REAL ESTATE "FOR 8AtE-HOl'E ROSE CITT PARC '-- 13100, 4 room bungalow, with brnkfut nook, hardwood floor hi liring room, conrrrtf .b wot, lot 60sJ00. paved eueet: terms $1160 cash, balance monthly. $4500. artistic 5 room bungalow, old Ivory finish throughout, hsrdwood floors In living and dining room, built by day labor, bouse complete, with furnace, fixture and shades. This Is ao offer at cost, priced for a quick sale. Term 11000 cub, balanct at terms. Branch office coonientIy located. Phone our salesmen and make an appointment. . J. L. IIARTMAN (XtMPANT 7 Chamber of Commerce Bide Main 208. Branch Office 41th and Sandy Tabor 2904. Hawthorne Home $4300 $1000 cah, balance $30 per month, with onljr 6 lh interest; no mortgage or liens to a aume. On E. 32d at.. I block from Hawtborne are,, full lot. atreet improvements In and paid; an eitra well boilt 6-roou, bouse, living room, dmint room, kitchen an'f 1 bedroom on fiit floor., 4 rooms and bathrwan on second floor, full cement baxeuirnt. laundry trays, furnace and fireplace, fruit and flowers. See E. M. l'addea. ssle manager. ' MetzgerParker Ferguson Co. Ground floor. 302 Oak at. Bdnv. S FormerlT Stanley S. Thompson Co. 3644. 11 frTjfTifTn r. nungelow type cotuge. mod. : i)ll W blk. car. 69lli it. wood lira.; cvernl'l"g firepl., bard ; $7.'i0 -anil. S27S0 S2950 S3250 51450 S I. bung fireplace, built-in. Terms. 4 r. hifty. built-lns. west aide: $300 cash. 5 r. Hawthorne inap; modern; 375 cjh. 7 room; with little repair here ii $1000 profit. It r. plastered, foil bas t and plumb ing. 50x100; paved: 3 !lka S. Ladd's add. $350 rush. Main 403. G. C. GOLDENBERQ ABINGTON RLDG. "3." yrs. in Portland" Alameda District $3300 5 room bnngalow with garage. Heine roim, fireplace, large Dutch kitchen with breakfast room. - bedrooms, hath, white enameled plumb tnc. full floored attic, basement, corner lot, atreet improvements in and paid. Tliib i the beet buy In Alameda district. See K. M Paddcn. salea manager. MetzgerParkcr Ferguson Co. 302 Oak at. Bdwy. 3644. Formerly Stsnler S. Thomn-nn ( 7 ROOM airtinl i- bungalow, worthy liieiwiiiT. en a 104x152 foot lot. located in splendid east side district. .Reception hall 9x12; fire place in large liring mum, paneled dtning room, bedrooms, bath, kitchen and pantry irory enam eled; billiard room upstairs; very fine rlctrie fijiturea; chicken house and runs; lot- of fnut and berries. Photo in our office; $5500; ods half cash. 8 room colonial home. Irvington district, fully modern, of course; sleeping porch, garage, family fruit, nic" corner lot on pared street. Dnly $4500. $1000 ca.h. RaEph Harris Co. 827 Chamber f 'oinmrce bide. f H 18 IS A BARGAIN Owner of tin iiou,e hare hoticht a farm and must tie II to make pament: 6 room,, ail sn one floor. 2 hedrofaui and sleeping porch, fireplace, full cerociit. basement, laundry trays, garage, sereral nice fruit trees; corner lot OOx 100; street improvement nil in ami paid ; lot alone is easily worth $2000; close in on 34th at.; $3500; terms $15011 cash. " years straight mortgage op balance. Let us show you what i bargain it is. STEW A RT & RUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank bldg. Irviington $100 for lliin eir.'ptmn-il homr, newly painted $rv. dworntwl. lUnlwtxjd floor, rooms Tffy lare and bright; glajn-d in sltping porch; nvU'ndul new furnace : garag? ; apart for chick en; can be handled with ;i00 rali. We bare. Uao. two other eicellent buys in IrTii.ffton. Harrns Co. 827 Chamber of Commerce. JUST WEST OF PIEDMONT $4200 Almost new. beautilul 5 room bungalow, eitra largo rooms This bungalow is exceptionally well built and lias etery modern convenience except furnace. Can he handled on $10OO rash and Miauce like rent. See this bungalow and com pare it with others. A. V.. TKKI'E CO. I4 Stark st.. S-ar Third. Main 3092. Branch (iftii-e. Fiftieth and Sandy. 5 RH1M bungalow, 2 large porches, bath, 2 bed rooms, large front hall, 2 large living roonu and kitchen, 100 rose tree, berries and 4 fruit trees. 50il00 lot. Price $2500. terms. 245 W. Vinchell st. , Kenton district. Owner, phone Woodlawn 0123. rOB SALE LOTS II ACRE TRACT , $50 DOWN $20 MONTH $1 100 Some fine fir trees, close to macadam road, south of Handy blvd.. in I'arkrose; pressure water, sidewalks. Build s small borne here Tou can save. J. L. IIARTMAN CO.. 7 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 208. To Get Tour Westover Terrace Homesite Ton may phone, call or writ HAROLD JUSGCK. Secretary , International Really Associates Owners. 1307 Yeon Ruilding. Phones Office. Main 30. Res.. East 1990. $10 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY This splendid lot, having frontage on three streets, one uf which - is paved. Cement side walks on other streets. Street work alone cost over $800, all of which is paid. You can hate this lot for $850 on the above terms. c have no hesitancy in recommending this to you. FHED W. GERMAN CO . 732 Chamber of Commerce. EAST FRONT CORNER Rose City Psrk. 1 block to car. in the heart of the district. Paved street, everything paid, only $1000. Phone Main 2904. Evenings, rail Tabor 160H. LOOK AT THIS 100x100, S. W. corner Cinord and West Alberus sts.. hard pavement; lroproTements all paid, $1650. Terms. If you want it call at 889 K. Hoyt t. $1000 MT. TABOR Two lots on 61st st. near Belmont; improre ments all iu and paid. Will sacrifice. Price only $1000. Phone am 7248, or 420 Henry bldf. 1 DESIRABLE comer lot. H3d and Emerson at. ; also 4 other lots in Willamette add. Will seU cheap if wld within tour days. Call Marshall 4400. apt- 210. between 1 1 and 2. 2 LOTS Swinton addition: leaving city, will sacrifice ; $385. Main 681. ROSE CrntPARK 'lot. o 50Teewer. pavement paid: on 4 8th. Tabor 6441. ACREAGE 17 $100 DOWN. $12 50 MONTHLY 111 acres of rogged-off land, well built 5 . room bungalow, in Klickitat county. Wash. Loc R, R. through place, volcanic ash soil, particu larly adapted tn fruit rai.ini Total price $1600. FRED W. . GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. , 20 AC R ESf ineleveT-! ndT pa rtleal?d7firie stream and spring; on paved highway; 5 room house, outbuildings, near North Bank sta tion, ea Washington side Columbia river. Price $2500. .Attractive place. J. Haaa, 626 Cham ber of Commerce. 40 ACRES 3 miles southeast of city; good soil. lays rolling and half in cultivation; good small house, large barn and bther outbuildings; (nod small orchard; good roads. Price $8000; easy term. Owner, G. L. Robr. 103d st and Foster road. Ihi ACRES, just the place for garden, chickens and tow. urar Peninsula school, pavement into city:' will take auto on trade if in good condition or will trade for other good property. Oner Wdin. 4 588. v rACRE TRACT 6 ACRE TRACT Milwsukie Oregon City highway, at one-half adjoining prices. Easy terms. Msr. 5611. 208 Northwestern Bank bldg. J 9 ACRES large fir and oedar, close to station, ood soil; $1800; terms. Broadway 1658. 809 Oregon bldg. i ACRES at Ruby junction, 2-room shack. 1 .acre cleared, balance fir grove; $2100: terms. Broadway 1658. 200 Oregon bldg. . ' 5aNBY GARI'KNS 2-5-10 acre tract, culti rated, et. light, water, berry land: eome trade. Owner. 459 E. 8 3d, or J -070. Journal. ' 8 ACRL3 right atTatatioo, vein best of soil, all - - -cierei; a ti snap tor aiouu; scrnra, xjroaa , nay 1058. 