8 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15, 1920. 1 ' BE At, ESTATE WtWUKB Alt HOMES 7 lblH OFFICE U the beailauarusni for suburban i borne and acreage. W can give them to yon on th Bad earlina, the Oregon City carline or . the Oregon Electric Wo ran snit you in the KtTtrdal dbttrlct, th Bsae Line district, on the Capital Highway district or the Ortgon City car Una' district Wa can give you improved place - a modern and irb to date a any of tie beauti-j- fill bowiea la the beat district in the city where -the land ia highly unproved with fruit of all ; kind la full bearing. We can giv yon vacant ' Iked In the beat location, clone to carline and ; . Hwi . I,, if -ft.. adm.nin land . fcl held a. Can at our office and let u talk to yoti If yon are contemplating the purchase of suburban home. M. J. CLOHE88T. ABINGTON BLDQ. Only 88300.. on the Wat Side, in the heart ZT.z. -J ' . rmnl ,. . lotion 'and cl 1 to th. hh tehool. j interaction., it 111 be a very short drir tSSLi'tmSSSS Joir".-oi g-VirUel denmorri. i. one of the very few retried t& C$ bXit mlnateV rVfrom Ul.!burb?n district, affording the same advint bmane; of this city. With tb. land you j of enrironment aa a restricted city dutnet. et a Drmrtically new O nxim hous-, burn, ctvr&cft i ' M ehttra lonae. Th. ho..e ha. .11 of the Thia magnificent estate was Improved many tfuwWnf to electric, lishu. stone foundation; the ? wth choice imported tree, of all v.ri- 6 Ccatkm i. the best and no b. iter could be de- tl, which together with the choicest native Srdaml only "btock trSrn the postoffice. Bay. ! trees, h rn.de it the larutacape gardeneC. de- ' "bereB you let ai.yrhM.e like tins for efen ! Orchard, were art out so that practically B000. eiloTland? The Und alone y not),- j h2ft d'r be,rin . E".7' - . . ' - , ; ... ... thing has been done for rou so you can hawe tha - ?! Ma mry aiB.. .www . , aiouu an acre lot wuai I''" '.. . hapnena to be that this 4 acre of land with a, Md hMsa'and otber building, is in the oen J iar of a good town In a rich ralUy in th dry . . " oou " . m inaiaiin inv nar BTerr itilt cuiktiiiu:"".'! mill, ttta ano than L. en.ruuh land In such twaf-rf r;rv-e : tha nlaaanre. of a clo-in SDl'Dilid lnme. for an orer-flowing measure we will throw In at tlie price ebore .Uled one good cow. with enough fnd for her on hand to lar tlie miwd inrougn and it should sell to the fln.t buyer who reads this ad and you may depend upon It that you will get nothing to approach this again for nearly twice that price. Half oaab will han dle it. at. J. CLOHEH8T, ABIXGTON BLDG. Only IR800, on the Oregon City carline. 8 block, from the station; more than 5 biff arre. of laid and more than 4 acres in cultltatJon, the belaryce will m-ttc for pasture. With the land too get a good 4 room houe, barn and chicken ouv Tlio boufe l very subHtamial and com fortable to lire In, water H pied to the home. There is a imsll orchard in full bearing of the bkt rariety of fniit. Ni-r to the iuffi('e and id.' Willi t PH-Iiftol. Tou drir to thw place oter the pared highway to within a short diitance. This prntierty Is in the right direction where de velopment 1. taking place all the time. The car service is the beit a. well aa paved highways. Now if you want a suburban home where you ean have a cow, cbickena and all of th country life. clre to the city with the Important con vsmertcc. thrown in come around ml buy tins place without delay as Oil. is a special offering . on account of tli owner leaving. About half ea-ih will handle It M. J. CLOHE.SUY, ABINGTON BLDG. I I Only 81500 for a completely furnished 4 room bungalow, city water, electric light, all of the- furniture goes at the price. This piace is I on tlie West Hide, in the cily of Oswrgo. There; ia a large lot This is a -ucrifice as the owner , la leaving the state. It will reuuire nmrty all ash to handle It. M. J. CLOHESRY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only 84000 for a Wot Side close-In suburbsn home; a 6 room bungalow style, modem with all the city conveniences such as city water. electric lights, bath, in fact all of the plumbing In th house; every room plastered. TImto is a cement basement, all kinds of fruit in full bearina. The location Is sDiendid. 2 bio. ks fromipro'ed; hothouse 20x40. good chirken houses. srity school. I block from 1 station and 2 blocks , from the other with Be carf.re. There is V I ere of land whudi goes ith the houie. ab.o ehlrken house. The location is on the Capitol highway you drive to it on pavrd snd bald eurlaoed stn-ets; SH'IOO ca.sh will liandle IL M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. - Only 81 ISO, out the Capitol highway, close " wnaugh -to Mat-ion and carlln with tic ntrfar', cloew to a city school. 1-3 of an acre of land with a dicen or more large fruit trrm in full bearing; a !1 room bungalow snd in the htin:s low ehrre is oity wsUtr, gas, etc. This property Sa so chup it does ;iol. pMV to talk Hlioul it. M. J. CLOHKSMY, ABINGTON Bl.Dii. Only 82600 This Is where you want it. on the West Side, on file highway to Oswego lake. This highway is hard surfaced and to be pared . this summer the entire distance. . You get all of this, for tlie pric stated ; one big comer acre of land, all of It on the highway. It lies level with ii lea na.tiv I reus and with the land goes a brand new 3 room hunuUow with all of the city oonvenienoes KUeh as running water, gaa, elec tricity, bath aud toilvt In the house -and large woodshed. All of the buildings are new and up to date- and there is no place in tins locality whUih ootnparro with it for twice the price. It is only 4 blocks from the station and carline, close to school and church. About half cash will handle it. ka. J. OlXiftliSSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only 82050 for an acre of land with a 8 room plastered house on the paved Milwaukie high way. You can hare all of the city conveniences such as city water, gaa and electricity There is more fruit, such as pears, walnuts, plums, Eng lish walnut, etc.. than you ever uaw before in ( full bearing on th same size piaoe. This is a great bargain and enables a person who is looking for a suburban home on a carline and light at the station on a paved highway and oily 2 blocks from the river to get In now be fore it is to-. 11-; 81000 cash will handle It. M. J. CLOHE8SY. ABINGTON BI.lxJ. Tilts Is 8 acres of tha best laying land in one of the best location on the paved highway, on the IjUie drive, cloae-tn, only 1 mile from tb station and puetoffice. bartka, stores snd oarline. AU of this land lie on the pared high way, every inch of the land to cultivation. There ra an orchard of commercial consequence of the best and more varieties of fruit In full bearing whioh In itself Is an item of big value. There are grape, and berries and lots of them of the beet auslitr. We are enly asking the price of tlie lmiid alune of this choice of sll locations on the Lske road close in to Milwaukie. With the land we throw in without coat s good 7 room plsstered house with a rrment basement, in the house jou have running water, ea- and sll other aavxnlenees that the oity furnishes. There is burn, chh-ken house. Implement and tool house, everything goos for the price of $0500, and you cannot buy any acre of land adioinlng this on either fide for a loss prire than 81200 to. 1, too per acre. Thia Is one of those charm ing ideal suburban homes of which Its location fir view and sll other aspect of desirability fur Ishea no equal. It happens to be that any ex penditure made by the buyer to further beautify this place positive guarantee of more than 10 f.vld profit will be assured and tliat will be con ceded by any person who ha In view tlie pur chase of such a place as this end who will take the pain to set. it and tho only injustice done to thia place is to sell it for the measley price of fered of 8680. When ymi take into c.n.id e ration the absolute sssurance of an independent tnoom and money besides yearlv to the owner well as enjoy the proud satisfaction of pos Msing th grandest site in th best location of any suburban district In or around Portland. About hall cash will aseert itself. M J. CLOilESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $3800, and what's th matter with this ore of land on 82d street? The paved ela-hway where they liar all oi tlie city con venience and none of the city's disadvantages. This land ha a cherry orchard of the bssit variety In full bearing It ia in a g.ad locality, soil is noh and nothing in the vicinity can be bought for leaa than 8500 an acr. All right, this land owner needs money badly and inu-t have it right away, hence the low price for which it is offered. About half eai will handle It M. J. CLOHKSSY. ABINGTON BLOG. Only 83500 buys this. A complete 5 room bungalow with another honse of 8 room- all i,n ? I'" of u"ld- onl5' - blocks from the oarline, 1 block from the big echool. You ride to It orer a paved hiiiliway the entire distance. Iner is a bath, electric light, ga in the house. About half cash will handle it. " M. J. CUMESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. On'T 820 for 6 big acres of .land on the Thiard nn Iu miin ;V , ,U,lon 41 H'f m"ln ,st't: Th"1 P1""-' ,"l'e ZJ?.!r-Z"Z a great sacrifice. Remember It i. i . en-uon in in west rsiue winch is new snd be ing well built up raixdly. There is no land ad jolning this Und whseh can be bought lor t price thtn $800 an acre. Tou can buy til of this for $2800, -$2000 cash you must have M. J. CLOHESSr. ABINGTON BLDG. HCLTNOMA H " IS THK SUBURB FOR TOU 7 room bungalow. 1 acr. choice bearing fyntt and shrubbery. All conveniences, slightly fu home. 6 room colonial bungalow, w Capitol high way, with H acr. room bungalow, bath, cement cellar, ga rage, chicken bouse; $2500, terms. 5 -rooms, acre, facing highway; $2650 easy terms. ii room bupgalow, bsth, large lot, fruit, fine view, 2 block to station; a bargain, $1750 tonn. See Ned Burke he' the man that delivers the good with full value. Main 1903. NEAR BEAVERTON 8.11 acre. 2 acres beaverdam, new 8-roovn plastered bous, good well, 44 mile to St. Marys; sidewalk to place: garage; prioe $1400, $600 cash. $20 per month. 6 . B. M. GATKWOOD ak CO.. 185 H 4th st A , NICE country home with V acre of land and a good house, good bam, large chicken coop, woodshed, and a small cash grocery store, doing good business. Price $3500 and invoice of store Phone 88-T. William C. Schmidt, . 42d and Harrison st., Milwaukie. Or. TODAY 2 acres, 6 room modern hous, blocks from station; for apartment 8. U N. G1LAIAX. Garden Home. Or. . HEAL E8TATB STJHl'BBAH HOMES 7t THE MOST IDEAL PLACE FOR A SUBURBAN HOME IS IN CLENMORRIK If yon have never seen thla beautiful property, be sdre to do no before selecting your country place. Drive out today and look tt over or phone us during the week for an appointment to D0W 'ou- The Pacific highway from Oswego to Orecon City has been changed ra it now ran thro Ufa the center of Glenmorrle. Grading baa been completed ar,d it' now proposed to complete paving oy jane l. tnia will D toe main and short font to Oregon City, sod on account of foJl cjorn.nt of a fine count. dIm wtdumt .u. i.. . , -,. . i 'V" " J omer . 'J'1"" "7. i at o uw.,. a.uj , line home hare beeo built in Glenmorrle and :. . ., ., .? w". " . "nQ" .co.n-,lro." ." ---- -sr. y.s.a highway makes I'rloei ag low M f 1000 per Acre. Tirive out today or any time rou like. Go out , . ... , . ht,,.ini, , morrie. lrive through the entire property to the top of the hill and you will be repaid by en joying the most wonderful view in Oregon. KASEK A RAINET. 823-6 Gasco bldg. Marshall 3125. SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. SL'ilPKBAN". Commodious suburb.ii home of 7 rooms, beautifully finished and fully modern; 8 acres I oi line iana; several iruit trees, lots of berries; 25 jninuies from heart of city on stone road. The price is right. at 16300; 81:500 cash. 1 acre at Rupert station, splendid rW; 7 room bungalow in excellent oondition. 84 500; 81500 cash. 2 acres at Beaverton. all cultivated, with enough fruit and berries to make your llv- inc. Good 6-room bungalow, good barn and outbuildings; gas in house; city water and lights ma be gotten. This is the kind of a snourban home you want and you will not be diaappuind if you see iu Frio 84000; 81000 cuh. Oak Grove 1 acre, lot of fruit, fine shsde. 4-roorn cottage with sleeping porch; a fine little home. 2 blocks from station and school. 82000; IHUU casn. Oak Grove H acre fine beaverdam garden land, well drained; 4-room cottsge. 81500; 8500 cah. House alone worth the price. 72d st. S. E. 8 acres, 75 bearing fruit trees, fine chirken place, .-mall house; 82500; 8250 down, 820 per month. 82d st. 1 sere, right in town, well im- room plastered bungalow, with bath. Go out on Montavilla car to 2d st. ; go north 10 car le i moci to fcnuyier sr.. men soutn 1 block, and this place. 82000; term. Mt. Scott 1 acre beautiful garden land fruit, bemcs; only 2 blocks from street car, close in; 7 -room house, bath, lights, gas, etc. $2500; 8400 cash. Ijitt arrB, ideml for ehicdvtenm, 4-room cosy honte. water, gas, fine chrrken coops and runs, la mlnutM U car. flbUO; Ii50 cash We have many fine suburban homes on the!'" od "Pring water. S miles north of Lyle. fl..-,.,, ( it. ..rlin. nnHn. in ..rl. from S 1 .Mill to 8N000; 1U0 In other sections. Let ua (how tht lq to you. llain ft6'J4. RAIyl'H IIAKRI8 CO 827 Chamber oi Commerce We Write Fire InKurance. Suburlban liome and Prune Orchard Ten teres in City of Vancouver, Wash. ; large modern house, 8 acres in prunes, family orchard: on paved street with all aessw?nia paid. Price 88AO0. Address K. C. Sugg, owner, U. 8. NalL Bank Building, Vancouver, Wash. ONE acr. 5-rooin hous. selected fruit trees, 8 blocks north Bryant station, near Oswego lake. Sell or lease reasonable, J. A. Taylor, U slugs. Or. FOB BEXT FABMS If DAIRY FARMS FOR RENT STOCK I-XJR SAI E 3 110 acres, good land, part river bottom, part upland: all cleared; good house, 2 barns, silo, dair house and all outbuildings; rent $50 per month. Jcins city of Vancouver. Following per sonal proierty lor sale: 29 fine cows, 3 of them registered Holsteins; 2 heifers, soon to fre-hen. and 6 younger heifers; 1 registered bull. 4 horse... 2 hogs, chickens, hay and ensilag, mower, rake, 2 gas engines, ensilage cutter, plow, harrow, tester. 3 horssepower boiler, cream separator, bottling machine, steam bos, cooler. 24 crates, 10 groes bottles, 1 new Ford delivery truck, 2 stoves, desk and all small tools and equipmeut sufficient to run a dairy: also in cludes a retail milk route, which ia now bringing in $1300 a month. This la a big money maker, and if you want a dairy outfit you will buy this one; $9000. good terms. 215 teres, can H be farmed; about 15 acres in stfslfa, large house, barn, 2 silos and all out buildings, .'i'.j miles from Vancouver: rent $0 per month. rnllowing p. rsotial proierty lor .ale 4 0 very fine rows. 6 of them reViter.d tlolstein; 10 2 year old heifers, 14 .vJUss-r heiferx, 4 of Uiem registered: I registered bull, 9 horses, 1 hog. 40 tons hay, 560 bushels of grain, new tractor, plow, disc, mower, rake, 2 gas engine, feed grinder, separator and all equipment. 2 heavy wagon. 1 light wagon, 1 ensilage cutter, drill, all cans, amall tools, etc This ia a tin buy at $16,000: good terms. 60 acrea, 50 acres cleared: small house, large barn, dairy houre, etc ; rent $300 per year. The following personal property for sale: 6 good cows, 19 heifers, 2 and 8 year old. will be fresh soon; 1 bull, 1 team, wagon, plow, feed cuttar. chickens and small tools. Located only 4 miles from Vancouver, on main road. Price $3750; easy terms. THE R. f THOMPSON CO.. 410 Washington St, Vancouver. Waah. STOCK FOR SALK FARM FO RENT 80 acres in Clarke county near highway, 1 mile from R, R. , nice new buiklings; 25 acres under cultivation,, running water, cash rent. IS00. There la S1000 worth of per sonal property that I. well worth the money including fed and seed that renter must buy. 0 acres in Mollala Valley, right on R. R. and highway, all under cultivation, best nl soil, some fruit and harries; good buildiugs and water; cash rent 8600. 58 acres. 