THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15, 1920. K1W TODAY ONLY $11,000 for ALAMEDA PARK'S Most Beautiful BUNGALOW Located on a most attractive corner; lot, 100x115 feet, and nestling under majestic fir trees; 9 rooms in all. including a charm ing living room with open fire place and builtin bookcases; a delightful music room; handsome dining room with builtin buffet; up-to-the-minute Dutch kitchen; suite of two fine bedrooms and a bath between; A-l maid's room with bath room; all thi on first floor; 1 splendid bedrooms up stairs and a large room easily fitted up as a billiard or play room; an unusually bright base ment; A-l heating plant; laundry; first-class garage with paved driveway; a home that to ap proach makes the owner's heart fill with" pride, and every passer by's heart fill with nvy and long ing and the price Is reasonable only $11,000, cash or terms. If you'll promise not to bother the owner today I'll give you the approximate address a corner on Bryce street, Alameda Park. See it on the outside today and then arrange for an inspection of the inside tomorrow by telephon ing my office, Marshall 630, on Monday. First Com, First Considered! HAROLD. Owner's Agent Automobile District 100x100 Corner I1TH ST., SOUTH OF GLISAN One of the best remaining quarter blocks in this district Pries of 188,000 Is conservative. Owner will accept other properties of good value to $26,000. Long time lease can be ar ranged paying large returns on in vestment. If moderately Improved said Improvement can be financed on property. This Is most exceptional proposi tion for one desiring to concentrate hla holdings. Iailde Property Dealers TWELFTH FLOOR, YEOIT BLDG. J '. Dekum&Jordan WEST SIDE CORNER LOT 60x100 Feet This property sold at one time for S17.5Q0. ALSO carried at on time a cash loan of $10,000. It is located on Thirteenth street : a splendid apartment house site. Now occupied by two old houses, both rented. All Improvements are in and paid. If sold by 21st can be had for $9000 CAW GIVE TERMS DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS I Dekum&Jordan SSS-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Fourth and Htara Sts. Mala 3.33 Garage Site SPLENDID DISTRICT West Side Location can be purchased for less than $11,000. One-srtory building would cost about $9000. Reliable tenants Trill take long lease netting more than l return on $20,000 Investment, inside Property Dealers. UTH IXOO& -YEOX BLDG. m IE TfEWTODAT ESTABLISHED 1892 AUCTION EXTRAORDINARY TURKISH RUQS. VERT FINE IMPORTED CH I N A W A R E, BEAUTIFUL. RATTAN FURNI TURE AND OTHER COSTLY HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINOS AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE Comprising Genuine TurKiBh Rugs, Very Natty Sunroom Suite of Rat tan Furniture upholstered in Blue Plush, vis., Lounge, Arm Rockers and Chairs. Small Chairs; Tables, Stools, Bookholders and Jardiniere Retainers; also Wilton Carpet en suite; Eledtric Floor Lamp, Ma hogany Library Table, Windsor Rocker and Chair, Colonial Parlor Desk in fumed oak. Hall Suite In Rattan, as follows. Stand, Mirror and Two Reception Chairs, Parlor Upholstered Chairs in Rosewood Frames, Antique Clock. The Cut Glass and Chlnaware is an exhibit alone and is well worth coming to see. Brass and OunmetaJ Jardiniere Pots. Green Plush Portieres, Pictures,- Electric Floor and Table Lamp, Sectional Bookcases. Sev eral Volumes of Choice Books, Ax mlnster and Body Brussels Rugs In various sizes. Colonial Mahog any Dlntns Suite as follows. 48 Inch Top Table, 8 ft., and set of Chairs In Genuine Leather, Bronze Statue and many other Rare and Costly Household Effects. Also Costly Rattan Baby BUggy and Go Cart, Juvenile Furniture as fol lows, Dresser. Table, Chairs. Desk, etc., all finished in white enamel. ALSO . NO. 5 UNDERWOOD TYPH WRITER. Really we are unable to do the Beautiful Goods contained in the above Auction Juntlce. so we earn estly invite you to call tomorrow and srive them your most critical attention, you will not be disap pointed. When we say It's good you know It Is so. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. N. B. No Kitchen outfit In this sale. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE ON ACCOUNT OF AUCTION AT THE C. O. PICK CO. '8 WAREHOUSES WE SHALL HAVE NO SALE AT OUR ROOMS ON THURSDAY, BUT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BUY AT RETAIL. On Wednesday, Feb. 18, at 10 A. M. Unclaimed Baggage Sale At the Alnsworth Dock for the O-W. R. A N. Co List of this sale can be obtained at the Auction eer's office. 380 Yamhill street. Auction Wednesday, February 18, at 10 A. M. Storage Auction AT THE C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE C O.'S W A R E HOUSES. SECOND AND PINE STREETS. On Wednesday, Feb. 18 We shall sell Furniture, Rugs, Caryiefs, Ranges. Trunks and Per sonal Effects. Suit Cases and Vari ous other goods. The following are the storage numbers: A 1608 A1568 1492 A1423 A1372 A1316 A1297 A1262 A1252 A1241 A1092 A1056 A1994 A1914 A1878 A1813 A1771 A170S A1694 A1016 A950 A949 A939 A830 A913 A874 A828 A812 A630 A430 A2882 9214 8803 A170 208 7729 5350 43 9536 A687 A279 All the above goods have been duly advertised according to law In The Daily Record-Abstqact. first publication dated January 21, 1920, and will be sold to pay stor age and other liens on the same. AUCTION ON WEDNESDAY. AND WILL BE CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING DAYS UNTIL ALL IS SOLD. BY ORDER C. O. PICK TRANS FER & STORAGE CO., OFFICES AND WAREHOUSES SECOND AND PINE STREETS. WE BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PAY YOU CASH OR WILL SELL FOR YOU ON COMMIS SION. OUR PHONE NUMBER IS MAIN 3S32. W. C. BAKER and W. H. DEAN Auctioneer Yamhill and West Park Streets PHONE MAIN 3382 FINE INVESTMENT DOWN TOWN OFFICE BUILDING In the center of the business and banking district. Price 1150,000. $50,000 cash, balance long time, -6 per cent. See E. M. Brown, with Neilan & Parkhill -1 LUMBERMEN'S BUILDIKG, FIFTH AND STARK STS. Journal "Want" Ads RATES DAILY OR SUNDAY Per line, per Insertion ,2o Three eonsecutlve insertions for price of two. Each subsequent conaecaOve insertion withoat chance of coty. rsr tine 0 Count six average words' to the Una Phones Main 7173, Automatic 560-51 Fee monthly rates phone tor fnHftsf MEW TODAY An Ideal FARM 75 acres of the best land In Clarke County, Just