THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 19, ,1920. 10 'TTTOMOBILHe. AND ACCEBSOBUBt Covey Motor Car Co. Tli requirements of a sed car are jnst as etrrnuous a u ttj dimud for .ervlee from e new ton. If proper rervioe lit going to be resvi igid. U used car should fc rehuilL The following ears are ready for delivery, hating gon Lnrougli our reconstruction depart aaeot. DODGE CARS 1014 Tearing, good u res, rebuilt 3 90 1918 Touring, demountable winter loj). . 1 1H 7 Sedan, new paint, rebuilt 1300 191.1 Touring, nrw top. rebuilt 600 1918 Bub Mx roadster, rebuilt ...... 1309 1 U 1 T Re., four roadster. A t ihape .... H0 11 7 hjaerl kar. fine- six fur 'I"'!! b 1 7 Buiek four touring 760 1019 Orgrlgud. newly painted 700 ltt Chevrolet tonring. good one T- 1!I8 Chevrolet touring 5S0 lff?o Maiwell. brand new. . Why wail?,. 1050 111 IS Maxwell roadster, a map 1917 Maxeell louring, big value W FORDS , I'litiMial Siiai-. lO.'O Ftrd lourmi, rtarter. n 6" 18 IS r.irl touring, pniv only 420 J 1 J JS r(,M immni, electric, starter, wire wheels, other extra, only .... 573 1018 Ford sedan. dndy .liape. wire wheeU starter, good tirn. . . . 800 HERE 8 THE BIG OSES 1618 Cadillac. 7 paaa.. ref.tUahed, a beau- litul "r 8500 1916 CadHlac touring, in excellent con. diUon; a i:ar jou cau be very proud of 17fi0 101 ft Cul'llac X cjl. roadster; thia Ls a l'.tKi Cadillac fjl., roadster; newly - painird, and in A I shape, only 1300 1018 Packard 'twin ! ; Hue is a rriuarkably good car and only.. 4000 1911 Packard tm six; a beauty 2250 j.ozier Limousine; good looking car 1260 COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Wshing'on t. at .'Int. Main 6244. Cars of the Better Kind 1918 FoRD COUPE, extra tir. and bumper. 11)19 PATTERSON. See this one. 19 IT IX-'Li'iiC. past., extra lira and apote light OVERLAND, PM. OAWLLAf. t< VIXIE SEDAN. BO pr cent new. wlra "hVtS BIJICK OAIHTFU. ONE-TON IfOHU TRCC. 2 TWO TON M ASTF.R TRUCK, a drmoB atrutur, l vt crnt new. Used Car Palace 1 CHION ATfei. H. KAT TH ins In Nearlly New Cars I. A Id. I. l.nWKST AbauliJMKNT- PRICKS Assocoated Motor Sales Cosnmipany lOtli and Cuch t. F.rdw4y 118. M. B. FISCH j Raltaloni, fendrrn, bdlre, hijcdi. iiinim mjigirra ann nranu-i". Auto abrt nital work a Hue cialty. 60.1 llurnaide utreet. Pliona Krnadway 2'J0H 101 H rriU tmriiig car; all new lirrn. witli "tt fvln. tinipft new storage batt'ry, shook absorber, tl. motinlable . rlin and other extras; J.'tllO and tnrim. lli:i,lS MOTOR CAR CO.. J 4 1 1t and AhIit Broadway 240. M AX WEI.I. touring. It's a late model. Priced luiv at the used car sate. 14 III AND BURNS IDE 101" ' II KVBOLET t.vuring. fine condition; good lire-. Will sell for $6110; terms. 1 II I.DS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14ili ami Alder. Broadway 240. 19IJ BRISCOE touring, in A-1 shape through out : jn.-l rcftulthed like new and runs line. A Kiip st $i."itl; small payment down, long easy ternt. ott llw balance. A I AL'TO umiK A PAINTING CO.. 020 Alder bt. OVI.RI.ANH tin. into, a fine light car. anil this one is iii the best of condition; $2o0 down, balance lo suit yuu. 19TII AND COUCH. Bdwy. 118. FORDS? EH. you will find some Fords at the used oar sale. 11TH AND BCRNSIDE ini OVERLAND Rig Four touring, equipped witli brand new tires, mechanically r start also budj and top and upholstering: owner will sacrifice as needs the money: can arrange for terms Can be seen at 109 11th st. bet. Stark and Washington. ASK ua for the make of car you want; we hare it ; Irt V show yinV ASSOCIATED MOTOR SALES f'O.. 19TII U COUCH. Bdwy. 118, lTl OonfMoiirlng. iuat 'out of raJnt andre palr shop, completely overhauled, practically new tire , guaranteed; will aacrifice and gjve terms. 109 11TH ST. BET. STARK AND WASH. 188 GRANT! AYK USED CAR SPECIALISTS We will appraise your car free of charge. What Is your car worth? Bring it in and find out. 1918 FORD touring car, fine Urea, Yale lock. shock absorbers and other extras, motor In fine condition, $500 and terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., Htli and Alder. Broadway 240. Ll i IIT Bl'ICK touring, run less than 1 0.r)T3 milea, new paint, lob loka lute brand new car. O. K. mechanically; good tires. I'iw $1100 with ternm. 18 down, Mr. Argo, Broad way 3381. ON F. fniS Maxwell, A-1 mechanically. $650. One Chalmers Six. 1916, perfect mechanical ly: $550. One Saxon Six. $560. Mr. McCoy, Montgomery Garage, Front and Montgomery Marshall 1T79. '17 CHEVROLET "490." perfect condition: new lubricating system: Cadillac "8." family car, jttt like new. perfect in every detail. lilts mgr , Fielda Motor Car Co. 1918 CHANDLER chummy roadster, in good mechanical condition; good tirea and wire wheels; just repainted. A bargain; will give term-. Phone Marshall 1060, Apt 42. UXSMOBILE in the beat of condition, (nod paint, good tires; a real bargain gt $2i. with terms. 30 Grand are. north, near Burn side. 188 GRAND AVE! Oakland com, like s new car. fine condition dandy tire; a 16r.O car for $950. 188 GRAND AVE FOR gALR by owner! $3200 car for $300 caan Investigate. Walter. Tabor 2729. or Broad way 1T64. ' CMtV'n5LET--Light delivery, new tire, and In perfect mechanical condition. $200 cash, bal anoe easy. HO N. Bnaidway. Bdwy. 8247. Studebaker four in the bSnyr condition", good tires; a real bargain at 1760. and will give terms. 50 Grand are, north, near Burnaide. 1 8R n rand ave; 1916 OVERLAND MODEL 83. GOOD : DliArr,. aa.o. HCPMOBILE REAlT" BARGAIN EMPILK ItJiADsTKU RIG SACRIFICE GLOBE GARAGE. 