Yiiji lOA2iOON SUNDAY JOURNAL, ; PORTLAND SUNDAY - MORNING, FKbKUARV itat loin. 1 .' I . Hi tfTVAtlOHB MA-B EMPLOY AM EX-SEBVICE MAS Phone, writ or call upon Csptstn Cone'Il LIBERT T TEMPLE .Main SIS. TTk tot of elsssificstlons of those now oat tf wort- fhowinf t man for vry Place M follow: Cranemen, 2: engineers (gss), 1; farmers. 12: tnmtUn, 1; lumbermen, : w mill wort. 8: talesmen. 14: carpenter. 9; paint er. S ; plasterer. 1 ; furniture finishers. 3 ; Baker, 2; oook, 8: ruleanixer. 2: krtcban help. 4: hotel ei.rk. 1; hip rigger, I; shoe repairman, 1; bookbinder, 1; draftsman, X; firemen. 5; miller. 1; general laborers, 172; track and auto drivers. 19; general office workers, 12; tyjiist, 1; tractor mac ha rile. 1; auto mechanic. IS; machine harpers, S; machinist, 10; electricians, ll- .bietrin helper. 4: accountant. S; book- metal workers. 1 j saw filers. 1 ; atructural iron workara, 1; boner maxers. z; engineer. , ary. 6; civil engineer. 8; electrical engineers. 1. TWO A-l autoraobn men dralr position with lira concern after March 1. One machinist and electrical expert, 8 years' experience. One talesman and stork clerk. 5 years' experience, (jood reference, "Ford, eta." B-507. Journal. GARAGES. CEMENT OK FRAME ALL KI.ND8 OF CEMENT AND CARPENTER WOHK FIRST CLASH WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. PHONE SELLWOOD 37,r.8. RELIABLE steady married man with furniture for 10 rooms wants good positi.m. What bare you? Good mechanic. . Olson, Broad way 592 . , PA IN 1 1 NO, pepertianging and kalsorriiruug lit u figure on your work. Shop phone, Broad way 181! MARRIED man went work on Eastern Oregon grain or alfalfa ranch; separate house; wages Dot only object. Route A. Box 818. CEMENT foundat.ona, house raised and base ments enlarged, lawns grsdea aisrsnsu ion. EilNOLES WHEN YOU NEED A 8HIN- OI.ER. PHONE WOnDUWN 8f9a. "E"X ft A VOTING-and pTowing. geUwood S088. BITPAT1QNS FEMALE 4 f 0:nO WOMAN WITH BftY 2 YEAR. WI8HE8 POSITION AS HOIT8EKEEPKB V(H RflOM AND BOARD AND SMALL WAOEB; MORE FOR A riOME Z-882, JOLKNAI RELIABLE office assistant, where meeting of nubile or saleainansuijj is ni impuruui:, - parlenced in handling collection and own cor reepondenca; real estate preferred. Y-681, JournsX iTflUtTWrWAfJTETr"or Tight housework and plain cooking. In small family. S-83, Journal. EAlTNDRf" work to do at home. Called for and rtellsered. Broadway 8008. Rot'HEWoYlKTrT family by widow with small baby. E. 7876. aOb'EKiE'NCEP "ohambermald wUlias posTOonl Call East 8220. ffiOH "school girl wants work n Saturdays. Bellwood 1ZMB WOMAN wanir"day work. Hellwood 7ft PRF.SSM AKINO 49 aVLTEKaTlONH. rnTittln nt msktna of ladles (armenta, reasonable prices; work gnaranterd I. Renbln. I sales' TsDnt. 40" B'l'ti l.sne bid UrTr-II '.I. ABU ttniMin.kina. street dresses, etc make your old suit into a areas; raaaocabla tatea. Mrs. Kelly. East 7807. BrEHBMAKINO Expert workmanship, rate reasonable. The Cabinet Clesners and Dyers. 414 Morrison, neat llth. Main 1823. WANTED Plain sewing, house" "drewes. "chil dren's clothing, eto. Call at 7(Jl MUwau- kte ft . npt Ira . DHKH8MAkl.Ni; and plnln i.ewme TowT reason able, at home. Phone East 7128. FCBITI8IIED BOOMS bV.R liENT Two room apartment. r4- per month. Phone, light and water included. 1717 Portsmouth are. Take fct. Johns car. Also 1 room for light housekeeping. 88 per mo. WELL furnished sleeping room, good heat. walking distance. Phone East 4007. 831 Hsjwalo st. fa ILL gire working girl room with breskftt. reasonable. Ulve pnon numoer. k-oo, Journal. RlELY furnished room, close in on west side; furnace heat: prefer 1 or 2 ladles; references .changed. 4 33 Harrison St. Phone Main 8433. ONE Urge basement room, very cl'e. in, suit able for men or small family. Phone Broad- way 2844 JT SUITE of a room; rdeaaant place; 1st floor. 229 4 Pin st. corner 1st. Phona Broad way 8794 RlCEH clean, airy room, home cooking for 1 or 2. East 8104 LKEP1NO room. $3.00 week 882 V, Hsw thnrne are., near ijrnnrt Phtme East 7021. Fl'BMNlIKO ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 78 tARGE room, steam heat, kitchen prltileges, walking di'tance, suitable 1 or 2 ladies, rea sonable. Call after 0 p. in. 406 Harrison u. Apt. N. HE A I TIFUL mahogany furnished room faring park' quiet, modern flat; gentleman only. SB'JMi Perk t. Msr-hsll 170 filCE, Urge airy room", telephone and bsth; single fentlemen. 826 Capitol are. Phone Woodlswn 830. TWO or S dwlrable housHteeplng rooms and sleeping porch in prHate home. Kuimyslde district. 788 E. Taylor. Phone 217-87. fRONTTHOOM with prirtlege of llring room in modern home, close la. Phone Marshall 788. 887 Marshall st. 1S4-7MORRISON. on oar line, giKid. "clean front upstairs nxitn, fumane beat and modern oonyenlenoe. A-64 1. Journal. $10 MONTHLY for nice outside room, bath included, walking distance. 502 2d st-. near Sherman FURNISHED front room, prtrata family; suit able for one or two ladies employed; piano and phone. 251 H Clay st. tlLEAN. warm room, all home privilege to one or two ladies employed; rent reasonable; walking dlstance Main 34 88. STEAM heated furnished room for 1 ox, -ladies, west aide. 307 11th at.. Apt. E Marshall 481. IN prlrate family, nic light airy room for on gentleman. ttft7 r landrn. , LARGE front room with porch in pleant i home, well furnished. East 6584. 1 fTftONT room, first floor, prirate entrance. 1042 Belmont, rhone Tabor 802 j LARGE, comfortable front room: modem; walking distance: west side. Main 94B5. MODERN, clean, comfortable sleeping rooms, j close in, reasonaoie. genueman. oo tayior sw EoOMtn private, steamheated apartment; close In; gentleman only. Phone Main 4605 J?OR RENT 2 rooms, separate entrance, will furniih; d"lts only Main 54 90 NICELY furnished front room. 4 4 22. H3 K Sslinon st. l'hone East BOOMS AM) BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY ONE front room and board in private family: heat, light, hot and o!d water, ptlone, line lavatory ust serosa the liall; reasonable, dose in. Call Se'.lwood 1008. WANTED To room 4 tientlemen. nice home with privilege of same: widow with no cbll rlren: board if preferred. Call Tabor 1750 forenoons or after 6 evening.. B6Y9. you.wlll be pleased t kno" run csn gt first class pnrste board snd room tl Mocss from 8. P. yards for $10 per week. S3U heml worth ave. Phone 811. J02S. S)l ILL board snd room working girl who will hare room with daughter. Walking ditaoce. Phone East 6020. GOOD home and board for one. private home. Alberta district: ladv muxicailv inclined pre- ferreO. 1081 L. 22.1 N. Woodlawn 4032 WOMAN, alone, would board responsible, busi ness girl, or share 5 room flat; pleasant home, njo. ptione. Last 1244, V'iLL take elderly ladies m my pnrste home: the best of treatment, pleassnt rooui and good board; reasonable rates. Call Wdln. 8873. BOARtVaud room-lor 1 or-2 gentlemen! 205 N. '-'1st st. OTtMde" roonis Some enokins, $6 wk. np. Table board $5. 2.H4 M4.111. COOD room, nice home. ' Choice. 2 meal.. Main em ml West Hido. 2219. WANTED BOOMS AND BOAHD t WlLL care for everal normal children-gooTl oountry horn; mother' intelligent csre; free tnedlcal ervce. Phone Wooillawn 83'J9. rCBSlSHED AND T NFritSlSHED HOl'SKliEEPISO BOOMS 8 l0R RENT Two houskeepingrootns" on Wll Usms ave.. $15 per month. Including light and warer. r-none woouiswn iss4 FOR RENT Housekeeping romi, close In. reT sonabl. bet. Broadway and Park ; also sleep ln g rooms. 381 Vk Stark. l'hone Rdwy. 15S8. ONE large room, fuel. wat gas" eieiTtric lights, good car service. Plume Woodn. 