4 r THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 1920. 4 YULCAMtZTTfO AND lieTRKADIWO ' LEARN TO REPAIR REBUILD AND RETREAD ALL KINDS or TIRES But- TUBE EXPERT INSTRUCTION V ON COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT. TOW STATS ALLOWS EN-SERVICE MEN ! PER MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OUR CHOOL. DAY AND UVNINO CLASSICS. CALL OR WHITE FOR CATALOGUE. HAWTHORN; ADTO SCHOOL, lac. 432 HAWTHORNE AVIS. OKPT. V. ''.. SCHOOL, THAT TEACHES TOO HOW 1 nEMPWrLTB AUTO TRADE SCHOOLS f atrtomobUe wepalring and driving Wt teach jou te operate and repair all makes of stito- 'V- anobOes aad tractor, then starting and light ing systems, rebuilding and repairing of storage r bttnes also course In welding. All oar course ere thorough and practical. We teach yon by doings Um actual work on tli floor. J"he atata of Oregon allows ex-service roan $25 fer month whila attending nor school. For further information apply HEM PHTLL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. INC . 707 IlawUiornt sv. or 124 N. th at., Portland. Or, Poatttm for Each Graduate, ALI8KT BLDG. HELP WASTED-FEMALE Telephone Operating For Young Women Additional talrphon oparaton ere needed due e constantly increasing requirement of th arrka. i . A food salary at the tart. Regular and frequent incrnsee. Excellent opportuniti for promotion. Large, cheerful apart tin( room. Attract! (seereetloa rooms. Lunch room with mails aerrod at cost " Apply Telephone Oo . Room 601, (to Boor. Talsphone bide.. Park and Oak it. BmsnRffJED forelady wanted- to taka charge ef ebacoUta dipplnc and packing room. X W4. JouibjX TBt OLDS. WORTMAN A KINO 8TOIIE re- Qulrr th services of thoroughly eiwrienced I . aaleswnruen for women's u)rji and waists; slsu j ehorouably experienced oieratrs for Besuty Shop. Apply superintendent's of (its, tf 30 to 10:30 a. m. ; RrmmvOBD CANDY SALESWOMAN. Ap ply aupernteadent a office Monday mornlog Wuife Oo. sTTRflT class lewlng oiarhlns demonatrttnr Ap ply Ut. LlniUle, 7th floor. Lipman-Wolle RlAll. healthy, cheerful. riTlnsT anain nnt over 00, to b enmpankin and helper in eoun ' try home, family of 8 adults; no triflera ofl 1 ansver mi. in rignt party win ne treated right and wage will be right. Ma. Ediauud ltu dulph, R. 8. Pi. 122. Sherwood, Or. iAl.E5VOrMfiN wanted under2"8aTonoei 10 women to work in the city with tiie best aelllng hmuehold utilities known; the only thing ef It kind on the market and a wonderful selling proposition. Call in parson. Bearer E lectrlo Co. IM Grand a ve. WANTED ;irl for generaT housework" and to asitliit old lady; wages 110 per week; no wash ing; time off; age 20 to 40; easy place for good aprl Residence 1178 E. Main. Phone Tabor 40e A. CAPABLB advertising repraeentatlvea en flno class propotltion; experience necessary. Me rarland. 817 Usury bldg. CHILDREN of working mothers cared for and given three meJ daily (ezoept Puiidsj) at Portland Day Nursery, 404 Madison st Marshall 1723. Prise, 10 cents a day. Ages, to 8 yearn, WAITED Eiperl cnoed opetalrs maid, ' Mr. eon and ColumMa, Broadway and 6th at, Tele- vuune. auwiinaue B.o eo WANTED PANTED iaoi wage for eompetent woman mik in nceiae worx ana care of cniid ; rmaJl family. Phone 8 08-It, evenings, Vancouver, v asn. 'WANTT'.n nirl. V. 1. J , to learn marking and sorting, 2 girls on hand Ironing. Cryital Laundry. B. Jlst and Sandy blvd..-R. & oar. WOMAV rut irl ttf . " "ti v. " - " iui liailb house work lu plain home, 3 In family. Must aoie u eooa: gooa some lor right party. flOB Hawthorne. Eut 7707. " iiuiiw. UllUUlC'B woman, who wuU food tion more than wufw to look after hu and car for 2 children whlla art faa las ! V, ( a 1 c. spa w . w.i m hi uwyiuii. s wournai. ViYTriDSSood hoiuekeeoer. famiW nf a nl.ln cooking, good home: C. 8. preferred. 1078 Cleveland are., take Wms. ev. car, got off at wlNTEtV Fire bright, capable ladles to IravJ demonstrate and sell dlrs; 38 if $n6 per w railroad fare paid. Write at once. jjl T O. lept 825, Omaha. Neb, OFKICE woman and stonographer. Willing pny salary and giv interest in good paying hicb gdaaa bualnesa. Must have of fine axperienee and seat the pubUct A-gflB, Journal. WANTED - Woman fer general housework, family 4 4'ta; X" TuQulre 8S2 E. lgtb at. KT Phone East 8804. WANTED Woman girl to do cooking and help with hoiisework, good wages end small fatuay, .Wnte Mrs. L. W. Walker, The Dalles. 'tr, rw g. i. a. ' WANTED Elderly lady for light housework" oouple employad' during day. 371 E. 44th sywner Harrison. WANED iiuosekeeper: no obTec'flon to one child; good home. F. It Roberts. 47 w. rrkJ at fcXPERIENCKD bookkeeier and stemraphev wanted; state age, esperience and grre refer- aem. Permanent position. A-H76 Journal. VANTED Good" vmietent woman for general housework, good wees. Apply 660 B. Modi- era . mjmm t vav. A' ANT ED Clerk for poatofflca sod store in emau eowiiry un; giv lull lnlorma tioa in first letter. Fred IL Andru. Klkton. Or. t.AW li-l 't- -- --r- : r-. T, i vuviv iny coiupeieni. not over 4 0 years . ai ag: no oiner won ; good wages, refer ear.. Mr ttoekey. stain lOU. WANTED A girl or woman, for general house, work; no rooking; - good wagee. Apily 131 a-auamgiosi i ouri- " WAN TAP Flratrrleae gaaker and trimmers for ent-of-tawa and city poaitlona. Apply tmni- cTlately Muller A IttH Co.. Reyal Mdg. WANTED A girl for general housenork; good B ; " ' " ' norae. Tin pvenos w. rnone ado-gr WANTED Woanaa or girl for raneral hone. . ..-u cn ae A mnA 1 phm. awn utaas 3T0TJNO womaa to help in borne for room a! beard, also ooma wage. H-8. Journal. JfA N'TElS-Cook ' o'""aarUel76ws." " H- dowrnai. IvAKTr.D t.vKerleneed altamberuald. Hotel T i A AA iL WWtfAHq,, tm m yia. Biod hrmM tn rrtnrn UWA . ,i -n.; i a. K tOg - . dk, l a. afT gswyy t WTss. J'"r 'lrs rt'trr tr Yf . sIRI." f. ' general houaewrk.. Wellwood 1478! -; BSLl WA5TED M AL AND FEMALE llOLkft RAR&CR COLLEGat' Fare ptai wblie ssamingj civea you so at (!: feeitieu secured. Writa lot . aatalcna, -; 84 U. Cat hM t04A149 IHL HKP WABTD MISC. HELP WAJTTKD-MALB AND FEMALE It MEN. WOilKN, learn brbr trade; wase while learning, position gusranteea. ta wr. t inir experience. Oregon Bsrber College. 288 MidUoo. PORTLAND Bsrber , eotlec pays you wEBe learning gles you Ml e. tool free; aeeiuoa secured, it N. Sd at. WANTED AOENTB fcVEHT HOME ON FARM, IN SMALL TOWN or Suburb needs and trill boy th wonderful Aladdin Coavr Oil Mantle Lamp. Five times aa bright aa electric. Tented and recommended br government and Wding universities. Awarded Gold Medal One farmer cleared over 300 ia tit week. Hnndrade with rt or aotsa aamina' 1 100 to $300 par tnonth. kio nparienea naaded. Eirallettt fptra tin and avanlBf taller. NO fAHITAL HBQfJIRED. Writ flnlc tot dla tribotor'a propitkn end lamp for fro trial. MANTLE LAMP CO.. 10 Aladdin Bldg., Portland. Or. rSOO MONTHLY aelUns new patent fuel ra- poriaer, giurantaed to cava up to 80 per ocat gaariUne; 40 mile per gullou made with Ford. Hold on money hapk cuarevnteo. One aample free. StranakT VaporiMr Co., Fuekwaaa, - 8. Dak, I(TENT8 Wonderful taller. Sfl profit arery dollar aala. Ijoenae unnereiuarT. No stock to carrr. Sample free- fiainn Roiwbead Co.. 2819 W. Pico. Lot Angalet, CaL AGKNTB MA KINC."