2 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLA ND SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25. f 1SZ0. ROSEBURG IS TO HAVE BIG HOSPITAL AND Eastern Concern Proposes to Spend $250,000 in Erection of . " Sanitarium in Douglas Co. Boseburf, Jan. 2t Announcement Is anada that Roaebura; will soon hare $250,00 sanitarium and manufacturing plant. Completion of plana, which have been under way for several months, brought tha xlad -news t0 People or Roseburg and Douglas county UyMj an Institution for the treatment of tu bercular - patients and for numerous other afflictions of mankind win soon be erected three miles east of this city on what Is known as the V. E. Alley place or Bonaday stock farm. Dr. V. U Ruiter, with j number of local people and Dr. David ML Brower and R..D. McFarland. an architect of Boston, are the promoters of the insti tution. Dr. Butter, who has been a resi dent of Roseburr for the past five or tlx years. Is the patentee of an electrical apparatus that has gained widespread reputation for the treatment of patients afflicted with tuberculosis. It Is the aim of the new company to manufacture : this apparatus, which Is known as the Actlnal Thermo, commonly called the electro-therapeutic apparatus. I it, IN FOB BITE The sits of the new sanitarium will cost i50,0o0 and la an Ideal location, being close to the main highway, In a quiet spot surrounded by large trees. HEW TODAY Dektlm&Jordan WEST SIDE Apartment House Only $35,000 stories and basement modern brick apartment house, wen- constructed, on comer lot, plenty of air and light, splendid apartment house district, awnings for all windows. Ice box and gas range for each apartment. Apartments recently reuniea. KOW BESTED for $25 per , month, purchaser can take possession first day of March and manage place, or can release to present tenant Place now bringing In somethjng over $500 per month. COULD HOT DUPLICATE property now for less than $45,000. A BE AL BARGAIN SEE IT Dekum&Jordan IZI'i Cnamher of Commerce Bldi. Forth and Mark Sta. Mala CItS Auto Truck i Salesroom 9th and Flanders Sts. . 50x100 Can have new building completed within 60 days. 1050 LEASE SEASONABLE BENT Portland's' Available Bsilnen Loca tloas Caa Be Seearea Thro Invlde Property Dealers GROUND FLOOB, HENRY BLBO. Modern 5 Rooms A modern 5 room bung-alow, new, With large attic, full cement base ment, hardwood floors, white enam eled kitchen, fireplace, bookcase, buf fet, wash trays, ironing board, wood hoist, garage, cement walk, sewer In, all paid ; window shadee, electric fix tures, combination range all ready to move in. Situated one double block from carllne at East 3d st. Kasy terms. Buy direct WILLIAM G. BECK tit AND lit FAILING BUILDING THIRD AND WASHINGTON INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING ; PROPERTY Trackage t Sldei ItSxfS Feet Doable Corser Try Close to Heart of City for $17,500 Teraisi 7M easa, remainder long thus, or will make gross a lease, low rsatal It-year period, with parcaase prlTllegs. - This is wall worth lavsstlgalloa. latldt Property Dealers . GROUND FLOOB-HENRT BLDG. TO GET TOUft WESTOVER f TERRACE HOMESITES . To May Phone; Call on, or Writ HAROLD JUNGCK, Secretary INTERNATIONAL REALTY - ASSOCIATES, Owners. Paones ; Office. Mar. 630. Res ast!99t . 1307 l eon Bid:. , , APPARATUS ACTORY NEW"HOSPITAL If llX y ' - Jl Xv., "fti i an ,fmmsaaz.Cl . i .ijfif Architect's drawing of proposed Roseburg hospital Deer creek flows through the tract and there Is an excellent view. Plans for the main building, given out by Architect McFarland today, are as follows : The administration building will be two stories in height, with two large L's extending toward the front, forming a court. In which will be flowers and foli age, The main floor will have 40 rooms for patients, with two operating rooms, one for men and one for women ; large sun porches, swimming pool and offices. The second floor will contain a large au ditorium for use in lectures and moving pictures, for entertainment and instruc tion. The building will be a handsome structure erected at hollow tiling, with tiled roof. In addition to the main building there will eventually be 100 cottages, but not more than 24 or 26 of these cottages will be erected the present year. The cot tages are for the convalescent" patients. A farm will be conducted, which will af ford recreation and pastime for the con valescing patients as well as supply the tables with plenty of fresh vegetables, milk, butter and eggs. A most excellent HEW TODAT WEST SIDE GARAGE LOCATION SACRIFICE