2662 thi evening. tV-NTED Two or 8 unhirnWieuL. k. rooms tn the vicinity 12th and East Burnside. Call East 6418. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for rent; water, heat and light furnished; Jl per month. 1214 Holgate at Sellwood 3400. FOB RENT, furnished, houss-keepmg rooms. 1T1 N. 17th st THREE nice Clean rooms, furnished for house keeping. 752 Alraoa ave. Woodlawn 383. LARGE room snd kitchennette, first' flr7r;7gV room; very reasonable. 655 Flanders. l2lYlT housekeeping rooms. 179 Stout st". , I , '.11 Xf 1. . 1 1 ,!-,. JtUSU SOU SWlilSllli aiaum ,UO,. elirki, 2; shoe dart. 1; blacksmiths. 2; plumbers. I M "J. 2-50 "P. a. hi.-kamlth-a h.ln. 1: plumber's help. 1; sheet- , . HorEKEpnrflr booms b FTJHJU9HED AND PBWIgHBlV RlK HOME COMTOBTTTbO Sherman at,, trictly eJasn, completely furnished boOMkaev toe room. S3 week and up, Including gaa range, but water, aloctiia hghtt, laundry rooms Mar. 3988. SINGLE and double. Ught. newly painted R K. rooms, finest location In city, big yard. Couch school walking distance. Children welcome. Also basement room. ST. 594 Everett at. serosa 'rom C. B. church 4.80 WEEK up, completely .furnished house keeping suites, every convenience, absolutely clean; ear carfare. Th Cadillac, Sd, near Jef faraon. 2 LARGE front .looms, with folding doon ba tween. with ffreplaoe and range, well fur nlshed. plenty of outalda light. Phona Hit. -so. Bin cm at. a. farnfahod hooaekeeplnf walking distance. 219 $3.1 LARGE, light, 4 room housekeeping, fur nished lower apartment. 542 E. 27th. Rich mond car to 27th, one block south. FURNISHED 1 to a rooms, water, alnkan3 gas; all complete in eacb room: walking distance, at low rates. 804 E. Clay, eor 10th. SINGLE steam beat it K room, completely furnished, hot water, electricity. 188 Sher man. Mar. 8983. 3 BOOM housekeeping apartment, S2S. 882 nawrnorne are., near Grand. Jat 7uzi. TWO outside room close in, phone, electricity and bath, free. Phone East 188. norSEKFPIHW BOOMS FURNISH ED tXD iHFUHMUBED PRIVATE FAMILY 11 FOR RENT March 1. 4 furnished housekeeping rooma, 2 bads, (a, water, woodshed, half block south Hawthorn can; $12 month. Adult only. 291 East 4 9th st. THREE completely furnished housekeeping room, ga. electricity, near South Portland shipyards, $16 par month. 74 B 1st St. bw Portor. Til U EE upstairs housekeeping rooms, neatly furnished; free telephone, shower and spray bath; adult: $15. 1080 S. Washington at. Tabor 3882. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; also single rooms and breakfact. E. 24th and Broadway. Kant 46S2. FOUR large airy ' room. Rom City Part. Just finished painting and tinting; $27.50. 1 4 24 Vi Sandy bird. . cor. 8 2d. TWO light, clean room reasonable to em ployed people. BOO E. 27 th St. Rich mond car. FOR" RENT, nicely furnished h. k. rooms, good location, light and gaa. 791 E. Taylor. 21-370. LOW ER RENTS Children welcome, 1, 2 and 3 rooms, nicely furnished and clean, gas fur nished. 49T Clay. ONE large h k. "room, first floor, private, en- trance, suitable for gentlemen. 249 13th bC TWO room, elec. light, slnlrTln kitchen, prirat toUet. 2fi0 Market. $4. TWO housekeeping rooms for rent, no children. Call Monday forenoon. 192 East 83tb st. ONE large room and kitchen for rent. 821 Btli, cor ( lay. TWO II. K. rooms and kite henrtte, bath, light and phone ; adulto. Sell. 2185. CLEAN, furnished housekeeping rooma, light, gas, fuel, teleplion. 693JohnioiL A DESIRABLE conreiTlent H. K. room, 883 Flanders st. Broadway 2268. 4 Ft" RN IS HED h ousek-epi ng Too, light, neat and phono. 1058 E. Taylor. Tabor 9079. ft"Of7M and-board for man and wife for wife' help In home. 720 E. Darls. TWO fumiihed b. k. rooms, oloao la. 2729. Tabot fob rent nersES UNFURNISHED U MEIER FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, np to date list of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flat with definite Infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great ralue in helping them get pruparly and Quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR FOR KENT 4 moms with bath, toil', lights, hot and cold water and gas, abore store building. Only $15 per month See PERXM A JORDAN 828-4 Chamber of Commerce bid. ' 4th and 8trk t. Main 22S8. SMALL FURNISHED COTTAGE $16.50 Neat little 3 room cottage, completely fur nished, 1 acre of ground, some berries, ron vrmnt to school, between Hawthorne ave. and Mt St-ott carhnes. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ROOM modern house, water, garbage" rernoved, Esnt Eide near Jefferson high school. 15.1 Runner. $30 Ad'ilts. Wdln. 8662 before It SO a. m . 12 to 2. or evenings. $17 A MODERN 6 room bungalow, just va cated 1411 Kelly st. Pulton car to Caro lina St. Bftter hurry. Owner will be there Mundsv after 10:30 a. m. MODERN well furnished li room home for rent to adults. 9.rlf E. Clinton (Richmond district). Phone Sell wood 58 bet- 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. Sunday. WHEN YOU MOVTC. USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIO LIGHT RERVIQB 10th nd Washington. Broadway 689. PART of R roomed bungalow, partly furnished or would board with tenant for rent if de sired, l block from Woodstock car. 811 872. ELEGANTLY furnished house. " fruit, garden; also apartments furnished, unfurnished, rea sonable. Apply 252 Glbbs. FOR RENT 7 room house, goooflocation. In quire 1160 Willamette bird., cor.. Killings worth. 7 ROOM house in Laurelhurst. $60 per month. 1202 E. Flanders. Cell Tabor 2577 days or Tabor 6736 evenings. & ROOMS, partly furnished. $25 par mo. E. 7 th St. 825 TO RENT Modern furnished cottage. Lest 1 ".62 S ROOM hnnse for sale or rent; terms rea sonable. 324 flrtth st. 8. E. HOUSE for rent, fine carpets for sale, Helmont, cor. 14th. 681 FOR RENT 5 r,om cottage on oaxline, close In. Inquire 387 Union ave. 8 ROOM house, 1034 E. 38th st 6.. between 9 and 11 Sunday a m. MODERN 6 room house for rent, furnltu: for sale. $375. East 8104. HOUSES FOR BEST- FUBIUTCBE FOB SALE 99 TWO housekeeping rooms. 384 Hall at. FURNITURE for sale lin.it. fnr r.t - 6 r) ( furnished housekeeping rooms, wet sld. d- nranie location, l'hone Broadway 3229 LEAVING city; nice furniture I 16th st modern, five room ootage, for sale. Call 150 North HALF of room furnished house, $18, adult ouiy. garden and lawn; vacant about March 10 Take Fulton car. 1603 Virginia. GOtin furniture for three rooms for sale. 6 room house in good condition for rent. 170 N. ISth st.. near Johnson. G-TMMl.M himw for rent at H20 to party buv- uig foni.lur..; waililns ditaure. 430 12th t.. I near lln I SOME furniture for salo. hoiue for rent, at 654 j Morrison st., foreiioor-i. FURNITURE for saV. house for rent,"on carline. Marshall 8883, 1065 Orbett St. GOOD Inrnlture for sale. (5-room houa fog rent' west side. 007 hecond st, PURVITI HI", mi.'. ." room flat "Tor sale, cheap ''J in Rent reotiblr 81 R Sth V KVBNISHED HOUSES 89 ;2S k fflffiOT Newly furnisher! 5 room cottage, with bath uais.se. larcB jrsrden spare. Call today bL 1 and 3 p. in. Mt Scott ear to B5th t blks north, cor. 60th arc. 8924 93th st. Wiii leas to right tenant-!. r- . - 1 T t- T I I Y . i , n , . . , i i uungaiow. ounnraine, r room ann aiceping trcn , will leae $50 perl month: adults only. Marshall 4079 or ceil ! ...,JL1Z V'am- . i modem house, gas." electric water" ; rent $36, good location. Hawthorn l)tM. K room furnished 1 0112 HirH-mi. nesv 37th -t FOR RENT Nicely furnished, modem. Improved 4 -room cottage, 784 Hood U Msin 6216. References. A 5 ROOM bungalow, beautiful furniture Tabor 4875 267 E. 46th st LARGE 2 room house at 908 E 74tE 5T Tsbor 2212. $43 FURNISHED modem 6 rooui house sdults. Call .