J .: It THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 14 "SATURDAY,5 JANUARY 31, 1920. PORTLAND, OREGON v f &tiral pastors to it h to pe Study problems (Sradiiate Schools VILLAGE CHURCH TO PLAY PART IN NEW MOVEMENT Innovation Designed to Show Close . Relationship Between I Rural Church and People. ' Training to enable rural pastors to interest farmers In church work by giving the pastors a scientific knowledge of the conditions and -problems of farm life will be given at "30 rural pastors graduate schools in as many states to be operated under the combined auspices of the state agriculture colleges, on whose ' premises the schools will be con ducted, and of the interchurch world , , movement which will furnish the faculties. Most of the schools will be conducted for a period of three weeks each, between June and September, ' according to the an nouncement of Ralph A. Felton of the lnterchurcl movement who is ; ar an glng the details for the nation-wide venture. FARM TOPICS LISTED It Is the plan to teach the rural pas- tors how they may help the farmers to get better crops by applying scien tific , methods, bo that the farmers in return may learn" better church meth od I, which will also be one of the sub jects (taught during the term of the summer school. Good roads, finding and " developing a .market, community health, rural schools and similar subjects will - be required as will the subjects of evan s el tern, pastoral calling, church finances . and religious Instruction. Child welfare will be discussed on the same day as Christianity and world . democracy and successful village churches. : Missionary problems of the church i ni receive attention, as will the sub , Ject of the housefly and health. TO COEEUTE WOBK The whole course is designed by the promoters to show the very close rela tionship between the rural church and the everyday life of men and women ' in rural communities. Not only will the pastors be given the . advantage of these graduate schools, but the . pastors' wives will be given 3 studies in a special course on "Home akin --for 'Pastors' Wives." In this Nurse -the relation ef rural churches i j the 'organisation of county demon stration work, with illustrations of how put 'vp preserves, will be one feature. . Home dtxoratlon, selection and care of , ' tattling, . 'recreational activities and octtry raiding are some of the aub Vtor bt tight. l-niPr the cooperative arrangement of U ehtWPicfc ttrgatdaatiOM the Inter- TMCb W oi -a ia .anient becomes the rnctioat. 0rgeir(l. the denomlna r.-nt rrfme f.-iismn B(KetJes are re- wi?i ror tew eim.ijjTWwit of the stu ".terusi have ehrovd5 . futid t defray the expos.es w n,, 5,tors Vhom'thh. leWs asi fit as students, whf) the boarts ,li Pap tivt northJ, the rHeclpls Vs? the J CongregatlojiW id . Hforrnt - Kanvl,e4 art' considering the question V making . . rkrZzr METHODIST m EPISCOPAL CHURCH . . ... , 4V. i (aSSIMILY Reom SfUUTWOf H 0TIU . 'f Divine Sen iest 10:$;o A. M. DRIV H.. MARVIN Mxctltjtnt mtxtic by sextette chehr end male quartette, f ' v. ., - "if ; f ' ' A CORDIAL WELCOME COME EARLY FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AIDER STREET AT -tS , HUM A. M. : THE REVEREND WILLIAM CORKEY, D. D. Of BELFAST, IRELAND i-5';, v 7:t) P. M. Dir. Howard Agnew Johnston, D. D. "Basil King's Chrittless Heaven If 1 11 -8TJWD AY SCHOOL Jlli ORGAN RECITAL BT V v E. E. COURSE SPECIAL MUSIC "What h Authority in ; Religion?" - Is Ut. Sehjeet of Or. dwartf H. Pmc' .- Swmow a Wmlmlnslir Sanaay '., norBlng at 10:0. - ';r.Y William Corkey t;:. or slfast, ikklano will speak it T:80. IT. at s chaplain Is the British arm? and im dacorattd for eistfagulslwd mi'I U. on thm field ef twttla. H. will Pk in Um interests of U. IrMt Question. ., . - , QuarriY amt rimr oroan musio BIBLK SCHOOL AT 1S:10 CHRISTIAN gUDKAVON AT j S:SO VESTMINSTCft CORDIALLY IK ;..; vTTK THK PUSLIO , Br; SSlaUo Stati 5E9oi-k in JJortJand Dr. William A. Waldo.'paatOr of White) Temple, will begin 8unday morning the third year of his pastorate in Portland. During the first year, 171 new members were received In the church and during the second year Just closing, 197 new members, totaling 270. The . present membership of the church numbers 1284. Twelve new members , will be received on Sunday morning. About 120,000 has been raised in the church during the last year. Dr. Waldo has been ; successfully leading his church Into the program of the New World movement The. church has been organised into 63 family groups In different districts of the city. On Sunday morning the Lord's supper will be observed and thehand of fellowship given to new members. , .. The Rev. Frederick Hart, M. A., will speak In White Temple Sunday evening at 7:30. He is one of the official dele gates from Ireland to the Protestant churches of America. The Temple quartet will render spe cial music at both services. - Dr. Standsfield Goes For Winter Vacation T)i- StnnstftnM Rnnduv mfirninc will preach his last sermon prior to his va-1 cation season, which he will spend in Arizona and Southern California. Dur ing February the following preachers will be heard from the pulpit : February 8, Dr W. W. Toungson