$200WEEKL"T Krerrore wante ft Kormulaa for 20O horn made bev araVoa, book furm. Send 1 1 for copy and ter ritory pronnaltion. Bnyer' Export Agency, Ine , f47 Bionme t. few York. W. W. SPARK PROTECTORS keap plugs from foaling; perfect spark aJwaya; ell on aieht; big profltn. Hample. 25o. Ballard-guteliffa Co.. SS7 Turk nt.. Ban Franclaco, Cal. AGENTS eoimrjg-money aalling Bruuela Fibre Pruomf. Oittlwt ix corn broom. Retail ft. 76. HampUf. postpaid. $1.05. Also Sani tary Brushes. Cramer Sale Co.. DeiiTer, Colo. GAR FIRE in any coal atere from keroaene. f'baap and eeonomiral. AgenU coin moner. WHte now. Wonder Burner Mfg. Co., Dept. B. Columbua, Ohio. Vjfl 110 WORTH Soap. Perfumea. ate.. Frea. Iwiiu Co.. Oept. 401, St. Loui. Mo. i ALE SM EIT WAXTEP bS TWO honest. Intelligent, ambitioiu aaleames. wlio would appreriate a genuine opportunity. Ime income. fclnating bnsinem, rapid pro motion to right men. Call after 10 a. m.. 1109 Byanlding bidg. Mr. Fo. SAI F.HMrfN can mike f 3 a day selling our cal endars, fan, pencilt, blotters, tlgna and fly nwatteni. Liberal terms ; tell entire year; fine RMflinen; local and traveling ntnri-. Model Calendar Co.. Dept. 8. South Bend, Ind. SITUATIONS MALE 407 EXETtYICE men st your oommsnd. Phone Captain Conville. at Liberty temple. Main 818. Laborers 110, farmers IB. truck drivers 41, boiler makers 4. boTier maker' helpers 8. elec tricians 14, electricians' helpers 10, gas engi neer 8. steam engineers 6, civil engineer 1, rod and levelmen 2, transit men 1, bookkeepers 4. accountant 2, general office men 26. time keepers 5. h1pp1ng clerks 8. draftsmen 2. typ ists 8. machinist 11. machinists' helpers 12, auto mechanics 28. mechanics helpers 6, stock clerks 6. plumbers 2. plumbers' helpers 2. psint ers 9, monMer J, ihtp fitters 2. steam fitter 8, grocery clerks 7. merchandise clerks 0, hotel rlerk 2. hardware clerks 3. drug clerks 2, brake men fi. w1tchmen 1, R. R. firemen 8, station ary firemen 15. carpenters 12. millwrights 1, structural ironworker 1, sheet metal worker 2, plasterers 8. blsckinith' helpers 2. salesmen 20, warehousemen 3. butcher 1, lumbermUl men IB, lumber woodsmen 1ft, hoisting engineers 3, sd vcrtising salesmen 3, cooks 7. kitchen helpers 0, glass bTlers 1, janitors 1, watchmen 1. laundry men 2. bakers 3, car Inspector 1, storage bat tery men 1. acetylene burners 1 rulcanUlng men 1 , teamster 1 . hnnr.btnder 1, furniture finisher 1, shoe repair man 1. TOi'N't; mrri,'d man. 24. good at fiirures, typist with fair knowledge of Spanish, wishes priHrn In esiKrt dept. rr general ofeice of reliable concern whTe advancement ill be made according to ability shown; references fur viblifld. A-8H8. Journal; MAN witli small family wants position on ummr home estate or acreage near city. Can furnish security if desired. 8-72, Jour nal MIPPLEAfJlCD man, relisltlo. agreeable, wants work that wi!l nt reauire lilm to work in ruin. Moderate waffes. Address Cliarloc Innsrd. Quiml'r hotel. Portland. EX PFrTlWrTObookkeeper, elcWlv. ' withbeTt testinionisN as to chsrkcter and ability, would give efficient service for small salary. T-4 84. Journal. 'nX"rEinENCEDM?icems.n has 8 or hr.' -per day. can devote to additional work; pub lic accounting or income tag office work pro ferred. A-874, Jounul. A COOP, .experienced middle aged man wants janitor job. Mr. O. Lnciano. Thone Tabor 2J74. TOI NO mirried man deires poslHonat type writing; has used dtrtngrsph. 116 S. Decatur st.. Room fl. EXTSOLDIER woulTTike a llKhrioDfniny kind or miit'lrf some kind of work. T. F. O Brieji. 870 East Main st WANTFP Position at manager of retail hard wsre and tniplement store; will be resdy to gn snvwh.re sft-r March 15. X-478. Journal. EXPTTKNtEP janitor or watchman wanti work ; good referenooa. A-H04. Journal. lCXI'LItT carpenter wnrV and repairing at mod erate prices. Call Tshor 1027. MAN will clesn yrd. take out trees and trim shrubbery. Main B.T31 SHINC.r.KnS -When you WanT reelTngllnT"aone, jcail Woodlawn 6208. HAI'LING con tract wanted, suitable for 2-ton truck. Scllwood 312". SinNCLFRS'-WrrRN YOTf-NEED A SHlTffJ- I.ER PI10XE WOODLAWN 3I. PAINTING. tinting and rpalri"n Ood work, reasonable. Bell. 1B00. EXCAVATING and plowing. Sellwood 2088. SITUATIONS FEMALE MIDOUDAGEO woman who fs a good eom panii n dwlreK such a position wHh old per son, or housekeeping for working couple. Ref erence. T-4 88, Journal WOMAN oF pleasing personality withes posi tlon ae manafr-r of high ciaa apartment hmw. Msln 376T. WrTMAN Good cook, wants to work for men, ranch or camp, where grown son can hare employment. A-870, Journal WTDOW, with a daughter, would like place as housekeeper for v.idower In ctty. 6038 83d st H. E.. Mt Scott car. A GOOD position wanted by a capable young lady without office experience. A-880. Journal. HIGH school girl would like pUce carina for i . : ' .1 o.. t . : ...it . : i . v uiiu i ni oacuiuays; give lull parucutar. M. - 878, Journal VOt'NQ GIKI. attending trade aohool wtsbe home in private family where there are no er.iinreD. Mar. 4i7. like work caring for children or candy work after school. X-487. Journal. GOING in Frisco Tuck., want -to reduce e- lienses.. Neva Andell. X. W. C. A. LACE and scrim curtains. handiaundered work, guaranteed. Call either phnns 219-23. nrtF.SSMAKINO 46 ALTERATIONS, refit Ung and maklna of ladles' garments, reasontble prices; work gutainteed. J. Reqbin. Ledte' Tsilor. 408 Tah V Tne bid. HIGH CLASS drestnking. .atrett dreeeea. etc. ; make your old suit into a dress; reasonable rates. Mrs. Kelly. East 7807. DRESSMAKING Expert woTkmanahlpT rates reasonable. The Cabinet Cleaners end Dyers, 424 Morrison, nesr 11th. Main 1835. FCKMSHETt ROOMS CTEAN7! comfortable housekeeping apt. of 3 rooms; also 2 sleeping moms; walking dis tance. 310 Main at Mar. 1185. $.7"5 and 31.00 per day: $lo6 per week up. lean, comiortaoie. Hotel Cadillac, 3rd t near Jefferson. (ICELY furnished rooms for rent ba!ui. fur- nace, neat; reasonaoie. 100 o, 2 1st st ONE and 2 furnished rooms for light house- seeptng. 20 liast 7 tn st p. AlODERN rooma, T2750 per week. Uli Grand avenue. East 438. FOlfn room partly furnished fUt 674 Mis- tissippi ave. Cleapteonven1ent Adults. IOR RENT rSirnlshed rooms. S3l6t"aC oov. i ley u FTJBN18HED BOOMS PBIYATE FAMILY It WORKTNG man and wits, no children,' 8 partly furnished "roomf, gas, electricity, water fur nished; rent 330 i wife can earn part of rent by cooking dinner for couple: also other work; on canine. w uonncii crest drive. FOR RENT A pleasant front bedroom, suit able for two; walking distance. 225 K. Broad way, CLEAN, beautifully finished room la privahi ot.. connbeting bath, firtt-elaaa apt turnao; gentleman preferred; reference. Main 6816. FOR BENT NewTiTfumuied rooma. f"gvnt man. iuj furnace heat and tclerhooe. reaaoBable liking distance. Main 301S. rates, walk1 KRGE froat roomT furnaae beat. ' hot asiS eoiu waier in room, walking distance; two gBHwmen preTfrrru. East 8628 11' RELHCRST -Pkumnt room wftji aleea.tag YIPrY 1 M rvavv T.s OTt rrRTflSH:D room, modern. 440 E. kiy. ror. itn. rxs sos, TWO nice roomsfor"gntlemeBlnprirlat nw asiiwHiB ciup. ataia 4iit ... KOOM8 A JUJ BOABD AJUYATE r Mja lLi 'Ft CBAATB L me , will UarJ W urn Li bfldM t tkar ham. Xahag 7o. BOOKS ASTJ BOARD EBJTATE FAMILY 79 SSriNCD, prleata ho dm tor two or tbra youni eauJdmi or ha bias; c barge rtauonahki; rafer tnce giren. Mr, g. K. Andrrw. 