7. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15. 1920. v I 17 WHITE LEGHOBI BABY CHICKS Now it the Unit to order your baby chtcU. We sre specialista In th chick hatching business and. owing to the htgh cost of feed, we htn mad special efforts this season to select our beet stock for our breeding pen: an oar breeder art Hogantied and beee bees raised on free range rum: our pen ara headed with male birds that ara from trapnested and a vary hib etc record strain, therefore we do not healtate to say we can produce the strongest and largest chicks yon can bar in the West: oar peat experience allow oa to guarantee ail our chick food, sound and vigorous ; safe delivery anywhere. Will bare chick March 1. SCHNLLLKU'S POULTRY 'ABM. 1540 E. 18tb St V.. Phone Wcodlae 118; MEAD M DARK VELVET REDS Woo at the great Western Winter how. First, odd pen: aeuond, yound pen; second, coca; fourth, hen; ISO cuh and also ilver enp for best display. In my customers' hand the bird ara nvJiIng remarkable record in the trap nest VhovtLat write, of better still, come out and get that setting of egg that will start 70a on the rod to success. W. H. Mead, 002 101st. 0. E.. Portland. Or. BARRED ROCK BABY CHICKS FROM TRAPNENTED STOCK Do not . buy the other kind. For the flrat time in thl state chicks from trepnested stock are being offered. Order at once bifor they are gone" and ft them early. Our parent stock ha been trapnested for nine rear and hart won in several laying contest. For further information write BUTLER POULTRY FARM Phona Oak Grove 159-W. Jennings Ixxlge, Or. Jack and Tame Rabbit Skins ' Ship your )ck and une rabbit skins, also fnr. at once. Prompt return guaranteed. MKTKK it UFSCHITZ 78 Brannan t. Ban Francisco. WHITE-' LEGHORN baby chick. Feb. 29. $26 k $30 per hundred; eggs for hatching 11.60 V $2 00 getting; $8 par hundred; order taken for April. May and June, pen headed by highest producing cockerels procurable, 6805 Wood stock are . Tabor 6399. Special Matches BABY I HUM Ancon. White Wyandotte. Bnff Orping tons, Bnlterrupe. a5 tor $7. Buttercup cock erel reasonable. C. N. Needbam. Halem. Or. ONE-VlVluT liuonTTockerel. 2; 10 White Leghorn yearling hens. $1; lo While Leg- horn pullet. fl.SO: I incubator t gin; 1 brooder at $8. Will not sell ohicken singly hut in a lot. Muat ba sold today. Tabor 4187. 721 E. G4tb N. THE KING POULTRY FARM (Regtateredl On Glisan st. 2 miles pant of city limit. Itou'e A. Hoi 880. Portland. Or. Tabor 0578 Single I'omb TV I. Rds hatching eg. $2.60 pr seftinr: Berred rocks. $3 None better. W deliver. Special rate for large quantitiea bThh : kT ito K Pock erels Birred to the skin; good laying .strain: 14. 13 end $10 ech. according to individuality. Ec for hatching. $3 and 15 for 15. ROBT. L. BURKHART. Albany. Or. FOTTLTRT AWD BABBITS we want; .PELIABLK PEOPLE TO rl fur-bearing rabbit for u in their back yards ' ir. time We furnihh teek nd psy $5.-0 to $7 5Q er.h for all you raise. SUNSET Ft-H CO. 6t6-7-8 Lankerbhim bldg.. Loa Angeles. , Cal THOMSON Aristocrat Barred Plymouth Rock eggs; incubator lot. $12 per 100. Booking order Country road. 1H block eat of Courtney sitlon. Oregon City line. Phone Oak Grove 29J. Address. Milwaukee. Box 139. It. 1. Oregon. HATCHING egg from Cndahl's "bred to lay" S C. Reds, $3.51) pr setting- White Leg horn eggs $1.50; only two of my red cockerel left to go at $6 apiece. O. W. Lindahi. U. 2. ,1-innUin. Or. fl"L lUid and WTiite Lechom cockerel, Urge husky fellows from 200-egg trsin. hatehlng eicgs and baby chick in seaon; order now for Stsrch r delivery. Suderstrom's Poultry yard, 117 6 Powell. Tabor "133. WHITE and Brown Ieghorn hens, pullets and cockerelr; Barred Rock and Rhode Uland . Red cockerel; Ancona hens nd cockerel-. Mt. Sett Poultry Yards. 6348 84th t- S. E. Tslmr 68115. V.AT8 ui your breeders now or buy egg to l.strli s ir-w winner, for the Western U inter Porttand. N-.v. 2 Dec 4 1920 Oregon Poultrr and Pet Stock Aociation. 873 YamhUl St. ORDl'.RS taken for English Leghorn chick. Tom Karron heay laying strain; first hatch off Feb. 2, -Be each 5515 80th . S. E.. U.mnt Scott car to Millard arenue. - FOn" SALE at 3 each. aboutTTlS White Leg horn hens for breeders; these hena are aplen riid layers; aU) 2 White -Leghorn cockerela H. K. Joyce. Sherwood, Or., B. 3. VHITELEGHOiYn' hutching eggJ: winter layers. Hoaanized electd; $6 per 109, incubator lota. Well e-iiale Pol 1 1 try Frm. Wells. Or. WHITF.-Leghorn baby chicks, ready March 7. O. A C. and Tancred, 220 egg-train 25c each. $20 a hundred. Order early. 3624 ttlst t.. H . Tab.r4010. TUPPER'S American Beauty atrain White Mi norca cockerels. 8 fine bird at $5 each; guar anteed pure blood and pure white. Wm. Tupper. Hilh-buro. Ore. LARGE BLACK Minorca cockerel from the finous Nuon i-trtln of Spokane. Wash., none h. ttr. J. C. Biwley. 6008 52d -t. S. E . cor. SOth are. " HART CHICKS It I. Red and White leghorns, about 200 egg Ktrsln and better. E. Suderstrom. Tabor M33 . f"B It PI'LLETH. Taylng and lfine cockerel, not related. $17 for all. Estauada and Gresh sm car to liendali station. 2 blocks south on 82d St., 1 block et. Walker. POULTRY A few English and Tancred cockerel left at $3.00 each. Apply t orchard. 72nd t and 88th a. fE llFV jour" "While WiJ.i.1 .tte eggs from Patter son's, inspect, cur prn and see what you r $ettin. IISTi I'. Cf.th t. N. Woodlawn 6281 MAMMOTH ti-ain liW-k Minorca eggs for hatching, $8 setting. Tabor 9047. 9816 WnoMork are S C. REDS-- None better" for price of $8.80 and $5 per setting of 13 eggs. 6403 90th at H t... Lents. Ore.. T. Wellbanka. t'OR S ALV.---It f. "KrdsetUnghenr also egg ' for hstching; good laying strain. 8828 73rd are. H. E. Pliene Tabot 3702. 