THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 14 SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1920. PORTLAND. OREGON Birthday to deceive Special Mention in Portland Churches Sunday lincoln s BOY SCOUTS TO ATTEND CHURCH SERVICE IN BODY Pulpit Speakers Will Draw Les sons From Life of Emancipator for the Boys of Today. The birthday of Abraham Lincoln and the Boy Scout movement will receive mention in Sunday services of Portland's churches. Boy Scout patrols have been asked to sit in a body in the auditorium during their special service. Lessons for the boys will bo drawn by the speakers from the Hfs of the great emancipator. One of the vows taken by Boy Scouts is to do a good deed for someone else every day. The boys are not limited to one, but must perform at least one good deed a day. The wisdom and value of this kindly trait will also be explained. , Boy Scout week will be celebrated with a special Sunday evening service at Sunnyslde Congregational church. John A. Read, ecout master, will be in charge. A program will be given by the boys. Dr. J. J. Staub will give a short talk. Parents and boys are in vited. The Boy Scouts "of Rose City Park Methodist church will sit In a body in the church auditorium Sunday night. The evening service will be for the mu tual benefit of the ecout and Armenian work. "Three troops of Boy Scouts are to be guests at Vernon Presbyterian church Sunday night. The boys and their scout masters will have a part In the program. The young people of Our Savior's Lutheran chureh will commemorate the birth of Abraham Lincoln by rendering a patriotic program In the church par lors next Thursday evening. Two reels in the moving picture series of the life of Lincoln will be shown Sunday night at Atkinson Memorial Congregational church. Commissioner Pier will deliver an address on the life of Lincoln. Rev. D. A. Thompson, pastor of Mis pah Presbyterian church, will speak to the Boy Scout patrol of his church at the hour of, the evening service. Other boys are invited. At Highland Congregational church Rev. Edward Constant will speak Sunday night on the 'life of Lincoln. Lincoln's favorite poem will be read, also Whit man's "Captain, My Captain." The so loist will be Mrs. Walter Lofquist. An Abraham Lincoln sermon will be preached Sunday morning at the Church of Our Father by Rev. W. O. Eliot. In First Methodist Episcopal Church -Twelftft aad Taylor Street! REV. JOSHUA STANSttELD, O. O. Parte. 10 ISO A. M Sermon B. tjie RIV. W. W. VOUNOSON, D. O., DMrtet Superintendent. "The Capitalization of Defeat" 1trl . SL SUNDAY aOHOOL PuMIe Forum Debater "MALL THE EtlgtLE RKAB IN TMK PUBLIO SCHOOLS" Tie P. M (ACRID 0OH0IRT deists aflat Gol&Ie Peters-. Soprano. Km Esther OolUne Chatten, ContrmKe Mr. K. T. Jons. Tenor. Mr. Walter J. SteTenson. Baa. Orgeniai, Mia, Gtadjs Moron Farraer. INVITATION To ALL SUNNYSIDE Congregational Church Eatt Taylor at 114 Rev. J. J. Staub, D. D. SERMON 11 A. M. -THIS SAITH THE LORD" ) SERMON 7.45 P. M. "Lost A Boy" Boy Scout Celebration Ciasnsnt Minis by Chora Oft on-. ! FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AX, DEB BTBKXT AT TfflLMH DR. HOWARD AGNEW JOHNSTON, D. D. 10:30 A. "PRESSURE AND POWER 7:30 P. "QUESTIONS ABOUT HEAVEN" Hi 8TJKD AT SCHOOL !:H-OROA5 RECITAL BT K E. COURSE SPECIAL MUSIC Dr. Edward H. Pence . Pastor . SUBJECT 10:30 A. ).: DOES GOD PUNISH HIS CHILDREN LIFE'S CLIMAX IS A : QUESTION Bible Seltool 1B:10 Young Peopla't toolatr :80 w Mits Elizabeth Bain . Will touk to ttw Taunt PaofHa efl EXPERIENCES AS A T GIRL )t.J3avicis3arisKto Celebrate Jfiftietn arch X Fifteen hundred years ago Archbishop David, saint and hero of all Welshmen, was born. Fifty years ago the work at St. Davids Episcopal church. East Twelfth and Belmont streets, was started by a small group of enthusiasts. March 1, St. Davids day, the parish loners and friends, will hold a special celebration. The Rt. Rev. Walter Tay lor Sumner, bishop of Oregon, will preach at the morning service, and will consecrate the church, marking a new milestone on the forward march of the diocese. In the evening Dr. S. E. Jo se phi will give a historical survey of the history of St. David. Griffis to Discuss Church Leadership Sundsy morning the pulpit at the First Christian church will be occupied by the Iiastor. the Rev. H. IL Griffis, who will discuss the problem of modern reliRlous leadership. In the evening at 7 :30 the principal feature of the Bchool of mis sions will be a Joint discussion between the men's and women's classes on the proposition : "Resolved, that the use j of all foreign languages in the church, school and press of the United Stages be abolished within a period of five years." The affirmative will be up held by Miss Martha Randall, Mrs. A. E. Meserve and Mrs. Cora Ream Buhrns, the negative by W. L. McFar ling, M. B. Meacham and M. D. Owens. First Methodist to Hear Chicago Man In the absence of Dr. Joshua Stans fleld in Southern California, the serv ices in First Presbyterian- church will bo in charge of Rev. Dr. W. W. Young- son, district superintendent, Sunday morning. In the