- J ' 14; THE OREGON DAILY 1 JOURNAL, PORTLAND. , WEDNESDAY. , JANUARY, 28, 1920. REAL 7ESTATB TOB SAiTB LOT S It I 1001 bo nv, " CORNER v -.,.;-. . , $009 ' " oft, touth of Sandy bird, and earlin,. 1b rarkra. (DM fir tree. idwalk. gas. elec tricity, pressure water, no street iroprovemeuts : to pay In this section, tow county taxes. Yoa ran Vn cheeper. J. U HA HTM AN CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. To Get Tour Westover Terrace . " "' Homesite r Ton my phone, ctll or writ HAHOI.Il JUNGCkV Secretary -. , International Realty Aiwociat Ihinm. 1807 Yeon Building ybnnra Office. Mii 60. J"m Rt 999- " " 10 IlOwWrilO MuNTHLY Thta'splendld lot. hiving frontage on three street one uf which i paved. Cement txlr V walk m oth'r .treet. Street work .lone cost oT MOO, all of which 1 paid. Yon cn have ' thi lot or I860 on the above terra We ' liar bo heritanry in recommending this to you. FRED W liKHMAN (U, 782 Chamber ot Ikunmerc. S" .OT8 Swinton addition; leering city, will aerlfie; 8885. Main 681. ACREAGE 17 INTEBSTATK CLEAR INI J HOUSE FOR FARMS AND HOM E8 Think- whet thin means to ymi. Owr lielf a hundred LIVE WIRE KKAI.TURH at y"' Ire LUtlng from over half a hundred SALES MEN who know values. We can, place you whr you want to go it the BIGHT price. McCRILLIS CLEAVELAND CO. Main 530 5 ACRES, HOUSE AM BARN '0 Think of- thin a good, modern 5 room limine. Bood barn and outbuilding,! B acre. of fine land, niUy beverdm land: all fr 8450". Land without the improvements t worth the price asked for the entire property. Only 60 mm ' ride on 8. P. Electric. mile to Capitol highway. A splendid chance to get a good house with grnund enough Co make a good income. If you want a few acres with good improvements t a bargain, rail Main 530. WcCBlfetiS-CLEAVELAND COMPANY SPLENDID 10 ACRE APPLE ORCHARD ' Here l a real bargain in an apple orchard. Owner lire in east and cannot look after prop erty, hence will tell at sacrifice price. Ten arret B-'yetr-old treed. Yellow Newtown, Spltien bergt and Winter Banana. All trees bearing and in good condition. An adjoining 10 acre ranch of the same age produced 3000 boxes of applet Una lest year. Only 4 miles from New berg Ml good road. Khould produce enough fruit in the next two yean to mre Van pay for it Price 84 000. on terms. Main 530. McCRILLIS-CLEAV ELAND COMPANY 1 WHAT A 8NAP! ' 6 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW 82400 $900 DOWN Think of a splendid modern 6 room bnnga ' tew only 3 years old. on 'i acre of ground for only 82400. House alone would cost over 88500 today; bank willing to loan 81500 on the property; will take, therefore, only 8900 ' eaah to handle. This is ju-t the place for the t Siniily that is willing to go out of the city to .save expenses; 80 m,inutea' ride on 8. P. elec - trie ; good community; in thee days of high prions a buy like this 1s extremely rare. For full particulars phone Main 630. McCRILUS-CLEAVELAND COMPANY THE CHALLENGE HOME 83700 81000 DOWN Beat tills if you can: Good 7 room hou.se, with splendid bath, gas and electricity. A fair barn, ' chicken house and an acre of fine ground, right on the electric line, only 30 minutes from the renter of the city and only 100 feet off the pared highway. 12 to 14 fruit trees, including aiiplek, plumbs, prune, peaches, loganberries, raspberries, grapes and a fine garden. Only - 8370081000 down. Call Main 530 McCRILLIS CLEAVKI.AND COMPANY 28 MINUTES' RIDE -. IV. ACRES, HOUSE AND BARN" V I 84 500 This is a splendid buy. Good 5 room bunga low, good barn and outbuildings. 14 acres of , rerr .rich toil, Ten highly improred with all kinds of fruit, such as apples, prunes, peers. . grapes, loganberries, blackberries, strawberries, ourraats. a splendid garden, good fences, splendid ater, gat and electricity. Just off of the pared highway to Oregon City. S brocks from electric line; So close in you ire almost in town, yet v far enough out to keep chickens, a cow and raise) hogs if you desire. Owner has bought a larger place and muse raise money at once. Hence .the attractive price. Call Main 630. McCRILUS-CLEAVELAND COMPANY 322 to 826 Henry bldg Main 530. BETWEEN BEAVERTON AND HUBER Htro is a betutlful country home of 2 H teres, highly improved, with over 60 bearing fruit tree, all kinds of berries, considerable nursery tocb, nice 6 room house in A-l condition, lots of shrubbery, bath and toilet, houses for 1000 chicken, good barn. A bargain at 84500, mostly asb. Photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. NEAR DAMASCUS 10 acret of rich productive land, 0 seres un der cultivation, 1 acre timber, all can be culti vated, family orchard, fair house, barn and chicken bouse, close to electric transportation, school, church and store; 81200 rath, balance no wry easy terms. Personally inspected. , JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. THREE ACRE8 81600 All under cultivation, located 1 H miles from Oregon City car line: good toil. 12 fruit trees, loganberries, raspberries, strawberries, goose berries, good graveled road by place, 7 room Jiungalo, good well. This is a good district; not lew than 8750 rash. JOHN FERGUSON .GERLINGER BLDG. . -SHALL CHEAP CHICKEN HOUSE One acre, with large chicken house for 600 fcUlcgtM, eqnipped with electric lights, 3 room hou., not all completed. 4-. blocks from station, war Boone Ferry road. Thi i close In, with t"od ?r service and ehD commuter fare: prire 8800 with 8800 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. j igedffTnds " '" Tract 8 acre, up, located within 30 mile of Portland, on railroad; good toU. no rock, plenty of water work nearby; buy on your own Ureal: prtota 20 to 865 per acre. - ' - LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 818 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. , t-ESH THAN 35 PER. ACHE 8 JO acre in section 5. T. 7 N., R. 2 E , good toil. 8 Mirines and a good creek, ibout 17 . wiles from Woodland, Wash.; 8200 cash, bl , tnce, S rears. A splendid stock proposition. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. lo z v ntmoer of Comcrce. , 8100 JDOWN. 812 50 MONTHLY 11 '-teres, of logged off land, well built 6 room bungalow, in Klickitat county. Wish. Log M . i j Wn,h P,1C- rolcinie nh mil, ptrtiru hrly adapted to fruit' rtining. Total price 81600 FRED W. GERMAN CO.. - . . 782 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES fina level Und, .rrielea7edT fine stream and spring: on paved highway; 5 roolB house, outbuildings, near North Bank att i tieiii on Washington tide Columbia river Price 38800. Attractive place. J. Haai. 826 Cham ber of Commerce. , 4ft ACRES S miles touthetat of city; good toil lay tolling and half in . cultivation : good email kousa, large bar tad other outbuildings good tm all orchard; good roads. Price 38000 : . easy lenn. Owner. O. L. Kohr. 103d tt and Foster road. , i A$RES. just the place for garden, chicken aad cvw. near Peninsula school, pavement Into erJtjr; will Use uto on trade if in "good condition or will trade for other good property. "VJU'ftH Tr Af"f ' 6-ACRK TRACT Mllwiukle-Oregon City highway, at one-half adjoining prioM. Easy term. Mar. 5611. 208 - - Dk kl mn Gir s ' Ian . i j ' m v, n v v b. i una iuu near v. Oak ridge. Or.; young orchard, 40 acre good taw timber on place. Address, J. C. Hebert. Oakridge. Or. ; ; ACRES large fir and cedar, close to-station, good' toil; 81808; term. Broadway 1668, 68 Oregon bldg. " 4 ACRES at Bwby junction, 2-room shack. 