurnished. weat aide, suitable for three adulta and one child. Feponxir!e. Five years in present location. Phone Marshall 3035. WANTED TO RENT by April 1. modern 5 or 6 room house, or will lease with tha option of buying. Sell. 2029. . WANTED To lease for 1 or 2 years. 6 room house, unfurnished, doee in. modern; no children; reference. N-680, Journal. MODERN f urn i-tied 5-room bungalow for April 1. east side, beyond 26th st preferred- Phone Sell wood 1639. LEASE 5 or 6 room house by tha 1st of Anril: beet of reference. Hell wood 1898. TO CARE for furnished house lor four months for rent. East 6953. REAL ESTATE ' BUSINESS PBOPEBTT 6 TO CLOSE estate. Income property. Union avenue corner, near Russell. East 2195. GENERAL REAL ESTATE II THE ECONOMY REALTY CO. SUCCESSOR TO Cooperative Realty To. at 24. 14 4th st.. is now ready to do legitimate business buy, sell or eichange farms or city property: ipecial attention to emigration: a free information bureau. See us, and save money and trouble. Call ROBERTSON A LEWIS, Marshall 8842. FOR SALE MOUSES I BY OWNER, save commission. $17303 room house, 1 block to school and Arista station on Mt. Scott car; bath, gas, electric llzht, fruit tree and berries; $300 cauth. 4868 66th st. S. E. TernisS37(D)(D)Tersinis Absolutely 6-room modern house snd Int. in 700 block of .K. Couch ; all improvements la ml paid for. Tabor 1599. BY OWNER 5-roora modern bungalow; built- ins, full cement basement, pilieless furnace; garage; gas range and water heater: no liens; two blocks from Peninsula park: $S600: half cash, balance esy A. R. Burt, 14 55 Miss. av. 6-ROOM semt-modern bungalow type, lot 0x 100, chicken home, 15 fruit treea, 1 walnut, 4 shade, all kinds of berries, rosea and shrubbery, 1 s blocks north of Piedmont; $2500; terms. Wdln. 8888 Bi OWNER S rooms and bath., fireplace, buf fet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, full basement, laundry trays, full eiae lot. berries, shade trees. lots or I lowers; a real bargain tor (2800. $923 cash, baL easy. Woodlawn 880. MODERN 8 room house in first class condition. hardwood floors, furnace, concrete garage liberal terms; no agent. 348 E. 34th it Phone Tabor 1146. $2500 8UNNYSIDE HOME Leaving city, will sell 5 rcom seroi modem house with or without furniture, close to car and school. Owner, 1000 It, Taylor st. I HAVE for sale or exchange for Tot and some cash 6 room modern bungalow; also a 6 room bouse. Call and aee owner, 6102 85 th st. s. e. FOR SALE Three room cottage, all plumbing. Including bath, fruit trees, garage; $1230, $550 down, balance terms. Call 1107 Eaat a 3d t N. Phone Woodlawn 4807. oTtOOM cottage. In good condition, large lot! 2 blocks school and Sunnyride car, $2850. $500 cash. $30 mo. Tabor 7548. A. J. DeLano. Owner. New modern 6-room bungalow at 625 K. 22d st. N. Open from 12 to 1 and 4 to 3. 5 ROOM, completely furnished, modern tent liouse; lease ground: large lot for garden; close to csr; gas and electric lights; terms to right party. Call Tabor 74B6. lTerm2W(DTes" 5 room, new modern bungalow; lot 50x100, In Woodmere. district. Tabor 1599. 5BEDR06MSTmodern Iurelhurst; full cement basement hard wood floors, built in cases, a bargain; near 34th and Sandy. $3350; part cash. East 4476. FOR8AXEr6-TOom house at 1948 "E. MoT rison st. 50x100 lot with fruit trees and ber- nes. Electric lights and gaa; full plumbing. $3000. Terms. Main 7050. ' $2250 6 ROOM modern house newly tinted. bath, built in white kitchen, new linoleum, built in buffet, furnsVe wabtrays; terms. 18 E. 72nd St. N. Tabor 7056. FOR SALE 2-room tent house between 13th and 15tb. on Railroad ave.; also bicycle. A. W. Rowell, Vancouver, Wash. Terms2S(Qi(0)Terainis 5 room modern bungalow, on 71st St., block from car. Tabor 1589. SEE this 5 -room bungalow with all modem conveniences, garage, fruit trees. 60x100 lot. Price 83 750. By owner. 746 E. 74th st. N. FOR SALE Cosy 4-room shack, water-and gas, 5 blocks from car; price $650. 5730 64 th ave. SE. ROSE CITY PARK 6-room, strictly modem; fine garage, owner. Tabor 941. $5600. Call BT OWNER Cheap for cash: 5 rooms, sleep ing porch, lot 40x125, fruit, close in, near Union. East 252 T. 8 -ROOM house. 50x100 lot, third house south of Hawthorne ave.. oci 33d st; $5500. Inquire 355 Morgan bldg. FOR SA1X 6-room house, electric llghta, gas. full basement; $2000. 129 E. 85th st. Ta tor 743. TrOOM house, water, gas, 100il05, street improvements paid; $1100; terms. 