38 Vor'NU layinVhena. W. L. and B. R. : also 6 does, 1 buck and hutches cheap: have lo moie 4414 52 od. st B E. TRADE tlicr. nglihred t hite Leglurn rooster for 'horouclibrcd Rhcsle Island Red pullet ll.or !IH3. THOKI t. Uli IIHKI White Minorca hell, pill lets and cockerel, rec for hstehing- 154 7 r.i,. urn Automatic 818-02. after 5 p rq WHltE MINORCA ett' fo? hnU-liing; Ua White Minorca cockerels. Woodlawn 2781. 806 Montana are. ko II "SALE M BfredRock and VVTiite Wyan dotte laying hecs. $2 each. 573 Holuian, cor. E. 13tb st. N. 8 C K. I. REDS Good one, none better. Eggs for hatching. $2 for 15 or $10 per 100. R A MHe.Ui-U, OrjrncoOr; S EX OMETElt,: tells tie sex ancnertUity of egg?. Address Hood River Poultry Tarda, Hood Hirer. Or. i'OK SALE Fancy tlioniughhred Ancona cock erels, Kastem stock, $250 each. Raiuapo 111., Mrs. John Lennox, Lents, Or. THOMPSON'S egga, $2 a 465. Ringlet Barred Hock hatching setting; $12 per hundred. Tabor 60 MAMMOTH bronze turkeys, gobble and hens, $5 and np; also some (-elect geese and gandrs East 6 1 112 800 E. Morrison. FOR SALE Pedigreed Flemish Giant bucks, $3 and up. W. J. Rogers, R. V. D. No. 4, Beeverton. Or , Box 45. FOU SALE -A good Philo chicsen coop. E. 84Ji N. 225 I'.;; strain'- Rhode Island Whites setting ecg.-i for ssle. Oeorge l'sieniiort. Oak 4iwve. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn cockerels; reasonable. 6S20E: 4 4thst.; Woodstock. S C7 WUiTE "Legiiorn chicks: $1S per TOO: Helwyu Miller, Silvertnn, Ore. FOR SALE Rabblto and"rxrUbl"bbirh; snap. Tabor 299. RABBITS for sale. Does with Joong ones. 5312 64 th t. S. E. FAZEROLLE cockerel for sale: price $3.00: E. .1111. 836 E. 34th t. Sell. 1918. FOR 8AIE S Barred KccknsockVfels, J2 put. lets, cliesp. B41 Going st. Wdln. 1888. WHITE Wyandotte aetlinz hen t or aale" Tabor 6367. ' EGGS fee hatching. $1.50. Tabor 683. S29 E. 49th it FOB SAI E 1 year old bronze turkey ben. $8. Main 6282. Hi BUFF LEGHORN hena for aale. pbone Woodlawn 5835. 989 E. 20tb st NortU. FOR SALE-- 20 baby chick 1-85 egg Uueen incubator. Wdln. 1504. YOUNG bronse turkey blood. Marshall 1420 torn, $10; part wild FOR SALE White Leghorn roosters. $2 each. Tabor132. WHITE lfhoru cockerels, hatched on Tancred farms. 8.1 and 35. 664 Linnave. SelL 1818. BARRED Piyukouth rorkerels', Corra!lis"train $2.50. Woodlawn 769. . FOR SALE White Leghorn coeireU Tom Barron atrain, 799 Oberiin. Columbia 788. FOR 'SALE- Bnff Orpington nen with chicks; a bo eocketel Sell 2051. t7 Baby Chicks 1B0O R. L Red baby chick from Feb. 1 hatch that ara the beet selected. HoganUed prlaa fowadation stock, for (SO per hundred; a email deposit with roar order at once win secure !. .klk. .I.-- kl. k.-., -M V.k 41 WIN UIIVU , MIULUCI VI, II l' II Ml B I.... and from then twice a week big Batches of Reds and Barred Rocks at (SO and Leghorns 20 par 100; hatching egg, custom hatching. The Progressive Hatchery 184 E. 12th N. Wocsflawn 1488. MAGUIRE'S DAY OLD CHICKS Chicks pet 100. Eggs, per IB. R. L Reds ISO 12.60 to $5.00 Barred Hock 80 2. SO Brown leghorn . . 25 2.00 White Leghorn, O. A. O. and Tancred strain ... 20 Choice cockerel for tale, IS to. $5. i. R. MAG U IRE T87 Oregon at.. Portland. East 1808. KRUPKE'S BARRED ROCKS 14 cockerels, bent on the coast. fB and up. If Ton want a breeder, come sea my bird. Egg. 15 and $10 a setting; erery bird in pana pnaa winner. Retting hens wanted. H. W. KRUI'SE. 1203 Clinton St Tabor 8814. NORTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION Offers yem the beat obtainable m poultry, egg, chick and grown stork. Correspondence cheer fully answered. 8 2d st. 7Jd to 74th ara. 8. E.. Ints ststion. Portlnd. Or. 8. C. W. L. hatching egg. Tancred atrain. gft per 100. from 200 egg hena and orer all mating hsre free range and arc tested for egg capacity by the O. A. 13. testing method. R. U Combs, 2 mile g. W. TnaiaUn. P. O. ad dress, Sherwood R. 1. PORTABLE POTJLTRT KOtJSES SHIPPEtt ANYWHERE REDIMADE BUILDING CO. 815 EAST 11TH HT. EAST 8114. "Curtis Wyandottes"- "EOOS THAT HATCH FROM HENS THAT LAY" $2.50 per 15. U. E. Curtis. Hillsdale. Or. MAf.S 8280. R. F. U. 2. Box 242. MAIN 8389. ORDERS booked for White Leghorn baby chick. $20 per hundred; eggs $1.50 per 15; our choicest hen coated to cocks from Oregon Agricultural college. Mr. J. peterheff. Or chard, Wash. FOR SALE at 8004 64th ave. 8 K.. Rhode Island Red chickens. Golden pheaaant and an ' incubator of 120-egg capacity. Tax Mt. Scott I car. get off at Tremont, walk 3 blocks south and I 3 blocks west WHITE Leghorns, Rhode Island Red egg foH iiatohlng, from our superior egg atrain. Leg horn eggs, $2 26 per ett!ne; $10 per 100 Red eggs. $4 per setting. McKenna Park Poul try Farm, McKenna are and Iombrd at. CHICKEN PARTNER. $400 to $600 required; 2000 chicken equipment complete and ready for operatiou. Boat opportunity in Oregon. P 667. Journal. R. I. RED eockereb. Reea ha the big boy. dark, rich red. No smut. Egg for hatch ing. 219 Portland bird , St Johns ear Pboue W.lln. 34 27 BABY 'CHICKS Leghorns, onable. C. Reds, Rocks. Minorca: prices rea N. Noedham. Salem. Or. I HAVE mated :he 1st prise Rhode Island cock, Portlnd winter iliow, with my best trpneted stock. Eggs, $2 to $5 per 15. Day-old chicks later. 956 Williams ave Phone 817-81. WOODS WHITE WTANDOTTES Hatching eggs and baby chicks from my Portland winners; IntcreMting circulars free. G. L. Wood, 512 IuchnanRldg: WHITE LEGHMNCOCKERELS. 6 ELL. 1830"! DOGS, BlRDS. PETfs, ETC. 46 ROSE CITY CATTERY Four registered studs at service : SUNBURST (orane-) DAI LIGHT (sUver) JACK FROST (while) BONNIE PRINCE (black) Orders now taken for spring kittens. 1248 E. Morrison st Tsbor 7274. OREWOOD KENNELS SENSATION PILOT II at stud. Weight U lbs. A. K. C. 260292. Classiest Httle male Bos ton Terrier out of CHAMPION STOCK in Port land. Nee him. OREWOOD BANTAM at stud, weight 14 lbs.. registered A. K. C. 268906. Boston puppies for sale. Small pet stock boarded MRS WILLIAM J. SMITH Phone East 5009. 