1 arr cleared, balance fir grove; 82100; torn. .: Broadway 1 658. 209 Oregon bldg. I'lV DW c iVitwt'a A A " 7l. 1 - valed, L light, water, berry land; tome trade. s Owner. 459 E. 68d. or J 670. JonrnaL -- v " 8ACRE8 right at station, very best of ton, ell -eloaredM big snap for 81808; terms. Broad ujr 1858. 20 Oregon Mdg,, . -.- HE AL 'ESTATE ACBCA6E I 40 ACRES 82250 8800 cash. 8100 semi-annually, buy a splen did 40 aero ranch, nearly level. 8 acres fairly cleared. 8 acres men cleared and seeded to clover 'between the stumps; irrigating ditch right through the I lace; water from same costing 82.50 per aero per year' well built large 2 room house, good barn, log atorehctue and other building. Ksvxl plow, stamp puller, cable and block and other tools; located 5 mile north of Carson Bprtnin, tip the Columbia rirer. Photo graph at office of FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. BTJBCBBAX HOMES 8CBUBBAN HOMES 3 ' acres, all in eultiraUon. apple, logan berries and strawberries ; excellent 5 room bungalow, all modem con renlenc.es; good barn tnd outbuilding; adjoining land has been platted in lout and told at 8200 and 8S0O per lot; 88000 cash. S acre, good 6 room bouse, electric lights, own water system, btm, garage, plenty of fruit: this is a dandy; on Oregon City road; price 87000 on terms. 5 H acres, 25 minutes from city on hard surface road; 2 A. in orchard, raspberriet and other small fruit, modern 6 room house, gas and electricity, city water; this it a dandy; to see is to buy; 83000 cash wlU handle. If interested in suburb tn property or small farm let us show some of the best buys on the market. Our big car is at your serrice. C. E. Scott & Co. "17-19 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8353. DANDY COUNTRY HOME 10 acres, all cnltiTttad. fenced. 26 bearing fruit trees; modern 6 room house with excellent well on back porch; barn 24x48, large chicken house and hog house. Owner must go east. For quick sale will take 84000, part term, part caith. This is a splendid home and cheap. To see it come out to 1 mile eatt of Bakers bridge, second house on right Clackamu county. J, L. Ellis, owner. R. F. D. No. 2, bog 151. 3 ACRES WITH MODERN BUNGALOW 83500 r TERMS 3 teres on fine auto road 3 miles rtst of city limits; modern 5 room bungalow, FTench door and windows; built-ins and bookcases, fire plane, city phone; small fruit and plenty wood; in the spring this place will sell for 84500. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 21 Kailway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. 820001 ACRE in eultiTatlon. elected"fruit trees; 3 room house, electric lights and water; 3 blocks north Bryant station. Inquire for Tay lor's place, Waluga, Or. FOB SALE FARM) 17 YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In Central Al berta and Saskatchewan are rich park lands open prairie ready for the plow, interspersed with trees, which afford excellent shelter for stock. Her grain growing, dtirying tnd lire stock raisinj are being carried on successfully. The country is ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific railway Is offering a large srea of these fertile Unds in LlnydmlnsUr tnd Bat tleford difctrictt. Thlt fertile ltnd will become the home of thousands of prosperous farmers On similar land Hrager Wheeler grows the world's prize wheat Near Lloydminster the world's prtr.e oats hare been grown, tnd butter of the highest quality is made. A nun can soon become independent on a farm in this district Thew Unds ran be bought now at prices rrraging about 8t an tcre. You pty down 10 per cent If ltnd is purchased under settle ment conditions, no further payment of prin ciprl until end of fourth year, then 18 annual payments. Interest is 6 per cent M. E. THORNTON, superintendent of colonization, Canadian Pacific railway, 885 First street, E. Calgsry. Alberta. 8T60 PER acre for this fine farm, only 12 miles from Portland, on 2 rock roads, to be pared tliis year; 80 acres, half under cultira tion, 20 acres fine pasture. 20 teres splendid wood timber, nerer failing spring and creek adds 8J000 to Ttlue. There is no better lend in the Tualatin ralley. Very good buildings, houw with fireplace in large living room facing Mount Hood. This it a real farm home, and will make the purchtser several thousand dol Jars with the pavement of the road. Half cash handles this. RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A REAL JANUARY BARGAIN? 4 0 acres, 30 teres of bottom land, 4 acres upland, about 5 acres rough; 3 room house, barn 24x24, chicken house, spring water, very -scenic view; 23 miles east of Portland, near Sandy road; about half cleared. This certainly is a bargain farm buy. 1500 cords of wood, enough to more than pay for place; 9 miles east of Gresham: good graTeled road nearly all the way. (Mt.r Hood highway). Reduced from 84000 to 83600; some terms. STEWART t BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. CLOSE TO SMALL TOWN 4 9 tore, located 1 mile from Woodland. Wash. ; rich black loam soil, 1 4 acres under cul tivation; 26 acre pasture, 3 springs, 1 creek, fencing, 30 fruit trees, 6 years old, 4 room house, barn 48x48, and other buildings; county road. Price 84000, with 6 cows, 2 horses, 24 chick ens, 2 turkeys, 1 buggy. 1 wagon, .1 cultivator, 1 plow, 1 set heavy harness, 1 harrow, 1 cream sep arator, 12000 cath. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGEH BLDG. 1280 ACRE WHEAT FARM 2 whole sections of as fine wheat land as is in Adams Co.. Washington. eveTy foot in culti vation, positively no stone, gravel or waste ltnd tnd ill in cultivation, with 800 teres summer fallow; improvements, fair set of buildings, all fenced, with never failing well of water and windmill; a beautiful body of level land; price 840 per acre. Gerhauter, 403 Stock Exchange bldg. Call for Williams. Phone Main 8075. NEWBERG 1 0 acres, all tn cultivation, 3 M acres in blackcaps, 1 acre loganberries, 1 acre assorted 9-year-old peaches tnd cherries, tpplet tnd wal nuts; good 6 room house, fruithouse tnd chicken house: good barn, one horse, 24 chickens and implements. This is a cozy place and a money maker. Price 86500; reasonable terms. Mr. Hesgard, with CUE A. McKENNA 4 CO. 82 4th st Main 4 522. ALL UNDER CULTIVATION 80 acres, located mile from electric depot, on main rocked rotd, near Eagle Creek, Clacka mas county. Oregon. Good soil, house, barn, chicken house, garage, young orchard. Price 35250 with 23 head of sheep, 3 cows, 100 bush els of wheat, 50 bushels oats, some hay, straw, hogs, chickens, turkeys and tools; or will tell the lind for 84 200 and keep the equipment. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. EDGE OF OREGON CITY 81500 put you in possession of a 32 acre farm in high state of cultivation, on the high way. This is offered this week it the ridiculous low price of 8218 per acre. Good plastered house, barn, outbuildings, bearing orchard. Per sonally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON GERLINGER BLDG. SECOND AND ALDER FOR SALE by owner, 6 17-100 acres. 