80 N. 20TH OLIS MOBILE New tires and juat overhauled! $7S0 cash or terms. 90 N. Broadway. Bdwy. B4 i . 1819 CHEV'BoTfcT roadsur. Uy' run 3 0 0 rntiea: will sell at reasonable price and tie some terms. Main 7457. vplcan" "tTbe SHoi5 Fint class Ure repairing; bgrgalu In new and used tirea. East 4899, 41 Grand gvs. BlEV'BOLET J918. In the bestof cor.diti.aZ ' PeJnt and goad tires; a real bargain. 3678. 80 Grand ave. north, near Bumside. FORD rosdstsir 1918 bode 1914 motor thoroughly ovarbauled, $275. Puoue Sell. 1653. , FOR SALE Fonl cliass. p,-griy tu new , n 1 Ford light delivery. $150 cash, balance $10 mon tl is. 1015 W. I xiiu bard, or take St Johns car. LATE MODEirrORD TOURING fFIN.K"C0N- DITlUN NEARLY EW TIRES; $475. CASt OK ThUIMS. 4 24 BELMONT. MAXWELTetouriug, 19T7. " f m "" oondlUon. good tires; a bargain at $373. with terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Bumside. MAXWELL )9 19. tn A 1 condition, used pr rauly: wtH aacrifice. $950 and give terms. 30 Grand- Ave, north, near Burnaide. FORD ROADSTER. GOODHlNDPriTT??! GOOD TIRES. 8260. 424 BELHONT AUTOMOBILES ARB ACCESSARIES ti DSEB CAES OF MERIT ra-kard Twin Sis, aiotfal 1-3S. 7 D-ng-r i-ar, ioosa and rung Ua f and has b cord tirea; Jut out ( bot, $3350. Pa-ard Twin Sig, nodal i ll. 7 paa rnfvr. new paiot and ruiia lie a new car. SlMiOO. Parrlaaa 8. 7 pawntcr. all new mbbr. ns apara, baa buinpar. sf'ti'rht, IB (get, car ia lii new and oaJy t!00. Naah Sli. good rubbar. Thla U g nlca liglit eii - taka g ride in it. Price u just ricbt. fl35. Nagli Ail. 4 paiwncrr. Tb kind oa an looking for. 11150. tHudebakrr big 4, good robber, 50. tudi'baker little 4, 5 paaaenger. only 1450. CwUlla'- 4. n-lce Martlng and lighting, good urra, 1600. Willya 7 paaaptigrr gad only JS00. 191 Old 8. Eaay Wmt. J1300. PortEand Motor Car Company 4U1 Bgrntida St Guaranteed Used Cars King "H" Roadl Chalmerg Liabt . I?10 . 1050 950 . 1726 Bix. Orerland Btudebaker Sedan National " 1 2.' Uae new . are cord tirea. juat 1490 Late model Itavia ehommy, o cord tire, apot light, bumper, motnmeter. 1920 lirene. iuat like new 1425 Orerland 676 TERMS GIVEN TRADES CONSIDERED Broadway Used Car Salesroom It. O. WOODS. Mar Broadway at Hoyt Hi. Oproaite New P. O. Pbona Broadwaf 60. FORDS FORDS We hgT the rargii utoek of used Forda In the North went. All model to aelect from. TOI'ltlNIi CARS ROADSTFH8 i:oi;ik.H SUDAN'S bi ;!S TRICKS DK1.IVER1E? TRL'OK ClUtiSIS OPEN StNDATS UuiiversaS Car Exchange MOIK.AN A TCIII.KY BI.UC. 09-71-73-70 Crand Are.. Coruer Surk. Automobiles Cashed TOD BUT OR SELL A CAR; WX FURNISH THE MONEY OCR PLAN WILL PLEASE Y017 OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO 208 SELLING BLDG. (2d FI.OOR1 TWO fine 1019 Chevrolet tourings, all com pletely overhauled, ready to go and give good service; terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. IX)OKING for a Buick Light Six? You'll find it at the used car sale. 14TH AND BLRNSIDB 1ft is I'ORD touring car. fine shape, good tires; $475 and terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. FORD COUPE, excellent condition; 5 new tires, electric starter; many other extra; make us an offer; will give terms. 19TII AND COUCH. Bdwy. 118. CHANDLER SU: juat run in and see thig at the used car sale. 14TH AND BCRNSIDE 188 'OR AND AYE. ' USED CARS We have a large and well assorted stock of vised cars in tiptop shape and ttiey are ready for you now. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND YAMHILL $1 000 BEST buy in city: 7 pessengVrJ ef f cry nm.iel 1917. positively first dam mechanical condition, full cortl tire equipment, closost inspection invited. Red Cap Garage. 409 Stark at., Portland. Or. HERE'S a real bargain in a late modeTPord; lota of extras and a real buy; $420, $lto down, balance easy A-1 AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO.. 52j Alder st. CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE $285 bujs late model Ford touring nice shape every way. Call auick. as car is llfLO ueiow marsei value. rata down, long time cn balance. small payment 605 Alder SPECIAL Velio sport car, Victoria top. 6 tires and all the extras you can get on it; driven 5100 miles; no reasonable offer refused.' 4263. Mais MAXWELL touring 1920, used privately, la the rery best of condition; will sacrifice at $1000 and give terms. 30 Grand ate. north, near Bunuide. 1918 PAIGE, 5 peas.. Hgj,t ui touring car, ia fine condition; 6 good tires and in fine me chanical condition; a bargain; terms. Phone Marshall 1013. MUST SELL MY HCDSON 6-40 LIGHT-Kn? AT ONCE; A BARGAIN. IN FINE RUN NING QUALITY CAR CALL ADAMS. TA BOR 80. OR MAR. 6342 SNAP Must sell at oiioe my Oktsmobile eiaht 7-iasenger. 1918 mode!, 5 nearly new cord ttn. Call before 12: o'clock a. m.. hZ Last 7619. 1918 PAIGE- 5 pa job; as. ; beautiful new high- ! enn4 I grade paint engine overhauled; tires; looks and runs like new $450 cash pel. 10 mos. Mr. Argo. Broadway 8281. I) TOir want a bug we hare several CTiov. I from; con early; term, given. 109 llthi st lietween Stark and Washington. Itblal tl 1 DP (Ml I .T T- i-ewv W3WWW. i" asiJ ' ; 1 - j ii,.. o l.1Iiytt1- mn rin. $200 down. ?""e t case: sow. Main 7445. BRINGING UP FATHER WELL "WHAT DO YOU VJrVKT? I KNOW THEftf; S NO USE AtiKlM' PrH IT" - I eME IN TO TCLUTQO TMEftt lA BOOK V;Er4T OOTIOc TO -ixx. "TOO - wt lerrv rsATvany Sasieiaa. lvV AUTOMOBILES ATTD ACCKSSOKIE9 A GOOD USED OLDSSLODH 1C la a mneh better buy than many new ran. We bate aeTeral tliat we can recommend. LIBERAL TERMS 1917 CHALMERS f ?T.O 1918 HLPMOBILE 900 1918 MITCHELL SIX 800 j 1918 f'HEYROI.ET 600 1917 MAXWELL 600 1919 DIXIE KLTEU (new). 