874 Haasalo st POINTER AT STUD. Hal Proctor, son of Champion John Proctor, one of the bet bred pointers on the Pa-ific coast; thoroughly trained and broke ss ft gentleman's shooting dog. No pointer carries better blood lines. Limited service. Better roniiricr I reediig to this Eood dog while you have the lUpotunity. Fee $-5 Add-as Beat's Kennels. Bo 319 Route 1. Portland. Ore , II ! if .LSD A LECsFKennels 1 2 yesiTdesleTHind breeder of high grade Persian cats. Best silver and orange males that money can buy now at publio service at reduced rate. Main 5450. Box 22. Hillsdale. Or. PET stock ani (tupplies. We are headquarters in the N. W. for birds and cages, dogs, est.', rabbit, csvies. etc. Food, remedies, etc. VU or write pet stock catalogue on request. Rout ledge Heed A FL.rM Co. 145 2i t Port la -id FOR SALE English setter, male. partly bmVen; a beautiful black snd white doc Call end soe this dog work. Reah Keuuels, Box 319. Route 1. Portland. Oregon. Thsleb Splendor (orsnce). King Moose (black). Persians. 536 K 51st N. Tabor 7773 2 ST. ANDRE ASBURG Boiler fauiales, $2.50 each. Call sf ter Sunday at 1026 E. 10th it N. Alberta car. FIELD trial InnTug pointer. "Steam Boat Bill." at. stud. Fee $25. D. ton bldg. Main 4093. T. Ewen. 613 Abing- AT 8T11 -Llewellyn setter. Psllarho Jr. No. 31458 and Count Moring No. 46363: fee $25. P. K Whiteside. Hillsdale. Or. FOR 8ALE At a bargain. :t femal St An dreafburg rollers and breeding cage. 859 Rodney ire llione 313-87. ST ANirftEASBEHt; Rollers snd FemalsT choice stock. 420 Stanton. Phone East 4 529 b CATS to estrli rata; must be good nioaers. Write Bor 747, gle telephone number POPTI.AVb CAT KENNELS. TABOR 750 Home of $250 Persian stud r ee S3 up. BOSTON bull i-uppies. 3 00 E. Morrison. EaS 6122. FOR SALE Female canaries for mating. H874 East 2 BEAUTIFUL canaries, 1 female; $6 for both or $4 for male. East 81 90 FOR HAt.K One Boston Bull. 1442 Garfield ave. Woodlawn 4682. FOR SALE St Andreasburg female, dark yellow, $1.50. 174 Morris st PAIR St And reason rg canaries. $10. 123 E. 19th st breeding cage. CHOICK singers, also female and cage, cheap. 617 Dekum ave., Woodlawn car. ST AN ORE AS BURG singers $4 up, female 60c and $1. 668 Everett st A FEW select singers and females, also laying chicken". Tabor 1000. BEAUTIFUL SINGERS FOR SALE Call the studio. Main 468. PAIR mated orange birds, also singer, for sale. B64 Flanders st Phone Broadway 3478. FEMALE pointer pop. $5. Sunday. Main 4093 after AUTOMOBILES AM) ACCENHOKl J-.S 44 1918 CHEVROLET delivery, first class condi tion. 90 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 8247. DODGE, fin ahane. good tirea. A buy. 421 East Clay. Term. 17T5. CLASSY bug. newly punted. side Garage. 421 East Clay. Terms. Way- CHEV ROLET one Call East 3384. ton truck, new. Terma MAXWELL 3 pass., Phone East 5384. excellent shape. $450. MUST raise some money. Win sell onr 1919 Driscoe for $845. Call at 4122 73d t S. E. FORD chassis. Just overhauled in A 1 condition. SelL 264 OAKLAND 6. good condition every way; $150. Tahor 1555. GEAR-SIX 2H ton truck. Good condition. Term. A buy worth investigation. 421 East Clay. FORD BUG I will sell classy Ford bug on terms at " s sacrifice if sold Sunday. See it at 90 N. Broad way. No phone call. 1919 MAXWELL roadster, A 1 mechanical con dition. 5 practically new tires and lot of ex- waa. iu re u at a Bargain and give easy - w vuiauuie parties, call owner. Mar shall 34 86. 1917 SERIES 8 FRANKLIN Run oul 11,000 mile, perfect mechanic! condition ; took and runs like new. Tabor 2841. 1919 BCICK ROADSTER Bun only 6000 miles, perfect mechanically. 4 two cord tirea; used privately. Tabor 2841. OTJLTRT AW BABBITS ATTOMOBILEg AJTD ACCESSORIES 44 FOBD deliTerr tor sale. 8 Wflliama ara. lalb CHEVROLET, lint elaas tjondHion. S000; terms. 420 Belmont. East 1575. GOOD bug cheap; make an offer, bargain. Tabor 2889. This is A PANEL oVUrsry body. v. 1 Dodge tire gad rim ; also pair Dodge chain 600 E. Daris. CHETBOLET." $650; terma. 420 E. Balmost: East 1575. FOU SALE .1918 Ford touring car, first class condition; 1450. 241 Iry at. FOR SALE Buick Ught delirery ia good eea dltion. Phona Tabor 8069. SEW Stromberg carburetor. $15. Scllwood 152. 1920 ESSEX brand new. leaving city at one, must sell immediately. Call City Hail Oarage. WE put steel teatb is ymr old flywheel B. Black. 514 Alder. Bdwy. 268L 1917 CHALMERS . new top, 2 cord tirea; at a sacrifice. Call Tabor 358. SACRIFICE for cash. 191 T Rtudebaker 6 ; $650. MonteTilla car to 48th, 2 blocks north, MAXWELL 1919. In Al condition, used pri Tately: will sacrifice, $950 and give terms. 80 Grand aye. north, near Bnrnside. 19TTHUPP, beautiful condition; 1TS worth of extra, cord Ure all around. 2 extra tires: 17th and Alder, upstairs. Cell, Broadway 2290. THE fir-t man that brings $600 can have my Winton Six: in good shape. Owner, Front and Montgomery. 8fnDErUKEBFOtR ia the best of condition. good tires; s real bargain at $750, and will giro term a. 30 Grand it, north, near Bum-ide. 191T CHEVROLET. just overhauled. new license; will give term to right party. 244 E. 55th at. N. Sunday, until 6. $275 CASH buy 5-paiaenger car. nearly new tire. Phone Wdln. B337, Sunday or eve ning; might consider trade. nT"PMOBrLEourmg."ood paint, good tires; owner's sacrifice; a bargain at $075. 80 Grand are north, near Burnaide. 1620 CHEVROLET; run only a few hundred mile: in lt class mechanical condition. Will sell or trsde for '19 Ford. Tabor 2335. BfCDEBAKEB 4; 1st class mechanical condi tion. Will trade for '18 or '19 Ford. Tabor 2335. STUDEBAKER Garford taxicab. will make good bug r delivery. Price $250. Call 112 N. 15th St. 1M4 MAXWELL In fine condition. $325; will take bug. phonograph or motorcycle aa part pirmi" Fast 112. HUPMOBILE 32. A-l shape, nrw paint, new top. 1S20 license; $495. Owner. Arthur B. Carlton. Sellwood 1231. FORD delivery, panel body", rood tlrei. in the best of condition; $450. with terms. 