r - - -- . MOVEMENT OF OREGON VEGETABLES SHOWN TO THE; EAST fitted by Hymim B. Cobca FROST DAMAGED FRUIT TREES Edited by W n. . . M-asiar! E IS NOW EFFECTIVE Ri.se of 3c Pound With Similar Gain for Bulterfal Takes Effect-' Outside Markets an Influence. Advance of 3c a pound In the price of butter effective here during the day (Monday) has stimulating buying- In the local field. ; Receipts of cubes from th country ire some .what lea liberal; Indicating iyt only a greater home demand for tnch supplies but (mailer output, due to climatic conditions. New Drier of - print ia 62e a pound for parchment wrapjiers and 93e in carton. With baiter 8e higher, the price of fit made lika advance, which meant 61&62e for Port, land delivery and 59 & 60c per pound at country stations. Whetb-r the market w11!rrnaln firm, de pends entirely upon weather condition both here and at mher points. Outside markets hare considerable influence upon the local trade at this time. The fast that much stock was sold to lnter ntountain sections recently clesned up the pre vious surplus of both No. 1 and So. 2 butter. COOP CABBAGE IS VERT FIRM Pint clan anility cabbage It very firm to the local market with best local selling at Be. Carload lots of California Winnlngsteed and Flat Dutch are irnTing and the best is quoted at 8 H c a pound and b expected to sell still higher. POTATO GROWERS ARE HOLDING While some sale of local potatoes are re- forted by growers st $3.50 8.75 per cental ortland, most of the producers are holding for higher futures. Practically no buying for out side, market is reported. FRESH FISH PRICES ARE HIGH Limited supplies of local fresh salmon are erriring ami the bent la quoted at 2223o a pound. Halibut is very earoe with recent aalea up to 28c a pound. Crabs are in good supply at former prices. DRIED FRTIT MARKETS HIGHER All dried fruits are showing a firmer tone, especially grapes and raisin. Demand for both of these, articles is very liberal in the Middle West and liberal shipments are being made from here. POULTRY values still mixei Mixed tone continue in the poultry trade with most of the sales of heavy bens at 8.1c ' a pound and sprinkling of business at 34 85c. For d retted turkeys the market is very firm at full price. BRIEF NOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE California bead lettuce is cheaper; supplies liberal. Camisvll's oup np 21e a doeen. Recent lowering of values an aid to celery demand. Country killed meats steady at unchanged price. Onion market is holding steady both in the city and country WEATHER SOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau advise: Protect shipments during the next 88 hours sgalnat the following minimum temperatures: Going north, 80 de grees; north ait over S.. P. S. H. R., 10 degrees: at to Baker. 18 degrees, and south to Ashland, 80 degree. Minimum temperature at Portland tomorrow ,ebout 82 degrees. WHOLESALE PRIC.E8 IX PORTLAND These are prices retailers pay wholesaler, except a otherwise noted: , Dairy Product BTTTTER Selling price box lots: Creamery, prime, parchment wrapped. 82e per lb.; prime firsts, 80c lb.: firsts. 5960e per lb. : smaller tra, 59c per lb.; prime first, 87. 17 Ho per lb.; cartons, lc extra. Selling price No., 1 storage butter, 50c: off grade, 49c per lb. ' BUTTKUFAT .Portland delivery basis, 61 C2c; country stations. 69 60c. OLEOMARGARINE Best brands, 40c; ordi nary, 83 Vic; bakers,' 33c; N utmargarine. 1 lb. cartons. 82c per lb. CHEESE Belling price: Tillamook fresh Ore. gon fancy cream triplets. 3536c lb.; Young America. 86 4870. Price to Jobbers, f. e. b. Tillamook, triplrts. 32c: Young Americas. 88c. Belling price: Cream brick. 40 42c; buying price of Coo and Curry triplets, 31c; Yuung America 82 H c lb. f o. b Myrtle Point. Selling price: Block Swiss. 48 0 4 Be; UmburgeT. 40 42n per lb. Erjog Buying prices: Current receipts, BOc; randled. selling price. 6668c; select, 88 0608 per dosen. LIVE POt'LTRY Heavy hens, 83 ? 85e per lb; light hens, 28(80c; spring light. 40c; heavy, 20c; old rnrwters, 20c pr lb.; squabs. 88.00; dressed ducks. 48j50c lb.; pigeon. 1. 8002.00 per dosen;. turkeys, live. 850806 lb.; dressed, 50 (S1 51c lb.: dressed geese. 80e lb. Fresh Vegetable and Fruit FURS!! FRl'IT Orsnges. (4 00 9 5.50 per bnx: hsnana. 10 11c per lb.: lemon", 84 73 6.00 per crate: Florida grapefruit. 85.78 0 6.28; California grspetruit, ( ) crste; pears. TRANSPORTA"! tii I-M-M-Lines AMERICAN LINE NEW TORK-PLYMOTJTH-CH EllBO UKCJ -SOUTH AM PTO!f Kew York Feb. 7, Mar. 6 fit. Paul Feb. 14. Mar. 18 Philadelphia Feb. 21. Mar. 20 NJJW YORK-HAMBURG Manchuria Feb. 1 1 Mongolia v...Feb. 26 RED STAR LINE JfKW YORK TO AVTWF.RP YIA PLYMOUTH AND CHERBOURG Lapland Feb. 24 WHITE STAR LINE KEW YORK-LIVERPOOL Cedrlo Jan. 27 Baltic Jan. 31. Mar. 13 Ortega Feb. 13 Celtio Mar. 6 KEW TORK-SOTJTHAMPTOTT YIA CHERBOURG, FBASCE Adriatio Feb. 14. Mar. 20 NEW YORKGIBRALTARvSAPLES GEXOA Canopie Mar. S CreUo Mar. 20 WHITE STAR-DOMINION rOHTLATfP, MB-HALIFAX LIVERPOOL From Portland Halifax r. . Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Canada For reservations snd ticket apply to local agents or Company's rsffiee, C. P. Sargent, 619 Second eve., Seattle, Wash.. Phone Main 113. SanFrancisco S. S. ROSE CITY -' DEPARTS 12 NOON Wednesday, Feb. 4 FROM AIN8WORTH OOOK Sat INOLUDSS BKRTH AND MKaLS CITY TIOKtT OFFIOa. SD AND WASH. PHONK MAIN asao FRtlOHT OFFIOI. AINSWORTH DO Of PHONK BROADWAY tS AN PRANOISOO PORTLAND . g. UN g ' let as aefp roe. Plat, Tear Trip Abroad. Yea secure the benefit of experienced tnfof aaattoav Have ajeea eWeasaahtp Bookless a7 specxsl attaattea foe the past 10 1MB ? Dortey B. Smith. Monaster Tilt etovrwal Travel and Infeewiatlea aurMO. .SWSIMIi MPIV POHTUtND, OR. . BUTTER AOVANC Vmar.k.et vp basket Br : Hymaa H. Coaea The glad ' news ia here ; smelt have again entered the ,owllts and the first day 15 boxes were sent to one firm in Fortlarid. This la good news, indeed, for with the; entrance of the big; run of smelt, the price of this fine fish will be gradually lowered. It waa the rain that brought the bis school of smelt into the river. That the smelt "smelt" the rainwater Is asssumed, for thene fish never enter the river until there Is a good rain In sight The bigger' the downpour, the greater the run of smelt Sales are being made In the wholesale market of dip net smelt today at 12c to 15c a pound. These are far superior to those caught by gillnetters, as the fish caught by' the latter gear are gen erally mutilated to some extent. Smelt are being sold In the retail mar kets today at 15c a pound generally and they .vill probably be still lower within a few days. The following prices are average ones that consumers are expected to par st retail stores. Quality quoted is the average, fancy stuff being slightly higher and Inferior stuff fractionally lower. Butter Best creamery, parchment wrapped, 68cIb.; cartons. 