3 tire 127i 1917 OAKLAND SIX 750 SAXON Rrtadeter 600 OLDSMOBILE CO. Broadway and Couch. Pireadng) 2270. USED AUTOMOBILES Big i-k of High '!rade cars to teiect from of various different tnak. VV are in a p-iUnri to gif you mrit libergl trrius and no hrfkeratie charges. YiMir dollar is wit-Mi !0t wi'h ua. Hre are a few we offer for your approval ; 1919 Jordan, 7-paenger, 6c.hnder. 1919 Mllebell, 7-paaMiiver, S i-ylindur. 1919 Mitchell, S-pawenser. H-cylinder. 1917 Velie. .'.passenger. 6 (lindcr. 1011 Packard. 5 paaj-enger, tl cylinder. Ifll S rttudepHker, & laatenge-. 4-olind(.r. 1917 Mitchell. 2 passenger, Solinder. 1017 Miichell, 3-pawnger, fi rvlimler. 1017 Studebaker Iteliyery. 4 e;iinder. 1917 iNjrt, 5-puengtr, 4 cylinder. 112 'mt, " pus'-enger. H-cylinder. 1 f 1 1 tlTerland, r paHsenger, 4-cyhnder, 1911 f'handler, 7-v-tiBer. 6-clinlcr. 191 WriiM-o. 2'a!enger, li-ohmler 1916 Chevrolet, 6 pgaaenter, 4 cylinder. Prion $300 and up. Cal or Terms. rsED CAR DKPAHTMKNT MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. EjsI lirht and Hurra.. n S'.a. 1-:T SIDK riALKSKOdM BROADWAY AT OAK ST.S. Phone: Eat 7272, Brnad-.-.ay .MS matic- 212 Id, "i.'l.T 43. Auto- WHEN YOn WRECK em and ben d t:m. her tl. G. UKKBER Tn IlADLTOil MAN" bullda bodies, repelri ra dlatom, b.ii, fenden and all auto iliut metal parta NEW I.OPATION 11Tn AND DAVIS OPP. THE ARMORY. BROADWAY 1873 FOS"d! lPsiirt. vioi u ul Ford Cars KORO KEPAIKINU. HU1D SERVICE. FORD ACCESSORIES. Williann L. Hughson Co. HO N. Broadway at Davia Bilvij. 321. Authorized Ford Dealer S.nce Hci3. BARGAIN I.N 1318 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Jl ST OVERHAULED AND HE PAINTED, 4 GOOD CORD TIRES. i'ODAY GUARANTEE. SAME AS FACTORY GUAR A N't EE. ALL READY TO Go. $7(10 1MIWN WILL HANDLE. CALL MARSHALL 6342. GEORGE WHY PAY MORE 1918 l ord $ 4 00 1917 Chevrolet 500 mix Maxwell tiL'O 1 1 1 H Saxfn six chummy VOO Lech overhauled bv us, rsch tine a snap. easy terms, Mar. 1428. C. H. S. Co., 63 N. 23 rd. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 83 CSED DELIYERT CARS TRADED IN FOR OldsnrnobiEe Econommy Trucks LIBERAL TERMS 1919 ton special Republic, used than six weeks 1917 BUICK light delivery 1915 F0K1) 1 ton; express body .... 1918 FORD light delivery 1917 llEO speed wagon 1917 DODGE light delivery Half tun Stewart; express body 1917 FORD; panel body. 1918 FORD ton chassis One WHITE delivery 1918 Chevrolet delivery LIBERAL TERMS .$12o0 700 j 425! 460 600 750 473 500 400 630 OLDSMOBILE CO. Broadway and Couch. CSED TRUCK BARGAINS Studebaker pin body. QMC I ton. body and top. 960. 1-ton, almost new, body and top, $1250. Republic I -too. tborought overhauled. caw tires, $850. . .... MPolAira ll1 '-ton- moTm thorough. - mi. iy overnaulea, i;u. 3H-ton worm drive: $2600. ' j """"'' Te s"01. used i ump trucas at Bargain counter price.. WENTWORTH A IHWIN TNG Corner Second and Taylor TRUCK HEADQUARTERS FORD tmckrworanrlfe. extra large panel i hoilv. W 11 sell . g656 and live terms. SO Grand ave N.. near Burnaide. REAM FIE WORE HOW MAT-CY TlMf., MU5T ITtU-TOO I DON'T WANT TO aEE,A-lv vtryraer-Afrtsi'rse.A I 1 w - TO A LADTY S, w a ler S t ilir J1 jl v : TaTXCXS AHD TBACTOSS (JUAUTY USED. TRUCIS i Packard S tow, body and Vtolet. good rub ber and U ready Ui go tv wurk. Tgmu, 11650. Republic 3 Urn, gew tiree. Tblg truck ran only 7 rooDiha, htt, 19Z0 lieeaa and fiat body. $1900. 1 ton trunk, 'engine almost new, good tiret. This ia tbe beat buy In town; 5200 down and Uie balance terms. White ton, food Urea grid rung ag only a White can. Good bay fur gome one at $500. Portland Motor Car Company 421 at. rriK SALE 4 Ti ton motor trw-a cbasi.', without engine, etv , fcuiuble lor trailers I.ispect at Willbridge plant. Address inquiries t'nion Oil Co. bldg.. Portland. KtlRD 1 ton tnick chaAH. jnst a good aa new, lyih nimlel ; will Mcrtfire for $393; I dnn. balaoce eav. 19th and Coucb ala, Krog,ay lis. AUTOMOBILES WA5TEB 71 CASH FOR USED CARS Bring your cars to me and get the high market value. We buy any .late light model and pay cab in your hand 'iet the right 1-la-e. SOft A'. DEM NT AT VI V ! l.KNTH ST. Red Front. Faed '"ar Company. WE PAY CASH for nued cars Be cure to tea u . b-fv'e pWling your car. BUT LEU MOTOR CAR COMPANY SELLING USKTJ CARS S87 E. Burntidt, at approach of Buraiide Bridge WE PAY CASH FOR LA MODEL CARS ISED CAR EXCHANGE 127 LOWNSDAI.B Phone Broadway 5666. B'KING-)!! "your-used-iir and get the caih; no delay Ai.ocia!i-d Motor Sales. 19tb and Coni'li t. Brcdway 118. HKiHUST prlce ua:d for automobile, condition no object 121 N 3d t. Broadway 202O. T I iTe? Slightly u.-ed, $3 to $15 each. El pert tir.. repairing 207 Madison. WANTED I'ned Kord tmck from owner; gie full pHiti'-ularp and priro. R H80, Journal. $ino EuriTY 7.-rii lioue. 1 acre, t.ntdt: for 'ar S,ll.iod 1947; evenings. PLAYER piano ruble $."f0 and cali for auto. Z-S72. Journal. VAN T E IV A Ford bndy Call M ai tl J 72 T'flitD, condition no .ihtrct. Ea-1 2091. ATJTO REPAIR SHOPS FORD OWNERS 88 PY ITT t rtverhnnlptl 20 Rear gjle overliaoled '. Valeea ground, carbon removed giatneto recharged a We band-lap pittoru, gerape beanng. ete., which ini.rea a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford paru only AU work guaranteed. GUARANTEE ACTtl KEPAIU CO.. 2 80 Front at,, corner Jefteraoo LET us paint your auto and save money; high grade work done. atiifactJon aaanred; sign ,nd monogram-. 