in the morning and a sacred concert in the evening; February 16, the Kev. W. F. Randall of Seattle and Dr. Harold Lynn Hough, president of Northwestern university, Chicago; February 22. Bishop Matthew Simpson Hughes at both services ; Feb ruary 29. Dr. Toungson. Rev. W. 6-Eliot to Open New Series Sunday evening the Rev. W. G. Eliot will begin his February sermon series. He will preach Sunday morning on per sonal management of sorrow and disap pointment. The church school chapel has been turned over to the Armenian relief committee for February- The in stallation of office equipment makes It necessary or the school and the Satur day kitchen garden to meet in the church room. Vesper Services to Be Open to Public The Warren Vesper class at the First Presbyterian church will throw open its doors to entertain the public at 4 o'clock Sunday. Walter Jenkins will render two solos and Miss Gertrude Hoeber, leader of the orchestra, will present a program. A brief lecture by Dr. Angela L. Ford Warren will be given, followed by an introduction social under the management of the members of the "Friendship circle." appropriations to send pastors of their respective groups to the schools. Headquarters for the nationwide edu cational system will be in tho oftkses of the Interchurch World movement In New York. Training School Holds Session The third session In the SDliuc sem ester of the Portland Training school wtii h held next Wednesday evening in tiw First Methodist church. The school iftftag conducted under the auspices of the .Multnomah Sunday School asso ciation and the Portland Church federa tion. First Methodist Church Twelfth asd Tayler Streets PTJBLIC WOB8HIP If) ill A. M. AND 7iU P. M. PREACHERS REV. C. WESLEY MAGUIRE FROM BELFAST, IRELAND 7i P. M. PREACHERi DR. STANSFIELD OK SEEKERS AFTER GOD TWO GREAT SERTICES COME WITH US TWELFTH WESTMINSTER it RISH CLERGY'S L Four Ulster Ministers" Will Talk In Various Churches and at The Auditorium. An event in religious circles in the city this week, is the visit of the official delegation of Irish clergy men. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, the Rev. L. W. Crooks, rec tor of the historic Knockbreda Episcopal church In Belfast, will speak in the Church of the Good Shepherd, and at 7:30 p. m. in St. Davids. The Rev. William Corkey, pastor of the Townsend Presbyter ian church at Belfast, will preach at 10:30 in the First? Presbyterian church, and at 7:30 In Westminster church. The Rev. Charles Wesley Maguire, will speak Sunday morn ing at 10:30 at the First Methodist Episcopal church, and Sunday even ing at the Rose City Park Presby terian Church. The Rev. Frederick E. Harte, pastor of the great Done gal Square church, and an eye wit ness of the "Easter rebellion" in Dublin, will speak Sunday morning at 10:30 In the First Christian church and Sunday night at the First Baptist church. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock the Rev. Frederick E. Harte will speak in the T. M. C. A., and at 4 o'clock Rev. and Mrs. William Corkey will speak In the T. W. C. A. Monday night the public is invited to hear these four clergymen from Ulster talk in The Auditorium. Holders of tickets will be admitted from 6 :30 to 7:30. The doors will be thrown open to the public at 7:30 without admission. The addresses wDl begin at 8 o'clock. Johnston Speaks at Church Dr. Howard Agnew Johnston, D. D., of Chicago, is to occupy the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church Sunday evening, and will continue the sermons on "Problems of the Future Life." DIRECTORY Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Uniform Sunday School Lessons "Peter Mtd John in Sunula." Act 8:14-24. Golden text: "Te shall be tay witnesses both In Jeraulem snd in .11 Jades sod Bsmsria, snd unto the uttermost put of the eerth." Acts 1 :8. Young People's Topics Christian Kndesror "What Doe. Our Pledg. Require?" Duet. 18: 4; John 14:21-28. Epworth IjtKUe "MediosJ Science and Chi nese Leadership." Jer 80:12-17; l.uke 17:11-9. Baptist Firt Whit. Tempi.. 12th snd Tarlor-s ReT. Wm. A. Waldo. 11, "Church Prosperity'': 7:80, preaching by Rav. Frederick Harte of Ireland. East Side E. 20th and Salmon Bst. W. B. Hinsou. Re t. H. T. Cssh. ajsociste. 11. "The Challenge of Ood Will Too Accept Itt" Com munion and baptism; 7:8u, Th. Kue and fall of Simon Peter." Third Vancouver and Knott 11. preaching by Re. V. C. UuletU; 7:80. Arleta B. 84 th and 48th are. Her. Own T. Day. 11. 7:80. CalTarr K. "th and Grant Bar. J. E. Thomas. 11. "Th. Fail) Isto th. Will of God"; 7:80. "Tb. Hind, of OobtukIob: What It Does." OlenecM E. 4Sth sad Main Kw. F. C. Iatetts. 11, "Philip or the Friendship that Molds Character "; 7:80, "Nathaniel or Accept lug th. Challenre of Dirine Leadership." SeUwood Bethany Her. VI. N. Ferris. 11. 7:45. Qrece K. 78th snd Ah. Tier. F W. Star ing. 11. "th. Great Purchase" ; 7:48. University Park Rer. S. Lawrence Black. 11. 8. Swedish 16th and Hort Est. T. G. SJolan- der. 10:80. 7:80. 81 Johns 11. 7:80. Highland B, 8th and Alberta Pr W. T MQUken. 11. ''Spiritual Conceit"; T:80. ''Th. Law of Wrong Suggestion." Mt. OliTet (colored) Broadway and Ev erett Rer. J. W. Anderson.' 