..THE : OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY. JANUARY 22,- 1920.. 18 i REAL FKTATB T?OK HALE HOLHF.r 1 4 Unbeatable Alberta -; ; Bungalows , reiki, w. hav bargain tn Albert tht defy eempariaon tad - competition. Show ua th. dual and we will buy yott sew hat ( ladies included). cV!P(n(nk VAtT om ". i block off iPXXW . union , Mr. pf cd it, right up ' . to data and a beauty; 1 room S' ' easily converted into additional ' aleeptng room; $500 takea this one. CfflTri fhr $2830 cart. bay a very attract P?VXJHU iv 6 lomn bungalow, elaborately finished maide: H block to Alberta car; fruit tree, lawn and rose. $760 on terma. ftTtrttTfn Ur ia a dandy 6 room bungalow PXyiSW oa rated ft.; anaeannenu all pid: hardwood floor, built-in buffet. Dutch kttchen, full cement baae - ' ment, 175 ga (tore and new lin- -. '- - oleum included. $1000 down. S (OlflWfn Buy an attractive & room . bunga &WWVJ) w with ocean of flowerswoses, vine, tree and berate; 2 tight. , airy bedroom: furnace, full ee'nient , basement, laundry tray. Terma arranged to anit. BIHR-CAREY CO '219 Railway Exchange. Mart 1686 ' ONE-HALT MILE FROM STATION - ..... 1 20 and a fraction acre, located etghjt mile from Vancouver. Wash. 20 acre under fcultiva- tion- balance In Denture: eood niL no ssavel or met, bearing orchard, fi room cottaaa, bam 0x60. nil) nearly full of eniilage, otnea buikl Jngs; county road and all rural eonvetnce ; Drtae 86500. with eood matched team, il cow. . 1 better coming frh, 3 yearling. lOOi chick en, wagon, .mower, 2 cultivator, plow, karnea. cream aeiiarator. harrow, luring tooth, gaa en gine and feed; 13500 cuh or will consider eottag or bungalow up to 12800, dear, and asm cuh. Personally inspected. Photo at office. .'-. JOHN FERGUSON. Certinger Bide CLOSE IN I EAST SIDE BUNGALOW i C large room with large floored attic; thla place wa built for a home and ha every con ceivable bulltln feature ; garage with jcement driveway, paved treet; thin Is not the ordinary type of hous. being offerer! for tale and baa not been peddled; hardwood floor in every; room, located in Murrymead between HawthnHie and Division at!., near 24th, the bent residence dia triot of the eait tide; price $6500, good! term. If you want a good home at the right pHce be aura to ee thin. .JOATEVVOOD V016JJH 4tlj St. $15.000Kenton Hoprae Praotioally new, elaborate home; must be sjd tea than coat: unusually attractive, with; 'try striking line; rnitlc brick construction; bsirdwnod floors throughout ; Rector ga radiator system : expensive built-in, large sleeping veranda; 8 full rooms, beautiful den with fireplace and hil- Hard room in basement; fireplace in living room. Finished throughout In white enamel a paved itreet and garage. Terms. BMiR-CAREY COi SIS Railway Kith. Main! 1686. r Ncin DAIRT. HOO AND SHEEP RAN ! 6 miles from Gtnn. ia 108 acre lot fin land with good buildings, completely eojuipped, for onlv 87000: 50 acres in cultivation end very productive; nearly all tillable; living i spring, J . 100 hearine nrurie trees: also familv orchard: i good bouse, splendid barn and silo with water , pipea. . j rice mciuae o norses, i cow, iu chieken. 4 hogs, lot of har and oita and . 1.... M I . n1 eompleU line of farm machinery; only H cash required. Personally inspected by Mr. Marsters. ' JOHN FERGU8QN. GerUnger Bldg. "" LAURELliURST Nifty Bungalow Garage $5700 Let 0 show you this new. nifty bungalow. It really ia a downright pleasure to show a home of thla character. The superior construction and workmanship will appeal to you strongly. You eouldn't expect a better home for anything near this price in Laurethnrst. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, oament basement, furnaoe, attlo, etc. St. assta, paid. Let us show you. A G. TEEPE CO. 364 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3062. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. $3750 Hawthorne Bargain W are ordered to sell at once, and the price has i been lowered accordingly. Here it is: Fine 2 -story 6-roora house, 2 block from Haw thorne car; furnace, fireplace, best whit enamel Klurablng, 2 toilets, paved streets snd sewer paid I full. See this without fsil : S1S00 down. BliiR-CAREY CO. 810 Railway Exch. Main 1686. i $3900 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW , SrX ROOMS AND DEN OWNER LEAVING CITY Here' a dandy large bungalow, hardwaod floors., fireplace, large library or den. built-in buffet, white Dutch kitchen, 2 fine bedrooms ' . and bath down, 1 bedroom up, full cement basement, laundry trays, east front lot, fine shrubbery, garden pace, located near Haw thorne ave. and 44th. Sure, there's a furnace Paved streets, clone car. These homes are hard ' to get for any price, and here's a bargain. SEE MR. MACK f.E0. T. MOORE CO. . 1007 Term Bldg. Irvington Home $500 DOWN TAKES IT 2 ttory 8 room home in center of Irvington Park: pared st, and sewer all paid up: free of all incumbrance; furnace, fireplace, full cement basement. A great bargain to responsible party only. Possession April 1. : BIHR-CAREY CO. 119 Railway .Exchange. Main 1686. , ROSE ClfT PARK J- BEAUTIFUL DUTCH COLONIAL $7000 Hera, folk, ta a wonderful Dutch colonial in the very choicest location in Rosa City. On black from -ear. Six rooms, den and sun garlor. You will appreciate the real value and beauty ia this aplandid home. Let as show you. A. O. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. INCOME $00 PER MONTH Man and wife can earn more. Contract re quiring $6000 surety or personal bonds will b turned over to party buying new 9 room bunga low. New barn and 1917 Ford car. Property ia cheap without the contract. Price $2700. GOOO REASONS FOR HELLING Estes & Magee IIOU Chamber of Commerce, Salem, 4 8 Oregon bldg. ATTENTION. HOMEBUYEHS I have had 1 3 active rears' experience in selling Portland real estate and know values. ' I . personally inspect and appraise all listings. My salesmen are courteoui'. ciable ex-service men. willing and anxious to please you. Their duty la to show you our homes tor your comparison. Let. as show yon. J. A. Wickman Co. S04 RY. EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 583 Hawthorne Bungalow Sacrificed Attractive 6-ronm bungalow, close to Haw. thorite. oar, on 37 tb st. ; pavement and sewer in and paid. See it today; $31 50, $750 down. B1HR-CAREY CO. 219 Railway Kxchange. . Main 1686. IRVINGTON PARK Modern 6 room bungalow with fireplce. buf fet, book cases, 2 toilets, 3 lavatories and belli! good concent foundation full cement basement, vfuraae heat; on a beautiful 50x100 east front lot with several bearing fruit trees; just 1 block rrorn car. 2 blocks from school. Price $3650 $1120 e"li JOHNSON-OODSON CO. 32. 