69 070c; best storage, parch ment wrapped. 60c per lb. Eggs Freshly laid. 67 0 68 per doaen; fancy, fresh, 65c per doaen. Cheese Fancy. 40e per lb. Chickens -"-Dressed. 48 0 80c per lb.; geese, dressed. 85e per lb.; turkeys, BOc per lb.; ducks, 60c per lb. Salmon 25 40o per lb. ..- Flonr Best local patent, $3.48 0 8.80 per Potatoes Burbsnks, fancy. 6 H 6c per lb. ; sweet. 1012He per lb. Onions Dried, 7 07 He per U. POTATOES ALOKG THE COAST an Francltoo Market San Francisco. Jan. 26. (U. P.) PoUtoes River white. 14.78015.28: Salinas. 85.60; Sweets. 4H ft 6 He per lb. Onion xellow nd white. $4.50: Australian brown. $5.00 0 8.80.' Los Ansel Market Lot Angelea. Jan. 26. L N. B 1 Pot, toes New stock. 8tockton Burbanks, fancy and special brandi wide range, $5.25 0 5.75. mostly $5 40 0 5.76, few low as $5.00; Idaho russets, $5.50; few, $5.25; rurals. $5.00; local lug boxes. $1.7001.80; local white rose, mostly $5.28. SMtU Market Seattle. Jan. 26 (L N. S. ) Onion Ore- ,0nptetoe?- Yaiima Gems, $10.00: local. $85.00090.00 per ton; sweets, 6 He per lb. DAIRY PRODITCE OF THE COAST an Francisco Market San Francisco, Jan. 26. (U. P.) Butter Prime firsts. 63 He. Engs Extras, 62c: extra pullets, 84 He; undersieed pullets, 51c. Cheese California Jlata. fancy. 32 H 3; firsts, 29c. Ohlraero Dairy Pro-dare Chicago. Jan. 26. (I. N. S. ) Butter Re ceipts 5201 tubs. Creamery extra. 58 0 63c. seconds. 5855c; standard. 60H61c; pack ing stock, 88 0 40c. Eg Receipts 4 872 cases. Miscellaneous re ceipt. 59 0 64c: held firsts 50 061c; firsts. 64 H 0 68c c becks. 38 40c; dirties, 45 8Chee Twins, new. 80 9 30 He; daisies, 82 8Sc; young America, 32 He; longnorns. 83c; brick, 29e. Li ie poultry Turkeys. 40e; chicken. 33c: springs, 87c: roosteas. 22c; geese, 27c: Ducks. 84c. $2 25 0 8.50; grapes. Emperior. 12 He 15c lb. BERRIES Cranberries. J.4.75 per bushel box: eastern, $18 00 0 10.00. APPLES Various varieties, local, $1.25 $2 75. DRIED FRCIT Dstes. Dromedaries, $9.00; Fsrds $8.76 per box; raisins, 8 crown, loose Muscs'tel. 16c per lb.; figs. $8.80 0 6.80 box. ONIONS Selling price to retailers, Oregon. $6 00 per cwt; associated selling price, carload. $5 00 f. o. b. country; garlic, 28 60c per lb : green onions, 40c per doaen bunches. POTATOES Selling price. $4.25 0 4.50 per cwt ; buying price for fancy large size, $3,00 0 8 78; ordinary 3.00 0 3.25 per cental; sweets, 7 7 He per lb. VEGETABLES Turnips. $8 80 per ssck; carrots, $176: beet. $8.50; cabbage. Oregon, 5c per lb.; lettuce, $1.00 01.26 do..; cucumbers, California, $2.002.2f- dox.; tom. toes. $4.6005.00 log: egg plant. 20c lb.: cauliflower. $1,760$. 80; bell peppers, 40c; sprouts 17s per lb.; Hubbard sauath, 5c lb.; parsnip. $3.00 08.60 sack, rutabaga. 43 00 cwt. Mat an Provision COUNTRY MEATS Selling price: Country hogs 2021c per lb. for top bloekers; heavy. lie per in.: oesi tc. . . veal. IS 17c per lb. . , SMOKED MEATS Ham. 237c per lb.: break fait bacon. 32 50c; picnics, 27 0 28c: cottage roll. 80c per lb LARD Kettle rendered, 82e lb.; Undar. 30 "Ac; tierce basis, compound. 28 He. Fish and Shellfish " FRF.SH FISH Salmon, all, 22 28c lb.; halibut, fresh, 25c lb.: sturgeon. 20c lb.; black end, 10 fib lit; lb.; silver smelt, 10c lb.; salmon trout 211 26c lb : kippered salmon, $2.5 per io-ltl. basket; kippered cod, $2.85; Coluui tia smelt. 1 2 H 1 fe lb. SHELLFISH Craba, $8 56 per doxen; shrimp meat. 65c per can; lobstef. 80c lb. QrocorlM SUGAR Cub. $16.73; powdered. $16.45; fruit and berry. $15.90; yellow, $15.80: gran ulated, $15.90; extra C, $15.60; golden 0. $15.40. HONEY New; $7.60 0 8.00 per ease. KICB Japan style. No. 1. 14V.C-. New Or leans, head, ( ; Blue Rose. lB4c per lb. SALT Coarse, half ground, 100. 817.00 per ton; 50s. $18.50. table dairy, 60c. $20.50; bales, $3.15 8.65; fancy table and dairy, $82.60; lump rock, $25.00 per ton. BEANS Oregon (sales by jobbers) : Lady Washington. 7 V 8c per lb.; pink, 8c; llmaa, 16e; bayou. 10 He; Oregon beans, buying price, nominal. 5 He per lb. CANNED MILK Carnation, S7.25; Borden. $7.15; Aster, $7.15; Eagle. $11.25: Libby, $7.15; Yeloban, $7.05; Mount Vernon. $7.16; Uazelwood. $7.15 per case. COFFEE Kqasted. 87 Sic ut sacks or drums. SODA CRACKERS In bulk, 17 He per fb. M'TR Walnnt. 85a)40c Per. lb.: almonds. 88c; filberts, 38o la sack lots; 'peanuts, 15 16c; pecan. 26c: Hraslla, BOo- Ropei. Paint, OH ROPE Sisal, dark. 18 He; whit. 20c lb.; standard manila, 2$ H e. L.1N8KEU OtLr Haw, DDIS., SZ.UO gL ; Ket tle boiled, bbl.. $2.08: raw, eases, $2.21: boiled, cases, $2.28 per gallon. COAL OIL Water white. In drums or iron, bbta, 18 He gal.; cases, 2c gal. GASOLINE Iron bbl.. 23 H 9 25c; case. 25 He; engine dlitlilate. iron bbls.. 16c; case. 2SHc WHITK LEAD Ton loti, 14 He; 600 lbs., 14 He per lb. TURPS NTINK Tanks. $2.07; cases. SZ.ZZ: 10 case lots, lc lees. WU(E BAILS italic price, SS.1S. Hops, Wool and Hide HOPS Nominal. 1919 crop, 80c per lb. HIDES No. 1 salt cured hide (under 45 lb.). 27e; No. 1 salt cured bidea (over 45 lb.) , 22c; No.' 1 salt cured bail hides, 18c. Partly cured bides, 2c per lb. leas; green bides, 6c per lb. less: No. 2 hide, le per lb. lesa. Hall slipped bides, one-tblrd leas than No. 1 hidea. CALF AND KIP SKINS No. 1 trimmed skins (up to 15 lb.). 