evening, the chorus choir and quartet will give a sacred con cert. Sunday morning, February 15, the Rev. W. T. Randolph of Seattle, field representative of the Methodist Deacon ess Training school, will preach. In the evening Dr. Harold Lynn Hough of Chi cago, president of Northwestern univer sity, will speak. This will bo a mass meeting with the alumni of Northwestern university residing in Portland. the evening he will preach a sermon on doubts of the present Influence of Christ. Special music will be given by the choir. Steamer Raised From Sea Bottom Queenstown, Feb. 6. After lying at the bottom of the sea for more than a year the American steamship Lake Erie has been floated and brought Into this port. The Lake Erie was sunk In col lision with a British steamer off Cardiff in January, 1919. , WILBUR METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH (ASSEMBLY Room MULTNOMAH HOT1L) Divine Service 10:30 a. m. DR. M. H. MARVIN OF SEATTLE WILL PEEACH MUSIC BT MALE QUARTET ATTD SEXTET CHOIR COME EARLT TOTJ WILL BE CORDIALLY WELCOMED AlfD BENEFITED BT THE SEBTICE. EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH OORNIR K. SOTM AND SALMON Preaching by Dr. W. B. HINSON 11:00 -WHEN WILL THE LORD RETURN r THIRD IN TUB IIKIII ON THK OftEAT DOOTRINK OP THK BIBLK 7:30 "THE GREATEST THING IN GOD." OOMK AND HEAR THK GOSPEL TANK HAWTHORNE, MT. TABOR OR UNNVSIOK OARS TO TWENTIETH M. Af. WESTMINSTER t . I Mews of importance !Hmong Cnurches and Roving The Sunday school Institute of dis trict 9 of Portland will be held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the Arleta Baptist church. The Institute will con tinue through the evening service. The women of the entertaining church will provide a hot drink for all at the pot luck luncheon between the two services. The program is: Afternoon 3 :30, song service, led by Mrs. O. M. Bllllngsly; "The Church School Goal," Rev. Harold F. Humbert, state secretary; 4:15, business session. The district banner win be awarded the school having: the largest percentage of its regular officers and teachers present, the entertaining school being barred from the contest. Special music, Arleta Baptist Sunday school : "The Challenge of Christ," Rev. Mr. Humbert; 5:15 to 6:30, pot luck luncheon. Evening 6 :30, song service, led by i' Finley; young people's service; 7 :30, special music, offering for state and county work ; evening address. Rev. O. T. Day. Baptist The fatherhood of God In creation and design, together with the claims of redemption, will be discussed Sunday m,rnlng at the White Temple by Dr. W. A. Waldo. In the evening he will speak on justification. The Temple VERY BHSY WEEK Something Will Be Going On at First Congregational Nearly Every Day Next Week. The First Congregational church folk havo planned a busy week. Monday night the Men's Brother hood monthly banquet will be held. K. T. Stretcher will preside and the Rev. William S. Beard of New Tork city will speak. "Billie Beard," as his Tale friends call him. Is the "Bill Nye" of official Congregationalism. Tuesday night the teachers" board of the church school meet, and on Wednes day evening the members and friends of the church who live in the Sunnyslde district will enjoy a party at the home of Judge and Mrs. J. B. Cleland. On Krlday the young people and the young married people hold a Valentine party. The Mexican problem Is the topic to be discussed at Dr. McEIveen's current events class Sunday noon. Dr. McEJ veen will give an outline of Carranza's socialistic experiments as they have been worked out in the naturalization pro cram that has been operative since 1917. He will explain the oil competition and the new property law of Mexico. DIRECTORY Sexagesima Sunday Uniform Sunday School Lrssons "Peter et I.jdd and Joppa." Acta 9:82-43. Golden text: "The prayer of faith shall tare him that ij tick, and the Lord shall raise him up." Jamei 0:13. Young People's Topics Christian Endearor "A Worth-WhUa Ufa." Pa. 37.18-40. (Deciiion 17.) Epworth Learue "PreTention Better Than Cure." Ti 9; Matt. 6:33. Baptist Wm. A. Waldo. 11, "(Jod's Ulalma Vindicated"; 7 :3U. "JoaUficaUon, or The Klgnteoua L.Ue." Kt Ride K 20th ni1 Rilmnn Rm TV B. Hinson. Rev. H. T. Cash. aaaoetaU. 11. When Will tha lord RetumT": 7:80. "The Greatest Thlnf in God." Third Vancourer and Knott 11. 7:80. Arleta E. 64th and 48th aTe. Rev. Owen T. Day. 11, 7:80. Calvary E. Hth and Grant ReT. J. E. Thomas. 11. "The Profit of Prayer": 7:80, "A Christian Home." Glencoe E. 4 5th and Main Rer. V. C. Laalette. 11. 'Matthew Chanains Hla Busi ness"; 7:80, "The Greatest Fundamental Truth of the Gospel." Sellwood BeUiiny Ret. W. N. Ferris. 11, 7:45. Grace K. 7th and Ash. ReT. F. W Star ing. 11, "A Canrerted Calender"; 7:48, "A Prophet's Inritation." UnlTenlty Park ReT. 8. Lawrence Black. 11. 8. Swedish IB th and Hoyt ReT. T. O. SJolan- der. 10:80. 7:80. St Johns 11, 7:30. Highland E. th nd Alberta Pr. Vf. T MlUlken. 11, "The Bplrtt'a Gifts, FrnJU and Baptism"; 7:30. "Tba Law of the Strongest Suasestir.n. " M.t OliTet (colored) Broadway and Et erett ReT. J. W. Anderson. 11. 