638, 684 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 377 ESegant Rose City Home . Jurt north of Sandy blvd. on 48th st. Six . roam bungalow, all on one floor, beautiful cor., in the heart of the beat resident section: furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, pared street; a fine buy. $4850: $1800 down. 1 f BIHR-CAREY CO. 51 Railway Escii. Main 1686. - WEST SIDE SACRIFICE , J' FIVE BUILDING 8ITF. 3 net a few block from new Montgomery-Ward , site, lOOxlOO corner and 4 housea, northeast , corner of 23d and Wilson. Look them over. Pnoa ana terms will satisfy you , ..... r A WlSDtVl C. A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE A CO. "01-3-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOB SALE LOTS 16 $600 ROSE CITY CAR $600 : 100x1 0 ? Cement Walk 64th St SMITH-WAGONER tX)., STOCK EXCHANGE ROSE CTTY PARE tot, $670,"on 48th "at; pavement paid. Tabor 6441. ACREAGE SIX ACRE CillCKEN RANCH Two milea from eastern city limits. 2 acres 'cleared, balance easily Bleared; 4 room bunga low, gome outbuilding, " on good road. Snap. PrMe $1600. Sightly place. 3. liaaa, 826 Chamber of Commerce. CRANBERRY marsh; wffl net $150 to $1666 I per sere One lilanUng In a lifetime. Vi lli de velop for oa? screags .limited. Owner, S49 6th at Mam 7940. -. . IrOR PALE ISM acres partly cleared, som limber; 4 mile east C1XJ iimita, owner. Phone Tabor 110$. BRA IV ESTATE ACBEASB if Small Equipped Dairy Located half ma from ear Hne, hist ontetdo etty InnlU, good 4 room boom with sleeping porch, gae and lights available; barn for IS eow and lota of room for bay: chicken boom and outbuilding. 12 fin eow. reasonably worth 11800; bom, chicken and equipment; th. Income from thla dairy it $600 per month; price for land and everything $4000. $3000 cash. Personally Inspected. John Ferguson, Ger llBger bldg. Immediate Possession BEAVEKDAM IDEAL GARDEN TRACT 6 acres half mile from liardsurfaced road and electric Una, near good school, almost new 4 room house, large barn, chicken bouse, good well arid pump, all under cultivation, tiled, run ning water; $3600, half cash, long time on bal ance. Interstate Land Co. Formerly Scandinavian-American Realty Co.) 24 8 Star at. Main 6429. CHEAP ACREAGE 12 acres lea than mils from Kalama, Wash.; 1 room frame house, spring, part of land cut over and not hard to clear; some old growth fir. Bturapege from cordwood will mora than pay 'r land. Slightly rolling, fine soil, on county road; magnificent view of Columbia; plenty of work at Kalama, good wage. Price 85O0; all caan. Estes & Magee 009 Chamber of Commerce. Balem, 426 Oregon bldg. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. $4000. Modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement with furnace; 1 V acra with fruit, 10 minutes' walk from Oak Grove, Oregon City car Personally inspected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON G st linger bldg. SOUTH OF REEDV7LLE 10 acres fine black soil. 0 under cultivation, 1 acre timber, canning little bungalow with out building. Personally inspected. Photo at office. Price $2000, terms. JOHN FERGUSON GerUnger. bldg. 4 ACRES. SUBURBAN. $180 DOWN Faces on rocked road, leading to paving. East 8 2d st. Good soil, especially adapted to poultry and berries. Light clearing, costing about $69 per acre:' ,25 minute drive to 4th and Wash ington. Snort walk, good ear service. Over 82 city lots for $1800. Terms to suit. Considering accessibility -and other features this offer can not be matched. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 805-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. ONLY Oo CAR FARE Nearly 2 acre located south of Capitol HU1, all under cultivation, creek on back part, lots of fruit trees, good fence. 4 room bouse with city water and gas, barn, chicken house and store house; price $1880, 3L000 cash. Personally inspected, photo at office. John Ferguson, Ger Unger bldg. 30 Acres Paved road. 8 block to car, 40 mlnutea by auto. Running atream, spring piped to house; new buildings: can be irrieated: lovelv nark ok natural trees. Have your own trout pond. You can ouy iu acre or taae ill. mis is oiierea at : - I OIB lli.V. kM. a. . a low price. 218 Aliaky bldg., oomer 34 and Morrison. SUBURBAN HOMES 7$ EXTRA CHOICE COUNTRY HOME 2 acres of perfect land. 100 ehoict fruit trees bearing. 8 -room bungalow, hot and cold water, ga, electric light; a beautiful grove of native trees near bouse, close to school and clinrch and electric railway sta., 6 miles Ports land courthouse. Price $5000, half cash, baL 6 per cent. You cannot beat thla for value see it. R. M. Gatewood Co.. 165 H 4th st SUBURBAN HOMES 3 room and larger, from 4 lota to 16 acrea. All are near carlinea, hardsurface and pavemenL Terma and price very low. Tabor 1485. FOB SALE FARMS 17 320 ACRES-$35iO0 . FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR PORTLAND OR SUBURBAN PROPERTY 200 a. in cultivation. 80 more can be cul tivated. 60 a. summer fallowed ready for (ced ing ; land all in first class shape: 4 room plas tered bouse, modern pantry, clothe closets and full basement all pain tad; 2 bams, chicken house and granary: buildings in good condition; located in" Idaho, 22 miles from Blsckfoot, 1 H mile from poatuffice Taber. which ha three (tores, school and R. R. station, in the Snake river plains, which Is going to be reclaimed In a short time. The bill is before congress now. We raise 10 to 20 bushels wheat per acre now: all kinds of outrange: all fenced with barbed ire: firewood and fence oosta can be aotten free within 1 4 miles from place. OWNER, 1. ZINK, 1032 N. Central ave.. Portland, Or. FARM WITH PERSONAL PROPERTY 12 miles from courthouse. Tigard . district Potatoes, equipment and stock. Fully $750 potatoes in root house, fin condition; wood in shed, about 20 tons hay, 100 bu. wheat and oats in bam, 8 doa. chickens, fine team brood mares, young brood mare, 2 good Jersey cows, 8 acre wheat and oats, fall sown; some clover meadow, plow, disc, mower, rake, cultivator. wagon, hack, some hand tools. SUlioo - Farm contains 42 acrea. ooo You will agree that thla ia an exceptional bargain. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. 624 Henry bldg. Main 7266. $6 PER ACRE $6 80 acres. (6 per acre. $220 cash, balance easy payments; county road and large creek run through the land, about half of it is tillable, when cleared. Fine soil, alder Jand. 300.000 feet of fir timber. This la a anap but must be sold at once. Estes & Magee 900 Chamber of Commerce. Salem. 4 28 Oregon bldg. Rare Opportunity 50 acre farm in choice district, midway be tween Portland and Salem: close to paved Paci fic highway and small town: creek, rich loam soil, best of berry land; land lies ideal. Price $11,000. Terms, about half cash, or will ex change for Portland residence, flats or other income bearing city property. A. K. Hill Co.. 215 Lumbermen bldg. 40 ACRES fine Und, with buildings, fruit, S cows, 2 horses. 2 hogs, chickens, 1 Vs mile from good town, 80 miles from Portland. Price $4000. half cash. Personally inspected. Pho to, at office. JOHN FERGUSON GerUnger bldg. v BUY A FARM CLOSE TO PORTLAND ' ON 8TATK HIUUWAY 12 mile from heart of city: 100 acrea, an un der cultivation, very finest of Willamette valley soil, electric railroad station on ths place, com plete set ot building. This is a real farm. WAKEFIELD. PRIES 82 4tb St A GOOD BUT 10 acre rich red loam, virgin soil; gentie south slope; no better prune or berry land in the state: 1 mile to Tigard. 