THE .OREGON SUNDAY : JOURNAL, PORTLAND, : SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25,, 1820. 3 If .' I. FLORISTS Lublin er wrs V,: 2! JK3 iS.2 ZtZtS 'ill iUHUS A rORBEl CO.. CorWU, 864 Waal ; latew Msm 269. A-12St. floWtW to AAAKKB BROS., nonet. HorriM let. S-J" ajul Sth PhoM Mate 1199. Flao To. fend fl-OTAl dign. No braneb rrtoraa. Chappell's M w B,SUri Max M. Smith "sr Slower rr . rr. - J tfala ISlft v pot ii mw.,M"iy- i- - - -. FITpTEBAI, DIRECTOR !l Edward Holman & Son Funeral Directors THTRD AND SALMON STB3BT V , ltafa SOT. A-Wli lady Assistant FUNERAL DIRECTORS VAIN t MQWTUOMKHI IT mm F. S. DUNNING, INC. - THB GOLDEN HULK wdewum; 414 E. Alder st. Phone Eet 13. R-5J rtfiURERI CO. "",.' rmmtl Diraetor-. ATI the CownlM of a Horn. A. D. Kenworthy , & Co. 63-6n4 2D IT. B. ft.. LENTS Pbr, Tabor 11217 Horn Phr-, TMI1 Dunning & McEntee 'I Smlwit and Anken eta. Lady Aarlstant itOWNING A MeNEMAR. mmvon to Wilson -A Bom. Mnltoonvah at E 7th.. Irvtngtoa J rrtTict' Et 64, ' WrRIf TKB A FILERS, funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, 1 6tlf and Everett st FvmM ftrwriwav zi nil. niwip. A-ainn Fat 781 D I I arrh Mra T-rch JM i" lUerCEl Assistant 7 TJNDERTAICFwa W 11th' awd Hawthorn R W. OA ALE A CO Rnrreseora to W. H. Hamilton '1 '?!' fJll-an Plwwie Trv 481 S ' MILLER A TRACEY. independent fnnerai rtl- r ivotnn Pn aa low an 620. 840. $60. win--i. I . . iii. , iiiki a. a " wt mm . , -. ti . . ..-,-.... R. T. BYRNES ".MtST Williams WofxThwti 22), J Breeze & Snook TV.W HAuroa UNDERTAKING CO Msln41R2 JAeWeS.2.21 rw Third snd A. R. Zeller Co. yffi.H3H BtOirUMEKTS It lA?.tgO ST AT MADHOH Sportland Marble J-Works ",f 1B th t tm. ffty-WaB. '6TTO SCHCMASX Granite and marblo worka, i Kat 8d and plna. Ea.t 748. ; LOST ATS P rOTTSIK' 1 LEFT on tha Albrta car Wtdnarfay aftarnoon. a juit box containing bhie 'aerg dre and noda. Tha womaan neen learing the ear at Eat 28d atreat North with aama pleaae phona Eart .. iiOaa. Reward. . E3T Pocketheok oonUlnlng 110 gold piece and 81 correner: name Albert E. Bother In lde; new addreia. 248 'V Adama at, Portland. r i??1!?" ' LOST Black hand trawling bag marked 3. 3. . Bell ui hotel and Portland Surgical boapjUL Ho ward. Call West. Main 47. LOST On th WaTerly-Woodstoek car Una at llolaat aUtion, one ladjr'a blue aerge aklrt 1 fnml Mil Tabor 1076 or Ifala 2009. Llb- f aral reward. ' " i 2 SMALL HANDBAG with currency ,nd , - mall puraa loat between iamnui an. Pleaae return to 414 Fourth at. Mara hall 442. apt. 28. Reward. i LOST Black leather puraa containing goW - ware, engr-ved "B. I..." gold pencil, ring and calling carda. Pleaae lear at IrrlngtoB phar macy Or r. i'U I II 1 . .LOST At Columbia Qieatre, taupe ink um brella 'in caae. white Wory handle and tip, amber ring: priaed aa gift; reward. Wdln. 2024. LOST Or atolen. from Kelley Butte. 3 year old jeney neiier wiui owtiqt umv wo 'collar; reward. labor 4208. LOST . . n- Li .... TT B .aitit.rimn nrn brella with crook handle. Main 6947. Reward. 'LOST Sunday, gold necklace with nugget; re ward. PhoneWoodlawn 3831. etenlrtga. jJST InMontaTllU. Eaatern Star pin. Tabor i X"TAN"ANGORA at. ebilda pat Phona Eaat 0U84. Kewara. I.OST 2-monthi"oTd red pig. from Buellne and imfivw mw. - -" ,E6Sf8ilTer Peraian cat, in ricinlty of Eelly at. Reward. Bellwood 886. , KRTT who took bint from Glen Gourt apt ta . . u A ki. 1 - KivH HELP WANTEIX MALB I V'ANTED . Work for inob ei-aoldier and 11 V- i ItAltnl Allt nf AVtl- sailors wiiu iw ,.... - ' filnyment Join the morement among employ ra to readjust your payroll and make room 'lor on or more of theae men who fought your fcattlea and theira whoee record, are under . written by the American Legin. WriU, phone " fir call upon captain lodtiu, Luoerijr VI 4n mil jlXBPER MONTH th year around, th averag arninia laat year of a number of our aaleamen tar' 45 yean. Tiiu year wui oe uim niim i . . MuWta ainnM utflt furniahed. Big aaaortmtnt guraatd tree. hrubbery and Tinea. Xou can ao wuai oiuer u inertenced men hare don. Waanington .iiur- . 4.7t5 tt . V tr . muhIhb fn aeyeral men who de nn xv , m - atr to enter the Insurance buuneea: good eomnenaatlon, chance for rapid adTanceinent LIFE. ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance. .OoddenUl Ufa Iniuranc Co.. 408 Northweatr rn Bank blug.. poruana. ur. , 356 paying about 1223 a month for man who . . - i 4,... In 1 WM wiirk At Will OUT J"" "" "".' " - . i. . V, will km 1-tnn tmrl $350 required. Another at 1 18 a day, hauling wood: 8700 required as part payment on truck. Call Nahl. Main 2892., ttVirT-ENGrNEEH Must be college graduate; to superriae general construction work. Sal try' 11800 Ui Mart, with exceptional opportunJ tiea for adrancement with large corporation. Address T-470. Journal. AXTED 8 woodcutters, pay fir $2.25, oak 8"' 50. Take Vaneourer car to Columbia fcWd..' go on block north. Call Sunday a. m. louaer. ; fcXPEBIENCED fur cutter wanted; food opn ina for the right man. Glre referencea and aalary earxmted. K. W. Drew. 11th and .Broad- i -way. Tacoma, Wash. ' HANTED-Tailora. preaaera and operators on coat, test and pants. W pay thetery best waies. Steady work? Ray Barkhurst the Tailor, orner Otn ana nan. I'ANTKD Three stesdy, capable young men; prefer discharged soiaitrs or ssuore. em W. permanent position. Apply only Sunday. 12 to , 2 p m.Bjm803sttJIJldg:iJ7Parkj.t WANTED Cashier and credit man. Prefer man with experience in handling Implements and hardware credits; give age, references, expen- ence and salary desired. E-164, Journal. " WANTED AT ONCE. 2 MEN TO LEARN AVTO REPAIRING AND GASOLINE ENGINEERING. CALL MON DAY AT 482 HAWTHORNE AVE. "WANTED Reliable eldetly man for chores on wheat ranch; excellent home year around; email wages. T. H. rraser,Moro, Or. , WANTED Elderly man to do chorea, orchard work and garden; small wages; good home. Addtsa E. G. Morgan, Morgan. Of. tlHCULATION MEN Best preposition in years. . Portland's best daily. Apply 415 Stock Ex change bldg. . &EW89APER solicitors, best Portland dally; 32 each subscription. Apply 415 Stock Ex- ; change oiag. ""Till nU TTT. VTTtTi N ' . Strike still' on in Portland. I.lKALNO. 74 ffANT to let contrast tsP move 6 room house about 1 0 blocks, also excavate foe basement -WANTED Men to handle hominy and aorst- radish. First quality goods and good pay. $27 Division st. Sell. B21. WANT man with large truck for wood hauling ; give phone number. N-178, Journal WANTED First class auto painter; no other need apply. 164 Unin gve.