t mties from the Inter state bridge, on Highway: 45 acres under high state of cultivation ; 30 acres partially cleared and in fine pasture ; two family orchards, all varieties of fruit ; land lies perfectly for easy cultivation and drainage with a nice stream ef living water running through the place : two sets of buildings; 1 modern two story, 6 room bouse with concrete basement, bath, wide porches, etc., fine new barn with, concrete foundation, chick en houses and garage ; another large house with 5 rooms downstairs hard finished, upper story unfinished ; good sized barn, outbuildings ; two good living wells. The entire place can be had for 120.000, or w ill segregate. Will make an Ideal farm as it lays or can be platted to advantage In small tracts. Reasonable terms. EL WELL & WATTS 10 WEST FIFTH STREET VANCOUVER, WASH. GARAGES f Sectional and Ready-Cut SHIPPED ANYWHERE or Erected in Portland - Material and Workmanship Guaranteed Pint Clssa Send for Circular DEOIMAOC BUILOINO OO. SIB C. 11th tu Phong E. 8114. PORTLAND. OR. WE OALL FOR YOUR OLD OAR. Ill, RUQS AND WOOL EM CLOTHING. We Make Beautiful Hantf-Wovee FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Out Promptly. Rugs Woven All Slses. Mall Orders Send tor Booklet Carpets Cleaned, L d and RefltUo. NORTHWEST RUG CO. ISA CAST EIGHTH ST. Phone East 3580. Send Us Your Old Carpet (We Call ana Deliver) Old Bop and Woolen Clothing. We Make Reversible, Hand-Wovea FLUFF RUGS Room 8lxe Fluff Rufrt Woven 17.i Rag Boffi Woven All Sizes Clothes Cleaning and Dyeing Dept. Hall Orders Bend for Booklet Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning SxU Bags, Steamed Cleaned, WESTEEJf FLUFF BUG CO. 54 Colon Ave. N. Phone: ast 6SK FRUIT, NUTS, BERRIES We have a number of tracts for sale In various parts of Western Oregon, for those wishing Walnut. Filbert. Prune. Cherry, Apple, Pear or Berry property, planted or unplanted, and are also pre pared to give expert service in d'recting or caring for plantings. PEABCT BR08, Horticulturists tlO Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon We call and deliver. Tour oM carpet and rus:s made Into FLUFF RUGS Satisfaction guaranteed. Also rae rugs and carpet cleaning. Mall orders promptly filled. Montavilla Rug Co. Phone Tabor 7814 1984 East Stark BIO AUCTION SALE TUESDAY 2 P. M. AND THURSDAY, 2 P. M. AND SATURDAY 2 P. M. 11 Second SL, Bet. Taylor and Salmon MEETING NOTICES 41 .vvo.w. 1H.Sk9E5?AD . BAHj auiuouay, ICV, AW, W. O. W. hall. 128 11th it, by Security Benefit association, Port land council 2905. Ten good prixes. Dancing at o : p. m. A SPECIAL conclave of Wash ington Commendery No. IS, K. T. will be beld Tuesday eve ening, February 17. in Washing ton Masonic hall. E. 8th and Burn side sts Order of the Temple will be con ferred on a class ef 4 candidates. All sojourn ing Sir Knights are invited to be present. G. P. EISMAN, Recorder. BEUOSD annual Moo-ie mas- qerade bad, Wednesday eve ning. Moose - temple, 189 4th t., cor. Taylor. Ten cash prizes. Nine-piece orchestra. Prof. Fred Prai-p, leader. . Admission SO and 33 cents. Dancing at Mooee ball every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, night. &NEQNTA Tribe No. 2, Improved Order of Red Men. Regular monthly dance will be given Thursday evening, February It, at W. O. W. hall. , oth and r.. Alder sts. Splendid music ; mem beta and friends cordially invited. Admission rickets can be purchased at door, 83 cents per couple. L. B. 'SMITH, O. of R. M. W. A, Rose City Camp meets in their own hall. No. 8 11th at., near Stark, every Mon daj evening. "vHitnr cordially in vited. H. WHIPPLE. Consul J. W. SIMMONS. Clark. 818 Yeon bldg. PORTLAND LODGE No. 55 A P. and A. M special comnfunl eation Mem. 1:45 p. m. Masonic Temple. Fimeral serrk-ea of our lata Bra Y. A Avery. Visiting brethren welcome. J. H, Page. W. M. OREGON Assembly No. 1 United Artisana wffl StT a card party and dance on Tuesday evening. February IT. at W. 01 W. hall, 138 11th st ZuTfluch'a uribestrm; admtaston free. All Artisans a-dtheir friends invited. E. E. VAN AL8TINE. Sec. EMBLEM JEWELRY a aoeelalty: buttons, ptoa, ban na. Jaeger Bros.. 181-133 8th st fVVO.WTS 41 "KiRKPATBICtf COUNCIL 2227. Security Benefit Association Regular bust ra Bestial next Friday, February 20. Swins hall. 3d wad Jefferson. , All members are reauest ed to cooperate la the big drift tor new member. Our national president has asked a to get 41 S in the next 80 days. If you ut insurance. Join our society. now have tbe choice of four up-to-date poUciee. Wa insure the whole family from 1 to 65 yean. Ton need us ana w warn jn. PORTLAND STAB HOMESTEAD No. 42, Brotherhood oi Amer ican eomen. will give their big anniversary danoe Thursday eve ning. Feb. 19. t the beautiful P. 8. T. V. hall. 255 13t'i t. near Main: there will be special features and She finest anion orchestra obtain able; refreshments; ail Yeomen requested to at tend, and friends of Yeomanry invited. Ad mission (including checking) , gents 60c, ladies 36c Yetta Haines. Correspondent, 205 AUiky bldg.. Main 6356. BIG MASK BALL Eureka council 204, Se curity Benefit association, Monday ere runs. February 16. East Side W. O. W. hall. East Sixth and Aider. Ten liandsome prize, fine tinion music. Chairman Captain T. O. Frieburg and degree staff insure all a good time. Admission 55 cents a couple; 80 cents extra lady. HASSALO BAND BENEFIT BALL At Multnomah hotel Monday evening. February 23, proceeds to go toward equipping the first Odd Fellows band in Oregon with uniforms and other necessities; all Odd Fellows, their families and friends are invited: come and hate a real good time ; good orchestra ( union music , re freshments, cards, prizes for players. Tickets 55c, including war tax. Dancing promptly at 8.30 o'clock. L. Quimby. Chairman. YOI" ARE cordially- invited to attend a Leap Year Dance, Friday ere., Feb. 20. at 8:30 o'clock, given by the Drill Team of Webfoot Camp 65. Woodmen of the World, at W. O. W. Temple. 