The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 09, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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. By Krl IL Ton Wlegand
.. Berlin. March 9. X ra tbl'to
a-lve herewith exclusively the text of
Soviet Russia's peace note to the
United State government on Febru
ary 14. It la contained In a wireleaa
- message from Moscow signed by the
soviet foreign minister, M. Tchlt
charin. In reply to an Inquiry from
me. M. Tchitcharin'fl message fol
iowa: - - '
- "The peoples' commissariat of foreign
affairs being desirous that American
public opinion be enlightened upon the
soviet proposals for peace negotiations
with the United States government and
being convinced that no real antagonism
can exist between the oldest and the
youngest democracies In the world I
" v shall appreciate it If you will give pub
. llclty to its note addressed to the de
partment of state under date of Feb
ruary 24. provided that you publish It
in full.
"Moscow, February 34
"State department, Washington, T C.
- "The victorious advance of the valiant
i soviet army in Siberia and the universal
. popular movement against the counter
-revolution and against foreign invasion
' which-has spread with irresistible force
throughout Eastern Siberia. have
brought into immediate proximity the
-' Question of re-establishing connection be
tween Soviet Russia and the United
States of America.
"Reports that have reached us from
' our representative Mr. Martens, show
with full clearness that American com
, toerce and industry are able to help in
a very large measure in the great work
, of the reconstruction of Russia's eco
' nomlc, that the United States can play
a gigantic role in the realisation of this
problem and that numerous prominent
-' representatives of the American busi
ness world are quite willing to take an
; extensive part of this work.
. ' "The more the trials of civil war that
Russia baa gone through are retreating
Into the past, the more will all the forces
" of the Russian people concentrate upon
.the fundamental aim of reconstructing
the country, and American production,
, ; wealth and enterprise can be among the
greatest assets in helping us to attain
our purpose.
, "It can be affirmed decidedly that the
- "connection between soviet Russia and
America will be of the greatest use to
. both parties and that both will reap
from it the largest benefits.
"Having no Intention whatever ot In
: terferlng with the internal affairs of
' America, and having for its sole aim
peace and trade, the Russian soviet
government is desirous of beginning
' - without delay peace negotiations with the
American government.
! "On December 6 and 7, the all-Rus-
slan congress of Soviets solemnly pro-
r posed to all governments of the allied
v , and associated powers, and to each of
them separately, to commence negotla-
tlnn. with th vIaw rtt rnnrliidfTip tia rM
------ - - ---r. r - -
- "Once more this proposal Is made and
y , we ask the government of the United
mates or America to miorm us oi its
- wishes with respect of a place and time
for peace negotiations between the two
, - countries.
' "People's Commissariat for Foreign Af
' fairs."
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By William E. Xash :
(Oapyrisht. 120. by Cbieaso Dsuy Nnrm Co.)
!wa to TM toam im Tb UWcace
Dsuy stews,
Paris, March 9. A. P. Husband,
secretary of the Millers National
Federation in Chicago, who has just
finished a business trip through
Northern Europe in the interests of
bis organisation, believes that, ex
cept for absolute necessities, it will
be Impossible to resume business
with these countries in the near fu
ture. Even in the .neutral nations
production la under normal, money
has depreciated, and shipping has
been greatly, damaged Dy me war.
For flour, however, the product in
which he is the most interested, the
conditions are somewhat different. That
is. an article of prime necessity which
will be bought at any cost perhaps in
smaller Quantities by Germany, Sweden,
Holland and France. It was to investi
gate the possibility of reestablishing the
foreign connections that Mr. Husband
came to Europe.
The situation In the Scandinavian
countries is particularity interesting," he
said. "They suffer both ways In rela
tion to the condition of the money mar
ket. Owing to the depreciation- of their
currency in isew York they can buy
little in America and owing to the enor
mous appreciation in Germany, Poland
and Finland they can sell little there.
As a consequence they have had to turn
Vri S.-T.:-.-?S.::: v.v. .v, -v vs.:. jj,w.-kL''.i'.ijM
w vawww-
Mrs. Yone Suzuki, of Japan, Is by far the richest woman In the Orient,
and probably the richest woman In the world in her own right. It is
estimated that Mrs. Suzuki male from $150,000,000 to $200,000,000 during
the war. Her ships sail the seven seas carrying goods of all kinds from
her many factories. She has branch offices in London, New York, San
Francisco, Glasgow, Bombay, Melbourne, Hongkong and other big cities.