11, 8. Ethn BwedUh Mallory and Skidmore Rer. A. G. Sandbloav 2 :80. 3:30. Oatnoiio Pro Cathedral 16th and Darts Ret. E. V. O'Hara. 0. 7:18. 8:30. 8:46. 11. 7:48. St. Peters Lenta Rer. p. Beutaen. 8, 10.80. 7:80. St Lawrence Sd and Sherman Rer. J. C. Hughes. 8. 8:80. 10:80. 7:80. St Francis E. 12th snd Pine Her. J. H. Black. 8. 8. . 10:30. 7:80. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton Rer. W. A. Daly. 6, 8. 9, 11, 7:30. Holy Rosary B. 3d and Clackamas Rr E. 8. Olson. ' 6. 7, 8. . 11. 7:80 Bt Rose E. 63d ud Alsmeda R. J. 0FamlL 8. 10:80, 4. St Andrews E. 9th sad Alberts Rer. J. Kternan. 8. 10:80, 7:80. Th. Madeletn. E. 24th and Siakiyoa ReT. George F. Thompson. 7:30, 9. 11. Ascension E. 76th and T am hill Franctoeaa Fathers. 8, 10:80. 7:80. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandeas Rer. F. W. Black. 8. 10:80. 7:80. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoln ReT. C. Raymond. 8. 10:30, 7:80. St Ignatius 8220 48d st 8. E. Jesuit Fathers. :80. 8. 10:80. 4. ; 8L Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Rev. Wax ren A. Wsitt . 8:30. 10:80. 7:80. Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and Vancou ver t& Rot. William J. Dirine. 6. 8. 10:30, 7 :80. St Phillip Nedi (Panllst Fathers) E. 16th and Hiokory Rer. M. L, Fury. 7:80. S, 10:10. 7:30. St dements S. Smith are. and Newton Seroite Fathers. 6. 8. 10:80, 7:80. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center By?. G. Sob. 8. 10:80. 7:80. 8t Agatha B. 15th and Millar Rer. J. CommiKky. 8, 10:80. 7:80. St Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland asd Fail ing Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80, 7:80. St Joseph (German) 16th and Couch Rer. B. Rurrer. 8. 10:80, 7:80. 8t Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Re?. M. Balet. 8:80, 10:80. 7:30. St Claire's Capitol Hill Father Aloyttus. O. F. M. 7:20. 9:20. St Charles E. 8 3d and Alberts Rer. J. P. O'Flynn. 8. 10:80. AU Saints K. 89th and GDaan Res. Father William Cronin. 8. 10:80. 8t Patricks 19th and Sarier ReT. Charles M. Smith. Masses 6:80. 8. 9:15. 10:80. 7:48. Ohrlstlan First Park and Columbia Rer. RarnM W Griff is. 11, preaching by Rer. Frederick Hart, of jsetissa, tretana; :io, scaool or missions. East Side K. 12th and Taylor Her. R. H. Sawyer. 11. 7:80. - Rodney A Tenue Rodney and Knott Res. S. Ear Chnder.. 11. 7:80. MonUrilla E. 7U and Gllsan. Bst. Car roU a Roberts. 11. 7:80. G R A CI BAPTIST CHURCH !- .! ' . TSTII and ASH T. ..." SUNKCTS " A. M. . "The Great Purchase' 1:45 P.M. "The Acid Test of Morality - I., r. W. STS RRIN 0, Pastor.' VISIT EVENTFU 5otes. of Hfnterest' in. Ckurctes Father and Son week, February 14-, 22. will be observed this year. In a na tional way, being promoted by the T. M. C A. In Portland, the boys' divi sion, of which J. G, Meehan is secre tary, will have charge, directing activ ities and assisting where possible. F. J. Meyer, secretary of the service depart ment,' is handling the details and an nounces that it is hoped all churches, civic and other similar organisations, will make arrangements for some spe cial features. Many are planning ban quets. The bringing of men and boys Into closer relationship is the chief ob ject of the week. BAPTIST The denominational program of the Baptists for February calls for empha sis on the stewardship plan. The appli cation of the laws of the Bible with regard to the making and using of money will be considered In the churches. During March and culminating Easter Sunday. April 4, the evangelistic pro gram will have the place of emphasis. A series of sermons on psychology will be preached on the Sunday evenings during February by Rev. W. T. MUli ken of Highland Baptist church. While residing in the Middle West Dr. MiHI ken was examiner in psychology for the graduate courses at Swing college. CHRISTIAN ' Rev. Carroll C. Roberts of Fresno, Cal., has accepted the pastorate of the Montavtlla Christian church. The four sermons he has preached in Montavilla have endeared the people to him. Rev. Mr. Roberts is a state Christian En deavor officer, so a lively young peo ple's organisation is anticipated. J. E. Springer, Bible school superintendent, also looks for growth In his depart ment A special mass meeting for parents and children will be held Sunday morn ing at Kern Park Christian church by Rev. J. F. Ghormley. In the evening the Christian Endeavor members will have charge of the service. CONGREGATIONAL What Sir Oliver Lodge. English, sci entist, has to say on spiritualism, fur nished Dr. W. T. McElveen with his topic for Sunday evening at the First Congregational church. In his current events class Sunday noon. Dr. McEl veen proposes to tell the reason for the Sinn Fein and Ulster differences. Miss Helen Hewitt, who spent many years In Mexico, will speak at the High land Congregational church on Sunday night on "Life and Conditions in Mex ico Social, Religious ana Otherwise." OF CHURCH Woodlawn F! 7th and Liberty Bar. Joseph O. BovL 11. 8. Vernon E. 15th snd Wygant Rer. R. Tibbs Unxtt 11. 7:80. Kern Park Rer. J. F. Ghormley. 11. meet ing for parents and children; 7 :80. Christian Endeavor program. Christian Science Lesson subject: "Lore." First lth and ETerett 11. 