263 Kuiuell at Eaat 4839 or W oo.llnwn 3707 VULCANIZING snd retreading. New and used tires. 109 11th st. near Washington. ALTOS FOR HIRE 52 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIYIR8 New Model Cars ReasonsMr Bate FEARING A BOBNETT CITY GARAGB 80 10th st. near Stark. Broadway 840. NEW' AUTOS WITHOUT "DRIVERS OVERLAND HUDSON S IOWN8DALE GARAGE BROADWAY 248 16TH AND WASH. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. L SULLIVAN. FASHION GA RAGE. MAR 232. lOUi at Yamhill. A-1236. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS A.IMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYMIH. MAIN 1687 ALTHOFF A BENNETT. PRQl'S. MO TOKCYCIF.8. BICYCL ES 55 tJSED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKE3 EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 Grand Ave. Exclslnr. Henderson and Cleveland Agency. FORhALE 2 4-irT bike, good condition. SIR. 511 East 7200. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 5 ROOM houseboat, modern in eier way. sa. eleo lights. Bull Run w:itor. furubhed or un furnished: terms. Main 7776. HOUSEBOAT and furniture, Vermont t. 1. E. Morgan. $4 00. Foot of PIANOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 54 i ft8 CASH sends home new $476 piano for i 581, balance $11 monthly at Srbwan Plane ! Co 1 1 1 tin st. Before removal to 101 10th st ) st Washington and Stark sta. PLA YER PIANO SaRGA IN Latest .t.v)e and like new, with bench and rolls A snap. $4 33. terras given. Seiberling-I.urss Music Co., 125 4th rt. i $23 DOWN sends new S00 player piano to your Home tor aoyo, oaiance is mommy. a. e,K tSi.Mn I .. Ill .tli mi Hal,... M. : rooval to 101 10th st'.' at Wa:;UIngtoo and Stark. ONLY $23 for guaranteed organ, late style. I plate clas mirror. Pay $3 monthly. Hurry. ! it's a big bargain. Wakefield Music Co., 427 ' Washington st. Open evenings. VICTROLA FOR TIANO New $200 Victrola and record outfit. Trade fur good used piano. Main 8688. Selberling-Lucae Music Co.. 126 4th at COLUMBIA CABINET PHONOGRAPH Mahogany, almost new, with 11 records, cost new $143; sell for 870 Call after 7 p. m. 73.T Wsh.. room 410. Main 623. I A BEAUTIFUL $T30"Kimbali organ with hand some plate ;la.h ajtiirror, $5i.50. on payments of $5 monthly. Attend our big sale. Open evenings. Wakefield Music C.., 427 Washington. ESTEY organ. 6 octaves, cannot be told from new. at a bargain. Seiberllng- Lncas Music Co.. 125 4tli st BRUNSWICK cabinet phonograph, double ultong. 40 records; terms If desired. Main 6263. $150 BUYS S00 upright piano, excellent tore; al.-o Kimball make, $185; $50 down, $10 rno 3 IS Worcester hlrig. iSOrT-CASH BUYS 1918 model virtually new $760 player piano at the Securiyt Storage Co., 104) 4 th t. AM leaving city. Must sell at once almost new bungalow piano. $300 casb (Andrew Kohlt-r) . 267 11th st. near Jefferson. KOEHLER A CAMPBEU.oakctrat a real snap. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th L $290 CASH secures $750 Steinway A Sons upright piano at Security Storage Co.. 109 4 th sit at Wsshington. FINE tone talking mecl'.ine with records: put sell by Friday. Tabor 4 8H8. WANTED To buy good-toned niano at once; cath if bargaim Marshall 5 709. FOR-RENT Player piano with" 20 rollVof pop- nlar mipie to good llhl. party. Main 7778. FINE toned piano, perfect condition, ma'hocany. Call evenings and Sundays. Main 1808. (Copyright. 1930. by InternatlonaJ Faatura Service, loo. ) WELL - WHAT DO MEAN CsV. UCTTIN'HER - , -wv teEtSO HCR IN BUT TH1 Mi,- : , i' - VVELL. LOOKlH 1 riASOS, OBOAH9. MrBICAi. ISTBrME?ITS 4 A DEEP ClT TX PHONOGRAPH PRICES $116 Path r ...... . . . .......... .t 65 rZnZST'SX "t , i r T I?, I remona with 13 aalaebona free . 116 ' . . -- : I I "uraaiTara aim n aelecuon tree iir iin . 'EJISr! ,'"-"oo- inr ,o t.av.n.bla. 6803 Woodtock m, Portland. 4U rJS f. U f140"!1 ,n- ht"e ood end of. Woodatuck carliMt Scll 10 d t fail In attend our bte aale a t iirhtlv mn. ni'i used and aaenrul litml machine TX kiMMt I b r-ma yon crer aaw. (Vpen erenings. Wake fiehl Muiic Co., 427 -Wgabingioa at. BIG PnONOiC.RAPH SALE A klaahing cut on all second band. uliahtJv wed nd (lemondtration machine, Cremona. Stradirara, Columbia, ptha. SI! e none. BVuna wick cod otlier caakea at a genuine earing of $15 to $100. A big stock or 40 phonograph to select frum. Pay $S. 110 or more dtfn. baUao on eaay saooUily pgymentB. Here ii your cTportunity to buy a phonograph aay be low ralue. If you i-anoot come in during Hie oay can evenings, we are open until 9 p. n Waaefield Ma-ic Co.. 427 Wgshinroii st PiANO'BARQAINS $65 and op. It will pay you to see our used pis no. They are real bargaitia Schumann. Koebier A Campbell, Wbitner, Kroegcr, Gabler and Mhers. Tgrma given Bonda accepted. Sii berling l.uras Muric C. J 25 4th kL. bet. Wasldngtoo aod A Ider st. PHONtXiHAPH Only $1.00 cwh layment dur ing our February phonograph club aale Bal ance on eaay weekly or monthly payment. Big supply of new machines Juat received. Yielor. Columbia and flison Diamond Disc, to select frcm. Come early while the selection U good. Reed-French Piano Mfg Co., 433 Wash. at. eor 12th st. Bdwy T60 Two manual, base pedals, with electric motor. Just right for church or moving picture honse. Terms given rJeiberling-Luca-. Music Co., 12i 4 1 It ft ORGANS $2" and up Such good makes as Ks tey. Mason A Hamlin and others. Seiher ltiu: -Luras Music Co.. 125 4th st. bet. Washington and Alder sta. piXn o " b a rt. a in ' $400 Bailey piano mahogany case. Sale pn-e $236. pay $15 down Attend Wakefield Music Co. '6 big- sale. Open ening. 