THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 16 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1920. PORTLAND, OREGON gt. Bavids gaiill (Observe 3ts (golden 3ubilee TOith elaborate Ceremony Sunday FIFTY YEARS-AG!) MISSIONARY PRIEST STARTED IN WORK On the eve of Welsh Saints day. Kt. Davids parish will observe its golden Jubilee. From the time the missionary priest, the Rev. J. R. W. Sellwood, started, the work In 1870 down to the present day, this parish has steadily grown. Special Rervicea will be held Sunday. Holy communion will be administered at 7 and S a. m. All old-timers and friends are urged to make these two services a feast of happy memories. At 'l0:30 a. m. Bishop W. T. Sumner will consecrate the church, using the office full of beauty and color, such as has been employed by the denomination for nearly 1500 years. Special anthems and a Eucharist will be sung. At 7:30 p. m. the blKhop will have a confirmation service. Dr. S. E. Josephl will also give a historical address on the varish dur ing this service. The doctor and his wife have faithfully served this parish for CO years. On Monday, St. Davids day, there will be a benediction of the new altar. This service will be at 7 a. m. In the evening at 7 :30 o'clock there will be a special Te Peum and an historical ad dress. A beautiful window is to be erected as a memorial to four faithful rectors. In addition a memorial fund la to be raiBed in order to perpetuate the memory of four brave boys from this church who made the supreme sacrifice upon the fields of Flanders. Teachers Make Protest Kuyene, Feb. 28. Orade school teach ers have issued a defi to the Eugene board of education, in threatening that If the board does not dismiss W. R. Rutherford, superintendent of schools, not one of the 46 grade teachers will -again accept positions in the Kugene schools next fall. The board is inclined to accept the challenge and at the regu lar session Thursday evening expressed resentment that the Grade Teachers' as sociation should attempt to dictate to the board. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK AND MADISON STREET REV. WM. T, M'ELVEEN, PH.D. Pastor The Rev. A. J. Sullens Preacher. 11 A. M. "The Awakening Church' "The Method of Faith" THURSDAY EVENINGS Dr. McClveen Lectures on "CHRISTIAN PSYCHOTHERAPY" Mrs. Dudley Clarke. Warren A. Errnn, Soprano Tnor Miss Beatrice Palmer. W. K. Kobinaon, Contralto Baritone Lucien E. Becker, in-ganiat and Director MAJOR THORNTON A. MILLS CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH K. 1JTH A"I PIE STS. Th Subject for th Morning Sermon Will "THE WISDOM OF GOD'S FOOLS" 7:30 it MARKHEIM" A STEVENSON MASTERPIECE Special Mulo by Chorus Choir. DR. NUGENT, Tho Pastor, hu anlTed, and will occupy the pnlpit March 7. VOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Dr. Edward H. Pence Pastor 10: A. M. USES AND DANGERS OF WONDER IN RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE 7SS P. M. WHAT IS FAITH? WHAT DOES IT MEAN JO BfLIEYE? ums-Ibible school : toitso peopie'8 HOCIETY COME HEAR OCR QUARTET FIRSTPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALDER STREET AT TWELFTH REV l?JilADCE BERGEN, D. D. irrmn !: A. M. "Jesus Christ and 'lit P. "Your Prince 11:14 BUST) AT SCHOOL Ills O EGA K RECITAL BY E. E. COCESES Sole by J. MaeMILLAIT MtIR nd Special Jttisia by tkt Choir former Chaplain to J?ead?BigiHovement " ' " ' - I Capt. B. F. Uronson Bronson Chosen for Interchurch Work Captain Berton F. Bronson, a Baptist minister, has been selected stale secre tary of the Interchurch world move ment. He became a captain wnile terv ing as chaplain during the war. For merly he held important pastorates at Seattle and Bait Lake City. In 1916 Captain Bronson went to the Bethany Baptist church, Seattle, remaining 'there until he entered the service as a chap lain with the rank of lieutenant. He was stationed at Vancouver barracks, being post chaplain. He was made cap tain in May, 1919, and discharged in August. In January he attended the Atlantic City conference of the inter church world movement to become fa miliar with details of the new organiza tion, returning to assume the secretary ship for Oregon. Pershing Invited to Shrine Convention Genoral John J. Pershing has been ex tended invitations by the Imperial Shrine Potentate W. Freeman Kendrick, Mayor George Baker and the general shrine committee for the 1920 convention, to bo a guest in Portland during the week of the coH$Sitton. Pershing Is a noble of the Seoswis temple at Lincoln, Neb. EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER E. 20TH AND SALMON PREACHING BY DR. W. B. HINSON 11:00 "Saved ' By Hi. Life." 7:30 "The Face of Jesus Chri.t." This Charr-h Stand Like a Rock in Mid utream for the exaltation of the .Supernatural Christ. HAWTHORNE. MT. TABOR OR SUNNY SIDE CAR LINES TO 20TH 8T. HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH EAST EIQHTH AND ALBERTA 8TREET8. DR. WM, T. MILLIKEN, PASTOR SUNDAY, FEB. 29. 