0 THE OREGON . SUNDAY JOUlTNAL, PORTLA ND, SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY : 3. IS 20. BEAT ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS PACIFIC AGERCY, Inc. 51419 Swetland Bldg. - - Mar. 3989 CHICKEN RANCH 8-2 6436028 una of riser bottom land, D Moil anion or potato tend; good barn, chicken stouss, all fenced, - mil from station, fin road. - A food placs for somon wanting track m chickn ranch. Good term on tola, COUNTRY ROMS 18-31 14700 B aem adjoining eity limit of good town, all hi cultivation. 8 rooia house, stoetrie light, ga and city wter rani by th bonM AU kind of fruit, 8 good chicken houses. Will exchange for Portland residence property up to .82(00. 20 ACRE FARM 80-1 (500020 acre, 18 to cultivation. 8 acre af pattura, SflO prone tree, fruit and berries f all kind for family use; 9 room bouse in good eondition, barn lOxSQ ; a abort dltaoc from odapaodeaca. Or. APPLE ORCHARD 0-10 85000 A fin 18 cr . appt orchard. 8 years old, planted In Delicious, King Darid and - Jonathan. Thto plan k wU locaud, 1 H mile from good town and en a fin county road. Trma, This 1 ft good buy. BERRY LAND 8-60 810008 acre, all in cultivation, let of berries, orchard. 8 room plastered hous with brick foundation; good- barn 80x40. 8 blocks from school. 1 H U from good railey town. Will ssehang. for bona Is Portland up to 82500. -ACREAGE 12 8 84004V 18 acre adjoining QoldanrtaW. Wut., aearly all in cultivation. 4 anna creek hot torn land, 10 acre upland; new 8 room madam bungalow with bath, good barn. Prlc innlmlft aaidrabla took and equipment Term. ' BANDY LOAM BOIL 6-17 86000 84 acr. hi mile from good valley town and 8 mil from college town; nearly ail river bottom anil of aandy nature, hot no gTarel; all can be irrigated; nearly all in eultir-tinm- nod 7 mom huuw. Bood bam and out- building, city water and electric lights; lot of I run, stocked ana equipped ; gooa term, ad aoptional bargain. STORE BCILDINO AND STORK 18-17 89000 Store building and warehouae, gen eral stock of good, valued at 88000; modern room bungalow, gawline pumping plant, etc. ; Ilea in an intra ted district of Oreson and 4 m I lea island. Will exchange for ranch in the railey. . PRUNE ORCHARD 8-1 8A - (8000 7 acre with 22 H acne of bearing prone T year old, balance in pasture land and om timber; new hous and barn, good water; only 4 golloa from town on county road. Good . tana. r BERRT LAND 8-20 ? - 8800021 acre clow to Wood burn, all good land, all under plow; good 8 room hou, large ; bars, other good building; 8 acre of berries. . Pise i ntoely located. Term. BERRT LAND 18-11 y 18000 20 acre adjolninc city limit of good Taller town, on ' pared Pacific highway, all In ttltlvation and all well fenced: improrement ar old but the aoil i good; can hat city water and tlectrio light; fin berry land and only hi ail from cannery: land adjoining thto ia a 11 lsg for I6U0 to 81000 an acre. Term. . - FRUIT RANCH 27-1 822,000 Here's a money maker for the tight party; 22 acre adjoining eity limits of good railey town, 18 acres In fratt, 1arer part Tallow . Newtown, balance SpiUenhergs and Baldwin; 12 acre in full bearing; large 8 room gaodtra residence, electric lights and prirste water system, gang for 2 cert : large and well built apple house with 7000 box capacity: X?nOTt 225?"' J?-" Zr! rae 66000: will exchange for rentable farm property to the ralue of $10,000. Mast be located between Portland and Eugene, in the valley. GENERAL FARM fl-T 132,000 820. acres, located ia central part ' of lienton county, 175 acres of bottom land in sraltiration. balance in rollfna patnre and fine oak timber, good family orchard, fair 7 room house, large barn, granary, etc This is one - of. the bert farms in lienton county, the best of land, well watered; on good county road and only 1 mil from town. Good term giren on this. ALBERTA FARM 18-8 124,000640 acre In Coronation district, . 480 acres ln eultiration, balanc pasture and hay; lerel, no stone or brush. 12 miles to town, school 1 mil, postoffice S miles, 'iood buildings, all painted, 6 room house, cement foundation, good barn, machine shed, gran aries, garage, etc.: lots of water, lota of hay and water adjoining, subject to leae. This farm ha raised 42 bushels of wheat and 100 bushels of oat and pr -0 per cent on in. cm inrnt. Will exchange for nice modern furnished home in town with garden and fruit, no to $1:1,000. Must be clear and at eaab valuation. DAIRT FARM IS C 828,000820 acre about 10 mile from Dallas, Or., 1 mil from good grade and high gehool, rural dally mail and telephone. Rock macadam road runs through farm, mskiag it accessible the. year round. About 120 arm in eultiration. balance slashed pasture; living spring supply plenty of water. The land is fin for prunes or berries. Fair 8 room house, large barn, woodshed, gransry. etc. Located in fine neighborhood. Term. WHKAT RANCH 12-8 $26,000 A fine wheat ranch consisting of 820 Bores. 1 H miles from Goldendsle. Wash., 840 acre under plow, SO acres of alfalfa, bal anc good pasture; 7 room house, large bam, food drilled well, windmill and gas engine, hog hoits and shed, good bearing family orchard. Wood terms. - . DAIRT FARM 20-4 - $26,000260 acres, 4 mile from railroad and normal acbool, 180 seres in cultivation, bal anc in pasture and timber, 2 sets of good Building gnd B Dsrns, An ideal dairr farm - Will exchange for small farm near Portland With good improvement up to $10,000. .' GENERAL FARM 21-14 $26,800210 acres near Jefferson. 120 acres ' finder eultiration, . 70 acres pasture and 20 . acres scattering timber: Dew modern 10-room Xtonaa, nam UX7U. garage, poultry house, black emits shop, gransry. etc. Water nfoed to build. lngt. family orchard; full set of. farm imple ments, c STOCE OR BERRT RANCH 28-20 830,000240 acre, about 80 miles from Portland, AO acre cleared, balance open pas- tare- and timber. One house, cost originally . 87000, modem furnace and plumbing; another oat gxuuu, modern; one tenant house; first aiaaa Darn, a aanay siocx ranch; , terms. GENERAL FARM 10-8 188,000182 acres, little over 20 miles , from Portland, about 100 acres in high state ' of eultiration. On corner of this place to in tha Sandy river. Modern 7 room house, con eret cellar. 10x12 garage, workshop, modern barn aoxou, eqnippea wiui Si steel stanchions another- bans 40x60: milk house, imolemmt abed 20x44. Branary with overhead bins, equipped - witn on snsit. ah ouiiaingi electric lighted. Land is a sandy loam and cannot be excelled. Land adjolnin thi set to berries netted from - .' gauo ta iiuuv uia year, uooa terms. ' PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. ' 514-1 9 S wetland Bldg. - . v Mar. 3989 - RE A L "ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS "il Tigard Station ' 8 BOOM HOUSE. -28 ACRES - UmIm S.fnnM lniiiaa Mmttt tMU ' Bunt, Dutch) kitchen, hot and eold water, modem plumbing and bats' roots. Urge Urlng room with pressed brick fireplace; boas wired for !) tricity; French door btwels dining and living room; barn cost 825001 ha running water; 28 ere of finest of aoil; place a fenced and croee fenced; all under cultivation; small family orchard; only 12 mile from Portland, on pared road. House could not be built for 84000. Thia ia a very fine place and a very exceptional buy. Ton win find few place ia better condition than thi an. Tb ground alon i worth mora than tha price asked for this ptcr 811.500. Bert of term. 8 EE J. Fa Hill , 898 William krenu Pbon Eaat 288. TOCR LAST