6 acres No. 1 betverdtm. high state of cultivation; well drained; tome small fruit and berries ; new 4 room house, barn 20x30, and other outbuild ings; S4 mile of streetcar, store, school and churches. Paved road to Portland except 1 mile, which is good. Price of place 83600, 82000 cash. Household goods, stock and im plcments if wanted. Chas. Sigert. Sifton. Wash. DON'T BE A WAGE SLAVE 5 acre 4 mile of a thriving little city. 23 miles from Portland: paved road, new 8 room bungalow ready to be plastered, barn, chicken bouse, etc.. new ltnd. 3 Va acre clear crop in, 1 V4 tcre fir grove: can't be beat for Derriea ana enrcxent; tcnoolt, churches, rtn nery, etc, the very best: 11200 cuh, balance 6 years 8 per cent C. E. CranfUl. 203 ft lit It. Main 4203. 1280 ACRE wheat ranch, 500 in crop. leased for this year; fair buildings, running water; owner' shire of crop should be it least 36000 or 37000: will consider a first tjtyment first class property to 310.000 or 315.000, bal. your own terms; crop payments if wanted. Price 136.000. U J. Moore, 31T Board of Trade. Portland. Acre Farm VTf'IVITT BVirvnVi.u - . tunes nuui ceoirr oi cior, "'"f" ' nd Ped highway; well Improved vMuiiijjeu. r ru e eieuu. . A. K. HILL CO. frl5 Lumbermen Bide. NEWBERG AND PAVED HIGHWAY 28 acre best of berry ltnd, nearly all in cul tivation; family orchard ; some in crop: large new hop dryer. Make an ideal barn; no other buildings. 2 miles from postoffiee. paved road and market Hesgard. with COE A. McKENNA A CO. 2 4ta tt. 81800-pDAIKY 6 cows, til equipment; leaee " P1,0: u established; 3200 coming info i?r ,f 0 we wUl loan you , This must be taken by Friday noon. This will net you 8150 a month. SAFE INVESTMENT CO - 423-422-Henry bldg. SALE Absolutely the best 40 acre alfalfa . . the Umatilla project; 2 teti of building with gingt tnd powerboW; an idea proposition for one or two families WriU or taonT'or?" Pri- a D. U Boi HerS IF jou har. a farm Tor se, rent or exchange. we can satisfy you; w have city property tereige. vacant and buainest income prorfj .".r Safe Invettment Co. 423 FLN E stock ranch on Yaquina Bar well im. Winuit Or. W ,W tetm? PeU SJt FO, itZt"m n rlrer bottom, fine .. fon'rrie. peaebet and aU kinds write for tofotmatloo, John boteii, Dtyton, Ore, BEAt ESTATE FOB SALE FAHMS 17 NORTHEAST OF GRESHAM 14 acres, oa good graTeled road. 8 mtlea from Grexlians; all can be cultivated; T acre ttndrr cultivation ; iargw orchard, tome) be me, good 5 room hoot, celled and papered, barn and other building., good welL Prie 34500, 81500 cash, or make offer. Personally inspected. Photo at office. JOHV FERGUSON, GERUNGEB BLDG. F0& REKT FASM8 14 FOR RENT 10 acres well improved good land near Portland; new house, new modern chicken bxnue and berry pate he ; none but neat and or derly persons need apply. J-872. Journal FARMS rTAlfTEP BEST OB BUT 88 FARM LANDS WANTED We hive cash buyer for tcretge and suburban property: tlso have clients for larger acresres, farms and ranches in this county and out We also have real estate for exchange. List your property with us and we will handle to the very best of our ability. Business Service 817 HEXKT BLDG. IMPROVED FARMS WANTED Have 2 cash buyers for improved 80 to 60 ere, on good road, not over 80 miles from Portland, with or without equipment, John Tergusoa. Clixig.r bldg. MR, FARMER I hare two good farmers from the east wanting to rent farms; they will pay cash rent and purchase personal property. Send me particulars of your farm md I will send them right out A. G. BENDER, RITTER. IX)WE CO . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IF YOUR ranch is for sale mail full descrip tion or call tt office the calls for ranches ire good: let xn hive yours while we hive buyerj. Get your price right tnd terms you will accept. We will do the rest COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th st Main 4522. WE HAVE a party with 83000 ca-sh to pay down on improved farm not over 30 miles from Portland. Mut have at least 30 arris under plow with fair improvements and on good road. Prefer equipment, but will consider without STEWART' A BUCK. 816 Northwestern Bank bldg. IMPROVED 1 to 20 teres, on or near rocked road, near Portland, at present have client for Newberg. Hillaboro and Oregon City district!. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 4th st. Main 4522. ATTENTION. MR. FARMER Want more farm and suburban places. We get quick result. Deal with a long established reliable firm. A. K. HILL CO . 215 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED To buy for cash medium size rattle ranch with 50 to 100 bead of rattle: must have water on land; must be sacrifice price. II. P. Mint. 875 Pear tt. Grand Htpida. Wis. HAVE Eastern buyer want iarm. J. ROBB5NS, 801 Railway Exchange. Main 7US1. TIMBER 19 NOTICE OF SALE OP GOVERNMENT TIM BER General Lind Office, Washington. D. C Jin. 3. 1920. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9, 1916 (39 8 tat.. 218). and February 26. 1919 (40 SUt. 1179) and the instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1917, and September 26. 1919, the timber on the following lends will be sold February 21, 1920, it 10 o'clock t. m., it public tuction tt the United 8tites ltnd office tt Roseburg, Or., to the highest bidder tt not less than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of be interior. The purchase price with an ad ditional sum of one fifth of One per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if til is not approved, otherwise patent will iwua for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United 8tatea, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the lawi of the United States or any state, territory or district therof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being Included in sny offer of a larger unit: T. 27 8.. R. 13 W., Bee. 25, NE. V4 NE. , fir 2500 M.. NW. 4 NE. fir, 2400 M., cedar ?0 M . BW. M NE. 14. fir 1550 M . cedar 40 M.. 8E. NE. K. fir 1700 M.. NE. H NW. H, fir 1700 M.. cedar 100 M., NW. "4 NW. , fir 1200 M., cedar 250 M., 8W. NW. fir 1000 M. cedar 250 M., SE. H NW. . fir 1600 M.. cedar 100 M.. NE. 8W. H. fir 810 M.. NW. SW. 14. fir 1000 M.. cedar 100 M., SW. 14 SW. U. fir 600 M.. cedtr 100 M., NE. 4 . SE. 14, fir 1900 M.. NW. 14 SE. 14, fir 1600 M.. 8W. 14 1700 M i 8c- 27- SE- v NE fir 1600 M . cedar 4 00 M., SW. 14 NE. 4, fir 650 M., cedar 160 M., NW. 14 NW. fir 800 M.. cedar 200 M.. NE. 14 BE 14. fir 15!! M- cUr 800 M- Nw- 14 BE. 14. fir 2 M.. cedar 100 M . SW. 14 SE. 14, fir 600 M.. cedar 150 M . SE. 14 SE. 14, fir 1300 M.. cedar 150 M. ; See. 36. NE. 14 NE. "4, fir 1500 M., cedar 100 M.. NW. 14. NE. 14, Ia8?.0 M- car 300 M- 8W- NE 14. fir 600 M.. cedar 100 M.. 8E. 14 NE. 14. fir 800 M.. cedar 100 M.. NE. 14. NW. 4. fir 1350 M-. cbw 60 M.. hemlock 150 M., NW. 14 NW 14. fir 500 M , cedar 50 M., SE. 14 NW. 14, fir 860 M.. cedar 100 M., none of the fir, cedar, or hemlock timber to be told for lest than 32.25 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner, General Land Office. NOTICE OF EXCHANGE Department of the Interior. United State. Land Office. Port tend. Or., January 16. 1920. Serial 06291 Notice is hereby given that The Ryan-AUen Lumber Co. of Vancouver. Clarke County 8tate cf Washington, has filed in this office tn application to select under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved May 31, 1918 (40 Stat.. 593). and the regulations there under ipproved July 17. 1918 (Circular 811). the N. E. 14 of N. E. and N. W. 14 of N E. 14 of Section 13. T. 4 8.. R. 6. W . Willamette Meridian. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lnd described or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to the appli cant, should file their affidavits of protest in thi office without deity. (Signed) Alexander Bweek. Register. LUMBER FOR SALE Used lumber in fine condition. 2x6 to 2x12. from 6 to 9 'et lone; som t'mber 6x0 nd 10x10: for sale cheap. Call Marshall 2273. A Wol-trom. 8fi Wilson yt. FOR SALE 338 acre of fir timber land in Linn county. Oregon. W. H lot or section 18, block or township 10, range 2 E. Address, O. Focbtmtn. 1004 Waukazoo tve., Petoskey, Mich. FOR SALE Trim, two wood wagons, drtg- saw and about 1000 cords standing. Price 81000; tome terms. Address, Box 134, Hilla boro, Or. FOR 'SALE First growth fir wood, 84.60 in the woods. 800 or 1000 cords, A. HeveL Gresham. Or. Phone. HOMESTEADS 47 WANTED TO BUY Homestetd relinquishment from owner, by ex-service mm. 423 Henry bldg. Miln 1906. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE 8i VANCOUVER. B. C. 4 room modem bungalow, no encumbrance: for (tie or exchange for Portland propertv. Value. 32000. V-304. Joornil. FOR SALE or trade, by owner, a good home, also IS teres under cultivation, and tome choice lots, all in Ocean Park. Wash. 8. Flin aerland. 460 K. Dtvis st EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ti FOR SALE nr trade hv nmmr m amJ 1 . ...... wu luiiur, al 13 acre under cultivation, and some choice lots, all in Ocean Park. Wash S Flin- geiland. 460 E. fivh t 80 ACRES. 76 irrigated, 60 alfalfa, water paid good buildings, for improved valley acreage. OLrmiton, i t ADington Dldg. EXCELLENT 6 tcre tract, dandy house, dote w cvisuKmiH. w cAriiange Tor foruand house, automobile or track. Main S3SO ONE full acre, paid; wish to place as first pay ment on a 4 or 6 room house or bungalow. .M.iviiaii fix 160 ACRES, Yamhill county ; email improve- menu for acreage. C Osborne, 76314 i uvrmin BL FINE residence lot. H block south Sandy bird.. for good automobile. Dort or Dodge preferred. Private party. C-431, Journal. 1 ACRE 20 minutes out and come cash for bono. 1105 E. 30th rt. N. 2 ACRES, west of city, to exchange for small bungalow. Owner. Tabor 4758. WANTEP REAL ESTATB tl WAXT lainii with' ann. n.K... TI road; good rvce; give price and location. X-480, Journal. 4 TO S ROOM bungalow wasted; any good district. Have- several bayera. G. L. Webb. 414 East Stark tt. WANTED Logged off land, improved or partly Improved, in targe or amaJl tracts. Chat. DeHeJ. Sit Railway Exchange, Marshall 2687 REAL ESTATE ' WASTED REAL ESTATE 11 UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD 869 BALES 32,409,347 WORTH OF HOMES fLD DUR ING THE YEAR 1919 BY FRANK L. McGUIRE AGENCY Twelve experienced taleemen with anto. Several hundred buyer on our Uata, anany with eaan, desiring to bay modern home under 87000, especially in ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. LAURELHUR8T DISTRICT ALBERTA DISTRICT Also inexpensive modern homes in all parti of the city. FRANK L. McGUIRE will person lily inspect, photograph and appraise your prop erty without charge. The picture' of your house, with full information, will Je displayed on tbe walls of our' show room, which are crowded with prospective buyers. Your house it told if lilted with us. (WE NEED IT TODAY). See Frank L. McGwire To Sell Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068. BUNGALOW OWNERS ATTENTION We have 13 good live buyers, most with all rsh, for modern 5 or 6-rm. bone-alow in Haw thorne or Rose City, from 33250 to 34800; must have fireplace; not so particular about lurnare; inot want garage or room for one; paved rt essential. If yon have one for sale nil Main 802. We will show it at once. We lio not ank an exclusive listing: all we want i& fair chance to show you wo can e.U your place quickly. We are a live bunch; try ua. GEO. T. MOOKE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. IMPROVED ACREAGE WANTED We have several people wanting small place twr towns or city with payroll. Must have buildings and smsl) payment down. Also buyers for cheap place near Portland. JOHN FERGUSON Gerlinaer bldg. TIMBER LAND WANTED Small tracts of timber, near a road and Dot over 40 miles from Portland; will consider rough land if the timber is -good; mutt be bandied for small payment down. Will consider high priced acreage dose to Portland. If con venient to rock road. John Ferguson. Gerhnger bldg. . Ol'R BUSINESS is telling East Side property and we are not slow in doing it if price is reasonable. List your bungalows and houses and flats and lots tnd business property with us. J. J. OEDER CO. 4 Grind are. N. near E. Ankeny. HOUSE WANTED Will be in Portland Mon day. Feb. 1. and want to buy 5 or 6 room bungalow, tn any of Portland's good districts. 84000 to 360DO. Please give full particulars. H. L. Barnes, Gen. Del WE can sell four 6-room houses today up to 84000, 3700 to 32000 cash; if yours is for sale caii me C. M. IWr. COE A. McKENNA CO., 82 4th st Main 4522. SPOT cash and quick deal for bargain in 5 or 6-room bungalow; improved street essential. Please call at 215 Lumbermens bldg. or phone Broadway 421, axk for Hill. WANTED Hotel or tptrtment bouse of 60 rooms or more in exchtngr for 10 teres it Warrenton. Or., and 20 acres at Brownsville, Wash. Improvements. Marshall H01. ROOMING HOrSBS, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE 63 COUNTRY HOTEL AND BOARDING HOUSE One of best Columbia river towns. Will lease building 3 to 6 years, 875 month, and sell furnishings and equipment: 31200. Un usual opportunity to get substantial paying business for small investment. See A. K. Hill, 215 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED To buy furnishings of a 10 to 20 room house on west side: clean and modem. No dealers Call Nehon. Main 5189. BY OWNER. 18 room, close In. cheap rent, good income. Phone East 7741. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 19 GOOD RESTAURANT From 850 to 375 per day.. This place i well fitted up with gas range, gis plates, cooking utensils, dishes, tables tnd lunch counter. Price 31050 cish. Restaurant good money-maker; cheap rent; clearing above all expense 825 per day. Cigars tnd soft drinks md confectionery, doing a fine business; price only $1850. Cigars, confectionery and pool rooxn: good lease. Price 32500: clearing rood money. ENTERPRISE REALTY CO., 014 Panima bldg. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS LIBERTY BONDS CASHED OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG. (2d FLOOR.) 30 ROOMS TRANSIENT HOTEL Brick building; nively furnished: 2-year lease S2250 to handle. C. M. MACK CO.. MAIN 3353. Q17-J1 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IT'LL INSTRUCTION How to establish and conduct a good business without capital, hon orable rnd straight, strictly your own. Valuable side line for those hiving office equipment or may be conducted from home. Plan is new; of great value; nothing similar before offered. (George Welles Moseley, Newburg. N. Y. 11 BOOMS, 'H0USKEE"PlNf5 Close in. west side: well furnished, electric lights: good income; 11100; 3750 handles. C. M. MACK CO.. MAIN 3358. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CONTRACT in towu. with used truck in excellent shape. This is a first class proposition with a reputable firm, and truck is on job now. 8750 will handle this. Mack International Motor Truck Corporation. 