300 Orecoat bids ' : REAL ESTATE ACMAOB INTERSTATE CLEARING HOUSE FOR FARMS AND HOMES Think what this means to you. Over half a hundred LIV E W IRE REALTORS at your: serv ice Lasting from oter ball a hundred SALES MEN who know values. We can J?1 0B where you want to go at the BIGHT price. McCRLIS-CLEAVELAM CO. Mam 530. 5 ACRES. HOUSE AND BARN $4500 Think of this a good, modern 6 room bouse, good barn and outbuildings 1 6 acres of fine land, mostly bearerdam land; all for $4500. Land without the improvement is worth the price a-ked tor the entire property. Only 50 min-ntes- ride on 8. I'. Electric. hi mile to Capitol bighwsy A splendid chance to get a good house with ground enough to make a good income. If you want a few acrea with good improvements at a bargain, call Main 530. McCRlLLlS -CLEAYELAND COMPANY splendid in acre APPLE ORCHARD Here is a Teal bargain in an apple orchard. Owner lives in east and cannot look after prop erty, hence wtfl sell at sacrifice price. Ten acres 0-year-old trees. Yellow Newtown, Ispitren bercs and Winter Bananas. All trees bearing and in good condition. An adjoining 10 acre ranch of the same age produced 3000 boles of apples this laet year. Only 4 miles from New berg on good road." Should produce enougb fruit in the nert two years to more than pay for it Price $4000, on terms. Main 630. McCRlLLlS-CLEAVELAND COMPANT" WHAT A SNAP! 6 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW $2400 $900 DOWN Think of a splendid modern 6 room bunea-' low only 2 years old. on 'i acre or ground ior only $2400. House alone would cost over $11500 today; bank willing to loan $1500 oa the property: will take, therefore, only $900 cash to handle. This is Just the place for the family that is willing to go o'lt of the city to sate expenses; 50 minutes' ride on 8. P. elec tric; good community; in these daja of high prices a buy like this is eitremely Art. For full particulars phone Main 530. McCRlLLlS -CLEAYELAND COMPANY THE CHALLENGE HOME $3700 $1000 DOWN Beat this If you can: Good 7 room house, with splendid bath, gas and electricity. A fair bam, chicken houses and an acre of fine ground, right on the electric line, only 30 minutes from the center of the city and only 100 feet off the pared highway. 12 to 14 fruit trees, including apples, plumbs, prunes, peaches, loganberries. raM'berrie-,. grapes and a fine garden. Only $3700 $1000 down. Call Main 530. McCRlLLlS CLEAYELAND COMPANY 28 MINUTES' RIDE 1 ; ACRES. HOUSE AND BARN $4500 This is a splendid buy. Good 5 room bunga low, good barn and outbuildings. 1 4. acres of very rich soli, very highly improved wjth all kinds of fruit, snob as applrx. prunes, pears, grape-, loganberries, blackberries, strawberries. I i-urrantt. a splendid garden, good fences, splendid water, gas and electricity. 4ut tf 01 tne, pevea highway to Oregon City. 3 blocks from electric line. So i-lo.He in you are almost in town, yet far enough out to keep chickens, a cow and hogs if you desire. Owner has bought a larger place and must raise money at once. Hence the attractire price. Call Main 530. McCRILLIS-CLEAYLLAND COMPANY 322 to 326 Henry bldg. Main 830. 40 ACRES $2250 $500 cash, $100 semi annually, bnys a splen did 40 acre ranch, nearly level. 5 acres fairly cleared. 5 acre more cleared and seeded to clorer between the stumps; irrigating ditr.b right through the j-lacc: water from same costing $2.."'0 per sere per year; well built large 2 room, good barn, log storehouse and other buildings, good plow, stump puller, cable and block and other tools; located 5 miles north of Carson Sprints, up the Columbia rir. Photo graphs at office of FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 14 ACRES. 2 miles from Corvallis. All good deep bearer dam soil. Less than mile from hictiway: 2 horses. 2 cows. 100 chickens, all farming tools; 4 room house, good barn. Plenty of outbuikiinfis, plenty fruit trees and garden; $7500. with $5700 cash. This is an excellent buy and best location in the country. beinr near O. A. C. Will be an advantage to any man farming or cardeniDg in Benton county, See Mr. Barrett. BAKER A M FARLAND, 317 Henry Building. 5 Ai-'HES A bargain. Good house, bam. chicken house, woodshed: good water; half cere beaver land. 75 fruit trees. 10 years old; creek running through, water all year round; fine pasture; 4 pigs, 10 chickens, buggy, $100 worth cf lumber; 4 blocks from car line. 45 minutfs from heart of Portland. A snap. $1700 cash. Phcne Broadway 221)9. 8 a. m. to 5 for Fraler. BETWEEN BEAVERTON AND HUBER Here is a beautiful country home of 2 S acres. highly improved, with oter 60 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries, considerable nursery stock nice 6 room house in A-l condition, lots of shrubbery, bath and toilet, houses for 1000 chickens, good barn. A bargain at $4 500. mostly cash. Photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. NEAR DAMASCUS 10 acres of rich productive land. 9 acres nn- der cultivation, 1 acre timber, all can be colti- vated, family orchard, fair bouse, barn and chicken house, close to electric transportation, school.' church and stoat; $1,200 cash, balance on v,ry easy terms. Personallv Inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. THREE ACRES $1500 AH under cultivation, located 1 H miles from Oregon City car line; good soil, 12 fruit trees, loganberries, raspberries. strawberries, goose berries, good graveled road by place, 7 room bungalow, good weil. This ia a good district; not less tliau $750 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG SMALL " CHEAP CHICKEN HOUSE ' One acre, with large chicken house for 500 chickens, equipped with electric lights. 3 room house, not all completed, 4 blocks from station, near Booties Ferry road. This Is close In, with good car service and cheap- commuters fare; price ri00 with $3t0 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. - LESS THAN $5 PER ACHE 320 acres in section 5, T. 7 N.. R. 2 E.. good soil, ft springs and a good creek, about 1 7 miles fn.m Woodland. Wash. ; $200 cash, bal ance 3 years. A splendid stock proposition. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Comcrce FOR SALE 160 acres good grain land near Osk ridge, Or; young orchard. 40 acres eoorf saw timber on place. Address, J. C. Hebert, Oakridge. Or. SCBCRBA HOMES 7 $2000 1 ACHE in cultivation, selected fruit trees; 5 room house, electric lights and water; 3 blocks north Bryant station. Inquire for Tay lor's place, Waluga, Or. FOR 8AI.E FARMS 17 NORTHEAST OF GRESHAM 14 acres, on good graveled road. 3 miles from Gresham; all can be cultivated; 7 acres under cultivation; large orchard, some berries, good 5 room house, ceiled and papered, barn and other buildings, good well. Price $4500, $1600 cash, or make offer. Personally inspected. Photo at office. . JHN FERGUONGERLINGER BLDG. NEWBERG AND PAVED HIGHWAY 25 acres best of berry land, nearly all in cul tivation: faintlv orchard ; nm in . la,. new hop dryer. Make aA ideal barn: no other buildings 2 miles from postoffice, paved road nesgaru. wiin COE A. McKENNA t CO. . 82 4th st. GREAT RA Tin A T V MAGNIFICENT. 180 acre farm, any farmer money ury or wet seasons; 65 acres .'a.'" '-res "ne k wood- "ill pay for K - uic Doixom corn soil; 8 room ..wuc, nurirn uouse ; tenced stone road close; $12 500 W. H. Herdman. - spring, creek. Call East 273. $1300 DAIRY 5 cows, all equipment: leas; r.n P'V: route all established; $200 com ins w?n ."S T,Ube Ukrn by noon. This SAFE INVESTMENT CO. i-.i ..