OPPORTUNITY In. Central Al bert and Saskatchewan' are rich park land open prairie ready for the plow, interspersed with tree, which afford excellent shelter for stock. Her grain growing, dairying and lire stock raising are being carried on successfully. The country to ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Prcifie railway in offering large area of these fertile lands in Ltoydmtnster and Bat tleford districts. Thi fertile land will become the borne of thousands of prosperous farmer. On similar land Seager Wheeler grow the world's prise wheat. Near Lioydminstar th world' Prix oat har been grown, and batter of , the highest quality la made. A man can soon beoom Independent on a farm In thia district. These lands can be bought now at price areraging about 818 an acre. Ton pay dom 10 per cent If land is purchased under settle ment condition, no fnrthar payment of prin clprJ until end of fourth year, then 18 annual payment. Interest is 8 per cent. M. B. THORNTON, superintendent of colonization, Canadian Pacifio railway, 985 First street ft. Calgary, Alberta. (800 T0U CAN BATE 8S00 If you boy thia farm before February 1. Until that date the price 1 only $8000, but from that date on it will be S6500. Thia farm consist of 41 acre, all ,cu 4irtd except about 0 acres in whit oak along creek running through the place, Exceptionally good S room house and outbuildings, family orchard, about 20 -acre already seeded, cows, horses, pig, chicken, separator, implements sod tools. A complete farm in every respect A few blocks from a good railey town and rail war station. Peifle highway and county road by the place. It's a bargain for $6300, but a little bit more attrsctire for its present price of $6000. If you want this you will hare to act Quickly. E. A- LINDGREN Baron Land Co., 936 N-W. Bank sbldg. Harris. Co. 827 Cham, of Com. $160 per acr for this fine farm. 12 mile from Portland, -on two rock roads to be pared tbii year; riO acres, half under eultiration: 20 scree slashed: 20 acre with $7000 Worth of cord wood; nerar failing spring and creek add $2000 In ralue to the place; finest land in Tualatin railey; 7-room farm house in food condition, fireplace, excellent well water on porch; splendidly constructed barn 40x60; other Bood outbuildins. Complete equipment, in eluding stock, machinery and household furni ture may also be had If desired. Sunny living room (ace Mount Hood. A real farm home. Ralph Harris Co. 627 Chamber of Commerce. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 150 acres, 100 acre level. 60 acres rolling, creek, 40 acres in crop balance pasture and timber; dark loam soil; i 1 -room modern bouse, like new. new barus, outbuildings of all kind; 125 pruna and other fruita and tints, cow a, bone, hogs, chickens, all kinds of implements tod tool to run a first class farm; 10 miles from Portland oourtbouxe; pared road, 7 miles this side of Newberg; price $126 per acre; $18. 750, $9000 cash, balance 8 per cent, or will take Portland property a part payment; good dwelling or rooming house or aijerUnents, or small Acreage. R. M. GATETWOOD sV CO.. 165 hi 4th at 5Acre Farm CHOICE DISTRICT BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SALEM CASH BALE OR WILL CONSIDER TRADE Hicti loam soil, beat of berry land, splendid creek, land lies ideal; located close to pared Pa cific highway, main, line ry. and small town. You can't afford to miss an opportunity like In hort time Price $11,000. W ell ol tliia Farina in thi district will double in rain terms or exchange for residence or flat or other income bearing city property. A. K. HILL CO., 215 Lumbermen bldg. 805 ACRES of Central Oregon irri gated land; 260 acres under ditch; PO acres in alfalfa: good bouse, barn, Delco lighting plant; small orchard, running water at all times; alt stock and equipment go with the place. Price $125 per acre. CALL ON TJS H. H. UKDAUL CO. (Inc.) Maim 6252. 822 Abingtos bldg. FARM WITH PKRSONAL PROPKRTT 1 - miles from courthouse. Tigard district Potatoes, equipment and stock. Fully $750 potatoes In roothouse, fine condition. Wood in shed, about 20 tons hay, 100 buxhels wheat and iistx in bam, ft dozen chickens, fine team brood mare, young brood mare. 2 tood Jersey cows 8 acres wheat and oat ( fall sown) , some clover meadow, plow. awe. mower, rake, cultivator. wagon, hack, some band tool. gliOOO Farm Contains 42 Acre" $9000 You will agree that tills ia an exceptional bar- gftin. GEO. E. EMJLEHART CO. Main 7268. 624 HEN BY BLDG. 1035 acre wheat ranch, sacrificed for $25 per acre. 050 cultivated. 500 in crop, leased for thi year, located . mile to K. K. station. Share of crop should amount to $6000 or $7000. Beonbl cash paymnt, bal. to suit; no trad. 1280 acre wheat ranoh, about 600 In crop, leased for this year; owners share should amount to at least $6000 or $7000. Running water on place, very good buildings; price $85,000. Owner will eonslder good clear properly to $10,- 000 or $15,000, bal. crop payments If de- ired. U K. Moore. 817 Board of Trade. Portland; THREE MTT.ES FROM HILLSBORO ' Here is well quipped place on good auto road, an hour' drive from Portland; 32 acres. nesriy all tn cultivation, extra fine soil: 2 acre orchard: good buildings. Price $10,500. in clude 4 registered Jerseys, 8 horses, 1 brood sow, about (to cmcken, all farming implement; ft casn required. rerMually inspected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON. GERMNGER BLDG. SENSATIONAL SACRIFICE Of 20 acres, only 1 mile east of 82d st, with 8 blocks frontage on Powell Valley road; about 12 acres in cultivation, xood aoil. Pric $6000. only $300 per acr. The biggest snap ever oiierea so close tn to the city. KASEB ft RA1NEY. 828-6 Gesso bid. , Marshall S125. ONLY $18.50 PER ACRE 160 acres in Douglas county. G rearm. 8 aerea under cultivation, 120 acres can b cultivated; 2 rreexs on Place: nonse. Darn ana ootbulldlncs: 6.000.000 feet of timber, county cruise, red fir. cedar and sugar pine; close to Coquille river; good wagon road to thi Disc: small aawmill nearby; price $2100 with 11600 cash, tha balance being a state man. ANDERSON, with J OH FEKGCSON. GERIaNGER BLDG. AU in cul Miration, on tha Pacific hurhwar. Oregon City to Portland; house and barn, near streetcar; the first man looks at it will buy. A. J. BWB.HOLO 8th and Main st. Oregon City, Or. CLOSE TO POHTUAflD 24 aerea. located mils from boat lanHlne nr LaCentre. Wash; H mile to school, grar- etwi roaci; gooa loganberry land; 18 acre under ruinrauon. n acres In pasture, creek and well. nonse. Darn and small orchard. Fencing. Frio BOoa, terms oo 130 lor long tune. This to only on hours' drive from Portland. - JOHN FERGUSON, GKRLINGKK BLDQ. 160 ACRES for sale or trade: awed soil, fair buildings, fine spring water; can be piped to bouse: 7 acre cultivated aad fenced; 6 miles Trom coast. 1 mile school and pcatofflce, close to salmon fisheries. Pric $1800. Will take goexl machin as first payment or 8600 cash, baton per cut or will take city property. L-476. JOBrnal . Acre Farm YtClNrrT BEAYERTON Located only 11 mile from center of eity, elos to car and paved highway: wall Improved and fully equipped. Price $7500. A. K. HILL m 215 Lumbermen bldg. FOR SALE160 aires, stock and dairy reheK t 1 ."Sit trr4n kahuna. Wash, ' Good building, about .20 acre cleared, rest pot in 600. fruit trees, besnng erery year. A lot of out-rang. 52. fuLMttH Wri F- O. box REAL ESTATE FOB SATE FARMS 17 MITCHELL &. RIPPEY 328-29 Henry Bldg. 1 the farm you aeekis net found tn . th following list, plea, call ,at our offia. and inspect our eomtulet Hating of th . ehoiea fame bargain of tha Wlllsmett valley. 