In an exclusive West Side District soned for garage. Price only 110,000. One-story building can be constructea for 38500. Long time lease can be ar ranged to pay better than 11 net. This Is a fine lavestmeat aad a good profit Is assnred. Inside Property Dealers GROUND FLOOR HENRT BLDG. APARTMENT HOUSE PAYING 20 Located on "COLUMBIA STREET." and a Jim Dandy, for rentals can be advanced to pay 25 per cent at once. Come in and I'll tell all about It. Never did we list such a money maker for eo little cash to handle. Price $26,800. GOOD LIBERAL TERMS Riely & Gustafson t0 TEOX BLDG. Willamette River Water Front Property Approximately 1200 feet frontage; IT acres : fine Industrial site ; South ern Pacific and Oregon Electric R. R. trackage. $85,000 ; terms. See Mr. Brown, with NEILAN & PARKHILL Sit LTJMBERMENS BUILDING FIFTH AND STARK STS. $8000 Large thoroughly modern 10 room house in best section of Irvington ; first floor finished In oak through out; large sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, alt Improvements in and paid. This property is worth $10,000 ; owner orders It ; sold for $8000, half cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO. MAIN il Ml STARK ST. FINE INVESTMENT PRICE $150,000 Office building in the center of downtown business district; $50,000 cash, balance long time, 8 per cent. No Information will be given over phone. See Mr. Brown, with NEILAN & PARKHILL tit Lsmbermeas B sliding Fifth asd Stark Streets . Grenoble Stock Farm -. Bostons , . At Btod and Per Sale. Fin type. Usht weight. st rt. tieht sen toil. Two high elu doc for errtee. w $10.00 tut 'inivw, props. we. eg, ., , MtasotfiSTT. FOR ROSEBURG -. " S view can be made from the administra tion building and the veranda will at ford much pleasure to the patients. INCOBFOBATORS NAMED The incorporators of the company are Dr. "V. L. Ruiter. Dr. David M. Brower, D. R. Rlchter, George Riter and R. D. McFarland. The company will be in corporated for $250,000 and the objects of the incorporators as set forth In the papers for incorporation are: To build and operate . a sanitarium, to care for and treat the lcK. afflicted and conva lescent, perform operations, conduct and maintain a training school for nurses and to engage in purchasing real estate, also erect cottages, furnish same and install light and water systems, purchase or grow and dispose of crops, also livestock and-machinery, also to manufacture for use on a royalty basis the electro-thera peutic apparatus. According to McFarland, the Roseburg sanitarium will be head of a large num ber of similar Institutions. The com pany is said to be backed by Eastern capital and proposes to erect a sanitarium in every state of the Union. The com pany will erect a sanitarium at Auburn, CaL. on a 4000-acre tract of land. An other similar Institution1 will be erected In another part of California. AID FBOM EAST , Approximately $150,000 for the? con etruction of the Roseburg sanitarium comes from ' Eastern capitalists, who have placed this amount in bonds In a Bostonbanklng concern, and $160,000 la subscribed by Roseburg and Douglas county people. Work on the sanitarium will begin March 1. Dr. Ruiter and Mo Farland will go to Portland tonight, and from there to San Francisco, where the plans will be completed. Roseburg Is one of the best locations, as far as climatic conditions are con corned, in Oregon for a sanitarium of this kind. Dr. Ruiter Is very optimistic over the new enterprise and says that its success Is assured from the very sat' Isfactory results he has obtained from the electrical treatments In his sanl larium here during the past five years. Hermlston Business Transferred Hermlston. Jan. 24. R. C. Challis. owner and operator of the City Market and Grocery, has sold his stocx to the Kingsley Mercantile company. The pur chasers have taken possession of the business. Hendricks Farm Brings $24,000 Chehalls. Wash.. Jan. 24. George J. Nist of Seattle, has purchased the Thomas Hendricks farm of fine Im proved land of 120 acres on the Newaud kum prairie, for $24,000. HEW TODAT Buy This Fine ACRE On 82d St., paved. Cannot be beat in 'city that Is improved as well; 7-room house, new garage, fine cement floor, chicken house and fruit galore. Water sprink lers in yard; 5000, half cash. Worth more, but owner has other interests and must sell. 403 Stock Exchange Bide. , 80 ACRES TIMBER LAND Only 2y miles from OUllt, Douglas county, Oregon. Will accept $1600 if sold soon. Call for Williams, 403 Stock Exch. Oscar 403-4 Stock Exchange Bid. Main 8075 200ACRES Beautiful big farm, within 14 miles of Portland ; 200 acres ; 170 acres cleared and in cultivation, 30 acres timber; land lies rolling. Is all tiled and drained, with deep, rich soil : 2 large barns and some equipment; highway being paved to property. This land can be platted; will dou ble in value on completion of road construction.; about $10,000 taken off the place this year. Here is a bar gain. Price S260 per acre ; terms. 