THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, OREGON 16 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1020. Xenten Reason of Jfasting and penitence of IBeyout pfegin on Wednesday LENTEN PROGRAM ES ARRANGED FOR LOCAL ! Special Services Will Be Held on Ash Wednesday; Topics of Lectures Given; Early History. Ash Wednesday, thi coming: week, opens Lt-nt, which will laet 40 days, or until Easter Sunday, April 4. This soason of fasting and penitence which is observed in Portland by the clergy and by an .increasing number of the laity, has an Interesting his tory. The lenffth of the fast and the rigor j with which it has been observed have varied greatly at different times and In different countries. In the time of Ire riaeus the ' fast before Easter was very sjhort, but severe. Some persons ate nothing during the 40 hours between Good Friday and Easter morning. Dur ing the third century it was customary to observe Holy week only. EARLY HISTORY TRACED First mention of the Lenten fast Is made in the fifth canon of the Council of Nicaea 325). Since then it Is fre quently mentioned, sometimes as a pe riod of preparation for baptism. Ash Wednesday derived its name from the custom of appearing In ashes and sack cloth while doln penance. In England a Lenten fast was first ordered to bo observed by Earconberht, king of Kent (640-664). In the middle ages, meat, eggs and milk were forbid den in Lent. The chief Lenten food was fish. Her ring pies were a delicacy. Charters granted to seaports often stimlated that the town should send so many her rings to the king annually during Lent. Armies were sometimes reduced to the point df starvation for want of per missible food, although plenty of meat was on hand, so strictly were Lenten rules observed. In 1560 Queen Elizabeth Issued a proc- WILBUR METHODIST EPISCOPAL ' CHURCH Assembly Hall Multnomah Hotel BIV1NE 8EHTICER 8DSDAI 10:8 A. M. DR. E. H. TODD OF TACOJLA tVIXI- PREACH MUSIC BY- SEXTET CHOIR YOU ARK CORDI1LLV IXVITED TO THESE SERVICES. COME EARLY AND BKIN'G A ERIEMD WITH TOU. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH F. 1ITH AND PINE 8TS. A Srmon-T.ectnre Will B Oiren t 7 :30 by MAJOR THORNTON A. MILLS "PASSING OF THE THIRD FLOOR BACK" At Ml 11 o'clock Hour Major Mills' Toslo Will -"ORAOIOUS OOOONCSS" f llnt Muilo by Oheru Choir A CORDIAL INVITATION aXTINOCD YOU Dr. Edward H. Pence Pastor Subjects: 10:30 A. M. Who Are the Worldly-Minded? 7:S0 P. M. Crossing the Barrier of Birth and Language CHURCHES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALDEB STREET AT TWELFTH REV. LEVI JOHNSON ;y-V 10:30 A. M. "A SURVEY OF OUR JUDEA" 7:30 P.M. "EARMARKS OF A REAL MAN" It 1 1 1 SFXDAT SCHOOI. 711 O BO A JT RECITAL BT e. r; course? SPECIAL MUSIC Rational Christian Endeavor Corner kinjiortland to S5pea J Paul Brown, national Intermediate Christian Endeavor worker, will be the principal speaker at the local Interme diate rally in the First Congregational church February 17. Mr. Brown Is In the state speaking at the twin conven tion of the senior Endeavor organisa tion. Mr. Erown will speak in several of the high schools In the morning. At 5:15 he will meet the society presi dent at the Y. W. C. A. for dinner, and at 7 p. m. he will hold a conference at the First Congregational church far superintendents and pastors. Others interested In the work may attend. The committee has planned a lively program, with special music, society stunts and one-minute speeches by members of each society represented. The . general topic for the young peo ple will be "What Phase of C. E. Work My Society Likes Best, and wny. a short social hour will follow the rally. lamation forbidding the killing of cattle during Lent. A fine of 20 was Imposed for each offense. WOMEJT WEAR M0URSI5G It was also customary for the women to wear mourning during Lent. This custom was done away with early in the nineteenth century. During the Refor mation the laity generally gave up the observance of Lent. Proclamations were issued ordering the proper observ ance of the season, but these were later rescinded. At the present time the ma jority of the laity who observe Lent do It as a sacred duty and not because the laws of the clturch require or sug gest it On Wednesday special services will be held at 7 :30 a. m. and 9 a. m. and 7 :45 p. m. in St- Stephens Pro-Cathedral. Bishop W. T. Sumner will preach at the evening service. The following announcement for Lenten services at Trinity Episcopal church was made by Dr. A. A. Morri son: Ash Wednesday at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. Every Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 4 p. m., the Friday meeting to be a Bible class conducted by the rec tor in the parish house., Dr. W. T. McElveen, pastor of the First Congregational church, has ar ranged an elaborate series of services for Lent. On Thursday evenings he will give lectures on Christian psy chology, as follows: February 19, "Christ the Savior of the Body" ; Feb ruary 26, "The