8. Ellm Swedish Mallory and Bkidmore ReT. A G. Sandblom. 2.30. 8:30. Caattallo Pro Cathedral 15th and Daria Rer. E, V, O'Hara. 6. 7:15. 6:30. 8:48, 11. 7:45. St. Peters Lents Rer. P. Beutsen. 8, 10:80, 7:30. fit. Lawrence 8d and Sherman Rer. J. C. Huches. 6. 8:80, 10:30. 7:80. St. Francis E. 12th and Pins Be. J. H. Black. 6. 8. 9. 10:80, 7:30. Immaculate Heart of M ry Williams and Stanton ReT. W. A. Daly. . 8, 9. 11. 7:80. Holy Rosary E. 8d and Clackamas ReT E. S. Olson. 0. 7. 8. 9. 11. 7:80 St Rose E. 53d and Alameda ReT. J. OFsrrea 8. 10.80. 4. St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Rer. J. Kiernan. 8, 10:30, 7:30. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Bar. Geo ire R Thompson. 7:80, 9, 11. Ascension E. 76th and Tamhfll Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:80. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and BUndena Rer. F. W. Black. 8, 10:80, 7:80. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Rer. C. Raymond. 8. 10:80. 7:30. St. IcnatJus 3220 43d at. 8. B. Jesuit Fathers. 6 30. 8, 10:80. 4. St. Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Re War ren A. Wain. 6. 8:30, 10:80, 7:30. Holy Redeemer Portland blVd. and Taneon Ter aTe. Rer. William J. DiTine. 6. 8. 10:3V. 7:80. St Phillip Nedl (PauHst Fathers) E 16th and Hickory Rer. M. L Ferry. 7:80. 9. 10:80. 7:80. St. Clements S. Smith aTe. and Newton Serbita Fathers. 8, 8, 10:80, 7:80 Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rer. G. Rob. 8, 10:30, 7:30. St. Acatba B. 15th and Millar Rer J. Commisky. 8. 10:80. 7:30. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fail ing ReT. F. Matthew. 8, 10:30, 7:30 St Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Rst. B. RuTTer. 8, 10:30, 7:30. St Michael (Italian) 4th and MID Rer. M. Bale-tra. 8:30. 10:80. 7:80 Bt Claire's Capitol HU1 Father Alcysios, 0. P. M. 7:20. 9:20. ' St Charles E. 83d and Alberta Rer. J. P. O'Flynn. i 8, 10:80. AH Saints E. 39th and Glisan Rt. Father William Crontn. 8. 10:80 Bt Patricks 19th and EaTier ReT. Charles M. Smith. Maases :80. 8, :15. 10;80. T:4. Christian First Park ai.d Columbia ReT. Harold H Onffta. .11. "A God-G(Ten Responsibility"; 15. schorl of missions; 7:80. discussion on "Resolred that the use of all ioreim lan guages in the church, school and press of the L'nited States be abolished within a period of fire yeara." Rodney Arenue Rodney cod Knott Rev 8. Earl Childer,. 11.7:80 MontaTilla K. 76th and' Glisan. Rev. Car roll C Roberta. 11. 7:80. D Sy4WTTB8 701 "Bd Libertj K.T. Joseph VT E-' ,13th and Wygsnt Bt. r. Tibh Merer. 11. 7:80. Kern Park Res. J. F. Ghorraley. 11. "NsTer Man Spake Like This Maa"; 7 JtO. "King Solomon's Temple God's Object Lesson to the World." - Christian Selene Lesson robjeet: "Spirit." , First 19th and Ererrtt 11. 8. Second E. 6th and liolladay. tl. 8v Thjrd H 12U and Salmon. 11. 8. CHURCH PLANNING quartet will sing at both services. Dr. W. B. Hinson will preach a ser mon on the second coming of Christ Sunday morning at the Kast Side Bap tist church. In the evening lie will talk on what he considers the greatest thing in God. Twenty new members were added to the church during January. At the mid-week service Dr. Hinson will speak on the iife of the Apostle Paul. The young people will hold a Valentine social in the lower hall on Friday even ing. The stewardship plan of the de nomination is being carried out. An evangelistic service will be held Sunday evening by the Rev. F. C. Las lelte In Glencoe Baptist church. The male quartet will sing and the ordi nance of baptism will be administered. The pastor will speak at the Y. M. O. A. at 3 o'clock Sunday on "Life's Greatest Problem and Its Solution." Presbyterian Major Thornton A. Mills will preach Sunday morning and evening at Central Presbyterian church. In the evening he will give a sermon-lecture on "The Ser vant of the House." from the play of Charles Rann Kennedy. The chorus choir will sing in the morning. In the evening the Schubert club, composed of 28 young women, will sing. In the Sunday evening service at Rose City Park Presbyterian church, Pr. R. H. Milligan will review the book, "Theo dore Roosevelt's letters to His . Chil dren." The newly organized men's club will have a supper and social Mon day night. The Rev. W. W. Mac Henry, synod leal chairman of the New Kra committee for Oregon, will leave Sunday night for Chicago to attend the national confer ence of synodical chairmen. He will preach in his pulpit. Mount Tabor Pres byterian church, Sunday morning. In the evening the Christian Kndeavor so ciety will give a program In commem oration of the founding of the organ ization. On Lincoln's birthday. Thursday, a dinner will be served by the Ladles' Aid society of Vernon Presbyterian church to the fathers and sons of the com munity. This is the first banquet of this nature to be held by the church. Toasts will be given on "The kind of son I admire." and "The kind of father I admire." Table trames will be played between courses. Every man attending is required to bring a boy and pay for his dinner. Reservations can be made at Woodlawn 