14 mil to Capitol highway. Adjoining improved places selling a nun as 1 uu per acre. cordwood enough to pay for place. $2000, $600 down. C E. crannil, 203 Vs 1st st Main 420S. EDGE OF-OREGON CITY $1500 cash pnta you in poses sslou of 92 acrea or wonaerruily productive sand, on main road. soon to be paved; 1 mile from city limits of Oregon uity. uooa plastered house, barn. out. buildings. Total price $218 par acre. Personal ly inspected. rnoto at office. John Ferguson, GerUnger bldg. FINE 10 acre farm, mostly beaveTdam all tan- on paved road, 14 mile from 2 railroads, pne vuvu, terms, scniuer, vntn INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. Portland, Or. FOR SALE or will consider In exchange for food city property, or stock of general mer chanuiae. hardware or groceries, if clear, a good stock ranch, with forest reserve,' good hotue. on main road. 13 mil, from Boise, "Tb Only Wy. ' Address $60 Sonna bldg., Boise. Ida. FUR SALE 180 acra on good terms, 3 ml! of railroad station, m Ban ton county. 60 acrea in cultivation ; young family orchard; run ning water; 5-roomed house and barn and other ontonimnga, c. L Kilmer. Hubbard, Or. HI OWNER 80 acres, 4H milea oast of Ore goo City. Road to be paved this spring. 6 acrea clear, lies fine; will tak. boom and lot, valued at $2000 as 1st payment $85 an acre, SeU. 2281. 120 ACRES On electric carliiM. 20 mile from Portland. 60 cleared, lavs. - eteek running uuovgn isnu, max a lUk) oairy naco. T bast FARMS MrAWTETk REKT OS BUT 18 HAVE (Caster buyer want fane. J.'ROBBINS. 101 Railway - kHehant. Malm fHL ' HEAL ESTATE FABMS WASTED BEST OB BUT FARM LANDS WANTED Wa have cash barer for acreage and suburban property: also have clients for larger acreages, lama and ranches, in thla county and out. We also have real estate for exchange. List your property with ua and we will handle to the very best of our ability. Business Service 817 HENRY BLDG. IMPROVED FARMS WANTED Have 8 cash buyers for improved SO to 60 acres, on good road, not over- 80 miles from Portland, with or without equipment. John fayguaon. Gariing.r bids. TIMBER 8 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER General Land Office, Washington, D. C. Jan. 8. 1920. Notico is hereby given that subject to the condition and limitations of the acta o( June . 1016 (89 But, 218). and February 26. 1919 140 But., 1170) and the instructions of tb secretary of the interior of September 15. 1017, and September 28. 1919. the timber on the following land will be sold February 21. 1920. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction at the United State land office at Roseburg. Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the ap praised value a ahown by thla notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior The purchase price with an ad ditional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being commission allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale ia not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district therof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being Included In any offer of a larger unit- T. 27 8.. R. 13 W., See. 25. NE. Si NE. W. fir zouu M.. NW, NE. tt. fir. 2400 M.. cedar BO M., 8W. H NE. K. fir 1580 M , cedar 40 ,,aul, wm,er; jTel 'J0- " M.. BE. NE. . fir 1700 M.. NE. NW.I' P,ortl,"d. : , 5 r,d in ""d" , fir 1700 M.. cedar 100 M.. NW. NW. Hamlet. tj6j7 8 2d st Tabor 488S fir 1200 M.. cedar 260 M.. SW. K NW tt. fir 1000 M . cedar 250 M.. 8E U NW , fir 1600 M., cedar 100 M., NE. hi SW. H. fir 810 M. NW U SW. U. fir lOOOlKarco Station, on the Oregon Electric R R M-. cedar 100 M.. SW. "4 SW. 14. fir 600 ' .. ceoar loo M.. Ml HE. 14, fir mou -. - -m OMU. T . IU lOUU riT. "SI BE. 14, fir 1700 M.: Sec. 27. BE. NE. 14 fir 1600 M.. cedar 400 M., SW. NE. 14. fir 850 M.. cedar 180 M.. NW. 14 NW. fir 80O M.. cedar 200 M.. NE. 14 SE 14 Hr 4 BO M.. cedar 800 M.. NW. 14 SE. 14 600 M., cedar 100 M. , SW. 14 SE. '4, fir 000 M., cedar 150 M., SE. 14 8E. 14. fir 1300 M., cedar 150 M. ; Sec 85. NE. 14 NE. 14. fir 1500 M.. cedar 100 M . NW. 14. NE. 14. fir 550 M.. cedar 800 M.. SW. 14 NE 14. fir 600 M.. cedar 100 M.. SE. 14 NE. 14. fir 600 M.. cedar 100 M.. NE. 14 . NW. 14, fir 1350 M., e;r 50 M.. hemlock 150 M , NW. 14 NW 14, fir 600 M , cedar 60 M., SE. 14 NW. . nr sou M., cedar 100 M.. none of the fir. cedar, or hemlock timber to ' be sold for less uian 2.zo per at. isignea) CLAY TALLUAN, ,n. n. t . , 1 I . , In. Commissioner, General Land Office. NOTICE of sal of government U inner Gen eral land office. Washington, D C. December 11, 1919. Notice la hereby given that subject to tb conditions sod limitations of the art of June 8, 1916 (89 stat, 218), and the fnstrucUons of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1917. the timber on the follow ing lands will be sold January 27. 1920. st 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction, -at tb. United Bute land office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder, at not less . than th. ap praised value as ahown by this notice, sale to be anbjact to the approval of the secretary of the Interior. The . rchaa price, with an addi tional sum of one-fifth of 1 par cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for th timber, which must be removed within ten years. Bida will be received from dtlxens of the United States, aseociation of mr -h citizens and corporation organised under ' tb law of tb United State, or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, th timber on any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being in cluded in any offer of a larger unit. T. 4. 3 . R, 8 E.. Bee. 21. SW 14 NW 14 . (ir 1660 M.. NE14 . SW 14 , Or 840 M.. NW14 8VVI4. fir 1600 M , none of the fir timber to be sold for less than $1.76 per M. ; eo. 88, 8E14 'IE 14. fir 730 M.. cedar 25 M.. SW 14 NE14. fir 850 M none of th fir or cedar timber to be sold for las than $1.60 per JL T. 2 8.. R. 4 E. sec 23. NE 14 NW14. fir 1650 M.. cedar 80 M.. all th fir and cedar timber on said subdivision to be sold for not leu than $2000; aec 2. 8W NW V fir 710 M., aU of th fir timber on said subdivision to be sold for not leu than $900. T. 2 8., R. 6 E.. sec 19. NE14 NW14. fir 1600 M . SE 14 SW14. fir 1900 M.. cedar 60 M.. hemlock. 220 M. : NW14 8E14. fir 1895 U., cedar. 45 kL. hem lock 150 M.. SW14 8E14. fir 980 IL. cedar 296 M.. hemlock 400 M.. none of th fir tim ber to be sold for leas than $1.25 per si., and Bona of tb cedar or hemlock timber to be sold for leas than 60 cents per M. T. 3 8.. R. 5 E.. sac $1. 8W14 BW14, fir 650 M.. non of the fir timber to b old tor las than $1.25 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner General Land Office NOTICE OF KXCHANGE Department of the Interior. United States Land Office. Port land. Or.. January 15. 1620. Serial 06291. Notice ia hereby given that The Ryan-Allen Lumber Co. of Vancouver, Clarke Counte. State of Washington, hair- filed in this office an application to select, under the provisions or tne Act or Congress approved May 31, ID in (40 Stat. 693). and the regulations there under approved July 17. 