8. Secoml E. Sth and Holladay. 11. 8. Third E 12th snd Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth Vancouver and Emerson. 11, 8. Fifth 62d and 42d are. S. B. 11. 8. Sixth Masonic tnmple. 368 TamhllL 11. 8. Berenth Holbrnok block. St Johns. 11. All churches Wednesday. 8 p. ra. Oongregallanal First Psrk snd Msdison Dr. W. T. McBl veen. 11. "Tb. Program of the Church"; 7:46. "Spiritualism." Snnnyaide E 82d snd Tsylor Rev J. J. Btaub. 11, "The Real Business of the Church' ; 7:4S. serrice in charge of Senior Christian En deavor society. Atkinson Memorial B. 39th and Everett Rer. E. E. Flint 11. "The Leavening Power of the NsUons"; 7:45. "Why I Am Not at Church." . Highland E th and Preoeoii Rev. Edward Constant 11, "The Responsive Heart"; 7:30, "Life ia Mexico," by Miss Hewitt Waverleia-h HelfhU E. 33d and Woodward--Rer. Oliver P. Avery. 11. "Be Te Ready for Chrtet"; 7:30, "Recovering Lost Values. I" Laurelwood 45th ave. and 65th st 8. E. Mrs. A He M. Handsaker. 11. Pi la-rim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Robert Murray Pratt 11, 7:30. University Park Haven and Lombard Re?. C. H. Johnston. Finnish Mason and Albina Rev. A. A Harjia. 6 and 8 p. m. 8t Johns 8. tvanho. and Richmond Rer. J. T. Merrill 11. 7:80 Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Rev. Ole Torgwwen. 11, 7:30. First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev. George Zocher. 11, 7:80. Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Rev. Henry Hagelgana. 11. 7:30. Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Rev. J. H. Hoop. 11. 7:80. Dunaard Church of th. Brethren Borthwiek and Brai ns rd Rev. George C. CarL 11. 8. Rplscwnal Pro-Cathedrsl of t Stephen the Martyr Rt R.v. W. Ta Sumner bishop; Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, dean. 9:45. 11. "Practical Re ligion"; 7:80. "The Scriptural Basis of Healing." Trinity 19th and Everett Kev. A. A. Mor rison, 8, 11. "Peace"; 8, "IndMduaMsm." St Darids E. 12th and Belmont Rer. Tbos. Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:30, 11. 7:80. St Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. G. Hatton. 7:30. 11. 7:45; daily, 7:80 a. m. St Andrews Hereford st. Plymouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 11. 7:30. Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Kev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 11, preaching by Rev. L. W. Crooks of Belfast Ireland; 8. St Michael and All. Angels E. 43d and Broadway Rer. F. T. Bowen, vicar. 8, 10, 11. Church of Our Sartor 60th are. and 41 at st 8. E.- Rev. E. H. Clark, ricar. 7 :30. 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Rev Frederick K. Howard, 7. 0:30. St Pauls Wood me re Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. All Saints 25th and Barter Bst. Frederick K. Howard. 10. 11. St Johns Memorial E. 15th and Harney, SeUwood. Rer. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:30. St . Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Rot. W. A. M. Brack, ricar. 10. 11. CTangsllcal First E. 6th and Market Rer. E. D. Hom schuch. 11. 7:80. Clay Street 10th and Clay Rer. Jacob Stocker. 10:45 (German) "The Missions of Our Church': 3: service at the Altenheim; 7:30 (English), "The Relation of Regeneration to SanetificaUon. Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Gllsan. Bar. C J. Ledin. 11. 7:80. Pre Methodist Central E. 55 th and Flanders Rev. K. 1. Harrington. 11. 7:30. First E. 9th and Mill Rev. 8. H. Upton. 11. 7:80. Alberta E. 80th and Wygant Rer. M. T. Wheta.lL 11. 7:30. , . ff St Johns E. Richmond and Hudson Rer. E. D. Blaekman. 11, 7:80. Lenta Rer. S. H. Upton, acting pastor. 2:30, :su. First E. 85th and Main Rer. Homer L. Cos. 11, 7:45. Seoond- E. 93d and 61st are. Rer. Lnrua M. Terrell 11. 7. Wast Piedmuut Borthwiek and Jersey Rev. Carejt. JawMptv 11. a. . V)agTefaeloa Beth Israel 1 2th and Ifatn Rabbi Jonah B. - Win. Reform Synagogue. Sen sue Friday 8 P- Bx.. Saturday 10:80 a. m. Conamcateou Abavai Aholota Park and Clay eta. Rabbi B. Abraaamson. Fridaji 6 p. m.; Saturday, 8:80 a m. . Congregatio tt'ctali Zedeek Talmud Torah 6th and Hall Rev. Abraham L Boseneranta. Friday S p. m. Saturday 9 a. an. Sunday 10 a. as..: HellgioTsa school I sjTltr Oaf Snlntg -' Church e Jeeos Christ ef Latter Day Saat m. 2tb and Msdison Hebw C Irerson. aaia. uoo president. 19. 70. . St. Jama W. Park and Jefferson Res. William E. Brhuraaan. - 11. 7:80. . - St Pauls B. 12th and Clinton Rer. A. Kranse. 19:80. "Give Tie This Day Oar Dallv Bvea4:" 7 :0, "DiTiiw Delight." . , Our flavtoe C lth and Grtnt Rer. If, A. ChristenMU. 11. (English) "Christ Stills - th Stormy"; 1:30, illustrated lecture. , Trinity (Missouri Synod) WOUants ' gad N - ' Miss Hewitt, who Is visiting in Port land, has been principal of a girls' school at Pachuca, Mexico, under the auspices of the Methodist board, and has a very. interesting story to tell of life in that country. 