The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 06, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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British Interference in U. S.
Domestic Affairs Is Strongly
Resented by President Wilson
By Davfd Lawrence
Washington, Fb. . President
Wilson resents British Interference
in the domestic affairs of the United
States, and. while In the interest of
good relations and the passage of
the treaty no formal incident has as
yet been made of Lord Grey's letter,
- there is no question of the displea
sure of the Incumbent of the White
In these columns Wednesday it was
pointed out that while the letter of Lord
Orey had pleased the Republican leaders,
ti had offended the true frlenls of Pres
ident Wilson and strensthet.ed the hand
of tnt irreconcilable ef the senate, who
were thankful for the phrase, "a plunge
Into the unknown," contributed by the
distinguished British envoy as a com
ment on the League of Nations.
But It was not evident untl. two days
more passed that the suspicion of White
Mouse resentment aratnat the Grey let
ter was well founded. The confirmation
came in one of those subtle ways which
President Wilson has of expressing his
thoughts by implication
The president's secretary permitted
f the correspondents to quote his answer
te a question they had aaked him con
cerning, a report that the prealdenit had
been consulted by Lord Orey before pub
lishing his famous letter In the London
Times commenting on the conflict be
tween the executive and legialative
branches of our government.
t The answer was an emphatic state
ment that the president bad not been
eon suited.
To the criticism that President Wilson
eras Inaccessible and could not he seen
by Lord Orey, it was, moreover, official
ly stated that matters of this kind could
W pot In writing and that it was cus
tomary for diplomats to communicate by
writing rather than by oral correspondence.
ji In fact, ambassadors or ministers
rsrsly see the president end do most of
their business by informal note or mem
orandum There were plenty of ways
by which Lord Grey might have reached
the president, and moreover the secre
tary was ready at a); times to talk with
the British envoy and In fact receive
him and communicate In writing to Pres
ident Wilson exactly what Lord Grey
said on each occasion.
5 But the point of the White House pro
nouncement seems to be that a British
ambassador to the United States, who
till holds that rank as far as the Unit
ed States is officially advised but who
Is absent from his post, has expressed
himself quite fully on American do
mestic affairs at a moment of intense
feeling between rival political branches
of the American government.
Lord Grey Is at home and probably
has not intend- to return to the United
twatea anyway, so there l no question
that he felt himself about to be relieved
of official duties and free to speak, but
It was being recalled today what Presi
dent Cleveland said In his annual mes
sage to congress in December, ItSS.
in referring to the dismissal of Lord
Sackville. the, British minister to the
United States, "The correspondence In
relation to this Incident wilt In due
course be laid before you and will
disclose the unpardonable conduct of
the official referred to In his Interfer
ence by advice and counsel with the suff
rages of American citizens In the very
crisis of the presidential election, then
near at hand, and also tn his subsequent
public declaration to Justify his actions
superadding Impugnment of the' execu
tive and the senate of the United States
In reflection with the important question
now pending between the two govern
"The offense thus committed was most
grave. Involving disastrous possibilities
to the good relations of the United States
and Great Britain, constituting a grrss
breach of diplomatic privilege and an In
vasion of purely domestic affairs and
essential sovereignty of the government
to which the envoy was accredited" -
Mr. Cleveland said he had instructed
the secretary ef state to decline "to fur
ther recognize the diplomatic character
of the person," and had fell It his "Im
perative duty to obtain with as little de
lay as possible a new personal channel
of diplomatic intercourse In bis country
with the government of Great Britain."