- WANTED The ex-seldler selling the income tax ledger to call at 245 H Abler at Main 1092. WANTED A dyer - ann" eleaner,. good ' C S. tatandry Co.. 180 Grand ave. W'O" to bach and clear land. L-471, . Journal. ,ACTO mechanic Apply 262 Hawthorne, Eaat 4H: WATCH MAKERS 2 1st' class, $50 -pet week. Union shup O-870. Journal. ." i WHEN you ud kelp call Bdwy. 2388. , , 4 " NOTICE, ATTTO BTTTDENTSJ THB ArxviT arunnT. nvicivirrn ttts rEEE TEIAL OFFER. A thorough Jjirestig tioBwttl satisfy you that geboolt trying to IMI TATE Ot'B METHODS hare . Bocbing but a WEAK SUBSTITUTE TO OFFER. Hn B HOW WE PROVE IT fvonw nana lour weeaa pay not a cent in ad rlnc. If you are then satisfied that our train ing is th superior of any other Pacific North wast Sato school,- pay -your tuition, -if you are not satisfied that our school wxcel. we will pay you for every hour you hay attended class. This is the most startling offer any auto school ever mad.. There is no red tape to it we gladly will pat it In writing. Wt are willing to de pend entirely open your honesty and good Judg- swni uniy aliterent, unquestionably supe rior school could msk such aa offer. If our training am Just .the ordinary, kind, thia offer would b suicidal But w know where we stand know that the quality of our training will win yon if titan trial. W will make you an offer that yon cannot afford to turn down. The details of this unusual offer and full particulars of the remarkable Adcox course are found in a large, impressive book which has just lately eome from the press. Those who hare seen it pro nounce it the moat finished work of its kind ever published. Tells why automobile schools ara different why Adcox graduates are success ful -tails you how to Judge sn automobile school what counts and what is sham. It will make you a friend of th Adcox school the moment you start to read it It costs us 65c. bnt w will send it to yon, absolutely free for the asking. uau In person at the school or send us your name and address and your copy will coma through by return mail. OHtGON EX-SERVICE HEN No tuition fee expeiues to you you are al lowed 125 per month from state educational fond while attending school. School open for inspection (ram 10 to 12 a. m. daily. A I. TO AMU TBAUTOB SCHOOL. Union Ave. and Waaoo St TCLCANIZINO AND RETREADINO LEARN TO REPAIR. REBUILD AND RETREAD ALL KINDS OF TLUK8 AND TUBES. EXPERT INSTRUCTION ON COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT. THE STATE ALLOWS EX-SERVICE MEN $26 PEH MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OUR SCHOOL. DAT AND EVENING CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. Inc. 482 HAWTHORNE AVE. DEPT V. TOT SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOO" HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. Typewriting, comptometer. bookkeing and all ether modern business courses. Day and nigbl sanool, Aliaky bldg., Sd and Morrison. Main 824, NOTICE Do you want to learn the auto and tractor Dimness where you can work on all makes of automobiles, gss engines and tractors T It o, make application immediately. Special $50.00 discount until Feb. 1. Call or write for tree catalogue and information. HEMPHILL'S AUTO SCHOOLS, INC.. 707 Hawthorne ate. ur 124 N. th at, Portland, Oregon. Salesmen- Wanted Also free literature on' modem scientific salesmanship, the system that will make you ef ficient 610 American Bank bldg.. Seattle, Wash. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERT GRADUATE OF BEI1N EE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog. Learn telegraph! Toang men and women wanted. Call 4 $4 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profusion. Free booklst Railway Telegraph Institute. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, bookkeeping. stenography, cirll service, secretarial, special courses. Expert teachers; day and night; en roll now. Broadway C083. WOMEN. 18 up, wanted. $100 month. Gov ernment office positions. List free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept 702A, Rochenter, N. T. , , MISS MATTINGLY'S SHORTHAND Typewriting schoqL day and evening sessions. 260 14th near Jefferson st Main 8893. $6 a month. STEEN 8EW1NO SCHOOL Bleek s aystetm of ladies' tailoring and dressmaking taught; pat terns cot to measure. Phone East 2359. B-3307 lo2 Grand ave. near Belmont MEN wanted for defective work. Write J. Ganor. former government detective, Dan ville, 111. EAST SIDE COMMERICAL SCHOOL Miss Regina Bucket's priests school; indlvtd aal Instruction. 18SH Grand ave, Eaat 487. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, former Antt State Snpt, mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 8276. GOING East or South 1 Household goods shipped at reduced rates; movin, sad packing Parifie Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 70S. FIREMEN, brakemen. 8175 822.1 monthly. expedience unnecessary. Write Railway Av relation. PX-642. Journal. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Aliaky bldg.. Sd and Morrison. W E. Richardson, see. Mstn S77. HELP WANTED FEMALE THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KING 8T0RE re quires the services of spprentice girla for of fice work. Apply superintendent's office, 8:30 to 10:30 a. m. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. require the aervices of two thoroughly expe rienced saleswomen for cut glass, china and lamp department WANTED Man and wife for janitor work In exchange for unfurnished heated 8 rooms and bath apartment, lights and phone and some money; good proposition for a wife who is not afraid to work ; man can have employment out side; no children. Phone Monday morning. East 8588. STENOGRAPHERS Man high-class positions open for stenogra phers with knowledge of The Dictaphone; in struction given free of charge. Apply The Dicta plinne. 420 Spalding bldg. A WOMAN between 25 and 35, German or Bwediah preferred, and who can help to take care of sick lady. Take Mt. Scott car to Tre mont, 6615 B8th are. 8. E. Nice home, good wages. . WANTED By a church, stenographer with suf ficient knowledge of bookkeeping to keep a simple set of books. Should be interested in church work. Give references, experience, salary expected and church membership. V-88, Journal. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman "for general house worfk ; ples&nt surroundings ; work is light: good wages for right psrty. Tele phone East 5742 or write 6H1 E. 17th N. EXPERIENCED bag sewers. ' North First st Apply factory, 84 WANTED Laundress, experienced, for full time ra private family; $30 a month with room and board; increase in wages as ability is proved. Telephone Main 162. WANTED Finishers and buttonhole makers Ton ooata, vests and pants. . We pay the very beat wages. Steady work. Ray Barkhurst tfie Tailor, corner Sixth and Stark. WANTED-"-Five bright, capable Isdies to travel. demonstrate and sell dealers: $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare paid. Write at once. Good rich Drug Co.. Dept 825. Omaha. Neb. WANTED First-class makers and trimmers for out-o'-town and city positions. Apply imme diately Mnller A Rsss Co., Roys bldg. WANTED School girl to stay with children . from 8 SO to 2 Saturdays, Call 264 E. 46th st Hawthorne car. WOMAN for a few hours' housework twice a week. Celt Sunday p. ra. or evenings after 5; 792 E. 34th at W. 8. car. WANTED Woman for housework Call Bdwy". 5099.. 12TH 12th st, bet Wash, and Alder st. NEWSPAPER solicitors, best Portland daily; $2 each subscription. Apply 415 Stock Exchange bldg. , SOLICTTORS for beet proposition in years; Port land's best daily newspaper. Apply 415 Stock Exchange bldg. - WAN TED Capable woman to care for TI months' old baby In her own home. Mrs. Hoyes. 851 Portland hotel. WANTED School girl housework for room. Tabor 4106. to assist -with light board, small wages. LADY for general housework, 2 adulta. 1 child; good home and wages; state experience. B-496. Journal Tel. East 8798. OFFICE clerk wanted: good penman preferred; name salary expected. N-636. Journal. tOUNG girl or grammar school girl ta assist with housework. Tabor 2026. GIRL for light ' housework; 7090. . 