60S ACRES Choiea first elaea stock and aname grain farm; aboAt 100 acre, gently rolling, balance la of the very richest dark loans river bottom land, with th. Tualatin river flowing through tha center, dividing th farm in equal part: 250 aerea under culti vation, 856 acres In staxapa and paatura; 84" sail froa Portland on good rock road, 4 miles off pared highway; 1 mil. to good graded school, 1 mil froa railroad station; train atop at cat. for milk and other freight; two set of buildings, with water piped from CDTing; plenty of Bring water. On 8 rooa house, hot and cold water, bath, on. four room house, . oo. large barn, arranged for 20 head of cows, and 6 head of horse, room for implement: on stock barn will bold SO bead; on barn with room for 20 head: one goat abed with room for 100 bead; milk house, bog house), chicken house and stock cor rals; fenced with 81600 worth of Pag woven wire. For quick aal. thi wonderful bargain ia offered for th extremely low price of $65 per acre; $15,000 cash, bal anc term at 6 per cent 458.76 ACRES , Chocolate loam soU. 25 miles from Portland, 1 mile to railroad atation, on good rock road, 4 mij. off highway, 800 acre under eultiration, 28 acre heavy timber,, balance) river bottom pas ture. All kind of fruit, one large house with 18 rooms, built when material was cheap and cost 610,000, hot and sold water, bath, full basement and in good oondition; 2 small dwellings, 8 bams, deep well, tank, water pumped by elec tricity, electric lighta is house and bam, all machinery around barn run by elec tricity ; 200 head of sheep. 10 bead of hones, and all farm implements that is required to run a farm of this size. Thia farm ia actually worth 3100.000, but for quick action will go for 880,000; 880,000 cash. baJanoa to salt purchaser at 6 par oant S20 ACRES 24 miles of Yamhill. U mile of Carlton. 7 U miles of Newberg. in tha Chehaiem valley, on good rock rod. Th Chehalem valley is on. of th. most fer- , tile ralleys in Oregon and ia a large producer of fruit and dairy products. 220 acres under cultivation. 100 acres in timber and pasture, srood woven wire fence, .new 6 room bungalow, barn 82x70; grav ity water system, with water piped to hou. and barn; living spring creeks, on milk and mail route, telephone; clear title. Price $76 per acre; $8000 cash, balanc terms, 6. par cent Interest 200 ACRES 6 mile south of Dayton, on Salmon and McMlnnrille road. 120 acres under cultivation. 60 sore timber, fir and oak, 20 acre stump and pasture, family or chard and berries. 60 young walnut trees, produced last year $500; woven wir fence, creek never dry. tank, gas engine, water piped to house and barn, extra good 9 room house, full cement basement. 2 barns, granary, chicken house, hog houas, seed and feed, 2 horse. 2 colts, wagon, binder, plow, rake, roller, fanning mill. 17 head of sheep, all go at $125 per acre, balance long time at 6 per cent 160 ACRES 100 acres under eultiration. in the river bottom. 60 acres rolling brush land. 7 miles from Bearer in the beautiful Nestucca railey, with plenty of fish and came. "4 mile from school, cheese fac tory and store, 7 room house with hot and eold water; gravity water system fur nishes water for house and barn, good barn 40x60. chicken house, bog house and granary; family orchard, including 16 cows, a herd that "has taken year to build up; one span of horses weighing 8000 lb., 8 years old; 2 sets of double harness, 2 seta of single harness, 2 heavy farm wagons 1 light wagon for handling milk, 8 plows, 1 Spike and 1 disk harrow, 1 raka, all kind of small tools. Price $20,000; 318.000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent 87 ACRES 16 mile from Portland. "4 mile from Troutdale. K mile off Columbia highway; H mile from school; 50 seres under cul tivation, balance brush; 4 room house and large barn, spring water piped to house and barn; creek never dry; a real bargain for some one interested in land close to tha Columbia highway. Price 810,000; 88500 oash, balance terms 0 par cent 80 ACRES 4 H miles from Dallas, H mile from school, 45 acres under eultiration, baL timber; wire fenoe, spring and running water: lane barn in good condition. 1 acre of apples, 1 acre of prunes, 8 walnut trees. Pric $4000; half cash, -balanc. easy terms at 6 per cent interest " 60 ACRES Rich red shot soil, 20 mile from Port land, mil to railroad station, hi mil to highway; SO acre under eultira tion. 10 acres timber, 10 acres blackcap berries. 13 acres of young prune trees, S and years eld. 100 old pruna trees, net profit on berries and prunes last year, $2000. Woven wire fence, good spring. 6 room honse, large barn, 2 horses, ow, one 2-year-old heifer, 1 calf and 8 pigs, all farm tools, 20 tons of hay. Price $250 per acre, half cash, balanc terms. MITCHELL-& RIPPEY 328-28 Henry bldg. Main 2534. WALNUTS. FRANQCETTB. GRAFTED 384 acres, of which 18 acres sr in 8 year-old grafted English walnuts, with peach, apple, pear and prunes for fillers. Soil A No. 1 : gently roll ing, wflll drsined. New fl-room house, fine bsrn and tool sh(d. wood shed and water tower piped to houe and yard: II. K. D., telenhone: close to high school nd church. This plac i close to railey road which will soon be hard surfaced. Price la only $12, 000 and will only be on the market for short time. Hurry if you want something good. NEAR CAPITOL HIGHWAT 25 MILES OCT 10-acre berry farm, 8H acre fa blackcaps, 1 acre la loganberries, tip. for 2 acres mor to be set; straw berries; 1 acre assorted 8-year-old apples, cherries, few walnut: good 6 room house, fruit house, nice barn, well, chicken house, alt in good shape. One good horse. 24 chickens; some im plements. If sou went s money maker look this up. Pric 86600, soma terms. 20 sere, mostly timber; 8-room house, 1 H miles off Capitol highway, : 8 miles from Tigard. You can get thia st $110 per acre cash, where land to now selling from $200 to $300 par acr. See me at once. TALLET FARMS 824 acre, half in eultiration. bal ance in pasture and fine timber; good buildings; near fine valley town; crop mostly in; stock and equipment goes with; can make you an attractive pric at once, and would rnak an ideal pure bred dairy farm. 25 acres: fine berry land: a family orchard; new hop drier; no other build ings; land nearly all in crop; 2 mile from paved road and market; plana right GENTLEMAN'S HOME 40 scree, 16 acre in prunes, 2 acre pears, cherries and apples; modern 7 room house, basement, hot and cold water, bath, etc.; good barn, well, windmill ami ga engine; ideal loca tion; reek road (to be paved) ; B. F. D., telephone. Every foot of land well drained and in cultivation. Fries $20,000, half cash. Mr. Hesgard, COE A. McKENNA A CO. 82 Fourth 8t Main 4522. 