80 Grand se. north, near Burnilde. $SSBi service station Now located at. Ninth and Everett t. r.rniltrav f'.2M7. MAXWUTX touring 1920 used privately, in the very best of condition : will sacrifice at $1000 and give terma, 80 Grand ave. north. near Burnsida. ATJTO TRIMMING CO. ACTO TOPS. SIDE CURTAINS 409 Davit at. bet. 9th and 10th. Broadway 2017. OLDSMOBILE in the best of condition, good paint, good tires; a real bargain at $625. with terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Bum side. .1919 JORDAN SPORT MARINE 1919 " Excellent condition, driven 9800 miles !a city, wire wheels and cords all around; over $200 extra equipment Marshall 6868. 1918 CHEV ROLET touring" entirely over hauled all good oversize tirea; this car is a bargain, $B25 A terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR 00. 14th A Alder Broadway 240 THREE one man tops, built ta fit any B naaa. car, cheap. 'Columbia Auto Top, 3B7 Burn aide. Bdwy. 2470. . 1919 CHEVROLET touring car; has not run 4000 miles: absolutely lik new; the price is right and will give term. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO 14th A Alder Broadway 240 LIGHT" Six Buick, 6 passenger, run less than 900O miles; original finish revarnished: car look like new; nnnskid tires all around: O. K. mechanically. Price $.100. Call after 10 a. m., Sunday. Mr. Artfo, Broadway 3281. 1917 CHEVROLET touring car. in fine shape from tires to top. with extra tire: $4 75. terms. Open Sunday. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO 14th A Airier Broadway 240 1018 FORD TOURING car. fine condition, good tirea, the price ia right and will give terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14th 4 Alder Broadway 240 Open Sun. rORD BVn Ert-nrJed wheelbase, clay body, good tires, storage battery, a dandy bug: 8325. $100 down, balance easy. 19th and Couch. Broadway 116. TO EXCHANGE Juat bought 8edn. want to exchange my reliable Chalmsra master 6; electric lights, starter and $30 Klaxon; new top, new paint new tires, licence, extras, for good close in screags or lota. P 654. Journal. ROADSTEK, late model Buick, light six; this one has cords and one extra mounted snd re will take yon inytihere to test it. has fertory finish and runs first class: low price of $1,075; with $350 down, bal. esr.y; take Ford or bopd.i in trade. 505 Alder .t. Red Front Used Car Co. 1918 "SAXON fi ' This is a beauty? don't"mfss this car. 640 Aider, upstair. Broadway 2296. 1916 Maxwell Say this is a snap this for $.S50; grab t.his! 540 Alder, npstgir. OPFNnTvTNfrNFfiHf , , T v General auto repairing, storage, wed cars oougut ana "on. .--.tnw -u.-i-u.rr ......or.. ' IV Mir.l, Comer 6th and Hojt. Bdwy. 1588. STTTZ FOUR PASS This ear is firs! class; has: wire wheels snd n r cord tires; extra wheel and cord mounted: all the extras you can get. oo a car and the price is low the terms are easy and wt will take mdsier in trade. 605 Alder st Bed Front Used f ar Co 1919 LIBERTY Six, in perfect condition, like new; run just enough t. break it in nicely. A twacli of a car. Extra tire, spotlight, mirror and tool box on running boaird. Would cost about $2000 to 'duplicate. Will take $1000. if you hurry. Must be nearly all rash. Phone T sin it 1861. or call at 1255 FaJt Couch. Burke's Oarage "2d f-t and 55th Ave. Tabor ::.27. 1 1918 490 model rhrmtet, $550. 1 Ktoddard-Dayton bug, $150. 1 Hup bug. $200. 1 locomobile 5-pass. tounng. $400. RadSators.Fenders, ooodis. Bodies, etc. MADE AND REPAIRED Burraess g Martin 1TH AND ALDER ST S TON Reo truck in, good condition, tires good; cheap for cash. s ton Republic truck or light delivery in first class condition, electric light, run 5000 miles: $850. FACTORY' MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st snd Kearney St. Main 5081. 90 OVERLAND TOUBING This is the real goods in this brand and this one is better, has new top. ref iriished wine color and runs and looks as good as any new car you ever saw. Low price of $650 with $250 down, bal. easr by the month ; take Ford or bond. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. DODGE touring car; motor in fine condition; new top, new batteries, spotlight, back of front seat cut down for camping. The price ia right and will give term. Fields Motor Car Co. 14TH. AT ALDER ST. BDWY. 240. OPEN SUNDAY es Cashed YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR; WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR PLAN WILL PLEASE YOU OREOON POND A MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG. (2d FLOOR) PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR SHOP We make and- repair bodies, fender, radiator, windshields, lamps, gas tamks. oil pan, etc Speedster bodies a specialty All work guaranteed. 53V Alder at cor. 17th. Phone Bdwy. 641 FORD SPEEDSTER This is late model, ha- four new Urea, new one wants them; we have this one at low price and it is first class every way; new Urea and tbjrty gallon ga tank; trunk in rear and elec tric liclits; all roe at low price of $495. with $200 bal. easy monthly payments; take bonds. 805 AMwr st, Bed Front Used Car Co. Haynes 1917. S-pass.'. newly painted, new top and aide curtains and 5 good tire. 90-day guaran tee: $600 down, balance 10 months. CALL McCBABY. BROADWAY 1614 AUTOMOBILES AST) ACCES80EIES 44 1918 CADILLA A leal ear. In good cundl- rJon, $850. 540 Alder, upstair. FORD touring body, complete set of wheels. Woodlawn 1504. 1057 E. 26th North. A FORD eoupelet body for sale or trade. Francis Motor Car Co.. E. 13th and Hawthorne. FOU SALE Hupmobile bug, in fine condition. Call Monday. East 914. FORD TOURING '18. guaranteed condition. See ear at 071 Kearney and 21st at, 1919 COLE H. elegant condition: a enap; P would take a smaller ear a nart rjarment. Call East 2768 for demonstration. 1918 PAGE 5 pas, light 8 tounng car. ( good tirea and ta fine mechanical condition, will sacrifice and give term. Phone East 1962. 