-) E. 80th. S-S car. FURNISHED 3 room house, chickea park, garden. 1176 IVIaware ave. St. John car. FLATS T0 EENT, JJISFUBXISHED IS 6 ROOMflt over"tore- 794 1st st. with bath, ra good condition, rent $21. C. u. Wagner Co.. 230 Stark t. Main 81SO. 4 ROOM flat for rent; gas, range, electricity bath, furnac ln basement, adults only glii S'mon t. i. O i . 1.1 f i A Y Add., modem & room flata, with er without frarage. close in. 845 Multnomah and Eaat 2d sta. north. TO RENT, unfurnished, modem 6 room upper flat 208 Hooker st, Rent $30. C ROOM modrn lower flat with garage. Union are., near Knott. East 2196. FCBXISHED 1T.ATS FURNISHED FLATS room, strictly modem. Eaat BK fceauO fuHy furnished, mihogany; $50. CI Main S274 or Mala 4890. Snr-BOOaf sUatu. heated flat. Nob HH1 dia- trict: manogany, oak tad CTrosian wainui furniture for aal eompleU or by tha pisoa. T8ft -Kearney. Main 618. FOR RENT 4 roam ft in fin condition. furniture good as new, for sal reasonable; must be seen to be appreciated; no dealers. Upper east flat, 294 Fargo st. ROOM furnished flat. 88 7H Sacramento St. between Unio a and WUliama; no chil drn. - FURNI8HD flat, modern. larga room and sleeping porch, good . car aerrloa. Phone Brosvdway 2847. APAETME5TS FOB BEIfT 41 FOR RENT Two room apartment, $14 per montn. Pnono, light and water include 1717 Portsmouth are. Take St. John ear. Also 1 room for right housekeeping, $g per mow 4 ROOM apt.. Rose City park. 1424 ti Sandy bird., corner 62d. 92750, newly painted aod tinted. ONE largo room and kitchenette, nicely for- nished; rent reaaonablo. 188 16tn st. LIBERTY APTS. 2 and room apt, 373 E. Clay st. New management. BTANFIEiarAPTST204Portr sif modern 9 room apt., reasonable. Mam 7892 FINE- completely furnished apartment. Call Wd'.n. 2188. SMALL steam heated apartment In heart of city. 18" Park st. THREE furnished apartment: furnac heat aal ga range. Mala 8223. 828 Hall st. sear 6th. FOR RENT One 2 room apt., and 1 sleeping room. Phrme Main 4 87B. HOTELS 14 RYAN HOTEL ANNEX 269 H 5th. Brick building, hot and cold water, steam beat; transient; opp. city haa Main 937 STORES AITD OFFICES 11 BASEMENT storeroom, suitable for transfer and storage or other buaino. 189 Park st. Bant $20 a month. EXCELLENT 7 room house. 85th st. near Haw tborae. . Pries rery reasonable, term $500 cash, balance 8 years. 982 Cham, of Commerce OFFICE spaoe for rent. Inquire 889 Stark. WAKTED TO BE XT WANTED To rent 4 to 6 rooma, modern house or flat; responsible parties. Ehon Main 0447. or Main 4995. WANTED A 5 room bungalow with 1 of ground. Call East 6122. SMALL furnished bungalon by responai IbT young oouple, no children. Call E. 6007 REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 48 RENT OR LEASE All or part of 100x100. next to po-tnf'iee, IWkswsj. o- 12a N. Z3d. Portland. Or. Marshall 3799. 1 SEASIDE lot, 50x100,. near depot; must sell at once; lisa. is it 2743. BUSI5ESS PBOPEKTT WILL SELL GARAGE SITE Quarter block B. E. corner 15th and Conch. REASONABLY PRICED. SATISFACTORY TERMS. Call Main 4958 or Main 7173. Ask for B. W. HAGOOD. CLOSE-IN corner, one of the best locations in the city for a garage; cheap and on reason able terms. Q. L. Wehb, 414 E. Stark st FOR SALE Business lot 50x100 southwest cor. of ttth and E. Market eta., apt, 40, VV eat fall apts., 410 6th st. A GREAT bargain in income property, lOOx 100, buildings, furnished and rented; $9000, terms. F,at 4637 Owner, 3 E. 28th st GENERAL REAL ESTATE 69 LOT 80x100, Alameda nark. 3 Mocks from end of Bdwy carllns; all im provement paid: $1000. 100x100. with 6 room house, in business district of St. Johns, 1 block north postoffke; $3000. 10 ACRKS. on Base Ltne road. 2H muss from Montavilia; part cleared: streetcar line run through the land; nation close. $5000. 20 ACRES. 2 H miles from MonUvQla, on Villa ave., street carline run within 100 ft of the land: this it easy cleared agd s fine buy; $8000. 10 ACRES, on th corner of Villa sva.. Barker road, 8 miles from MontaviUa; . all lceared arid woven wire fence. 4 mile from car station; $5000. 80 ACRES. 1 mile east of 12 Mile House, mile south Rase Line road; fine small orchard, farm house, barns, good well of water; nice creek runs through place ; 1 7 acres in cultivation, balance easy cleared; $300 per acre. 200 ACRES on Willamette river. 95 rods river front, 60 acres In fine stats of cultivation. 7 acres beaver dam, fine spring piped to .house and barn; some fruit tree, berries and granary and other outhouses; large quantity of fine wood on uncleared part of this land snd no rocks on the place. AD can be plowed when cleared except about 0 acres; pries $150 per cre. 480 ACRES in Polk county. 3 miles from Falls City. 9 miles from Dallas, about 1 6(1 acres cleared and most of It In crop now; 2 dwelling houses, 8 barns, fin old orchard and some walnut trees; also a fine tot of cherries; bet of spring wster. sbout 10 to 12 million ft, fine timber worth $1.50 per 1000; new mill building on place that would make a fine barn; this ts the finest small stock ranch In the state- price $70 per acre. 440 ACRES timber tn Cowlita Co., Wash,, 7 miles from Kalama; close to Kalama river, and has about 10 million ft. of timber; a fine small mill tract snd plenty timber close to this tract, $13 per 1000 and throw th land In. 154 ACRES fins pine timber, cruised about 8 million in 1906; 8 mile from Watrhle, Or., In Wheeler Co.; $8000. T. M. WORD. Anyon wanting to see any of thi property call on R. W SCHMEER. U. S. National Bank. FOR SALE HOUSES 91 This Lovely Home FOR 8AIR ON TERMS BT OWNFTi Fireplace, furnace, attic, breakfast room, fine ouuv-in worn, oejt noors. extra good basement, large lot, in choice locality, $6000. Pretty WeSS-Built ow 6 rooms, attic, flrenlaoe. cebtne kits-hen. oak floors, full lot. paved street. $4280- urm. B F. POND REALTY CO. The Ideal Home Builders 1280 Sandy blvd. Tabor 8826. Office Open Today. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW 80x100: nice yard: gaa, electricity: 9 block Xf car;, cement baeement. bath, cement side walks; East S7th st. $8000 can't build the hcue now for $4000 Make easy terms. F F, Seachrest Sell. 2363. i3f So- TERMS 5 room house and bath, all on on floor; fireplace; basement; stationery washtnbs- lot 75x100. S. owner, 977 E. 10th. near comar uoine st MODERN 7 room home In Piedmont, lot 89x v; ia ceanng rruit tree, flowen, and dog- j - . - , ,iuk 1.1 m, iiurvca, ,na a og- I Woo,: 'ireplaoe. fumaca, hardwood floors; prina i H0,00 Owner. Call 924-19. 1157 Clrve- land ave. READ THI 8 AD Two good bungalow on comer lot, street paved ami paid 12 minutes' walk to Broadway bridge. If sold quirk $3850 takes everything -hslf cash. Phone East 694 7. 7 ROM modem house. West Side South Portland. 100 ft. to carlin.; fin. location; $500 c.,h, $26 - per month. Will acrlflce for $3760. Owner 484 Mill at Plume "Main 4013 FOR 8AI.E 8 room house, lot 50x108; gae, electricity, water, garage; pries $700, Mt Feott car to 87th. Owner on plao until Tucadsy. 8818 87th 8 F. FOR SALB If you ara coins to remodel your old house or bund a new one. oan save a bedroom. Hare 18 wan bads for sale cheap. Call Msin 9466 or 8428 E 28TH NEAR Richmond carline, $2900; good 9 room house, lot 50x100, bargain. H. H. Staub. 1027 Belmont Tabor 219. EQUITY tn 5 room hous. in South Portland for sale or trade. Bdwy. 3686. BANKS prefer title Insarsco Instead of abstract. Till A Trust Co. MODERN 6-room house, within 7 blocks of oity hall, by owuar. Call Main 0238. BEAL ESTATE "Fob sale hocses NO SHORTAGE OF HOUSES . WITH THIS COMPANY 9 TOO 9 room shack cottage, fair ooodition. lot 00X90. Too Miller are., oeuwuoa Una; $25 down. $1$ monthly. Street assessments to be assumed by purchaser. 