61 ACRES AT MOLALLA All tn cultivation: fin black hotter, land, all level; fine clover and corn land; lays on 2 maia road, and rarlin and station right at th place, and only 100 feet of a good store od trading point 7-room house, nice big oak shade tree in efh front yard and around the house; barn. hen bouse, gralnery and family fruit: goon water. This ia a real horn; the soil can't be beat and the Iocs lion to ideal; only $150 an acr; for a place like this it to $200 land tha way places are selling. Pric $9000. hi cash, balance time at 0 per cent E. P. ELLIOTT A SON. 7th and Mils Sts.. Oregon City. Or. ,V39. ACRES TRADE ' This is all Is cultivation: stock bottom land, fin. son. Thia 1 at Barlow just above Canby right at th S. P. track; no building. Thto to th making of s good horns. Prio $125 sa acr. W will trade th equity t R for clear city property tn Portland. Tber to (1800 saorV gsg on it What bar yon to offer, -E. P. ELLIOTT A SON. " 7th sM Mala Stay. Oregon City. OaV ' REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS IT Benton-County Farms Are the Best in the Val ley and Are" Near Oregon Agricultural College T 8 ACRES OF RIVER BOTTOM 70 sera of ehoio bad in esxltlva ttoa, lay fine and free from guHie - ar wash era tha cultivated part; IS seres seeded to alfalfa last year; fine, big. nana- bars. 60 ton new ooncrate silo, ho ma barn, 6 room house, family .rehard. This placa produced - ova $10,000 worth of potato thi year and other crop besides. plac is lo cated about 1 mile from Corrallto. o gravel road. Prio to $160 per acr. and to tha cheapest plac is tha valley T8 ACRE DAIRT FARM, 3 MILES FROM OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 88 seres m cultivation, quite ljttle of which is new land. 16 acre in timber and paatur, very best of soil, good roads, near school, complete set of farm buildings for dairy purposes, family orchard; well fenced. Thi to a fin farm and a good buy at 812.000; good term st 8 par eaat interest. 80 ACRES FOR DAIRT. HOGS. CHICKENS About SO acres cultivated, balance paatur ; well fenced, on good road, about 4 mile from Corrallia, In on of the best neighborhoods in Benton aounty. Ha good 6 room farm hou. good horse barn, dairy barn 70x70, m wall and tank; usual out buildings, family orchard and berries. This placa . is s bargain at 88000, $2500 cash,, balanc 6 per sent interest. 56 ACRES OF BEAYERDAM FOB DAIRY Located about 10 xatlet from Cor rallto, 8 mile to S. R. station, on good graral road, near school; has good 6 room house, fine big new dairy barn. usual outbuildings, family orchard, creek through tha pasture, 40 acre cultivated, balance mostly open paatur, A real bargain at $125 per acre, on half cash. 25 ACRES FOR DAIRT AND CHICKENS AM in cultivation, ha good im prorement. is stocked and equipped, house to furnished, even to the piano. Everything goes for $5300. 21 ACRE CHICKEN RANCH Located on good road, near school; has 0-room bouse, large barn, hen hou and scratch shed; family orchard, all In cultivation. Price $200 per acre, terms. W. har big and little farm for ' sale. Write for our booklet and descriptions of a few places. Tell us what you want We hare it A FEW REASONS FOR BUYING IN BENTON COUNTY Because It Is in th. WILLAMETTE YALLEY. OREGON, the best i-neral tannin- section of the whole Northwest, Because our climate,, taken aa a whole, la hard to equal, and cannot be beaten. Because we offer the best educational facilities in th. Northwest Because w. har. fin, healthful drinking water. Because we hare fine road and ar building more aad better roads, with a definite program laid out for mar ket 'roads. Because Benton county to 100 per eent American and the majority of th. peopl. ar American born. Becan the whole county work for s better Benton county. , Because w. produo. practically sO our own fuel. KINNEY A STOCK WELL, Benton County's Leading Kami Salesmen. CORVALLIS. OR.. Horn of 0. A. C BENTON COFNTT STOCK AND GRAIN FARM PINE LAKE FARM 000 acres located on highway now being pared and about 9 miles from Oregon Agricultural college. About 600 acrs now being farmed and 150 acnes mor in pture than can be plowed any time. Tbe other 150 acre has aom timber and to also used for pasture. There is probably 25 acre of waste land on the place and about 15 acres to occupied by a couple of dndy little lake that are clear and nice and provide water for stock snd good fishing slso. All but 50 acre of the 700 acres now tillable is good wheat land and th other 50 cra to suitable for oat etc, but to too flat for wheat There are no hills on the place, but it to just a big, lerel farm with enough roll to make it all drain welt Th soil is made up princi pally of rirer bottom and second river bottom land and to rated very high as a producer in this locality. The place has three complete seta of build ings snd another partial set. There to 10 miles of sood fencing and .over a mile of portable fence. There are three family orchards, 8 acre English walnut orchard. The improvements are worth at least $12,000; near good school, railroad, etc. Thi plac to tor aal st $80 per acre, and we can arrange some terms at 6 per cent interest If you are Interested, writ for full printed description of this plac. KINNEY A STOCKWELL. Bntoa County Farm Salesman. Corrallia, Or. 10 ACRE TTGARD HOME FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE Thi beautiful tract to about three four ha mile from Tigani station, 10 miles from Portland: fine view; all 'cultivated: family orchard. berries, etc.t fine big 8 room house, basement, fireplace, sleeping porches, two bath rooms, toilets, oak floors in living rooms; fine dairy barn. silo, henhouse, double garase. wall, gas engine and complete pressure water system; 4 room tenant hou, everything for com plete country home. Price $10,000. Easy terms, low rate. Might con aider some trade. Owner, F. L K-. box 91. Corvalli. Oregon. 475 ACRE STOCK FARM This farm is 3 mile from Newberg-. Or., and has 160 acre In cultivation and partially seeded. Also 100 seres of fine pssture. Tb balanc Contains 12,000 to 13.000 cords of standing wood timber, and a large quantity of cedar; the wood sells for 84 to $4.50 per cord at the farm. Two sets of buildings larg tern and a 100-ton silo; several fine springs on the piece, and it is considered on. of th. heat place for stork, in th valley. Tbe price of thto farm, including equipment, and stock consisting of horses, -cows, a oats and registered Poland-China hogs to $45,000, and whil there ar but 150 odd goats at present the timber land affords slpendid pasturage for 1000. Would take a part payment another smaller farm or good Portland property and give some time, or to a dependable, party to take charge, would sell H interest F. A. KNAPP. 212 Board of Trade bldg. 50 -ACRES STOCK AND TOOLS All level: 33 acres ia eurti ration, the balance has some timber and some pasture; all good land when in cultivation: fin soil; no better suy place; 7-room plastered house; good barn 36x58 feet: all outhouses: family fruit: living water; 3 good horses, 8 cow, hogs, chickens; mower, binder, rake, plows, harrow, wagon; most of the household goods: some feed; part of th. plan to seeded. This to 6 miles or lanby. Ur. A good Some, race siu.ouu. vuw oo, E. P. ELLIOTT Ac BON. 7th snd Main 8to.. Oregon City. Or. 5 ACRES $1100 All la cultivation: fin soil: lay dandy; oa nod main road: 2 block of good school: 2 W. miles of Oregon City; no building, but a nice ptoew to build. Thto is th making of s fin bom. Prio (1100. cash, balano S per Ct " E?F. ELLIOTT SON. . -7th and Mala fit,. Oregon City. OaV REAL ISTATB FOB 8AL1 -VAB3TS 17 OFfOBTTOTTT TO ABS0LTTXLT clea ' 14 ACRES OF , ' ITALIAN PRTJNES- " " 81 SUBDIYiWNO 111 acres f Om narat lens rT wfh shoot 20 sera la his-h state sf ealtiratioct. 