- llenry bldg. JL 3 . Absolutely tie best 40 acre alfalfa , v., " i-mauiia project: 2 set of buildings with g.rage and power bouse: an ideal proposition for ont or lmo faaliHea. Wrft for taon. Or. ",C"- ' " U Ro-- Uen n.v 1 "s - w. c. ?rm Jor le- " or chang we can satisfy you: we have city property" acreage. Tacant .nH x...i JL "t. i "T 1 alSf"- CTS? BE AIi B STATE FOB SALE FAH.Mf 'II'-ACIRES $2200 AM lerel. 7 acrea in curtiration, balance not hard to clear, 8 room boose, email barn, good well water. This will make you a fine little berry or chicken ranch. The price is mire right 2U miles of Oregon City. Pnce $2200. half II ACRI $650 DOWN All level, all In culti ration bnt 1 acre, liring aprinc water, good well also. 4 room frame hoax, fair barn, woodhotue. This is fine land, ooly 2 Mi miles out, on good road: location is ideal. Price $2030. Fine 'or chickens or berries. 17 ACRES EigHt acre in eultiration. balance good for cl kkens. 5 room bouse, gnnd little barn, iraod water, some outhouse. This is on good rod. 3 miles out Price $3500. part cash. r"iue for chickens. F. P. ELLIOTT SON ' Serenth and Main Sts. Oregon City. Or. TLARKE COINTY SMALL DAIRY Consisting of 32 acres, 20 acres in high atate of cultivation: i err best loam soil, no rock or gratel: 12 acres in pasture and timber; fine spring stream through place. 2 acrea of eicellent yarieties of family orcliard; 6 room modern nlxstered house, full set of white por celain plumbing, water piped to house and barn and other outbuildings; good barn, large double wall potato house with concrete floor, hog liouje and lot, chicken house and park, together with 0 fine Jersey cows, good team, wagon. 2 sets of harness, mower, hay rake. 2 almost new steel beam plows, new steel harrow, new disc harrow, new potato digger, new separator, new cider mill, cultivator, spray pump; also new aleel ranee, new heating stoe, new kitchen cabinet, dining table, new library table, chairs, springs, etc. ; 1 7 full blood Plymouth Rock chickens, all potatoes, hay and other feed on hand ; ouly hi mile from good town on Pscific hiehwav. pavement almost to the door, only 24 miles from Washington street, Portland, Or., and 18 miles from Vancouver, Wash. Price $6500. Terms. THOMPSON, SWAN LEE. 3d and Main sts. Vancouver, Wasli. PRUNE ORCHARD WILL PAi FOR FARM IN TWO TEARS 30 acres, with 8 acre of Italian prunes, in good condition; 20 acres in cultivation, the very beat of loam Soil, no rock or gravel, in the famous Prune Hill district; 6 room plastered house, full basement, private water system : good barn and all necessary outbuildings, large family orchard in full bearing, of assorted fruits; com manding a most wonderful view of the Columbia river and the cities of Portland and Vancouver; a most beautiful home, and a speculation at tile price of $8000; $4500 cash, balance to suit. THOMPSON, SWAN k LEE. 3d and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. CLOSE TO SMALL TOWN 49 acres, located 1 mile from Woodland, Wash.; rich black loam soil, 14 acres under cul tivation; 26 seres pssture, 3 springs. 1 creek, fencing. 30 fruit trees, 5 yesrs old. 4 room bouse, barn 4 8x48. and other buildings; county road Price $4000. with 5 cows. 2 horses. 24 chick ens, 2 turkeys, 1 buggy, 1 wagon, 1 cultivator, 1 plow. 1 set heavy harness, 1 harrow, 1 cream sep arator, 2000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. NEWBERG 10 acres, all in cultivation, 3 H acres In blackcaps. 1 acre loganberries, 1 acre assorted 9-year-old peaches and cherries, apples and wal nuts; good 0 room bouse, fruit house and chicken house; good barn, one horse. 24 chickens and implements- This is a cozy place and a money maker. Price $6500; reasonable terms. Mr. Ucigsrd, with COE A. McKENNA A CO. 2 4th sr. Main 4522. ALL UNDER CULTIVATION 30 acres, located mile from electric depot, on main rocked road, near F.aglc Creek, Clacka mas county. Oregon. Good soil. home. barn, chicken house, garage, young orchard. Price $5250 with 23 head of sheep. 3 cows, 100 bush els of wheat, 50 bushels oats, some hay. straw, hogs, chickens, turkeys and tools; or will sell the land for $4200 and keep the equipment, JOHN FERGUSON. GEKLINGLR BLDG. FLACED with roe for quick sale at a sacri;ice price, for a short time only. 10.15-acre wheat r&, 850 to 900 under cnltivation. right at rtilroad station. 4 00 now sown to summer fallow wl eat. some more to be seeded m spring, leased for this year only; owners share of crop will run from $6000 to $7500. Pnce $25 per acre, a nominal payment down, balance best of terms. U K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade, Portland. DANDY COUNTRY HOME 10 acres, all cultivated, fenced. 26 bearing fruit trees; modern 0 room house with eicellent well on back porch; barn 24x48, large chicken bouse and hog bouse. Owner must go east For quick sale will take $4000, part terms, part caah. This is a splendid home and cheap. To see it come out to 1 mile east of Bakers bridge, second house on right Clackamas county. J. L. KlHs. owner, R. F. D. No. 2. box 151. ElXiE OF OREGON CITY $1500 put you in possession of a 82 acre farm in high state of cultivation, on the high way. This is offered this week at the ridiculous low price of $218 per acre. Good plastered bouse, barn, outbuildings, bearing orchard. Per sonally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON GERLINGER HJ.DG. SECOND AND ALDER run aALr, ny owner, r 17-iuu acres. 5 acres No. 1 beaverdam. high state of cultivation: well drained; some small fruit and berries: new 4 room house, barn 20x30, and other outbuild ings; mile of streetcar, store, school and churches. Paved road to Portland eicept I mile, which is good. Price of place $3600, $2000 cssh. Household goods, stock and lm plementa if wanted. Chas. Sagert Slfton. Wash. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM 100 ACRES 14 miles from Portland, on the highway. This 100 acres is all under cultivation. Is the Terv finest of the Willamettar ralley soil Complete 'l't -i bu,ldi"'!?- with warehouse. Is Tery handy t0 ril!way station. See this place for a bargain. tor we are going to sell it to close an estate. ti-un, journal. FARMS WANTED I have sold 3 prune orchards in 1 0 da ys. 1 can sell yours if you have the right price and located in a good prune belt. SEK SAM HEWEY at J. U HARTMAN CO. I hamper of Commerce Bldg FOR SALE 160 acres fine river bottom, fine for bops, loganberries, peaches and all kinds garden truck on Willamette river. If interested write for information. John Rhoten. Dayton. On'. FARMS WASTED RET OR BUT SS IMPROVED FARMS WANTED Have 2 cash buyers for improved 30 to 60 acres, 00 food road, not over 80 miles from Portland, with or without equipment, Jobs I ergtuoo. Grlingr bide. MR. FARMER I nave two good fanners from the east wanting" to rent farms; they will pay caub rent and purchase personal property. Mend me particulars of your farm and I will send them right out A. G. BENDER. RTTTKH. LOWE A CO 01-3-5-7 Board of Trade Mdg IF TOUR ranch is for sale mail full descrip tion or cell at office the calls for ranches are gcod: let us have yours while we have buyers. Get your price right and terms you will accept We will do the rest. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. "2 4 th t yj,ln 4523 WE HAE a party with $3000 cash to pay down 011 improved farm not over 30 miles from Portland. Must have at least 30 acres under plow with fair improvements and on good road. Trefer equipment, but will consider without STEWART A Rlirif. 