4 . THE OREGON'. SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 5. 1ZZ0.' ran , Lesion Auxiliary Will Give Fifth Of Dance Series npiIE American Lesion auxiliary will X rlvo the fifth of Ita series of dances on Friday evening at Multnomah hotel. .Patron and patronesses Include: Mayor and Mrs. George I Baker. Colonel and Mrs. Carl Abrama, Mr. and Mrs. John JL Burgard, Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Owens, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Hunter, Mr. "jand Mrs. 8. C. Pier, Mrs. E. B. Colwell. lieutenant and Mrs. Harold Jones, Mr. . and Mrs. Henry Kirk, and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Irvine. The committee In charge of arrange ments Includes: Mrs. S. B. Huston, Mrs. Ei J. Ward. Mrs. Dow Walker, Mrs. Oeorrs White, Mrs. J. A. Elvers and sev eral prominent men to work on the floor committee. These dances are delight fully informal and are gaining in popu larity.! All funds received from pro ceeds from the dances are used In di rect philanthropic aid to the former sol dier and their families. . Dr. A. A. Morrison entertained the officers and teachers of Trinity parish. Blind ay school at the rectory at supper on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Thomas Sharp assisted, her father on this oc casion in the absence of Mrs. Morrison, who is visiting In the East with her daughter, Mrs. John Cabean Beatty. Miss Winifred Sullivan, daughter of the late Lawrence M. Sullivan and Mrs. Sullivan, became the bride of Morris Mineky on Friday at a quiet wedding In ' Vancouver. Following the ceremony they left for Seattle for a short trip and will return to Portland to make ' their home. A group of friends of Miss Florence ' Prevost, who leaves this week for New Tork, entertained in her honor with a ' dinner at the Benson hotel Wednesday and a line party at the Alcaxar after . ' . -A - i"- t lenil irni ward a Mrs. Ocean Jolly was toast mistress and the guests responded with i advice 'To the Girl From the Little City Going to the Big City," their responses causing much merriment. A handsome centerpiece of freesias and carnations decorated the table, which was laid for 12. Clever place cards were ,v hand lettered with humorous quips. Those present were Mrs. Ocean Jolly, Mrs. Helen Jeselson, Mrs. Lucy Kly, Mrs. Xathryn Cof field. Mrs. Lett! Tlfft Mills, Mra Robert Mullen, Mrs. Hazel vLlnney, Miss May Belle Rice, Dr. Edith Philips. Miss Edythe Kls Pas. .Miss Vivien Bretherton and Miss Flor- v ence Prevoirt. According to telegraphio news received -'from Chicago, announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Gladys Gal- bralth of that city to Regimental Ser geant Major Marc Freeman of sthls city. Who is stationed at Camp Grant, 111. - Miss Celnoise De Grandpre became tho bride of Lyle W Douglas at the THAT inde finable " s o m e- f thing" that only ' a tailored suit possesses -speaks in the faultless lines and exquisite I workmanship; of the tailleurs we create. Sth Floor. f J Columbia Bids. VJ ' Entrance Jimxt Rivoli Theatr 1 t - vVa;: -" hi . . !1V ' a. . , r ilf Mr wif 1 1 MRS. J. E. MILLER, committee worker for dance and card party given by Acme Social club at Multnomah hotel Thursday evening. Mrs. H. C. Jones is patroness for midwinter ball of American Legion auxiliary on Friday at same place. mill. fJtmfVf''JX-i'', ? ? MM. w; y j "i 4'o -.XV 1 i " t"? i home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. De Grandpre. In Irvington on January 15. Tho service was read by the Rev. Father L. J. Roche, former chaplain in the fly ing corps of the British army. Miss Mae Campion attended the bride and George Opdenweyer was best man. Little Vir ginia Campion was ring bearer. The bride was gowned in a dainty frock of white net, worn with a picture hat. and carried a bouquet of Bride roses and freesias. Mrs. C. S. Dixon played the bridal hymn and wedding march and Mrs. Harold Bayley sang. Ptnk blos soms and palms were used about the rooms for decoration for the occasion. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Harry Campion. