The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 12, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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lis Being Sharpened by Walt McCredie
man to
Pruning Knife
. ' . i . ' ." ... ....
Handle Smokers
Outfielder Sam Stuart Also in
Line to Receive His
"Blue Envelope."
. By Georre Bert
ONTARIO, Cai., March 12 Three
recruit players. Pitchers Fred Libke
. of Astoria, and Sylvester Johnson and
Outfielder- Sam Stuart of Cottage Orove,
, are slated to receive transportation from
" Manager McCredie before the first prac
tice Karnes, provided some more of the
regulars show up so that he will be able
.'to put in a full team in the contest
against the Ontarloans Saturday ad
I Llbke ana' Johnson lack experience
necessary to jrrab berths on the Beaver
staff. Llblte, whtle he may eventually
develop into a good port aider, has much
to learn before he can break into Class'
A ball. Johnson's case Is similar.
Btuart, while he has hit hard in the
'batting practice, is too old for McCredie
,ta try to develop. He lacks form In
running- and at the plate. McCredie has
lome hard games In front of him this
, week and they will tell whether any of
' the youngsters he has In camp have any
, baseball In their systems.
; The same with the Chicago Cubs is
hilled for next Tuesday afternoon and
Thursday the squad will travel to Long
,iieacn tor a content with the B. P. O.
JfeJlks' club.
4 Sunday, March 21, the Beavers wilt
tiieet the Ktahl and Dean afrreatlon
of Los Angeles. If the Oregon Aggies
Come south to play the Un.versliy of
Southern California, two games will be
played with them.
9 During the two workouts Thursday,
-Manager Mack was much pleased with
the Khowinff made by Wes Kingdon,
Herbtry Cuyler and, Charles Barnade,
three formeA Lincoln high school players
of Los Anpt-fes. Klnsdon has put on 14
pounds and is taking a better cut at
the hall. He has also Improved in his
running and Mack puts on a big smile
every time his name is mentioned.
5: Cuyler and Barnade are two sweet
looking players at the bat Barnade
;mill be given a chance to show. what he
tan do In the pitching line early next
Dick Cox has added some weight and
.iMack thinks that he will develop into
another "rnvath. The two years Cox
has played in professional baseball have
.helped him wonderfully, says the big
leader of the Beavers.
Hchroeder, Sutherland and Poison are
grounding into pood shape aB Is Frank
Joney. Juney Is ready at any time to
,cvt loose. During the "work tip" prac
tice Thursday he uncorked several speed
ones that made some of the boys step
back and look "em over. 4
, Lew .Blue, Dick Durnlng. Al Honeck,
:and Oeorge Maisel are expected to ar
rive Friday.
;; Kansas City has offered Pitcher Hall.
..'ho. won 21 and lost 16 games last spa
5son' for Outfielder Frank Walker, but
"Mack is undecided about accepting the
'otfer. He believes that he can land a
tetter man than HaU for Walker.
. Outfielder Poettlnger of the Hartford
cluh of the Eastern.' league will likely
' land with Portland if he does not accept
jth terms offered him by Hartford.
French President
Greets Carpentier
With 'Bon Voyage'
Paris. Marrh 11 (I. It. 8.)
When Georges Carpentier meets
lark Demptej for the world's httrj-
weight rhampioBthip be will carry
the best wishes of. France's new
president, M. Fanl Setchanel. At a
Franco-British- rugby mates, M. Dei
rhanal Invited Caraentler late the
president's box and shook bands with
"Bob voyage," be said. "I hope to
see jom shortly world's champion."
Frosh Swimmers
Win Annual Meet
Secretary' 'Honeyman to Handle
Affairs Temporarily; Elks to
Hold Smoker.
University of Oregon, Eugene. March
12, The women's lnterclass swimming
meet held Tuesday evening resulted In
a victory for the freshman class. The
figures 1923 will be engraved on the
dimming cup this year. This cup is
donated, by Miss Mable CummUiga.
head of the women's gymnasium de
partment of the university. The fresh
men won 47 points to the 24 earned by
the sophomores. The seniors took 11
points and the juniors 3.