437 E. 8th t- 8. Take 6ilwoed car. get off at Sharmaa at. Call aftee 4 o'doek Sunday or an tuata attar. ONE tdoa front room and board ia private family, beat, tight, hot and cold water, pbone, ffaat iaratory, hoaa piiTilegea, reaaonabie, cloaa in. pau. lUBt. . - - aTtONTf rooaa. awivata horn. aU oBTenMncea, eaat aid. , with or withoat board, caoaa to. East 24. tWO " alaapinc funiaoo haat aad bath: la BrirtutMi r&lk : hflftnf If dMirad.: MntletmeA- zm aiartuu to., opp. Muitaomaa ems. BOOal and bolrd for yoona aaaa'' etudaat pra- ferred : homo piirilagea. 428 Mill at. Phoao IX r. 2010, WARM room for one or two; comfortabU, hotoa oookiag. 881 H Montgomery at CHlfSfRElTTo board and car far. WoodUva 728. KOOM and board for 2 gentU; FboM Eaat 8126. BOARD, with or without room, la prirtU borne, net Broadway bridge. Eaat 4401. YYAWTED ROOMS AKP BOARD t YOL'NO man want board and room in con genial family where there is plans and yoong folk- Walking diatance. West Side. CaU Sunday morning, to 11. Main 1158, Room 22. MIDDLEAGED ootxpl want plain board re sonably. Will aharo autitmotaiie. Main 6470. HOME lor 12-year-old boy, on farm near Port land or in Portland where be can work for board and attend school. A-803, Jon real. WANTED Board and room near Portland HeUrlita ear line, by young lady employed. Ad dress F-77, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UITFCBNISHE'D TWO large dean well fumUhed H. K. room. auttabie lor a or 4 ; eon id be divided into 2 light H. K. rooms; in walking diatance of center of city. 68 North 20th. near WaahingtOB at. FOR KENT 1 large, airy, well furnished front room, meals U desired, with home privilege, suitable for 2, close In. Phone East 8681 before 8:30 a. m. or after 4 p. m. Buq. ITO PER-MONTHS clean, furnished house keeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, laundry, yard. Phone East 8089. 408 Vancou ver are. 14.50 PER WEEK Completely furnished house keeping suites, every convenience, abaolutaly clean, eav car fare. The Cadillac, Srd at. near Jefferson. WELL furnished housekeeping room cheap; free light, water and phono. 228 Vi Pine st. Phone Broadway 8794. TWO furnished- housekeeping room. 810 month; half block Hawthorne car; adults. 291 E. 49th st 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, loiht, telephgne aud gaa. Phone Tabor 0078. 10S8 E. Taylor et FCRN ISHED bedroom and sitting room, with kitchen privilege for 2 girls, employed; very reasonable. 1224 E. Salmon st, TWO furnished' housekeeping rooms, everything free; big yard, no objections to children: 124 month. 416 4 th at. ONE liaht housekeeping or sleeping room, 88, including gas, lights. 328 Hall, near 6th. TWO nice rooms with kitchen if desired. 40i Clay t. fllREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 280 Chapman. Main 8898. BACHELORS' nice clean single II. E room. 84. 28S E. Morrison st TWO room suite, with private bath, unfurnished. 31 8. Tab. 7308; NICE light 1LK rooms, private entrance. 314 3d st Phone Msr. 695. Tt'RMSrTBD "and unfurnished housekeeping roomi. cheap. 166 N. 10th st FUBS1SHED AND TJNFTJBNISHED PRIYATE FAMILY 78 ENCLOSED sleeping porch with heater; beauti f ill view; walking distance ; reasonable. Sell wood 125 THREE furnished hausekeeplng rooms, including light, heat, fuel and bath; adulta; 1 block W B. Phone fVtU. 1O00. W48 Haig. ROOMS lame enough for two, with use of kitchen or gas plate In room. CaU at 430 1 2th st 2 l-ARGEl well fnmtshed h. k. rooms; clean and convenient: stiitahle for three -or four. 68 N. 20th st. near Wash, st TWO large air)' rooms, nicely furnished, every convenience, walking distance. 484 E. Oak at. bet Hth and 9th. TWO extra large housekeeping rooms, clean. Hurt, sunny, walking distance. West Side. 876 14th. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, large and clean, walking distance, gas range, heat, light, phone and water, for 25. East 7279. 3 NICELY FVRVisttED house eplngj also s!r;tng rooms, furnace heat, near 2 ' cariinea. 518 83. FRONT furnished H. It. room: elTconr enlace: close in. Adult. Kaat 324. FCRNIRHEO housekeeping 41)2 Market, near 14th. or rent LADD addition, pleasant rooms, well furnihe3" tplepdjd location. 618 Elliott ave. Sell. 8388. 120 HA LP cottage, furnished, separate en trance, west side, close in. Tabor 1114. LA HGE. pleasant h. k. rooms: nice yard; bath. pnone; ana .i es. bnt 1st G-NE small room, sultsble for one light house keeper 2.80 per week.Mar44026. WANT A late model Ford roadster-first class shape, cash. B 495, Journal. FOt'R furnished rooms 753 Miohigen ave., between Beech and Fremont rta. , TWO furnbhed light housekeeping rooms for rent, near Penninsnlar ave. Woodlawn 4837. TWO housekeeping rooms, 1 sleeping room; no cmiaren. fitane tst eeatf. NICELY furnished 2 -room suite, bath, eta.. $18. 4-.)u uiay st NICELY furnished 1 end- rooms, bousekeepinr. t.u. znu sariet KEXlr'2-room housekeeping ault. oloa in. rary reasonaoie- jexierson. FOB RENT HOUSES CNFUBNISHED METER A FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, up to date lists of desirable vacant house, apartments and flats with definite infor mation pertaining to etch. Newcomers to Portland wfl find this bureau of neat value in beloina thaae cat nraocrlv and quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR MR. AND MRS. HOCSEHTJWeS Houses r verv scarce, but mm sn hut.. a lew housei sotted pearly every day. ERi- LARGEST LIST IN CITY We aire a epedal service to tenu owner that pus us in a position to get th majority Of in gooa ones orterea I0T rent SEE THE YELLOW WON SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE FOR REVF A dandy 5 -room modern bunm.- law. 61 B. 84th N. Fruit, 12 lots, chicken parka, small milk route, barn and green feed if wanted- TliRKK eitra Urge rooms. $15; will furnish for $23. - Garden. Apply corner 89th and VS. .Stark. Mt Tabor car to cad. four block north, one east GOOD 8 room house, not modern, gat and electricity. $9.60 inelutline elactMcltv. Phn. vra T : W t e u -ROOM house and lots. 13 fruit trees, rent e.a per uiuoui. a Dioccs irom at. v. car WS1IU. VLSI O-ROOH cottage, cood condition, tai 2dT Phone Broadway 4439. Key at 746 Vaughn si. . near a .sa. MODERN 5-rootn house- $28; oouple without nhllrlisvn' An hlswW twin .f. c- , . '-! ' " ..vu. . . OUUJUk U DDU ear. 6022 60th ave., 8. E. $3.30 MONTH -2-room shack, wood boose, chicken park, H acre. Mt Scott one. Vim n.'n. ' BOIU VHP . VVain. .till. FOR RENT Unfurnished, xaod.rn, 7 room house, half block from carline, $88 per month. 611 Carlton are., take Sellwood ear. WHEN TOO MoVE tsUit nfmr ' WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVIGH 1 0th tad WasMngtow. Broadway 68. I WILL, rent my home for summer to reapon sibla couple; bswn and garden prtriteae; piano. Call Monday 1130 Hawthorne, nr. S8th FOR BENT S-irjota house, lnauire 897 H rourui sv. SIX BOOM modern house, east aide. Alberta St. i .iuiis. r ih.pi wma esQZ, 1-ROOM house and tent for rent Wdln. 686. BOUSES FOB. BENT FUBJilTCBB FOB SALE M A atODETOTTl-room rwrntshesl heuse for rwnti minutee walk froea postoffiee; on west aide; want to sell th furniture, - $54 Mttllsoa. Irr ington ear. FURNISHED HOUSES 4 "l(K)Maou. eompleUly furnished; rmeo. sil ver and pisno; also gas far aooking, (35. 441 N. 22d st Broadway 4100. rOIl RENT T rowm" partly furnished at un fqmished awe. lnauire too Graham ava. TEXT koOM. partly fumishvd. us of O fH. U .17 lit! Hr.E-KouJ funtUed siiaok. 