.- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 14 SATURDAY, . MARCH e, 1920. PORTLAND. OREGON Congregational Church (Eight Million B rive egms 14 4 - ! bllar Memorial JWonctey s $50,000 IS GOAL OF OREGON FORCE IN CHURCH EFFORT Rev. William Beard of New York Is Here to Help Put Campaign Across in State of Oregon. i Tbe drive of the Congregational church In the United Btates to raise its $8,000,000 Pilgrim Memorial ' fund will begin Monday morning:. The fund Is thus named because it celebrate the three hundredth an niversary of the landing of the. Pil grims At Plymouth Rock. The fund now amounts to $6,000,000. and when It is completed it will be : $8,000,000. The Interest of this fund ' Will aruarantee all the ministers of the Congregational church who re ceive a salary fit 11000 a year or less, a pension of $600 per annum ' after he becomes (5 years of age. The Rev. William S. Beard of New York city has come to Oregon to see . the campaign put across. The Rev. C. ; H. Harrison, an Ohio minister, has also arrrvea in xne city ana win oe in '1 charge of the office which he has I opened in, tbe First Congregational I church. The executive committee for Oregon are: E. L. Thompson, chair man ; Dr. W. T. McEljreen, vice chair man ; Rev. A. J. Sullens, secretary ; 'E. B. McNaughton, C. A. Mann and S. C Pier. Other Portland men named . on the Oregon commission are: B. W. Bethune, H. O. Colton, C. P. Oalser, A. H. Harding. B. 8. HunUngton, Q. ' O. Miller. T. F. Murphy. -W. f. Nor man. W. K. Ogden, 8. O. Smith, George : Warren, W. I. Wheaton and J. T. Wilson. The quota for Oregon has been an nounced as $50.000. ' In order to give the workers proper enthusiasm that their work might be carried on suc cessfully, a large Congregational bam ' quet has been announced for Wednee day night at the Hotel Portland. Plates have been reserved- for 400 members.' The appeal for subscriptions to the fund will be mads from Portland pul -pits on March 14. f--.-..,:.. i ' Presbyterians Hear Talk pn Foreigners The -Central Presbyterian church had an interesting and Instructive .program at their meeting last Wednesday night which was given by the women's so ciety and the men's club. "Foreigners in the United Btates" was discussed by . three or four members of the church. ' and Mrs. F. I. Albaugh. chairman of the v D. A. R. state Amerlcanitatlon commlt ' tee. After the program a social hour ' was enjoyed, light refreshments were served and the audience had the pleas- ure of meeting Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Nugent, the new pastor and his wife. Dr. Nugent will occupy his pulpit Sun " day morning and evening. The chorus choir will render appropriate music at both services. It is the desire of the officers that a full house greet the new - pastor Sunday. HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH BAST SIOHTH AND ft LB CRTS STREETS. DR. WM. T. MILL1KEN, PASTOR . MAROH 1 11:00 A. M "OUR CREED" 7i30 P. M. "THE MAN WHO DESPISED HIS BIRTHRIGHT" :o p. ia a. v. p. u. ORCHESTRA IN THE MORN IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TWELFTH A!T1 ALDER STREETS REV. JOHN TALLMADGE' BERGEN, D. D. ef the First Presbyteries Caereh of Mlaieapolls "The Great Heroic of Isaiah" Ttlt P. M. "The Unspeakable Gift" Hill P. M 8TJTTDAY SCHOOL. JH P. M. ORG A X RECITAL y E. E. COCflSF.H. SOLO by MRS. V1ROIWIA SPENCER HUTCHIW80N. SPECIAL MUSIC by the CUOIR. Dr. Edward H. Pence WESTMINSTER PASTOR a.h. "ANGELS (First ef Leatea Series) ' - ,...P.M. The .p the 'If in Life" it tie P. JL bible' SCHOOL lt P. JIV TOTr!fPEOPLE8 y 80CIETT v '-HEAR. OCR QUARTET Mi or; adSohrab zaAnm Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, noted scholar and lecturer of Teheran, Persia, and expouqdcr of the Persian Bahai movement, will lecture under the craspice of the Theoiophical Society at Theosophical Hall, 301 Central Bid g., corner 10th and Alder Sts., Sunday. evening, March 7, at 8 o'clock. Subiect. by. Miss Alvah Peterson NO ADMISSION New Minister Is to Take Up Work Here , Rev. E. C. Hickman The Rev. B. C. Hickman, newly ap pointed pastor of Wilbur Methodist church, arrived in Portland today and will occupy his new pulpit for the first time on Sunday morning at 10 :30. The Wilbur church worships in the assem bly room of the Hotel Multnomah. Dr. Hickman was released by the Centenary board of the denomination in order that he might accept the Portland call. He is being transfered from the Winona dis trict of the Minnesota conference to Oregon. He was pastor of the First church at Winona before taking up the Centenary work. Dr. Hickman's fam ily consists of his wife and 6-year-old daughter. Mrs. Hickman is a graduate of Cornell university and- of the Chi cago Deaconess Training - school. Dr. Hickman Is a graduate of Hamllln uni versity and the Methodist college at St Paul and of the Garrett Biblical insti stute, Evanston, HI. Dr. Hickman's father and grandfather are Methodist