THE OREQON DAILY "JOURNAL. PORT LAND. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1920. 13 BtlLDIHG PERMITS M. Spivek, repair residence., 7$2 Second street, I between Hooker aad Porter (treeti; builder A. Grew, 1800. Netnin Wilcox, erect (ante, on the St Helena road, near Dead Un' cone; builder, the seme, 7ft. J. M. Hart, met iwaktenco, J2 Stockton street, between Lombard aad Oberlin streets; builder McComb. $2250. i. II. Hart, erect reaidcaee, 1628 Stockton street, between Lombard and Oberton treete; builder MoCome. $3250. W. It. Perch, repair residence, 410 Twenyt flrst north, between Upshur and Thunug etrecti; builder, Oppenland.r and Bon, (4000. . P. Blybte. repair offices and store. 364 An keny street, between Orecoaian and Park atreeta; builder. Service Station Equipment coo pany, $25. 1 Eleriti-j Steel Foundr, erect iterate shed, ! rather addition to the one already erected, on York street, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty fifth streets; builder the same, 1100. A. B. Stelnbech, reiir hotel. 289 Weahtrn ton street, between Sixth and Broadway; builder K. B. White, 1800. O. B. Cellars, repair reaideoce, 824 Kant Eleventh street, between Halaey and Weidler streets; builder the ami, 8000. Spokane, Portland A Seattle railway, repair warehouse, on Eleventh and Hoyt streets; builder the name, 13000. O. M. Murphy, ereft garage. 660 East Forty fifth street, between Siskiyou and Htanton streets; boilder the same. $100. W. I unit, -ernct garage 685 B. Taylor street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets; build er the same, 160. Mm. George, repair residence. 110 Fan-gut street, between Dnrby and Brandon atreete; build er the same, $328. Multnomah county, floatation for hospital, on Marquam hill rued; builder Phil Sutter, $-3,830. It. A. Sprout, erect garage, C35 East Twelfth Ktreet north, between Klickitat and Siskiyou ntreel; builder the same, 4223. tin. Dob.,n, wrrrkiiig residence, 315 Kngrne treet l;tw?t:i Wllliami and Rodney slrtets; builder. ti Mime. 23. -'v wnnm, addition t. miibva oan Kellogg street, between Jctsun and Iteno streets; builder, il. W. Fimi- toan .-i0,' r,,ro estate, repair public market. i4 Fourth street, between Taylor and lem hfll streets; bnllder. F. H. Rrandes; $800. : . I.. Springer, erect chic-ken house. 875 F,. "tr't- between Hnlgate and Cora streets; Grander the me; $2500. H. E. Manning, repair residence 725 Tilla mook street, between 21t and 22d streets; builder M T. Zimmerman; $850 ...L:"l.1n, PlonHu MllU. repair , feed mill. fc. Hurk street, betweeu East First end Second ptreets: builder the same; $500. ..J:"irrr,. repair Hek-ry and rooms. - l' Rurnsido street, between Firvt and oe.-ond struts; builder. John Bingham: $200. Montemeeff Ward Co., mail order house, -7th and Vaughn street; builder, Wells F.ros : 85K.0OO. W, K. Rado!lff, 'erect asras-.-. 1295 E. 1 7Ui tre-. bflwcm t:isybotlrne sud Tolmsn streets; builder P. I'. Jones; 85 a uugle. repair rekleme, 6841 5!itli sttnne wmtiieant. between th and 07th ! streets; builder the same; $23. I H. Rsrkhurst. insult furnace, 603 K. I iiii sireet norui. Between HUnton and Ala meda street: builder Ass. Kng. Corp.; $IS5. H. il. Bradshsn, install furnace 270 Iry si reef, between Williams .snd Vanoouser ae nues; builder. Ass. . Kng. Corp.; $185. J. L Ab,0ott, install fumare, 040 E. Salmon street, between 2d snd 83d streets: builder, Ais Eng. Corp.; $1S3. J H.lookett. install furnace. 601 E. 47th street, between HUnton snd Alameda streets: builder, A si. Eng. Corp.: $186. Hens Jewel, repair residence. 774 E. 40th str-et, between Francis snd Powell alley road builder the sn; $75. George H. Morrow, erect garage, 8620 36th srenue. between 34th and 67th streets; builder ttie sarnie: $100. Marlon fc. Randall, erect garage, 7406 61st arenue. between 74th ind 77th streets; builder the same; $100. P. H. Wold, erect garage, 4 82 E. 37th street, between Tillamook and Thompson sts.; builder the same; $193. Will ism II. Knapp. erect garage. 658 I,add senue, between Ladd circle snd Londer street; builder the same; $100. Mm. John Jamteson, repsir residence, 1484 Killingaworth avenue, between 8th and 0th streets; builder the same; 475. William Bsbel, install furnace, 129 89Ui street; builder the as me; $225. Mrs. A. Punu, repair residence 6227 50th street southeast; builder the same; $500. Mrs. Margurrt E. Hoot, erect garage, 41 E. 16th street, between Oak and Pine streets; builder the seme: $100. I, . Slisnk. repair garace, 54 5 2d street, be tween Hill and Lincoln street; builder, Ar row Cement Co.: $230. Mrs. J. M. Fos. repair residence. 410 E. Nth street, between Tills moo and Thompson streeti; builder. A. F. V eighth; $200. Frsnk Kiemen Estate, repair store and rooming house, 140 Ftmt street, between Al der and Morrison streets; builder, Buffum & Clislfsn. $400. C. P. Berrett, excarate 84 0 Burnkide street, between E. 2Vtli and K. ISth streets; builder the same; $100. Kuitu Kairctsto. repair pslnt factory. 1620 Ilassslo street, between E. '.2d and E. C8d streets: builder the same; $40. It ram Bsdgley. etcarste !t2 Uilwsukie atenu, between Ryhee and Knajip stretU; builder, A. tWimsrud; $200. Louis C. Ellman. erect wsrehouae. 588 'rei cott street, between K. IStli and E. 14th streets: builder the fame; $550. Albln Vajunen. Install funiare, J 064 K. Burnside street, between Flora and laarelhurst streets; builder, Portlind is Coke Co.; $473. J. W. Mohoffey. repsir residence, 825 K. Tsrlor street, between 20th and l!7th streets; builder. ,1. It. McCormick ; $400 K. P. Hayes, moving and repairing reaideni-e. llf.O .. Illtll street. between hilllne-wortll and Jsrrett street; builder the ssme: $HO0. 11: H. ltich, erect fence, 063 K. 60Ui street, between 81-kiyou and Klickitat streets; builder. Melton: $40. W. N. tJlsseoni. ereet garsge. 677 E. 63d street bet ween Htskiyou snd Htanton streets: builder. Mr. Sheridan: $130. W. N. (Hiucord. erect garage. 501 E. 47th street north, between P. razee and Thompeon streets; builder. M. Sheridan: $130. Ijro W. Bstes, repair metal works, 161 Russell ft- bet. Borthwlik and Kerby sts., builder W. E. 1 lout tier. $100. Ir. F. Unllette, excaTsticn. 7S7 B-lmont st. bet. K. L'8d and E. 24th n.t builder H. E. Wood. 8100. Mf 1.. F. Mow, ereet ehfeken coop. 2tn llaseltetii 1'lsee bet. 30th snd Imperial kts.. builder eatii", $25. Milie It i;.ur. repair retiidencr. 033 K. lft li - N. b-. I'te-cuU and Skidui.rc rts.. builder ssrae, $100. .1. firthing. repair residence. S3 11 Woodstock srr. bet. 8Sd and 84th sts.. builder name, $100. Uuth He '.in as. move vrood-'hed to ue as garage, 333 K. Uglneton st bet, IHh and 13th nts., ' builder rsme, $25. 1". I;. Hmitli, erect carage, 643 E. 20t.h t. ' V. bet. Si-kivou ind Stanten its., builder J. Mc;iure, 83U5. Oicj'in mr.i Co.. erect dry kiln, at foot of Spo- i kne f.t be i. I'niitilta and ihs' river, builder I -am-. S00O. W II. lieikf, erec' garage. 317 I-ombard t. he Fo ter rd. and Irumont St.. builder same, 1 1 00. I llsn Jrhnon, ereet cliickcX coop. i036 50th sve. b,:L OO'i, and Blst st.. bnilder Kmc. $73. "Mrs. .1 Brevet, repair residence, 456 Newton I. bet. Wil-iiti snd Acreage, builder rn, $800. Mix Smitli. install lurnsce, 870 Sandy bird, ft. 28Ui snd 2S)th tu. builder II. P. Cloyes, $253. Mai Smith, install furnace, 164 E. 28th st. hrt. Oregon and Sandy blvd., builder H: r. t'l. yei. $235. Mi Smith. intiill furnace, B12 Sandy blvS hrt, 28th and 20th sts., builder H. I". Cloyes, 42'JO. Oskar Anderson, erect residence. 908 Brooklyn .t.! bet.