Frances Moore, freshman, was Indi
vidual high point winner of the meet,
having 22 points to her credit. Helen
Nelson, sophomore, came second with
13 points, and Valiere Coffey,' fresh
man, third, with 10 points.
Ex-Soldiers Want
Boxing at Albany
Albany. March 12. Decision to ask
Mayor Curl for the appointment of a
boxing commission in Albany was de
termined Wednesday night at the recur
lar meeting of the local post of the
American Legion. Petitions have been
prepared and filed with the names of
100' taxpayers necessary for the secur-
ence of a commission.
Promotion of boxing bouts has been
undertaken by the members of the local
post of the American Legion as a means
for raising the funds necessary for the
construction of a community-center
house. A fund has already been started
and several subscriptions reported but It
is believed that by having first class
bouts money to hasten the project can
be raised.
Expect Few Changes
In Football Rules
New York, March 12. (I. N. 8.)
Members of the football rules commit
tee will hold a clinic over the gridiron
code here tonight for the first time In
several years. Radicals among football
coaches and officials who are advocat
ing a number of changes in the rules
will be given a hearing. But few If any
changes are expected.
John Smith May e
Be Head of A. B, C.
Peoria, III., March 12. (U. P.) John
Smith of Buffalo, traffic manager of
the interstate commerce commission. Is
slated for the presidency of the Ameri
can bowling congress. The election was
set for this afternoon, when delegates
from all parts of the country will be
here to attend the session.
By Bob
JACK GRANTS resignation as match
maker of the Portland Boxing com
mission was accepted at a meeting of
the commission Thursday afternoon. No
action was taken on the appointment
of a successor to Grant. For the present.
Secretary Walter B. Honeyman, who is
too well known as an amateur sports
man . to need introduction, a charter
member of the commission and a man
who has always worked In the interest
of clean Doxing, will act with his fellow
commissioners In the matchmaking and
promotion of the next smoker.
This may be held on the date origin
ally set. March 24. and It may be post
poned until a suitable card Is assured.
Grant, it is understood, had practically
made agreements with certain boxers
for this smoker, and it is the desire of
the commission to carry these out as
far as it is possible.
Honeyman is going to try his hand
at matchmaking Saturday night, when
he, in company with . other prominent
members of the local lodge of Elks,
stage a series of boxing exhibitions at
The Auditorium for 600 Seattle Elks.
Billy Ryan will meet Karl Zimmerman,
one of Sky Pilot Zimmerman's fighting
demons : Johnny Trambitas. younger
brother of Valley and Alex, will tangle
with George Burns, the Alblna hope,
and Freddie Anderson, claimant of the
coast lightweight title and by many
considered the legitimate holder, will
swap wallops with Carl Martin. Each
of the fights will go three rounds. No
admission will be charged and the ex
hibitions are opened to Elks only.
Willie Meehan, San Francisco's phat
boy, and Hugh Walker, eastern giant,
who meet in the main event at Mil
waukie on St Patrick's day in the eve
ning, struck Portland sod Thursday.
Meehan did light work at Garbock's, and
Walker began training at the London
club Friday afternoon. Walker -has en
gaged Dick Du sen berry, the man who
trained McCormick, to condition him,
and Willie Meehan brought with him
big Charley Miller, the San Francisco
motorman who once chased Jess Willard
all over a ring.
Freddie Anderson has begun training
for his next start, but Is undecided yet
as to which one of the many offers that
have been made him he will accept.
He is considering three coast offers,
but it Is more than likely that Portland
will be given the first chance to see
him. Freddie hiked to Eastern Oregon
for a rest after his Benjamin fight, and
returned Thursday fat and sassy and
eager for another bout. Friends at Moro,
Or., gave him a great reception when
he appeared before them in a three'
round exhibition.