1918 (Circular 611 1, the N. E. 14 of N. E. 14 and N. W. 14 of N E. 14 of Section 13. T. 4 S.. R. 6. W . Willamette Meridian. Anv and all Dersons claiming adversely the lends described or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to the appli cant should file their affidavits of protest in this office without delay. (Signed) Alexander week. Register. CORDWOOD PROPOSITION 1000 cords -tumpage. old growth fir, 1 mile down grade to Kalama, Wash. This includes 20 acres good land that lays well, fenced and on county road. Too can't beat this proposition for the money Price $850; Some terms. Estes & Magee POO Chamber of Commerce. Salem, 4 28 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE First growth fir wood, $4.50 In the woods. 800 or 1000 cords, A. Hevel. Gresham. Or. Phone. FOB SALE OR KXCHA5GE REAL ESTATE 8S FOR SALE or trade, by owner, a good home. also 13 acre under cultivation, and some choice lota, all in Ocean Park. Wash. S. Flin gerlind. 460 E. Davi st EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE S4 640 ACRES, with nice lake; fishing, hunting: exchange for 20 or 40 acres, improved, near Portland: good school. 504 Pittsburg at. St. Johns. Portland. Or. TO TRADE 10 acres, clear of encumbrance. In Florida, for light young team, harness and wagon. Team must be tru and gentle. 29 Journal, Vancouver, Wash. EXCHANGE Lot on 18th St., Irvington for house in good district; so objection to some repairs. L-483, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE $1 MY SYSTEM of telling houses gets results. It might be to your advantage to list with me. House selling is my specialty. Your house will be given proper attention. Watch Our Ads. We Get Results. C. A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE A CO. 201-203-205-207 Board of Trade bldg. IMPROVED ACREAGE WANTED W. have several people wanting small place naw towns or city with payroll Must bav. buildings and small payment down. Also buyers for cheap place near Portland. JOHN FERGUSON GerUnger bldg- WANTED A S nr 6 rnm bungalow, price not exceeding $4000. Must be In A-l condition. near ear line, Hawthorne district preferred. No agents. In replying state price and terms, also number of rooms and other feature. H-125. Journal. WILL the owner of lot 16 and 17 in block 1. Roeelawn Annex, please call or write to Mis Louie Valentin (00 business) . 500 Emerson at, Portland. Or. WANTED from owner, bungalow in Richmond or Hawthorne district between $2600 and $4000. Substantial down payment A-849, Journal. WANT to buy-. 40 to 60 room apartment boose; brick bldg.. and lease right away. No agenta. Woodlawn 6902. WANTED From owner, bargain in up-to-date bungalow, Albina district; term. Give price. description first tetter. 1IH William ave. I WANT a bargain ta a fraction! lot with ot without booaa. (onto of Montgomery street between $th and 20th eta. H-78 Journal. WANTED from owner, bungalow iBHawthorn or Richmond, between $2600 and $400O; good down payaaeot A-848, Journal. WANTED 7-roor bouse, on . to. northeast aUa. East 6287. 407 iforrj at. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE Tl UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD. ( SALES $2,400,347 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD DURING THE YEAH OF 11. B" FRANK L. MoUt'IRE AGENCY. Twelve experienced salesmen with autoa. Sev eral hundred buyer on our lut, many with cash, denfring to buy modern homes under $7000, es pecially in HOSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. LACRELHURST DISTRICT. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Also inexpensive modern homes in all parts of the city. FRANK L. ,McGUIRE will per sonally insnect. ohotocraDh and appraise your property without charge. The picture of your house, with full information, will be displayed on the walls of our show room, which are crowded with proniective buyer. Your house is sold if listed with us. (WE NEED IT TODAY.) SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE To Sell Your Home. Abington bldg, Main 1068. TIMBER LAND WANTED SmsH tracts of timber, near a road and not over 40 milea from Portland; will consider rough land if the timber is good ; must be handled for small payment down. Will consider high priced acreage close to Portland. If coo venient to rock road. John Ferguson. GerUnger bldg. BOOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOB SALE 6 FOR SALE 19 housekeeping rooms. West Side; income HUH; rent $00. Price $1290. Call owner, Marshall 1185; no agents. H A.NThI) Booming houses. 1 to Ho rooms; pay cash. Main 8689. Garland. L'Ul 3d. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2$ COKDWOOD. 700 cords now being cut, half fine old growth, balance 2d growth; 15 cars now ready : graveled road mile and quarter to FOR SALE General merchandise cash store, in the heart of 500 acre bearing apple orchard; opportunities in connection with this are fine. Mail address. R. M. Rader. R. 8. Aurora. Or. w.tv1 4 men for road work. Mut buy 8 V, ton S-nndard trucks; written contract goes with truck. Ten months! work. Phone Broadway 1571:, Mr. King. Sundays, Broadway 977. 10 a. m. to 12 m. I iroK Kt.M or sale. oo DDL roller system, water)ower ; flour and feed null. tor psrticu- Hare write owner. E. C. Lathrop, Myrtle Creek, i Douglas Co.. Oregon. War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds. Spot cash. American Brokerage. 205 Morgsn bldg., 2d floor. GROCERY store for sale, good .location, stock invoiced ; will give 5 per cent discount. Phone Tabor 4120. 3421 5pth and Powell valley road. 5(Q BUSINESS CARDS ROSE CITY PRINTERY $11.00 koo mut bring this ad. 120 5th it. BOOMING town needs big hotel, nal. ZX-852. Jour- TINNER to set up furnace, nings. Sellwood 401 eve- 8AWMII.I, and donkey for sale. Timber is sawed out. Must move. Inquire Ballston, Or. Box 4 3. 500 BUSINESS CARDS $1.25 Ryder Ptg Co. ai n 5 5 3 fl. 1 9 1H 8dt. BAKERY for sale. $35,000; doing about $100 a day. Broadway 560. GROCERY stock and fixtures for sale : good location. Woodlawn 1531. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $82.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $16.17 per month for 96 months paye a loaa ef (1000 and interest. Loan of other amounta In earn propor tions. Repayment Privileges EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark st.. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS Loan for any amount at 5 14 per cent for 8 f A n...kl. i I..t. II . , part' or ;of p,y,bfe u ,ny tjm We loan money in aU towns of the Northwest Call or writ. 1333 Northwestern Bank bida. Marshall 3718. Evenings. Woodlawn 2431. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property, favorable repaying privilege; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTTX. 606 Piatt Bldg Main 6371. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, automobiles, etc F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Cliamber Com. Main 8020. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real es tate; 6 and 7 per cent, long time, short time; monthly payments ; pay as you can; sums to suit 725 Gasco bldg , 6th and Alder. CELLARS MURTON CO. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce building. Main 644B. . BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. 