1 r. EPISCOPAL Dean "Reginald T. T.. Hicks will preach Sunday morning at the pro-cathedral, discussing "Practical Religion." Sunday evening-- the dean will commence a se ries of eermons on "Spiritual Healing." This course of sermons will be a pre lude ' to the coming of James -Moore Hlckson. who will visit Portland In March., Mr. Hickson Is meeting with success J n the East His visit to Port land Is looked forward to with a great deal of. interest. The demand for peace will be-Considered byi Dr. A. A. Morrison In his Sun day morning sermon In Trinity Episco pal chrch. An address on Individual ism will be given In the evening. Last Friday evening the second large -party was held in the parish house under the auspices of the community service as sociation. The Martha Washington girls were hostesses. The Sunday school has more than doubled during January. A drive is on to double it again. Mrs. Wil son Johnston, Miss Rock wood, Mrs. Thomas Sharp and Miss Eastman have been added to the list of teachers. EVANGELICAL Sunday will be observed as a day of prayer at Clay Street Evangelical church. Prayer will be said for de nominational mission work. The morn ing sermon of Rev. Jacob Stocker will be in German and the evening sermon In English. At 3 p. m. the congregation will conduct a service at the Altenheim. FREE METHODIST Bishop William Pearce of Philadel phia is coming to Portland during the week and will preach at the First Free Methodist church, the first service be ing Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. He will preach each remaining evening of the week at the same hour and at 2 :30 p. m. Sunday, February 8. Rev. S. H. Upton is pastor pf the church. FRIENDS The forward movement campaign In the Friends church will be presented to a mass meeting of all the Friends in the Portland district next week by a team composed of the following per sons: Levi T. Pennington, Richmond. Ind.. general director of the movement and formerly president of Pacific col lege: Professor Edgar II. Stranahan professor In Penn college-and pastor of College Avenue Friends church, Oska- SERVICES IN Graham Rer. J. R. Rlmbaeh. Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Deris Rev. Wilheim Pettersen. 11. 8. Grace (EnaUah) E. 24th snd Broadway Rer. C. H. Bernhard. 11. 7:30. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant end" Rod ney. Bethany Danish Erangelical Union and Mor ris Rer. L.- P. Kjoller, 11.7 :80. St. Johns Peninsula and Kilpa trick Rer. L. Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish AugusUna Stanton and Rodney Rer. V. G. Ogren. 10:45, 7:45. Immanuel 19th and Irrlng Bar. A. V. An derson. 11, 8. Portsmouth Lorely and Fortune Rer. S. C. B; Knutsert. 1 1 . T :SO. ioa Erangslieal (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Rer. H. H. Koppelmann. 9:15, 10:15, 7:45. Alberta English E. 17tb and Alberta (Baker hall). 10. 11. IRethoalat Iptaeopal Carsoa Heights Rer. G. 8. Brown. 10. 11. 7. Centenarr K. nth and Pine Rev. Frank L Wemett 11.7 :30. Oentral Vancouver and Fargo Rer, A. R. Maclean. Reriral servicea. 11. 7:30. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rer. E. S. Mace. 11. Epworth 26th and Savier Rer. J. Stanford Moore. 11, 7:80. First 12th and Taylor Rer. Jmhna Stans field. 10:30. preaching by Rer. Charles Wes ley Msgutr. of Belfast. Ireland; 7:30. First Norwegian Danish 1 8th and Hnyt Rer. Ellas Gjerding. 11. "What It means T. Be A Christian;" 8, "How To Make A Success of The Christian Life." Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. Rev. A. C Brakenbury. 11. 7:80. Lenta 86th st. and 68th Ave. Rer. F. R. Sibley. 11, 7:45. IJneoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln. Kev. F. A. Ginn. 11, 7:30. MonUrilla E. 80tb and Pine Rer. Hiram Gould. 11. 7:80. Mt Tabor E. 6 1st snd Stark. Rer. Y.. G. D-cker . 11, "The Ladies' AM Society';; 7:80, "New York City a Mission Field." Pattnn Alberta and Michigan. Rev. George H. Bennett 11, 7:80. Itnse City Park E. 58th and Sandy. Rev. I). Lester Fields. 11, 7:80. SeUwood E. 1 6th and Taeoma Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11. "Nothing Shall Be Impossible To Tou:" 7:80. "God a Word As A Weapon." Sunnyslde E. 85tb and Yamhill Rev. W. F. Iueaon. 11, communion; 7:45, "Lea Miaer ables." St. Johns "W. Learitt and Syracuse Rev. W. E. Kloster. 11. 7:30. Swedish Beech and Borthwiek Rer. A pel Eklund. 11, 8. Cnirersity Park Fike and Lombard Rer H. T. Atkinson, 11. 7:30. Tancourer A Tenue Norwegian Danish Skid more and Tancourer Rer. A. Christ risen. 11, eTangelistie service led by Rer. C. August Peter son; 7:30. evening service at First church. Wesleyan E. 63d and Gllsan Rer. D. B. Hampe. 11. 7:45. Westmoreland Milwaukie and Midway Rer. E. S. Mac. 7:80. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rer. E. C. Hick man. 10:30. Woodstock E. 44th and Woodstock Rer. L. C. Poor. 11. 7:30. Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rer. J. H. Irvine. 11. "World-Conquering Minorities"; 7:80, "Destroyed By Misused Blessings." District superintendent Rev. William Wallace Toungson, D. D., 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790. m. E. South First Union snd Multnomsh Rer. J. W. Byrd. 11. "The Uneonfused;" 7:80, Arctic-Alaskan motion pictures and lecture by George Edward Lewis. Nazarana First E. 10th and Weidler-a-Iter. J. T. Little. Holiness convention. Erangelistic serr ices. 11. 