1 1 t THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 25. 1920. 14 r- f ' 4 f SOUTHERN GALL KEEPS BUnER UP 'Butter market continues to reflect nothing but strength In the local trade and value along: the Coast are BtlU keenly active. rit trad, in cRtnurrr U very satisfactory with extreme price eonlinned for all offering! rhtla the cube situation ' is inch that nuun i are able to hII Uil stock at a premium over the print bail. Willi tin output of butter hera is somewhat better, tin iitnni dry weather in Northern and Centra California has continued for uch an exteuded period that the output there is below actual requirement Then again Cal ifornia reports a shipping demand for luppUei that can be rilled only with outside Importations. The nuao in getting lata for high butUr prices, bat apparently there t no liope of any lowering nf values for the immediate future, although from now on the market will be care fully watched because of the changing weather condition. Those deniring special Information regarding i any market, ehould write the Market Editor, I Dragon Journal, inclosing itamp lor reply. I CHICKENS ABE EXTBEJIF.LT FIRM .. e f-i the wholesale way th market for chicken S Tery firm , ana extreme pnars a wj iratwuw 1 fur the liiniud tock now rail Die. ( IIKF.8K CO?? TIN t'KS DK WOUALI7.E0 Trade In the chee market continue demor lized with all aorta of prices but generally lower, ruUnt for Wrerything except Tillamook offering- The latter are only in mll luppl here. FIRST ASPARAOrS IS RECEITET Flrat apartgu of th tea ton baa been re setted here by Ben Iery A Co. from California. Th stock was of excellent quality. Initial ship ment told at 50c g pound to tba retailer. ONIONS ARE MOVIXO TO F.AT Somewhat more liberal morement of onions is ibowitig at Willamette ratify point) in carload lot, and the demand all through the North went is tmproTed. Salsa in th country continue at $4 50 by the Growers' association, while along the street best stock hold at $5. COUNTBT MEATS ARE VERT FIRM ! Market for country killed meats is rery firm j along the street, with practically all sales of top calrcsat 28 hie a pound. Hog4 are holding firm at 21c for th best light weight Heavy stuff neglected. BRIEF NOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Orange prices sre sgaln higher. Lemons, too, ere advancing. Smelt supplies remain liberal at former price. Hipe bananas remain rery scarce. Canned milk market extremely dulL WEATHER 50TICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau adriaes: Protect shipments during the next 30 hours againet the following minimum tcmppraturev Going north, 82 de grees; northeast over H. . P. A 8. K. R., 24 degTeas; rut to Raker, 20 degrees, and south to Ashland, 24 dngreo. Minimum temperature at Portland tomorrow about 32 degreed. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES Corrected daily by foreign department of th Vnitl HtAte National bink. Oponinc nominal rate for bank transaction.: Draft Cable Par London Pounds ehetiues. sterline .... $ 3.40 Paris Frsms 14.00 transfer. Rtea. j 8 41 ' t 4 Hii..-, 14.04 5.18.26 Hamburg Herlln- MarkB 1.0IT 1 08 18.10 14.95 17.20 18 SO 98 no 48 15 23.82 ' 5 18.20 26.80 23 80 26.80 Galioa l.ir CorNnhagen Kroner .... HtocKholm- Kroner . . . . Cliriatiania Kroner .... Hongkong I.ocal iMirnu:y . . . . Vokohama Yen 18.12 17 00 Iff 5 8 00 48.00 18.34 PACIFIC COAST II AS K STATEMENT Portland Banks Thi. Wc-fc. Yi-nr Apr,. e,SS,89.17 4,448,755.36 I 8.371,000.82 8.100,U91.1)5 Tuesday . . Wednesday pokane Bank Clearings Wednesday $ 1,868.550.00. Blat?oe Wednesday 280.170.00 i Taooma Bank Hiring Wednesday $ 1 ,1 81 .068.00 1 Balances Wednesday 336.254.00 Stoeka. Bond, Cotton. Grain. Bte. lie-Ill Board ef Trade Balldlna, Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Member Chlcaare Board ef Trade Correspondent f Logan Bryan Caleace Hew York Red Star Line Resumes Sailings NEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON ANTWERP Jl,rB? A,tn,T1' riaf RteameM "Kroonland" and "Finland" and , 7 t."1' . re,"tJ' fitted as oll-burners and thoroughly reeondi-i.-t!?-I,a?, "';nr'. will tall In conjunction with the well-known ir.7Jhs .. J:?9lW PrjW 'reqnent and regular passenge? and freight terrice between New York, Southampton and Antwerp. "Kroonland' "Finland" . "Upland" . "Zeeland" . International Mercantile Marine Company RED STAR LINE For rr7lone and tlekett apply to local agent, or company's office, C. P. Sargent, Manager, (19 Second AyeBTe, Seattle. Wait. FREE c G 6 IMPROVEMENT Dated: Febntarr 1, 1920 Optional after February 1. 1923, and monthly thereafter. Estimated to mature August 1, 1926. Denomination $1000 (Excepting one fractional bond for 489.67) An exceptional opportunity to procure bonds of the City of Portland, upon a basis to net investors 5.20. These bonds are unquestionably as desirable bonds as can be obtained anywhere, and it is certain that the entire block will be Immediately absorbed by Investors eager to obtain these bonds at such an attractive figure. The assessed valuation of the City of Portland's taxable property is 305, 240,605. 00 and its net improvement debt is only 17,493,07 1.3 8. PRICE: 104.36 to Net 5.20 MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. . THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS MORRIS BUILDING 309-11 STARK STREET BETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH Telepkonet Broadway 2151 EaUbliahed Over a Quarter Century 3 MAR.K.ET BASKET 8t ,B;hm H- Cokea. ' Better get your Immediate require ments of potatoes for the prices are now beginning- to reflect the shortage that has been spoken of in these reports tor a number of months. Wlille prevailing prices for potatoes are high ; there is every indication that they will go higher. Consumers should pre pare themselves against further advances by getting their needs now. The dry weather In California is a big factor In forcing the advances. Onions are likewise beginning to show a stronger tone and it would be advisable to 'secure your immediate needs. Buy only No. 1 stock onions that are firm and solid and with no white roots. They will keep for awhile and perhaps save you money. The folhtng price are are rag one that consumer are expected to pay retail stores. QuiiUty noted it the average, fancy tuff being slightly higher and inferior stuff fractionally lower. Eggs Freshly laid. 52 55c per dozen; fancy fresh, 50c per doaen. Butter Befit creamery print. 