20 sere snare aaathv slearedi small bowse sad toed barn, and au necessary ootbcildlngs; 14 sore ef year aid Italian pruna. In noeUeet conditio; u almost tovst, good gate rasa tnrougn u. tract, 60 acre of first growth red fir timber, which, to worth the pric asked lor th antir tract: worth 85 per cord a th ground; only S mBa from Columbia rirer town, elosa t school; adjoining land worth 8200 to 1600 per acta; daily mall, tslepnon. ana exsam rouxa by tha ntoos, Prioa Um short time, 811,850: half esL . IDEAL DAIRY. BERRT, CHICKEN AND HOG RANCH Fractional to aera. all tinder htoh state of cultivation, leased aad eros fenced; exceptionally sweeten irans rs run Bearing, pur. wur aa door; good 7 room Sous, larg barn, chicken, hog and other oatbulMinss: convenient to good school, htoh school, haxebee, stores, chess - tory, sotne stn, rail ana xiver irsaepoixaxaon. and 8 mile out on good auto road. Prioa if takes soon, only $5500; half ossh, balano. at V per oenx interest. 80 sere, rscst all tttlabl. timber for family ! 12 son in high state of eultiration, fenced and crass fenoed: fins stream through placa. family orchard in full searing, small fruita snd berries of all kinds: good 7 room noos. larg barn, blacksmith shop, chicken houst anal park, hog house and lot, together with hay raka. plow, harrow, mower, cream sepsrator. cultivator, all small tools: close to school, and only 8 mile from railroad and small town. Prio $8600; terms. Might ir""Mrr oltr property as first payment. MODERN COUNTRY HOME 8 room modern house, private eWtra Bghta and pressure water system, larg. dairy barn. z silos, garag. granary, larg chicken nouses and brooder bouse, eiectrio light la barn and outbuildings; conatots of 80 acres very beet of loam sou. no rock or gravel, all tn high state of cultivation; 40 aera now in crops; orchard aad berries of all kind, almost lets, beautiful surrounding, half mile from small town, with all rural advantages, only Is mile rrosn Wash ington street, Portland. Or., snd 10 mil from Vencourer, Wash., on food auto road, Prio (20,000; hall cash. THOROUGHBRED STOCK FARM 890 Scree ei H,. t mA 1 9 S-mm Vi.MIIM 4 miles from railroad station, between 80 and 100 acre, under high state of eultiration, bal ance paatur. all fenoed aad eras fenoed. prin cipally woven wire; living water in pasturs snd fine pressure water system st buildings: im provements consist of fins 8 room modrn bun galow, modern plumbing, fl replace, furnace, full concrete basement; would cost 310.000 to build today; fin large barn, with milking sheds, steal stanchions, mannr carrier, ate.; 6 room tenant house, milk house, steam boiler vats, separator. etc., double gangs, house surrounded by fin natural grov snd raneey of shrubbery: per sonal property consist of 28 head of rectoterwd ilolsteln cattle, 6 full blooded Holstetn ' cattle not registered 20 head Poland Chins hogs, 20 head Cotawold heen. SO head aoat. 2 flock of chicken. Buff Leghorn and Plymouth Rock; fin team, 1 registered; 2 wagons, harness, manor, spreader snd full set of farm imple ment. Thi plac must be seen to b appre ciated. It to th. show plans of th county. Anyone wishing to rain, registered oattls should b interested. Price (86,000; liberal term. THOMPSON, SWAN A USE, Third and stain B treats, Vancouver, Wssb, " DEKTJM A JORDAN 80 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED AS under cultivation, one-half now In ems good family orchard; all kind of berries snd grapes; on Pacific highway snd only 1 mil from Oregon Electric station ; beat part of the valley; 4 miles from good town; H mile to chooL Good 7-room hou., hath, hot and eold water, etc. ; water piped to barns; 80-ton alio; 3 barns, garage, blacksmith shop and other oub- Dulidlnga; all implements arm tools to run ptocs, STOCK , 9 cow. 2 yearUngs. 8 4-rear-old sow. 1 Holatein bull, good span of mare, brood tow. iv pig, registered Poland t;hlna boar. 80 to BO chickens; 20 tons of hay, 20 ton of oora alias a. PRICE 313.000 Thi include ererrthinx. Will take $70(10 in cash, balance long time at 8 per sent, or mignt taxe in small oungaiow aa part payment si. rii- iuiu!. at or FlUJS. DEKUM At JORDAN. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce, Fourth and Stark sts. Mein,2233. NEAR TOWN 5 acr. farm, has 7 room house, eld barn, lots of bearing fruits, running stream, all level ex cellent sou, pared road; cneap gzaou. J. H. KEATING, 617 Board of Trade. FOB BEI7T FABXS II 20 ACRES All lerel. 6 acres In eultiration, soma timber, soma berrtoa, A-l soil, fenced with wire snd picket fence, mile from R. It. sta.. 20 miles from Portland, R. F. D. and telephone. 1 spring. good well: 4 room house. good oondition: bam. Will Lease for one year mtit privilege or tnree or more, X 1 ou per year personal property for sale! 1 1 Jersey cow 1 hone, wagon, plow, cultivator, kitchen rauwe. heating utore. Iron bed, ohum, pick, saw. cuain, sta; price no. A. G. BENDER. RTTTER, LOWE gc CO., 201-8-6-7 Board of Trad bid. 820 A. California farm, Siskiyou Co.. at down cash, or chare rent one or more years. THOMA&SEN. Portland Y. M. C. A. HAVE 10 seres improved near city. Will gire a good deal to right party who will take rfisvge. N-177, Jonmal. FARMS WANTED BEST OB BTJT 86 FARM LANDS WANTED W har oaah buyer for aeraeg snd sntmrb property; also bar eltonta for larger acreages, farms and ranches in thto county and out We also here real estate for exchange. Llt your property with u and w. will handl to tn. very beat of our miity. Business Service 817 HENRY BLDG. WAIffED GOOD FARM W. have a party who wants a good Cenaral farm or stock proposition, wasnington or l am hill county preferred, and offers tn exchange snlendid sJl-norDos farm of 163 acres, practi cally all under cultivation, with 2 set of good Improvements, largo bam, splendid fences, good iter. on food road, about 15 miles out of Eusrene. Or. Cash rsln. $100 Per acr clear or incumbrance. Party will asanm sons dif ferenos. What har your MoCRTLLIS-CLKAVELAND CO.. 822 to 926 Henry bldg. Main 580. nrpROYET) FARMS WANTED Har 9 esah buyer for improved 80 to 89 seres, on food road, not over 80 mile froa Portland, with or without equipment John arguaoa. Cexlingar bide. WITT. BENT a fa mi near tha town of Hood Rirr: half in fruit full bearing, good buildings; water supply, creek. Near highway, Must bar. orchard exoeriene and good refer- eneas. Also, must bur 8400 personal property. Call or write O. B, Skotheim. 833 By. Exoh. bldg. Main 5129. ' MR. FARMER I bare two good farmers frSm tha eaat wanton b, net farms: thsr will rmr cash rent and pure has personal property, rseryi an. particulars sf your farm snd I will send titer right out A. U. BE.Ui,K, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-6 ? Board of Trad bldg. . FARMS WANTED W sell fsrms. Hsv sustocasta waiting, (5000 to (50.000. GEO. K, EKGLEHABT CO.. Main 7366. 434 Henry brag. WS want mora farm or suburban plaoe for sals or exchange. LONG ESTABLISHED RELXABX SERVICE A. K. HILL CO., 218 Lumbermen bldg. HAVE Eastem buyer want tars. t J. ROB BINS, H 801 Railway Exchange. Mara 7981. WANTED TO BUT -i hare" tioOO to pay a first insullmento on small ranch of- 80 to 60 sere, agitable for dairying sad fruit ; End O Ronrke. Sslem. Or. - , ' WANTED Te has from wnr of farm or ' good land for sals. Frios gsagonshla. Is O. Jonas, Olnay 1U -i 1 - " """V ; AttX8 WAITED RFfT OB BTTT tl WiS HAVB a party with $O0 eaak to pay Vn en xaspawved farm not wear 80 miles front Fwrtiand. Mast bar at toast SO sore wads plow with fair iinprovenianU and an good load. Prater equipment but will cosskl without. 7 : STEWART at BUCK. I 318 North we tern Bank bWc WANTED t rest acre- with building, fruit; goad oil; ales to Vancouver; S to 80 4 B aid more sr., Foitisnd. FBTJ1T LA9SS FOB SALE 4 80 V 60 A. tn eult, 4 A. ia variety of fruit, good fartil soil, rolling: 8 R, bouss snd 2 barns. 