THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING., FEBRUARY 2, 1920. RE At CHTAY For Ai:r boches 1 HOUSES rYjIl BALE $T0O 3 room stiae. cottage fair condition, lot 60x90, 750 Miller ave.. HeUwo.d lino: $25 down. $ 1 8 monthly. Street assessment to be , unmnl by purchaser. I860 Partially famished 4 room shingled cot tage, lot 40x120, t 6225 62ml .; 1 dining table. 3 chairs, 2 rockers, iron bexl and spring, linoleum In kitchen, bed room and pantry. $300 caah. $15 month ly, in exceptionally good bay. $1004 $ room cottage on lot 60100, vrue berries, patent toilet and sink, plica fa In fair condition, at 954 E. 17Ui st N. $2000 cash. $15 monthlj. UltO 4 room, unfinished cottage, on fin comec lot 80x100, f, of the outside u shingled and 2 or 4 room hve the parti tion In and ere celled. Several frnit tree and some grapes, chicken house and good garage, located at 709 K. 77tb -t. S., Hose City Tart line Mr. Handyman with a ltttf time 'n make a neat little home of thi plC $'f00 ca.h, $-0 monthly. $1200 room unfinished" haek hous on ' of an acre at Mapleond; Scent far. ( and running vtter In the house, good cel lar, 2 chicken booses and yard. Close to store and school. .TOO trwherr, scene raspberries nd Himalaya. $10 rali, $15 raonthl). ltKn a pnnm niaitar.H .- tmaf i,tlll ti!et. lot 60x100. located at 104' nOth mi ! B. E. . in Myrtle park. M. H. car, T$250 j cash. $20 monthly. $1350 11' room plastered mttage, patent toilet! and good collar, house has bvn newiy j paint ami is In gnrsl condition. Located I at 8BH7 62nd at.. M. M. car, 0 assorted I unit inu oeTriea, (ff'JU caen, e-o miriunij. i $1600--8 room bunealnw tpe of houe on lot MxlOO. city water, aink. ga. . good chicken houne, woodnhed and frnit; In Rrentwood, M. S. rar, $800 carh. $13 monthly. 61600 A little oli hoiu among the Are In TrMngton park, patent toilet, hot water tank, tiuk, finud ga heater, and khower bath, on tot 87HIOO: located at 12H8 Z. 29th at. N. $200 cash. $20 raonitUy. $1678 2 shack hmiaea on 100tl20, at 64oH 824 r. fl. E. . One containing 2 roonu and tha other 8. Here U a chanct for 8 H.u i. ... ......, .a i... ni iir.a . ..h at'. .... i.i. iiinnv'-i H.t.i. a n t..,ni with toilet and bath, electric light, caa j pretty lot. 10 fruit treea. some berrie,. 1 nice lawn; located at 7517 47th are. B. I K. $A(i0 cash, balance monthly. $1T80 4 room eellel cottage with electric ; light, gas. bath and toilet. 4 cherry treea, some logan and raspberries, lot 60x100. at 2013 54th at. H. E. $500 cash, $15 monthly ' ,00,2r.tplT.,?nreXrc1. 9 cunu fare, itmrtl ft!ortl fruit tm, nmmmm inn rgfai inn riaan gukfli-trr mrtit of flowers, small celiac A splendid home for the old people. $200 caab, $25 monthly. $1100 8 room eelled ind papereil bungalow type of house Willi rery large porches, en splendid hit, 50x100 on 8 W. cor. of r.llth are and 40th at. jmt 5 bh-Ji from Reed college. (500 cash, monthly payments to suit. $18005 room plastered buruxalow with gas, hath and toilet, concrete foundation, n' basement, at 4514 Cnrtisa St.. cm lot 75x100 K0O cash, balance to suit. $1800 1 H story K mum house witli gas, elec tric lights, patent toilet, good vroodshi1 rd vgirnee, let 80x100. right on the rsrline and macadamized street, at 0140 Foster rd. $100 cash. $15 monthly. $1800 5 room frame house, rer old. but in fair condition with ira, electric light? bath and toilet, at 108 E. Salmon t . Sunnysldv. HO0 cash. $20 monthly. 81900 -We hare three 4 rm.m nletrH rmt. Uge, nevor beuti x:cupieU. witli elcctrip bghta. hath and toilet, just 1 H blocks ' otf of 'he St. Johns car. 150 cii. j $2li montlUy. , $2000 - 4 room plastered bungalow with electric ! llghla and patent toilet Ihjtcb. kitchen. not wau-r tana and sma. 1 his Inlle cot tage is in first class condition; seven large assorted hearing fruit tree, all kinds of berries located at 888 Syracuse st. $300 rash, $25 monthly $50004 room, plastered cottage with bath and toilet, electric lights and ga, con crete foundation, bafciucnt,. 1 ;i largn fruit t.rcen, mmc herroic, hxat.-M .it 1 stl f. 72n.l St. N . M. V. car. J45U cash. $20 monthly. $2000 - Splendid, little 3 room cottage, prae tlcaily new imd a lull acre o gronml a very pretty acre Inane at 8622 77U st. B. H. 80l) cash, 1 fl monthly $2000 5 room Mastered bungalow with electric lights and gas. patent toilet, hardwo.xi tloors. ctncrete foutulatton and ha-euiept lot liHxlOO, at 0545 78th st M e' 850 ca-h 115 motithlv gOUO 1 VI st 1 Vi story. 7 room (rame dwelling with good garage. . oOxloo electri.- lights. ( concrete Inundation, full hsm..,.t tun fruit trees and small furit.s; at 673 Kmeron V umT Alberta ear. Hoo cash $20 monthly. $2000100x200 sni 5 room plastered cottage, good chicken house, plenty of fruit and herriea; l.icated near Woodmere schooj 8 car. Z00 cb. $20 monthly fZOOO 6 loom brand new plastered bungalow concrete foundation, full basement beau tiful lot. BOx 100, splendid I hitch kitchen and built-in blftft. wor'.manship first class. This place was built by a young man whote plans miscarried and the house alone could not be built for less than $3200, located at 2050 Sacramento ,,, e'o. $20 monthly. $21005 room cottage at 1275 E. Madison 48rd. This cottage is old. but Is electric tlelita l..t. plastered, ha .ie.. gooa cellar, large bearing frutt trees and berries, jiared streets and .ewers ill in and pa, fr A little pnim wUI make a new place of this. go0 caah. $ I 5 monthly. $2226 -5 room --lied and papered cottage with gas. city watir. lot lOdtCOO nt frutt and berries, good modern ' chicken house. 14x.tfi. Wu.sistock car. 1700 eaah. $25 monfhlv $22504 room himgulow iyDe of e0tUg with i large attic (n which 2 rooms could he i bivllt. good garage, electee lights, gas I bath and toilet, 17 assorted bearing fruit trees, all kinds of small fruits, good chicken 1 unilioc); 1050 cash. $1860 7 room plastered house on lot 60x100 gaa. electric tights,, tMtt d( b); garage; located at 993 E 18th .f 500in,roaC"i ,8? '"l'- monthly: 82800 Old 5 room plastered cottage with bath totlet. electric llghu. gas; located at 607 ,T ,"'ift"I'n.Iistnee on the Eaat lft0 caah. 13 monthly $1$ 50 s im plastered cottage with ,, .lee, trta llghu. bath and toilet, conre foundation, full baaement, all kinds frutt and berries. 1ocstd at 8008 th )$20OmnOnfh.rd- 8,100: 100 T Ink , . tth and toilet. .... ,......, p.rii svreet nd earline riuae ro rwony Bros At ixrtu v ' linn V . onsen eeSAO I r ' .. "H."J. room cottae. oo i a plumbing, electric lighte. street In front ' i oout in large aasorted ituii irN' at 1 t m i . a . ... - ' , ' 1 ' wisru IV. , ftt Johns ; eitfou casn. $86004 room plaatered bnnealnw .. tage with good fireplace, nof quite finished on fine corner lot 75x100. adjolnltg Alamed park at 08.1 E. 88rd it N 200 cash $20 monthly. Her. la . chance for Mr. Handyman 3000 5 room plaetered bungalow ,ru,Lt?M n'5 b"ri'- t of floweri. ' on lot 80x100. at 6220 2d t'S t?" 1 block from W. W. car This I. . i nl..i.ll.l h,,. nn a" " $230O--H.r; i, one of the" o'i l?: 80txri0oe",!iit I ""r o,t". oxt lot ! -,.'