85c; No. 1 trimmed kip kin (16 to 80 lb.), 36c; No. 2 skins. 2c per lb. lees. Hair slipped akin, one-third lea than No. 1 skin. DRY HIDES AND SKINS Dry flint bides (7 lbs. and up), 8Be; dry flint bulls, 24o; dry flint calf skin, (under 7 lb.), 65o; dry salt hid (7 lbs. and up), 29c; dry salt bullae 18c; dry salt calf skins (under T lbs.) , 0e; dry cull bides and (kin, half price. . HORSE HIDES Green or salted Largo. wll taken rare of hide, $5.00 7.00; pony sad small hide. $2.60 3.50; dry hone hide. $1.508.60; hid with head off, BOc less; bono tail hair, per lb., 25c; bone mane bail, per lb., 15c PELTS Dry roat wool pelts, per lb.. 80 40: dry medium wool Delta, nar lh. 2Kaan- dry shearing pelts. BOc 49 1.00 each : aalt long wool pelts,, $2.0004.00 each; salt, medium wool pelt. $1.60 0 2.60 each; aalt ahearing pelt. 60c 9 1.00 each. - MA'S.r- .Lon P. 40o lb. j short staple, 25 0 80c lb. TALLOW AND GRBASB fs. I tallow. 12c; Mo. A. 10c; No. 1 grease. 9e; No. a grease, Tc per lb. CHITTIM OR CASCARA BARK New peel. 11 He per Ik), i . WOOLrVelle half blood Merino and Shrop ahiro. 60e: Counvold and Lincoln. o4e; matted OotswoM, B0y goc; timber stained, e per lb. 1; lambs' wool. 4o per lb. lesa "r. fT" J,1- Eastera Wsahingtoa and Wool Merino sad Shropshire, ttm 40: half bipod Merino and Cotswokt, S7 42c: Bhrorjehiro, :S7 046c; Cotswatd and Lin !!bt n xeixed. S215c; burry. 6 per la. tea; laaaba, 4e per lb. la,. v. .. . siadsa! $V03$Iirt" "Bbln 8a8 OREGON CARROTS MOVING TO EAST Carload Shipments Being Made With a Heavy Demand Good ' Quality Is Cause of Renewed Chicago Orders. Oregon carrots are rolling by the car load to the east and middle west. The demand is growing fast and it begins to look as If the outside, markets will want every carload that can be obtained here. One carload of Oregon ' carrots wa shipped to Minneapolis during the latter part of last week and several car were reported Kent to other points recently. ' Chicago is wiring for additional carload tap pile and liberal tale in that direction are ex pected. Good local turnip and rutabagas are very scarce. In fact, roost of the local trad in the latter is being supplied from outside sections btrause- of the wormy condition of the home grrwn stock. Lettuce from the south is In liberal supply, both Los Angeles and Imperial valley stock be ing offered. Flour Buying Gains . With Higherv Price Retailers Report a Better Demand Be cause Public Fears Still Another Rise. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Wbeat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Portland, Hon. 62 Year ago.. 13 Season to date. 568 5 Year ago...G635 Tacoma, Sat. 25 Year ago Season to date.4482 Year ago.. 4430 Seattle, Sat Year ago . . 8 Season to date 4214 Year ago. .4558 5 38 1 2 19 1 ' 12 161 2.177 386 1130 835 1694 575 2295 68 136 608 20 129 937 ' 'is ' "i 212 480 510 924 49 930 484 2078 Surprising increase in the dernand for flour Is shown in the local territory since the recent sharp advance in the price. Retailers report that consumers are much more anxious to lay In a sup ply in fear that further advances will be forced. Trade in flour with the Orient is slowly in creasing but buyers on the other side generally are not willing to pay advanced price on export grade being asked in tome quarter. Very limited trade is shown m the wheat market with most bidders offering le to 2c a bushel less than a week ago. Thirty-seventh weekly bulletin covering wheat and wh.'.tt flour movement throughout the I'nited States for the week ending January 16, in compandor with figures tame period year ago: 1920 1919 Bushels Wheat receipt from farms Wheat receipt from farm previous week Wheat receipts from 8.216,000 8.788.000 8.558,000 7.007.000 fsrms, June 27 to Jan. 18 670,453.000 658,110.000 Barrels Flour produced dur ing wees: Flour produced dur ing previous w'k . Flour prxluced June 27 to Jan. 16. . . 3.071.000 3,178,000 2.670.000 2.280.000 82,722,000 69.660.000 , . Bushel Total stock wheat all elevators and mill 225.947.000 Total slocks wheat all elevators and mills previous week 234.191.000 Change for week decrease 8.244.000 249.266.000 251.164.000 1,898.000 Exports wheat and flour Exports of wheat and flour July 1. 1919. to Jan. 16. 1920. amount to 83.493.000 bushels of wheat and 9.091.000 barrels of flour, making a total equal to 124,408.000 bushels of wheat compared with 109993,000 bushels of wheat and 11.271,000 ; barrels ..f flour last year to Jan. 16. 1919, the first 16 dsys of January being .prorated from ' the mnthly total, making a total equal to, 160.714,000 bushel of wheat. FLOUR Selling price, new crop: Pstmt, I $13.15; whole wheat flour, $10.75; Wlllam -j ette valley. $10.05: local straight. $10.50-' bakers' local, $13.15; Montana spring wheat,1 patent, $13.75; rye flour. $10. iO : oatmeaL I $13.00; graham, $11.30. Prices for city de-1 liveries in five barrel lota. HAY Buying price, new crop: Willamette timothy, fancy. $28 00 30 00; Eastern Ore-gon-Vaahintton fancy timothy, ( ) ; alfalfa, $31.00$ 32.00; valley vetch. $25.00 26.00 ; cheat, $20 00 at 22.00; straw, $10.00; clover, $26.00: grain. $28.00. GRAIN SACKS Nominal: New crop de livery. No. 1 Calcutta, 18c in car loU; less amounts higher. MILLSTI FF8 Mired run at mills, sacked. $45.00(8 46 00. OATS Per ton, buying price, feed. $63,00 0 83.50; milling. $88.00 ton. BAHLEY Buying price. $71.50: milling, $72.50 ton; rolled barley, selling price, $77.00 0 78.00 ton. Merchants' Exchange bids: FEED OATS Jan. No. 3 white 6150 CORN No. 3 yellow 6800 Eastern oats and corn in bulk: OATS 86-pound clipped 6000 38-pound clipped 6150 CORN No. 8 yellow 5930 Feb. . March. 