9 950 Partially furnished 4 room Mngled cot tage, lot 40x120, at 6225 62d are.. 1 dining table. 8 chairs, 3 rockers, iron bed and spring. Unolaum In kitehen, bedroom and pantry. $800 cash. $15 monthly An exceptionally good buy. 950100x178 and 8 room abase, sink, city witer and (At, cMoken house, 9100 cash, 920 monthly. 91000 S room cottage en lot 80x100: aoros berrle. natent toilet and sink: place it in fair condition. At 954 E. 17th st. N. $200 cash. $1S monthly, 91000 At 1832 Dana st.. St. J. ear, 8 room frame cottage, gas. elec lights ana ceiia: woodshed, lot all fencd, good tteaapoo $300 cash. $12.80 monthly 91000 2 lara n'atereed sooma and sleeping porch, chicken house and double t. age, on macadamized street, ax sus 45th aro. B. E., W. 8. or M. 8. car. $25 down. $15 monthly, 911804 room unfinished cottage on fine cor ner lot. 50x100; of the outaid is shingled and 2 of tha 4 rooms tiers the partition in and an eeiled. Several fruit tree and some grapes; chicken house and good garage; located at 700 E. 77th at. N., Rose City Park line. Mr. Handyman with a little time can make a neat little home of this place. $200 cash. $20 monthly. 91200 -3 room unfinished shack bouse on T of an acre at Maplewood: 6e fare; gas and running water in the house; good cellar. 2 chicken houses and yards ; close to store and school; 900 straw berry, nmi raspberries and Himalayas, $150 cash $15 monthly. $1800 At 711 Erie St., 5 room ceiled and papered cottage, newly painted and papered, good sink; $300 cash, 920 .monthly. $1850 5 room plastered eottaga, patent toilet ' and good cellar; house baa been newly painted and is in good condition; located at 8937 62d st,. M. 8. car; 6 snorted fruit trees and berries. 9800 cash, $25 monthly. 91800 5 room bungalow type of house on lot 84x100, city water, sink, gaa, good chicken house, woodshed and fruit: In Brentwood; M. S. car. $800 cash. $18 monthly. 91E00 At 96 Morrtt at, close to O-W. R. N. csrshop. in Albina. is an old 6 room house, celled and papered. H block to M. A. car. $300 cash, $20 monthly. $1573 2 shack houses on 100x120. at 6408 62d are. S. E., 1 containing 2 rooms and the other 8. Her la a chance for 2 men to go in together and save rent. $250 cash, $12 monthly. $1650 Neat little 4 room plastered bungalow with toilet and bath, elec. lights and gas. pretty lot: 10 fruit trees, some berries; nice lawn; located at 7517 47tb are. 8. E. $600 cash, bal. monthly. $1780 4 room ceiled cottags with elec trio lights, gas, bath and toilet; 4 cherry trees, some loaan and raspberries; lot 60x100; at 2913 64th st. S. E. $500 cash, $ 1 5 mo. $1780 5 room cottage on pared treet. bath nd toilet, not 30x94, at 600 Powell st. cor. of 15th, close in. $200 cash. $15 month. $1809 8 room plastered bungalow with ground 80x120, at Maplewood. on Oregon Elec, 6c fare, several assorted fruit trees. berriee and a large and varied assort ment of flowers: small cellar. A splen did home for the old people. $200 rash. $25 monthly. HflOO 5 room ceiled anil papered bungalow 1 type of house, with very large porches, 1 on splendid lot. 60x100. on 8. W. j cor. of 59th ave. and 40th st. lust 5 blocks from Reed college. $500 cash. monthly payments to suit, 918006 room plastered bungalow with gaa, bath and toilet; concrete foundation, 4 baaement, at 4814 Curtis St., on lot 75x100; $800 cash. bsl. to suit, 918001 story 8 room house with gas, elee. lights, patent toilet, good woodshed and garage, lot 50x100, right on the car line and macadamised street, at 6149 Foster road: $100 cash. $15 monthly. $18006 room frame bouse, very old but in fair condition, with ga. elec. lights, bath and toilet, st 1066 E. Salmon st. Sunnxside. $900 cash. $20 monthly. $20004 room plastered cottage with bath and toilet, elec lignte and gaa, concrete foundation, H basement, 18 large fruit trees, some berries; located at 186 E. 72.1 st. N.. M. V. car. $450 cash, $20 monthly. $2000 Splendid little 8 room eottage, practl oaily new, and a full acre of ground: a very pretty sere hom at 8622 77th st 8. E. $800 cash. $15 monthly $20005 room plastered bungalow with elec lights and gas. patent toilet hardwood floors, concrete foundation, full base ment; 5 fruit trees and small fruits, at 673 Emerson st uesr 18th: Al berta car. $600 cash. $20 monthly. 92000 100x120 and 5 room pla-ftereed cottage, good chicken house, plenty of fruit and berries; located near Woodmere school. M. 8. oar. $200 cash. $20 monthly. $2225 & room celled snd papered oottage, with gas. city water, lot 100x200, lots of fruit and berries; good modern chicken house 14x36: Woodstock car. $700 cash. $25 monthly. 922504 room bungalow type of cottage with large attic In which 2 room could be built; good garage, elec. lights, ga. bath and toilet: 17 assorted bearing fruit frees: all kinds of small fruits; good chicken house; ground 100x150. $1050 cub. 92350 7 room plastered honae on lot 50x100. gas, elec. lights, bath and toilet; double garage: located at 993 E. lftth st N., Alberta car. $800 cash, bal. monthly. 92350 ft room plastered cottage with gas, e4ec lights. bath and toilet, concrete founda tion, full basement: all kinds of fruit and berries; located at 3009 Htlth St.. on ground SOxlOO. $1000 cash, $20 monthly. 925008 room plastered house, bath and toilet, lot 60x89, paved streets and carline, close to Twohy Bros, at 1450 Last GUsan st $300 cash, $20 monthly. 93800 Large 7 room cottage on lot 66 2-8x 110, alley in the rear; house has mod ern plumbing, elec. lights; street in front now being paved; about 10 large assorted fruit trees, at 716 Girard su, St J. car. $1250 cash, 928004 room plastered bungslew type of cottage,- with good fireplace, not quit finished, on fine corner lot 75x100, adjoining Alameda Park, at 983 E. 83d st N. $200 cash. $20 monthly. Here is a chance for Mr. Handyman. $2800 Here Is one of the old fashioned but extra well built 7 room cottsces. on lot 60x100. paved street and sewer all in and paid for. extra large garage; all kinds of large assorted bearing (rait trees, st 1861 E. Salmon st; 2 blks. from Richmond car. $1000 cash. 98000 7 room plastered hous with gas, elec. lights, bath and toilet; concrete foun dation, full baement: ground lOOx 100, at 6229 46th st H. E.. W. W. car. $600 cash. $85 month). $30005 room plastereed bungalow, modem. ground 100x100; 10 assorted fnut trees; lots of heme; 8x14 chicken' house and chicken run: on ground 100 X100. at 7802 66th ave. $100 cash, or will exchange for screag near Port land. $3150 (lose In, old fashioned, well built room bouse, room are very large, full Wement, good furnace; comer lot 50 xlOO and varied assortment of bear- ing fruit trees, concrete retaining wall nd an unu-oial amount of plnmbing; located st 546 E from W. It car. 30th t. 1 block $200 sash. $25 monthly.. $8200 A practically new newly wed apt house type of bungalow, splendid pergola en trance. Murphy disappearing bed, dress- Ing room, larg living room with fire- piece snd nest; Pullmaa buffet kitchen and breakfast nook; built-in table and feats, beautiful lot. on pavad st and carbn. $300 cash, any larg monthly payment will do. $3700 A large 2 story family close in borne oH 7 room, lot 40x100, 2 toilet, full j basement, street work all in and paid for; 8 large assorted bearing fruit trees; located at 938 Mallory sva $1000 cash. $85 monthly. $40002 story 10 room modem 2 family house, all kind of fruit and berries; 3 baths. 2 toilets, at 1181 E. 17 Ui st N. $1000 cash, 815 monthly. 