-' -""i aim sewer all in, C : V , re earaee all at 1381 E. Salmon st. 2 blocks fr., ....WwnJ car. $1000 caA. m 880007 room plastered hous. ttv :tuioBfuJi,.treni- jound Hioxioo; t 22B 4 5th st. 8. E W w 4500 cash. 836 monthly.' cr $8000 o room oUstered bungalow i' - i veauv . lose in oin lajriioned, well built 6 room house, rooms .re very lar 'fun xno""!; ,fniace. corner lot' 5O1 100 and a varied aesortment of bearing fruit trees, concrete retaining wau ami aa unusual amount of plumbln locteo at 146 E. 80th rt . 1 block frtga W R $200 cash, $25 raoW, W" K $800 A praoUcally new-newlywed apartment hotr-o type, of bungalow, (plndid pergola otranoe. Murphy dwappearing bed, dre. Ing room, large living room with fir-place and ea Pullman buffet, kitchen r.nd breakfast nook, built in ubl and Ma beautiful Jot, on paved street and eirl'n? $3O0 cash, any Urge monthly payment will do. $8700 A large 2 family close ia home of 7 rooms, lot 40x100, 3 toilet, full base-mauW-etreet work all in and oaid for large assorted bearing fruit tree. located i . Aao " . . , n a n . . 1 monthly. $40003 story. 10 Toota modem 2 family hoose. all kiodi of fruit gad berries bath. 3 tdilete, at 1181 E. 17th st N $1000 cash, 816 monthly. 8600 Beaatiful well built rivarrtew borne of 7 room, - fin . corner lot, good furnace, fruit tree and ornamental shrubbery, flow' rs. of alt kinds. Th roams it) this . bouse are extra large a are th closets, all of which have window in them Lo - : rated t all Willamatte bird. $1000 ". . cash. $40 monthly. Fred W, German Co. 782 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE pntuau luuxtuti ill ftfworbkH f-,i " ' Bill njrI ... lou of lerrte. 8,H e,..- n'n',7-I";i tween a ,nd 4. chicken run. on ground 100x100 .t i 5 ""GM bungalow fine renditior 780S 66th sr. 1000 cash " wilt n' null: $2250. term. cnii f" lor acreaiee r i is. ntn at xioom 2 18 ( nmmnn XEAL ESTATE FOB BAI.B HOTpVEIT Magnificent bungalow, V rooma, R. C P. This Is an earefUr. tally rood hoy. very light, fine, large room", art1 tic design, garxac. fina location; cant' b built for price, $5800. If yon an looking for a home don't fail to gat tbl one. Oand bungalow, ft rrxnis. Hawthorn ad. (im, 'mtt tree, nice. $4800. Twa magnificent mMeneaa, Irving-ton, 8 rooms, two bath, fineet flniah, hardwood floors througliont, garage. b.t location, oca can't be built for leas than , $20,000, other la than $16,000. Take $17,500 and $12,000. Snap. o the age. Eaat 278. Herd man. . $2500- BUNGALOW $5505 Five rooma and sleeping porch, reception ball, bedrooms, ball, bath and kitchen, white enamel beam celling, full baaement. tuba. A-l repair, nearly new. lot 60x00 to alley, gaud laws, fruit. 1 block to car. E. 20th t N. Q. Y. Edwards & Cor 212 Board o Trade. Main 2010. A PICK UP " 7 0 room modern home, excellent lot. Tblf located on East 80th at., 1 block aouth of Haw tunrae. Call for key Price $4200. HAWTHORNE REAI.TT CO. 36th and Hawthorne TABOR 746a. H (' ASHBlfT8 6 room modern houae and lot. Price $1000. H r,AH KinJ g room modem; fnrnaea, garage and lot Pnce $200. doan Price $1950, LENTS UEAU ESTATE CO. Phone Tabor 1590. 8EE THIS ONE 6-roem house and 3 lota. 40x1 Of, with new bath. cat. electricity, large ehickeu bonee. wood- abed and house luet newly painted. 2 blocks from ear, close to narnsurraea ana acuooi. iiumi; gaoo down and balance to suit- Tabor 4R11, or call Tabor I486 from 7 to p. nv 8 tlOOM plastered home. Mock from car. Laurel wood atation. Mt Scott car. good plumbing, lectrtc light Priee 6300. inclnding $300 of new furniture; $t0 cash, going away, -"" 8turday or Sunday. 4147 K. 8d at Kofeft CffT PARK 7-ronm modem btmcalow, fine condition; 47th at .V. near Handy blttt ; price $0300. ternia; thia la one of the good ones. r. m. aatewood & Co. 165 H 4th M. 1 11AVH 5-rTKrm btingahiw with latge room ceiled npntaira and sleeping porch which makes it at good ae 8. all built-in afectK, kitchen in white and fire place; H block to ear and half way to Hell wood north; $4000, will take $8850. some terms Inquire owner. Gem Bakery. 1611 E1 tli st. ' $5000. IRVINOTON PK. BTTNGAIjOW. $5000 If you are looking for a o room bungalow nd gppreciete soiuething real nice, drire, out and see our home, strictly modern, old ivory fin ish, ideal location, paved street, easy terms. Owner. 1249 B. 80th N. - Woodlawn 8100. REAL" EST ATE"" FOR- BALE t-H acre. 6 room bonse. with bath and city water, barn: quite a variety of fruit; a bargain for someone at $1800: $300 caah, will handle It Phone Tabor 0751. Owner. BT5 OWNER 7 room modern fumlshe3l house, with 100x200. all In berries and fruit; 2 chicken houses, 1 block from Woodlawn car, on 18th st Mo. 1494. Price $4200. tn- urniiure. REST BUT IN TOWN 3560 5 room bungalow, nearly new. hardwood firs.. firiilace. built-in convenience, hard surface sta. facing east. 1 block to ear: fruit and berriee. Easy terms. Call TaBor 88S1 "niVINGTOTl j One of the most modern 5 room bungalows. : gaa and furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, elec ', trie flxtnre.-i, artistic, paper, garage, street pared and paid; bargain if run. 579 K. 26th it. N. Plione Woodlawn 4 841. MSssiissnppi Ave. rot ra tuodtirn houc, harxlvrood floors, fnr DAca. irae. 2 lota, cl. in; irir $4000; ttnn Alb.n, llaraU. 122 N. Ui t Flune Brntdwajr TERMS " IS 00 down buys 5 room houaa, furnished, with gaa and lot 75x100. Price 81100. Phone Tabor 1599. BROOKLTN PIST. St.wwm iml mnl.ra KnitM 9 Iimam, ... atalrs, 1 down, pantry, basement, gas. electricity, corner lot. garage, $2850; feign; 1 block U Phones Main 707. Sell wood 24S8 SNAP-$250DOWN Buys 8 mom plgtcred house, in fine khapg, lot 80x100 ft : close to school. Price tlOOO. Phona Tabor 1 599. CTo8!TLNTRYINiiOl HOMK 8-room houe. gurse and nuiHing lor fuel ani storage. No bscm--nt Houe newlr painted and papered. Full niaed lot, choice rosee and garden -face PrVe $40(11) Kt.t 2295. A BAhffAyN- 5 room bungalow and extra large sleeping porch. 2 blocks to cr; lot IBPilOO. $8600 caah $750. Owner, 1811 B. Irving L, M. V. car. tVROOM BUNGALOW ! Hawthorne, on Glean are. just 2 block from j oar. We are proud to show you this bargain. HARRIrt A MAXWELL. Main 2831. 304 Railway Exchange Bldg. I 60x100 Beantifill corner, close to store an ! postofflce. abundance of fruit, modern home I a real home for someone. Owner is leaving the, country. $3000. good terms, from owner. M 400. Journal. NO AGF.NTS WANTEt) 8200O CASH " buys modern tip lo-datn house. rooms, sleep ing porch, good plumbing, fireplace, good base ment. all built ins, china eloset See it today 0 E. 30th. ONLY 1957T 6 room oottage, 10 minute, ride from city bath, gaa, electriolty, wood lift full baaement Wo this Pacific Realty M. 847. 409 Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE 4 room house, electric lights, city watwr. 188x60. fruit trees, fine garden spot Just across the line m Ciaekama Co. All for $1650. Phone after 7 p. m.. fell. 32. POll SAIJ1 6 room, bath, electric, gu, 10 Ox 100, full eement baaament, garage, bars) for 8 cows, chicken house, food plioo to keep and sell milk. Owner. Tabor 8678. A BARGAIN Good 4 room house. 4 block to ear and 8 full stxed lot. $1760. Owner, 1911 8. Irving st. M V. car. FOR SALE by owner. 