14 mile S. E. Oregon City, 7 mile from R. B sta. A good buy for 86000; 82000 Mi a Ink 1B J 50 In eult. good family orchard. j sptt brook, kaad alight! rolllns. A-l soil, lair bldg. 25 A. of On tad fir tamawr. eood sots road to tn puce, 8 soils to hrotrie lis. Good team and bob other personal property go with th. pise, st 860 par sera; email , payment easy terns. 20 A. .All ta outt. family orohsfd. fair bMga., on main road. 16 milea 8- E. of 1'oit- land. A splendid buy at 68000. F. B. MADISON. S16 7th st, Oregon City, Or. lffiKO"Tr08CHAWig Ksar Hod River, Master snd Th Dalle, bs aisee from T acres to 40 acre and in prices from 32000 to 86000; all can be bought on very good term, and on torn Portland propsrty will bs eon id red ia trade; a bearing orchard ia a good as cash tn a Jbank. E. A. LTNDOBEN, Savon Land Co. 885 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 688.1. WALNUT AND APP LEjKCHARD WlTHAN INCOME. For th next 80 days I am offering for sal. at a real bargain my walnut orchard with apple nuer. near saouoy, in roi county; gooa, nealthy trees, bearing: good soil, spring water, near high school; beautiful view for country horns; 85000 or leas wui nsnaie. Tor term and description rente m. vr. jnkins, xtlekreaii, or. TIMBER 89 NOTICE OF EXCHANGE Department of th interior, united stats Land Offta Port land, or.. January 15. 1V20. Serial 06201 Houe to ncreoy given that The Rytn-Allen Lumbar Co. of Vancouver. Clark Conner. State of Wash ins-ton. has filed in thto office an application to select, under tbe provisions of the Act of Congress approved May 31, 1918 (40 Stat, 893), and tha regulation there- h .tu i ,wiu.ni u.J . , . j it i a luircviar via,. tn in. c. or n. e. ana . w. or N E. 14 of Section IS. T. 4 8.. B. 6. W. Willamette Meridian. Anv snd sll nnn elaimln arrveraehv tha lands described or desiring' to obiert beesns of th mineral character of th land, or for ray ether nason, to th disposal to th appli cant, snouja m their affidavits of omtert in this Office without delay. (Signed) Alexander o waja-ai, xAr8jinT;r. 120 ACRES Hemlock timber, 3 miles of Skamokaws, Wash., x hi miles to boat landing: 40 acre can b farmed when cleared; about 2000 cords of wood. 1000 shingle bolt, cook house 40x24. Prio 81200. hi cash. baL terms, 6 per eent MITCHELL at RIPPEY. 328-29 Henry bldg. Main 2534. LUMBER FOR SALE Used ham her in fine aondltion. 2x6 to 2x12 from 6 to 9 feat lone: some timber 6x6 uni 19X10; Tor sal cheap. Call slsrsnau 2i A. Holstrora,' 868 Wilson st FOR SALE First growth fir wood. 84.80 in tn wood, noo or loou ooraa A. tuvet, Gresbam, Or. Pbon. WANTED Piling timber near rail or water transports tion. not over 50 mile from Port- larKi. h. Olson, Maplewood, or. IRRIGATED LAKDS 41 BIO JOHNSTON" ALFAf FA AND CATTLE RANCH Ta now being subdivided into 40 and "80 acr tracts. Money ta no oblect lor first payment. Terms so easy they need not worry you. Two yean' crop will pay for land. If you want to get la on this deal at me at Imperial hotel 8onday or Monday Tuesday win b too late. Bona nae settler are what i want. J. B. MINER HOMESTEADS . - 47 GST 16 aerea, 19 miles from Sllverton. for $1600. Homestead relinquishment. Take all 'mprovementa, 2 small houses, new bsrn (60x54), chicken house, 12 acre cleared; good water, good soil. Qommunicate with J. E. Hosmer. Silrerton, Or. FOB SALE OB EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE 85 FOB SALE, or axensng for s smeller place in the Willamette rs Hey. 07 sere stock ranch. 1 mile from CrswfordsrUle. 7 mile est of Brownarille: stock, household roods snd Im plements, with or without the place. For par ticulars writ to John Schaetale, Brownsville, Or. FOR SALE or trade, by owner, a good bom. ehoie lota, all in Ocean Park. Wash, S. FUn- garland, 460 E. Davis st FOR sal or exchange for larger place on eaat eida. mom sudin Aoatu. snd lo. Tabor 6270. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 14 84 ACRES Stocked and Equipped Polk county, half mile to R. R. station; 40 in oultivstion. bsisnoe timber, fir. oak and ash; 2 acrss apple; dark loam soil; 7 mora hows, bam and other oiitbuikllngs, 4 Jersey oows, 1 heifer, 2 horses, 4 brood sows snd all i arm implements; price ior overruling eovuu; will take honse tn oltr a part payment or elce-in acre-. K. M. OATEWOOD a. CO., 165 hi 4th st 4 " GOOD EXCHANG ES r 160-acre ranch near Eugen. improved. $13,000 40 -acr ranch near Eugene, improved . 0,000 10-acre ranch nr. Roceburg, improved. 2.50O 80 acre unimproved. Wash, county..: 1.000 ASw priced right, and will trade for city property. J. R. WOLFF. 410 Henry bldg. IRRIGATED FARM TO TRADE 160 seres, sll level, paid up water right on SO seres near Bend. Will trad for Improved kcraag near Portland snd assume. PYRAMID LAND CO., 608-4 Titl A Trust bldg.. Main 8232. ALFALFA AND FRUIT RANCH TO TRADE 10 acres alfalfa and commercial fruit close good town, all irrigated; well improred. Will xchang for filling station, confection, res taurant sr torn small business. PYRAMID LAND CO.. 803-4 Titl It Trust bldg.. Main 8282. BUSINESS CORNER SANDY BLVD. Class in. over 1 V lots, 1 1 6 ft, frontage on Sandy. Will sell at big sacrifice or trad for reakienc lot. BITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. T,et us write your insurance. WANT LOS ANGELES BUNGALOW Party Baorinst to Lo Armeies bs dandy 9 room modern bungalow in good dtotriot her to trad for good home there. PYRAMID LAND CO., 608-4 Titl A Trust bldg,. Mala 8282. F6k SALE: Or trad for larger farm: 96 sore; 87 cultlrateu, limber; lencea ana cross fenced; fin large dairy barn, other build ings fair; crop, stock, feed and implements; $1.1.000: 6 mi. outh of Independence, near Parksr; term. Y. P. Nickell. Independence. Or. WANT to trade 80 acre of rough land in tin coin Co., good soil, aom improvements, a few fruit trees, small hou. and barn, spring wster, for a nous and lot in Portland between East Morrison street and SWllwood. Box 934. Roea barg. Or. FOR TRADE 2 good residence lot at Myrtle Point Or.: aom dsndv fruit on place, in best residence part or town, want a good neary team, barn and wax on or second band Ford car. Tno. w. incaerson. woooonrn, vr. 160 ACRES timber containing 2,020.000 (t cedar. 2.825.000 feet spruce. 2.375.000 fort hemlock, nicely located below Seaside. Or. Price 81.26 per M. WUI trad for Portland proper T D. Gregory. Lincoln apartments. Main 4S90. TRADE TJS "TOUR EQT7TTT" ' 6 ACRES 2 MILES MULTNOMAH STATION Cash rlu 31400; free and clear Babmit what you hare. Prefer house equity. SMITH-WAGON ttrt W., e..vn. TO TRADE 10 acres, clear of encumbrance, tn Florida, for light young team, harness snd wsgoa. Team must bs tra and gentle. 29 Journal. Vancouver. Wash. . t HAVE a lot to South Portland to trad on s rnodsrrj 5 or 6-room buagalow, elos in. Will pay cash difference. Price most b right Marshall 3146. 1480Macadam. TRADE platted aoreag. factory site, timber land and cash for apartment hotel, building and a Psrher, Broad ay 3780. 5" ROOM" hous. furnished, lot 00x100 ; good district: elos in, east side; want 8 to 10-ton track. T-469. Journal. 6 ROOM hews., bath, hot and cold water; in good locality; to axehsngs for aereag. P-641, Journal. 80ACREfl. 1 Irruratad. 46 alalfa. water paid. geod building, for toBPraveat valley acreage. Stratton, 217 Ablngton bldg. FINE rasideao. lot, block south Sandy bled., for good antomorril, Don or Dodgs preferred. Prirste party. ti. wstmi, EXCHANGE lot on E. IStit at, Irrtngton. fa bow, tn good district; no wbisotion to sobs m-(h r.Aftg. Journal EXCELLENT 5 acr tract, dandy honsa, dose in to Spokane, to axrhangw for PorUaod hottoa, at-tomobil or truck. T Main 3388. 