334 Jackson st good -bom. Main WANTED- Housekeeper, no objection to one child. Inquire 497 W. Park st HIGH school girl wanted to assist with house work. Woodlawn 6176. GIRLS WANTED To learn nursing." Oregon City hospital, Oregon utty, or. GIR1. wanted for general housework. Phone Broadway 8092. Sunday East 2250. - EXPERIENCED hairdresser and ' manicurist, ... JUpman. t Wolf aV .Oax, meceanin floor.: HELP VfAHTED MISC. HELP WANTED FEM ALB Telephone Operating For Young Women Additional telephone operators are needed due to tnrrnaalnar woniamamattta Af ' tlu service. A good salary at the atart ' Regular and frequent inc reuse Excellent opportunities for proinotioav Large, cheerful operating Attractive recreauoa rooms, served at coat with Apply at Telephone Co.. Room 601, 6th floor. Telephone bldg. Park and Oak eta. THE OLDS. WOHTMAN A KING STORE r uuiras the aervicea of a thoroughly experi enced operator for Burroughs non-listing machine. Apply superintendent's olfice, 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. HELP WANT ll MALE AND FEMALE It MIDDLE sged couple to care for man partly paralyzed and 4 acres under cultivation; cow, hone md chickens. W. P. Heisey. Durham iU., Oregon Electric Railway, 2d house right aide of road going west MOLES BARBER COLLEGE Pays yon while learning; gives you set of tools; position secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Bumstde st. or phone Broadway 1781. WANTED Good bookkeeper for automobile business in live Southern Oregon town. An swer in own handwriting, giving age. experi ence, salary expected. M-441, Journal. WRITE photoplays; 125-1800 paid anyone for suitable ideas. Experience unnecessary: com plete outline free. Producers' league. 407 St Ixui. MEN. WOMEN learn barber trade; wagea while learning, position guaranteed. Mgr 22 yrs. experience. Oregon Berber College. 238 Madison PORTLAND Barber college pay you while learning, gives you sst of tools free; position secured. 88 N. 2d ft WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted in Oregon, Washington and Idaho to sell Scott Elecators. the instrument that takes the guess out of motor trouble and puts pleasure into motoring; a thief proof lock and a guaranteed article. A good distributing proposition to the right parties. Ask for Good win, room 204 New Houston hotel. COCNTT agents to sell "Sexometer." instru ment that will tell the sex of anything alive rhicks. birds, pigeons, rabbits, goldfish, plants, bulbs, etc Will tell if eggs are fertile and what sex they will hatch. Hood River Poultry Yards, Hood River. Or., state distributors, lock box 185. AG ENTS $3.50 an hour selling New Kero Gas Burner. Mskes its own gas from ordi nary kerosene. Cheapest fuel known. Fits any tor Big money for spare time. Sample free. Thomas Burner Co., 1388 Gage at, Day ton. Ohio. AGENTS Marvelous new discovery. Savea automobile users hundreds of dollars, Caro line 2c gallon. Jtoney-back guarantee, $7.57 hourly easily made. Write for particulars. De partment 11. Federal Chemical Works, 20 W. Jackson, Chicago. - $50'i MONTHLY selling new patented fuel vaporizer, guaranteed to ssve up to 50 per cent gasoline; 40 miles per gaL made with Ford. Sold on money-hack guarantee. One sample free. Stransky Vaporizer Co., Pukwana, S. D. AGENTS MAKING $200 WEEKLY Everyone wants it . Formulas for 200 home made bev erages, book farm. Send $1 for copy and ter ritory proposition. Buyers' Export Agency. Inc., 447 Bionme t. New York. BIG earnings easy; 5 startling inventions; quick selling auto accessories; fell to owners, leader, agent. Establish your on business; exclusive territory. Write quick. Jubilee Mfg. Co., 6164 Station C. Omaha. Nejk AGENTS New guaranteed hosiery proposition for men. women, children. Must wear 12 months or replaced free, $3 an hour for spare time. Steady work. Sample free. Newstyle Hosiery Co.. 5121 Ames st. Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS 400 per cent more light for Fords. Light one or both, bright or dim. Sells on demonstration. 150 per cent profit O. Frasch, 1516 Fifth ave.. Seattle. Wash. AGENTS Wonderful seller, 96e profit every dollar sale. License unnecessary. No atock to carry. Sample free. Mission Rosebead Co., 2819 W. Pico, Los Angeles, CaL AGENTS Reversible 2 In 1 raincoat and over coat. New, never on market before. Credit given. Outfit free. Milton Raincoat Co., 4621 Mar - st, Dayton, Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED 8 WANTE1 Sideline salesman to sell a neces sary sutomobile accessory in the state of Oregi.i. which will net you large commission; also will cive exclusive state to lire wire. Call East 4A42. today. SALESMAN Experienced salesman to sell elec tric motors, generators and other machinery; well known established line; city territory. Pre fer technical man. Give references, experi ence and salary expected. Y-90, Journal. SALESMAN For-" city territory, to sell ma chlnery and specialties; high grade, well known tine. Prefer man with established trade. Give references, experience and aalary expected. F-53. JoumaL SALESMEN Can make $3 a day selling our Calendars, Fans. Pencils. Blotters, 8 1 en and Fly Swatters, Liberal terms; sells entire year; fine sidelines; local and traveling agencies. Model Calendar Co.. DepSJJouth Bend, Ind. AUTOMOBILE salesman wanted on a new ear proposition. A good 'opportunity for the right man. One with experience preferred. State full particulars in answering. Y-89, Journal. TWO honest, intelligent, ambitious salesmen, who would appreciate a genuine opportunity, r ,.nin, f.aetnatins rmsinea ranid hirrw 1IC 1 ,11. V'Hl V , ir.n,uwrr. ....... , r". W" motion to right men. 11 after 10 a. m 1109 Spauiainn Dia. air. nuwr. SFECIALTY SALESMEN ! W nunufactuPB IpMsavI aisAaaeApiaw whir!. iTiTFaTJa. aftVatrV HsWlllgT Mad owner on iht. You e-vn m$tk 1 1 50 wtely. Motor croaucui . iijuiiitwia, mu. ESTABLISHED concern winti a good, life wire i . Miter tr -TrktJTri ts rritiirr BsaVItTS II U ritri - " " ' State ge. references and txperiee. Answers treecea cxjuiiueniiii j. o-wo, ri . SITUATIONS MALE AT YOUR SERVICE Man with 1 H -ton truck would like to con nect with business house where truck and driver are needed; $350 per month. Wdln. 3831. I WANT to learn the livestock btisinesa; hare been to high school and am willing to work. Call Wdln. 814. or 1178 Commercial, Donald Bocsv.i. CARPENTERING, paperhanging, kalsominlng. all kinds of repair work, $5 a day or con tract 837 K. 11th st WANTED Inside work of any kind; wages no . . . i i AnMi.. ... sa ODeCl, OJ uutuu in,,. awinrau, . V ww. Seliwood BOO WANTED By man. with family, position as farmi-r: must have horse and garden. Oregon . - . , V A . T 1 or camornia. x-es, iwuiutu HOUSES and garage to build; cement work; prices reasonable; first-chug work. Phon Seliwood 3758. EXPERIENCED tractor driver wants work; Eastern Oregon or Washington preferred. Write Walter Knight. Dufnr. Or. xOUNG man experienced in all phase of fac tory accounting, desires position vfiih mami fsctnrlng concern. C-48S. Journal HAVE got Sty -ton truck; would like to get any kind of hauling or contract can oeiiwooa 1882. Mr. James. MARRIED man, experienced, want position aa foreman on ranch or orchard; references. Ad drees box 690. Medford. Or. EXPERIENCED concrete men want position aa foreman: 12 years' experience. D-672. Journal. YOUNG man. Just finished high school, me chanic lit Inclined, wanta situation. Phone Seliwood 8758. 8HINGLERS When you want ahingllng do as call Woodlawn 6206. AN elderly man wanta light Inside work at fair nay. Main oofi. SHINGLE R WHEN TOU NEED A 8HINGLEB OLD. man wanta night work, cleaning up jgt firing boiler. r-oa. journal. - PAIN TING, papr hangincl tinting. Seliwood 866. 