1918 FOBD tearing, like new, good tire, guar- anteed electric starter, speedometer, spotlight; onjr $575. Owner. Bdwy. 1764 orM. 24iS. SEVEN-PASSENGER Studebaker alx. good run ning order, good tires, $525. Can be at 309 Davis. No dealon. FORD touring, good mechanical condition, good .' tires; a bargain, $325. some terms. 30 Grand are. north, near Burnaide. FOR SALE Studebaker. 1918. 6 eyL, Da Luxe model roadatar; might eonaider diamond. East ttOOO. MA SWELL 1918. in the best of condition . good tires; a bargain. $675. with term. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnaide. 5 PASSENGER Dodge, with original paint, good tires, in good mechanical condition; $200 down; term on the balance. Main, 311. VULCAN TIRE SHOP First class tire repairing; bargains in new and used tires. East 4898. 41 Grand ave. LATE Hudson, equipped with cord tires; in. good mechanical condition; extra tire, motometer. bumper; $1780. Term. If desired. Msin 311. 192 0 MAX W ELL demonst rator : 5 ' tire, run 2600 mile; $950; give terms. This is a bargain. Main 811. $00 SMALL auto, nearly new tirea. license; needs some work. 832 E. 14th t north; might trade. CHEVROLET 1918, in the beat of condition good paint and good tires; a real bargain. $675. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside: affXWELL touring. T917, in fine"condltion. good tirea; a bargain at $573, with terma 30 Grand ave. north, near Bumside. 1919 CHEVROLET tounng car; hd food care; dandy car; cord tires in rear. $673 A terms. Woodlawn 2387. FORD deliverv closed bodv. late 1918 model. used only 6 months; just overhauled and in : perfect order; bargain if taken at once. Lau today, 649 Second st ' BARGAINS in slightly used tires and tubes. Our repair work and retreads guaranteed. The Finch Vulcanizing Co., 889 k Stark U. bet 9th and 10th. OAKLAND touring. In good condition, 1917 model, good tires; will sacrifice at $730 and give terms. 80 Grand ave. north, near Burn ilde. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheel, axles; we wreck all make of cars and sell their part at H price David Hodea Co.. 105-107 N. 11th jt , 1919 CHEVROLET roadster, has not run a thousand milea; absolutely -new; fof quick sale will give terms. 14th k Alder, Broadway 240 FOR SALE 1917 Chevrolet perfect condition mechanically. No responsible offer refused; or will trade for Ford. 661 Vs Glisan St. phone Hdwy. 3921. 20 HUDSON SPEEDSTER This one is new we can ave you money: ha oversize cord and other extra' factory guar' antee goe with this one. at once delivery too. See it 605 Alder ?t. OVERLAND .roadster, real bargain: owner ha tourin car. wishes to dispose of roadter. East 848. Motor In Garage Service Sta tion, 850 E. Burnaide. CHEVROLET 1919. in fine running condition. good tires, good paint; will sell t 6l)0 and give terma 30 Grand ave, north, near Burn- lide. ' 1918 MODEL Maxwell touring, run only 3 500 miles; a bargain av nuo; ume uui 10 ..o berg snd save $100. Open Sundays. McCoy Brothers' garage. Newberg. Or. 1912 CADILLAC. 5-pasa. : will make a fine service car; first class condition. MOTOR IN GARAGE SERVICE STATION 850 E Burnslde. East 864 8. HUDSON super six roadster, this is some car, new top. good tires, car Just repainted, looks like new and will guarantee It mechanically, will give terms. Thone Marshall 1950. gpt 42. 1918 CHANDLER chummy roadkter. 5 good tires, wire wheels snd extra wheel and bumper. Just out of the paint shop, looks like new, a bar gain, will give terma Phon Marshall 1813. FIVE-PASSENGER 1919 MicheU car, first- c!m shape, lirivste car: must sell to settle an estate: dealer need not apply. MOTOR IN GARAGE A 8ERTTCE CO 850 E. Bnrnside. East 8648. STUDETuKeB" track, completely oTerhaiiled, good pneumatic tires, good body and top; will consider trade. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO 14th k Alder Broadway 240 1919 6-PA8S. Liberty, first Clans eondTtion: owner will sacrifice for quick sale. Ask to see Fred's car. East 8648. MOTOR LN GARAGE k SEUVICE STATION 850 E. Burnaide A SNAP Must be sold at once; have bet buy in town In an Oakland touring car; good tirea, motor lust overhauled: car looks like new; can be seen at 717 Hawthorne ave. Call East 1300 for demonstration. Ask for Blondle. WILLYS STX A good right siv. In good con dition, fully equllped: owner need money; $1050 buys it: some terms. 19Ui and Couch. Broadway 118. R.ARG ATN OAKLAND SEDAN ito iaa mechanical condition, good rubber: will take Ught open car as part payment; price $1050 J8U0 cash, "balancs $85 - per month. Monarch Motor Co., Vancouver ave. and Broad- i way. equipped; 5 new VJnSonntel.Ie rim- starter, etc.: a snap i , ,atB.... ,at $ - J 5 down, balaiu.e eaj. l!th and Couch- . .. . , iltl OVERLAND ROADSTER 525 With X22S down. bal. 2o per mor-th; car is first class rv erg way .and we will seli it that war: needs nothing; looks as good ad new. come and try it 505 Alder st. Red Front Used tar. Co. OREGON AUTO TOP COMPANY TOPS THEM ALL 14th and Couch sta, Broadway 4 408. CLOVERLEAF CHUMMT ROADSTER This ia the late 1 8 ru.siel and ht-H five wire wheels and new tires; full leath. r top and rt finislied dark maroon with gold stripe: makes very stylish ear; we have low price of $825 with $325 down, bal. eajry: take bonds or Ford in trade 305 Alder t. Red Front U-ed Car Co. IF TOU live ont of town, drop us a line de scribing your car and lowest cash price and let our man call on you BEAVER GARAGE, Inc. 209 UNION AVE. NORTH. EAST 304 OVERLAND 00. 1018 Here' fine Uil.t car. in the best of condition: many extras; spot light, bumper, new extra tire, plate gl-s in top and side curtains, 1920 licence; $250 down, balance easy. 19th and Couch. Broad way 118. CHEVROLET TOURING AT $385. This is late model, hae? four new tire, new top refinished and looks and runs s-. good as any new one; has the 20 license and there ia nothing to buy: we will take $150 dwn. bal. long ea.'