THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1920. 15 DEATHS AHP rTHTgnALS I tWENOTRT At th family resJdenca. SOo" Height Ttk, at 1:80 Saturday morning, F.b. 14. 1620 Mr. Kamuel Lowengart, aged 72 ntn 11 month, 19 day; beloved mother of Mr. Sank Dllsh.imer. Mm. V. II. Feine man; Un. Fred Langermaa. ,Gua and Harry Lowengart of tbli city; Mn. C. N. Jacob of 8 an Francisco, Cat: sinter of Mn. Retrina Dannbeiaer and Eva Wolf of Germany and Leopold Barman of Portland. Ore. Friend in vited to attend the funeral Mrrtcea at 1 p. m. tomorrow ( Wednesday . Feb. 1A. 1920. at the above residence. Interment Beth larael ceme- tery. riease omit uowera. BECKHAM Feb. 16. at hi late reodeoee. 1721 Dlvtoion it.. August Beckman. aged 48 yean, beloved hutand of Hannah Beckman. father of Clarence V. Beckman. brother of John Beckman, Everett, Wash., Giwtav Beckman of Hpokane. Wash., Edward Beckman of King berg. Cat. Nel Beeknian. Stockholm. Sweden, one brother and one itr alio residing in Sweden, Remain at Pearson' underuking parlor, Russell t. at Cnion are. Deceased wm a member of local Carpenters' union. Notice of service later, airh it -,U.'. ana V 5oth it FVhnianr 16 Valentine Baub, aged 6 year, father nf i Mrs. Wary Ferris. Mm. J. W. McCelllg. Kdward. i William H. and Frank S Baub. Tbe deceaseo. - waa a member of Portland tent No. 1, Maera bees. Portland Hchwabeu Yerein. Funeral will be held from McKntee A tiler1 parlor. lBth and Everett t., Wednesday, .February 18. at 2 p. m. Friend invited. Remains will bs taken to crematorium. Please omit flower. THORN E In this city, Februsry J 6, Mary Thome, aged 80 years: beloved mother of Mrs. Belle Elwood of this city, Mr. Anna Mehr ling of Fall City, Or., and Mr. Maggie Burke of Edon. Ohio. Ttie funeral service will be con ducted Wednesday. February 18, at 10:30 a. m. at the funeral parlor of A. l. Kenworthy A Co., 6802-5804 Ninety-second ttrret southeast. In Lents. Friends invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. - oTOUGHTON At the residence, 1330 E. 19th St.. Feb. 15. 1920, Anna E. Stoughton, aged 64 yean; beloved wife of Harry E. Mtoughton, mother of Anna, George. Marie, Clifford, Ruth T.. and Thomas D. Stoughton. Friends invited to attend the funeral service at 1 :30 p. m. Thursday, Feb. 19. 1920, at the Sellwood M. E. rhumb, 604 Tacoina are. Remain at Holman'i funeral iiarlun, 3d and Saliuou U. Interment Klvervlew cemetery. POMEROT At Tuba. Okie.. Feb. 11. 1920, Mrs. W. A. Ponieroy; survived by her hus band. W. A. Pomeroy of Tulsa. Okie. ; beloved daughter of A F. Wheeler. 681 Rodney are., and istr of William S. Wheeler, 404 N 8It at. Friend Invited to attend the funeral serv ice at 2 p. m. tomorrow ( Wedneitday ) . Feb. 1H. 1920, at Holman's funeral parlors, 3d and balmon U. Interment Rivervlew cemetery. SWANSON Feb. 18, i20. at the family res idence, 486 Bkidmore St.. Freda Hwanson. aged 86 yean, beloved wife of Carl Swanson, mother of I)orl Evelyn, lister Carl Swanson. brother of Lee and Alfred Johnaon. sister of Mrs. Alice Nelson. Minneapolis. Minn. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday, Feb. 19 at 2 p. m., from Pearson undertaking parlors. Russell St. at Union ave. Friend invited. firLLISPIE - At her late rwldence at Oak Grove! Or.. Feb. 1. Lelma Gilliapie. sued 87 years, mother of Jock snd Jesnhelwn ;illlsiio. (laugh rer of Mr. Howe of Harty. Minn.. sister of Jolin. Andrew, Albert and Bertha Llngry of Hasty, Minn . and Mrs. Helen f'lems of Mimie anta. The remains are at Finley', Montgom ery at btls. Notice of funeral hereafter. RANKIN In this city, at her late rwidence. 828 E. Bumslde St.. Feb. 17. Eva B. Ran kin, agd 88 years, widow of the late Charles N. Rankin, mother of Ormond and Merwln Ran kin of this city. Funeral services will he held Thursday. Feb. 19. at 1 o'clock p. m , at Fin- ley's, Montgomery, at 5th. Friend invited. In terment at Kivervlew cemetery CHIZELY In this city. Feb. J?T Nmkola Oriely, ged 40 years; husband of Catlierine and father of Johnny and Eva Uruely of 313 Ross it. The deceased wss an employe of the Northern Pacific Terminal Co.. and has been a resident of this city for the past several years. Remains are at the resident funeral parlor of McEntee A Eilera. 16th and Everett sts. Funeral notice later. SLOAN In this city, at the residence of her aunt, Mn. E. D. Retcbard. 787 Albina ave., Feb. IT, Frances Josephine 8loan, aged 46 yean, wire of 11. B. Sloan of Relknap Hot Springs, Or., daughter of Mr. and Mm. Silas A. Mo Powell of this dry The remains are at Fin ley's, Montgomery at 5th. N'otk-e of funeral brreaftrr. gXizelt In this city, February 16. Nikola Ortzciy, aged 40 years, husband of Katherine Gritely of 818 Ross street, and father of John and Eva. Private funeral services will he held from McEntee A Eilrrs, Wednerday. February 18. t 10 a. m. Interment, Mount Calvary cemetery. WOLFE Feb. 18, 1920, at 8t Vincents hos pital, Austin U. Wolfe aged 51 yean, late of 4T3 Alder at. Funenl services will be con ducted Wednesday. Feb. 18, 1920 at 2:80 p. m.. from Pearson undertaking parlors, Russell st at Union ave. Friends Invited; interment Mult nomah cemetery. PRE blWlCKitON At the family reeidenoe, , near Bellrose station, Hans Frederickson. The funeral service will be held Tuesday. February 17, at 1 p. m . fnm tbe funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy A Co. S802-5SU4 Ninety-second street southeast, in Lents Interment at Mount Boott Park cemetery. ARMSTRONG Funeral services of the late Jeee sle Eliaabeth Armstrong, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong, will be held Wednes day. Feb 18, at a o clock p. m.. ut St. Mirrs church. 21st and Marshall sts. " Friends invited. Ii terment at Portland crematorium vault J. P. Fin ley A Hon, directors. ' OEEH-At residence 450 11th st, Mrs. Nellie Geer. aged 27 yean, wife of Ouy M. tieer. Remains are at McEntee A Filer's psrlon, 16th and Everett sts. Funeral notice later. PLOBISTS Smith's Flower Shop "Pra!'. 1... I Tm . . .. "Portland" Progresive Florist" r lowers ror All Occasions. Main 721B. T. C. LI KE, MUR.. th and Alder LUBLINER TWO 8TORE8 We Strive to PUaaa 48 Morrison, bet Bdwy. and Park. Marshall 2S7 $28 Morrison. Portland Hotel. Marshall 763 .MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florist. a54Wash lngton. Main 209. A 1209. Flowen for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. floriataT Morrison t. bet. 4th and Sth. Phone Main 7709. Fine Flowen and floral design. No bnnch store. 1 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 6116 1 9 831 Morrison st Max M. Smith STlyth 8t, LA LANE OPPOSITE POSTOFFICR Flowers for all occa1ona Main 5645. ON8ETHFLORAL CO., 287 Washington st. between 4th and 8th. Main 6102. A 118L fHB PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 846 Alder at. FtJNEBAL DIBECTOBS Edward HioSman & Son Funeral Directors THIRD AND SALMON STREETS Main 607. A-1511 Lady Assistant J. P. FIMJEY & S FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH FaTSnSUNNINO, INC.' THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS 414 K. Alder St Phone Eaat 62. B-5226 CHAMBERS CO " Funeral Director. " ATI tbe Conveniences of a Roma WoceTlawa 3306. 