0. Beck. 213 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONEY TO LOAN In amounta of $100 t $6000 on city property. A. H. BELL. Rooms 10 and 11 Mulkey bldg $500. $1000 AND UP to lend at 6 and 7 per cent. R. F. Bryan. 509 Chamber of Commerce. $300 $400 $500 $600 $750 and up. lowest rates; quick action. Gorden Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. SEE OREGON INV. at MORTGAGE CO., 223 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. $1000, $1500, $2000 and up; 00 commission, r. tt DLSHON. 616 Cham, of Com. bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS up to $6000. 6 and 7 per cent Fred S. Williams. 506 Panama bldg. MORTGAGE XOANS, 6 and7 per cot Louis Salomon at Co.. 408 Selling bldg LOANS WANTED 3$ 41500 wanted for private party on farm land. 618 Chamber of Commeroe. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. HONEY TO tOAS CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FtntNITUKE, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOOITS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS. OR ANiTHINO OF VALUE. SECURITY. USUALLY LUiFT IN YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THK1H NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF SOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPAN1KS OK ON FUKNITUKh, OK AUTUMUH1LH CON TRACTS ARE TOO UHUK, Wt WILL PAX THEM UP. ADVANCE IOU MOKE MO. . ' NECESSARY, AND IOU CAN REPAl OS IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS V'J ttlili YOUR CONVE.N1EMJK. (JGAL KATKS NO OKUAI BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. ' (LICENSED) 806-807 D2RUM BL1XL. SD AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N Pooij. Broadway 010 4 Start au. near 10th, Loan on diamonda. watches. Vlctrolas, ptanoa. kodaks, shotguna, furniture, musical inauum.nt tod anything of value. ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THS BUKRUWI1 City and county warrants cashed at face vaJuo. ''AHHIK MTEKS-MXltMAM SALARY LOANS CHATTELS WE LOAN MONET en abort notice to salaried or worklngmea oa their . own note. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES .ABSOLUTELY WO SECURITY W. also loan oa household furniture, piaaoa, ate without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. (LICENSED) SIS FAILING BLDG. MONEY to loan oa diamonds, jewelry rates; aU articles held a year: aatabliaiMd 1bc 1888. c Dan Marx t Co., 283 Wash, at. MOITET TO LO AH CHATTELS, ' SALARIES 91 ARE YOU IN DEBT? LOANS TO WAGE-EARNERS oo their char acter and earning capacity, S1U ta aaoo at 8 ner cent ner annum: weekl or monthly pav- menta. The Industrial Loan A Inv. Co., .267 Vs Oak St.. Lewis bldg. , LIVESTOCK LOANS Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep, hoga, etc F. E. "Bowman at Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 806. riNAHCIAL 81 TlffflTBWAlfrLTBKBTT BOND AT 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All due coupon Interest Included.) J. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD ur 1MA1 BONDS BOUGHT ! SPOT CASH! MARKET PRICEl CASH FOR RECEIPTS. We LOAN money oa BONDS, War Saving Stamp. 7 per cent. 72fi GASCO BLDG.. FIFTH AND ALDER CELLARS MURTON CO. CASH paid for mortgagee and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. U. E. Noble, 816 Lumbermen bldg WE BUY first and second mortgages and sell ers' contracts. F. E. Bowman it Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC II 100 HEAD of horses more horses than any 4 barns in the city of Portland to pick. from. You can pick them right off the job. Har nesses for every one. Will sell any one. Have some fine matched teams; also a nice family cow, will be fresh in March. One pair of good 4 -year-old mules, weigh 2400. Wagons of all kinds. Ford runabout, in good shape; will trade for horses, mules or cattle. We hire horse by the day, week or month. Open day and night. Phil Suetter. 285 Front st. Crown stables. O. T. STABLES. 17TH AND KEARNEY Five team rood young horses and mare from 3 to 7 years old. Everything sold with a guar antee. G. D. WILLIAMSON FOR SALE 22 head Eastern Oregon horse aud mares, weighing from 1200 to 1700 lbs. 4 to 8 years old. Broke to farm work. Can be seen and tried by suitable buyers. Marion Fuel Co.. foot Taylor st. FROM the. farm. 1 big team 8400 lbs., well matched, full bred; a real team; 1 small team and harness. 2300 lbs., young, sound and true. Come and see them work, 1 block south 8. P. depot, Milwaukee. Phone 29-J. Mil waukie. H. A. Smith. 12 HEAD of mares and geldings, weighing from 1100 to 17O0 lbs. Prices from $4 5 upwards. All good workers and gentle; also wagons and harness. At National Stable, E. 9th and Haw thorne. Phone East 6106. 3 GOOD mares, 4 to 6 year old, 1300 to 1400 lbsK; 1 gray horse, 7 years old, broke single and double: buggies and harness, chesp for cah. 270 E. 7th st, between Hawthorne and Madison. 1 PAIR MAKES, weight 2600 lbs.; well mated. with good harness and wagon; guaranteed good workers: cheap. 5624 8Bth st. M-S car. ALL kinds of horses, wagon and harness for sale or exchange. 302 Front. HORSE and wagon, $1.60 per day; 2 borsea and wagon. .S. J. Cohen. 546 Front. Main 220. WE buy and sell horses and hir out home snd wagons. 380 Front. 8EVERAL cheap work horse; also good top buggy. 387 Water. GOOD horse and covered top delivery wagon $75. 2L7 N. J ersey. Columbia 951. 1300 POUND home "for $50, guaranteed sound and true to work. Atlas Woodyard, 327 Front FINEST-pair-ponieiTin clty7 Tak big horse or cow in exchange. 387 Water. SPAN chunks, harness and wagon! 887 Water LIVESTOCK 86 WE have established a good market for dairy cows at the stockyards at North Portland. If you wish to buy any good dairy cows or bav any to sell, see Mr. Bruce at the Union Stock yardst North Portland, Or FOR SALE: 1 CorvalUs Jersey. 2 years old". gentle, good milker snd lota of cream. Fine cow for family. Dealers need not apply. Wood lawn 313. FOR SALE 175 High grade Angora nannie eoats. selected stock, some registered.. J. L. Basye. R. 1. box 116. Orchards, Wash. MILK Cows for sale, Holstein, ' Durham and Jer sey. North end Willamette blvd., St Johns. Columbia 831. ONE nice family cow, young and gentle. $65; got to sell. 1 block south S. P. depot, Mil waukee. Phone 29-J, Milwaukie. H. A. Smith. TWO young Jersey-Holstein cows, fresh soon, good milkers. 142E.81st st N. M.V. car. FIXE-young dalrv cow, Jersey-Holstein, heavy milker. S.C. Bowles, 162 lWeatanna st YOUNG fresh-cow7 giving 30 Ibe. of milk, for $95. 104 E. 69th st N. 4 GOOD young brood sows; will sell dirt cheap. Sellwood 465. HEIFER calf, jersey-Holatein, solid brown, week old. $10. 6657 Slid st. Tabor 4SM3. WANTED Few milch goats; state breed, price and particulars ro I.-4H5. lit "-'. WANTED Beef and veal Tabor 2073. POULTRY AND RABBITS 37 THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY, 1534 E. 12th st. N. Wdln. 1483. BABY CHICKS S. C. B. L Reds, $80 per 100. S. C. Barred Rocks. $30 per 100. 8. C. White Leghorns, $20 per 100 Barred Rocks and R. L Reds hatching eggs, $2 50 or $3.50 per setting. Special prices for large orders. TSO 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN pullets, $l.5C each: 75 Rhode Island Red pullets. $1.75 each; 12 Wyandotte pullets, $1.75 each; 1 pair Silver Seabright Bantam, 1 pair Buff Cochin Bantam. 