7 room modem bonse, near 2Rth st, furnished or unfurnished. rnone ay time. urodwv 3242. i titles to real estate. Onicker. cost lees! nd no abstract required. Title A Trust fv. , . - - - . BT'oTvfEli. 6 room, furnace, sleeping porch. wash trars. corner, shade trees. rr close in E. Ysmhill st Tabor 2515 ROSE C1TT PA RR Modern 6 room bungalow; owner must have 62000 cash before March 1 Call Tabor 6826. FOR SALE 5 roora cottage, gas.-electric" light. Owner 6 llOOM Dam, corner lot a.. IStU 8. 12400 house, water. gas. 100x106. street $1100; term. 729 Imnfninunn .l.4. I.lWty st. WdJnOsA. BIO B A RGsTlN T room-ouTeT TroitT tTovjraii nouoie garage, lyooastock; easy monthly pay ments. Owner, Main 4 864. KKJtTON Pour roonu. water, gaa, electricity pa.ent toUet, full lot. good chick house and woodshed. Owner. Woodlawn 8884. P0RT1.AND banks requt title Iruuranoo inatgad of bstrcu. Why' Ask your banker he knows. Title A Trust Co. EAST- ti room house JioOO- 144 F. Vkth .t botw.en Hoyt arnl Irving, pbone Eaat 488L m. 30lh et , Smith. 11 wealth nidc. FOUR room hoase, 100x100 let, at-447""at both st N. near Tillamook $850 $380 down, ha Is nee $16 per mo. and Interest 0 ROOM, full oement beetnTOt71iardvc"7Joe3r built in ease. I-aureihurst. near Both aad 8m,!i 5?W. $1380 jc,h. EiJt 4476 UbsK CITY PARK comfortablt doom ' -5rn: 3 u 00. $1400 caahTabor a?.' iNIQUE bungalow, newly tinted-and naint- 2 V blocks u car, $2850. Tabor 6Sl LOT lih l" room hck, pantry, closet, gas"; $00 with terms: lea for eh ' t.kI. j Vo j. - 'BW 1 T , f in M.AMiW Vornon ". near Alberta: bar- Cam : tarms see owner; 407 Soanldin. km. WONPERFUL buy. 280x30 V " housa7Sotli - ! mtuui. vwnar, Mtia 4884. MoriERN s roc"m bungaiow. :2 Tcta$o6 Phone Sell wood 164 3 A NEAT, coxy 8 room hnnae with . i ful lawn and garden, snaci ,1 e Tsui2 ; v caJ1 0Div "d fSfW SIX ROOM" 'rn bungalow. Hawthorne. 2 investigate. IMtIAO d. i . ? MEfnt. Broadway t8o, room $AA m ji., J" . . - fu l lot Teara : m'ni 4 bungalow, full. lot. garage, clear of Incumbrance; $1500 caah. balance eaay term. Tabor 40T7 "wlthouTa-irn. .b.Tt e:,.", PoUcy No . a lraM tj0. MODERN Ntn. buJow, rertricted dts- $3600fand $43o5Pb,3f'0 REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOVfKS $1 KXCKPTI05AL VALrE I.NVMTl-MTB THBKE COME IANDI BCY8 IN HUMES WITH LARGE I JOT 4 RfiriM BlN:ALOM $1760 Nearly new 4-rm. bungalow In apple pie order, no painting, tisuitg or e leaning to be dost here. Elevtrtrtty. gaa, water, large living . rm., dining raa., aarg bed rm., fine bath, toilet, complete whita enamel Dati-fa kitchen, basement; lot ta 66x152, equivalent to acre: bemea. youiur fruit trees, and enough ground b-ft for marketable produce; chicken hotrse, lawn and flowers ; located near LeoU school, Mt. Scott car: just the coxy little hnngaiow for beginners: mighty cheap; fumltnre for sale; $1060 down, bal. easy terms. BROOM BITKGALOVT $2650 Here's a dandy, very attractive, M. const d bungalow, large living and dining rat. fine bath. rmiH-tn buffet, Dutch kitcliert, good basement, beautiful lot 100x100; 11 betrtof fruit tree, til kinds berries. One rawn and ahnibbery. located Woodmere. among pretty bungalows and surroundings; 4 blka. car. If yow have $1850 as first payment don't wait minute, Juikt, for her a a bargain; bl only $20 mo.. Including int. 1 ACRE, T-KOOH HOt.'BE $3500 Lo-ated juet outside cltv limits on Esta cada carline. 7 et. fare. 7-rra. substantial residence. bedrms., large Jiving and uin-j ing mu., handy kitchen, electricity, gas, Bull Run water, fine bath, 1 acre choice j land, fine for marketable garden produce, M.rasrhcrrit s:M e'-pAragu b-d-s already in. located on liardsurface road, 1 blk. car. ' Only $1260 -ali down, payment re-' quired. Here's your chanca to get a , good house and 1 acre very reasonable, j - MCLTNOMAH We have- 8 beautiful homes for sale within ; 3 bias, of station at Multnomah. Portland's fastest growing suburb, all located on Improred county highway. These are new, modern homes, having Targe grounds and very prettily situated. ;iad to tell you mora about these If you will phone ua, ' Autos alwaya at your convenience. MR. MACK. j GEO. T. MOURE UO. 1007 I eon Bldg. $270 Bungalow $2700 WILLIAMS AVENUE $2J00. $400 down, $26 monthly, for thia nifty little 5 room bungalow on Williams in., bet. Hhaver and Mason: modem plumbing: all street Improvements in and paid for. Photo at office. Open all day Sunday. J. F. 696 WUilaxna Ave. Kaat 288 T0C HAVE A GOOD REASON ', TO ASK WHAT KIND OF AN EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, situated on a full 50x100 lot,, bearing treea, 1 well located, reasonably close In on I the East Side, near Russell-Shaver ! f..Hr. imA ill h. n ffl.,4 ' to show you the bargain, for we honestly believe-It is the best buy for the mrmey to be found In that section Remember, as a business, proposition, we only advertise prop m ertiee which we believe are com mercially good. J. A. WU RMAN TO. 204 Ry. Exchg. Bldg. Main 588. Main 1094 MT FIRM has ordered me to locate In Reattle; will sacrifice my cozy bungalow on Portland Height, good locality, 2 blocks from car. living room, dining room, kitchen, sleeping room, bath and toilet, basement with furnace, good room can ba finished in baaement Price $3760; $1550 cash, balance easily arranged. See my agent, Mr. Taylor, with L. K. Moore, $17 Board of Trade. Main 8667. FINK FURNISHED BUNGALOW neatly and completely furnished, ready for house keeping. It naa 5 room, modern, bath, toilet, lirht nd gas, full basement, furnace heat, fine 50x100 ft lot, cement sidewalks and curbing. locaud on 84th st in Mont villa, . handy to ear I and fine layout, for fSZbu; H eaah, balance easy. This Is all new, neat and clean. Do not hesitate If you want a fine suburban home. See E. W. HUGHES 507 Journal bldg t Main 288. $235 Will you come out In the open, i where the merry birds sing, the hum of the bees and the glorious sun shines. In this spring time. ! awakening nature, to a neat llttie 6 room bungalow In PARK ROSE, winch has been reduced $100 for a quirk sale? J. A. WICKMAN CO, 204 Ry. Exchg. Bldg Jain 88. Main 1094 ATTENTION', BARGAIN HUXTERS! WEST SIDE SACRIFICE I want you 1o set this, inspect tt thoroughly nd then see me. One quarter block and 4 I hoifsee located on sosttheest corner of oe.i arw4 WUson sts.. only 4 bluets from new Mont- gomery-Ward site. Our price will surprise you. C. A. WATIRINER, RITTFR, LOWE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldf. ALASF.nA Psrk.7 room"h"o!ise'"in" best part of A lamed park: 2 fireplaces, oak floors, white enamel finish: cement basement, laundry trays 'id furnace; 50x100 lot; improvement In and paid; S block to cer: price 86000. : JO!r!NSONDODSON CO. ! 032. 633. )34. 