14 t THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 19201 , HELP WANTETJMALK AND FEHALK . tff '." IsCHrTbaBbEB COLLEGE! . -Pays yon white krtrinct lv yon' Mt of toobs position Mind. Writ for oliMi 834 tunirtt it. w lww Broadway 17L WANTEfr Aasetiw snsnduUn, mendola and goitar player to lofai large orchestra; far par ticular mi Beuwooo n aiier i x. a. ' I -Oh TTaND Barber rolls, pari yoa while learning, give yoa Mt el tool Iraaj posltloa eeenred. ft. tf. 2d st i WAHTKD AOBlfTB ,- WANTED House to boo solicitors, nrw plan, k,v near product; eriiptltinn; every house prospect. Agents making $4 in 18 daily. 720 ; Kelly at. Take N-8 or to Front. SALESMEN WAHTED 88 A .fBSTAXTIAL SIDE LINE IOK REAL. SALESMAN We have been Instructed by a client. reliable and well established niennfacturer. to buy part time of an . nUMObad jdcmig eallinc on the true. hoe. grocery, hardware or ." sporting good trade in Oregon. Wash ington snd California to handle a ' well advertised, staple t a aid line. " Mighty mod opportunity to cath in im waated minute. COCCHE ADVERTISING SERVICE. IXC. 817 Dekum Bldg. WE WANT A MTE SALESMAN TO SELL BUSINESS HOUSES ATHO MAN OB WOMAN TO BELL TO HOUSES. $40 TO $60 PER WEEK. CALL 726-27 CORBETT BLDG. 4 :80 TO 8 P. M. SALESMEN to liandle superior advertised brand of Service SulU and Service Oven IK prefer ably on who I familiar with work clothea mar ket imnla telllne helria and liberal commlaioii ; ttte age. experience and references with finit letter. Address Balea Manager, avonn mig. w. Bradford. Pa. WE ARE in touch with hundred erf people wanting to rent. It rent and manage your property. FRANK L. McGDIRE. SEEHFrank I MeGnlre to Insure rain's t fire SITUATIONS MALE "CONTRACTOR SEEKS CONTRACT FOR . Grading work. Newer work. Ditch work. Clearing work. I Excavating work. I Call at 223 tat. st M.iln 5003. MR. PRANK CAMPBELL. BOOKKEEPER, thorough accountant, experi enced manufacturing, construction' amd mer cantile buainraa: no objection to leafing town. F-68, Journal. KXPERTNc1ED farm hand, married but no children, wanta work on farm or flock ranch. V. Uamke. 1214 W. Hth at.. Tancmirer. Waiih. KfTiT'ganarsJ repair work, iron br wood, also plumbing, all small coutracta, call Woodlawn ' 548. Ask for J. Lind. PAINTLNCi. Daperbanging and tinting, day and contract work done rcry reasonable, phone 1 Tabor 78S8. j WANTED Work tn garage or priiale eliauffMir br Jai"n-r. Tsrvi.- I EXCAVATION and plowing and genetal teim work. Bellwood 2 0 88. NVOn.f like wood cutting contract; any amount Write O. B. Peterson. Mctr.gr. Or. PAIMKRHA N G ING . painting and tinting; good work, right price. Mawhall 2403. ' Vol 'NO man would like to learn shoe repair ing Wdln. 2579 A-1CABPENT EBbulMs and remodels cheaply; contract. Wdln. 1 28. - lIOOMS tinted. 13. Paper hanging reaeonable: outaide painting. Marshall 2370. KOOFS repaired, roofs Tirade waterproof. Phone Tabor, 8200. SeUwood 060. SITU ATIONB FEMALE ENERGETIC and capable woman wanta man agement apartment bouae; hotel experience. P. O box 80$. city. fcSPERIKNCEl) waitreaa wishes place in unall hotel for self and husband ; room and board and wages. Kat 8767. room 1 8. KffCTlEX walls washed, windows cleaned, floors waxed. Reasonable. Phone Main 881. rllKTATNS'.rsW SaunderedT Called for and de li t red. IMiMie21;2S. TaIVY wi hlng' work by day. Tabor 4785. DREHSMAKING ALTERATIONS, rrtttung and making of ladies' - garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed J. eubin. Ladles' Tallor408 Bush A Lane bid NLRSES l PATIENTS wanted for priralc msternity hoxne; i Iteat of references. East 7340 . FITR5I8HED ROOMS IJAN, comturtahle sleeping rooms, $2.50 er week. 24 7 H Mh st. ICE, pleasant rooms, close in. Clay. Marshall 603. 314 3d. cor. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMJLY 7 lX"PRlYAtE home; 2 nice fumlrhed rooms for rent ; plenty of furnare heat and hot water; gentlemen preferred-; board if wanted. Phone East 6486. S COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms near South Portland rhipyardi'. $16 a month, t 4 S lit near Porter. Main 2!P2: NEATLY furnished room, $10 a month; gen tleman preferred. East 4897. 