THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, ' 1920. 10 PORTLAND. OREGON jlMethodists of City to finite in r6at 0 Celebraticm of the Advent of , t ( , . , 1 - ' . . i " i : : : r-"" . ' 1 . 1 1 ' 1 111 .' " . 1 111 ' 1 . 1 ' 1 1 . Prohibition MASS MEETING TO BE HELD FRIDAY AT FIRST METHODIST 61'shop Hughes to Give Principal Address; Miss Garrison to De liver Prizewinning Oration. A cltywlde Methodist mass meet ing, greater than any ever held be fore, 1 is being planned for Friday night at the First Methodist church to celebrate the recent victory won by the dry forces of the nation. Bishop Matthew Simpson Hughes will be present and give the main address. Presiding elders in charge of the districts in Oregon and Wash ington will be In Portland Friday and are to attend the service with the bishop. Miss Margaret Garrison Of Willamette university, who re cently won the national oratorical prohibition prize, wiJl deliver her prise address. This will be the only time this address will be delivered in Portland. Miss Garrison is the only woman ever able to win the nation al prize. Dr. Joshua Stansfield. pastor of the entertaining church, will preside. The congregational singing- will be in charge of Walter Jenkins of the T..M. C. A. B. If. Green stamps for cash. Ho man. Fuel Co.. Main 353,, 560-21. Adv. Hoi- First Methodist Church Twelfth and Taylor Streets Rev. Joshua Stansfield, D. D. PASTOR 10:30 A. M. SERMON "Sound Doctrines 1I:1S . M. SUNDAY SCHOOLS PUBLIO FORUM DISCUSSION 7:15 P. M SHIMON "The Mighty Acts of Cod" IN HISTORY IN INDIVIDUALS IN NATIONS OOOD MUSIO LA ROE CONGREGATIONS OOME AND BE WELCOME CENTENARY METHODIST CHURCH EAST NINTH AND PISE "The Friendly Chorea" DR. FRANK LWEMETT, PASTOR SUNDAY MORNING "His Temptation" SUNDAY EVENING MEETING OF THE COAST TO COAST HOLINESS CONVENTION THIS CHURCH IJTTITESYOU SUNNYSIDE Congregational Church East Taylor at Sid Rev. J. J. Staub, D. D. 11 A. M. " OLEAK OALL TO THE CHURCH or TODAY" 7l4S P. MA BIBLE NO MOKE IN SPIRED THAN OTHER BOOKS" EXOELLENT MUSIO BV OHORUS OHOIR A Wl CJ.COMI FOR YOU FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALDER STREET AT TWELFTH REV. HOWARD AGNEW JOHNSTON, D. D. 10:30 A. m! "The Prisoner's Question" 7:30 P. M. "Reincarnation Considered" ISili P. M. Sunday School. J J IS P. M Orftas Recital by F- E. Coarsen. r "The Soul of Portland" ,10:30 ! ,- Snbiect of Sermon by DR. EDWARD H.'PENOE. Paster. ; EVENING SUBJEOT "A Graphic View of Religious Forces in and Near Portland," 7:30 By tn REV. BOUDINOT SEELEY, Cains Sixty Slides, j Bible School at 1:10 . " . CNHsllsa IndMrar at :0 . AM ESPECIAL INVITATION 48 EX i TENDED TO ALL t $oteA iHinisters of ortkernSrcland to Four' Protestant clergymen from Northern Ireland will be In Portland February 1 and 2. These visitors con stitute the official delegation from the Irish Protestant churches to Amarica. The Presbyterian representative is the. Rev. William Corkey. M. A., of Belfast.1 He will speak Sunday morning in the First Presbyterian churc.i and Sunday evening In the Westminster church. The Episcopal representative is the Rev. Louis Crooks. B. A., rector fit the historic Knockbreda Episcopal church in Belfast. He will speak Sunday under tho direction of Bishop W. T. Sumner. There are two Methodist delegates. One is the Rev. Frederick Harte, M. A., pastor of the Donegal Square church, who was pastor of th-5 Stephens Green church, Dublin, during the "Easter re bellion." He will speak Sunday morning in the First Christian and Sunday night In the First Baptist church. The other member is the Rev. C. Wesley Magulre. He will speak Sunday morning in the First Methodist church and Sunday night in the First Congregational church. Monday morning, February 2, these four preachers will address the Minis terial association in the Y. M. C. A. Monday evening at 7 :45 there will be a mass meeting in The Auditorium, when addresses will be delivered on "The Dangers and Evils of the Sinn Fein Movement," Resigns as Leader Of Church Society One of its original Incorporators 37 years ago, and its president without in terruption for a quarter of a century. Charles W. Cottell, voluntarily, retired from the leadership of the Portland so ciety of the New Christian church at Its annual meeting Wednesday evening. He is succeeded by Charles F. Barber, who was secretary of the society for a number of years. Friday evening. Jan uary 30, the society will celebrate the two hundred and thirty-second anniver sary of the birthday of Emanuel Swe- denborg at the church home, 331 Jef ferson street. A program of eight-minute talks will be given on the man and his work. The speakers will present his teachings as a scientist, philosopher, so ciologist and theologian. Facts about his birthplace and personality will also be presented. Every one interested in Swedenborg and his work is cordially invited to be present, Sacred Concert to Be Given Sunday Night Toung people of the student volunteer movement. Just back from the Des Moines convention, will have the place of honor at the Sunday evening Epworth League service in Central Methodist church. At 7 :30 p. m. a sacred concert will be given by a choir of 30 voices. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK AND MADISON STREETS Sunday, Jan. 26 11 A. M. GREAT CELEBRATION SERVICE SERMON by DR. W. T. McELVEEN TOPIC: THE CHURCH EFFICIENT' 1Z:86 NOON CURRENT EVENTS CLASS "What the Congregational Lead ers Think About Mexico, the League of Nations and Other Matters." 7:4B P. M. "HOW TO BECOME MEN AND WOMEN OF POWER" :4B A. M BIBLE SCHOOL :30 P. M. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. HEAR F. W. STARRING SUNDAY 11 A. M.i "The Way to Win" "Some ThingsWe Need Not Guessed About? GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH E. 78TH and ASH STS. iz WESTMINSTER h1 it. an i -sr 'aw I SUNDAY SCHOOLS OF COUNTY WILL MEET Departing From Past Proceed ings, Convention to' Be Ab sorbed in Instruction. The Sunday schools of Multnomah county will meet Friday In the White ' Temple In their annual convention. C. A. Btaver, county president, oc cupying the chair. New features will be introduced this year. In- j sted of the majority of the time I being devoted to relation of past achievements, conferences will be held for the instruction of workers. The main speaker of the convention will be E. C. Knapp of Spokane, secretary of the Inland Empire Sun day School association. He will speak at all sessions. The music will be under the direction of "Wal ter Jenkins. A pot luck .luncheon will be served In the church at noon. One of the features will be a recogni tion of those who have been engaged in i Sunday school work more than 35 years. Twenty-five prizes will be awarded to Behoofs arid scholars bring ing the best exhibits of hand work to the convention. The program follows : MOUSING SESSION 10:15 Song ervi e, Walter Jenkins: key not metuc, Harold F. Humbert; special music. 1 1 :00 "The Problem Shop," E. C. Knapp, ahopkeeper. 11:45 Veterans recognition service. Fire subscriptions to the Oregon Hunday jttchool Out look will be awarded for one year to tbe arhool baring prertent the largest number of members who hate been ronnwted with the Sunday school work for more than 35 years. Special music by "Veterans." 12:00 "Pot Lock" luncheon, directed by the Portland Sunday School Workers' union. Addresses by a number of leaders. AFTERNOON SESSION 1:30 Song service, Walter Jenkins. 1 :50 The Sunday school future of Multno mah county; report of policy committee; report of nominating committee. 2:20 Demonstration; an adult class in session; teacher. Dr. W. T. MrElveen: president, E. I. Wells; secretary. Richard ( Doty. 3 : 1 5 A d d r e a a, "Educational Evangelism," Rev. Howard Agnew Johnston, .Chicago. 3:45 Announcement of committee on ex hibit awards. 3 :50 Divisional conference; (1) children's division, Mrs. 8. Earl DuBois, reader; (3) Young People's dirision, Adolf F. Bittner, lead er: 13) Administrative division, E. C. Knapp, leader. Visit the exhibits. 8 :30 Luncheon, with conference concern ing county and district work, led by general secretary, Harold F. Humbert. EVENINO SESSION 7: 15- Orchestra, Mount Tabor Presbyterian Sunday school; convention sing, led by Walter Jenkins; roll call of Sunday schools. Delegates stand, give number present, average attendance DIRECTORY Third Sunday After Epiphany Uniform Sunday School Lessons "Pter Stands for Truth and Honesty." Acta Golden text: "taring lir r" n abomination to Jeborah. but they that deal truly are his delight." Ptot. 12:22. Young People's Topics Bapuet 1'nion "Tho World's Need of Christ." Kph. 2 .1-13. Christian Endearor "The World's Need of Glirt-t." Eph. 2:1-1. Epworth League "The Changing China. Isa. 65:1-2. 17:25; Ker. 14:8-7. Baptist First WhiU Temple. 12th and Taylor ReT. Wm. A. Waldo. 11, "The Church at a CrteiV; 7.80, "Regeneration, or The Changed Life." Eat Side E. 20th and 8almon ReT. W. B Hinson. MeT. H. T. Cash, associate. 11, "Enooh Walked With God and He Was Not, for God Took Him": 7:30. "Christ on Spiritism." Third VancouTer and Knott 11, preaching by Rct. V. C. Laslettc; 7:30. Arleta E. 64 th and 4 8th STe. Rer. Owen T 1)t. 11. "The Purpose and W"rk of the Holy Spirit"; 7:30. "How Shall We Escape? CalTary--E. 8th and Grant UeT. J. E. Thomas. II. "DiscoTeries in the Life of the Spirit": 7:30, stereopticon lerture on Alaska. Glencoe E. 4 5th and Main ReT. F. C. Lanlette. 11. preaching by Lr. E. H. East: 7:30. "Andrew the Rringer." Sellwood Bethany ReT. W. N. Ferris. 11. 7:45. Grace E. 78U) and Ash R-T. 'v W Star ing. 11, "Tha Way to Win": 7:43 "Some Things We Do Not Need to Guess About." University Park ReT. S. Lawrence Black. 11. 8. Swedish 15th and Hoyt ReT. T. O. SJoton der. 10:80. 7:30. St. Johns 11. 7:80. Highland E. fith and Alberta Dr. W. T. Milliken. 11. 7:80. Mt. OlWet (colored) Broadway and Et erett Rer. J. W. Anderson. 11. 8. Cathella Pro Cathedral 15th and Paris Rer. E. T. O'Hara. . 7:15. 8:30, 8:45, 11. 7:45. St. Peters Lents Rer. P. Beutgen. 