-4?9th snd 3pth st, builder same. $8000. J. R. Lneieh. erect woodshed, 200 McClelland t. bet, Brandon and Delaware sts.. builder same $100. C. II. Cannally. repair residence. 112 Hsrtman t". bet. Charleit-in and Cruikshsnk sf.. builder -tnyr. $85. ieo. W. Ja;er, erect garage. 1800 Atlantic t. bet. Portland, blvd. and Dvkutn ate., builder im. ISO. SKYf TODAY Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Can and Deliver) - Old Uucs aad Woolen Clot-las. Wa Man Baverslble. Haad-Wovsa FLUFF RUGS Eoom Site Flaff Burrs 'oe tllM Bar Rns; Worea AH Slsas Clotbcs Cleaalng and Dyelir DtfL Mall Orders Seed for Booklet Feathers Rcnewatad Carpet Cleaning 8xlt Riri. Steamed Cleaaed, $IM WE8TEE5 FLUFF KCQ CO. 44 Ualoa Ave. X. Fheaei ast Mid aalesroovs West Park aad TaaaalU At 10 A. M. Tomorrow BIO ACCT10N SALE TUESDAY 2 P. M. AND THUR8DAT 2 P. M. -AND SATURDA Jf p. M. til bcroad 8U Bet. Taylor aad Salaiea ft. c r J-I -ae" TTEVT TO DAT Journal "Vant" Ads RATES, DAILY OR SUNDAY Per Dm. per insertion IZa Three consecutive tnaertions for price of two. Each subsequent consecutive insertion without change of copy, per line 6 Count six average words to the Una Phone Main 7173, Automatic 560-51 For monthly rates phost (or aoticttor. ESTABLISHED 1892 Storage Auction AT THE C. O. PICK TRANSFER STORAGE CO.'H W'A REHOL8EH, 8EC 00 AND PINE 8TBEET8. On Wednesday Next we shall sell furniture, rugs, carpets, ranges, trunks and pernonal effects, suit cases and various other gooda. All the above Roods have been duty advertised, according to law. In the Dally Record-Abstract, first publication dated January 21, l'JZO. and will be sold to pay storage and other liens on the same. AICTIO.V ON WB'J.VrDA Y, F.XT, AT 18 A. M., ASD WILL BE (OXTISIKD ON FOLLOWING 1AYH I'.NTIL ALL IH HOLD. BY OKltER V. O. PICK TRANHFER A NTOUAl. E tO OFFICES AND WAREHOUSES, SECOND AXD PIE STREETS. WF BI T HOI SEHOLD GOODS AND PAV VOl' CASH, OR WILL (SELL FOR VOV ON COM MISSION. OCR PHONE M'JIBER IS MAIN JS$. C. BAKER A W. H. I)EA,' Auctioneers, Tamhlll and West Park Streets. PHONE MAIX SS89. GARAGES Sectional and Ready-Cut SHIPPED ANYWHERE or Erected in Portland Material and Workmanship Guaranteed First Class and for Circular REDIMAOK BUILDINd CO. 1B E. 11th 6t. Phone K. 6114, PORTLAND. OR. We ca ) nnd deliver. Your old carper and tuks mad Into FLUFF RUGS Satisfaction guaranteed. Also raff rugs and carpet cleaning. Mall rordera promptly . filled. Montavilla Rug Co. Pbone Tabor 7814 19S4 Eaat Stark MEETI.G "NOTICES 41 WASHINGTON lodge. No. 48. A. I'". A A. M. Special com munication tomorrow, Tuesday, afternoon, 1 Kast 8th and liurnaide, to conduct the funeral "f our lata brother John F. VL Falrlev. Funeral mmmltljir i.le. take notice. All M. M. invited. 1'lease bring Ordir W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secy. A SPECIAL conclave of Wash ington Commandery No 15, K. T. will be held Tuesday eve ening. February 1 7, to Washing ton Masonic hall. E. 8th and Rurnside fU Order of the TentDle will ho con- ferrjd on a cla. of 4 candidates. All sojourn ing Sir Knights sre" invited to he pn-sent O. P. EtSMAN. Recorder. Wir.LAMFTTF TniBD n n Improved Order nf nji. ' Tirf '""'ht (Monday ,t A- te? 2os,' Thi d ,1 isitors Welcome. McDonald. C of R. annual llooS maV ball. 'l i SECOND qerade Ding, Mowe temple. IS 9 4 th Nin' Ttyl7- Ten'ea h priih P.oPir7 Thntn- Prof Fnd "Pi, AdmUsion 5 si.ri 35 oents. Dancing at Mot, hall evtrv Tn.i., I lx.e end Saturday nigh! Juur,KU'r J I A R M ox Y LOIV; R no y Visiting brelhr wMcome UWee3' W. M. DE Lrx ... ..v.....,-J1, jiiiue NO. 131 A. . and A. M. Soecis meeting tomorrow Tuesd-v. evenin, ,t 7:30 orlock.Tueo By orterM VUiiU" We,come" J.H. Bl TLER. Se, ,. ONF.ONTA TRIBE .NO. 2. TMPROVED ORDKP. t)F KKD .MEN Regular monthly dance will he lielc tlu-i evening at W. o. W. hall. K. th i;d E. A'der tf. Carlsons Snappy Jaxs or chesitrs. Mfmbers and friends cordially in vtted. Admission tickets can he purchased at door. 85c per couple. L. B. SMITH. C. of H. NORTH PORTLAND LOIK;E NO. 230. I. O. o. F. Reg ular meeting tonieht at A o'clock. Working in the 2d degree. Visiting broth ers welcome. II. W. HOt; AN. N. F. M. WILLIS, Secy. G. N IGHTS OF PYTHIAS Ivauhoe lodge No. 1 meets Tuesday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock, Pythian build ing. West Park and Yamhill. Dedi cation of Pythian building. All Pythians welcome. A. W. RUHNDORFF. C. C. ALL members nf Multnomah f'ircle No. Tea I Neighbors of Woodcraft, are requested to meet at the hall. 10th and Taylor, Tuesday. Feb. 17. at 1 o'clock, to attend the funeral of Neighbor Larson, to be held from Miller at Trscey's, at 2 p. m. EMBLEM JEWETrT a specialty; buttons, pins, haraas. Jaeger Bros.. 131-138 8th at, 7 iital S tatistics m&rriagzs. Births. Dc&ibs MARRIAGE LICENSES Eli A. Weston. 28. 6T8 Union ave.. and Amanda Brinmann, legal. 580 E. Ankeny st. C. B. i amjibell. legal. 305 E. 11th st.. sr)d J r lorertce o. ittrrvn, legal, ail IKIOIUQI si. ( I Louis turner. 26. TSYoma. Wash., and Pheba Knapp, 23. 300 E. 4 6th st. Robert Louis Barron, legal, STS E. Stark st. and Marion E. Ashby. legal. 1235 E. 1 1th st. N. Victor L. Porter. 2i. 869 Regent drive, and A. Helene Pierce. 21. 898 Williams ave. Harvey O'Bryan. legal, Multnomah club, and Elsie L. Brown, legal. 125 E. 11th at. Charles W. Stutts. 88, Spokane, Wash., and Maude Chipman. 44. Hotel Portland. Carl Errett 8tone, 28. 1626 Haven, and Frances C McKarthy. 21. 298 Eugene st. Samuel II. Cox, 26, Barker apartments, and Frances M. Moore, 23. 19H 1 28th st, Harry L. Baker. 22. Spokane. Wash., and Esther Stevens, legal. Hotel Portland. BIRTHS MATTHEWS To Mr. and Mra George D. Matthews. 700 E. 60th. Feb. 0. a sou. FOSTER To Ut. and Mrs. W. S. Foster, 6? 8 E. "Stli. Feu. 3. a daughter. CARItlNUTON To. Mr. and Mrs. K It. rington. 1162 C.llsan, Feb. 7, Uuihir. STKNFRIRS- To Mr. and Mrs. H. Kiom'rl-s, 489 Beech. Feb. 11. a son. RK.EN To Mr. and Mra. C. Ben, 2SS K. 1st Feb. 11. a son. STRACK--T M-. rt.C Mrs, lo-sos A Urs- 80tt MI'SMri, ... a, a t,i. FEl.DK Tj Mr. s.r Mm. Hmi Fel-a, .. E. 0. i'eb. 8 a da tight.' - ,tajT-,.- ira- BIRTHS ' EAHLMA-N' To Ur. and Mrs. llarry n Baui- man. 607 Mulberry, Feb. 17, a sun. HO; To Mr. and Mrs. It. A- 1Lm$. bl M ' I'Bioffl are., Feb. IS. a son. TODD --To Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. Todd, 1070 E. 27th. Feb. 6. a daughter. TLAD To lln and Mrs. Waiter 1". Flad. 200 Glisan, Feb. 9. a son. DEMENT To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. De ment, $59 E. 49th. Feb. 6, a son. ROBERTS To Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Roberta, Eugene, Or., Feb. 4. a daughter. TOK.OTA To Mr. and Mra. T. H. Tokota. 41 N. 2d. Feb. 5. a daughter. WALKER To Mr. and Mrs. E. Walker. Ohio hotel, Feb. 0. a son. UAMAN To Mr. and Mra. John Cataaa, Llnnton, Or.. Jan. 15. a eon. SCHON To Mr. and Mra. Arthur H. oehrn. cor. 5th aad Columbia. Feb. 1, a sc.t KAfFMAN To Sir. and Mrs. A. William Kaufman. 661 E. 80th, Feb. 3. a daneliter. EARL To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Earl, Ona- laska. Wash., Feb. 8, a daughter. BROWN To Mr. and Mrs. Claude D. Brown, 1201 Omaha, Jan. 30, a son. McREYNQLDf To Mr. and Mra. Leon Jle- Reynolds. 146 Vi KiUingsworth. Feb. P. a son. DEATHS AXD FUNERALS 7i FAIRLEY At the family residence. 