10th and Davis. ONE of the best propositions on the market: territory of 3 states, plenty stock on hand, no fake. Indorsed by the best people in Port land. Will sell all or part, as I am not able to work it alone. Morris. 619 Henry bldg. War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bond. Spot cash. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg., 2d fir. 8700 RESTAURANT; fine location; 3250 cash, bal. easy payments: must sell by Tues day. This is aure tome buy. See Harper, 423 Henry bldg. 31650 CIGAR and confectionery store on one of th best comers in Portland: rent 840. See this todty. Safe Investment, 423 and 22 Henry bldg. BAKERY and light grocery for sale; attractive location: near big school; Hawthorne dis trict. Tabor 8195. GROCERY .store for 'sale, good location, stock invoiced: will give 5 per cent discount. Phone xnuvi iio, a.zt ptn ana Kowell valley road DO you want to make a living and stay at nomer Small store and living room. Other business. Sellwood 128. BOOMING town needs big hoteL ZX-832. Jour- ft ft A Y T a rvr a a rt i nvn - 1 Ryder Ptg Co.. Main 6586. 191 H 8d st. GROCERY stock and fixture for tile tt a reasonable price. Woodlawn 1531. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HAJITED 88 HAVE cuh buyer for RESTAURANT. 32000 aiso nv Duyers tor small apart ment houses, grocery, ind other business. G L. Webb. 414 E. Stark tt MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for lmproTeet purposes. Th beat and easiest method ot paybts a loan Is oar monthly payment pbuv 882.26 per month foaSS months, or 421.24 per month for 60 month, or 816.17 per month for 96 month par loaa f 81000 and interest. lwoane of other amount ta can tlon. Repayment PrlrfJegee EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSIt. S43 Stark at.. Portland. Uc LIBERAL LOANS : W loan our own money on real estate 1st and 2d mortgages, contract, livestock, notes, automobiles, etc F. E. Bowman A Co.. 210 Chamber Com. Main 8028. SEE US TODAY We loaa moeer eanal g. tat; 8 and 7 per cent, long tfon, snort ttaw; atotkUxbr payment; pay as yon can; enms te cult. 728 Gseo bldg., 6th and Alder. : tiLLAKS MIHTU.N CO. 8300, 8400, $500, 1750. 31000 (and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce build inc. Main 6445. BUILDING leant on city and suburban property1 money advanced at work procreate. W. U. Bock, 216 and 218 Falling bldg. Main 3407. MONEY TO' LOAN tn amounts of 310u 35000 en city property. A H. BELL. Boom 10 and 11 Mnlkey bldg. BEE OREGOR INF. V MORTGAGE COif" Chamber of Comnwrea. 4th and Stark, Hobo. 81600, 32000 and np; no coatmianim. W. it. liESHON. 1 Cham, of Com. Mda. 1IORTUAGS LOANS up to f 6000, and 7 per sw. w. vvuimnm. own ranama naa mXfSlGKTjOiSg: f and 1 per cant Loob 3Vl 1mm A t. A A8 a . V12 an. !; ' -!wTe 8BmuijflBX - -8J MOTTET TO LOAH BEAL ESTATB tf - - RESIDENCE LOANS Loan for any amoaut at 6 H per cent ta S to 10 yr, payabi. ia monthly tastl)msntst any part or nil of the loaa payabi at any time. Wo loaa atottey ta an town of th Northwest Call or write. 1838 Northwaatera Boat bidg. MarahB 3718. Evening. Woodlawn 43t liOKTUAGB LOANS Oa tntproMd farm sod city property. fevraM aapayiag gwlTitsaast no eommimkm or delay. TUB OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LUX. f0 Flatt Bldg. Main 6371. 300 8400 3600 8600 8760 and bp. lowest rate; quick action. tJotden Mortgaa Co.. 881 Chamber ef Com mere. Mtin 1ST. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY ? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES rURNlTUKK. PIANOS. HOUSKHOLU UUUIH, REAL. ESTATE. BONDS. OR A.NxTHLNU Ok VALUE, 8KUUKITX USUALLX UtlT IN YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THK1K NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF TOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPAMKa Ott ON KUHNITUKK OR A UTOMOBltaC CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL. PAX THEM UP, ADVANCE xOU MORE MO4 IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN RJfFAl OS IN SMALL UUNTULt rtllUNlS ZJ BOH YOUR CON V EN 1KM Vti. LEGAL RATES NO DKLAlfB. L RED cockerels. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806 807 DJKCM BLDG.. 8D AND WA8& PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N. Phou Broaoway 810. 884 Stark St.. near 10th. Loans on diamonds, wttchet. Victrolta, piano, kodak, shotguns, furniture, musical tnatrumtatt tnd nythin of valufc ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER City and county warrant earned at fe vmin ' CAKKIK MIKK8-HEKMA.X Manager. SALARY LOANS CHATTELS WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or worklngmen en their - own notes: Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. (LICENSED) 21.8 FAILING BLDO. MONEY to loin on diamond!, Jewelry ; legal rates; all articles held a year: established since 1888. Dan Marx A Co.. 888 Wath. tt LIVESTOCK LOAN8 Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep, bogs, etc. F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce Main 3026. LOANS WANTED 86 81600 wanted for private party on farm land. 618 Chamber of Commerce. FIRST mortgages for sale 81000 up. V 17 Deshon. (515 Chamber of. Commerce bldg. SEE OREGON-INV71kMORTGAGECO23J Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL 61 CASH FOR WAP. STAMTS LIBERTY BONDS CASHED OREGON BOND at MORTGAGE CO.. ! 208 SELLING BLDG. (2d FLOOR.) BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH I MARKET PR1CE1 CASH FpR RECEIPTS. W LOAN money on BONDS. Wtr Savings Stamps. 7 per cent 725 GASCO BLDG., FIFTH AND ALDER CELLARS-MURTON CO. CASH paid for mortgages tnd sellers' contracts on real estate tn Washington ar Oregon.- - U. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermen bldg. WE BUT first tnd second mortgages and sell ers' contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC 18 100 HEAD of horses more horses than any 4 barns in the city of Portland to pick from. You can pick them right off the Job. Har nesses for every oi.e. WUl sell any one. Have some fine matched teams; also a nice family cow, will be fresh in March. One pair of good 4 -year-old mules, weigh 2400. Wagons of all kinds. Ford runabout, in good shape ; will trad for horses, mules or rattle. We hire horses by the day, week or month. Open day and night Phil Suetter. 285 Front st. Crown stable. O. T. STABLES. 17TH AND KEARNEY Five teams good young horses and mares from 3 to 7 years old. Everything gold with t .guar antee. G. D. WILLIAMSON MARES AND HORSES We carry t lirze supply of the very best horses tnd mares thtt money ctn buy. It will be to your advantage to call and look our stock over and get our prices before you buy. All horses guaranteed it represented; trill al lowed. Sanitary Sublet, 365 Union are. cor. of Stevens st. L. Glass. TEAM, mare and horse, weight 3200 lb., with good harness and 3 H inch wagon ; also good 4-year-old horse, weight 1850; all guaranteed sound and ben of workers. Will sell regardless of price a I have no further use for them. Wood stock car to 34th. 5 blocks south to 1040 Schiller st 22 HEAD of horses and mares from 6 to 7 years old. weight from 1400 up to 1800 lbs., well matched teams,' first clam stock: everything guaranteed as represented and free trial allowed. A few farm wagons, also buggies and harness; tlso t few cheiper horses, J. 8. Williamson, 240 E. 8th st. WE HAVE 2 team of good young farm horses, 1 weight 2300 lbs and 1 2500 lbs.; single bay horse, weight 1400 lb".: 1 black Belgian mare. 3 years old, weight 1200: harness and wagon : very cheap. Woodstock car to Powell, 3 blocks eatt to 897. 