8, 1030, 7:80. St Lawrenoe 3d and Sherman ReT. J. C. Hnghes. 6, 8:80, 10:80, 7:80. St Francis E. 12th and Pine ReT. J. H. Black. . 8. 9, 10:30, 7:80. Immaculate Heart of Mary Will Isms and Stanton ReT. W. A. Daly. 6, 8. 9. 11,7 :30. Holy Rosary E. 8d and Clackamas Bar. EL 8. Olson. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 7:80 St Rose E. 68d and Alameda ReT. J. O Farrea 8. 10:80. 4. St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Rer. J. Kternan. B. 10:30. 7:30. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Ret. f v. fr.oA a ii Araension K. 7Btn ana lamiilu Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:80. 7:80. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and B land ens Rer. F. W. Black. B, 10:30. 7:30. Holy XTrow 774 Bowdotn Est. C. Raymond. 8. 10.30. 7:80. St. Ignatius 8220 48d rt S. E. Jesuit Esthers. 8:30. 8, 10:30. 4. St Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor ReT. War ren A. Wairt 6. 8:30. 10:30. 7:80. Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and Vancou Ter are. ReT. William J. DiTine. 6. 8. 10:30. t:su. St Fhfllm Nedl (Paulist Fathers) E 16th and Hickory ReT. U. L. Ferry. 7:80, 9. 10:80, 7:80. St Clements S. Smith aT. and Newton Berbito Fathers. 6, 8. 10:80. 7:80 Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rer. O. Rob. 8. 10:80, 7:80. St Agatha E. 15th and Miner Rer. J. Commisky. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St 8tanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fail ing Her. r. Matthew, g. 10:80. 7:80 St Joseph (German) 15th and Coach Her. B. Kurrer. K. 10:8O, 7 :BO. St Michael (Italian) 4th and Mm Rer. M BaWra. 8:80. 10:30. 7-80 St ClalrVa Capitol Hill Father Aloysius. ir. . as. - :v, v:2U. 8t Charles E. 83d and Alberta Rae J. T O'Plmn 1A.A All Saints E. 89th 'and Glisan Rrr. Father tuiiam vronin. s, iu:ov. St Patricks 19th and Sarler Rer. Charles sa. ssuu. saaasea o:su. a, v:15. 10:80. 7:4aY Christian First Park and Columbia ReT. Harold H Oriffis. 11. "Profit and Loss in wTT-S.." 8:15. school of missions; 7:30. illustrated Arc-' vc Ainiin lecture ry ueorge Edward Lewts. tasi side K. iztn and Taylor ReT. U. U Kodney ATenne Rodney and Knott K. S. Earl ChUders. 11, 7:30. noQcaniia ti. few and r.bu 1 1 . Woadlawn E 7th and Liberty Rer.' Joaepb u. Boyd. 11,8. T. ,Y,tV-ond tn-R,T. R. Bwern park ReT. J. F. Ghormley. 11, "The Christ Calling and Your Answer"; 7:80. "The Day of the Young People." Christian Science Lesson subject: "Truth." First 19th and Ererett 11. 8. Second E. th and Holladay. 11 8 Third- E. 12th and Salmon. ft. 8. " r?.,furJ,ncoUTr ,nd Emerson, 11, 8. " "ti -Masonic temple. 388 TamMU. 11, g. TV. . . J. mock, etc joons. 11. AU churches Wednesday. S otes of interest in (Church Plans for the twin convention of the Oregon Christian Endeavor union will be announced February 8 in the First Presbyterian church at a banquet and rally of the organization. The conven tion will be held in Albany, February 13-15 and In Pendleton, February 20-22. Baptist Dr. W. A. Waldo, pastor of the White Temple, announced that his Sunday eve ning services are creating a deep inter est and that the study on the founda tion of Christianity is making a power ful appeal upon the audiences. He will preach Sunday morning and evening. The Temple quartet will sing at both services. The Rev. F. W. Starring of Grace Baptist church is reported to be making progress with the Adult Bible class he organised in his church six weeks ago. In this time It has doubled in attend ance. The subjects for the next five Sundays are: "Salvation in Posses sion, Progress and Prospect," "God's Gift and God's Rewards," "The Two Natures of a Believer," "The Standing and State of a Believer," and "The Other Side of Death." The class meets at 10 a. m. in the church. Metbodiot In view of the many new creeds of the day. Dr. Joshua Stansfield will preach a sermon on "Sound Doctrine" Sunday morning at the First Methodist church. In the evening he will talk on the mighty acts of God in history and to day, taking into consideration both in dividuals and nations'. New members will be received and the revival services will close Sunday morn ing at the Vancouver Avenue Nor wegian Danish Methodist church, the Rev. A. Christensen announced. Evan gelist C. August Peterson will preach. In the evening this congregation will meet at the First church. Eighteenth and Hoyt streets. Lieutenant Colonel J. J. Cro.sley will speak Sunday night at Rose City Park Methodist church on the retiring of the service flag. The Rev. D. Lester Fields, will preach Sunday morning. Special music at both services. Woodlawn Methodist church is en Joying a new life and growth in Sunday school spirit and Epworth league. The need of better equipment and an en larged and modernized church house is urgent. Steps are being, taken in this direction. Presbjtertas The Rev. Ralph McAfee, secretary of the New Era Movement, will preach In Central Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening. The chorus under the direction of Professor Belcher will sing in the morning. In the evening Mrs. Arthur G. Harbaugh will sing for past month, amount ot combined pledge for Multnomah county. Oregon; International and world's Hunday school work. Recognition of school having largest enrollment at eonven tion in proportion to average attendance for ; OF CHURCH Congregation aJ First Park and Madison Dr. W. T. McEI veen. 11. "The Church Efficient": 7:45. "In creasing Your Power." Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor Ker. J. J. Staub. 11. "A Clear Call to the Church of Today"; 7:4 5. "A Bible Which Is No More Umpired Than Other Books." Atkinson Memorial K. zwtn ana tTeretv Rer. E. E. Flint 11. "Wanted One Hundred Per Cent Religion"; 7:45. "Eridence and De feat of the Deri." Highland E. 8th and Fresco Rer. Edward Constant 11. "Personality and Respoasibility' ; 7:80, "The Religion of the Cotters Saturday Night" WaTerleigh Heights E. 33d and wooawaro Rer. OliTer P. Arery. 11. "The Humanity of Christ"; 7:30. Laurelwood 45th are. and 65th at S. E. Mrs. Alice M Handsaker. 11. Pilgrim Missouri and Sharer. ReT. Uobetl Murray Pratt 11. "Is Sanation a Matter of Creed or Character?"; 7:80. "Is Prayer Able to Heal the Sick, or U It Only a Cure for Worry f" UniTersitT Park Karen and Lombard iter. C. H. Johnston. Finnish Mission 107 Skldmore KeT. Sam uel Nerala. 6, 7:30. . St Johns 8. iTanhoe and Kichmond. Her. J T. MerrlU 11. 7:30 Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner ReT. Ole Torgessen. 11. 7:30. First German E. 7th and Stanton ReT. George Zocher. 11. 7:30. Second German E 8th and Skldmore uer. Henry Hagelgarix. 11, 7:30. Zion German E. 9th and Fremont ReT. J. H. Hoop. 11, 7:30. Dunkarw Church of the Brethren Borthwick and Brai- nard Rer. George C. Carl. 11. 8. Episcopal Pro-Cathedrsl of Ht- Stephen the Martyr Rt. Rer. W. T. Sumner bishop; Very KeT. K. T. T. Hicks, dean. 9:45. 11. preaching by Ker Wm. B. Hamilton of Medford; 3, dio cesan Sunday school rally; 7:30. erening sen ice at St DaTids. .... Trinity 19th and tiered tier. a. a. aior rison. 8. 11,8. St Darids E. 12th and Belmont Bee. Tho. Jenkins, rector. 7:30. 9:30. 11, preach ing by the Rer. Rn-sel White of Ro-ehnrg; :30 mass meeting ol city enureses rencuuou of pageant "The Great Trail." St Marks 21st and Mars nail KeT. j. u. Hatton. 7:30. 11, 7:45; daily. 7:30 a. tn. St Andrews Hereford st, Plymouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 11, 7:30. Grace Memorial E. 17th and w elate!1 iter. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Shepherd Vancotirer and Graham ReT. John Dawson. 11,8. 8t Michael and All Angels E. 43d and Broadway Rer. F. T. Bowen. ricar. 8. 10. 11. Church of Our Sarior 80th are. and 4 1st at S. E. Rer. E. H. Clark. Ticar. 7:80. 11 Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital ReT Frederick K. Howard. 7, 9:80 St Paula Woodmere Rer. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. All Saints 26th and Sarier BeT. Frederick K Howard.!: 10. 11. St Johns Memorial E. 15th and Harney, Sellwood. Rer. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:30. St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Rer. W. A. M. Brack, tricar. 10. 11. E ran fel to First E. 6th and Market Rer. E. D. Hom- schnch. 11. 7:30. Clay Street 10th and . Clay Rer. Jacob Stocker. 10:45. 7:80. Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Glisan. Rer. G. J. Ledin. 11. 7:80. Pre mathoalst Central E. 5Bth and Flanders Rer. E. L Harrington. 11. 7:80. First E. 9th and Mill Rer. g. H. Upton. 11. 7:80. Alberta E. 80th and Wygent Rer. M. V. Whettell. 11, T:o. St Johns E. Richmond and Hudson Rer, E. D. Blackman. II. 7:80. Lenta Rer. S. li t'pton. acting pastor. 2:30, 8 30. First E. 35th and Main Rer. Homer L. Cox. 11. 7:45. Second E. 92J and 6 lit are. Rer. Lurana M. Terrell 11. 7. West Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey KT, Carey Jessupp. 11. B. wawtsti Congregaelon Beth Israeli 12th and Main Kabht Jonan . vise. neiorm synagogue. Berries Friday 8 B. m.. Saturday 10:30 a. m. Congregation Aharai Sholom Park and Clay sts. Habbi 11. A on, u Hi son. iiu), p. m. : Saturday. 8:30 a. m. Congregation Nerah Zedeck Talmud Torab 8th and Hall Ree. Abraham L Roseneranta. Friday 8 p. as- Satarday 9 a. m. Sunday 10 a. m. Rehgwna acnooi Latter Day Salnta Chnrch of Jeans Christ of Latter Day Saint E. 25th and Ms Olson never U. iTaoon, oris- aaon president. iu. i:ao. LannarM St James W. Park and Jefferson Re. William E. Brink man., ii. 7:bj. St. Paula E. 1- k and Clinton Bar. A. Kranse. 