6058. The Rev. L. K. Grimes of Vancouver has accepted the pastorate of jCenil worth Presbyterian church. Ho expects to begin his new duties about "coruary 22. This Sunday the Rev. G. W. Gelvin of Orenco will preach. ! The Warren Vesper class at the First Presbyterian church had a large and appreciative audience last Sunday. The members invite visitors for the meeting of Sunday. A special propram has been arranged by members of the orchestra, with Miss Gertrude Hoeber as vocal soloist. A brief lecture will be given on the bpok, "Enlisting for Christ and the Church." written by Dr. Howard Agnew Johnston. The song service will begin at 4 o'clock. Methodist The Rose City Park Methodist church revival campaign begins Sunday at 9 :45 a. m. in the Sunday school. Special services will be held each night during the week except Saturday. Sunday evening the playlet, "The Promise of a OF CHURCH Fourth VaneouTer and Emerxon. 11, 8. Fifth 62d and 42d are. 8. E. .11. 8. Siith Masonic temple, 3CS Yamhill. 11. 8 Serenth Holbrook block, St. Johns. 11. All churches Wednesdar. 8 p. m. Congregational First Park and Madiwm Dr. W. T. Met) Teen. 11. "Friends, Not Serrants of God" 7:45, "Using Tour Second Wind." 8nnnysld E 3 2d sid Taylor Pt. Btaub. 11, "Thus Saith the Lord"; J. .t. 7:48, Lost A Boy. Atkinson Memorls' E. Cth and ETerrtt Rer. E. E. Flint 11, "Christ's Message to the MultJT.ures of Portland"; 7.45, Lincoln me morial serrice. Highland E flth end Presmii, Rt. EJ---d Constant 11, "The New Creation"; 7:30, "The Faith and Spirit of Lincoln." WaTerleieh Heiuhts F. 3M nd Woodward ReT. Olirer P. Aerj. 11, 7:30. Laurelwood 45th are. and 83th at S. E. Mrs. Alice it Handsaker. 11. Pilgrim Missouri nt Sharer. ReT. Robert Murray Pratt 11. 7:30. Cnirersity Park liaren and Lombard ReT. C. H. Johntnn. Finnish Mason and Albina ReT. A. A. Harju, 6 and 8 p. m. St Johns S. iTanhoe and Richmond. ReT. J T. Merrill 11. 7:30 Daniab-Norweaiaa E. 23d and Sumner ReT. Ole Torgeseen. 11. 7:30. First German E. 7th and Btinton Ret. George Zoeher. 11, 7:30. Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Rer. Henry Hagelganz. 11. 7:30. Zlon German E. 9th and Fremont ReT. J. H. Hoop. 11, X:30. Dunsard Church of the Brethren Borthwick and B rai ns rd ReT. George C. Carl 11. 8. Episcopal Pro-Catliedrsl of Kt Stenhen h MsrtT Rt Rer. W. T. Sumner bishop; Very ReT. R. rp m t ri -i j . . . . . . . ' i . n ii rs, ueaiu i .9. ii. i ae 2 a rm Die or the Sower": 7:46, "Disease, Is It a Part of Gods Plant" Trinity 19th and Ererett Rer. A. A. Mor rison. 8, 11, 8. 8t Daiirts E. 1 2th and Bt'monl Rt. Thus. Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:30, 11, 7:30. St. llarks 2 1st nnd Marshall Rer. J G. Hatton.7.30. 11, 7:45; daily, 7:30 a. m. St Andrews Hereford t, Plymouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 11. 7:80. Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Iter. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. Good 8hepherdVaneouTer and Oraham Ret. John Dawson. 11, preaching by Rer. L. W. Crooks of Belfast, Ireland; 8. St Michael and All Angels B. 43d snd Broadway Rer. F. T. Bowen -Ttcar. 8, 10. 11. Church of Our Bartor eoth ar?. snd 4 let st B. K. KeT. t. M. uisra. Ticsr. 7:80. 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Rer Frederick K. Howard. 7. 9 30 8t Pauls Woodmere ReT. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. AH Saints 25th and SaTier ReT. Frederick K Howard. 10. 11. Bt Johns Memorial E. 15th and Harney, Sellwood. Rer. H. Clark in charge. 11, 7:30. St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Rer. W. A. M. Breck, Ticar. 10. 11. aTvangellcaj First E. 8th and Market Rer. E. D. Hor schuch. 11. 7:30. Clay Street 10th an1 Cla Rt Jacob Stocker. Preaching by Rer. H. Schuknecht 10:45. "What la Eternal Life?": 7:30. "The Condition of the Church of Today." Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and GUsan. Re?. C. J. Ledln. 11. 7:80. Free Mtehetffll Central E. 55th and Flaadera Rer B 1. Harrington. 11. 7:30. First E. 9th and Mm Rer. 8. H. TJpton. Alberts E. 80th and Wygsnt Re. M. T WhetseU. 11. 7:80. St Johns E. Richmond and Hudson Ray E. D. Blackman. 11, 7:80. ' Lenta Bee. S. IL Upton, acting pastor 2:80 :S0. Friends First E. 35 th and Main Bee tinnier T Cox. ErsngelisUc serrice. Preaching by Kar. Joseph Smith. 11. 7:45. Second E. 92d and 01st are. Rev. Larana M. Terrell. 11, 7. West Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey Rot. Carey Jeasnpp. 11. 8. Jtwlan Congregation Beth Israel 13th and Main Rabbl Jonah B. Wbe. Reform Hrnagogua, Berriee Friday 8 p. m . Saturday 10:80 a. m. Congregation AhaTsi Shalom Park and Clay rta. Rabbi R. Abrabaaison. Friday, 8 p. St.; Saturday, 8:80 a. m. Congretation Nrsh Zedeck Talmud Torab 4th and HeU Re. Abraham I; Rnaencranta. Friday 8 p m. Saturday 9 a. m. Sunday 10 a. an. Religious school P Lai tee Oaf taint Church of Jesus Christ of Utur !ef 81 In la E. 25th and Mediae Heber 0. iTartoa. lals etoa president 19, 740. LtfiHeenn Bt. Jaree W. Park and Jefferson Bee. William K. Brink mart. 11.-7:80. St Paula B. lSlh and Clinton Rst. A. Krause. 10:80. 