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas will make their home in the Penrose apartments after February 15. Mrs. J. A. Johnson was hostess for a prettily appointed tea on Saturday at her home in the Alameda, honoring Miss Mabel Barker, wlise marriage to James whltcomb Clock will be an event of the spring. About 35 guests enjoyed the affair, a feature of which was shower of dainty linens for the bridal chest. Miss Barker Is a niece of Mrs. Simon B. Barker and a cousin of Mrs. Robert Graham Fithian. Spring flowers were used about the rooms for the oc casion and appropriate bridal favors decked the table for the tea service. Presiding at the tea urns and assisting about the rooms were Mrs. G F. Hart- man. Mrs. M. Abraham, Mrs. W. E. Carlon. Mrs. C L. Stanley and Miss irma Austin. . Mrs. S. J. Levitt was hostess at small luncheon given Monday at the Hotel Portland in honor of Miss Fannie Gettleman, whose marriage will take place Wednesday. Miss GetUeman's engagement to Nathan V. Sanford of Alberta, Canada, was announced re cently. Covers were placed for six guests, each place being marked with a corsage bouquet. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wilson, who make their home at the Hotel Portland, were hosts at a delightful dinner party given Monday evening In the grill in honor ofi a group or mends from The Dalles, -who were returning from California. Wednes day the same company was given a luncheon by Mrs. Wilson. Covers were piacea zor iz. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Kerr left Port land on Friday for Walls. Walla, to spend the week-end, The second of the series of dances to be given by the community service was aa event of Friday evening svt Trinity III viW Sly"-; - imHWi HI IMMM ' ' ' f 5 -v 'ft- .,w-c-. VJ 5 a it a- i ."ij, 7nWJ Mrs 4 0-kota Episcopal parish house. The girls who are residents of tlTe Martha Washington hotel and the men of the American Le gion and the Canadian War Veterans were special guests of the occasion. Among those who were on the commit tee for arrangements for the event ere Mrs. William C. Alvord, Mrs. William H. Skene, Mrs. Wilson Johnston, Mrs. Wil liam D. Wheelwright, Mrs. George T. Gerllnger, Mrs. James B. Kerr. Mrs. L D. Peters, Mrs. Warren Koeler, Mra Frank Nau, Mrs. Roger B. Slnnott, Mrs. O. A. Lyman, Miss Diamond, Miss Jean Mackenzie, Miss Rhoda Rumctln, Miss Ruth Diamond, Miss Alice Metzler, Miss Evelyn Wood, Miss Lucia Morris, Mrs. Guy H. Strohm, Mrs. Gabriel Pullin. Mra Loyal B. Stearns. A complete surprise to Mr. and Mra O. Hart of Piedmont was the fare well party given for them Thursday eve ning by the Camelia Social club-. ' A mock auction constituted part of the evening's fun, at which Mr. Williams presided as auctioneer. A riddle con test was also held, Mrs. Hart winning the prize. Mrs. Nielsen, the president, In behalf of the club, presented Mrs. Hart with a stiver tray, a token of their esteem and affection. The Hart fam ily is leaving Portland for Dallas, where Mr. Hart will engage in business, and it Is with much regret that their many friends see them leave. Mr. and Mrs. John Carter havs re turned to the city after a sojourn at their former home in British Columbia. Mrs. Carter has been absent from the city several months. They are at pres ent stopping at the Campbell-Hill hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. West of 175 East Thirty-first street announce the birth of a son. who will be called Har old Megson West Jr. The baby was born on Tuesday at the Woman's hos pital. Mrs. A. Lind entertained the Decern club on Thursday evening for her sister, Miss Elizabeth Byrd. After the busi ness hour a supper was served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. L Chappelle. Mrs. A. A. Porter, a prominent club woman of Minnesota, is visiting Mrs. W. C Benson in Portland. Mrs. Porter is on a motor tour of the West. Have you visited our re cent elaborate displays of magnificent OrientalRugs new' importations of choicest Persian and Chi nese weaves at prices that positively cannot be duplicated, because of Mr. George Atiyeh's pres ence in the Orient and our policy of buying in immense quantities direct from makers? Come in at your early convenience. 