2:30, 7:80. Be 11 wood E. 9th and Spokane Rev. J. G. Bringedaul. 11. 7:30. Brentwood 66th are. and 67th st Rer. C. U. Fowler. 11. 7:80. Highland Park K. 14 th and Jarrett Rev. W. P. Keebaugb. 11. 8. Scandinari? 948 Garfield Rev. Daniel Hallrtrom. 11, 7:30. Presbyterian First 12th and Alder. Rer. Howard Agnew Johnson of Chicago, acting pastor, Rer. Leri 1 oh nssft, "-assistant pastor. 10:80, preaching by Rer. William Corkey ef Belfast, Ireland; 7:80. "Basil King's 'CbrisUsas Heaven,' " by pastor. Westminster East- 17th and Schuyler Bee. Edward H. Pence. 10:80, 7:30, preaching by Rer. William Corkey of Belfast, Ireland. Central E. 18th and Pine. Rev. Walter Henry Nugent Preaching by -. Major T. A. Mills. 11. "Cae r Loss;" T :AO. "The Greatest Frenchman's Greatest Story." Calvary 11th and Clay. Rer. L Bourlng Quick. 11. "Sealed Door Asian Safety;" 7:30. "Eras That Bee." ',. '--. Mt Tabor K. 66th and Belmont Rer. Ward MacHesry. 11. 7 JO. Vernon 18 th and Wygant. Rer. Brace J. Giffen. 11. "A Job or A Calling;" 7:80. picture, of Portland' Pmbyteriaa churches. - Piedmons CleTeland and Jarrett. Preaching by Rer. Luther BickBeU of Salem. 11, 7:80. 1 Fourth First and Gibba, - ater. Monro O. Ereretc 10:30, 7:80. - Kenil worth - E. 84 th and GUdaton. Preacb m by Rer. G. W. Gelrra of Oiwnoo. 11, 7:80 Hope 78th and Everett Rev. H. E. Clkss. 11. 7:60. 'Rose CHy Dr. s. Robert H. MUHgan. 11. 7:30, preaching by Rer. Charles Wesley Mag Hire of .-Belfast, Ireland. - Forbes Grahsm and G&ntecbein- Rer, Ward Willis Long. 11. "A Greater Presbyterlasissm hs Portland Presbytery'': 7 :0. lecture by George Warner o "India. Hhsdnlsm and Christ.'' -. j Trinity - Virginia snd Wrrmrk l(ir. Theo dor P.-Smitiu, 11, I:0. ... . CHURCHES TO WAGE ATTACK UPON REDS Linking. Americanization With Christianity Is Believed Only Solution of Question. Christian churches in America must fight Bolshevism through Christian Americanization, accord ing to a survey made by representa tives of the Northern Baptist con vention. Bolshevists and other radical agents have found the foreigner far more responsive than the American-born to the appeals of radicalism. The survey shows that there are 26 states in the union in which the foreign population runs from 35 to 50 per cent. These 26 states include the most populous and the most important industrially and agriculturally. The report asserts that the success of the radicals in their work among the foreign born is due to the indifference toward the newcomer. The church Is charged with allowing him to be ex ploited by unscrupulous persona To link Americanism with Christianity, it 1s urged that the rank and file of church members be trained to a better understanding of the foreign-born; that church women" cultivate personal friend ship with individual foreign-bora women ; that Sunday school children be trained to treat children of foreign born as friends, not as outcasts. It is pointed out that "We cannot honestly preach to the foreign-born and teach them our national Ideals If we are silent while they, because they are strangers, are being exploited." Other measures recommended are : A great increase In the number of Chris tian centers and a broadening of their scope, as well as the training of both clerical afid lay workers for ministry to a certain race Just as missionaries are trained for the forefgn field. loosa. Iowa: J. Arthur Wollam, pastor of University Friends church, Wichita, Kan., and Charles Lescault, pastor of Earlham (Iowa) Friends church. A two day conference will be held in the First Friends church, beginning Thurs day evening at 7 :45, with three sessions PORTLAND Anabel F. H. Mixs.ll. 11. "Lif.'s Spring time" ; 7 :80. Christian Endeavor program. Millard Avenue Rot. W. Lew Gray. 11, "Just Isaac"; 7:80. "The Wrong Start" Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Rer. A. J. Hanna. 11. Mlapah E. 19th and Division Rer. D. A. Thompson. 11. "The Other World"; 7:80, "Foreign Missions" by Mrs. F. W. Neal of Krili, West Africa. Unity E. 71st and Sandy Rev. 8. W. Seeman. 11, "Doing Gods Will"; 7:80. "The One Thing to Fear." Seventh Day AevsiMlsU Note Regular services of this denomination are held Jseturdas-. Central E. 1 ILh and ErereU L K. DWk son. paster. 10. 11:15. Tsbcmscle 6th and Montgomery G. W. Pettit, minister. 10. 11. Mont villa E. 80th and Everett J. A. Gar hart 10. 11. Lenta 94th st and 58th are. W. D. HutnV ington.- 10, 11. St Johns Central are. and Charleston A. R Folkenberg. 10, 11. Albina Bkidmnr. and Mallory Elder M. H. Wentland. 10. 11. Scandinavian 2d at and 89th sv.. Elder O. 8. Lee. 10, 11. Salvation Army Corp No. 1 243 Ash st Adjutant Henry R. Cozens. 11. 3:18. 8. Corps No. 4. 128 H 1st Captain William G. Umith. 11. 8. 8. Sweden. Ian New Church Society 831 Jefferson R.v. William H. Reece. 10:48, "How To Read The Word For Power: the new Testament Explained as A l'arable of Spiritual Development" Unitarian Chureh nf Our Father Broadway and Yam bill Rer. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11, "The Personal Management of Sorrow and Disappointment" ; 7:45, "The Foundations of Belief." United Brethren Conference superintendent Rer. G. E. lie Donald. First E. 16th ind Morrison Rer. Byron J. Clark. 