860 Is, st. Main 4844. HOU8E RAISING- and basements enlarged, " .reasonable, Phona Marshall 1882, evenings, SITUATIONSSTALE plain talk to patriotic employer. I the interest of patriots im particular and the snoMsnio situation la Orvvesi in sjeswrmt A total of 664 x-oidiers and sailors who are oat of employment wen registered whan th boogj closed last night - ' AT LLBERTT TEMP LB The anew, aa wvaryociei knows, anhatad in th areat war and served tajthlully. CKmiaawosnuy. exrificinaly. to -the end. to give all If need be, for you and humanity, for freedom ami democracy. Are we going to take ear of them 7 Are ww going to stand pat In th self -complacent attitude that "nay payroll la fuTL ( am carry ing aU on my payroll that it will stand. I can do no more"! Phone Captain Convill. Main Sit. and he wi take prompt and intelligent action in the matter of securing "the right man for the right place." The classifies tinns and the number in each, who are now seeking employment are a fol lows: Machinists 27. machinists helpers 22, boiler makers 12, boilermaier helper 1, electricians 16, electricians helper 3. clerical (general of fice) 84. clerks (merchandise) IB, clerks (grocery) 10, clerks (hardware) S, truck driv ers 42, fanners 23, laborer 134, mill workers 20. rodmen and levelmen 3, auto mechanics 32, garage helpers 6, civil engineers 3, plumbers 3, plumbers helpers 2, .kitchen work 6. riveters 2, salesman 26, teamsters 11, wood workers 25, cooks 11, baker 8. bakers helper 1. butcher 2, warehousemen 8, ear repair man 1. storage battery repair man 2, fireman 20, pipe fitters 6, ship fitters 4. pipe fitter helper 1, railroad construettnn foreman 2, moulders 1, painters 13. moulders helper 1. gss engineers 9. brake men 4, chauffeur 8. carpenters 20. railroad fire man 8. structural iron workers 3, structural steel workers 1, shoe repair man 2, laundry workers 1, engineer (steam) 12, timekeeper. 1, hospital orderly J, watchman 1, accountant 2, typist 2, car inspector 1, man with auto truck 1, bookkeepers 5. radio operators 2. blacksmith helpers '4, electrical engineers 2. acetylene burn ers 4, vulcanize r 1, crane operator 2. chemist 1, sheet metal worker 2, printer 2, waiter 1, ele vator man , raw tiler 3. candy maker 1. EXPERIENCED orchard man desires position aa manager, best references. Call or write. J. H. Stevens, 631 Marshall at. Portland, Or. rcone Broadway IS 84 Accountant credit manager. arstemstizer, has spare time to devote to a eat of books. Reasonable. X-4 76, Journal SITUATIONS FEMALE NEAT intelligent refined, educated middle aged woman. - accomplished cook, economical buyer, capable taking full charge culinary de partment boarding house, maternity home, sorority house, etc.. seeks position ; best refer ences. Seliwood 789. or write 600 East 30th street GOOD BUSINESS woman, experienced in hotel work, wants charge of an apartment house, either salary or commission ; must be an alt right proposition ; can keep books and make reports. Can furnish bond. FX-56, Journal. WANTED By Franklin High School girl, a place to help with housework and care of children on Saturday. Call or write 2518 49th st. 8. E. RELIABLE woman would like to come and caru for children a few hours afternoons or evening. Tabor 144 5. LADY with some experience in sewing wishe to sew for a dressmaker as apprentice.. 484 Claremont ave. GIRL hard to get? Kitchen expert will take tho work out of housework; built-in features. wooaiswn 03n HIGH SCHOQL student wishes room and board with family in vicinity of Franklin. State price. n un, journal. experience, desire position; best of references. 8ellwood 1020. LACE scrim. Marquisette curtains hand laun- M-reu vj rijiens. cast U1HU. WANTED By widow, position as waitress in . m n fit at 17" 1 O A W 1A&29S0E "' "nU fight hous"ork- Phone BRES8MAKINO 4$ WANTED Dressmaker, first class cutter and fitter, to take partnership in dressmaking at C.17 Gantenbein ave; will funush room. Wdln. HIGH class dressmaking, atreet dresses, house aprons, etc; reasonable rates. Mrs. Kelly East 7307. " T' ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladies' gannenta, reasonable prices; work guaranteed J. Reubtn. Ladies' Tailor. 40A Rush A tn. hM DRESSMAKING done, work guaranteed. Call either phone 219-23. PLAIN sewing, men's shirts a apecialty. Mar. 4059 Pbone DRESSMAKING and plain sewing; alT guaranteed. East 7128. work DRESSMAKING. aD kinds, reasonable price, work guaranteed. Call Woodlawn 5354. RELIABLE drew, main n Phone East 7988, NURSES HOSPITAL OR RANrTARTTTX Wanted Competent nurse, in town of 1500 37 miles from Portland. Buildings sll modern. Investigate this opportunity direct with owner. Box 67. Sheridan. Ore. FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED front room for rent close in sis" close to boarding house. 211 Clacksmss. NICELY, furnished front room, suitable-for-one or two gentlemen, $12 and $14. Eaat 1176. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 79 NICELY furnished la nee front room, suitable for two; also furnished single room for one 2.iw furnace heat, d ir&bl- location close in. . . ..... 'm t rj. uilO UOJO URnF rer,n mm. .. i I.. lT V JT Z 1 1 .-. , , luiuMieu wiut piano. electric lights, furnace heat use of bsth nd phone; reasonable rent; suitable for two 6bl Wash. at., cor. of Ella st TWO beautifully furnished rooms, living room and bedroom; hardwood floora and niano Broadway 41:51. CLEAN, pleasant rooraj for gentleman; modern conveniences, referencea; west side; walking distance. Hours 9 to 3. Phone Main 7313 ROOM overlooking city, with quiet family, near Westover Terrace. References required Main 8563. NICELY furniahed sleeping room, all modern conveniences, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. tirririwru. r HUH. bt!b O IS 1 ONE room, furnished or unfurnished water light and phone. 8S9 Hawthorne ave. East 8468. FURNISHED room for gentleman ' only 3d st 444 LARGE third floor roam with alcove. 1 9th at 164 N. UFA TED, furnished room. 1 or 2 gentlemen. "i ii in s. Marsaau 4W1. DOUBLE room for 2 employed, reasonable; piano. Main 3901. 829 Broadway. ROOMS AND BOARD It THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 10th. for business girls and "Student. Marshall 1251 ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 72 FURNISHED front room and board for man and wife employed, or 2 school teachers, near Shaver. Thompson and Albina Homestead school. P-6S0 Journal. YOUNG lady employed, good character, to board in modem flat; share room with daughter: of good family: referencea exchanged. Pbone East 8820. WOULD like to board two school girls or boys. Nice home, motherly care, near Couch school. Pbone Marshall 824. YOUNG lady employed wishes home in private family; C. S. preferred; reference exchanged. Wdln. 2673. FURNISHED modem room. 7th. East SS3. 440 E. Clay, cor. CHILDREN TO BOARD Mother's care: ref erences given. 1003 Corbett st. Mar. 8883. TWO GIRLS employed, to share room and board; home privileges. Main 192CL, LADY employed wishing room and board; nice home. Call Tabor 4 370. CHILDREN to board and care for. Wdln. 72. WANTED ROOMS A5D BOARD t WANTED Room and board, mother and child, 2 years old; mother employed during day. 1005 Clinton st LADY with income desires room and board. Mt. Scott district Tabor 1068. WANTED Home for 2 boys. 8 and 8. 6911 43d ave.. Mt Scott car. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooma and apartment, steam heat, telephone, rent very reasonable; single rooms for bachelor. Bread way 1546, 19th and Upshur sts. $4 WEEK CP Completely furnished housekeep ing suites, absolutely clean, every, convenience ; save carfare. The t aoiuse, a, near Je'ferson SOME good housekeeping rooma.. furnished, rea sonable. free light and phone. 228 ty Pine St. Phone Bdwy. 8794. 2 TO 4 H. E. rooms, electricity, ft, phone, bath. 834 E. 3d st. cor. Mill. FOR RENT Furniahed housekeeping 1410 E. Hoyt st Tabor 4937. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma for rent 334 Hall at. cor. Broadway. . 2 SINGLE light housekeeping rooms in South Portland. Main 1879. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms $2.75 week. SitMW, wnite Mouse room. ONE furnished housekeeping room. $14; ground floor, everything free. 415 4th st HOUSEKEEPING apt, working people or bach elors; cheap rent and close la, 98 Knott. ' HOrSEXX'CPTBTO ROOMS -FaTBSliaHED 'AND ITHFVRSUHX1 PaUTATB PAMILT 1. kitchenette and porch. Madera coavenienosm. Portland Heights district or walk up Marks at W- n a . . .nr.. w no. out. saaiB waoi. LARGE front upstair housekeeping room and kttcheneta and porch, ssvoderB eoavenience. Portland Height district or walk ap Maikat at to No. 604. Main 6841. 22 TWO large, light, furnished housekeeping rooms, $42 E. 27th st, Richmond ear to ZTth, one block south. TWO clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, fre phone, bath, light water. 821 Kelly at Max. 3236. Adult only. ' FOR RENT 2 furniahed housekeeping rooms, ground floor. Half block south Hawthorne ear; 815 month: adulta. 291 E 4 9th at ONE large room in lovely home, housekeeping . r . , i . . , i wr auaprpin, emptoyvu same latosasi. garage. East 2548. FURNISHED H. K. room, good locality. walking distance, rent includes gas range. light. heat, water and phone. East "4919. S HOUSEKEEPING rooms, mod. conveniences, rent cheap; take N. S Portland car to end. turn to right 1 block, across st 1093 Water st $23 TWO large, light sunny, furnished house keeping room, gas and water. 875 Hawthorne. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, no children, 333 Sacramento between Union and Will isms. FOR RENT 2 single housekeeping rooms. 446 Taylor at 2 LARGE furniahed housekeeping rooma. 171 North 17th st TWO and three room housekeeping rooms, pri vate home. 606 Front at. near Sherman. f'UEMSiiED housekeeping rooms; walking dis tance. 44 E. 7th 8.. near Oak. LARGE H. K. room, hot and cold water. (3 wee. 805 H 3d st 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, near carline. Phone Woodlawn 6830. FOB RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED IS MEIER A FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, up to date lists of desirsble vscant bouses, apartments and flats with definite infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland wOl find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR LAI RELHURST HOME $00 7 ROOMS, FURNACE, ETC. WILL LEASE FOR 6 MONTHS NO PHONE INFORMATION SMITH WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 5 ROOM plastered bungalow, completely fur nished, good garage. acre of ground, 1 block outside of the city limits. This is a splendid little home, rent $25. Fred W. 'Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. TO LEASE Beautiful 9 room residence, comer E. 9th and Wasco: oak floors up and down, laiae living room, billiard room with table, H block, garden and roses; rent $123; open Sun day 2 to 4 p. m. Phone East 3226. THREE extra large rooms, $15; will furnish. $23; garage. $5; chicken house, $1.50. Ap ply owner. 89th and E. Stark. Mt Tabor car to end. j4 blocks north, 1 east 6 ROOM CLINTON8TREET HOUSE $33 MODERN, ON CARLINE NO PHONE INFORMATION SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH, FOR RENT 2 room house, city wsterand gas, lot 100x100. lots of fruit: 6 blocks to car. $7.50 a month, including water. Call at $420 64th ave. 8. E. W. S. car. WHEN YOU MOVE. USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT 8ERVIC 10th end Washington. Brosdwsy 880 TO LEASE A modern house, unfurnished or partly furnished. Hawthorne dist, close in. Call 966 E. Grant, Sunday. 6 ROOM modem bouse, 1184 Schiller st ; block from Woodstock car; $16, water paid. W. F. Gray. Tabor 9322. 4 ROOM house for rent with 100x100 garden spot. Tsbor 138. HOUSES FOR BENT FURNITURE FOB SALE St COMPLETE furniture of a 5 room house for sale, house for rent; walking distance. 190 Halsey. Can be seen Sunday between 10 and 4 o'clock. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, $10.50; furni ture for sale, $35. Call and see it at 404 East Hoyt st bet. Grand ave. and E. 6th st Rent paid until Feb. 1. Party leaving town. FURNITURE of 4 rooma for sale, house for rent Wdln. 4884. . FURNISHED HOUSES 3$ 6 RO"M modem house for rent furnished, 1112 E. Wsslungtoa st. near 37th. Phone Tabor 1432. FOR RENT Five room furnlhed house. Apply 1502 E. 8th st N. Woodlawn car. Even ing, pbone Tabor 6650. FIVE room furnished houe. water, garbage re moved, east side, 147 E. Webster, Mississippi car. $40; sdnlts. Woodlawn 3682. 6 ROOM flat for rent, furniture and double garage for sale, $325, complete. Marshall 7784. 566 Market st Lower flat FURNISHED cottage, 2 rooms, gas, sleeping porch; Vancouver car, Bridgeton station. Main 7056. S. P. R. R. shops, 5 rooms, well furnished, $35. East 8225 FOR RENT Completely furnished and strictly modem 6' room house. Seliwood 2667. FOR RENT 6 room house, partly furnished, ty blick from 3 factories. Call Main 74 7. FURNISHED FLATS 4 FLAT for rent, modern 5 room flat, with bath room, furnace, both gas and electric fixtures very light, on the carline, at $25 per month, at 851 Halsey at Phone East 728 and Mar shall 867. ON OR before Feb. 10, 4 room modern flat $18.60, with elect light and water, to parties buying range, linoleum, rug and heater. 913 V, Williams ave. FURNITURE all new, flat for rent; must be old at once; dswe in, near E. Broadway. Main 6882 before rToon, Main 6456 weekdays. TWO room furnished flat $15; alo one 3 room. $25. 706 Vancouver ave Wd'n 1953 4-ROOM lower flat furnished. 226 Cook. cor. Gantenbein. FLATS TO REST, UNFURNISHED IS 6-ROOM IRVINGTON FLAT $40 Either upper or lower. NO PHONE INFORMATION SMITH WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. 4 ROOMS, bath, carpet pantry, hot and cold water, walking distance. $15. Mar. 2731. APARTMEWT8 FOB RE"NT 4$ FURNISHED, cozy, well located 2 rooms, $17; 3 rooms. $20; with beat, light gas. $5 more. 690 E. 10th st, or see Roland. O-W-K. store. APARTMENTS Dandy 8 r.. modem; also 3 unfurnished, or will furnish reasonable. 6 Cook ave. 3 LARGE light rooms on corner, furnished com plete for housekeeping. 261 Broadway. FURNISHED 4 room flat Call Broadway 4359. Mrs. McEnry. WANTED TO RFWT WE have hundred! or clients de irini2 to n-i.t. The efficiency of "The McGuire 8y9tem" of property management will save you money. FRANK U McGUIRE. Abtngton bldg. Main 1068. WANTED About Feb. 1, furnished or un furnished 4 or 5 room bouse or flat with garage, preferably near Union ave. Address R. W., 1385 E. 9th st N. GENTLEMAN wants suite of rooms consisting of living room, bedroom and bath, also garage privileges. Must be modem in every way. , State full particulars m snswering. S-67, Journal. WANTED TO RENT A 5-room bungalow, fur nished or unfurnished, with all modem con veniences. State rent and full particulars. 8-66, Journal. I WANT to rent 8 or 4 unfurnished rooms, or a small house, not over $15 per month. T-4", JoumaL WAN TED To rent 4 or 5 room furnished bouse; Seliwood preferred. Auto. 218-86: WANTED By 2 ladies employed, apt first of month. Tabor 1901. WANTED A 4 or 5-room unfurnished heated flat Pbone Main 6447. REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY T-4 7 6. FINE LOT Seaside. Hermosa Park. Joomal. - LARGE LOT Seaside, with house. T-476, Journal. BUSINESS PROPERTY 6$ SPLENDID GARAGE OR WHOLESALE SITE OR LIGHT MANUFACTURING LOCATION ,- 100x100, 8. E. comer 15th and Couch. VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICE. Term, 1-8 cash, 1-3 one year, 1-3 2 year 6 per cent interest. R. W. HAGOOD, BOO Journal bldg. Main 4958 or Main 7178. TWO choice factory sites. West Side, water front with trackage. 