835. N. W. Bank bldg. ..Main STMT. RICHMOND BUNGAI.OW $2880 $650 CASH. BALANCE. MONTHLT Five rooms nd reception hall. large floored attic, full cement basement laundry trays; Just iiniea iau rennunerj insiae: vacant. Immediate P'"on : treet 1'''!" p.11 CLEVELAND HENDERSON Cf 21S Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 8752. $4280 NEAR WASHINGTON HIGH $T2n0 Well built 6 room house. In first elaa con dition, full 50x100" lot. pared street in aad paid, ahort walking distance ta Buaineat caster. Lasy tarxe. C. A. WARRTJsEE, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. v 201-3 6-7 Board of Trade bldg. 60x100 LOTS" H, ACPB TRACTS !ar Peninsnla park and Jefferson high school; 18 minute to Broadway and Washington; lots iow as oo; zoo can, ait monthly. IT If n TMI fVT t-r ffn 1TfT C,rtkT -v fl82 6S3- U- KS5' N- w- Bin Mg. 37H7. .AI.BF.BTA BARGAIN $200O Neat 4 room cottage and bath. alee, light, gas. to., fine lot ttxl00; lflth t near KlIHngv worth. Price 12000: $600 ch. $20 per mo." R. M. u ATE WOOD A CO., 185 H 4th st BE8f BUT IN R. C. 6 rooms hard wood floors, plat glass, furnace, fireplace, concrete bswment, fruit cellar, wonder ful view, in fact everything tou could wish In a home: the price Is orfly half its value. Pacific Realty M . 847. 409 Spalding BMg. MODERN 6 room bungalow with keeping porch. 1 kyedrtK.m dowustaira, full baaement. large garage, 60x100 lot. near Mt Tabor res ervoir. Will take light oar aa part of first payment Ask for Mack. Tabor 5608. Cook $950 snap" Three room temi modern plastered hoot, woodshed, chicken house, lot 40x110. apples and strawberries. 4 Mock east of Ftrland, 11 8 Uue; terms $400 cash, balance $10 a month. Owner. 4 8 2 7 7 8th st 6 Fl FO R, SALE or trade, f " room house, modem excpt fnrnact, lot 85x100. southeast cor ner of 39th snd Salmon st. . improvements in and paid. WQ1 exchange for 4 or 6 room bungalow, preferably Hawthorn or Sunnytdde dl'trlct Call owner. Tabcw 4342. "TTtOOM-BARGrAIN lnlberta for $3000 with $1000 down. Full lot. cement basement kad modem convenlecea. K. t). Schrrraacker, 417 Spalding bid. Main 1086. air. TABOR modern 7 room emirbungaJow, cement basement, full lot. This is a bargain tt $3900 with $1200 down, fie B. O. Reno aacker for pardeulara, Maia 1088 or 4408 FOR SALE Kenton district new 4 room bungalow ; also garage and- ohlckea honea; full sized lot. 14 ft alley ; . bargain at $2200, $1 200 cah; furniture ff wanted. 1686 Boston are, Kenton. Phcne 3t2 OA. 8680O Let a bow ysm thi Rial City bungalow. 7 In. you will like rr. gsou to naadia HARRIS A MAXWELL, Main 2831. 304 Railway bldg. GOOD 5 room oottage. 58x100 lot, near Franklin high school, hand-surf aoe street, 18 A-1 rullrts (all laying) included. $2300, about $1000 cash. Owner, Tabor 4848. 5 ROOM plaatered house, gaa. electricity, A fruit traea, eoraer let 81500 with easy terms: 2 blocks) north of Alberta st. Emerson and 24th, Bdwy, 821. Wtli scrafica 6 room plastaired houn; 110 ft. from ear line, 81100: small cash pay ment balance monthly. Owner 6102 86th st & E, Mt Bewtk er. WHEN TOU pure hue your Earn, have tha UU . Iu.mI n . ,4,1. iMMnaww. Mlln Titl A Trust Co. FOR SALE By owner, eery modern five room bnnamlow ro Waveriy Hel-hta. 883 Fntuiun xV A A, 8Urer, Tabor 27 SB. RBAt ESTATE FOR SALE HOC8E8 ft LOOAING rOB A HOME? BY ALL MEANS SEE IHB -CARET OO.. 218 Railway Exch., Main 1688. 3d at Stark. Maia 600$. OPEN EVENINGS Don't think of putting up any money on a home until yon hare spent 15 minutes to our Ssplay room, looking over the hundreds of photo of home bargains not Hula snapshot pbotoa, but larg 5x7 -In. real pictures; each rtistrirt arranged separately: erenr home oIfrcd forsaie ha been iaspected and appraised by aa aapert. Arrange- to spend 1 bour today mspocting our homes: If possible, come to our display mesne, M not convenient, almpiy pbone Main 1686 and say you would like to see several "f the bungalows advertised, and a salesman will call ami drive yoa and Una family out no obligation. HERE ARE A FEW: several' DANDT ALBERTA HOMES. AS FOLLOWS $2460 In Church st.. 60x100 lot. 6-rra. bungalow, 2 bedrooms, best plumbing, aae. elec tricity, shade and fruit treea, shrubbory. near Inlon are.; $650 down $2950 4-rooto bungalow, stairway to full floored attic, hardwood floon, paved itreet. Dutch Vrltchen, full cement basement, rot 83x 100; $800 down. $2700 Her is a little dream of a bunga low, so nrettr and cosy: 4 rooms and sleeping porch, full lot. living room clear across front of house; only bunt years; now tosh. $2200 Another Alberta "Own Tour Home" bargain. 1 block off I'nion ate. in paved Rose lawn ave., 4 rooms, white enamel plumbing, gag, electricity, trees and flowers; $600 down. $3000 Vacant, move right In; here, folks, Is a remarkable buy: t'nusually attractive, the real California bungalow, distinctive lines, ga rage with 75-ft. solid concrete runwsy, 5 full rooms finished beairetf ully : seeing t buying; $1150 down. $2S00 I block to car on 26th St.. Alberta: 8 large well arranged rooms, 26 rose bushes, shades trees, bouse built only 5 yrs., couldn't tuiid today for $8200 alone; $900 down. gosnn Only 8500 down, for an 8-room 2-story home 1 block from Alberta car. In 11th street; 4 bedroams, bath and toilet upstairs; piped for furcate; exceptional value for the money. 83150 A B room double constructed bunga low that will pay you to investigate; finished in pertty white enamel; look at the ijrotmd. 50x142 4; paved street and sewer paid up; best white enamel plumbing; home well keflsjr and in splendid repair; M block off car; walk-; ing distance Jefferson high; $750 down. $2100 5 -room 2-story. 1H blocks from' ik. !! kino fruit, berries, ffraoes i enough lor J i amines; isuu raws. BROOKLYN HOME BARGAIN 12725 fi-room bungalow on 1 floor. 8 bed rooms', bath and toilet, large 00x100 lot. paved i Btreet and sewer paid, full basement, fruit trees and flowers; you will never beat thia buy; $750 down. I 32225 TOC I.L ENJOY THI8 $2225 Cosy, homelike. 4-rbom cottage with lsrge shade nd fmit trees: in Woodlawn dis trict; whit enamel plumbing, full lot, abund ance of .mall frulU; $000 down. BEAUTIFUL B ROOM BUNGALOW IN MT. TABOR 1 Jut completed; sleeping porch, beautiful fire place, furnace, hardwood floors; beautiful view of city and distant mountain; see this one; $5250, $1000 down, easy terra. INVESTMENT SPECIAL 2 HOUSES FOR PRICE OF 1 $3500 buy a 50x100 lot in William tve. near Beech St.. in business district, with 2 6-room house on it, each renting for $20 a month and cheap t that ; eure. it' snap one of those "can't los proposition"; $500 takes the 2 boute and lot. with everything in and paid tor; yes. the houses have each beet white enamel plumbing; enough said. INTESTMENT SPECIAL NO. S 2 HOUSES FOR PRICE OF 1 $2800 buys 2 well built houses on a 60x100 corner lot ; 1 is 4 room bungalow, the other 7 rooms all on 1 floor; both of these h.u&es in A-l condition, located about 8 blocks from Piedmont rarbnu; the 2 house can't be built today for $3800; sidewalks, both aid, paid in full; $1500 cub to handle this. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $2080 6-room bungalow, flrepiaca. Ideal floor plan. 2 rooma la unfinished attic. 