Mental Treatment of Disease" ; March 4, "Moral Disease and Health" ; March 11, "The Church's Min istry to Health" ; March 18. "Possess ing One's Own Self : March 25. "Prayer and Healing." On. Sunday eyenlogs of Lent he will give series of ' short talks answering such questions as "Who is qodt" "Who was Jesus?" "What is man?" "Where Is heaven and where Is hell?" Dr. McElveen will also give a lenten series of talks to the women's Bible study class each Wednesday afternoon. The next five subjects are : "Amos : The Phophet of the Moral Law" Hosea ; The Prophet of Iove" : "Isaiah : The Prophet of Faith"- : "Ezekiel : The Prophet of Individualism." and "Jere miah : The Prophet of Piety." First Methodist Episcopal Church Twslfth aad Taylor Streets REV. JOSHUA STANSPIKLD, O. D, Pallor. 10:80 A. M. SERMON IY REY. W. T. RANDOLPH, D.D. StiUle uprlnUndnt DtacohMt Training School. 12;1S P. M SUNDAY SCHOOL, GRADED CLA88ES FOR ALL 7:45 P. M. "Life's Imperatives" REV. LYNN HAROLD HOUGH, D.D. Chicago Pnltfant North WMUrn University MASS MEETING. FOR RESIDENT ALUMNI ALL INVITED YOUNO PEOPLE'S SOCIETY, 8:30 BIBLE SCHOOL. 11:10 QUARTET: Mr. J. B. Ettlngor J. p. Muldor Si Lulu Dahl Milltr Dom Zan 3 WESTMINSTER cws of importance lUmong Various Under the direction of Wlllard House, boys' superintendent of the Multnomah County Sunday School association, and Harold F. Humbert, general secretary of the Oregon Sunday Scihool associa tion, an older boys' conference of the Sunday school classes of Portland Is to be held in March. The conference church, according to Ford Waldo, chair man of the building conftnittee. is to be the Mount Tabor Presbyterian church. The general chairman of ar rangements is George Portar. the chair man of the program committee is Duane Lawrence, and the publicity manager is Clifford Zollinger. The conference theme, according to Ernest Peterson, president of the county association, will be "The Four-Fold Life: Physical, Men tal, Social and Religious." BAPTIST Dr. W. B. Hinson. pastor of the East Side Baptist church, will leave early thix week on a speaking tour in ihe southern part of the state in the inter ests of the Christian stewardship plan of the denomination. Sunday morning in his sermon Ur. Hinson will present the Armenian situation and in the eve- TO BE TOPir: Young People Especially Invited to First Presbyterian Church Services Sunday Evening. At the First Presbyterian church the Rev. Levi Johnson, assistant pas tor, will occupy the pulpit Sunday morning and evening. In the even ing, 7:30 o'clock, he will speak on "Earmarks of a Real Man." Young men are Invited so that they can take their own measure. Young women are invited that they may be able to recotrnize a real man when . they see one. There will be special music by the choir. The auxiliary to the Woman's Mis sionary society will meet Tuesday eve ning at 7 :30 o'clock in room A of the church house. Mrs. B. A. Thaxter will speak about "When Dreams Come True." Tea will be served and a social hour will follow. The father and son banquet will be held In the church Friday at 6 :30 p. m. The San Grael Christian Endeavor society will give an entertainment Fri day evening at 8 o'clock. Young peo ple are invited. The Warren vesper class and the Warren Bible class will entertain Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the church house. DIRECTORY Quinquagesima Sunday Uniform Sunday School Lessons "Peter nd Cornelia)!." Act 10:80-48. (Golden Text: "For there U no difference be tween the Jew nd the Greek; for the aroe Ixrd orer all In rich unto all that call upon him." Young People's Topics Christian Endearor "What Psrayer Will Ac complish ." I'k. 37:18-40. (Decision Day.) Epworth League 'Thine' ETeryday World." Exod. 3:12; Luke 10:25-3 J Baptist Firt White Temple. 12th and Tt1oi ReT. Wm. A. Waldo. 11, "The Place of the Altar"; 7 80, "The Flag in a Crisis." Eat Side E. 20th and Salmon Rt. W. B. Hinson. ReT. H. T. Cash, associate. 11 "America and Armenia"; 7:30. "If I Were God." Third VancouTer and Knott 11. 7:30. Arleta E. 4th and 48th are. ReT. Owen T. Day. 11, "The Expansiveneas of Consecrated Talent": 7:30, Tbe Greatest Bible Question." CalTary E. 8th and Grant Her. J. E Thomas. 11. "Can We Talk With God and Get Answered Nowadays? "; 7:30, "Can We Talk With the Dead?" Glencoe H. 45th and Main ReT. F. C. Laslette. 11. "Thoroaa A Plea for Certainty "; 7:30. "8imon Judas; Contrasted Types of Character." Beilwood Bethany Re. W. S. Ferris. 11. 7:45. Grace E 76th and A-h Re. F. W Star ing. 11, "LlTing the Life"; 7:45, "The Yes aud No of Salvation. I'niverdity Park Iter. S. Lawrence Black. 11. 8. Swedwh 18th and Hoyt Be. T. G. Siolan der. 10:30. 7:80. "In the Autumn of Life." St.- Johns 11. 7:30. Highland E. t.h and Alberts Dr W. T Milliken. 11, "The Best Gift of All"; 7:80. "The Law of Repeated Suggestion." Mt. OUet (colored) Broadway and Et erett Ber. J. W. Anderson. 11. 8. Elim Swedish Hallory and Skldmore Rev. A. G. Sandblom. 2:30, 3:80. Cathollo Pro Cathedral 16th and Dani Re. E. V. O'Hara. 0. 