20 Hatred Rock pullets. SI 75 each: 15 Black and Golden Polish pullets. S3 50 each; all fine Hogandzed stock. 300 E. Morrison st East 6122. NORTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION Offers you th beat obtainable Is poultry, eggs, ehicka and grown stock. Corraapocdeoca cheat fully answered. 8 2d at, 73d to 74th ava 8 -at. Lenta station. Portland, Or. 50 CHOICE roo-tec Barred Rocks. Rhode Wand Red. 8. C. White I,eghom. Buff Orp ington, Brown Leghorn, White Minorca and Black Minorca; prices from $2.50 to $5 each; all thoroughbred stock. 800 E. Morrison st East 6122. BABY CHECKS Leghorns. Reds, Rocks. Minorca; price, rea sonable. C. N. Need ham, Salem. Or. 150 TOUNG WhiteLeghorn hens. $1.50 each; high-grade Hoganized stock ; also a few choice cockerels, baby chirks and hatching egg. J. it. Magulre. 7 87 Oregon st. near East 2th. BARRED Rock eggs. tncr?bator lots epexualty: large, vigorous stock : kind that lays. Mra. Evans. 365 E. Lombard. Woodlawn 1656. 4000 PULLETS from heavy laying trapneeted White Leghorn. Free catalog. Watterson Pullet Farm. The Dalles. Or. 150 WHITE LEGHORN and Ancona bene and pullets. Mt Scott Poultry Yard, Tabor 6895. 6348 R4th st 8. E. WE PAY CASH FOR POULTRY Pets. Puppies, of aP kinds. rjh VToclnce Co . SOO E. Morri-on. Kat 6122 PULLETS Good utility Rhode Island Reds, $2 each. 6657 8 2d st Tabor 4183. lit Scott car. O A. C. WHITE I.BGHORN Betting eggs. $6 P- hundred. Bolton White Leghorn ranch. Bolton, Or. FINE Barred Rock cockerel from prize winning stock: Meyers strain; price $10. . Tabor 1521. 2536 67th SU FOR SALE "5 -egg incubator $5. Tabor 724. 27 YOUNG" hen and pullets $1,33 each. Phone East 1081. 6 p m. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Red cockerels. $8 Phone 320-12. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock rocaiter; mo. old, reasonable. 246 N. 17tb st 4-6 R. L R. COCKERELS for ale. Call Satur day and Sundays at 8814 46th ave. S. E. HOGANIZE your flock and aave feed. I guar tee to pick the layers. Woodlawn 5902. 250 IAYING"pulieU andbreedinf itock. Wood lawn 5902. ANCONA cockerels for sale. $2.50 up. 5723 55th ave. 8. . . WANTED Six portable chicken houses. State size, make and price. 1-488. Journal FOR SALE or trade, a setting hen. Broadway 2836. ' W. L. HENS and cockerel. R. L H. pullet and hens tor sale. Tabor 0848. 6 LARGE Jubilee style incubators for sale. Wat terson Pullet Farm, The Dalles. Or. WANTED Setting ben. Tabor 724. DOGS. BIKPS, PETS. ETC 9 3 FINE Airedale puppies, 2 months old: 1 Spitz puppy, male. S month old: 1 Spits dog. also one Spits female, one Pointer dog, broke, good hunter. 800 E. Morrison st Eaat 0122. canarTTbtrd SHOP FEMALE FREE WITH EVERY SINGER AUTO. 822-17. 1161 E, 38TH NO. FOR SALE Rufus Rod bred doe: also baby rabbit. Order your Easter bunnies early. Free delivery. 1 0408 69th are. 8. E. ST. ANDREA8RURG ROLLER eanariea and fe male for mating. 420 H Stanton. East 4629. 2 FINK singing canaries and cages, guaranteed linger. $00 E. Morrison st East 0122. AUTOMOBILES AX ACCESSORIES MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. GOOD BUYS. 1915 Fsrd touring, new license . , 1816 Ford touring , 19 IT Chevolet touring 1916 Maxwell touring .$368 . 87S . 475 . 425 . $65 1916, Ford roadster, new license...., 1917 Overland touring 475 1917 Chevrolet roadster 475 1917 Chevrolet 475 1916 Dodge touring 675 1918 Overland ccummy 7S0 1919 MaxweU '. 850 1918 Oakland touring 850 1918 Chevrolet sedan 925 1918 Chandler. 7 pass 1850 1918 Olds.. 6 cyl., roadster 1050 1919 Studebaker. light 6 touring 1550 lOlTHudson apeedster. wire wheel and 6 cord tire. 1918 Chevrolet 675 MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS ST. You Can Always Do Better at WalHngford's Below we submit a list of our Used Cars that ars Extra Special For the rest of this week. All mechanicallg per fect, and. believe ua. the prices and terma are RIGHT. Chevrolet, model 400 Ford jitney. Buick "4." Buick "4" roadster. Ford sedan. Grant "6." new paint Olds coupe. Ford roadster. Winton. like new. Call and give a look at these. Ask for Mr. Little. Used Car Department of W. H. VVALLINGFORD CO., Bdwy. 2492. 622 Alder at Open Sundays. Best by Test Old eight, 1918, 5 cord tires, wind de flector, and 1920 license paid $1275 1915 Studebaker 6. fine new tire, new top. new paiot, with terms 500 950 Buick light six. 1920 license paid Overland. 85 model, a nice light car. new tires, good paint, 1920 license paid, one-third down Chesterfield six. sport type, good rubber and new paint 1920 license paid .... Packard Bug, new rubber, new paint, me chanically perfect service 24 hours, price, with terms BEST OF TERMS ARRANGED ASK FOR JONE8 421 BURNSIDE ST. 650 800 600 M. B. FISCH Radiators, fender, bodies hoods, tank repaired and remodeled. Auto sheet metal work a spe cialty. 505 Burneide. Broadway 2299 FREE FREE Wind deflectors, bumpers, spot lights, etc.; with all nsed cars sold in January. THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Broadway at Bumside. Open Evenings and Sundays. BUICK LIGHT SIX ROADSTER This is the kind that they all want, and this one ia like a new one: has been revarnished and has cords and one extra, and bumper also; glass wings on windshield. Come and try it, as all our cars are ready for delivery. They need nothing. Low price and $350 down, balance long, easy terms, lets you drive it away. Red Front. 505 Alder st YOU get more for your money here than else where, $40 worth of equipment goes with each car sold. The Oregon Motor Car Co. Broadway at Bumside. Open Sundays and Evenings. OAKLAND TOURING This is late model and ha fire non-skid tire and other extras, such as bumpers back and front and spotlight; the low price of $725 with $250 down and balance long, easy terms that will suit you. Take Ford or bond is trade. 505 Alder st. Red Front Car Co. A HUNCH or a Up at times have made men wealthy. Take our hunch and look over our stock of used cars. We give $40 worth of extras free. THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Broadway at Bumside. Open Evenings and Sundays. OPEN DAY and NIGHT General auto repairing, storage, used cars bought and sold. GODBET A CHURCHILL. Corner 5th and Hoyt Bdwy. 1686. FORD TOURING. LATE MODEL This car ia late '17 and the low price we have on it will please you. and we will take $150 down, balance long easy terms. Tske bonds full value, aim discount for all cash. 505 Alder st. Red Front. MT 1017 Ford at a sacrifice if sold by Satur day night: $3.0: just overhauled, new top. curtains and paint; all good tires; can be seen at the Climax garage. 28th and Thurman. or after 6 p. m. call East 2535. Owner leaving town. STUTZ ROADSTER (Bill Hayward's) StuU roadster, new top, all dolled up. $1000. Broadway 3247. 90 North Broadway. LATE model Maxwell touring car. If you are looking for a late model Maxwell call m up. I can sell you one; looks like pew and in fin condition, at th. right price, and glv Urmt on same. Phone Eaaf 1962. 1918 FOBD Touring Has everything you want on a Ford. A awell looker and runs perfectly; dandy tire. $450; $150 down, $30 per month. Broadway 8411. 