Among her many Interests are lead and copper mines, flour mills, rice
plantations, alcohol manufacture, silks, tea and valuable woods.
' Fishermen In Slam use boats with low,
sloping sides, painted white, which
frighten fish so that they leap over the
sides of the craft Into nets.
American Hotel Man
Is Holder .of Option
On London Property
By Gordon Stile
Bpaelsl CabU to The Journal sad Tb Chicago
Daily News,
(OopyrUbt, 1930. by Chicago Daily Nam Co.)
London, England, March 9. It is re
ported that John McE. feowman, a New
Tork hotel owner, who has been ne
gotiating for the site of the Devonshire
house, where he proposed to erect a
huge hotel on American lines, has taken
an option on the Hots! Cecil property
on the Strand. According to my Infor
mation, the Devonshire house property
was held at such a high figure that
Mr. Bowman turned his attention to
other quarters.
The Cecil has an admirable location
overlooking the Thames and was largely
patronized by Americans before it was
taken over by the air ministry.
Although some of the London .papers
have emitted loud wails about Yankee
hotel kings coming here. I am told that
Mr. Bowman is a British subject and
formerly lived in Toronto.
John McE. Bowman was Sborn In
Canada. Since 1914 he has been the
owner of the Blltmore hotel In New
Tork city and other hotel properties.
He was a member of the federal food
administration, representing the hotel
and restaurant Industry.
Belgrade Reports
Cabinet Has Quit
By Gordos Stiles
Speotal Cable to The Journal and Th Chleaco
tnu; news.
(Oopyricht. 1920. by Chieaco Dafly New Co.)
London, England, March 9. News has
been received from Belgrade that the
Prince Alexander has accepted the res
ignation and has asked M. tVestnltch,
the Serbian minister In Paris, to form
a coalition ministry. The general feel
tng in Belgrade is that this last at
tempt st a coalition government will
falk and that the old radicals with M.
Pashitch and M. Protltch will form a
purely radical cabinet.
Oscar Seagle
appearing at
The Auditorium, March
Under the Management of
Multnomah Male Chorus
Oscar Seagle, the American baritone, is
classed as a master of song. In the finish of
his singing, the perfection of his phrasing and
his wonderful command of expression and
diction, he reaches the heights of true genius.
His programmes are invariably interesting,
and his performances beyond praise.
Oscar Seac makea, records excluajvdy
lor Columbia. Any Columbia Dealer will
t!aflr play for ytm any of his selections, to
pou can judge for yourself the exquisite
London, March Insanity j is
increasing among women because
they are taking a greater share in
the world's work, according to a
report by Dr. Edward Oswald, su
perintendent of the Glasgow
Royal asylum.
"The strain reacts mostly on
professional women, he says; wo
men of the working class are not
so likely to break down. There
has been notable Increase in the
number of school teachers and
students admitted to Insane
asylums In Great . Britain."
cepted by tba oulkl of the Irish people.
He expressed the opinion that the Sinn
Fein are slowly swerving; toward borne
rule .;-". i
' As a result of a careful canvass of
Irish opinion. Sir Auckland ts convinced
that the bill wtu be ultimately accept
able and be the basis of a permanent
-I am surprised."; he said, "that there
is not more antagonism. The govern
ment sorely expected greater opposition
than has bees shown thus far. The Sinn
Fem attitude undoubtedly is favorable
to acceptance of the new. bllL"
' Fires Sweep peTisuted Italy i
Udine, Italy, March . (By ' Mail.
Vast mountain and forest flraa, covering"
thousands of acres, ara sweeping the
devastated regions of Northern Italy,
Several villain tc tha mountains near
Gorilla, where the bitterest fighting ot
the eqtlre war on this front occurred,
have been almost surrounded by tha
sweeping flames, which have started in
the dried vegetations ot midwinter and
have been fanned by the constant winds
sweepinr in from the Adriatic v
more and more towards - making them
selves self-sufficient. For instance Den
mark, which raised little or no wheat
before the war. now crows a great deal.
She will therefore cease to be as good
a customer of ours as formerly a fact
which also applies in less degree to other
In Germany, France and Belgium the
exchange problem is. even more acute.
If goods can possibfy be bought else
where they will not turn to the United
States. Like other observers Mr. Hus
band noticed a great many French com
mercial buyers in the Rhineland. The
lack of shipping and raw materials which
hinder production is likely, in his opin
ion, to hold back commerce for years.