248-260 Ulingaworth At. A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 803-6804 93D ST. 8. K.. LENTS Phone Tabor 6267. Horn Phone D-61 Dunning & McEntee Broadway and Ankeny it. Lady Assistant Phones Broadway 480. A-4568. DOWNING V McNEMAR, uceesorst o . Wilson Ros- Multnomah at E 7th, Irvington dirtrict. East . lseENTEE & FILERS. ' funeral parlon with all the privacy of a home. lAtb and Everett ata. Phone Brotdwty 2183. Horn A-1188. fcr.." P. U. Lerch MrDh; UNDERTAKERS. B. 11th and HawSorn. R w. niHi.e a7v ... 8cror to w H. Hamilton IT i: ,llwn Phone Tabor 4818 UllP ATKACEY. Independent funeral d7- ,r , ...... main zql. A-T888. R. T. BYRNES vs?'x WUHm ave Woodlawn 820 Breezesnook JM'ttV gRaZelierCo. E"1ov9'g1Umc!i588 'QUrgaurgaa CNDERTAKINO CO. Main 416 yKCWC9 A-2S21. Cor. Third and Clay WOWTTatENT lOBLAtSIMG GRAMJTE Co C j fty3PP ST. AT M A CM aof Portland Marble Works 4th st opp. City Hall Kii Bros. OTTO SCHUMANN Gnnita and marble worka .Beat Sd and Pin. East 743. , LOST AWP FOPITD tl . LOST Package eontaining whit satin slipnen. Pleaa phoa Broadway 412T. Reward. THE FOLLOWING article bay been fonnd 0D can of the Portland Railway Light at Power Co., Feb, 14: Knife, pin, 2 key, flashlight, Z pair glare. 1 gluts, book of stamps, 8 package, fur. overcoat, tack tool initbox, auto bracket, cornet, 4 lunch boxes, 2 umbrella. Feb. 16: Parse, 2 key, com pan, barrette serge belt, book, chnol ticket), 1 pair (lores, 3 package, aack of clothe, rope. S lunch boxes, traveling bag, 4 umbrella. Owner may obtain property at lat and Aider (ta. t w LOHT Man' gold watch, between Lincoln and College, on 8th. Call Marshall 8214. Lib eral reward. Pleas return to Mr. Bramhali. a same was gift prized very highly. LOST Gentleman's, gold "watch on West Side; inscription on dial. "Emll Nelson"; also two flags. Finder return to Mrs. Phillips. 1120 E. Lincoln. Phone 21028. Receive reward. WILL TH'BpXRTTwho found myving ac count book please return to me or the United State National bank. May keep currency found in same. Louisa M. Smidt. 678 Hnyt at. LOBT Sunday, -in Bunnyside, 6 month old bull terrier, white with brindle spots on bead and back, name Jarr,! Please return, 125 E. 82d, or call Tabor 6984. Reward. 8MALI, spear shape pearl pendant silver mounted initial "K.' A keepsake; reward; return to g7 Weidler. LOHT A lad)' diamond ring. cor. Failing and Union ave. Finder leave at 803 Union are. Reward. LOST Between Newberg and Portland, one 36x4 1 Hilvertown cord tire, mounted on Kel sey rim. Reward. Phone East 2 SI. FOCKETBOOK containing key, change, etc Reward. Tabor 878. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Ponr S V too trucks, equipped with dump body and hoists, for road work, commencing Marcb IB; double aliift work, lasting to middle of No vember or lecember. We can make inmediste delivery of truck. Price and tenni reasonable. Phone evening. Purdy. Tabor 1344; days. 4 ! m to p m.. Purly. Broadway 1872. SALESMEN Do you know that phonographs are the easiest selling tine on the market today? If you're sold auto, insurance, books or any line requiring salesmanship you can ell phonographs and make bigger money. We need two more men. to whom we'll pay the highest commission and teach the business. See man ager today. .Wakefield Music Co., 427 Waab ington st. THE PUBLIC KMPLOYMENT BUREAU. City of Portland U. 8. Government, Can furnish help, mal or female, re ot charffe to either party. MEN'S DIVISION Flstlron bldg.. 811 Pine st Phone Broadway 4376. WOMEN'S DIVISION 202 Beck bldg.. Prosdwav and Oak. Phone Broadway 4801) WANTED AT ONCE First class, experienced shipwrights. Joiners, wood ealkers. also heavy and light fire blacksmiths and toolsmiths. ror:8ent us in the city calling on restaurants and work out of town. Strictly AMERICAN FLAN. mPat markets. The right party will be assured Apply 620 Oregon bldg.. 5th and0ak sts. Btedy job Must be able to drive a cr. WANTED AT ONCE First class, experienced". Write us fully In first letter giving rererences. all around machinists, moldera and pattern- etc. '.Jou';raL makers for out of town work. Htrictly AMERI- I IF you are a man wanting to better your con CAN PLAN Apply 620 Oregon bldg.. 5th and dition. make more money, live haupier and Oak sts WANTED AT ONCE First class, experienced riveters and gangs; pipe fitters on marine work, also ship fitters. Strictly AMERICAN TLAN. Apply 520 Oregon bldg, 5th and Oak sts. WANTED First class lath mill contractor, give reference. Pelican Bay Lumber Co.. Klamath Falls. Ore. WANTED Wood cutters for firt growth fir. Take Oreg Ekctric to Whitford. walk outh. Iiviuire it Blscksmitli shop. T A I IX) RS ATTEN f I ON Strike still on in Portland. LOCAL NO. 74 ONE chandelier hanger and assembler, one pol isher. 1. C. English Co., Union are. and Irving st WOMAN or man wanted to work in exchange for room. 88 hi Orand are., East 433. WANTED COUNTRY (Oregon) nerald. PRINTER. BANKS 1 WOOD CUTTERS, bam ae. $2 per cord. 169 Ura- 2 DRIVERS wanted at the new plant of the Consolidated Laundry. Tabor 7700. WOODCI : TT E ItS waiited Inr cutting 1000 conis fire wood. Call 267 Front at. SALESMEN Experienced or Inexperienced R39 Chamber of. Commerce bldg.. 4th and 8tafk. WANTED Boy of 17 or over to deliver gro ceries on bicycle; not a schoolboy. 700 Wash WAN TED PUten press feeder. Irwin Hodson Co. ; WANTED A stAble man. 546 Front st HELP WANTED MISC. 4 NOTICE. AFTO STUDENTS TTTB ADCOX 8CHOOL ORIGINATED THE FREE TRIAL OFFER. A thorough investiga Mon will satisfy you that achoola trying to IMI TATE OUR METHOliS have nothing but a WEAK SUBSTITUTE TO OFFER. HERE'S HOW WE PROVE IT Com here four weeks pay not a cent in ad vance. If you are then satisfied that our train ing la tbe superior of any other Pacific North west auto school, pay your tuition. If you ar not satisfied that our school excels, we will pay you for every hour you have attended class. This is tbe most startling offer any auto school ever made. There la no red tap to It w gladly will put it in writing. W an willing to de pend entirely upon your honesty and good Judg ment Only a dlf fev t, unquestionably supe rior school could maka sneh an offer. If our training were Just the ordinary kind, this offer would be suicidal. But we know wnere we stand know that the quality of our mining will win you If given a tnai. We will tnak yon an offer that you cannot afford to turn down. The details of this unusual offer and full particular of tha remarkable Adcoz course an found m a large, impresaiva book wb'ch has just lately com from tha press. Those who bar seen it pro nounce it the most finished work of it kind ever published. Tell why automobile schools r different why Adcox graduates an tuccess ful tells yon bow to Judge an automobile school what count and what is sham. It will make you a friend of the Adcoz school the moment you start to read it It costs us 65c. but w will aend It to you absolutely free for the asking. Call In person at tha achool or send u your nam and addrea and your copy will coma through by return mait OREGON EX-SKRVICB MEN No tuition fee expenses to you you are al lowed $25 per month from state educational fund while attending school. School open for Inspection from 10 to 18 a, a, daily. ADCOZ AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL Union Ave. and Waaco St. A Position for Each Graduate. AXJSKY BLDG. MEN WANTED Get into tha automobile business. Give ua 6 weeks of your time and see how easy it is to learn under HEMPHILL'S latest improred method. Apply HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorn are. Take Mt Scott or Hawthorne ear at 2d and Alder to E. 20th. YOUNG women, 18-45, desiring government clerkships, $100 monthly, write for free par ticulars, examinations. John Leonard (former Civil Service examiner), U8 Equitable bldg., Washington. D. C. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegnphy. stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretariat Free catalog. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted, - Call 4 84 Railway Exchange bldg. Bplendid opportunity to learn a well paid profession. Free booklet Rilwny Telegnph Institute. JOWTHORNSi AUTO. SCHOOL. 462 HAW THORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. LINK'S BLSLSES3 COLLEGE, bookkeeping. itenography, civil service, secretarial, special course. Expert teachen; day and night: en roll now. Pbon Broadway 5083. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL" SCHOOL Miss Regina Buck el's print achool; individual Irrtniction. 122 H Onod ar. East 427. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, former Assistant State Sttpt. mgr. N. W Bank bldg'. Phone Mail 8270. FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN. $150-$200 monhtly. experienoe unnecessary. Waite, Railway As sociation, Care OX-854, Journal. HELP WANTED PEMALE WANTED A high school girl to can for chil dren for room and board; amall wages if com petent. Phone Main 6099. EXPERIENCED girl for genenl houae work. pleasant home: Christian Scientist preferred. Tabor 6S3. WANTEri An elderly woman without a home to hero with Ikiuaework in country. Fhona Tabor 777. Califrrenings. RELIABLE GIRL for general housework ; family of 6: no washing; no furnace. $60. Main 6168. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework: no washing: good wage. Apply at Levitt' (tore, 4th -and Washington. WANTED Middleaged or elderly woman for housework; tamiiy of 3; $30 per month. Call Tabor 8049. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. Phone Tabor SO 13. WANTED Housekeeper: privilege of your own bom. Y-60W, Journal . cettctSE BTELP WASTED FEMALB Telephone Operating For Young Women Additional telephone operators an seeded do to constantly increasing requirements ox uw service. A good salary at tbe (tart. Regular and frequent Increase. Excellent opportunities for promution. lane, cheerful operating rooms. Attractive recreation room. Lunch rooms with served at coat. Apply at Telephone Co., Room 601, floor. Telethon bldg.. Park and Oak at. 6 th WANTED Girt for business plaoe! not office work; steady position. Apply 421 E. Broadway. COMPETENT girl for general housework; washing; plain cooking. Main C94 1. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE CI WANTED Cook for ranch, $80 a month, with board and - rooms; crew of 6 that may doable any time: man or woman acceptable; can give ranch work to married man at $2.50 a day and board; state experience. YX-678, Journal. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Pars you while learning; gives you set of tools: position secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Burraide st, or phone Broadway 1731. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber tnde; wages whll learning, position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' experience. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison. PORTLAND Barber collegepayi yon while learning, gives you set of tools free; position lecurtd. 38 N. 2d st SALESMEN WANTED 8S SALESMAN WANTED Produce man capable of taking charge of our produce department Must be a good salesman and bustler to repre- better, we have a place for you. Call after 10 a. m.. 1109 Spalding bldg.. ask for Mr. Fox. STUDENTS wanted to sell merchandise after school hours. Anderson, 00 First st. Rl 1" 17ATIOXS MALE I MXT3T years-old. unable" to do hard work from physical defect, night watchman pre- ferrod, from 3 or 4 o'clock to midnight. S-B9, Journal. WILL fix your roofs. I use the eelebnted Webfoot paint and positively atop all leaks; 20 years' experience; hundreds of satisfied cus tomers in Portland. Photic 320-50. LICENSED SPRAYERS, Both phones. 219 23. PRACTICAL bouse painting, apnng rush soon on; save money; have work done this month. Price right. Tabor 3051. ROOFS fixed and eves cleaned and painted, and all kinds of repair work in Uie household. Call Main 1 529. YOUNG married man. 30 yean of age, desires position as grocery clerk, preferably in the city. Address correspondence to 8-88, Journal. WANTED Painting, tinting and paper hanging by L. O'Neil. 733 4th at Main 3694. CARPENTER wants Job work, store front and 8elL 1387. fixtures. Price reasonable. EXPERT papering, painting and kalsomining. Tab.52 58.S J. Grant, 12 4 1 Laddington ct PAINTING, paper hanging, tinting. 1826 E. 7th. Sellwood 3636. Main 4344. A-l CARPENTER build and remodels, cheap, by com net. Woodlawn 12B. WHEN you need a shingler phone Wdln. 8598. EXCAVAT IN(7Tnd plowing! Sellwood SOli SITUATIONS FEMALE LADY experienced in cooking and erving. pre pares dinnen and luncheons at reasonable price. East 2534. LADY wishes position as housekeeper In apart ment house. Main 8757. LACE scrim Marquisette curtains, hand laund ered by experts. East 6196. YOUNG willing girl want office position. 217-36. CLEAN WOMAN wants day work or by hour; reasonable. East 7852. HAIR dyed at horn reasonably by experienced lady. Main 3870. RELIABLE woman wants day' work. Woodlawn 6428 after S o'clock. Call DBESSXAKINO ALTERATIONS, refitting and maklna of ladiaa' gannents, reasonable prices; work guannteed J Reubin. Ladle' Tailor. 408 Bnsh A Lane bid HIGH CLASS dressmaking, atreet dresses, etc; make your old suit into a dress ; reasonable ntes. Mrs. Kelly, East 7807. DRESSMAKING Expert workmanship, rates reasonable. The Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers. 424 Morrison, near 11th. Main 1825. WOULD like sewing by day; price reasonable. Woodlawn 2032. FURNISHED BOOMS PB1V ATE FAMILY 7$ LARGE st tractive sunny front room, 6 windows, bath and phone privilege, hot, cold water in room, ideal surroundings, suitable for 2 employed girls, who wish permanent home. 777 Irviiii st. at W. 23rd. 1 DOUBLE room, suitable for 2 women, $12; 1 single room. $6, light and heat furnished; 1 block from Woodstock car. half hour out. Fore noons. Sellwood 8667. Privilege of cooking in my kitchen. LARGE, attractive, unuy front room, six win dows, bath and phone privilege; hot and cold water in room. Ideal surroundings; suitable for - employed girls who wish permanent home. 777 lmng su at N. 23d. ELEGANT furnished room with use of parlor and bath, modem home, jentlemen preferred. 274 Caru there. Main 4709, ask tor Mr. McDonald. LARGE pleasant sleeping room for 2: desirable location, walking distance; men only; refer ences; $15. Phone Eaat 6792. LADD ADDITION Large well furnished room with porch, fine location for summer. 615 tmott ave. RKAI7TTFT-T. front ronma. suitable for 2 or 3 : Diano. hardwood floors, wicker furniture, close in. Phone Broadway 4251. PLEASANT furnished room, close in. 440 K. Clay, comer 7th. East 838. GOOD, clean sleeping room for single man or woman; rent reasonable. 256 18th st. MODERN rooms $2 60 per week. 88 H Grand ave.. Lata 43. BOOMS AND BO A BP U ONE large airy, well furnished front . room, meal if desired, with horn privilege; ui table for two; clone In. Phone East 6681. BOOMS AND BOARD PBITATE FAMILY ?1 LARGE clean room, good home cooking for i peopi employed, good location, modern home, between Mt. Tabor and Hawthorn ear. E 8363. 