6200 6300 5950 6050 6050 6200 6100 6250 8025 6025 SPOT AND FUTURE CORN ARE HIGHER AT CHICAGO By Joseph P. Prltchard Chicago. Jan. 26. (I. N. 8.) Th highest prices for corn were resched during the morn ing and the lowest priren after midsession. It was popular to secure profits and was also popu lar to buy corn on the soft spots. The January corn future held up better than the other by closing unchanged. The other months were all lower H H for February and H 0 1 H for May and July. January oats were up H . but there were losses of H 0 H in May and H 0 H in July. Kye declined 3 H 0 3 H tor May and 1H for July. Chicago. Jan. 20. (I. N. S.) Spot corn opened today at an advance of 1 V e. and in sympathy the deferred futures sold up H 0 Sc from Saturday's close. Commission house buy ing was in evidence. The cats market wa quiet and firm, opening prices being up He. Provisions were stcsdy to 6c higher but with limited offerings. Chicago rang by United Press: CORN Oi January May . . . July . . . May . . July ... January January May ... January May . . . Money aad Exchange New York. Jan. 26. (I N. S. Call money on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange today ruled at 8 per cent, high 10 per cent, low 7 per cent. Tim money waa firm. Rate were 8 per cent. The market . for prime mercantile paper wa steady. Call money tn London today wa 3 H per cent Sterling exchange waa weak with business ia ankers' bill at $3.69 H for demand. Kew York Batter aad Eggs New York. Jsn. 26. (I. W. 8.) Butter Easier. Creamery eatias, 62 H 065 He; do firsts. 610 64c; higher scoring. 63 0 66 He; state dairy tabs. 49 0 62e; reswvstod. extra 58c: Imitation a reasnery. AO 0 tie. Cheese Irregular, 2 0$3o; lower grade. SO 20 He. Eggs Unsettled. Nearby white, fancy. 84 0 85c; do brown, fancy. 77078s; extra, 7 76c; tints. 70 0 72. Saa Fraaeitro Barlay Calls v ' ' Baa ' Francisco, Jan. ' 26, Barter caJII: $2.65 bid. $2.89 asked. - , , - . Open. High. Low. Close. 146H 146 144 '4 143 136H 18H 134 H 185H 13$ H 183 H 132 H 182 H OATS 83 H 88 H 83 4 88 H '6 76 73 H 75 H PORK Nominal 8930 LARD , S845 2345 2340 2340 2440 2466 2425 2426 RIBS Nominal 1S80 2980 2082 1065 3067 STOCKS EASES OPENING DECLINE New York Market Shows Securities la Plenty Are Offered General Price Loss Shown at Start. New Vara, Jan. 26. (I. N. .) Th stock mac at closed sti-oaa today. There were some reset am In the last few minute Sue to prefU takta. Baldwin Loo, wa In sernana. advancing; U but suffered a attbaek te 11V at the finish. Crucible, after Mlllng up t 23S , , reacted ts Z2S 4 . Sleet commofl yielded frwm ICS to 1 0 'i . The motor (toot war active and strong in tno last hour with reaction at th clot. P lore-Arrew rote rapidly ta 71 'a an fll 2 points at the elm, and Genera! Me lon after . reaching S08 dropped book to SO, Stealean Petroleum reset ed 2 points from the high to 200, while Royal Dutch was In demand, advancing to 110. marl cart Woolen adrantf to 163 and Colorado Fuel over 1 point to 42. Marino oommon wa finally 41 H, Southern Pac 100. U. 8. Rubber 12S Y, and Stude bakar 104. alt, 760,000 thares: bonds, $12,20,000. New York, Jan- 26. a. N. 8.) Al though some stocks made upturns at the opening of the stock market today the tone became heavy after the start, and losses of from fractions to three points were suffered In practically the entire list. Crucible 8teel was prominent and rose ft to 225 with Quick reaction to 222. Steel com mon loet 1 to 105 H and Lackawanna 1 4 to 83 4 . Baldwin Locomotive, after selling up to 114 14. dropped over 1 point, while Re public Steel sold off IK from ltt high to 111S International Paper was prominent, and after yielding to 81 H. advanced to 83 H. The coppers and rail were quiet and frac tionally lower. There was vigorcu. buying of many issues after these declines, resulting in substantial ad vance. Crucible Steel rose to above 225, Steel common to 105 , General Motors to 297 'A and Baldwin Locomotive to 115. The motor share were again in supply. Gen eral Motors yielding 2 H to 293 H . Studebaker 1 point to 100 H and Pierce -Arrow 1 point to 66. Mexican Petroleum dropped 1H t 196 H and fractional losses were sustained in Pan American Petroleum and Royal Dutch. - The market was strong during the forenoon, advances of from 1 to 8 points being made in the active issues. Baldwin rose $ point from the low to 116 and Republic Steel nearly 2 point from the low to 1 1 8 H . Steel common rose to 1057. Intl. Taper wa active, advancing over 8 point to 85. United Retail Stores advanced over 2 points to 88 H. Improvement of about 2 points were made in most of the ail issues. The market showed a strong tone during the afternoon with the steel iasaes in good demand. Crucible lumped 11 points from the low to 233. followed by a reaction to 229 H. Steel I common advanced 1H from the low to 106 H,! then dropped to 106. Baldwin rose nearly 5 1 points from the low to 117 H. and U. 8. Rub ber nearly 3 points to 127. Canadian Pacific was in supply, filling 2 H to 127 14. Mexican Petroleum rose 5H from the low to 202 and Pan-American Petroleum advanced from 924 to 96. General Motors waa 8 H point above the low at 302 and Pierce-Arrow over 2 points to 69. The market was strong during the afternoon with the steel issues being most prominent. of Trade building: Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co Board Open. lid. Am. Intl. Corporation Alaska Cold Allis Chalmers do. pfd. American Agr. Chen) American Beet Sugar American Can, e American Car Foundry American Cotton Oil American Hide A L. c American Linseed, c ...... . American Locomotive, e American Smelter, c American Steel Fdy American Sugar, c American Sumatra Tobacco. American Tel. A Tel. .' American Tobacco American Woolen, c Americas Zinc Anaconda Mining Co Atchison, c Atlantic. Gulf 4 W. I Baldwin Locomotive, c Balto. A Ohio, c Beth. SteeL B Brooklyn Rapid Transit ..... Butte and Superior Calif. Packer' Aaan Calif. Petroleum, c Canadian Pacific Central Leather, c Ches. A Ohio Cbgo. t. Western, c Chgo., Milw. A St. Paul. Chgo. A Northwestern Chile Copper . Chino Copper Columbia Gas A Elec . 108 'is 92 H .". '534 . . 138 28 H . 84 H . 