Way Opened to Rnsta
Rome, March 9. (I. N. S.) Minister
of Transport Farrari announced today
that the government - would assist all
persons to go to Russia on business.
tondon, March I, Stabilization
of Europey getting Germany back
on her feet and providing; a solution
of the Irish Question are the chief
ambitions of Sir Auckland Geddea,
the oew British ambassador to the
United States. This was revealed by
Sir Auckland himself in an inter
View after a luncheon given by Lady
Astor to American correspondents. -
(jreddes, who is known as Premier
Lloyd George's brainiest cabinet member,
and who has been active trying to solve
the supreme question facing Britain, will
sail for America late this month or early
in April. He said :
"The world must eliminate the chaos
in Central Europe. The only feasible
method is for the allies to allow Ger
many to float a .world wide loan, espe
cially In the neutral countries and among
German Americans, and even In South
America, the loan to take precedence
over the war Indemnity.
"This will stabilise Germany and at
the same time will be the first step
toward rehabilitating Europe. The su
preme council has sanctioned this."
the decision Is one of the most import
ant taken by the allied statesmen at
their conferences here. It is due, it is
said, mainly to the efforts and arguments
of Sir Auckland.
Premier Lloyd George's proposed set
tlement of the Irish question. Geddes
believes, will be enforced and finally ac-
L&SslH Cat
fere siBtoiW, ippl Sts-nur
Je-vs-aaT (. Then a lauck f
Sra-nuhT Rougo. a4 tartly Sau-nuv
rc Pwlu. Vh wtU to U(:h4
Its ika ruR
1 J few'
j ajsa Oovane
"The Pink Complexion
Cake" ia a face cream in
solid form. It in more than
that it is a akin protector.
Apply it just before go
ing out and your complex
ion will retain its velvety .
smoothness all winter. Bit
ing winds and swirling duit
will no longer dry up the
natural oils nor rob the
skin of its delicate texture.
Chapping? Impossible
when you use Sbm-pray
Ask for Sem-pray Jo-
ve-nay, Sem-pray Face
Powder, Rouge and Van
ishing Creme at your
favorite toilet counter.
How Often do You get
Refreshing Steep
ONCE in a while per
haps you get up feeling
like a new man.
But it doesn't happen
of ten unless you are the ex
ception, or have been very
lucky in your choice of a bed.
Beds are made to sleep in
yet the chances are that your
bed whether wood or the or
dinary metal bed) creaks
slighdy here, is a litde un
steady there. Not much
perhaps, but quite enough
to disturb that complete re
laxation you must have for
perfect repose.
It Is wonderful how the
right kind of Bed Spring in
vites perfect! relaxation and
deep, sound sleep.
- The good spring is taut
and flat, yet resilient. It
supports the body at ease in
any sleeping position con
forms to the contours never
weakens, lumps or sags.
Look at the Springs built
by Simmons Company
Springs built for sleep!
For forty years Simmons
Company has been making
Beds and Springs to promote
It is the maker of really
noiseless Metal Beds beds
that stand sturdy and firm
not a shake, creak or rattle
If you 5 know only wooden
beds or ordinary metal beds
and springs ask the leading
dealer in your seedbn about
Simmons Steel Beds, Brass
Beds, Springs, Day Beds and
Children's Cribs.
They are Built for 'sleep
yet they cost little if any
more than the casual mer
chandise of the ordinary
store. ,
And vyhen you are select
ing your Simmons Beds with
an eye to their appearance
in the room, you will see that
Simmons has for the first time
established beautiful and
authoritative design in Metal
Sleep is a bit iubjttt! Writ m ftr tm irtchurt, tfWhat Lteiing Medical Jturntlt
and health Magazines Say ah it Separate Beds end Sturid Sleep." Fret if charge.
The Simmons
i i '
(Executive Offices: Kenosha, Wis.)
Flexible steel slat fabric spring, Unique non-tag deslpt'tbst
conform! icjentificaUy to the weight of the body. Mattress
bottom consUu of flexible Steel slat connected to each other
by three rows of helical springs, forming a perfectly flat sur
I face strongly suspended by heavy helical springs at nds.
Supplied in all standard widths for all types of beds. Supplied
is "Parchment fioUh rtut-proof qualities.
flj MARIETTA STANLEY CO., Grand Rapids, Michigan Ll
uii& Jbr Sleep
Columbia tone and
ndeuty of reproduction.
CshssltS Of)
-IwiW MM