318 Northwet.ern Bank bldg. IMPROVED 1- to 20 acres, on or near rocked road, near Portland, at nrwaent have client for Newberg, Hillsboro and Oregon City districta. con; A. MCn.t.NA CO., 82 4th st Main 4522. ATTENTION. MR. FARMER Want more farms and suburban places. We get quick results. Deal with a long established tillable firm. A. K. HILL CO.. 215 Lumbermen bldg WANTED To buy for cash medium size cattle rsnch with 50 to 100 head of cattle; must have water on land; must be sacrifice price. H. D. Mintx, 875 Pear et. Grand Rapids. Wia. HAVE Eastern buyers wsnt farm. J. ROBBINS, 801 Railway Exchange. Main 731. TIMBER CS NOTICE OF EXCHANGE Department of the Interior. United State I -and Office. Port land. Or.. January 15, 1920. Serial 06291. Notice is hereby given that The Ryan-A lien Lumber Co. of Vancouver, Clarke County. State cf Washington, has filed in this office an application to select, under the provisions of .tbe Act of Congress approved May 81. 1918 (40 Stat. 698).- and the regulations there under approved July 17. 1918 (Circular 6111. the N. E. hi of N. E. 14 and N. W. hi of N E. hi of Section 18. T. 4 S.. B. 9. W,. Willamette Meridian. Any and all - persons claiming adversely tbe lands described or desiring to object because of the mineral diameter of the land, or for any other reason . to the disposal to the appli cant, should file their affidarits of protest in this office withont delay. (Signed) Alexander Bweea, Kegiter. FOR SALE 838 acrea of fir timber land in Linn county, Oregon. W. hi lot or section 18 Nock or township 10, range 2 E. Add res. G. Focbtmaa,. 1004. Waukaaoo ate,, Petoakej, eKlk :"' BEAI ESTATE TIMBEB 8 NOTICE Of SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER . " General Land Office. Waablngton. IX C. Jen. . 1020. Notice at hereby gives that .abject to the condition, and limitations of the acta of June . 1014 S Stat." 218). and February 20. 1010 (40 BUt. 1179) end the instruction of the aecretary of the interior of September 15, 1917, and September SO, 1919. the timber en the following lands will be acid February 21. 1920. at 10 o'clock a. m . at public auction at the United State lend office at Roeeburg. Or., to the highest bidder at - not lese than the api praised value as shown by tbii notice, a la to be subject to the 'approval of the aecretary of the interior. The purchase price with an ad ditional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being commission, allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will ierae for the timber which mutt be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the Cntted State, association of auch citizen, and corporation, organised under tb law. of th United States or any state, territory or district tberof only. Upon application of s qualified purchaser the timber on any leral aubdivision will be offered separately before being included in am offer of a laraer nnit: T. 27 8., R. 13 W.. 8ec. 23. NE. M NE. . fir 2500 M.. NW. NE. M . fir. 2400 M., cedar TO M , SW. i NE. 4. fir 1550 M , cedar 40 M . SE. H NE. . fir 1T00 M.. NE. NW. fir 1700 M . cedar J 00 hi.. NW. Si NW. 4. fir 1200 M.. cedar 250 M.. SW. 4 NW. 14 . fir 1000 M.. cedar 260 M.. SE. 14 NW. hk. fir 1600 M.. cedar 100 M.. NE. 8W. M. fir 310 M., NW SW. M . fir 1000 M.. cedar 100 M.. 8W. fiW. Si, fir 600 M.. cdar 100 M.. NE. i . 8E. 4 . fir 1900 M.. NW. V 8E. M. fir 1600 M.. SW. M SE. 4. fir 1700 M. : Sec. 27. SE. i NE. "4. fir 1600 M., cedar 400 M.. SW. 'A. NE. i. fir 650 M.. cedar 190 M., NW. NW, fir 800 M.. cedar 200 M., NE. 4 SE. "4. fir 450 M., cedar 300 M.. NW. 8E. 4. f 600 M.. cedar 100 M.. SW. 4 SE. M . fir 600 M.. cedar 150 M . SE. Vi SE. i. fir 1300 M.. cedar 150 M. ; Sec. 36, NE. V. NE. Vi fir 1800 M., cedar 100 M . NW. hi . NE. fir 550 M., cedar 300 M.. SW. hi NE 4, fir 600 M.. cedar 1O0 M , SE. hi NE. ht, fir 600 M., cedat 100 M.. NE. hi. NW. 4. fir 1350 M., cv;r 60 M.. hemlock 150 M . NW. 4 NW hi. fir 500 M , cedar 50 M., SE. hi NW. nr 330 M.. cedar 100 M., non of the fir, celar or hemlock timber to be sold for less than $2.Z5 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner, General Land Office. LUMBER FOR RALE Used lumber in fine condition. 26 to 2x12. frum 6 fo 9 'eet long; gome timber flsfl snd 10x10; for sale cheap. Call Marshall 2273. A HoNtrom. 866 Wilson st. FOR SALE Team, two wood wagons, drag saw and about 1000 cords standing. Price $1000: some terms. Address. Box 154, Hills bo ro. Or. FOR SALE First crowth fir wood, $4.50 In the woods. 800 or 1000 cords. A. Hevel. Gresham. Or. Pbone. HOMESTEADS 47 WANTED TO BUY Homestead relinquishment from owuer. by ei-servite man. 423 Henry bldg. Main 1906. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 8S VANCOUVER, B. C. 4 room modern bungalow, no encumbrance; for sale or exchange for Portland property. Value. $2000. V-304, Journal. FOR SALE or trade, by owner, a good borne, also 13 ' acres under cultivation, and soma choice lots, all in Ocean Park. Wash. S. Flin gerland, 4 60 E. Davis st EXCHASGE REAL ESTATE U FOR SALE or trade, by owner, a e"ood home. alo 13 acres under cultivation, and some cho ice lots, all in Ocean Park, Wash. S. Sliu gerland. 4 60 F,.- Davis st EXCELLENT 5 acre tract, dandy house, clos in to Spokane, to exchange for Portland bouse, ai'toniobile or truck. Main 3380. ONE full acre, paid; wi.-b to place as first pay ment on a 4 or 5 room house or bungalow. Marshall 772. 100 ACRES, Yamhill county; small improve ments for acreage. C. Osborne. 763 hi Thurman st 1 ACRE 20 minutes out and some cash for house. 1105 E. 30th st. N. 2 c ACRES, west of city, to exchange for small bungalow. Owner. Tabor 4758. WANTED RE AC ESTATE SI WANTED WEST SIDE PROPERTY FOR CASH We have clients who are willing to pay all cash for well located property close in to busi ness center. No use submitting proposition un less ynu are willing to make attractive price. inside property dealers ground floor hknrt bldg. Notice . Owners We need homes In all parta of the city. If you have a house you would like to sell we would appreciate the listing Terj much. Call K. M. Padden, sales manager. 0 Me t z ge r Pa r ke r Ferguson Co. Ground floor, 302 Oak st. Bdwy. 3644. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. IMPROVED ACREAGE WANTED We have several people wanting small places new tjwns or city with payroll. Must hate buildings and small payment down. Also buyers for cheap places near Portland. JOHN FERGUSON Gerlinser bldg TIMBER LAND WANTED 8ms Tl tract of timber, near a road and not over 40 miles from Portland; will consider rough land ii the timber is good; must be handled for small payment down. Will consider bieh priced acreage close to Portland. If con venient to rock road. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. HOUSE WANTED Will be in Portland Mon day. Feb. 1. and want to buy 5 or 8 room bungalow, in any of Portland's good districts, $4000 to $6000. Please give full particulars. H. L. Barnes. Gen. Del. WE can sell four S-roora house todsy up to $4000, $700 to $2000 cash; if yours is for sale call me. C. M. Derr. COE A. McKENNA CO. 82 4th st. Main 4522. SPOT cash and quick deal for bargain in S or 6-room bungalow; improved street essential. Please call at 215 Lumbermen bldg. or pbone Broadway 421. ask for Hill. ? WANTED Hotel or apartment house of 50 rooms or more In exchange for 10 acres at Warrenton. Or., and 20 acres at Brownsville, Wash. Improvements. Marshall 401. WANT land with some timber 00 it. near rail road; good service; give price and location. X-480. Journal. 