9S H 67 H 45 109 S 1 4 49 8BH 92 91 54 138 494 26 H 84 4 99 H 88 4 45H 136 H 904 97 H 250 163H 19H 61 4 83 H 162 llrtH 31H 9i H 13 H 27 H 83 H 41 H 127 93 54 4 8 36 85 18 4 37 S3 H 41 H 82 85 228 H 7 12 H 70 H 188 300 8 77H 83 H 78H 88 108 56 H 18H 180 41H 24 H 15 H 30H 33H 85 48H 31 H 199 23 7 60 25 81 H 83 H 16 26 H 107 H 68 'i 85H 78 H 36 96 42 80 H 62 H 98 21-H 99 75 1144 26 H 12 81 100 21 103 18 127 11 36 1 122 69 193 126 - 70 106 75 66 8 88 53 28 H 90" 97 H 148H 'ei" 83 161H 114 H 31 H 95 H '28, 8-' 42 128 91 H 38 V 85 4 18 v ' 62 H 40 82'. 84 225 H 7 Colo. Fuel Iron Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products, c Crucible Steel, c D. A R. G.. c Erie, c General rigars General Electric General Motors Greet Northern Ore Great Northern Ry 167 'i 294 38 78 35H 78 88 H 106 '4 56 H oreene cananra Gulf State Steel Illinom Central Industrial Alcohol inspiration Copper International Agr. Chemical. . . International H.irve-ter Int. Mercantile Marine, c . . . . Int. Nickel Kan- City Southern, c Kenneeott Copper Keyntone Tire Lackawanna Steel Lehigh Valley Maxwell Motors, o Mexican Petroleum Miami (Vrpper Midrale Steel Mliaouri Tscific. e National Enamel National Lead Nevada Consolidated New Haven New York Air Brake New York Central Norfolk A Western Northern Pacific . , Pacific Mail Pan American Pete., c Pennsylvania Railway People'. Gas Pittsburg Coal, c Pressed Steel Car. e Ray Con. Copper Railway Stee' Spring! Reading, c Rep. Iron A Steel, c Rock Island, e Khattuck Copper Sloan Sheffield Southern Pacific Southern Ry.. e Studebaker, c St Louis A San Francisco . . Swift A Co Tennessee Copper Texas Pacific Tobacco Product Union Pacific, c United Food Product United Fruit U. 8. Rubber, r U. S. Smelting A Ref; V. 8. Steel, e Utah Copper Virginia ChmioL e Wbaah Western Union Wextinshoase Electric Willy Overland 40 U 25 80 vi 34 83 H 31 ' ' 197 '494. 25 82 84 107 H 78 H, 93H 42 H 88 H 97 21 H 9!) 75H 112H 81 100 ioi ' 18 H 36 H 91 H 122 65 H 194H 124H 70 105 H 76 65 H '8614 63 28 COTTON MARKET IGNORES STEADY EARLY CABLES New York. Jan. 26. (L 1. 8.) The eotton market opened easy teday ta the fare of steady cable and buying by spot house. First quota tion were 5 to 37 point lower, but the bat letev- rallied on covering and at the cad of the first 20 minutes waa up about 10 point from the bottom. Th close waa steady st a net decline of 6 to 3$ point. Furnished by Ovarfeeek Cooke Co., Board of Trade building: Open. High. Low. Feb ". . . . MaWrh SSOS S625 S590 April Viy 8407' $449 8898 Jane Jnly 1210 $544 8209 Ana -. - 808 S 309S - 108 Sept ...... 8040 4 3w40 9040 Oct. 2996 - 2998 2974 N CW. ,- ) -.! (, ..,:-...' ' a Dee. . ... ... . 294S 2949 2986 Close. SS88 8S1S $475 $424 8280 S22S StlS $040 2989 8935 298$ doWBL New Xaeti spot market 391S. 10 point LIVESTOCK "TONE GOOD AT OPENING Eighty Carloads Come for Monday's Trade" at North Portland Cattle Show Strength at the Start. POBTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hog. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. lttlS 204 497 666 . . . 478 1843 279 2808 856 1T6 1088 975 16 971 73 10 21 407 2 $124 1007 6 976 Monday Wee ago... 2 weeks ago. 4 weeks ago. 2 year ago. . 2years ago. . . 8 years ago. . 4 year ago. . 1107 1023 1806 1110 1160 1160 2207 8179 Eighty carloads of livestock entered the North PortlanJ yards for the week openlntr. Hog ruled steady, at th start, cattle firm and sheeD were steady. Fractional increase id offering of hog wat snown at North Portland for th Monday trade, a compared with a week ago, receipts being 1107 head compared with 1022. while a year ago o neaa appeared. At the start the hot trade ruled a steady tone with tops at $16. Eastern markets ruled rug tier st the opening, Prim mixed $15.50 016.00 Medium mixed 15.00 015.50 Rough heavies 12.00015.00 Pig 12.50 014.50 Cattle Situation Firmer While a compared with last Monday there wa a liberal increase in offerinaa of cattle at North Portland for the Monda trade, receipt were scarcely in tne liberal class. Total ar rivals in tills division included IS 13 head, com pared with 656 last week and 887 bead a year ago. At the opening the demand for cattle shwed allien tne.r ariious bidders. General cattle market range: Best steers Good to choice cows and heifer Medium to good steers til. 00 12.00 7.73 9.06 9.00 0 9.7S 8.00 0 9.00 r air to good steers Common to fsir steers Choice cows and heifer Good to choice cows and heifers Medium to good cows and heifers Fair to medium cows and heifers Cantor Balls Best light calves ' Medium light calve Heavy calves Stockeri and feeder.. $'oo01O Ooi 8 00 0 9 00 I 7.00 0 8.00 7.00 0 8.00 6.00 7.00 8.500 6 00 6.00 0 8.00 15.50017.00 12 500 15.50 7.00 012.30 9.00 0 9.50 Mutton Offertflss Limited Only limited offerings were shown in the sheep and lamb alley at North Portland for the Monday trade. Total run waa but 497 head compared with 971 a year ago. In general values were steady at former figurea. General sheep and lamb range: East of mountain lambs $15.00016 00 Best light valley lamb 15 00016.00 Best heavy valley lamb 13.50 0 14 50 Feeder lamb 12.000 16 00 Yearlings 13.00 013 50 Wethtrs 12.00 0 18.00 Ewe 9.00 010.60 Monday Morning Sal STEERS No. Av. lbs. Price. No. Av. lbs. Price. 8 942 $10.75 I 19 985 $10.10 2 510 9.63 I 1....1040 11.00 COWS 1.... 980 $ 9.00 I 8... 978 $ 8 00 4 1011 9.00 26 1048 9.65 14 98 9.06 ( 40 1005 9.00 CALVES 8 206 $16.00 2 270 $15.00 18.... 156 16.00 11 255 12.00 8.... 477 8.50 88.... 385 14.50 51 249 14 50' 2 195 14.50 HOGS 1 150 $16.50 I New York Cottonseed Oil New York, Jan. 26. (I. N. 8.) Cotton- seed oil, easy. 19.60 salts. Spot, 2150 022.00; crude. New York Potato Market Nw York. Jan. 26. (I. N. 8.) Potatoes Firm, $4 00 0 8.75. New York Coffee Market New York. Jan. 28. (U. P.) Coffee No. 7 Rio, 16H016e; No. 4 Santo. 26 H 0 26 c lb. Chicago Potato Market Chicago, Jan. 26. (I. N. S.) PoUtoes Receipts 68 cars. Minnesota and Dakota Ohios. $4.7604.80. Chlraro Cash Wheal Chicaso. Jan. 26. U. P.) Wheat No. red, $2.58; No. 3 spring. $2.85. New York-London Silver New York. Jan. 26. (L N. S.) Commer cial bar silver is 1 c higher at 134. Londn. Jan. 26. (I. N. S.) Bar silver ts d. higher at 81 d. 1619. .