590 E. Salmon. NICE. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 gen tietnen along with .home-cooking meaia; mod em. 205 N. 21st t. BOABD and room for gentlemen in private hosae. 831 Gnnd ave. N., 1 block from Broad way. East 2757. LARGE pleasant H. K. rooms, lovely yard; $4 wk.; phone, bath. 387 1st at Montgomery. NICE. CLEAN room with or without boeS'Tn private family. 692 W. Everett WANTEIV BOpMeT AND BOABD 89 LADY with income desires room and board near Fifth church. Phone Sellwood 803. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FUBNISHED AND UNFURNISHED GOOD, clean housekeeping room, suitable for couple. 293 Union ave., 1 block south of Hawthorne car. Also single sleeping room. Kairt 6384. SINGLE, double and triple H. K. rooms, com pletely furnished, (team heat, hot water. 186 Sherman st Mar. 3983. NIGH. CLEAN, furnished housekeeping rooms. Eaat 8317. HOUSEKEEPING, single, double and deeping rooms; $2 'and Up. 861 1st It FRONT room available Monday; hot water always: bath, laundry. r lander. BACHELOR Clean furnished housekeeping rootua, elcM in. $2.50 up. 213 MiU at HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS jnc BMSHKD ASP UKFUBiaSHEP BACHELORS' nice clean single 1L K. . room. S4. 284 E. Morrison it. HOFSEEEEPINO BOOMS FUB51SHED AND U3f FUBJSISHED PBITATE FAMILY 71 $12 One large front room with kitchenette. free cooking gas, light, bath, phone; adults. 182 E. 23d st. 8. 8. car. 3 ROOM apt., nicely tarnished; . 246 Montgomery st also 2 room. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 1427 E. Hoyt st Call Tabor 4737. 4-ROOM H. K. Apt with garage; private resi dence. Phone Tabor 426. FOB BE7TT HOTJSE8 VSFUB5ISHED WHEN TOO MOVE. THE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SEHVIQB 16th and Washington. Broadway 689. HOUSES FOB BE XT FL'BJTITCBE FOB BALE M HOt'SE for rent and furniture for sale. 695 4th t. 2 ROOM house for rent, 62d and Tillamook sts. $3 per month. See Johnson, 434 E. Orant HOUSE for rent, 6 room furniture fur sale. 4 29 Third st FLATS TO BENT, TNFTJBNI8HED IS CLEAN 3 room unfurnished flat, $11.60 month including water, bath and light. 4uo 11th 8. FITBNISHED FLATS St FOR RENT 5 room flat, tome fumitnre for sale; to taae unmeaiate possession. ovv y Albina ave. APABTMENT8 FOB BENT 41 FOR RENT Furnished 3 room housekeep ing apartment East 6371. 292 H Lar- rabee st THE JEFFERY 2 room furnished apt. $15; close in, corner Russell A Kerby, between Miss, and William area. Phone East 1594. THE JEr'lERY 2 room furnished apt, $15; close in, corner KusseU A Kerby: between Miss, and Williams aveg. Phone East 1594. NEAT, clean apartment, gas, lights, fuel, tele phone. b93 Johnson. 3 HOUM apartment, furnished. $30: corner Eft-it 8th and line. 2 AND 3 room apt.. liberty Apia.. S72 E. tiay. Lnuer new management FOR RENT 3 -room furnished apt with pri- rate bath, t all at 109 N. 18th St. FOR BENT MISCELLANEOUS 88 8 I.AKGE rooms and 3 attic roms, steam heat. suitabJe for sanatorium or rooming nouse, near hospitals, rent $75. 800 Savier st Open between 2 and 4. WANTED TO BENT BUSINESS MAN and wife no children, wish to rent or lease modern 5 or 6 room bungalow with gang. J. T Taber. 654 Pittock blk, Broadway 232. He. Sellwood 1209. WE have hundreds of clients desiring to rent. The efficiency of "The McGuir Bystem" of property management will save you money. FRANK L. McGDIEE. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. WANTED To rent hone with t least hlf acre; am an expert horticulturist nd will take good care of the place, t . W. Sabranakr 5507 50th ave. 8 E. WANT to rent house between Williams and Mississippi, North Russell preferred. Wood- town 1773. COT'PLE want 4 or 8-room furnished bouse, $25: references. Woodlawn 3393. BACHELORS Want to rent 3 or 4-room house furnished with yard for garden. A-884. Journal REAL .ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY I STORE, residence, garage, on paved street. bartrain. Marshall 297. WATER FRONT, west ile, on trackage, paved street. East Side, on trackage with building luuxiuu. ror sale or leaoe by owner. 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOB SALE HOUSES II NEAR J E ITER SON HIGH Good 4-room bungalow with plumbing, elec tric lights, gas. improved street; neat and con veniently arranged; price only $2000, $1000 caih, bal. mortgage. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 632-3-4-5 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787 ROSE CITY PARK New, 6 room and exceptionally larg sleep ing porch. glass enclosed, hardwood floors. enmei tmisn. zirepiace, lumace, built-in garage, i Dioca rrom canine. eie ii. ovtb t N. corner Stanton; $8500; .terms. Pbon Main 6154 and Tabor 3828. - ROSE CITY PARK 6-Room Bungalow $5500 Splendid bungalow, located on 4 3th St.. 100 feet south of Sandy. The very heart of Rose tity Park. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, gar- age, etc. Bee tills. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main 8002, BUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW WITH TERMS $2600 Vacant, 6 rooms, modern, full basement, imtrciaa plumbing, city improvements, light. gas and bath, east front, Laurelhurst Park and 8unnyide car close. Owner at house on 15th. 16th, 17th, from 10 a. m. to . 4 p. m. No. Ill E. S5tb t. or call Ed, man W7u, alter 7 p. m. BEAUTIFUL 4-room bungalow with bath and toilet living room, dining room, kitchen and one bedroom ; has built-in kitcnen, n fruit trees, cnoice anruooery: price only tizao; some terms. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO 632-3-4-5 N. W. Bank bldg Main 3787 A FINE 9 room house (built 19181, sleep ing porch, hot and cold water, perfectlv lo cated, at Forest Grove. Or., lot 87x1 85 . in penect snape. wiu sell very, very cheap tnde. Give terms. Will tell for half its worth. D. W. Mar?h. owner, 406 McKay BUig. Phone Main U34. xtooma fin to rent. See It Center of town. CHOICE -acre tract good 4-roran plastered cottage witn city water, gas, neat and con venienUy arranged; well-built ggnge, 2 chicken nouses, chicken run. Price $2000; $200 down, nalance like rent. J0IiNS0ND0DS0N CO 632-8-4-5 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787 I MUST eli my 6-room home and if you need to buy do not mis seeing it; street paved and paid. 3 bedrocens. 1 on first floor, elect. gas. pantry, fine basement. 6 bearing fruit trees, chicken shack, $3500, $2000 cash; some furniture lor sale. 8B7 E. 8th t N. Wdln. 3495 S ROOM bungalow and extra large sleeping porcn, lot luuxiau: cnoice young trult trees, berries and shrubbery; good shed, suitable for gange; basement, attic, 2 block from E. Glisan street and car. Price $3500, clear. Inquire owner, 1811 L. Irving. Mv car. SICKNESS compels me to sell my equity in a sraau a-room nouse, lot suxiuo, garage. cnicgen lence. w ill sell turmsbed or unfu rushed. Call at E. 1345 Glenn are. ti., and see owner. MODERN 6 room house, lot 50x100. full ee- ment basement laundry trays. 8 bedrooms, living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen. 5 fruit I and berries, good chicken house; y, block from ' oons car. ltf suinua si. fnce eoauil MR. BUSINESS MAN or mechanic, 2 lot. room house, modem except furnace: also large 2 story building, (ewer, water and Hehta suitable for garage or repair shop; 1 block from car. u lnterestea, pnone r-ast xiub. $1375 17875 3 room and large sleeping porch, lot 43x1 ft, alley, paved street, 4 shade trees, garden and rosea; 8 block to fine school, near park and block to car; terms. 