25 acres seeded to clover, very best of black land, some fruit and berries. Vair set of buildings; good water; near school snd R. H. ; csuh rent 3700. Oscar Gerhaiiser 403 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. Main 8075 FOR RENT 200 acres, about 25 a. in enlti vation. suitable for snrine cron ntttir. ! rsnge: 6 cows, chickens, etc.: will sell stock or "p 0B ,br" Ltrt h n1 5-room house : school on farm R. F. D. 7 miles west o t!1"'. W01 let renter h.ve both fir and I r! ! -'L.B. lrlton' Or ' ........ v. - - v -, v v, i uiviTi.ni, irt Washinrton county. $200 ner veer w Beegle, Greham, Or. Phone 385. FARMS WASTED BBltT OB BUT 89 WANTS STOCK AND DAIRT FARM 1 want a stock end dairy farm of 80 to 180 acres for client with cash and a clear, modern 5-room house with two 50x100 lota, with fine or chard and garden, near best carline in Portland; 30 minute out; worth $3000. Balance cash up to about $6000, or perhaps more for tb right place. Call or write earlv. A. J. PRESTON. 802 Spalding bldg. Portland. Or. ATTENTION Farmers, vicinity Portland and Willamette valley. We have real cash buyers. Our facili ties for handling farms are among beat obtain able. K.vo ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE A. K. HILL CO.. 215 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. NOTICE Fsnos wanted at once. Vicinity Portland tnd Willamette valley. ( LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE A. K. HILL CO.. 215Lumbermens bldg. I WANT to rent 5 or 10 acres," all under plow": no bldg.. must be food soil end near Port land. Address H. A. Bender. 167 N. 21t at, Portland WANTED To rent a farm, and might buy your outfit, including Mock. P-668, Journal. REAL ESTATE IRRIGATED LAXDS 48 40 ACRES alfalfa land. " under government ditch. in Eastern Orecon. $50 per acre. Owner. 4421 52d are.. S. EL HOMESTEADS 47 FOR RALE Homestead land. 190 acres. 2 acre cleared, fruit and berries: Buiek car. 8 bones, 2 buggies, all 8700. Good reason for telling. Joining 160. can buy relinquishment cheap. Write P. Nekctrn, Nohalcm. Or. HOMESTEAD relinquishment wanted, not too rough, with tome improvements and water; prefer Washington or Columbia counties. Write Bridge Apt., 101 Washing Urn at.. Vtncorjver, Wash. TIMBER IS KOTkCZ OF EXClLa.V'.'E Department sf the Interior. United States Land Office. Port lend. Or. January IS. 1620. Serial 06291. Notice a) hereby gieen that The Byan-Alles Lnmber Co. of Vancouver, Clarke Counv. Bute rf Washington, baa filed in tbfa office an application to .elect, under the prorVioni of the Act of Concrets approved May II. 1018 (40 Stat., SOS), and U regulationa there under approTed Jury 17. 1918 (Circular 0111, the N. t. of S. E. V and N. W. oi N E. i of Section 18. T. 4 8.. B, 6. W . Willamette Meridian. Any tod all pemons ebhatnf ad Tersely the lands described or deetrlnc to object becaune of tli mineral character of the land, or for any other reenon. to the dlpo.l to th appli- "i"" ' "'-i""" nntt ,nou(1 flle UlHr aftMaTits of protest in thU office without delay. (Signed I Alexander Bwel. Ri.ter srn i z FOR SALE 411 airrr timber land, 4 miles wwt of For-it Grove, about 10.000,000 feet fir timber: will sell very reasonable or might trade for farm within 20 miles of Portland. There la 40.000.000 feet of very fine fir timber adjoining mine on the west, and owing to the land sloTiing so steep to the east, all of such timber will hare to come through my land when logged. 11000 down, balance when tim ber is removed. D. McKinnon. 8 E. 63d st Tabor 2530 FOR SALS: By owner. 4.000.000 feet fir. near 2 electric lines and paved hlrhwsy, 25 miles from Portland, graveled highway and mostly down grade to stations. YX-686. Jour nal. TIMBER 4 .500.000 feet. 50 rents per 1000;! 1 HO acre land. Make good ranch, noma buildings. Douglas Co., 94 th st. FOR" HALE Timber-for about2000 cords of wood; IS miles from station. J. Rasmussen, Logws St., Oregon City. 40 ACRES of" tie and piling timber. SeU. 1387. FOB SALE OB EXCHANGE REAL J8TATE 88 FOR SALE or trade, 201 acre ranch, 60 in cultivation, good house, outbuildings, fences, alfalfa, wheat, rye, vetch, all in; corn and potato land plowed. 2 brood sows, farrowing May. 2 fresh m'lch cows. 2 horses, year old heifer. BO chickens, farm tools. 2 miles good road to depot and 8 atores. Timber will pay Interest and taxes. Price 87500. Owner, Chappelle, Merfin. Or. FOK SALE OR TRADE Two lots, business district. Montrose, Colo. Located "Grand Junction fruit belt"; ideal cli mate; sidewslks. water, sewerage paid; clear titia. worth 81500. J. L. OATTNT. Notht Bend, Or. BEST, modem. IB sere, free irrigated, city farm home, in snnnv Southern Oregon : hldgs. worth li'.OOO. Admired by all. $15,000; would accept A-l farm to full amt.; must b good land, well watered; no agents. Box 61, Ashland. Ore. WILL sell or trade my 18 acre spple orchard", near Forest Grove, for modern 6 room house. 82 E. Ainsworth ave. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE f4 ON ACCOUNT of physical disability I will sell or exchange for good city incdme prop erty my 110-acre alfalfa ranch. H mile from mrA In .T. 1,. a. . hut 1 rT-. t .. , 1 ... -i... .H t-- ,. . k.--n 'ri . . . kk r9 fni. nu.. in fin. Gan,i nt &ifaira ! This land was graded and ditches put in by a civil engineer of years of experience and done right. If you are looking for something good, write A-689. Journal, STOCK RANCH FOR"PORTLAND PROPERTY 160 acres, all fenced. 55 acres cleared. 60 ' I iprM more mv clesre.1 hfliu. and harn. orf-hurd "H-. a COIiniV roao. 1T1C OO.U. ESTES A MAGKE Portland 009 Chamber of Commerce Salem -428 Oregon bldg. HOOD RIVER orcliartL 6 acres bearing, 1 acre pasture, with trout stream. 1 mil from town, standard varieties. Will consider Portland. G. Y. Edwards & Co. 212 BOARD TRADE GOOD HOG RANCH TO TRADE We have a first cla.se hog ranch on Columbia boulevard: consisting of 14 acres: good buildings; fine location: leased for 5 years at $1000 a year. Will trade for good wheat ranch. PYRAMID LAND CO . 803-4 Title A Trust Bldg.. Main 3233. Notice If yon have good farm or improved acreage to exchange, I have Portland property and cash. If you mean business, don't fsil to see me. Claud Cole, 215 Lumbermen bldg ELEGANT 6 room modern home and S lota, toad location. free of debts, for a rood good ; home, with 1 to 6 acres, suburb of Portland : or any good valley town. J. R WOLFF. 419 HENRY BLDG. 10 ACRE ranch, extra fine garden land, all in cult, good wire fence; house, bam. welL fronts on river, adjoining fine valley town, $2500, easy terms; might consider clear city residence. J. IL WOLFF. 4 19 HEN BY BLDG. House and Lot Wanted About 70 acres choice land, mile station, part cultivation. Pricee $3200: clear incumbrance. 215 Lumbermen bldg. 1 9 1 7FORD5 PA88EMEff9i7 WANT SMALL HOUSE EQUITY WILL TAKE SELLER'S CONTHACT SMITH WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE Income Property Exchange for farm. 215 Lumbermen bldg WILL TRADE my modem 6 room hous in Belmont st. for 10 or 20 acres with build ings. north of Vancouver. Wash. S-05. Journal. ONE ACRE. west, side; ear as first payment on bungalow. Call Broadway 631, evenings, 6:30 to 10. 5 a IMTROVED for sale or would exchange for vacant lots or house equity. 508 N. Jer sey st. TO EXCHANGE for Portland property, 4 0 seres Tulare Co., California. Call Woodlawn 6250. 48 ACRES in Umatilla county; lays fine; alf ready for the plow. Will exchange for house equity. 825 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE or esrhangr. 320 acres of choice wheat land, -ome improvements. 1 orated in Alberta. Canadar want highly improved orchard land. R 88S. Journal. FOR SALE or trade.' twn lotT East 17th st. N . for bungalow. Alberta district and assume. Phone WdL f.19. owner BEAUTIFUL California home for agres near Portland. P-657. Journal. ACREAGE or 1st mortgage to exchange-for hotel or rooming bouse. L-905, Journal. SPOKANE property to trade for Portland prop erty. Call Woodlawn 5S58. A BLOCK of city property, good .location for acreage. A-64 5, Journal. 2H A'RES. will trade for a machine. S2 E Ainsworth ave. CeUl 8TOHE building. 8 rooms above, Kern Park; exchange: $3000. Tabor 4090. LATE model auto and 11 nice level lots, first payment on 8 room houe. Call Tabor 7602. WANTED SEAL ESTATE 81 WANT a bargain In a fractional lot, with ei without house, south of Montgomery street, between 6th and 20th Its. H-78 Journal. WE 'HAVE BUYERS WAITING For suburban acreage tracts, also city homes. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com. WANTE1 Five or six room house. Rose City Park preferred: give full information and I terms. Z 875. Journal. WANTED A fairly good rooming house of 15 or more rms. $1100 as first payment, baX mo. Owners. Marshal 1188. WANTED From owner, 5-room bungalow on 100x100 lot with fruit trees; give best cash price in first letter. R 889. Journal. MODERN HOMES WANTED LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE A K. HILL CO.. 215 Lumbermen bldg. MODERN bouse, good district! about $3500". Will give lot 125x100. Irvington park, balance cash. Wdln, 8114. IRVINGTON home. 6 to 7 rms., $5000 to $6500; substantial payment; stranger. Bug 8-87. Journal. Wl LL" TRADE auto and my equity in 2 lots. with some cash, for small room, modern house and lot. Tab. 1237. WANTED For cash trcm owner, a real bar gain in one or two Iota on paved street in Peninsula district. 1246. Minnesota Ave. WANT 1 or 2 acres Roe City car line, west of 82nd st.; north of Sandy. 699 E 75th N. WANTED In Alberta district S-rooa bnngaiow i ... caaii. journal. WANTED Rose City lot for cash. East 72o" 38 E. 18th at, WANTED To buy "house" and large lot or 3 lots. No agents. 855 E. 3rd st. WANT 5 room bungalow, good district, for ca h or terms. Box 924, city. W .?rieJT.. or room' bungalow, not over 83300. half cash. T-108, Journal. WANTED About a 5 room house that I can turn 1 or 2 lota on with cash. Wdln. 1205 MR. OWNER I want to bny a home, either , (Brnunea or paruy lunuahed. Y 682, Journal REAL ESTATE "WASTED REAL ESTATE (1 UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD. 86 HOMES 82.409,347 WORTH OF HOMER SOLD DUBING THE YEAR 1919 BT FRANK L. MGCIHE AGENCT. 14 experienced salesmen with auto. Sev eral hundred buyer, on our lists, many with cash, desiring to buy modem homes under $7000. especially to HOSE CITY PAKE. DISTRICT. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. I.A ITKELHURMT. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Also inexpensive modem homes rn all parta of the city, FRANK U M GU1RE will person ally invpeot. photograph and appraise your prop erty, without charge. The picture of your home with fall information will be displayed on the walls of our showrooms, which ar crowded with prospective buyers. Your home ia sold if liated with us. (WTE NEED IT TODAY) See FRANK L. McQUIRE To Sell Your Home. ABINGTON BLDG MAIN 1068. WE need more houes for sale in Central East Side, Rc City Park, !urelhurt. Hawthorne and Mount Tabor. Alberta, Woodlawn. Richmond, Mount Scott, and Woodstock. J. J OEDER CO., 4 Grand Ave. N.. Sear E. Ankeny. Phone Eat 61. WILL HAVE RETIRED FARMER IN OFFICE TO INSPECT IKVTNUTON OB ROUE CITY RES. TO 86000. HAS THE MONEY. LIST EARLY. MAIN 4803. Q. C. GOLDENBERG BAKER-MTTARLAND CO. have buyers waiting lor homes, acreages, business onn., minifies, grocery stores. garages, income properties ar.d farms. List your holding? with them ii you really desire to selL 315 17 IB HENRY BUILDING. Main 6797. LIST yonr houses with us. All t houses personally inspected and photographed. We have buyers on our waiting list for houses -ranging in value from 82000 to 86000. HOLDEN A KOHLMAN, Real Estate. 228 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 6350. NOTICE TO WEST SIDE PROPERTT OWNERS I have many buyers for west' side houses, especially between Sheridan and Madison sta. Handling west side property is my specialty. If your house is for sale call and see me. John Sincer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 9478. ACREAGE WANTED Tartial1v Imnroved nlace. cloe to electric tranaportaiion; with buildings. We also have I several buyers lor places on good auto roan, run close to electric depots We are practically sold II g (fTyaOtfrh Buys one of the best paying out on such places and must hav new listings sill)U'V apt. houses in Portland, Wash at once. , ! nigton st. location; 312.000 cash will handle. JOHN FE ROU SON, GERLINCER BLDG I rf:nr-:n"TA RITNaALOWS" WANTED 1 AT ' fl g rtT.rc.fTh Buy ood house of 31 apta.. $2500, 2 AT $3000. 4 AT $1000 I r. Q. C. GOLDENBERG Abimgton Bldg. "35 Tears in Portland." WANTED AT ONCE 1 to 3 acres, with modem bungalow on Red Electric. Oregon Electric, or Oregon City ca lines. Would like something along river or creek if possible. Have just sold my farm ana need a home. Address. A. R. Bankus. Boring. Or. WAVTF.n We need at onoa several bungs lows and medium-priced residences. Will ! nav.n nVi naruAi.ullT inarkaVt aflfi B .1 Tn lKf. i-iuM m.-ii. k' -'vsj-.i Pronn.t attention given. G. Y. Edwards & Co. I 212 BOARD TRADE MAIN 2010 READ THIS We have clients who are in the market to bur Willamette valley farms within 50 miles of Portland; also small improved acreage near : the city and desirable houses, well located, we i can ell quirtrly. Write or call ! It. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 165 S 4tU st- i , ' WE WANT FARMS AND ACREAGE Near Portland. If you wish to sell let ns know; personal inspection, individual attention; If your price ia right we will deliver the goods. J. C. CORBIN, 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMER WANTED Price must be richt and very easy terms. We have sold over 500 homes In the last year. If you want, action li:-1. with us. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 782 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE client wants to buy or 7 room h'ue and half or one acre, near Oak GroTe or near Portland, where there is good soil and not too far ftom school. J. J OEDER CO., 4 Grand Ave. N., Near E. Ankeny. WANTED TO BUY very good modern 8 -room house with garage, west slope Mt. Tabor or Irvington. not over $6000 or $fl00. What have you ? Give exact location and lowest price. Address Y-600, Journal WANTED TO BUT from owner. 10 or 20 acres with good buildiucs. between Oregon City and Salem, or between Portland and New- berg; give exact location, lowest price, etc. Address L-492. Journal. WANTED TO BUY from owner, modern .'.-room bungalow, Sunnyside or west slope Mt. Tabor: give locarion. terms and lowest price. Address L-493. Journal. WANTEDHousee any-" part-of "city- "1 "have buyers for tbera. Clarence Parker, 542 Isj Williams ave. East 1046. WASTED. CITT PROPERTY 87 WANTED To purchase in Alameda Park, Rose City. Iurrlhurst. or in district immediately west of Mt Tabor between Belmont or Haw thorne ave.. 6 or 7 room 2 story house with garage: must be modern, with sleeping porch, hardwood floor, etc: give street address and dste honse constructed N-48.1. Journal. HAVE 33000 to $4000 i-sili ind l nt)i 1 ooTonn- cil Crest- lot. Tualatin view. Park addition; value $500. Want clear modern 5 or 6 room east side hrie. L-916. Journal. WANTED About a 5 room house on Portland Heights. L-910. Journal. WANTED Small acreage near" Portland; have good, clear lot ts part, pay. L-904, Jonmal. BOOMING flOTJSEB, APARTME5TS AND TiOTFLH FOR SALE 83 APARTMENTS 90 rooms, modern, steam heat, brick buildirjg. rent i'tH over $2 per room per month; Ions leae. big money maker. $7000. psrt terms and trade. SPLENDID PI.ACE 85 rooms, close in; mostly housek ping : always full; large producer; easy to operate; $3500 buys this bargain, cash. HOW IS THIS ONE? 15 rooms, good furniture, electric, gas and etc.: close in: income $135: rent $35. price $900. part terms: owner uses 3 reams. Do you believe itt A DANDT LITTLE HOME OF 6 rooms, near library. 2 rooms rented pay the rent: this is smalt cottage: 7oo and hurry. HOTELS. GOOD ONES TOO 5 5 rooms, modern, right downtown, well furnished, lease, low rent, morally clean, several private baths; $10,000 about ?000 down. I'M SURE YOU'LL LIKE THIS 48 rooms, close in also, startling income. extremely good furniture. $10,000 down, bal ance $2000 easy. Come in and see this. A DOLL HOUSE OF A HOTEL 80 very modern rooms, well furnished, clean as a pin. lease at 6150. fireproof brick. 