11. "The Christian DeUny"; 7:80, "Whst Then?" " Second E. 27th snd Sumner Bar. Irs Hawley. 11, "They Beheld Tb. Lord"; 8, serric. in rharg. of th. men. Third 7th sr. and 82d are. S. E. Rer. E. O. Bhepherd. 11. "Preparing for the Future"; 7:80, preaching by Bar. Ira Hawley. Fourth Tremont Rev. C. P. Blanchard. 11, "Declsiou"; 7:30, "Dead Broke." United Evangelical First E. 16U and Poplar Rer. J. A. Good.. 11, 8. Ockley Green Willamette bird. nd Gay Bar. H. H. Farnham. 11, 7:80. St Johns Rer. A. P. Layton. 11. 7:80. United Piwawylwrlsui First E. 87th and Hawthorne Rer. H. F. Giren. 11, God'a Ownership of All Things; Therefore His Right to Control"; 7:30. "Th. Power of The Gospel to Win." Church of tb. Strangers Grand and Wasco Rev. 8. Earl Du Bois. 10:80, "The Steward ship of Life"; 7:80, "The Stweardshlp of Prayer." Kenton 120 Wast Lombard Rer. George N. Taylor, JL 7 .30. MlsceJIanaous Cliriatiaa and Missionary Alliance K. 9th and CUy Rer. John E. Fes. 10. 11. 7:30. Realisation League 148 19th Her. Edward Mills. llr- "L'nfoldment and Transition"; 8, "Your Attitude Toward Yourself." Christadelphian 621 E. Washington. 10:30. Church of God 868 Failing Harry Neat 11. 7:30. Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark. 11. 7:80. Men's Resort 4th and Bumside Rer. Levi Johnson; superintendent. 8. Dirin. Science Portland Hotel T. M. Mi ss rd. 11. "Work." Penteeoatal First and Washington Rer. Will C. Trotter. 11. 8. 7:80. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 346 tt 1st 2, 3. 7 .30. " A. W. Smith. 11, 3. 8. Volunteers of America Mission 224 Bars sids sleeting every evening except Monday at 8 o'clock, and Sunday, 8 p. m. Portland Eecleet (Chriatadelpfatan) 1597 Belmont George H. Tilling, secretary. 11. Peniel Mission 268 lat 8. 8. Berries each nigbt at 8. Church of Christ E. 79th and Gllsan. 11. First Spiritualist E. 7th and Haasalo. 8. 7:48. serric by C. W. Shaw ef Berkeley. First Spiritual Science 139 Fourth st Rer. Mas Hoffman. 8. 8. "Is There Death I" Internationa Bibs. Students W. O. W. Tem ple, 11th and Alder. 3, 7:39. , . CHy Jail 2d and Oak Gospel Mrric at 2:99 by Da rid Lang. " 1 EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH OOttNtrt K. XOTH R0 SALMON , Preacher; Dr. W. B. Hinson 1 1 tOO Tke CheJIene- Codl - , win Yo Accept ur 7i30 Fall aitd - Ris. of ; Simots'Ptar.',,A AFTlSaj AND OORimUNION TAKK rlVTMOllf, 80NRY8I0K OH TT. TABOR CARS TO XOTH ' Portland (Endeavor Societies, serve Anniversary Jfeb. 1 The thlrty-rttnth anniversary of the founding of the Christian Endeavor so ciety will bo celebrated Sunday night throughout the nation, j Several Port land societies have arranged for special services. Dr. J. J. Staob, pastor of Sun nyslde Congregational church, has given the evening hour to the young people. They will present a program of musks and addressea A candle lighting serv ice illustrating Christian Endeavor work in all lands will be given Sunday night by the young people or the Anabel Pres byterian church. Lantern slides of work In Syria will also be shown. A pro gram wtlj also be given Sunday evening by the' young people of Kern Park Christian church. Plans . have, been completed for the Multnomah County Christian Endeavor congress meeting Tuesday evening' at 6:30 o'clock in the First Presbyterian church. The congress will take the form of a pre-convention rally and banquet Announcements regarding the twin state conventions will be made. The Sunnyslde Congregational society will furnish the music. The union has ar ranged for one and a third fare rates for delegates to the conventions. Dele gates are asked to get In touch -with LeRoy Robinson, 355 Washington street or Norman W. Guy, 194 East Twelfth street on Friday, 10, 2 and 7 :45 o'clock. At each of these session, addresses will bo given and the program 0f the forward movement explained. Lunch will be served Friday by the women of the church. METHODIST A series of evangelistic services will comtnence February 9 in Sell wood Meth odist church. Rev. W. 8. Oordon, pastor, has announced. Dr. Charles E. Olbson will be the evangelist. The pastor will consider the words of Jesus,, "Nothlnjr Shall Be Impossible to You." in his Sunday" morning sermon. JTETHODIST SOUTH The Arctic-Alaskan motion pictures and lecture of George Edward Lewis will be the feature of the Sunday eve ning; service at the First Methodist Epis copal church South. Mr. Lewis will have on display a rare collection of gowns, tissues, furs, animal pelts and other treasures from the north. The pastor, Rev. J. W. Byrd. .will preach at 11 a. m. The month of February has been designated by this church, as church attendance month, especial at tention being given to the cultivation of a habit of regularity In church at tendance. WIRRIONAKT ALLIANCE The annual convention of the Chris tian and Missionary alliance will be held In the Gospel tabernacle. East Ninth and Clay streets, from February 5 to 8. On Thursday and Friday meetings will be held at 2 :30 and 7 :4S p. m. and on Sunday at 11 a. m., 2 :80 and 7 :30 p. m. The usual missionary offering will be taken Sunday morning. Rev. William Montgomery of Syracuse, N. Y., and Rev. Lewis Ryan of Soudan, Africa, will address the convention. PKESBTTEB-IAX Monday evening at t :13 o'clock, teach ers and other workers In the Sunday school of Westminster Presbyterian church will meet at dinner in the church to discuss plana for Its enlargement and future development. A. F. Blttner, in stitutional .director. Is promoting "the "A GOLDEN CRUSADE" "The Glory of a Great Conviction" DR. FRANK L. WEMETT SPKAKS AT BOTH SIRVIOIS TOMORROW CENTENARY METHODIST CHURCH K AST JflJTTH AITD PIKE SPLKNOIO MUSIO SV CM0NU8 CH0IPJ AND SOLOISTS THIS OHUSOM INVITIS VOW St. David's Church I. 12TM AND S8LMONT 7:80, 9:80. 