ministers. Arletar Baptists to Begin on Campaign The campaign of evangelism, planned by the Arleta Baptist church, will begin Sunday. The pastor. Rev. O. T. Day, wiU preach Sunday. The preachers for the nights of the coming week are : W. T. MUliken of Highland church, F. W. Starring of Grace church, W. E. Petti bone of Oregon City First church, W. B. H in son of Bast Side church and W. A. Waldo of First church. Beginning on March 14. Evangelist S. J. Reld will preach each night An Alabama man has tn-ented a pis tol that is practically a miniature ma chine fun as Its cartridges are loaded Into a chain of almost any length de aired. SUNNYSIDE Congregational Church East Taylor at ltd Rev. J. J. Staub, D. D. 11 A. M. "The Greet Wreck of Human Redemption." 745 P. M. "The Passion of Soul-Winning." IXCILLENT MUSlb Y CHORUS CHOIR A WELCOME FOR VOU to ALL ARE WELCOME ' ' '? ' v ', . ! ' '' '''' -"3 '? .( iZ j r : Lecture important ews Two eonferences for the benefit of elder boys and girls will be held the end of this month under the direction of the Oregon Sunday School associa tion. The Older Girls' conference will be held in the Methodist church at For est Grove, March 26 to 28. The oider Boys' conference will be held in the Mount Tabor Presbyterian church of Portland on March 27. At the after noon session, of tbe boys' conference four papers will be read, as follows: "A Boy's Physical Life." by Kenneth Irle : "A Boy's Mental Life," by Howard Hopkirk; A. Boy's, Social Life." by Cyril Corckett : "A Boy's Religious Life," by- Perl Brunlc A banquet wiU be served at 6:15 p. m. In the evening Harold F. Humbert, state secretary, will give a talk on "The Camp of the Four Fold Life." Dr. W. T. McElveen, pas tor of the First Congregational church, will give the main address. His topic will be "The Test of Manhood." Boys from IS to 21 years of age are invited, especially those attending Sunday school. The first evening of the girls' confer ence will be "get-acquainted" night Mr. Humbert will tell the story of the camp of 100 fires held at Lake Geneva last year. Oregon expects to send a girl to this camp next year. A dramatiza tion of a woman's life from the. cradle to the grave will also be given. Mrs. William Moll Case of Eugene and Miss Georgia Barker of Portland will ad dress the conference. Any girl's class SUnnual Convention &i regon J&nday Schools, jHav 6-9 The Oregon Sunday School conven toln for 1920 will be held in the First Presbyterian church May 6 to 9, ac cording to the general secretary. Har old F. Humbert. "Brotherhood" is to be the convention keynote. Two speak ers from the International S. S. asso ciation have been secured. They are Mrs. Maud Junkin Baldwin of Chicago, who is children's division superintend ent and R. A. Waite of Chicago, in ternational boys' superintendent. Oth ers on the program will be Mrs. Ella M. Humbert of Spokane, dean of women at Spokane university; the Rev. W. T. McElveen of the First . Congregational church and the Rev. Oeorge W. Knep per, pastor of the First Chstlan church of Spokane. Walter Jenkins will direct the music and Mrs. Loretta nonarv of Snokane will be the soloist. Fifteen hundred registered delegates are anticipated. Multnomah county is to furnish 900 and entertain the other 600 in their homes on the Harvard plan. DIRECTORY Third Sunday in Lent Uniform Sunday School Lessons "John Writes About ChrirtUn Vor." I ,0 Gold' Tt: "Briars, laVn we aUo ousht to tow on. another.- I John 4:11. Young People's Topics Bspttat Union "Ltf Lswom rrom the Book of PrmiH" hoi. 20:1;15. Comecrstio Book of ProTertos." Pn. 20:1-15. (Conae- crttlon uwetint). tf Epworth Lewroe "Tife Ijmoto Front tts Book of Prore.be." Pro. 20:1-15. aptM Firrt White Templj. 12th tnd Ttylor Rer WlUUni A. W.ldo. 11. "Ow the Top. by Mra. Helrt BerreU Montsomery of Kochester N. T.: 7:80. "Cbrtot. Eminent in Human life. Eut Side E. 20th snd Bebaoe Be. W. B. Hinnon. Rer. H. T. Cmh, MeocUte. 11. "The Mn Who Would Be Kins"; 7:30, "To HeU and Back." Third Vanemrre and Knott Rt. R. E. Cloee. 11. "Oaf Master Prosratn"; 7:30. "The Price of Victory." Arleta E. 64 th and 48th ate. By. Owen T- Day. 11. "The Mark of Jems ' ; 7 :, The Price or incecrny. CalTarr E. 8th and Grant Re, J. E. Thomas. 11, '-The Heart of the Gospel"; 7:80. A Danferons Practice. . Glencoe EL 4'5th and Main Rer. F. O. I.alette. 11. "The Tragedy of Bneceas ; 7 :u. Interferencea. Sellwood Bethany Rev. W. If. Tenia 11. 7:45. Grace E. TSth and Ai. B. F. W. Staf- fa. 11. "The Liaht of the World": 7:40, preaching by Rev. Fred Berry of Seattle. TJniYenitr Park Rer. S. Lawrtnca Black. 11. 8. swedbh 15th and Hnyt Be. T. O.JIiolan- der Preaching by tbe blind CTanseliat. Ber. A. Freeman. 10:80. 7 .SO. Bt. Johns Chicago and Leonard 11, 7:80. Hishland E 8th. and Alberta Dr W. T Miiliken. 11. "Onr Creed"; 7:80. "The Man Who Despised His Birthright." ML OliTet f colored) Broadway and Er- trctt Bar. J. W. Anderson. 