128 11th St.. West aide. Q2j Prize Waltz lot and 2d prizes. Union music b I Vanway's Orchestra. X $A statistics marriages. Births. Dcaffisi DEATHS) AND FUNERALS IURRIS AtFinley. Wal.. Ftb 13, Bnrri. see 82 years. Boloved wife of C Burns 'Mother of Palmar, llobt. and John I'ur-ri- Dauirbter of the Mr. and Mr. Rev Mc Yirken'. ALo ourviTed by two isters. Funeral pmces will he held Mnn. Feb. 16, at 10:30 a. m. at the Sellwood M E. crmrcb, IStli and Tacoma rt Interment at Mllwaukie cemetery BARK A In thi city, Febrnary 11. Josephine Rahka. arpi r9 year : sister of Mr. Bessie W-ely of Chicago, 111. Funeral services will be h-ld at the Portland crematorium, E. 14t'i and liybee t. . Monday, rebniary 1 1 J q on 'to attend Remains will be : st Dunning & McEntee a parlors, Broadway at AnVny st, until Monday m.on WOODTN--At Salt T,aVe City. February 12. Sarah Tredgette Woodin. aged B0 year, wife of Frank A. Wondin of Portervllle, Cal.. and sister of C.eorge T. .Moore of this city. Funeral service' will be held Monday. February 16, at 10 o'clock a. m at Finley's. Montgomery at ! Fifth Friend-. Invited. Interment at Mt Scott Park cemetery. HA IT In tlii city, Feb. 18, Lottie - Irralne Harp, aged 8 month, 13 days; beloved daughter of Mr and Mrs John Jlapp of 120 E 70th st. north. Funeral services will be held at Dunning A McKntee chapel. Broadway and Ankeny sts., Monday. Feb. 16. st 1:34) P m. Friends Invited to attend. Interment Rote Cfty cemetery. KAGLER In this city. Feb. ,12. Splros Kavler. aed 28 years; beloved husband of Carrie Kapler Funeral wfll be held from Dunning & MrKntees pnrlor", Broadway and Ankenv ts.. Monday, Feb. lfl, t 2 p. m.. thence to Trinity Orthloi church, Kn-tt 1 7th and Tastaert sts., at 2 :30 p. ro. Service private. Interment Roe r"ity cemetery. TEASE In this" dtFebrurry-! 3, Samuel Sinclair Tease, aged 63 year-. h'iband of Mrs. Margaret Tease., father of Mrs. Ethel Har riman of this city and Walter Tea'e of Seattle. Wash. Funeral services will be held M.Miday. February 16. at 11:30 o'clock a. m at Fin- , ley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at Mt Scott Park cemetery. STONF, At the fainilv residence. 5OS !9tb St.. S. E.. Oertrnrle Olena ."tone. The fiiner sl serviceii will be held Monday. Feb. lfl. at 2:30 p. m, from the First Friends church, corner 3Sth and E. Main sts. Interment Mt Scott Park r-mrters A T. Kenworlhv A Co.. director.. fjWil2-4 92d rt S E. in Lent AVERT At the residenceT5 12 1 st mt NTTFeb, 13. 1920, Victor, aged 87 years. Friends In vited to attend the funeral services at 2:30 today, (Sunday) Feb. IB. 1920, at The Scottish Rite cathedral Remains at Hosraan's funeral parlon, 8rd and Salmon sts. Interment Monday, Masonic cemetery PIP'RF K In this city. Feb. 13, lflSO, Morris I. Srmrck. aged 27 years, beloved husband of Rertha Shurelt. Funeral services wiil be held at 2 p. m today, (Sunday), Feb. 15. 1020, at Ilolman's funeral parlors. 3rd and Salmon ste. Intrmi'Tit Ahsvai Sholom cemetery. SaTiI-MAN In San Ttdro. Cnllf. Feb. TT. Jim. Sahlman, belovpd hvrbnnd Loretta Sahl man, son of Mn. Jobn Andervm. Rmtber Stella. Agnes, WilTiaSn and Fred Sahlman. Mrs. Eva Shield and Mrn. Anna rrrsth. Finer! no tice later. Remains in care of Miller A Tracey. FHEORICKSON' At the family residence, near Btelriwo station. Hans Fmlrickson. The fun eral Berrices will be held Tuesday, Feb. 17. at 1 p. m..'from the funeral parlors of A. T". Ken worthy 0 . 5802-4 B2d st , 8. E.. in tout. Intrment Mt. S-ott Park cmeVrr. DIECUOFF--At redenceTersVindell street, St. Johns. February 14. Wenzle Dieckhoff. aged 8 7 years; father of Mr-.. Anne Scol, Otto and Frank Dieckhoff. Remains are at Mc Entee & Eilers parlors. 16th and Everett streets. Funeral notice later HURST In this city, at her late residence, 221 N. 17th st. February 13, Helen 0. Hurst, aged 84 years, late of Ryan Place, Or. The remains will be forwarded today (Run day) by i. P. Finley & Son to Aurora, Or., where serriees will be held and Interment made. WORDEN Lola "Worden. aged24years, wife of Clinton Wnrden, died at the family resi dence. 1031 Albina avenue, Saturday. The body is at the parlors of.. Chambers company, 248-250 Killing8worth avenue. Funeral an nouncement later. ( Spokanepaperj please copy.) OTiUDSMilvrakle"br., Flrnaryl 8W!1 Uam Brooks Ghilds Jr., aged 15 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks Child and brother of Martha Plum Childi. The remains I are at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter: ' WOO DLA N ftA t the family residence at Ryan Place. Or., Febrnary 14. Lucille Imbrie Woodland, aued 2 6 years, wife of Clifford P. Woodland Notice of funeral hereafter. Ar rangements In charge of J. P. Finley It Son. Ml'RRELL At 6807 Foster road. February 13, Fran G. Mnrrell. aged 71 'years. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the funeral par lors of A. D. Kenworthy A Co., 5802-4 92d st.. 8. E-. m Lent. SCHON Tbe funeral services of the late Anton Schon. aged 72 years, will be held at the Portland Crematorium. Sunday, at 3 p. m. Friends invited. Rornalna at v. U lrch un- ! dertaking parlors. LONG In this city, Feb. 13. Gladys Long, aged 23 years; beloved trlfe of Boyd Long of 1364 E. Salmon st. Remains are at the Dun ning A McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny st. Funeral notice later. WAKEFIELD Funeral services of the late Robert Wakefield will be held Monday. .Feb ruary 18. at 1 o'clock p. m. at Finley's, Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview cemetery. KEN'NEY Funeral services of the late William H. Kenney will be held Monday, February 16. at 3:30 o'clock p. m. at Finley's, Mont gomery at Fifth. Friend invited. Interment at Ivone Fir cemetery. STANLEY In thU city, Feb. 12, Aria Stanley, beloved wife of Cloyde Stanley, daughter of C. H. Dematers of Salem, Ot, Remains are at the Dunning A McEntee parlors. Broadway and Ankeny st. Funeral notice later. 8COTT In thiF!Jty7Frtrriary , Elza Scott, aced 30 years, -beloved hmbsnd of Ila Scott Rtxnains are at the Dunning A McEntee par lors. Broadway and Ankeny st Funeral notice later. NLSSIRIOS The funeral services of the late John Kissirios will be m-id at the Trinity Orthodox church Monday at 2 p. m. Remains at P. L. I-erch undertaking parlors. INMAN At the residence. 