729 Liberty st. $2000 5 ROOM BUNGALOW ' Bath, hall, basement, built-in, fruit, hard itreet, near carline. Tabor 3128. $2600 5 ROOM cottage, bath, electricity, lot 30x200, fruit: immediate possession. Owner. 283 E. 60th st. N. BUNGALOW Vernon ave.. near Alberta: bar gain; $1000 down; terms. See owuer. Ward, 470 Spauldirig bldg. 5 -ROOM bungalow, on paved street, all i ro provementa paid, close in, near carline. Easy terms. Owner, 799 E. 7tb st, N. WILL pay cash. 5 room bungalow with im provements in: Hawthorne preferred; deal with owner. Z-895, Journal. F0R7"SALE--By owner, one 7 room bouse, one 5 room house and one 2 room house; 2 blocks from carline. Phone Wdln. 16. $2800 8-ROOMS, 75x100 lot; terms. Owner. Frank Cain. Pbone Wdln. 1634. 827 E. llth st. N. $3600 7 ROOM n.odem home on payments. 1142 Eat Morrison. Call, look it over. A Sneer, Tsbor 386 or 88 3 evenings. BARGAIN SALE 6 room houses and furniture. Wdhv 1402. CLOSE-IN houses for tale or exchange for farms. Tabor 7548. FOR SALE by owner, lot' and shack, soma fur niture. 1218 S. Ivaphoe st.. St Johns. 10 ROOM house, perfect condition, 495 East 18th st. N-. Irvington; $16,000. FOR SALE house and four lota; $2000, and $1000 down. 184 9 Washburn it. St Johns car. (Copyright. 1920. by International Feature Serrlce,' Inc.) -ewsvv. UAT5 UK. l ErVfXHSH TO SB sJJtBwK W i gJJ . i rr i r. 1 "f "p- tPe5j REAL EST ATI! FOR SALE HOUSES 1 HAWTHORNE AVE. BRAND NEW 5 room bungalow, hall and breakfast nook: facing eaat on 60x120 foot lot; E. 64th. Liring room is 15il8, with fireplace, ' book easa and hardwood floor, tapestry paper, French doors leading into dining room, which also has hardwood floor and U pea try paper; haa Bice buffet Kitchen haa an tha necessary built-lna. with plenty of cupboard room. Breakfast nook has built-in table and seat. Bedrooms are Urge and bare plenty of light. Bath room has the beat of fixtures. This place is double constructed, well built, good location and surrounded by nice) homes; rooms are all larga and well arranged. Price it $4300. $1000 down and balance to suit. Call Tabor 274 For Appointment R. 8. McFARLAND Owner and Builder. A GOOD INVESTMENT SNAP 2 5 room bouses and lbt on Williams ave.. near Alberta; paved streets; Sewers, etc., all paid. Thia property yields 12 per cent and is rapidly increasing in value. Act quickly. C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO.. 617-19 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main $363. $gflxDHoMse H acre and 8 rooms, and 8 nice fruit trees and rhirken park; rlty water, gas and electricity. All this Is in cultiTation. $100 down, balance $10 per month. Tabor 4811. KENNEDY A WILCOX . Only S17CH0 4 room house, with all modem conveniences, including furnace, near Belmout and 45th. Sea M. J Edwsrds. Qeo. E. EogSehart Co. Main 7268. 624 Heury bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 83200 foe a 6 room on Williams ave.. with furnace, garage. 8 bearing fruit, trees, lot 30i 1 122. with 16 ft alley. H. 8. streets, all paid; ISOO ce-h. r.al. terms F. L. Blanchard 319 R20 Ratlwsj Exchange VACANT Snap, S112!Q0sHurry $150 down, balance monthly, buys a four room plastered bouse, fine shape, water, lights and gas; lot: on carline. Tabor 1599. $3500 A INS WORTH are. near 8th, takes bungalow of 6 rooms; large reception hall, bath and screened back porch, cement base ment, furnace. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, screens, double constructed: lot 50x100: street paved, paid; immediate possession; $1000 cash, $35 per month, including interest 6 pet cent No mortgage. Tabor 6441. A BIGSNA 5 joorn house, lot 104x148, bearing fruit and berries. Price only 81400; terms, t200 cash, balance flS per month. WILLIAMS REALTY. CO., Grgji Croisinj. Tabor 4934. , HOSE CITY DISTRICT 8-room house, fine corner lot 59x100, aide walk and curb In and paid, lots of nice fruit trees, and berries, abundance of roses and shrub bery; beats paying rent; $1375. $200 down, balance easy terms. PhonA 318-32 or call at 655 East 75th st N. ROSE CITY bungalow, beautiful. 6 rooms. hardwood floors throughout, plate glass win dows, built-inx and furnace, finished in Ivory, beautiful view; this house built by day labor, cost you $5600 to build today. I am asking $5550, $1000 cash: no agents. Please apply owner, 477 E. 66th, near Thompson. $4 SOOi'ORNER ' lot8" rwjmhous7 Urge living. 