4 TO 6 ROOM bungalows wanted; any good district- Hare several buyers. G. L. Webb, 414 East Stark st WANTED Logged off land, improved or partly improved, in large or small tracts. Chas. Delfel. 318 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2687. WANT a bargain in a fractional lot. with o Telthout bouse, south of Montgomery street, between 6th and 20th eta. H-78 Journal. ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMEJtTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE 63 66 ROOM hotel, clearing between $600 and $700 per month: in downtown dist.. easy to handle, first class furnishings, good carpets: price $10,000. 28 2-mora apartment house: everything in fine condition, clearing over $500 per month; this can be handled easily by a woman; price $12,000. 25 apartments, all furnished. 2 and 3 room apt., everything in good condition; some terms. 40 room apt. of 1, 2 and 3 rooms, clearing $250 per mo.: easy terms: $4000 cash will handle. 1 2-room hotel, mostly transient, clearing $350. price only $2500 for all. ENTERPRISE REALTY CO.. 614 Panama bldg. COUNTRY HOTEL AND BOARDING HOUSE One of best Columbia river towns. Will lease building 3 to 5 years, $75 month, and sell furnishings and equipment; $1200. Un usual opportunity to get substantial paying business for small investment. See A. E. Hill, 215 Lumbermen bldg. ROOMING house, west side. 12 rooms and sleeping porch, always rented, almost new furniture, good lease. $1350; will exchange for acreage near city and assume. Interstate Land Co. 248 Stark st. - Msin 5429. FURNISHINGS 10 room apt.. West Side, rea sonable. Income, $117; 3 rooms own use. Garden. Tsbor 8638. WANTED To buy furnishings of a 10 to 20 room house on west side; clean and modern. No dealers Call Nelon. Main 6199. BY. OWNER. 18 roams, close In. cheap rent, good Income. Pbone Bast 7741. BUSINESS OPFORTCTYITIES ft 800 BUSINESS CARDS 81.28 : Ryder Pit Co.. Main 668ft. 181 hi 8J st, FOR SALE 8500 for' half rnUrest in a good paying restaurant. B-50I. Journal. GROCERY stock and fixture for talc tt tceaonabla price. Woodlawn 1681 -i BTJSIXESS OFPOBTtJIflTIES ? t EESTACRANT One of the beet paying places in town; IS stools, S tables, 6 foot coal and gas ranee: not cake plate, ice box, electric fen, good lease; receipt to $100 per day. Soft drink, confectionery: we have quite a number of very good places of this kind where you can make food money with little capital. Cigar, soft drink and confectionery and gro ceries ; stock on hand alone worth more than we are asking for the whole basffness; rent only $40; price $2750. ENTERPRISE REALTY CO.. 614 Panama bldg. CAFETERIA, 6 tables, glass aerving counter. steam labl. sas and hot cake piat. plenty of dishes, ice box; price $1000. Another rood cafeteria. 8 table. tem tablet, coffee nrn. all well and fully equipped. This is a splendid place for man and wife or two ladies; rent $18.50: price $850. Restaurant and lunch counter doing good busi ness, cas. and hot cake plates, waffle iron, ice bores; $2D receipts per day: rent $40; price $950. ENTERPRISE REALTY CO. 614 Panama Bldg. STORE 10 miles out cf Portland; stock mostly gro ceries; will invoice about $4000: will sell or trade for Portland residence: ticket office and po-toffico in connection bringing $50 per month. This is a pick-up for somebods'. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Eachauge bldg. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS LIBERTY BONDS CASHED OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG. (2d FLOOR.) FULL INSTRUCTION How to establish snd conduct s good business without capital, hon orable end straight, strictly your own. Valuable side line for those having office equipment, or nisy be conducted from borne. Plan is new; of great value; nothing similar before offered. George Welles Moseley, Newburg, N. Y. CONTRACT in town with used truck in eicellent ahape. This is a first clasa proposition with a reputable firin. and truck is on job now. $750 will handle this. Mack International Motor Truck CoiToration. 10th and Davis. War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds. Spot cash American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg., 2d fir. FOR SALE -I'avina: transfer business in Astoria. Must aell on account of health. LX-597, Journal. BAKERY and light grocery for sale; attractive location: near big school; Hawthorne dis trict. Tabor 6195. DO you want to make -a living and stay at home? Small store and liring room. Other business. Sellwood 12 8. STOCK and futures of cash grocery, will invoice about SC0O; best residence location m city. Phone Tabor 1 1 08. BOOMING town needs big hotel. ZX-85: nal. Jour- RESTAURANT Front st. -For sale or trade; cheap. 340 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WASTED 8 HAVE cash buyer for RESTAURANT, $2000 to $4000; also bare buyers for small apart ment houses, grocery, and other business, G. L. Webb. 4 14 F. Stsrk st MOSEY TO IO AN REAL ESTATE 87 CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for lmproteaeal purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a Kian is our monthly payment plan. $82.26 per month for 36 month, or 21.24 per montb for 60 month, or $18.17 per month for 96 months pays a loaa ef $1000 and interest. Loan of other amount In same propor tion. -Repayment Privileges EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASM. 242 Stark aU. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS Loans for any amount at 6 hi per cent for S to 10 years, peysble in monthly installments; any part or all of the loan payable at any time. We loaa money in all rows of tbe Northwest. Call or write. 1333 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 8718. Evenings, Woodlawn 2431 MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property, favorable repaying pnvileg Bo commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LUX. 606 Plett Bldg. Mala 8371. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, lat and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, automobiles, etc. F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Chamber Com. Main 3026 SEE TJS TODAY We loaa money oa real es tate; 6 and 7 per cent, loaa time, abort time: snonuily payments; pay a you can; nai suit. 72S Gasco bldg.. 6th and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. $300. $400, $500, $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber 01 Commerce building. Mam 64 45. BUILDING loans on city sad suburban property, money advanced as work progresses, W. G. Beck. 218 and 218 JTalling bldg. Main 3407. MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of 8100 te 6000 on city property. A. a BELL. Rooms 10 and 11 Mnlkey bldg SEE OREGOS INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 2 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Start. $1000, $1500, $2000 and up; no commission. W. u. DfcBHO.N. 010 Ckam. of Von. Olda. MORTGAGE LOANS up to 86000. 6 and 7 per rent Fred 3. Williams. 