411. LdoIuI iu wAiag. tabag I alt SS - SCENIC LODGK COTTAGES" 824 Heights Terrace. Summer It near. Make your reservation. Fine view camping sit in heart of city; 20 minute' walk. Hail st ear to 13th. two blocks west Cheap rent Don't miss it ON HElGHTs7Waet Side.' 2 blocks from car, furnished house, fine vhrw, iarre porch, 4 rooms, sleeping porch, bath and lavatory, fire place, piano, electric washing machine. Will giv laeae for 1 year from March 1. Telephone agaranau Xi9 S ROOMS, furniture for aala. Swell homo. Rooms bring in $100 per month. Three Urge rooms for self. Nice and clean. This will not last long. Act aui. 088 Eaat Salmon, corner 2Qth. COMPLETELY famished bungalow, with yard in front 28th and Haig sta.. W W earlinev Phone WoodUwn B58U. FOB BENT, by March-1 . 6 -room, furbished house, west aide, walkiilf iaUnew. 960. Main 4098; AGENTS for outlying districts tor best seller. Territory being taken up rapidly. 601-2 Ma ster bldg. FLATS TO irXFTJBXISHEP II SROTiM flat over . store, 794 H 1st st with bath. In good condition rent 321. C O. Wagner Co., 280 Stark. Main 8150. FOUR-BOOM lower flat, targe yard, on car one; ?zo. 621 Dekum ave. 4-ROOM flat tor rent; electric, gaa and water" 737 E. 22d st South. APARTMENTS FOB BE7TT It THE JEFFERY 2 room furnished Apt. lit", close in. er. of Russell and Kerby eta. bet aasauasjppi ana wuilame ave. jsast love. 8-BOOM apartment modern. 8$H Grand at.. East 433. WALKING distance! 8 large, airy rooms; partly furnished. 628 4th. Main 2874. 2-ROOM and 8 room apu.; gaa. lights, fuel 693 Johnson. 8TOBE8 AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT A store of medium size with fix turaa aad five living rooms: a nice barn and 4 acres of good soil for garden; email stock of groceries for sale at 3118. Owner will be on property all day Sunday. Located in Rock wood. 10 miles east of Portland on the Base Line road. TrouuiaJe car from Montavilla de pot to Hockwood. This Is a dandy business center end pleasant surroundings and home. Rent 325 per month. G. G. Seely, Rockwood, or Tabor 9344. TWO storerooms, 22x70 and 20x48. basements, auitable for shop and retail store business, corner I'nion and- Hawthorne avenues. Kobt S. Coe Jr. Key at 384 H Hawthorne avenue. East 4726. ABE YOU INTERESTED IN STORES f Downtown close in locations. See 1 WHITE Main 6638. WUcox bldg. WANTED TO BENT 8 OR 4-ROOM bungalow, strictly modern, walk ing distance West Side pre'erred. No garage, furoiahed or unfurnished, sale or rent: 8500 down for purchase. $25 per month rental or purchase. Adult; no children; references; 4 years precent apartment C-4 2 9. Journal. RESPONSIBLE business man wants to rent 6 -room strictly modem unfurnished house on paved street with garase if possible, only 2 in family: guaranteed good care. Main 567. Mr. Bender. WE have hundreds of clients desiring to rent. The efficiency of "Th McGuire System" of property management will save you money. FRANK L. McO LIKE. Abtnt-ton bldg. Main 1 068 WILL lease and pay one year's rent In advance on a 6-room. unfurnished house in desirable location Irvjiiirton ptoferred. K. Hall. 712 Gasco bldg. I'hooe Marshall 220. ' WANTED By young couple, four or five room furnished house to rent by Uaich 1 ; will lease. East 2069. IMPROVED acreage near railroad in vicinity of PortUnd. 8-73. Journal 2 OH 8 houM-keepinc rooms, with private bath, close in. Pbone Woodlawn 3160. ; KKAL KSTATT? BEACH PKOPEKTT 43 FOR RALE Apt. hone at beach, about 20 per cent on investment. N-4SO. Journal. BUSINESS PROPERTY NEWBERG corner store building. 37x50. 6 ri-onis aboTe, lot 50x110; good location for hardware, hotel or garage; liartain 33uOO. Own er, oos aiuwauftie. i-ir. FINC hu.iruuci comer for tale or, luase; over lOOtlHO. A-009. Journal. FOR SALF. HOUSES ,Hl'.fi is a splendid buy in a large comer lot 6500 square feot with two 10-niom houfas. This is cloe in West hide property and some day soon nll be in the center of business. Almoet there now. Will take t block in some good district as part payment This lot alone w appraised at S 1 "," without the buildings.. Our pr.ee vrith hulldir.gs $14,500. TgOS. VIGAKS CO. 270 STARK ST Main 80S2. Tabor 7S1 ' BIG KNAP FOR CASH Will sell my home, ealy worth 81900 or $2000. for $1.r.00 cash. j ro-.tns, bath, pantry, full sire basement, concrete fidcwa'.k and Mcjis: 2 large Royal Anne cherry trees; interior deco ration new; location close in, 15 minutes from 3d and Morrison; 1H blks. from Hrooklyn car, 3 from rlellwood line. V, ill wcrifice because, of opportunity of good business inTestmont Phone Sellwood 150. SELLVVOOD REAL BARGAIN'S SELlTlvOOP 326000 rooms modern, paed street; $750 cash, balance $10 monthly. $2500 5 room . bungalow, lull basement; $500 cash, balance easy. 6. $1400 5 room, sealed, paved street; 8300 ca&h, 320 monthly, 6. Investigate these homes, and you will save money. Phone Selhvood 2706. WHY PAY RENT7 8100 down, $15 monthly buys this 1 H -story 8-voom house, located on Foster road and 6 2d St., right on the car line, right on macadamized road; house is plastered and has patent toilet; is roughed In for the installation of bath; good woodshed and garage. Price 31800. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Cham. of Com. Hawthorne District $500 YOUll LAST CHANCE 3500 6 room bungalow including breakfast room, fireplace, furnsce, hardwood floors, cement base ment, street" improvements paid; newly tinted. ONLY 83500 Main 0012 or 820-00 Evenings WALKING distance Hollsday addition, 6 room 2 story home, f mm owner; $3050; terms; ail modem conveniences, hardwood floor, wash able walls, enamel woodwork, furnace, new plumbing, electrical fixtures linoleum and shades; built-in cupboard, lot 28x65; ready to move into; clean and convenient; open for inspection. 327 Wasco st near Williams ave. Redlinger, East 6786. WEST SIDE INVESTMENT Will pay better than 8 per cent net 12 room house, basement, ' furnace, 2 fireplaces, cor ner lot 60x106, garsee, about 15 minutes' walk from uptown postoffiee. Price 86000; Tortus. See E. At. Brown with N EI LAN A PARRHILL. 210 Lumbermen bldg. 5th and Stark eta. ONE acre; 10 minute' walk from car; fine large house with full cement baseraent electricity and gaa in; chicken house, chicken park, large oui.oing ior gang; 2 3 peering truit and wal nut trees, grape and all kinds of berries. Just tne place to beat old U. C. I Owner must sac rifice at 33250 with terms. Tabor 8516. LADDS ADDITION HOME GARAGE Modem 7 nxau. and rncu. hall, hardwood floors, masalTo fireplace, furnace, full cement cssemeni. a targe oearooma. ostn and toilet op., extra toilet first floor: all st. imp. in and paid. paved alley; garage. Price $5750, terms. 009. j Aud ave. Jbest A BRIGHT. St'NNT HOME 8420(5 Fin l.u.b , I ,o .n.,lnw 1 . .... . . , . . J .......w, . rvuinB and reejeption hail; 3 bedrooms, paneled dining room, large iou iu. i.rant st near B4ta. Open Sunday 2 to 4. Miss Slocomb. Main 4246. . w . , uw &t. Tvciung'u 151?!; it Tiin i v . ",-. iv.u m 9, new a mom -.