100x100 building with trackage on Eaat Side for sale or lea by owner. 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. A REAL CHANCE 60x100, Taylor t - near White Temple, 2 good houses; $11,000, term to suit J. C. Corbm Co., 805-6-7.8 Lewis bldg. - - - $$ ' -. " " - ' ", ' Apartment Site 7x100150 feet north of Wash ington on 21st, west aide; room house on property: income $50 a mo. Price ONLY $8000 82500 will handta. Thia property la easily worth $15,000. . J. F. Hill 696 WILLIAMS AVE., Phoos Eaat 268. Enterprise Realty Co. 14 PANAMA BLDG. PHONE B42S. flouses and Hotels 96. room-, apartment house. Nob IliU district, cheap rent, two 3 -room apartments, clearing good money. Price' $1200, some term. 28 apartment, a good paying houa. clears about $450 per month, rent only $300. Prise twuuo. some terms. Do you want a good hotel that will clear from $600 to $700 a month! Then come in and see us. If this isn't what you are looking for. we have others. 21 apartments,' dandy location, everything modern and up to date, clearing $400 net Price $12,000: FOB SALE HOUSES $1 CLOSE your real estate deal quickly through Title Insurance- No abstract la required. Title and Trust company. 91 Fourth st A PICKUP $3750 o rootn bungalow In Villamead. built about 4 years; hard surface street - blocks from beat car service in city; full basement, furnace, fire place, built-in buffet and bookcase: enough room in attic for 3 fine rooma This place will b a quirk sale. See or phone J. A. M'CARTT, 270 ty Stark it Main 1700. Evemn. and Sunday. Tabor 5057. 3 Acres. Improved , ' PAVED HIGHWAY Just the place you hate worn out ao much shoe leather to find. Yes. it's close in and convenient to 25-minute car service; also right on the paved highway. There's a good house of 6 rooms. Non-resident owner lias instructed me to make immediate sale. Price reduced to $4750. Some bargain. You'U say ao when you see it A. K. HILL CO. 215 Lumbennens Bldg. ROSE CITY DISTRICT $4600 CLOSE IN $4 800 5 rooms nd floored ttic, strictly modern, hardwood floors throughout except kitchen; built-in bookcases, buffet, large fireplace; all rooms large and light, full cement basement, furnace, full 50x100 lot east front about 5 fruit trees, paved street in snd paid: 1 "4 blocks from Sandy blvd. out of town owner must sell. See this at once. C. A. WARRTNER R1TTER. LOWE A CO. 201-3 5 7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $5500 Here, folks. Is a real nifty one. A dandy bungalow home: one of the most beautiful corner locations In Rose City Park. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, fur nace, etc Yes, there is a garage. Immediate possession. A. 0. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office. SQth and Sandy. Open Sunday. $2500 VACANT $2500 MOVE RIGHT IN This Is a nice comer in the Mount Tabor district full 50x110 lot all street improve ments in and paid, fruit trees and good 5 room house, in good sliape, full semi-cement base ment Only 1 block from Mt Tabor carline. Terms. C. A WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. BUNGALOW HOME Near Franklin high school, beautiful view lot 40x128: choice assortment of fruit, in cluding grapes, splendid shrubbery, living room with fireniace. dining room with buffet Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms. 1 especislly good, very Urge sleeping porch, all screened and awnings fitted. This is s bargain at eazuu. witn jiuuu cash, balance $25.00 monthly and interest See A. C. Galbraith. Geo. E. ENGLEHART CO. Main 7266 624 Henry Bldg $100 CASH, balance $25 per month, buys 4 room plastered cottage, with bath, partly fur nished, on 100x100 comer, chicken house and yard. M. V. car. Price $1800. $250 rash, $25 per month, incl. int. buys 5-roora bungalow, large lot; beautiful view, full cement basement, plastered attic, paneled dining room. onlv. X2500. See Mr. ramswortn. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Main 1743. 410 Henry bldg FOR SALE by owner, house with 5 large rooms and large pantry, bathroom and hall; baa laundry tray, built-in buffet and full basement with cement floor, large lot on paved street and handy to best csr service In city; no in cumbrance. Price, $37,10; about hall cash; ouy from owner, no commission. 1084 . Aider, Tabor 8696. READ THIS BARGAIN Owner moving to country and will aacrlflce his brsnd new 4 room modem bnngalow, in good location; big lot: plenty of fruit; chicken house and run. Price only $1800. PYRAMID LAND CO. 603-4 Title A Trust Main 3232. 4 ROOM house, concrete foundation, full base ment 50x80 comer lot, 1 block to car, for $1200;' $550 cash. This is $500 below market value. 20 per month snd interest IOHNSONDODSON CO. 682. 638, 034 N. W. Bank Bldg. Msin 878t. $5000 NEAT BUNGAIXyW 35000 i Completely furnished or without 6 rooms and bedroom upstairs, every modem ronvenience ex cept hardwood floora, ty block to car. garage, all improvements in and paid, cash terms. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Msin 7266. 624 Henry bldg. RICHMOND HOME GARAGE Seven rooms and reception hall, oak floors, 3 fine bedrooms, fireplace, all street improve ment in snd pol'i. garage. Price $3775, ti rms. CLE VELA ND- H F.NDERSON CO. 2 12 Railway Exch. BUig. Main 6752. AN abstract of title is not a guarantee of your title, it Is merely a history of yonr title. A Title Inaurance Policy is a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when you buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract re quired. Title and Trust Company, 91 4th at ATITLE" Insurance Policy is a guarantee by a responsible eompsny that you will not suf fer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust Company. 91 4th at BY OWNER A B room bungalow in Hawthorne, furnished, for $2950; $700 cash. Will sell unfurnished if desired. This price is good for short time only. Leaving for ranch in spring, want to close out my property here. Will take less for my equity. Run., Hell. 1355. After Sun.. Main 5988. BY owner; 4 room bungalow; large bath, white enamel Dutch kitchen, large screen porch; 8 blocks to R. M. car, 6 blocks to school; full cement basement: sidewalk and sewer in and paid; only 6 months old; $2600, terma. Bell $3500. 1114 Tibbett. 6ROOM house" $3500 cash; H block to Alberta car: 3 bedrooms snd bath up: 8 rooms down: full cement basement; garage, 100 1100: lots of fruit 1025 East 20th st north. Br owner. CLOSE TO REED COLLEGE 5 room bungalow. 60100; bath, gaa, elec tric, cement basement, nice yard, large attic; 4 blocks to car; cement walks; $3000, terms. Seliwood 2363. BEHIND every policy of Title Insurance is a $05,000 deposit with the state of Oregon to protect you against lca, yet it is cheaper than the abstract method. Title and Trust company, i)l Fourth t $4000 In best part of Hawthorne dist A 7-room, 1 bedroom down. mod. except fur. House could not be built today above the ground for $3000. Double const 2 blks. to ear. Terms. Sun. Call Tab. 3090. Mon , Main 8988. $1900 $500 CASH. A 5 -room semi-raod., fireplace, enameled D. kitchen, full lot, fruit berries. Owner out of town, hence the price. You can beat the landlord here. Bun., call Auto 811-04; Mon , Main 5988. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Six large airy rooms, plastered stic, two large porches, good view, fireplace, furnace; must be sold, $5000; on csr line and paved street Main 5456. Main 6882. 