606 Panama bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Helling bldg. 300 $400 $500 $600 $760 and a p lowest rates; quick action. Gorden Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370, MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 DO YOU NEED MONEY ? LOANS MADE O.N AUTOMOBILES FTTRNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS. OH ANYTHLNU Oa VALUE. SECURITY. UttUALLX UM'S 1M YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NU'rW WITHOUT SECURITY. IP YOCB PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COM H AMES OH ON FURNITURE OK AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE MILL FAX THEM CP, ADVANCE KOU MORE MO.N. IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY f A t MiN 1 b L4J 8U11 It OUR CON V EN 1EN C-Jk. LEGAL KATES WO DELAX BUSLNESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 808-807 DZRCM BLDG.. 8D AND WA8H. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSTt. Phote Broadway 910. 894 Stark st., near 1 0th. Lean on diamond, watches. Vkrtrolas, ptanoa. kodak, shotgun, furniture, musical instrument and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER City and county warrants cashed at face vain CARRIE MIEKS-HEKMAN Manager. SALARY LOANS WE LOAN MONEY CHATTELS oa abort notice to salaried or worklngmea ea their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payment Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, plaaoa, etc.. without removal. call and investigate columbia discount co. (licensed) 218 failing bldg. ARE YOU IN DEBT? LOANS TO WAGE-EARNERS on their char acter and earning capacity. 810 to $500 at 8 per cent per annum; weekly or monthly pay. ments. Tbe Industrial Loan A Inv. Co.. 267 hi Oss si. . lewia bldg. HONEY to loan on diamond. Jewelry: legal rates: sll articles held a year: established since 1888. Dan Man ek Co., 288 Wash, at. LIVESTOCK LOANS Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep, bogs. etc. F. E. Bowman A Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8026. LOANS WASTED 88 FIRST mortgages for tale, $HH0 up. F. Ii. Deahon, 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WELL secured second mortgage, $600, on im proved lend. Yamhill county. C-485. Journal. SEE OREGON LVV. A MORTGAGE CO.. SSI Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. KiyASCIAL tl CASH paid for mortgages ami seller' contract on veal estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. 816 Lnmbermem bldg. WE BUY first and second - mortgagee and aell. er' contract. F. E. Bowman A Co... 218 Chamber of Commerce 1 CASH FOB WAR STAMPS LIBERTY BONDS CASHED OREGON BOND s MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG. 2d FLOOR. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH! MARKET PRICEI CASH FOR RECEIPTS. We LOAN money on BONDS. W'sr Sa rings Stamps. 7 per cent 725 GASCO BLDG.. FIFTH AND ALDEB CELLARS-MURTON CO. HORSE. VEHICLES. ETC IS 100 HEAD of bones mure horses Uio any 4 barns in the city of Portland to pick from. Too. can pick them right off the job. Har nesses for every one. Will sell any one. Have same tine matched tea ma : also a nice family cow. will be fresh m starch. One pair of good 4-year-old mules, weigbt 2400. Wagon of all kinds. Kord runabout, in good shape; will trade for horses, mules or cattle. We hire horses by the day, week or month. Open day and night Phil Suetter. 285 r ront St. Crown stabler O. T. STABLES. 17TH AND KEARNEY Five teams good young horses and roares from 9 to 7 years old. Everything sold with a guar antee. G. D. WILLIAMSON MARES AND HORSES We carry a large supply of the very beat horses and mares that money can buy. It will be to your advantage to call and look our stock over and get our prices before you buy. AU horses guaranteed as represented; truu al lowed. Sanitary Stables, 366 Union are. cor. of Stevens st. L. Glass. TEAM, mare and horse, weigbt 3200 lbs., with good harness and 3 h inch wagen ; also good 4-jcar-old horse, weight 1350; all guaranteed sound and bet of workers. Will sell regardless of price as I have no further use for them. Wood stock car to 34th, o diocks souuj io iuio Schiller st. 25 HEAD of work horses, some well mated teams, all well broke; heavy bone, blocky built, horses, and also 10 head of rugged built contract horses which would make fine farm horses. Price from $50 to $100 each; weight from 1200 to 1400 lbs. G. K. Howitt, Port land Union Stock Yards bsrru 22 HEAD of horses and mares from 5 to 7 years old, weight from 1400 up to isun lbs., well matched teams, first class stock: everrfhine euarantred as represented and free trial allowed. A few farm wagons, also buggies and harness; also a few cheaper horse. J. 8. Williamson. 240 E. 8th St. WE HAVE 2 teama of eood young farm horses, 1 weight 2300 lbs and 1 2oOO ID.; single bay horse, weight 1400 lbs.: 1 black Belgian mare. 3 years old. weight 1200; harness and wagon: very cheap. Woodstock car to Powell. 3 blocks east to B9. t HEAD of horses, weight from 1100 to 1400 lha. from 3 to 7 years old. all good work ers and gentle: harnesa and wagon, very cheap; also good family cow. rake Kiciimona car 10 33d, 6 blocks south and 1 east to 990 Powell Valley road. FOR SALE Cheap. Have moved to city and have no use for team, weighing about 3000, age 5 and 7 years: good harness, 3 '. inch wagrm. nearly new. Mrs. Patterson, oidds au. aouui Portland car. YOUNG gentle 2600 lb. iron gray team, extra good workers: also large black mare, cheap. Woodstock car to E. 36th and Gladstone. Two blocks north to 1087 Francis eve. Sellwood 1212. WE have for sale at a bargain, team of dapple gray mare. 6 and 7 years old. weight -'800 lbs., guaranteed true workers. E.- Bui and Flanders st. FOR SALE or trade, my new 1 ton Chevrolet truck, run about 2 months; Al condition, or will trade for horses or cows. Pbone 'labor 6070, G M. S.. 1212 E. Madison TWO young teams suitable for ranch work Also one good big gentle tingle horse. Wood yard. Taylor st. dock. FOR SALE; 1 wagon, slightly used. Birds 11 make 2 hi inch ateel skein. Write to A. G. Mill-r. Hillsboro. Or. Rt. 1. care J. H. Strauss. 3200-LB. team geldings, suit logger or for heavy work. Pnce very reasonable. Marion Fuel Co.. Taylor st. dock. FOR SALE 1200 lb. team, 8 and 7 years old; replaced by auto truck. Call Lyons' Stables. 222 Union ave.. comer of E. Salmon. WANTED 3 inch farm wagon. State price and particulars. John Fonlie, care Mr. Laird. Lents. 2800-LB. TEAM of mares, beaiy harness and farm wagon. Woodstock car to 52d St., 2 blks. north to 5759. FOR SALE Spring wann. team weighing 2200 lbs., ajid double barnesa. We hire, buy and sell horses. 380 Front. CHEAP 4 good work horses, slso several wag ons. Atlas Woodyard. 327 Front at. 2 SMALL teams and harness; will sell very cheap, 674 7 65th st. S. E., Woodstock car. HORSE and wagon, $1.60 per day; 2 horses and wagon. $3 J. Cohen, f46 Front. Main 2208, LIVESTOCK 86 $1300 DAIRY 5 cows, all equipment; lease on place; route all established; $200 coming In Feb. 1st, If yon have $650 we will loan you $650. This must be taken by Friday noon. This will net you $150 a montb. SAKE INVESTMENT CO. 423-422 Henry bldg. WE have established a good market for dairy cows at tbe stockyards st North Portland. If yon wish to buy any good dairy cows or hav any to sell, see Mr. Bruce at the Union Stock yards. North Portland, Or. 15 HEAD of different kinds of fresh cows and heavy springers, price from $50 upwards. G. K. Howitt. Portland Union Stock Yards barn. 4 GOOD cows, 2 fresh. 2 will be fresh soon, for sale or trade for beef. 1445 Milwaukie st- W ANTED Few milch foat; stale breed, price and part id la r. to L-485. lit !.'