1546 Wabash. $1475 0-ROOM HOUSE Leaving city and must get $835 canity, cash 60x100: lota fruit and berries, chicken house. right, gas and toilet sewer connected; 2 block from Gusan, near 63d. Tabor 2934. FOB SALE! By owner, 2 house, and 5 rooms? close in. $2650. Will give easy term. In- quire 49 Fremont st 1036 EAST GRANT Pine 7 mom modern home, $4100; vacant; go w it Main 424t. forenoons. SIX room bungalow, modern except furnace. close to car; all large room; snap for $3600, terms. 209 Oregon bldg.; Broadway 1658. FOR SALE Modern 5 -room houae on paved atreet, reasonable offer take it See owner, 1084 E. Alder. TWO cottages, one 5 and one 6 room, at 386 E. 44th near Hawthorne. No agents. Call Tabor 856. CL08EYOUB real estate deal without annoying detail by using a title insunnce policy. No abstract required. Title A Trust Co. TITLE insurance is the modern way of handl tng title to real estate. Quicker, coat lee and no abstract required. Title A Trust Co. PORTLAND banks request title Insurance instead of abstracts. Why? Ask your banker he know. Title A Trust Co. BANKS request title insurance because it Is best ask your banker ha know. Title A Trust Co. BANKS prefer title inrarano instead ot abstract. Title A Trust Co. TWO dandy bungalows, $2500 and $2800; terms; furniture. Tabor 4349 evening. $2600 For sale, B-room fcungalow on terms. Call at 1100 E. Sherman st. SEE Frank L. MeGniro to lnaun against flra, Abington bid. Mam 1068. HEAL ESTATE FOB BALE HOUSES 1 A WORD TO-HOME-BUYERS Do Yon Know That FRANK L. McGUlRE Sold 86 Home Last Year . Establishing an Undisputed Record for Home Selling? These 669 buyen. alter looking tbe city over last year, found better bargains in this office than elsewhere, or they wouldn't bava bought. Many Unusual Bargains You know that in an office which has 700 homes to choose from you are sure to have many fine bargains; 100 people found just the homes they wen looking for in our office last month. W have over 700 photographs of homes in our display room, price, terms and address under each. Every section of the city has its allot ment of space. Before a home is offered for your considention, it must be firt personally inspected and pas the appraisal of FRANK L. McGUIRE "The JvicQuire System" Eliminate the house-hunting problem, puts jju Immediately in touch with the home you r looking for. Courtesy, effi ciency, SERVICE, are our watchwords to the home-buying public. 1 4 experienced salesmen with auto offer yuu every fa cility. COrNTTtT HOME TV CITT 200x200 HOME Full city block, liens all paid. 7 room modern, attractive home: full cement base ment furnace, i light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, 70 large assorted bear ing fruit trees; all kinds of berries, graiei. etc; chicken houee, fc. 44Ui st, conven ient to car, school nd Reed college, in neighborhood of good homes. Total pric $6850. A wonderful bargain. Terms. $8950 WALKING DISTANCE Just think of a 6 room modem home, full cement basement, furnace, hardwood floon. white enamel plumbing, indirect fixture, btitt-ins. woodwork in old ivory, just repainted inside and out: situated on Wasco, near Williams avenue, for this price, easy fierxaa. Vacant Seven Rose City Homes $3000 Dream Rose City, just block from car. 5 room diMlnctivels at tractive bungalow; pretty living room with fireplace, built-in book cases, buffet model Dutrh kitchen, best white enamel plumbing. UN USUAL TERMS. $3250 Still another Rose City bungalow. 6 cheery rooms, fireplace, whit enamel plumbing, convenient built -ins. large lot Close to Rose City Just look at this. $4750 Yes, wo have so many Rose Cities to choose from. This bungalow has 5 rooms, furnace, fireplace, built-in you'll love; garage; cor ner lot Terms. $3675 Lets tell you about thi California beauty in Rose City. Six liTabl room, clever built-ins, furnace, fireplace, 3 sunlight bedrooms. You'll be happy here. $4750 Six-room wonderful Roe City horn. Every modern convenience, spacious living room with fireplace, aoiid paneled dining room. 3 sun niest bedrooms. On beautiful Ala meda. To see thi is to wadt it Easy terms. $3690 Practically new, modern Rose City, 7 large rooms, artistic dining room with built-ins; livable living room with fireplace. Just think, only $.100 down. This splendid home is $1000 under value; reduced for auick sale. You'll say to when you see it Term. $5350 A wonderful artistic 9 room Ross City; practically new 'sunny break fast nook, pleasant sewing room, furnace, fireplace, buiitina. hard wood floon. close to car. A REAL BARGAIN. See our display of beautiful ROSE CITIES. Over 40 photograplis in our dis play room. Something iot everybody. We're glad to show them. ALBERTA HOME BARGAINS $2500 Modern 7 room Alberta home; nice corner lot white enamel plumbing, electricity, gaa, garage; just one block from car. $2100 ONE ACRE ALBERTA HOME, being 262x121 ft, all under cul tivation. You can make a fine living from this. Comfortable 3 room cottage: near 4 2d and Simp son. DON'T MISS T1US. $2900 Still another ALBERTA HOME. 5 room modern bungalow, full lot with garage, excellent plumbing and lights; just north of Alameda, on 23rd. ALBERTAS DON'T LAST. $3500 This Alberta home will please you, unusually attractive, 7 modern rooms, splendid built-ins, fireplace, cosy Dutch kitchen; 4 airy sleep ing rooms, bet plumbing, lights, 8 bearing fruit trees, beautiful shrub bery; liens paid. You'll call this HOME. $2300 Yes, It's another Alberta. On E. 1 7th, modern 6 room home, full plumbing, lights. Just as "cosy." Easiest of term. We bare over 60 ALBERTA HOMES for tale at all prices and terms. See our list before you buy. We serve you right Seven Home Bargains HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3000 Here' a 6 room modern colonial type 8CNNY8IDE home, on East Washington at, juut south of beautiful Laurelhurst Park. An unexcelled BARGAIN at practical ally your own terms. $2500 A splendid 6 room HAWTHORNE home. Bungalows are so popular. Best white enamel plumbing, elec tricity, ga, comer lot, on Eaat 8 1st street 13150 ANOTHER MT. TABOR BTTXOA LOW; built-ins, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; location ideal; easy term. $3300 Attractive lines has this 5 room HAWTHORNE bungalow; large front porch, white Dutch kitchen, such nice built-in, fireplace. $3800 Dream bungalow, vacant Tes. it's that dream come true in this 5 rooro, new HAWTHORNE home. You've always wanted a cunning art brick fireplace, a tapestry wall paper, hardwood floon. "jolly" built Ins. They're waiting. REAL HOME. We have photographs of over 80 splendid Hawthorne homes in our office, with price, terms, address under each. Come and look them over. FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Successor to H. D. McGuira Co. Established in 1880. "40 Yean In Service.' Abington Building. Main 106. Office Open Evening and Sundays. Fine Alberta Bungalow 5rTmlMn 0 nom bungalow, low. ram- 9JWlU Ming Bungalow lines; very at tractive; dandy garaire. with solid concrete runway; A-l con dition. On of the best buys w ever had. $1150 down. BIHRCAREY. CO. 