160ACRES Another bargain : 160 acres, 13 miles from the center of Portland with macadam road running through property ; - 66 acres side hill and bot tom, land ; 94 acres above road, roll ing land ; about SO acres in cultiva tion and much mora can be easily put in cultivation ; . buildings consist of large barn with stanchions for 18 cows ; substantial house with 8 rooms, bath, toilet, etc. ; drilled well, windmill and gas engine; 8 acres orchard, bearing Italian prunes, and all farm Improvements ; price $25,000, best of terms, or will sell part of this ranch. - - CALL Off US H. H. UROAHL CO. (INC.) ; StS ABIJfGTOIC BLDG. Public Opinion To Industrial Develop pORTLAJCD has many claims with which to compel civic pridaT Its geographic location, making rail road connection go favorable in com parison with other Pacific cities, and also affording the advantages of water transportation by means of the Willamette and Columbia riv ers, its verdant valleys. Its churches and institutional buildings, beautiful homes. Its park and Its gardens and its world famed roses all unite in forming a sure-foundation for that pride. In this, the largest city In the state, with vast wealth of timber lands, the production of lumber con tributes largely to the industrial end of civic life. The fertile valleys pour their produce into local markets and feed the outer world through happy transportation facilities. The cli mate, maintaining' such an equable Iverage of temperature" throughout all the months of the year, is a strong Inducement to the establish ment of industries of varying sort. To make the best of the natural advantages which abound, there is need for a program of education ap plicable to all the people, in which it can be made clear to all the im perative necessity of applying intelli gent study to the encouragement and development of industrial and ?man ufacturing activities of every kind. Portland should become the active terminal of several trans-Pacific steamship lines and the Pacific port of many of the great freight carriers of the seven seas. The prosecution of such an achievement, however, calls for united action. INDUSTRIAL SEED What is true of the development of the city as a world port, is equally true of Its progress as an industrial center. Every manufacturing plant, every mill, every industrial estab lishment which makes its- home here is a civic asset. They must be encouraged to come, and when they come, must be encouraged to stay. The varying problems which enter Into the conduct of industrial con cerns actually call for the partici pation of the people at large. Pub lic opinion, for instance, would read ily support the attitude of the civic authorities, if an abattoir were found lacking in proper sanitary provisions. In the same manner, public, opinion would prove a powerfuf leverage in the adjustment of problems affecting suitable sites for desirable indus tries, and In the perfection of plans which would enable such industries to be properly conducted. A PUBLIC ENDEAVOR The first step In a program of ed ucation is to establish the apprecia tion by every citizen of the value of Industrial payrolls. The figures in the payroll Indicate, as nothing else can. the Importance or otherwise, of community standing. The public should understand the conditions necessary for the successful conduct of industrial activity, once started. This includes not merely the physical requirements for proper and effi cient discharge of industrial busi ness, but also matters of housing facilities, transportation, etc, for the men and women who are engaged In Commercial Club at Helix in Drive for Community House Helix, Jan. J4. The Helix Commer cial club has started a drive for a $6000 fund to defray the expense of building a community house. The build ing will be suitable for all public gath erings and the sentiment of the club is unanimously in favor of the enter prise. H. P. Rose and Charles Alspach have charge of the campaign In the city, and Carl Engdahl, LeRoy Penland, Rudolph Leislnger and Archie Mc In tyre are in charge of the collections in ths sur rounding country. New Lumber Mill at Pass Creek