7.15. 8:80, 8:45. 11. 7:45. St. Peter Lenta Ker. p. Beutgen. 8, 10:30, 7:80. 8u Lawrence 3d and Sherman Ear. J. C. Hughes. 6. 8:30, 10:80. 7:80. St. Frsncia E. 12th and Ptne Bar. J. H. Black. 6. 8, 9. 10.80. 7:80. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton Re. W. A. Daly. 6, 8. 9, 11. 7:80. Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas ReT. E. S. Olson. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11, 7:80 St Kose E. 63d and Alameda Bar. J. O FerreU. 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrew E. 9th and Alberta Rer. J. Eiernan. 8, 10:30, 7:80. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou R. George F. Thompson. 7:30, 9. 11. Ascension E 78th and Yamhill Franciscan Fathers. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Bleseed Sacrament Maryland and B linden Ker. F. W. Black. 8, 10:80. 7:80. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Bat. C. Raymond. 8. 10:30. 7:80. St Ignatius 3220 43d it. 8 B. Jesuit Fathers. 6 30. 8. 10180, 4. . St, StepheM E. 42d and Taylor Re?. Wu ren A. Waitt 8. 8:80, 10:80. 7:80. Holy .Redeemer1 Portland blTd. and Vancou ver are. ReT. William J. Dirine. 6, 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Phillip Nedi (Paulist Fifhari) E. 18th and Hickory ReT. M. L. Ferry. 7:80. 9. 10:80. 7:80. St. Clements S. smith aTe. and Xewton Serbite Fathers. 8, 10:80, 7:80. Sacred Heart E. 11 to and Center Bar. G. Sob. 8. 10:80, 7:80. St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller ReT J. Commlsky. 8. 10:80. 7:30, St. Stanislatn (roUsn Mmrriana and Fail- big ReT. F. Matthew. 8, 10:30. 7:80. St. Joseph (German) loth and Ooaen Re?. B. Rurrer. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St Michael (Italian) 4th' tad Mitt Ret. M. Bale-txa. 8:30. 10:80. 7:80. St. . Claire's uapitoi hid rawer Alojslua. O. F. M. 7:20, 9:80. St. Charles E. S3d and Alberta ReT. J. P O'FlynB. S. 10:80. All Sainta E. 89th and GUsan Rer. Father William Cronln. , 8, 10:80. 8t Patricks 19th and SaTler Re?. Charles: M Smith. Manas 80. 8. 9:1B. 10:80. 7:4a. ' Christian First Park atid Coturnbi Re? IlaroM H. Griffiat 11. "Lincoln tha Christian": 6:15. 8chooi- of Missions; 7:30.. missionary epiaoda. "Hanging Out a Shingle, by young people. ' Eaat Side E. 42tu and Taylor Ke?. U. It Sawyer. 11. 7:30. Rodney A Tenue Rodney and Knott. Rat. 11 Fjrl rtiildar. 11. 7:80 ' Montarllla E. 76th and Gliaan. Bar. Car roll C. Roberta. 11. 7:80. Wood lawn E. 7th and Liberty Re?. Joseph D Boyd. 11. 8. Vernon E. 15th and Wygant Be?. R. Tibhe Maxry. 11.7:80. Kara rlr TtT J. F GhoTml?. 1 1 "Christian Citiaenship and 'Justice for tbe Amer ican Indian," by Her. Chief Red Fot Sklnshns kee: 7:80. celebration of natkMul prohibition Tictory. Ohrtslian Betaetca Lesson subject: "SouL" ' Ft ret 19th and Everett. 11. 8. Second E. th and HoUaday. II. 8. ' Third E, tth and Salmon, ill, 8. Fourth varnTr and Emerson. 11.' 8. EARMARKS OF REAL MAN nlngr he will answer the question "If I Were God?" The ordinance of baptism will be administered to a family pt four. Pictures of Armenia, will be exhibited In the church Wednesday evening. Fri day evening the annual father and son supper will be held. The lives of Simon and Judas will be contrasted Sunday night by the Rev. F. C. Laslette -in his sermon at Glencoe Baptist church. Baptism will also be observed. The blind evangelist A. J. Freeman of Mollne, 111., will commence a series of evangelistic meetings in the Swedish Baptist cjiurch about February 25. Evangelist Freeman held meetings in this church 10 years ago. Sunday eve ning the Rev. T. O. Sjolander. pastor, will preach the third sermon in his pres ent "Life" series. CHRISTIAN Rev. Chief Red Fox Skiushushu, fa mous Northern Blackfoot interpreter of American Indian music and poetry and of Indian history and legends, will speak Sunday morning at Kern Park Christian church. He will appear in tribal costume, which Is "embellished with 10.000,000 beads woven in typical design on skin. At, the close of his ad dress he with his cousin, Blactej-Jiawk, will sing "America" in their tribal tongue. In the1 evening the church will celebrate the national prohibition vic tory. A community sing will precede the address. CONGREGATIONAL An intensive campaign for new mem bers U being carried on by both the members of the society and the members of the lookout committee at the First Congregational Christian Endeavor. The committee, under the leadership of Miss Le Cerf, is directing its attention espe cially to the Y. W. and Y. M. C. A., boarding schools and high schools. In keeping with the plan, the social com mittee is working on a long list of social affairs. The society is young- and growing and as an Intermediate soci ety It welcomes young people to Us Sunday evening meetings at 6 :30. Commissioner S. C. Pier will deliver a lecture on Abraham Lincoln at the Sun day night service at Atkinson Memorial Congregational church.