175 11th st. Feb 13, 1820, Stephen A. Inman. aged 87 years. Remains at Holman ' funeral parlors, 3d and Salmon sts. Notice of funeral later ' JOHNSON The funeral of Mary J. Johnson, widow of the late F. T. Johnson of Wood burn. Or., wtll be beld Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Friends invited. BALLARD The funeral services of Baby Bal lard will be held Mon. Feb. 16, at 11 a. m. at tbe residence 1628 Miss, are. Arrangements in care of Miller A Tracey. BROWN In this dry, February 10. William Brown, aged 84 yean. Remains are at the Dunning A McEntee parlors. Broadway and Ankeny st Funentl notice later. GAHMAN In this ity. February 12, Joseph Carman, aged 60 yean. Remains are at tha Dunning A McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny st Funeral notice later. FRAZIER In this city, Feb. 13, Frank E. Fmier, aged. 8 3 year. Remain are at Ute Dunning A McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny st Funeral notice later. MEETI50 SOTICES ... rDrwr 14. at he? late real- 147 ch.ce. 675 Borthwick street. Mrs. Asma F. Wedeking, aged 49 yean, wife of Cart Wade king, mother of Margarets and Helen 'Wedektng and sister of Mai Kaiser and Mrs. H. Oelsner, Mrs. Pearcy Peace, Mrs. W. Kottemanf-jall ef this city. Deeeaaed was a member of Tnusaelda lodge No. 1. O. T. and Women of Wood craft Funeral service ill be conducted Tues day, February 17. at 2 p. in., at Pearson un dertaking parlon, Russell street at Union avenue. Friends in Tiled. Interment Riverview cemetery. FORK AN At, the residence. 571 Union are. north, Martin Forkan. aged 2T yean; brother of Patrick Forkan, nephew of Thomas. Patrick ana i s run mc icnoias oi this eity; deceased is also rarrrred by his mother, three brothers and two sisters in Ireland. Funeral win be held from a bore residence Monday. Feb. 1. at 8:30 a. gn., thence to St Marys church, Williams ayenue and 'Stanton street, where reauiem mass will be offered at 9 s in. Interment Mt. Calrary cemetery. Arrangements in car of Dutmini and McEntee. DONERY At residence. B40 Fifty-ninth are nue southeast, A r line H. Donery. aged 17 ars. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Donery and sister of Gertrude. Funeral -will be held lrom residence- Monday, February 18, at 8:18 a. m., thence to Our I -arty of Sorrows church. East Fifty-seeond and Woodstock avenue, at 9:S0 a. m.. where requiem mass will be offered. Frinds inrited Interment Mt. Calrary cemetery. McEntee ft EOerg. directors. JACOBSEN February" 13, at the family resi dence, 501.1 Sixty-fourth street southeast, Margarete acobsen, aged 7 years, beloted daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Jacebsen. Funeral services sill be conitacted Monday, February 10, at 2 p. m., at Our Saior Lutheran church, cor. East Tenth and Grant streets. Friends inrited. Interment Multnomah cemetery. Remains at Pearson's undertaking parlors. Russell street at Lmon avenue. LARSON afthe residence, 770 Roosevelt St, Eeb. 13. Emma Carolina Larson, age 55 years. Beloved wife of John R. Larson. Mother of Iljalmar R. and Albert W. Larson. Sister of Imise Soderstrom of Falun, Sweden. Also ui vived by a brcUier in th- east Funeral services will be held Tues. Fib. 17. at 2 p m. at the chapel of Miller St Trarey. Deceased was also a mnibei of the Neighbors of Woodcraft In terrafnt at Bote City cemntary. LOW ENGATAtthe residence, 65 Heights Terrace, at 1 :S0 Saturday morning, Mrs. Samuel Lowengart. ged 72 years, 11 months, 10 days, beloved mother of Mrs. Sara Delaheimer, Mrs. F. H. Iteiueman, Mrs. Fred I.ungerroan, Gus and Harry Lowengart of this city, and Mrs. C. N. Jacobs of San Francisco, CaL Notice of funeral later. OSBORNE February 13. at B04 Alblna ave nue. Walter E. Osborne, aged 27 years, be loved husband of Marie Osborne; father of Mary Ellen Osborne, and son of- Mr. and Mrs. ('. II. Osborne. FuneraJ services will be held from the above residenae Wednesday, February 18, at 2 p. m Friends inrited. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. L A S DK i( ; A N Febfu ary " 6. at D55rtt7" MlcbT. Katiienne Indriitan, aged 27 years, wife of Daniel Landrican, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Olson and sister of Marie. Rudolph and William Olson. Funeral services will he held from A. R. Zeller company's parlors' Monday, ebniary 10. at 2 p. m. Friends are invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. HYRO.vrSirs In th'ia'citr'at hii lateidence 777 Pettygrove t. February 14. Arthur F. Uyronimus. aaed 5,1 nun h,i,nr u. 'tnl Hyronimus, father of Joseph. Arthur H renfmus Jr. and . Beniamin H vronitniifc anH 1 trouier or Joseph Hyronimus of this city. The reniairu sre at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral Iwresfter. HAND In this'"" citybniary 13 Aldena Bailey Hand, beloved wife of-Henry P. Hand, mother of Robert piles and Veta Hand. The remains are at the , residential funeral parlors of Wilson Wilson. FuneruJ notice later. FLORISTS Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's 1'rotfres.nve Florist." r lowers tor All Occasion? M5T. C. LI KE, MGR., 6th and Alder. Main -LUBLIN ER TWO 8TORE3 We Strive to Please 848 Morrison, bet. fedwy. and Park. Marshall 257 328 Morrison. Portland HoteL Marshall 7S3 MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florista. 854 Wssh inetou. Maan L'U A120U Flowers fox all occasions artisTicaliy arranged. CLARKE BROS . flortsta. Morrison' etT7 bet4th and 5th. Pbone Main 7 7O0. Fine Flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. Chappsll's S. W. Rank bldg. Main 6118 831 Morrison st M n v JMI eSirvniii'lt-ir. IVlUalX ivllo sjEBHatini FLORISTS . 144 SIXTH ST. LA LANE OPPOSITE POSTOFFICB. Flowen for all occasions. Main 654S. TON'SETH FLORAL" CO.. 287 Washington at., between 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A-116L TBE PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 248 Aldar it Tl'SKBAL ItlEECTORS Edward! Holman & Son FuneraH Directors THIRD AND SALMON STREETS Main 607. A-1B11 Lady Assistant. J. P. FINLEY & SON . FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN9 MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH "F. S. DUNNING, HNC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS 414 E. Alder St. 'hones East 02, B-5225 CHAMBERS CO. Funeral Directors. ATI the Conveniences of a Home Woodlawn 380. 248 250 Kiltingsworth Iva A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 6802-8804 9SD ST. 8. E-. LENTS Pbone Tabor 6267. Home Phone D-61 Dajnning & McEntee Broadway and Ankeny sts. Lady Assistant. Phones Broadway 430. A-4Q58. DOWNING A McNKMAR, successors to WUsoa A TIob- Mulrnomah at E. 7th. Irvington district. East 54. McKtfTEE r KILERS, funeral parlors with all tbe privacy of a home. 8tb and Everett ats. Phones Broadway 2133. Home A-2133. East 781 P. L. Lerch Un: B-1888 UNDERTAKERS. E. 11th and Hawthorne. R W. GABLE A CO. 8ncreso to W. H. Hamilton 19TS E. OUsan. Phone Tabor 4 81 a MILLER & TRACET. independent funeral dT rectors. Prices as low as 120. 