443 East 10th, February 16, John Fairley. sged 3 years 10 months 17 days, busbaud Sylvia lair ley. father of Anna Emily, James Martin and Jean Fairley. Deceased was a member of all VVasbincton bodies of Masons, including Knight Templars and 14 degree Scottish Kite Mason. Fnneral service will be held Tuesday. February 17, at 2 p. m., at the conservatory chapel of F. S. thinning. Inc.. 414 East Alder. kn eludlng service' will be conducted at Portland Crematorium. East 14 th and Bybee, by Wash ington Lodge. No. 46. A. F. A A. M. Friends lnvitett WEDEKINl, February 14. at her late resi- dence, 673 Borthwtek street, Mrs. Anna F. Wrdeking. aged 49 yeaiu, wife of t:arl Wedeking. mother of Margaret and Helen Wedeking and ftiistr of Max Kaiser and Mrs. H. OeUner. Mrs. Pearcy Peaea. Mm. Vt . Kotteman, all of this rity. Deceased was a member of Tbusnelda lodge No. 1, O. P. S., and Women of Wood craft. Funeral services will be conducted Tues day, February 17, at 2 p. m . at Pearson un dertaking parlors, Russell street at t'nion avenue. Friends invited. Interment Riverview cemetery. MII.LJElt In tliia city at her lUe residence. 1520 Virginia street., February 15. Medora K'iril Miller, aged 42 years; wifi of F. S. Miller, mother of William Alva Miller, daueiiter c-r Mr?. Jennip F. Hurd and Lster of Alvs Hurd tf fhicaa. 111. Fnneral services will be held Tuesday, February 17, at 2:30 p. in., at the Trinity Presbyterian churrli, Virginia and Ne braska street. Friend-v invited. Concluding services at the Portland crematorium. J. P. Finley A Son. directors. l.OWLNGART At the family residence, 65 ( tieignis terrace, at i :qf naturaay monmic. Feb. 1 4, 1920. Mrs. Samuel Lowengart, aged 72 years 11 inontln 1!) dayj. beloved mother of Mrs. Rara Dilsheimer, Mrs. F. H. Reineman, Vfr. VraA I r fna arwl Ifarrv I jvrn. sart of tliis city, and Mrs. C. N Jacobs of ' San Francisco, l.'&l., sister of Leopold Barman. I Friends invited to attend the funeral services I at 1 p. ra.. Wednesday. Feb. 18. 1920, at the above residence. Interment Beth Israel cemetery. GRAY At his late residence. 48'J" 33d ave. S. E., Feb. 14. 19'JO. Harry Malcolm (.ray. aged 50 years 11 montlis 10 days, beloved I ha-nand of Kstherine Gray, father of Ethel I Turner and Edith Williams, brother of Miss! Ella Sevier of St. Louis. Mo. Fronds invited! I to attend the fnneral services at 3 p. ,m. to-1 I morrow (Tuesday). Feb. 17, 1820. at Holman's , I Funeral Parlors. Third and Salmon sts., under 1 the auspices ot r.xcehior lodge, o. t I A A. M. Interment Uiverview cemetery. WHIT1S In this city at her late residence, lt;74 Hotige street, February 14, a Mary W. White. I aged 76 years, mother of Mrs. W. F. Parry of . this" city. Mrs. M. S. McElhaney of Yamhill, Or.; J. B. White of Condon. Or.; O. V. White of ! Recti Mills, Or.; O. A. White of OroviUe, Cel.: i H V. White of North Bend, Or. : M. L. White of Madera. Cel. : J. C. White of Norris City. HI., and H. H. White of xhis city. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, February 17. at 11:30 a. m.. at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview cemetery. TH1BEKT Feb. 15, at 1802 Willamette boulevard, Victoria Thibert. ased 61 years, beloved wife of Julius Thibert. .mother of Mrs. A. 8. Billings. Vancouver. B. C; Rose A. Erneat, Victoria and Leland J. Thibert of Port land. The funeral will leave A. P.. Zeller's undertaking psrlors tomorrow (Tuesday) , Feb. 17. at 0 a. m.. thence to the Holy ReUeesner church, Portland blvd. and Williams ave . where i services will be held at 8:30 o'clock. Friendi invited. Interment at Mt Calvary cemetery -i ot the' LONG The nrivatj funeral Lervices late Boyd K. Long, aged 27 years, who I died in this city February 14. and his wife, i Cladys I,ong, aged " 23 years, who died in tli. ; city FeTmiary 13, will be held at the Dunning , Sc. McEntee chapel, Broadway and Ankeny st., Tuesday, February 17, at 1 p. m. . under the a'upiees of local 130, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. Incineration at the Portland crema toriuru. - HI IF In this city, February IB. Hatile Huff. aged 2a :.oars. late cf 7120 Fifty fourth ave nue southeal. daughter of Mr. and Mr. C. 1). Butler cf California, sister of Mrs. Ruth Bellamy and O. M. Butler of this city. The funeral scr vic will bo 'neld Tuesday. February 17. st 10:30 a. m , at Finley's, Montgomery st Flf'li. Friends invited. Interment at Multnomah cetne tery. ERICKSON In this city. February 15. Victor LVickaon, aged 1 7 years, late of 408 North Nineteenth street, son of Mr. and Mrs. 11 rick Erirksem hrcther tt Martha. Klsie and Howard Eiiekwn. Funeral services will be held Wed- I nesriay, I enmary IS, at 1 p. m., at rinley n. M.'iitgc. mcry at FiftJi. Friends invited. Inter ment, at Ttof.e City cemetery. SUDERSTROM--In this cily. st his late resi dence, 502 Mary street, February 15th, Er nrt F. Suderxtrom. aged 34 year", husband of Mr. Louimy Suderstrom. son of Mrs. Anna Su dertrom. brother of Beatrice Ester and O. F Suderstrom of tliLs city. The remains are at Finley'g, Mcntgomery at Fifth. Notice of fu neral later. MERCER At the residence. 017 E. 62d st. N. Feb. 14. 1920, Lucy Sophia Mercer, aged 7(1 years, widow of th late George Mercer, mother of Charles I). Mercer and Mrs. W. H. I Mall. Friends Invited to attend the funeral r if i n c l. in, Lriuiutiiivr i i uuat . r v-1 . i a rr- 1 . t.- nOA ti l ,. ri i e- l . a and Salmon sta. Interment Riverriew cemeteo. : W iRDF.N Funeral viife of Clinton services of the late Ixila. Worden of 1031 Aibina j sve., will be held st 2:30 p. m. tomorrow 2:30 p. m. tomorrow t (Tuewlay), at the chapel of Chambers Co.. 248 250 Killlngsnorth sve.. near Williams. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Spokane. Wash., papers please copy. AUSTIN In- thisclty, Feb 1 0. LewU "Austin. sged 32 years, son of Mrs. N. K. Austin, hrotlier nf Jessie Austin of Butte. Mont,; Oatie Austin of Mullan. Idaho: Lee Austin of Horton, Kan. : J. W. Austin of Tfarviile. Kan., and Mrs. R. Nelson of Seattle, Wash. Kemains are at the Dunning A McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny sts. Funeral notice later. Ll'RZ In this city at his late "residence, Hi East Ninth street north, February 13, Charles Augustus I.urz. aged 87 yean., husband of Mr. Sarah Lurz, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Lurz, broth er of J. J. Lnrc of this city and Frank Lurz of California. The remains are at Finley's, Mont somcry "t Fifth. Notiee of funeral later Ali.MSTRONG In tills city, February 16, Jes sie Elizabeth Armstrong, aged 23 years, late of 704 Hoyt street, daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and sUter of Kenneth Armstrong of this, city. The remains are at Finfey'f, Mont gomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral later. ZIMMER In this city, at his late residence. 398 Killingsworth. Februarv 15. William Howard Ziromcr, aged 37 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmer, snd brother of Clarence E. Zimmer. The remains are at Finley's, Mont gomery st Fifth. Notice of funeral later. DE FREES In this city. February 1.1. William DcFrees, sged 54 years, late of 1574 Macad am street, father of Clarence DeFrees of On tario. Or. The remains are at Finley's. Mont gorocry at Fifth. Notice of fnneral later. a S TAUUHTON At the residence. 1S30-E. 19th st. . Feb. 15, 1820. Anna E. Staughton, aged 64 years, beloved wife of Harry E. Staughton. Kemains at Holmans Funeral Parlors, Third snd Salmon et. Notioe of funeral later. j DAWSON In this city, at her late residence, 757 Union avenue north, February 10, May i'inQ, aseu .jo years, inrmsnr or Aoeraeen, Wajh. The remains are at Finley's, Montgom ery at Fifth. HTKONIMUS Funeral services of the late Arthur F. Hrronimus will be held Wednesday. February 18. st 2:30 p. m.. at Finley'a. Mont gomery at rirth. mends triviteu. Interment at Rov City cemetery. SPECKLE Ivan Orton Speckle, infant son ot Mr. and Mrs. Abram M. Speckle of 805 Interstate avenue, was laid to rest today in Multnomah cemetery under direction of Downing McNemar. . WOLFE February 13. 