- Mr. Pier has made a study of the life of Lincoln, Two of the best reels In "Son of Democ racy," showing the life of Lincoln, will be run in connection with this service. EPISCOPAL ine young people s society or st. Stephens Pro-Cathedral has assumed the responsibility of providing music for the sick at Good Samaritan hospital. They will po in a body to sing in the wards Sunday, February 22, and if this venture proves a success the work will be extended to embrace other institu tions. The society's Sunday evening meeting tomorrow will take the form of a musicale. Miss Claire Wilson will preside. An address on healing the sick with out medicine or physical means will be given Sunday evening at Trinity Epis copal church by Dr. A. A. Morrison. A Sunday Bchool drive for new members Is on for three weeks. The workers hope to double the attendance. Las Tuesday night a community sing fof girls was held in the parish house. "Religion in the Home" will be dis cussed by Dean Hicks Monday evening OF CHURCH Fiftti 82d and 42d are. S. E. 11. 8. Sixth Ma-onic temple. 368 Yamhill. 11. 8. ScrenUi Holbrook block. St Johns. 11. All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. Corraraoatlonal First Park nd Madison Dr. W. T. McEl Teen. 11, 7:45, addressea by A. B. T. Moors ana pastors. Sunnystde E 82d snd Taylor Rer. J. J. I Btaub. 11, 7:45. Atkinson Memorial K 2Uh and Ererett. Re?. B. E. Flint. 11, "The Religion of Jems"; 7:45, "A Lincoln Night," by 8. C. Pier. Highland E. nth and Prevsovi ReT. Edward Constant. 11, "The New Man. a Product of Christianity"; 7:80, "Life's Great Essential." Wa-rleiBh Heights E. 38d nd Woodward. Re?. Olirer P. Arery. 11. 7:30. Laurel wood 45th are. and 85th st' S. E. , Mrs. Alice M Handsaker. 11. Pilgrim Miwnun and Sharer. Rer. Robert Murray Pratt 11. 7:30. rni?er?tty Park Karen and Lombard Re?. C. H. Johnrton. Finnish Mason and Albina Rer. A. A Harju, 6 and 8 p. m. 8t. Johns 8. Iranhoe and Richmond. Rer. J T. Merrill 11. 7:80 Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner HT. Ole Torgeasen. 11, 7:30. First German E. 7th and St ntm Re?. George Zoche- 11, 7:80. Second German E 8th and Skidmore ReT. Henry Hsgelgaru. 11, 7:80. Zloe German E. 9th and Fremor.t Re?. J. R Hoop. 1J 7:30. Dunaard Church of tlie Brethren Borthwick and Brai nsrd ReT. George C. Carl. 11, 8. Episcopal Pro-Cathedrsl of 8t Stephen the Msrtyr Rt Rer. W. T. Sumner bishop; Very Rer. R. T. T. Hicks, dean. 7:45. 11, "Int and Its Observance," by the dean; 7:45, "The Value of Rigiit Thinking," by dean. Trinity 19th and Ererett ReT A A. Mor rison. 8, 11, visions : o. Healing. St. Davids E. 12th and Belmont Rev. Thos. Jenkins, rector. 7:80. 9:30, 11, 7:30. St Marks 2 lit and Marshall ReT. .1. G. Hatton. 7:30, 11, 7:45; daily. 7 30 a. m. ht Andrews Hereford st. Plymouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 11, 7:80. Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Iter. Oswald W. -Taylor. 8. 11. Good Shepherd VancotiTer and Grahsm Re?. John Dawson. 11., preaching by Re?. L. W. Crooks of Belfast. Ireland; 8. St. Michael and All Angels E. 43d and Broadway Re?. F. T. Bowen, ricar '78, 10, 11. Church of Our Savior 60th ar- snd 4 1st st 8. E. Rer. E. H. Clark. Tiear. 7:30. 11. Bishop Moms - Memorial Good Samaritan hospital ReT Frederick K. Howard. 7. 9:30. St. Pauni woodmere Be?. Oawald W. Tay lor. 4. All Saints 25th and Barler Re?. Frederick K Howard. 10. 11. 8t Johns Memorial E. 15th and Hamer. Sellwood. Rev. H. Clark In charge. 11, 7:80. St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Rer. W A. M. Breck. Ticar. 10. 11. Evangelical First E. 6th and Market Be?. E. D. Horn- schuch. 11. 7:80. Cla Street 10th and Clay Rev. Jacob Stacker. 10:45, "The Meaning of Prayer"; 7:80.' Relation of Regeneration to Sanctifica- tion. Swedish Tabernacle N. 17h'and filisan. Res. J. C. Ledin. 11. "Tbe Grain of Wheat or From Death to Life"; 7:30, "Behold My Servant Frs Mathodltt dentrai E. 56th and Flanders Rer K 1 Harrington. 11, 7:30. First E. th and Mill Rev. 8 H. Upton. 11. 7:30. Alberta E. 80th and Wygant Bar. M. V WhetzelL 11, 7:80. Kt Jnhru C. TtichmnTuI anil tlitAmn. TJ.. E. D. Blackman. 11. 7:80. Lenta Rt. 8. H. Cpton. -acting pastor 2:30 8 :S0. Frtanda First E. 35th and Main ReT Hmr r Cox. Evangelistic service. Preaching by IUt Joseph Smith. 11. 3. 7:45. Second V3d and 01st art. Rer Lorana U. Terrell 11. T. "uraua West Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey Rr Carey Jeasuppf 11. 8. Jewish Congregaeion Beth Israel 12th and 'Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wlaa. Reform Synagogue. Serrtc Friday 8 p. u., Saturday 10:30 a. m. Congregation Ahavii Sholom Park tad Clay ita Rabbi R. Abrahamson. Friday. 8 p. m ; Saturday, 8:80 a. m. Congregation Nerah Zedeck Talmud Totab 6th and Hall Rer. Abraham I. Rosencrantx. Friday 8 p. m. Batorday 9 a. m. Sunday 10 au ns- Rehsiona school tatter Day Saints Church of Jewis Chrin of Latter Day Saints E. 25th and Madison Heber C. Ivarsoa, ntia tioc preaidraC 10, 7 :30. Lvtbaran 9t. James W. park god Jefferson HeT. William E. Brink man. 11. 