7:80, fmr Sarior E. lltn atd Grant Her. M. A. Cbrietensen. 11 (Norwegian), "The WadAm of God"; 7:30. illustrated tevture on Lutheran mlsaiotia. 1 - Trinity (Missouri Synod) WBIiams and .Graham Iter. I. R. Rim bach. 1U: (Ger aaan) ;7:80 (English), "Christian ttoiencsk New Day," setting forth conditions In Armenia, wm oe given, alter wnicn a special address will be given for the Boy Scouts. The Rev. J. H. Irvine, pastor of Woodlawn Methodist church, has ar ranged for a course of Sunday evening lectures on subjects that perplex young people. The first wiil be given this Sunday, when "Questionable Amuse ments" will be discussed. Special music ,will enliven the services. Dr. Joshua Stansfield, pastor of First Methodist church, was elected first re serve delegate by the Oregon conference to the general conference of the denom ination which meets next Mav in Des Moines. Iowa. The death of Dr. T. B. Ford made a vacancy in the Oregon delegation, which Dr. Stansfield will fill. Dr. Stansfield was a member of the general conference in 1916, and on the first ballot for the election of bish ops his name was tenth on the list. rnlted nrethrea I TIip rtev. George ,Levts, Alaskan mts ; sionary, will give an illustrated lecture on ins work in the First United Breth ! ren church Sunday night. In the morn j ing Dr. Byron J. Clark will preach. The men of the congregation will have charge of- the Sunday evening service at Second church. In the morn ing the pastor will preach. The Sunday evening service at Third church will close the series of evangel istic meetings in this church. The Rev. Ira Hawley will have charge. Bishop William H. Washlrger will speak to the congregation of Kourih church Sunday morning. The pastor will preach at night. Itrallzatlon I ra pup Tlir young people of the Realization league, under the leadership of G. Wps lcy Safford. have organized a society known as "The Truth Seekers." They meet every Sunday evening at 7 o'clock at 148 Thirteenth street. Sunday even ing next. Miss Gladys Lamb will con duct the meeting. Mrs. Ann Sprague Smith has recently coiim? from Spokane to work with the Realization league. She is conducting a "healing class" every Tuesday morning at 10:30 at the office of the Realization league in the Corbclt building. The Methodist church at Sellwood will begin an evangelistic campaign Sunday. The pastor, the Rev. W. S. Gordon, wiil speak at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Monday evening the Rev. Charles E. Gibson will speak and con tinue as evangelist for at least two weeks, speakiner each eveninar at 7 :30. A children's choir win Mng three nights 1 a week. The Monday evening program will Include remarks by a representa tive of tlie official board and by G. A. Simon, representing the new citizens of Sellv.ood. Mrs. Carl Stanley will sing. Congregational A community social event will be given Wednesday evening by the young men of Atkinson Memorial Congrega tional church. The class under the di rection of Frank E. Lewis will stage a mock trial as the leading number on the program. United Presbyterian The United Presbyterian church of America now has 120 women missiona ries in the foreign field, according to SERVICES IN Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Daels Rer. Wilhelm Ietteren. 11. 8. Grace (Eneli'h) E. 24th and Broadway ReT. C. H. Bernltard. 11. 7:30. Bethel Norwegn (Free) Wyganl and Rod ney. Bethany DnnMi Kranflical Union and Mor ris Rer. L. P. Kjoller. 11.. 7:30. St. Johns Peninsula and Kilpatrick ReT. 1, I. udwig. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rcdney ReT. V. . Ogren 10:45, 7:46. Tmmanuel 19th and Irrihg Re. A. V. An derson. 11, 8. Portsmouth Lorely and Fortune Rer. S. C. B. Knuteeu. 11. 7:80. Zicn Erangelicsl (Missouri Synod) Chsp man and Salmon Res. II. H. Koppelmann. 0:15. 10:15. 7:45. Alberta English E. 17th and Alberta (Baker hall). 10, 11. Methodist Episcopal Carson Heights Rer. G. S. Brown. 10, II. 7. Centenarv E ftth and Pine Rer. Frank L. Wemett 11, 7:30. Central Vancnnser and Fargo Rer. A. R. Maclean. 1 1.' 7 :30. Clinton Keliv E. 40th and Powell ReT. E. S. Mace. 11. Epworih 28th and SaTier ReT. J. Stanford Moore. 11, 7:30. First 12th and Taylor Rer. Joshua SUns field. 10:30. preaching by Dr. W. W. Toung son; 7:30. sacred concert Fir t. Norwegian Danish lSUi snd Hoyt Rer. Elias Gjerding. 11. 8. Laurelwood E. b3d and Foster. Rer. A. C. Brakenbury. 11, 7:30. lnU H6'h .f. snd 58th STe. ReT. F. R. Sibley. 11. 7:45. Ijncoln F.. 5"Jd and Lincoln. Rer. F. A. Ginn. 11. 7:30. Montana E. 80th and Pine Rer Hiram Gouid. 11, 7:30. Mt Tabor E. Slat and Stark. Tier. E. G. Decker. 11. 7:30. Pattnn Alberta and Michigan. Rt. Ceors H. Bennett 11. "Tlie 8wret of Power"; 7:30. What's the Ise?" Hose "ity IJark E. 5 8th and Randf. Rer. T. Lester Fields. 11. "Make tlie Vallty Full of Pitches"; 7:30, playlet, "The I'roiniio of a New Day." Sellaood E. '15th and Taccnia Rt. W. 8. Gordon. 11, "Not by Might Nor by Power"; 7:30. "The Sympathy of Christ" Sunnyslde E. 85th and Yamhill Rst. W. F. Ineson. 11, "Abraham Lincoln"; 7:45. fit Johns- W. Lea rit t and Syracuse Rst. W. E. Kloster. 