70 75 e lb. Cheese Fancy, 40 (j? 45c Pr lb, ChickenJ Dressed, 4 5 If 50c per lb. ; geese. dressed, a 5c per lb.; turkeys. 50c lb.; ducks. 0o per U. naimon soc per id. ; voramm smeit. oc id. Flour Bast local patent. $3.45 3.50 per 5 H & So per lb. ; Mf , 4 Potatoes Bnrbanks, fancy, sweet. l(12V4c per Ib. Onion Dried, 6Te per lb. GIlAIIf BAG MARKET HERE IS SHOWING MUCH MORE INTEREST There ha been a sudden awakening of inter est in the grain bag situation by local operators during th last 24 hours and higher raluea are bring asked. In th South a high a 18 He is being askad for No. 1 Calcutta and it is im probable that any considerable amount of stock would be argUable here below 19c. Oenrral grain trad continue sluggish with prices uachinied. FLOUR felling price, new crop: Patent. $13 IS: whole wheat flour. tlO 75, Willamette ralley. S10.65; local straight, $10.50; baker' local, $13.15; Montana spring wheat, patent. $13 75; rye flour, $10 10; oatmeal, $13.00; Graham, $11.30. Price for city deliyeries in fire barrel lota. HAY Buying price, new acrop: Willamette STOCKS GRAIN COTTON (Stocks Llltad New York 8tock Exchangt) Reduced Commissions Small Deposits Chat. R. McLain Brokerage Co. DENVER, COLO. ALLEN BROS. CO. PORTLAMO CORRESPONDENT 818 Chamber ppmmerca Bldo. Phont 81 116 TRANSPORTATION I'M'M-Lines AMERICAN LINE SEW TORK-PLTMOUTH. TH ERB0 t7RO-SOUTH AM PTOTT St. Paul Feb. 28. Mar. 27 I'hiladetohia Mar. 6. Aor. S Sew York liar. 20, Apr. 17 NEW TORE-HAMBURG Mongolia . Feb. 25. Apr. 18 Mancburia . . Apr 4. May 27 RED STAR LINE NEW YORK TO ANTWERP VIA SOUTIIAMPTON I.apland Feb. 25, Apr. 8 Kroonland Mar. S, Apr. 10 Finland Mar. 10. Apr. 17 WHITE STAR LINE NEW YORK-LIVERPOOL Cedrio Mar. 6, Apr. 10 Baltic Mar. IS. Apr. 17 NEW YORK -SOUTHAMPTON VIA CHERBOURG, FRANCE Mar. 20. Apr. 24 Adriatic NEW Cannrdo Ore tic .. YORK-GIBRALTAR-NAPLES GENOA Mar. 18. May 12 Mar. .81, May 28 WHITE STAR-DOMINION PORTLAND, MF..-H ALIFAI LlVERPOOL From Portland Halifax Canada Canada .Mar. 2 Mar. Apr 8 Apr. 14 15 For reservations and ticket apply to local agent or Company's Office, O. P. Sargent, 619 Second Ave.. Seattle. Phone Main 113. t at belp yon Plan tour 'trip aoroau. Too secure the benefit of experienced tnfor eaation. Hart given Steaouhip. Hooking my special attejUoa for th peat 10 year Dorsey B. Smith, Manager Th Journal Travel and tnfermatlon Bureaa, JOURNAL BLDQ.. PORTLAND, OR. 11 Sailingt From New York ...March 17th, Apr. 24, May 29th, July 3rd . .March 24th, May let, June 5th, July 10th ... .April 3rd, May 8th, June 12th, July 17 June 19th, July 24th FROM ALL FEDERAL INCOME $71,489.67 IF FoFtlam timothy, fancy, 826 : Eastern Oregoo-Whlngtoa timothy, fancy, $28; Eastern, Oregon-WaahingtoB vetch. $240 25: cheat. $11; straw, $10: clever, $27: train. 826. GRAIN SACKS Nominal: New crop deli re rj No. 1 Calcutta, 18a in car Jota; lea amount higher. MILL8TUTFS tfillrwa at mill, tacked. $48.00 (44.00. OATS far ton. boring price, feed, $6300 48.50; milling. $66 tun. BARLEY Buyio- price. $71. SO: ml Hint $72,110 ton; rolled barley, (riling price. $73.00 73.00 too. Cblrago Potato Market Chicago, Feb. 25. ( 1. N. S.) Potatoes Receipt. 81 ran. Minnesota and Dakota, Ohio, $4.46; Wisconsin. $4.45. HEW TODAY 1! GARAGES Sectional and Ready-Cat SHIPPED ANYWHERE or Erected in Portland u.t-.wi tDd Workmanihlp Ouarantaed First Clas Band for otrculap REDIMAD8 BUILOINO CO. 16 , 11th St. Pheot C K114. PORTLAND, OR. WE CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARPETS Rngs and Woolen Clothing. FLUFF RUGS All Work Tarned Oat Promptly Bag Rugs Woven All Size Mail Or ders Send for Booklet Car pett Cleaned, Laid and Refitted NORTHWEST RUG CO. 188 East 8th St. Phone Eaat 580 Send U Your Old Carpet (We Call and Deliver) Old Ran and Woolen ClothlBf. We Make Rererslble, Hand-Wore FLUFF RUGS Room Site Fluff Roar Woven C17.t ' Ran- Rag Woven All Site Clothes Clranlnff and Dyeing; Dept. Hall Order Send for Booklet Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning lilt Rvr. Steamed Cleaned, tM WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. (4 Union Ave. N. Pbonet Cast 6il6 ooMraieO naletrooma Wtit Park and Yamhill At 10 A. M. Tomorrow MEETING NOTICES 41 ITANHOE Homestead No. 5038, Brotherhood of Aanerican Yeo- men will give another nf it card parties and dance Wednesday eve ning . February 25, at Woman of Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Taylor. Card from :30 o'clock to 10. Dancing 10 to 12. Special music has been arranged and extra good time will b th feature ot the evening. Four prizes for cards. Come. WASHINGTON Chapter No. IS. R. A. M Called convocation Thurs day afternoon and evening. East Eighth and Bumside street, at 4 and 7:30 o'clock. Dinner at 6. R. A. degree. Visitors welcome. By order E. 11. P. ROT QCACKENBIBH. Secy. 8CNNT8IDE Chrter. V. D . called convocation Wednesday evening 7:30. East Thirty-ninth and Haw thorn. Work in M. M. and P. at. de gree. By order of E. H. P. W. J. BREL'KEL. Secy. j-Sm- SAMARITAN Lodge No. 2. I. O. O "C33I5B'' K. Meet every Wednesday eve ?'4fcrv - ning at 8 o'clock. Odd Fellows' Tem ple, 226 Alder street First Degree Tonight Visiting brothers welcome. F. W. KROLL. N. G. JESSE JT. JONES, Secy. 8UNNY8IDE LOWE. NO. V63. A. F. A A. M. -StatHl com munication Thurs., Feb. 26. at 8 p. m.. temple. 39th .-u;'l Haw thorne. Business of liuprijuice Refreshment Visitors welcome. M. James 8. Gay Jr., Sec. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114. A. F, A A. M. Special com munication tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 7 o'clock. Labor in the F. C. degree. Visiting breth ren s!way welcome. By order W. M. Fred L. Olson. See. MT.''riX V T T Special conclave Thursday eve ning at 7 :80. Drill at 0 o clock. Order of the Temple upon eight. Tour jjetp will ecure the proper resu lta. C F. W IEG AN D. Recorder. THE MACCABEES Portland Tent No. 1 Regular review every Thursday evening, at halL 409 Alder st. AU members urged to be present Visiting Sir Knights always welcome GEO. D BAKER. N R. TAXES d BONDS Duet February 1, 1930 slit By order W. s.laXI' 1 A VICTORY Social Clob ta l- Tear dance for the benefit of mi . l Victory chapter. O. E. 8.. Sat s nrday. February 28. 1920. at -X Archer hall. $1.00 per couple. Take if t Scott car and get off r st Archer Place. r 9. g. C. BEBRT. Chairman. EMBLEM JEW1TLRT a apiotoKy; button, pins, aba Jaeger Bros.. 11-185 eta) at. DEATHS AND FtTNERALf T$ HARVEY. at the residence. 14S8 K. Flanders. Feb. 24. Aria a Uarrey. aged 24 year. oe loved wife of MUton Uarrey: mother Gen Harvey; daughter of Anna Forte, sister of France F. Forte, Mr. W. J. Poff, Marion J. Fort. Kathleen L. and Max P. Forte, all of thia city. Funeral services will be held Thursday. Feb. 26. at 2 p. m.. at the Wasleyan U. . church. 58d and E, GU-an st. Interment at aft Scott 1 - 1- . n . : . 1 T i i if in. ( in cemetery, irieuus umicu. orwiuji, u., Efff .p1? coi'y- Arrangement u cart of CtfNflAN In thi ratv a.t hr late seeSdenoe. 115 Skidmore street, February 25. Marie Beatrice Duncan, aged 15 years; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U A. Duncan, aixter of Samuel Duncan of Black well. Okla. ; Frank Duncan of Sharon Kan-; Bert, OTran, Fred and Sidney Duncan, Mrs. Iela Van Blaircura, Mrs. Bell PaUon, Mrs, Ollie Crana. Mrs. Mlnerra Luckey and Jessie Duncan of this city. The remain are at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral later. HOTJGH In this citj February 23, George Hough, aged 41 years, beloved husband of Elizabeth; father of Francia Hough; brother of J. E. Hough of I a Grande. Or.: T. H. Hough of Hacramento. Cai., and John Hough of New York . Deceased was a member of the -Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and Fraternal Order of Eagle of La Grande, Or. Kmins for warded to La Grande, Or., by Dunning A Mc Entee, where aerrices and interment will be held. NTBEKfi In this city. February 24. Mrs. Louise Nyberg. aged 30 years, beloved wife of Otto Nyberg of 1422 E. Everett st, mother or' Raymond Nyberg. sister of Mrs. BlodgetU John and Victor Johnson, ail of this city. Funeral service will be conducted Thursday. February 28, at 2 p. m., at Pearson's undertaking parlor, Russell and Cnion. Friends invited. Inter ment Hose City cemetery. CADY In this city at her late residence. 711 Eaut Davis street, February 24, Jane P. Cady, aged 0 years, mother of Mrs. F. E. A. 8mith ot this city and Mrs. D. C. Hirae of Wheeling, W. Va. Funeral Bervices will be held Thursday. k February 26, at 2:30 P. m . at the above ri- uence. r nendjt Invited. Interment at Hose City cemetery. J. p. Finley & Son, directors. CKII'8 Near Apei. Mont. February 21, Enos J. Crips, aged 65 years, late of 793 Williams ave., husband of Mrs. Georgie A. Crips. The funeral services will be held Thursday, Febnury 2. at 3:30 p. m.. at r"-:iley s. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. IntenncnC at IUwe City cemetery. CAMPHELI At Alka, Ky.. February 21. Mar- guorite Braminer Camjlell, aged 25 years, wife of L. C. Campbell of this city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hrararner, sifter of Albert, Elsie and Helen Brammer of this city. The remain will arrive at Finley's, Thursday afternoon. No tice of funeral later. ZIMMERMAN In this city, February 24, Mary Jane Zimmerman, aged 57 years, wife of A. Zimmerman of Denver, (Vlo. ; mother of John R. Winans of this city. The remains are at Fin ley'. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral later. RCSSELXi At the residence, 4 84 E. Harrison t, Feb. 24. John II. Russell, beloved hus band of Annie M. Russell, father of John, Ed ward. Wiilism, Joseph and Edith Russell of i-orxiana; late member ol I'ortland Police force. Remains are at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Funeral notice later. U BAI ER In this city at her late residence. 819 E. Bumside St., Feb. 28. Iou Belle Bauer, aged SO years, wife of Arthur V. Bauer. The remains are at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. B0KEI.M The funeral services for the late Ottosio Borelli will be held Thursday at 3 p. m., rom t Michael's church, cor. of 4th and Mill st... Interment Roe City cemetery. Ar rangements in care of Miller A Tracey. LANONEFF AtRed Bluff," Cal 8igmundMT Ingneff. The remain will arrive at Fin ley's. Thursday morning, Feb. 28. Notice of funeral hereafter. FOSTERnTh7sH7Fub. 25, James Foster aged 50 years, late of 167 Nebraska St. The remains are at Finley's. Montgomery at 6th. Notice of funeral hereafter. AKDEMAN At The residence, 105 E. 3nd st February 2A, 1920. Conrad Ardeman. aged 63 years. Remain at Hohnan t funeral parlorj. Third and Salmon su. Notice of funeral later. FLORISTS Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's Progressive Florist" e lowers lor All Occasions. Main 7215. i-LB-r,. MtiK.. 6th and Alder. 0 ITTIOTI Hfi.Tirira TWO STORES We Strive to Plea L,IU01U2ilUiK 148 Morrison, bet Bdwy and Park. Marshall 257 oo aaorruon, I'ortlanq HoteL Marshall 75 MARTIN A FORBES'COTTnorisur 3 5 4T Wash ington. Main -Hi) A-12H0 slower for ail occasion artistically arranged. CCATtKEBROS.7florist7 Morrison st., bet. 4tb and fith. Phone Main 770A. Fin Flower and floral deaigna. No branch store. Chappcl fl's "-"iKHStLfF"" Max M. Smith ,2,8bS 8t. LALANE OPPOSITE POSTOFFIClL Flower for all occasions. Main 5545. TSnSETH FLORAL" CO., 287 Washington st. between 4th and fith. Main 5102. A 110L THE PEOPLE'S FLOP-L SHOP, 245 Alder at FTJNFWL DIRECTORS Edward Holtnan & Son Funeral Directors THIRD AND SALMON STREETS Main 907. A-1511 Lady Assistant. Jo Po FINLEY & S FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN 9 MONTGOMERT AT FIFTH CHAMBERS CO. Funeral Director All the Conveniences of a Home WoodlWTjJJ308. 