2 blocks from Jefferson high school, paved street and ewer paid up. fruit tree; $1700 caah re quired. $2850 THE PRETTIEST EVER $28f)0 buys a practically new 4 -room bunga low, very clever ttrctive exterior, finished beautifully Inside, paved street and sewer paid up, lawn, trees, hrubbery, near car, walking distance of Jefferson high; $600 cash take thia IRVINGTON HOME (4200 g room home In 80th st near Klicki tat. 2 bedrooms upstairs, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built only 8 year, foil baa- ment: $2700 cash to handle. J2660 COULDN'T BUILD IT FOR $3500 $2(150 bnys a dandy 4 -room bungalow-is Westmoreland, finished in ok and whit enamel, bailt-in buffet, tirepluce, garage, full lot; $1675 to handle. $2750 We doa't get many 4 room bunga lows that are aa neat aad cosy aa thia one: built only 4 years; sewer and idewlks in and paid: whit enamel plumbing, bearing fruit tree, abundance of until fruit; $1000 down. WOODSTOCK SNAP (g00 Here is a rare bargain! 6-roem homa oa 180x100 lot, $ light airy bedrooms, bath, toilet, ga. electricity, full baaement. abundance of choice fruit treea, berries, flowers, 1 block to W-S car; $600 down. $20 t mo. ANOTHER WOODSTOCK BARGAIN $800 DOWM $2875- Nr Franct e. la 40th street, on 6x100 lot, we have a dandy 4-room bungalow, full cement basement, beat plumbing, near cat: $800 down. MODERN SELLWOOD HOMK. $1660 $1650 buys a 4-rnoro bungalow In pared, St.. full lot. 2 bedrooms, combination living and dltilng room. 8 cherry trees. 1 peach tree. Bear 6eilwoed ear; $400 down; splendid buy. ANOTHER SELLWOOD BARGAIN $2450 8 - room bungalow, whit enamel plumbing, paved street, ail street and sewer imenu paio uiyiuu. near pmxa, eouw uo in. ROSE CITY HOMES $4000 for a well built 5 rm. bungalow In 63d st; ideal floor plan, all the built-in Heat, furnace, garage: $2000 down. 2 STORY FI-AT ROSS CITT $6300 2-story flat, 6 room each: flat eompist with bath, toilet, furnace. ftrepUct: paved street and sewer paid up: recently con etructad ; finished in white enamel ; each fiat rests for $6: garage; $1000 down. NEW ROBE CtTT BUNOALCW $4060 Beautiful 5 rm. bung alow, hardwood floor, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet, book case. Dutch kitchen, Jpteakfast nook, finished in whita enamel : $1700 caah required. ANOTHER FINE ROSE CITT $6300 9 room itrtctly modern home, hot water heating system, oak floor and stairway, very built-in. convenience, fireplace elaborately finished, could not be built for $8600 today, itreet and aewer lien all paid, built only 4 yra; $2000 eaah down; this I an exceptional bar fain, nrr bar w aeen the equal in Rom City; oak floors, va ta tha kitchen; see It sure, today. BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE BTJNOALOW $4500 takes one of Hawthorns' elaborate bnxiEaiows, 0 room on one floor, maaaiv built in buffet, hardwood floor, fireplace, finished in ivory and whita enamel, paved itreet; $1600 down. 4 HERE'S A REAL SNAP MT. SCOTT $800 DOWN $2650 3 -room well built home with large veranda. 60x100 cor. lot, sidewalks all paid, fine interior arrangement, 1 block to ear. large hade tree (S ft, ia diameter) ; $500 and vary eaay payment take this dandy bungalow. MANY MORE GOOD BUYS Eight experienced real estate salesmen, with auto, delighted ta show you, good horn day or evening. BIHR-CARET CO.. 219 Railway Bach- Maia 1688. 8d at Stark. Main 8008. OPEN EVENINGS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOT 8ER 1 IRVI5GTON BT IwGALOW On Eaat Ekghta street, between Bra gee and Knott wt have a fine new 6 room bnncamw. double constructed, hardwood doors and hardwood floor throughout, aletprna; porch and break fast room, all built-in, kitchen, din ing and living room, fireplace and fur nace, full cement basement .and gar age. We could not buy the lumber and build thla bungalow now for tha prica we are asking. $6800. terms. 71$ East Couch, we have an 8 roora modem home; thia t doe in and a bice place; gv so thia, and if yon an Pleased will sell it to you tor $5280; can maH good terras. 781 Brooklyn street. Bee Sjonra cottage that wt must sell for th sum of $2500. 75 K. 80th St.. corner of Everett: CO eee this 5 mom cottage for $2150: bo this 6 roora bungalow for $2259 at 878 Oregon st. These two place are extra good bargains and will sell intek. Pk-ase do not disturb tenants but call ua up U you lika them. 275 McMillan at See this modern 8 -room home; ka in fine condition, rkiee to Broadway bridge, street im provement all in and paid for; some one is (Mnir to Mt. a nice place her. Price $4800, terms. i At 184 Botsa s. we bar a nice I room bungalow, all finished In whit enamel ; in good condition ; an excep tional fine buy; tret paved and sewer in and paid for; $2325. See this to day. We hare a nice bargain in this 6 room bungalow, located at 1065 Tilla mook st. ; a very pretty modem bunga low; call and get the key and go sea this. Prica $S500. taxms. FTRNISHED BUNGALOW $3850 At 190 West Humbolt we hve 6 rnoni furnished bungalow, lot 100x100, plenty of fruit on the place; 3 nice bedrooms, targe, living and dining rooms, good plnmbing and bath: f limi ts very good; $1000 down, balance to suit. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A 85 Fourth st. CO.. SOMB Rn.KCTF.n VBOVKVtTDSS NORTH ALBINA DISTRICT B rooms, 8 rooms. Mississippi ar. .$2750 . S800 J .$3000 I . 85O0 I . 4 000 i .$8500 . 4750 . 6500 . . 95O0 : .11,500 I Williams sts ALBERTA DISTRICT 6 rooms. E. 22 nd et 8 rooms. K. 24th st, 6 rooma. E. 7th t LAT'RELHTJRST DISTRICT 7 rooma, E. Glisan st. 7 rooms. E. Flanders, it. T room. E. Couch st 7 rooms. Royal court . . 10 rooms, E. Bum'lde Bln.N l SIDE DISTRICT 6 room. E. Mormon $1800 fl rooms, E. 32d L 2100 8 rooms. Belmont st 22."0 4 room. E. Alder st 8000 7 rooms, Belmont st 4tri0 j We can give terms on these pmprletiea. Ynr , further information see Mr. Fptos. ! J. BOBBINS 801 Railway Exchange. Main 7981 TODAY'S BEST BUY BRAND NEW BUNGALOW $4760 968 KIBBY' $4730 Too much cannot be said la praiaa of this beautiful bungalow ; ask any builder what it will cost to duplicate and he will reply: "Not lees than 6000. Very large lot 60x100. with all street improvement Jn and paid: full cement basement; hardwood floor, built-in! ; Dutch kltrhen; artistic f1r place ; photo at office ; open all day Sunday. J..F. HILL 696 WILLIAMS ATE. East 868 ROSE CITY PARK 8 Room Buncalnw 84780 Here, folks, is your opportunity to get a real good bungalow at a moderate price. Esce-ptionally Urge living room, harfwooa floors, fireplace, buffet complete Duteb kitchen, breakfast nook, oement baeement wash trays, etc. Full lot Paving and ewer paid. Sea this. A. G TEEPE OO 184 Stark St. Main 3092. Branch Office 60th A Sandy (Open Sunday), Tabor 9586. ROSE CTTT PARK fl Room Bungalow $5500 Complete bungalow with 8 room all oa one floor. . Hardwood floor, fireplace, bookeajes, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement baaement furnace, etc Garage Ideally located, right near Sandy on 46th at Let n show you. A. O. TEEPE CO., ' 264 Stark Ht. Main 3o92. Branch Oflce 60th, A Bandy (Open Sunday). Tabor 9686. MB(0)(n) An A-l up-to-the-mlnnto. new. Wy modem bunualow in the Hawthorne district : all modem conveniences and built-in effe te; all around one in this home la iuriting ease and eheerfultVesm comforts planned not to be found ev-ept in exclusive rchltectnre. Not a palace, hut just the neateat 5 room buna-alow to be found for the price. Shown by appointment only. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Etchg. Bldg. Main 0-iV Main 1004 MT. TABOR DISTRICT NEAT COTTAGE AND ACRE Good little 8 room cottage with bath, base ment etc., garage, about 8 nice large chicken house with separate pens, fruit treea. This property bit a beautiful view nd only 2 blocks froxa Mt Tabor ear. Price $4780. term. C. A. WARRESER, RITTER. IOWE A CO., 201-3-8-7 Board of Trade bldg. $8600 COLONIAL HOME $6500 A splendid hums, reception hall with y Freneh doors, large living and dining roosaa, book cases., buffet hardwood floors, cabinet kitchen, fireplace, 3 bedrooms with large, light closet, wardrobes, Hnen closet and rt rawer, complete: fine tilth, sleeping porch; lsundr chute; wide porches; hard surface, etc . all in and paid; 1 block to Broadway car. CLKYEIAND-HENDEBSON CO. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 8792. 6 ROOM house near Brooklyn carshops; house x in good condition: best of plnmbttig: btiilt tn buffet and pantry; electric lights and gaa, larg lisht rooms; hard surface street; food lawn and shrubbery; garage A wonderful buy at $2600, $500 rash: balance $25 per month. J0HNS0N-D0DS0N CO. 632. 633. 834. 636. N. W. Bank bldg. Mm 3T8T- FINE S room home, all on one floor, 100x100 lot with 8 bearing fruit trees, bunk ijorch. eorened in: foil basement- only 3 blocks to ear; 83000, $1200 cash, balance easy. J0HNS0N-D0DSQN CO. 832. 883. 684, 635. N. W. Bank fcrfdg. Main 3787. EAST2"8TH AND HOYT ST. HOME $80008800 CASH Substantial 6-room hous. cement basement, standard plumbing, lot 80x148. wvcral fruit treea ; itreet improvement- paid. cr.wvvf.a vrinrvnimafiK CO I 01 Vt-ilw-- 1,'frh, Hldi Vain TR2 ROSE CITT DISTRICT Two room hosu. 100x100, fine plaoe to raiee chicken, lote of baari-g fruit treaa, all kind of .berriee, chicken', rabbits and fuml tnre. all for $1200, $600 down, balance eay terms. Pbone 818-32. PRETTY BUNGALOW For sale on terms by owner WILL SAVE YOfJ $ $ $ Ifesr, well built, modem home, on paved street near ear, $4290 Sew it eoday. Call 1280 Bandy Bd. or phone Tabor 3 25. FIVE rooms, modern, beside 2 finished attic sleeping rooms, fireplace, fttrnac, full eement basement, garage, 100 feet from car and paved street ; close to school, eter, etc ; cheap for eaah or good caah paymaat Wood lawn 1772. FOB SALE ST 0WN1-B Twa noneea. 4 and 6 moans, also garage, done tn. -will rent for $27 a month. Price only 926-0. Will re tarms. Call 49 Fra- aoat ii HOUSE, ' reesn, rail kaaaxaent and atfJe. paved street, plenty of fruit Iaveatigtte this tor a bartiia. xtQ lot J. J. Ftsbar. taoor aae &. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Tvw-gtor) -room boxue, hat water, funtaca, fractional sonue tet. Take DM ear to 3ii t k.. 1 block tree, pa Vaughn to Mil BY"-OWNER-8 reora plaatered hoa, full ee ment biMtsUBt, furnac. latrndry tray hot aad oM water, gaa and alervicity : $ZZ50. term. Tabor 6426. after 1 a. m. HENfyr get eHtie rissnrane policy yoa do ua r-i: x-i rbat.? - -f i On premium pay tr u Urn. Tit. m TruM Ca. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSE". 1 $37000 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Voat arttttac fct this B vvjoen bungalow: bull tin ctofivcnlencee; frreplar; white enamel plumbing; Weidler near 27th. Eaay term. $8250 ADJOINING IRVINGTON. An attractive 6 room modem bungalow; white enamel plumbing:, electricity; gas; paved et On Ivy. REASONABLE TERMS. We hava-' doaetn of other HOLI-4DAT-IRVINGTON homea, aotn real Bargain. $8930 PIEDMONT H0M Splendid 8 room. o8d concrete 1 t Mor- home; attractive bungalow type; wa boilt by cement contractor for ht own reel- d-nce; full cement baecment? rery practical floor plan; beet white plumbing: conven ient to Joffernun High and Park. Terras. $2000 KENTON HOME. 1 block from Kenton car, near Derby t. . you'll find thi 8 room mrn home: full lot: EASIEST TERMS; owner in town for few ds, orders it aoM. $3980 WALEIXO DISTANCE. Aftra.iv 6 room modem home: hard wood floors; labor-earing builtlna; woodwork ' , old irory, best whits plumbing; full cement basement: furnaces; just repainted inside d out. Waaoo st. near William. Term. Pen. mi sola Monies $2760 Very attractive 8 room modern home; tiring room ha fireplace; coy den; convenient kitchen; white enamel plumbing: full let; 1 h-rvh st close to Concord. L'N C8UAL, BARGAIN. $2830 M ist substantial, double-constrart-d. modern home; pretty dining room wirii bulltin buffet: 2 cheer io1, sunny bedrooms; model Dutch kitchen: white enamel plumbing; electricity; sis, ntot big porch. Couldn't be built today for $3500 J'l-t ?300 will handle. DON T MISS THIS. $2100 Snb'tantiel 6 room home; la raw lot: furnace: fireplace; fall set of pluuibing. electric light tnd gaa. On ( imuha st We hare over 40 good PENINSULAR homes all t very moderate price and teruv Photo of" each m office. Sell wood Homes $3150 7 room modem SELLWOOD home; builrins: white enamel plumbing; electricity; ta,, ,. 17th, near Insiey. Terms. $3160 10 ro..m, modem home; white enamel plumbing; electricity: gat; this can ea.--il- be converted into flats and make a good bring for yon On Hear-on, neat 12th; UN USUAL BARGAIN. $500 win handle. $2500 Comfortable 4 room modem cot tae; white enamel plumbing; eleo tricity: gas; E 17tli. near Spok ane. Easy term. $2350 4 mom typical bungalow; prac tically new; white enamel plumb ing: whit Dutch kitchen; eleq. tn.-i'y; jthv Practically YOUl! OWN TERM."?. Ellis st $1790 5 room, very comfortable modem horue; full enamel plumbing: elec trvtM - ga.: t .-rl 'x ing Sellwood car. EASY TERMS. We have photographs and full information about our .'.0 other homes In Sellwood J , courteous salesman, with auto. a to show' them. Woodstock District $6850 2O0x260: 70 bearing fruit tree; berries: etc.: 7 room, most sub stantia home: furnace; brt white enamel plumbing; 'l lighting fix tures; close to Keed CoLege and oar. A BARGAIN. $5200 Very distinctive, 9 room, modern home; maseiv Una; riumerotis clever bdilti-na; firtplace; .lindid hot water heating sy-Wm ; lOOiino correr Cloaa to car. ANOTHER BARGAIN $2250 5 room typical bungalow; low. rambling lines; very aruistie home; prnc ti ally new; white enamel piiiM.'.-ir.g; electric light and gaa. Term. $1200 Comfortable heme: 8 rooms; fire place: bath; toilet: abundance of I fruit: berrieB. EASY TERMS. We have manv other good bay in th WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. Mt. Scott Homes $25005 room typical bungalow; fireplace; ' bui'tlu convenienoes; beet white eiutmsi pi- inbirg; close to car. A 5 BARGAIN. Easy Terms. f AO , , I esvuo a rwora suosutnuai. mooem ncrn ; white enamel plumbing; 80x100 oonier EASIEST TERMS. We hava phntocraohs of over 60 MT SCOTT borne bargains, all at reasonable pncea and U-rms Fourteen experienced salesmen wttb autoa at your service: ? V. K FRANK L. McQUIRE to r.ry Youu home Abington Vut. Main 1068 OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. I4UnELHURST BEAUTT TWa' most attractive home seta on a big comer 65x100, one block to ear la Laurvlhurst's best district Tb newneas 1 scarcely worn off as It waa built two year ago and therefor ha th idvantag of low coat and up to the minute architecture. The living room extends across th. front and there ti a sun room off of Is A good sized coat closet, a central back hall, a 'beautiful built in buffet in dinftig room and ,ascd furnac are some of the fca tunes. There ia a big music room which could be utilised as a bedroom off of which is rooder bthroom. A Dutch kitchen, brVakfasr r-tD and maid's room romplst the downstair plan. Above stairs i a large tront hedrrxan. two aidt bednooma and one back bed room or seWing room and gnotber very modern bathroom with pedtal lavsrtory. The garage Is very wdi de sirned for two car-. Woodwork throughout house i white emmsl, .ad 11 walls tapestry peper. Thi: hom is dream nd our price of 812. 