7:30. St Pauls E, 12th and Clintow Rav. A. Krausa. 10:80. "And Forgi?) Va Our Tres--passes As We Forgive iThos Who Trespass Against la" ; 7 ,30, "Tha Greatest Crime in a Man's Ufa." . Osir Savior fe 10th and Grant Rev. M. A. Cbrit onsen. 11 ( English , "Christian Bap tism"; 7 :30, illustrated lector on foreign rauelona. . - ? ,...:- - 1 Trinity (Missouri Synod) Williams ass) Graham Rev. J. P. Rimbarh. ,10:1k. Cnurches and ?oung at St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral. ' Talks v. - . .., .v - ti. I ur innae on rteaaing m mo EVrtm . . .",, .. hv miss 1 From the Church 'Viewpoint by Miss I Muinerowen or we v;entrai iiornry. kmu on "The Cure for Unrest; the Religion of Our Mothers." by John W. Lethaby. FRIENDS Evangelist Joseph H. Smith, who is conducting a revival meeting at the First Friends church, will continue his Bible expositions during five days of the coming week, closing on Thursday evening. The meetings the past week have been very helpful and a number of definite results have jbeeh received. There will be a great union mass meet ing Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and an invitation is extended to people of all churches to this service. During the remaining, days of the meeting services will be held dally at 2 :30 and Those winhlng to bring their lunch and re main for the evening service will be furnished a warm drink by the women of the church. LUTHERAN The fifth petition in the Lord's prayer will be the theme of the sermon of Rev. A. Krause Sunday morning at St. Pauls Lutheran church. In the evening he will discuss what he believes to be the greatest crime in a man's life. Con firmation classes meet Tuesday and Friday at 4 and 5 p. m. METHODIST The evangelistic services at Sellwood Methodist church will continue during the coming week under the direction of Rev. W. S. Gordon, pastor. Evangelist Charles E. Gibson will preach twice on Sunday and each, week night. The children's choir of 40 voices is assisting the adult choir. The solo work is being done by Miss Marguerite Flower Olinger, the blind singer. PRESBYTERIAN Major Thornton A. Mills will preach next Sunday morning and evening at Central Presbyterian church. In the evening he will give a sermon-lecture on "Passing of the Third Floor Back." taken from Jerome's famous play. The publicity committee inaugurated a vis iting campaign, selecting 15 teams of two men each, making a canvas of all the members for the purpose of becom ing better acquainted and imparting the information that Rev. Walter H- . 1 J 1 . 1 ,.(,.. v. .. v. 1 to begin his pastorate. Most oi tne calis were made last Sunday. A gooa feeling with a better interest in the church work is reported Dy an. Rev. Bruce J. Giffen was called Mon day morning by telegraph to the bedside of his sister. Mrs. ,F. W. Phlfer. at Wheatland. Wyo., who is critically ill with pneumonia. All Bervices of Vernon Presbyterian church will be conducted as usual during his absence. Rev. Bra ton F. Bronson, state promotion secre tary of the Interchurch World move ment, will speak Sunday morning. An illustrated lecture will be given in the evening. SWEDENBORGIAN Rev. Red Fox Skiushushu, a Blackfoot Indian, now in Portland In the interest of the American Mission school at White Swan, Wash., -will speak Monday eve ning on "The Indian's Conception of the SERVICES IN Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Daris ReT. Wilhelm Pettersen. 11, 8. Grace (Enelfch) E. 24th and Broadway Re?. 0. H. Bernhard. 11. T:80. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant snd Rod ney. Bethsny Dsni'h Kvsngelical Cnion and Mor ris Be?. L P. Kjoller. 11. 7:30. St. Johns Peninsula and Kilpatrick Re?. L. Ludwig. 10:45. 7:80. Swedish Augustana Stanton snd Rodney Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45, 7:45. Immanuel 18th and Irring Rer. A. T. An derson. 11. 8. Portsmouth LoTely.and Fortune Rer. S. C. B. Knutsen. 11. 7:30. Zion Evsnj-lk-sl (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Uer. H. H. Koppelmann. 9:15, 10:15, 7:45. Alberta English E. 17th and Alberta (Baker ball). 10. 11. Msthodlct Episcopal Carson Heights Rev. G. S. Brown. 10, 11. 7. Centenarv E 9'h and Pine Re?. Frank L. WemetL 11. 7:30. Central Vsncpurer and Fargo Re?. A. R. Maslean. Ik. 7:30. Clinton Kelly E. 40Ui and Powell Rat. E. S. Mace. 11. Epworth 26th and Sarier Rer. J. Stanford Moore. 11. 7:80. First 12th and Taylor Re?. Johna Starts field. 10:30. preaching by Rer. W. T. Randolph of Seattle: 7:30, preaching by Rer. Lynn Harold Hough, "Life's , Imperatives." First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rer. Elias Gjerding. 11. 8. Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. Rer. A. C. Brakenbtiry. 11, 7:30. Lents S6th st. and 58th are. Rer. F. K Bibley. 11. 7:45. Lincoln K. 52d ano Lincoln. Rev. F. A. Ginn. 11. 7:30. Montavilla E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram Gould. 11. 7:80. ML Tabor E 61st snd Stark. Rev. F. O. Pecker. 