THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,7 ,PO RTLAND, FRIDAY MARCH 1?. 1920. 6 if GETS DATA FOR NOVEL IN DESERT ON HONEYMOON OREGON AUTHOR VISITS OLD PORTLAND FRIENDS ", Leaving behind him the glad, green hills of Oregon just before the Lewis and Clark fair In 1906, Paul De Laney, newspaper writer and ad venturer, accompanied by his bride, headed for the arid regions of Death Valley, where, he spent his honey rnoon. De Laney has Just returned to Portland an author. The color for the novel he has written was ob tained in the treeless eectfoi.s where gold hunters trudged and perspired, swore and loved, in all the pictur- esqueness that nuch an untamed dia- j trlct possessed. "The Toll of the Fands" reflect a psrt of De Laney'a life in that God-forsaken country Bhortly after his arrival on the border of Death Valley, De Laney utilised his legal knowledge to advantage and he was made a deputy prosecutor for Nye county. Nevada. He aent one man "over the road" for 99 years while filling this position. It was De Laney'e rare experience te eross Death Valley. The arduous Jour ney was made In three nights of travel with the thermometer never under 110 degrees between sunup and sundown. Travel by day was Impossible, the heat registering as hlg-h aa 187 degrees In the shade. Da Laney and-hts companions rode on burros, packed 'their water (and every time one took a swig- from the precious container the other fellow would cast V . 4 " J LI 1 Paul De Laney a glowering glance at him), dodged rattlesnakes, and felt kind of uncanny at the sight of human skeletons which occasionally lined the way. De Laney was formerly in the employ f The Journal and in this capacity toured Oregon in a "prairie schooner." He was at one time managing editor of the East Oregonian at Pendleton. At present he is making his home at Den ver. Colo. CENSUS CRFDITS SOUTHERN TO NS I1 m INCREASES Washington, March 12. (L N. S.) The census bureau today an nounced the following preliminary population figures for its: Macon. Ga.. 1920 population, 68,525 ; 11.880 Increase; 29.2 per cent Increase; 110 population. 40,65. Chattanooga, Tenn.. 1120 population. 67,895 ; 13,291 increase; 29.8 per cent Increase ; 1910 population, 44.804. Cambridge. Md.. 1920 population. 746T; 3060 increase;: 18.1 per cent Increase; 1910 population. 8407. Shelburne. Ind., 1980 population. 1814; 241 decrease;: 11.7 per cent decrease; 1910 population. 2086. Coate.svtlle, Pa., 1920 population. 14. flo; 3481 increase; 31 per cent increase; 1910 population. 11,084. Foreat City. P. 1920 population. 0004 75 increase; 4.4 par cent increase; 1810 population, 5T49. Huntington, Pa., 1980 population, 7061 ; 190 increase ; 2.8 per cent increase ; 1910 population. (861. Lewiaton. Pa., 1920 population. 9849 183 increase; 20.6 per cent increase; 1910 population, 81(8. Waynesboro, Franklin county. Pa., 1920 population. 9720 ; 2S21 increase ; 35 pet cent increase; 1910 population. 7199. Alexandria. Va. : 1920 population. 18. 060 ; increase, 2731 ; per cent increase, 17.8. EMBASSIES IN WASHINGTON TO STAY WET Washington, March 13. (I. I. S.) Diplomats will be allowed to brlru? fn all the liquors they need here to their own resi dences, which are now held to be strict j "foreign territory and not within the "dry" law. This declaration of the state department, It became known to day relieves a delicate situation. Suggestion from "highest" coun sels brought speedy decision on the issue, which clean the way for diplomats sorely perplexed to know how their diminishing "wet" stocks are to be replenished. Oregon Man One of Incorporators for Roosevelt Memorial Stranded Liner Saved New Tork, March 12. I. N. 8.) The Ward liner Esperania, which went ashore yesterday on Madagascar Reef with 45 passengers and a crew of 106, has been towed Into Progreso, Mexico. r: Proper Care of the Hair Many great scientists have devoted many, many years to the study of the hair and scalp with the result that a long list of worthy preparations dressings, tonics, restorers, shampoos, etc, have been developed. These you will find on the shelves of your favorite Owl Drug StoreIt is our fundamental purpose to ascertain the wants of the community and forthwith meet them, quoting the lowest possible price. Owl Bandoline i5c Colgate's Bandoline .20c Pompeian Hair Massage 28c Danderlne for the Hair 33c Brownatone 3 0c William's Brilliantine 3 5c Red Feather Bandoline 35c Walnutt 48c Q-han Hair Tonic .45c Damchinsky Hair Dye ..48c Ford's Hair Pomade 4 5c Barry's Tricopherous 48c Cipillaris 48c Piiiaud's Brilliantine 65c H. & G. Brilliantine $1.25 Fitch's Hair Tonic 5oc Nevertel . . 