8300 clear, $6000 half rsh. COME IN AND TALK WITH ME I have a few others, several of which are good buys. I write fire and automobile insurance. also do notary work. My advice is free; list your place with me; I deal as fair aa the fairest. What more can be offered? Hedges, 171 West Prk. Transient House Ten rooms, lease, close o new postoffiee, silk floes mattresses, brsss beds, swell furni ture, for $1200: $360 will hsndle. PETERS, 15 N. FIFTn ST. 42Rooms 42 . Brick building, well furnished, best location on west side for renting rooms, turns away 20 people a night. Price $2500. terms. PETERS. 15 N. FIFTH 8T. 10Rooms10 On corner, heart of city; light, airy rooms; neat and clean, always full: $6Q5, term. PETERS, 15 N. FIFTHST 26Rooms26 Brick building, on WashingtoVi st.. cheap rent, lease to Jap or anyone, neat and clean as a pin, dandy money-maker: $1950, terms. PETERS, 1 5 N. FIFTH ST. HERE'S A BARGAIN, 5 rooms of extra nice furniture, right down town; rent $15 mo. Clears $35 mo. Will tell Monday for $350. 228 Broadway. $1400 BUYS an 18 -room apt., all h k., clearing 876 a month, rent only 330. 183 Holladay ave. Phone East 7741. ROOMING house doing rp'endid business, situ ated in the business district: $2300. Apply 401 H Main st. Phone 820 Vancouver. Wash FOR SALE 16 room rooming bouse, doing r -d htsiness; $1500 cash. 229 Vs First. Mar- thtll 792. - FOR SALE By owner Rooming bouse, 16 rooms, brick building; rant $30. long lease; price $1600. Phone East 8758. ROOMfStJ" house for eale. 21 rooms; a baxgala for cash. Call Main 2894 Honda? BOOMING HOrSCS. AFABTMEXTS AND HOTELS FOB SALE tt Here They Are! , You Can't Beat Them! 8650 Nine room, clean, good furniture; rent 825, nice yard. Income 870 month be sides leaving; : three commodious rooms for landlady, fcaay terms. 8750 Eleven rooms, not very modern, but food money maker. Cloe in. 8650 Buys vtry beautifully furnished modern 6 rooms en., west side hou-e. 8950 Twelve rooms in White temple district; hot water heat, rent $85. clearing $75 'month above expenses, good furniture; a little improvement and this place would sell for 81,500. 81000 Eighteen rooms, brick bldg., cheapest rent In Portland apta. 81050 Twelve rooms, furnace, terms. 81000 Twelve rooms on Flanders st. 812SO buys 12 rooms. Nob bilL $1250 Fourteefs rooms, $700 down. 81300 buys newly furnished 10 rooms. 81050 Buys recently furnished 1 room. $1500 Buys twelve rooms on Broadvtsy. A LITTLE LARGER ONES 17 ROOMS clearing 8100 per mouth; rent $60; newly renovated. $1600 19 ROOMS, furnace, hot and cold water; well j furnished: $1900 takes this; clearing better than li)0 muut.i. 2." MODERN rooms, right down town, on busi ness street. $2800. 81500 down; clears 8100 month. A FEW TRANSIENT HOTEL SNAPS 78 ROOMS, strictly modem. Northwestern heat, ineny batli; best furniture; on bei hotel street in Portland: clearing $800 month above expenes: this place is offered very leaaonable. 40 MODERN rooms, all brass beds. etc. steam: clears $400 mouth; $5,000 whole price, 83,- 000 to handle. . 30 ROOMS in heart of city. 85.750. wonder. fill moneymaker , 30 ALMOST newly furnished rooms on Wash ington street. 8 3.750. SOME GOOD MODERN APT. H0C8ES 83800 buys strictly modem .little apartment hen of 10 beautifully furnished opts.. 82250 down. $4000 buys dai.dy little apartment house of 17 apts. on WcKtaid, first time on market in years. It's right. $600 for 50 room place in White temple dis trict; first chance to see thia. Clears $40K month. 86000 for 50 room place to White temple dia- rooms. Clearing 8400 month. $4000 i to handle. $.000 buys 90 room place in industrial dis trict, fteam heat; rent $2.00 per room, gdisl (or $500 per month profit, terms. dA.VT FORGET THIS Wben you set a place throngh this office, you are assured of a square deal and no alter trouble. GET IN MY ACTOMORILE AND I WILL SHOW -YOU J. RHt CE C.ODDARD 501-2 Couch Bldg. APARTMENT IIOCSES. AND ROOMING HOUSES - til ui urfi class condition, nam. ; wood floors, nicely luinislied, clearing $600 per I month: terms. 3 fl 7 (ftrtMu Bdts 28 2 and 3 -room apt t PU a&,Uir"U( house; a nice, clean place, .newly j tinted and well lumu-hed; some terms. ffigfKfN Buys 4 0 room apt. house, 1. 2 and r- u-oJ-mjcoi 3 rtK)tos. ( (fT,(f1(n Buys a 30 room hotel, very cea- -VHJ'HJ'SJ' I, Ir&l tvod tasy to mxnige. SO, Buys one of the bt p7ln Vaiiinrt'n st. location hotel; !.. .a t . i n m : v i lulu louuj, siriiaTi ueiiueu, wcu lumieueo. I C1(ffrh Buys 2 7 -rooms. aU housekeeping, )J3Wii cheap rent; N. W., heat: very easy for lady to baudle. v fl d (fMTl Ruys 14 -room honse, nice location. iJ 11 r M y a place where you can have iuc home and clear $7ft per month. TlTnTfil Buys 2 7-room house, Washington st. location, close in. good paying house of 8 room apt and 22 single rooms; clifap rnt. Enterprise Realty Co. 614 PANAMA BIDG PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 512-13 14-15 Swetland bldg. FOR HOTELS and Apartments read our pace add in today's classified We have some rare bargains and lota of other good ones If you don't find wt.ut vu want, onie in snd see ns. PACIFIC AGENCY,. Inc. 512-13-14-15 8wetland bldg. Rooming lionise Owners If you have a buyer for your place who has not money enough to han.lle. phone me ; I will put np tbe cash or t ay you most for your cliat tel mortgage, or will sell your place. We fur- nish buyers three-fotirtris of the money to buy with. Phone Peters. Broadway 402. I MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE tl CTTT LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loaa is out monthly payment plan. $32.28 per mcnth for 86 month., or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pay a loaa of tl'lOO and interest. Loans of other amounts In same proportion. Repayment. Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 242 Mark si.. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS Loans for any amount at ft 14 per eent for 8 to 10 years psyahle in monthly. Installments; any part or all of the loan payable it any time. We loan money In all towns 01 the Northwest. Call or wilt. 1883 .Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 3718. ETenirigs, Woodlawn 2431. RESIDENCE UiANS ""to ""$5000; quick action". no red tape, lowest rates. It will pay yoa to see U first. C. A. WAGNER CO. Main 8150 230 Stark st. MORTGAGE L0AN8 On improved city rral estate residence, apart ment and business properties. MORTOAGK GUARANTEE COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BUILDING. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privilege; no commissi.. n or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO LTD.. 806 Piatt Mdg Main 8371. LIBERAL LOANS W loan our own money on real estate. 1st nd 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notea.- antotnobilet, etc. F. E. Bowman A Ca, 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8026. $300. $400. $S00, $750. $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce building. MONEY loaned on citv proterty ; mortgages, contracts bought; private party. No. L 917 Journal. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property. money advanced as work T-rogresses. W. G. Berk. 215 snd 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONET TO LOAN t .mounts of $100 to $3000 on city propervy. A H. BELL. Rooms 10 and 11, Molkey bldg $300 $400 $"500 $600 $750 and i;i lowest rates; quick action. Gorden Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1870. $200 TO $2500 on city property in sums, time and mortgages: city and country improved property. J. L. WELLS CO.. 603 fiasco bldg. SiONEY by private party or improved farm land. Inquire. 3,"5 E. 3rd st SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber cf Commerce, 4th nd Stark. $t000. $1500. $2000 tnd up; no commission. F. H. DESHON. 615 Cham ot Com bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS np to $15000. 6 tnd T per cent. ' Fred 8. Williams. 506 Ptntmi Mdg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 nd 7 per eent Louis 8alcaon A Co, 408 SelHng bldg. HONEY TO LOAK CHATTELS, SALARIES 87 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. Phon Broadway 910. 