94700 About 9-10 of an acre of land on im proved street on Portland Hta, ; 8 room temporary cottage. $500 cash, $40 monthly. 95000 Beautiful well built Rirerriew home of 7 rooms, fin corner lot, good furnace, fruit tree and ornamental shrubbery, flowers of all kinds. Tba rooms in this house are extra large, as are th closet, all of which bar. windows in them. Located at 911 Willamette blvd. $1000 caah. $40 monthly. $6600 8 room bungalow, located at 746 E. 00th st. a B, C. Park car; ground 125x100; 60 assorted fruit Usaa, 92000 cash. W have photographs of meat of the, and hundred of other places and plenty of salesmen with machine to car for you. and invite yon to call at the office or phona and will be pleased to make arrangement to take yon out evening or Sundays by appointment FRED W. GERMAN CO. 732 CHAMBER OF COMMEFCK. BEAL ESTATE TfJB SALE HOUSES 1 Beautiful Piedmont Bungalow Modern 7 room bungalow la th most select part of Piedmont; larga airy rooms, fumaoa, fireplaoa. all kind of built Ins; in excellent condi tion; large tot, good garage, eta,; investigate this: am aura it will please yon. Prioo $5350; very easy term. Photo st office. Open Sunday. J. F. Hill 690 WUllam sva. Eaat SOI. WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER? Continue paying rant and remain forever homeless or today inveetigata Walnut Park plan and own a home of your own. Many are build ing beautiful home in Walnut park. WHY NOT YOU? Lots are 60x100 ft. with 15 ft, allay. street pared and paid for, convenience of fivs earunea also Jefferson high school and library: extra in ducement for five mora home thi week. Will you be on of the fortunate fire to own a home in Portland' choicest restricted raaidmr district! If o, act at once by calling on W. M. KjJUngsworth. of tic 1149 Union are. Of fice hours 10 to 12 a. ra. Phone fox appoint ment. Wdln. 8304 or Wdln. 951 9 ROOM HOUSE 100x100 CORNER In paved street near oar, all kinds of fruit: this Is an absolute snap i prie $$000; easy term. Sea Mr. Brown, with NEILAN PAR KH ILL, 219 Lumbermen' Bide. 6th and Stark ' Bta. Fine View Home East of Ladds add., near car, larga Erin room, dining room, kitchen and den, second floor 8 fine bedroom, sleeping porch and bathroom; larga basement with fun oe, ga rage. Thi property should be tinted, and tf Sainted would bo worth $6800: house alon i worth the price asked. Price, including lOOniOO. $4X00. Geo. E. Engiehart Co. MAIN 7266 624 HENRY BLDO. ONLY $4200 This price includes full payment for a 8 room up to data blungalow with two room in the attic finished. The enfr furnish ing and a corner lot, cloe in to the business center in a nice residential district, on the carlinn and only on block from the beat Im proved park on the East Side. Thi property is located on 83d St. , in the direction of the Reed collage, only it i 12 block north and nearer to the business oentsr. Tha bungalow has hardwood floors, fireplace and a fnll base ment, fin shrubbery and lawn with a command ing view. This home has expensive furniture and is complete. It will take about $3000 cash to handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINOTON BLDO. ONLY $4000 buys this modern up-to-date resi- denes, with a full lot. on East Couch st.. between 80th and 3 1st sta. This property ia in the centre of the high class residence dis trict. Close in to the business centre, snd nothing like this can b bought in thi locsllty or could "or. nave oeen nougni in years pam ih u P"ce- nous nas carawooo. hoots, oase- eDw1!til, fulT1-ce- ,in? sleeping porch, all of wis iTuui in eiiecwi, uice ticrwic luwnB, iw better location on the east side, being close to the entrance to Laurelhurst. The owner of this property offers It at a great aacrifloa, but the price must Se all cash or nearly so. M, J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDO. $3900 GET BUSY ON THIS 8 room bungalow on 39th st near Belmont; nice comer lot: improvements all In and paid. $1350 will handle; $25 per month inoluoiiig interest. Save your rent money. Also FURNISHED BUNGALOW On devVland ve.. 4 rooms, nicelv furnished: lot 25x100- in fine condition; ready to mov a In. Price 42800. Yon can't beat it Phone for appointment. Mr. DBLAtiUJSXX. Mala Hvnn it.. inas ' ilOM AND INVESTMENT n .hi. hon with t ne.1,1,1, 6 room en ilea each, on good lot near park. 1 ru property ij k ,.,ri., nnrf'nnnt nnMmi, for leas thai $6500. The mortgages uthor- ize iu to offer for immediate sale at $8800, half ca-h. See Mr. Brown, with Neslan & 219 Lumbermen Bldg.. 5th nd Stark Sta. $5800 SACR IFICE $5 800 FOR QUICK SALE Owner leaving city and wants quick action. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modem tn every respect, large gsrage with full cement runway, all clear of tncumbrano. Bee thia at one. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TOTS SIDE OF TURELHTTRST, $8100 At 939 E. Couch st is t 1 H (tory 5 room cottage in good condition; lot 50x100; street work all paid; larg bear ing cherry, pear and apple trees. This is s neat little home ln a splenedid dis trict: $1000 cash. 80 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham, of Com. ONLY $2600 for a comer lot on the west side, close in on Hamilton ave. There is a good 6 room house, with a fine cement basement This is view property as well as being closs In i to the business centre: walking distance, you i nvght say. All improvements in and paid for. , This is a chance to get west aid property in a good district for a trifle ; about $2000 cash will handle it M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG.. FOR SALE, beautifully finished 6 room bunga low, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, large cement basement furnace, etc.; lot 100x110; grapes, berries, 18 bearing fruit tree, modern chicken house, garage; fine view of city, 1 block from car. Price $4500, some terms; 0 discount for cash, Pbons Sellwood 750. WEST Of LAURKLTTURST $9000 Substantial 6 room house, cement baaement, standard, plumbing, 80x118 lot bearing fruit tree, street improvements paid; $500 cash, balanc like rent CLEVELAND-HENDERSON OO. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg Main 6752. I MUST GET QUICK ACTION On this 6 room 2 (tory house, located on East ! Amoia. urronnaea oy mo. uome. gooa caen ! PWraoti 3V.?i, - . ALilJ 171 A OV'L.' A HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. . Corner 86th and Hawthorne. Tabor T488. A SNAP $3650 100x100, nlc. 4 room bungalow, hardwood floor, large living room snd fireplace, Dutch kits-hen. breakfast nook, full cement bsaement built one year. 95 E. 57 th N Phone East i 44 6 BARGAIN Snlendid 6 room bungalow. R, C. P. very modernr best hardwood floor, fine living, dining room, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, table; garage, $6100. East 273. Herdman. RAL BARGAIN 0 room house. 2 lota. l9 fruit trees, abuodano of berrle. garden ; room- between 2 ear Una, riser Ores ton achooL Uvut old thi week. Deal with owner and commisaion. 4611 39th ava 8. E. JJ7ZTi $g20O 8 room house, like new. with fumaoe. ga. electric lights; lots of trait trees, im provement paid. 168 Stanton. Cll 577 Borthwick st. 8UNNYSIDE bargain: one block Laurelhurvt Park. $4600: extra well built 7 room honae. j steeping porch, fine lot 60x100; fruit H H. Staub. 1027 Belmont Tabor 219. NICE comer with two small houses, on fur nished; good garage: street improvement paid; price $2800; easy terms 677 Borth- sttv.,- 1 ,u. r.