Baker Club Elects Directors
Baker, March 11. Preliminary to its
revival for the . coming season, the
Baker Country -club met Friday .eve
ning to elect directors. Mose Fuchs, A
S. Shockley. Joseph Stoddr.-d, J. F
O' Bryant, D. W. French. J P. Lott
ridge. J. C. Kauffman. " ... .'atter
son. Judge Gustav Anderson -.nd G. M.
j Ryder were choeen, and will meet next
Tuesday evening to elect officers and
j outline plans for the 1920 golf season.
STOCKTON, Cal., March
Manager Graham is
after receiving a wire
Dreyfuss of the Pittsburg
him a left-handed pitcher
fielder will be supplied
Seals If they are needed.
and Tannigana yesterday
3 to 3 tied score.
12. (U. P.)
feeling better
from Barney
club assuring
and an out-
to help the
The regulars
fought to a
Sacramento, Cal March 12. (U. P.)
Willis Butler, new third Backer of the
Yippers, hasn't played professional ball
for some years. He was in France.
When he returned. Manager Rodgera
got his name on a contract. In training.
BjUtler looks like he is coming back
with a bang.
Boyes Springs, Cal., March 12. (U
P.) Prolonged absence of Marty Krug,
heavy hitting second baseman, is
causing Manager Ernie Johnson no little
worry. If Krug does not show up, La
dle Fitipatrick will be used at second.
Oakland, Cal., March 12. (U. P.)
Another workout today and tomorrow.
and. Sunday the Oaks indulge in prac
tice games. Del Howard says his boys
are in fine shape. Tomorrow he will
put in a team against the Oakland
Chamber of Commerce nine which last
week beat the University of California.
Store Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.,
Including Saturdays
You'll be interested in the
new spring styles we're
showing in
Hart Schaffner
& Marx Clothes
There's. good reasons why you
should come to this store for these
clothes. In the first place they're
made of all-wool, -finely tailored and
built to hold their shape and give
lasting service. On the other hand,
the style is in them. You'll find the
best of them now on display for your
Come in and let us
show you what we
have in store for you.
$45 to $85
Copyricht 1919, Hart Schaffner &M
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
Los Angeles. Cal., March 12. (IT. P.)
The Vernon Tigers will play the first
of a three-game series with the Chicago
Clubs at Washington park this after
noon. The batteries will be: Cubs,
Tyler or Vaughn and Klllifer ; Vernon,
Dell and Devormer.
Elsinore, Cal., March 12. (U. P.)-
President Johnny Powers donned a uni
form and worked out with his Angels
yesterday. Nick Dumovich, southpaw,
picked up from the sand lots of Los
Angeles, apparently has won a place on
the team.
Jacksonville, Fla., March 12. (U. P.)
Carl Mays pitched the first. victory which
the Yankee regulars have been able to
get over the- recruits. It was a 9 to
8 count. Babe Ruth didn't get a hit al
though the fence was painted green to
relieve the strain on his eyes.
Former Wife and Bert Gardner
Are Being Held; Trial Is
Next Week.
P.) Maxlne Dempsey's trip to Tia
Juana to play the races occupied the
attention today of federal agents. whUe
they held Julius E. (Bert) Gardner in
Los Angeles.
Mrs. Dempsey, divorced wife of Jack
Dempsey, was scheduled to arrive here
today to consult with Assistant United
States Attorney Thomas regarding the
latest development in the case in which
Dempsey is charged with conspiring to
evade the draft.
Gardner and Maxine Dempsey went
together to Tia Juana from her mother's
home in Yakima, Wash., federal men
said. Gardner was arrested at Tta
Juana with the aid of Mexican officers.
He is a close friend of Jack. Mrs.
Dempsey fcfthe government's chief wit
ness against her former husband, and
the hearing is slated for next week.