11. 8. Ellm Swedish Mallory and Skidmore ReT. G. Sandblom. 2 :30. 3 :80. Lenta 88th st and 80th are. Rer. E. A. Smith. ETangeliatio serrices led by 8. J. Reid. 11. 7:30. OatnaiM Pro Cathedral 16th and Daria Rer. B. T. O'Han. S, 7:15, 8:89, 8:45, 11, 7:48. fit Peter Lents Rev. P. Beutgen. 8, 10:80. 7:80. St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman RT. J. O. Hashes. 6. 8:80, 10:80. 7:30. St. Francis s. lzth and Pina Bt. i. u. Black. 6. 8. . 10:80. 7:80. Immaenlata Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton He. W. A. Daly. S. S. 8. 11. 7:80. Holy Roaary E. 8d and Clackamas Bar. K. H.' Olson. 6. 7. 8. . 11. 7:8 St Rosa S. BBd and Alameda Ray. J.I O FamU. S. lo:Btt. 4. Bt. Aourewa is. tn ana AJBenaj tier. i. Kitrnan. 8. 10:30. 7:80. The Madeleine B. 24th and Siskiyou Rer George F. Thompson. 7:30. . 11. Asoension E 76th and Yamhill Frandteaa Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:80. Bleaaed Sacrament Maryland and Blaadena Ber. F. W. Black. 8, 10:30, 7:80. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Rer. C lUnaond. 8. 10:80, 7:80. Bt. Ignatius 8220 43d St. 8. It Jesuit Fathem. 6 SO. 8. 10:80. 4. 8t BtepneM K. 4Zd and Tsjlor iter war ren A. Waitt. S. 8:S. 10:80. 7:80. Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and Taneou- ?er are. Rer. William J. DiTina. 8. 8. 10 :30. 7:80. St. VhiWo Nedl (PauUst Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory Ray. M. L. Ferry. 7 :80. (, 10:80, 7:80. St. Clementsr 8. Smith are. and Newton Berbita Fathers. 6. 8. 10:80, 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th sad Canter Bar. G, Bob. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St Agatha E. 16th and MilUr Rev. J. Commkkr. S. 10:80. 7:30. St Stanlslaua (Polish) Maryland and Fail ing Rer. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80, 7:80. St. Josepb (German) lBth ai Be. B. Rnrrer. 8. lOKO. 7:80. St Miehaal (Italian" 4th and MID Bar. u v. a .civ. . v . v r i , .bv. Bt Claire's Capitol Hill Father Aloytiut, U. r. M. 7:30, 1:20. , St. Charlas R S8d and Alberta Bar. J. P O'KlTnn. 8. 10:1(1. All Saint K. SOtb and GBsan Ber. Father William Crontu. 8, 100. Bt Patrick lth and Saricr Ref. Charles M. Smith. Maaraa 6:80. S. 8:1 5. 10:30. 7:4a. First Part and Columbia Re. RaroM R Grtffita. . 11. "Global Christianity"; 7:46. now uoev uoa spee to an r East Side E. 12 Lb and Taylor Ray. R. H. sawyer., la. i:w. ' Baat Skto E. 12th and TayV E. B. H. sawyer. 11. Iae). Rodney Awn Padoey and Knott, Ri 8 Earl Cbiidaro. . 11. 7:80. alonUrilla E. 7th sad Glisas. Bat. Car- nU U Roberta. 11. 7:SO. . Woodlawa E. 7ta and Liberty Rer. Joaepb u. noyo. ii, s. Verno B, 13 th s4 ' WyfanV HT. . R. TThha afa. .11 HUB. ' Kara Park By. I. W. Ghormley. 11. ad of Portland. Churches and oung in any Sunday school la Western Ore gon may,, send a delegate. BAPTIST Rev. Ray Edwin Close will assume the pastorate of the Third Baptist church Sunday morning. Mr. Close comes from the Green Lake Baptist church of Seattle highly recommended as a conscientious Christian worker. Mrs. Close is a successful worker among young people. A reception will be given the pastor and bis wife next Friday at 7 :45 p. m. i Tuesday evening Dr. W. T. MUliken will deliver a lecture upon "Personal. Efficiency!' at the Highland Baptist church. The lecture is given under the auspices of the young men's class. No admission will be charged, hut the free will offering will be donated to the athletic fund of the class. Lents Baptist church will continue its revival services during the coming week under the direction of the state evan gelist. Dr. S. J. Reid. CHRISTIAN The coming to the city of Miss Cyn thia Pearl Maus of Cincinnati next Wednesday will be of special interest to all disciples of Christ churches. Miss Maus is national secondary superintend ent of the Bible schools and also author of books on religious problems of teen u miDlls. Her acoointments on Wed nesday evening will include a confer ence dinner at the First Christian church, served by the Loyal Daughters' Bible class at 6 :15. and an address to tbe public at 7:45. All Bible school workers will find a welcome at both gatherings. CONGREGATIONAL The coming week will be a busy one for First Congregational members. Mon day night the men's brotherhood holds Its monthly dinner. Professor Norman F. Coleman will be the speaker. Several Eastern Congregational ministers in the city in the interest of the Pilgrim me morial fund will speak. E. T. Stretcher will preside. Tuesday evening the east side members will enjoy a social eve ning at the home of Mrs. J. D. Rip ley, 1219 Rodney avenrw. Wednesday the women's association will hold an aU day meeting In preparation for their rummage sale, March 18 and 19. Wed nesday evening the Congregationallsta of the city will tender a reception and dinner at the Hotel Portland to the Rev. William S. Beard of New York, director of the Pilgrim memorial drive. On Thursday evening Dr. W. T. McElveen will give his fourth lecture in the series on Christian psychotherapy. Movies are on the program for Friday afternoon for the boys and girls of the Sunday school. Special evangelistic work previous to Easter has started at Atkinson Memorial Congregational church. A visitation of the families in the parish is to be made. In the evening the film, "The Auction of Slaves," will be shown. If! EPISCOPAL Services will be held at the usual hours Sunday at St. Stephens Pro Cathedral by Dean Hicks. A report on Rev. James Moore Hickson's mission will be given in the evening. Lenten OF CHURCH dress by Miss Ida May Irwin; 7:80. "Ersnge- lism." ehristlan Scianoa Lesson subject: "Mis." First 19th and Ererett. 