623 Alder st. IF TOU are looking for a car at a bargain. we have it; must be sold this week; chummy roadster, 8 new tires and In perfect running order. The car can be seen st 717 Hawthorn or call East 1800. Ask for Blondie. 1917 OVERLAND touring, like new: owner waa in army, -car has not been used for a year; .very part first class. See for yourself; $600, with term. , 109 11TH ST.. BET. STARE A WASH. 1918 MAXWELL ft eel But this is a .well little bu. Not like, the ordinary nsed car. Bee it before you buy. $725; $280 down, $45 per month. Broadway 8411. 523 Alder st. STUDEBAKER roadster, looks good, runs fine. haa electric lights, demountavbae rims, ia worth $860; need th money. Will sail for $150 cash. East 8126. STUDEBAKER FOtfi fin. condition, nsed privately; good tire. Will cell at $775 and gtve terms. 30 Grand ave. north near Burn aide. MOTORS, gears, beartaga, wheels, axles; w. wrack all make of car and sail their parts at Vk price. David Hod Co.. 106 107 M. 11th st. SOKE classy buga will be ready for Monday. 90 North Broadway. Broadway 8247. . HUDSON Super Six. 118; Buick 6, 1917. Phone East 564. BEST cash offer takea almost new Dodge. Call Eaat 1059 after 7 p. m. OVERLAND TOURLVO CAB. $475. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. CHEVROLET light delivery, first clam ahape, 0North Broadway. Broadway 3247. FOR SALE Ford tourlrig'in" A-l condition. Tabor 8502. . CAROLINE 22 CENTS A GALLON, OILS AND vsauH. riOMCEK rauT uo.. is. la r. BEST cash offer take almost aew Dodge. Call Eaat 1050 after 7 p. m. 1919 LIBERTY SIX. ran 80(10 me: term. City Auto Laundry A Garage. 44 9 Barnaide. WE put steal teetn in yoor old flywa, at. B. Black. $84 Alder. Bdwy. 26S1. FOBD delivery eood condition. Broadway liT. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 DO IT NOW YOU WILL GET A GOOD CAR IN ANY OF THE8E LISTED BELOW; 19' 7 Chandler chummy. 1918 Chandler disnatcb. 1920 Chandler touring. 2000 milea. I J 1H OMsmobile light 6. touring. 1918 Oldsmobile 8. touring. 1920 Lexington touring. 800 miles. 1917 StuU. 4 pass., touring. 1919 Stutx, 4 pass., sport 1916 Hnpmobile touring. 1918 Dodge roadster, cord Urea. 1918 Oakland 6. touring. 1919 Mitchell. 7-pasa. Sedan. 1918 Maxwell Sedan. 3 019 Buick. 6-pass., tonring. 191 Buick, 7-pass., touring. 1918 Bnick coupe, overslae cord Urea, 1916 Buick. 4-cyl.. touring. 1 1 1 ct Ford coupe, like new, starter. 1910 Ford delivery. 1915 to 1010 Ford tourings. Car Sales Co. 531 Alder st Bdwy. 2798. USED AUTOMOBILES See us before buying: it cosu nothing to in vestigate. We guarantee our representations oa every car. Small payment down, balance long time, easy payment. We also trade. (H it LEADERS. Ford touring. A-l throughout, with starter $400 For" Sedan., fine condition 67 5 Buick 4, new tires 275 Overland 4. good value '8H0 Chalmers 6, five passenger, a dandy 700 ALSO SEE THESE Old.moblle 8. 7 passenger. Al Urn: a really swell job 1919 Veils. - thoroughly tuned up. valves ground, etc.. new tires. 1919 elie 4 passenger, probably th only one on the market st this time; see it I91H Veiie, overhauled, repainted, new urea. 1917 Velle, excellent value. 1917 Veil. 4 passenger, re Minted. 1918 Saxon ,Six. light and economical. 1919 Velle Sedan, a strictly high grade lob. D. C. Warren Motor Car Co. 58 N. 23d t Main 780. O B OBTES E S WINTER PRICES SPUING DELIVERIES THE WI8E BUYER In making his selection now of a good used car not only take advantage of the low winter price but is getting the choice of new stock. WE STORBV YOUR CAR FREE UNTIL SPRING We carry the largest assortment of good used cars in Portland. Lowest prices, easy terms. Liberty bonds taken at face value. Small cars traded. USED CARS FROM $200 UP Fords. Maxwells, Bulcks, Chevrolet. Dodges, Oaklands, overlands, Saxona, Studebakers, Ktephens, Hudsons, Haynes. Stearns, Willy, Wintona, etc Assortment bugs and motorcycle. LEW 18 E. OB YE MOTORS CO.. Broadway at Couch. 12 Grand ave. North. Real Bargains IN SLIGHTLY USED 1919 LEXINGTON SPORT AND TOURLVO CARS Terms If Required. BRUNN MOTOR CAR CO. 28-80 N Broadway. Open Sunday. 13,000 carried in atoca our springs cold with a written guarantee. Wa git you service. $4 N. 15tb st VELIE SEDAN Tb very latest 191-9 model, traded In on Peerless Sedan. W would lik your must criti cal inspection. 1. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 68 N. 28d. Main 780. $250 WILL put a good Oakland light six tn your garage; balance in tong easy terms. Would consider diamond up to that amount as first payment. Call White. Bdwy. 8(106. Eve nings Marsh, 941. STUDEBAKER 7 passenger. 5 wire wheels. completely overhauled in our own shop and looks like a new car. Ret family car on the market Don't be afraid because it is so cheap. I need money and must sell. $650; $250 down. $40 per month. Broadway 8411. 528 Alder. CASH TALKS! If you want to get a car for real 4ow value come and see our line. We have all kinds and tlnty ar ready for delivery now. Roadsters and tourings. We take bonds at full value. Remember. 20 late model cars to pick from. 505 Alder at. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. WHY not buy the tsmily a Dodze for this .urn- mer? We have, on hand, a 1916 Dodge and a 1 9 1 8 Ford. Both cars are in good meclianical condition. UNION DEPOT GARAGE CO.. Cor. Broadway and Hoyt. 1917 FORD touring in A-l shaje throughout. with extra good tire, and just refinisjted like new; $450. $100 down, balance easy. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. 525 Alder St CHEVROLET touring, lul'fi." good mechanical condition, good tires and paint Must sell. A bargain. S6.u. terms. SO Grand ave. north near Burnslde. LITTLE 6 Buick touring, in fine condition. run only 11.000 miles: cord tires: 420 will handle: snap: grab this. Call Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 8-'8i. 1917 HUDSON super sU. just ovarhsuled. driven only 8000 miles, guaranteed ; will sell cheap and give terma. 109 11TH ST.. BETSTARK A WASH. BEST'BUY IN" CITY One ton 1919 Ford trucks with body in per fect condition; $526; terms. 6820 92i st. S. E.. Lents. MY BEAUTIFUL lata model Sason A will al rnont pasa tor new; sacrifice at $7ft.1; wlU take $$50 cash,' balanoe monthly payments. Call Tabor 8850. MAXWELL touring, 1617. A-l condition. Will sell at $675 and give terma. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnslde. WILL sacrifice my Auburn Beauty six, sport model, wire wheels, cord tires, special paint job. Call after 6 p. m. Nortonia hotel, rm. 441 CHANDLE'R touring, gfoto. in A-l condition. T WiU sacrifice at $1200 and give terms. 80 Grand ave. north near Burnslde. DODGE touring, with lots of extras, good tires. A real bargain, $775. with terms. 30 Grand ave. north near Burnslde. VULCAN TTRB SHOP First etaae Ur repairing, bargain la ow aavd used Una. East 4896. 41 Grand ava. MAXWELL touring, 1919. in th best of con- d itlon. G ood tires, good paint. A snap, $950. Terms. SO Grand ave., N. near Burnslde. 1919 HUPMOBILE, good a new in every re pert, cord tire in rear, $320 will handle. Call Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. 