Canyon Cottage Grove, Jan. 2S. A section of timber land In Pass creek canyon was recently transferred from M. H. An derson to the George Anderson Lumber company, and a new sawmill with a daily capacity of 46,000 feet will be built upon the tract. A side track will be built to the site Immediately and construction work on the mill will be gin at an early date. According to J. D. Harvey, manager of the company, the new mill will be In operation April L NFW TODAT Send Us Your Old Carpets fWe Call and Deliver) Old Bags asd Weolea ClotUta. Ws Make Reversible. Hnl-Wmi FLUFF RUGS Room Six Fluff Rags, Woven, $17.50 Bag Bags Wovea AH Slses Mall Orders Bead for Beoklst Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning SxlS Bags. Steaasd Cleassd. tLU WESTEBU FLCFE BUG CO., St Ualoa Ave. V. Taoast East SSIS Mr. Home Builder: Here Is a New Plan which will make home. building and home owning easier. For thirty days we will contract to build your Aome on a basis of actual cost plus an agreed upon low fee covering the following (and other) items: FLAWS A7CD ARCHITECTURAL SERYICZS BTTPERI7ITE1TDEWCY OF TOCB JOB EMPtOYMEITT OF OTJB SKILLED MECHANICS PURCHASING MATERIALS AT THE LOWEST PRICES COMPLETION OF CONTRACT WITHIN A SPECIFIED TIME MARINO OP LOANS IP NEEDED Through This Method Fears Are Removed There la no room for profiteering. A maximum cost price guaranteed. You escape the exasperating failures and losses from Incompetent dar labor. You know that all bills are paid and what they are. You hare the full benefit of our superior experience, our purchasing power, our tried and trusted men. FIN OUT AT ONCK ABOUT. THIS PLAN. Aoi now before there are further advayfces in prices. Portland Home Building Association. Inc. t TO t RAILWAY EXCHANGE BC11DINO , O. H. SkoUelm, Presldeat . ' i , O. J. Hawkeataa, SeevTraM. : . Caaa. Barton, Sapertateadeat Sure Guide ment the Industry. In many cases, failure to rectify these latter matters alone, places a handicap against the effi cient conduct of ths Industry which of ltself spells failure. With the people awakened to fha possibilities of new payrolls, there should result a steady and persist ent growth of manufacturing plants and an increasing army of home builders. A community content la the harbinger of a happy future. HEW TODAT BARGAIN IN Beautiful To Consider During This "Own Your Home" Week S1L000 O LM9T ED PAR K'S HANDSOMEST BUN GALOW, located on tits MOST BEAUTIFUL COR NKR LOT. 100x115 feet and guarded by ltB MOST MAJESTIC FIR TREES. 9 rooms, including S bed rooms and 2 bath rooms on first floor, 2 bed rooms and a large billiard or play room on second floor ; full basement, bright and light; a most satisfactory heat ing plant ; complete and handy garage ; all improve ments in and paid for and, in general, all "dolled" up and landscaped to suit the queen's taste. A real opportunity. Mr. and Mrs. Homeseeker, to buy a Gen uine Home to Own. . And the price is right o n 1 y $11,000 cash or terms. $9.000 D EL.IC1HTFULLT BRIGHT VIEW HOME ON WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS of 8 rooms, in cluding large living room with fireplace and builtin bookcase ; handsome dintng room with builtin buffet ; splendid sun porch, pass pantry, economy kitchen, 4 bed roovis and bath; Al heating plant ; garage ad joining house connecting vr directly through door into house. A most beautiful 66 2-3 foot lot. wonderfully landscaped with trees, shrubbery, winding paths and berry bushes. All in splc and span condition. In side and out, READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN and Commanding one of the grandest panoramic views to be had anywhere, The price is really low only $9000 cash or terms and you'll be overjoyed when you move In. $8600 IRVINGTON Splendid 10 room home on East 21st, . near Knott streets-built to live In. and not for sale, by t owner. Delightfully ar ranged ; fine lot ; garage ; paved driveway and handy to carllne. Price only $8500 cash or terms. $6600 IRVINGTON Pleasant 8 room house' on 16th street, near Thompson one of the classiest living rooms in town, with fireplace. Built by owner and guaranteed WARM. Al furnace: ga rage. Possession to be ar ranged for. Price only $6500 cash or terms. ,SEF THEM EARI.T RATHEB THAN BE SORRY LATER." "FIRST COME FIRST CONSIDERED." Yoa May Fnoae, CALL OX or write HaEOLD JUIfGCJt, Secretary International Realty Associates 187 Yeos Bldg. Phone Mar. S3. Factory Site lOSxU (Three Lots) TWElfTT.FIFTH AKD NICOLAI STREETS TRACKAGE Price $5500 Henry W. Goddard SIS Stark Street SUCCESSOR TO GODDARD A WIEDEICK 4 Story Brick Hotel 2 store rooms on ground floor ; 4 blocks south of Washington Bt Price $11,000; 341.000 cash, balance on time to suit purchaser. 