.y terms that will suit you; call and try it .05 '.der st. Red Front Used Car Co. BRAND NEW" HUDSON" SPEED8TER Unused 1920 Speedster for aale. Had to watt over three months for delivery, so bought another car that I could get immediate delivery on. Can hare car for 1100 off sales price. This includes 1920 license. Hudson anto-bed and bumper. See car at Irvington Oarage, Eajt 15th and Broadway. My pbone East 1 827. USED CAR BARGAINS 1917 DODGE $ 72B 101 8 FORD .'. -$450 1918 HUPMOBILE 1100 1!1X LIBERTY 1100 1!I18 BRISCOE 650 1918 OVERLAND 83 350 We (Aire Term. 188 TENTH ST. Marshall 232. Opposite Library. WHEN YOU WRECK EM A"ND BEND EM. SEE O. 0. GKKBKB "TH" RADIATOR MAJ" builds .bodies, repairs ra diator, bodiaa, fenders and all auto sheet metal parts. NEW LOCATION 11TH AND DAVIS OPP THE ARMORY. BROADWAY 1878. lift SEE THEM TODAY GOOD USED AUTOMOBILES TRADED x IN ON AUBURN BEAUTY SIX $180 to $800 down TAKES ANY ONE 1917 Ford 6 passenger, demountable rims, abpek absorbers, speedometer, newly painted. .1917 Buick, 4 cylinder. 6 passenger, extra good tires, new spare and bumper. 1918 Oakland six. 3 passenger, cord Urea, with extra Ure. 1918 Overland model 90. overhauled, newly painted, good Ure equipment with extra Ure and spot light AUTO SALES CO. AUBURN BEAUTY SIX DISTRIBUTORS 9TH AND COUCH STS. TJTOMOBILES AKD ACCESSORIES 44 1816 STUDEBAKER. in good $825 cash. Ceil Marshall 133. shape; pnee 191 FORD chassis, good a sew, cash. Main 8652 after Sun. bargain for FORD touring car, A-l condition. $300. Thai fai a bargain, 621 Leo ave. Scllwood 11 89. $150 DOWN balance 12 months, will handle a late model Oldamobile. Broadway 3600. FORD 'touring, run only 6000. gaud as new, $500. 858 Union1 ave. N. FORD touriug. first class shape. Call. Sea ton. Eat 4136. LATE 1917 Ford, demountable rim, good tirea, 2 (pare and other extra. Tabor 9078. FOR SALE 22 passenger bus body. 6 l'rescott St. Woodlawn 2589. WILL TRADE 1919 Ford truck for 5 -pea Ford tearing car Call at 766 Hood t 1919 PAIGE 4 touring; like new; the price is right, so are the terma Broadway 8606. SNAP 5-pienger 6-cylinder car-for $323; can be seen E. 3d and Alder or Tabor 259. CHEVROLET baby grand, new paint. panUsot top and plate glass, good rubber; see it at 409 Davis. Bdwy. 2017, Tsbor 6936 1918 LEXINGTON touring car. newly painted. in excellent condition; term. Automatic 815-74. 0 V ERLAND delivery car. good running condi- tion; cah $125. 729 E. Liberty t north. Woodlawn car to 2 2d st. 2 biock- south. MAXWELL Looks like new. perfect running order; 5 good tire See it today at 7 90 Kearney st. 23d st car. .Phone M. 6570. 1918 LIBERTY 6 chummr roadster, 5 good tirea and car looks like new and run fine, will sell and give term. Phone Marshall 2766. ROSSITEB BROS. TOP CO Auto tops, curtain sd repair ing. East 864. Union at Pin a $250 DOWN, balance in 12 raon-hs buvs a late mode! Mitchell 6; sew paint; good tirea. Columbia 832. BL'ICkC 1918. 7 passenger, excellent condition, Otiree, spotlight;' for sale by owner Brdwy. PAIGE. 1917, 5 -pa., fine condition, new cord tires; $950, terms. Owner, pbone Main 463L BUG for sale by owner, wire "wheels "new tires" top and side curtains, windshield, electric lights, spotlight; Just overhauled; $500 cash. 40 Grand ave. north. . OWING to death of owner will sell at bargain model 89 6- cylinder, 7-paeenger. practically ew! Overland: can arrange reasonable terms. D. H. Sherman Co.. 102 I'd. Main 1230. GOOD roadster, new paint, good tire and good top, in excellent running order, $195 rasb takes it 735 Clinton st Phone Sell. 1134; call Sunday or week oay after 6 p. m. FORD 1817 1100 down and drive tt away, balance easy. 19th and Couch. Bdy. 118. CHEVROLET touring, good condition. This exceptional bargain. Owner gelling account of illness. $360. East 804 8. Motor In Ga rage A Service Station. 850 E. Burnflde. MAXWELL road-ter. just the tiling to make into a bug: mut sell for rna.se nub le pay ment down and so much a month. Cor. 14th A Aider, Broadway 240. FORD 1918 A snap: $150 down, balance easy. 19th and Couch. Broadway 118. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object part for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Exchange. 129 Lownsdale. at 15th and Wash ington. Phone Broadway 2668. SEVEN-TASSENGER Maxwell: make good truck or bug; cheap, or trade for anything I can u-e Wootlr.tuck car to 52d, 2 block north to 6759. FOR SALE STUDEBAKER RIG PTX. RUN 5500 MILES. EXCK! LENT CONDITION. PHONE IRA T. WALKER. MAXWELL 191R Very fine condition, new paint good tires; $225 down, balance very easy term. 19th and Couch. Broadway 118. GENUINE BUICK SNAP First class lt17 Buick, 6 cylinder. 7 ps senger, bumper, leather top, etc. Price $750 $300 down, $50 monthly. Ujatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder FOR BALE 1920 Ford. firt-cUsa condition spare tire lots of extras. 1920 license. Will ; demonstrate For Information write owner, G. N iHirkmsn. R. 1, No. 117. Hillsdale. Phona Main 6460. 1 TON" REPUBLIC truck, good shape. t9r,n A terms, will consider trade on L;iit tounng car or road-ter. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO, -14th 4 Alder Broadway 240 FORD 1017 Wonderful condition: many ex tr&s; $125 down, balance long easy terms. 19th and C(Mch. Broadway 118. FORD TOURING AT 325 This Is good running and good looking csr, has lot of power nd we have low price above with $125 down, bal. easy: take bonds. 05 Alder St. Red Front Used Car Co. BIG H TCT tClTk A O CT RIGHT" n t error c a ds STOCK uoil.lv vajo PRICES no misrepresentation- Co Vey Motor Car Co. maxwell touri;lat" model This Maxwell has new tire, new full leather top and hss factory finiili; we have low price of $528 with $200 down, bal easy, take Ford or bonds in trade. Call 505 Alder sc Red front Used Car Co. HUDSON speedster; fine mechanical condition. cord tires, a pain Job will make a nw car of this. The owner must. ell; the firet party to bring in $1500 takes it 19th and Couch. Broadway 118. 