40. 60 Washington at Ella. Main 2881. A-7885 R. T. BYRNES ilr Williams ave. Woodlawn ago. Ta. 1 2rs Breese&Srnook 8. B-2S48 047 Belmont st A.R,ZeifierCo. 2tt ave C-1088 Skewes UNDERTAKING CO. Main 415? A-2321. Cor. Third and Clay ttBLAESING GRAfliTE Co 367-3i?0 gT ATHA pi.SPfi Portland Marble Works 286 4th st. opp. City Hall Neu Bros. OTTO SCHUMANN Granite and marble works. Eaat 8d and Pine. East 743. LOST AWP FOP'D tl THE FOLLOWING articles havebeen found on cais of the Portland Railway Light A Power Co., Feb. 13; 3 pimes, tape measure, key, tool checks. 1 glove, handbag, 3 books, 6 pack ages, hot plate, basket, 1 lunch box. umbrella. 2 suit .cases. Owneray obtain property at 1st and Alder sts. t LOST On Feb. 8. roll of belting; address Melvin Cagley. Hoquiam. Wash.; on Macadam road. Finder, call Main 6140; reward; no Questions asked. PORTLAND RUBBER MILLS LOST A lady's puree containing lady's gold watch and chain, eyeglasses, commutation book of tickets; lost in Meier-Frank store. Return to C. W. Klippel. 102 Front Liberal reward. Miin 881. ' WILL THE PARTY who found my savings ac count book please return to me or the United States National bank. May keep currency found in same. Louisa M. Smidt. 575 Hoytet LOST Man's gold watch, between Lincoln and college, on 6th. Call Main 8214 Liberal re ward. Please return to Mr. Bramhall. as same ws gift prised very highly. WILL PARTY who took brown dog from Linnton in bis machine week ago last Sunday please return him to New Oregon hotel, Linnton. Owner very ill and misses her pet LOST Light tan bulldog, name Billy," brass Call at 189 studded collar snd license tag. Che1 teiwy sr.. or awy. xobj. ' LOST Small bunch of keys, - egg-shaped .ring. ring broken in the middle. Notify Hughes. Main 1068. Reward of 82.50. SMALL spear shape pearl pendant silver mounted initial "E." A keepsake;, reward; return te 887 Weidler. FOUND, Monday, lady's wrist wiuch. Columbia 804, Mis- Gibson. Phon U,o?TT Bradwav"- 1221 or 481 B. Broadway. . LOST Check hot containing soldier's dis- TtFATHS AS PFJfEKAtS jLh--hail 3178' -!! FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN. 8150-8300 monbUy. AGENTS WANTED 300 per cent profit; bo 1 experience unnecessary. Write. Rail way As empetuH 887 Thnnnan at i sociatiotl. Cars OX-854, JkmmaL HELP WASTED -M ALE 1 wasted It storage battery oom past, young Man. not ovkr ae. fair EDUCATION. GOOD APPEARANCE; MUST HAVE A READY SMILE; SHOULD BE ABLE TO DRIVE A CAB AD MUST BG ME CHANICALLY Di ULIN ED. TH RIGHT MAN, IF HB IS WILLTNr TO. WORK AND PROVE HIS WORTH, WILL RAVE AMPLE OPPORTUNITY TO EQllP HIMSELF FOR A RESPONSIBLE, WELL PAID POSITION IN A BUSINESS WHICH IS CONSTANTLY GROWING. - FOR THE FIRST TWO MONTHS TOUT WOPK WII I. BE HARD.piRTY, MANUAL ($3.50 PER DAY. YOLK FUTURE WILL REST l-ABUlt. IUUH BTAKTLNO WAUE WILL BIS WITH IOU8SEU REPLY IN DKTAILt STATE WHETHER MARRIED OB SINGLE. X-406, JOURNAL. . WANTED 1 Forjr 8 H ton trucks, equipped wlUi dump body and hoists, (or road work, commencing March 15; double shift work, lasting to middle of Nc- vtmber or December. Ws can make Immediate delivery of trucks. Price god terms reasonable. Phone evenings, Pardy. Tabor 1S44; days, 4 p m to l p. m.. Pnwly, Broadway 1572. IT75 PER MONTH the year around, the average earnings last year of a number ot our talesmen over 45 years. This year will be the biggest yet. No experience necessary; weekly eexav- advance, cutfit furnished. Big assortment guaraBreed trees, shrubbery and vines. You can do wlia Ifftthar. m experieaeed men have done. Washington Nur sery 141., Toppenish, Wash. WANTED Capable, midfllc-aged man .of good character ana habits ana having some knowl edge of farm work and care of stock, for per mauttnt rlace on general farm. Should be able to batch if necessary. Share of proceeds, salary or opportunity for extra work, or almost any ar rancement fur compensation suitable to suc cessful applicant. Man and wife acceptable. No floaters. 71g-K. Journal. Vancouver. Vaan. T 11 E PT' HI J CE M 1 ' l fMENTBU REAL, City of Portland U. 8. Oovemment. Can fnrni.h help, male or female, free et cbarctf to either party. MEN'S DIVISION Flu t iron bldg.. 811 Pme t Plone Hroadwsy 4876. , WOMEN'S DIVISION 202 Beck bldf.. Broadwsy and Oak Phone Broadway 4 810 LARGE aiitiimr4U" firm has position as book keeper open: applicant must be clean cut, sestreiMive young man with a good working knowledge of accounting; the right man will have opportunity of working Into responsible pi -itinn: state tigr, quatiticatlons and salary cTCct1 S f. journal. . SALESMAN A-wide- awake district manager wanted for Una of high grade sanitary irod urts; eiclusive territory, permanent business; will" eatablii office if successful; give full par ticulars. Ideal Disinfectant Co.. 401 w: 33d at., New York city. WANTED A few good house to house solic itors for a good money making proposition. Experience not nK-ensarr, but must be good huntlers. Cood chance for a wuple of ercw man- i agerp. 1 all ting Kenton Diag.. alter m:au, sa for Mr Harrtman BY CONTUACTOn Capable man to take 1 Ki rs. sitlon of rediHmsilnllty in accounting depart-lv- ! ment: cire full narticulars regarding past em- Dlovmient. aire and "alarv eiDected: man must be live wire and willing to leave Portland, if necessary- L 922. Journal. WANTEIVMan aiid wife-to operate telephone switchboard in small town near Portland; wagei $100 per mo. with free house. State experience in first letter; give phone number if any. Address, C A. Barr, liillsboro. Or., R. F. D. 2. EXPERIENCE! 1 middle aged" active watchman or guard for immediate service; give refer ences as to reliability, character and qualifica tions, last employment and telephone number. L-923, Journal. JANITOR W ANTED Must be capable of caring for high-grade polished floors snd rugs; also general handy snan around place. Good salary to the right man. Apply by letter. P-6A5. Journal. WANTED Meat cutter in general merchandise store, young married roan preferred. Give phone number and state age. experience and ref erences. Pofition in small town, salary 11 If). X-510. Journal. WANTED TO RENT 5 or 6 room hou?e by April lt, by responsible couple, who will give property bent of eare Hose City park or Islington preferred, Z 876. Journal. VANTEIWM.MTEHEl7lr By machinery house, high grade office man for position of easier and credit man ; state experience and give references. 