. WANTED Beef and veal. Tabor 2078. POULTRY A??TJ RABBITS 87 THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY 1534 E. 12th N. Woodlawn 1485. BABY CHICKS S. C. R, I. Reds $30 per 100 S O. Barred Rocks $30 per 100 S. C. White leghorn $20 per 100 . Barred Rock and R. I. Red batching eggs $2.50, or $3.50 per setting. Special prices for large orders. NORTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION Offers you the best obtainable in poultry, eggs, chicks and grown stock. Correspondence cheer fully answered. 82d st., 73d to 74th ave. S. E.. Ints station, Portland, Or. FOR SALE Barred Rock. Black Minorca and White Leghorn cockerels, from good layers; also one 50 egg incubator. E. C. Holliday, phone Woodlawn 440. REGISTERED O. A. C. 17 Barred Rock hens and 6 cockerels: hens, $2; cockerels, $3.50 up. or will trade for . white Igborn. Tancred strain preferred. 124 5 Halrey st. R. I. RED cockerels. R7esHbaThebig"r.oy, dark, rich red. No smut. Eggs for hatch ing. 210 Portland blvd.. St Johns car. Phone Wdln. 34 27 PORTABLE POULTRY HOUSES H1UPPF.D ANYWHERE REDIMADE BUILDING CO. 315 EAST 1 1TH ST. EAST 5114. BABY CHICKS leghorns. Reds, Rocks, Minorca; prices rea sonable C. N. Needhsm. Salem. Or. i GET our prices on White leghorn hens and pul let. Special prices on CO and luu lot- Mt. Scott Poultry Tarda. Tabor 68D5. 6348 84lii st S. E. 300 S. C. WHITE LEGHORN pulleu. Tancred strain, guaranteed laying: hatched April 1 ; all first class Hoganised stock. 300 E. Mor rison St. East 6122. 2TARKTcryJCK cockerels, tbe best on the coast. My winnings for year, speaks for itself. H. W. Krnmpke. 1293 Clinton st. Ta bor 8814. I BARRED ROCK eggs, incubator lots specialty. Mrs. Eaam, 365 East Lombard. Woodlawn 1666. EOR SALE Two White Leghorn roosters at $1.50 each. 1 year old. Call at 502 E. 16th st. 8 40O0 PULLETS from beery laying trapneated White Leghorns. Free catalog. Watteraun Pullet Farm. The Dalles. Or. WE PAY CASH FOR POULTRY Pets. Puppies, of All Kinds Cash Prodnee Co., 800 E. Morrison. East 6122. CYPHERS 144-eg incubator, brooder. $85. Call opposite Russellville school. Base Line and Craig road. C. K. Kogers. it. l. hot UN WANTED A first Orpington rooster. 8171. Kellrrstraaae White S. BeaU. Woodlawn O A. C. WHITE LEGHORN setting eggs. 86 per hundred. Bolton White Leghorn ranch. Bolton, or. WALTER HOG AN and Tancred strain Whit Leghorn laying hens for sale, 81.50 each. Tabor 1906. FOR SALE Incubator. 60 egg Buckeye, like -new. $9. 4 54 Umatilla ave. WANTED Broody hens. 77 dale. Or.. R. F. T. No. 3. T. Emert. Hilla- 6 I -ARGE Jubilee style incubators for sale. Wat terwwi Pullet Farm. The Dalle. Or. FOR SALE 6 Rhode Island Red potleta with prize rooeter. $16; Hoganised. Main 7528. HOGANIZE your flock and save feed. I guar antee to pick tbe layers. Woodlawn am:. FOR SALE One Rhode Island Red cockerel. 88.60. 46th ave. and 104th at. 8. E-, Lenta. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rock . hatching egf and cockerel. Tabor 6658. ; CTKAJTCIA. WAVTF.D (toxin haaa,. S CHICKEN partner wanted: complete electrical lighted warm bouse for 8000 chickens: Brood er booses, wired pens, barn-,' 10 acres, 10 miles Portland: $500 handles partnership: salaried part ner preferred: wonderful chicken opportunity. N-181. Journal. DOGS. BIRDS, PETS, ETC. $ WHAT about a canary in your home? Cash Produce Co. is the place to buy Uein. They range from 75c to $10. Come in and hear them aing. 300 E. Morrison st- East 6122. WA NT E D-Fox terrier. Collie and Airedale puppies, not over 7 weeks old. Cash Product Co., 300 E. Morrison St. East 8122. CANARY BIRD SHOP FEMALE FREK WITH EVERY SINGER AUTO 322-17. 1161 E. 28TH NO. YELLOW SL Andreaaburg Holler, cheap. Pbone East 6511. TOl'U choice. 5 Japanese poodles, imported from Japan. 300 E. Morrison at. 01.-. ATJTOMOBILK8 AXT ACCESSORIES 44 Guaranteed Used Cars CHALMERS LIGHT SIX $1050 MITCHELL SIX 975 OVERLAND 50 ford touring 4 so $200 worth of Extras. KING 8 ROADSTER 2630 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1725 CHEVROLET TOURING 675 Terms Given Trades Considered. Broadway Used Car Salesrooms R. G. WOODS. Mgr. Broadway it noyt at., Opp. new rostoffic. Phoue Broadway 89. THESE ARE ALL BARGAINS 1917 OLDSMOBILE 8 $1250 1918 OLDSMOBILE 8 ROADSTER $1250 1918 OLDSMOBILE 6 TOURING $1250 1917 MAXWELL TOURING $ 450 1917 CHALMERS 6 TOURING $ 800 1918 MITCHELL 950 1918 OVERLAND CLUB ROADSTER . $ 700 OLDSMOBILE COMPANT, BROADWAY AND COUCH, BROADWAY 2270. Oarages Ready- Cut Por Houses MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO. 1601 UNION AVE. N. Wdln. 24 13. Box 244 Chandler Chummy WIRE WHEELS. REPAINTED AND A CONDITION. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. CALL TAROR 630 OR MARSHALL 6343 CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR WE FURNISH Till'. MOVET IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO 208 SELLING BLDG. (Second Floor.) HUDSON SUPER SIX TOURING CAR OR SPEEDSTER: WILL SELL ONE OR BOTH AT A BARGAIN: GOOD COKD TIRES ALL AROUND AND LOOK LIKE NEW; 80 DAY GUARANTEE, CALL ADAMS. TOBOR 868 OR MAE. 6848. FREE EXTRAS FREE $40 worth of necessary e&tras free with every used car you buy of u during January. This l' plus our usual low prices and high Quality. Don't miss it. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Broadway at Bum&ide. Phone Broadway 616. 1915 FORD TOURING CAR. $365 1916 FORD ROADSTER. $365 1920 LICENSE INCLUDED MTERN AUTO CO. 411 DAVIS. IT W ILL "COST "YOU MONEY TO WAIT Prices are sure to advance and good buya are getting career. Better buy now while you can get $1" worth of ertras free. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Rroadway at Burn.ide. Phone Broadway 6 1 6. PAT CASH-AND-SAVE'MONEf We have 20 late light model touring roadsters and will put them down low for all cash. Such cars as Buirks. Dodges. Hupps. Hudsnns, Cole Eights. Brlscoes, Forda. Sutzes. Chevrolets and Overlands. Come and take your pick and sare money. Red Front Used Car lo., 605 Alder. PACK aTiT MIX for rale, late 19 1 8 model-first-class condition mechanically and otherwise, a classy car for private or rental purposes; will take a light Bnick or Chevrolet as psrt pay ment. Call East I08fU AlTlTONOSfT car that look and is good: 1918 Oidsmobile light an touring, good paint and tires and is mechanically fine. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO., 631 ALDER BROADWAY 2706. sTock USED CARS ,;' T E3 NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. 1918 WILLYS Knight, new cord tires. spotlight. 19tb and Couch. Broadway 118. MOTORS, gears, bearlnca. wheels, ailea; w wreck all make of car end sell their part at V price. David Bodes Co.. 106-107 N. 11th st A NEW Ford touring, speciariool bov, special running board. Tale auto lock, skid clialna. 1,920 license, numerous other eitras. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 Davis AUTO TRIMMING CO AUTO TOPS. SIDE CURTAINS 400 Davis st, bet th and 10th Broadway 2017. REPAIR MEN. ATTENTION 1 A tow car that you can depend on at a price you can afford to pay. Over 8200 new tires on It. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. Broadway 2796. '18 6 -CYLINDER &-peaenger Studebaker spe cial, a good car, fine condition; must sell this week ; cheap for cash ; would make some terms. Call East 8869. Private party. A PRACTICALLY new Velie. driven 1700 miles: $600 down, balance tn 10 months. You can't, duplicate this. Call Mr. Argo. Broad- way 8281. STUDEBAKER. A-l shape, good paint and tires. Only $800. Easy terms. Broadway 4408. Ask for Tom. 14 th and Conch. $350 FOR quick sale My Ford roadster, first- clasa shape, new license, $250 cash, bal. easy term. See Harper, 423 Henry bldg. 1918 OLD8. used very little, cord tires, good a new in every respect; $460 down, balance 10 months. See Mr. Argo, Broadway 8281. 