11:00 A. M. "What Is the Bible?" 7:30 P. M. "The Man Who De pised His Birthright." B. Y. P. U. AT 6:30 ORCHESTRA SUREI YOU'LL BE THEREI WESTMINSTER oarcn or Mlnneapoll the Temple" M. and Savior" I jext 33?eek to JBe of The Portland Ministerial associa-1 tlon will meet In the Y. M. C. A. at i 10:30 a. m. Monday. The speaker i ..... uvb ..v.u .....v.i , court of domestic relations. His subject will be: "Our Every Day Problems and Handicaps." BAPTIST Dr. V. B. Hinson, pastor of the East Side Baptist church, has returned from Walla Walla and will preach Sunday in J his pulpit. While at Walla Walla Dr. Hinson addressed large groups of min isters of various denominations. The Rev. F. F. Peterson of New York, a member of the board of education of the Northern Baptist convention, will preach Sunday morning at the Arleta Baptist church. Mr. Peterson is a Sun day school leader of wide experience. At the evening service Father and Son night will be observed. Fathers are urged to be present and sit with their sons. Mr. Duncan, industrial secretary of the Y. M. C. A-. will give a short talk. Beginning March 7. the Arleta church will conduct a two weeks' evan gelistic campaign. The first week Bap- Sr. Merger, Hike JBr. JBoyd, preaches Sermon to (Children Dr. John Tallmadge Bergen, who is supplying the pulpit of the First Pres byterian church for three weeks, will revive the custom of Dr. John H. Boyd and preach a sermon to the children im mediately preceding the regular dis course. This Sunday he will tell the story of "Talmas, the Indian-boy." Mon day Dr. Bergen goes to California, but will return to Portland Saturday and preach again next Sunday in the First Presbyterian church. James F. Ewing, educational director, left for Berkeley, Cal., last Tuesday with ' Mrs. Ewing. where he Intends to spend a month In rest at Carmel-by-the-Sea. Mr. Ewing is recovering from a long and serloiia illness. Speaks on What He Saw in Palestine The Rev. W. G. Eliot's theme for the Lenten classes during the week is "A Memory of the Catacombs." Linked with what he saw In Palestine will be an ex planation of what characterized the cata comb period of Christianity. He will trace the emergence of this era to that of the medieval church. The pastor will preach at the Church of Our Father Sunday morning and evening. DIRECTORY Second Sunday in Lent L-niform Sunday School Lessons "Peter Writes Abont Christian LiTine." I Peter 2:1-B. 11, 12, 19-25; II Peter 1 5-T." Golden Text: "He that saith he abideth In Him ought himself also to walk eren as He walked." I John 2 :0. Young People's Topics Baotist Tnion "Followers of the Great Physi cian." Jer. K1S-22; Matt. 8:-12. Christian Endearor "Missionary Meetinc." Gal. 6-7 10. Kpworth lnfue "The Conquerinf Church in China." Psa. 20; Matt 16.13-18. Baptist Pint WhiU Temple. 12th and Tsylnr Ht Wrti. A. Waldo. "Human Life, a Trust ': 7:S0, preaching by Dr. Samuel Zane Batten, "The Present -day Industrial Situation." East Side E. 20th and Salmon Re. W B Hinson. Her 11. T. Oa"h. as-ooiate. 11, "Saed by His Life"; 7:30. "The Face of Jesus Christ." Third Vaneoner and Knott 11, 7:30. Arleta E. 64th and 48th are. Iter. Owen T. Iay 11. preaching by Ke. F. F. Peterson of New Tork; 7:30. Father and Son Night. CalTary E. 8th nd ;mnt Vet J. K Thomas. 11. "Downbeartedness Cause and l.'ure' ; 7:30, "InTestin a Life, Life s Biggest InreRtment." Glencoe E. 45th and Main Re. F C IasleUe. 11. "The Unknown Apotles: What Hecame of the Apostle:"; 7:30. "The Man Who Uidliked the Prescriirtion" ; ordinance of baptinn. Sellwood Bethanj RtT. W. N. Ferris. 11, 7:43. r.nn F. 7th and Ah. HeT. F W mur ine. 11. sermon by Her E- It Msrtin of Amer ican Sunday School union: 7:45, illustrated addreo by Iter. J. Foster Wilcox. CniTersitr Park Iter. 8. Lawrence Black. 11, 8. Swedish IRth and Hoyt Re. T, G. SJolan der Preaching by the blind evangelist, Ber. A. Freeman, 10:30, 7:30. St. John 11, 7:30. Highland E. flth and Alberta Tr. If. T Milliken. 11, "What Is Our BibleT"; 7:30, The Man Who Sold HU Birthright. Mt. Oliret (colored) Broadway and E- erett Kev. J. W. Anderson. 11, 8. Elim Swedish Mallory and Skidmore ReT. A. G. Sandblom. 2:30. 3:30. I,entj ssth st, and OOtli are ReT. E. A Smith. 11, "A Stirred Congregation ; 7:30 vangelistic and song semce. Cathollo Pro Cathedral 16 th and Darii ReT. B. V O'llara. 0. 7:15. 8:30, 8:4 6. 11. 7:4ft. St. Peters Lents iter. 1'. Beutoen. B. 10:30, 7:80. 8L Lawrence 3d and Sherman Her. J, Hughes. 6. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30. St lr nets u. l'sta and fine- iter. J BU.k. 6. 8. 9. 10:30. 7:80. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton Ke. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. . 11. 7:80. Holy Kosary E. Sd and Clackamas Key. K. B. Olson, a. 7. B, v, is, . :flt ht Rose E. 58d and Alameda ReT. J O Fsrrea 8. 10:80. 4. St. Andrews E. th and Alberta Rer. J irt.H,., u in-9ii 7-n The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Bet - . l.' -Knmnun T Tt A O 11 Ascension e. Vtttn and Xamhm Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:30, 7:80. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and BlAnden Ref. F. W. Black. 8. 10:80. 7:80. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Bar. C. Raymond. St. lsnatlus 3'JZO- 43d St. B. EL Jesuit Fathers. o BU. a, io:su. 4. 8t Stephens E. 42d and Tayloi1 Ree Wax ren A. Waitt 6. 8:80. 10:80. 7:80 Holy Bedeemer Portland bird, and Vancon- nr no. eT. William J Uinne. e, 8, 10:30 7 :3U. St .'hulip Nedi (Paullst Fathers) E. lth ana Ulcsiry Her. M. L Ferry. 7:30, It. 1U:3U. T BU. St. Clements 8. Smith stb. and Newtoi Serbite Fathers 6, 8. 10:30. 7:80 Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Her. O hod. o. iu:au, I :sv. St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rer. J uommuay. B. iu:su. 7 -.SO. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fail ing neT. r . atattnew. 8, 10:80. 7:80 St. Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Key. h. Kurrer. 8. 10:30, T :30. St Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Bar U U. I ..r. fi-ln 1A.4A T.OA St Claire's -Capitol Hill Father Aloysius. v. r. iv, :zv. St Charles E. 33d and Alberta Rer J. P OTlynn. 8. 10:80. All Saints E. 89th and GUaan Bar. Father William Cronln. 8, 10:80. St Patricks 19th and 81 Tier Rer. Charles is smiw. Misses :so. 8. 9:15. 10:80. 7:49. Christian First Park and Columbia Rt R,mU n Griff is. 11. "The InTincible Strategy"; 7:45 00a irar oitent i-armer. East Side E. 12th and Tayloi" Rer R. H Bawjer. 11. "XH Call to Eerrioe"; 7:30, "El I. amino neai. East Bide E. 12th and Taylor Bar. B. H. oawyer. as, 1 .ov. Bonner A Tenoe Rodney and Knott. Rat B Earl Childero. 11. 7:80 MontaTllle E. 76th and Glisan. Bar. Car roll v. ttooena. 11, 1 :4U, Wood la an K, 7 th and Liberty KT. Joseph 1). Boyd. 11, 8. Vernon K. IStb sad Wycant ReT. ' B. importance Slmong' tist pastors of the city will assist The second - week Evangelist C. J. Reid will prefcn cnurcn win open-an Italian mission on Forty-fourth street between Lincoln and iiviaiuu Btreets. as soon u mo umiu ins" is remodeled work will begin. Kvangelistic services will be held each night during the coming week at the Lents Baptist church by the Rev. E. A. smun, pastor. CHRISTIAN The Rev. H. H. Griffis-will speak on Sunday morning at the First Christian church on the strenuous life as con trasted with the simple life, discussing the modesn battle of Christian principles. In the evening the pastor will offer a message of hope and inspiration based on the great Christian doctrine that our finite human endeavor is constantly re inforced by infinite divine power. Mon day evening at 6 :30 the officers of the congregation will meet in regular month ly session in the. committee room of the Hazelwood. The dinner will be followed by a discussion of the subject. "The Tithe as a Christian Principle of Giving." by the Rev. S. M. Conner, chairman of the Stewardship committee. CONGREGATIONAL The Sunday school of the First Con gregational church is holding a member ship contest. The girls have challenged the boys. The contest is being visualized by two. miniature airplanes, that are making the trip from Chicago, which is at one end of the school room, to Portland at the other end. An old mem ber restored to attendance pushes the airplane on 10 miles, while a new mem ber means 25 miles. The Rev. Arthur J. Sullens will occupy the pulpit Sunday in the absence of Dr. W. T. McBlveen, who is in Seattle pushing the denomina tion's campaign for Rifts to the Pilgrim Memorial fund of $8, 000,000. Tuesday all the Congregational min isters of the state will be in Portland. They will hold a meeting in the morn ing at the First Congregational church and have lunch together at 12 :30. They are gathering to hear about their part in the Congregational World movement. A group of Congregational leaders from New York will address them. Atkins Memorial Congregational church is featuring a pleasant Sunday evening movement. The purpose is to bring to gether the families of the community in a pleasant way with music, entertain ment and worship. The sermon is re tained and moving pictures and com munity singing made use of. EVANGELICAL During the Sunday morning service at the Clay Street Evangelical church the rite of baptism will be administered and members received. The pastor. Rev. Stocker, conducted a three weeks' evan gelical campaign in January resulting in this Sunday's addition to the member ship. The church will also participate in the pastor's conference at the White temple this week. The Kvangelical as sociation Is conducting a forward move ment, cooperating with other denomina tions. The Rev. B. R. Wiener, field secretary of the church and one of the regional directors, will be present at this conference, which will be held from Thursday afternoon until Friday evening. OF CHURCH TibM MsTf ri ll. 7:30 Rer J. F. Chonnley. 