50c Pexall 93 Hair Tonic 5oc Smith's Danduff Powder 5oc Newbro's Herpicide SOC Swissco . 60C Westphal's Auxilerator 5 8c Hay's Hair Hearth .....5 5c Seven Sisters' Hair Grower :'. ...5 7c Buckingham's Hair Dye... 65c Wildroot for Dandruff 62c Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 69c Oban Hair Restorer........ 69c Carter's Hair Coloring 65c The Owl Cocoanut on Shampoo Pinaud's Eau de Quinine- 73c Red Feather Hair Tonic 8 5c Sclieffler's Hair Dye .' 96c Barker's Hirsutus 98c La Creole ...... 95c Parker's Hair Balsam , ...11.00 Alfredum's Egyptian Henna ......... .96c Harrison's 4-Day Restorer.. 1..96c Van's Mexican Hair Restorer 98c Hall's Hair Renewer 1.40 Ayer's Hair Vigor ...... St. to Goldman's Hair Restorer . .... 11.20 Imperial Hair Dye $1.40 La Goutte a Goutte 1.35 Graham's Hair Restorer Jil.56 . SHAMPOOS Fluffs Moquet ioc Wanous Shampoo Bags,...,.-. ioc Dermatic Egg Shampoo.... 25c Rexall "93" Shampoo Paste 25c Violet Bulce Shampoo Crystals 30c .Red Feather Liquid Soap 40c Packer's Liquid Shampoo. 48c Palmollve Shampoo 69c MulsifieJ Cocoanut Oil : 49c A. i D. S. Shampoo Paste.... 5oc Seven Sisters' Shampoo 57c Its purity is evidenced by the fact that the edible quality cocoanut oil is the principal ingredient. This account? (ox the creamy lather and easy rinsing feature. It also explains why the hair is left so soft land silky. 16-oz. bottles, 25c; (about zo shampoos). CoLo Hair Restorer Brings hack the natural color to gray and faded hair. Perfectly harmless. Contains no lead, no sulphur. Is as clear as water and will not wash or rub of. Easy to apply. This is Prof. Austin's premier preparation which is varied for the proper treatment of all shades of hair. W. w. Brown, Manager - WASHINGTON AT BROADWAY Special Attention Giro to Mail Orders Phone Marshall 2000 Washington. March 12. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) In a bill introduced by Representative White of Maine, to incorporate the Roosevelt Memorial association under special charter by congress. CongTess- ' man C. N. McArthur and Henry Waldo Coe of Oregon, former Governor Frank R. Gooding of Idaho and Senator Miles Poindexter of Washington are named among the incorporators. The objects stated are the placing of a monumental memorial In the city of Washington, the acquisition and main tenance of a public park at Oyster Bay, j N. Y.. and the establishment of an en dowment fund to promote the develop ment and application of the policies and ideals of Roosevelt 8125,000, Agreed on For the Protection Of Outside Forests Washington. March 12- (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) The agricultural committee of the sen ate baa finally agreed to place the ap propriation under the Weeks law for protection of forests outside of the re serves at $125,000 instead of $75,000. carried by the bill as it came from the house. This amendment was urged by Sen ator McNarv and other western mem bers of the commitee. At first $100,000 was tentatively agreed on. but $25,000 was added on the plea that with in creased costs this will be no more than equivalent to the $100,000 which was granted in trie present nscai year. Mrs, Bemick Gives $1000 to U. Fund Mrs. J. C. Renilck has given a $1000 memorial in honor of Tier husband, Jessie C. Remick, to the Woman's building fund of the University of Oregon. Mrs. Rem ick is a Wellesley college woman, deep ly Interested in causes of this kind. Hav ing come from New Orleans a few years ago she has lived in Oregon only a short lime, but the family has become identi fied with the Ufa of the community and bar gift la an expression of bar interest In the state. Telegraphers Still Oat Washington, March 1J. (L N. S.) The strike of telegraph Operators in Portugal continues without Interruption; according to advice te the state depart ment today. No -disorder baa taken place but public buildings are guarded aa a precaution. Large crowds have congre gated in the principal squares of" Lisbon but have remained jjulet. ' 6chnmiuuiIIeink fleemme Work' ' San Diego, Cai.. March 11. (L N. S.) Madame Ernestine Schumann-Heinle famous contralto, who has been 111 at her drossmont home here for several months, left for the ast today, where ehe will appear Jn concert.