The Incident arose over the public ac
tion by an American citizen of British
ancestry in a letter asking the British
ambassador's advice as to which party
to support in the presidential election
and which candidate would help the
"motherland" most. The British am
bassador answered th letter and while
it was apparently favorable to Mr. Cleve
land's candidacy it was used and pub
lished by anti-British elements to show
that Cleveland and the British government
were working too closely together; any
way the notion was promptly dissipated
r.'taen Mr. Cleveland sent Lord Sackville
The political circumstances in connec
tion with the Lord Orey incident are
not altogether dissimilar. The Irish In
America-, have been accusing the presi
dent of fostering a British Wilson League
of Nations in the United States. They
have been appealing to Senator Lodge
to nullify Article X because they alleged
it might some day interfere with a revo
lutionary movement by Ireland against
Great Britain. To the extent that Lord
Grey's letter strengthened the hand o
Republicans and made them bestir them
selves when an American president
couldn't move the treaty out of its dead
lock, there were Democrats of Irish
proclivities getting ready to taunt the
Republicans with the cry that Lord
Grey's leadership seemed more prefer
able to them than that of President Wil
son. We have not heard the end of the
Lord Orey incident Great Britain will
know both through the press and prob
ably through the American ambassador
In London just how the United States
government feels about the untimely
comment of Lord Grey.
It would not be surprising to find
Prime Minister Lloyd George explaining
informally that Lord Grey wrote as a
private citizen and not as an official of
the 'British government and to ask the
United States to take that into con
sideration, which would be a polite and
diplomatic way of trying to save the
British government from any ill effects
of Mr. Wilson's displeasure.
If the president's f ardor for Europe
should be cooled, there are many people
who believe It would not take much to
swing the United States back to a policy
of Isolation as the end ef his term ap-'
proaeitee and another president, lea In
terested In European affairs takes bold
of the American ship of state. England
will be watchful not to offend President
Wilson, and It will be interesting to
watch the effect In Great Britain and
Europe) generally of the cablegrams go
ing abroad today telling of the way the
White House received the Grey letter.
Foreigner Slashes,
Throat With Knife;
Dies in Graveyard
Lying in an old deserted bouse at
East Stark and Twenty-fourth streets,
the body of an ' unidentified man with
bis throat cut was found Thursday af
ternoon by Motorcycle Officer Schad.
The body was in the woodshed be
hind the house formerly occupied by the
sexton of St. Marys cemetery. A coat
found In the bouse, lying on a couch,
la thought by the police to have be
longed to tbe man.
Cards In the pocket of the coat bear
the name "Pete" and the address of the
Clayton hotel. 82 North Sixth street.
The man had cut his throat with a
pocket knife, seconding to Chief Dep
uty Coroner Leo Goetsch, who pro
nounced it a case of suicide.
The man was about 40 years old and
dressed in overalls, according to the
coroner, who thinks be was either a
Mexican or an Italian. H. Tennant,
sexton of the Lone Fir cemetery, just
across the street, etated that he had
seen the man sitting in the cemetery
last Monday. He inquired If the man
was ill, but only received the answer,
E. G. Crawford Entertains Strong
Hope That Foreign Coin Will
Go Back to Par in Due Time.
France's Attitude
Toward Treaty Is
Similar to Grey's
Paris. Feb. 6 (U. P.) J. J. Jusser
and. theF'rench ambassador to the
United States, already has carried out
prudently instructions given him to ad
vise the American government that
France's attitude toward the American
senate's position on the peace treaty is
similar to that expressed in Viscount
Grey's letter to the London Times, ac
cording to the Echo de Paris.
Film atmS In I u 14 Ban
rjrocfffets refund money if PAZO OINTMENT
fails to eurs Itching. Blind. Bleedfns or Protrud
ing Piles. Btopi Irritation: Sootbei tnd Heab.
Tou can cat renthjl sleep after th first spplics-
Prtc soe. aut.
Foreign eich&ng e the inter
change between countries of money
or credits representing money is
rapidly making the American dol
lar more and more valuable because
the American people are tightening
up on their loans to Europe. They
are beginning to feel that Europe's
ability to repay existing, loans is
gradually lessening, and that while
the European nations are not bank
rupt, they may become so.
This is the explanation of E. G.
Crawford, first vice president of the
United States National bank. The rapid
decline of the German mark, the French
franc and the English pound he regards
only as proof that the American peo
ple are more and more concerned
about Europe's ability to repay any
money that may further be loaned -it.