11, 7:30. Swedish Beech and Borthwick Rst. A Del Eklund. 11, 8. I'nirersity Park Flske and Lombard RtT H. T. Atkinson. 11, 7 .30. VamvjiiTer Arenue Norwegian Danish Skid more and Vancourer Rer. A. Christensen. 11, 7:80. Wealeyan E. 53d and Glisan ReT. D. B. Hampe. 11, 7:4 5. Westmoreland Milwaukle and Midway Rey. E. S. Mace. 7:30. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rer. E. C. Hick man. 10:30. Woodstock E. 44th and Woodstock Rer. I. . C. Poor. 11, 7:80. Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rer. J. H. Irrtnf . 1 1 . "Hare We a Sure Oracle In the Realm of Doctrines and Morals t" 7:80, ' Ques tionable Amusement,. . DUtriet superintendent ReT. William Wallace loungion, D. D.. 891 E. 8 I'd it, N. Tabor 2790. M. E. Beutn First - Cnlon end Multnomah ReT. J. W. Byrd. 11. 7:30. Nazarena Firt K. 1 Otb and Weidler1 ReT. J. T. Little. Holiness contention. Erangeliatie se Tr ices. 11, 2:80. 7:30. ftellwond E. 0th snd Spokane Bar. J. G. Bringrdahl. 11, 7 :30. Brentwood 5tb arei and 67th st Bar.' O. 11. Fcwler. 11. 7:80. , Highland Park E. 14th and Jarrett Rer. W. P. Keebaugh. 11.8. Hoandinarlan 948 Garfield Rer. Daniel Ualistrom, 11. 7 30. srab)rteriao First 12th and Alder. Rer. Howard Agnew Johnson, assistant pastor. 10:30, "Pressure and Power"; 7r80, "Problems of the Future Life." Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Re. Edward II. Pence. 10:80, 7:80. Central K. 18th and Pine. ReT. Walter Henry Nugent. preaching by Ma)or T. A. Mill. 11. "The Allegory of the Holy Shadow"; 7:30, "The Sea-rant isv the Home." t'alTary 11th ami Cray. Rer. L. Bowning Quick. 11, "Justice"; 7:30, "Eipoe of 'Spit Itualbm"." kit Taber E. Rth and Belmont ReT. Ward Marttesiry. 11,. "Te Are Not Your Own"; 7:80, Christian Endeavor program. Vsmon 19th and Wygant Rer Bruce J. Glffen, 11, "The Duty of America to the Irinh": 7:30, Bnr Scouts night Piedmont Clereland end Jarrett. Preaching by Iter. Luther Bicsnell of gslem. 11, Weighed and Found aWnting"; 7:80, "Chriet len toy." t Fourth First and Glbbs. ReT. Monroe O. F.Tctett 10:30, "What f Man"; 7:80, the eeonnd beetKude: "What Place Has Sorrow in God's Flan?" Keiiil worth E. 84 and Gladstone. Rer. U K. Grime. Preaching bj Rer. G. W. Gtl rin of Oreaoo. 11. 7:30. Hops 7th ami Ererett. : Re. H. E. Giles. 11. 7:30. : . . i . Peoples ocictica an announcement made by the New World movement committee. They are appealing for more workers. Mission ary appointment in this denomination is for life. Furloughs of IS months are granted about every five years. Reg ularly appointed missionaries are sent to the field, where they devote their first year to the study of the language. Episcopal Dean R. T. T. Hicks will deliver his second sermon on spiritual healing San day night at the Pro-Cathedral. This week he will speak on disease. The young people have prepared a program for their Bervice Sunday evening. Carl Leverton will preside and give a short talk on Lincoln's birthday. Miss Helen Ballard will read a paper on "Fellow ship." Evangelical The Rev. Jacob Stocker. pastor of Clay Street Evangelical church, Is quar antined at home with his family for in fluenza. His pulpit will be occupied Sunday morning and evening by the Rev. J. Schuknecht. Dickson to Speak Evangelist I K. Dickson will speak Sunday night 'In Christensen's hall. The lecture will be based upon Bible pre diction, some of the last prophecies of the Apocalypse. Dr. Johnston Replies to Number of Questions at First Pres byterian Church, Dr. Howard Agnew Johnston will complete his' sermon series on spiritualism Sunday, evening at the First Presbyterian church. He will answer the following, questions: (1) Where is heaven? (2) Will there be recognition In heaven? (3) What about soul sleeping? (t) Are there dif ferent rewards of the redeemed In the same heaven? (5) Do our loved ones know about us on earth? If so, how can .they be happy when they see our sorrows and hardships? (6) What do you conceive to be the occupations of the redeemed? (7) You have criticized the view of the Universalist that all will ultimately be saved : but how can God ever be finally triumphant if his re demptive work is a partial failure? Last Sunday evening Dr. Johnston said he would be glad to have any other written questions handed to him at any time before the sermon Sunday night. PORTLAND Kose City Pr. Robert H. MiUlggn. 11. "The Fact cf Christ"; 7:30. "Theodore Roose relfs .Jitters to His Children." Forbes Graham snd Gsntenbeln Rer. Ward Willis Ixmg. 11. "Some Truth About Trials"; 7:80, "False Religion Satan's Specialty." Trinity Virginia end Nebraska Rer. Theo dore P. Smith. 11. 7:80. AnabeV F. 1L MlxaelL 11. 7:80. ifillard Arenue Kt. W. Lee Uray. 11. 7 :30. Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Rer. A. J. ll.tma. 11. Mlzpah E, lOtli and Pulsion Rer. D. A. Thoinneon. 11. "The Task of the Modern Church "; 7:45, "The Scout Law." , Unity E. 7Ht and Sandy Rer. fl. W. Seeman. 11. "Solitude in the Christian Life "; 7:30, "Erldences of ConTersion." Reformed Presbyterian First Mimieantk and A ins worth Rer, F. D. Fraier. 