7 HEAD of horses, weight from 1100 to 1400 lbs., from 3 to 7 years old. 11 good work ers and gentle; harness and wagon, very cheap; also good family cow. Take Richmond car to 83d, 8 blocks south and 1 east to 990 Powell Valley road. TOR SALE cheap; have moved to city and have no use for team weighing about 3000; age 5 and 7 years; good harness, 3 14 wagon, nearly new; also 3-year-old mule. 229 Gibb. South Portland car. YOTJNG gentle-2600-lb. iron gray team, extra good workers; also large black mare, cheap. Woodstock car to E. 36th and Gladstone. Two blocks north to 1087 Francis ave. Sellwood 1212. WE have for tale at a bargain, team of dapple gray mares. 6 and 7 years old, weight 2800 lbs., guaranteed true workers. E. 9 th and Flanders st FOR SALE or trade, my new 1 ton Chevrolet truck, run about 2 months; Al condition, or will trade for horses or cows. Phone Tabor 6070. G. M. S.. 1212 E. Madison. TWO young tetmt suitable for ranch work. Also one good big gentle tingle bora. Wood ytrd, Ttylor st dock. FOR SALE 1 wagon, slightly used. Birdie Ii mike, 2 14 inch steel skein. Write to A. G. Miller, Hillsbcro, Or. Rt. 1, care J. H. Straus. 3200-LB. team geldings, rait logger or for heavy work. Price very reasonable. Marion Fuel Co., Y... 1 Jt v SORREL pony, (5 year old, 'work anywhere; weighs 950; $33 rash or $40 in 0 month?. Phone Oregon City. 18F4. FOR SALE 1200 lb. team. 6 and 7 years old; replaced by auto truck. Call Lyons' Stables, 222 Union ave.. comer of E. Salmon. 2800-LB. TEAM of mares, -heavy harness and farm wagon. Woodstock car to 6 2d it, 2 blks. north to 5769. FOR SALE Spring wagon, team weighing 2200 lbs., and double harness. We hire, buy and tell horses, 380 Front CHEAP 4 good work horses, also several wag- w. aw wooqyarq. a t rront t. HORSE and wagon. $1.50 per day; 2 homes and wagon. 33. i. Cohen. 546 Front Main 220b. LIVESTOCK 36 81800 DAIRY 5 cows, all equipment; leaee on place; route all established; $200 coming in Feb. 1st If yon have $660 we win loan you $650. This must be taken by Friday noon. Thlt will net yoa $150 a month. SAFE INVESTMENT CO. 428-422 Henry bldg. 2 FRESH young heavy milking Holstein with calves by their aide; also 2 Jersey Holstein. 1 fresh, the other to free hen toon. Will sell cheap. Woodstock ear to 34 th, 6 block south to lutu ncntuer t. WE have established a good market for dairy cowa at tbe stockyard at North Portland. If yon with to buy any good dairy cows or hav. any to leR, , aee Mr. Brno at th. Union Stock yard. North Portland. Or. WANTED Few milch goaU; state breed. Price and particular., to L-48.1. .in .'. WANTED Beef and val. Tabor 20tAC" POULTBT AND BABBITS tt FOR BALE 6 Rhode Island Red pullets with prize .rootier. $13; Hoganiaed. Main 7628. HOGANIZE your flock and feed. I iHf. too to jack the layers. Weodmwa 6802. TOrLTBT AWT BABBITS f tl . ; ; THE PROG BESSIVE HATCHERY 1534 E. 12th N. Woodlawn 1485 - BABY CHICKS B. C R. I. Rede u..... 830 per 106 8. C Barred Rocks 830 per 100 B. C. Whit Leghoma ...820 per 100 Barred Rock atrl R. L Red hateuing egg 32.80. or 68.88 per sett Ins. Special prices for Iargw orders. NORTHWEST POULTRYCOltPORATloN Offera yoa th beat aotalaablo fea poaltty. org, ebtcks and grown stock. Ooneapondoneo ehotr rally enawerwd. 8 2d TSd to 14th aro. H-aV. Lu ctatioo, Portland, Or. CHICKEN partner wanted: complete electrically lighted warm house for 8000 chickens: brood er houses, wired pens, barn, 10 acres.10 miles Portland; 8500 handles partnership; salaried part ner preferred: wonderful chicken opportunity. N-1R1. Journal. FOR SALE Barred Rock. Black Minorca and White Leghorn cockerels, from good layers; also one 50 egg incubator. E. C. Holliday, phone Woodlawn 440. WILL buy or exchange Buff Ighom rooster; also want 2 bronze turkey hens; prefer 2-year-old hens. E. C. Richardson, Beaverton, Or . R. F. I). No. 1. NICE Silver Camplne cockerel. 33.50: B. Hock young hens and pullets, (1.75; Ijeghorns and Harobergs. 31-45. J. A. Dennett. 257 Russell. Phon. East 1081. B EG ISTERED 0. A. C, 17 Barred Bock hens and 6 cockerels: hens, 32: cockerels. 83.50 up. or will trade for white Leghorn. Tancred strain preferred. 1243 Halsey at. Beet hat the big boys. dirk, rich red. No smut' Eggs for hatch ing. 210 Portland bird.. St Johns car. Phon. Wdln. 3427. PORTABLE POULTRY HOUSES SHIPPED ANYWHERE. BEDIMADE BUILDING CO. 815 EAST 11TH 8T. EAST 5114. BABY CHICKS Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minorcis; prices rea sonable. C. N. Needhsm. Salem. Or GET our prices on White Leghorn hens and pul lets. Special prices on 50 and 100 lot Ml. Scott Poultry Yards. Tabor 6895. 6348 84th st. 8. E. 300 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN pullett, Tincred strain, guaranteed laying; hatched April 1: all first claaa Hoganized stock. East 6122. BARKED ROCK eggs, incubator lojs specialty. Mrs. Esam, 365 East Lorabird. Woodlawn 1656. RHODE Island Red cockerels, fine laying strain. 84; also 10 Brown Leghorn pullets. 711 Water st. near Hooker, 4000 PULLETS from heavy laying trapnested White Ltghorn?. Free catalog. Wattrrson Pullet Farm. Tbe Dalles, Or WE PAY CASH FOR POULTRY Pet. Puppies, of all kinds. Cash Produce Co. 300 E. Morrion. East 6122. WANTED A first class Kellerstratse White Orpington rooster. J. S. Baall, Woodltwn 3171. O. A. C. WHITE LEGHORN- setting eggs. 80 per hundred. Bolton White Leghorn ranch, Bolton. Or. W A LTER-TICK f AN and Tancred st ra7n W hit Leghorn laying bens for sale, 31. 50 each. Tabor 1 906. KOU SALE Incubator. (JO egg Buckeye, like new, $(. 454 I'matilla ave. WANTED Broody hens, dale. Or . H F. D. No. J. T. Euiert, Hills- 6 LARGE Jubilee htyle Incubator lor sale. Wat trrson Pullet Farm. The Dalles. Or. "v O. A. C. White Leghorn cockerel for sale. 8810 62d St. S. E. Tabor 2873. FOR SALE One Rhode Island lied cockrrel, 83.50. 45th ave. and 104th St. S. E.. Lents. THOROUGHRRED O. A C Barred Hck hatching ege and cockerela. Tabor S59. DOGS. BIRD. PETS, ETC. 16 WHAT about a canary in your home? Cash Produce Co. is the place to buy them. They range from 75c to 810. Come in and hear' WANTED Fox terrier. Collie and Airedale pupyies, not over 7 weeks old. Cash Produce Co., 00 E. Morrison st East 6122. TOR SALE L Boston- bulldog!-1 year-old, 1 French bull 9 months old, female. 300 E. Morrison st East 6122. CANARY BIRD SHOP FEMALE FREE WITH EVERY SINGER AUTO. 322-17. 1151 E. 28TH NO. TEI.LOW St.' Andrea-burg Holler, cheap. Phone East Boll. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 1918 ELGIN SIX, just refinislied in a clay sport color with red wheels and runs like a new car; top, upholUTine and tires all in fine shape; 3960, 3300 down balance easy. Al AUTO WORKS & PAINTING- CO. " 525 Alder st LATE MODEL ROADSTER This is very popular make of car and will please you. It has- new paint of dark maroon with light stripe: looks very stylish. low price of 3485, with 8200 down, bal. easy. Take Ford in trade. Bed Front 605 Alder st VELIE 1918 model, new tires, new paint, first clan throughout, terms, 11300. 