5 bedrooms and other necessaries. front and back porches, garage and plenty of fruit, ciose to Jefferson school, 1 block of Piedmont barns; good place for roomers or boarders. House No. 1188 Missouri ave. No phone. ' SEE THIS SURE 7 rooms. $460 first pay ment; hardwood floors, new furnace, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, cement basement; 50x100 lot. fine fruit, paved street, sewer, all paid; very near W. A , St. J., W. L , "A" cars. Price $3450. like rent 90L Rodney avenue, near Going street. ATTENTION.. HOME RFFKFRS WE CAN SELL TOU A HOME OF Avv DESt SSORIPTION. PHONE WDLN. 6207 AL- BINA REALTORS. A CAR AT YOUR SERV- ICE. BABGAI.V $1000 Must leave on acct. of health will sell my 4 room bouse, lot 50x100, 10 fruit trees, 2tt blks. to Woodlawn car; part cash, bal. $12 50 month. 1420 Leonore st. Phone Wdln. 1418 Sunday, between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. . $25 DOWN 25MOiNWLY Two room !isk and small barn on ground 50x180, 1 block from the St. Johns car. Price $800. FRED W. GERMAN CO. 732 Chamber of Commerce. BY OWNERS $2260. terms. $250 down, 4 room modern plastered bouse, fine condition, dnnbie floors, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porrh, close to school, 1 block off pavement full base ment, bearing fruit. 2 -lots, garage. Mt. Scott car to Grays Crossing, 3 blocks south. 6404 81st t. STRICTLY " modern B room bungalow and garage, 50x100 feet, half block to car: place ws built last fail, have $1500 equity: will take light late model auto and balance cash. Main 4607. apartment 25; call between 0 and 8 p. m. No agents. BUNGALOWS AND HOUSES I have a number of tra fine buys in bunga lows and houses ranging in price from $2000 to $25,000. located in aU parts of the city. Call or phone J. A. McCarty at E. 39th and Gliaan sts. Tabor 3438. Ere., Tabor 5057. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 New 6-room. atrictly modern bungalow, built-in-, full cement basement furnace. wah trays, garage 10x16. Can be ready in 80 days. See owner and builder at 684 E. 5 1st. st. N. $2000 i cash FOR SALE CHEAP A nice 6 room houae. full basement. nice i bathroom, lot 60x100. 8 fruit trees, paved streets. 2 ?naae treee, near to carune. l nee saou, good terms. . Come and see for yourself. 864 E. llth at. . -Pbone Woodlawn 2641. $500 Down 5 room modern house, 2 lots, all kinds of fruit, fine chicken run, 4 block vfrom car. Price $1600. Tabor 1599. FOR SALE BY OWNER $4000 7 -room bungalow and garage, near car and school; glOOO cash; best of terms on balance. Phone Tabor 1253. Mt. Scott line. Firland station. LOOK THIS OVER 5 room modem bungalow, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen. 100x100 lot with fruit and berriee: sidewalk In and paid tor, $3000, $800 will handle. 6805 42d St. S. E. SelL 2470. EQUITY m 6 room bungalow and garage. 1 i blocks from Sellwood carline; balance on straight contract of $20 per month and Inter est. Phone Broadway 994. FOR SALE 5 room house in Hawthorne dis trict. .290 e, aettr st, $1900. By- Herriman QciCrY 'rnwzyA f ujkat'stmeX 5AVE VocR a) yWWcVy ? J r 1 MA (IMS I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES $1 Best Bargain in Portland It would b iiard to find anything batter Constructed than thia beautiful 10 room nous. It waa built 7 years ago by tha present owner for his own nsa. It Is trfpl. constructed, with full concrete baaemant. larga fumactv (heating whole bouse), wash- trays, woodlift, and ba-w tnent is dry and well lighted by windows. No pipes iroae in tnia oooie last winter. Beautiful front porch with solid wall. The garage is tartilr built and large enough to hold four cars. The rooms are large, arranged Just right, with easy stairs leading to sewing room, den and 2 bedrooms upstairs. Hrerything built in and futures the best. There is r very-thing yott want in a borne, and thia property could not be duplicated today for $.000. $1000 cash and terms. FOR SALE BY OWNER Phone Tabor 6763. $3GQ Bungalow 2 SCO 6 rooms with bath, toilet and partly fur nished; 2 lots, 40x100 each, and 18 nice fruit treea and lota of small fruit: newly tinted: ground ready for planting: 1 block to car; I block to pared at. Tabor 4811. KENNEDY WILCpX PENINSULA HOME At Tl W. Church at., one block from St. Johns car and six blocks from Piedmont car barns, is a double constructed, modern. 7 -room house; fireplace, full cement basement, two porchea. nice lawn, garden and fruit; gldewalks in and paid: all in A t condition. Could not be built now for S36O0. but if Sold by March 28 will take $2700; halt cash, balance like rent. Call Sundays, or evenings after 5 o'clock. $1200 $1200 $1200 Seven room 1 H story unfinished cottage. 