"The present situation tn foreign ex
change Is simply a case of supply and
demand. declares Crawford. "Europe
ays to Asnarica. 1 want to buy so ran
dollars.' America replies to Europe,
Well, you owe me ten or twelve bil
lion dollars already. If I loan you some
more what premium will you give rasT"
"The American people are not anxious
to loan any more money, so they de
mand more pounds, mar kg or., francs
for their dollar. They are esTrtaor oa
getting their money back, Iseesusse as
Europe more and more piles up- her
debt. It lessens ltd ability to repay."
And in "the rapid decline of foreign
exchange. Crawford believes he sees
the beginning of the end of high prices.
Credit of Europeans vanished, a great
flood of American goods will force
prices down in this country.
The banker does not believe in spec
ulation. Wealth is' created by hard
work, he declares, and not by dabbling
In finance.
But he says the purchase of foreign
money now while it is at very low
levels should help the European coun
tries. It gives them some American
credit to buy needed goods and start
building anew. Then as their countries
grow and increase In prosperity, the
value of their money will go up, be
cause by gradually paying off their
debts, their credit will become better
Their credit once at higher level, they
will not have to pay such a high
premium for the American dollar the
kingpin of all money.
Theatre Likely to
Lose Location With
Lease of Building
A new development reported along
film row, due for early consummation,
will probably see the passing of the
While the World
Looks Op
Is Coaeert oa
"Oar Masleal Floor" the Sevesth
Mat his
i, ' . ...
A Profitable
Clothes Investment
In buying clothes, figure
the cost by the months of
service they will give rather,
than by the price you pay.
Clothes that are made from
the quality viewpoint stand
up under the strain of long,
hard wear. That is what
makes your investment a
profitable and satisfactory
th$ smile of
a man's attire
Attractive-neckwear is
an outstanding feature
in good grooming. The
neckwear we show will,
appeal to your taste for
nice things.
Silks and
Knitted Ties
Ready Tailored
$30 to $97.50
$25 to $125
Mathis Corner Fifth and Morrison
The Easiest Way To Clean Your
Rugs Is With
A Royal
Electric Vacuum
The Royal saves you from so
much hard work, yes, needless
work, that it's hard to understand
how anyone can do without one.
Simply connect your Royal to
any lamp socket, and presto! the
dirt disappears all of the dirt,
no matter how deeply it's trod
den in. Let us send you one
Sunset theatre, at the corner ef Wash-
rnjrt on and Broadway, with eatimncea oa
both streets.
A deal for a lease on this building oc
cupying a quarter block is now pending.
with the Metropolitan S and tiO-eent
store corporation on tbe lessors end of
the . proposition, which is understood to
Involve a monthly rental of $1000, to be
paid to J. J, Jennings, who holds the
original lease . from the McGinn estate,
and who operates, the Sunset theatre.
Remodeling of the building; will mean
the elimination of the theatre, and will
necessitate the removal of several of the
shops tn the around floor of tbe building.
The Metropolitan company operates a
chain of JO-cent stores In the Middle
West, and a store In Salt Lake City, Its
entrance into tao Portland field mark
ing Its Pacific coast advent'
It Is understood thatj the remodel Inf
of the building; will be undertaken about
April 1.
While the World
Looks On
Are New Oserstlns Prom Osf
Aviation Field
PsMsnser Otirlss en IfhUSselsf .
an Crest-OeunVy Trips
For Information anS Rata.
AIRPLANI CO., Vase, aisfl.
on a
No obligations. Just reach for
your phone and call Broadway
For tho Treatment of
Colds, Grip and Influenza
and to Fortify tho System Against
Colds, Grip and Influenza
Laxative) Uromo (Qjuinine
which destroy germs, act as a Tonic and Laxative, and
keep the system in condition to throw off attacks of
Colds, Grip and Influenza.
Soon Relievo Fmvertsh and Painful Headaches
caused from Ooldm
LAXATIVE BROMO. QUININE is the first and original
Cold and Grip Tablet It is used by every Civilized
Nation and has a larger sale than all other Cold and
Grip Remedies combined. It has stood the test for more
than a Quarter of a Century.