248-250 Killingsworth Ave. A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 5802-DR04 BSD ST. S. E . LENTS Phone Tabor 5267. Home Phone D-fll Dunning McEntee Broadway and Ankeny its. Lady Assistant Phones Broadway 430 A-4558 F. S. DUNNING, INC. THE GOLDEN BULK UNDERTAKER 414 B. Alder St Phone East 82, B-5225 DOWNING A Ros A MrN'tiM AR. tuccetlort to Wllsoa j'li.momah tt K 7th. Irrinaton district. Eaat 54. STeNTEE A EILER8. funersf parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett its. Phones Broadway 2133. Home A-2133 ?," P. L. Lerclh M- I UNDERTAKERS. K. nth d HawSornl R Vi GABLE ACO Soc-essor to W. H. Hamilton lers R. Glisan Phone Tabor S18. millkk TRACET. Independent funeral dl rertort. Prices as low a 20. 140 tan Washington at Ella. Main 2601 A-TSRS kf T- KVPJPS Ne .residence .,.T, -v UBllahroenL wtlHam ve Woodlawn 220. 901 Breeze&Snook ISSJK'X h-enrea UNDERTAKING CO. Main 4151 OKeVVeS A-2S2I. Cor. Third and Clay MOJVTTMENTS 1 JBLAtSIMQ GRAMJTE Cp Portland Marble Works 286 4th st. onp. City HalL Nev Broa. LOST AND FOtXND tl LOST In Hippodrome theatre dressing room, 1 pair eyeglasses. Finder please call phone Broadway 2631 between 8 and 5 o'clock and receive reward. LOST Suitcase, between Camaa and Portland. containing clothing and atesunboet license. Finder please notify W. C. Becktell. Main 837, and receive liberal reward. LOST Large doc. nart Shepherd and Collie, black and white; answers to name "Frit." Call Mala 5469 during day and get reward. LOST Black spotted fox terrier pup. nearly grown; 8721. lost since Monday. Phone Tabor LOST A lady' parse with content, bet. Front and 1st ats.. on Yamhill St. 4 p. m. Moo day. Phone Tabor 7282. REWARD For return of medals and wallet engraved. Grave Crowley. 48T Broadway. Main 1513. - LOST $42 In bills, on Killingsworth ave.. b. tween Finnlnirs' bakery and Interstate are. Reward. Phcone Woodlawn 8230. LOST String ot graduated pearl bead. Pleas call Wdln. 8448. Reward. LOST A tnux-n of key. Morrison-Grand Fur- nltare Co.. 887 East Morrison. East 421. MEETING KOTICES ii THE followini article have been found on can of the Portland Railway. Light A Power Co.: Feb. 2 3 puree, check book, pin, pr. glasses. necklace, bunch key. S book. 4 pr. glove 2 glove, blueprint, 6 pig., 8 lunch boxea, tub ing pole. 2 snitcssa. Owner may obtain prop erty at let and Aider sts. LOST TQ for black fax for: finder can Wood law 5308 or East 1048, reward. Alio foun tain pen without cap. Return sane 435 Bortb wiek. HELP WANTET MALE Wanted Office Assistant We hare an opening for a man experienced la bookkeeping and general office work In con nection with operation of a sawmill and lodging i,, t iv .-.Kit,,.,,. .,,...1 and personality and ' willing to take hold any place. Only experienced, capable men need answer. Give complete record, reference and salary expected. East Oregon Lumber Co. Enterprise, Oregon 1176 PER MONTH the year around, th art-rasa earnings last year of a number of our aaleamea over 45 years. Tula year will be the biggest yet. No experience necessary; weekly cash advance, cutfit furnished. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubbery and tinea. lou oaa do what other in experienced men hare done. Washington Nur sery Co.. Toppenisb, Wash. THE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. City ot Portia nd TJ. 8. Government. Can furnish belp, male or female, free ot charge to either party. MEN'S DIVISION Flatiron bid.. 811 Pin at PI one Broadway 4878. WOMEN'S DIVISION 202 Beck bMg.. Broadway and Oak. Phone Broadway 4869 MEN WANTED Lumber industry in Klamath county. Ore gon, will open about March 1 or 15. Employ ment for about 2000 men in logging camps, sawmill tod box factories. Good wages, 8 hour day. Address Rlsmath Lumbermen's A Loggers' assn.. Klamath Falls, Or. WANTED A-1 man for men's tailored -to-reinsure suit and gent's furnishing goods store. Prefer man capable of bueheling and must wait on general trade; unless you want steady employ ment, do not apply. Scotch Woolen Mills, Cen- tralia. Wash. FIR8TCLAS8 storage battery msn, who knows every detail of battery rebuilding. Must be over 25 years. Christian, no smoker. Call at employment dept. Y. M. C. A. GOOD ba-ement room, rent free for nuur to fire furnace mornings. 355 11th st. Mar sl.all 2880. WANTED Permanent position for one or two live, experienced and np-to-date sheet metal workers. COAST CULVERT A FLUME CO. TAILORS ATTENTION Strike till on in Portland LOCAL NO. 74 WANTED. FIRST CLASS MACHINIST FOR BRASS WORKS. APPLY OREGON BRASS WORKS. WANTED Dishwaher, 84 8 Alder st. steady job, good pay. TAILORS WANTED T.i learn cutting and de- signing evening. G-285 Journal. SHINGLERS wanted. CairEast 4789 HELP WANTED MISC. 4 DO TOO KNOW That 99 per cent of the prospect who in vestigate th Adcoz Auto School enroll f WHT? Because we make them a proposition they simply can't turn down. $1 CATALOG FREE. The full details of this unusual offer are found in a large, impressive book that cost ua almost tl. but we will gladly send It to any ambitious fellow FREE. Call or write for your copy; aak for Book No IB. ' OREGON EX-SERTICE MEN THE COCRSE IS FREE TO TOD. For full particulars and free catalog call ot write ADCOX ACTO SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO 8T. CNQTE8TIONABI.T THE srPETUOR SCHOOL WE PAT STUDENTS WHILE LEARNING. We teach our students by practical ei perience as well as the theory. In what? Automobiles. Gaa Tractor. Stationary and Marine Engines, Ignition System, Gener ator, Starting Motors, Lighting System nd Storage Batteries. Our students tak down and build up automobiles an dtrsct ors. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND OAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Haw THORNE AYR. To prove tbt thi itliool excels we give four weeks' free tnal in the best automobile school in the Northwest. Satiafied student boost our school. Hemphill' teachings bring you ucceea. A Position for Each Oratluat. AX.ISET BLIXi. MEN WANTED Get into the lutomobile business. Give tjs 6 weeks of your time and see bow easy it 1 to lfrn under HEMPHILL'S Utest improved n.ethod Apply HEMPHILL 3 AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL T07 Hawthorne ave. Take Mt Scott or Hawthorne car st 2d end Alder to E. 20th. POSITIONS ASSIBED EVERT GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, PORTLAND Enroll any time Telefraphy, stenography, banking, bonkkeepine, secreUri!. Free cataloc RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. $110 month, ase 1 K-35. Experience unaeceesary. For free particular eliminations, write J Ixnrd (former government eiamloer), 998 Equitable bldg.. Waehington. D C. LEARN TEI.EtJRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 4 34 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid cpportunity to learn a well otid profession. Ere booklet Kailwav Teleeranh Institute. EfNaTfi 'BUSINESS COlLEOE. bookkeeping. stenography, civil service, secretarial, i-iial courses. Expert teachers; dy and night; enroll now. Phon Broadway 5083. HAWtHORrTE AUTO SCHOOL. 46 HAW THORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES $0U HOW TO BOSS TUaf JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency Enroll free Frank K. Welles, former A.si?snt StaU Bupt . mgr. N. W Bank bldg. Phone Main H278. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Mis Itt-gina BuoktTs private school; individual Instruction. 122 H Grand are. East 437. BELP WAITED FEMALE EXPERIENCED drig s!eswomn for sundries. Also stock girl for ladies' suit department. Apply superintendent's offioe before 10:80 a. an. Lipman-Wolfe A Co. EXPERIENCED saleswoman for drug sundria. wrappers and stock girls under 18. Apply superintendent before 10:30. Llproan, Wolfe A Co. WANTED Young lady to look after house work, tome cooking in our summer 4 room home, taking all modern convenience, near Portland Oolf club; 2 adults and small bshy; work not heavy: good wag. Call Mr. Lynn. Brodway 4188. ; WANTED Experienced secondajnaid. Apply 7S1 Flander st ' WANTED -High school girl to car for children for room and board. Reasonable wage. Main 60WIL BEFTNED woman to keep houae tn mother7 absence; give ref . : most understand care of children. Tabor 2230. WANTED A hoaskcnT 'must b eood plain cook) for small family. Cell 215-10 mornings. WANTED A Clri for housework and help in ator. Call after 9 p. m. 811. 128 or 60S Hood st. EXPERIENCED girl for housework, must hsv reference; 2 in family, good wage. Main 1118. WAN irt for lunch counter. Apply 244 Wash, at; 818 a week; closed Sun- day a. WANTED Bindery girls. Apply bindery fore- man, Portland Printing House, 888 Taylor t. WAf EDAilrf for"" renlrtl" bouaework tn small family. Mr. Oswald Wart. Mara ha 11 8880. WANTED First elan tai lores cat men coat. 440 Washington bide. ALTERATION IADY wanted. Apply at once. Pnlted Apparel Shop, 861 Morrison st COMPETENT Trl for genTMraaework in fam lly of adults, good wagee. 445 E. 15th N. WANTED Capable housekeeper; good bora; fall charge. McKay, Beaverton, Roots 4. WANTED Manicurist at Pittock block barber shop at once. WANTEDExperieticed girt tor general hooaa work. Call tut til. rosy ap Fotryp HELP WANTED FEMALE' DO TOt? WANT TO EARN A tiOOD SALARY? A talary that la paid wail you learn the businet and that increase tre aueotly a you gain experience? DO YOTJ KNOW HOW MTX'H TELEPHONE OPERATING KM PI OY KB EARN 1 And what excellent opportunities they hare tor promotion to executive posi- WHY NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS T Our Employment Supervisor will gladly tell you the facts and will also explain the many other advantages of telephone operating for young women. Apply at Telephone Company, Room 001 6th Floor Telephone Building, Park and Oak Street. The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Company HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE MOLEIt BARBER COLLEGE Pay jou' while learning; give you .set of tools: position secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Bumside st.. or phone Broadway 1731. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade; wage while learning, position guaranteed., Mgr. 22 yean' experience. Oregon Barber College, 283 Madtsoo. PORTLAND Barber college pays you whlf learning, give you set of tool free; position secured. 38 N. 2d st. SALESMEN WANTED 89 SALES REPRF.SENTATIYE WANTED A large eastern manufacturer of a home specialty telling through retail drug, depart ment and hardware store, desires to place a high-grade salesman rn thtt territory- as branch sales manager. The man we want may not read want ads, so if you know of someone big enough for a big-paying sales franchUe, clip this ad and call hi attention to it. This man must posses a supenibnndunce of energy and enthusiasm; must be fully capable of directing his own sales organirjiti"n ; ni'ist know the drug, department and hardware trad: must have gilt edge references: must be capable of earning from fViflOQ to 20,000 a year. Liberal commis sion and territory arrangement. Write fully at once. Give all details in first letter. Striotly confidential. FITZGERALD MFG. COMPANT, Torriijgton, Conn. FOUR honest, intelligent, wideawake, ambitious men who can recognize and will grasp an op portunity to connect themselves with a clean, fascinating business; large earnings, rapid pro Motion to right men. Mr. Fox, after 10 a. m., 1100 Spalding bldg. 2 SALESMEN wanted. 401 Swetland bldg. SITCATIOSS MALE PRACTICAL printer; fast, correct composition; old timer: caabl of handling composition of country newspaper 10 or 12 galleys; state wages: good makeup. R. R. Crawford, Loyalton, Cal. WOMAN wants work in country cooking for men, where can keep 9 yr. old boy. G-224, Journal. MAN and wife, experienced nooks, wish to go to Alaska, or cook in camp. Phone East 7S52. roRlonggarden .calPSeilwood 31 2 2 ."or call 071 80tb st. WANTED Paperha using and kalsomining. Telephone tast 8114. AINT1NG paper hanging, tinting. 1626 E. 7 th. Sellwood 3636. Main 4344. WOOD hauling eoutrarbt wanted for trucks. Phone Sellwood 174. CEMENT foundations, houses raised and base- ments enlarged, lawns graded. Marshall lHh2, NICKELS "A ANDERSON Rooms tinted, 8; bouse painting reasonable. Phon Bdy. 8253. PfiwiXO end liarrowing done! Tabor 790. EXCAVATING aniTplowing. Sellwood 2088. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 EXPERT stenographer with college education, desires pennantnt position. Woodlawn 6313. DRESSMAKING 40 ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladles' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed S Heqpin Tj4te- Tailor. 4Q Hn'K tk ljn bH HIGH CLASS dressmiking, street dresses, etc.; make your rid suit into a dress; reasonable rates. Mrs. Kelly. East 7807. DRESSMAKING Expert workmanship. rate reasonable. The Cabinet doners and Dyers, 424 Morrison. ner 11 th. Mio 1H25. DRESSMAKING and plain" sewing done reason able, at borne. Phon East T128. FCRV18HED ROOMS SLEEPINt; room. (3 50 week 382 H Haw thrrne ave., near Grand. Phone East 7021. FURNISHED ROOM HIT ATE FAMILY ' 71 SUNNY parlor bedroom, with concrete garage. for gentlemen only; break'ast if desired. Also furnished hotvekf -erring room and sleeping rooms. Modern, desirable neighborhood, walking distance, 1 hkck of 2 raxlinea. 829 E. Ash st Phone Eat 113. LADD addition, large pli rooms, for gent lament, Elliott ave. East 5584. sent, well furnish d fioe location. 61 S NICELY furni-lxd front rooms. Phone East 4422. KS3 E Salmon at. r'AROE. comfortable front. ro"m, modern, walk ii:g distance, Nob Hill district. Main 94 85. ROOM for rent. 20 minutes' walk from center of town. 292 E. ad st. N. PUNNY front foom; retined home. West Bide Use of garage. Mrshall 399 CNFCR5ISHED ROOMS UNFURNISHED. 4 rot.m-. t'i" hu tn-nt, li'in dry trays, n-mimit car service, adults; S18, with light and wair. V-41, Journal ROOMS A5D BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 7t WANTED To room 4 gentlemen, nice home with privilege of fame; widow with no chil dren; board if preferred. . Call Tabor 1758 forenoons or after 5 evening. Ii( Maml hoard :n private homv free use of piano, to re'pectahle gentlemen Inquire, after Mnnd; Phone Main 1222.28 Uorbeet st I WILL take elderly ladies In my private home; the best of treatment,, pleasant room and good board; reasonable rate. Call Wdln. 8878. FrFvaTK fcmHy; 2lvice gentWcn no otl roomers; rates reasonable. 195 E. 74th t N. M V car , CHILDREN to brwrd: best care: near schools; rea-onable. 851 Knott st ROOM and' board In-private"famlly for i roan, bath and phon. East 8888. ' W A STEP R POMS A ND BOARD 8 KtiilM and board in private family only, by erntieman and little girl: Conch school dis trict preferred. O-210, Journal. HOTE KEEPING ROOMS 9 FrRNISHED AND CNFITBNI8HED Cf.utYinTlur.P fnrnlfcliMl and KfrinMv rmmn t housekeeping rms for deeirahle emp. mar ried conples or ladies; rtij walking dist and reasonable rates. Del Monte, '167 Stout t near 20th-Wash. SINGLE steam heat H. K. room, furnished, hot water, electricity, man. Mar. 39S3. completely 186 Sher- 2 ROOM housekeeping apartment, 825 882 tt Ha"tl(Oroe a.vv. near (irand. East 70-' 1 HOUSEKEEPING room, sink. 549 th. also single room with HOr8EKF!FINO ROOMS FURNISHED AND CNFFRNISHED r-RITATK FAM1L T J SUITE of housekeeping rooms, suitable for peo ple who are employed; lights, water, phone and ga for cooking, furnished, 120 per mocth 343 1.0th st. corner Market STRICTLY clean and comfortable furnished II. K. for desirable emp. married couples; also pleasant bachelors; rms, reasonable rate. IM Monte, 1B7 stoat at. near zm-wan. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms in private family with garage, 1008 B. 24th rt N. Phone Wdln. 59(10. THREE completely furnished honarteeplnt room nir Sonth Portland shipyards. 818 a month. 745 1st. near Porter. Main 2992. $20 THREE nice i fumi.hed housekeeping rooms. crsrata entxance. close 1n. Tab. 1114 . COMPLETELY famished large room, bath and kitchenette; walking dMance. Marshall 2319. 854 RA LMON. Deairable ground "floor room iumished for housekeeping. FURNISHED housekeeping room, at 888 East 26th t 8-. Woodstock ear line. FOB RENT 'HOUSES U FURNISHED ELEtJANTLT fomiheil house, friit. garden; also apartment furnished, unfurnished, rea sonable. Appiy J ium. "wHirsr too" move. C8 north western ELECTRIC L1UHT 8ERV1CB 10th aad Washrngtoa. Bryadwsy TWO new booses. 2 and 4 fooma. 611 I7l. FOR BENT FURNITURE FOR SALE GOOD ' furniture for sale, house for rent, west side. 170 N. 18th st, near Johnson. Can only be seen alter 7 p. m. MODERN 3-room house for rent, furniture for sale, t.. Taylor, near 19th. l'hone r-at 6 ROOM modern house for rent, furniture for sal very reasonable; close in. East 8104. FURNISHED JHOt-SEf Sf FOR RENT Furnished room houae. school girl and father must board with family: cheap rent tor right party. 1028 E. Alder. Tabor 748. FOR RENT- room bouse mostly furnished; fumi lied 135 per month, ''nil after 5 p, m. 8303 25th ave. 8. E. ; no children. 5 ROOM furnished house for renL Tabor 9142. FLATS TO KENT. C9 FURNISHED It eROOMfIat over Ure. 794 H 1st A. with bath, in good condition, rent $21.. C O. WsgneT Co. . 230 Start st. . Main 8180. FOR RENT 5-room upper flat; immediate possttuion. Call Main 5738. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 41 HOME COMFORT APTS. I h Sherman, new ly decorated. 1 and 2 room modem apta., including tem heat, electric light. Marshall Si'83 FUR. AFT.-1-8 rooms. d flooff 1 room with kitchenette j on 1st floor 195 21st. cor. Taylor. MarMinll -2H1Q. LIBERTY AP1H ' and 3 room apt. 372 E. Clay st. Now management. 2 AND 3 room apu., $8 per month. Hood st. "CajOuS WILL rent atti-i-t iti? 4 -room Apt., west side, furniture for Nile, S700. Bdwy. 3883. HEATED anartm-nl for rent to partle buying furniture, reasonable. Tabor 7927. STORES A?il OFFICES 11 SPAijK to let for desk office. Inqtrrtu' at 889 Stark, SPACE TO LET for desk office. 