1125 Gasco bldg, WE have already examined the title to your property and can issue you a Title Insurance policy without delay. Title and Trust company, 91 Fmmh t WHEN you get a Title Insurance Policy you do not need an abstract of title. One prem ium pays for all time. Title and Trust Com pany. 91 4th at. A TITLE Insurance Policy la a guarantee of the title to your home. When you buy your home have the title Insured. Better be aafe than sorry. Title and Trust Company, 91 4th st iXsoHAWTliORNE" district. 7 room double constructed Ctueen Ann bungalow: modem, newly tinted," eement -basement furnace, half block to H. A. car. 264 East 46th st CLOSE your real estate deal without annoying detail by using a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust Company. 91 4th st . WHEN you purchase your home bst th title insured. Get Title Insurance Policy. . Title and Trust Company. Title and Trust bldg. EV?-RY purchaser of real estate should have hi title insured. Better be safe than aorry. Title and Trust Company. 91 4 th at FOR SALE A modern 8 room house and sleeping porch, large attractive ground, in Broadway addition. Pbone Eaat 4816. FOR SALE 10-roon houa. 1 aer. Forest Grove. 1 blk. froxa business enter. Wdln. .185. BU5UNES8 PROPERTY REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 61 FRANK L. McGUIRE LARGEST HOMXSELLKB TH WEST 600 HOMES FOR SALE The McGuire System1 eliminate house-hunting problem, maks hom buying a pleasure, put you la touch with the house you are looking for. 32860 WEST SIDE HOME On Cable st. dose to Market, on a sightly location, is a very substantial 8 room house, white enamel plumbing, electric light and gas. Unusual bargain. Houa practically new. $2600 ADJOINING IRVINGTON On Tillamook at on a 50x1 25 ft lot ta a 7 room substantial home, full set of plumbing, electric lights and gat, street liens paid. Easy terms. $2500 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Ob E. Slat st, on a corner lot is a 8 room bungalow cottage, white enamel plumbing, elec tric light and gas, built-in convoniMO. Easy term. $2400PENTNSULA BUNGALOW On Baldwin at, 2 blocks to th car and school, is an unusually attractive, very sub stantisl 4 room bungalow, white enamel plumb ing, electric light and gaa. Unusual homelike atmosphere. 32200 SOUTH OF LAURELHTTRST On E. Morrison at near 31st la a 7 room home, sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing. electric lights and fix, 1 block to atontanHa and Sunnyside cars. Easy term. 82100 CLOSE-IN HOME On Ivy at. H block from Wtlliaaae ave.. oa a 41xl00-ft lot is a aubatantlal bungalow type home, white enamel plumbing, street lieu In and paid. Easy terms. REAL BARGAIN. $2100 PENINSULA BARGAIN On Omaha ave.. on a uuwe lot la I B room substantial home, fireplace, built-in buffet, full set of plumbing, electric lights and gaa. Eaay terms. $1998 ALBERTA BUNGALOW Neat 5 room bunaralow cottaaa. white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. attractive light fixtures. $100 down. $1500 WOODSTOCK COTTAGE Five room comfortable "bungalow cottage. modem plumbing, fruit berries and garage. Easy terms. $1850 CLOSE-IN HOME F1v room comfortable cottage, whit enamel plumbing, electric light and gaa, Minnesota av. near Fremont ivasy term. 600 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES Insnect these photograph before you buy. vr. h... tii. real h. resins. That ta why our office aold over $2,400,000 worth of home otitf sales establishing a national record. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME (Successor to H. D. McGuire Co.) Established In 1880. 'Forty Years of 8ervlce." ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sunday. Extra Fine Bungalow fill rooms, modem, fireplace, furnace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen and every modem improvement This is one of the most attractive little homes in this section and will stand most critical ex amination. Price $3600. J. F. HILL 696 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 268 IRVINUTON DISTRICT. a noun RT.'YS Irt $5000 Comer lot. E. 12th and Ttria mk a mom house, furnace, fireplace, very i in t.e nram This is a real bargain un.. bow rented for $50 per month. Let us 2n,i $4750 On Broadway between East 7th r t- - -. u , v. mnA 7 rrwus hnns. furnace, fire- the lot alone i worth $3500. Isn't this m J 1 1 at m t' i i7t.w - spw w.. -w . 3d $6000 Modern 7 rootn hoiau, hardwood floors, furrtsee fireplace, fine full comer lot - ls...nw aa a sat f ATr) close to Broadway carlin. See us for Irving ton homes and homesites,'. Watch our ads. We get result. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldt o . 1- n.nt mnur lot. tui size, witn a store building on it bringing in $50 per month rent and capable of bringing in $100T One of the close In comers on Mrst st. wiiere for business purposes it win aiw.y. i v-here this property. Instead of ottering it Jo' sale for the price we offer, should bring twice l-lii-su If so call around to our office, ana we will sell you one of the best .business comers oi. First t, close in, lor an.uuu. hve it all cash as thst is the only object In witch the owner It Inclined to give this prop erty away and if this is not like buying gold . . - I 1 1 , t.... , . .klM Mir.. dollars lor WIC a piece you win iw M. J CIjOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDO. HOUSE BARGAINS 8 room modern bungalow, 8. P.. garage, cor ner lot 45x100 ft, 1 block Hawthorne ave. car; $3100. $800 cash, baL monthly; a good 6-roan modem bungalow, 9 bearing fruit trees, good condition: chick house and runs; avion a ".on -sh. 120 mo. 4 room bungalow, about 2 years old. cheap . tlAAO XAOO rash. 5-room cottage at St John, lot 100x100, fruit and nut. $2100. $800 caah. 320 mo. 6 ft . R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 16BH 4th st . OUT on 716 Seneca at we have a good 4 room cottage and on half acre of ground: 24 fine fruit tree. 2 large English walnut. We will sell for th extremely low price of $2300; $1000 to handle. . WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO. 85 Fourth St, R08E CITT PARK BEAUTIFUL DUTCH COLONIAI. S7000 Here, foDcsj is a wonderful Dutch colonial in th very choicest location in Rose City. One block from car. Six rooms, den and aim par lor. You will appreciate the real value and beauty In thia splendid home, uet us snow you. A r. TEEPE CO.. 564 Stark st. near 3d. Main 8092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. t2KOO HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2800 LARGE GROUNDS AND COTTAGE nrmmri ennal ta nearly 1 acre, with abun dance of fruit trees and berries. This borders on Hawthorne carlin and hard surface street $750 cash will handle, balance easy. Now is the proper time to buy a home like thia to hate nice spring garaen. C A. WARRINER HITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-3 5-7 Board of Trad bldg. IRVINGTON Nine room bouse with all modem convert! en eea, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcase, built-in pantry and kitchen; cement basement with laundry equipment and furnace: BOilOO comer lot All improvements in and paid. Double garage. Price 0)0 Terms tr oenreu. JOHNSQN-DODSON CO. 632. 638. 634 S, W Bank Bldg. Main 8787. Vacant Modern 5 room tmncaltww, flrrfiUw, Batch kithtn laundry tray, large attic, fun be ment, aU Improvements in and paid. 1 block to car. $2800, 8UO casn, rent terms on Bal ance. INTERSTATE LAND CO , Main 6429. 