-uwiMi"n., nniveu i Aa ana juesi oiarK. L . . m A e OO tTt A.nnA . ri.T tsoou. lerms iuuu case. 300 per iooT em ior appointment 3 YEARS' experienoe in home buildina and la pleasing the home owner. Have a splendid plan. Come and see me or call Main 8053 or savor iDtsi, urrioe 270 mark St,. THOS. VIGARS CO., 270 STARK ST 7 ROOM strictly modern; fireplace, steam beat hardwood floors, full basement; on 87th at; 50x100 lot 34750; 8760 cash, bat terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St Main 8429. "OR SALE by owner rrom tonsw- ftili ViaaAta-- . ' . Z ' 'Will UXTUItm. IUAA ioo- imrTOvemertte in and paid, price $3000: term. Beilwood 580 3 FOR SAIJC" fii 1,1.. " ' ' . . ?500A 850 C'V balance 316 Per month. eT ' "Arro -VUWlATwira WHO. 4t ania VOril)y I HAVE SfiO to . . s a a iv "d ,,2 91 125 "-0" wwoarJ FROM OWNER"-" a room modern bouse, all on ooe floor I fine oeruer. good diet 1229 Montana are. an U,i ronfns and bath; tot in . ,if '.""i carrwH.. and stoves : builtins. ROOM house, kit 5 Oil 00 n.r ,lJ. ear and lri. 8 room house with fire- im oi.iiHo rnone CoL 07 WNTKn--naB for general housework. CaU IrULr'mSr" wrwneota with flre- TIXLB tnsnranea avemlnatea ea axusa vaw IU aa. FCBiriSHED Horses BEAL E8TATK FOB 8ALE-UOCSE8 61 A COCNTRY HOME IN THE CITI 4000 Lot 160x200. eloae In oa East 3 2d street: one of the beet built houses ia the city: 8 room, reception halL living- room, fireplace, paneled diuing room, large kitchen, bath, white enameled plumbing, 2 bedrooms on ftest floor aud three on second, full basement;, you could net bulM Uiit house for lest than tU00. This ts a wonderful trny at 84084, asd we caa arrange term" to suit you. HAWTHORNE BCNQAL0W 88S06 On, Stephens street near 39th at. we have for sale a very attractive S room bungalow, re ception hall, tiring room, dining room, with built in buffet, large kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath room., good basement, laundry trays, street im provements .paid. ALAMEDA FARC ' S5600 New 6 room bungalow, reception haQ, large living' room, with fireplace, dining room, with built-in buffet hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, bathroom, white enameled plumbing. 3 beautiful bedrooms, cement basement furnace, laundry trays and garage; street improTemcuta all In and paid. Tula as aa exceptionally good buy. 42D STREET HOME 33230 An unusually well built house, reception hall. Bring ' room, paneled dining room, with beamed ceiling, large Dutch kitchen. 1 bedroom en first floor. 8 bedrooms on second, 2 trunk rooms, full cement basement, !- block from carline. bouse vacant;" you can move in today if you like. 1750 will handle. MONTAVILLA BUNGALOW 82000 Attractive 4 room bungalow, large attie that yon can easily make two additional rooma with out much expense, full lot 1 block from Mt Tabor, car; 3450 cash, balajic $25 per month. MT. SCOTT BUNGALOW 92730 "Very attractive . 5 room bungalow,, reception hall living room, dining room, with built ;n buffet, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath, full basement lot 50x100, lota of fruit This is an unusually good buy, owner leaving city and can give immediate possession. Sea E. U. PADDEN, Sales Manager. MetzgerParker- Fergi :uson Co. GROUND FIAKR. 302 OAK STREET. BROADWAY 3644 FORMERLY STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO. Gantenbeln Avenue Only 6 blocks from Jefferson high school ; 3 blocks to grammar school: oar line within 3 blocks; fine cement , floor on full basement; hard paving; tlx rooms aud bath; house in excellent oondition. Price 88700; 81000 down, halance to suit Office opeo all day Sunday. J. F. Hill 666 WILLIAMS AVE.. - Phone East 268. PYRAMID LAND CO. 603-4 TiUa A Trust bide ' Main 8232. If you are looking for a good borne, see us. We have many good buys. Here sr g few. 11800 ALBERTA DISTRICT Good modern 4 -room bungalow. Just built last, suunner: large living room and dining room and kitchen, 2 bedrooms, pantry, bath, gaa and electricity. Dandy lot with plenty of fruit Good lecation. 8600 cash will handle $2500 ALBERT A DISTRICT Good room modern bungalow on 25th at. some fruit, on 7th at. in Lincoln I'ark; some terra. T 82850 UPPER ALBINA Dandy large 6-room bungalow, newly painted and tinted on inside, wash trays, Dutch kitchen, vhitM enamel plumbing. This is a good buy. elOOO cash will handle. HERE'S TOUR CHANCE TWO MODERN HOUSES WEST SIDE I have a lot 80x100 wfth two rooflern hoh on it located on west. side. 35.1- a:."i Lincoln st within 10 minutes walk ing distance from center of ctty: no strc-t car fares to pay. It would cast you th price asked alone to build the two houses today. You can live in one house and the rent from the other houre would practically pay the Interest on the total Investment Price $6750; term. Kof sale by owner. Phone Lait 2777. Ivy St, Bungalow' Clsssy little 5 room bungalow on Ivy street, near Union avenue; good plumbine, cement floor In basement' electric lights; lot 60x100, streel im ITotemeaU paid. Price $3400; terms. J. F. Hill- 96 WILLIAMS AVE.. Phone East 263. DISTRICT COLONIAL BUNOALOW CORNER LOT Ttrsnd nw PI-........ ,.,., t. 1. book(.-es, gtractira buffet, white 'enameled Dutch mo i. en. oozy oreajrtasx room, cement basement, living room and dining room Us finished in old Tory ciiu issuiy ueconteu vntn tapestry paper. liinine nvmi hmm net. r..h Aam lu .1 , - M side porch; street impmvomenu all in aad paid; 41st and Lincoln Prico 84600; terms. Phone Owner, Tabor 8703. $1000 DOWN AND 850 PER MONTH BITS A REAL HOME Ixicated on the corner of SSd and East Stark Is a new semi-bungalow; built of the beat materia, double construction and modern to the minute. Full cement baeement with - garage. Large living, room, fireplace, dining room, hard wood floors tn both. A kitchen to please sny woman: bathroom and bedroem on 1st floor: s : ... 1 I . n. m.. ... - iiuisueu neurnoms ia iioor. ine lull price is only 84500. with above terms. Will be open for inspection today from 2 to 5 p. m. HacINNES & PRATT Main 8808 Weekdays. Tabor 8619 Snnday. AM Just finishing new modern little home on 58th rt. near Beach. 2 blocks from Hose City car line, that I wiH sellf for 8P.500 on terms within reason : there Is no mortgage to assume and you can move In within two weeks. This kind of a propositi cm Is rare in houses J. J. Abinelon. bldg. Sot open Sundays or evenings. ) PORTLAND HEIGHTS SPECIAL BARGAIN 0 rooms, well built home, 8 or 4 $10,000 homes within a Mock. Note what I say about this. home. Full cement basement, laundry trays. 3 rooms on the first floor. 3 on the second, splendid bath mom, good plumbing, very large closets with windows. 4 blocks to car- tine. . This hotna is located oa one of Portland's fine drives knows as the upper drive: now this is tne best part of it only 82600. terms. THOS. VIGARS CO., 270 STARK ST. Main 3032. Tabor 7681. ROSE CITY PARK 5 Rooma and Breakfast Nook 84760. Folks, here is your opportunity to get a real home at a xaoderatoly low price. You never- never would expect to buy a home like this for so low a prion. Exceptionally large living room, extending width of bouse, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kltohen, breakfast nook, cement basement furnaoe. etc Now you want to hnrry. A. O. TKKPE OO. 264 Stark Rt. near 3d. Main 802. Branch Office, goth ami Bandy. IQnen Sunday) DO YOUX" WANT THIS . HOME CHEAP? 6-room house, large porch front aad rear, bath, ' basement cow barn, garagev woodshed, long walk, macadam street, H block front pared' street, 13 assorted fruit treea, lOOtl 00 lot: aU for $3800. $1600 cash, St John ear. 816 B. Charleston st- Cot T94. 