88 SUrk"t FOB RF.XT MIBCELLASEOCa tl PRIVATE gaia at 711 E. Ankeny. Phone E. 2548. WASTED-TO BE5T WANT to lease ft room modern bungalow on East Sid by March 8. Young couple with no cniiaron. uall Kellwood 3740 after 6 p. m. BY ADULTS, furnished 5 or S room modern house, prefer near Tabor car. Call aaat 2000 after 6 j). m. WANTED By responsible party, March 1 or IB. a 4 or 5-room houne; no children. V 49, Journal. REAL ESTATE Bl'SIJfESS PKOFEBTY A VERT (fiasny down town bunines property for sale. v-43, Journal. FOB SALE HOUSES tl NEW 0 ROOM BUNGALOW Immediate possession, old Ivory enameled throughout, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, writing desk, 7 bookcases, fireplace, furnace, fix ture. 7 .hades. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT, located in the re-tricted district of ML Tabor; ideal location. Some fir trees, price $&2'60, $12!V0 cssh, balance monthly. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY.. 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 2US. $6500 A REAL COLONIAL $6500 A splendid home, rec. hali with French -door to large living and dining room, book cases, buffet, hdw. floors, cabinet kitchen, fireplace, full-floored basement, furnace and wash trays; 3 splendid bedrooms with large, light closets, sleeping porch, litj.n closet and drawers, eomplete; laundry chute, elegant bath, wide porche. WHITE ENAMEL FINISH, Hard-surface st.. sewers, etc., all paid, 1 blk. to car; restricted diMrirt CLEVELAND HENDERSON CO . 212 Ry. Exchange. Main 67S2. ROSE CITY SPECIAL $5250 Here is a grand bungalow with 6 rooms on one floor, in the very midst of Rose City's prettiest homes. located on 4flth t.. 1 blmi from Sandy. To ay it has a fireplace, hardwood floors, built in buffet. Fox furnace and on paved street would sound common. Forget the S5250 price and compare it with the ttiS'lfl home. Term. IUHR-1'AREY REAL ESTATE. 319 Railway Ex. bldg. Main 8008 3d and SUrk. Main lOStt. OPEN EVENINGS $7OO(0)7 Rooms $2000 Cash ln nd library, 4 bHnrnnw. hot and cold wttr 1n Ttry room, all finwlied in fk, hot water heat, full lot with garage. amongMt beau tiful liomeft. Call Main flflSS or Sell. 1355, Tabor S090. Showtil bv appointment onW. Wright & Rock 417 Ahineton hide WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD 5 roemi cotUge. lot 50x18(1 feet, overlooking river, wiih fruit tree. in a rery desirable district This is a spleiwlid value at $4 5no Mr. Mshnney, COB A. McKENNA A CO, 82 Pou till st Main 0871. ROSE CITY PARK RtXIMS 14450 Just think of bing bl to buy bom of sii rooms wiUt hardwood floors, fire place, buffet. Dutch kiu-hpn. cement base ment, furnace, on a paved str-ct. for 84480 on terms! This is a real bargain. You will appreciate the real ralue. You couldn't duplicate this today for less tlin (8500. Let us show you. A. O TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark st near 3d. Main 8002. WAVKRLEHJH BUNCALOW $4200 5 rojiD bungalow, complete to last de tail, furnace, fireplace, dandy garaga; terms. HIHRvTAREY. REAL ESTATE, 219 Railway Ex. bldg. Main 8008. 3d and Stark. Main 1888. OPEN EVF.NINOS. BRAND NEW BUNGAIX1W 83650 -5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, lot 50x100, paved atrect. 8 block from car: cement haeiDcnL Completed Marrh 10. 81000 cash. Q. Y. EDWARDS & GO. 21 2 Board of Trade, Phone Main 2010. MOUNT RCOTT DISTRICT 82325 Attractive 5 room bungalow on Eaat 44tb st, fireplace, built-in effect ; fin bu : 8825 down. BIHR-CAREY REAL ESTATE. 219 Railwy Ex. bldg. Main 8008 3d and Stark. Main 1688. OPEN EVENINGS I HAVE 5-niom bungalow with large room called npstairs and sleeping porch which make tt as good as 6, all built-in efecti, kitchen In whit nd f:ie place; H block to car and half way to ?tUwod north; 84000. will take $3650, om- 'c-ms. Inquire owner. Oem Bakery, 1611 E 13th st RICHMOND BUNGALOW 82850 VACANT MOVE IN 5 room and large flored attic, full cement haarment. wash trays, lust reflnihed and tinted room for garage; treet imp. paid; price only 12850, $0SO cash, but easy. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Kzcbans bldg. Main 8762. 82400 KENTON HOUSE 12400 8800 CASH 6 rooms, living, dining and 3 bedroom, kitchen, bth. front and rear porch, basement, concrete walk, nice lawn, garden, fruit tree and berrie. 126 Holland at GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., Main 7266. 024 Henry bldg. KENTON Four rooms, water, gas, electricity, patent toilet, fall V, good chicken bouse and woodshi-d Ownr, Woodlawn 3864. FOB SALE or rent a new 4 room bungs low, 8 large Iota, fruit tree. 8800 cash, balance to snit Phone evenings East 5880. EAST B room bouse 82000; 144 K. 28th st. between Hoyt end Irving, phone East 4881, open afternoons between 2 and 4. BEACTIFTJL Arlington Height, new 8 room reridetioe. oak floors, ballet, Ivory finish. Main 8748. ilA WtHCRSi! Modem 6 room home, hardwood floor, built-in sleeping porch, fnrnao. ce ment basement, full kit Tabor 7078. $4500 CORNER with cot.t 4 room bouse, modern. Columbia, near 14th, save car far. Phone owner, Marahall 82 8 3 HaWTHSrNE. 6 room " bungalow, modern, 2 blocks ear; investigate; arte 1 right Bdwy. 8790. - 5 ROOM modern bungalow In Hawthorne; eor. lot. garage: 11250 will handle. By owner. Tabor H302. BEST bargain in Portland, 6 -room boos. 100x100, fine fruit, grapes, berrie. 81600; term. 808 BpeJding bMg. FOR SALE try owner. 8'roota boose. 118 Eaat 20th at Pri 12650. Eaat 1tl. HOUSES REAL ESTATE FOB SALMHOUiKl" Tl REAL VALUE HERE (tlnO . By. folk, if yon can pay half eaah. w do .w,nl ou to see thi wonderful bungalow- It t ready a bargain. Finished in rich oM. ivory and white throughout Tow will appreciate the real honeat workmanship and the car and pain that were required to construct and finish this home. Of court A. . t' ""ood floor, fireplace, buffet, imteb kitchen, cement basement, furnace, ett Ye, there is a garage. Paving and ewer paid. Remember, thi require half cash. a. a 364 Stark st n TEBPE CO.. sr 8t Mala 8093. BEAUTIFUL W ETSTTIIOTrfi LA N HPNnat ovv $4423 If you are looking for t home that It ansuiui.iy complete to lant detail. a wnnuerrul vtw of S snowcapped mountains and near municipal golf links and aviation field, are Uiti elab orate Westmoreland home, on full eor ner lot, furnsce. fireplace, hardwood floors. pared street. sidewalks and swnr paid in full, built only X year, finished in white enamel and oaa. $2000 down. IUIIRCARET RE a i. ratiTC 219 Railway Ex. bldg. 8d and Stark. OPEN EVENINGS Main 00S Main iee. NEW NIFTY BUNGALOW DOUBLE fONSTRUOTKU (4000 Owner moving away. Thto truly is a fierfect gem of a bungalow. You conlda't maglne a more beautiful bungalow for near thia money. It ha on of those great big living rooms, with a big pitta fits window and everything thit tone to mak a home charming, cheerful and a real home. Hardwood floor, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. Really, we can' t ovardescribe this en. Let ua show you. ... A' G TEEPK CO., 264 Stark at. near 3d. Mala 3093. 