427 Wash in Eton st. baisnc-iosnit. 3iaRgilay Exchatigebldgr SCH CM ANN upright piano, just ued shnrt time, best of condition. Seiberling Lncag Muic Co.. 125 4 tli st. RENT a piano, the best in Portland. Harold" ft UUbert. 38 Yamhill. TVPEVT RITEKf 77 THE' In) A N E GI ARANTEED TVpe'1V'UITER SERVICE All makes overhauled Evrvert mechanira. REPAIR ESTIMATES! ON REyl EST Buy, sell, rent and exchHng Main 6397. Supples. 23 S Oak t GUARANTEED factory rebuilt tyivwrltam. "all makes," sold on monthly payments. Send for' pnee list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. retail dept.. 321 Washington st. ALL MAKES of tyrwri7er71nTed,rerit-d aold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer Co.. 04 5th st,. Mam 3668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS TOR SALE 65 SAVE A DOLLAR To bring dovn linns costs Some of our sale yricea wlu convince you our statement is correct. GREATER PORTLAND FURNITURE STORE 165-167 First street. I OR SALE Reasonable, wood-"or Toaf" range perfect. 7 CO E. 6th N. WOOD and coal "range; 'just aa good new. r.uiier phone, 219 23. HOUSEHOLD goods. 100 framed picture" bargain. East 207.1), or 447 E. Couch a st OK SALE Fine, household fui-nuure; in new grand piano. Tabor 4 707. equity FOB SAI.E -Range; good baker. Marsh. 1D22. MjTKiyBRT 81 POWERFUL and speedy woodsaw on solidrutr ber tires. $400. or trade for car. Tabor 9jML 1195 lvon. GASJLINE wx,d sa,w.5276 .wmttrmi 871 Russell t, ant C. inquire evenings between 6 and 8. 4 H. P IV C7. electric motor and rherTlaT" 380 Everett. Bdwy. 131. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 USED APPAREL Seonred from wealthy ladtev reasonahle price. 11R2- E Gluan. MonUvUU. car to 39th Tabor 2825. ROSES. and 8 year. 84 and 5I "deTT assorted choice varieties. Tabor 7002 Avenue Nursery, Hawthonie and 29th st FERTILIZER Good rotted manure delivered anywhere In city. Tabor 2704 or Main 4485. FOR SALE Gold Dollar enwherry plants. $3.60 per 1000. rille. Or. O. WeM gate. Wilaon- PRINTING FOR LESS We are not in any printers' combine. Prompt service. Smith printers. 218 Commonwealth bldg., Bdwy. 2K6.' Strained, light, mild. War ranted unadulterated rnp. bOc. Quantity less. Delivered. East 1416. PROGUESSrVE Everbearing' Stetwberrv "UntV 32.2r-5, Pold. Ward K. RU-hard-son. 2399 Front st.. Salem. Or. 4x7 BRUNSWICK home pool and billiard tah'i sella $166. price $100; practically new. W dln' 5716. or will sell its payment on Ford bug. SAFES New and second hanrf! some with burglar cheats, at reasonable prices. pacifie Scale A Supply Co.. 4S Front st. Bdwy. I960 FOR RE NT- Vacuum cleaners, 24 hour ii.v Sis Delivered anywhere. fnrmerlT VV. 12.19 Broadway 258, FOR SALE About 6000 ft 2d hand rough 4x4. 8 to 20 ft. long. Woodlsven 4 57H. PLUMBING supplies, wholeale pnees. N B Mesher Pipe Co . 220 Fn-nt t Main 5277 CLA88T basalnetles atfsctory prioee. 6 0A berta st Wood lawn 2284. FOR SALE 2 compartment flrelees cooker 315 Sell. 982. " FOR SALE, cheap. Geese feathers, stnrrchand down. Call before noon. East 5010. FTJIX dress, Tuaedo suits, silk bat lorrent at Barell's Misfit Clothing More, 51 3d , FLtTMBING expert, repair aliTrjrnMngTgar- very reasonsble. McCurdv. Sellwood 1125 ' CASH REGISTERS. FLOOR CASFh And other fixtures. 242 Salmon. Main 862 SAFE for sale, la good condition, cheap. PX. 684. Journal. VACUUM cleaners, solii, repaired, rented, ex- vmsiTO, oougnv. isenviey t o.. Mam 4W07. FOR SALE UP TO DA T E " Complete vulcanizing outfit cheap. 233 Front SNAPS in uncalled for tail --made suite for sale Modern i Tsilors, 89 N 6tJ et. UNCALLED for Uilor-made suits. $12 60 up Taylor, the Tailor, 280 H Bumside st. OARnEN, manure and plowing Son. 66S4. Tabor APPLES. $1 box; onions. $2 sack CalPst 134, North 8th street, or phone Bdwy. 4 64 VACurM cleaners rented. $1 dayTdel ivered. Phone evening. Tabor 6786. days Main 2010. FOR SALE Acorn gas range"and "kitchen "beat er. Pharte East 8896. TSiClfKAr "Umbers;' flooring and d'ry'vrood Model Fuel Co., 864 E. Morrtaon, East 51 hh. FOR SALE Electric chafing did!! cretonne drape. 9al2 Wilwn rug. Sellwood 134 2. FOR SALE Ice cream aandwich machine. Can East 5400. POTATO"ESr for sale. fall Broadway 454" PLOWING done. Phone Tabor 9356. CXJ iurc r p ' J 5 ll OH", HAD NO IDEA I VAj 1 If-" COllS TO HEET bUCH A ' ? f) f V-M ItMi nr uisirs.e,Mr I ' I v I ii a . . . i ii t . 1 e. ol n t- -Nirr - meg ii . FOB SALE M19CELLA5EOt'B It! rOR SALE PraneaeUe CBfttab walnut tree. grajieo atora: Lambert iM -pie enerry j yra. old; Pert erf ion and Far PraUfte curranlv Gol1 Ho"". Magoon and Uk. laaaow Cturtarg .- , . . , , . mw(r planus, rea ami Diaca nwawoi Italian aad Prencb prune tree,, all fine alock. I WB aUVB TOt alONSI. Bone wiring. UghtlM Rl- tnrea. alertrVal repairing oo pliea. Third Street Eleetne Store, 584 M: Third "rear, hh Salmon. Mala 1065. SEED CORN " . M TariHres: Minn. No, IS nd 35. totroducVd by O. A C aha . Mercer Hybrid and Walla Walla Dit w r. wraw all oar oww eaed ia Kiutern ee and enaraate mrminatim. This is our tenth er in the arnuial4 aeed corn business. Select seed 10 lb. I b. Dulur. .If M. Horther. Injfu, Ore. . SIWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. New a ad 2d band, sold for lege: no agent employed. Complete line f parta for all makes. Machines repsleed and rented. Main 941. HKWINO MACHLNfJ EMPORIUM. Ur -W lOO Sd near Taylor FO r" H A I.K Shade 1 reea ! larg." 8 year-old horse chestnuts, just (lie kind for parking; rosea, tarse lartrty apple, pears, plumi. aprrcot. pcai-hes. cherries, berrv bushes, currants, bla-di-car. t I THBERT raspberries, all reasunable. C.J1 in the morning or during week. Sellwood 2332. 