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1686 Main 0008 3d and Stark. BARGAIN IN HAWTHORNE Cory S rooms and sleeping porch, Dutch kit- ciieu ccmcai uaaemcni line lumace, pavea ata. in and paid, 2 blks. to car and 12 mm. to city Price $3100; terms, balance 6 . per cent See owner, K. Main bet 33d and 34th. FOR SALE BY OWNER eeanuitu s-rocm nouse, lot ouxioo, garage, furnace, fireplace, fin neighborhood, etc Re duced to $5000 for quick sale ; "eay terms. dot K. aist st. is. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Two-story 6 room house, hot water, furnace, fractional comer lot. Take D-M car to 8 2d st N.. 1 block west on Vaughn to Ills. A NEW house and lot 60x100 for $1600 smau payment down, balance $10 per montn. interest t . nave your rent money aM buy a Rome, rnone East 1S4 8. Owner. ALSO 5 ROOM BUNGALOW , On S. Everett, not far from Laurelhunt for $3780. See Mr. Delabunty at 270 H Btark st or phone Main 1700. Evening East 20S6. A TITLE insurance policy is a. guarantee of the title tn vonr borne WheA van htrv wmr born have tha title iuwureeV Better be gale Title A Tract Co. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 HOMEBDYER3, ATTENTION 1 We list only home that we know are ex ceptionally good buy. Our 15 yean of active real estate operations in Portland maks ua expert aa to value. W know what a borne is worth and will not list It utiles at our price. We can show you home that will please you. S fl (Thin) Let us show you this wonderful fU fllU' bargain. You can't expect a pal ace, but for a good lubstantial home at this figure It can't be beat eSTrffnffnTn buy 4 room and bath with Dutch kitchen, full basement wash trays. electric lights, gas; improvements all in and paid; corner; 2 blocks to buy a substantial home on Mon tana ave.; full lot; improved with cherry and apple tree; a bargain for someone. Terms. ' buy without a Question of doubt the best bom in Highland district for the money; 5 rooms and bath, gas. electric lights; full basement; variety of fruit: hardsurface street Party leaving for Eaat must sell immediately. 5 Jk Effh buys o rooms and breakfast room J'tlii0'U' one of the niftiest, coriest homes that we have ever had for sale corner lot, only one block to Hiwt'.iome; furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, all built ins. A pleasure to show you. today only, this home of 7 rooms and sleeping porch has been re duced from $47&0. Owner wants to go East and will give- immedi ate possession. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins: 5 rooms and bath down. 2 and i sleeping porch up. Ton can't build this borne for the money and lot aiid street improvements are thrown in. You will have to hurry. J. A. WICKMAN CO 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main SS3. Main 1094. BKAUTrFCL HOME $7500 304 E. 48th st.. N. there is a fine 12 room house, completely modern, about 5 year old. hsniwood floors downstairs, all built-ins, fireplace, breakfast room and paneled dining room with fine large buffet Red rooms axe all large and lht with large clothes closet. Full cement basement with 8-foot walls and all ceiled. In fact, a com plete model basement Mar&haU-Wells hot air furnace. Oment gange. Can you beat tliis anywhere? House is shown by ai IHiititment only. Please do not disturb ten ants. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A 85 Fourth Ut CO. NEAR ROSE CITY CAR $3000 buy a dandy 4 -room bungalow, bath. imtcn kitchen, nasement. ooxitio iot; garage complete with cement floor and runway; sanv ! ten chicken house and yard: nice garden apace, lawn, shrubbery: only 2 blocks Lo. car line; $1000 down, balance $25 a month and inter est: now vacant, possession at once. J. I,. Hartman Co.. 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 08. Branch office 45th and Sandy blvd. Ta bor 2904. Emurnediiate Possession a room bungalow, ;ust retimed: best white enamel plunbing, 2 light bedrooms, 2 rooms in un finished attic: near car and school. $500 down. BIHRCAREY CO. 21 Ry. Enrh. Bldg. Sd and Stark. 1 00x11 0 on 611st St. Lot in fine shape for spring garden, 1 block from car, 5 room bungalow in good condition, concrete basement and full plumbing, fin. chicken coop, good shop 201:4 could be made into 4 room house, sidewalk snd curb in snd paid. Terms, $600 cash, balance $25 monthly: only $2100. Let ua show you this. A, C. Calbraith with Geo. E. Ersglehart Co. TwoStory Alberta Home Fine 8 room 2 story home on paved at. 1 block to car on loth st Built-in burtet, imtcn kitchen, cement barenient with laundry trays. Here is real value in a splendid home, bacriiice price. $t;00 down. BIHRCAREY CO. - 219 Rv. Exch. Bldg. Main IflSfl. Main 6008. 3d and Stark. $200 CASH $2950 HAWTHORNE EAST 37TH 5-nn. neat cottage, good plumbing, lights. bast. cor. 83 1-3x100, paving and sewer paid. 2 carllnes. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDENBERG Abington bldg. "35 Years in Portland" ROSE CITY Park '5-Room Bungalow $5000 We want you to see thi splendid bungalow. Living room extending entire width of houne. Finished in old ivory and white throughout, Hardwood floors, fireplace. French doors be tween living and dining roms, Ibitch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, etc. Full lot. Face east. Near bandy. Let ns show you. A. G. TEE1"E CO.. 264 Stark st, near 31. Main 8092. J7th St. Near Tillamodk In the Center of Irvington 5-room house, in first-rlas condition, newly painted and tinted, full lot $600 oash. bal ance $25 monthly; only $500. Thi is a real bargain. Geo. E. Englehaart Co. Main 7266. 824 Henry bldg. ONLY $2500 Cnn. hm.u C O O A --in k..41 K. $20 per month and interest: 5 rooms, plastered. bath snd basement, gat, etc.; very good buy for this district; may consider some trade. Ask for Mr. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE ABINGTON BI.DG. House, 4 Lots, Paved St. $2500 Term 8 rooms, good plumbing, city water, large fine garden, 9 fruit trees, beautiful shrubs, plants and grot. Geo. E. Engleha'rt Co. Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. $200 CASH-$2350 4 rms.. .art? tiring rm . 2 bed hambera. fireplace, breakfaat rm., Dutch kitchen, n. plumbing, part baxt.. 10 min. on Sellwood car. yra. built; mint X ; varam; pwtT pu. G. C. GOLDENBERG Abington bldg. "35 Years in Portland" 6-ROOM HOCSE BIO SNAP Good 6-room house, bedrooms and bath upstairs, 8 rooms downstairs, good cement basement, electric lights, gas. etc., corner E. 30th and Alder. Price $2250; $500 cah and $25 per month; well worth $2800. ORI'SRl A BENNETT, 818 Board of Trade bldg. Msin 7452. LAl'KEUrURST BCNGALOW Just completed, 5 beautiful rooms. Interna tional furnace, attic, garage, cement porch, hard wood floors throughout, indirect lighting fixture. Yale and Town solid brass hsrdware, glass knebt; $7000. terms. 991 (iliaan st, near 82d. Owner on premise. BIG LAURELHURST SNA!' 8 room house with fin garage, only 1 block from car. ALSO 5 BOOM BUNGALOW On E. Everett, not far from Iurelhnn, for $8750. 8ee Mr. Oeleliunty. at Stark st or phone Main 1700, evenings E 2086 MALLORY AVEJfCE COTTAOE $1800 Nice B-room cottage, electricity, bath, basement, paved street, sewer all paid, Mallory ave . near Mason. Pric. $1800; $500 cash, $15 per month. fl.W. GRUSSI A BENNETT, 818 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. 7 ROOMS, modern except fireplace; close in. walking distance; sleeping porch, hardwood floon; near Rose City car: price $4100; terms. 