394 8 Lark st. near 1 0th. Loans on diamond, watches, Victrolsa, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instrument and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN . Manager. SALARY LOANS WE LOAN MONET CHATTELS or short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payment Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECUR1TT We also loan on household furniture, pi not, to., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. (LICENSED) 218 FAlLlNU BLDO, X02TET TO LO A CHATTELS. BALABIES T DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE, O.N AUTOMOBILES FmNlTTTRE, PIANOS. HOC8EHOT.D GOODS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS, OR A NTT RING OF VALFE. 8ECCHITT tfSCALLY LEFT IN TOCB POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. ir YOCR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAT THEM IT. ADVANCE TOO MORE MONET IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT TOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DEI.AT BUSINESS STR1CTLT CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED)' 808-807 DEKUM BLDG.. 8D AND WASH. MONET to loan on diamond, jewelry; legal rates; all articles held ' a yesr; established since 1888. Dan Man A Co.. 883 Waah. st. LIVESTOCK LOANS Our own money loaned oa cattle, sheep, hoc, etc F E Bowm.in A Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3028 LOANS vTASTED 38 FOR SALK FIRST MORTGAGES 81500 00, 7 per cent, on new residence in Ken ton district, valued by owner 84 500 81500,00. 7 per cent, $1200 8 years $800 1 year, on 2 dwellings and 60x100 fet. Richmond district. MUNICIPAL BONDS 11A AAA AA lln.tA. V i, ... ... i.i r-i.'t xempt from all dominion taxes. Duen July. 1933. Priced to yield 7 per cent UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST CO.. 284 Oak St- Msr-hall 756 WANT to borrow from private party $4500 on modem 8 room house and 2 lots, with garage, in Mt. Tabor district: good property, good partiea. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestera Bank Bldg. FOR SALE First mortgages on improved Portland real estate MORTGAGE GCARANTEE COMPANY. 91 FOURTH STREET. IS300 BUSINESS PROPERTT From priiste parties, on 50x100 ft- corner warehouse site, opposite Marshall Wells build ing: no brokerage. W-865, Journal. FIRST mortgsges for saleT$10O0 up. F U Deshon. 61ft Chember of Commerce bldg 34500 AT 51, first mortgage on large house, 4 lots, value 813.000 N-552. Journal 8EE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. WANT $1230. 3 years, privege of 5. on Monnt Tabor home; owner"4t,-64. Journal. Fllf AJfClAL 51 GERMAN MUNICIPAL BONDS On account cf the present low rate of for- sign exchange, these bonds can now 1 bought for one-ninth their pre-war pnee. They are considered the safest Investment in Germsny. : being secured by the entire taxable resources of their respective cities Mk 1000 bond of the City of Berlin, 4, $22 50. Write for particulars snd additional quota tions on German municipal and iudiiAtrial bomis. TRANSATLANTIC ESTATES A CREDIT CO.. INC. 222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. War Stamps Cashed Liberty Bonds Cashed OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG. (2d FLOOR.) War Stamps Cashed We buy Wtr Savings Sttmps, Liberty Bonds at basis of Msrket Value. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE 205 Morgan Building (Second Floor.) CAPITAL I speclalitc in financing meritorious business enterprises by selling stocks or first roortsjaae bonds. atnetly commission basis. Mall full particulars in flr.st letter. John Trier, 1829 Eddy st. Chicago. CASH paid for mortgages end sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon.- H. E. Noble, 816 Lumbermen bldg. WE BUT first and second mortgages tnd sell ers' contracts. F. E. Bowmen A Co.. 210 Chsrober of Commerce. STOCKS A:ND BONDS 88 WILL buy 2000 Idfho Gold A Ruby mining stock at 15c. Box 381, Colfax, Wash. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC MATCHED, pair, weight 28007 cheap: itiare and gelding 5 tnd 6 years old, weight 2U00; hcht farm tesm snd harness cheap, light and heavy harness and all kinds of wagons. 546 Front st- 0. T. STABLES. 17TH AND KEARNT 20 good horses and mares, some well matched teams, from 4 to 7 year old Every bora sold with a guarantee aa represented. G. D. WILLI A MfiON. FOR 8ALE 5 head of mares, team of, Per cherons weighing 3100, 6 years old. with harness and ner.rly new farm wagon; team of msres weighing 2600. 229 Gihba, South Port land car. e 13 HKAD of first cla-ss work horses, weight 1100 to 1750. 2 span black mares, weight 1500 to 1600. These horses are working every day on the farm, not sore from streets. Call livery stable at Amity, or address Box 74. JUST received. 30 head of Washington-horses that we can sell cheap, cue registered stud, .all kinds ot wagons, buggies and harness cheap, "or exchange. 302 Front st. SEVERAL sex. of single snd double harness. wagons and odd horses. Will work double or single. Will sell for any reasonable offer. 546 Front st 2800 LBS. team. fi tnd 7 years old, with nesrly new harness and 3 inch farm wagon ; $275 Mt. Seott "ar to Tr. t.iont. 4 blocks south' to 65th ave.. 1 block 'west to 71bI St.! MUST sell at once good sound team and good workers, weighing 2200; harness and farm wagon. 5th at and 6 1 th ave. Take Woodstock car to 54 th it. TEAM of mares. 5 and 6 years old. 2800 lbs.; one 8 year old mare, 1S00 lbs.; also 7 year old mule, 1300 lbs. 295 17th st, corner Co lumbia St., room 5x GOOD team, weight 3200; harness and wagon; beet of workers; will sell reasonable, as I have no further Use for them W.KMivtock car to 34tn. ft blocks south to 1040 HchUler. 18 HEAD of mares and geldings, all good work ers and gentle, some blocky built mares among lh.m. ... - A V. . - . ' - - .. I L- OtU and jlswthome. National Stable.. East 6100. FOR SALE One tesm. mare and horse. 2250 lbs., sound. 6 tnd 9 vear- old. double l.ar- ness and M Ulburn farm wagon, complete lOHaT E. ettark st.. cor. 78th t Trial aUowed. FOR SALK One sttudebaaar 3 !4 farm wagon I and one 3 ' Mitrbel wagon, cheap. 1967 E. Stark St. ror 78th st. 14 HEAD of horses from 4 to 8 years okf: 1200 to 1800 ibs. . and some well matched teams. Inquire 664 Nnrthmp L $ 1 1 0 Bf' YS sorrel Tiorse. weight about 1?,60 lb... in irood shape for hard work. Woodvard foot Taylor at. (dock.) 2800 LB TEAM of msres. harness and 3 inch farm wagoo. cheap Wo-isto. k car to 52d st. 2 blocks north to 5759. WILL sell cheap, i! taken at onoe, my team; weigh 2500 fell at 4908 5th S. E. MS car to Myrtle Park. 6 blocks south 4000 LB. span young geldings, suitable for any heavy work. Inouire Marion Fuel Co.. foot Taylor st. (dock.) HAVE choice lot on 59th and E. Broadway. Will trnde for young team weighing about 2800. Tnbor 4793. WANTED 1 or 2 open or top second-hand buggies. Apply Grand Avenue Stables, 20 Grand a ve HARE and hore. weight about 3000 lot., 5 and 8 years old. well broke to farm woxk. Woodyard foot Taylor st. (dock.) FOR SALE 10 OR 12 HEAD of good farm horses; also a lot of double harness. Apply Grand Avenue Stables. 20 Grand ave. GOOD work team, wt 2400 lbs., with heavy! set ol turn ess, cnetp; must sen. Take Selle wood car to 564 Gideon st 1 TEAM, wt. 2800 lb, "with good harness, for sale cheap: blocky built 5624 86th st M 8 car. , A FEW. good horses cheap, as we are now using truck. Gary Transfer Barn, between 84th and 85th st. on East Yamhill tt. CAPITAL STABLES. 287 Front st, just re- eived a carload of Eastern Oregon horses from 1200 to 1800 lbs. All good chunk. DEAD horsje. taken quickly. Csnh for dead cows. Pbone Tabor 4 203. GOOD used harness, medium and heavy. X. I. Keller. 49 N. 6th. $73 BUYS email team and harass. 6647 65th st Woodstock car. HORSE and wsgon. $1.50 per day; 2 none and wsgoa. 83- J- Cohen. 546 Front Main 220b. 2 HORSES for gala, work tlncto or snubs. Kast 8701. TEAM weighing about 2600, harness and wagon for sale Pboo Woodlawn 1498. 1300 GRET mare, good-farm horse; milk wagon; good condition. 51 Sliaver st SPAN 2400-lb. mares, karnese and wagon. 887 Water. - SEVERAL very cheap horse, big and small. 387 Water. , BLACK male Muscovey ducks for aale. Inquire 198 Watt, t FOR , 8ALE--A young team, mare and horse. Call aitor Sunday. Tabor 6286 HO BSE S. fKHICLES. ETC. 19 JTUST ARRIVED. 