248 Stark at iktta Rt'YA a rtsndv doubly constructed bun- galow of B rooms and bath, white snamel Dutch kitchen, fireplace, full basement, wash ... Ton will like this neat attractive home Easy terma. One block to Union ave. Let ua show you. J. A. W1CKMAS CO. 90 Railwa Exchange Bldg. fMain 583. Main 1094 KF-AR PENINSULA PARK New 7 room modem bungalow, flreplaoe. book rase, buffet, Dutch kitchen oak floors, k bed room downstair. $ up; 83780; 8760 caah. 340 mnnthlv. J0HNS0N-D0DS0N CO. X2. 688. 684 !. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 ARE you in th market for bra ad new bunga lowsT We bare 6 or 7 up to date construc tions ready for immediate occupancy and offered at the lowest price of the markst $4760 and up. See air. Brown, 8KOTHP.IM-BROWN COMPANY 330 1 2-3 Railway Fx. Bldg. Main 6199 5 ROOM bungalow, hard surface street block from ear; laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, large lot with bearing (run tree. , rrte $2760 email cash payment D. E, Oarlock, Mala 8486, 1 1 26 tieeo bldg. ROOMS, basement 85th street 2 block of Division at. 1100 ureal bargain. - Beau tiful bungalow, Lattrelhurst, complete In all da ta! kt. For particular address 8. L. N. Oilman, Uarden Hons. . saata as bo. . BEAI. ESTATE FOB SALE HOUsET" t es. Wj htve 10 good buy ta snwo and Brooklyn home CU Main 163$. -. Auto at your asmce, BIHR-CAREY CO., MWTIOERESPECIAIS" BIHR-CAREY CO., J. lavr 410 homes in Hawthorn -., district to choose from, a few way below vain for quick disposal Photoa . on display. Com in Sunday and in spect thee. Auto at your service. . HERE'S A DANDY rttftXn) 5 room double constructed bun- ' P'J'V'W c.iow, pTed atreet and sewer In and paid; 2 light, pretty bedroom, builtin buffet handy Dutch kltohaa. hardwood floora, f replace, full ce ment beam. out, 2 ty block to Haw thorne rar in B2d it; terms. WALKING DISTANCE 13(0! ston, nd hK bungalow, . WOOW p.Td corner, furnace, fir- ' place, gatags; big valu; $1,000. Just Being: Completed . afl "? wSfTJJ Eleraxit B room new bungalow. rardwood poors, full eement basement, butttins of all ainda. larc room la " attio ftntahed off: small payment dowa to responsible party. &H!(fl)8 room "ungalow hi STth t; 3J U W paved atreet and aewer paid! vary attracttv; $TB0 dowa. ?.1ii7,5H" " Ur- roomy, wen JrsJsJafa? built 6 room horn, afmnt anth st. 2 blocks aouth of Hawthorne; fin . appearance, paved atreat and aewer paid, full cement basement; a apian did buy; terma. Rjt1? B mem trpa horn. 8 Ox "POaSC? 100 lot. aewer and navemaota in at d naid 9 2 ligbt airy bed rooma. wmt) enamel plumbing, full cement basement, laundry tray, lawn, trees and shrubbery, being homelike pla-5; fine neighborhood, choice fruit treat. 1 block to car; $500 dowu. BIHR-CAREY CO., 219 Railway Exchange. Vain 168 Op Sundaya 9 to 6 Weak Daya. 9 a. m. to 9 p. an. $3000 Typical bung., firepl. bit..'! na, floored 'c. pavasi at. i vacant; Waverlelgh. $830 cash. $3150 Artistic S r. well built horn 60x100. ..... ad). Ladd add. $000 cash. sSSBO 5 r.. Haw. bung., firepl; modern, terma. 5i 2S5i 2 - 'i'lL. garage. Waverleigh. terms. $4800 6 r fum firepl.. large llv. na.. aln. pr.. 2 toilet, garage. 31260 cash. . Cot. free. Hunnvaid. hnn. Urkra ..) $4600 8 r. furn.. firepl.. h. w. fir., earec. $7 B0 cash: Rurnald at., elnu It, $4750 B r., very artistic. adX Leurelharst, enr MM., k r tlM klr.1. ... , , I r ... . viiut-iiM, titrvfn. $5280 4 bed chambers, magnificent home, mod- nrn, aiupe sat. aaoor. $5600 Laurelbunrt, beauty, furn.. firepL, h. w. floors, garage. $2500 cash. $6000 New 6 r.. Rose City. 45th at. terma, $8250 Colonial, adj. Holladay; new. i9ii o r.. moo. to latter, lust comDlstinx. Rossmsrs dist $7600 9 r. elaborate, strictly modem, nothing acting; pre-war price; terms: King Height. $7500 8 r.. maid's nn attic, den., h. w. flr firep., turn.. 60x100 cor., double gar., block to Irvinatofi car! term. $8600 9 r. colonial. 8 yrs. built Uk new, wast aide; oonv. 2 earlines. $9000 Gorgeous Alameda l'k. home, Just com pleted ; terms. $10.000 10 r. Willamette Hta.; of coarse it' worth th. price. $16.000 12 r sip. pr.. den. cheicest viewpoint "Westover' large ground; gang,., $20.000 8 r ty blk.. 18th at cor. Irvingtoa. $65,000 16 aeparate 3 rm. apt., up to the minute, alp. pr., b. w. fir., steam beat built-in, hi blk.. doe In. blk. ear;, pink of condition; producing nearly $7000 per yr., net G. C. GOLDENBERG Abtngton bldg. 85 Yr. in Portland." A FEW OF OUR SNAPS II 11 ffBlfa Ntc rm' house, gaa beat la fine U Jim condition: 80x120: 41182 6 2d .v.. near 61st at Price 61100. . 8400 cash and $30 every month. Good 6 r. cottage, electric, bath, basement, paved st. ; Mallor art. near Mason; $500 caah. Cairt,lTh G.d 6 rm. house, bath, elect., -t4&W ment, oa 33d nr. B. Wash, j 1 S'7'7e(rk 6 r. house, 100x100 cot., paved vv rta: 8300 cash. 18th and 2 block to lr vln ton car. 577ffMn rilc 8 bungalow, modern, en rmPrewrVUnUF E. 2 u, Uoll,.. $ T $ 0 caab. SRlfT-ftl Fin 6 r. bglo., bullt-lna.. 400x100, POsJIUI chicken houa.; 66th ave. A .! some terms. $2900 6 r. fine bungalow, basement, bath, elect, gas. lot 4U9B. 2 block to csr. E. 4 2d nr. Francis. $650 cash. Good r. bouse, cor. lot; E. 9th and Brooklyn; lot 60x100; gnapt $1000 cash. Nice 6 r. bglo., 8 bad rooms. bulH in, lot $0x100: K. 6$d aaar Gllsan. $1000 cash. ' $3200 $32150 C 'K Slfl(lffl Nice 6 room bouse, baasmeoL bath. P??sJJ .lie panel dinine room. eara... ate., cor. E. 84 th and Market I Men n paid; term. Fine T room houa, modems ear. E. 28th and Prawcott: eome terma, GRUSSI & BENNETT IIS Board of Trad. Mala T462. Commercial Street Modern 6 room cot tags with furnlt ndtttnL larg rooma, new pi pels, furn arte. Basement wash traya, etc. Thia very nicely finished little rot tag and will make you a dandy home. Frio $8500, bast of term. J. F. HILL 9e WILLIAMS AYE. CAST 261 ROOM bun, alow In Irvingtoa, eons pletely modem, double constructed, wifii hardwood floors, hardwood doom, furnace, fireplace, full eement basement, sleeplnaT porch and breakfaat room, gar age. Free and clear of aU incumbrance at $6500. WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO. 88 Fourth St BREAKING UP -HOUSEKEEPING Good quality furniture, beds, atoeag. Every thing at a bargain. See between. 9 a. nv and 4 p. ra- 608 Belmont st Phon Broadway 1908. QUICK POSSESSION UERI . - ' EASY "TERMS Only I block from , ear, close to school and stores, good 7-room bouse, 2 bedrooms on lower floor, 2 above; fall semi-cement basement, nice yard and several good besting fruit tree. Price $2700; $1000 cash will handle, balance long time at 6 per eent CI nee tn. Alberta district C. A. WARRINER BITTER. LOWE A CO. . i 201-3 6-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN 13180 buy rooms and attic, full floored attic, fireplace, all bullt-lna. full basement, . paved street in and psld. driveway In aad ce ment floor for gsrag In. but ao garage. Sun day call Marshall 2764. J, A, WICKMAN CO. " 204 Railway Excbang Bldg. " ' Main QUI. Main 1004 . 250 DOWN and 820 per month buy a' good 6 room house, with bath, gas. electricity aad full basement, oa a lot with 182 feet frontagw; about IS large trees, berries and ahrubbery, oa ear line. Total price $8200: 7 per eent, t JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 682. 686, 684 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mala 918T. KEEP cows and chicken. 8 iota, 7 root bout!, fruit farm end chicken bouse, on improved t, 2 block from Mt Scott ear at Trcmont Inquire Wdln. 1077. GLT Title Insurance instead of aa abstract. It is quicker and cheaper and you art abso lutely protected Title aad Trust oompaay, 91 Fourth st - ' $960 BUtS 4 -room bouse. MooUvilla district .' $260 caah. Tabor 8469.