11 AND 7:80 11 A. as. "The Gospel and Progress" Th. Rector REV. LOUIS CROOKS BELFAST, IRtLANB REY. THOS. JENKINS, RECTOR WE LOOM K TO ALL MAJOR THORNTON A. MILLS CEN TRAL PRESBYTERIAN , CHURCH - , E. 1ITH AKD PIKE T. 8UNDAT SJOTM SERVIOCS TOIOS: 11 A. M. "USE ON LOSE--710 r. W. Ssvmen-Lsgture. eiean Val Jsen "TNI ORBATtST FRENCHMAN'S NEATEST STONY" Attractive Masiesl Pmgravs Chora. Ohein PROf, T. WM. ILOMCR. Olrectnr. FIRST M.E. CHURCH SOUTH J. W: BYRD, Pastor ' VmOM AVI. and MULTNOMAM tT.f ' - 1 - Have Tn Ever Oeen te This Otioreh? r If Net AO TOMORROW. . ;J, ' - . A WevsMtvfni atwinephere, , belp. i tul scrnunts. . Irieodli;, felks, 11 a. m., "The Uneonfused" 7t30 p. m.1, Alaskan-Moving Pictures and Lecture, 1 -! mi dev. OEORat kdwand lkwis perated AUCANIZATION j MOVEMENT GIVEN CHURCHES' HELP' - . i United Presbyterians Respond to Request of Government; Revif B. Re Manages Local Program. j The board of home mission! of the United Presbyterian chureh is actively responding to the request of the United States government tor church boards to join In the Ameri canization movement. The board will specialize in enlisting the young people in the church in courses of study to make Americans for America- . t -'.J Another feature )s to enlist foreigner V In the celebration of American holidays and to honor our American heroes and, 5 representative men In the national state f and municipal departments Of the nation i Among the cities where the work will J be widened in scope are;1 Pittsburg. Pa. naa . V I , , L.v (Wl 0.1IU V. W 1 1 IS I SSIS., t Mass. ; Sharon, Pa. ; Columbus, ' Ohld ; fU, Tacoma : Portland ; Loa Angeles ; Akron, i Ohio : New Kensington, Pa. j Wilmerdinr. Pa.; Mount Pleasant, Pa., and Beattle: In Seattle a building will be provided J to serve the combined rjurpose of v church and school, for the night claaaee v among Italians, conducted under iirec-V tion of Rev. P. I Baggese. ' .-' In Portland, where work among the I Italians was be run last Jun. a mors ' aes-resslve program of - Amerloartiaation . i ' will be corrriucted by the Rev. Benjamino Re Is planned. , r p - - f In Tacoma, where . classes are eon . ducted In the Italian church by Rev, ''f j. M. Martuccl the Amerlcanieatlon -; program will be enlarge by .approprla fj, tion of additional funds tot mere classes f and a Wider scope of, work among the. si' Italians carried out.' - . t fV In Los Angeles, improvements will be tl made In (he building where classes are conducted by Rev. Arstlde Mallnvernt In the Italian mlsnlon. , dinner. Additional room for the Sun A day school is contemplated, the. growth'-t having rendered the present equipment & insufficient. Major Thornton A. Mills, formerly of . Rockford, 111., and Battle Creek. Mich., ; will preach Sunday at Central Presby terian church. In the evening the ma- Jor will give, a sermon-lecture on Jean Valjean. The chorus choir will render selection at both services. Major. Mills is the son of Dr. B.Fay Mills, noted evangelist. Major Mills was connected with the air service during the war, de clining two calls at that time, one to a Buffalo N Y.) church and one. to Denver. Colo, lie also assisted In the organizing of the Loyal Legion of Log gers and Lumbermen i:MTK1 PREftBYTKMAX In all United Presbyterian enurcfae the month of February has been ae' aside for the consideration of rarlour fA phases of stewardship. At the United i Presbyterian Church of the Stranger Rev. 8. Itarl DuBols will carry out the j program Outlined. , .;,! "Image theModernChnrch" A BIBLK PREDICTION OJ PROTE8TAITT IDOLATRY EYAXGF.MDT SICK80T will bring to light a much negleeied latter-day prophecy which will reveal some impending national and inter national church movements,. He -wtjl show what will happen when a oer-. tain power speaks as a dragon. - Chris tensen's Hall' ELEVEKTH STREET Betwera MorrUoa aad TaaibJII - SUNDAY NIGHT,. FEB. I AT Tilt O'CLOCK V. SPLENDID MUSICAL PROGRAM BIO C050RE0ATI0SA1V SIXO PUBLIC INVITED SEATS TREE WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO? Bible prophecy, while picturing pres ent distress of nations, also defines the perfect day soon to follow. Why the - earth's troublesome experiences are necessary and when ended, cloarljr explained by noted lecturer, -: , ? DANIEli TOOLii f - ef JB reeUyS vir. T. " ' ' REPRESENTING THK INTER . RATIOS A I, BIBLE STtJDstHTS' ' ASSOCIATION i t, Sunday. Feb. 1, 3 p.th. We O..W. TEMPLE 1It St. Bet. Watslagloa asd AWef SEATS TREE ' O. COttICTI0 Worship ' r.' . lli I i M i I -8