8 VERY fins tovel lots in Mt Tabor for aal - Vrswaps or trad for to model satessobito, Sell. 717. L r i,BW TORK aereag for western property. 818 . -THy1 Sf Cammsrcs) bldgv, PerUand, Ot BEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 11 CALIFORNIA FOB PORTLAND ' -Bar. a Bine 6 iwosa bungalow. S Slav, a Bioe o suusa Nsnsrs, lets, gsraaw. fruit ties. watooktBg bay, only 46 minute' rid from I Francisco; 2 sarlin, , Will trad I tn. Saa for Portland resideno or small farm. wU to full value. (5000, Mr. Heagard, COS A. McKENNA at OCX. ' 82 Fourth st. MaIb 4622. HOUSES TO' TRADE FOR ACREAGE ft: room modern houss; fireplace gnd fur first da district WUI trad. lor un proved acreagw within 80 miles of Portland. Fin 9 room modern horn ta IrvingtoB to trad for good farm. . 8 room modern houss in good district to ax ehBg for improved acres g within 80 milea of Peruana. 1 8 room hatisa snd S 8 room nonse oa loo xlOO lot, sll rented, to trade for cloM-la acreage. fXHAMLU lA.t W, 808-4 TiU. A Trait hide Main 3232. IfRKldK TO TRADE " : 11 acre, highly Improved snd cultivated. lo Portland. WUI take good horn, to Portland a part payment 40 acres. 10 acres in commercial iruit, a room houae and other buildinaa. Will trad tor city property, close-in creg or good treat of tim ber close to Portland. 9 acre, hurb.lv tmnraved snd cultivated, en block of city limits, to trad for horn in eity on equal basis, or might assume. PYRAMID Us.NU W.. 803-4 Title As Trust bid,. Main 8282. . GARAGES FOR SALE OR TRADE . UarhtnMT aouinment and accessories: ga Station; in good location. Will sell or euhans for good improrad acreage eloas in, Investigate thi. PYRAMID LAND W., 603-4 Title A Trust bldg.. Main 8282. GOOD acreage for eity propsrty. 518 Cham- ber of Commerce. WANTED BEAL ESTATE (1 UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD 868 SALES (2,408.847 WORTH OF HOMES BOLD DUB- IN U I lilt IB. AH ptl9 BY FRANK L. MeQUIlUB AGENCY Twelve expert mred talesmen with goto. Several hundred buyers on our lists, many with cash, desiring to buy modern hotnes under 37000. especially in ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, LkAURELHURST DISTRICT ALBERTA DISTRICT Also Inexpensive modern horns in all part of tii city. FRANK I McOUIRE will person ally inspect, photograph nd spprals your prop erty without charge. The picture of your house, with full information., will b displayed on the wall of our show roam, which ar crowded with prospectir. buyers. Your house is sold If listed with us. (WE NEED IT TODAT), See Frank L. McOuIre To 811 Your Horn. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. DEKf M A ioftDAN" Hare Clients Want 5 to 7 room modern bungalow hi good district. Com. In and tell us Irbat vra have and give us your prio. W do not sak for exclusive listing. NEE US MONDAY DEKUM A JORDAN, 328-4 Chamber of Oommre. 4th and Start tU Main 2,tg!. WE CAN srll tour 6 -room today. $400, $700 to $2000 cash. U your's is for sale call me, C. M. Dear. COE A, M'KENNA CO., 82 4th ft Main 4622. MT SYSTEM of selling houses get results. It might be to your adrantag to list with me. House selling is my specialty. Tour houa will he giren proper attention. Watch Our Ads. We Get Results, C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE A CO. 20 1-203-20S-207 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED WUI pure has 6-room strictly mod rn bungalow; requirements? double construc tion: cement basement; laundry tray; bullt-ins; fireplace; 1 or mor rooms down: good ttio; prefer 60x100 foot lot: pared street; liens paid; consider any good dtotriot Will pay up to $4000. Real estate stents need not answer. Tabor 2140. RE ATI THIS We hsv client who are in th mrkt to buy Willamette valley farms within 60 mile of Pnetianrl- also small improved aereag near th city, and desirable bouses well located. W can sell quickly. Write or call. ... R M. OATEWOOD CO.. 166 hi 4th st IkfPHOVkn ACREAGE WANTED We bare several people wanting small place ne towns or city with prroll Must hv buildings snd small psyment down. Also buyers for cheap place near Portland. JOHN FEROT'SON . OerUnger Wdg flMBER-EiND WANTED " Bmstl tracts of timber, near road snd net ever 40 mile from Portlsnd; will eoasidsr rough land if the timber is good; must be hsmlled for small psyment down. Will consider high priced acreage close to Portland. If con venient to rock uad. John Ferguson. Grlingt A FEW NICE BUYS In Portlsnd homes, now ready for inspection for those with cssh. Phone Marshall 8824. Our car will call. KIMBALL A LOMBARD. 402 8tockExehsngbldg. WALLOWA OR UNIONJCOUNTT PROPERTY WANTED Good 8 room hou, big lot, to exchange for property in either of abore counties. PYRAMID LAND CO.. 603-4 Titl A Trust bldg. OUR BUSINESS to sailing East Sid property and w are not alow in doing it if price ta reasonable. lAst your bungalows and house and flat and lots and business property with ua. J. J. OEDER CO. 4 Grand are. N. near E. Ankeny. ATTENTION. IBVINGTON OWNERS. List your boos with us for action. W. be lles in this district and get results. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-6-5-7 Board of Trad bldg. DEftlKE to Parch well-located 9 story horn of about 7 room in Lsurelburst. Hose City Park. Alameda or West Mt Tabor, from $7000 to $12,000; will pay hi cash, balance $260 or more per month. K. B. Hyatt, 350 Alder. WOULD like to buy a aplndidly located lot, either 75x100 inside or 60x100 comer, tn Iurelhnrst or Alameda; cash only. ltd ax Brsrfield, P. O. Boa 4. City. . SPOT ' cash and quick deal for bargain ia 6 or 6-room bungalow: improved street BeutiaL Pleas call st 215 Lumbermen bldg. sr pbon. Broadway 421. ask for Hill, WANT to buy a small acre place clove to Portlsnd or near city limits. Must be near carl ins and school. May consider plan, without improvement. l-all Mr. Hutton, Main B1V9 FLATS and apartmerrU wanted, for sal or x change. LONG ESTABLISHED, RELIABLE SERVICE. An K. Hill Co., 218 IUBbsrnsa bldg. MODERN HOME AND ACREAGE WANTED Outside city limits, near atation, sot over 86000, pay cash. Must hsv 3 bedroom, on on first floor, be modern and on auto road, GEO. E. ENGLKUAHT CO.. Main 7266. 624 Henry bldg. WANTED From 5 to 1 whoU ' acr wttiT fruit and email temporary hous. near stoc trio station, with 6 eta. fare. Gir full par ticulars in first letter. 8-62, Journal WANT 6 room hou reasonably close in for 8 room Alberts hou. with either 1 or 2 lot. T-6S. Journal. - WANT lot, sny good district, for 8 pasnger Marion, good condition; see ear izso wraaa are. N. Owner. WANT to buy 40 to 60 room apartment nous: brick bid., and less right away. N. gnt. Woodtowa 6902. i 1 WANT s bargain tn fiwrttonal krt, with ot without hous, soatkv of Montgomery trt, between 6th and 20th ets. H-78 Journal. is Tim nnnvi por sale Then phoo Marshall 8324. W do It quick, phoVph snd ereTTthlng. Open Sundsy. , Wls'T to buy from owner. 3 acres, some 1m- provenenta. near Oregon City ear; tnaat ba reaaortable. Address 1179 E. 16th at N- city. tVfi' HAflE client with csah tor aorrag ! proved or unimproved near city. Call Mala 8429 laterstat Land Co.. 248 Stsrt st . WANTED From evser, saodara 6-rooea tvaxt gal, oa pavd atreet, not over 88600. Mrs. Owens, 466 K. 11th st LTsfTOUR hous for sal or tad with Inter aUte Lsnd Co. Main 6428. 