224 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak: $500 r For sale 4 lots, house, barn and woodshed in Roseburg. Ore.. Riverside addition. Addrea H. C. Goble. 5510 44th ave., Portland, Ore FINE 8 room bungalow, electricity, gaa, fireplace, hook cases, ail builtiu convenience ; S bed rooms, all on ground floor. $2275, terms. In quire 8632 92d st 8 E. M. 8. car. $5000 CASH and $2000 on term will buy modern bom., a rooms, ivory finished, be location in city. WouJd consider trad for mburban home. By owner. Tabor 8191. ALAMEDA PARK Beautiful S-room bungalow, almost new, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, garage. Owner. Woodlirwn 48H5. WHEN YOU get atitle Insurance policy you do not need aa abstract of title. One premium pays for all time. Title Y Trait Co. FOR SALE 'Modern 6-room bouse, furnace, fire- 1 place, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences. Tanna. W etdler st 621 Lnmtxrmon bldg. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 Some of Our Good Buys in Houses and Bungalows $8760 buys a 7 room modern home, walking distance, on the east aids, all in fine shape, easy term. $8500 bay a 6 room modem bungalow, (vim pletely fnrnLhed, on a fine cornet. Thia is a big snap. $8000 buy a 6 room bungalow, close tn, Wa- verleigh Heights. This is a oup if taken at once. $2750 buys a 6 room modern home, on comer, just east of Laurelhurst $2600 buys a nice place on 17th st 8., with gange, a nice corner. $2600 buys a S room modern bungalow, oloae in. Waverleigh Height. $2600 buys an 8 room house, close in on Pow ell at, wttb a 50xl00-foot lot Thia 1 a dandy buy. $2350 buy a 7 room houae. 60x100 feet, cor ner lot east aide, walking distance. This is some buy. $1800 buy a 6 room cottage. Montavilla dis trict all in fine shape. 60x100 hit These ate all good buys and at reasonable fa-rms. Now. f you will call at our office we have nntrM , ihnw mil anv of tile home. NW YORK LAND CO. 305 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. Main 7676 Beautiful New ow $4i50 Here, folks. U mti clu. borate.? fin ished 0 room bungalow, all one floor; best rdnr part nf Hawthorne; finished in old irory i.nd white enamt-l. The built ar of err detw'Tiption and ,-er-fert: polished hardwood floors, art brick fireplace, lairgo library or Jen. rau he umrwl for bed room if desired; inrrd tt. m and paid. Let ua ahow you this today. $1500 down. BIIiRCAREY CO. . 219 Ry. Fxch. Bldg. Main 160. 3d ai d t-laik Main UOOH. Special Bargains Rose City Park 6 room, new bungalow $?to00 B room bungalow, inpelcsa furnace. . 8fltf 7 room 1 H t,ory house 5500 7 room bungalow, excellent condi tion 6100 7 room 1 S story house, good buy.. 4700 HOI.HKN A KOIILMAN, Real Estate 228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone M 6550 MT. TABOR 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch Gang $4030 A DOWNRIGHT BARGAIN. Folks, her is vonr chance to set a real niekun. t'ompare thia with the other houses you have seen for J 1000 or $1500 more. The owner has cut the price for a quick sale. You will find here every modern convenience you would expect to find in a real eiiienaive house. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet bookcases. Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, furnace, etc. Garage. Cet busy. A bargain like this will be picked up quickly, l'hone now. A. O. TEEPE CO., 204 Stark st, near 8il. Main H002. New Rose City Bungalow ffiyl T efli Brand new 5 room douole cou-ip-'li&W atructed. : buill-in book- ases. win dow seats, white Iutch kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace, full baMinenl. ree this by ail means, it's tine $1500 down. BIHRCAREY CO. 218 jHy. Each. Bldg. 3d and Stark. Maia lflHH. Main 0008. $2400 4-room bungalow modern bath, half block to car line, ground 50x200, near school, terms. y cash, balance monthly. J. T HARTMAN CO., 7 Chsmber of Commerce bldg., Main 20t. Branch office. 45th and bandy. Tabor 2904. 2Story Irvington Home A nf!fi Here is a plain 8 room borne ot WW K. 14th t. bout Thompson at 1 block to Irvington car. Full lot. pared, good garage, large veranda: abundance of roses. $1000 drwn. BIHRCAREY CO. 219 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main AiRfl. 3d and Stark. Main H008. COOD HrNNYSIOE HOME 6 rooms and full basement, 2 toilets, 2 lava tories, built-in pantry, reception hall, light and conveniently arrang-d rooms, corner lot with bard streets in and paid for: best part of Sunnyide district; price only $3000, $500 ca-n, lialniue like rent JOHNSONDODSON CO. 032-8-4-B N. tV. Bank bldg. Maln 8787. House, 4 Lots, Paved St. 1027 Division st and lust north of and of Hawthorne carline. $2500. TERMS 8 rooms, good plumbing, city water, large garden, productive soil, 9 fruit trees, choice selected shrubs and in fins grove. r.EO. E. ENGLEHAitT CO . Main 7286. 624 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY BARGAIN 7 room, den. deeping porch, fin garage, lovely paneling and beamed ceitinga in den and dining room, large living room, hardwood floors. handsome built-in buffet, costly electric fix tures full cement basement, dandy furnace, on paved street north of Handy. Worth $7000; price now only $6250: terms. I.IDDEJIAS.V COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6987. $500 CASH HOSE CITT CAB 4-rm. classy bung., large liv. rm . fireplace. en. plumbing, Dutch kit., bast. 50x100, 2 blkt. car; no mortg. $500 cash. $3575 G. C. GOLDENBERG Abintrton bldg. "85 Years in Portland" NICK 4-rnom cottage on a choice 50x100. living room and dining room combined; kitchen and 2 bedrooms, toilet, nice lawn and shrubbery, house in good condition. B blocks to car: price only $1250, $450 cash and bal ance monthly. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 682-3-4-8 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. NEAR 15TH AND HAWTHORNE $8850 Six looma and reception bail, fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement, laundry traya, 3 krge bedrooms, located between Hawthorne and Morrison earn. treet improvement paid. Price $,80, terms. CLKTELAND-HENDERelON CO. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg Main 8752. 5-ROOM bungalow, reception hall, portiere open ing between living and dimng room built-in window seat, good built-in pantry, basement, lanndry trays, near car and school; price only $2000. JOHNSQNDODSON CO. 882-3 4 5 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. WK8T BIDE HOME $8000 Frill 2 story, o room, modern bouse: fntl basement, in first cls condition: vacant; located 740 Roosevelt at, $500 cash, $25 monthly. This ia a good wet side bny. FRED W. GKKMAN OJ.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. , 6-ROOM bungalow, 100x100 lot. 5 bearing fruit trees, near carline on E. 17th at; very good buy. Only $8000, $1000 cash, $30 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632-3 4-5 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. 88TH ST. BUNGALOW $2800 Five moms and large floored attic, full ce ment banemwht. laundry trays, street irntmrrt ruent in and p1!. 1 block to car, on 88th st near Division; $850 cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway F.xchange Bldg Mate 8782. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE H acre, 5 room house, with bath and city water, bam ; quite a variety of fruit : bargain for someone at $1800; $300 cash will handle It. Plione Tabor 6751. Owner. CHOICE-BARGAIN Just a dream; rooms. Rose City Park, fine location It to a picture, perfect, abso lutely modem. Only $5800. No agent. East 278, Herd man. EVERY purchaser of real estate should hv hie title insured. Better bo safe than sorry. Title it Trust Co. BY OWNER S room cottage, 401 Monroe one block cast of Cnion arc. Broadway $311, Call Sunday or altar 0 p. TITLE insurance is Quicker, safer and cheaper than abstract method. Ask your banks be tnows. Tltll k. Trust Co, LOT and 4 room, newly furnished house, in good condition, on carline, 10 minuwa jrom poatoffloe: $1600, half caeb. 734 Mi, ave. WHEN Y5U purchase your home, have the title insured, bet a uue Insurance policy. Titl at l nut to, o,r , -.1 " -j . er connected and paid: $6QO cash. Tabor 2984. MODERN 8 room i-Z, aasnit . i'lioiu Se4irood 104$. BEAL ESTATE FOE SALE HOUSES IT PIEDMONT Her i a very attractive room house; 3 nice room nd den on firat floor, 3 bedrooms, large sitting-sewing mom, largo stor age room, bath on second floor; full cement basement, furnace, convenient to Jefferson Hi a chool: 50x100 lot: $4000: or 2 lot, with ilnol new garage and other improvements, for 15000) $1000 cash. HAWTHORNE 7 room home, 15000. Thiol is an attractive story and half with five rooaao, on first floor and two sleeping rooiaa on secooit floor (not an attic). Living room and dining t room, hardwood floor, fireplace, built ins, car ment basement,', furnace, garage, full lot. oast front, located on 41st st, just off Hawthorn,! unpared u and boulevard, ail paid. Half cash required. We have ether attractive buys in tha oln$! districts Willi h we will be plessed to tU yoU about RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce. 1'hcne Main 5024 W write fire insurance. NACRIFIi E SAI.E COST TO BL'U.K NOW $10,000 Built by owner ror home. Whit enama.) beam crilings, wide panel dining mom, built l. sideboard and wardrubs. Urge living room, aleeoe' ing porch. M rooum. including sun parlor, witht fireplace Irge lot. beautiful trees, 4 block to car, near school. I'osseMroa at onre. Quick1 ale. $7500. tSKOO 1 elightful hqme. 7 mom, hardwooal' floor. Mecptng purrli, furnace, eiglitly loc.aUon light, .cry desirable: $1000 down. Ownr laa ing town. $31.10 Bungalow. Alder t. 5 room. t iwr". ic and paid, nice shrubbery, a cost borne; gloOO down. l'oaaeaMoo at once; owner leaving towaw $4000 Hawthorne bungalow, rooms, hard' wood floors, fireplace, furnace, laundrj tryat Frenrli doom. Jd floor white enamel, Aboro iilaees possession at onoe I C T. KIUVARIW A CO., . 212 Board of Trde bldg. l'hone Mala 2010, t 8RoornHawthorneHome d'TMTWfh H room square 2 tory home, ipyWW built only 2 Mi years, on pa t . 50il00 lot. 4 larg bod rooms. Imtb and toilet upstairs: also le-piug porch, furnace, all kirn! fruit tree: located on SOU at near Oiviaion. $1000 down. -CAREY CO. 219 Rv. Eich. Bldg. Main lSi ad and Stark. Main 600S. "ROSlir CITY rARK "blfsf RlCf" 2-rouui house, lot 50x100, everything paid, $575: cheaper than rent. $275 down, balance,! $10 per month. If you want thia, hurry. I-hutie 818 82. ton MALE LOT $20 DOWN $20 A MONTH 8 PARRROSE TRACTS ONLY $750 TO $900 SOME FINE FIR TREE. To cloee our PARKROSE boo for prncwrt! south of Bsndy boulevard we offer choice of. any of the 8 tract on Fremont (Ueet, on th. very easy terms of $20 down -and $30 par mouth, aud at the very low pno of $750 to uOO. or. ANY TWO TRACTS AIUnINI.NO (on one contract) for $50 down and $25 a month. Every one of these tract i level and located at the highest part of our property. They ar nut only wonderlul home site but are might good investment possibilities. Each tract will have gas and water conn actio. Remember PARKROSE is one of tho fin est suburban districts tn Portland, has a good schrol system, good store, street cr service, dally deliveries from department stun. Remember, there are only 8 TRACTS t thea terms, so phone our office. Main SOS.j tod make an appointment to go, see the, tracts at one. i J. It. HARTMAN COMPANT, T Chamber of Com Bldg , 4th and Stark. Main 208. ' " NT RKERT OR TRUCK HARDENING Three block" of 8 lota each. Moll suitable), for nursery or truck gardening. Good 8 room lione with modern convenience, bam andj chicken houses; located 1 block from 611 wood ctrltne, this sid. of Eastmoreland. 1 1 minutes from heart of city. Price for full area $8860. or will sell l '.-block subdivisions on convenient terms, 10 cash, 2 a month. A real bargain for right party. I.VHIDE PROPERTY DEALER' TWELFTH FLOOR TEON BLIMi. PHONE MAKHIIALL 892. FIVE ROOM HOU8F. Ia good condition, bathroom and toilet, 1 block from HeUwond carline, 15 minute from heart of city. Will sell house and entire block of S lots, bam and chicken-buuaea (or $4000. off will divide property. Terms: liesx. cable payment down, remain der $25 per month. IN HIDE PROPERTY DKALERH TWELFTH FLOOR TEON IlLDO. PHONE MARHHALL 898. $10 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY Thi splendid lot, having frontage on 8 street", 1 nf which is paved, cement sidewalk' on other streets, (street work alone coat over S00, all of which is paid. You can have this lot for $875 on the above terms. W hv m hesitancy in recommending thia to you. FRED W. GERMAN CO. 7 82 Chain, of Com. 4 RESIDENCE LOTS AT SACRIFICE East 85th and Glisan streets; on 80 foot hard surfaced street and double track tretef line. For quick turn will sell 4 1U for $1700' on convenient terras or separate lots on month ly payment, Ftreet liens paid to rtt Thei prices are far below actual value. Phone Mat ' ehatl 803. THE owner ha ordered us to sacrifice for quick I rale hi Quarter block on Slut and Killing-, worth ave.. so we are offering this for the WW 1 price of $900. It will pay you to lnveatigaAo thi bargain. C. A. WAGNER CO Main 8150 280 Hurt Bt, , EXCELLENT site for suburban home; threw blocks from SMlwood isrline. north of test- moreland. Entire block of eight lots csn ha pur chased for $2250; $100 down, leaaoiurblo , monthly paymrnU. Will sell half block for $1250. also on term. Will awritt in financing home. For particulars telephone Marst.aH 88,- NURSERY land: two blocks from carlloa. 18 minutes frr-tn downtown; 400 holly tree now in full growth: will U eight lot for $Z.0J or will divide property. Terms, rnone saaruais 898. ' A REAL SNAP Lot near East bMi and Glisan in settlai neighborhood; one block from csillne; prlcw ; $850; term $10 down nd; 110 a mouth.' Telephone Mshall K2. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN Flu. comer facing HO. foot paved street anl i double trck carline. Price $650 on terras $10 down and small monthly payment. Street lien 1 paid to date. Call Marshall 898. FOR HALE 100x100 on Washington st. Beat. 80th C, 2 blks. from Montavilla car, blka.1 from Mt Tabor car, I blk. from hardaorfaeo s.j $1250. Call f4ell. 768. . $650 I Comer lot adjoining Alameda Park; beat boy In this district; paved, awwer, alley. Wood-!- lawn 3025. TOxTlH-FTTllEAP" A flna lot in Hawthorne district. T Moetat tram car; also 2 lot In Hyde Park. Call Sunday, . a -. Atk't al. oetween I a"'. -. - -" " i ROSE CITY PARK lot naved- naid. Phone T $950. on 47li ss.r abor 8441. I FOR HALE -Rodney ave lot, $50, $1$0 eaah. I 87.60 per month. Phone Woodlawn 1402. 1 XLaMEDA PARK lot. $775, wn Iniakley a vs.; 1 tree P- T"- mow. ..nor J tOo-tlrm. m Mlhnrlnf Pga I