Gardner has been charged with trying
to "fix" testimony with a government
Miami, Fla., March 12. (U. P.) The
world champion Reds staged, their first
club contest of the season yesterday, the
veterans beating the colts, 3 to 2, in a
10-inning game. Walter Ruether and
Jimmy Ring, world series heroes, each
pitched five innings. Nick Allen, catcher,
ripped off three doubles for the veterans.
BROOKLINE.' Mass., March 12. (I.
N. S.) Ted Cann of the Detroit A.
C. is the United States amateur indoor
champion swimmer at 100 yards. He
won the title last night at the Municipal
tank. Cann's time was 55 2-6 seconds.
Clement Browne of Chicago A. A. was
sembled early in the day. The former
says he has no intention of signing up
and Risberg. although under contract.
declares he wants to keep away from
major league activities.
Taylor, Texas. March 12. (I. N. S.)
Bert Gallia having hove into the Browns'
camp, only three of Burke's hopefuls are
now missing Weilman. Mapel and Bush.
Although Gallia tramped 15 miles, with a
heavy suitcase, to reach the grounds of
his team mates after missing train con
nections, he got into the rumpus yester
day and limbered up. "Jeff" Davis is
showing up fine and even the skeptics
are ready to admit iat the promising
youngster from Louisville will make a
berth in the big show this year.
Brownsvilie.'Texas. March 12. (I.N.S.)
Old regulars and young recruits battled
it out to the queen's taste here yester
day " afternoon when Manager Rickey
sent Bill Borden, the sensational young
giant from Tennessee, into the box to
oppose the regulars In a practice game.
The veterans won 11 to 0.
New Orleans. La.. March 12.r-(I. N. S.)
Joe Harris, the Indian first sacker. is
still a holdout, but Judging from present
indications his absence will not be no
ticed. Doc Johnston, who topped all
Indian hitters who played in 100 games
last season and led the club in base run
ning, .is displaying unusual form in the
daily workouts and will fill Harris' shoes
without trouble.
Birmingham, Ala., March 12. (I. N.
S.) "Chink" Hellman, the lfl-year-old
youth from Cincinnati, is making a
strong bid for a Jo)P on Manager Cra
vat h s infield. He has a strong arm and
makes the hardest kind of chances look
Lake Charles, La., March 12. (I. N.
S.) After a loaf of several days because
of bad weather, many of Connie Mack's
Athletics are suffering from stiff mus
cles today.
Hanford, Cal., March 12. (U. P.)
Harry Wolters Is expected to Join the
Seattle training squad by the end of
the week and Manuel Cueto, en route
from Havana, ia due today or tomorrow.
The yannigans in yesterday's game bit
the diamond dust by the score of 3 to 2
Pasadena. Cal., March 12. (U. P.)
Bob O Farrelrs home run with the bases
full in the sixth won the opening battle
of the practice season for the Cubs, 7 to
4, from the Pasadena Merchants here
yesterday. Turner and Flack also each
got home runs.
New Orleans, March 12. (U. P.) A
bit of gloom tinged the atmosphere for
the Cleveland Indians with the announce
ment that neither Jack Garney nor
Larry Gilbert could be expected to Join
the force for some time, due to influ
ALTHOUGH they were playing with
out; the services of their star for
ward, lieutenant Tom Pollard, the Hill
Military academy basketball players
annexed their second victory of the
l19-20 season of the Portland Inter-
Bcholastic league by defeating the High
School of Commerce quintet. 29 to 13,
In the Young Mens Christian Associa
tion gymnasium Thursday afternoon.
Robinson and Goodrich formed the
combination of scorers for the winners.
Robinson being good for 13 markers
while his teammate was responsible
Tor five field baskets. For the first
ttme thif year Mix Grlder was not high
point getter for the Stenographers. His
laurels were taken by Gurian. who made
8 of the 13 Commerce counters. It was
the final fietto for the losers, while the
Cadets 1 still have one -more fracas on
the schedule before "finis" will be
The lineups .