- Mosquitoes Ate Up $5000 Worth of His Leg, Plaintiff Says New Tork, March 12. (U. P.) It may not be written In the log of the Gulf Refining company's tanker Gulf Coast but. nevertheless, it'B true according to Hendricus de Raay, 31, of Brooklyn. De Raay came into court today with a tale of the sea that made even old At lantic salts lend attentive ear and shift their cuds to the windward. While a member of the crew of the Gulf Coast. De Raay said, the vessel ran into a host of mosquitoes of voracious appetites. The mosquitoes chewed away $5000 worth of his leg, De Raay asserted at least that's what he asked tor damages from their bites, when he filed suit against the refining company in Brook lyn today. The company filed a general denial. Chamberlain Gives Senate Suggestions On Houser Inquiry Washington, March 12. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL) Senator Chamberlain in discussing the resolution for an investigation by the senate jeommlttee of the grain corpora tion and Max H. Houser's grain con nections, read from the floor of the sen ate a portion of Houeer's letter recently published In Portland. Chamberlain said it seemed to him that an investiga tion of the Houser matter should be left with the department of justice. He called attention u the failure of the Spokane grand Jury to.- return any in dictment although it gave publicity to an attack upon him by Reed. The reso lution was adopted without opposition. gfFIg'WU SPSS 5r3 The cost of packing! and shipping is about the same for fine tea as for common tea -more than twice the tea-garden cost of the tea itself. The extra cost of Schill ing Tea buys the young tender leaf, full of fine tea flavor instead of the older leaf, which has a lot of tannin in it, with very little tea flavor, and coarse at that. Is it worth your while to pay the high transportation and other costs thai all tea must bear, and get only weak tannin-laden tea? There are four flavors t Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong. English Breakfast. All ene quality. Is paichmyn-lined moisture-proof parks gee. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling1 & Co San francisca Mat his for Quality II for a Good Suit You will find clothes comfort and correct ness in a Mathis suit at 50. In fabric, in style, in tailoring they meas ure up fully to the high standard we de mand of our clothes. This is not a special purchase or in any sense a special sale, but just a reminder of the unusual good value we give at See Them in Our Windows WE FEATURE PHOENIX and INTERWOVEN HOSE Lisles, silks', wools and silk and wool mixtures in all the correct shades and weaves to ,50 MEN S WEAR Mathis Corner Fifth and Morrison Sentenced Socialists Obtain New Delay Chicago, March 12. I. N. S.) Victor Berger and four other Socialists sen tenced to serve 20 years In the federal prison at Leavenworth for violation of the espionage act obtained another de lay, when arguments on their appeal. Bet for hearing in the circuit court of appeals, were indefinitely continued by agreement of councel. The five men are at liberty on bonds. The Material Is Here No. 9054 Bov'a Double-breasted Orarceat, mannish collar, belt ea back. Make It of tweed or eherfoU We hare ttreag raises ia both. No. 9360 Girl's Bloaa Coat. the modal of NOW. W sag. fist tlat yoi make It of black rerret aad rlr It a eellar of satia ta a eoatrastlas; color. n o 'Jpcn are mown by tliz chocolates J they brim. . just as chocolates may be judged by the men who prefer them. That's why people of good taste and Sweet s Chocolates axe so frc quently found in each others company. Rich, creamy centers extra'heavy mellow chocolate coating unique, distinctive boxes a score of well chosen assortments. These features make Sweet's the gift chocolates par excellence the al most certain choice of people who know and insist upon the best Sweet 's l SALT LAKE I CHO GOLATES (Jbe Jwice (f particulcuJolk W. C. Allei Caasy Corapaty, Portlssd CV -f .ifsUfM VVv 11 roroiAi. hem sold FROM ALASKA TO AUSTRALIA r HKXtT Jm MTTEB, Mgr. 1 - 1 . , - . . - . X - V ,uI1Nt -u .V-.. ;-,.T ... . v.