11. 8. Second E. 6th and' Holladay. 11. 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth VaneoUTer and Emerwm. 11. S. Fifth S2d and 4 2d ave. S. E. 11. S. SUtb Maaonia temple, 868 Tamhill. 11. 8. Serenth Holbrook block. St. Johns. 11. All churches Wednesday. 8 P. m. Osntrsestlensl First Park and Madison Dr. W. T McEl Teen. 11. "Joyoos BeUerlng"; 7:45, Waa Jesus Wrine?" Sunnyrlao E. 3 2d sod Taytor Bet. J, J. Staab. 11. 7:45. AtMnxon Memorial F 29-th and Ererrtt. Rer. E. B. Flint. 11, "The Shameless Gospel" : 7:45, "The Judgment of the Wise and Fool ish." Highland E. 6th and Presooit Rer. Edward Constant. 11 "Lenten Fare"; 7:30. "A Friend ly Interriew. ' Waerleigh Heights E. 88d and Woodward Rer. Olirer P. Arery. 11, "Systematic Chris tian Liring": 7:30, illustrated sermon, "The Water of Life." Lanrelwood 4Btb are. and 65th at, B. B. Mrs. Alice M Handsaker. 11. Pilgrim Missouri and Sharer. Rer. Robert Murray Pratt. 11. 7:30. TTniTerHitj Park Harm and Lombard Rer. H. Johnston. 11,7:30. Finnish Mason and Albina Rer. A. A. Harju. 6 and 8 p. m. St Johns S. Iranhoe and Richmond. Bar. T. Merrill 11. 7:30 Dsntih-Norweglan E. 28d sad Samnar Rer. Ole Torgessen. 11, 7:30. First German E. 7 th and BtlEtfn Be. George Zocher. 11, 7:30. Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Ear. Henry Hagelgana. 11, 7:80. Zlon German E. 9th and Fremont nay. t. H. Hoop. 11 7:80. Dunaard Oramh of the Brethren Bortfcwfck and Bral- nard Rer. George C. Carl. 11. 8. Episcopal Pro-Cathedrl of Ht Stephen the Martyr Rt Rer. W. T. Sumner bishop; Very He. R. T. T. Hicks, dean. 11. "The Awakening"; 7:45. "A Report of Mr. Hickson's Mission." Trinity 19th and Ererett Rer. A. A. Mor rison. 8 . 11. 8. St Davids E. 12th and Belmont Ray. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 11, 7:80. 8t Marks 2 let and MarshaH--Rer. J. G. Eatton. 7:30. 11. 7:45; daily. 7:30 a. m. St Andrews Hereford St.. Plymouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 11. 7:80. Craoa Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Rer. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Sheoherd Vanconrer and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8. SU Michael and All Angels E 48d and Broadway Rer. F. T. Bowen. ricar. 8. 10.11. Church of Our Sirior 60th are. and 4 1st st. S. E. Re. E. H. Clark, Tfcar. 7:80. 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Rer Frederics K. Howard. 7. f:S0 St Pauls Woodmere Bey. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. An Saints 25ts and Sarier Bar. Frederick K Howard. 10. 11. St. Johns Memorial . 15th and Harney. Bellwood. Rey. 11. CUrk In charge. 11, 7:30 St. Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Rer W. A. M. Brack, itear. 10. 11. SvanoellcaJ First K. 6th and Market Rst. E. D. Hom- schnch. 11. 7:30. Ckty Street 10th and Clay Rer. Jacob Stocker. 10:45, "The Value of Christian Literature": 7:80. "Impressions of the For' ward Movement Conference." Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and GUsan. Rev. J. C. Ledin. Preaching by Rer. C W. Rood. 11. Swedish; 8:30, English. "Popular Amusement, Card Playing, Dancing and Theatre Going"; 7:30 (English), "la It WeQ With Theer" Free Method Is Central E. 65th and Flanders Ray. K. i Hairrngton. ii, i:au. First K. th and mib Bey. B. H. Upton. 11. 7:su. Alberta E. 80th and Wygant Ray. M. V. WhetseU. 11. 7:80. St. Johns E. Richmond and Hndanrj Bay. Lenm-rBeT. S. H. Upton, aetins pastor. 3 :8S. First E. 86th sad Mais Bar. n 11. 7:45. SooodxI E- 2d and Slat eye. Her. Lairaiss M. TimlL 11. 7. '? Wast Piadmont BorurwieB aod Jersey Kay. Cam Jaseupp. 11, 8. Jew Ml Consrecaelon Beth Israel 1 2tb and Mans Rabbi Jonah B. Wisa. Beform BynaaosuA Berrios Friday 8 p. as.. Saturday 10:g0 a. aa. Congrrgation Ahavai Sholok Park and Clay its. . hibm iv. Qraoaaasoa. anaay. s p. Ratnrdas. 8:10 L a. Gongregatioa Neraa Zedeck Tahnnd Tomb Stn and uaiir tuir. a.oranam a. nose&cranta. Vriday 8 p. aa. Saturday S a. as. Sunday 10 a. m. Baostasss aenaot - v Latter Day Salrrts Church ef Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints K. 2U and Sisaisorj ru Dec u. i- ' Bt Jftsisi Psit sad JeffereOS ! WilUass E. BrirJtWa.- 11. 