68 N 23rd st Main. 780. BUICK LIGHT SIX ROADSTER This is the real kind and they are hard to get This one his lots of extras and will suit you. Low price of J983, with some down, bal long easy terms. Take car in trade at right price. 505 Alder -st, Ked Front 1919 MODEL 90 Overland, plate glass curttins, spotlight, new tires. 19th tnd Couch. Broadway 118. DODGE touring, his iiew Gypsy top, 6 good tires, lock snd shift lever, spotlight tnd tr ranged to make bed. Mechanically perfect; new battery, good finish. Ixok this over. Bdwy. 240 FIELDS MOTOR CO. 14th-Alder. SNAP My 1919 Cher, touring; has good finish and runs like new; hat spotlight hood clips, extra tire and rim tnd other features. Call Mar shall 2167. CHEVROLET touring. 1918, good mechanical condition; good tires tnd paint. Must sell. A bargain. 8600; terms. 30 Grand ave. N . near Burnside. FOR SALE My equity In J 91 6 Ford touring" car. I will trade for furniture; car just overhauled. See me after 5 p. m . Belmont Apt., Apt. 0, E. Oth and Belmont sts. FORD touring, 1917. in the best of mechani cal condition: good tires. Will sacrifice at 3395. and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. CASH paid for old can, condition no object; part, for all makes of cart. Oregon Ante Exchange, 129 Lownsdal. at 16th and Wash to ft on. Phon Broadway 266S. AUTO TRIMMING CO. AUTO TOPS. SIDE CURTAINS 409 Davis at, bet. Oth and 10th. Broadway 2017. i MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axtee; we wreca ail ma., ui era an mmti tnnr pan. at H price. David Hod Co.. 1U8-1U N. 11th tt REPAIR MEN, ATTENTION! A tow car that you can depend on at a price you can afford to pay. Over $200 new tires on it PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. Broadway 2786. 1918 IORD roadster, electric starter snd lights, demountable rims and other extras. Be Mr Wilson, Broadway, 1572. or Woodltwn 8168. 1918 CHEVROLET motor and car overhauled thoroughly; will guarantee perfect; a good buy. Myers Anto Co.. 411 Davis. OVERLAND 90. good condition. 8675. ' See Stanton m Armstrong. 1063 Hawthorne. Ta bor 2948. 1918 FORD touring in perfect condition, with extras; 8440 cs-h or terms. Phone East 6552 $860 Baautiful Hudson 7 paasenger, fine con dition; cord tires, looks treat and rant better; genuine bargain. Sellwood 651. TIRES 2 32i4 Goodyear all weather cords, 2 tubes. 2 tire covers, 1 rim. A bargain. 414 Stork st OVERLAND express, fine condition; snap. 389 Everett, Bdwy. 151. DELIVERY anto top to fit on Ford car. 1082 E. Division st SAXON SIX New paint; 2 cord tires tn the best of condition. East 2766 or Marshall 1428. 19 V) FORD track chassis in perfect condition. 8460, cash or terms. Phon. 313-92. 1918 FORD touring, new tire, many extra. 1920 license, $400. Woodltwn 460, $100 DOWN, easy terms on balance. Boy a good need ear. Marshall 8640. 76 OVERLAND, 6 pan touring car, $476. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. FORD sedan for sale by owner; In A-l condi tion; electric starter, lights, etc. Msin 6217. PAIGE coupe, run 9000 mile, at half price; $1600: term. Call Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. FOR BALE 1918 Ford touring car. Call 18 E. 84th st N. Montsvllla ear. DODGE touring $550. Myers Auto Co.. 411 Davis. FORD bug for tale. $325. Call 833 East 11th tree sosltn. PACKARD CHASSIS 4 A-l condition, good tires; $750. 107 Park st 1920 FORD sedan, run 1m than 609 miles, $750. Sellwood 8827. HUDSON Super Six, 1918; Buick . 1917. Phone East 664. s FOR SALE, 7-pameager Stadehaker. Call E 6877. $326 CHEVROLET touring In good eeaditlotv Atata wooayara, 821 Front tsASOLINE 22 CENTS A GALLON. OILS AND V ORXABES, PIONEER PAINT UU. Aot) 14 Z. AUTOMOBILES ANT ACCESSORIES 4 1919 Cleanup Terms No Brokerage " You Deal Direct CONTRACTS ARE NOT SOLD TO BANK OR BROKERS . SAXON ROAD8TER, with starter, ftne paint, good tires, 3350. FORD SEDAN, 1918 95 per cent new, for quick eale, 8700. FORD DELIVERY. 1917 In tint tbape. tor Quick, tale, 3376. MAXWELL TOURING. 1917 Refinlshed, 6 good tires, excellent mechanical eondi ' tlon, 3JJ0. MAXWELL TOURING. 1818 Gabriel roubbera. Warner lent and bumper. 3650. MAXWELL TOURING Good tire, fin me chanical condition, 8300. CHEVROLET TOURING. 1917 Newly painted. 5 good tires, first class mechanical condi tion. 3550. CHEVROLET TOURING SeW starter, de mountable rims, all new gear. 34 75. OVERLAND 00, 1919 Model 6, good tires, re painted; in perfect mechanical condition. STUDEBAKER CHUMMY 6 cylinder. This car must be teen to be apprrolited, 1350. OAKLAND LIGHT SIX ROADSTER In fine shape, 5 good tires, spotlight, no-glare hns. shock tbaorbera. 3600. CHANDLER TOURING 7 pasnger. refinlshed. 6 good tires, new top, glate glatt in rear; reel bargain, 814 50. WILLYS-KNIGHT Lonkt like new, 1020 licenae, 5 good tire. This It a big bar gain. 31450. ' OTHER CARS FROM 8260 TO 82800 DODGE. PAIOE. SAXON, BCIOK, KEO SPEED WAGON. FORD BUG. LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUE C. O. BLEASDALE ITSO ALDER ST. BROADWAY 1832. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM EASY TERMS HERE ARE A FEW WE OFFER FOR YOUR APPROVAL. 1920 Case, 7 pass.. 6 ryl., extra equipment, almost new, liberal discount 1019 Case. 7 psss , 8 eyl.. A-l condition. 1810 Mitchell. 5 paw.. 6 cyL 1919 Jordan. 7 pass., 6 cyl, good is new. 1919 Jordan. 4 past., sport car, wire wheels, like new. 1914 Pierce-Arrow. 7 pass., cord tires, tw. extra. Westinghouse shock absorbers, iust th. car for rent or stage line. We will take your old rtr is ptn payment. 1917 Velie, 5 pass.. 6 cvt 1917 Mitchell. 6 pass . 0 cyl. 1917 Mitchell, 3 psss., 6 ryl 1917 Mitchell. 2 pass.. 6 cyL 1917 Maxwell, 3 pass.. 4 cyl. 1913 Stutz, 2 pass.. 6 ryl. . 1913 Cadillac. 5 pass , 4 cyt 1918 Overland. 5 paw.. 6 cyl 1016 Chandler. 7 piss., 6 ryl. 1916 Mitchell, 6 piss., 6 cyl. Several others to select from Used Car Department. MitdheMI, Lewis & , Staver Co. East First and Morrison sts. WEST SIDE SALESROOM, Broadway and Otk sts. Phones: East 7272. Automatic 212-16 lidwy. 515 538-43 Oarages Ready Cut and Houses MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO. 1601 UNION AVE N. Wdln. 2418. Box 244, HUDSON, SUPER SIX TOURING CAR OR SPEEDSTER; WILL SELL ONE OR BOTH AT A BARGAIN; GOOD CORD TIRES ALL AROUND AND LOOK LIKE NEW ; 90 DAY GUARANTEE. CALL ADAMS. TOBOR 680 OB MAR. 6848. Real Bargains IS SLIGHTLY USED 1919 LEXINGTON SPORT AND TOURING CABS Terms If, Required. BBCNN MOTOR CAR CO. 28 an N Broadway. Open Sunday. A BARGAIN 192 Paige Speedster WITH 5 CORD TIRES. PHONE OWNER, TABOR 869, 121 EAST 89TH. 1917 CHEVROLET ROADSTER, 1475. 1917 CHEVROLET TOURING. 3476. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS FREE I FrTEfn FTrEE l 14 0 worth of new extras .with every uaed ar we sell during January only. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Broadway tt Burnside. Phone Brotdwiy 61o. 1917 FORD TOURING, just overhtuled In every respect; jut is good is new tnd runt better thtn t new csr. Look tt thlt one, 8465; 8100 down lets you drive it home. Al AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. 525 Alder st A MiW PRICED inclosed car for your wife for that . afternoon party. 1818 Ford coupe, elertric starter, new Goodyear Non-Skid tires snd in fine condition, st a big saving over a new one PORTLAND CAR SALES CO., 531 ALDER BROADWAY 2796. BUG BUG BUO Ford bng, she's a streak ; .fclndy gray paint Job. fine tirea: ha a top; terms, 6380. 