1 block to paved street. The handy man with a few hundred dollars' worth of material could make a $3000 property out of thia. $300 cash, $16 monthly. FRED W. GERMAN CO. . 732 Chamber of Commerce.' FOR SALE LOTS 1 BEAUTIFUL comer lot 68x100 In Westmore land, wonderful spot to build on: all Im provements in: corner of Yukon and MUwaukta streets. Will sell very reasonable. C-aU Wood- lawn 4848. FOR SAI orner lot. 57th and Tillamook. 130x50. vcith 10-ft. alley, up-to-date ab stract, no incumbrance; $625 cash. Apply 092 Minnesota sve. or call Woodlawn 105 evenings. 50x100. CORNER 1st and Grover; bargain: fine location for garage or filling station. Call Sellwood 2176. -v ONE 40x120 lot for sale. Tremont add., end of Woodstock carline. for $200. Address Fred Jenklnson. Woodlanf,. Wash. WILL sacrifice 2 Call Main 681. lot Swiuton add.. $385. SELL OR TRADE 2 lots. Rodney ava and 8kidmcre at. Wdln. 1402. ALAMEDA PARK lot $875, on Dunckley are., street paved, paid. Tabor 6441. LOT for sale in Kenton, cheap. East 1302. BOOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE $$ EIGHT rooms, full of furniture. Cheap if sold at once. 529 Johnson TO BUY or sell rooming houses see H. W. GARLAND. 201 8d. cor. Taylor. TtrslNF.SS OPPORTUNITIES f GROCERY iArge comer grocery and confectionery, carline, main paved street large community, good transient trade, daily ealee $7 5 to $110, established 10 years, rent $35. including 4 living rooms. Price $8000. Address owner, f.006 v 82d st. or phone Tabor B2. Open Sunday. SMALL general merchandise store and house ad joining for tale. Will take email tract of land as part payment; 25 miles from Portland on the Oregon Electric at Fargo station ; this is suitable tor elderly or middle aged couple. Write R. M. Rader, K3. Aurora Or., or call Tia Oregon Electric Dandy Business Cheap Fish and poultry business, 30 years' standing; beiit west side locatiap: doing $1800 per month. $1500 cash; auto delivery and fixtures worth the money. Call at once. East 8407. STRICTLY up-to-date market fully equipped with 2 Vi -ton Beli-Wildman ice machine. With 1200 lbs. ice tank and large storage box: good sausage kitchen. Ice plant can be bought separ ate for ice cream manufacturing. By bwner, after 7 p. m. Wdln. 2161. GROCERY FOR SALE Dandy east side corner grocery, on carline, daily "a1 "ow nsr $50. can be easily doubled rrent 20- with lease; 1 living room; owner haa other business, must SelL CaU East 6142. GARAGE tor sale; excellent East Side loca tion, fully equipped, storage capacity filled. lOOxlOO feet well lighted, reasonable rent. excellent business opportunity. Telephone Msin ll'.'IIH, FOR SALE 8. 10. 13c and up. stock and fix tures, in good live valley town: large payroll quitting on aocount of health. No triflers need apply. Call on Mr. Ray, Dullum, Or.; SUverton, or. Masonic Dldg. A GENERAL store in a good dairy country near rorcai i,rova, Btoca in inventory. Will m nntory around $2500. Buildings for sale: do ing about $1000 a month. VVX-361, Journal. lot particulars. $1500 BUYS good paying auto and tire re pairing business in one of the best East Side locations, services Included. E-619. Journal. WILL SELL at sacrifice; hand laundry, cleaning and pressing busines'; must sell on account of sickness. Call 67 6H Washington st sm Bospf; pbebt $ i .oo ton must bring this ad. 120 8th tt FOR SALE By owners, half interest in garage and repair shop, good location and plenty of business. Call Sellwood 2378. FOR SALE La Fare's Beauty Shop, the only one in miles around; doing a fine business. W rite 519 Duryea st.. Raymond. Wah. ONE block south from TsmhiTl market on 3d St., restaurant bakery; Huches Electric Heat ing oven. See owner, 194 Third at. CASH grocery and confectionery, living rooms In connection. 857 Lombard st RESTAURANT and lunch. room, good business. Price $2 Fox Brothers, Washougal, Wash GROCERY for sale; might consider small house or auto. 9 Buchtel ave. 500 BFSINEsSCARDS 11.25 Ryder Ptg. Co. Main 6636. 192 3d st. GROCERY store for sale. 1090 Albina are. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 7 CTTT LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest method erf paying a loan Is cur monthly payment plan. $82.26 per mcntb for $4 enonths, or $21.24 per month for 80 months, or $16.17 per month for 90 months pays a loaa of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts fn same proportiona Repayment PrMlegss. EQUITABLE SAYINGS ft LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark at.