7 JO. ' at Faole K- 13th and Clintosi Bar. M. services are held Tuesdays, Wednes days and Fridays. The young people's meeting will be in charge of Goodrich Hayes. A. 8. Peeker will read a paper on "Science and Its Relation to Re ligion. Miss Doris Bagley will sing. fl- .- Kg EVANGELICAL At the Swedish Tabernacle, Rev. C. W. Rood will preach Sunday morning in Swedish and at- 3 :30 p. m. in Eng lish. In the afternoon be will talk on the popular amusement question. The evening service will also be in English. Rev. C. J. Ledln, pastor, will officiate. Evangelistic services are being held every evening at the St. Johns Evan gelicaT church by Rev. A .P. Layton, pastor. Excellent interest is reported. People living in St Johns are invited to the services. LUTHERAN Rev. 0. W. Gaertner of Seattle, who has been preaching for the deaf of Portland during the last four years. Is to occupy the local pulpit Sunday after noon at 2 :30. The service will be held in Trinity Lutheran church. All deaf are invited. The conclusion of the third chief part of the catechism will furnish Rev. A. Krause with his Sunday morning text for the congregation of St Pauls Lu theran church. The service will be In German.. A Lenten service is being held each Thursday at S p. p. 9sV METHODIST Dr. Joshua Stansfleld, pastor of the First. Methodist church, has returned from a month's vacation in Arizona and Southern California and will fill his pulpit Sunday. Holy communion will be observed In the morning. Rev. E. Sutton Mace, pastor of Clin ton Kelly Methodist church, announces that special services wUl be held on Sunday evenings in his church under the direction of the laymen. Laymen from various churches will speak this Sunday night. On March 14 Rev. H. C. Burk holder will give the main address; on March 21 Dr. W. W. Youngson, and on March 28 a group of minute men under the direction of W. C. Miller. , PBESBYTERIAS Dr. John Tallmadge Bergen of the First Prsbyterian church of Minneapolis, who has returned from his five day trip in California, will preach Sunday at the First Presbyterian church. Preceding the morning sermon a children's story Is announced "Blg Fruit on Little Trees." Dr. Howard Agnew Johnston, who with his wife has been taking a few weeks' rest at a sanitarium, will take up his work next week, which he wUl continue until Dr. John H. Boyd's arrival In May. Next Sunday Dr. John ston will deliver a sermon on "The Cri sis Year in the Life of a Boy." James F. Ewing, educational director of the church, is at Carmel-by-the-Sea. Mrs. Ewlne accompanied him. He is gain ing steadily in health and strength. Let ters addressed to t;armei-Dy-tne-sea, Cal.. will reach them. The Women'B Missionary society will hold its annual election Tuesday at 2 :30 p. m. Rev. Levi Johnson will Install the new offl cera, At Westminster Presbyterian church Dr. E. H. Pence, on Sunday morning. SERVICES IN Krause. 10:30 (German), "For Thine Is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory Foretex and Ever": 7:80, "Hearing God's Voice." Our Savior E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. JL Christensen. 11 (Norwegian), "Fidelity 'a Re ward"; 7 :30, Brotherhood meeting. Trinity (Missouri Synod) WOliams and Graham Rev., J. P. Rimbach. 10:15, 2 SO. service for the deaf. led by Rev. G. W. Gaertner of Seattle; 7:80. Bethlehaaa Norwaaian 14th sad Da via Bar. Wilbeliuj Ptttersen. 11. 8. Grace (Enslteh) E. S4th and Broadway- Rev. C. H. Bernhard. 11. 7:80. Bethel Morwegtan (Free) Wygant and Bod- ey. Bethiny Dsnlh Kyangelical Union and aloe rls Re. L. P. Kjoller. 117:80. St Johns Peiuncnla and Kilna trick Rev. L. Ludwig. 10:45. 7:80. Swedish Antmstana Stanton and Rodney Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7)45. Immanuel 19th and Irvine Rer. A. V. An derson. 11. 8. Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune Rer. 8. C B. Knutaen. 11, 7:30. Hon Evangelicals (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Re. H H. KoppelmaMn. 9:15. 10:15. 7:45. Alberta Eneliah F 17th and Albaata (Baker haU). 10. 11. Methodist Episcopal Carson Heights Rev. G. S. Brown. IS. 11. 7. Centjmai ry E. 9th and Ptae Re. Frank L. 11. 7:80. Wemett. Central Vancouver and Farco Be. A. R. Maslean. 11.7:80. Clinton Kelly R. 40th and Powell Re. E. S. Mace. 11. 'The ReUgiona of the Jericho Road"; 7:30, service in charge of laymen. Ecworth 26th and Sarierr Rey. J. Stanford Moo res. Flfft 12th and Tavror Rev. Joshua Stans- field. . 10:80, "Vital Godliness"; 7:80. "I -est We Forget" FIntNorwMian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev: Eliaa Gjeriing. 11. 8. Lurelwood E. 63d and Fostec Re. A. U Brakenbury. 11, 7:80. Lents 86th tt. and 58th ava. Rs. F. K. Sibley. 11, 7:48. Lincoln K ' 52d and T.hw.li Re. F. A. Ginn. 11, 7:30. Monta villa E 80th and Plna Re. Hiram Gould. 11. 7:80. ML Tabor E. 6 let and Stark. Re. E. G. Decker. 11, 7:30. Patton Alberta and Michigan. Ra. George H. Bennett 11. 7:80. Rom "ity Park E. RStb and Sandy. Re. D. Lester Fields. 