6 per cent interest. See Mr. Brown, with NEILAN & PARKHILL tit Laoibermeat Balldiag Fifth aad Stark Streets Homes Gorvallis to Have Maternity Hospital Corvallia, Jan. 24. Having recently acquired possession of the B. O. Leedy residence, a targe and modern home erected here two or three years ago, Dra. Harry J. Anderson and Finley mm com- ITEW TODAT AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-171 Second Street (NEAB YAMHILL) MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AT It A. M. FOR MONDAY'S SALE an exception- j ly J???-!?1 JCiI.ITH,,,n ' MOTTBEHOI.D EFFECTS to unn anMlNTSTRATION. including 3 PIECE PARLOR SUITE. CENTER TABLES. ROCKERS. SOFA BED, BOOKCASES. COUCHES DININC TABLES. CHAIRS. BUFFET. CHINA CLOSET, DINNERWARE, SLIVER WARE. CARPETS. RUGS, LACE CUR TAINS. PICTURES. BOOKS. IRON BEDS, complete with springs and mat tresses; GOOD BEDROOM SUITES, DRESSERS. CHD7FONIERS. SHEETS. BLANKETS. QUILTS. PILLOWS. SPREADS, HOUSEHOLD TINWARE, CANNED FRUITS, UTENSILS, .IN LAID LINOLEUM and other effects; also an assortment of good CARPEN TER'S TOOLS. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY we sell against 10 a.m. You will find PLENTY OF GOODS at OUR SALES THIS WEEK. OUR PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT IS WELL STOCKED WITH HIGH CLASS GOODS. Over 100 rooms of good Furniture added to our Btock during the nit r!ome In at your conven ience and look through almost any artt- ' cle you may ask for, and the price is j away below wnai you nave to pay r new goods. CLOSING OUT OUR GROCERY DEPT. BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY. AIX FRESH STAPLE GOODS. Don't wait till the stock Is broken. Stock up now and save money. AUCTION SALE ON FRIDAY NEXT, JANUAJVT 30. at 2 p. m., we are instructed "by the owner to sell the entire contents of the HOME RESTAURANT 194 4TH 8T., cor. Taylor, comprising NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. Tables. Chairs, Large Refrigerator (200 pounds capacity), also medium stse refrigerar tor. large Meat Block, Chop Table. Double Oven LARGE RANGE with gas attachment' and canopy top, equal to new; 40 gal. Tank: Crockery and Glass ware, Cutlery, nickel Coffee Urn, Two Electric Fans and other effects all In fine condition. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Cash paid for Furniture. Call Main 1626. Wl OALL FOft VOUR OLD OAR. KTI. RUO AND WOOLEN , OLOTMINO). Ml Meke uiiru Haw Wee FLUFF RUGS All Wert Turn OutfrrempU Rug Woven AH SI. tall Oedr en tar Boaktaa, OarpM OIand, LM ana Refittea. NORTHWEST RUG CO. tat caaT iiohtm rr. Phon Cati asao. Splendid Garage or Wholesale Site or Light Manufacturing Location 100x100. S. E. Cor. 16th and Oouch Terr Attractive Price Terms 1-3 cash, 1-t one year, 1-1 two years. per cent Interest. R. W. HAGOOD Cd Joarnal Balldiag Mala 48 or Mala J1J GARAGES Sectional and Ready-Cut EREOTIO IN PORTLaND OR HIPPCI ANrwMaan KaUiial aad Wortmanahiy Ooaraat 4 Pint Cl ens for Clroular redimadc auiLoima eo. aia a. 11 ui su phem a. ana. PORTiaMD. OR. BEAUTIFUL AND EXCLUSIVE HOME SITE IN GARTHWICK Permerty It a own ae Oolf Para Add. Two lota In best location In Waver ley Country Club district to sell at once. WUl accept price below actual alue. TERMS JF DESIRED. R. W HAGOOD Joarnal Baildlag Mala 48 er Mala 717t STORAGE SPACE . ' lareitirata Oar Plant and Rates Why assume expenal leases under present high costs T . CLAY 8. MORSE, INC. ' . .Drayaca and Btaraga, : Utl aad Glitaa, raoaa B4p. U7. AuctionSales pleting the work of converting it Into a modern hospital. - A new operating room, of which two aides are practically all glass, has been auded and the Mayo lighting system has . been installed. Modern appliances are being aaaea ana a maternity ward Is to be one of the special features. , . lilW TODAY Bolupftts Established 1892 ON TUESDAY NEXT AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE FOR THIS AUCTION WE HAVE RE CEIVED THE FIRST CL.A8S FUR NISHINGS FROM TWO EAST SIDE PRIVATE HOMES. ' FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST OF WHAT MUST BE SOLD AT THIS TIME: . A rare old Walnut Secretary Book case, a very unique Walnut Office Desk, Bookcase, large Hall Mirror, Solid Ma hogany Center Table in old design. Wil low and Fiber Rockers and Chairs and Xabourettes, Quarter-Sawed Oak Parlor y Muslc Cabinet. Firs Screen. Velvet and Brussels Rues. Stair Carpet. Colo- nlal Mahogany Library Table, Electric i