1920. at St. Vincents hospital. Austin H. Wolfe, aged 61 years 2 months 18 days, late of 478 Alder st- P.e mslni st Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell st at Union are. Notice of service hereafter. GORMAN Funeral services of the late Joseph Oorman. aged 60 years, will be held at Dunning A. McEntee s chapel Tuesday, February 17, at 10 a. m. Services private. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. BETTISON this city. February 13. Thomas O. Bettiaon. aged 74 years. Remains are at the Dunning A McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny sts. Funeral notice later. FRAZIER- In this city, February 13. Frsnk E. Fraxier. aged 83 years. Remains are at the Dunning k McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny st. Funeral notice later. BOLTER At Colorado Spring, February 12. Jennie Bolter, aged 28 years, wife of A. M. iicr ci t.tjs e:ty. to? rennin are av mniey , j.cutg-m"ry at Fifth. Not'ce of funeral later. IX MAN At the residence. 175 11th. st. FeR 18, 1920, Stephen A. fumau, aged 67 years. I-maiiy at Hclnwr.'. Funeral Pariom. Third an j Sviiuna stt. NutVo af frntaral later. 7 EKI T. Ekl. Berr saniurium. Feb! years; broncho pneumonia. PRESTON Carrie May Preston, 659 K. Mor- nscn. Fab. 12, 88 years; carebtal hemer rhage foDowinf influenia. KAGLEB Spiros Kagler. Influeasa hospital. Feb. 2 2, 26 years: influenza. DALY William J. Daly. St. loeepis Home of Aged, Feb. 12, $3 years; apcpl-jiy. EWING Samuel Scott Evring, SeUwuod !o- pital, Feb. 18. A2 years; tuoeeciuodis. GOODWIN Donna Myra Goodwin. Oirr ssni- ' tarium, Feb. 12, 1 years; pueumouix BABKA Josephine Babka. fi2 A 4tb, Feb. 11, 59 years; chronic asthma, M DERMID Archie McDermid, rortland aaai , tarium. Feb. 11, 68 years; .-3cj-KEN.VEY William 11. Kenney, 675 Wilson. Feb. 12. SI years; mitral insufficiency. HANSEN Kemus Harmen, Good Samaritan hos pital. Feb. 13, 22 years; aepticaaia. KISSIRIOS John P. Nissirioa, I? i Bamari- tan hospital, Feb. 12, 21 years; iobar poes monia. SCHON Anton Schon. 4030 73d. Feb. 11, "2 years; valvular lesion of heart. KEARNEY Mcllvtna Kearney. 11S2 E. Grant, Feb. 11. 69 years: chronic aro ichitU. KELLY Alexander Kellv. 1010 U. 12th, Feb. 10, 58 years; tuberculosis. Kl'TKZ Mary Knrtx, 188 Monroe, Fab. 10, 1 year; lobar pneumonia. DECKER Torilda Becker, 584 Hood. Feb. 11. 72 years; valvular heart disease. SEPE Giro Sepe. ambulance to St. Vincenta hospital, Feb. 11, 60 years ; injuries to chest, DRYDEN William Dryden, tinia mel boBpiiai, Feb. 12, 87 years; chronic 'i?ili-itis. BLACK Sarah Kate Black. 414 E. 8th, Feb. 12. 74 years; acute bronchitis. JONES Ernest J. Jones. Mountai'ivi rw sani tarium, Feb. i, 35 years; broucho pneu monia. BROWN John Hossock Brown. 729 E. Ank eny, Feb. 10, 72 years; fatty degeneration of the heart. HOUGHTON Eddie Roughtcn, 791 E. 10th, Feb. 11, 3 years; hydrocephalus. NOLAND Edward Francis Noland, 313 Rus sell, Feb. 10. 3 years; tuberculosis. MILLER Mabel Miller. 4U2V4 Beech. Feb. 11, 13 yearb; llodkius disease. TORKENCE Nancy M. Torrence,. 1234 E. Uroad.vay, Feb. 12, t!9 yean; cancer. LE BARON Adeline It. Le Karon. 7D4 Tilla mook, Feb. 10, 89 years; senility. 6TADLER Jacob Sudler, 617 Kearney, Fab, 10, 4 4 years; influenia. MEANEY John D. Mcaney. C021 5-"th, Feb. 10, 36 years; bemoUtic streptocoiyus pneu monia. ELLIS Floyd Howard Ellis. 1018 Division, Keh. 10. 4 8 year.-: organic lieart disease. ETR1NGER Leona Stringer, Influenza hos pital, Feb. 10. 21 years; influenza. GOLDBERG Mrs. Itaehael Goldberg. 24 3 18th, Feb. 12. 2 7 year; influenza. MARSHALL Helen Daisie Marshall. 772 E. Yamhill. Feb. 10, 0 cars; diphtheria. CROCKETT Lillian Waltonia Crockett. Good Samaritan hospital, Feb. 11, 4 7 years; pul monary hemorrhage. DUDLEY Ralph Cleo Dudley. 187 E. 28th. Feb. 11. 26 years; influenza. DAVEY Millie Dsve. ,99 W Aibina ave., Feb. 8. v8 years: bronch i pneumonia. WHITING Bertram Whiting. Sllwood hospital. Feb. 7, 49 years: broncho pneumonia. WITHROW Ithuben E. Withruw, Good Sa maritan hospital, Feb. 8, 3 8 years; prostatic abscess. GILBERT Mary E Gilbert. 6203 17th ave,, Feb. 7, 87 years; senility. FLOEISTB C!4Ltn !Tfi. ?TU.- iUUaa tt-lis S riUWCI 31IllJpl '"Portland's Progressive Florist." Flowers for All tie-s-'ion-. Main 72 15. T. '. I.LKK, M(;i(.. !tli siul Alder. LUBLINER TWO STORES We Strive to Please 848 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. and Park. Marshall 287 328 Mormon, Portland HoteL Marshall 763 MA BTIN4F0RBE8C'0T florists, 384 Wash ington. Main 2U. A-1209 Flowers lor all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.7flor.BUr Morrison tTrbe4 and Bth. Phone Main 770U. Fine Flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. ChappeSi's w3?r& N. W. Bank bldg. Main 6116 irrison t Max M. Suns FIOniSTS 144 H BIXTH ST. LaLANEPPOSITE POSTOFFICE: Flowers lor all occasions. Main5545. TON SETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Wssnington St.. between 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A-116L I THE PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder st. FLSE 11 A L UIKttlUBs Edward Holman Son . . ruoerau uarectors THIRD AND SALMON STREETS Main 507, A 1511 Lady Assistant. Jo Fo FINLEY & S' FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN B MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH ! "F.7"DUNNIN07lNC. ' : THE GOLDEN RCLF, UNDERTAKERS 414 E. Alder St Phones East 62. B-8228 i CHAMBERS CO. t Funeral Directors. All the Conveniences of a Horn Woodla-a 3306. 248-250 Killingaworth A ra. A. D. Ken worthy Co. 584)2-8804 93D ST. 8. E., LENTS phone Tabor 8267 Home Phone D-01 Duonjaig S: McEntee Broadway and Ankeny sis. Phones Brosdwsy 130. Lady Assistant A-4558 DOWNING A McNEMAR, successors to Wilson A Ro Multnomah at E 7th. lrvingtun aistrict. East 84. McENTEE & FILERS, funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, lflth and Everett eta Phones Broadway 2133. Home A-2133. Eat 781 B-188H JL. Lerch Mr Lereh. Asaistant UNDERTAKERS. E. 11th and Hawthorne, j R W. GABLE A CO? Successors to W. H. Hamilton I 173 E. Glisan I M i :-t r-. '., isan I'linne T r,-r mi - - itry r irri a t a fryr js . . . . " J iT" reetors. Prices as low as $20. 140. 8o. Washington at Ella. Main 2691. A-7885. D IT RVDMIC TT New residence e- "V u a-P a iryi N . tablishment. 801 Williams ave. Woodlawn 220. Breeze&Soook To712Bntfl" A. R. Zeller Co. K9 ."SiSS 7 UATiFRTAKING UO. Main 415? SkeWeS a as 21 Cor. Third and Clay M05TMT.5TS BlAtlSiriQ GRAHJTE C? Ja(7-3 gQ ST. AT MApiSpyj, Portland Marble Works 2fi 4th sL oop. City Halt Keu Bros. OTTO SCHUMANN East Sd and Pine. granite and marble works. East 748. LOST ATTD FOUND II LOST A lady's purse containing lady's gold watch and chain, eyeglasses, commutation book of tickets: lost in Meier-Frank store. Return to C. W. Klippel, 102 Front. Liberal reward. Main 381. i WILL THE PARTY who found my savings ac count book please return to me or the United States National bank. May kep currency found in same. Louisa M. Smidt. 575 Hoyt st. SMALL spear shape pearl pendant silver mounted initial "E." A keepeake; reward; return to 867 Weidler. HELP VTA5TEP-WALK 1 WANTED MALE HELP By machinery house, high grade office man for po ition of cashier and credit man; stats evperience and give reference.. L-924. Journal. MIDDLE aged, active men for immediate guard duty; state age, height, address and telephone nnmber; also previous placelof employment. L- 4 94, JonrnaL J WANTED A first class man to handle large laundry route in city, must be a hustler and know how to handle the public: reference ra- quired. X-494. Jcurnal. WANTED AT ONCE First class, experienced ' riveters and gangs; pipe fitters on marine work, aNo ship tittern. Strictly AMERICAN PLAN. Apply 820 Oregon bldg. 5th and Oak sts. WANTED First cUss lsth mill oontractor, give reft re no. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. .Klamath Falls. Ore. WANTED Wood cutteni for firt gru.tb fir. Tske Oree. Elec'r'c tx. Whitford. walk south. Inquire at Blacksmith shop. TAILORS ATTENTION Strike still on in Portland. LOCAL NO. 74 1 WANTED Man to make beds, room. The Globe, 4 4 N. 1st St. $13.75 and WANTED Boy 17 or over to deliver groceries on bicycle; not a school boy. 700 Wash. st. WANTED Washer for night shift. Weber's garage, Belmont and 30th st. WOMAN or man wanted to work in exchange for room. 88 i Grand ave.. East 433. WANTED COUNTRY (Oregon) Herald. PRINTER. BANKS WOOD CUTTERS, ham arr;. $2 per cord. 169 Grs- TELEGRAPHER Must be first- class. Telegraph Co.. Board ot Trade b'.dg. Federal 2 DRIVERS wanted at the new plant of the CoulhUted Laundry. Tabor -7700. WANTED Platan pi Co. ireas feeder. Irwin Hodsos DEATHS AK9 FtHTERALS HELP WAJfTBD HALS WASTED Four SH ton trucks, equipped with dump body tod ' hoists, for road work, commencing March 15; doubl shift work, lasting to middle) of No vember or Peeeaber. We can asaka immediate s delivery of trucks. Price ao4 terms reasonable. Phone evenings. Partly. Tabor 1S44; days, 4 p m. to 8 p. m.. Pur?y. Broadwsy 1872. THE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BI'KKAU. City of Portland C. 8. Government. Can furnish help, male or faasale, fre of charge to either "Party. MEN'S DIVISION Flatiron bid.. H Tina st Phone Broadway 4876. WOMEN'S DIVISION 202 Beek bldg.. Prnadway snd Oak. Phone Broadway 4860 WANTED Man and wife to operate telephone switchboard in small town near Portland; wages 81 00 per mo. with free bouse. State experience In first letter; fire phone number if any. Address. C A. Barr. Hillaboro. Or., R. P. 2. WA NTED" AT ONCE First class, experienced shipwrights. Joiners, wood-calkers, also heavy and tight fire blacksmiths and toolsmitha. For work out of town. Strictly AMERICAN PLAN. Apply 520 Oregonbldg 5thandOak sts, EXPERIENCED middle aged active watchman or guard for immediate service: give refer ences as to reliability, character and qualifica tions, last employment and telephone number. L-923. JonraaX WANTED AT ONCE- First class, experienced. all around machinists, molders and pattern makers for ont of town work. Strictly AMERI CAN PLAN. Apply 520 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. HELP WATfTKTJ MISC. 49 NOTICE. AtTTO STCDENTS ! THK ADCOX SCHOOL ORIGINATED THB I FREE TK1AI. OFFER. A Iboruu-h investii ion will satisfy yon that schools trying to IMI TATE OCR METHODS have nothing bat a WEAK SUBSTITUTE TO OFFER HERE'S HOW W?T PROVE IT Come here foor weeks bsy not a cent In ad vance. If you are then satisfied that our train in is the superior of sny other Pacific North west auto school, pay your tuition. If you are. not satisfied that our tcboor excels, ws will pay you for every honr yon bav attended class. This u h -ot tjrtiin off.r nv auto arhool ever i made. There la no red taoe to it wa gladly will rnt it in writing. We are willing to dc- Iend entirely .upon your honesty and good judg ment Only a different, umruertionably supe rior school could make soch an offer. If our training were Just tbe ordinary kind, this offer would be suicidal. But wa know where we stand kuow that tha Quality of our training wUl win you if given a trial. We will nuke you an offer that yon cannot afford to turn down. The details of this nnufnal offer and foil particulars of the remarkable Adcox course are found iu a large, impressive book wb'-h has just lately come from the press. Those who have seen it pro nounce it the most finished work of its kind ever published- Tells why automobile vcboois are different why Adcox graduates are success ful tells yon bow to judge sn automobile school what counts and what is stum. It will make you a friend of the Adcox school the moment you start to read it It ccts us 86c. but we will send it to you absolutely free for the asking. Call in person st the school or send ns your name and address and your copy will coma through by return msil. i OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN No tuition tee expentes to you jou are al lowed $20 per month from state educational land while attending school. School open for inspection from 10 to 12 a. ra. d3 ADCOX AI1TO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL Union in. and Wasco St. DO YOTJ KNOW That 99 of the pro9Pcet.i who investigate the Adcox Auto school enroll? WHY? Because we make them simply can't turn dewu. a proposition they J1.00 CATALOG FREE The full details of this unusual offer are found in a large impressive book that cents us almost 81.00, but we will gladly send it to any ambitious fellow FREE. Call or write for your enpy, ask for Book No. 2R. OREGON EX SERVICE MEN THE COURSE IS FREE TO YOU For full particulars and Free catalog call or write, ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL Union ave. and Wai,co st. A Puaitian for Eali Graduate. AL1SKY BLDG. MEN WANTED I Get into the automobile business. Jlve us 6 j weeks of vour time and see how ea?y it. Is to ltarn under HEMPHILL'S laten improved i or Hawthorne car at 2d snd Alder to L. 20Ui. , YOUNG women. 18 -45. desiring government .lerkships, $100 monthly, write for free par i ti'-ulanr. examinations. John Leonsrd I former Civil Service examiner), 998 Equitable bldg.. anliingtuo. I. C. POSITIONS ASSUKED EVERY flUADUATE OF BEHNKE WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretariat Free cstalog. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Tonne men and women wanted. Call 484 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn a well paid proiessiou. r ree oooaieu Hallway leiegrapn inmiioie. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 42 HAW THORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT ! TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB DAT A L r, v . i t -J-T.ii, . . . r r' rr ttfldta. Cua " I ITrili. Vw.. ,WW -.-.rti n m t i stenosraphy. riril semce, secrete rial, prci-l ! courses. Expert teacners; asy sna nigm; r-u roll now. Phone Brosdway R083. EAST SIDE COMMERCUL SCHOOL Miss Itegina Bucket's private school; individual Instruction. 122 Vfr Grand sve. East 427. BOCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency.' Enroll free Frank K. Welles, former Assistant State Bupt. . mgr. N. W. Hank bldg. Phone Main 8278. FIREMEN, BRAKF.MEN". 1.')0-$200 monhtly. experience unnece ary. Write, Ballwiy As sociation. Care OX 854. Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE Telephone Operating For Young Women Additional telephone operators are needed due to constantly increasing requirements of tbe aarrica. A good salary at the start. Regular and frequent increases. , Excellent opportuniuas fur promotion. I .arte, cheerful operating rooms. Attractive recreation rooms, served at coat Lunch rocms with Apply st Telephone Co., Room 601, floor, Ialephona bldg.. Park and Oak sts. flu ELDERLY lady wants middle aged lady for light housework and company; wages. 768 Cleveland ave. EXPERIENCED women In the editorial depart ment of a daily newspaper. Mr. Bernstein, Portland American, 827 Henry bldg. EXPERIENCED women advertising representa tive, for a daily newspaper. Mr. McCalL Portland American. 