10th and Alder ' Largest Oriental .Rug Dealers In the Northwest - v,wy40, ' I f 1 is- if ?i H i 1F Employers Will Give Card and Party rXtHE employes of the Kilham Statlon--- ery A Printing company are antici pating with pleasure the dance and card party which win be given for them by the members of the firm In. the gold ballroom of Multnomah hotel on Friday evening. The affair Is planned to fos ter the spirit of good; fellowship among the employes and Is to be the first of a series of similar functions. to be given for their pleasure during the remaining winter and spring months. Extensive preparations are mads to make the party a success. The committee in charge of arrangements includes Oliver O. Rudig, John & Brooks and Clarence Larking. An evening . party was given by the women of chapter M, P. E. O., In honor of their husbands at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. St. Clair. 420 East Twenty-second street north. A. H. Averill, A. W. Glesy, Glenn E. Husted and A. H. St Clair were initiated. B. E. Haney. A. F. Bittner. Dr. R. H. Well ington, C. C. Patrick, L. H. Borton and Dr. C. J. McCusker assisted in the cere monials. Cards and dancing were en joyed during the evening. At the table B. E. Haney 'gave a toast to the new members and A. II. Averill responded. Those present were: Mr. and-Mrs. A. H. Averill, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bittner, Mr. anB Mrs. L. H. Borton, Mrs. Ralph Fisher, Miss' NetUe Foy. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Giesy, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Husted, Mr, and Mrs. B. E. Haney, Mr. and Mrs. Horace McClellan, Mr. and Mra Ben S. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. C C. Pattrick. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Parks, Mr. and.Mrs. A. H. St Clair, Miss Jes sie Skinner, Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Well ington, Mra J. P. WhiUock, Dr. and Mra a J. McCusker. The home of Dr. and Mrs. W. Gil strap on Willamette boulevard was. On Tuesday evening, the scene of a de lightful party given by the graduating class of the Central school of St Johns. Miss Carlie GUstrap,. a member of the class, being the hostess. There are 30 boys and girls in the class, which is the first in the history of the school to graduate its entire membership, not one member failng to pass the exam inations. The class motto is "Health and Right Living.". The rooms were decorated in the class colors, gold and green. Games were played and refresh ments were served. Among the guests were Mr. Van Tine, the principal of the school, and Mrs. Bertha Burghduff. the teacher of the class. Thursday evening Orphia temnls No. 18, Pythian Sisters, held the Installa tion of Its newly elected officers, to gether with the regular meeting work. ana a large number attended for this occasion. The Pythian Sisters were honored by the presence of the past'' su preme chief, Cora Davis, who gave a pleasing and Interesting talk. Being the first meeting in the new hall at 388 Yamhill, those present were served with delightful luncheon, and throughout the remainder of the evening music and dancing were enjoyed. The next meet ing will be held on the second Thursday In February. The February '20 class of Ockley Green school, consisting of 31 members, together with their teacher and prin cipal, W. E. Dickson, were pleasantly entertained Wednesday afternoon at the school by the Parent-Teacher associa tion. After an hour of games and music in the assembly room, the guests were led by the president Mrs. C. A. Wil liams, to the serving room, which was artistically decorated with ferns and pussy willows. Refreshments were served by the members of the club. Al Kader temple is planning an elabo rate dancing party to be given at The Auditorium on Wednesday evening, February 18. Card tables will be pro vided for those who do not dance. As this will be the .first party given by Al Kader temple recently a large number of nobles and their ladles are planning to attend. The committee in charge consists of H. C. von Borstal, H. T. Hutchinson, Hugh J. Boyd, R, J. Gor don, Frank H. Vlncil, H. P. Emery, C. N. Barrett, Merton W. Kiddle, Har vey Wells and William H. Lercher. ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hadden Man ners have taken apartments at the Port land for the remaining winter months. They will be in the city until March, re turning at that time to their home in Underwood, Wash. Dr. and Mrs. James W. Rosenfeld are expecting to arrive in the city on Wednesday after a sojourn of a num ber of weeks in California, where they have been touring by motor to points of interest in the South. Of Interest to Portland friends is the news of the marriage of Miss Agnes bnarp Flythe to Edison Marshall of Medford, which was a recent event in Dancing Jaenaary icoooMy NOW IN ITS FOURTH WEEK Wonderful Assortment Big Reductions Patent leather Pumps $5.45 and $6.45 Patent leather Oxfords ...$5.45 and $6.45 Fancy patent Oxfords, "extra" $6.45 Brown calf Shoes, cloth top, $11.00, now $8.45 Brown kid Shoes, cloth top, $8.00, now $6.45 Black kid lace, all leather $5.45 and $6.85 Black kid button, French heel $6.85 Some broken lines $1.85, $2.85, $3.85, $4.85 Knight's Steps to Economy It will pay you to 'come and just take a look in our Steps to Economy Department KNIGHT SHOE CO. Morrison and Broadway M RS. CHARLES EMERSON HIDDEN, who was before her marriage at the White Temple on New Year eve, Miss Eva Boscovich. Mr. and Mrs. Hidden are making their home in "Portland at the Augusta, Ga. The bride is the daugh ter of a distinguished Southern family. Mr. Marshall is well ' known In the West and has a wide circle of friends in Oregon. During the war period he was stationed at Camp Hancock, Ga., where he was commissioned in the ord nance department His books and short stories have received favorable atten tion during the past few years his most recent work, "The Voice of the Pack," now running serially in the Blue Book. Mr. Marshall Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall of Medford and4 will bring hl3 bride to that city to reside. The home of Misses Margaret and Gudrun Brandt was the scene of a pretty miscellaneous bridal shower given last Saturday evening in honor of Miss Ag athe Grendahl. Those present were : Mra Alf Oftedahl, Mrs. Charles Dunham, Misses Rachel, Olive and Olga Halling by, Olga and Ella Gunderson, Jenny and Kirsten Trulsen, Sigrid Pettersen, Magnhild Bodding, Pauline Vetlesen, Tillle Anundsen, Lilly Hendrlcksen, Marie Tonseth, Christine Bergsvlk and Mrs. S. Aunt, Mrs. Edmund de Schwelnits was host ess on Wednesday for a smart bridge ; luncheon at the University club. Lunch eon guests for the occasion Included Mrs. Gilbert Durham, Mrs. Gerald E. Beebe, Mrs. Stanley L. Jewett Mrs. Lewis A. McArthur, Mrs. Arthur Mur ray Sherwood, Miss Stella Frohman and I Mrs. John Carr. Tables were placed I for 12 guests at bridge for the after- I noon. The Purola club of Blumaner-Krank Drug company will give its first dance of the year at the Multnomah hotel Sat urday evening. Special leap year feat ures will be introduced. St Roses court W. C. O. F., will give a card party Friday evening in the Forester's hall. East Forty-second and Taylor. "Five hundred'' will be played beginning at 8 :30 o'clock. The Catholic Order of Foresters. Sacred Heart court No. 798, will give a dance and card party Wednesday at Gregory hall. Center and Milwauklea streets. Of interest to Portland friends was the announcement made last week of the engagement of Miss Mary Emma i Kuckenberg to Nicholas Edward Long. Miss Kuckenberg attended Jefferson I high school and also St Mary's Knights Steps to Economy t - V .