( , STORE buUding .nd lot at 1721 D,vWon st Portland. Or.: $2000. $800 down and re mainder In monthly payment. See owner, 813 W. 18th t. . Vsncoover. Wash. $8500 GRANDEST home on Wet Side, view property, 9 nm., trictly modem, living m. 15x30, white ensmel. hdwd. firs., slpg. pr, gsr- tge. Main 8780; Msin 4809. EVERY purchaser of real estate ahould hav hi till insured. Better be ssf than sorry Title A Trust Co. FOR SALE Six room house, lot 60x115. for $1350; small cash payment, terms an bxO- s nee. 6727 70th st BUY from owrser a modern, well built 6 room boose, 1 block trom T oaf; large lot, paved st Woodlawn 4349. $4300 O HM. bong.. Urge liv. rttu. turn., tin plaoa. built-in, osment bast-, a plumbing, garage, oor. paved, dose in, 26th st. Main 4808. BLOCK ALBERTA CAR 100x100, fruit, 8 r. gem of a bungalow. Main 480S. - S-ROOM house, gas. fruit trass, bsrrtea. rosea Price $750; $200 down, balano. monthly. 1296 E. 15th t N. FOR SALE Modem 4 room cottag. T? Rbon st cor. 17th. Seilwood or Brooklyn TWO 5 mom house tn Sunnywda On. $4200. on. $2600. For information call J. J. Fbhsr. Tsbox 9891. BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOCSES 91 $4D0 Cash "WILLIAMS AYS. BUNGALOW PRICE1 $270 With a payment of $400 eaeh and 925 per month- you oan secure this 6 room bungalow on Williams are., between Shaver and Mason; all im provement in and paid; modern plumbing; fnll basement: large, airy rooms; just th place for s yvung couple to start saving rent money. Photo ax office. Open Sunday. J. F. Hill 990 William are. East 899. COME TO TIDS HEAfTTIFfT ALAMEDA ROOF GARDEN OF PORTLAND A beautiful home sit on the lop of tha hfll. 126x91, So. W. Cor 24th and Alameda; improvements all included; for quick sal $4. 000. Also now, first class honaa, N. W. Oor. 26th and Mason; modern in every respect; den, sleplng porch, full basement, fruit room and garage. For quick sale $8500. C. C. DUVEix.. Owns. 544 Williams Ave. Phou 8-1004. GOOD HOUSE BUT Extra choice modern 8 room hone ( vacant) , sleeping porch, fireplace, hot water heat, 2 large lota, garage, nlos lawn, shrubbery, good location and fin view. Price $10,500. with Unas. This I a very attractive bom, la going to be old, and might Include osrpets, stove, etc., in good condition. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldff, DOCTOR'S IDEAL HOME NEAR GOOD SAMARITAN Thi beautiful West side home is going to he sold st s sacrifice. You oan be th lucky ona All it needs is quick action. 6 roams and double Bleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, fnll 60x100 lot, nice lswn sod shrub bery, paved streets in and paid, only V block from car. Price 18500; terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE' A CO.. 201-8-6-7 Board, of Trade Bldg. MODERN 7 room house, hard surface street, 3 blocks from car; a bargain st $4000; $1000 down. 6 room bouss, lot 80x130, on Union ave. i lot alone worth more money; $3500; $1000 down, balanc to suit you. 6 room modern Irvington home; a bargain at $4500; $1600 will handle. 8 room house, beautiful location on wast aide, $3500; easy terms. O. L. WEBB. 414 E. Stark St. 6 ROOMS on 1 floor, only $1850; $200 cuk House I in absolutely fin condition, electrio light, ga, porcelain bath, French door between living and dining room. 2 block from Hell wood car, 1 5 m i n. from downtown; good American neighbors, mostly home owners; small lot with room for garden, full basement, concrete walls, on macadam pared st. Vacant and ready to move in: door unlocked. 60 . 9th at, Taor 864. 5 FOR SALE CnEAP house, in perfect condition, lot 60x100. full bsspxnent, nice bathroom, 8 fruit tree, plenty of shade trees 4 blk from ear line, paved street. Will sell for $2300. Com and see for yourself. 8ti4 E. 11th N.. or phbne 'Wootllawn 2641. C0ZT bungalow, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, completely furnished, in the valley of Portland Heights. S. P. carline. 5 H c fare. 1 5 minutes' ride, 2 blocks to station; ga. electric liehts. teWhrme Rail Hun wstor sh&ile treen ereek. chickens, fine surroundings: $2000, including t3DU gralonoia. Vogel. Ooncn station. BUNGALOW 9j) room furnished, comer lot 7Bil00, elos to school and car, a nice home cheap for some one. Owner going away. TABOR 4811. RAL IRVINGTON HOME" New and modern In every detail; 9 large rooms nd breakfast room papered with very best tapestry paper: tuea natn witn wau tuo; oem of light fixture, hardwood floors, big attic, garage, located in bet part of Irvtngton. 60 E. 22d st N., near Stanton. Phone Wdln. 4841. NEAR 15TH AND HAWTHORNE AVE Six rooms and reception hall, fireplace, fur 1 nace, full cement b:ienient. laundry trays. 3 j large airy bedrooms. treet improvement to and Pi .I'Z CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 . Rail wsyEvc hange Rldg, Main J 753, &Ut room House, jot ouxtai. oeanng rniu trees, new blue enamel range, kitchen cabinet, table, 1 dmsrr and commode, couch, sewing machine, ! center table, round dining room Ubie, 6 chair. bed. spring and mattress, ail for $2150. iii'i E. 2 d st cor. Tenino. FOR SALE BY OWNER 6 -room modem bungalow, full cement bs- ment lot 100x100, with all improvements in. close tn between two canines, not water nested. fireplace, wah tray. 8 fruit tree, berries. Owner, 877 Rodney v. FOR 8 A l.K OK EXCHANGE Modem six room house, full ba-ement. chick en houje and wood slii'd; one acre ground; 83 fruit tree and small fruit; city property. - What bare you In house and lot ln city to exclia ugef Tabor 117. FOR SALE Best buy IK Hawthorne district"; strictly modern bungalow, & rooms and bath below; 2 slee;ibg rocims, white ene. meled sleeping porch snd attic above; hardwood floors, furnace, garage, etc Owner, Tabor 7010. ATTENTION HOME SEEKERS WE CAN SELL YOU A HOME OF ANY DESCRIPTION. PHONE WDLN. C207. AL BINA REALTORS. A CAR AT YOUR SEHV- ICE FOR SALS! 4 room house, 100x100 lot, comer 50th ave. and 101st st. Mt Scott car to McKinley perk, about 4 block north. For particulars apply 1 88 JL 4th st $1650 MTSCOTT car, near Woodmere :hooT. 6 rooms, bath, full basrment. $500 cash. balance terms: house alone would coat over;. $2000 to build: will go qui. Owner. Tab. 777. ALBERTA 5-room house, full lot. $2700; 1006 E. 15th N. ; $700 will handle It. Look It over; don't bother tenants. If interested so owner, 683 E. Broadway. Eaat 164'). BELL 8-rooSi house, bath, gas and electricity, 2 lots with ID fine bearing fruit trees, for 94000; 91000 cash, baL eat.y terms. 4805 41st are. B. E. 8 ROOM bungalow, 1 block 'to car. Gas, elec tric lights, baths, sidewalks, cement basement Price $2300. $500 cash. bal. $25 per month. Call Tabor 210. $200 DOWN. $25 monthly; nice looking 4 room house: large attic, modern: 3 blocks Mt Tabor csr: price $2200 Tabor 4214, 108n Ess Msin. A REAL HOME. 6 rooms, msny built-in ef fects: lot 60x100; garage, cnicken nui and home; wash trays; $2,100. half cush, be I. easy. 1228 E. 11th N. Wdln 3516 $8600 NEW 5 roomed bungalow. CUnton. near 43d t ; full cement bn-i nint, waih tmys. fire place, bo.ik rases. nuHet. Dutch kitrhcn. $300 caah. Owner Tabor 5'1I .n.o ovi vr to ... ,.,,,. fro,., m i renter fine five room cottage, gas, electricity, herd aortace st'eet. wncrete basement. racuic j Rcalty.409 Wpaulding bldg. Main 84 . . . ! , . rr. x ..ii.k-.,! ...t., 4 rooms, -.emi morl- ! ! " prn $1200: rnie rash, balance rf.y terms.' I phone 314-87 before 9 a. m. or ftcr 7p. m. gAI 0 rm. house, gas, electricity, toilet; lot 50x100; fruit nd berries, east front; XKWtO half cash. Chaiker. 4709 E. 61nt st t,IXBOoM modem bungalow. 