Table Lamps, Oak Library Table with i P.ockers to match. Double Parlor Ax- I minster Carpeta, two Dining Room Suites as follow.! fine Ea-lrwh ton Ped- i estai Table, set of Leather Seat Chairs is 4 8 -inch top Table, Buffet, Serving Table and net of Chatrs. The above Suites are nearly new, In the, golden wax finish. Dinner Set. Glassware, Sil ver Tea Set and Tray. The bedroom furnishings are modern, vis : Ivory 'in rrv s. Ished Steel Bed with Drr and Chlf- ! land. Wanh. r ather of Kite A.. Fred g., WU fonir in suite; full aise Vernia Martin ; "m ' Knclert and Mr. F.lla liher. all of Bed, K. Brass Bed. All Beds are com plete with best Sprtnga and perfectly clean Mattresses. Pillows, etc Oak Dressers and Chiffoniers, also one Suite In cherry, vie: Bedstead and Cheval Dresser with large mirror. Bedroom Rockers and Chairs. Pictures, Books, j smau nugs, etc. steei Kaqge witn gas attachment. Heating Stoves, Kitchen Utensils and many other useful house hold items. Auctioneer's Note If furnishing, don't overlook this Auc tion, as everything must be sold. You are kindly welcome to call tomorrow and give the above goods your most critical inspection. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT we shall have the Furniture, Rugs, etc., from an 8 room residence to sell. These goods can be seen on Wednesday after noon. AUCTION AT 10 A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT WE BUY HOUST5ITOLD GOODS FOR CASH OR WILL SELL FOR YOU ON COMMISSION. PHONE US: MAIN 3332. ON FRIDAY NEXT WE SHALL SELL AT AUCTION FOR THE U. S. R. R. ADMINISTRA TION ONE J. I. CAS'E THRESHING MACHINE CO.'S SEPARATOR. 510x86. COMPRISING NO. 1 GRAIN REGIS TER, ONE FEEDER AND ONE WIND STACKER. THE ABOVE AUCTION WILL BE HELD AT THE WARE HOUSE OF J. I. CASE THRESHING MACHINE CO., S22 EAST CLAY ST.. ON FRIDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. TERMS OF SALE: CASH BY ORDER H. H. BROWN, Freight Claim Agt. S. P. A S. Ry. DATED JAN. 2, 1320. UNCLAIMED BAGGAGB AUCTION ON FEB. 18. NEXT. AT THE AINS WORTH DOCK. FOR THE O-W. R. & N. CO. W. C. BAKER and W. H. DEAN Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers Masonic Temple Building Yamhill and West Park Sta. Phone Main 3332 SEW TODAT 7 Journal "Want" Ads RATES, DAILY OR SUNDAY Per Una. per iaruan ....Its Thra eonaeeutle insertion for prto of tw. Each rabeeqMBt eonaMmti lawrOoa without ebanc of copy, par tin .....a Count alz iwin word to the lias Phone Main 7173, Automatic 560-81 For monthly raLaa Dboaw tor aotteitor. MEETIWO KOTICES 41 IVANHOK homestead No. 50S. Rrotherbnnd vf AlAerlrmn Teamen, wUl gwv "Hard Tliuaa" danc batunlay, Janu ary 31. at Uie Womfn of Woodcraft hall. II 04 Taylor t Ail Yeomen and trie mi cor dially invited. Wear yoiir old- nt duiU Mtuae will be fnrnlahad by Ijrn Iiewia' orchestra. Admlaoion 60 oeata. Coupl 75 cent. 0RK;OS lode No. 101. A T. and A. M. -Special comraanica tioa tomorrow (Monday) at 1:30 f. m., to oondnet tbe funerai aere ce of our iaU brother, Claude M. Stout Herri nee at nulry'i onder takinc Mrlon at 2:80 o to., inter ment Roe City cemetery. Members pleaae briiis autoa, 'By order of the W. M. IJ-:Si,lK B. PARKEIt, Seny PORTLAND IDGE. txryal Or der of MmM. Ijidiea' nislit, Wd., Jan. 2B. Member, fam fliea and friend. No cliaitfea. Maiie, itnry featur and aaaeJnc. Brtn the kiddle to hear the . Mooee band. Koitrth and Taylor. Ut temple. M. W. A. Rom City camp meeta in It own ball. No. 8 Eleventh atreet. Bear (Mark, erery Monday even inf. Visitor cordially invited. , H J. WHIFFLE, Oman. J, W. RIMMONS. Clerk. 818 Teon bldg. f OCT. P.EAZKK"GK0TTf5"N0. S, Stated cewtios thin (Monday) I evening. 8 o'clock. Masonic temple. v. I in ana jinmu ni. r-iec- tlon of -offksn. Visiting pronliet cordially inrtted. All member are requested to attend. R. E. FULTON. Bee. BTATKD eoncUre of Hub Inctos Cosmandery No. 15, K. T., will be beld Tuesday vtfiinf, Jaa, 27, t 7:30, at E. tih and Baroild U. AU oionrnini Sir KnlgbU are cordially inrited to be prnt. i. P. E1BMAN. Reeorder. 