11, 7:30. Kern Pa Ohrlrtlan Science Lesson subject: "Christ Jesus." First-llMi and ETerett 11, 8. Second E 6th and Holladay. 11. 8. Third E 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth VancouTer and Emerson. 11, 8. Fifth 62d and 4 2d aTe. S. E. 11. 8. Siith Ma-onic temple. 368 Tamhia 11, 8. Setenth Holbrook block, St. Johns. 11. All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. Congregational Flrrt PrV anil Madison Tr W. T. McFl- Teen. Preaching by BeT. A. J. Sullens. 11, 7:45. 3'innyide F. 32d and Tsvlnr ReT I J Sunb. 11. "The Plan and Purpose of Christ's "irst AdTent"; 7:45. "Getting Somebody Else. Atkinson Memorial E 2 9 til and ETerett. ReT. K. K. Flint. 1 1 . "The Stewardship of Men and Money"; 7:4 3. Hiehland E th and Prescott ReT. Edward Constant. 11, 7:30. Waverleieh Heiahfs E. 33d and Woodward-- Rer. Oliier P. Arery. 11, "Making Msn DiTine"; 7 :30. illustrited sermon, "The Climb. Lanrelwood 45th aTe. and 65Ui st S, E. Mrs. Alice M Handsaker. 11. Pilgrim Missouri and ShaTer. KeT. KoDert Murray Pratt 11. 7:30. I'niTersity Park HaTen and Lombard ReT. C. IL Johnston. Finnish Maon and Albina ReT. A. A. Harju, H and 8 p. m. St Johns 8. iTanhoe and Richmond. ReT. T. Merrill 11. 7:30 Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Ree. Ole Torgessen. 11. 7:30.- First' German E. 7th and St nVa KeT. George Zocher. 11, 7:30. Second German E. 8th and Skidmore KeT. Henry Hagelganz. 11. 7:30. Zion German E. 9th and Fremont ht. j. H. Hoop. 11 7:30. Dunsard Church of the Brethren Borthwich and Brai- nard BeT. George C. CarL 11. 8. Episcopal Pro-Cathfdrsl of St Stephen the Msrtyr Rt ReT. W. T. Sumner bishop: very nee. m. T. T. Hicks, dean. 11, "The Temptation ; 7:45, "A Man Sent by God." Trinity 19tn nd Krerett Ree A A. Mor rison. 8. 11, 1-nends ana rnenasnips ; o. St DaTid- K. 12tb and B-'nmnt Rt Thomaas Jenkins, rector. 7. 8, 10:30. semce hT Bishon Walter T. Sumner; 7 :d. con firmstion serrice in charge of Bishop Sumner. St Marks 2 lit and Marshall KeT. J G. Hattop. 7:30. 11. 7:45; daily. 7:30 a. m. St Andrews Hereford st, Plymouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. . 11. 7 .80 Grace Memorial K. 17tn ana weiaiei- iteT. Oswald W Taylor. 8. 11. Good Shfnherd VancouTer and Graham Ree. John Dawson. St Michael and All Angels E. 43d and Broadway KeT. F. T. Bowen, Ticar. 8. 10. 11. Church of Our SaTior ootn aee. ana it t S. E. ReT. E. H. Clark, ricar. 7:30. 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good samsntan hospital ReT Frederick K. Howard- 7. 9:30. Bt. Pant w 00a me re bt. uswaia v. ay- lor. 4. All Saints 25th and Sarier KeT. FredencK K Howard. 10. 11. St Johns Memorial E. 16th and Harney. Sellwood Ree. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:30. St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft KeT. W. A. M. Breck. Ticar. .0. 11. ETanfltllcal rirst E. 8th and Market Ref. E. D. Horw- schuch. 11. 7:30. Cla Street 1 nth and CIst KeT. Jacob Stocker. 10:4 5, "Why Join a Church'"; 7:30, Cooperation ts. Knocking. Swedi-h Tabernacle S. 17th and Gli'sn. ReT. J. C. Ledin. 11, "The Pharisee and Sin ner Before Jesus": 7:30. (English) "The Ac cepted Time." Free Methodist Central E. 65th and Handera Rt. EL L Harrington. 11, 7:80. First E. 9th and Mill Rt. a. H. Upton. 11. 7:30. Alberta E. 80th and Wygant BeT. M, T. WhetieU. 11. 7:30. St Johns E. Richmond and Hudson Her. E. O. Blackman. .11, 7:30. Lenta BeT. S. H. Cpton. acting pastor. 2:80. 8:30. Frtends First E. 35th and Main Rrr. Homer L. Cox. 11, 7:45. Second E. 92d and 81st are. Rer. Loraaa M. Terrell. 11. 7. West Piedmont Borthwick and Jerseys Bar. Carey Jvnupp. 11, 8. Jewish Congresaelon Beth brad 12th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Reform Sjmagofua. Semce Friday 8 p. m.. Saturday 10:80 a. m. Congregation A bars! Sholom Park and Clay sts. Rabbi R. Abrahamaon. Friday. 8 p. m ; Batarday. 8:30 a. m. CoBsretpttioQ Nerab Zadeck Talmod Torah 4th and Hail Bee. Abraham 1 Bosencrants. krioay 8 p. m. Batarday 9 a. m. Sunday 10 a. a. Belhpoos school Latlae Day Saints Crmrch of Jeena Christ of Latter Day Saint B. 25 th and Madison Hotter C. 1 verso m, sai sioD president. 