11, 7:80. Seventh Day Adisntlste Note Regular eerrices of this denomination are held on Saturdsy. Central E 11th snd Ererett U K. Dick son, paster. 10, 1 1 :15. Tabernacle 6th snd Montgomery G. W. Pettit. minister. 10, 11. Mootarilla E. 80th and BTerett J. A. Gar hart 10, 11. Lenta 94tli it. and B8tb. are. W. D. Hunt ington. 10, 11. Bt Johns Central are. and Charleston A. H FoUenberg. 10. 11. Alblns Skidmore and Mallory Elder 111 H. Wenlland. 10. 11. Scandinavian r!2d st sad 3 Bin are. Elder O. 8. 10, II. Salsekn Army Corps No. 1 243 Ash st Adjutant Henry II. Cozens. 11. 3 :15. S. Corps No. 4. 12SVs 1st Captain William G. bmith. 11. 3. 8 sredenberolen New Church Sceiety 331 Jefferson Rer. Wiilism H. Reece, 10:45. "Tlie Kingdom of God. What It Is Id' ally Considered." Unitarian Church of Our r'sther Brradway and Tara hill Ker. V. ;. Elliot Jr. 11. "Abraham Lin coin tn England. Tbrn and New, and Abraham IJncoln in America Now and Then" ; 7:45. "An Answer to Doubts About the present Influ ence of Christ" United Brethren Conference superintendent Brr., G. E. Mc Donald. First E. 15th snd Morrison Rer. Byron I. Clark. 11, "Tha Witch of Endor"; 7:80. il lustrated lecture on Alaska by ReT. George Lewis. Hawley. 11, "The I nwortliiaef of Men"; 8, surrice in charge of the men of tlie church. Becoud E. 27th and Sumner Re. Ira Hawley. 11. "They Beheld The Lord"; 8, serrice in charge of the men. Third- 67th st. and 32d are. S. E. ReT. E. O. Shepherd. 11. "The Lamb cf Gob"; 7:80, preaching by Rer. Ira Hawley. Fourth . Tremont Kef. C. P. BlancharrL 11, preaching by Bishop William H. Washinger; 7:30. "The Light of the World. Is Jesus." United Keanesrllcal First E. 16th and Poplar Re. J. A. Gocde. 11, 8. Ockley Green Willamette bird, and Gay Iter. II. IL Farnbam. 11, 7:80. St. Johns Ker. A. P. Layton. 11. 7:80. United Presbyterian First E. 37th and Hawthorne Bee. IL F. Giren. 1 1 . "The Serrice of God Our Highest Good"; 7:80, "Jesus Christ Our Example." Church of the Strangers Grand and Wasco Rer. 8. Earl Du Hols. 10:30. "Stewardship of Posseauona" ; 7:30, "Stewardship of Souls." N. Taylor. 1 1 , preaching by KeT. Ralph Mac Afee; 7.30. "Should a Man Suffer!" Kenton 1 20 West Lombard Bee. George N. Taylor. 11. 7:80. MlaeeUaneeua Christian and Missionarr Alliance E. 9th and Clay Rer. John E. Fee. Annual conven tion, leeching by Rer. William Montgomery of Syracuse. N. T. 10. 11, 2:80, 7:80. Realisation League 148 13th Her. Edward Mills. 11, "Superconacioumeae" ; 8, "Finding the Highest Standard of AIL" ChriatadelpUian 681 E. Washington. 16:80. Church of od 888 Falling Harry Neat 11. 7:80. Gospel Hall E. 29th and Sunt 11. 7:80. Men'a lieaott 4 th and Burojside Bee. Levi Johnson, superintendent. 8. Dieine Science Portland Hotel T. M. Mi turd. 11, "Work." PeTtUcwtal kirt and Washington By. Will V. Trottefc, 11, 3, 7:80. Ulad Tiding (Pentecostal Mission) 248 14 1st. S, 8, 7:80. . W. Smith. 11. S, 8. Tolunteera of America albsloo 224 Burn due Meeting every gTening except Monday at 8 o'clock, and Sunday. 8 p. m. Portland Eecleate (Chrsstadetphian) 1B97 Belmont) George H. Tilling, secretary. 1 1. Peniel Mission 268 1st. 8. . Berrices each eight at 8. Church of Christ E. 7th and Otban. 11. First Spiritualist E. 7th and Hasealo, ft. 7:45. serrice by C. W. Shaw of Berkeley. ! First Spiritual (science 129 Fourth et Her. Max Hoffman, g. 8. "cnrtst as a SptritnaHst" International Bible Students W. O. W. Tern- pie. 11th and Alder. 3, 7 .30. City all 3d asMl Oafc Uoapel service at 2:30 fcy David Lang, TO FINISH SERMONS ON SPIRITUALISM itletliod is threadier (EoCond uet3&evival 3t Jf fiends Church The Rev. Joseph H. Smith, a noted author, teacher and preacher of Meth odist Episcopal church, but who -conducts evangelical campaigns in all evan gelical churches, will begin a 12 days' meeting in the Klrst Krlends church Sunday morning. The services on week days will begin at 2 :30 and 7 :30 p. in., and on Sundays there will be three serv ices, with mass meeting at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. ' The women of the church will serve hot drinks for all who wish to bring their lunch and ' remain for the evening services. The general public Is Invited to the services, regard less of denominational lines. Baptists Carry Work On in 24 Languages Today 1U.0 Baptist, church workers are carrying on organized work in America In 24 languages and among 56 nation alities, according to a report of the field survey committee nf the New World movement of the denomination. In the territory of the Northern Baptist con vention there are 80,000 members In churches using foreign languages. To develop community ceiters in sections where nn-KtiEllRh speaking people con gregate arid thus Americanize the peo ple Is one of the plans of the denomin ation now under way. 