10:80. TIi WUI B Done as It Is in HeaTen";- , young people s aeration; -7:30, "A Wonderful Work i This World." . Oar 8a nor E. lth and Grant Bee. It A. m.;. ... ii jorwffil " Iu ,l. m lYiava nalW'i 7. eai es -Jesus Shall It Ever Be," by Harker, and the chorus will sing "Appear Thou Light Divine," by Morrison. The new pastor. Dr. Walter Henry Nugent, Is expected here by March 1. The Sunday morning sermon of the Rev. Bruce J. Glffen at Vernon Presby terian church wilt be the last , in the series preached Upon prayer 'In the evening Mr. Giffen will review Benja min KIdd's last book, "The Science of Power." in which Mr. Kldd, makes the charge that Darwin's "Origin tf Species" Is responsible for the philosophy of PrussianlBm, and its resultant, the great war. Sunday morning the Rev. Fred', W. Neat, missionary home from Africa on furlough,-will speak in Mt. Tabor Pres byterian1 church on experiences in his work. In the evening the pastor, the Rev. Ward W. MacHenry, will speak on the New Era campaign. The Rev., G. W. Gelvin of Orenco mill speak Sunday morning and evening at Kenilworth Presbyterian church. The Christian Endeavor society of this church will give a "shadow party" next Friday night to aU'Endeavorers of the city and their friends. One of the fea tures will be a shadow auction, wherein the shadows of the girls' profiles are to be sold, together with the contents of their baskets. Congregational Two reels of the "Son of Democracy" film will be shown Sunday night at Atkinson Memorial Congregational church. Dr. J. J. Staub will continue his series of sermons Sunday night on Bible fun damentals at Sunnyside Congregational church. lilld 3rethres The Firat 'Jolted Brethren church will hold a public installation of the new officers ;f the Christian Endeavor so ciety. Sunday evening. The pastor will give a short address on the church training school. The annual banquet of the organized Bible classes of the Sun day chocl wll be held Thursday night. umrere wiu,De installed by Bisnop w H. VVashlnger. Sunday evntng at Second United Brethren church Professor P. W. Davis will give a sacred concert on his triple golden chimes. The Rev. Ira Hawley will preach Sunday morning. The revival services will continue Sunday at Third United Brethren church, with Rev. Ira Hawley as even gelist. Special music will feature both services. The pastor of the Fourth United Brethren church will speak Sunday morning on men and the church. The evening service will be in charge of the men, with Harry Melby of the inter church movement as speaker. The men will also furnish special music. past month. Recognition of school paying in advance largest per capit toward Hunday School association work for the year. Special music. Blackboard demonstration. World Facts." E. C. Knapp. SERVICES IN Trinity (Missouri Svnod) WOliams and Graham Her. J. R. Rimbach. 10:15, 2 :30, serrice for the deaf by BeTi J. A. C. Beyer, Mow to Make a Blessed Christian Home. Bethlehem Norweaian 14th and Daris ReT. Wilhelm l'ettersen. 11. 8. Grace (Enelish) E. 24th and Broadway ReT. C. 1L Bemhard. 11. 7:80. Bethel Norwegian i Free) Wygant and Rod ney. Bethany Danish F.Tanaelical Union and Mor ris Rer. L. P. KJoUer. 11. 8. ot. Johns Peninsula and Kilpa trick ht. i Ludwig. 10:45, 7:80. Swedish Aucustana Stanton and Rodney Rer. V. G. Ogren. 10:4 5. 7:45. Immanuel 19th and Irrine Rer. A. v. An derson. 11. R. Trinity ( ScandinaTian ) Loreioy and For tune. Rer. S. C B. Kneelsen. 11. 7:30. ficn Erangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Iter. H. H. Koppelmann. 9:15. 10:18. 7:45. Alberta Enelish E. 17th and Alberta (Baker hall). 10. 11. Methodist Episcopal Carson Heights Iter. G. S. Brown. 10. 11, 7. Ontenarv K Oth .nA Pine Rsf Frank 1. Wemett 11. 7:30. Central Vancourer and Frffo-llT A R. Maclean. 11, 6:30. student rolunteer hour; 7 :80, sacred concert Clinton KellT K 40th and Powell ReT. E. S. Mace. 11. Epworth 26th and Rarier Rer J Stanford Moore. 11. "The Brotherhood": 7:30. "God's Veto." First 12th and TsvW R Jmlina Stans field. 10:80. "Sound Dostrine": 7:30. "The Mighty Acts of God in History and Today." Fir't Norwegisn Danish 18th and Hoyt Rer. Elias Gjerding. 11, 8. union Be it ice with VancouTur Avenue church. Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. Rer. A. C Brakenbury. 11, 7:30. Lents 86th st. and 68th are. Ker. F. B. Sibley. 11. 7:45. Lincoln E. 2d and Lincoln. Rer. F. A. Ginn. 11. 7:30. Monti Tills V. 80th and Pine Rer Hi ran Gould. 11. 7:30. Mt Tabor E 61st snd Stsrk. ReT F. G Decker. 11, "Willing to Do His Will" : 7:80 The Mass Morement in India," illustrated lec ture. Pattnn Alberta and Michigan. Rec G corns H. Bennett 11, 7:30. Ro-e City Park E. SRth and Sandr. Rer. D. Lester Fieldi. 11. "Joy Among the Angels"; 7 :30. retiring of serrlce flag by Lieutenant Colonel J. J. Crossley. Sellwood E. lSth and Taootna Rer. W. S. Gordon. 11. "Modern Canaans and How to Conquer Them"i 7 :S0, "Secret Sin and Soma Remarkable Exposures." Sunnyside E. 85th and Yamhill ReT. W. F. Ineson. 11. 7:45. St Johns W . Learit t. and Syracuse BeT. W. E. Kloster. 11, 7:80. Swedish Beech and Borthwick Rer. Abel Eklund. 11, 8. CniTersity Park Flake and Lombard Her H. T. Atkinson. 11. 7:80. Vancourer Arenne Norwegian Danish Skid more and Tancourer Rer. A. Christensen. 11. ersngelisuc fenrice led by Rer. C. August Peter son ; 7 30. evening service at First church. Wesleyan E. 53d and Glisan Rer. D. B. Hampe. 