2 carloads of chunks from 4 to 8 years old. weigh from 100 to 1700 lbs. ; more good horses to pick from than all the dealer. In town have got, 90 bead work ing. Will sell one or all. Can be wen right in the collar. Have from 40 to 60 head in the barn. Have a Cadillac truck. Ford road ster and Ford touring car that are for sale. Terms -or cavsn, or tor traae lor nc-rsea, eat tie or mmes. Harnesses of all kinds. AU stork guaranteed at represented. .Phil Suetter. 285 Front St. Crown Stable. , JUST received a carload of Eastern Oregon mares and geldings ranging, from 4 to 6 years old. weight from 1200 to 1500 and 1600 lb., matched team and a few cheaper horse, farm wagons and hanir.-s; sll well broken and guaranteed as represented : free trial allowed. It s-rt. a r ,n r- mrkt it wil pa t- to com and look over this stock. J. S. Williamson. 240 E. 8th st. JJast 210. 3 GOOD gentle young wort terms weight all around 2700 each team: 1 fine span of 4 and 5-year-old chnnky built mares, harness and wagon; have no further use, will sell very reason able. Take Hawthorne ate. car to Tlst.. d blocks south and 1 east to a big red bam on a gravel piL IDEAL ranch team of msres. grays, very "achunky build, weight 2800 lbs., - true, gentle, servicealile, in fine shape: bargain for cash. Woodstock car to E. S6th and G!rd.tone. 2 block, north to 1087 Francia. Sellwood 1212. .10 HEAD of firt class horses and mares, 5 to 7 years old 1300 to 1H00 lbs., some well matched teams all stock gusranteed a represented, trial allowed; 2 farm wagons, 8 4 In. wide tires, good as new. 3t)ft Union ave., cor. Btvens, L. Glass. HULKS, best tesm in valley, 7 and 8 years old. blocky lmiid. 1200 lbs. each.; harness and waiynn; al-o 0 year old horse, work single or double. This slock is guaranteed. Ttke Oregon City car, get off at Hereford, go etst, strike Ott field n ad. first house on right. LIYKNTOCK Si 45 HEAD CATTLE AUCTION SALE PS.RK HOSE STATION, 5 BLOCKS NORTH OF COLUMBIA HIGHWAY EM) OF CRAIG ROAD Monday. Feb. 16. 10 30 a. m , 40 head of milch rows. 5 isrje prir.g heifen, a lot of extra fine rows -Hnlstein. Durham, Jersey. 7 fresh; 12 short 'springer ;shsoiute ssle: no re serve; no place to lake ttirin. Cornel You'll not be disappointed. Crws tuberculin tested. 6-year-oid iior.se. wt. 1000 lbs.; gray mare, gray horse, 4 -year-old. mare, wt. 1000 lbs.; 4-year-old mule. .wt. 1000 lbs.; hogs. 2 Duroc Jersey brood sows.' 8 HO :b shosts, 8 8 week old purs, 8 sets heavy harness. 3 seta single har ness, 2 saddles. MACHINERY: Advance mower. 2 hay rakes. 2 2-horse cultivators. 2 1 -horse cultivator-., spring-tooth harrow, 2-sectiun harrow. 1 section harrow, corn planter (good a- new), 4 horse potato planter 2 horse potato diireer tannins 'mill, S4-im:h wagon, light wagon, old wagon, ' t. Laval aeiientor Nn U 1 Ml lh tlo.ll., Mob sweet corn. 40 lbs. true Hubbard squash Eeed, 75 lbs. turnip seed; loU tools etc Henry MartT lnd ,r Hunsiker. owners. Col. W 8. Wood A Sons, auctioneers. Vancouver, Waah. AUCTION HALE On the "Christ Place." 4 mile- East of Van couver. Wash., on Uie Rarton' ro'.. 8-4 mile south of Jaggy Station. Tne. Feb 24 si 10.30 a. m. 20 milk cows, Holsteins, Durham. 2 Jerseys 4 with calves by fide. Some wi-re fresh in January, some Short Springers; six Springer heifers; 3 coming 2-yr old heifers; 1 2-r old bull. Cows tuberculin tested. 1 :j yr old dark brown mule, wt. 1.000 lb : 8 40 1b sliotos: 1 brood sow and 6 pigs: 30 pure bted Rhode Idand Hed hens; 7-foot leering binder; Hock Island hay reader; 12-dic Van Brunt drill; Osborn mower;Osborn rake; 6 h. p. gasoline engine and ensilage cotter, with 30 feet of pipe mounted on truck, all complete; 2 harrows; stoel. frame harrow: Rock Isiand sulky plow; 14-inch steel beam plow; potat-. digger; 2-horse walking cultivator: 5-ahovel cultivator; Iron wheel wagon; 8 1-4 Inch 3-4 truck ws:;on; i 6pring wagon; hack; buggy, feed mill: double wagon boa, harness and small tools too nnmer- rms to mention; about 2U sacks. Early U,e seed potatoes; about 800 pounds Gray wK Paulson Bros., ownen. Col. W. S. Wood A Sons. Auctioneers.. Vnncoiivcr, Wash. JOINT " AUCTION SALE Tuesday. February 17, 1920, at 10 a. ra.. three miles southeast of Oregon City, out 5th t- on main road, on John Harry' frm. i 17 ws. all breeds, mostly Durham: all j d T"1,- B j,n" u"h.; 4,com,",? Ur'hi ? 5-months-old heifers. Co wa all tubercular tested. One Simplex 2 piece ttav alio, 10x82, j prtttictlb- new One new Viking 600 lb cream separator. One tt-year old msre. harness and buosry. One ti-yer-.Ul work horse. Terms Six months' tiro on bankable note. M. H. HOSTETTLEll. JOHN HARRT. Auctioneer. GEORGE BUaCH. Owners. 20 HKAD of high grade dairy cows. 2 young calves. 1 HoNtein bull, 1 2-yrar-old heifer; some alfalfa hay; about 2 tons clover hay, 10 tons of straw, and all modern eqrirnment. T-e.s on 20-acre farm, highly fertilized: lease $275 per year; 5 miles out from city on Powell Valley road. Owner is selling out on account of sickness. This is an opportunity for a dairyman. Act at once if interested. I'hoce owner, 'labor 65. 12 COWS, miertly all frresh. the balance com ing fresh within one week. Some large Hol steins, Durham and Jersey Durhams, 4 to 6 gallons per .lay Will sell or take fat. csttle In eirliAliue. 1128 Maxadnru st. South Port land car to end of line, 1 block smith, one east. WE hav established a good market for dairy cows at tb Stock Yard, at North Portlsnd If you wish to buy any good dttry cows or I have toy to sell, see Mr rirure at th Union j tWx: is rcis, jsonn roruana, . it i v?CF.tm.nCmii cow' eivlna eaii of n-h m.ii, n'er dar. si-o'k N... I farm tain, tveitl.t - 2600 lbs. : 2 sounv -las niii'l be sold. Mt. s.-..i ' car to Kir land btatlon. 5 blocks north to 4122 73rd at. 8. E. TWO extra fine family rv, one Jersey, one Holsteln; rich snd big milkers, bolh milking now. Owner leaving state only reason for sell ing. Also sit pigs weighing 60 to 90 lbs. Phone Ttbor 3793. Foster road cor. Deardorf. WAXTSmair" grade "Jersey heifer, fresh or soon to freshen, amount of milk so obiert. Address. Mrs. C. N. Matlock, 1787 Stanton at., city. ONE A-l large" Jersey fresh cow, something nice. Foster road snd Buckley are. sec end hou.e north from Ko-U-r road on Buckley svc. Tabor 4474 I FOR SALE rigitered Dnnv Jersey boar, 2 years old Wnto wm. loir, ivouie 1 , nox 80, Clackamas, Or ; FOR "sale -5 Tott'sbfrs and Saanan mll.h goats; two win com.- froeh nest weea. t.u Raleigh st, 16th or S rar. SEVERAL brood sowa sith pigs. T. H, Rob inson. Carlton. Or Route No. 2. City ad dress 461 E. 20th N. . 15 HEAD of fresh rows snd heavy springers; priced from $50 to $125 each. G. K. Howitt. Portland Cnion rtto'-k Yard bama. AM "fjUITTING-business. 10 fine dairy cows. feed. barn, house le.itles, route etablihed, can't fill demand, must go today. East 1046. bMALL lord" regt-tore.1 Holsteln rows f.rr eale at a bargain, as owner ha, sold the pltc. Y 674 Journal j. WILL exchange for beef cattle good lot on Improved street. Phone CuL 283 after 7 p.m. FOR SAl.rv 4 registered Duroe sows, slso 5 registered Jersey lielfers. F. M. Klg.:r, Tb.r 1100 . FOR HAT E Iroroc Jersey sow snd two 90 pound pigs. D. Ivis, near Wichita school phone Milwaukie U5-W. TWO fresh cows for sale Take Irvington car to Shsver street, wtlk 1 block west S. N. Kurilo, Ml 14th st. V HAVE LEFT my cows to he sold at JJ102 E. -5th st. Jus' fresh, giving from 5 to 6 gaL Call and 'r thm milked. 6102 K. 85th st I'oUNG tTiVrnese ' T'sjgenberg buck for service. 1792 liw.ght t c 20. iri aal cow cmttig fresh soon. 218 East 73d .. near Montavine car FINE jertseyl rnt .tll by Feb. 18. fresh March 1, $125. 729 Liberty st. COW for "sale." g".'vl rich miiker; or will trad for workhorse PhoneTabor M5V WANTLlfiuisfi pigs, supplied regularly or few at a time. Phone Main 3885 WANTED Few milch goata. Stabs brL price and pariicuiars to F-70. Jonmal. WAl'tTDFresE rim! fauiiiy cow. phot.. Columbia 4 9 GOOD, ientleT cheap Guernsey cow. Inquire 53 Morr.a t, near Mississippi ave. 8AA "sTEN- rmck"for service. Iseltwrnse statioo- Tabor 15Z1. LARGE cow with 8 week heifer ealf for sale. Wilson, Jennings Lodge. F0"K SALETwo fresh "cow and I heavy sonmrer. I av oisvs FINE female goat for sale, at your own pric. 1561 E. ISth t K. . MILK for babies, large grade Saanen goat fresh Main 8392 TOUNGTfresh cows, all breed, reasonable. 