1,-924, Journal. MAN WANTED-BeVt" wagea, steady position, sawmill or farm work; will pay H .cash. M in rich prune land (60 per cent cleared). Owner, Main 64 7U. M1DIMJ: aged, active men for Immediate giuird duty; state age. height, address and telephone number; also previous place o employment. L- 494, Journal. WANTED--2 ""thoroughly ettwrienoed machine pressers; no buhling, must be top notch men; permanent pofition. Broadway .Dye Works, phone East 62S. WANTED A-l clothing and gents' furnishings salesman for Eanern Oregon town; state age, married or single, eiperienoe and salary. XX-S07. Journal. WANTED -A first class msn to handle large laundry route in city; must be a hustler and know how to handle the public; reference re quired. X-494, Journal. WANTED Fir t class lath mill contractor, give reference. Pelican Bay Lumber co.,n.iamatn Falls. Ore. WANTED Man to clear I or 5 acres near G realism. Smith, Filling Station, 4th and Madison sta. EXPERIENCED men in tie editorial deparft ment of a daily newspaper. Portland .Ameri can, 8 2 7 Henry bldg. '' EXPERIENCED circulation men. capable of producing maximum results. Mr. Banks. Portland American, 827 Henry bldg. ADVERTISING men with snap, appearance and nrirv: none others need apply. Mr. Mc- Call. Portland American, ai 1 uenry mag. WANTEli Wood cutters for first growth fir Take Orel F.Jfctric to Whitford, walk south Inquire at IMscksmith anop. TAILORS ATTENTION Strike etlll on in Portland. OCALNO. 74 WANTED First class advertising solicitor, ref erences required, good proposition lorriglit party. Z-888, Journal. LlRCK corporation wants a few men with abil ity as salesmen over 25; permanent income, 413 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Msn to make beds, 116.78 and room. The Globe, 44 If. 1st st. WANTED COUNTRY PRINTER. BANKS Hiregon) Herald. 2 WOOD CUTTERS, 12 per cord. Ifl9 Gra- ham ave. TELEGRAPHER, Must be first class. Federal Telegraph Co., Board of Trade bldg. HAIR dyed at home reasonably by experienced lady. Main 3879. 2 DRIVERS wanted at Consolidated Iaundry. the new plant of , the Tabor 7700. WANTED Platen press feeder. Irwin Hodsun Co. SALESMAN for accessories ; excellent propoaH tion. East 4138. WANTED Jewer'a apprentice. Jeweler. Staples, the HELP WAKTED MISC. D r30sirtS$ A Position for Eacn Graduate AL18KI BLDG. MEN WANTED Get into the automobile business. Give us 8 weeks of your time and see bow easy it is to Vara under HEMPHn.L'S latest improved method. Apply HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne ave. Take Mt. Scott or Hawthorne car at 2d and Alder to E. 20th. women. 18 45, desiring government clerkships. 8 100 monthly, write for free par ticuiars. examinations. John Leonard (former Civil Service examiner) . 998 Equitable bldg., Washington. D. C. , POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKE8 BUSINESS COLLEGE, PORTLAND . Enroll any time. Telegraphy, teuoaraphy. banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog. . LEARN TELEGRAPHY -" Yoong men and women wanted.- Call 484 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to tears a well paid profasaiott. Free booklet Railway Telegraph Inetitute. hawThTTRnS AfJTO kooLT 48HAr- THOKNE AVE. THE - SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BUSS THJC . JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. LINK; 8 BUSINESS COLLEGE, bookkeeping. stenograpby. civil service, secretarial, special courses. Expert teachers; day and night; en roll now. Phone ' Broadway 5088. STEF,N SEWING SCHOOL Bleek's sTxtetm of ladies' tailoring and dressmaking taught; pat terns cut to measure. Phone Eaat 2859. B-180? 152 Grand ave. near Belmont EAST tilDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Regina Buck el's private school ; individual Instruction. 122 H Grand ave. East 427. BtxriCY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency. Enroll free Frank K. Welles, former Assistant Ktate Supt., mgr. N. w. Bank bids. Phone Main 8278. 1 GOING, at or Sont-f . Household oU Uuied j g . matiut mnd p.ckm. PmrilH! : Coast Forward inc Co.. 408 Host t Hdwv. 703, oefcfcBse II KOTICE. ATTO BTTTDKNTS THE ADOOX SCHOOL ORRilNATED TH FREE TRIAL OFFER, A fWouah invest iaa Mon wfli satisfy yon that schools trying to IMI TATE OUR METHODS bare nothing b a WEAK SUBSTITUTE TO OFTTKR HERE'S MOW WE PBOVB IT Come here four weeks pay not cent to ad vane.. If yon arc tnaa satisfied that our train ing la the superior of any other Pacific North west auto school, pay your tuition. It yon are not satisfied that our achooi eJoels. .we will pay Sen for arm tftmr yon baft attended class. This i the most VtarUini offer any auto achooi evet made. There la no red tap rjo It we gladly will put it In writing. Wa an willing ic de pend entirely upon year honeery and good jndg meot. Only a ditfetant, smaisestionably supe-. rior tebool could make a Ben an offer, U onr traiaint were Just the ordinary kind, this offer would be suicidal But we know wbere we stand know that the Quality ef onr mining wiil win you t given a trial We will make youen offer that you cannot afford to turn down The details of this unusual offer and full parUculara of the remarkable Adcox couiwe are found in a large, impresaiee book wb-.h baa )rt lately come from tbe. preea. Those who have seen it pro nounce It the most finished work cf It kind ever published. Tells why automobile schools are ditfereut why Adcox graduate ste success ful tells yon how to judge an automobile school what counts and what la snaaa. It will make you a friend of the Adcox school the moment you start to read it It costs ns A5c. but we will send K to you absolutely (re for the asktnsj. Call in person at the school or send us your nams and address and your copy wtll corns through by return mail. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN No tuition fea expenses to you you are al lowed 125 per, month from state educational fund while attending aoheoL School open lor inspection from 10 to 13 a. ns. daily. ADCOX Al'TO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL Cblon Ave. and Wasco SL DO TOU KNOW That B 9 of the prospects who Investigate the Adcox Auto school enroll t WHYt Because we make them simply can't turn down. a proposition .they $100 CATALOG FREE The full details of this unusual offer are found In a large imprvsive book that costs us almost 11.00, hut we will glsdly send tt to any ambitiou fellow FREE. V.all or write tor your copy, a I for Rook No. -iili. OREGON EX SERVICE MEN THE COCI18E IS FREE TO TOO Foi full particulars and Fros catalog call or write, ADCOX ACTO SCHOOL Union ave. ami Vco st MISS MATTINOLY'S Shorthand and Typewrit inc School, day ami evening. Jtl a month. j0a 14th. near Jefl'er-on. Main s$Vi. HELP WAKTEII-FEMALE T VOLSU WOMEN WITH TYPING ESPERIKNCE PREFERRED BET. 18 AND 30-YEAtla FOR OFFICE POSITIONS WITH , ADVANCEMENT EXCELLENT orHORTLNITY, TO I .EARN TELEGRAPHY APPLY TO CHIEF OPERATOR WESTERN I N ION 5TH FLOOR WOHt.'EHTEH BLDG. 8KD AND OAK. THE OLDS WORT-MAN" KING STORK re quires the senrlces of experienced saleswomen for women's suits and waists, AUn experienced stock girl for candy department. Apply super intendents olfice, 6:30 to 10:30 a. m. EXPERIENCED sales women or stationery and notion departments. Apply superintendents office before 10.80 a. m. Lipmaa. Wolfe A Co. A LOCAL lumber manufacturing eono-rn d sirws the serriees of a girl or young lady typ ist, for invoicing and answering switchboard; ne living at home preK-rred- Aifclta own hand writing, rteung salary expected, experience If any and references. P. O. Box 40. HiaUon "S," City; A LARGE automobile firm desire the serv ices ot an experienced bookkeeper; a good icsitu.n to the rtebt party: answer in own handwriting, stating ago: references and salary eMected. H-84. Journal j CIIILDKEN of woTking mothers oared for , aud given three meal dafly (exoept Sundays) at Portland Day Nursery, 404 Madion st Marshall 1723. Price, 10 cesite a day. Ages, 1 to 8 years. WANTED Five bright, capable ladles to travel demonstrate ami ell dealers; S'JS to $SO per week railrnsd fare paid. .Write at 000. Goodrich Ilrug Co.. Dept. WL'n, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Experienced upstairs maid. Vr llo.'U Lsdd Oorbett residence betwoen Jeffer son and Columbia, Broadway and U st Tele phone Automatic 62L8. WANTED Elderly" ladyfo company "for elder ly lady, to do light housework, no washing or baking-; small wages, but good home. Phone Columbia 112. MIDDLE" 'AGED LADT wanted to help with light house work in eichauKe for rixmi and board and irnall wages. Call Marshall lldS or apply ao Broadway. HOrSEKEEPER by young fian on ranch near Vancouver; close to car line; good house; fair wages. Give telephone number and address. y-84. Journal. ElJiEKLf "woman living in eonntry town wanti woman as companion and assistant with gen eral housework: 810 a month. East 2088. 792 E. FJanders. WANTEIvA first class cutter and fittor to take partnership in dressmaking at 817 Gap tenbein ave,, will furnish room ln78JL WANTED First class "a3vertising Kilicltor, ref erence required, good position for right party. Z-888. Jotirnal. GIKL TO assist in houework, n furnace, good wages. Phone East 8411. 826 Multnomah st near K. 1st t WANTIU A high "school siri to care for hTT- dren for room and brd; -man wages 11 coin- pent. PJinrie Mail, OOHU BTtSINESS or high" school glrf wanted to hslp in home for room, board and wages. 364L 21 E. 20th st Eaat W AHTEi--Middlc"aged woma"n for louaeworE. for man and 4 cnuar.Ti no waslitng. labor 7B86. very good salary. ELlfEBTt lady wants mldlle aged Jady for light housework and company; wagejs. 785 Cleveland ave. . EXPERIENCEIi. women in the editorial depart ment of a daily newHintier. Mr. Bernstein. Portland American, 3J.lIen!V " EXPER7eS'CED women adverttsing representa tives for a ilUy newspaper Mr. McCall, Portland American, 327 Henry bldg. WANTED Experienced chambermaid (Scandi navian preferred), out of town; 840 month, room and board. VXiHG, Wnal. WANTEli A girl or woman for general hous work and cooking for ranch. Call Sunday Phone Malnj5U3. i20 fith st WANTEI A girl to ire for 2 school children and assist with light housework, no washing. 778 Kearney t . EXPERIENCED gtrTTor general" house work. Pleasant home; Christian Scientist preferred. Tsbor 058. WANTEU An elderly m witnmit a "' . v. Kt In rmintrt. Phone elderly ' . ; : ' .' ' ', 1 Tabor 777. Call evenings. WANTED 4 girls" to" work on msngle, 2 girls on hand ironUig. CrysUl laundry, E. 21s4 and Sajfidy; R. U car WAKfkD Competent girt for second work 109 Sorth- small- family: 004 wages. nip st Main a. E"LDERI,Y lady for light bonsework; two children in family; couple employed daring day. E-4158. 0 UUl MOl. . 1. WANTEIUriy eDrienced pastry coo. at 815 E. Morrison st , . A11RSfclaw talloresa on men's seats. 44 0 Washington bldg WAXTED-Goort cook for small family: good wages. 7 MS isortorup - Ataio mi. MliiDLE-A G ElF orekleTly lady" for Iwusework; family of 3, 830 a mont-. 85 E?8ith st N. WO"fANto care (or small ehlidre-. Phone Tabor 6 78. i x. WASTED- In-eiderly woman; give good ho ma. smalj wag's. Main 5 08 &. WOMAN for genarral housework. Phone Sell- wood 1478. . WANTED A girl for genera! housework. Good home. 730 Overton. '586-9T. 57lL wanted to assemble .spoons. 245 H Mor- rison st Oregon Fishing Spoon Co. WANTED Woruo to Aw family waahing at her home. Call Main 8842, Monday. YUNG lady lor iifliie work in garage. Call Mr. Seatop. East 4188. WANTED An all around candy maker! 11- dress C. r.-Lggimanu, Springfield, Or. WANTED U'omaa to keep house for working ooupie wit- 2 Atuldrao. Wdln. 8837. HELP WASTED MISC. HELP WAMEP-fEMALB -Telephone Operating For Young Women Additional telephone operators mt needed dtie to constants increasing requirements of Uta service A good salary at the start. Regular and frequent increases Excellent opportunities lot promotion.' mis Large, 'cheerful operating rooms. Attractive. recreation rooms. Lunch roc ma with served at cost Apply at Telephone Co., Room" 01,, door, 'telephone bldg.. Park and Oak sts. etk FEMALK HELP THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KINO STORK Requires tbe services of stock girls for women's garment section. Apply superintendent's olfice after 10.80 a. m. HELP WAJJTET MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Cook foTrBnoh. 180 a month, wiin board snd 2 rooms, crew of 8 that may doable any time; msn or woman aocop table! can give ranch work to marrird man at 12 80 a day and board; atata exverlea, Y-878, Journal. MOLEH RAIIHER cHUMSt Pay you while learning; gives yon set of tools; position secured. Write for cstalogue. 384 Burnside st, or phone Broadway 1781. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber tradeTwsgea while learning, position guaranteed. Mgr. 32 years' ex pertence. Oreg on B a rber College. 