11, "Nesmsns Obedience"; 7:30, "Seeing in a New Way." Patton Alberta snd Michigan. Res. George II. Bennett 11. 7:30. Rose 'ity Park E. 5th and Sandy. Re?. D. Lester Fields. 11. 7:30. Sellwood E. 15th and Tscoma Rev. W. 8. Gordon. Evangelistic services. 11, 7:30, preaching by Rev. Charles P. Gibson. Sunnytdde E. 35th and Yamhill Rev. W. F. Ineson. 11,7:45. St Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Ra?. W. E. KJoster. 11, 7:30. Swedish Beech' and Borthwick Re?. A Del uuunu. ii. 9. L"Dl?erslty Park Fiske and Lombard Rv IX T. Atkinson. 11, 7 .30. Tancourer Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid more and Vancouver Rer. A. Christensen. 11, 7.80. Wesleyan E. 63d and Glisan Re?. D. B. Hsmpe. 11. 7:45. Westmoreland Milwaukie and Midway Be?. E. S. Mace. 7:80. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Re?. E. C. Hick man. 10:30. Woodstock E. 44th and Woodstock Re?. L. C. Poor. " 11, "The Ererlasting Arms"; 7:30, "The Open Door." Woodlawn E. lOtli and Highland Rev. J. H. Irrine. 11, preaching by Rer. Russell D. Walter; 7:30, "The Greatest Sport in tb World." District superintendent Be?. William Wallace Toungson, D D.. 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790. M. E. South First Cnion -and Multnomah Be?. J. W. Byrd. 11. 7:30. Natarn First E. 1 0th and Weidler Be?. J. T. Little. 11, 7:80. J Sellwood E. 0th and Spokane Rev. J. G. BringedahL 11, 7:30. Brentwood 65th ave. and 07th St. Be?. C. V. Fowler. 11, 7:30. Highland Park E. 14 to ind JarrtUr Re?. W. P. Keebaugb. 11. 8. Scandinavian 048 Garfield Rer. Daniel HaUstrom. 11, 7:80. Presbyterian First 12th and Alder. Ra?. Howard Agnew Johnson, assistant pastor. Preaching by Re?. 1-evt Johnson. 10:80, "A Survey of Our Judea"; 7:80. "Ear Marks of a Real Man." Westminster East 17th and Scbuyler Ra-T. Edward H. Pence. 10:80. 7:80. Centra lE. 18th and Pin. R. Walter Henry Nugent. P reaching by Major T. A. Mills. 11. "Gracious Goodness"; 7:30, "Psaring of the Third Floor Back." Calrary 11th and Clay. Re?. L. Bowring Qnirk 11. "Mercy"; 7 JO. "Watchman. What of tha Night?" Mt Tabor E. 8th a-d Belmont Rer. Ward MaeHenry. 11,7:80, musical service. Vernon 19th and Wygant. Her. Rrnrw J. Gtffan. 11, preaching by Be?. Burton F. Bronson; 7:30, illustrated lecture, "Hammer and Hand." Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett. Freaching by Rer. Ralph C McAfee. 11. "The Need of the Hoar"; 7:30, "Can tag ChrtsUaa Church Get Together!" Fourth Ftrrt and Gtbba. Rer. Monroe G. Everett. 10 30. "The Teat of a Christian"; 7:80, "The Crusade of Compassion," illustrated lecture. - ' , K mil worth E. 84th and Gladstone Re?. I K. Grimes. 11, T3S. Hope 7b th and Everett Be?. H.. E. GUea, 11, 1 :80. . .. .A- f people s Societies Great Spirit" at the New .Church iHome, 231 Jpffpron street, at t O dock. The - - 7 , V . " -i tha Public is invited to come early, as ine Beati capacity is vHmlted. Sunday morning at 10:45 Rev. William K- Keece will speak on "wnai is uw rsov. Christian Church V - This sermon is a prelude to a series on the Ten com mandments. REALIZATION IEAOCK The realization league will be ad dressed Sunday evening by Theodore A. Harper, for many years mining engineer in Siberia in the employ of a London company. At 11 a. m. Rev. H. Edward Mills will speak. WEEK IS PLANNED Portland Churches to Observe Occasion in Which Thousands Will Take Part. National Father and Son week will be observed in the churches of Portland from this coming Monday until Sunday night, February 22. It is expected that more than 1,000,000 men and boys will be brought into closer relationship with each other throughout North America as a re sult, according to J. C. Meehan, boys' work secretary of the Y. M. C. A., the organization which is promoting the plans. it. R. Albee, former mayor of Port land, is chairman of a committee which has arranged a general program for the week. F. J. Meyer, of the associ ation service department secretarial staff, has gone into plans of the week with the ministerial -association and , " council of the city's civic clubs, but was taken ill and was obliged to give over the final details to others. Governor Olcott has Issued a statement urging participation in the week. Monday will be known as "get ready day" ; Tuesday, the evening on which fathers will be expected to spend the evening with their sons ; Wednesday, the day when fathers will meet to discuss the boy problem ; Thursday Is "tell your boy" day. when advice on Im portant subjects will be given boys by fathers ; Friday will be banquet day in many of the churches, and Saturday, recreation day, when fathers and sons will take hikes, and Sunday will be the day when the churches will give special attention and when fathers will be ex pected to take their sons to church. PORTLAND Rose City Dr. Robert H. MUligan. II. "Christ and the Problem of Character': 7:30, "Theodore Roosevelt's Letters to His Children." Forbes G,hm snd Ganfenbeln Bev. Wanl "Ulis Long. 1 1 . sermon by Re?. Floyd E. rorrts; 7:30, missionary praise service in charge of women's society. Trinity Virginia snd Nebraska Bev. Theo-, dore P. Smith. 