6S03 Woodstock are. 4tU Uouso be- ).l .-nd of oiislock carline. CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to your home Ten Beesee and Port Orford cedar: solid copper trmtnitgs. lste1 de-igns. Write' for catalogue. Factory, 1912 16 18 E Gli-an Tabor 808 War Stamps Cashed WE BCY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS AT BASIS OF MARKET VALUE THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE 205 MORGAN BUILDING (SECOND FLOOR) PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTENTION 1 SAVE Y()f R OLT KMK8 Now Is the time to reir your roof re-fore tinting; free estimates ittven.; all work guaran tel : patronize the specialty man; S years in I Portland. C. Em. Wdln. p0S4. "MC8ICAL INSTIlt MENTS." Typewriters' and "iloueeh.jld Good" are separate classifi cations. All advertisements of these gauds are publiahed under their resjectfve elaagificaAlong. LOOK THEM OVER ID.SA-. E3Mj!esiA s ouiiucirs- iiiiBiU6Mik. NEW and second hand, bought end sold U. sk B. Machinery Co.. 603 Uerlinger bkdg. Plmne Mam aol. SOME folks sav diamonds are high but ons would hardly think so if they would stop long enough to comnare n DHcee with regular prices. Miller's Clearing House for Diamonds. 855 Wsab- Ingt(,n t.. next to Malestic theatre. ATTENTION. TRUCK GARDENERS For saje I horse 14 spifce toothy adjustable harrow. $.Vr,ti; one 12 shovel Planet Jr ad iustahl. culiivator. $10. 237 E. ."VUtb st. Taiior 4394. ' ETTEUSBURG 121" strswbefn planU. Pre ferred hy canner-, best shippers. Low prices in quantities. Thrifty, well rooted plants, dug f-fsh ordered. Ward K Richardson. 2899 Front at.. Salem. Or. FOR SALE, CHEAP--The famous U.tlerherg strawberries. The best shipping and canning berry gr'vtn in Or. gon. Think of 1000 crates per acre at $3 per crate. Phone Sellwood 2332. o03 Woodstock are., Portland. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Brrrn side. comer 10th. Broadway 5874 $12.50 to $15 beSgKSs Guaranteed We Befit and Repair 172 3d st.. near Yamhill. Main 1845. A-IB1B. iX'TOMOltHLE'sriwbffHMlYCLES. LAUNCHES or b iats are neparte classifications. A large I listing n i fications De looua uuaer mese aiiiereut cjassi- , HOT WATER TANKS 30 gal. $7, 40 gal. 89. Tested and guaranteed Move and furnace coils. Gas heaters Installed. Expert plumbing repairing. Es-t Fide WrHing Shop. 2"3 Ailinis st. E. S51 6 NOTICE Don t ail unii it aunws- get your next winters wood now at pricwa tlrat ar' nsht. Biu firl growtli fir, green or dry. Phong Wdln. 4672 or Kmt 4681 FURNITURE WANTED 74 . HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED W wiint rttr ustd furniture, rugn, carpert. an1 all rintinebold cwmIs ind will pay the Our Three Large Stores rnabi ub to diapnt of tbrtv f oodi at ooct, and tliTfffre mt ran vy (h Top Market Prices V sI.ho buy aod rvtl! hardwarvS, tooli. BTport Inp co)da, tt-nU. hirTcli. tTwHte?T, addinc miftiinfi and triors and cf flc ftirnitom. Vf'tten ou ha antbint to buy, nelJ or trad' Call Main 9072 Levin. Hdw. & Furn. Co. i 321 3 8 FRONT ST. SELL OS Tour Otld Pieces or Complete Furnishings) We pay Top Cash Prices Call Us 'or Prompt. Court e.iu Service PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCT4ANt;E 20S FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. I'OT CA8H FOR PSED FrRNITUBB Main 8878 TJXITED FTRNTTrRE STORK. 173 FIRST STREET. WANTED. USED FURNITURE Will Pay Best Prices CIA ?i tr IRss trirri 1 4 B"ftiat J is a um.isu.v VU, &VJInt SAJ r-f . c . e , ua. Owl Furniture Co. morion We want your used furniture, stoves. oarpcU and pianos; we pay the highest cash price 186 and 168 Firt st Call Main 4627 WlUUTMAN-JOnNSON FURNlTCRlt CO 88 00 Grand ave. East 7766 Hlglisst price paid for used furniture ear peta, sloves, rrnges. etc. We call prompt I y. WH,L per highest price for food used furniture. Call Woodlawn 384. iVVA f TED Tour fumltnre to een.te .nr.i and nphobter. Will call for .nd euii... .u Tabor 4937 0. W Campbell. 4804 asts S. E. IS PRIVATE party wants from prlrate rftFTSTh ' . noratior. changing name of 11 1 he tn la Ss grad. library tale and 2 rorkun t clinV "JiJ" Hlbr!,.i, u,""n"d1 7.r1-M willow JrLJIfh TTon trdnd7vn,;f ru-ari? Uffltkll ram mr lumunre. stoves, range. 1820. there was riled in toe otnee or Huperto wrsu. eepets. rugs, dreeses, etc. Phone tendent of Banks of the State of Oregon at Mar. 2678. haruell Fumttnre Co.. 841 1st t. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 hniis.hoM .a. i ZZZ1 T'T . tiw uuuw uhd Dm. lor Mmsn mm mail Psonnv ....... no amuunx uto lam or um N. 14. SKATER. Phone East 2203 148 Russell st WASTED To rent a duck lake 329 Oa at nctwy. Z91S. shotgiins. eamera. leases. Hoehtield. 88 Id st. Phone Main 8581. W A N T E D- - Small iwwver band saw! 295 Weid ler :t Eaat 8110. PAAN TO TALK AfcOUT (J 1 1 WASTED MISCELLANEOUS Rifles fir Newman's Exchange MAIN 4496. 138 FIRST ST. Ml WASH $12.50 to $25 FOR SECOND-HAND' SUITS OR OVERCOATS MEYER. THE TAILOR Pays more for clothing and shoe. We rail day or evening, anywhere in the city. Call Mar shall 1220 or -."8 Madison st.. near Third st 1 WANT USED CIAITHING We psy from $10 up for men's used suits. 1 also pay full value for all kinds of other clothing. Call us and b convinced. 