8800 DOWN and $24 monthly, including Interasa, Prt for t dandy little 0 room ooUag with lot 66x110 feet, clow to 8L Johns Industrial distriot, but aufflcienU ly removed to insure freedom from encroachment located at 911 Ant bent st Further irtieulart freal Mr. Mahoney, COE A. McKKNNA A OOl. 8 2 Fourth at. Main 0871. 12200 8 room house. 80x86; bath, eueo trlclty. basement Emerson, boar it. 10th. 1800 cash. Big aoap. 822508 room nice house, K. Alder and 80th. 1500 cash. Big nap. 83350 6 room luniae. 82100, Try (treat, - near Union ave. Snap. 8500 cash. eoouu rsioe 8 mom house, garage, eor. K. 84th and Market Term 13700 Swell 5 room bungalow, garata, 50x100. K. 84 th, near Hawthorn. 11000 cash. Qrussi & Bennett , 318 821 Board ot Trad Bldg. Main 74 82 DITCH COLONIAL 6 HOOMS AND DEN. IT000 I Located on one of Portland' moat beaa- tiful residential corners; ftrt floor, living room, dining room, sun parlor, den and' kitchen; ther is a ftmplac botb In den and living room. Second floor, 8 beautiful bedrooms. Thia atiould b lold wlUiUi 2 days. Hurry A. O. TEKPE CO.. 284 SUrk at. near 3d. Main 8098. WEST SIDE BUNflAIOW 6 room, oominandlng baantifal iew. Urge living and dining rooms, 8 bodrooms, garage, on oar line, fire place and furnacn, oorner lut; 80000 and term to suit. Mr Mshnmrr, COE A. McKENNA A CO., Main H71. ROSE CITT PARK 8 Room Bungalow 14 750 Here, folk, la your opportunity to ret a real good bungalow at a moderate price, Exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, complete Dutch kitchen, breakfast aVok, cement basement, wash trays, etc. Full lot. Paving and aewor pam. Be Una A. O TEEPE CO.. 264 Burk at Main 8092. RAftGAfN 8 ROOMS N. MOUNT TABOR Atkractiv 2 -story double con trusted residence, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, larg kitchen, I bedroom down 8 up, aevring rimm, 2 lavatories, full cement basemcntf laundry trays furnace. 45x105 oorner lot Abundance of fine ihmbbrry and berries. Vore pretty location; 2 blocks cr. Pric only 34000: 81900 fin payment, balance easy. .EOT MOORE CO . 1007 Teoa bHg. WAVERLEIUH HEIGHTS " 144 25 Here i n exception! buy In a wefl bullf ttracftv 8 room bungalow, A-l condition throughout, furnace, fireplace, paved streets, hardwood floors, 1 blork to car; 15000 would not build this horn today: tlOOO cash to handle BIHR-CARF.T REAL ESTATE, 21 ft Railway Ex. bidg. Main 8808 3d and SUrk. Main 1686 OPEN BVErTTNGS " 5-ROOM" BUNGAtOW 1 00 1 00 U)T 12680 Ixwated Woodmere, 4 block Mt. Reset ear. S dandy rooms, buffet. Dutch kitchen, good bsjuwnent. 11 hearing fruit trees, all kinds small fruit fine chicken houae, 'fins neighborhood. Very pretty surrounding. Belter Investigate today, tomorrow may he too late: 81350 cash. baL only 120 month. Im-luding interest GEO T. MOORE CO . 1007 Teon bldg. 6" ROOM SELLWOOD' HOME" 12800 On Bldwsll ave. Is a substantially built 6 room home on 60x100 lot: bath aad toilet down, 2 bedroom and leeping porch up; pared street, sidewalks aad ewer paid In full, bearing fruit trass, nsar Sellwood park; term. BIHR-CARET REAL ESTATE. 219 Railway Ex. bldg. Mala 8008 8d and SUrk. Mala 1686. OPEN EVE.vrNOB" Pretty Bungalow FOR SALE BY OWNER AND BriLDEtt PAY YOURSELF TUB COMMISSION 5 room, sttiu, fireplace, cabinet kitchen, hardwood floor, wall tinted, light fixtures, win dow ihadea Paved treat. Near oar. 14250, tirroa See it today. B. K. POND REALTY CO. The ideal Home Builder 1230 Bandy bird. Tabor 8826. MNE 5 moan home, all on one floor; 100x100 lot with 5 hearing fruit tree; back porch scremrd in; full basement; only 8 bioeke to car. SO00, 81000 rah. balanne ay. JolhnsonDodson Co. 82. 688, 634, 683 N. W Bank bids. " Main 8787. Ilftflft YAC7ANf'LVf 11953 MOVE IN TOMORROW room bouse, near Peninsular Lumber Co. and Willamette Med.; lust newly papered and painted inside and in fine condition ; good plumb ing; several fruit trees; a snap, on easy terms. Evening. Mar. 6963, days Main 7967, 830 v. Ii amber of commerce bldg. 81200 TERMS; 6880 DOWN 4 ROOM HOUSE 2 LOTS 50x100 EACH Fin larg chicken firm, antra aoSchkknSl2 1 .VX7h. I cement floor, ideal place for now Mt Tabor car. 2027 E. Mill at -Why pay rent Phono Tabor5l 96. . A B0Mhou on K."Ttb at ., 1 bloel ' from Alberta st A 5 room boo on 80th at, 1 block from Hawthorn ave. A 2 room hone on 64 th st 8. E. for sale or rent, term. Phone Tabor 210 82 before noon, or call on owner at 3901 64th st & K., after noon. A. J. Bar tholomew. COZY bWMtainw, 4 reoaa and sleeping porclv notnplctely furnished. In the v alley of Poetlaad Height. M. P. oarllne, 6 tec tare, 16 mlnates' ride. 2 blocks to station; gas. sleotrle lights, telephone. Boll Bun water, shade tree, creek, chicken, fine nrrrmndinta; 12000. InclDding 3800 grafonola. Vogel, ltaech station. nTTioKW'crTY park 8-room modern bungalow, with sleeping porch, fall cement basement, farnaoe, fireplace, hard xd floor, built-in features, nie lot, paved street four blocks to ear. Prioe only 86600, 81500 down, balanes terms. For appointment, phone T. D. Gregory. Msln 4890. . 61966 fUmm CITY PARK 31980 Modern 4 room bungalow, finished In Ivory, ecmpleta phimhlng, sleotrVrlty, gas, foil baiie- ment 50x100 lot, tree; terms. Tabor 6689. PLA8TE RED bout. 8 room and bath, eleetri) light, gaa. city water and sewer, paved (treats, close to car lint; 1000 will handle It FboM SeUwood 2620 MODERN 7 room bona is Piedmont, lot Mi 100, 12 hearing trait tree, flowers, and dog- - firaolace. fnrnao. B. lloerat arao 86000. Owner. CaU 824-19. (Cowtinued aei Fsvowlof Fat)