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa fcuvproved tana and city property: favorable repaying pri til sews; Bo commission or delay. . THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD, 606 Piatt bldg. Main 68T1. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate. 1st end 2d mortgages, contracts, litest ock, Botes, automobiles, etc, F. E. Bowman ft Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce, Main 302$. RESIDENCE loans, quick eatlon, so red tape; lowest rates. It will pay you to tee ut first CL A. WAQ-NEB CO. Main 81B0. 280 Stark St. $800. $400, $500, $780. 81000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. Oer man Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce building. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property. money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck, 215 and 216 raiting bldg. Mala 8407. MONET TO LOAN . amounts ef $100 te t$6000 on city property. ' A H. BELL. Rooms 10 and II, MnTkey bldg SEE OREGON INY. ft MORTGAGE CO., 828 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. $1000, $1800. $2000 and up; bo commission, f, H. DESHON, 81$ Cham, of Com bldg TO LOAN $1000 by private party, on Im proved property, 7 per cent. W-4 6Q, Journal. MORTGAGE 1,0 AN 8 up to 16000, 6 and 7 per eet Fred a WtUUmx. 606 Panama bldg. BORROW 6 per cent money, Ty old mortgaasT; small expense. Ward, 407 Bpaolding bldg. MORTGAGE IaUNS. S and'? per eeat Louit SalomAS) ft Co.. 40$ Selling bids. U0SB TO LOAN CHA.T1JSL8, SALARIES 17 SALARY LOANS CHATTELS WE LOAN MONET en short notice to salaried- or working men em their own wotaa. Weekly. aemi-monthly ef monthly payments. Xaxki transaction strictly confides tial. KO MORTGACE K0 INDORSIP ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We alee loan on household f amitttee, planes, etc, without retoovaL i CALL AND INVESTIQATl COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO, . . j (LICENCED I t ! - 81 FAHJNG HLDO. LIVESTOCK LOANS Our ewn money toased en rattle, sheep, eofs, etav r. at Bowman At Co., 21 Chamber ef Cnmsaarea. Ataia 8034V ' M05EI TO LOAN-CSAtTasLS,-SALARIES DO YOUNEED MONEY? LOANS If APR ON AUTOMOBILES FTRNITTRE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTa'TK. BONDS, OR ANTTHINQ OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LKFT IN YOUR POSSESSION. " ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THF1R NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARK TOO t ARGE. WE WILL PAY THKM CP, ADVANCE TOU MORE MONKT IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DET-AT BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806-807 DEKUM ' BLDG.. SD AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. Phone Broadway 910. 894 Stark at near 10th. Loans on dlamor" watches. Vlctrolas. pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, .musical Instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER CARRIE MYERS HERMAN Ma eager. Co NET to loan on diamond). Jewelry: legal rates; all articles held a year; etsbllshcd since 1888. rn Marx & Co.. 268 Wash sL I0AXS WANTED JO a" FIRST mortgages for sal.. $1000 up- F. Deshnn. 615 Chamber of Commere. bldg SEE OREGON INVTft MORTGAGE CO.. 282 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Start. FINANCIAL tl WE BUY flr-t and second mortgages and sell ers' contracts.- F. K Bowman A 52 1 0 Chamber of Commeree. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contrscts on real estate in Wash'.na-ton or Oreaon. 11 E. Noble. 31 ft I.umbermens bldg. JHORSES. VEHICLES. ETC 18 JUST ARRIVED A carload of mares snd horses, weight 1800 to 1800 lbs , 4 to 7 yrs. old, hesvy bone and hlocky-built chunks, some well matched teams: if you want satisfaction at the right price, call ana loot this slock oter; all stock guaranteed. trial allowed. SANITARY STABLES. 865 UNION AVE , COR. STEVENS, L. GLASS. Carload Eastern Oregon Mares and horses, weighing 1180 to 1500, Just arrived; well broken, gentle, mated teams and single horses; also gnodblg unbroke colts for sale cheap. Inquire Marion Fuel Co. FOOT TAYLOR ST. (DOCK.) JUST arrived, 3 rsrloada of the best horses that can oa round : nave got them from 1200 to 1SOO lbs.; well mstcbed teams: so head on one ioh; will sell any one or all: from 4 to 8 vears old; more horses to tlck from than all the deal ers in town have got: ns head in all: will trade any one or all for catue. mules or horses: have 1 good span of 4 rear old mules; these liQrses a good part of them, are working out on tha Co lumbia alongh: wagons and harness of sll kinds. I'liU Suetter. 