10, 7:80. LlrUMTM . St. Janes W. Park and Jefferson Bee. unani tu. unnimis. 11, 1 :au. St. Paul E. 12th and Clinton See Krause. 10:80 (German) , "But Deliver L:s From fcTU i:sv, -nearer ly tiod to Thee. Our SaTior JCtiotU aad u and foung All the evangelical pastors in the Oregon conference, including the Paget Sound country, and 11 prominent laymen will is the oriranic union of the Evangelical association and the United Evangelical church. There are now three churches of each communion In Portland. These six churches are contemplating organic union. The Rev. P. W. Rood of Seattle will conduct a series of revival meetings at the Swedish. Evangelical Tabernacle be ginning Tuesday at 7 :45 p. m. and con tinuing each evening over the following Sunday. He will preach in English at each service Sunday, March 7. After noon meetings at 2 -.30 will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Ellm chapel, Skidmore and Michigan avenue, in the Swedish language. EPISCOPAL Dean R. T. T. Hick will preach at both Sunday services in St. Stephen's pro cathedral. In the evening he will give the last of a series of sermons on divine healing. Lenten services are being held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Miss Louise Pickens will lead the young people's meeting Sunday night. Continuing last Sunday evening's dis course. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector of Trinity Episcopal church, will give per sonal experiences in psychic research. In the morning ha will preach on friends and friendships. The cliurch- desires the names of all young women who desire to join the Trinity Community associa tion. Last Tuesday evening a military drlll was held. LUTHERAN Lenten classes are being held each Thursday at 8 p. m. in St. Paul's Lu theran church by the Kev. A. Krause. Confirmation classes meet Tuesday and Friday at 4 and 5 p. m. The pastor j. win aeuver a sermon nunaay morning in German on the seventh petition of the Lord's prayer. Every Sunday afternoon at 2:30 serv ices are held for the deaf in Trinity Lutheran church Graham and Williams avenues. All deaf are cordially invited. The Rev. J. A. C. Beyer is pastor. METHODIST "The Wayfarer" in six reels of motion pictures will be given Sunday night at Rose City Methodist church. This is the great pageant put on at Columbus, Ohio, during the Centenary celebration, and repeated in New York at Madison Square garden for 30 days. A special program has been prepared for the Sunday school at 9 :30 a. m. by Dr. J. Earl Else, superintendent. The pastor, Rev. D. Lester Fields, will preach in me, morning. Sellwood Methodist church of which the Rev. W. S. Gordon is pastor, has Just closed a successful series of meet ings. Many have united with the church and others have asked to be received Sunday. The pastor will also conduct a baptismal service in the morning. PRESBYTERIAN Major Thornton A. Mills will be at Central Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening. He will give a sermon lecture in the evemlng. The Rev. Walter Henry Nugent, pastor elect, ar riyed In the city Friday evening. He SERVICES IN Christensen. 11 (English), "The Prayer of Faith"; 7:30, illustrated lecture on foreign mis sions. Trinity (Missouri Synod) WOlisms and Graham Rer. J. P. Ilimbach. 10:15, 2:30 (serrice for the deaf), "We Beseech Ton That Te Receire Not the Grace of God in Vain," by I Ker. j. A. c. Beyer; 7:30. Bethleheat Norwegian 1 4th and Darts Bef. Wilhelm Pettersen. 11. 8. Grace (Enelish) E. 24th and Broadway Ree. 0. H. Bernhard. 11. 7:80. Bethel Norwegian (free) Wygant and Bod- ey. Bethany Danish Rraneeliral TTnion and Mor ris ReT. L P. KjoUer. 11. 7:80. St. Johns Peninsula and Kilpatrick Be. L Ludwig. 10:45. 7:80. Swedish Augusta lis Stanton and Rodney Rer. V. G. Orren. 10:45, 7:45. Immanuel 19th and trying Rer. A. V. An derson. 11, 8. Portsmouth Iorely and Fortune Rer. S. C. B. Knutsen. 1.1. 7:30. Zion Erangelicsl (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Ree. H. H. Koppelmann. 9:15. 10:15. 7:45. Alberta English E. 17th and Alberto (Baker nail). 10, 11. Mathodtst Episcopal Carson Heights Bee. G. 8. Brown. 10. 11, 7. Centenary E. 9th and Pin Rer. Frank L. nemi'tt 11. 7:80. Central Vancouver and Fargo Rer. A. B. Maslean. 11. 7:30. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Bee. E. 8. Mace. 11. Epworth 26th and Sarler- Rer J. Stanford Moors. 11. "Hunger of the Soul"; 7:30, "The Call of the Hour." First 12th and Taylor Rer. Joshua S tans field. 10:30, 7:30. Firnt Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Ber. Elias Gjerling. 11, 8. Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. Ree. A. C Brakenbury. 