827 Henry bldg. WANTED Experienced chambermaid (Scandi navian preferred), ont of town; $40 month, mom and board. VX-6S5. Journal. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, pleasant borne; Christian Scientist preferred. Tabor 658. WAMK.Ii An elderly woman without a home to help with housework in country. Pbone Tabor 777. Call evenings. WANTED Competent girl for second work in small family; good wages. 769 North rup st Main 32. COMPETENT gTrl for general housework ; no washing; plain cooking. Main 6941. WANTED Good cook for small family; food wages. 769 North rop st Main 82. WOMAN for ganerai housework. Phooe Sell wood 1478. HELP WAICTET FEMALE EXPERIENCED sales women for stationery and notion department. Apply superintendents office be foes 10:80 a. at. Up ma a. Wolf a A Co. CHILDREN of working mothers cared for and given three meals daily except Sundays) at Portland Day Nursery. 404 Madison st. Marshall 1723. Price, 10 cants a day. Ages, 1 to 8 yean. WANTED A high school girl to care for obil dren for room and board t small wages it com petent. Phone Main 6099. WANTED Middle-aged woman for housework. for man and 4 children, very good salary, no washing. Tabor 7935. WANTED A girl for general housework. Good home. 780 Overton. 556-87. HELP -WANTED MALE AXD FEMALE t WANTED Cook for ranch. 880 a month, with board and 2 rooms; crew of 6 that may double any time; man or woman acceptable; can give ranch work to married man at 82.50 a day and board; state experience. YI-678, Journal MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Pan you while learning; girea you set of tools; position secured. Write for catalogue. 2S4 Bumaide st., or phone Broadway 1781. MEN, WOMEN, team barber trade; wages while learning, position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 yean' experience. Oregon Barber College. 888 Madiaon. PORTLAND .Barber college pays yon while learning, gives yon set of tools free; position leeured. 38 N. 2d sL TTA5TED AfJEXTS AGENTS WANTED 800 per cent profit; no competition. 887 Thurman St. 81 I CATIONS MALE r fix your roofs. I lite the celebrated Webfoot paint and positively atop all leaks; 20 years' experience; hundreds of satisfied cus tomers in PoiUand. Phone 320-50. CLERK, bookkeeper, d. e. neat long and roundhand penman, strong in French. Eng lish and t'ierman, wants translation, clerical or literary research work. 8 96. Journal. , ., WANTEDFWcTas menagefof "retail hard wars and implement store; will be ready to go anywhere after Msvch 15. X-473. Journal. LICENSED KPRATER8. Both phones. 219-23. PRACTICAL houae painting, spring rush soon on; save money; have work one this month. Prices right. Tabor 3051. ROOFS fixed and eves cleaned and painted, and all kinda of repair work in the household. Call Main 1529. WANTED Painting, tintiag and paper hanging by L. Q-Ncil. 733 4tli sL Matn 8694. 'wANTEDTiauling of e"ny kind for a 2 ton truck. Phone Sellwood 3127. C.XRPETFt-wstiti !"ob work.-store front and fixtures. Price reaicnsble. Sell L387. EX PERI ENTTeD tanner, ma rried , wants" "posj - tion. Address PX-655, Journal. PAPER HANGING and kalsomlning. Ka-t 8114. Telephone PAINTING, psper hanging, tinting. 1626 E. 7th. Sellwood 3H. Main 4344. A 1 CARPENTER builds snd remodels, by contract. Wuodlawu 126.' cheap. I OR PLOWING In Len ts district, call Tabor 3 783 in the Mt, Scott WHEN you '"y.'vd 'f!iincler phone Wd'ln. 3598. EXCAVATINandplowing. s'ellwood 2088. SITUATIONS FEMALE LADY experienced in cooking and serving, pre pares dinners and luncheons at reasonable price. Eat 2534. LADY wishes position as housekeeper In apart- inent boufce. Main 3757. LACE "scrim Marquisette cuflnshsnd laund ered by experts. Eat 8198. HAIR dyed it home reasonably by experienced lady. Mein 3879. RELIABLE woman wants day's work. WoodlaWn 5428 after 5 o'clock. Call DRESSMAKI7IO 4t ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladies garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed J Reubin. Lsdles' Tailor. 40a Bnvh Lsns bid HIGH CLASS dressmaking, street dresses, etc.; make your old auit into a dress; reasonable rates. Mrs. Kelly. East 7807. DRESSMAKING Eirrert workmanship, rates reasonable. Twe Cabinet Cleaners snd Dyers. 424 Morrison, near 11th. MsiD 1825. WOULD like sewing by day; prices reasonable. Woodlawn 2032. FUR-MSHED BOOM S FRIT ATE FAMILY 7 ; LARGE attraetive sunny front room, o vnndowa, bath and phone privilegen, hot, cold water I in m m, idoal n'lrroundings, Ftiitable for 2 emoloyrd girls, who wih iwrmanent heme.- 777 i living ot.. at W. .23rL NICE light, clean room, $15. Urge front i-oui 23. lrge uleeping porch -'0. All ujtable for one or two. On 23d st carliue. 755 oyt Kt rhoneMaln 6182. CLEAN', rr. pt.. conneeting bath, first class apt. nouse. gentlemen preferred: referenees. Mam agio. L-V1U,E pleasant sleemng room for 2: deaiwhlc location. walking distance; men only; refer- enre : S 1 " Phone Ktf.t 7P2. 2 BEAUTIFUL front rooms suitable for 2 or 3 ; piano, hardwood floors, wicker furniture, close in. Broadway 4251. BEAUTIFULLY furnished auite. large, sunny rooms, with sewing machine and use of piano, private home. Eaat 5534. LADD ADDITION" Large well furnished room with porch, fine location for summer. 615 Elltott ave. PLEASANT furnished room, close in, 440 E. Clay, corner 7th. East 8.13. FURNISHED room for one gentleman 657 Flanders t. MODERN "rooms $2.50"per week? 88 H Grand ave.. Ksat 4 3. FI;RMSHEO room for gentlemen $8 per mo. Call at 5 E. 28!h st. N. M. V. car FOR RENT Koomi. 321 Oth'st, comer Clay. ROOMS An BOARD It ONE large, airv, well furnilied front room, meals if desired, with home privileges; suitable for two; cloxe tn. Phone East G6S1 BOOMS AXD BOARD F BIT ATE FAMILY TI ; WAnTKIi Two gentlemen to rorm and board. - j ln-me vriviie. $32 month. 195 K. 74tlj vt. N M V ir Tel. Tsbor 6631 I w AM r;u i.enueman to rocm ana ooaru, pji- rate family, home cooking, $4 0 month. Sell wood 1859. NICE. LABC.E front room, suitable for 2 gen tlemen along with home-cooked meala; modern. 203 N. 21st st. BOARD and room for gentlemen in private uome. 331 Grand ave. N . 1H blocks from Brcad- way. Eaat 2 7 5JT NICE, CLEAN rooms with or without board in private family. !2 W. Everett. WANTED Children to board. Sellwood 879. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FTJRN 18HED AKDTJSFCBSISHED GOOD, clean housekeeping rooms, suitable for couple. 293 Vi Union are., 1 block south of Hswthorire car. Alan single sleeping rooms. Eat 6384. SINGLE, double and triple H. K. rooms, com- pletely furnished, rteam heat, hot water. 186 Sherman st. Mar. 3HH.J. 2 LARGE rooms for housekeeping; stove heat and gas range. $18 per month. 657 V,' Wil liams ave. NICE, CLEAN. rulro7hed.houseke,pini-rocSi: Eat 8817. HOUSEKEEPING, single, double aud sleeping i rooms. and u5. 3(li V lt st. i FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. ' Csll Tabor 4937. FRONT room available Monday: bot water r' always: bath, laundry. 6.15 Handera. ; BACHELORS' nice clean single if. K. , room. , $4. 285 K. Morrieoii st. 1 HOrSEKEEFlNO BOOSTS ! FrUNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ' PRIVATE FAMIXT 7$ THREE furnished h. k. rooms, cony borne of working girl or couple employed. 781 E. Tamhilll st. Sunnyside car to 23d. $12 One Urge front room with kitchenette, free cooking gas, light, bath, pbone; adults. 182 E. 23d st. S. 8. car. 4 -ROOM H K. Apt. with garage; private resi denee. Phone Tabor 426. 1 LARGE housekeeping room, first floor, private entrance. 249 18th st. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 822.5a E. 45th, near Belmont st. Tabor 2729. FOB RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED l WHEN TO0 Mors, CHE NOBTH- WESTKRf KijrrrrRic I.ICHT AKRVtni; 10th aad Waahanwtoa. Broadway 688- I HATE for rent a 5-room bungalow. 30ti near Holgata. $20. Poasaaalon Eaat now. Broadway 2988. 5-ROOM cottafie. gas lighu7l peY 476 William, ave.. owner. East 694 7. HOUSES FOB BENT FUBNIIUBB FOB SALE U HOUSK for rant aad fumituxe for sale. 4tb st. ' .. .V 69$ FOB BEKT TTJ5XTCBE FOB SALE HOUSE far rent, rooms furniture for sale. 429 Third st. AFAHTME5TS FOB BENT 11 FOR RENT Furnished 8 room housekeep ing apartment. East 171. il3H ' Lar rabee st. THE JEFFCBT 3 room furnished apt. 115; close in. corner Busaall A Kerby, between Miss, and Williams area. Pbone East 1894. STANFIELD Apartments. 204 Porter at, modern 2 room apartment: reasonable. Main 7892. ' NEAT, clean apartment, faa, lights, fuel, tela phone. 698 Johnson. 8 ROOM apartment, furnished, 880; r an tn and Pine. 2 AND 3 room apU., Liberty Apt.. -72 E. j - vuurr new miDiEmcai. FOR RENfS-room furnished apt with pri tate hsth. cm at 109 N. 18th st. Tt AJI TEW TO BETfT Bcsistea man and wife, no children, wish to rent or 1 modern a or 6 room bungalow with garage. J. T. Taber. 654 PiUock bU. Broadway 23. Res. Sellwood 1209. WK bave hundreds of client! de-lrlng to rent. Tbe efficiency of "The MoGuIrs System" of property management will save yon money. FRANK L. McGCl&B. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. WANTED TO RENT S or 6 room house by April 1st, by responsible couple, who will give Drooertv best of care Roaa City park or Irving-ton preferred. 2-876. Journal. WANTED To-rent house with atlesthalf acre: am an expert boctirulturist and will take good care of the place.' F. W. Sabranskyi 5507 50th ave B. R. WANTED to rent, with privilege of buying if - desirable, 6 room, modern bungalow. Pbone Sell. 941; WANTED B young married couple, 2 modern bomtekeepins rooma. preferred near Uom City Park car. Q-871. Journal. COUPLE want 4 or5-roora furnished house, 825; references. Woodlawn 8383. MODERN flat or houseunturnuhed, 8 adults, close in, eait side preferred. V-3(it. Journal REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 49 FOR SALE Apt. house at 'beach, about 20 per cent on investment N-480. Journal. BFSiyESS PROFERTT STORE, resldenoe. garage, on paved street A bargain. Marshall 297. WATER-Fit 6nT, west side.' on trscksge. psved street. East Side, on trackage with . building 100x100. For sale or lease by owner. 142 1 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE HOUSES II X ROSE CITY PARK 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH 85250 We do want you to eee this splendid home: for rear downright honest conntruetion you will find nothing superior in Rose City park ; the arrangement is ideal; located 1 block from Sandy; let us show yon. , A. . TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark . near tld. Main 3092. Branch Office. 50th at Sandy GOt ) D S UN N YSIDrT HOM E - 6 rooms and full basement. 2 toilets. 2 lavstories, built-in psntry. reception ball, light and i'onvenlently arranged rooms, corner lot with harti Mreet-s in and paid for: bent part of Sunnyside district. Price, only 83000; 8500 cah, llance like rent. ! JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 032 3 4-5 N. W. Bank Bids. Main 37S7. ROSE ClfYPAIlK New. 5 rooms and exceptionally large sleep ing porch, glass enclosed. hardwood floors, enmel finish, fireplace, furnace, built In garage, 1 block from carllne. 616 E. 57th st. N.. corner Htanton; SH500; terma. Phone Main 6154 and Tabor 3S28. ROSE'criT HOME r Owner anxioiu to leave the cite will sell his 2 story home for less than market value. Fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, basement, laundry tran, furnaee: 50x100 lot. garage, utreet improvements in and paid. Price $4500; $2000 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-3-4-5 N. W. Bank Hldg. Main 8787. Hloose, 4 Lots,. Paved St. $4500 Terms 8 rooma. good plumbing, rity water, large fine garden. 0 fruit trees, beautiful shrub, plants and grove. Geo. E. Englehart Co. Main 7266. 824 Henry Bldg. SUNNYSIDF. BUNGALOW WITH TERMS $2800 Vacant, 5 rooms, modern, full basement, fii-t-cla'.s plumbing, city Improvements, light, gas and bath, east front, Ijeurellnirat Park and Snnny-ide car ckre. Owner at hnut on 15th, 10th, 17th, from 10 a. in. to 4 p. m No. Ill E. 35th St.. or call Ed. Last 876Q. after 7 p. m. NIFTT BUNGALOW $4000 Bnilt 1 year ago ; really a home to be proud of: large living rooma. extending width of houe; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffrt, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, wash tra.vs, etc.; near car; let us nhow yon. A. G. TEEEE CO., 264 Stark st. nesr 3d. Msln "8092. liianrh Office, 50th at Rsndy. ROSF, CITY PARK CAR 3-KOOM nUNGAIA.W--$8250 5-room bungalow; nicely nocated, near car; excepu jnally large living room. Furnace, etc. ; full loV Us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Start st. near 3d. . Main 3082. linrneh Office. 50th at Sandy. Westmoreland Modern story and half bungalow. Urge living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, hot water heat ing plant, line garage, street improvements all in. For further information call C. A WAGNEB CO., Main 8150. 230 Stark st. M'1!; . 4 room cottage on a ehoie. 50x1 OO, Livltig room and dining room combined. kitchen and 2 bedrooms. Unlet; nice lawn s shrubbery; house in good condition, ft blocks to car. . Price only $1250; $450 cash and balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 682-3-4 5 N. W. Bank' Bldg. Main 378 A FINE 9 room house Ibnllt 1918). sleep ing porch, hoi and eoM water, perfectly lo cated, at Forest Grove. Or. . lot 87x185 H , in perfect rhape. WUl sell very, yery cheap or trad. Give terms. Will sell for halt ila worth. I). W. Marsh. owner. 4O0 MeKar bids. Phone Main 134. itooiuw fine to rent. See it. Center of town. . rsr. r,. -itii im modern rouse, --swiry nungsiow type, dou suble- le- constructed. 2 lot", fruit and berries, gantge, good location; $4500. $2500 ition; $4 500. Sellwood 1159. -ash. 62 1 Lao ave. By owner: no agents MODEKN 8, room house, lot 80x100 full ce ment basement., laundry trays, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining reom. Dutch kitchen, 5 fruit and berriea, gAd chicken houao: H block from HL Johns car. 1292 Atlantic ft. Priee g88QQ. MirnsUfWEWT or ineclianic, 2 lou76 rooin bouse, modern axrefit furnace: also Isrge 2 story building, sew.r. water and lights; suitable for garage or repair shop; 1 block from car: If interested; phone East 2103. MtT TABOR" HOME. WE8TffLOPE 7 room, garage. 8 bedrooms, sleeping porcb. all modern, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, iHitch kitchen; sacrifice for quick sale; $4950; owner. Tabor 8824. $1475 A. ROOM HOUSE Leaving city and mint get $M35 equity, cash; i r.OxlOO; lots" fruit and berries, ehicken lioure, light, gas and toilet, sewer connected; 2 blocks from Gltsae, near 63d. Tabor 2034. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS j . "STd t N., 1 block west on Vsufbo to 1118. A NEW bouse and lot 80x100 for lltitH. email payment down. balanca 810 per month, interest 6 . Save your rent money snd buy a boms. C; Phone Kast 1848. Owner. ALSO 6-ROOM BUNOALOW On E. Everett, not far from Laurelhnrst for $3750. See Mr. Delannnty at 370 Vi Stark st. or phoneMain 1700. Evening East 2086. "FIVE room house, water, gaai 1 00x1 0Y- i block to car, street improvement" paid; $1 100. terms. Agents need net calL 729 Liberty' St.. owner. ' ; BEAUTIFUL bungalow. 