8500 WILL HANDLE Snnrtyilde home, 3 rooms and basement plumbing, gag, electric- lights, hard surf red street, sewer: noose newly painted ana turtea. clean arm attractive, rrtce omy iavv, JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 682-639-634 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1767. arNdiinr 2d St. 4 rooms, bwiltia kitehea. electric tight.: tote, gas, bjint; frait trees; earner lot 40X110; liiov; M eeau, wiwe v sVallfc WllUaaes Ara. :,Bw 14)4 . REAL E3TATB FOB SALE HOUSES 1 DEKUM & JORDAN HOUSE BARGAINS Rose City Park A beautiful heme In Sandy boulevard, well built and substantial, with all atestera improvements; 8 rooms and bath; unex celled beating system. Ground carers 1H lota: aperb rose bushes, shrub, vines and trees. . In connection with thie la a ; 8-rooea bungalow, heated from main d welling. This is admirable for a doctor or dentist who prefers having his office adjoining his resi dence. The. bungalow could also be rented at a good figure. Price $10,800, Laurelhurst Only S6000 Full 2"Vnry modern home, only 86 feet from car line. 60x100 foot lot, lawn, and roses: 7 -room house with sleeping foroh. hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement furnaoe. laundry trays, etc $1000 cash will handle. WaverSeigh Heights Only gg 000 5 room modern bungalow, fireplace, bth, toilet, lights, hot and cold water, gag, foil cement basement; hit 50x100 feet; fine fruit and berries: only 50 feet from car line: all improvements la and paid. $780 cash, balance to suit 82500 6-room -house, natb. toilet light, hot and cold water, gas; basement; lot 50x100 feet: chicken house and yard. ' $350 cash, balance to suit Fulton Park $2000 5 room house, lights, water, gas, etc.; large lot 150x40 feet $500 cash, balance to rait Terrace Park $1900 5 rooma. bath, toilet, rights, hot and cold water, gas. full basement, good repair; lot 50x100 feet; 3 blocks to car. $500 cash, balance to suit We have many ether. Let ns show you what you waut DEKUM & JORDAN 823-4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Fourth and Stark streets. Main 2283. Morris Street $2250 NEAR 7TH $2260 $500 down, balance like rent; this will sell balay sure; 8-room cottage; extra large living room: electric lights; close to Alfcina library and Eliot school; bathroom: big lot 30x125, ne.vt to corner; fruit trees, berries and ahnibbery; impruvemeuts all in and paid for; one block from Union ave car line; don't think twice over tiiis buy: bring your check book: to see it is to buy; office open at 8 this morning. J. F. Hill William are. Phone Eaat 268. $31 0$ Down Cluee to Jefferson high and a good crsrauiar achuol, this six room house may be just what you hav been look ing for; lot 50x100, faces Kirby and lies between Fremont and Beech; yes, street improvements are all in. Owner might consider a vacant lot In part paymttnt Office open all day Sun day, i J. F. 606 WILLIAMS AVE., Phone East 288. THE LAST CHANCE . 1 8 -room, large lot. 1 4 -room, 40x100 let 1 5 room. 40x100 lot 1 6-room, 80x120 lot 1 6-room, 40x120 lot. 1 7 room, 80x120 lot All near car on hardsurface or pavement ; elose to schools; terms .$100 to $500. bal ance easy. Tabor 1489, or call at BBSS oetn ave. is. n. Laurelhurst Bungalow A lovely 6 room bungalow with t loo red attic, a; in. oak rtoTAshed floors, plate glass windows. fireplace, all the built-ins, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, hot air furnace, fine garage, paved st ill paid. The living room is nice and large. 16x18. 0BDU, S-OUO casn. oiocss irom "THE LAWRENCE CO. 205 Corbett Bldg Main 6915. ATTRACTIVE 6 -room cottage, with large base ment in a good district, located on a choice 100x100, with cherries, pears, loganberries enough for any family; sidewalk and sewer In and paid: on carline that gives excellent service. Priced tor immediate sale. $2250, $700 cash. baL easy. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 632-633-834 N. W. Bank bids. Main 3787. 32760 6-ROOM house, full lot. paved at and sewers in. ail paid, on Kerby st near Fargo. A bargain; gome terms; $2650. 5 rooms, all on ground floor, paved at. sewers In and paid, full basement on Michigan are. near Failing st $660 cash, bej. like rent A snap. Wilgns D. Smith, 690 Williams ava Phono East 1 ZBs TTi-lME HITTERS AND INVESTORS A good 7 room boose on 2 loto, right on Hawthorne avenue; income property, with 6 good future. See MIt. MAHONKT, COE M'KEfsNA CO. 82 Fourth Ht "Bays 8 rooms end bath with full 60x101) lot; fine cherrise anil ap- Iie trees. This is a rare bargain. Close in and convenient to car. J. A. WICKMAN CO. MAIN 688. 204 Railway Kn-hsnje bldg. Mats 1094. " z : m 5-ROOM bungalow near Piedmont : 50x100 oer. lot. Trees and ruem. House i modern with good or merit basement Price $2500; $600 Vje-ii po..uj 'ty. 1'wit. turn. Deisrce ine rein JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 032 033-684 N.' W. Bank bldg. Main 3737. K YlOOVf BnNGALOW$T250 100x100 on Vs. 48th at and ,2 block from ear: etreet oared and sewers In; owned by non resident and ia a bargain. $750 cash, baiaaoe monthly. e E. M. Brown, with K EI LAN A PAHKHILL, 219 Lambermens bklg. 5th and Stark sta. ATTRACTIVE 2-story modern house and two nice lota, near end of Broadway earrtna for aala at $5500. terms. This is an extra good house and extra good Buy, good condition. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. iTIuO ff-BOOM COTTAGE $1600 " Close ia. on Sellwood carline, hard surface, sewers all In and paid: close te school: $160 down, bsance terms. BMITH-W AGON ER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE FOR SALF; By owner, artist ia 4 rnrrrn" bini- low. rireplaee, gaa. electricity, a enemee, 1 pear, apple treea. blackberries and mapberrtca, fine chicken bouse, $3200; $$09 sash. Mar shall 2894. 11500 $200 DOWN: t rooms, bathroom. floored attio, gas. eieotne lights, water, sink, eupbearda in kifccaSen, iskrlosed back 'porch and front xiorch; 100 feet froea Woodstock ear. Hous newly painted. Call owner, Beflwend 8366 KEW mem modem auee, i corner lot, ee meat etaewau; e lew. Blow caan, e-o pee aaeeith. Have bargains la ether aero tmc. with modern beasea. Taoer 1794. A006 79th at. s. e. i r 286 down, balance terms. Two lot and bungalow, 4 iTts rooma and bat ; vteiBliy- gs. 4 T to aad Ho! gate. Fboaa Tabor tail. 83300 HAWTHORNE bungalow, T mudera, on paved trees, close to car. 94 E. 4t at CLOSE your deal ejutckly' threugrt. Title liawrl .W.SlVi WI SyWS, 4th at,. FOB SAtJ9 Bread alw" 6-mem bn rigs lew la WeoaWtooki avoe m BSw. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES "IT ILaurelhurst 8 rooaa bungalow, with windowed ganger 3 oiiwaa rroan oarune; auveta pavea ana paid; , lot 50x100: hardwood floors; pan eled dining . room; lulls basement; fi re place and furnaoe: g splendidly located, handsomely finished, substantially erected lunso; 3000.