191$ FORD tooting, good mechanical shape; 2 new tires on rwar. Will sacrifice. Terms If desired. Mr. Page, Broadway 157a or A-4K61. WOULD you buy a new Essex fo7T400. I have one food as new for that 00 North Broadway. Broadway 824 7. ONE SOsH. P. Studebaker engine. magneto, . carburetor and cone clutch, just overhauled, $.10. H-675. Journal. FORD coupe let. in A-l condition, used privete- ly. Must sell. A naraain. am a. 80 Grand ave. north, near Burnde. Term. GARAGE. building. 100x100; good location, to The Dalle, cor. 3d and Jefferson, on high way. Address 528 East 3d. 1918 MAXWELL touring, overhauled, all new tires; car good as new; goou. terms, una?. Call Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. FORD sedan, almost new, need privately Own- cr'a sacrifice. -A real bargain. (7 60, with terma. SO Grand ave. north near Burneide. BEAUtlFt'L taU model Paige touring. $1060. 281 Front at, cor. Jeffciwia. $J2S CHEVROLET.' 1916 touring, in good eonditlon. Alia. Wood Yard. 627 Front Tils FORD . roadster tn perfect condition; term, 3428. Eaat 6552. - fttSL BALK Ford touring body." Eaat 88$T AUTOMOBILES AfT ACCESSORIES 4, ; Portland Motor Car Co. Guaranteed Used Cars Packard Twin Six. 7 paaaenger . . . . $2254) Packard Twin Six, 5 passenger ...12100 Packard Twin Six. 7 pasengr $2700 Packard 5-48, 5 passenger $2000 Packard 8-38. 7 passenger $1750 Studebaker 4 cyl., 7 passenger $ 750 Studebaker little 4 cyl $ 4 50 a Chalmers Six, good buy at $ 850 Cadillac, 4 cyl. ; good shape $ B0 Nash Chummy. 1020 license paid $1150 Dodge, 1917; has 1920 license $ 800 Nash Six. 1019, almost new $1500 Hrtsco roadster. IBID, a dandy $ 750 421 H urn. id, st Chas. C. Fagan Co., Inc. PierceArrow Distributor Motor Cars ami Trucks. Ninth at Burnsld 8t Broadway 4 693. Pierc-Arrow 6-4K 7 -passenger . . . . Plerce-Arrow 3tl 2 pawnger .$ 900 90$ . 1(11)6 . 2506 . 2759 Pierce-Arrow .16 roadster Pierce A rruw 3. 4 passenger National Sedan 7 passenger. like new..., Mtuta Rear-Cat. like new. Plerce-Arrow 88 6 passenger. Westlnghnus ir springs, double ignition, painted Brewster Green, natural wood wheels, like new 800$ 6500 Actual Values Suitable Terms. Remember, you sre buying from CSias. C. Fagan Co., Inc. Distributors P5erceArrow Motor Cars and Truck. Mr. Automobile JJuyer The Hamilton Motor Co., 60 North Rrnad. way. offers for your approval, a few real' bass gams in slightly used cars at a big discount 1P20 Stephens Hsllent Six. sport model. 1019 Paige, ft pasa.. newly refinlshed. 1018 Paige. 5-jess.. fine condition. 11)18 Reo. l cyl , 7 pass., well equipped. 101 H Msiwell. 5-pass.. slightly used. 1P17 Jeffery, 7-pass., a rral buy. 1910 Oakland tl 32, just overhauled. 11113 Htud-hsker light four, cheap. 1913 Cadillac, good reliable oar. See White. liamJlton Motor Co. No. 50 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 8600) WHEN TOU WRiOat 1 EM AND BEND 'EM, 8KB ' O. O. OEHRER -THE RADIATOR MAW build bndtos, repairs ra tutor, bodiaa, ftndars snd all auto sbeet metal parts. NEW LOCATION 11TH AND DAVIS OPP THE ARMORT. BROADWAY 187$ SOME men are scared of a two dollar bfll We're not. Just bring ua a few a down pay. ment on a used csr, and w will glv you $49 worth of eilras free. Tlhe Oregon Motor Car Co. Rrnailtrsy at Hurnaid. Open Evenings and Sunday. T6T8 OLDS 8 touring".-jiwt en 'completely overhauled: a new motor in every way; new cord tires on rear, non skid on front. A real bargain at $1273: $360 down, lung time oa . balance. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. 525 Alder St. NEW LARGE I.ARCHMONT PAIGE Beautifully euulped, 5 cord tire. Owner leaving city and will sacrifice for immediate sale. Phone Tabor, 0(11). 1918 MAS : WELL" touring" in splendid shape', just like new; good tires, top. everything n-to-date shaiie: $050; small payment down lets you drive it away. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. 525 Alder St. EAULT 19 BRISCOE TOURING This new cr is the light. deftetidaMa four, and welive put the red low price on It thai will suit you. Take bonds and small payment down , balance long, easy terms. Red Front Used Car Co., 505 Alder at. A REAL good light 6 passenger car in first rlaa) condition: $100 first payment, balance Ilk rent. Total price $800. Call White, Broad way 8B06. Evening phone Marshall 941. 1920 STEPHENS Salient ix, sport model, demonstrator, in splendid condition: carria new guarantee. Call White. Broadway 8606, evening. Marsh. 941. LATE model Buick touring light six. Thla cai lias new top. newly refinished. and looks Ilka new: has some extras and th. low price of $986, with (850 down, bal. easy, let you drive II away. 60S Alder st Red Front Used Car Co. HUiTT)UiU.VG")Nfr6F THE "BIG-'! 7 HUPl This is the one model that put the Hups 00 the map, and this one is like new. W hv. low price and en take Ford nr bonds tn trade, (.ire long, easy terms. 505 Alder St. See Lavelhv BIG STOCK USED CARS .VS'S NO MIRTtK.PRESK.NTATION BfcSTTmjTtn-town?1920 Stephens 6a Heat C sort model, demonstrator, with .xtra equip ment, run about 1 zoo miles. For demonstra tion call White, Bdwy. 8806 evenings. Mar. 94JL DOItGE Touring. 1917. his been completely overhauled and should run a year without extra expense. Resdy to go. All good tlrea, $800; (320 dnwn. $48 per month. Broadway 8411, 523 Alder st. .300 SACK IFK'E, Ford roadster. 1918, first. claaa condition: fine engine. Inquire foe A, Neylon. Vernon Pool Hall. 21st st. and AV oert-a St. CA8Hpaid for old cars, eoodltlon no object) parts for all makes of ear. Oragoa Auto Exchange, 129 LownadaU. at l$ta aad Waaaw Isiaton. Plmn. Broadway 208. FORI) TAIL END-iTeLIVERY, motor, ttr. and chassis perfect condition; wonderful buy, $225. termv 109 11TH ST., KT. STARK WASH. AUTO TRIMMING CO. -J AUTO TOPS, SIDE CURTAIN SI 409 Davis H, bat 9th and lottv Broadway 201 T. 79T8 OLIiMMoRILlt, 7 pas.. cyl.. drives) only 4000 mile. This car la aa good a new. priced right for quick sal., terox if de sired. 205 Morris at MAXWELL touring. 18I8, beat of conditio. Owner roust sell, $785. Term. 30 G ve. north. - near Hurrund. HaXWeTX Bus. in good" running condition. Must sell. A real bargain, $200. Terma, 80 Grand are. north, near burnasde. , j1aXwELL. look also guaranteed same . a new ear, hurry; $850. terms. 108 11TH ST.. BET. STARK at WABIi. Win 1 OHO sssadsUr, sJectrlc sta res r and lights dsuoamabl rim and other extras. He. at Wilson, Broadway, 1672, or Woodlawn 8168. '18 CHEVROLET" naw Urea, bumper, (pot light, first-class condition. $600.-T-474. Jour- nal. - KOKSn EH BROS. TOP CO. Auto top curtain gad repair ing. East 364. Union at Pin. HUDSON 640. new body, new paint good tlrea. Will sacrifice. $875. with Una. 30 Grand gva. north, nr Bumside. tTiADSTER Let modeiwtth cord tirea; ml .. . .: rl n; sassy terma oa balance. Eaat . a?""-, , . " jatM B6g - i have a good car that yon caa mak bug or delivery out of. Will sell on easy terms. Columbia 882. VELIE SIX. fifst-claa shape, new paint, good tire; small payment down, asuy paymeBta, Columbia 832. : i920 PAIGEpeedster, beautiful car J cord tire. 804 6th st. Main 4KW1. . J919 HUP. best of oondiUon; must eHby Jaav 25. 90 North Broadway. Broadway 8247. slCtonUrMios) on allowing Paa) V tion. fS -