5u0 low. First tune dv8rtixed. bhown by appointment only. HITTER. LOWE A CO , 201-8-5-7 Board of Trad bldg. GRAHAM AVENUE BETWEEN , GANTENBEIN AND COMMERCIAL $47508 Rooms$4750 House in first class condition; old ivory finish; Urge room; hardwood floors ; built, in bookcase-. ; fine electric fixture.; attic; good furnace: beautiful lu-Kpiac; crage; alley; big lot, 42x 126. Thia property 1 close in and can be hand'ed with $2500 cash; photo at of tic; open all day Sunday. J. F. HILL 6 WILLIAMS AVE. Eaat $tw 4 dlldD room moern Come, near f7th end eji( Ankeny; a very comfort able walking distance in. Full 60x 100 lot; bearing fruit Th lot is worth at leaat $8000. Tills leave '$1600 for bouse that could not -,be built under $3500. In other word, a bargain of at least $2000. Full basement trays, furnace, ee ment floor. Three living room and hall of first floor. Three large, light, cheerful rooms an eoond floor. This bargain is In a sec tion af fine homes, not a rental district, and trill appeal ta ona who is keen to a refuted XMighborboad. Thl place is shown by appoint ment Only. J. A. WICKJIAJf CO.. 204 Ry Exchg. Bid. Maia 648. Mta 1084 yfS'E chance for place oa eaay terms; acre, nearly new 4 room plastered boo; garace; tarn, chicken bonae and yard fpcd; $1000, only $200 cash, be-anew like rent JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 62. 63$, 634. 6S3. N, W. Bank Yt&M. liam $7$T. KEAL ESTATE fOR SALE HO 17 S E B 41 DEMTM A JORDAN HOME BARGAINS ROSE CITY PARK $10,500. One of tha meet attrac tiv home on Saodv Bonlriard: 8 .rooots, white enamel woodwork, bread Veranda ; trorind cover 1 H lota. Boauttfui flowers, ahreba and trees. IRVINGTON DISTRICT $4200. Very complete room hrmsa. furnace, fire place, every bedroom has two window. Art snared so Chat hosieekeetrt-g is mtal-mi-ed. Tanas. 14th. St EAST 41ST ST. SNAP $t$rf?. 5 moms and bt.b. Otily one blcck from Irvington car. Full sited comer lot See us about these. DF.KI M A JORDAN $28-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th A Stark Hta. Main -Sf. COR. KIRBY AND PRESCOTT Bungaiow Cottage 6 moms: attic unfinished but ceiled; newly painted; 'corner lot. S7 ViloO; level with street; all improvement In; street stied both sides; front and bank porch; full baaejnent: electric light and fa; fine location for a physician. $3500. Ternia Photo at office. Open all day Sumlaj J. F. 696 Williams Ave. East -68 5 room cottage located on Sin Rafael itreet. between Williama ave nue and Rodney ave. Fine large lot with six large fruit tree. Hard pavwl street ia and paid for. This is an exceptional buy. It arlU pay you to investigate. Price 2600. $500 cash. Balance hke rent J. F. Hiil 698 Williams A vena. 4s 288. lJ2Story Bungalow $4 500 WEST PIEDMONT $4600 Newly painted: furnace; garage; aia moms, 4 below nd 2bov; fronts on paved street; laandry tubs; exception ally well built: $4500, $2600 eaah; photo at office; open Sunday. J. F. 696 WILLIAMS A. E. Ewt 268. ROSE CITT PARK New Nifty Runjalow $6280 Located on 4 0th end itruee, one block north of Sandy. A really wonderful bunga low. Thoroughly constructed knd Ideally arranged. You must see thi to appreciate the real value. Hardwood floors, tireplace, buffet. Imtch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement furnace, etc. Paving paid. A O. TEKPE CO. 264 Stark St. Main .'Ion.'. Branch Offlc 80th A Sandy (Oj0 Sunday). Tabor 9686. WEST SIDE ' $8500 BEAUTIFUL HOUSE $8500 Here ia a veal home nicelv located in one of tha best realdence districts of th. west side; 6 ron, double sleeping porch nd on. finished room on 8d flx.r; firenUce, fuil cement base ment. 1 furnace, full 50x100 lot, tile lawn and shrubbery; all strrrt Improvement" In st:d plld. This is an exceptionally well built home sod in lir.t ola;s condition Hcasonabl. terin. Call at office for information in fulL C. A WAltRINER, RITTER, LOWE A Co.. 201-8-5 7 Board of Trade bldg. $4500 In one oi the best section! of Pled mont: convenient to all rm; 7 rooma. all large, light and cheerful, ' four bed ruunta: modem conveni ences; faces northeast; hrd ur faced street In ind paid; one of the attractive features of toil place is the inltis! prment, and mak p nients about like rent. J. A. WH'KMAN CO . 204 Ry. Exchg. Illdg Main 51 Main met FOR quick sale wn offer this $3000. $800 cish. hslance Uke rent K rooms. A v r II built hous with tsaUt. gas. electricity, concmU" foUnlalJ.ti. full baaetornt, on 010j east front lot with 10 fruit treea; 'v bhs-k u Alberta car, 2 blocks to school, convenient to storei.. 2$ minute ride out This is bargain. Johnsoai-Dodsoo Co. 832. 633. 634. 836 N W Bank bldg. Main 3787. ft ? "1 xSifft "Sold to two pnrch last week svasVKsws-r party ho md deoosit first was nnble to riae the money, and second pty boaght .laewhere Thi two story modern hnuae is on corner lot on Sharer tt. near Mb tiss'ppl; hard surfaced itreet in ml raid. Will be (old agala thi week. Requires $1050 to handle. J. A. WICKMAN CO., en. 13 i . -1 - lii.t- vj -. j s . i ,ne.. " -Ai.a- isiiu . main lutrs j Snabur-jan and. City Sionies T.rg ind emsl!. ellli or without building, or anything jou may wish; cheap nd eaay pay roenta. Tell us what 'on want Vt e ha v. It Tabor 4811. or call Tabor I486 from f to 9 p. m. , HOME 'AND AJJ INCOME Double .oue; 2 sUiry. 5 motna and batli on each fioor; cement baaement and laundry tray for apart meht. There ia aiso an attis. :.0xl00 about 8 blorfcs from car. Price JS'iOfl. tent?.. See K. M. Il-o-n with NeiSan & .Parkhi. 219 Lumberi.ieii- l;i.i. 8th and Miark 6i ' A1.BE11TA BARJJAIN 7-rnora, H sV.,r house. rod reilr. modem pluaebing. electric., ga... tc., lot aOxlO.. som. fmi'. clse t car, ch'Hl. store, etc.. Owner leaving citj and of'ers to sell this fine hom for $3000. $1200 cub. hitence to gult, . R. M.Qatewood & Co. ' 165 Vk 4th st NEVER AGAIN 4-room S'-ml-modefn bungalow, all famished, basement ehicsen hosi-e and fruit, 4 blocks to car, elose to hard -urfaee aad school. 2 lots 40x100, all for $1600. $800 down, halanoe eaay. Tabor 4811. r call Tabor 1488 from 7 to 9 p. m. fcOOD prcvement in and- paid; hemy. 1. aat aad clean: bath, toilet, ga snd electricity For Im mediate saU. Price $10, $600 caah, balance 626 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 683. 634. 