'To provide for this service several Baptist colleges are preparing leaders for this special work. Each college will specialise In training workers for a particular nationally. Union Labor Plans To Establish Many Daily Newspapers Washington. Feb. 7. (I. N. 8.) Plans for a chain of cooperative newspapers to be owned and run by organized labor and to include every large industrial center of the country, are under way. It was learned today. Twenty-seven of them, most of them dallies, will be launched shortly. It Is stated. Cooperative newspapers are part of the program of the all-Amerlcan Labor Farmer Cooperative congress to be held I In Chicago, February 12. Walter Llg i get, who' established a chain of farmer' ' cooperative papers for the Non-Partisan league, will report to the congress. The unions of Charleston, W. Va.. are taking sters to establish a cooperative daily on the order of the Seattle Union Record. Plans have been made for a cooperative daily In Spokane, Wash. "Iabor," the official organ of the rium Plan league and supported by ths contributions of the railroad unions, now has a circulation of 225,000, U was an nounced at the Plum Plan league today. Making; It a national dally is con templated. RADIO the only furnace ever built that burns wood right. Iff) the fire box. Klrst and Washington. Main 522 Adv. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK AND MADISON 8TRIKT8 REY. WM. T. M'ELVEEN, PH. D. lastor 11 h. m. Friends Not Servants 1:S NOON OURRINT EVENTS CLASS THE MEXICAN PROBLEM 7:80 P. M. Using Your Second Wind :80 A. as. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES WOH ALL AOIS S.30 P. m. OMRI8TIAN ENDEAVOR CENTENARY METHODIST CHURCH EAST TflXTH A5D PITfF, "Tire Frlesdlr tliiirfh7 DR. FRANK L. WEMETT Pastor. TWO SIR BAT atRVICES TOMORROW 11:00 A. M "Seeking the Best" 7:90 P. M. BOY SCOUT MASS MEETING PC CI A L PROGRAM OP ADDRESSES AND MUSIO YOU ARE INVITED ST. DAVID'S CHURCH . 12TH ANO BELMONT Welcome! 7:30 9:30 11:00 7:30 REV. THOS. JENKINS, RECTOR . HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH SIXTH an0 A LIE RTA STRUTS W. T. MILLIKEN, D.D., PASTOR FEBRUARY S, 1820 llsOO A. M. "THE SPIRITS GIFTS, FRUITS AND BAPTISM" 7t30 P. M. "THE LAW OF THE STRONGEST SUGGESTION." Tre OpteH anal'Use atrlas 1 Oerne" TWIN CONVENTION OF ENDEAVORERS BEGINS ON FEB'. 13- First Section of Union Will Meet at Pendleton, Second at Al- , bany, February 20. The fir.t cod Ion of the twin utato convention of the Oregon Christian Kndeavor union will be held Kebru- ary 13 to 13 In Pendleton. All En Ueavorers will be asked to "round up" in Pendleton for this groat an nual event. The Christian Kndeavor organization in Oregon la so largSJ that it 1m impractical to hold thaj convention in one city. The other section will bo held tn Albany, Feb ruary 20 to 22. The main speaker at both conventions will bo P.aul Brown, field secretary ot the California union. Kayo Stelnmets. state president, will preside Arrange ments for entertainment and program are in charge of Mr. I Marl of Pendle ton. Addresses will t- pivrn by promi nent young people each day. . The busi ness session will be during the noon luncheon Saturday. Kastern Oregon young people will have prominent parte on the program. Harold Humbert, state Sunday school jieeretary, will direct the must': at tli Albany convention. Kfforts are being made to get 200 I'ortlanders to sign tiD for the convention o r special C. 12. train can be secured. Ventern Oregon Kndeavorers will Rive tnll nt euch ses sion. The business meeting will be held after the noon luncheon, February 21. Mrs. Mina Sclioof , Well Known Local Resident Is Dead Mr.i. Mlnrt Srhoof. wife of Hairy Kohoof, (ilffl of ennrer KAIinmry 5 nt the fumlly residence. il Kant Twenty- I elfcluli street, ufter an lilr.cau of four j monthit. i Mrt. Si-hoof- wntiM have re.trlierl I:er I fsixtj -first year February 16. Kbe vhsj I born l'i Germany and enrnn to tlie Uuilel Stateg wlien a ajirl. She had II veil In Portland nince 1888. Kor more than 10 jciir.i she roiiflueterl a rcntaurant nt Third and Ankeny siroetft, and titer hIi met and catered to many of tlitt older residents of the city. llesldoH Iter husband, cln; 1h survived by two son. Adolph .'. and William (Billy) C. Slepp of I'ortland. The latter Is a well known pportlnir writrr Mr. Sclioof, her huibftnd. Is bailiff In Circuit JnrlKe MeOourt'H courtroom The funeral was lul.l rt Klnley'sj chaptl tlilH afternoon at 2 .SO. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH E. 7STM and Mrl STS. 11 A. M."A Converted Calendar" 7:45 P. M."A Prophet's Invitation" r. W. STARRINO, Paitor. Of Special Interest la the S:46 Bible Olata. THE FUTURE RELIGIOUS TEST OF THE WORLD rKOTEN1s4T IIIOI AIKV :KOR( Kl 4, r;reat Bible Prophrryl UkAUKVAAtihtisI DICKSON explain from tho Bibln thin ntart llns; prediction, and ahow the Hla; nlflcance of the wane of l'rott antim CHRISTENSEN'S HALL llth HL, HeL Morrison and Yamhill. SUNDAY NIGHT, FEB. 8 AT 7i8S O'CLOCK. THE PUBLIC IJfTITEU BIG CONGREGATIONAL SING Earth's Distressed Nations to Be , Transformed by Righteous Govern-"? ment During Golden Age of Blessings , BIBLE PBOPHKCT PROVISO EVERV IM)lyiDUAL Will, KECEITF, BENEFIT IN CLEAR IT OUTL15BO BY C. W. FIELD Lecturer for the Interna tional Bible Students Atiociation Sunday. Feb. 8, 3 p. m. W.O. W. TEMPLE lit St. Bet. WssalBftoii snd Aldar SEATS FREE SO COLLECTIOTf i 'Iffy Vs