1HK women of Mooaeheart Legion are airing a card party Friday ., Jaa. 0, 1920. tier etndi bond girea for ptiM. Adraiiwlow 2 So. They ako har card party rry WtdnJy a'ternoon at tli Mooee teaiplc at 4 th and Taylor t. Everybody welcome. - BI DANCE The Fraternal Brotherhood win giv danr Wad. era., Jaa- 28, at Women of Woodcraft ball. 10th and Taylor. Pint da anion mu'ic. Admtodoa 80s. including war tax. Everybody welcome. NOTICE ........... A-Thert. eeam No. 8741, Modern Woodmen of America, will giv a 800 card party Friday rranlng. Jannary 80, 1820. at Baker ball, cor. Albina and Kllliaciwrrtk sea. Neighbor aad trie ode weleoBa. fjanb at Btt ahapr. T HAKnighU and Ladle of ftemrtty will rlr adaae at tb W. O. W. bad am 11 tli at. m Tiarauy, jannary Everyoony welcome. JJBKRTT aaMmbutr Cottad Arttaaa dan, Eaet Bid Woodman nail. Wauncaday. January Admisaoa 88 evate. - EMBLEM JEWELRI tpaetaHy; nattona, pis. lasgar. Broa.. iiiasa eta l -41 Hard Times Dance t.iTes njr ' AnRlmr Connxtt i Am. forwirlj -K. A U f , 128 Utfc t CU anu wimr jour old eloth. lMndy prizn for th bwt cuAUimta. t'ome and ; Will know ynn tha tint' r your Itf. Fun for eranoiu. - Thin i iim k. Anchor Council, tbe UtsbI Council in the ettj. aumnmi casta, usnay amuc, large Btutt coraamw. EruEKA ?5En3u. ' Sot;- socuruy Jienfiu Awwc'n. Mraom r requested to he pnnt Mon. ee . Jut as Kan Mid W. O. W. liaii k! Sth ami Alder, to welrbm WtadoBi Council Nn. Bill. who rt roiuolidatirif with c.iirsK I'ounell prepared by Siater ; Ruthacksr Hcrmon euiwtsinment Com for a good . I Jtitl.MU.N. Ser. BIU lt ar iiiii.-f (Iran , ), Portland Bur boniwtaad No. 42, lirtitlicrhixxl of American J'in ThurrnluT arming. Jaiu 59. i.i the P. 8. T. V. hall. 6ft lSUi st tlarf. hall), Adtnltn 85 cent. i:iiti,ti mn.t i. ad brins your hiilamln and vnUirU YETTA HAINES, 'orrwpondant. MUB P8BB. 305 Alt-ay Phil. DANCE 1ANTE DANCR The Conrt of Honor will (it another of their popular danre Med. i'rrtltiR .Tun 2.1. at M. W. A. hall. 128 11 tli it. Hpleo. did floor. Union music voto and bring your frienda. flRKPATIt ft K' ( 'Or NCTf. 2? ?f Ki "H 11 - BENEFIT association: ltem'ar bmin meeting, Friday. Jan 30. Krery member ia qea to be preaenU Start Uie new year J" """ng a new m-mi-r. u nu th wUote !tmtty.. ,re 1 ,n. s "" ?' They . now har the choice of 4 up to date polMe. !aot. j Whipple and utaff will put on vitra fine drUl. to Ula Valentine niak hall Krb. 13. HO fujid priaeft. AdmlMion 35 rent. I DEATHS AND Fl'NKRALH 7S ' ENOI.EItT In thia city. January ' 2 1". 1920. I John K ITnivlnrf n 71 r. .a WnrJ- Wotxlland. Math., and J. J . Holwrt T and Katie M. Kngirrt, Mr. Mm lludolvh. Mm. Amy 'illlei-k ami .Mm Hnule Kllier. all of Portland: and. Mr. Alrirta Siittnn of Canada: bmther of M. K. Knclert of Ihilton, Neb.: Kmmt K. (JUn of Bank. Or., and Mary KltrabeUi Heotl of ,ebraaka. Funeral errricea will be hrkl Monday, January 26 rrum the residence at Woodland. Willi., at J n. m. Hrtaalrui will he at DnnntnS & McEnte parlors nnUl 8 o'clock Monday ntora. inf. Fiiondi itirttml. Intarmeut Kerua om tery. Woodland, Waali. JII,T At the family reniilenoe, (tijt Majl arenae, thia city, January il. William B.. Jolly, acrd 7N year. Imahand of Mr. Harriet K Jolly, father of Mm. W. N. Hawyer, New Wettminster, B. C.: Inez, Haiti. Itoland and Margaret Jolly, all of thia elty; brother of Mnt Nomanla J. Theln of Aberdeen, Vajih., and Mr. Adellnt J. Rerdile; of thtt olty: aon ef the lata Her. William Jolly, Hlllnbonr. Wh iugton jounty. The funeral aerrlre will b held at the eonnvrratory ohatjl of V. 8. luntiln, Inc.. Eat Hlxth and Aider itreeta, at 2 Hi) ?. m , Monday. January I'n. nternu-nt ltuaa City cemetery. Friend inritrd. llUlabora pajwra p.eaxe ropy. RlCHtEU At National City, CaL, Oarl Rlchter, i( S7 year, beloted liueband of Klia Hlhter. father of Mn. Lillian (iabrial . of Oak (inf.. Alma Kmnenberff of 3 ISA Kant Ash atreet. I'orUand: I'aul and Earneat Klrjiler ot Oak (irotu. Or. Kuneral nerrlce" will bs. held tomorrow, January U. at 1 80 p. in,, ': from the residenre ftmeral tmrlom of Walt iX Kenworthy. 1A32 and Ea.t Tiiirtnth atreet, Rellwood. Priende tUTtted. hi term eat Mllweukt cemetery. V5Tif Tn-fhiV cit y7Tntiry SSTTpSO, t her lata residence, 06 North Twentyeond atreet, Carolina Vogt, aied f9 yean, 10 day, satire of Pettweiler. Alure. Pranre. Formerly reaided at Chicaco. 111., belored mothar of Carrie A. Wuert, iteorg A. and John IL VocL Friend In Tiled tn attend the funeral aerTkcaa at the abo'. ranidence at 1 :80 k m. tomorrow (Mon day). Januara 26. 1020. Interment Kirerrtew oetuetery RrPERT tn thU city. January 22. llaoTT. Itnpert, a red 4 4 yean, belored huehand of Mr, ltha K. Kuirt, father of Un. J. l. Cranfotd; Alice and Milan- Hnpert of I'ortlaml. Or. " Fnernl inrlted to attend the funeral aerr kw at 1:80 n. m. trir ffiundayl. Jannary 28. 