$27,348,000 . 15.618.000 . 14.729.000 . 9.781.000 . 7.217.000 . 7.136.000 I os Angeles, Cal . . Seattle. Wash Ssn Franciaco, Cal. Portland, Or long Beach, Cal . . . Oakland. Cal AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Omaha Hot 91B.4B Omaha. Jsn. 26. (L N. 8.) Hogs Re ceipts. t2,000; 20 0 30c higher. Bulk, $16.20 0 15.35; top. $15.45. Cattle ReeetptBi 9000; killing classes, strong to 25c higher: feeders, strong. Sheep Receipts, -5000; 26c higher. - Chicago Hogs 816.00 Chicago Jan. 28. (I. N 8 ) Hog Re ceipts. 47.000; ow, about 23c higher. .Bulk. $15.60013.90: top. $16.00; heavyweight. si 5.40 016.86; medium weight, $15,600 15. 90? Iichr w.iVtt. aiKS5i1a.no- lieht light. $13.00015.76: heavy packing sow, smooth. $14.65 0 15.25; packing sows, rough, $14.25014.65: pigs, $18.75014.75. Cattle Receipts, 19,000: mostly strong to 25c. high. t; calves, steady. Beef steers, common, $9.50 011.75; choice and prime. $16,65 0 18.50; medium and good, $11.73 016.88; food and clu-lce. $13.35 017.25: common and me dium, $9.00 013.35. Butcher cattle Heifers. $6.76014.00: cows. $6.75012.75: bulls. $7.30 012.00. t anners and cutters Cows and heifers, $5.5006.75; canner steers, $6,00 0 7.75; veal calves, light and handywetgnt, 17.00 (fa 19.25: feeder steers, $7.50 011.00: storker cows snd heifers, $6.76 0 8.50; stocker calves, $8 00 010.75. Sheep Recetpts. 8000; around 50c higher. Lambs. 84 lb, down. $19.000 20.85; lamb, culls and- common. $16.8001850: yearling wethers, $15.25 019.60; ewe. $10.50013.00; ewes, culls and common. $6.60 010.00; feeder iamb. $17.25018.75. Seattle Noes S1S.76 Seattle, Jan. 26. (I. N. 8.) Hogs Re ceipts, 198: easier. Prime lights, $1-6.26 0 15.76: medTfUS to choice. $14.00 015.00: rough heavies. $13.25 013.73:; pig. $12,300 18.30 Cattle Receipts. 120; steady. Best steers, $11.50 0 12.00; medium to choice. $9.50 11.00: common. to good. $7.6009.50: beet cows and heifers $9.00 010.00; common to good cow. $6.50 0 8.5ft; bulls. $6.00 0 8.25; calves, $7 00 015.00. Shp None. Kew York Metal Market New York. Jan 26. (I. N. S.) Copper Quiet; spot and Jan.. offered 19 S ; Feb.. March and April, offered 19 H. Iead Steady. Spot, Jan. and Feb., 8.66 0 8.80. Spelter-VJulet- Spot. Jan. and Feb., 910 09.25; March. 9.07 H 9.22; April and May. 9.059.15. Exehaage Bales. Lower -New York, Jan. 26. II . 8.) Th Eng lish pound today told at $8.89 H, a new low record. The pre-war value of a pound wa $4.87 H. German marks also sold at a new low r ecord of $.0102 today, compared with a pre-war vain of 23c. .Mlnaeapolts-DaTBth Flax Duluth. Jaa 26. (L N. 8.) Flax Jan.. $5.15; Feb.. 6.6: May. new, $4 65; old, $4 61: July. 14.40 bid. Minaaepohs. Jan. 26. (L tS. 8 ) Flaxseed No. 1. $6,25 0 $.80: April. 98.09 08.16. ' Liverpool Cottoa Easier Liverpool. Jaa. 26. (L N. 8.) Spot cotton opened ta fair deaoaoa: Fries easi. 6000 bales Future egend qaiet. . 5aral Stores Market New York, Jan, 26. (L Jf. 81 Turpen tine gavmanah. SUSS V4 ; New York. $1.9S. Koeia Savannah, $18.00; Kew York. $19.10. saa FraaeUee Petltry Market Ran Fraavltco, Jaa 2$. (C. P.) Bretlera, 88 0 40c; large hens. 83 0 SSe; best, dock. 80082a. A , , PERRIN REVIEWS GEI Heavy for the Snows Improve Prospect Large Yields of Grain in Pacific Northwest States. John Perrin, chalrrnaan of the board of the federal reserve bank of San Francisco In reviewing the general business and agricultural conditions in the Twelfth Federal Reserve district presents, In part, the following report: Heavy now and (ever cold weather ka th Pacific Northwest and the interior section of, this district have brouglii livestock off the range and forced earlier winter feeding than usual, requiring heavy purchases of feed, at exception ally high prices. It ia anticipated, however, that the snowfall will result in satisfactory rang con dition to the late spring and early summer. Winter wheat waa practically undamaged by the cold afid th heavy snow will greatly in- f crease the Sioistnre content of th soil, thereby improving the prospects for large per acre ytelds during 1920. Fruit tree in Oregon, particu larly peach and pear trees, have Buffered from freezing. The exact amount of da ma re. how ever, will not be ascertainable for some time. In California, barley is sprouting very slowly and lack of rain is causing tome anxiety concerning prospect for 1920 crops. NBOORD PRIOB FOR APPLES Tbe major portion of the Washington com mercial apple crop of 19,320,000 boxes, which compares with a 1918 crop of 12.888.000 boxes, is oat of the hand of the grower, having been inarketecUat record price. The dealer are now uffenrurwa loss reported to approximately I7au Pr car through the recent, drop in price.-), and toe heavy losses due to freezing of fruit in common aiormare uu lu mmi. The 1919 fruit and vegetable pack In Cali fornia exceeded that of 1918 by 3.518.365 cases as shown. Tbe largest consignment of California rice ever exported from this state, amounting to 13. 000 tons, approximately 10 per cent of Ui 1919 crop, is now being shipped to Belawan, Sumatra, via Singapore. The average price waa reported a approximately 12 cent per pound a compared with earlier aeason price of from 7 to 8 cents. It is estimated that after this shipment 90 per cent of the 1919 Cali fornia rice crop will nave been marketed. SALMON PACK SHORT The 1919 salmon pack of the Pacific coast will be approximately 1,600,000 caes short of that of 1918. Estimates, by districts, in 1919 as compared with 1918 are as follows 1919 (Esti 1918 mated cases) 631.000 200.000 . 1,895.000 . 4.600.000 . 1.300.000 rase 590.021 1H3.01I5 1.614.734 6. 676. 91 X 624,041 Columbia river . . Outside rivers . . British Columbia Alaska Pugrt Sound Total 8.028.000 9.6M8.SO0 Oar shortage is uriously interfering with lum ber production and shipment in the Pacific North west, the, lumber industry in Washington and Ofegon betng 15,000 cars behind in shipment.; As a result, mill yards are stacked to capacity, many mills are running only part time and many: are refusing to book additional orders. Con- tinued demand, coupled with inability to make deliveries, has resulted in continued advance in lumber price during the year, bid for logs having advanced from $17. $23 and $27 to $19. $26 and $30 per thousand feet in Gray's Harbor district. In Portland, common lumber -has advanced from $16,80 per 10OO feet in January. 