686, N. W. Bank bids. Main 8787. J Immedikite Possession ' 6 room honjie snlii buffet Initeb kitetwn. fonaace, excellent garage. $3600. HAWTHORNE RHALTT CO, 3TU AND HAWTHORNE TABOR 7463. IF TOU WANT TO HEH7 TOuTTTTtiM CXET MEl OENTT.T SAY TO TOU: WHY NOT PELL IT?' IF YOU WISH TO OET THE CASH, LET ME WHISPER, FRIEND. TO TOU: I HAVE IT. 1 1T-NOT EN0UH (N HAND, WILL OET SOME MOBR), PLEASE WHITE MOOR. R-Jl L JjOURNAl FOR SALE-Buitow, Mh. Condition I brifht rwortu". bath tod pa4rf, gftTc floored. crnmt baeemect, built In, oossd ehk-ken bona. and pea mt . Roe-, all taring : location good; oloea to can. Snap, $8160. 1066 E 26th .V. Owner ', - 4-BOOM modern cottage, $1 66 eaah. balaac $20 month; aeaa) eaeatioa, fia sawn, frait, $t6. Safe Investment Co. 42$ Bury Uc . HEAL ESTATE FOE S A I. F, HnrrTFS 81 -HbrHFrV -awtfoorne Bun ga Sow $3200 6 rooms and sle-i'lng rsoreh, 11 ring room, dining .room, library, kitchen ami sleet"- lag porch on first floor, ona full bed mora on .ootid floor. Bath, trhll enameled ay plumbing, fall oement banerortit with -furnace. This bungalow is In lrt nlae roti dtUon thmnghoat and h eplmdid bny $l00 . wfll hndla Beaut!fu. Bungalow $425 On 8$d kt. near liavrlhorm) ave,, w have a oomnle ft lssnm hiinoslne sHt h lrg. receptjnn roova, living n-rrn, dining mom. but1nl built In buffet White en ameled kttchen. 2 bedrooms, fwll basement, hot water heal, strict. Improvement in amt Pld. Nothiajg In Uawthorrm 'rtistrid rood for th- SunnysideHawt!iorne District $3750 6 roorn. norption hall, living Mm, dining room, two ntP bedrooms, Isrv kitchen, full floored itt.le. can msVa thee additional rooms in attic if you like. Flill bs.n,-nt (th fiirna, one bbwk from ,Mt. Ts be. caeltna, on Improved street. 61000 -iti handle. Will tak. rasd nto moblle '-r fir-i favment CloeIn Home $4250 Dn E. 26tj st, mm block frwro n City car. w. have for sale a vojll built 10 mom Hon so, 6 rooms and reoeptior hill on 'irsf floor. 6 bedrooms and biOi on second floor, ishlle ensmeled plmnin. gas and ele..trictty, fine cement fruit ce-ilsr, lee AOtloo. fruit and flowers. Mlro impmremenbi pstd We can sell yoo khu prooertv o- rr- easy teems Little Farm in City $4000 Lot 180x100, cla in on 80th st . rm of the best built house, in ihe cits. , rooms, reception ball, living roora. ft re-tare, paneled dining Mom. large k In hen. bath, whit enameled plumbing, two beilrusma on first fltMr and tlirw on econd floor. " Full basement. Ton could mt build thi house for loss than .s.0oo This is enn dcrful buy t ,4100. 7f,0 will handle Alameda Dis. Bunga-ow $3200 Four memw si-1 large living mom vrllS garagfs. Oombiuaiion living noni and din ing room wllh fireplace, I)ut-h kitchen, large hreaV'ael riHirn nnd two bednm. full floored attic. Tmi on easily make .two afldltlonnl roomi with llttla (ntpensa Bsment. oomer lot street Improreinenui In nd raid Rose Caty District $2475 ' In room bungalow, la raw Jot, long .100. living morn, dining nm. two be.1 moma. Irutch kitchen, bathroom, white enameled plnmbing. good basement This I- s dandy plnre or chickens snd garden Wii.amette Boulevard $2650 7 room bungalow with garage, 4 room on firt floor. B on aecon dfli.r, bath, white enameled plumbing, electric lights, full 'ct 60x100. on comer. Street plied ami aid for. This la 1 splendid buy, $00il cash, balance like rent , For imrtlRiilar,. see P. M- PADDEN. ftalea Mansger. Metzger-Parker- Ferguson Co. Oround lorn, u ok t Broailway 8644. Formerly Stanley S Thoiruiaon Co. Allbllriia Aveoue BETWEEN HKIDMOUE AND MASON f2ROO. IIOOO rh; trm t null on hm Ik lift. 3 roro" nil h t h on cmiind flrwir; 2 unfinl hn r rn in atflc; ill linprf'mttnii In; Itit :i.1xlM; alley: cU, to gnmiutr $i.1 high $v!urol. I'hnto t trffic. OiMn Hi tft iHui-dfty. J. F. Hill 696 Williams Ac t( itt$ . BOSE' ' ITT PA UK REAL VALUE HKIlE,---$5260 Say, folks, il J-i'j can pay li.l ! cash, w dl want you to see this wt,drrol huuiialow. If really burgsln. I'iln ll-d 10 r b old Ivory and whit, throughout Vnu wi.l ap p reel st. the rwal hivpft workmstishhi and the care and psliv that were required to eonstroct and finish this home. OI cimrse It has hardwood floors, firilce, hullei, Irutch kitchen, cement hasemerii. ftirnsc.. etc Tes. there Is a garsge. Paving tiul ter paid Itenii'ihhi i . iMs rciwiros Lalf oath. A. a TEEPE Ota. 264 Stark St.. Main .T.,u Branch 'iffve Ml in A Sandy (Open buimayl, labor Ut.tB. FJveRoom Bungalow $3450 -TV'Y STUELT $3480 Between Union and Rodney a-es. j lot EiOxlOO, paved Ktreet; rement hse resnt ; excellent. nelBhborhoijd . rlose tr carlin.; 684AU. easy term-; photo at el i':. open all day Sunday. J. F. H.LL 896 WIU.1AM8 ATE. Esal 268 A LAtMR euFurst BEATff" SNAP Foil tjncK SALE Modem to the minute. 6 moms and rtertrq fiorch. all built In crmvenienoes, flrei.lce, bntlt n buffet, bookcases, full Ditch kitchen. fin ished in white enamel, porch also finished l white: go1 high fnll cement basement, dan ly fumsce, lsrge garage, with full oement runway, II psveinent In tl paid; 50x100 lot; lust block from ear Only f s,OH. If this Un't bargain there Isn't one In Portland l A. WA1UUNEK, HITTER LOWE A CO, 01 3 5 7 Board of Trsdc b'di. 1 H STORY bungalow on Ml Tabor, lOhxlof corner lot. with Improvement- sll In aod paid, 1 bhck to car. hntis. nearly rew; mferiof fin lslird In gty enamel; living roomt dining room, 1 hedriKint. kltrhen end breakfast nook on firet floor, 9 t.elroomj and aleeiing Kn-h op; a beautiful mrxiern hom.. prica $9600, $50M$ JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 682, 633. 684, 636. N. W. Bank bhlg Main $197. LOOSCTHIS OVER Modern hom. off 7 raeaa axsd ateevana xnrei large Living roocn dining aod mnsio room, hard wt1 fkiorg. firn-lua, btiilVfns, ful) gsenl bsernefit.. furnace, eta; fall lot 50100. PL SStli, ehae to Sandy bird . Iq district of rrino hom as. It a gilt slisnlv $6760, $1000 down. K A HltS A HA INI T 828-6 Gaaco bkig. Msrshall 8 1 IS. &OSE Clf1TH(JME 8 Urge rooma, rTy coiivenieritly 6rrang4 and strictly modern throughout, hardwood floor, furnace, firei!a'e built in -t-iffet- wash tra, etc ; double constructed. Th.i hem kt aeag the Sindy blvd. and 4 5th st . can be saavi by only. Price $0300, reasonable tennt R. M. Qatewood & Co. r 1 65 S 4 th at Jli E. BelmonT Trotriui. oror lot, spleniCI conditton. Improvements all paid $6260. 761 tC. fltiroside. 7 rooms, tin eonditloB. T8HX1O0: sacrifica. $7000. imp. paid. Hawthorne tve. houM, 7 rooms, ida) location, all oonvenienee. Pric $5760. For full partlculai sail Mr. Harry Prlaa Palmer. Eaat 7976. 1 ,0OALBEttf A T1Sf KfCf tin. taod-ra" 4 room bUDivw, lust built last an.ror; good lot, plenty of frait, I hlr-k to oar . IM a no you -thi piaoa A bargain. PYRAMID LAND CO. 60S 4 Tithe ft Tmst Bldg. Maltt 6232. $22od seven . nooliTli6rHL " " rli set plumbing-, 1 block St. John car. A rJ good botu. nic diktrtot Maaaonabla' b. r KELLY Main 777$. 716 8w1Mnd Bldf. ACCOUNT of leasing dty I rrffrr ly rMnc for sale an eorrMr of T8th and ft.. Olieaa at, Lsyt 10014s. 6-room houe. all eonvsmiencea. 87 nut and fruit treea, ill kinds of small froltj prica $6000 If taka It onca. g-74, Jcmmal. A MODERN 9 ' room bms aod $ lot,' ohiy $4100: $1600 down. kL to tdt Aaath 77 roora modera hew. for $00 i kaif caah. bal. to (trlt, Street improvement fa ir.J paid. Call Mala 7688. tat Saat 6686, , 0, I i