11, 7:45. Westmoreland Milwankie and Midway ReT. E. S. Mace. 7:30. Wflbur Multnomah hotel Rer. Francis Bur gett Slort. 10:30. Woodstock E. 44th and Woodstock BeT. L. C. Poor. 11. 7:80. Woodlawn E. 1 0th and Highland Rer. J. H Irrine. 11, "Hare We Three Gods or One!" 7:30. "Who Are tbe Ungodly and What Is Their Destiny?" District superintendent Rct. William Wsrtsee Toungson. D. D.. 691 E. 62d st. N. Tabor 2790. M. E. South First Union and Multnomah Rer. J. W. Byrd. 11. 7:80. Naaarana First E. 10th and Weidler Her. J. T. Little. Holiness convention. Evangelistic serv ices. 11. 2:30. 7:80. SeUwnod E. 0th and Spokane Rev. J. G. Brmgedalil. 11. 7:30. Brentwood 65th ave. aad 87th at Rer. C. U. Fowler. 1 1. 7 :80. . Highland Park E. 14th and Jarrett Rer. W. P. Keebaugh. 11. 8. Scandinavian .948 Garfield ReT. Daniel HaUstrona 11. 7:30. Presbyterian First 12th and Aider. ReT. Howard Agnew Johnston of Chicago, acting pastor. Rot. Leri Johnson, aasistant pastor. 10:30, "The Pris oner's Question"; 7:30, "Reincarnation." Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Be. Edward H Peace. 10:30. 7:30. Central K. 13th and Piue. Rer. Walter Henry Nugent 11. "Tbe Bugle Gall in the Army and in Life ; 7:30. "The 1920 Advance." Calvary 1 1th and Clay. Rer. L. Bonring Quick, 11, "Lot-'s Permanency"; 7:80. "God's Voice Air Down the Ages. ' Mt Tabor K. 65th and Belmont Rt. Ward MacHenry. 11, relation of missionary exper ience lav-Africa by Rer. Fred W. Neal; 7:30, "Our Saw Era ObjectiTe," by pastor. Vernon lth and Wygant Key. Brnce J. Giffen. '11. Th Value of Praying for Others ; 7 :S. M Hoc Tttat Helped Gaaua the Gren-t-W " BUSY WEEK AHEAD FOR BR. JOHNSTON Chicago Divine to Deliver Third Talk on "Spiritualism" Sunday Night; Other Talks Planned. Dr. Howard A. Johnston of Chi cago will give his third sermon oh spiritualism Sunday night at the First Presbyterian church. In the morning he will speak on the pris oner's "question." Dr. Johnston will lead the men's Bible class Sun day,' the subject being "Standing for Truth and Honesty." Mrs. Helen Kkln Starrett has returned from California and will lead the Bible class for women. Monday noon Dr. Johnston will speak at the Woman's Research club at the Benson hotel, discussing by request "The Shantung Question." On Tues day, the 27th, Dr. Johnston will give the inaugural address at Albany college on the occasion of the Inauguration of the newly elected president, the Rev. Al fred Melvin Williams. Ills subject will be "The Challenge of the Christian Col lege to Thinking Men." The charge to the new president will be given by the Rev. Dr. Warren N. Landon of San Anselmo, Cal.. a former Portland pas tor. The chapel address In the morn ing will be given by Rev. Dr; S. W. Seeman of Portland. Tuesday. January 27. at 2 p. m Dr. Johnston will address the women of the church, presenting plans for personal work. The Woman's association will serve a noonday luncheon for men and women Tuesday at 12:15. A general Invitation Is extended. To Direct Activity For Young People After a brtei vacation, following the completion of his work at Jefferson high school as head of the mathematics department, A. F. Bittner will take charge of his new duties as Institutional director of Westminster Presbyterian church February 1. Bittner will have charge of all organization work and will direct the activities of the young people. Including the Sunday school, of which he will be superintendent, according to announced plans. A feature of the ex pansion plans is enlargement of the room available for this department. A campaign Is now in progress to obtain tho balance of a total of 150.000 for the proposed extension work, more than $26, 000 having already been pledged. O. W. Davidson is chairman of this committee and reports favorable progress. PORTLAND I Piedmont Clereland and Jarrett Preaching by Rer. Boudinot Seeky. 11. 7:80. Fourth First and Gihhs Her Monro G. Everett 10:80. "Mind. Hand and Heart; the Kxpresaion of True Religion" : 7 :80. George Warner will speak on "India, Her Peoplea and Customs." Kenilworth E. 84 th and Gladstone. Preach ing by Iter. G. W. Gelvin of Orenco. 11. 7:80. Hope 78th and Ererett Rer. H. E. Giles. 11. 7:30. Rose Cifjr Dr. Robert H. MiUigan. 11, 7:80. Forbes Grahstn and Gantenbein Rer. Ward Willis Long. 11, "Enlarging the Borders"; 7:30. "Why Become a Christian!" Trinity Virginia ami Nebraska Rer. Theo dore P. Smith. 11. 7:80. Anabel F. H. Mixsell. 11. 7:30. Millard Arenue Rer. W. Lee Gray. 11, 7 .30. Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Rer. A. J. Hatina. 11. Miapah E. 19th and Division ReT. D. A. Thompson. 11. "The Extension of the King dom"; 7:43, "Thrift and the World's Waste," Unity E. 71st and Sandy Iter. 8. W. Scemsn. 11, "The Fragrance of Service"; 7:4 5. "Is Thy God Able?" Seventh Day Advsntlfte Note Regular services of this denomination . are held on Saturday. Central E. 11th and Everett L. K. Dick son, pastor. 10. 11:15. I Tsbernscle 6th and Montgomery G. W. Pettit. minUter. 10. 