100x100 lot"; fruit and berries : lane chicken house. ' $ooo. One-third down 6305 42nd st. B 1 .o.rii6 ROOM-"furbished bona. i a?s 50 Owner out of city. Phone h 1 , E. rent M 4A89. DOUSE 18 by 26, large lot, near elevator, gas. $700. $400 down, rest as rem. 919 Mohawk, fit Johns. WILL iactifice $1000, immediate possession e $1000, imme.U sscwion COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 92400 galow. comer lot JO HIOO, paved ; "fl Ul0t 3 blk, from about 26 min rne car. Tabor 881 J. L Easy trms, Se Mr. Brown, with 6 room bun street. Hawthorn Thn notVN 420 a month, buys fine 50x 100 lot and 2-roora r.,ttage or E. 4Ut St.; price 8S75. G L. Webb. J E. Stark st SPLENDID 6 room modem bungalow, fine cor- ner lot. splendid fruit, berries; only $2650, terms. Dubois. 803 Spaldiug bldg. MOVE right into 7 room, modem bungalow; well furnished. $3500; Blose at bra use Bros, 6th A Pine. , ! 8CNNY8IDE Furnished modem five n kiinastow 1 or sain, " -- -" riwn.r 90 E 34th St. 8"RO)M houiTand gsrag,"lot 88"cy 10f), nd . n rrm hous. lot 7 by U'O. By owner. 86 K. 44th. Call Tabox 356. No sgents. RUALL osymrnf 810 month Hiy- large lot 2 r,m coxT bona.; W est Sid. 6 car ride. Main 4864 FOB SALE House snd lot by rooms. sleepins . porrb; pile. owner: 5 reasonable. Call 9 to noon. 850 Salmon st a"iirafiM nearif new btingaiow, modern. 80ts Mr Holgat. 92250: terras. . Owner, Broad- wsy 2986. . TOK SALE Meyers add., on south Moont Tabor 26 lot, lsrge house, large orchard, fine riew; sU tor t20.0'K. Phone Tab. 8830. 11800 PART eaati; boas. 4 rooms, plasterer!. gaa. electricity. &ar in; furniture for aaia 738 MlesieeipP ' fV)R SAt.E by owner, 8 room house, 110 East 20th st Price 92650. East 791. SOK SaCE room" cottage, close in. BUi t. Mty HalL See Owner. Phone Msr. 9150. fROOM Bouse. 2 lot, partly furnished, $3000; Irsarinc Iruit Uees. W 542. BEAL ESTATE 91 Kerby Street Modern 9 room bnxxa on KerTry near Falling: very eloae to grammar and high sohooi; lot 40x100. with fruit tree and alley. This i a very good house and a choio location. Price $3500; $500 cash, ba.no $85 per month. Photo at ofttoa Open Sunday. J. F. Hill 98 WUliama era. Bart 969. I ACRS ; 99000 W listed today a mod 4 room bunga low In fins eoBdiUon, with erment base ment, nloe bath, and plumbing, and Bull Run water; 1 aera of land located JuM below Errol Heights station; lots of fruit sad fine patch of strawberries; large hen bona and garage. Soil is tha beat and can be bought for 98000. WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO. 88 4th , New Bungalow 94780 068 KIRBY 94780 Rvewthina vm to data, full basement, all street Improvements In, lot 60x100 hardwood floors, built-in, Irutch kitchen. artitto flrvft oa. Phot st office. Open Sunday. J. F. Hill 696 WILLIAMS AVE. BAST 369 Sunnyside-Hawthorne D3stnctS375 WDl take automobile as first payment. Sta rooms, reception hall, ilvina room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, full floored attlo; can make 4 rooms and bath in attic If you Ilka Fnll basement with furnace; 1 block from ML Tsbox carline. on Improved street. Sea rw at. raaaan, Sales Msnsger Metz ger-Parker-Ferguson Co. Ground Floor. 32 Oak st Broadway 9044. Formerly Stanley B. Thompson Oo. HOUSE BARGAINS Wive moms Inlasteredl. cement ment, 8 lota. 100x120 feet, 11 fruit Uses, chicken house; $2000, . half cash. Four room t plastered I, lante shop, lot 50x112 feet: $1900, $600 cash, $20 month, 6 . Six room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, piped for furnace, 8. P., 75x100 feet: $3800, half cash R. M. Qatewood & Co. 169 4 Fourth St. $2800 VACANT BUNGALOW $2800 XSOO Cash $500 Here 1 a neat 5 room bungalow now vacant, all ready to take rxiasseslon: nice flreplaos, built- in bookcase. Dutch kitchen, full semi-cement basement, full lot, garur.; all t improvement naid na only on nioc iroxn car. -.ow rent when you can step into something like thi. and it Is a good ona. Easy monthly payment Kenton district O. A WARRINER, Ritter. Lowe A Co., 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONLY $5500 This ia s corner 160x100 fee, on 16th st. In the business center of Albarta, With this comer on loth snd Albert its. goes at the price s good modern 6 room hens, newly painted, everything tn first ela order. This will enable the purchaser to live In a nics house and us the corner lot lor ousines pur poses, thereby receiving a good monthly tnoorae. Thi prmicrty is ottered tor a sarnuce sum j tne owner U a nonresident, and orders It sold at the above price About half cash will handli it M. J. CfOHr.8"Y, ABINGTON HOUSE SNAP $3000 Six room, all in good condition, only block to car snd across street from entrance to one of finest parks tn city. It would cost $4 000 to reproduce the bouse today without the lot See it at once; it t ir iuksu. Terms. See Mr. Brown, with NeiSan & Parkhill 21fl Lumbermen Bldg., 5th and Stark Sta $4500 HAWTHORNE $4500 nnnt k room bouse ana iuu nesement, iumn. 1 -,,o 1A0 ft risen, nice fruit trees, Thi lis right on Hawthorne ave.. near 24th t; the beet location in tne tiswir.orne aisusn. of ail incumbrance; easy terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTEH. LOWE A CO., 501 3-5 7 Board of Trade Bldg. " QUICK POSSESSION HERB NEAT BUNGALOW rooms, well built bungalow ia nice shape, good full baprmont, coruer lot, all treet Improvements paid. Price $8000 assy term Alberta district C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5 7 Board of Trad Bids. WiSSsanms Avenue $8200 for a fine 5 room bungalow fa fin condition, with garage and bearing fruit; lot 50x122 $600 ctsh. bal. monthly. F. L. BSanchard 619-20 Rwy. Ex. "WWDERFUX BARGAIN 1 8 fire aF.n rash, balance suit you. RTsn rootri9 di.trirt 2 U blocks south of Piedmont hardwood floors, furnace, Dutch kltchn. laundry I travs. new plumbing. 50x100 lot. All street assessments In snd paid 961 Rodney ava. - , s, ijnc,. Johns and W. A. ana uxuon sva, car $800 FOR A good 3 room hous. on eornsr lot, 8 B to car; cash, bal. terms. $lb.10 for a 6 room bungalow on lot 60x100. This is in good a have and a good buy and ay terms F. L. Blanchard 519-20 Rwy Ex. FTVE ROOM" RO' SB 82400 This house 1 on 50x100 lot, only 2 Mock from car. If you ar. looking for s bargain, thi flr-t Be Mr Brown, with Neilan & Parkhill 219 Lumber mens Bldg. 6th and Stark Bta. 828S0 92660 ia acre and 7 room modem honse, rlgnt on hard surface, close to sohooi and car. Thi I fin buy. TABOR 4911. I io'n'so FH A fine 3 room, on lot 182Hx208 ldlltlf I In Demes wiui pearia ubji ' 1 garage ar.d tare; first claa place for poultry. on E. SH n St. r,s'y Terras. F. L. Blanchard 519-20 Rwy Ex. j-jiiOM bungalow with bath, lot 75x200, bam ysrlii. 2 chicken bouse with runs, tin grd-ri. no irrsvl: brrie snd '""''a '"' . ill I J . 4 ai . n(Ieaf A in. & tnoeWIU tr.dTfor"bom. in nd bmuih diffetenca. Inauirs 113 tirsnd ave. , . $200 rtrit A 1 60x107$ comer with 8 room and a 3 room bungalow. 8 B. from ear; very assy term.. F. L. Blanchard 519-20 Rwy. Ex. 5-hVjOM BUNGALOW N EI LAN A PARKHILL 219 Lumbermen, bldg. 5 th snd Stark sta, BKST BUY IN ROSE CITY 8 room bungalow, oak floor throughout rlste ct ass windows, all built in. den, ivory and white enamel finish. Strictly modem, wm derful view; very low prlos Pacific Realty, 409 Spelling Wdg Mlr S4T- ' H A W THORN E DISTRICT 6 room bouse, basement, lull lot; prie. 92250; $400 or $500 cash, rest lik rent 983 E Harrison, near Glenn sva. Owner, gst. 856 FOR SALE By owner, 4 -room eottage. lot an, i-2ii -0-tt. alley, strswt us red with .en ter parking, all assessments paid : property otesr of sll-incumbrance. Price $2000. .403 Ains- ' $2626-6 ROOM BUNGALOW -SNAP Full eet plumbing, basement concrete floor, wash trays, hard urtac straot garage, 1 block u car, free auto rid to see this bargain. I r oil of Mr. Spencer Cobb Bros., 208 Oak t 4 ROOM plastered bonis..