2 W.1 Front at.. Crown Stables. FOR SALE Team mrea weighing about 290O. IM.. 4 to 6 years old. nearly new S-inch farm wagon and;, breeching harness. Woodstock car to E. 88U t Two blocks north to 1087 Francis are. Telephone Sellwood 1212. EIGHT TEAMS OF MARES AND GELDINGS Weight 1400 to 1600 lba. well msiched teams, heavy bone and hlocky built, guaran- ' ' l a. rpresenr-ca. rrom to 7 years old; trial allowed. Few farm wacona end double hanie with ererv tesra. J. 8. Williamson, 240 E. 8th st East 210. 10 HEAD big boned chunky built Shire mares and horses, welglrlng-ahout' 1 200 to 1400 lbs.. 8 to 3 years old. Cheap for cash. Marion Fuel Co., foot Taylor at. (Dock.) TEAM chunky built mare, fat very gen tle workers, weight about 2800 jb. Price $225. Woodyard foot Taylor st (Dock.) $230 BITS team black Pen-heron horsea. weighing about 0 lbs.. 4-5 years old. In fine slmpe, unbroke. Inquire Woodyard office, Taylor st. ( Dock. ) TEAM chunky built blaeka. mare end horse, weight about 2800 lbs., in good shape 4 to 8 years old. Prioe. $325. Woodyard zoot xayior at. jdock.) 16 HEAD work horses snd mares, weight from 1100 to 1600 pounds each, suitable for farm work ; also wagons; harneaa. Woodyard stable, cor. E 9th it. and Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 6106. CAPITAL STABLES. 2R7 FRONT ST. For sale. 1 team hornes, well matched, weight n.vtn ins., $300; I span mules, weight 2900 lbs., $200; 1 team, weight 2400 lbs.. $125; sll good stuff. TEAM Weight 2400 lbs., good workers; lisr- ncss .and farm wagon; trial allowed; $165. Woodstock car to 54th St., 5 blocks north on 64th ave.. corner house. SEVERAL seta of single . and double bsmeas, wagoe snd odd horsea. Will work double or single. Will sell- for any reasonable of'er. 546 Front st. PAIR of black horses, weight 21)00 lbs., sound and true: age 7 and 9 years, with extra gcod hsmeas; for sale at No. 80 E 79th sL M V car. . ' SNAP FORlw-ASB 5 head work horses and mares, sound and gentle. 1100 to 1400 lbs. Inquire 293 E. flth 8. SPAN OF MI LES, 8 AND 4 1'EAR.S Well broker! and gentle, wagon and Uanieee. cheap for ca.ih : $250 takes .verything. 821 E. 10th st. Ask for Mrs. Emerson's team. WE ARE changing our hauling equipment from norsea to auto truest and have on hand a few good wagons to diapose of at a bargain. 287 E. Morrison. East 2224 week days. FOR SALE -Several cheap hornes. from 10o8 ids. up and a lew sets of harness; am cloelng out all horses; can bs seen Saturday and Sunday. J. Cohen. 64 6 Front at AM about through wrtb my excavating work and will aell all or any of my five young teams that can be seen at work st the National Tank Co.'s plant atKnton. ), BARGAINS 2900' lb team. $f 787anor$7'n0 lb. team, $135; harness and wagons If wanted. No further use for them. Atlas Woodyard, 827 Front st JUST IN from trie country: have on. small ream, rine for plowing; also tine driving pony and buggy. Will trade for cow a t A. Thomas, 867 Front ft' ONE sorrel horse for sale, weight 11 00 lbs.; work single or double, a dandy horse for plowing garden. 892 Knott st. East 8701. FOR SALE Team, weight 8200 tba.. 6 and 8 years old. 1 no. air. 122 Powell at. Phone Sellwood 579. ONE team of mares,, 7 nd 8 years old, 2306 iw. . S .... - 1 a A A iu- 295 17th and Columbia. Room &. GOOD 1 200 pound work mare tor sale cheap. Leaving city. 880 Chapman at, cornet Mill, first floor. HAVE bought a truck and will aell cheap our 2 young work teams. Can be seen at C ree ton Warehouse Stable, 60th and Powell Valley road. HORSE and weavn. $1.60 per day; 3 horses and wagon, $8. i. fnhen. 846 Front. Main 2208, DEAD borses Uken quickly. Cash for dead cows. Phone Tsbor 4206. ALL kindk wagons, buggies and ha me s for" sale Cheap. 1 887 Water. -..VEBTOCK WE have established a good market for dairy cows at the, stockyards at North Portland If you wish to bay tiy good dairy eows or hate any to sell, see Mr. Bruce at the Union Stock Yards, North Portland. Or. TOGGENfeURG milch '.oat. far sale, yearling does. 2 -year-old does, buc kid. 8 year-old bunk; also native doe. '. Goat mUk for sale. Tabor 5459. FOR SALE-s-ToTiDk cow 4 years, to freshen in few weeks. 8d calf, aplendid milker. C. Ra.be. box IQt. Milwaokle. Call 83J. 6 PIGS, 7 weeks' old, price $8. 