- Hawthorne rooaa bungalow; charm trig and ooay out side aad la; self -regulating fumaoe; ftra- platie; leas titan two block Irom car: environment beet; shown at your cce ggiao. Portsmouth Cottage at A rooms, lot 6etll0 feet; 1 Mocks from canine; - seven fruit trees: much room for garden; elose to center at this thriving district; newly painted aad papered; $1500; $350 cash. Hawthorne S room bungalow; pared street; lot 4 Ox 116: sleeping porch! French doors la living room; hardwood floors; fireplace and furnace: 'stationary tubs: built in cab inet: all you eould wish for in a home, upstairs and down; 34 7 SO; terms. Laurelhurst, 8 rooms, ons block from Sandy; paved etreet; 60x100 lot; hardwood floors; fin basement: furnaoe and fireplace; sightly home; good neighborhood; view of Mt Hand; $8380: $1350 ch; balance to- Rose City Park Bungalow, five rooma and den on one floor: below the hill and one block from Sandy: two fireplaces and furnace; all bullt-ins; good basement: aa exceptionally , good buy at 65260. COB A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth St Main 4522. Fargo Street e ' Six room, close in, 2 story houfe; lot 40x110 to 16 foot alley: prune trees, 1 apple and 1 pear tree; shrubs, berries and rose bushes; playhouse for the children : outside sleeping hous t not a porch, but a real shingled house, heavily oreened) ; 3 large rooms and big ball downstairs; fire 'plsoe; built-in chins closet and plate rail in dining room; concrete founda tion and cement floor in basement Price. $2900; $1000 down, bs lance to suit buyer. Office open Sunday. J. F. Hill 608 WILLIAMS AVE.. Phone East 268. Near High School You can buy this modern five room cottage either with or without the furniture; three exceptionally large rooma downstair and two bedrooms upstairs; fine large closets; built-in features in kitchen; full cement base ment; new pipeiess furnace; interior of house very nicely finished. Owner says to sell at once; $500 cash vill handle, and the price is only $3200, which includes the furniture. Photo at office; open all day Sunday. J. F. Hill Ott WILLIAMS AVE., Phone East 268. Roselawn Pretty 4 -room ootlage with bath; $2500; terms to full; small anl; "street Improvements, in; three-quarter basement, why psy rent when you have such a chance to own a home? Photo at office: open all day Sunday. J. F. 96 Williams are. Ill East 2C8. NOW VACANT V A dandy 4 -room bungslow wttb full oement basement wonderful construction; good chicken house; th ground ha 240 feet frontage with 100 feet depth; good woven wire fence s round entire place; plenty of fruit snd berries; deep, rioh soil: located at 3732 E 7 lilt S. E , about 2 blocks south of Powell valley road. A dandy buy at $4000. $300 down, then like rent KASER A RAINFY, 823-6 Oaaco bldg. Marshall 8123. $2200 S22W) St. Johns' Bungalow Jnst a real nice eocy 6-room home, 60x100 lot; fruit and berries, garage. 1 blank off ear. It Is 120 Fox st Get off at Oswego. $2200. 81200 cash. Owner going on farm aad has cut price $500. Go and see this. The Lawrence Co., ZOB Corbett bldg. Main OBin. This practically new modern bunga low will s pjiea I to one wuo appie cletea first class workmanship and material; a rooms sua siuc; naru wood floors, bitiltins, elaborate elec tric fixtures, full cement bsaement waah trays; 60x100 lot, east front terms. J A. WICKMAN CO. MAIN 68$ 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Mala 1094. Open Sunday and evening; $200 WILL HANDLE m.l.. '. tenet arlth a good 4 cottage, water, gas, graded street lawn and trees, good garage, plumbing, chicken boose and bunosed yard. Might eccpt of borsea s first part payment Pnce only $2000; $200 swat eve aseeji fK tXaaK ftMlYith- J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 632-083-034 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 ROSF. CITT 85260 a - u.initin. living room with fire- place and built to bookcases, dining room with built tn but i ex. larf w.m kitcben. reception ball with meet's eloeet. 8 . , i . v. i . rtn bath, furl oement USUI, any vcs.ww. . - -- - basement furnace, garage. 5 bearing fruit trees, pevea street, nee w $5250; terms. LURDDEMANN COMPANY, 13 Chamber of Commerce. Mam 6967. sj. ni tos'tx; r.Tow Car pr.sj .-- Burs Peat 0 room aew pungatow with hardwood floor, Dutch kitch en, furnace, fnll cement. tasnent vsto Trays, iwi vt" - w , vacant, move right in; terms. 1. A WICKMAN CO. MAIN 588. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1094. Open Sunday and evenings. 8-ROOM modern bungalow, full lot' reception hall living axua with built-in bookcaso. solid paneled dining room with beamed Ociting. fire place, bnrltcin china ckwet. white enameled kit chen and bath., 2 bedrooms with ctothes etoeeta, wash trars in basevnent aU newly tlntsst: 3 blks. Montovuia car. 43 E. 8d at Owner win be en premises from 12 to 6 Sunday. Call Mar shall 8T14. apt. IS. evening aitor o ocau, price ggaaoj HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Buys peat nitty o room oungaiow with seraoaed ia porch suitable for sleeping perch ; hardwood floors. furnace, rirepteee, iuii cement vase suent fash trays; 40x100 earner lot near ear; Improvement palA J. A. WICKMAN CO. MAIN 888. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Mala 1094. Open Monday and eevtaags. NEAT 5 -room heawe sod attractive lot" In 8ell wood district tor sal st only $1660, with term. Tula is one of the my best bay ia cheap homes. Rest sacrifice. SAMUEL) DOAK 1202 Northwester Bank bldg. T..nfTJtn7uovi(l,im t room, patent toilet; located on beautiful lot 1001 06. .with aatiw fkr Uwea, avtondid lawn. Ia Boat City Park dtstriot, 1609 easa, baianoa SSaSYf. CEBMAN CO.. 792 Chaoi. ef Qoaa. - 85600 WEaiT SIDE HOME 864 Modern room, il9 bt, Pavier at bet 29th god 80th. 11800 cash, bsl like rent CHAS. RINOLWT CO.. 220 HKNRT BIJWS. FOR SALE By owner. Iiowsa with" 2 btiae . rooms and touev. rtonsw is ptTtvreri nn wired for light Lot 60x100 and a asnttary bam; 91 300, taOO ch. 3f W. Hnmhuldt t PIEDMONT snap, $47$0: Irevaa . room: cotv aer: paved: modern; near Jefferson and Fesnsswla Park: flr-plaoea, rwnsee;- frait j aer toraatJo 311-04. T0U i&S aura a row UUa li you inaUt on - V.!.-. i.....m . t BMfM mM MT. . lllS . IXBlo aa xraat be. a ta aa. , RE ALESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES M A fine bungalow with a corner lot -the bung alow completely furnished. It la modem aad up-to-date kn every particular. It ha hardwood oak floors, fireplace, cement basement." U is ln a fine tecs tioa, praoticaily ia the residence cen ter, oa the ear line, and anty one block from the most beautiful park oa the east aide. It la within walking distance of the Reed college. Tliere are 7 rooms ha this bungalow, and it is rery attractive from outside . appearance ; tlae alirubbery and lawn. The comer rniutnanrls a good iw of the city. The present owner it leaving the state, therefore, everything go; corner lot, bungalow, very finely furnished, for the small sun of $4200. ion must list 83000 cash. ' M. 3. CLOHKSST. ABDsOTON BLDG. . - Oo Alberta street a corner lot tn the center of ths business portion ef Alberta street Thin corner lot is known and, considered as positively the best business corner en the street. With thla corner lot yoe get a good a room snodera bungalow with a full cement basement It Is so situated that you caa turn, the bungalow to fare the Croat street and use the comer for business purpose. Th price is only 85000. Thie means to the purchaser aa independent Income from the business corner $2800 In cash la all you need to take advshtege of. this. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $4750. this bungalow ran not be built today for a leu price Uisn 85500; all right, this bungalow is located on the main artery leading out to another main artery which crosses it. vtx: on Division st. th paved at. and not as far out a 2th st ; practically in th center of the residential district and the best part or It on the et side, clog to Ladd. eudttioo: only 1 block from the carline. It ia a high and sightly location. Now Uus bungalow i a mod ern, up-to-date, nothing to make it mor so ran be suggested; hardwood, floors, full cement -basement and plastered, furnace, three sleeping rooms which are all sleeping porches. Now with th bungalow goes a full lot with garage, nice little garden, some trait trees In full bear, ing, beautiful shrubbery, beautiful lawa, cement sidewalks ail around th house. All improve inrnt msde and paid fer; nothing to aaaume. 84750 pays for everything;, about $8000 rash will put you In possession of the most beautiful auodorn bungalow on Division at, very close In. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. WHAT DO YOU-THINK OF THIS! Ons of the best business comers, 100100 ft. a quarter of a block oa Alberta st. With the quar ter block goes a good 6 room bouse, ail for th prio. Thi property belongs to a no n resident and order It sold for th mere trifle of 35500. Only $8000 cash Is all be asked for, with a long time on the balance. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDO. Only $1600, It must be all cash, buys a 7 room house with a basement, rloss In to the business center on the west side, only 100 feet from the carline. This is aa opportunity to avoid paying rent, and own your own liome and be to walking distance of the business center. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $1600 fef good room house with 100x100 ft. of ground, on E. l.l at. N..This Li located in the industrial diatrict. and for th workingman it provide a good home with lol of garden room for a low pnr; G00 in cask will handle it. M. i. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $4606. oa E. Ooueh St.. not sny further out than 8dlb st. ta a good modem 7 room bouse; hardwood oak floors, a full ce ment basement, furnace and an elegant sleejiing porch. Thi i prcticlly at the entrance to laurelhurst. Th price 1 live cheapest thing about it $1000 cash will handle it. U. 4. CLOUESSX. ABINUION BLDG. Only $2600, on the west tide, nlosc In on Hamilton ave. . a corner lot with a good 8 room house, including a fin tami .it. Here I an pportunlty to buy a rkise-in west side home ior a little money. All Unpnur rnrntj and assess ments made and paid for. Till is aa excellent view property, a well aa behig close in to the business cenlir and close te a carline. Half cash will handle it. M J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. On the west side, dose in to the business center, location one of the best; 4 good houses, bringing in a monthly income to pay big in terest on this Investment. A quarter block of land, corner, goes with the house, and the price for everything is only g700. This is within wslktng distance of the business center, cruse the htteef from Ue pig Ksiling school, closu to the big shipbuilding works on the river. It is ia sucli a location wheru lou never chu keep a vacant livue. Tliie 1' a 'rare hance offered to the js'rsun who has I'.'Tnio In cash to buy this property, provide a home for himself and family 10 lis In and receive Urge monthly rental from the other three houses. The bousos and lota sre to situated that one or all of them can be soM slug!. Don't pass this safest aud best Of all invesi sneiits for th money offrred, ss thine rhsiicit dun't occur every dsy. M. J. CLulll-bST, ABINGTON BLDG. Qantenhein Ave. $8000: $H0O WhvN Close to Jefferson high scbrail, lit 50x100: street improvement In atnl paid for: modern 6-room nue. 4 larg rooms on first floor; wverj thing in first-class alutpe: very eaey terms on deferred psyoietits at 6 per cant Ofiuie open all day Sunday. J. F. Hill 9 sWillisuls ave. - East 261. BlfNGLlWlirreitMT0ra Nifty 5 room bungalow, floored attio with II windows, full cement basameat flng fumtcs, white enamel Dutch kitchen and bath, biiiR in wardrobes, WomUlft laaudry tuba and clothe, chute, dandy fireplace. double constructed throughout; in perfect repair and neat as a pin Owner forcod to sell; all good furnltura and household goods included for only 84500. or will sell without furniture If desired. Terms, $1000 down, balance like rent. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, IS Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. HOUSE BARGAINS 6 room modern bungalow, H. P., garage, cor ner lot 46sls) ft: 1 block Hawthotne ava. car; $3100, $$00 cash, balaace monthly. A good buy. 6 room, mod era bungalow. 0 beaslne f cult trees, good eoadition; oiitc.keu bouse and run; $2300. 8600 cash, 320 monthly. 6 per cent. 4 room bungalow about 2 yean old, cheap at $1600; 8600 cash. 0 room cottage at St Johni; lot 100x100. fruit and aula; $2100. $300 cseh. $20 mouth. per cent R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 166 H 4th St. $3350 ftuja 8 rooms adjoining llgii cUas restricted addition near Jffroa high. Kurns re, full cement base ment, wash traya, 4 tight airy bed rooms, one of which would . make ' Ideal sle-ptog rsrreb; corner let, oa paved streetc- eaat front. Tbi I a corking good borne and the work nistiship Is fine. J. A. WICKMAN CO. MAIN 683. 304 Railway Exchange tddg, Mara 1094. . Open B'lnday and rfetitngs. OUiOMNlTKLKEPLVcr PRCll 60x100 lot oa Fi. Taylor st . n-ar K. 2.'.th. flood Cement basement, furrtaoe, laundry roton. electricity and gas; several bearing fruit trees. trwncr will consider goon unimproved land close to Portland up to 85000 or 3OOO0 as part, psv, balance on time. Price . 87iOO. Sea K. M. Brown, witli NF.ILAN FARE HILL. 219 . IUmrermens bMgj Old and Stark sta East Taylor Bungalow 6 rooms aad floored attic: hot water heating plant aad to fine stats of vwpair. Owner wants to torn quick and' has put price down; $3000; a reasonable east) payment. THE LAWRENCE CO. 208 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. - $200 WILL HANDLE Choie Vk -r oa lospreved street with a nice 8 room cottage; water, gas, good district. Iit all ia cultivation. Prio vary $1650. A snag, for eomeuna, , J0HNS0N-D0DS0N CO. 1 1 632 688-084 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. I . v."sTVv . -i...i rrrrr?r.:i r-lrr .f . aQ en on I , way; extra i i aUfuI lawn. , (land's best 1 iieor, aoeoiuieiy saoaera ta av.ry good loeatioa. 2 kte, garaas, VaaUfui fiewers, etc Thla Is one ef Portland and meet, admired medium priced heaaes aad oaa be koogbt right aad giv tanas. ' ' . SAMUEL DOAK 12Q2 Neethwesrtera Bank bUa. COM PORTABLE T-roent koaaa, east slop. Mt . Tahof; good Ainaea, eseo-tric Ugtits. Puud lieater. floewa rieea anA la good repetr. Near aonoet: awad- gasaaw; fine view of Ht Hood. LeA 1 04) JlOs, several truit trees aad tlae sesait fruit rmaUm.'- Oood honxa for aomenne. I'ncg $2800, part term. Wirma Tabor 6621. . 87AowLAi;RXfiURif' IKirfsW-$7600 Oiuldn't be dopiicatod for $10,000. O-roesu, atrictly moderti. hardwoo.- floor tbrougjvxil 1123 hVea opposite llenrg H'nn. Olw tsua day, 11 to A. CIIAS: BINOLEIt f sjww i29$t. Matrt 123. lOt' CAN. fwseil yoa piaec erltSout" atwdTTf rwsi hev a tiUe inearaaee aoUcy. . Title Tvwae Co.. 1 4th St. . ; -f , - - t- ETERT purikaser ai real estaie sJiould. aava his title teamrasl Batter W safe the sorry. UUa at Xntat Csa, I14IAA. . .:- , . V 1 9 r l l t l I j.. (tAs.j!!H