11, 7:30. Lenta 86th t. and 58th are. Rer. F. R. Sibley. 11. 7:45. Lincoln E B2d and Lincoln. Rer. F. A. Gion. 11, "Being Coworkers With God"; 7:30, "Excuses." Montarilla F. 80th and Pine Ree. Hiram Gould. 11. 7:30. Mt Tabor E. 81st and 8Urk. Rer. E. G. Decker. 11. "An Approred Workman"; 7:30. "A Young Msn Abroad." Pattnn Alberta sn4 Michigan. Rer. George H. Bennett 11. 7:30. Rose City Park E. r.8th and SandT Rer. D. Lester Fields. 11. "Giring That Which Costa Something"; 7:30, "The Wayfarer." Sellwood E. lMh and T corns Rer. W. 8. Gordon. 11, "The Body of Christ"; 7:30, "Wakini the Dead." Sunny Ide E. 35th and Yamhill Ree. W. F Ineson. 11.7:46. St Johns W. iarltt and Syracuse Res. W. E. Kloster. 11. 7:30. Swedish Beech and Borthwick ReT. Aoe'. Eklund. 11. 8. I'nirerslty Park Fiske and Lombard B H. T. Atkinson. 11. 7 :30. 4 Vancourer Arenue Norwegian Danish 8k Id more and Vancourer Rer. A. Chris tensen. 11, 7:30. Wesleyan E. 53d and Glisan Ber. D. B. Hampe. 11. 7:45. Westmoreland Milwsukie and Midway Rer. K. S Mace 7:30. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Re. E. C Hick man. 10:80. Woodcock E. 44th and Woodstock Bee. L. C. Poor. 11. 7:80. Wocdlawn E. loth and Highland Rer. J. H. Irvine. 11, "The Cause of Our Meager Knowledge Concerning Our Departed Ones"; 7:30, "The Hencefortha of St Paul. Dutrict superintendent, Ber. William Wallace Toungsoo, V. D., 691 E. 82d it N. Tabor 2790. M. E. SouUl First Union and Multnomah Bee. J. W. Byrd. 11. 7:30. Nazarn First E. 1 0th and Weidler Rer. J. T. Little. 11. 7:80. Sellwood E. 0th and Spokane Ber. J. O. Bringedahi. 11, 7:80. Brentwood 85th are. and 67th st Ret. a V. Fowler. 11. 7:80. Highland Park E. 14th and Jarrett Rer W. P. Keebauch. 11. 8. Scandinavian - 948 Garfield Bar. Daniel Hailatrom. 11. 7:30. Pratbytarian First 12th and Alder. Rer. Howard Asnew Johnson, assistant pastor. Preaching by Dr. John Tallmadse Bercen of Minneapolis. 10:80. "Tal mas, the Indian Boy"; 7:30. "Tour Prince and Sari or. " Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Bar. Edward H Peace. 10:30. 7:80. Central E. 18th and Pine. Ber. Walter Henry Nugent Preaching by Major T. A. Mills. 11. "The Wisdom of God's Fools"; 7:80. sermon-lecture, "Markheim." CalTary 11th and Clay. Rer. L. Bowrinc Quick. 11. "God. True Sabbath"; 7:30. "Sai Tation in Three Tenses." Mt Tabor E. 65th and Belmont Rer. Ward MacHenry. 11, 7:30. Vernon 19th and Wygant Bar. Braes J. Giffen. 11. 7:80. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Preaching by Rev. J. Francis Morgan of Pendleton. 11, "Beadineea'; 7:30. "Christian Cosraca." if iwsrtii Itrat aad Gibbsv Bar. JAosuoa G. people's Societies will preach in his pulpit the first time March 7. The high school Bible clAss of Miipah Presbyterian church will give a Scotch concert at the church next Friday eve nine, the proceeds of which will be given to the Armenian relief work. The Rev. T. P. Smith, pastor of Trinity Presbyterian church, has recovered suf fieciently from an Illness to preach Sun day morning and evening. The pastor of-Rose Citv Park Pres byterian church. Dr. R. H. Milligan. who was unable to preach last Sunday, owing to a severe attack of grip, is expecting to preach this Sunday morning and evening. The Rev. L. K. Grimes, new pastor of Kentlworth Presbyterian church, deliv ered his first sermon last Sunday eve nlivg. Members of the congregation re port he made a very favorable impres sion. He received five new members during his first service. Reports on the Albany convention will be given during we ennsuan Ji,naeavor service Sunday evening. UNITED BRETHREN The pastor of the Third United Breth ren church is out of the city. His pul pit will be filled by a supply. All other United Brethren churchen will have reg-I ular services In charge of their pastors, i ILeader in Church Jilovement to 1$ peak St Baptist Jtleeting Dr. Samuel Zane Batten of the new world movement will preach Sunday night at the First Baptist church. Dr. Batten is considered an authority on social questions. He has written several books relative to industrial life and economy. During the war he was secre tary of the chaplains for the Baptist denomination anid all chaplains received their appointment through him. Recently he visited London and addressed the World's Brotherhood conference. He is now assisting in the new world move ment and will speak at several gather ings on the Pacific coast. Ir. W. A. Waldo will occupy the pulpit Sunday morning. ' Scientist Lecture At The Auditorium Second Church of Christ, Scientist announces a free public lecture on Christian Science by Frank H. Leonard, C. S. B., of Chicago. 