11. 7:30. Sellwood E. 111th sod Tacoms Rav. W. S. Gordon. 11. 7:80. SnnnyFlde E. 85th and Tambill Rev. W. F. Ineeon. 11. "Love": 7:45. sermon by tbe pastor. Bt. Johns W. Leayltt and Syracuse Rev. W. E. Kloster. 11, 7:80. Swedish Beech and Borthwlck Be. Anal Eklund. 11, 8. University Park Flake and Lombard Be H. T. Atkinson. 11, 7:80. Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid- more and Vancouver Be. A. Christeneen. 11, 7:80. Wealeyan E. B8d sad Glisan Ra. D. B. Hampe. 11, 7:48. Westmoreland Milwaokis and Midway Rev. E. S. Mac. 7:80. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Ra. E. C. Hick man. 10:30. Wood.tock E. 44th and Woodstock Bet. L. a Poor. 11, 7:80. Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Re, i. H. Irvine, 11, "The Baeramenta and Their Sig nificance, followed by communion service ; 7 :30, "Finding Tour True Orbit." District superintendent. Hey. William Wallace Youngson, D. D.. 691 E. 62d st. N. Tabor 2790. St. . Bouts First Union and Multnomah Rev. J. W. Byrd. 11, 70. "First E. 10th sad Weidler Bar. I. T. Little, ii, 7u. Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Raw, t. G. Bringedaul, 11. 7 40.' Brentwood 65th are. and 67th St. Re, a O. Fowler.' 11. 740. Highland Park E. 14 th aa W. P. Keebeuch. 11. 8. Scandinavian 948 Garfield HaUstronv 11. 740, Be. Paadei Presbyterian First 12th and Aide. Ra. Howard Agnew Johnson, assistant paetor. Prewfateff- by Or. John Tallmadge Bergen of kfiaateapoUa, l:SO. "The Great Heroic of Isaiah'-; 7:30, "Xbe Csapagk, able Gift" Wavtminater East 17th and, Schuyler Bee. Edward H. Pence. 10:30. "Angela"; 7:0. Central E. ISth and Pine. Re. Walter Henry Nugent. 11, "A Working Program"; 7:30 "The Great Need of the Church." Calvary 11th and Clay. Bey. L. Bowrins Quick. 11. -Beauty for Ashes"; 740. "First Things Flmt." Mt. .Tans E. 55th and Belasotrt Be. Ward MacHenry. 11. "The Tfeougbt of God"; 7:80. "The Jay of Faith." . jff,naa .JtJ? .V Wygsnt Bw. Brace J. Giffeu. 11. 740. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett. 11. preach tnc by Bev. George JU Clark of CorvalUa; 7 40. aarnce is charge of women's rs'sitnnarj aociety. roorth -riM sjd 1 tiibbt. Key. laenroe tt Eyerett. ; 1040. 740. .. SAtfet- and 431 jpeoplesV Societies begins a series of sermons for the Lenten period, on the general theme of The Inhabitants of the Universe." The first will be on "Angels," the second "Men," the third "God, the fourth "The God Man," and the Easter topic will be The Universe to Be Eternal Life." The Women's Missionary society will have charge of the Sunday evening serv ice at Piedmont Presbyterian church. Miss Davis of the Portland Settlement Center will tell of her work In South Portland. Several musical numbers will be given and the Guild girls will give a short playlet on missionary life among the various nationalities. The girls will be dressed in costume. Mrs, F. W. Neal. for 17 years a mis sionary to Africa,, will speak Sunday evening at Trinity Presbyterian church. TJiriTEI BRETHREN Bishop William H. Washlnger will speak Sunday morning and evening at the First United Brethren church. . An important announcement will also be made ! relative to the proposed new church building. Lieutenant R. S. Gill will have charge of the morning service and Rev. J. A. Garret the evening services at Second church. Regular services will be held at Third church. The pastor will preach In the morning at Fourth rhurrh and In the evening the Brotherhood will be in charge. CHURCH OF OUR FATHER Then Lenten classes af the Church nf Our Father will meet Monday at 8 p. m. at Rev. W. O. Eliot's residence, and Tuesday at 6:45 p. m. and Thursday at 3:30 p. m. in the church narlor. The pastor will contrast Eurooe in Luther'a time with Europe of today. He will also preach Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 :45 p. m. Jflrs. iHontgomery 0 &peak atCCUkite 2TempleSundayCve Mrs. Helen Barrett Montgomery of Rochester, N. Y who is one of the speakers of the women's branch of the Interchurch world movement confer ence, is to remain in Portland over Sun day and will speak at the evening serv ice at White Temple. Mrs. Montgomery is a woman of rare platform ability. In her early life she was a lyceum and platform lecturer but her ability has brought her into world prominence. She has published several important books in connection with the new world movement. She has traveled extensively, spending much time in the Orient She '8 now president of the Women's Baptist Foreign Mission so ciety. Dr. William A. Waldo, pastor, will speak in the morning. The Lord's sup per will be administered and the hand of fellowship given to new members. The Temple quartet will render special music at both these services. PORTLAND UK. Grimes. 11. "The Bible in One Verse"; " :30, "The Four Square Mao. Hope- 78th and Everett. Be. H. E. GDas. 11. 