11. Montarilla E. 80th and Everett J. A. Ger- hart 10. 11. Lents 94th st and 68th are. W. D. Hunt ington. 10, 11. St Johna Central are. and Charleston A. K. Folkenberg. 10, 11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder M. H. Went land. 10. 11. Scandinavian 62d at and 89th are. Elder O. S. Lee. 10. 11. Salvation Army Corps No. 1243 Ash at Adjutant Henry R. Cozens. 11. 3:15. 8. Corp. No. 4. 128 4 1st Captain William G. wdiith. 11. 8. 8. Swadanberglan New church Society 331 Jefferson Rev. William H. Reece. 11, "The Human Form of the Divine Word." Unitarian Chnrch nf Our Father Broadway and Yam hill Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11, service in charge of Toung People's fraternity, with address by Clarence Toung on "The lllgner success ; 7:45, "Answering Doubts on Value of the Bible." United Brcthran Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc Donald. . Urst E. 15th snd Morrison Rev. Byron J. Clark. 11. "Divina Reciprocity"; 7:80, "The Church's Training School"; installation of Christian Endeavor officers. Second E. 27th and Sumner Rev. Ira Hawley. 11. "Hia Promise"; B, sacred concert. Third 67th st. and 32d ave. 8. E. Rev. E. O. Shepherd. 11. "Accepting the Invitation ; 7 :30. preaching by Rev. Ira Hawley. Fourth Tremont Rer. C. P. Blanehard. 11, "Our Men Vnd the Church"; 7:80, address by Harry Melby of lntercimrch movement Unite Evangelical First E. 16th and Poplar Rev. J. A. Goods. 11, 8. Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Rev. a H. Farnham. 11. 7:80. St. Johns Rev. A. P. Layton. 11. 7:80. United rVavytarian First E. 87 th and Hawthorne Rev. H. F. Given. 11, 7 :30. Church of the Strangers Grand and Wasco Rer. S. Earl Du Bois. 10:36, "The Promised Land": 7:80, "Tbe Promised Messenger." Kenton 120 West Lombard Rev. George N. Taylor. 11, "God s Man Reaches Kphesus ; 7 :30, "If a Christian' Slips." MlKetlaieaus Christian and Missionary Alliance E 9tu and Clay Rev. John K. Fee. 10. 11. 7:80. Realisation League 148 18th Bev. Kdward Mills. 11, 8. ... Christadelphian 621 E. Washington. 10:80. Church of God 863 Failing Harry Neal. 11 7:80. Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark. 11. 7:30 MetTa Resort 4 th and Bumside Rev. Levi Johnson, superintendent. 8. Divina Science Portland Hotal T. M. Mi nard. 11. "ld Tidings." Pentecostal First and Washington Bev. Will C. Trotter. 11. 3. 7:30. OUJ Tiding. (Pentecostal Mission) 246 Va Pentecostal chnrch ,E- aCOth and Ankeny A. W. Smith. 11. 8. . Volunteers of America Mission 224 Burn side Meeting every evening except Monday at N o'clock, and Sunday. 8 p. tn. .... Portland Eeclesia (Cbxkrtadelphian) 1697 Beiioont Oeoraw 11. Tilling, secretary. 11. Fentel Miseioa 268 1st S. . Services each night at 8. . . , Church of Christ E. 79th and Glisan. 11. Fint Spiritualist E. 7th and Hasselo. 3, 7:48, servtoe by O. W. Shaw of Berkeley. first (spiritual ratienee 129 fjonrtto at BeT. Max .Hoffn.aav, 3. , Lch Person a Mirror ot Himself." International Bibla Student W. O. IT, Tent Die, llth and Alder.; 8. 7:30. -t V,Jtty Jail 2d and Oak tioafsal aarvana at IJ by Uavaa Laaav. ' , Church Attendants 25 gears Ago WBill LlcarlKUhitcPosey Every person who attended the firBt service In the present edifice of the First Congregational church is requested to wear a white flower and attend the twenty-fifth anniversary service Sun day morning. The celebration of that day will be further carried out Thurs day evening when some of those present at the first service will tell of It in brief talks. Sunday evening Dr. W. T. McEIveen will preach. At the current events class during the noon hour he will given an address on what Congre gational leaders think about the League of Nations. Mexico, railroad ownership and other matters along the religious line. The women's association will hold an all day meeting Wednesday for sew ing. Pastor Is Released For Field Service The Pilgrim Congregational church has released Its pastor. Rev. Robert Murray Pratt, for aji Indefinite period, that he nay reBponu to the call of (he denomination for field service In the In terest of the Pilirrlm memorial fund, the crowning featurv of the Congregational Tercentenary movement. During his aheeMce the pulpit will be occupied by the Rev. K. J. Meyer, who veill preach Loth morning and evening. The work of the church is well, organ ized and all departments will "carry on" with enthuc iam. A motion picture U lo be inHt.illed next month. Rev. Mr. Pratt will preach tomorrow morning and evening and will leave for his new work on Tuesday. sat National Holiness Meetings to Close One of the coaft to coast conventions of the National Holiness association Is, now In session at the First Naaarene church. It will close Sunday night. The company Is made up of Evangelists C. W. Ruth of Indianapolis, Will Huff of Sioux City and Bud Robinson of Pasadena. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Welts, of Indianapolis direct the music. To night Bud Rotlnson will give his sermon "To Heaven and Back Again." The convention will close Sunday, but the evangelistic services will ' continue un der the leadership of Evangelist B. C. Dewey and the Rev. Frank Blackman, song leader. Three services will be held on Sunday at 11 a. m., 2 :30 and 7 :30 p. m. Churchmen Organize New Community Club Dr. Robert It Mllllgan. pastor of the Rose City Park Presbyterian church, has a surprise awaiting him when he returns from New York city today. The men of the church had an Idea that a men's club was needed. They called a meeting last Wednesday and organized the Men's Community club. A. W. Stypes was elected president : Reg L Morse secretary, and C. K. Peake treas urer. The men are determined to en courage church attendance and com munity betterment. Meetings will be held the first Monday evening of each month at 6 :30 p. m. Delegates Provided For - During the conference of the Method ist Kpiscopal church south, which con venes at Portland during March, room and breakfast will be furnished dele gates and visitors gratis. Dinner and supper will be nerved in the dining room of the church at 60 cents a meal. White Temple I inskrin nsitr iniavn smssis DR. WM. A. WALDw, Patter. 11 A. M. "Tl I OHWROH AT A CRISIS" 7:30 P. Me "THE ft COgHC RATION, OR THK OHANOKO LIFK" SPECIAL, MUSIC :4B A. SI. SUNDAY SCHOOL :S0 B. V. I. U. MSKTINO e Earth's Five Dominions Definite scriptural evidence showing that the earthy fifth dominion, with the desire of all nations is near at hand, wherein perfect peace, life and happiness shall prevail for all time. IOC WILL BE INTERESTED COME AXD HEAR N. M. LEWTON REPRESENTING THE INTER NATIONAL BIBL STCDENTS' ASSOCIATION Sun.. Jan. 25, 3 P. M. W. O. W. TEMPLE llth St. Bet. Wathlsgtot Alder SEATS ' iREK NO COLLECTION I ' EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF OREGON HOLDS Unusually Interesting Program Arranged for Big Denomina tional Meet in Portland. The unnual convention of the Episcopal church In Oregon; will bs held in the city during tho coming week. The program Is full of social and church affairs. Blahop W. T. Sumner looks for a record attend ance. One of the outstanding events, is a laymen's dinner at the Chamber of Commerce at 6:30 Wednesday evening. Prominent laymen and clergymen will speak. Reservations for this banquet can bo made atf the diocesan office, 401 Yeon build ingr. A mass meeting of the Sunday schools of Portland will be held Sunday after noon at the Pro-Cathedral. Two mlnut papers w ill be read by a member of each school on "How to Increase pur Len ten Offerings," and on "The Nation Wide Campaign." Brief addresses will be made by Bishop Sumner anf the Rev, R. II. White of Roseburr. The Rev. William II. Hamilton of Medford will prench Sunday morning at the Pro-Ca- thedral. The young people's society will serve a light luitcheon Sunday evening at 6 o'clock to the new members, after which a ehort business meeting will be conducted by Miss Kdna Moore. MASS MEETIMO ARRANGED All the Episcopal churches of the city will unite In a mies meeting in St. Da vid's church on Sunday night, when the young people's pageant of the church's mission, will be rendered. Mors than 0 ing the visiting clergy will occupy fclty pulpits. Monday an all-ifey conference of the) diocesan branch of the women's auxil iary will be held at St. David parish house. A social hour will follow. Tuea day from 9 :30 a. m. to 4 p. m. the annual meeting of the diocesan branch of th women's auxiliary will be held In St. Mark's church. In the evening the dio cesan mass meeting will be held In the Pro-Cathedral, at which time the bishop will give his annual address. TWO DAYS PROGRAMS Wednesday's and ' Thursday' a pro grams are : 10:00 A. M Holjr ('ommunlon, RL Stephens Ifo-t'athedral. The bishop urcee all mem ber, of the convention and the lsttv awn e rally to be present. He desires the elerc to meet in tne parish house at 9:45 a, m. sharp, and to be vested for the procession. 11:00 A. M. Organisation of the convention and business session. 1 :00 P. M. l.unoheon. 2 :30 P. M Business session. 0:30 I. M. lymen s dinner to clergy and delegates to convention, their wives and frleuda. Chamber nf Onmmome, Thursday, January It 9.80 A. M. Holy communion. Bt. Stephana Pro-Cthedrl. 10:80 A. M. Business session. , 12:00 M to 3:00 P. M. Polls open f of "vot i Ing. 1 -.00 V. M. Lnnoheon. 2:30 P.M. Closing business session. Saint David's Church S. 1tTM AND BKLMONT 11 A. M. REV. RUSSEL WHITE, Rossburg 7:80 P. M, 'The Great Trail" A M0WIN0 M0IANT BV SO TOUNO PIOPLK OF THK PARISH REV. THOS. JENKINS, RECTOR THE NUMBER OF A MAN EVANGELIST " DICKSON will p r e s e n t , undeniable' upon tbe Identity of the "beast" OX Bible prophecy. Every man, woman and child : in Portland should hear this startling lecture. , ' ' ;.' .' "j v ' Chris tensen's Halt ELETENTH UTIIEET. HETWEEW .MORRISON AND YAMHILL . Sun. Night, Jan. 25 AT JiM OXLOCK . BIG CONGREGATIONAL SING gPECUL MUSICAL P0QHAH SEATS FREE' PUBLIC I5TITED STATE CONVENTIONS 1 i! J v. ' I r - .- i