15.OO0 carried o. .... Our -pnngs sola With a written guarantee. Vie gire you service. 34 NV.rfh nftrerth street SAXON SIX Till RING This is 1st- model htchl sn and they are good, 'have worlds of poeer and well built, run long way on gal. gas and take small tire, the cost of running is very loa; wo lia re sp-cisl price of $550 rath 200 down. bl ey;' take Ford in trade or bonds. 005 Alder st Red Front .Car Co. M. B. PISCH RsdlaU.rs, fenders, bodle. hoods, tanks rensired and remodeled. SSI . Auto hfft tnetH work a spe cialty 505 Burnside atreet Phone Broadway 2299 BARGAINS IN USED CARS Dodge Brothers touring, 1919 model. Cord tire equipment run 200" roile. $1100. Dodge Kr.Jther tounng. 1918, run 6000 miles, mechanically perfect. One Maswell touring. TJ IS model. $0 One Briscoe to-ring, 1918 model, $000. Ford touring. 1 91 model, $500. Ford touring. 1917 r idel. $375. SPARKS SUPPLY CO . 7th at Broadway, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 111. ' LOOK THESE OVER Ford $ 4 30 Chevrolet baby grand 1150 Oakland 750 Studebaker .. '18 series $ 750 Overland 6. 8 Urea 950 Elgin chummy 1000 These csrs were taken in on new E!ffin and Weslcott snd are good buys. See I lard wick. Broadway 2 3b 3 UNITED MOTORS CO.. B29-831 Washington st at 16th. LOOK thee over before you buy: One 1917 Buick light aix, uew top. 2 new tirea, goes paint: a bargain at $1000. One 1916 Chevro let, in good condition. $450. 1918 Maxwell, hi good condition, at $650. 1915 Chevrolet Royal Mail roadster, in good order, good tires, $400. 1915 Overland, in good shape, $400. Any of tile above cars can be bought on txnc BEAVER GARAGE, Inc. 209 UNION AVE. NORTH. EAST 3Q USED CAR BARGAINS 1 Detroiter Club B .$1050 2 Franklins $800 A $S50 2' Dodges . .$700 A 7"-0 1 Ov.-rland $40O 1 1918 Maxwell $650 1 Ford touring $500 1 Ford touring ...................$475 2 Ford touring. $400 2 Ford touring $400 i Ford Tourings $350 A $375 2 Ford touring $'J50 10 ears at from 4125 to $260 1 Buick truck $t!00 1 I.ipert Stewart truck $300 1 Ger six truck. 2 1-2 ton $1400 IAJNG A SILVA 462 Hawthorne Ave. . J Bargains In Nearly New Cars LARGE - LOWEST ASSORTMENT PRICES Associated Motor Sales Company 19th and Couch sta. Broadway 118. fliliiSal AUTOMOBILES AKD ACCESSORIES 44 PRICES ARE LOWER ON THE EAST SIDE COMZ OTEB AND SAVS MONEY COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GUARANTEED USED CARS EXCLUSIVE USED CAR DEALERS We Have th Beat Assort en t f USED CABS IN PORTLAND OUB LIST CONSISTS OF FORDS 1913 FORD touring and roadten. 1916 Ford touring and roadsters. 1917 FORD touring and roadster. 1918 TOURING, look like new, mechanically right new top, electric starter and many extras. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS ASSORTMENT The Prices Will Be a Pleasant Surprise ' for. You. CREVROLETS The Biggest Assortment and Best Assortment of Chevrolet in Tfiwn. 1919 CHEVROLET 1618 CHEVROLET 1917 CHEVROLET 1916 CHEVROLET 490 TOURING CARS ROADSTERS BABY GRANDS and RE LIVERIES DODGES DODGE TOURING AT $678 OAKLANDS Several 1918 and 1917 Oakland touring cars and roadsters. Oakland coupe, the swelleat little coupe you ever saw. a pippin for a lady or doctor. A late model and looks lik. new. For about half the original price. GRANTS TWO GRANT TOURINGS Both these car have snappy 6-cyl. motors. Will sell at price asked for 4-cyl. cars. MAXWELLS Two good buys 1918 touring, a 1917 roadster. OVERIjtNDS We hare three model 75 from $4 76 to $550. Also two 83 models one at $300, the other at $376. Three model 90 roadsters. completely over- hauled, S dandy Urea. BI'K'RS A light 6 -pass. . $873. . 1915 4-c4l, $585 1917 4-cyL, $725. STUDEBAKRR3 A dandy lit tie 6 -pas., with B good tires, which .5. motor in good shape, and original paint look like new. Sunday special, only $2 Four-c-jlind-r, 7-r -a., guaranteed meciianically O. K.. $676. FIERCE ARROW A dandy stage c A 7 -pa . $750. Has cord tirea LEXINGTON TWO 1919 MODELS A 6-pasa. sport. A 7-paaa. tounng. , DON'T FORGET PRICES ABB LOWER ON THE EAST SIDE REMEMBER We stand , back of every car we aU. Each and every one 44 in good condition and the i prices are right These cars were obtained dur ing the winter month at unheard-of prices; therefore we are in the position to offer you the beat values rn town. SALESMEN. ATTENTION! ROADSTERS Ws bare a large assortment of Fords, Dodges, Maxwells. Overiaoda, Oak lands the greatest bargains you ever saw. Look them ewer. GRAND AVE We Open Sunday AUTOMOBILES AST ACCESSORIES 41 DODGE 1918 touring car. in perfect condition, good tire; first payment $300. GRAN XING A TREECE 542 Alder St. Cor. 17th. Broadway 1728. titrMlm i ff J".. 4o Looks lik. new. original pal int. tire, anting bnm per and spotlight; will take $660 aowa. balance 10 mouths. CALL WOODLAWN 6069 1414 OB BROADWAY ONE1 TEMTLAR demonstrator, slightly wed; perfect condition; $500 under value. 4-cylinder Studebaker. good rubber. Just over hauled, $800 down, balance easy. National, just like new. 6 new tirea. bumpers. shock absorbers, paint just like nrw. Just driven 7000 miles: will sacrifice at $1360; terms or trade. WRAT MOTOR .CAB CO.. 90 N. Broadway. Wa0ys. .Overland Pacific Company USED CARS See These Before Making Your Selection 1500 OVERLAND a iruvl car for a buff. Three new cord tires; two other goSU tires; electric lights. OVERLAND. MODEL 90. TOURING $876 Five first class tirea. late 1919, used In city; look and runs like new. OVERLAND MODEL 90 ROADSTER $80 Refiuihed and ovei hauled. It is just lis I new car, and a snap. W1LVYS KNIGHT $1880 Jnt the car to use "for hire." Seven pas senger; new top and new paint; good tire and fine mechanical condition. VltLLTS SIX 11275 This car has five good Ure; first class top with plate glass in rear curtain; attractively painted. FORD TOURING $425 If yon want a Ford here is a snap; eitras; Al condition. OVERLAND TON TRUCK FOR $358 Electric lights and starter. OVERLAND PANEL DELIVERY FOR $350 Fine condition in every way. 7 PASSENGER OVEUI.AND $580 Six rylipdtT. fine condition. Overland Pacific C onipany Broadway at Davii its. Broadway 3535. Tie Best Buy In a Used Car Is a CHEVROLET ' Because Every Car We Sell Is Backed By Our Reputation as Chevrolet Dealers AND WE SHE THAT YOU GET GOOD "ERV- icr; Au VAi.i h. run roi k numi The Largest and Only Assortment of Chevrolets . in the City to Take Your Choice of Touring Cars, Roadsters Light Deliveries Fields Motor Car Co. 14TH AM' ALDER. CHEVROLET BDWY. AGENTS. 