Hill (29). ' rot - " (IS) Commerce
Ball V (6) tinder
Mobinwm 113 .. V. 181 Uunm
(voodrich (10) C fulbck
n&CC 4) i AlUmtu
imy (2) . '. .'. : . . . M Fetmee
McMauos S KeDDinror
Kerden -....-.a
Rtftree. H. T. Smith: Koren, Ufcplin and
Cole; timer, Scotty Cohen and 'Snooker"
Columbus. Ga., March 12. (I. N S.)
Removal of the shine ball and other
freak deliveries will not hurt any of the
good pitchers in the opinion of the dean
of National league umpires. William
Klem, who is touring the training belt,
explaining things. William orated for
an hour to the Bravee' boxmen.
Jacksonville, Fla.. March 12. (U. P.)
Arrival of Zach Wheat and Hy Myers
leaves Grimes the only mibslng member
of the Dodger family.
San Antonio, Texas, March 12. (U.
P.) Jeff Barnes, Art Nehf, Toney and
Benton took turns on the hill yesterday
in tne game wnicn the Ulant regulars
won from the recruits, 6 to 1. Benton
was the least effective.
Hot Springs, Ark.. March 12. (I. N. S.)
-With Tim Hendrvi on t he kcphp u nrl
Captain Harry Hooper due here tomor
row. Ed Barrow is now able to start
building a new Red Sox outfield.
Hot Springs, Ark., March 12. (I. N".
S.) Two days of wet weather have set
back the Pirates' training and Manager
Gibson planned stiff drills today. George
Whitted Joined the squad last night
Chicago, March 12. (I. N. S.) Chica
go's White Sox will leave late today for
Waco. Texas, for their annual spring
training. Chick Gandil and Swede Ris
berg failed to appear when the team as-
San Antonio, Texas, March 12. (I. N.
S.) "Cut loose," was McGraw's order to
the Giants as he sent them out for to
day's prictice session. The order applied
to all but the veteran pitchers, who are
expected to work slowly.
Macon. Ga., March 12, (I N. S.)
Outfielder Chick Shorten and Sammy
Hale, a third baseman, were In uniform
today for the first time. A hot battle
for the regular Job at the "hot"' corner
is on between Bobby Jones, Ralph Pinelli
and Hale.
Hot Springs, Ark.. March 11. (I. N.
S.) Stuffy Mclnnis is the cleanup batter
of the Red Sox this year.
Guaranteed Sat 6MontIis Servko
DUBBELBILT-Hthe famoug boyr dotfcet that are
guaranteed gnre six months' wear, without rip, hole,
Uar; or suit will be repaired free. Reinforced at every point
of wear and strain.
Smart style-rlturdy fabricf-reasoriable prices. But
arxve all, guaranteed tervice. Full money's worth no
mending for six months. Come in and see them.
$H.7S $16.75 V
Washington high and Franklin high
are scheduled to meet in one of the most
Important engagements of the campaign
to the ;Y. M. C. A. gymnasium this aft
ernoom Franklin is leading the circuit
with ffve wins and no defeats, while the
Colonials suffered one setback in four
starts. A victory for Washington will
send the Lincoln high representatives
Into the lead and force Washington and
Franklin into a tie for second honors.
The game will start at 3 :15 o'clock.
Eighteen to seven was the score of
the victory of the B'nal B'rith juniors
over the James John high second team
Thursday afternoon. All the B'nal
B'rith players showed remarkable speed
and each managed to break into the
scoring column with the exception of
Gaylord.. who substituted late In the
The lineups:
B'nal B'rith Jim. (18)
McKenn (2) F. .
Harapbell (2) F. .
Kat (5) C.
rxinnn (4) . ,
Fatcliffe (8) O.,
Kelly (2) S
U ay lord 8
(T) Jaa. John -Jds
(4) Griffith
SUndlf er
(8) Viiwoo
i' ' '
Britisher Is Expected to Wave
No Difficulty i(i Beating
Indiana Soy.