1919. to from $25.50 to $34.50 in1 December. During the same period the price of No. 1 flooring advanced from $42 to from $88 to. $77 per 1000 feet The greater parti of the k present demand is for stock rued in ! home building. During the four weeks ending December 31. 1919, an average of 122 mi Hi. m the Pacific .North -nest reported a cut to 1 220.921.012 feet, 64 9 per rent below normal.1 orders of 194.188.284 feet. 13.8 per cent be-, low production, and shipments of lTHvOe 1.662 feet, 28.3 per cent below production. During ! the four weeks ending January 8, 1920, an I average of 1 3 California redwood mills reported s cut of 18,841,000 feet, as compared with 27, 039.000 feet during the four weeks ending 1st cemoer 3, iviv, siupmenu or zs,Q4Q,oou feet and orders received of 28.879,000 feet. BUILDINQ PERMITS DROP Building permits lc 19 principal cities of this district aggregated $10,814,000 In December. 1919. as compared with $12,886,000 In No-i vember and $3,430,000 in December, 1918. ! As compared with November, December permit ! Inrreared In San Diego. Cel., by $417,000; In i Long Beach Cel.. by $288,000, and in Freno, Cel.. by $164,000. other c'ties showing decreases; or slight increases. During 1919 building per-I mits in these 19 cities amonnted to $111,045.- ' 00(1. ss compared wiib $57,249,000 in IBIS, i Comparative statement for those cities reporting permits in excess of $5,000,000 during 1919 is given below: , 1918. $ 8.866.000 10.809.000 8. 085. OO0 6.1 78.000 2.807,000 6,881.000 Increase. -$18 4 80.000 4.714.000 5.744.OO0 8.608,000 4.820.0O0 1,754.000 Tlietue of minerals produced in th Twelfth federsT reserve dtt-trict denres-ed from $460. 287.8SsVln 1917. to $407,778,889, in 1918. and to $228,047,966. ia 1019. High operating COHtS. lalxtr scarcity uwimMnil k . n w- . ...1 j Pr markets tor some metals, have bees the principal coninouiing factors in this decrease, in th case of silver, however, a large proportion of which comes from copper ores, the small demand for copper s responsible for the decreased pro duction in the face of- Increased silver prices. No strikes or labor disturbance of any im portance are now tn progress in this district and seasonal unemployment is much less than at the same period a year ago. Seattle, Wash., reports from 8000 to 6000 unemployed, as compared witn uuu tn January. 1919; Spokane. Hash. j from 500 to 800, approximately the same num-1 oer as a year ago; roruana, irr., 3000. as com pared with from 7000 to 10.000 at this time ' last year; Salt Lake City, Utah, "no material i unemployment," a compared with more than 8000 unemployed in January, 1919. Accurate! estimate for San Francisco are unobtainable be cause of the large number of former shipyard employes who have not availed themselves of op-1 portunities to return to work and many of whom are seeamg employment in oUier lines. j RaTTAIL TRA DC INCRCA8ES Retail trade continue active, averaging 46 per cent greater by value in December, 1919. than in December. 1918. and 70 per cent greater then in November. 1919. Bank clearings in 24 principal citie of tbe district amounted to $1,781,084,000 in Decem ber. 1919. as compared with $1,268,195,000 in December, 1918, an increase of 40,6 per cent, and $1,626,120,000 in November, 1919. an in crease of 9.3 per cent. The largest increase over November were mad in San Francisco.' 14.1 per cent, : and in Los Angeles, 10.9 per cent. Comparative statement of clearings for 1919 and 1918 in those cities tn this district wbose clearings exceeded $500,000,000 is as follows : 1919 Ban Fnncisco $7,285 1 9 1 a In. $5,629 $1,656 io Angeles . . 2.339 .. 2.019 . . 1,653 27 654 1.641 T92 Seattle Portland Salt Lake City Spokane 1.860 1.323 697 422 159 830 130 132 OOO.OOe emitted. Internet and discount rates hsve shown a ten deary to stiffen during the past month, now see raging 6 per cent in fendnstria centers and .8 per cent in agricultural sections. Llbeity Bond Sale Open. H'gh. Ixiw. Close. Liberty. 3H 9890 9900 9884 9888 Liberty, 1st 4.. 9166 9168 9166 9160 Liberty, 2d 4s. . . 9068 SOSS BOSS S074 Liberty. 1st 4H. 9210 9280 9210 9220 Liberty, 2d 4 14. 9096 9112 9190 9106 Liberty. 9d 4 He. 9330 9870 9(70 9384 Libert. 4th 4H. 9120 9150 9120 9144 Victory. 44 S8S4 9840 S8S2 S83S Victory. $ 9838 9888 9884 9986 Stocks, Boa da, Cottoa, Grata. Eta. $16-917 Board ef Trade BsltdJsg. Overbeck&CookeCoe DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Hssabers Chicago Board ef Trade . CerrsFOBdeats ef Legea Bryaa -Chieavga ' Hew ferh PALACE HOTEli AlMnv eutsi, ra, aemeln mn4 eiiiewa. JERAL BUSINESS EN COAST DISTRICT Stock Mmhsot Furnished by HerxJa-Rbode. lac Thomas W. Lamont of J. P. Morgan, writing in London Times, saya United 8tatea conversant with l urope'a needs, but would be difficult to render help now. Says last British loan of ,150. 000,000 offered here Last November came rear being a failure, according to Sun copyright. Morris aV. Co. estrned 13.45 a share on stock in year ended November L 1919, compared with 140.69 in preceding year. Steel mllla operating at between and 90 per cent of capacity again. 85 Surplus reserve in clearing house banks declined f 20.g4,OC0 to $11,361.750 : reserve ratio of Federal jleaerve bank declined from 41.46 to $9 5 per cent. I Value of farm products In United States ! In 1919 near lii.WO.OOO.OOO. or nboul three times larger than 10 yeara ago. ' Globe, saya: Wall street operations wllfr not be any more curtailed by the latest Federal reserve Intereat rate than they vA-ere already. The stock market has long since resigned itself to this re striction and Is therefore not seriously concerned over the further marking up of bank rates. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Salem. .Jan 26. The Oregon- State Finance company of Portland, capitalised at $200,000. filed articles of incorporation with the Oregon corporation deiiartment here Saturday. The in corporator are: Ir. Joseph F. Wood. Dr. S. W Murker and H. C, Taylor. Other corporation filing article Saturday were : Keroanc Kreain company. Portland; SIO. 000; Ren L. Hnlclaw, Charles W. Yielding and H. 8. McCutchan Automotive Electric company. Portland; $25 -000; R. C. Duke. W. R. Vamer and P. H. Green. National Securities company. Portland : $25. 000; Or 8 W Stryker. R. Buahnell Potts and Arthur K. Mickey. PACIFIC COAST BASK STATEME5T Portland Banks Th Wee. Year Ago. Mon. . $5,738,134 02 $6,620,372.68 Spokane Bank Monday $2,774,143 00 Monday Clearings, Clearinci. Balance. Tacoma Banks Clearinja, Monday $897,209.00 Balances, Mcnday 181.990.00 Seattle Banks Monday $6,700,818.00 Monday 2,229.199.00 San Francisco Banks Monday S28.078.01 1.01 Lo Angie Banks Monday. . r, $11,218,601.00 Clearings, Balance, Clearing. Clearing, Exempt from all Dominion Government Taxation $35,850.00 City of Victoria, B. C. GOLD BONDS These bonds are direct tix obligations of the city and have pledged to the payment of interest and principal all , of its taxable property, resources and wealth. Victoria Is one of the richest cities in the Dominion and is known as a conservative and well-to-do community. All. of these bonds are payable in GOLD COIN of the United States in dollars, without deduction for any Dominion government taxation. We recommend these bonds as very safe and attractive investment securities. A meant lt.909 Victoria, City of, Prorlaea of 19.966 Victoria. City of. Provlsre of t.se Victoria, City of. Province of $.. Victoria, City of, Province of $i$ Victoria, City of, ProTtae of PRICE: TQ LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS If yow must sell your Liberty or Vtotory bono, owl to ui. If you oan buy more Liberty or Victory bond, buy from u. W buy and ws nit Liberty or Victory bone) at the raarksL, YOU OAN NOT DO BITTIR YOU MAY DO WORSI Todsj's opening Naw York market, which establishes the governing prices for United States Liberty and Victory bonds all over the world, is as follows. We advertise these pries daily In order that you may always have the highest market price befor you and know the exact value of your Liberty and Victory bond: 1st 1st 2nd let 2nd $rd 4th Victory Victory 3Hs- 4s 4 4 i Vs 4i 4 '4 s 84 4 Market price 98.80 SI. 68 90 64 92 10 SO 86 98.80 91 20 96.86 98.84 Accrued interest 40 .46 .79 .48 .64 1.56 1.19 .4$ .$4 Total 99.30 92 14 91.48 92.58 91 80 84 85 92.89 98.81 91 88 'When buying w deduct 87c on $50 bond and $2.60 on a $1000 bond. We sell at tbe New York market, plus th scented interest. .Barglar aad Fireproof MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Haaleipal Hoad House Capital Osa Million Dollars Morris Building, 109-11 Stark fit-, betwrea $th aad itfe Telepboae Broadway tlSl Established Over a Qaarter Ceatary E MAKE F the better- on adequate security at reasonable rates and with due retrard to the interests of the borrower. We invite negotiations from those interested. "The House Built Sqosre"- QRSTENS & pARLES, INCORPORATED Third Floor U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. E. H. ROLLINS & SONS til C. 8. BA Wat BUILDIHG FBOVE. BBOAD W AT 1974 FORTLAftD, OREGON $50,000 Northwestern Electric Co. First MortgBfe 6 Sinkinf Fund Gold Bonds BCE May 1, 1988 OptleaaJ at 198 aad latere!- ,s Price 95 and Intereat Yielding over Syt Ara secured by a direct first mortgage en all physical property ef the company. Earnings for 1919 show a eubetantlal Increase over 1918. Regular dividends Hare been paid on the Preferred Stock. ' FUBTHEB tHFOBSf ATI05 OX BEQUEST HALL & COMPANY Buy atttj Sell U. S. Coweratoeat. Foreign CoYernttvenl ' II il. aaa a ee n.... s 8 -w - wawaaij KaiirtM. rtiMie Utility, ladastrial. MuaOeJpal DaTVTrC V VwV Quotations Lerwis Bltlff.. PortlandV Or. LIQUIDATION OF COMMODITIES IS FINALLY DECREED I Good Results and Unfortunate! Ones for Speculators and In vestors Due From New Order Uy Brominn Wall lew York, Jnn. 26. The final authorities of the United States gov-l ernment have decreed that therei shull be nation-wide liquidation off commodltiesi and soo unties. There is no use now arguing about the wis dom of the decree. The only thing the public can do is to make the best it can out of the situation Many things can be said in favor oti such action. There will be good results, but also many unfortunate' ones. Speculators In commodities have been treated too tenderly and investors in stocks and bonds too harshly. The score Is now to be evened up somewhat, although there ts no doubt that the investors will suffer at flnrt along with the specu latora in commodities. The people as a whole may gain some thing when It is over) but that la a moot question. Always after great wars there Is tremendous speculation In commodi ties, and whHt has happened this time Is simply a repetition of the universal ex norienoe of mankind. Never before has a government had such complete con trol of the situation as ours has. and never nefore has a government at tempted to do by statutes law snd sov ernmentnl act what haa always beett left to the operation of the natural law of supply and demand. The experiment is Interesting and may be auoceaafuL In the meantime people with intereat In the stock market should look well to the ticker. In olden times, that Is. be fore the rireHent reprrve bank rams Intaa I existence, the liquidation of securities made n Increase In currency, because currency once Issued could not be retired quickly. Now, however, the liquidation of commodities means a contraction of the currency. B. C... B. C R. C B. C B. C... Rata Matsrity Price Ikl 4 JAJ 4V, J4J $ A AO I MAS I9t$ 9t.lt 19t$ 99.61 !$ $J4 112$ 98.il 1991 $$$$ YIELD 7 Safe Deposit Boxes for Beaf lortfafjc real est loai the h Phone . Bdwy. 4108 J"? .s. Upoa Roquesr Telepheae Marshall 68f