240 MIMfl ACROSS THE HIGHWAYS MEW ACCESSORIES AHBI1EW ALL CARS See Our Big Advertisement " In- Auto Section THE HOME OF A MILLION PARTS DAVID HO DBS IBS NORTH ELEVENTH ST. TIE TEAE AUTOMOBILE. Air ACCESSORIES 44 I:t CHEVROLET, ta perfect eon dttinn, or.tr ma few nundred mils., to trade for Ford: balance terms. Tabor 233B. Overland Country Club Newly painted, wire wheels . ear looks and runs Ilk. new; $800 down, bal ance 10 months. Haynes & Winton :ency SIXTEENTH AND WASHINGTON 8TS. nroaawsir 101. 531 Alder St. MAXWELL tounng (jot FORD' touring 860 DODGE roadster 904) DODGE touring 650 1920 BUICK touring, cord Urea, lota extna, 1918 CHEVROLET touring $600 1918 Oakland touring 900 1919 LEXINGTON, new 1800 1919 CHANDLER chummy. 1919 OLDSMOBILE six touring 1269 J nit a Few of Many Good Cars at 881 ALDER ST. Brusdwsy 2794. WE are not in th. USED CAR BUSINESS BUT we will sell any of th following trade ins at a great saving to the purchaser, wither cash, term or trade: 1019 Paige light six. like new. 1018 Psige light si, a fine ear. 1919 Cole eight, elegant condition. Two Willys six chummy roadsters, new saint. cord Urea. Nn. 18 Studebaker. good finish. 8 almost new tires. 1917 MitaheU six. new paint and Urea, inaf overhsuled. 11-18 Oakland six, run and look Ilk. new. 1016 Oakland six. a good buy. 1910 Oldamobile in No. 1 condition. 1918 Buick six This i a real buy. 1916 Chalmers, everything fine but th. fi - ih nd w will repaint this for the buyer. una ( a di I lac. Make u an offer. Hamilton Motor Co. DISTBIBUTORS STEPHENS SILENT SIX 60 N. BROAmVAT RltoADWAY 8606 Open Sundays and L.eitings. Call Us Up for Demonstration. C. Q. BLEASDALE TERMS NO BROKERAGE YOTf SAVE FROM 5 TO 10 "5. CON TRACTS ARE NOT SOLD TO , BANK OB BROKER. FORD Sedan 1918. a good a new fnr quirk "ale $l7B FORD, with box on back, suitable for light de- "vrry FORD touring 1917, motor overhauled, new transmission: good tires . . gara CHEVROLET ton rill. mechsnl.-allv In fin. shaie, good tinea and ready to go... $450 MAXWELL touring 1917. in fine condition, B good 'tires; If sold gt ,ie 147a BUICK touring 1917. 4 ryL, B tire; this cal Is as sood as new. . anno STUDEBAKER tight 4. repainted, aood lire. fine mechanical condition $630 STUDEBAKER Chummy, 6 cyL ; this cir must be seen to be appreciated $660 BUICK light 6. 1917. refmiahed in bine, red wheel, plate glass Id lop $1000 tire, motor in first class condition a." WILLYS KNIGHT. 7 -pa.. 95 per rent new, 6 tires, 1920 license: for quick aale $14 00 HANDLER touring 1918, refini.hed, plate giaes in tup; good ure; looks lik "w $1460 SEVERAL OTHER GOOD BUYS SUCH AS DODGE. OAKLAND. OVKKXANDS reo. ford bug LIBERTY BONDS AT FAC TALUK C. O. BLEASDALE 34) ALDER ST. TlDVyT. 1852. A-l AUTO WOn8 A PALNTTNQ 626 Aid St oa Our man ir ha retnmml fro the -.. where he secured the agency for a new car and several rarliauls of new ram are expected tn arrive very aoon : therefor, te mak. room, we must rtdnce our tork of uaod car. For today and the following week we offer aome .sorp tion! bargains In tha very best kind of de pendable used ears of ateaiUrd makes. 1918 Maxwell touring, beat mechanical condition throughout g 669 $200 down, long easy terms on balance. 1918 Dodge 6 pass . look, and ins a IT'' -1 as a new car. eord llree. aim ml nrw. This la the best Dnrtgw bu In the city, terms 97 1230 904) 69 6AS) 400 72$ 4B0 04) 900 60 12B0 1029 1918 Oldsmoblle 8 touring: beet of shspe rnrougnouc: all gMwl tire and ready to go $350 down; aaay terms on balance. 1918 Saxon touring, a fine llghtweiglrt nr. in good shave: easy term; only.. 191H Oakland tight Mt. almost new.... Terms to suit 1918 Grant alx (.raring, a dandy little ear arm aeimnriaoie. tor only Ou small payment down. 1917 Ford touring: best kind of shape.. 3126 down. 1919 Oi rotes tonring. A-l shape throughout: small payment 1918 Ford tounng. tx-t of shspe Small payment down. 1916 Saxon, nice condition, ready te go. Easy term. i 1918 Stf&debsker 7 pass. . In very fin condition and reflmshed like new. . . . Easy term. 1917 Studebaker roadster, mechanically O. K. . and a a nap 1918 Of 4 8, convertible 4 pass. This car is In the eery bet of condition ( Easy term. 1616 Elgin 6 : a grand car that yon can depend upon; refiolshed like new. . . . Easy term. 1916 Ford but; a dandy; see this for a classy bug at the low prioe of Easy terms. 1917 Allan Urn ring; good shape through out: eaay term 1919 Maibohm Sedan; tins 1 a brand new car; you can buy it for lens thn wholesale factory cost, and it's guar anteed new; easy terras. 1919 Chev-olst Royal Mail, fine condition A snap for someone; way terms. 49B 7B 411 1917 Harwell roadster, guaranteed throughout; terms 1916 Dodge; reflnijh.d tike ready to fo any place; terms. $50 739 1918 Bniok light 4 ton ring. snap Easy terms. A-l shape; 09 1918 Chandler 4 ; easy terma pa., ehammr. like 160 Oakland delivery: an good tirea and ready lor work ; snap ; term Cadillac bug. iut overhauled: a goed ear for little money Half cost 1918 Harley-Davidaon otorcyete; good aa new; term 191 TUry-Irtdso Motowde; food naw and la me shape; term . SB0 266 00 ITS Don't fail to see this fine of ears before) buyiua; e can suit Jem with price and term. A-l ACTO WORKS A PA1NTWG 00.a $36 Alder C 2