7:3). Bose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11, "The Deity of Christ"; 7:80. "Servant of Serranta." Forbes Gtabara and Gantenbein Re. Ward Willis Long. 11. 7:80. Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Be. Theo dore P. 8mith. 11. "By His Shed Blood"; 7:30, Mrs. F. W. Nea from Africa will speak. Anabei F. H. Mlxseli 11, "The Kenoaia "; 7:30, "Why Aecept Chriatf" . MUlard Avenue Bey. W. Lee Gray. 11. .'Personal Evangelim." by Be. Boudinot Seeley; 7:80, "A Fisherman." MtrshiU otref. 17th sod Uanhall Rev. A. J. Hanea. 11. Miapab E. 19th and IX vision Bey. D. A. Thotnpeon. 11, "The Eternal Question"; 7:45, "The Guest Chamber of the Soul." Unity E. 71st and Sandy Re. S. W Beeraah. 11. "God Is for Me'; 7:30. "Behold tbe Man." Reformed Pfsibyterlao First Minnesota and A ins worth Rey. F. D. Fraser. 11, 7:30. Seventh Day Adventlate Hote Regular scrvicea of this deBeenrnation are held on Saturday. Central E. 11th and Everett L. K. Dick son pastor. 10. 11:16. Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery G. W. Pettit, minister. 10. 11. Moata villa E. 80th and Everett J. A. Ger hart 10, 11. Lents 94th at, and 68th are. W. D. Hunt ington. 10. 11 St. Johna Central are. end Charleston A. R. Folkenberg. 10. 11. Albina Skidmore sod Mallory Eider M. H. Wentland. 10. 11. Scandinavian 6 2d ak, and 89th ava. Elder O. S. Lee. 10. 11. Salvation Army Jorpa No. 1 248 Ash at Adjutant Henry R. Cozens. 11, 8:16. 8. Corps. Na 4. 128 H 1st Captain William G. baaith. 11. 8. 8. Swedenaw ileal New Ourch Society 881 Jefferson Be. William H. Reese. 10:48. The First Com mandment ; Thou Shalt Have No Other God Besides Me." . Unitarian Church of ;Our Father Broadway and Tam hill Re. W. G, Eliot Jr. 11. "Jew. Ask for Higns. Greeks After Wisdom but We- Preach Chrtet Crucified"; 7:45. a criticism of Gov ernor Coolidge's and Roger W. Babson't reasons for 'Xietting Behind the Preachera." United ratnran Conference superintendent Re. G. E. Mo- Donaid. h'int E. 15th and Morrison Rev. Byron J. Clark. 11. 7:80. preaching by Biahop William H. ty'asbinger. Second E. 27th and Sumner Iter. lr Hawley. 11. preaching by Lieutenant R. 8. Gill; 7:80, preaching by Re. J. A. Garret of Vancouver. Third efth st. and 824 are. S. X. Be. E. O. Shepherd. 11, 7:30. Fourth Tremont Ber. 0. P. Blanehard. 11. "Keep Cool; Stick"; 7:30, service in charge of the Brotherhood. - Cloverdale (46 Jessup Ra. Walter Reyn olds. 10. 6:80, 7:80. United Cvafiteitoai First E. 16th and Poplar Be. I. A. Good. 11, 8. Oekley Green Willamette bird, sad Gay Rev. H. H. Farnham. 11, 7:80. St Johns Rev. A. P. Layton., 11. 7:80. United Preeb ytarian First E. 37 th and Hawthorne Ra. H. F. Given. 11. 7:30. Church of tbe Strangers Grand and Wasco Bev. 8. Earl Du Bo is. 10:80. 7:30, Kanton 120 West Lombard Ha. George N. Taylor. 11. 780. Mlaoallanaous Christian and Missionary A Ola nee E. 9th sod Clay Be. John E. Fee. 10. It, 74a Baaluatioa League 148 1 8th Be. Edward Mills. 11, "When Nothing Else Matters"; 8, "Man's Highest Possibilities." by Dr. Mabel F. Holgate. curistadelphian 621 B. Washington. 10:80. Church of God 868 Failing Harry Naai. 11. 740. Gospel HaB K. SStta and Stark. 11. 740. Mes a Baaort U aad Bnneide Be. Levi Johnson, superintendent. 8. Dvriiu Scienc Portland Hotel T. IL kt sard.-: 11. -inlwiiMtl ltrrt aad Waahasgtoa. Be. Will U. Trotter. 11. S. 7 :0. - Glad Tidings PBteaoatal Miaaion) ' 2467k 1st, 2, 8. 740. W A. W. Smith. 11. t, t. Votantaera of .America Mlsstrm 226 Barn aide Meeting every eveolna except Monday at S o'clock, aad Sunday, 3 P. aa. Portland Ecclesaa (Chriatadalphiaa) 1687 Belmont George H. Tilling, secretary. 11. Peaiel Mission 268 let,. 8, S. Services each night at 8. Church of Christ E. 79tn aad Gliaaa. 11. Fimt Spiritoalist E. 7th aad Hears lo. Lecture and aiwiirn by C. W. Shaw, at 8 aad 7:46. First Spintaai Scienea 129 Fourth at. lie. Mas Hoffman. Lecture by Bar. B, M. Single- TaaabiB 240, 740: daily. - 7 :sw. . InUruaUonal Bible Studenta W. a If. Tem ple, 11th 104 Aldst. I, ?:0. ' . City iaU 2d aad Oak-.43oapal eerrioa at I-J4 by liavid Laaev . .. ,y Prominent Pastor to Enter His 4th Year 3 . ..... ? tl S3 Dr. W B. Hlnson Dr. W, B. Hhson enters upon his fourth year as pistor of the East Side Baptist church on Sunday morning, and his tenth year inf Portland. During the last three years? the church has pur chased the fine; stone edifice where services are now held, has. trebled its membership, doubled the Sunday school atendance and increased the young people's attendance from 30 to 120. Two missionaries in South China, Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Burket are now entirely sup ported by the church. The church also engaged the Reva IL T. Cash as associ ate pastor. Thirty-six thousand copies of Dr. Hinson'ft sermons have been printed and circulated during the last three years. For i0 years he has spoken at McMinnville college every fortnight. The church is looking forward to the celebrating of Eaoter j&'lth a large thank offering. Dr. Hinlon