111., in The Audi torium, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Leonard is a member of the board of lectureship of the Mother Church. the First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Mass. The doors will open at 2 :30. A cordial invitation Is extended to all. PORTLAND ErereU. 10:30. 7:30. Kenilworth E. 34th and Gladstone. HfT L. K. Grimes. 11, "The Laughter of God"; 7:30, "Heading lp the Wind." Hope 78th and Ererett Ree. H. E. Gllea 11. 7:30. Rose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11, 7:30. Forbes G,ahsra and Gsntenhi"ln Rer. Wsrd WillLi Ixiug. 11. "A Living Sacrilice"; 7:31), "The Wayward Father." Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Iter Theo dore P. Smith. 11. "The l"ses of Affliction"; 7:30, "The Investment of a Life." Anabel F. 11 MiiselL Millard Avenue Ker. W. Lee Gray. 11. 'Very Poor" ; 7 :30. stereoplicon lecture on China. MsrshsTl St-ree". 17th and Marshall Ber. A. Hanna. 11. Mir pah E. 19th and Dirisioh Rer. D. A. Thomiisoii. 11, "The Parable of trie Sower"; 7:4 5. 'JUaking Light of Gods Promises. Cnlty E 71-t and Saiulv liev. t. v : Seetnan. 11, 'Tonnecrstion of All"; 7:30, "Ob- serrations on Spiritism." ! Reformed Presbyterian First- Minnesota and Ainsworth Rct. F. D. Frazer. 11. 7:30. CersnUi Day AdvantlrU Note Regular services of this denomination ire held on Saturday. Central E. 11 th and Ererett L uioa- son, pastor. 10. 11:15. Tsbernaele Gth and Montgomery u, w. Pettit, minister. 10, 11. Montarilla E SOth and Everett J. A. Ger- hart 10. 11. Iyente 94th st and 58th are. W. D. Hunt ington. 10. 11 St. Johns Central ave. and Charleston A. R. l'olkenberg. 10. .11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder M. U. Wentland. 10. It. Scandinavian 2d st and 89th ave. Elder O. S. Lee. 10. 11. Salvation Army Jorps No. 1 243 Ah st Adjutant Henry R. Cozens. 11. 8:15. 8. Corps No. 4. 128 1st Captain William G. Oauth. 11, 8. 8. Sweden berg lan New Church Socictj 831 Jeffernn Rev. William II Reece. 10:45. "The First Com mandment: Thou Shalt Have No Other God Be side Mc." ! Unitarian i Church of Our Father Brnadwsy and Tarn- hill Iter. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11, "Crosroads" : 7:45, "Answering Doubts on the Nature ot Deity." United Brethren Conference superintendent ReT. G. E. Mc Donald. l-lrat E. IRth snd Momson Ker. Byron J 1 Clark. 11. "Whither Are We Tending?"; 7.30, "Sheep Skin Scholarship." 1 Second E. -Hli and Sumner Rev. Ir' Hswley. .11, "Forward "; 7:30, ."The Exalted Life. ' Third 67tb rt. and 821 ave. B. A iter. i.. O. Shepherd. 11, 7:30. Fuunu Tremom Rer. C. P. BlanrDsra 11. "Has Our Church Produced Any Ministers or Missionaries r " : 7:30. educational program. Clorerdale 448 Jessup KeT. Walter ileyD olds. 10, 6:30. 7:30. United Evangelical First E. 16 th and Poplar Ber. J. A. Goode. 11. S. Ockley Green Willamette Wvd. and Gay St Johns Rev. A. P. Uyton. 11. 7:30. United Presbyterian First K. 87 th and Hawthorne Ber. H. F. Given. 11. 7:30. Church of the Strangers Grand and Wasco Ber. S. Earl Du Bois. 10:30, 7:30. Kenton 120 West Lomoard Iter. George N. Taylor. 11, "WUl God Accept Tour Wor ship?"; 7:30, Albany euuvention reports by the delegates and others. Miscellaneous Christian and Missionary Allisnc. E flth and CUT Bct. Jotoa E. Ftt. 10. 11. 7:30. Utilization League 14 13th iiev fcku.nti Stills. 11, "How to Untold an Attractire Na ture"; 8, "Man as He Appears and as Ha Is," by Mrs. TVinitred Harper. CliruUdelliliian bi E. Washinrton. 10:80. Cuurch ot Cod 883 Failing Harry Meal. 11. 7:30. ' Gospel Hall E. T29th and Stark. 11, 7 80. Men's Keaort 4tb and Burnsidsi Her. LTi Jolinnon. superintendent. 8. Dirina Sciencs Portland Hotel T. ML Mi Bard. 11. Pentecostal first and WaahlBftoa Rrr. Will C. Trotter. 11. 3, 7:80. Glad Tidinas (1'entecostal Miasioa) 248 Vi 1st. 2. S. 7:80. A. W. drnitb. 11. 3. 8. Volunteers of America Mission 224 Burn dda Meatinc ererr erening except Monday at H o'clock, and Sonday, 3 p. m. Portia ad "Ecclesia (Christadelphlan) 1587 Belmont George H. Tilling, secretary. 11. Peniel Mission 268 1st. 3. 8. farricas each night at 8. Chmreh ot Christ E. 79th and Glisan. 11. First Spiritualist E. 7th and Hasealo. Lecture and messages by C. W. bbaw, at 3 and 7:45. drat Spiritual ridenc. 1-U Konrtu t U.T Mai Holfman. 8. 8, "The Eternal Light" Pentecostal 210 Yamhill 2:30, 7:80; daily. 7:30. International Bible Students W. a W. Tem ple. Uth and Alder. 3. 