1918 MAXWELL, all new tire and new bat teries; run less than 4000 anile: look like new. $625. Tbor 5608. STUD EBaTE Eft 4. fine condition, used prT vately; good tires. Will aell at $750 and fir term. SO Grand ave. N., near Bumside. FORDS DODGES CHEVROLETS Lowe-t price; make your own term. MYERS AUTO CO., 411 DAVIS. TWO 32x4. $30; 2 82x4. $15; 2 80x8H. 816: 2 demountable wheel. 87; A. C. hi H. P. motor. $25. 125 Grand ave. N. East 2718. OWNER crippled, can't drive, will aell dandy Maxweu din coeap. aiain ozoi. 1916 DODGE TUCKING CAR, 8676 MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAY1S. FOR SALE 1 1917 Studebaker. 4 -cylinder. 7 pas.. by owner. Mar. 1668. 290 College. Bt'ICK 6-pssenger. Httle six. run ll'oOO raileSJ $1060 for quick sale. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 8281.. tilf HUP, A-l condition, with extras; bargain; $1000 rash. Tabor 8478, OVERLAND ea press, floe n 1ft POULTRY AND BABBITS ACTOMOBlLEg ATTP ACCESSORIES 441 USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GTVF.N LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM EAST TKRMH HERE ARE A FEW WE OFFER FOR TOCbI AI'rUIIVAl. 1920 Case. T nana.. 6 ctI .nr. nnn.. I ' " . iiwiii uiacounv ii i aae. 7 pass . 6 cyl.. A-l condition. liir Mitchell. 5 nana.. 8 cvt 101 7 telle. 5 pass.. 6 cyl. 1HI7 Mitchell. 5 ss . cvL 1H17 Mitchell. 3 paw.. 8 1817 Mitchell. 2 pa.-. 0 cyl 1017 Maawell. 6 pass '. 4 cyl. 1918 Stilts, 2 pass., cyl. 1915 Cadillac 5 pass. 4 cvl. 1016 Overland. 5 pass . 8 cyl" 1916 ( handler. 7 pass, 0 cyl 1016 Mitchell. 5 pats.. 6 cyl. Scleral others to i.elect from. Used Car I-partment. Mitchell, Lewis & Stave r Co. V.a-i Uirst and Morrison sts. UST SIDE SALESROOM. 1 '. t . .i, . I u a and Oak Ms. Tsi 7272 Automatic ltd . .",15 Phones; 215 1 533 481 Cars off the Better Kind OLDSMOBILE EIGHT. 6 rnrd Urea. 1010 PtTTERSON. See tblj one. 11117 1HJIH.E. 6 pass., eitra tire and annr.1 iigni. OVERLAND. 8 pasa. CAl'II. I. Ai miS FORD. 1019 VE1.IL SUDAN. 90 per cent new. wlral wheels I A Bl Y Samly ', S-rt Modvl Yeue, wtrel neeis. nrrrurnf see tl'l ONE-TON KultD TRUCK. 2 TWoTus MASTER IRUCK. a demoavl stralor, v irr cent new. Used Car Palace 81 UNION AVE. N. EAST 7T1TI BargaSns In Nearly New Cars LARGE LOW EST ASSORTMENT PRICES Associated Motor Sales any 10th and Coach sts. Broadway 118. USED CAR BARGAINS 1 Butrk $128 1 Studebaker 128 1 Reo i6 1 Studebaker bug 150 1 Overland bug 200 8 Fords, each 250 2 Maiwell cars $400 and 600 8 Overlanda $830 to 4" 1 Dodge 676 1 Franklin , 800 1 1318 Detrolter Club roadster 1100 1 B'iick truck 600 1 GMC truck 800' 1 Llppard Stewart truck 800 LONG A BILVA. 462 Hawthorne. FOR D ALL KIMiS OF FORDS BUGS. ROADSTERS. TOURING COUPE, SEDAN WILSON. 90 N. Broadway. Una 824T. 1918 BUK K 800 Little 4 louring with 5 tire, looks like new; will sell terv ry term- $300 cash, balanct to suit. 41)5 E Mm N. Tabor 4 171. Call after 5p. m. B TOP LOOK- LISTEN We have a good assortment of high gradt ued cars which are frtT sale on easy term! and guaranteed as represented We also trade D. C WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 68 No. 23rd jC Mam 780. 1918 CHEVROLET, can't be told from a new car and pm-e is about i . 19111 AND COUCH. BDWY. 118. BUG BUG BUG Fnrd bug. abe'a a streak Job. fine tires; lias a top; dandy gray paint terms. $860. 61 N. 23rd st- Main 7n. 1919 MAXWELL touring, practically new, drivel only short time, guaranteed mechanically p feet; will acri(lce or take in Ford on trade, bal ance term.. . ... . 10 1 1 TH ST.. Bet. Stark and Wash. YOU will" nerer find anotlier snap like thlsl lAtest 191H Mitwell touring, original finish like new; all' brand new tires; engine thorough l orerhanled. 5ii. some term You can't equa this. Call Mr. Arge. Bdwy. .1281. LATE model Fords at bargain prices Coma In and be convinced. 19tb and Couch. Broadway 118. 1919 MODEL 90 Overland, plate glass rurtsms, apoflight, new tires. 191b and Couch. Brosdway 118. FOR SALE Siudebak. r. 1018. fl cyl.. D Lun model roadster; might consider diamond Ea-t 8006. STUDEBAKER SIX In good meohenlcal' nondi tlon. equipped with cord tires. 8800. 171 Whitsker. Marsnsli ssob. CHEVROLET roadater, 1918, Al condition, will aacriflce at $600 and give terms. 80 Grand ave N., near Burnniibv ' FORD touring. 19I3 'first class mechanically Atwater K'-ni ignition, shock absorbers. $800 Bd-vy. 240 FIELDS MOTOR CO Itth-Aldef jROSSlTER BROS. TOP CO j Auto tops curtains and repair ' li.g. East 364. Union at line CIIANDLLYI louring. 1917. In A-l condition will narrifice at $1100 and give term. 84 Grand ave. N , near Ilurnslde. HUDSON 6 4 0. new b'wpT new ilnt. grxw tire: will sacrifice. $826, with terms. 34 Grand avr. .V, near Burnside. FORD cmi-lef in Al condition, used privately must sell: a bargain; SI.'O, term. 8 ;rand ave N , near lliirnside, s VC1.CAN TIRE SHOF First clss tire repairing, bargain la Ml and ned tires. East 4886 41 Grand a vs. OVERLAND TOI'RINGbig 4. brsnd new"tirea driven onh frw llioiiwnd miles. $600, term) 108 1ITII ST , Bet. Stark and Wash. yAXWt:MU.uring. 11, be of rroditlnsT owner ni'i-l Hell; $750: term. 80 Grans' are. N.. rrar Rurnide. ' MAX" W ELL "touring 1 n J n tbe best of eon dltion. good tires, good paint; a snap, 1900 terms. 30 Grand are. N,, near Burnside. NEW 4 pawengcr bug. baa fo be seen to be as) preciHierl. A bargain if taken now. Fay terasf IO! I1TH ST..jHet. Stark m'h- 1918 I OHO roadster, electric starter arxT lights demountable rims and olhr extra. See Ml Wilson, Br.adwsy, 1572. or Woodlawn 8168. O V E RLAN 1 1 90. good cmdltiori. IS.7S. Set Stanton A Armstrong. 1063 Hawthorne. Ta bor 2!M. ' UfTS FORD touring In ierfect condition, wiS 'extras; $4 40. cash or terms. I'borjg Eel 5552 f KftO - HeaitiiTui ll union l passenger, fine coa dttlon; c.rd tires, looks great and runs better genuine bargain. Sellwtiod 651. 1917 STt 'DEBAKEK 8pasenger roadMeVTI Al c-iiditi. $650, term. 109 11 Til ST., Bet. Stark and Wash, 191" CHEVROLET, car overhauled thoroughly will guarantee perfect; a good buy. Myef Auto ('., 411 Devi. CHEVROLET touring, new iint and 5 tin Friday, 894 Benfon st. $895, just overhaul, ; must sell.. See thj Phone East 7508 WHO has a 2d hand portable garage for tale State price. Call Wdln. 106 after p. PACKARD CHASSIS 4 A-l condition, tires; 8750 107 Park st. goo it. ifirst ivii r, . r l,.t MYERS AUTO CO., 411 DAVIS. ' Win SfiTir 7 ,..,,.. r it,A.u. 6877. GASOLINE 22 CENTS A GALLON, OILS Alfl )REA.E8 PIONEER FAINT CO.. 168 181 WE pot steel teeth in your old flrwheeL B B. Black. 684 Aider. Bdwy. 2$1. FORD chaa.ia. ut overhauled. 888 Everett Bdwy. 151. FOR 8 A LIE" CH E A PLate 1818 CiiaBTToii log car. Pbone owner. Eat $6fl7. .hi A :ew nainc r .mmi iu i .a best of condition. Eaet 2768 or Marshall 142lt PIERCE ARROW TOURING- g7fitl " l r.ii-v l isj 4i OA VIS. HUPMOBILE roadster; bargain f..r $1 95 nasi good running order. Phone Sellwood 1666. 1918 FORD truck chassis in perfect conditio $450. ca-b or term. Phewe 3 18-82. 118 FORD touring, new tires, many eatra , 1 920 license. $400. VVoodlawn 460. ; $100DOWN. easy term on bale nee, Hoy a go tiaed ear. Maronan sais. iWjDGE TlCRWTS M MYERS ALTO CO.. 411 Da via. ONE set new Weed chains. 6i6. East 621. Continues) en renewing. Peaa