1V20, t the PorUaod Cr -tuWrhtm, Four teen to ana Fybee eu-eeUk Ink MeUwvaf a. Kematua at llolman'a parlor. Third and MaiaHis atreeta. N ETC C IIB AC Kit Near Multnomaa (Utton SB Taylor' Perry road. January SS. 1820. Past in R. Neuc'bauer. aed 67 yean, beloved wife of Prank '. Neusebaoer. motlier of Kate, Cath erine and Frieda Neusebauer. Mrs. It. K. Knith, Hn. M. E. BehulU and Mn. J. M. Parker. Friends invited to attend tli funeral (errioe at 10 a tn. tomorrow I Monday). January 2H. 1S-0, at Ryan I'lac. Interment. Hivgryiew Ahby. 1'KK HA RI At her Utj, n-.iaVuce. -4 74 fT SOth at., Jane Ann l'rirhard, a(rl 61 year, beloted wife of ! W. I'rtrluni, and ninther nr Mn Mtnnlo Ward. Mr. F.. W. Prvtmrt. Mn. Mary Rlnehart. Mr. I,. IV ITirhard. Mn. Kits KaUthum and Mr K. R. Crtrtuud and Mr. K. I. l'rli hard. Funeral aerrUsj will (- held at 1'. 1 l,errh undrrtukirif parion, Mouday it 2 p, a FTletida inrited. , AI,TEltMA' Ir. Wai.hlncta. D "' . January 22, Alice Barfer Aldrrman. ae 4S year, wif of h R. Alderman, motiier ot Kutli, Rob ert and John Aklrrtiian, daufliUvr of fTi )! tr 8. J. Barber and Mn. Itarher, nuter of Major John K Barber. I. H. army, Mine Fanny I.. Iiartwr of Torttand. Unlnnel Alrln M. Berber, X'. S aniu. Ir. Joawim I.. Barber of Portland and Mn Paul Matteaon of Cambrt'li. Mae. Notire of funeral lew. W I V. BEr.t"the residence. 6l T'matilia e " Jannery '11. 1 0'JO. Anna Wiebel. aaed 66 yean. Krl. nil inTitrd to attend the funeral rTKw at 3 p. in. today (Nuinlay), January Vl'i, at tlui Portland Oemaloritim. Ifour teentli anil Brbee utreeta. Take Hellwood car. Remain at Hoknaa'a parlora. Third sod aalaioS atreet. M CLATCII1E At th reddenf. S3 RUntos m, January 22. Jean UrCurtRhle rrJ 16 yean, belored daufhter of Ttiomaa MoOUtnlits and Mn. Brll Adanuoa. Funeral rhi will be hM Monday. January 26, at 11 a. m., at tb ehapl of Miller As Tracey. Iatnatt at Multnomah Park rametery. kUCN'SETH In thia citjr, January Hi. Dairy Kenneth, afad 12 daye, belored Infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mn. Cliarin Knmetli Puberal errinea will be held Monday, January 26, St 1 p. tn.. at th rirHr, MMS I. 20th at N. Interment Mount Calrary ctmUiry. Arfancs menta in ear MHUr a Tracer. ilXBSEN In U.I. rlty. January 23. 1020, Prajteea Madeen. afffd Si jrnm, belneed daughter of Mr. and Mn. Christ Madeen. Prlend inrited to attend Uie funeral terrue tt 10 Km. to morrow (Morulayl, January 24. 1B20. at Hot man' parlon. Third aad Halmo itrwta, loUr ment. Multnomah ormtery afKR YHTrain 7 K.mery. ag 6 year, lal of S3 East Hrenty-ninth tlreet north, be lored wife ol D C. Emery. Funeral aerrloe wil' be hrld t tha -1irel of H. W. ;bl Co.. 1PV Pant QJUan atraet. on Monday. January ,26. at 2 :30 p. m. Krienda Inriled. Iftermnt M'Mint Ncott remetery. plKipfTirthle rfty, ' Jan." i'T,ewtn Proff belored huband of lot. tie Proff of 670S lli a i. Funeral terrier will he bid Torn., Jan. 27, at 2 p. m . from the funeral parkin of A, U. Kenworthy Co.. 680-04 B3d V S. ., In wnu. STOCT The funeral ervtr f tile tats Clann? M. rttont will b lield Monday, Jan. 26, ai 2:80 o'clock p. m.. at Ptnley'a, Montgomery at Sth. Frtandu invited. Intarment at Uue City cemetery. Ie eaued wa a member of Oregon tolge No. 101. A. P. and A. M. RICK At Se rwdd-no- 482 Broadway. Jan. 24. 1020. Morrlit B. Rle. aged 40 yean be loved huitbnd of Margaret Bio. Remain rt at th Dunning A McEnte parlor, hroadwa ft Ankeny tt. Funeral notion laur. ICMEftir Harah K. Emanr. aged 65 yean, lata of IS 2 East Seventy-ninth atreeV north; few loved wif of D. U. Emery. Remain ar at It. W. Gaol A Co., J07S East Gliata attest . Funeral notlc later. RICH Funeral Mrrioe of th IaU Eraeet A. . Rich wUl be beld Monday. Jan. 86, at 8:80 o'clock p. m , at Finley', Montgomery at 6th, Friend inrttad. Interment at Mt boott Park cemetery. MARTLVwON In thi city. Jan. 3t, Jobs Mar tinaoa. aged SB yean. 1st of 866 lt at. Tba nrntire will be forwsrded today iHunday) by J. P. rinley ft Son to Lau CUira. Wi., Whart errioe will be , held and InUrmcnt maila fc&PBEI.lJ -Tb fnnerai wrrice "of tbslats Barab A. Campbell wiU b held today iHua. day) at 2 o'clock p. tn. al Plalay'. Montonv sry at 6h- r'riend inritad. iMeruwU. at urefon cnty. t,r. BEU The funeral eerjJew of. Ota lata Mary : Jans Bell will be henf afonday, Jan. 36, at 1 o'clock P. m., at Finley', Montoaicry at 8th. Frurnda Invited. uusraMDl at Wtrarrlcw tery. BAFTEHBT In thia city, January 24"i 920. Patar Hafferby, aged 68 yean. Remain at Holman' parlor. Third sad rBalawD- atraata. Notice of ftmeral later. . -. . . . fOH -In thia city, Jan. 28. J 20, ' Henry Tnat. aged 66 year. Renutina an at thai Dunning s McEnte parlor Broadway and Auk- any at. Funeral notice later. - t 1 " - ' FLORISTS -r-;r' - , TONSXTH rLORAU CU 27 Wtahhtgtoai at. cat. 4Ui and till. Main 8168. A-1161. . Tlil PEOPLE'S FLORA t, UUCP, 248 Aider Z MBETI7TO NOTICES