7:30. City iail 2d aad Oak Gospel service at lit by Uevid Lang- JBlind (Evangelist to old&evivali&erieS Rev. A. S. Freeman Blind Evangelist Is To Conduct Meetings The blind evangelist, the Rev. A. J. Freeman of Moline, 111., Is in Portland and will conduct meetings during the coming week at the Swedish Baptist church. Fifteenth and Hoyt streets. He will preach in the Swedish language at each service excepting next Friday night, when he will answer three questions: "Does it pay to go to Sunday school?"; "Does it pay to surrender to God in the time of youth ?"T "Does it pay to Join the church of God?" He will preach at 10:30 a. m.. 4 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. on Sunday and each evening of the coming week, except Monday and Saturday, at 7 :45 o'clock. Evangelist Freeman also sings during each service. Evangelist Dlsrusses Evangelist L. K. Dickson will continue his series of sermon-lectures on "Spirit Ism" Sunday night at 7 :30 o'clock in Chrlstcnsen's hall. His subject will be "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's 'New Revela tion" or the Doctrine of Spiritism Is It Christian? Must the Church Accept It?" A program of music Including a I big congregational sing, has been ar- ranged for the service. Arh enlists Convention Walla Walla. Wash., Feb. 28. Three hundred delegates are attending the Pa cific Union conference of Seventh Day Adventists at CoIKkc Tlace. Wash., about three mileH west of here. The convention, delegates say. Is the largest of ita kind which the Adventlsta have ever held in the Northwest. Among the delegates present from Western Oregon and Washington are II. WILBUR METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Assembly Hall Multnomah Hotel SL'MIAT, 10:M A. M. BISHOP MATTHEW SIMPSON HUGHES WILL PREACH Splendid Muaic . A Cordial Welcome COME EARLY AND BRING A FRIEND WITH YOU First Methodist Episcopal Church Twelfth aad Taylor Streets REV. JOSHUA STAN8FIELD, D. D, Pastor. 10:30 A. M. Sermon by HKV. E. T. OBtlWELL "CHRISTIAN PROSPERITY" 12:1 P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 7ili P. M. Sermon by REV. W. W. TOUJfGBON, D. I).. District Kaprrlntendeat "THE KINGDOM OF POSSIBILI TIES" GOOD MUSIC COME . tist lit .v.v.-R--.'.f sKV S THE DOCTRINE OF SPIRITISM 66 SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE'S "NEW REVELATION" IS IT CHRISTIAN? MUST THE CHURCH ACCEPT IT? HEAR THIS GREAT SERM05-LECTCRE BT " EVANGELIST L. K. DICKSON SPECIAL PROGRAM OF MUSIC BIG CONGREGATIONAL SING SUNDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY AT Jiti O'CLOCK CHRISTENSEN'S HALL ELETE5TH STREET BETWEE5 M0BSJS05 A3D T AM HILL OREGON PASTORS GATHER HERE FOR The big event In Protestant church circles during: the coming week will be the state pastors' conference, called for Wednesday and to run Thursday and Friday in White Tem- j pie under direction of the inter- I church world movement. About 350 clergymen from all parts of the i state are exported here. They will be entertained by the Portland Church Federation .on the Harvard plan. Clergymen internationally known are on their way to Portland to address this conference. In addition to the Interchurch confer ence several denominational "conferences will be conducted. Church leaders will take advantage of the opportunity af forded to get their workers together for a short conference on denominational affairs. Congregational ministers of Oregon will meet Tuesday at the First Congre- : Rational church. Evangelical ministers j will meet Thursday afternoon and Frl- day to discuss the possibility of two branches of the denomination uniting. Rev. B. F. Bronson, state secretary' of the Interchurch movement, Is direct ing the conference. W. Cottrell, C E. Olcott, Clyde Lowry I. C. Volcord. E. A. lUmllton. K. J. Hlb hard, Edith Starbick. L. K. riickson and O. S. Lee of Portland; William Rclth of Gaston ; A. R. Bell of Salem ; O. E. Johnson of Astoria ; B. J. Cady of New berg ; N. C. Ernston of Albany ; E. H. Kmnierson of Bend ; K. H. Conway of Vancouver; L. K. Tupper of Cenlralla, and J. W. Boylngton and 11. E. WU lcughby of Aberdeen. SUNNYSIDE Congregational Church East Taylor at 8!rt Rev. J. J. Staub, D. D. 11 A. M. "The Plan and Pur pose of Christ's First Advent" 7:45 P. M. "Getting Some, body Else" EXCELLENT MU8IO BY CHORUS CHOIR A WfLCOMI POH VOU CENTENARY METHODIST CHURCH EAST ISINTH AND PIITB "The Friendly Choeh, DR. FRANK L WEMETT SPEAKS ON VITAL THEMES TOMORROW 11:00 . M. "Second Mile Religion" 7:80 P. M. "Christian Loyalty AND The Times" THIS CHURCH DEVOTES THE ENTIRE MONTH OF MARCH TO AN INTENSIVE CAMPAIGN FOR CHRISTIAN EFFI CIENCY. HERE WILL BE FOUND A WARM AND HELPFUL FELLOWSHIP. STRANGERS SPECIALLY WELCOME The Two Objects of The Gospel or the Two Salvations A COVlCI?rO EXPLAWA. TION hHOWINO THE SCRIP TTRE n-F.ARI,T TEACHER TWO SALVATIONS. BUT 0 SECOND C H A C E. COME AD BE CONVIls-CEB OV THIS SIBJF.f:T BY EVAUEL1ST C. W. FIELD Lecturer for the Interna tional Bible Students' Association Sun., Feb. 29, 3 P. M. W. O. W. TEMPLE lltn St. Bet, W'sislBftoB aad . Aider SEATS FREE HO COLLECTIOW 99 29 PIG CONFERENCE i