By Jack Yioek
NEW YORK, March . (L N. S,)
Frankle Mason, the Fort Wayne
midget, will ge.t his chance at the world's
flyweight boxing title In Toledo -tonight
when he meets Jimmy? Wilde in a 12-
round bout. "
- As the contest will 1 a declstonlesa
affair the only way laaon can win the
championship will be vja the knockout
route, ' an assignment' . that appears
rather large for the Indiana boy.
Mason is a Combative little fellow
af willing mixer but his, punching power
is moderate and he is lacking as a fin
ished boxer when compared with ;the
"mighty atom" from England.
Mason is 30 years of - age and has
been boxing 10 years.' A comparison
of his record with that of Wilde shows
that the Britisher has scored clean
knockouts over several American boxers
who held their own with Mason, among
them Zulu Kid and Johnny Rosner.
Though Wilde can win no great pres
tige by defeating Masqn, it is expected
that he will go after ai'i decisive victory
tonight. Mason Is the; claimant of the
American flyweight title, though he has
not gained general recognition as the
The Britisher, according to a con
census of opinion among boxing critics
here, should win handily. He Is boxing
In top form now and has become thor
oughly acclimated. f
Santel Lonea Match
Baker. . March 12. Failure to throw
Ad Gustavo, middleweight wrestler,
more than once in 60 minutes cost Ad
Santel. said to be the world's light
heavyweight champion, a match here
last night He secured the one fall In
45 minutes. Santel outweighed Gus
tavo 22 pounds. ;
The Cleveland Indians will erect a
new stand to seat 3500, before the open
ing of the American league season.
oiuv.iio doners wua
J-ltwo out of three games from the !.'.'
St. Nicholas aggregation in the City)
league on the Portland Bowling Alleys; -Thursday
night, and the Vogan Candy! , "
company annexed two wins from the'
Rialto Billiard Palace contingent, ast
did thei Wells Realty outfit Trom the '
Board of Trade Barbers. Goodwin tnd '
Bell, leaders for individual average! ; "j
honors of the league, ran neck and neck
in Thursday's play, but Bell" went to
the front when he averaged 219 fop
three games as against 207 for Goodi r
win. The scores: Wells, 939. 850, 980 , '
total. 2750; Barbers. 839. 879. 624
total. 2642; Rialto, 771. 710. 701 total;
2182; Vogan. 707, 624. 772 total. 210SJ "
Tailors. 869. 920, 879 total, 2868;' St.
Nicholas, 866, 819, 919 total. 2804.
The Rialto and Vogan teama wers 1 I
forced to roll their match with four ? 7
men each. The fifth member of eacto
squad was away on "sick leave." , j
Boston, March 12. (I. N. 8.) Fjrt
Caddock today holds a victory over Tom ',
Draak. the Dutch wrestler, whom he -defeated
in straight falls. "
WW .! L . , . , .jasfl'iMsaaswpssa ,t
La Grande, March 12. The first and
only Outside game which the local girls'
basketball team of the high school will
play this season will be played Satur
day evening, when they meet the Wal
lowa girls' team in the local gym
nasium. Miss Jeannette Wheatley, a
graduate of the University of Oregon
from the department of physical edu
cation, is coach of the local quintet.
Coach George G. Dewey and his Colum
bia university basketball stars will play
the Rainier high school quintet at Rai
nier. Or., tonight. The Purple and White
wearers will close the 19 19-20 season
with the fracas against the lower Co
lumbia athletes. In the Portland Inter
scholastlc league race the Columbia
team finished with four wins and four
defeats but the main feature of the cam
paign as far as the collegians were con.
cerned came in their, defeating the Ben
son Tech league leaders Tuesday.
Those Big Ones
will be ready to tackle anything
after their winter vacation.
Better get your tackle in shape while
our assortment is still complete.
requires hardware- in har
mony with its type. - j
Let us show you our full
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Sporting Goodi Ueadqaarteri
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Yes! But They Did It!
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You Will Never Forget It!
C. L. Boss Automobile Co.
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