248 Stark st WANT fi room neat cottaa to (2500; (400 Main . - WANT small htm m,.- $38 , eaeh. school. Must be pargain. atarsnau igoa. - eVANftls6 or 7-room hou. om lasiiaC east ssdsv . East 8287, 407 Moctk. BEAT, ESTATE. WAWTKP--.BEAL ESTATE " $f . , WANTED ' . ' ... " . WIST BID ' ' ' ;- PHOPEKTY ' t FOB CASH . W. haw eltonta who ara arTititia ash for well located property do In to but. pass earner, no uss submitting proposiaca uax Was you ar willing to tsak a Uracil vs prioa. 1NS1DB PROPERTY DEALERS GROUND FT AM iB HENRY BLDO. "bCKGaKw "owners" ATTENTION W bar 1( good Ur buyers, mast with 8 cash, tor modern 0 or 6-rm. bunsalow ta Haw thorn or Rot City, from 88250 to $4H0tM must hsv firspl: not an narttoular furnace; most want garag or room for oui wwMifc a& 7n- uavw on, lor aal, call Main 802. W will show It at one. W. do not sak as exclusive listing; all we wast is s fair chanc to ahow you w can sell you plsos quickly. W are a lire bunch: try ua, GEO. T. HOOBE CU, 1007 Yeon bldg. CASH for lot in It C. ParkiUatrlot at sacrC floe price. Tabor .8826. B00MINQ HOrSES, APABTMEXTfl AMD HOTELS FOB SALE (S See Brace Goddard For Genuine Bargains (260 down and $25 per month, 8 rooms, clean and exceptional furniture, pric $050. Lady Is in hurry to gq south, doctor has commanded it hence such easy tarma. Your chance to get start with very lit tle money. 1700 down and (50 per month buys dandy 14- room, nicely furnished apartment houss. Tient $87.50. Cluee in. Makes good money and provide lovely horn beside. $1000 li the price of a fine 12-room well fur. niahed house in Nob Hill district; lovlx yard; first time offend. Term. $1050 on terms buys another 12 room hou seeping room place, elosa to CarlLoa hotel Mousy maker. $1656 for 1 7-room place, clearing $126 pas month snd large apartment besides. Near ly renovated throughout Rant 160. . Larg yard and always full. $1900 burs dandy IS-rnnra aomfortably fne niahed; plac clearing rer $100 per month- This it right Ha hot and eold water in apt. Furoac. m A YERT ELEGANT PLACE 15 rooms furnished in mahogany, elrssaslan wslnut oak and ivory furniture; every room is a surprise; very modern and beautiful. Pric (3200. Ttrma, It's a pippin. TRANSIENT HOTEL SNAPS 16 rooms on on floor 62100. Stm hast fumistled under th rent Brink. tx Portland's best hotel street Clears 3200 per mouth net LA ROE TRANSIENT HfVTRf, 77 rooms, with many baths, best furnished large plaoe of them all. Clearing $800 pr month shove every expense. (12,000 st half cash burs it 88 ROOMS STEADY ROOMERS Modem, s beauty, steam, hot water, hrlek, many bsthi, cheap for (3000. Less. Clears (400 mouth net HERE ABE flOMK EAST SIDE BUYS 42 rooms (2760. half rash. lUat (75. Clear (250 month. 72 rooms on on floor, $2800. 18 rooms, rent g0. Prio $1808. 29 rooms. $23,00, terms. Th. above are pinked from a long Mat ot place as the bast buys obtainable st thto tuns . snd sr exclusively on ssle thronch thto offlua. Don't Forget This When you deal through this office yon get square dwl snd hre no after trouble. THREE AT'TOMOBn.ES AT TOUR SKRYICB J. Bruce Goddard 801-2 COUCH BLDG. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 614-619 SHETLAND BLDO. Marshall 8080. APARTMENT HOUSES ( 1,050 A neat, clean 14 mmn hous of exceptional value. Price include all furniture, piano, sewing machine, port able sarag, etc. Rent 660; 81208 cash handles thto piece. WEST SIDE ( 8,26080 rooms, rlose-ln watt M. loeav tion, net income almost gaoo per month. Some terms. ( 8.60020 apartments. '18 furnished, slactrl range, dlsstipetrlng Mas. A reauy good buy. West side. (18,000 28 apartments. 22 furnished, on fine Washington et, location. Income almost 61200 per month. If you want a real buy, you had better see this. (18,000 On of tit beat west side apartment houses in city, eontslning 87 rooms, Ul rlded Into 25 apartments, 21 of which are elegantly furnished. AH eutsida rooms, no folding or disappearing bal. fine playgrounds for children. 4 gang, etc Some terms. HOTELS 8 2.250 A 6th st. central location of 16 nlrw ly furnished rooms rent $90 per month, includinc Kteam beat. Place carries $2000 Insurance. If ynu hare nlc horn of thto amount you with to trads, com in and tell us about it $ 8,760 A nice brick lwtel of 81 rooms, good west side location, with montldy receipts of about $700. $8000 cash will han dle. Rent $120. $11,000 A hotel that anyone would b. proud to own; (4 rooms, which return a Hat profit of about $700 per month. In the heart rr th west sic noiei uistnot. Rent $826, on 2-year lease. $30,000 118 rooms, central west aid. location. Has lobby, telephone exchange, elevator. Clearing $11100 per month. RESTAURANT WEST SIDB ( 8,800 One of th neatest and busiest place of lw kind. Will tell sll or one-third interest force sod look this over. -( (00 Et side Knap. Thto is s fair plae snd well worth th money PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 814-618 SWETLAND BLDO. Marshall 3989. Owners Take Notice When you get tired having other trying sell you out list It with ,th old rail ah 1. J. BRUCE GODDARD. MAIN 43st Over half all owner now in rooming-heienas in Portland I bar placed. Bargain Hunters Here ft to 1 7 rooms, larg yard, rosea, piss garden and chickens, in heart ot eiiy. Clears $100 nwr month, always full, cheap rnt u sold at one, 3945, easy terms. Peters, 16 K. 6th t Monday's Special 1 rnems. rent 6100. With la. running water aom 'room, worklngmeo' loca tion, libt rooms, clear around 3300 per month, All for 68500, your own term. Paters, 16 M, nth st 1 2 Rooms 1 2 Whit Tempi district, on corner, furn beat, wU furnished, always full, for (1100, asy term. Peters, 18 N. 6th st fl0 Room Bast Vocation in city for renting mora, em eornsr, clean snd nest close to Washington wt, always full, cheap rant, for 1705. tonus, ra ters, 15 N. 5th sL ... fOR SALEToR' TftADB 1 8-room hotel, furn- tobed; water and electri lighta; doing a good business; reason for selling, old ag. Pric $2500. Would trad, for small aereag Of Would tak a good 6-pasengr ear at a reaeonabl prioa. For psrttoulara, addrea G. L Itenline, Culver, Oregon. 22--Rooms22 All on on floor, til halls gnd stairway, vswrt 60. with leas, on worser, eiean and neat, eieer 150 sbov all xpTwa. If sold at etua, $2200, easy terms. Peter. 18 If. 6th st. il-BOOMS, near Auditorium,' low refit, full good tenants; ele., gas, bth, toiltt, 4 roova nnfur. Thi hous can b mad to clear or $100 per very easy. It to s good boo: 8800, half cash. Hedge, 171 W. Pr, 11 ROOMS, elos in wtoTsidsi low rent; all eonveniansas: fair furnltare: big inrorn; , 4769 down. Better Bs thto. Hedgae, 171 W. 12 ROOMS, mod. hooa. nice, sueaa, high grad . fur.; few good boarders; ttevsr sold bsfor: best locality; (1250, part term. Badges. 171 W. Park. li ' lUU'tEKEei'IK'O rooms: ' good" ' fumltur: claani ast -375 per aio. basida larg llv- tnt room and psatry. (27 Silmon at - Ownsr. Terms, - - 10 ROOMS, near eld postoffice, low rant; good tnoome; nios snd eleas; $9T6; on of th. best in th. itr. Hedge. 171 W. park. - FOR SALE 18 housekeepiag rooms. West Sid: insom. 6163: rent (60. PMo (1290. Call owner, Msrshsll 1186; no gent -FURNITURE of 20 rooms, sll' housekeeplnsv' sriaw. lot rwii. , FnerMfaln 8166. no aaatora, 210 18U U WlSfWbmaonibl? modern 1 J to 20 roeat ' , apartxeeat, west side.' All esah for bargain. Call Parker. Broadway 879Q. SMALL wvysaing hous and donhl garage ia eamnactioo. for aal. y (325. ,. Marshall 8784. 66 Market at, : 1 -- - - . ' BYOWNKB. 18 roora, .lose In. cheap rsnt, good laooxna, Fbosvs Esst 7t41