'or two for $16. A few ebk-kt, 10 dajt, 20c each. 4004 79th st. 8. E. FOR SALE One first class Jersey cow ami calf, just fresh;-also one yearling heifer. 783 Umatilla ave. or phone 226 08. TWO family cowe for sale. Jerseys; eae freal 197 East T5th t N. YOUNG Hoisteln-Jentey cow for sale, soow to he fresh. Call Bell. 1 6 8. TIB Btdwell at. TWO fine fresh cows for sale or" exciunge for wort team. gf02 sSth .-gt?-S t FlIESH gantle JeJ-.ey with ca1f, 4 days Wood lawn car-to' 22d. 78 Liberty at. FOR SALE A. good milking Guernsey cow. Tabor 4085. 68th tee, and Tkth at, S. E. GOOD Jersey aese lac Sals. 741 Macs -am. UTESTOrX u 181 HEAD " OF REGISTERED AND kUGH.- GRADK CATTLE 181 . . " AT AUCTION SALE 1 mile south of Knapp'g na,, rh.,: Motr , day, March 15, at 10 a. m. Good ante rotd. ' Those going from Vancouver take pacific high- ... way to Tcnney school houae, then west oa 1 pareruent , i, CATTLE ' Five pure bred Holaiein cows: S para bred ' yearling heifers; 67 grade Holstein caws: IS j Jersey and Durham 10 2 year-old heifers- 20 yearling b-ifers; 18 young calrea; S pure bred Holstein hulls. 1, 8 and. ft years 'old; one 3-year-old grade Holstein bull; an A-l herd of young nows. 18 of tbem with calves by tbetr -side. 8 fresh since Not, 1. Cows will be tuberctilin tested. HORSES Grey team, weight 2300; hay team, weight -2400: ' gray horse, weight 1000: black bora, weight 1000: 8 sets double harneaa. MACHINERY 3-tinit Empire milking machine; McCortnsck mower; rske and hinder; steel frame harrawl . corn planter : 2 dise J . I. C. riding plow ; 14- . Inch plow; 12 inch plow; cider mill; 8 great seeders; 2 horse cultivator; spray pump and barrel: 2 h. p. Stover gasoline engine; gaso bne dntm: 8 grindstones: 2 milk coolers antfi , tanks: milk buckets; wooden roller; feed entterf 60 gallon iron kettle; sled; 8 iron Wheal wagons; 2 8 'i wagons; spring wagon; 2 wheel barrows: hay fork: platform ecalee; steelyards: . R-eltovel cultivator: feed box; 3 rolls barb wire; 40 10 gallon milk cane; forka, ahovela, many small tools; 2 tons seed oats: 10 Sacks Forty Fold winter whest : all feed, hay, grata and straw remaining; 200 to 300 grain seeks ( 2600 ft. lumber. ROTH A M It'll EL, Owners. COL. W. S. WOOD A SONS. Auctioneers, Vancouver, Waah FOR SALE Thirteen cows, milk route, and bottle: route laying between $400 ttvt $500 a munth; route is 3 blocks wide and J 6 blocks long. Price $2000. Phone Mala 131B. WANTED i2hlgh-grtde Guernsey tniloh exrwaT Must he at least 11)00 pounds In .weight ' sound and healthy and show good milking quel . itW. Adlress Reginald H. Parsona. 861 Stuart bldg., Seattle. Wash. FOUR fresh cows, 2 Durhems. 4 te A .gallons per dsy. 2 Jerseys 3 St gallons, rich milkers, 1445 Milwtilkie ate. POULTRY AND RABBITS tt PORTABLE POULTRY HOUSES SHIPPED ANYWHERE! BEDIMADE BUILDING CO. 81(1 EA8T 11TH T. EAST 8I1. Curtis White Wyand't's EGGS THAT HATCH FROM HENS THAT LAY 82.60 per 18. M. E. Curtis, lfl'fedala Je, Ot. MAI.J 8280. R. F. D. 2. Box 843. MAIN 8888. JOHNS RHODE 1H1.ASD REDS Eggs and chicks. Take Williams are. ear fa Going street, day or evening, and tee my trap. nested stock, mated with first prise Portland show. 936 Williams ave. Phone 817-81. S. 3. W. L. HITCHING eggs, Tanired strain. $8 per 100, prepaid; from 200 Ml bent 8IM. over; all mttings bare free range and are tested for egg capacity by tha GA. C. tasting method. R U Combs. 2 miles 8. W. Tualatin, P. U Address, Sherwood, Route 1. BABY CHICKS ' Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minorcas; p fires ree sonable. Free booklet on "Cere of Chlokt" With each order. C. N. Needham. Salem. Or. WHltE T.EGHORNeggsand-"aAyiid "ehlcta from selected 2-year-old bent mated to "Haa son's Moral King cockerels. Nothing better. Eggs gt.eo per setting; $9 per 100; ebieke $10 per 100. Paul Dudley, Aloha. Ot 0HB0ON Ringlet Barred Rock egn, $150 to $10 per setting 13: fertility guaranteed; every pen headed by a pria. winner at Port land's big winter show. Kd M. Laird, fancier, 1880 Siskiyou st Tabor 6059, EARLY CHICKS Wanted Eggs to liatch; any quantity; right; send your orders early to Wo itock Hatchery. 4328 67tl) ITS., B. C. City. EGGS English White Leghorns, large blrrks excellent layers. $1.60 per 16. Type and lay ing hard to beat Phone 214-89. 