Remember' there to Only One
OmU for full
romo PuininG"
look for thlm nfgnatttro on box
30 Cento
Business-like Service
for Busy Men y
An impressively large percentage of Owl Drug
Store customers are men. Ninety-nine per cent
or them know just what they want and they want
it in a hurry. Owl Stores have what they want and are equipped for cjuick action
particularly in the department of Shaving Supplies.
The Popular "Safeties"
We have them all, including the Si.oo leaders Gem,
Eveready, Enders, Durham, Domino, etc
The world-famous Gillette All of the models and sets ak
ways on hand. The prices range from 5.00 up to io.oo.
The AutoStrop at 5.00 This is the one that has the
blade-stropping device an important economy feature
Safety Razor Blades
Gillette (6) 50c
Auto-Strop (6) 50c
Durham Duplex (5).. 50c
Enders (5) :...25c
Gem (7) 50c.
Keen Kutter (5) 25c
Mark Cross (1) 5c
Sextoblade (3) .25c
Eveready (6) . . . . . . 40c
Penn (6) 50c
Blade Sharpeners There is a practical sharpener for prac
tically every safety razor blade. 1.25 to 5.00.
Blade Razors
We have a good supply of Made-in-America razors and
tney are splendid. 1 ne pnees range trom puoo up.
Razor Strops Prices range from 25c up to 5.00.
Razor Hones Well-known makes, 50c to 1.25.
The nrices start at ?.e
and range by easy stages
J all the way up to 8.50.
All bristles set in rubber.
Shaving Mirrors V Mugs
The prices range all the way from j The assortment in
1.50 to 6.00. Some have a magrufying jeludes opaque and clear
mirror on the back. AH of them are jjglass mugs and some in
metal bound a feature that means prax- ''china, neatly decorated,
tically indefinite service. 25c to 50c
Approved Shaving Lotions
We have them all Liquid Creams, Vegetal Lilacs, Red Feather
Shaving Lotion, Rexall Shaving Lotion, Double-distilled Witch
Hazel, etc. The Owl Borated Bay Rum is the choice of thousands.
It is soothing, healing and cooling! 8-ounce bottles 35c.
The Favored Talcutris
Your favorite is always waiting for you. The assortment is com
plete. Red Feather Talcum ztic a can is a leader because of qual
ity, quantity and price. Three popular odors violet, lilac and rose.
lather-Making Preparations
' Rexall Shaving Cream...
Lysol Shaving Cream ...
Mermen's Shaving Cream
Williams' Shaving Cream
Colgate's Shaving Cream
I. & J. Shaving Cream ..
Pafmolive Shaving Cream
Krank's Lather Cream ..
Rexall Shaving Stick
Cuticura Shaving Stick . .
Resinol Shaving Stick 30c
Williams' Shaving Stick 30c
Colgate' Shaving Stick 30:
Williams' Shaving Powder 30c
Colgate's Shaving Powder ...30c
Williams' Mug Soap 3c
Williams' Barber Bar 8c
Williams' "Quick-and-Easy" . . . gc
Colgate's Cup Soap ........ Sc
Colgate's Barber Bar 8c
Yankee Shaving Soap 10c
Broadway at Washington Street
1 ji osaj
Your Hair Is Falling Out
Hsvs yem had some friend tell you this? Or havs you looked in ths mirror and said so
IWhtta It What is tho cause? Find out NOW. I ,
-Professor 'John H Austin, bacteriologist, hatr and scalp specialist of 40 years' experience.
yrSelrwy to determine the exact cause of hatr and scalp troubles Is with the use
of a microscope.
ree Mlerescsptc Kxamlsatlsa ef h Hair ssd Scaly , '
By the Professor Austin method daily hours 10 to and f to 4.
7 Don't delay come tomorrow. . ', -s '
' . Baleosr Tie Owl Prsg Cs, Broadway asd VT assist; toa
... j
t t