- furnished eomplet. , 1 .u. iAn.iAft" fruit 'Hjrees. on gravel street, 1 block to. pave ment. $1350. 9600 easb. 1191 K. Uncotn. Tabor 2226 r A TITLE Insurance policy Is a guaraate 4 th title to vour borne. Wh. you bar yout home bar the title insured, than sorry Title A Trust Oo, Better be safe TITLE Insurance' 1 the modern way of handi Ing titles to real estate, Quioker, costs lest snd no abstract required. Title A Trast Co. NEW 5 . roomed bungalow. 6 Kast 10th, North; for sale cbaav, by owner. BEAL ESTATE Ifj&B SALE HOrSKS IT Phone Before 1 p. m. Td- aay, Main 5624 tt. Scott, $300 oaah, prto 91180.' t bath. toviwifi'S hava-: Big iatarast Baymaou pQlng p on thkv ' xrees , nice garden anil. and run, only s ahc eifv a, , . ,.i ... , 2! hort distance to hard suriaoVr3 strsstmr, comfortable 4 roots a -! 4 ; 91390. 9380 sL' rttfttk1"". b- tn good evmdMosa, W- J mm4, 7"? LP" 951100, witS of tins fruit trtat; 82880, with $889 Prkroa. IllBO. ! .k L.omJ",ll,alo,, on a lot 100xloo. rl with lot of fruit h.M ...-r.? .1-. VI' fi I , ra, m BWMHn utus noma. Mr Mn. don't pass this up. Two J1 In g.rdMiTd fruit, with 9 r?.m .hoJ: .ald he mad. T rooms. ii .f "v" ,rutt of U '". s full 9 ?r? KJ?lM1J ln "4", lots of chicken r".' tV- n a high and dry spot riooklng th. rity; 9400 cash wlA gira you poaMsalon of this, U 9 roots traegvJow, r"'- " and lights, big lot A reg "oo home, so clean tt shines. aVaoh ??,h.d lth fumltura fot siaoo without any additional sash a aueat " - Harris Co. 937 CHAM. OF COMM. MAIN 8694 OFElf fwr rirvpeetJon Bunday. 1:04) to 6 oe. if you are lnoktng for a rwal home, one with originality aod Vi' .mm" 6,1 JB Lad'llngton Court, 100 feet north of Ullaan street car 11ns. Laurelhurst Tou wiU find uea a Plaoe Hardwood floors, extra larga "ring room, sun room, den, dining room, buffet kitchen, breakfast roots, cement basement, tray, fiirnar, 8 bedroom snd bath upstair; garagat In fact, thi Is a triotly modem horn and on. of eary best location in this addition. Buth r-r . h . six month ago. Prior- t 9900Q. Ownat Tahog T991. Halght Avenue 4 ROOM OOTTAOB i r7nT ! T?m. 80x100. r lenty of fruit, close to grammar and high schools; in vastiest, this; It might ;. i?" what you want Prto. $2000; $500 caah, baUnc Ilk rent, Photo st offlo. Open Sunday. J; F. Hill 999 Wllliasa sva OWNER MTT8T SELL T, , 'U'''T improve snd vw bost of soil 18 acres bsarlng BngU.h wak- n.UtV.,fr,Ujd' wlth ""- Prs and pie ftlleri: orchard well cared for pran4 and graved Oak nd fir grove for flra wooo. Well drained on rook road. 90 mJlM from Portland, 8 miles of New bsrf, close to school Imiwovements: New 6 room bungalow, water plpad to houa. and yard. Larg. new bam and wara . , Th' Price for this 86 aoraa $12,000. Terms csn b srrsngl Mr Uesgarl for further Information, a. ..v C0K - M KfiNNA 00., " 4th t M,jn 99 $2000 PARK BOSS BUNGALOW On CRAIO RD. I room and bath. Hare t a oosy UtU home. Just outaide of the city llrav J' . wh?n u" low 0 and elect rlo- J" b""'- 0n" h" Wonk to car snd -di CompaJV', h.1,' cJh 1 U BARTMAbj COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bids. Branch office. 46th and Sandy blvd. half a c n e fi eaTu wrrRurr MODERN BUNGALOW $4200 Five rooms and reception hall. Urge floored attln, B more rooms can be finished, flreplaee. fumaoa, buffet, 2 Urge light bedrooms full cement basement, laundry trayiv ThisSU a double-constructed, well-btilW, roomy 'hnnga- " wwu ia lieu ua ra aasv an an,!. All kinds of bearing frutt. chicken house nx "' iiiuu. i .u oaan. iocatasl .nl. K1W. , .11... CLEVELAND HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Kichsnge Bldg Mala 8T03. PORTLAND HEIGHTS ' rrtshjarg morn, larg living room with frra' place, two larg porches, good furnace, laniv dry tray, large attlo. all floored and plastered; on otrlln and paved street, good view. Thlg house is wall built and tn good sondltion; mast be sold st one. Main 6881. Main $460. ii,o ijaeco mag. "BftSK CltY PAfti" Stx rooms. . bungalow type, hardwood fin ova, fireplace, fumaoa, laundry tray, buffet, Ursa bedrooms, gsrage. Thi Is a vry lovely home for the prie we are asking, $6260. 11 sura you look tin house over before you bny Main 6882. Sunday morning. Mala 9469.' 1189 Oasoo bldg. NEAR RHOOKLYd SCHOOL 82700 EASY TERMS $2700 Het is dandy 60x100, comer lot and 9 room bouse, full basement, just 3 blurts off MUaankle av.. hard aurfsce street. l clear of incumbrance. 95l0 cash, bsianos ntsonabi monthly payments Ilk rent 0 A WARRINER. RITTEH, LOWE A CO., 201-8 S 7 Board ofJTrad. Bldg. SflRuTltni BtTVS(T"room bungalow. 3W7.ii, 4HUiHJ i, ari fuii basement. Dutch kiteh. en. electric light and gas, conn act ed with ewer, A ral bargain. Let us (how yon. j a. wicsiMaiv oo. n Mala R9 204 Ry. Exrfi. bldg Mala 1094f il FOR SALE One of the most TdeaT WaiTTi rorusna, woraerruj new, splendid location, nearly new, modem, hardwood flrrs , 9 larg bedrooms, living room, dining room. Hlliani room, garage Unusual bargain at $9500, $2500 down. bal. terms. No aganta. Address fox' appointment Q-222,. Journal. ONLY $1600 tt moils all rash: On to. We-t Hide, close in to the bust nan eentor, near Glbbs st , on the carline. 7 room hous with basement Thi house ha all of til cR eonvenlauoea It bast paying rent and prnrtde you with your osm home for a -mall amount of money. M J CriF.SSY. ABINGTON BLDG, HAWTHORNE RICHMOND 1086 T. GA IANT : SPACIOUS. SUJCNT ROOMS; KTT IIA FULL LOT; $1000 TO, $1500. MAIN 4240 , IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1600 . Four room plaster .-d hous. wired for llehtav' city water and gas. sen, fin (oil, 9 ehoVs ! OT" J". tT. !.. .. VT Kstacsd car, 10 minutes' walk to Mt. Scott car 92d t snd 74th sva 8 E. Go sad. look t it By owpr. 71 1 H Frovrt st 9 llOOH Vnodem house, lot 100x200, graded street snd aide walk, fruit trees; $5800, term. 4 room house, furnace, lot 60x100. haroV nirfac st snd sewsr; $2500, tarros. i 9. room bouse, modem, lot 60x100; grsdeet t and sidewalk: fruit trees; $2000. terms. Be G Hofstrand. 1874 H Greeley. $8675 "7 ROOM modern boue, 143 r at Morrison st, lot 50x100, $2600. 7 rooui house. 1002 East Washington. $2660. 8 room modem cottage. 281 E t 87th st, enrnet lot; term. Speer, Tabor 888 rt 386, eveninga.. MODERN 8 room bungalow on 1-9 acre, f' blocks south of depot at Multnomah Hoase has formes, flret o , baeant There 1 also gsrag. m, ehloken hone, bearing fruit treef't snd berries Prio. $5500, H, A. Cox. FOR SALE 10 room houa, modern. 2 stors f lot 4 0x100 (AO Union are., naar Knott Prie. $6000. half oaah. Owner 998 Baa Bfsel . SCNNYSIHK Swell location. 13100 9 room bona, with extra fine 90x100 lot, flaeet of all kinds trait treat, bearing; 18 eash dowsx H. H Btsnb. 10-27 Belmont Tsbor 319. -' ' BA N'K S reaasst . title . Inanrance because It s best ask your banker he know Title k Trust Ce. . j: BOHE Olty park, roodeen 6" room bunsalewt . $4500 lor good - 2 -story larger hotue, rs gtricted distrirt Owner, Tsbor 7034. EIGHT- ROOM trictJy mslrrn house. -LgirrsT-- hurst, prims nmdrtion. worth 810,0t10 Price ssiSITOn. some terms. owner, . i oor oats. $0O0 LAR1E room honae. on one floory 2 blocks Hawthorn csr, all tniprTreaietiU la and bsid. Tsbor 894S. - NEW. modern 4 room with gsrage on 6 Ala- aad Bseeb sta. 8 mall first psyment, salapo. . Ilk. ri (1.11 Xtanb.ll 217 FiKDMOXt DjgtftlCT 8 room bonaglowV fin ished in old ivory, ooxiuo tot, tsu Dasement, flreplare. laundry trays. Woodlawn 394. FOR SALE By owner. 82800- 8 xvom -' ot tag, garage, fall bseereent, laundry txa fin stuck aa yard. 1228 lUh st . . ? tt