-V' u 7 r - - X ' " -9"- ' IT?:,,' y it r , I ' " r- r I - - rc ,. .:-' '. .:?" , - 1 V I-. I? (' . v:i 4- , - , v- I V - s J - l y . " wWmfo . xX ' ; Wm$ i j' . jrs', W Sale mrnuj .VU 111 1 Wheeldon Anne apartments. . academy. Mr. Long, also of this city, served overseas during the war with Battery C, 148th field artillery. Plans for the wedding have not been announced as yet but it probably will be an event of the early summer.' '' Honoring Miss Margaret Hewett and her finance, Guy Richards, Mr. and Mrs. LevIs McArthur presided over an informal dinner at their home on Sat urday evening. Additional guests for the occasion included Mr. and Mrs. Fer dinand C. Smith and Mrs. Henry Hewett Miss Hewett is a sister of Mra Mc Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Brown announce the engagement of their daughter. Elsie Lillian, to Harvey O'Bryan. The wed ding will be an event of February. J. W. Blaln, W. S. Lynch and M. A. Hull of Portland are among the early r J. ESTOVER is kissed by the forest's breath and yet it is the near neighbor of the city's business district It takes your auto or the street car only a few minutes to carry you from Westover's tran quil slopes into the throbbing world of business life. IN SHORT, Westover offers you the ideal Its nearness to the terraces are the sites for so many of Portland's most beautiful homes. Added to its magnificent view is counted its extraordinary location. It is the place for the home of convenience. HE area of Westover can never be increased. irmfrr1 number site now? If you desire to build, we can help you. for future building, or as an investment, we offer 1&TOVE&, mm Tordsad'a Best Vw HonMsiW l. . . !.v. 10&ttWM OS!. arrivals froin Oregon who are spending th winter season her. At St Peters burg. Fla., reservations have been mads for 89 other Oregonians duo there by February L Extreme cold weather that is been prevailing throughout the northern states has caused ths registra tion of tourists to be the greatest in the history of St Petersburg as a resort The Ladies' Auxiliary to tho Ancient Order of Hibernians will an tertain with cards and dancing Monday venlng In Hibernia halt Five hundred will be played from to-10, and prises hsvs been secured for tho winners. A three-piece orchestra will furnish music for dancing which will be the principal diversion after 10 o'clock. Light re freshments will bo served. This is the pro-Lenten social evening of the aux iliary and every effort Is being made to mako this tho most pleasant anair ox tho Mason. Tho Officers' and Guards club of Portland No. 7 of Lady Maccabees spent a delightful afternoon January IS at tho homo of Mrs. Baker. &81 Hoyt street Business of the club was discussed, after which a delightful luncheon was served. It was announced that tho club would rive a card nartv this coming Tuesday afternoon, January 27. at the home of Mrs. Campbell. 769 Hoyt street Ail are invited. Th social club of tho Sunnysld chanter of the Order of Eastern Star will give a card party at th new Ma onlc tempi in East Thirty-ninth street on Wednesday evening at S o 'doc. Miss Pearl Ellis, who has been ab sent from the city during tho past year, has returned to her homo in Portland at 454 East Twenty-second street north. Mrs. Mabel Holman, who has served as queen of Nydia temple. Daughters of the Nile, since its organisation, win lnntall the newly elected officers Mon day evening at Multnomah hotel ball- Distinctive Shops Jor Women A BEAUTY AID FOR EVERY NEED FACIAL TREATMENT SCALP TREATMENT ELECTROLYSIS PERMANENT HAIR WAVE MARINELLO PREPARATIONS AND HAIR COODS MARINELLO COSMETIC SHOP Marshall 2S07 , 101 Broadway Bldg. GREAT REDUCTIONS ON EARLY SPRING SUITS AND COATS J. K. STERN LADIES' TAILOR. 447 ALDIR. "rash overy day. Morrison at. Bet .i i e.L. T-i flOWERS: Tor" A-180S: the heart of things is only of home sites available. Whv not select vour For any information you may detire, jtut call on, phone or write HAROLD JUNGCK, Secretary INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES, OWNERS 1307 Yeon Phone Mar. 630, Re . 1399 S M F 1 room. Members will be hostesses tJ their, husbands r brothers. After th ceremony, dancing will t enjoyed. card tables will fc placed for those who do not car to dance. Regular business session will be held Wednesday, Feb- i ruary 4, at S o'clock at Knights of Pythias temple. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE of QUALITY FURS Savings of 20 to 40 on our reliable garments Splendid assortments Hudson Bay Fur Co. 147 Broadway ADYANCE SHOWING OF NEW Spring Millinery NEW VORK BON TON MILLINERY Third and Morriton at Moderate Priae site for your home. another reason why There are only a If you want a site you liberal terms. for Realty oar Bldg.