75l E. Ash. rFREH COW and calf and 3 month-old -pigs. Main 4939. FOR SALE -One Angora pet goat 2-year-old; broke to drive. Call Columbia 957. WANTED Beef and v-aTrTaboe 28TA riNETotgnburg back for stiav Tabor 5459. tt AUCTION "SALE? DATES Write or prion.- for bills. Col W. 8 Wood Sons, Auctioneers. " Vsncouver, Wash. I Fb. 16 Martey A. flimsier Rom Par. Oregon. Feb. 17 Mr. Myers. Greshtm, Oregon. Feb. 21 Ir CunFilngham. wear Vancouver, Wash. Feb 20 Ford & Shaw, near Vancouver, Wash. Feb 24 Paulson Brothers, near Vancouver, Wash, Fes. 25 A. E. Fisher. Hsrmonv, Wash Feb. 28 John Bliss, near Grewhsm. Ore. Feb. 27 Hileman A Higd to. Manor, Wash. A GOOD family Jersey, 4 year, old, has beea fresh three months. 880, if taken at once. Tshor 9454. EOCLTBT A5D BABBITS IT THOROI-GIIBKKD K. I. Hed Barred Rock lav ing pullet and oocaereOa, Black Minogcas and eockere-l Reasonable 100 White Leghorn pullets and earling laying liena. $1.25 op Some tat hens. Montavilla Stark oar. walk 4 blocka-wasa eet to 1918 East Stark and 75U. I de Itver HAVE pi't a, few openings left for Airil and M.y H C White Iglmrn bsbt chicks from open rtnge. vigorous, heavy laying strain HrlUng eas $1 60 setting. $s hundred W. H. Fuller. 11 It U P),..tie Jttaln 202rl EXTHA Silver Campine coctefel. direcT from homestead. Campine farm. $5. J. A. Den- Tiett. 257 Kuss.li ,t. Kast 1081. Sunday, 9 to. 6:weekdr. to 7. NEW ZEALAND FlelnTili angora and iHrnalayan rshhit.s for sale cheap, also portable hutcbes; closing out our st.-k. J. R. Maguire. 787 Ori'goDu. near K 24th. SILVER Phea ant-, fl hens. 1 cock, cheap. E. I I dd. 1121 l"nrltovi are.. Portland. FOR SALE .lark grsy Flemish doe, 1 buck, JI5iich Sclinjod 850. closing bur myuoTiougITbrkd " . COCKERELS R I Red. Barred Kork and White Wyan dotte. Sell cheap. Woodlawn 8247. WILL START our h.lchery Feb." 20. aiid'wTar prepsred for soins custom hatohlng. Cypher lnrubstors, hiiih grade Leghorn eggs and chlrVt for sale Portland btvd. and tireely. Wdln. 888. PARTRIDGE Wyandotte "cockerela "and "laying pullcta from grrscrslions of prize birds; vig orous and hardy; $5 each. Mrs D C Clark. Dayton. Or. WHlTl: I.E-.TlOnN hatching 7ggfa"ma ' strsln 81.50 per selling, or i per 100 I G E. Thompson. 4 111 6th ave. IS. E. Phon rro i r.w . BLUE ANDAI.U8IAN cockerel.7,7r ..le cheap. splendid birds; eggs for l,su-,i,,g. $1 SO wt 15. . $8 per 100. 1792 Dwight at. St. Johns car. Col. 20. WHITE 1eghorrT "baby cldci7"di 1 Tect"" Te"ncrSl strain. March 1, 300: March 10. Boo 125 per 100. Home fine cookercl,, $3 to $5 esch Tom Morgan. Heaverton, Oregon THE single comb R. I It. c.ckereldark rT.V from the top to the akin, from ijie pri..e winning strain, for sale; rrasonshle price 760 Milstaiiliie st TAVCRED WhlteLeghorn chi. ks7"4fiu February IS and 22. Tabor 8822. Rose Hatchery. each; Park WILL exchange very fine Yl. H. cockerels" for 8 laying pullets, or will sell for $5. Tabor 154 3 . M E ar. taking order, for setting eggs for tur keys, geese, ducks and chickens of all varieties. East -61 22. 300 KMorrlson at. WHITE LEGHORN chl. k. ?ce" Ma"rcb7$20 "per 100 ; trapnested stock ; hatrhes every Week Chas. L. Perkins. 1837 Buriage st. roU NALL On Pekln duck, farting to lay rheap. Also one set Book sof Knov, l?dge." . ll"j"f'Jr rhlckotw. Phone Tabor 5!I04 MOVIE BABBITRY Few buck, snd doesS mt old O. L. Dow, 345 Morris sL K 2300. MA M Mi 1 TH Pekin duck us for liai, blue, $8 for 9. Drakes, 85. George Heath, Beaver- t"--rJlIl,:'i!fJjR'Tt 2 I7,lli''J, r cckeiTT White LeAo'rn 2 Barred Rocks. 1 Oregon. Sellwood 642. 6385 4fth st, N E. FflirSAT.ES C. Rh"od IslandTQ' rocket".! eggs for hatching 1439 Cleveland av. Wdln. ORo. To WmTELEGHOltN-purtjr.-Ttnrred" "ttrifn $1 75, or $2 no for telertioo. 1088 llllwau kie st. Bell. 21 4. 4 0 o. A C. coherel.. 11. H , trm b,t laying -train. $4 '-arh : tor 2 or mo'e $J 75 etrli. Mr. 11. Frskes. Hrippor.se. Or. 40iM PCLI.KTI trom heavy .ay.ng "trapi.Mted Whit Leghorns. Free catalog Watienon Pulley F.rm 'I be Dalles, Or WANTED A large site inru'hiitor, munt h in good conditnm; also some Leghorn Isying hen Phil Sto iner, Mnltlla, Or., route 1 Ft)R SALE Tno'White Wyandottca? " Wfi'lt Wyandotte and Barred Rock eggs for setting Main 849. LAYING WFlt Legrmrn hens. $i'Tbhiyir7g Brown Leghorn pi.llets, $1 75 each J R Magulr. 787 Orecon .t. near It. 24lh. WE PAT CASH FOR POUI.TRT PoU. Pur.ples. of All Kind. CashPrtsluceC. . 800 E. Morris., 11 K,t aSS. FtJR "KALE- Thoroughbred" " White " Orpington corkeieU. R. F. Cochrtn, R. D 2. Mil wukie. Or. WHITE leghorn-bens, rruljet nd oockerel: special price, on 50 snd 100 lot. Mt. H.-..U Poultry Tsid. Tsbor Ii8rl5. 6848 84th V. K. EGGS- English White Leghorns. Uige bird eT eellent Uyers, $1 f.o per h. 1 n,t nd' lay ing hard to beat. Phone 21 4 89. TMOKOUtiHBIlED Buff Ondngton c.-kerels and pullers; also 1 2-year-old rw k ; also 2 Econ omy hovers, good as new. Tbor 5823 BARBED "noi'K etc-!'o A C t rain." 1 2" per setting; also some English Leghorn c.K-kerels. East 3283 FOR SALE- Berr.1 Plymouth TWk rooatem' "of the O A C. 2110 egg strain; prt. $4 Maiy Bpsgle. Aurora. Or FOR HALE- f ho,-.. tighbred "w.ito""l"gi.orn-ieiT ting ejg. Iron. I.enw Ikying Hoganised t k, $H rr100 Wdln. 8878. 1645 Mississippi av. SELL or trade, 25 rabbit. M g.v1 t,rlahU li'if'hes, snd feed. Call Humltt. ,".404 I nnpi t , y; 525 "F.;g stnirn ""niiwleI.lariT White 'Ve'fTTng rggs for sale Geo. Dsenwrt o.k finite Phone 9 J. WEI.'K Ol.i. O.or.Sii'l.rrrr.-d ft I "It T-blckiTaT. Zin'lA each. 5020 HMb a. K.. and 35t.b av. M. c.r, 1 it. i. RandrvnTurr; gimrn cyck.-rel sell or trade for same, also 8 New Zealand dss. 1072 Presi-ot'. 4 do o A. !. ""WWtiligTi7.nT7.tVy"it)g". all fine Hiantssd stock. 800 E. Morrison at Et 6122. FIVE Barred Rock cockerels, O. A. ' 1 - C storT. Sellwood comer of 60th at and T2rl ava 1013 j 12 BARRED Rock pu'lleU. radr"to" Uf." $20 I J- A. Dennett. 257 Riissel) it. Ea. t 10i. , Sur.ilay 2 to 6. wek dava 6 to 7. j TIIORoVGHBREb-Barred Roc. and Btitf lyg j horn I. stcliing eggs from heavy laiets. $2 50 : per setting. A. E Brem.n. Tualstiii. Or. BTKEL gray Flemish Giant buck at tud , prire winner In Uecembcr show; registered and pedigreed 897 C.tntonbwin tve JAP. PIT Games, I ere k ami 6 her... I 144 K. 7Ui st. N. Phone Woodlawo 8t Ti ICiROUG HBRED " Whit " Ugliora roTkerel, L'i IT I. R. eccs lnr hatohlni".""ba"by chicka' to order Tabor 2H77 A FEW GOOD white WVtndotte msl-a WdTo. 4292. 685 (Saratoga at f if iRof : 1 ; H B it E 1 ) R t"jidY and ivTQtVliir limn cockerels. $2 each. Mtln 5450. 5 WHITE Ieghorn cockerels for sale: .Iso wire icnce nn cnicsen house Tbor 040 0. A C Birred 'Rock-reenter-for tale".-abT 7211. C'iAi. burning colony hover, 1500 capacity. Call Tabor 7269, or address Box, 19, route 1. FOR BALK It I R. cwkeirelSelT 1 125. 8s3RIiine sb Ear7,E EnglUh "Tom -Barran itrsTi" VV)iiriT horn egga from heavy layers. Tabor 9501. FOR SALE Baby chicks ficds" Re.frF.-b.' 17. Write George Cam) hell. McMlrinvlll FOR "SALE Th'orTgtred W :.itelxihoTn lay nt Lent aurfc pullets. Ka-t 4 04 TH'ThOI Gil RK ED Black Minor, a liaTcMng" 'it, Msmmoth strain. ul 596 1500 Fiske. WANTED 2 large inctibstors and 2 coal bant ing brooders. Phone MiJwtnkle 93 K. LTVESTOC EIGHTEEN 1 e,r old O. A. C White Leghorn'; j laying nens. issii remnaoJa av. rE"G"G8 for hatching R". t IL. $2" tettiniv fa Milwaukie st HAVE toe many chicken, will tell 1 dot trail i-t Ham- 944 K 1:iyor - BARRED RiC"K cockerels. Ringlet strain. Self wood 1086, 585 E. 30th st HOGAMZK your flock and save feed. I rou ante to pick the layer. Woodlawn 5002. BLUE Andelusian cockerel. 647"Er37th WjnJ .tock car. Phon KeH 872 II4 trade man't watch for chickens, rostic 213 30. Auto FOB SA1.F 60 Buff Leghorn pullets. Call East 5766. FOR HALE R. I. Red letting est. 222 ti. 77th N Tabor 6736. CHOICE setting" eggs from 2-ye.ar-old Wldt lytghorn. 79 E. Farragnt St., nea r Minnesota. T6UNTrhen for sale. "Ct"lT fl.Tpday. iv1 Hawthorne av. Mt Tabor. SS ear to 80th. WiIifiT Leghorn rockereb. ' Tanrred straial liatching eggs. Tabor 1621, LARiiE Jubilee stvle Iwututun for al. Wat-ter--on Pullet farta. The l"lle.. f)r. WriTFfETlork cockerels from world c'haraptoV priae winning stock, 87.30 each. Tabor 9501. BLATTC MINfJBi'eockerei. $$ each. J. K Maguire. 787 Oregon st near E. 24th. VVA" TEI?--84Unf bcoal Tabof. 2261.' r