will administer the sacrament at the morning service. In the evening he will preach on "To Hell and Back." ? v I fcv&ngelst to Speak Evangelist L. Dickson will speak in Christensen's Jhall. -Eleventh street between Morrison! and Yamhill, Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. He will explain some of the grea predictions regarding EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH OOttrlKR K. 0TH AMD SSLMOfl PRSAOHINa B r DR. W. . HINtOH i li00 "The MailWho Would Be King" i "To HelLtid Back" I The wrtole Bib for our faMS The whole Ohrjit for our sllegltnos The whole woHJ for eur parish . HAWTHORNei aT. TABOH OR SUNNrSIDEj OAKS TO 20TH First Methodist Episcopal Twelfth as4j Taylor 8tret RfV. JOSHUA STtSie:i.p, D. D, Pastor. 10:30 0. M. OCwllflUrllOM 6IRVI0I ".' ' Dr. etansfleld vyill Speak rlefly en vital Godliness 1i1B BUlpOAy SCHOOL 7:10 P. St. STtRSSON SUBJKOT 44 LEST YV$ FORGET" Are We rergettlng.' the areat Oauees Oofisequenoes of Recent War? SKATS rlf f OOSII " FlksT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK AHO MflOltOH STB 8 ITS REY. WM. T. M'ELVEEN, PH.D. 110v A. M. "JOYOUS RELIEVING" 1S: MOON OU RR KMT BVSNT 04.SSS "How Littls Pen ocrscy There Is in tke Covenantf of the Lsagoe of Nations." '!WAS JESUS DIVINE?1' ' 7:SO P. SI. THURBDAT, SIAROM 11, 74S. DR.- fSoKLVKKN Lectures on the Chureh'g BllnlsVy,of HeaHlng. SUNDAY SCHOOL 0:48 A. 88. OHRISTIAN BNDAVOSl OsSO R. M. CAT FRKE ( ROSE CITY PARK METHODIST CHURCH MTH ASD 8ANDT D. Lester Fields Pastor 11 k. V. R. E. DUItLAP, D. D. STEBEOPTIfjATr ADDRESS Sow JToM fjt Methodism 7186 P.M. F. T. KEENEY, D. D. "Rebuilding the World" FRIDAY 7 1 48 1. M. "Seeing Columbus and the Wayfarer" ' , Is 8lX al4te MUoa Pletsrws i - it-)'-' v , 5 is j viv " I MesxKSMBfltBME6ENimJ llsMssisfiiriirnsIf nj rwn immtft- T J H I II MI-WHIM.! I III HI! CHurch OREGON BAPTISTS PLAN CAMPAIGN TO RAISE 51.500,00 With national leaders present.; and a great majority of the Baptist min isters of the state in attendance. Baptist leaders met Friday at White Temple, to formulate plans for the I nation-wide campaign for flOO.SOO,- 000. Oregon's apportionment of this! fund will be $1,460,000, it was an nounced. Although the Baptists are acting tnl cooperation with the injerchurch. theyl have a separate organisation ' and Willi hold an entirelv separate eamDaurn. I Their drive will be between April 25 and I May 2. Of the S3 counties of Oreron. Dr. X C I Austin, field secretary, announced. Ill have extensive Baptist work. Ten of these counties, he said, have appointed county leaders for the campaign. Dr. O. C. Wright, state promotion director. presided over the meeting. Addresses were given by Mrs. W. A Montgomery of Rochester. N. Y., national head of the Baptist Women's Foreign Mission-1 ary society, author and missionary ; Dr. Frederick A. Agar of New York and ur. A. m. feny or J'ortland. W. 6. Rims, a Portland lawyer, has been appointed the state campaign leader of the new world movement. Other Baptists present were the Revf erends G. H. Young, Albany ; B. H. face, Monmouth; M. o. Bentley, Free water: W. H. Cox. Pendleton: M. D. I Lynn. Helix ; W. R. Storms. Weston ; -D.! vllle; C. L. Trawin, McMinnville! C. M. Cllne, Grants Pass ; Walter Bailey Springfield; E. T. Htarkey.. Baker : W. E. Pettybone. Oregon City ; G. E. Jewel, Alsea; J. R. Dixon. Koseburg ; W. D. Rlsley, Eugene ; S. L. Boyce, Lacomh : W. S. Woodsworth. Brownsville ; J. G. Tibbetts, Salem ; W. T. S, Sprlggs, Medr ford : F. W. Reynolds, Powers ; T. 8. Mother, Riddle: J. W. Cabeen, Prine ville ; E. H. Hayden, Hood River. . thin BplritlHin and its significance from the standpoint of the ncrlptures. A spe cial musical program has been srrsriKrd, The public is Invited. Heats are free. WILBUR MpTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Assembly Hall Multnomah Hotel DITITfE SERVICES . I6186 A. M. 8TJKDAY SCHOOL Mill P.M. MUSIC BT SEXTET CHOIR Dr.E.C. HICKMAN of Hew York City, the HEW PAS TOR, WILL PREACH. Come early and bring; sortie friends with you. A cordial welcome and a helpful service.' THE HAND OF GOD IN THE AF FAIRS OF NATIONS AND THE GOOD TO COME OUT OF PRESENT TROUBLES This Inspiring; lecture, full of cheer and comfort, points out the sure promises of Ood that the earth's re construction will be according; to hisj prearranged plan, wherein present troubles will be changed to everlast ing peace and contentment. EVERTOSE CORDIALLY IHY1TED HEAR EVANGELIST C. J. LE ROY With the International Bible Students Association Sunday. March 7; 3 W. O. W. TEMPLE llth St. Bet. WasBlagrtoa aaa Alder SEATS' FBEE K0 COLLECTION SPIRITISM in Bible' Prophecy i ' HEAR EYANCELIST DICKSON explain f reat Bible predictions re garding thl modern cult. You should know its significance. SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 7 AT 730 O'CLOCK CHRISTENSEN'S HALL . - llth St, IWb Morriaors and YagBbiH : EVXRYBODY INVTItD ' SEATS. FREE ' - ' -