68 N23rd id. Main 780. YOU will never- find another map like this: Litest 1918 Maxwell touring, original finish. like new; all brand new tirea; engine thoroughly overnauiea, eoou; some terms, I ou can t eaual this. Call Mr. Arge, Bdwy. 3281. LATE model Fords at bargain price. Com in snd be convinced. 10th and Couch. Broadway 118. BUICK SIX ROADSTER Fire new tires, bumper, spotlight. Weed chains, new top with glast in rear. Mechanical condition A-l; original paint Phone Eatt 1688. DISCOVERElT " How to cell naed ear cheaper than others. Come tn and be convinced. MTEB8 AUTO CO., 411 DAVIS. 1918 MAXWELL touring, fust like new. 19th and Couch. Broadway 118. FOR SALE or trade. 1818 1 H ton ehattU with Inclosed rib; has been overhauled and in fine condition. What have you in a light cart Bdwy. 240 FIELDS MOTOR CO. 14th-AldeT. r18 6 -CYLINDER 6-pasaenger Stodebeker spe- eial, a good car, fine condition; must tell this week; cheap for cash; would make tome terms. Kmii r,M onnir. rnvste party. MAXWELL touring, fine condition, good tire, good paint WUl sacrifice at 8325. and giv torms.80 Grind ave. N.. near Bu raside. STUDEBAKEB. A-l shape, good pehit.ndUreI Only 3300. Easy term. Broadway 4408. Aik for Tom. 14 th and Couch. 1918 OLDS, weed very little, cord tire, good ts new In every respect; $480 down, balance Y nwiwa iver aar. argo, nroaqway B291, 1919 CHEV. touring, two oord tire on rear; car ha been taken car of and run good. Co- lombia 770. 1918 MAXWELL, all new tire and new bat teries; run leas than 4&0Q rnilea; looks like new. 3625. Tabor 5603. STUDEl&AKER 47""f i tie . condition, uaed pri vately ; good tire. WUl tell st 8760 and give term 80 Grand ave. N near Burnside. TWO,32x4H, 830; 2 82x4. 815; 2 30x3 V, '. .816; 2 demountable wheals, 37; A. C 14 H. r. motor, z.. 11.1 irrena ave. n. Kast 2718. 191'7 DODGE, new top, first cUs aliap. $776T 186 10th tt, cross from library. Msr. 282. OWNER crippled, caa't drive, will U dandy Maxwell dirt cheap. Main 6267. FOR SALE 1 1917 Stndebaker, 4 -cylinder. 7- pa., by owner. Mar. 1558. 290 College. PIERCE-ARROW'TOURINGCAH,"$7$0." M I KKa AUTV W., 4 It OA VIS, BUICK 6-iengT. hule six, run 11.000 mile. f.1050 for quick ale. Mr. A rgo, Bdwy. $381. 1918 HUP, A-ironditlon,with oxUm; bargain; $1000 cash. Tabor S4T8. 1916 TODGETOTJRINi CAR.' i67"6.'""-' MYERS AGIO 4JU, 411 IlAVIS. . t ' " AUTOMOBILES A KP ACCESSORIES 41 HffiDS MAMMOTH SALE OF FORD CARS Largest Stock of Used Fords in the Northwest ..yS'.E ,,AVF' ARRANGED TO KELT, A 1,1, TIIK USED FORDS TAKEN IN TRADE BY THE fJ5.wl7.,,OKIZ,il tXml DEALERS IN A vr .a A lm . g AS3 Mode.s SEDANS MITLS TOURING ltOADNTKKS TRCI'HS DELIVERIES HUGS SOME OF THESE (Alls ARE NEARLY NEW YOI' NEVER HAD st H AN OFl' Oil Tl'NITT OEKEHEI. VOL BEFORE "K",K Easy Terms If -Wanted OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY Universal Car Exchange MORGAN ATI ; LEV HI II.DIN.V GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK BOIfT MISS IT A 1920 Lic-nftf FRKK if y(u pUrrh yonr Cat r At The Used Car Exchange Before February 1 BUICK light i; just renewed and painted. NASH III a IP; like new. CHANDLER One of those rhumanye. STUDEBAKER Six. Here is one ot our best. See it. DODGE Sedan; Just th ear for Oregon. GRANT Sedan, only 700 miles old. 1920 OLDSM0BILE Something to be proud of. MAXWELL Touring. More miles to the gallon. OVERLAND It's a 80 model. Just like new. 8BTJ AND WACMlNATOrT Cars of the Better Kind OLD8JMOB1LE EIGHT. 8 cord tires. 1910 PATTERSON. 8r thi on. 1917 DODGE, 6 pa., aitra tire and spot light. OVERLAND. 8 pas. CADILLAC 1918 FORD. 1919 VELIE SEDAN, 90 per cent ntw. wire whtla. A BUT Sandy's Sport Model Veli. wire wheel", overdrive. See thK ONE-TON FOBD TRUCK, 1919 CHEVROLET, extra tire. 2 TWO-TON MASTER TRUCK, a demon glra tor. 89 per cent new. Used Car Palace 61 UNION AVE. N. EAST 71 IT Ford Cars Ford Service Genuine Ford Parts Ford Repairing William L.' fiuglhsoir. Co. 60 N. Broadway at lhii" Broadway ftl. Authorized Ford Dealer Since 1003. M. B. FISCH Radiator, fenders, bodies Itood. tanks rein I red tnd remodeled, Anto sheet metal work a spe cialty. 605 Kumsidr. Hroadway 2299 m'-Trk touring, light six Ilere is the kind they til wtnt Thlt one tt like new ind we will put 1h reil low price of 8975. with 8S50 down. bal. long, eany terms. Will take Ford tn trade. Call 503 Alder st, Red Front Used Car Co. 19f8 FORD "touring car in fine condition tnii good tire. I had this overhauled myself and know ho good it is. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. 581 ALDER RROADW AY 2 796 1918 FORD touring, storig battery, snot light, shock absorbers, plate glass in rear, extra tire. 1920 license. 18th and Couch. Broadway 118. A BUICK thatTs good, and Immediate delivery. 1919 tight six. 5 pass., touring, -cord tires, with spare, and runs like new car. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO. 631 ALDER BROADWAY 2796. 6200 At first payment ind you ctn drive my 1917 Dodge away, balance easy and reasonable. Call White at Brotdwiy 8606. 60 N. Broadway, or Marshall 94 1 . FORD' TOURING LATE MODEL This it a grand late model touring car that will pleat yon and the car has lot of extras. Low price of $465 with $180 down, bal. long easy terms. 505 Alder at Red Front lit BEAUTIFUL late "model" Saxon 6 wiKa"l- mott paaa for new; wcrific t $786; will take $$60 rath, blanc monthly payments. Call Tabor 8850, A PRACTICALLY new Velie. driven 1 700' mil; 8600 down, balance la 10 months. Yon can't duplicate this. Call Mr. Argo. Broad way 8281. DEMONSTRATOR CUw. light delivery, ased vary little; look sad runs ilk new. Look this over. ' , Bdwy, 240 FIELDS MOTOR CO. 14th-Alder. 1917 DODGE touring, like new. 19th and Conch. Broadway 118. FORD delivery in the nest of mechanic! eon dition; good tirea, J Bel body. A real bet gain. $275. Term. 30 Grand are. N., near iramsiae. tAlS a iVj-Yw i ,i r k t lira Run very little, practically new; will teti at a Hg sacrifice Call White, at Broadway 8606. 1916 FORD touring, good mec-haoleal ah p.: it new tire on rear. Will lacrlfic. Term if desired. Mr. Pag. Broadway -1672 or A 496 1. OVERLAND, tartr. generator and battery; maiu good bug, cheap. Ky terms, 14 th aim Couch. Broadway 4408. Ask for Tom. MAXWELL touring, 1920, only?un" a hort time: owner will sacrifice and give term-. 80 Grand ave. near BornaWle. -- WHAT" kind ofa cr""dniou want f" Whave it and the price Is right MYERS AJTt) CO.. 4 If DAVIS. FORD A-r ttiape; extra. JuaV Ilk new. A nap; easy term. 14th and Coach. Broadway 4408. Ask for Torn. . FORD "DELIVER V. TERftsr" STATES AUTO SALES CO.. 480 BURNSIDE. 1918 HUP 6-passenger, in excellent condition, $460 downv-balenre 10 month. Sec Mr Argo. Broadw,; 32" I. BUICK SIX1 roadiler. .original paint; 5 new tires; spotlight snd other extra. Must sell and will give term-, 3900. Eaet 1683. MITCHELL made over too track, good eorKlT Uon: a bargain. $250. - SO Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. ' CrlERoXET i7EAT55ljARTERS We hav. them all roadster and touring. MYERS AUTO CO., 411 DAVIS, VELIE SIX Three to pick from, ' very good ear ind very easy term. Marshall 1428 or Eaat 2786. ' ' - - MAXWELL touring, 1917," A i condition; wiU ........ -w , - mm-M. WHUIUVS, 11. aeli at 9600 and give term. 30 i:eaad Nw oear Bnrmade i r ' v WE pat' aural Ueth ta your eid flywheel ' cL B. Black. 684 Aider-.- Bdwy. 1681. tOantlaMta aa I1 attest urn Jaa A'