167 First St.. near Morrison. Main 788. GOLDBAL'M. the Tailor. Spot teft Pad For Trwvls. tents, electric f.ns. enmpmg ootits, vilt . trunk, shoiguus. rifles, bi uie. NEW MAN. 12 I'll ST. MAIN 1103 Tabor HTtis 1 28 FIRST. Old False Teeth Bought f ZD rr ptatc; old niniTs mrm l most valuable; no matter if broken; erownj, bndgework, denial gold bought Bring er mail Mail orders receive promfvt attention. (Licensed-) TUK AMERICAN BROKER AGS 205 Morgan bldg.. 2d floor. War Stamps Cashed WE BUY WAR SAVING FT A MPS, LIBERT BONDS AT BASIS OF MARKET VALUE THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE 206 MORGAN BUILDING (SECOND FLOOB) War Stamps Cashed Liberty Bonds Cashed OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO 208 SELLING BLDG. 2d FLOOR J PERSONAL HUGGED tt The husbsnd cme home early, Wife met him st the door: She seemed more glaI hi see him Then she had ever hem before. She hugged him ami she kissed Into When his feelinC" turned to laughter. He wrote a cheek !r plenty. Aa lie knew what she was after. Few men are ever selfish When wife has r-lothe to buy; He wants her unite altrsi-tlie. Though rash is sometimes shy. As prices make a difference. We know she can save more On her spring SUIT. COAT. DRESS ami HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. Senpnd Floor, Pittock Block Old False- Teeth Bought We pay up to $26 per plate; old timers are most valuable; no matter If broken; crowns, brtdgework. dental gold bought Bring or mall. Mail orders receive prompt attention. (Licensed.) THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE l,a MurgnniMg..riju:r. bn H. L HEISLER. dniglesa magnetle heaUug. ; treats aonte and chronic diseases, and bas good I 2U5 Morgan bldg., 2d floor results with rneumatism, sciatica, nervousness. constipation, goiters, relieves stomach and broa- chi. troubles, female troubles. Pricee eery rea sonable. Offiee 268 East 89th at Hawtborae. Phone Tabor 1553. War Stamps Cashed WE BU. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS, LIBERTY BONDS AT BASIS OF MARKET VALUE. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE 205 MORGAN BUILDING (SECOND FLOOR) ALASKA FURS AT "AFTER THE 8EAS0N" PKICKS THE FUR SHOP 606 Swetland Bldg.. Fifth and Wash. WANTED To know w whereabout of EdsoriT Maysvilie, Cel.; father dead; Catt. last seen in estate being set tied. Address M. 11. Catt, Decker. Illd.. route 1. COME bi and get both your feet fixed up good (or $1 by Dr. Eaton, the CI 1 1 ROCODIST t hat doesn't hurt you; 6 yra. in Portland; examination free. GlobeJTheatre bldg.. 1 1th Wash. Bdy. 2824. SC 1 EN T H '"ic" ' MTiDYM ASS AiTlf R t i 1T A LA RS EN. 427 MORGAN BI.IMI.. I td ft. M AIN 1901). SUN , EAST J 1 4 7 I)R. SAITIY treats corns, tngroMing nails. iedi curlng and manicurtug. (lien rreuings 006. 327 Wash, j-t Marshall 3376 III ll iY M A SSAG F. ELE TRlTTf V 10 A. M. TO 8 P M 4.-.H Mi iRG A N BLDG MARSHAL 367 OPEN SUNDAY WANTED- -About 4000 feet-of "second hand luinher for frame of house. R. M. Vinysrd, 1 69o F. Glissn st J fUVIPl'"1",,im rilEt L.awyerBi2 seiimg bwg FREE. All rase Mats 4998 BlIfN'. your tope- for repairs u Van Data's cigar slore. 2H7 u, l .t st. HAir.i'I'TTINt. 88c; rgpert work; chtldnm wetalf.y. X'ti Maele.v Mdg.. Sth st W'sk DR ELN A SORKNHEN. f'snsma bitlg. Tlnisless" massage for rhemuaiisra. constipation. Open ev. HAVE' FtATVY girls ittr adoption in X S. home. East 7 7 b. i LADY BARRF.IIS --Shate 20 rent a. lair cut I 35. face maissge 35. 253 Everett and 3rd sts. TfOTICFS. t BIDS WANTED Bids for the installation of plumbing and I wiring tn tlie Woman building for the I'nl . terstty of Oregon, will be received by the build Ing committee ot the brard of regents of the University of Oregon ou Thursday. M.r-h 4 I , e e O . . 1 O ',l,b n M ef 11.. . fti 1920. until 2 o'clock p. BI., at the office of the secretary of the board of regent. Adminis tration building. University of Oregon. Eugene. I Oregon. J Plan and ecifirtion mar be secured by applling at the office of I,awrence A Hoi ford. architect 1 0!1 Chamber of Commerce lnitM- I ing, Portland, or at the office of the secretary I of the board of regnts. Administration build j ing. university of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. The board of regent reserves the right to rejeci any or an ui. Snremiaful bidders will be reoulred to furnish g bond for the faithful performance of the contract L H. JOHNSON. Secretary of the Board of Regent, University of Oregon. IsTlCE "of filing of "supplementary" articles of ' Salem, and irnmedutelr preliminary thereto in ! the office of the County Clerk f Multnomah county. Ore., at Portland, supplementary artiefs i .. ... . . .. . I- commercial ana ngviags nsna i - ......... . .. . . . ....... e COMHtKI 1AL aavi.siig riAD. lor marly known as Hlbernls Savings Bank THE VAN S'ESS WATER CO will pay 7-10 per IIdm foot for the digging arid refilling of r.rtOtl ft. of ditch IS in.x24 in. deep. Bids open Feb. 26. Address W. B. HoMlman, c., j levnt. Or R. 8. box 596. 1 I WILL not be responsible any debts hv j curted by my vrifc, Marie Holton. after Feb. I 18. 1920. C. O. Uolton. By George McManus PROFESSIONAL AND $))' uppLiia TLEw!8 WllvfiKR BARBER BVtrVfOOiiHi ' " ana nornsnn sia. ine riace to bay k roarer chairs and snppllea. Stock of furalture alsrars oa) band at ngbt prveea. . ffiavvst A Dot utM ihi.. sam ' "L'2 1 INC. 10! - - - . , . wvm n vn.. assaai . book manufacturers A 3188 Main 183 BOONS NEW avrv men nimtta ALL SCBJSCTaV l'.;' JOHNSON'S BOOK STORK. . 