6081 89tb ereJS t 6 b BROWN LEG HORN M, 100 WlilU Leghorn chicks 8 days old. 25o each; 126 R. L Red chicks 1 week old, 36n each. J. R. McGuire, 787 Oregon street, near K. 24th. . fN f : R A ifOR Petalnml!! Sn 6 -egg capacity ; good cnitltion, $20 If taken kmmediatety. M. E. Curtis. Hillsdale, Or., H. D. 3, Boa 242. Main 8280. ENGLISH" White IgTiom eggs. $1.80 per 16, from large birds iTom Barron strain.) PETERSEN Knox and Sterling sts. Tabor 4 870, Brentwood. WHITE-ROt'K'eia-for-setJn"a Sivy laying strain. $2.60 setting Itione East '7887. AddVeea K, F. 1). No. 2 Box 124. HUlstlaie Oregon. HATCHING eggs, 8. C. White Ietihorna, Knr lib strain. 15 for $1.60. $8 per hundred Ine Oak Poultry Is raj, Portland Or.. B, R. 2. Phone Maln 2026 TEN large Partridge Wyandot pulleta and one cockerel, $3 each; vigorous, no para twred stock. Mrs. I) C. Clark. Dayton, Or, FOR SALE Pulleta and hens, mostly all lay-. Ing; also a few thoroughbred eockerele, $60 F Kelly st. Sellwood 1813 8lx"f uli blood slngle con ft I K year otd hens. 1 cockerel. Weekday calls only, 1141 K. Madison st. lTF7to7GHIiltED Whites Wiandntta cockerel. Will trade for two White Wyandotte hens or sell Ringhouse stratn: Tabor 8007 LIGHT Brahma setting rggt, $8 per 16; also fine cockerell 4785 80th 8. E. Phone Broadway 218. Will TE leghorn pullets snd cosl stove brooder for rale cheap. Bsse Line road, box 020, 1 4 miles east of Montavilla. . It A It It ED-li K.K "eggs. " incubator Iota specialty; baby chicks; 3 fine cockerels. Mra, Evans, 3R5 K. l-omliard, Woodlawn 1656. WlTl T"S "PI .T M 6 U t H R Of ' K 8 ."RaTrTford strain, $3 per 16. Main 4668 Gilbert ft WUsea, 784 York st , FTrRSAi7E-"-0. A. 0. Barred Plymouth Reck aggs, $2 for 15. Mrs. Erneet Werner, Aurora, Or. PRACTICAL pt'iltryman ws nta Job on potiltrr ranch; wages or shares. (Married) W-$4t, Journal. H I. K. setting eggs from eioellent egg laying train: fertility guaranteed; $1 par 16. Mam 7 4jL ANCONA eggs from bens thai pay, $1.60 per setting, thoroughbred cockerel for tale. 4927 73d st 8 E WHITE f.E4;llOltN baby chicks, from ssvtta than 200 egg hens, hatch off every Sunday, $20 per 100 Kennedy, Tsbor 1602. WHITE LEGHORN hens" and pulleta. special price on 100 lota. Mt Scott Poultry yard, 634rl84th st, S. Tabor 6895. FOR SAL"!?VVhite Leghorn setting eggs, from Tsncred heavy laying Hoganiaed stock. 86 per 100. Wdln. 8878 1643 Mlasisalppt. F0ff"SALE 1 thnrmifhbred Ply mouth Rack cockerel, also 1 thoroughbred White TeghiMti cockerel Main 61. LEAVING city; must dispose tt once of my laying hens, rabbtu. incubator and brooder. Call Main 9568. WH1TK MINORCA hens and ooekerela. also batching- ergs, at 1547 Bneuro art., or 10$ East Broadway. flNDIAN Runner duck, eggs for hatching, $17$ lor 11; n. j. K. L u. eggs, is lor $1.60, 875 K. 28th st 8. HAVE about 250"' old 6. '"A." ft White Leghorn chicks; will give special prioe oa lot Tabor 1733. - FOR SALE R. I. Red. Plymouth TUx-k and wae vtyanaotte aeuina eggs, a 1.2S eettrna. $8 per 100. Wdin. 1604. FDR 8 A LK Nine W. L. laying hens, 1.T 723 E. 29th north. Phone 818-14. 600 BABY CHICKS. lT-greaatve Hatoh-ry. tffi F,12thN. Wdln. 1466. WlilT) WIANDOTTES and R. I Red '$$. f"f hatnhlnc. Tabor 28 1. 3368 71st st, E. PURE WHITR LFHORNTwi-e $1.86. BAakert, Tabor 8704. 6918 46th are, S, fl. FTnTTT-T -wblu Legliom roetir. iTJ Qulroby at. Portland. Or. 1 FLEMISH ami Belgians 60o up. 887 Tr- man st Msrtliall 8727. THOROUGHBRED White WWn oockerelsj laying hens and pulleta. East 404. TANCREO White I-jghorn ehicks, ready sow! Tabor 8822. Parkrose Hatchery, Portland, Or. BARGAIN Trio yet g. choice Cornish ehirA7 ens; extra good stock. Call at 148 2d at. THREE rabbit hutches, new. $12 each. W- Itama Bros., bee supplies. Tabor 629. tyiOROUGHBiiED White Leghorns, layiaat -ens and pulleta. East 404. - THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn cockerels! Tancred strain. 664 Linn ave, SeP. 1618. WHITE LEGHORN hate-tog eggs. $1.60 a setting. Tahor 8443. WANTED A small or medium incubator; eaaS or thoroughbred cock erg w-et. Journal. THOKOUGHBRED Barred Book hatlg -fg fer sale. Phone Woodlawn 1968. THOROUGHBRED Black III no rc a Vtatchlng age. Mammoth strain. Col. 696. 180O FUke. WMTtE LEGHORN cockerels. Tattered atraEj k also hatching eggs. Tsbor 1631,. WHITE Legborn Uylng bens, $1.80 aacu, . 1$1 CladMnne are.. Woodstock OIL . 4tf W. TOM BARRON big hens. a laying. 1 Don. "jf- 6B0 . B. I Ith. - ' . isOOrTitrain laying ; V j?". A1 for ssU fwaofiabt. PrMrfl W818. 44' ' ' TWO 4 0O and one Sfl em incufcator, ivlk like new. Pheue Tatwr r 16Q2. ' " rtFTTTINrflENS for aala 4 g. 0th M ' . KnUrv-ed aa Few Peg.) L; . v ' s - r