6 rooms, reception ball and bath, property 80x128, complete garsge 16x32, plenty of berries aad lota of flowers; terms. Phou. D-11S9. FOR SALE By owner, 2 howws, and 5 room. close in, $2650. Will give easy terns. In- quire 49 Fremont st SIX room bungalow, modern except furnace, doaa to ear; all large rooms; snap for $1600, terms. 209 Oregon bldg.. Broadway 1658. FOR SALE Modern 5-room house" on paved street, reasonable offer ' takae it. Be owner, 1084 S. Alder. t OWNER, modern 6 room, Wavtrley district, one block oar. pared streets, fine location. East 1828. . TWO cottages, one 5 and ouo 0 room, at 83d K. 44th aear iHawtborn . Mo agents. Call Tabor 886. BARGAIN 6 room bungalow, lot 150x100 rich eoll, berrtoe 121 B E. 83d N. TWO daady buagaiows, $2600 and $2800;' terms; fumltore. Tabor 4849 evenings. J2SO0 For sale. 5 room nangalow on terms. Call at lit. 8. b-ran et- Frank U McGul?s to lasuis Sfsinsi Tlrai Abtfiftoa bid. Mail 1061. BRAND-NEW. aaodern., bolit-ic, $ room bun--galow. in Woodstock, Boar cartiaa. Sell. 2204r HOUSES REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES "iT BIHRCAREY CO. 2 It Ry. Each. Bldg. 3d and Stark. Main 188. -lain UOs. OPEN EVEXIXGS Wa have tha bargains in homes. Tha wise ones realize it. TWELVE houses sold in two days. Saturday and Sunday. Coma to our show rooms and sea tha photos of hundreds of inspected and ap praised homes. Trite real estate salesmen, with aatoa. delighted to show you property, day or evening, without obligation. The Cream of Rose City Hare is a 5 room conrrete stucco hvngalow on 80th at . 2 blocks from Sandy boulevard; ftOxlOU comer lot, paved both ways; fireplace, hardwood floors, tapes. try wall paper, beam oailinaa, doubla kitchen, cement binawsL buyr assumes about 8150 street tax yet to pay. 81400 down. If yon know values you will appreciate thia opportunity. $ NEW HOSE CITY BUNGALOW A T 85fn Brand new t room double eon SlrJ!UJ structed.; built-in bookessea. win dow seats, whits Ihitch kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement. 8e thia by all means, it's tine. 81570 down. fine of Rosa City's choice bun galows, corner lot, pared both ways, on 48th St., Just north or Sandy 1 block; 6 full rooma and a music room ; has everything liirnace, fireplace, hardwood lloors. ft 500 (Iowa and $40 per ' month Ukrs this pretty home. ATTRACTIVE R. C. BUNGALOW (OllfTlfll s rcK"a I'ungalow on 63d at., rWtUUjI 2Vs blocks from fiandy: t-ailt-ins of every kind, unusual buf fet, Dutch kitchen, furnace, ga it te. It will pay you to soe this. No better bargain in Rose City. 20 MOKE GOOD BOSS CITY BUYS 2 STORY IRVINGTON HOME Here la a plain 8 room hoaso on E. Ittli st. about Tbompsou st 1 htiM'k to Irvmgtnu car. Full lot. iHived, good garage, largo i eranda ; abuudanee of roses. 81000 dewn. IRVINGTON HOME $iO0 DOWN line is a well built home oa 1 2th rt. 3 Mocks north ot Hroadwaj ; furnace, flrefilaoe. ;i light, airy bedinoma no, with bath and toilet Full cement base ment. Ileal bargain. IRVINGTON PARK BUNGA1.0WB saw :rydy4' room bungalow, built years: finUhed in oak and white enamel: 2 rooms In llnishod attic, bullt-ir, china cloaets. full lot, 2 blocks to car. 820(10 down. WESTMORELAND BARGAIN 4 ro m bungaluH with flreplaire, built in buffet, garage; wonder ful buy for the money. $1574 to handle. 10 othmt good westmoreland homes beautiful new hawthorne BUNGALOW Here, folks, is an elaborately fln-,li.-d 6 room bungalow, all on floor ; best residence part of Hawthorne ; finished tn old Ivory .nd whllo enamel. The built-liis ara of every dcaeriptlnn and per fect; polished hardwood floors, ji rt brick fireplace, large library or .leu, csu be used for bed room if dnaired" ived st. in nd paid. us show you this ukIsj. $1500 down. 8 ROOM HAWTHORNE HOME 5 3! (MTMTm 8 r"0'" Q"ar 2 story home, built only 2 yesrs, on psved t.. 50x100 lot, 4 large bedr roomk. balh and todet utietairs: also ale-ping porch, furnace, all kinds fruit trees; located on SOUS st. near Division. $1000 down. 8 ROOM WOODSTOCK BARGAIN HClfhlH! D &1,t - ,n Woodstock district ptrUvJl i, w.ii built 8 room home in A I condition; hsrl surface st. and sewer paid up; beautiful aid trees, lawn and flowers. V acant. Immediate ponarisstoa. Owner lives in Idaho. Right oa failure. $1200 down. 35 Qogd Alberta lows 4 room bungitlow, fontpU-tcif fumiKhril, pTeJ M., 1 Mock at Vni'tn 6t. do -A II . vn Jioakciawu. .u FINE ALBKllTA BUNGALOW 'STfffMTl room bungalow. low. rsm- bllng bungalow lines; very at trsrilvr: dandy garage. with olid concrete runwsy; A t con dition, one of ttie het buys wa ever had. $1150 down. YOU'LL LIKE TH IB ONE C'l'CfTlini T"u a beauty, very artistic d sign, beautifully finished inside and out; 4 rooms: 2 bedrooms; 1 block to car. $600 down. 2 8 TORT ALBEBTA HOME 5 Ttfllfll ,lne 9 nom 2 story boms oa tiaved st.. mock to car on loth st. Built in buffet. Dutch kiteln-n. cement barem.nt with laundry trays. Here is real value In a aplcndid home. Bseriflca Iiriee. $000 down. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION j ' 1 11 fTTifTh 6 r0""1 1'ungslow, nat re tinted; "Tl.gJ-W i,t white enamel plunbtng. 2 light bedrootaa, 2 looms in nn fintahod atlic: giear car and school. $000 down. 12 Good Montavilla Homes Escellcnt S room bungalow oa 7.nl00 bit: 18 bearing fruit ree, bet plumbing, full C- oient baaement. near car; le bearing fruit trees, fine rhickoa KouseT f.'iOO down. 15 Good Sellwood Homes ll7K 5 room bungalow on Miller at., 4JCrai. ! 2 bedrooms, bath and toilet. laveri st. and swer paid op; 2 blocks to ear. $1000 down. S3aOO BEAL'TIFITL ALBRRTA HOUR RfTfirtn l,re 11 "onderful liome oa WOW t. with a but water best ir u system costing 8000; 6 rooms, fine garage. $1500 dewu. BIH R-CAREY CO. -19 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1688. 8d and Stark Matn 6088. OPEH KTENING8 GOOD 4 rxim cottage on Improved street, living r mi, kitchen and 2 bedroom"; finUhed la white; full plumbing; house B years old and In good condition. Price $1360: $200 cash. JOHNKON DODHO CO... 632 3 4-5 V. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. ALAMEDA PARK . Beautiful ft -room bungalow, alnroat ogw, hardwood fliHrrs, Dutch kitchen, garage. Owner, Woodlawn 4895 REAL ESTATE FOR SALR Vt acre, i room kouae, with bath and city water, barn; quit a variety of fruit: a bargain for someone at 81800; 8800 casb will handle it. Phone Tabor 6751. Owner. CHOICE BARGAIN Jurt a dream: 6 rooms. Rose 4"ty Park, fine location. It is a pieture, perfect, abso lutely modern Only $$800. No agente. East 273. Herdman. MODEKN 7-roow bungalow, doubly built, ca ment basement, no back aaaasanMnta, block t car. $2750; terms: discount for ca ah. Ala Oakland touring car. Bloae at Are uses Bra.. 5U and Pine. PIEDMONT Am sacrificing my 7 r.' bangs lew for quick sale; hardwood finish, flrapiece, full baM merit, furns'-e and trays, 2 Iota; $$25(1. U . Tigard. 089 Corbctt st. - 8-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, full cement ment, trays, auto driveway, all street improve menu in and -id. $2")' cash. Bf owner. 1196 Ivou St. Tabor $98$. - - v TEVINGTON . Just completsd modern 5 room buagalow, with a breakfast mom. Gasen furoaea, garam. lot 53x100. Phone Wdlo. 4841. BY" OWNER 5 room cottega. 401 Monroe at, one block east of tTn'on eve. Broadway MIL, Call Sunday or after 8 p m; ' $00 Afh $-00 ,. ,v 6 room hc-" rwv -nt, fruR,.flae district. Mt Tabor. Tabor 8824. . ... LOT and' 4 room, aewly f arotvhed kotaw, "ra good oorrdltlon, on etriine, 10 tofnntee from -ostefftoe: 31600, half eash. 738 Mis. sen. (OontlmMe ralrowinf Paiay " . 1 "