11. 7:80. Anabel F. H. Mixsel! U, 7:30. Millard Avenue Rev. IV. Lee Gray 11. 7:30. . Marshall Stree'. 17th and Marshall Rev. A. J. Hanca. 11. Miapah E. 19th and Dirision ReT. r. A. Thompson. 11. "The FamUy Altar"; 7:4 3, "The Young People and the Church." Unity E 71t and Kand? Rer. S. W Seeman. 11, "Tbe God of the Covenant"; 7:30, "The Appeal of Religion." Reformed Presbyter g;i First Minnesota and Ainsworth Rev. K. D. Fraier. 11. 7:30. Mvarrth Day Aduntlrts Note Regular services of this denomination tte held on Saturday. Ceatral--E. 11th and Everett U K. Dick- ion, pastor. 10, 1 1 15. Taberosele 0th and Montgomery G. W. Pettit, minister. 10. 11. Moots villa E 80th and Everett J, A. Ger ha'rt. 10, 11. Lents 94th st. and 68th ave. W. D. Hunt ington. 10. 11 - St. Johns Central a?e. and Charleston A. R. Folkenberg. 10, 11. Albins Skidmore and Mallory Elder M. H. 'Ventland. 10, 11. Scandinavian 62d it. and 89th are. Elder O. 8. Lee. 10. 11. Solvation Army Oorps No. 1 243 Ash st Adjutant lienry U. Cogens. 11. 8 :16, 8. Corps No. 4. 128 H 1st -Captain William G. bmitli. 11. 3. 8. wedenborglan New Church Society 331 Jefferson Rt. William 1L Reece. 10:46, "What la the New Christian Church!" Unitarian Church of Our Father Broadway snd Yam hill Rer. w. G. Eliot Jr. 11, '"The Story of Our Martyred Churches in Transylvania," by Re?. Earl Morse Wilbur of Berkeley: 7:46. "An Answer to Doubts About the Usefulness of a Church." United path ran Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc Donald. Mrst E, ISth and Morrison Re?. Byron J. Clark. 11, "Every Man in His Place"; 7:30, "Religion and Labor." Second E. 27th and Sumner Hev. Ira Hawley. 11, "A Fallen Man '; 8, "Disciples' Desire Revenged." Third 87th st. and 32i are. 8. E. Be?. E. O. Shepherd. 11, ' Spiritual Leadership in the Home"; 7:80. , Fourth Tremont Rer. C. P. Blanchard. 11, 7:30. United Evangelical First E. 16th and Poplar Be?. J. A. Goode. 11. 8. Ockley Green Willamette bird, and Gay lie?. H. H. Farnhara. 1 U 7:30. St. Johns Rev. A. V. Layton. 11, 7:80. United Presbyterian First E. 87th and Hawthorne Be?. H. F. Given. 11, 7:30. Chnrch of tbe Strangers G rand and Wasco ReT. 8. Earl Da Bois. 11, Stewardship dis cussed by laymen; 7:80, "Faith That Conquers." Kenton 120 West Lcmbard He?. George N. Taylor 11, "What an Ex-Slaye Ought to Know"; 7:30, "The Guest'of Caesar. ' Misoeilaneosia Christian and Missionary Alliance E. !lh and Clay Rer. John E. Fee. 10, 11, ,7:30. ltealuation League 148 18th He?. Ednard Mills. 11. "Positive NonreeisUnce": 8. ad dress by T. A. Harper of London, on "Tbe Transmutation of Emotion. ' Chnatadelpblan K21 E. Washington. 10:80. Church of God 363 Failing Harry Neai. 11. 7:30. Gospel Hall E. 20th and Stark. 11, 7:30. Men s Resort 4 th and Bumside Ker. Levi Jnhnwin. suoerintendent. 8. Divine Science Portland Hotel T. M. Mi ne r(L 11, "Jesus tha rrieod. Penitcottal First tod Weaning too Be?, Will C. Trotter. 11. 8. 7:30. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246 1st. 2, 8, 7:30. A. W. Srotth. 11. 8, 8. Vohmteers of America Mission 324 Burn side Meeting every evening except Monday at S o'clock, and Sunday, 3 p. m. Portland Eecleiia iChrteiadelphian) 1697 Behnont George H. Tilling, secretary. 11. Ptniel Mission 2js 1st. 8, 8. Services each night at 8. ' , Chnrch of Chrbt-fs".. 7th and Gliaan. It. First Spiritualist 7 th and Hassaio. S. "Trying." by Mrs. Mary Congden; 7:46. service by C w.-Jbew. First Spisitoal Science 120 Fourth 't. lie?. Max Hoffman. 8, S, "Can We Communicate WHh the Other World f" Pentecostal -210 4 Tamhia 2:30, 7:38; dairy. 7 :30. International Bible Studenla V, O. . Tem ple. 11th and Alder. 3, 7:80. City Jau 2d aad Oak Gospel .arnica at t:o by Isseiel Lan - . , FATHER AND 1 5)ickson Coming for ISwo 29ays Session in urcn James Moore Hlckson, who has con ducted a series of classes all over the country on healing, will be at Grace Memorial Episcopal church for two days about March 8. The Rev. O. W. Taylor announces that three sessions will be held dally, and in order to lead up to this special occasion Dean R. T. T. Hicks of the Pro-Cathedral is giving a special series of talks on "Right Think ing," "Body and Soul" and similar topics every Sunday evening. Full de tails of Mr. lllckson's arrival will be given later. Lincoln's Christian Experiences Related Some of Abraham Lincoln's Christian experiences will be related to the Sun day morning congregation at the First Christian church by the Rev. H. 11. Oriffls. A feature of the school of missions at the evening service will be a missionary Episode entitled "Hang In Out a Shlnalo." This will be nre- fBented by the young people's mission study class. .Friday at 6:30 p. m. a father-and-son supper will be held In the church, with the following program under Uie dlrectitjn of Will F. Powell as toastmaster : Instrumental music ; oysterette race ; "Our Soma," A. H. Averill ; "Our Dads," Edgar Pengra ; music. John Deegan tenor ; "A Son's Church." M. L. Owens : "A Church'n Son," Wayne Felke ; music. Miss Nina Dressel, contralto ; "Washington as Son and Father," M. B. Meacham ; music, Guy . Mannan, baritone. f Ttitt Lectures on Christian Science First Church of Christ. Scientist, an nounces three Christian Science lectures as follows: In the auditorium of thp First church. Nineteenth and Kverett streets, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. February 17 and 19. at 8 o'clock, by Pr. John M. Tutt. C. S. B., member of the board of lectureship of the mother church, the First Church of Christ. Scientist, Boston, Mass. Dr. Tutt will also lecture for business people In the Helllg theatre during; the noon hour, Wednesday, February 18. A cordial invitation to attend these lectures is ex tended to all. EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER K. 20TH AND SALMON Preaching by Dr. y. B. HINSON 11:00 "America and Armenia 7:30 "If I Were Cod?' APOSTOLIO PREACHING FOR THE TIMES TAKE HAWTHORNE, MT. TABOR OR 8UNNY8IDE OARS TO TWENTIETH FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK AND MADISON STREETS REY. WM. T. MCELYEEN, PH.D. Pastor A NEW IDEVOF LENT 1g:2S NOON OURRENT EVKNTS CLASS The Findings of Maynard Kerne's Great Book RALLY OrTHi GIDEONS Speakers: A. B. T. Moore, National Society of Oldaons Or. W. T. McElveen CHOIR: Mrs. Dudley Clarke Soprano Miss Beatrice Palmer Contralto Warren A. Erwln .... Tenor W. K. Robinson .... Jlarttone Luclen E. Becker, Organist and Director . CENTENARY METHODIST CHURCH KA8T JflWTH ASD PI5E "The Friendly ChsrcS" DR. FRANK L. WEMETT BRINGS TWO IMPORTANT MESSAGES 1 TOMORROW 11:00 A, M. "Challenged by God's Mercies" 7:80 P. M. "The' Crirnson Creed" FINE PROORAM OP MUSIO THIS CHURCH INVITES YOU ATKINSON MEMORIAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH A Lincoln Nig-ht Sunday Nleht a lecture THE LIFE OF LINCOLN BT COMMISSIONER PIER 11 A. M. "THE RELTOIOW OF JESUS," REV. E. E. FLINT. TWEIfTT-SIXTH sad EVERETT THE NEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOT PROTESTANT C NOT 0ATMOLI0 A New Revet at on far tne New Cntlrllan Ate. Teu Are Inrttsd to Inform Tour. swtf Mere Fully est Tls Tsvnervew at I NEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH 111 JEFFERSON 8T-1ti4e A. M. i WILLIAM R. RE SOI, Minister IERHRCH T IS TO BE HELD HERE Many Pastors Coming From All Sections of Oregon for Three Days' Training Conference. Hundroils of mlnl.stora from all parts of Oregon will attend nil ln teruVnoniiuiitioual pastors' training conference at White Temple, . Mure h 3-5. arranged ly tho Interchurch World Movement. Invitations have been sent to every active Protestant pastor in the state. "This Is tho first time such a great enterprise, has been under taken, and the acceptances are al ready received," says the Rev. Uer ton ' Bronson. field necretary of the movement tof orpRun. " I lir- lieve that few will fail to b pres ent." Mr. Bronson further explained that the reixirt of the world wide survry. ;n presented at the world survey conferenr wlilch was held at Atlantic City. Jan uary 7-10. 1920. will he received, and tl corfelusions of that conference, which was composed of over 1700 representa tives of the missionary and benevolent boards of the cooperstlngr comniunlong. will be considered. Another office of the conference will ho to determine th program of the interchurch World movement particularly as It relates it self to the pastors's support, to his church nnd community. Also prepara tion will be made for tho county and township conferences, in which the lead ership and cooperation of every pastor Is held to he essential, to be accompanied ' with definite budgets, so that the con ference may consider the significance of these surveys In relation to the churches of Oreg-on. nnd determine upon ways and means by which the Most urgent needs of the hour may be met. A naif day will he set apart for de nominational conferences. The outstand ing; leaders of the various communions will speak at thesa conferences. Most of , these have a national reputation. ST. DAVID'S CHURCH E. 1STH AND BELMONT :S0 A. M. OH U ROM SCHOOL "present1day"spiritual DANGERS" "SIN AND THE FALL OF MAN" REY. THOS. JENKINS, RECTOR "The Sealing of 144,000" .or HEAR EVA50KM8T DICKSON v explain from the Bible thl moat Im portant prophecy. The ending of the war ha a direct bearing on the ful fillment of this prediction. CHRISTENSEN'S HALL llth HU, bet MorrUon sad 1'snhlll SUNDAY NIGHT, FEB. 15 AT 5tt O'CLOCK BIO C01GREOATIOJTA., RIXO A50 HPKCIAL MUMIC Pt7BLlC IMTITKD HEATH FREE The Bible Sabbath and tha tTenlna; aad Ihe mornlnff were the eesrstb (lav. WHY JESUS KEPT SATURDAY WHY CHRISTIANS OBSERVE SUNDAY WHY HEATHEN REGARD NO DAY THE SCRIPTURES SHOW ALL ARE RIGHT Especially Inlereatlns; rome - aad bear title fart proTes by .C. J.LEROY Lecturer for the interna tional Bible Students' '' - Association Sun., Feb. 13, 3 P. M. W.O. W. TEMPLE Ittli Bt, BtL W ssblagtes aad Alder BEATS FREE KO COLLECTIQR IE EARLY NEXT-MONTH (-,