2 KB Madison. PORTLAND Barber college pays yon wrflQ learning gives you set of tools free; posidua tecured. 88 N. 2d st WANTED AGENTS GO WHERE MONET FLOWS The fanner has the money todsy; we have what he needs, you show It to him and 0 out of 10 will buy Our Aladdin kerosene) mantle lamp creates a sensation wherever introduces. Five times as bright as electric -saves one half on oil ; 4 tales a day means a yearly Innome for you of $(1000; no experience needed; overnight trial convinces; excellent spare time and evening seller- rig or auto necessary; no capital re quired. Sample sent for ID days' trial and given free when you take up the work.; exclusive territory; get particulars. Mantle Lamp Co., 083 Aladdin bldg,, Portland, Or. THE Agents' and Mall Dealers' Dtreftory rlvee the source of supply of over 1000 dtffrant ar ticles and enables you to buy direct from the) manufacturer. This book nually retails for 11, but it 1.4 yours for 25c. You ean afford the price, but you cannot afford to be without tha information If you want to succeed M. Baker, 17 Espnhldg.. Philadelphia, l'a. 150(1 MONTHLY "selling new" pstndfuel TS poriter, guaranteed to save up to 50 pet cent gasoline. 40 miles ler gallon mad with Ford. Sold on money Hack guarantee. One sample free. Stransky Vaporiser Co., Puokawana. S.Dak. . AGENTS MAKING 00 WEEKLY Everyooi wants tt. Formulas for 2 00 home made bev- ' V, ..... K , Ir f..-.,. Un,t SI fn, . .. .( W - rltnry proposit'on. Buyers' Export Agency, Ina 447 rr,m. t.NewvT(rk AGENTS Marvelous new dlcnvcry, saves auto mobile users hundreds of dollars; gssollna 3a gal; money back guarantee, 17 57 hourly easily made. Write for particulars. 'Federal Chemical Works, 20 W. Jackson, Chicago. LADY" AGENTS Rig money, new "toilet" pr aratlon. Demonstrate snd sell like wild fire everywhere. The real thing. Get In first. F, Waltam Co., Hesttia, Wh ' AGENTSTwniiderftii seller; 98 cents profffevery dollar sales ; licenec iinnecesnftry ; 110 ntoftk te carry. Sample free. Mission KoMbeed Co.. 2S1 W. sl'ico. Los Angeles, Cal. GAS FIREln any coal stove from kerosentj cheap and economical; agents coin money. Write now. Wonder Burner Mfg. Co., Dept 6, Conimbua, Ohio. AGENTS c"()inlngTmuiey selling nnisseki-flbfa brorims; ovillHut II com brtHims; retail 11.75; sample postpaid 1105; also sanitary brushes. Cramer Sales Co.. Denver, Col. 810 WORTH soap, perhimes, etc. Co,, Iiept 401, fit ixjuis, Mo. rce I .acaaslaa SJAI.F.SMKN WAHTEP 88 MANUFACTURER want thoroughly rellabR msnager and salmnian, able to handle Portland branch business: 1300 to 1500 per month and permanent connection ; $1000 cash capital re quired, state biuinwss reforencea A 648, Journal. WANTED with oar; nan elear SBflO per month; established business. If you are a hifl money maker, call for Mr. Gartliner, 63 Cornelius hotel, after 10 a. m., Sunday at Monday. SAl.KSMEN'to selFstock Iri-minionf!oflar ra fining company; good commission and territort still available Superior Sales Syndicate, 811 Main st. Ft. Worth, Texas. IF ynq are a mar wanting to better your con dition make more money, live happier and better, we have a place for you. Call after 10 a. m, 1100 Spalding bldg., ask for Mr Fox; SALESLADY wishes outside" work with" rellsbli firm; will start with small salary. Address Mrs Dawson, 82 7 Broadway. 81 1 DATIOSM MALE SMtftGENCT CALL TO EMPLOTERi " Phone, writ or rail Captain CodvIU. AT LIBERTY TEMPLE. 'Main 813. Ex-soldiers and sailors are still out of work. Phone Captain Ponrllle, Main 818. at Liberty Temple, and he will aee to U personally that your Interest ere given special attention. Tha list of classifications represent! by thoM now registered is as follows; Genera! laborers, 138; truck and ante driv ers, 58; general office man, 84; typists, 8; tractor anechanies, 2: auto mechanics, 82; ma chinists, 24; machinists' helpers. IB; slee I rirtans. 1 8 ; electricians' helpers, 4 ; accountant. 2; bookkeepers, 7; timekeepers, 2; stock roots clerk. 5 : grocery olerks, 7 ; merchandise elerks, 8 ; drug clerga, 1 ; shoe clerks, 2 ; hardware clerks, 4 ; blacksmiths, 1 ; blacksmiths' helpers, 4 ; plumbers, 8; plumbers' helpers, 1; sheet msl I workers, 8; coppersmiths, 1; saw fliers, 8; acetylene burners 2; structural Iron workers, 8 ; bnllermakers, 5 ; brakemsn, 4 ; firemen H R , 1; firemen. 18; engineers, st.. 18; snalnwirs, civil, 2; engineers, eisct, 2; draftsmen, 2; crana men. 5; engineers, gas, 1; farmers. 17; teem sters, 6; lumbermen, 16: sawmill workers, 10; news reporters, 1 ; salesmen, 3 1 ; ear repair men, 2: carpenters, IS; painters, 18; plasterers, 8) furniture finishers, 1; moulders, 2: bskera, 81 rooks, 8 ; laundry workers, 1 ; vtiicsntsvrs, 1 ; kitchen helpers, A ; bttchers, 3; bote! clerks, 1; ship riggers, 2; hollermakers' helpers. 3. LICENSED" sprayers. Roth phones. 216-23. PRACTICAL bouse painting, spring rusri sooa on; save money; have work done this month. Prices right Tsbor 8061. ... WHILE not "employed capsbSe licenMrfelectrict sn will wire your bouse reasonable. Wood. 8791. 9 . ROOFffTSed and eves cleaned and painted, ami all kinds of repair work In tbe household. Call Main 1829. GIRL, f 7, wants to work aft." srfiool" Bstrwityg, or Sundays: attending high school of uimx mcrce. call 478 iarrsoe sr.. eity WTNTlr5 a"infTng, tlnfijg and paper" fTaigini " by L. O'Neil 783 4th su Main 8894. WaStKD aDijirof any kind iolTa2 "to truck. Phone Sellwood 8127. CXRPENtfenT wrnts job w(irt,""tm" front ami ftktures. Price reasonable. Sell.1887. 8lfi"NGLEh8 Whra you want reehingllng done, caltJWdln 6208. i VtJAjri2FTH wishes eositloo; 4 y ears' expert enceT ' Call Wdln 8688. PAINTING, patr banging, tinting 1828 E. 7 Sellwood 8838 Main 4 4 PAINTING. tfiitTng. ipering; all' iroHi "WA alaaa. Sellwood 185H. LOCAL and kiigaiitanee""lTsu"l'ii)g with 1 -to truck. 81.50 per hour. Tah- 4793. lSPEftlENCED' tWrmerT married, " wants "po i tion. Address FX-B65, Journal. IT-PEB HAN'6liJQksominlng" fiitna " East 8114. PAINTING, paper hanging, tinting. i52I 7th. Sellwood 8688. Main4344. ',' A-l CAP&"TKiritrta andmodete, ebeapT ' try contract Woodlawn 128. F(5RTitXlWINiT"S"Un"tso7 in the Mt Scott ; aiatrct.caU Tsbor 8788. r.jSAKY Timta fetched, chimneys re flashed, gnC wire repaired"1 resningivng omie, marsnaii 10 12, PLOWING and excavating? Woodlawa 618 WHEN you seed s-lnglar phoue Vdln. 8598.