848 Mala St. bet 2d and 3d. OAFKYKNIA rl. iS. A CAFETERIA, 30S W Rroaawa. neal" Taylor, Home cooking, best quality. CABPtT CLCANINO Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Bag Ruga, all rtaei Mali Orders rvwagk Band for Rmklet. tall Rugs. Steam , or Dry Cleaned, $1.. aa a. ri.CFF BUG CO. !zJTn,1n ,?I?J!L East 8618. B-I4T5. Carpet Cleaning Sizing and Refitting rwn and Rag Rugs WOVFN - ALL SIZES WRITB OR CAM. fevitTi a vn nn. ..e. JT K. lTh at Antornatle 31$.$ We Make Fluff Rugs irrom Your OBd Careets Ham nir all vises Mall oeders prompt. lCur mid aire's sieam and dry cleaned. Phong) . or write for pri.-e Northwest Rug Co. L"-!T:l:hln M- Eaal 3580. OAT AND OOa MOgWITAt BOSK CITY VETElttNABY HoftPlTAT,; f K. 7tb at., eor Grant Fast 147 B 1883. OCttULOID BUTTONB TT4 tTlwrV-nohsON COMPAVTr J"l,nLBr''4'wy 84. A 1354. . oraasajw wostK .'W-s a r .iw isi Vai GAHAfiFN CEMENT Oil FRAME" OF CEMENT U'h . u ........... . .lo.e ... .... ... ' r, S I r, ii WOKS, . "'""K AT R' ANONAIU.W V, ' , PHONE REI LWtHID HlH '. . J fl-l( Vst CEMFrPT work and repair work, garagee a ape: um !L'y East 7H76 1 2 K 92d st. . OHIMNIY 8WEEP , ; BISHOP. CHIMNEY SWEEP . I f. nuro.oe smoaes through registers, needs rs pel ring or cleaning, fall us. Tahnr 3888. OHIKOPBAOTOBS ' f." nnt.iiwir vns.i.. Li. On" M,,. u.i- a.i. .. ".'.' l"ure nwg. . v - tr..teH k. ? a" i n eon to of wnraesl . ;?Vr. i dn,fle "hoda. lUeenged chJrs . OUROPB"A?tOhr its. roan ex Manischer Acute and chnmki ., it $ rs taken 8J0 3T flush A In. bldT 'u, T I'll AUGUSTA K CLF.ESE7cWroi,r.;t.,r7t. ami cl.n.nV case 50 D, knm bldg f.: Br mcm a nov . i oo"p.r7ent .rii'i.rf;ni-TaK - i - earentlly. isermsnent. 8t trealm'U 816 Phoai tsn. -00L MD W00B - lU-avy Covintry Slab. Oak and Oordwood ' f Star Wood & Coal Co. il?ifli Main SOtbV ,T BOXWOOD V Delivered Immrdfttrlv by Pulton Wood Oo. l-i Mees.Um. pl . ne Mam 4178 "9l 1Tt , . - ' f ry wrecitcage Wood 0"l'r fnrdwood .,,4 Call MODEL IT EL CO . KAST AIM DRY slab or bhs'k sawevt t,. rder- coal snesTaT ps rtly dried, sawed; speeiil price in 2 or t id lot.. National Fuel Co, F.asl 2041. load I1F.A4T slsbwond Fre t n r..e.n For ln-i t'lmmtlnt, call WvkmIIswu 2.176. f OREGON FY 'EL CoTToTMiOtVlirllST" Dry slhwpo,l anr wreckaae OOttEOTlOeH " SEt'f A CO. Woreestifbldg": Malnl7l.' 0 '""eyllnn. no ehsrge Ettab. 1900, OUOATIORAL ' r7iri 1 rn"T ,n,r",,ort" PRIVATE Won. In FnihSr Tii7uii7V" e . Penanced te.eher. Tsbor lfl D8H0IMB ItTNGI.Fft S DA NCINO ACADEMY If you wsnt to nance or le.en ....- I not go to the Urge.! and beet school In the cite wi,er- .ritge. ,r, ,r.,,rr, Vml m more goed d.neers snd oan practice with many hill V J i. i t'r","""'1 faelierm. Kepsrat. i. i o.i-swsrn pupils Our .t. luiicinf. we anow Uow lntormale every evening. ladles, IS; genu gfl 14UI at Wsifhtngton. Broadway 88811. A 8851. ' LEAKS' To DANCE rOR (5 O0 " One lessona are all prtvste Hour, in m '"" to 1( p. Ing Ilfr4 Filer hldg . bet 4th and Ala 'm' mt W..1i.m. Malt, 6004 "" THE Denes i Studio, B0DekumbMiWrh1ni: ' : . ton st 8d. Strtctly prlvst. le.sems. hair hoof m hour lessons. Course lesson meeMII orient 1 Daily. 8 30 a m. to ft n m. Mlas miss "' Mrs. KCMSiElT:8B.rielfly dancing acsdemTTv 4th st. Ussons day, evening; class ThuradaV Ijidle.$2 ftO. ent A Mslj, ggte ' FLORKM E MrNEAL-Vlollnr aaiwBHls. M ''' 432rr'Sd.yl'',B;l 3,1 T,,"H tM L CARROL!. "AT. vocal" gn4 piano jewon practice I hnur day, 88 mo, Bdwy 2655. ; PIANO TEACHER - -Spe,(. tuntten'hlet ' ! ,"'ri j?.,r,, Mce-.r. Msin 6 I PROF. T. E. IJIWBOV. jf igpgrlenrav llano lessons st your home, 78e. Tailor 7ao. FISH DISTKIBUTONS ALASKA HriRMING gf '"IMP0'TINoirjCnTa: tiibutors of .sited and sasofced fish. X'Jl , Yambili st. PortUnd. Or. OPT08ETSI$Y8 SND 0PTI0IANS l.I.ASNES AT A SAVINO I Kihcite mr patronage M the basis of espsble servlcea. Thonsaavta of satisfied n.ln. ;.T i.'ll I Goodman, optometrist. 209 Morrison at M 8114 '; I tevsru r-iasav'iv'.Sse.'r.'-r- '""r' .ut tested i issavs, .. w'n nxwlern inatnimanta. J" A --.HJ5!T''.. Optemetjst." 228 1st H , - P,I,f'. TIBTIS0. PAPIRMASaiVVsa "'w'.m .ci yonr iielniltig. T yon, laifmi,,,; Y-rhTrlngTeetW '"J alsomlnln, d ,gn work dorTi before Ibi I'l o e. cn-.. o, phco. ai nish Tabor J. H. ?T.!TT0N. pelntlngTlrnMii, papgrfng." lil ' PAV'WT ATTOWWSVl ers from the V S. patent efflcg. Mgsoa. p.n. wick ..Lgwrenre. 800 F it W.'kI ingirm B. 220 Br.dwa," . T. efty- 111 ZTry"""- ll - GOLDBEBq, 620 Worcester bldg. Tjs7irT62Y PMY8IOIAS3 ' ' niL!l A- fRILLlPH 8ro,ifwry"l,ldiTtleiT .i..l ?tf7 Thm-2Z,Ui- rdwrTSTri . atiection. hlgli blood pressure. PLumsiriej aajp rtj upplis ' Pri n t i n ir F- iTra &zrr 1 """"IsS and Oak, Main 165. 811-88. , TINftsrsta JACOB LOSLL Tin. Sheetlron aod Roof Work. 810 Isl at. Phone Mala 1434. TBAN8PIH AND STORAOB STORAGE SPACE Investigate Our Plant and Ketaw Why assume expensive leasee under prewent high costs f CLAY S. MORSE, Inc. Drayage and Storage 1 2th gad GHsaae. Phone Bdwy. S474L Oregon Transifer Co. Estahlisheit 1670 Transfer snd Forwarding Agent j STORAGE FREE TRACKAOB 1 Office aad Storage. 474 Otis.a. ' 13th and GUsan; Broadway 1361. A 116ft. . ALWAYS PICK THK"BEsT HOJ8EB0l9 ! OfJOD8 SPECIALIST J to rage, iins, shipping and moring. Hora. aad aute raae . fih ' Speoial rates to ail points. . . a O. PICK TBAXSHCB 4b STORAOB CO. . '.-' 3d and Pin.. Broadway 896. A-198S. T," SECrRTTT STOBAfJC A TlXN'sWiTeer". -e' 105 Park wt iVtala 8198 A10SaW ervr Vr e.sf .rr,.S STtW W .i4 visi T ' ' .tsr-f si : i 1'O.HJ ib'iuut ir . ' r1l-- V 'A W ilfi' ...t(.. iViMll d'iv " i ; 1 S V