534 B. Oak. LARGE, cheerful furnished front room, coineu . (ences: adultx. Fjt 824. HONT room; refined, oongeaial family: west id! aarage if deired Man-hall 3000. LARGE front room for rent; suite for two. ti r.. m. r ast tTi'n, f'rERN furnished room tor aentleman. 444 3d. CXFURJilSHED ROOMS It 3 ROOMS, bath, phone. 2bIocksto car, $2 per week. B-2737. BOOMS AND BOARD It THB MARTHA WASHINGTON. S80 10th. for . buslnees glrla and student. Marshall 1251. BOOMS AND BOARD FBIYATE FAMIXY J 1ARGE, cheerful furnished front room, cons-en-tencea; adults. Bast 324. IRVlNGTON FTont bedrwatn. fine brat, large cleeet. breakfa-t. Jlart .0. ROOMS and"boardby theweek. 207 "Sherman! HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 8 iTBjlgHE-l-Ap UNFUBNISH ED : THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, including heat, light and telephone, rent $30 a month. 28 Hall. "LEAN, comfortable housekeeping snits. suit - "s'o for 2 or 3 adult. 24 7 'a lith st. : VSn RENT, furnished housekeeping rooms. Call Tsbor 4987. Ll-?.or8EK1!KpI BOOMS FUKNISHKD AND UNFURNISHED . LEAUTDTUL 3 mora flat, all conreBienees xo '. -..T?. "i,'.1. teferenc-s exchana-ed. 666 E. - i. p. iw-m car, lorumisiieq. ONE furnished housekeeping room snd kitchen .', 'whL heat, phone and batu. 806 East , 4'IIKKK light rooms for rent, with light, water ,Jnil '"wied. good place to wash. 7010 . 4 2d ave. S K. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms, all mod- ... " - ' I'TO ,1-1 nr I RNI8HED houekcepmg room at 663 Hood. FOB RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED For Rent S Frank L. McGuire to insure a c Inst fire. " Awngtow Mdg Main 1068. TVTfEN iou MuVE. USE NORTH- - WESTERN ELECTRIU LIGHT SERVICE 10th and Washington. Broadway 38a. " FOR' RENT 8 room' house. 352 E. lStn," r - . Woodward, $12. ; lnuire 49 N. lt t. , Monday, FURNISHED HOUSES 86 COMPLETELY FURNISHED Seven room modern home on west side, com liletely famished with all new furniture, includ . Ing player piano. linen, silver, etc. walking dis tance; no children or pets; to desirable tenants . will rut foe $169 a month. Phone Main 6275. ' S-ROOM furnished house. 879 E, 48th t. - ; wear Tlarrawtn. ' AFABTMENTS FOB RENT 41 FlRMSHED apartment for man and wife, no children! rent and' wagna to wife in exchanee .. for chamber -work. . man can get work near by ensiij. is- o a. ..journal. $23 Two large, light, sunny furnished houte keeping rooms. - 642 E. 27th st. Richmond car to 87th at.. 1 block south. . . 3 BoTst. pt kn ""est, central. 2'AND 4 ROOM furnUhed gpts.; gas. vrateri isiit. aatwaw. iipcr ao. - s-.r - - ? STORES AND OFFICES 11 TOR ; SALE Locatiea on Yamhill st-J abort iease, low rest. a-f, jpumat, irANTED TO BENT To Rent We are in touch with hundred of people wanting to rent bones. Let u rent and asaa age your property. ; FRANK L. MeGfTTRH To Beat Tour Hoaae. ' Abington Mdg Main 1008. WE bare hundreds of clicnta desiring to rent. fha efficiency of "The McGuire System" of property management will aeve yon money. FRANK L. McGCIHE. Abington bldg. Main 1068. WANT to leaae for 3 yean, modern 8-room hoaae. close in east aide: no children; refer- only ownera need apply. D-660. Journal. WANTED To rent i or t room bouse. tree, chicken house, by adtilfr. -Wdln. ! irult 8H3. WANTED" 7-room bouae, on the northeast aide. East 0287. 407 Morria st REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 48 FOR HALE 2 beach lota at Brighton. Or. Ad draaa E. Saunders. 290 H N. lth at BUSINESS PROPERTY ALBERTA BUSINESS COKXEH Two lots 'tore building; on carline. By owner; will aell cheap. Phone Wondlawn ISf.l. WATERFRONT. Weat Side, trackage, pared at. Might lease. Owner. 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOB SALE HOUSES 1 82400 SNAP 50x20O-FT. LOT Bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, in Parkroae, jost outside city limit, one-half block to car line, close to school. On macadam road, eut tront, gas and electricity. Terms half cash. ,T. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. Branch office 4 15th and Sandy bird. Tabor 2904. Suburban Modern seren room bungalow with four acreo of ground in high stAte of cultiration ; has good barn with garago in connection. and chicken hoiue, fruit and walnut trees that will bear this year. This protierty Is located nrar Mil waukie within reach of two carll'nes, and could not be duplicated today for less than 1 11.0OO. See this at once. For further particulars call. C. A. WAGNER CO.. Main 8150 230 Stark L Hawthorne District 85000 for a fine 8 room residence on cor ner of East 37th; hdwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, nice lawn; a desirable neighbor hood $2000 cash. Phone Mar. 820. Fe. L. 819-20 Hy. Ex. bldg. 3S00.00 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 5 room bungalow, corner lot, all improve ments in and paid; a mighty good buy. Alo 4 room bungalow with $700 worth of. furni ture for $250. Only one block from ir. Ho in. T''i, i To0h looking up. Phone Mr. Delahunty, Main 1700. Sun. ami evening East 1!0SH. NHfWPTElffiONT $3000 for a fine 2 story 7 room modern; lot 60x142, with poultry yard. 13 fruit trees; im prored streets, 1 blk. E of Union on Je&snp st, $1200 cash, ha I, monthly. Mar. R21. F. L. BLANCHARD 519 20 Ity. Ex. bldg. 7 Room House All Furnislhed At Mt. Tabor, in a tine Itstnct. hard mrfsre street, all furnished coinnlete with fine furni ture, fine rue, piano. Price $3500. 1.MI(I cash. 21.' Railway Exchange Bldg. Open from 10 until 1. FOUR (4) flat. West Side. Couch ad dition; will pay in rentals $150 per month, all in first class condition. You won t hae to spend money to fix them up. I.ot 50x100 on corner, all clear; fine in- Tcstment. $12,000, term". WAKEFIELD. FRIES A COMPANY. 85 4th St. 1 Y2 Acre With a 4, 5 and 6 Room House Will sell all or separate, all in good shape. H acre goes with each bouse. Your choice for $1600; terms. 215 Railway Exchange Bldg. . Open from 10 until 1. HALF acre nr less ground. lots of fruit. 3 room bungalow and sleeping porch, neanv tiungalnw and sleeping porch. new, niiut-in. lull basement; modern, near car. imprortd street, near city limits. 2235 East Hoyt. st Key at 2221 East Hoyt See this; $3300 for all. AIo n 5 room house. 100x10) feet, lots of fruit; $2000. Terms on both. See owner at 2221 F.. Hoyt or 1824 E. GU san st. DUTCH COLONIAL A SNAP 6 rooms and lath. full basement, fumsce. fireplace, hardwood floors downstairs, 3 fine sleeping room.', elegant lawn. 8 fine fruit trees, exceptionally large lot. fine garage. Mut be wen to bt- JMipreriated. See J. A. Md'arty st K. 30th and Glisan St' Office Tabor 3433. Evening and Sunday Tsbor 50.17. $2850 FOR A 3 room with ground of over 5H lots. bam. garage. 100x100 in berries; 8 fruit tree, and fine place for poultry; easy terms. F. L. BLANCHARD 510 20 Ry. Ex. bldg. $2430 2 4 BLOCKS RONE CITY CAR Nifty modern 5-rftom bungalow. Irg porches, electricity (nice fixtures! complete plumbing. Dutch kib-lien: gas, full basement, laundry trays; nice 50x100 lot. Terms. Tabor 6559. FOR SALE 7 room house, strictly modern. electric and gas. full cement basement, wash room, laundry trays, every modem equipment. A bargain if taken at once. See owner at 1236 E. 1Mb N. MODERN 4-roora house, lot 50x100. assorted fruit, 2 bearing Knglish walnut trees, chicken run and garden sot : house furnished, for $1650; cauli payment and monthly payments for balance: family trouble reason for telling. 1810 Haven st. St. Johns cs r. FOR SALE J. room house in good condition, on paved street; large let nd full basement, wash tray, large pantry and hall; bandy to car. Price 3730, half cash. No agents. Owner, 104 E. Alder. Tabor 3696. 6 ROOM bungalow W 50x126 feet, with 10 ft, alley, full basement, cement, foundation; well built and comfortable; price $3000. Phone Sellwood 562. afternoons or evenings. No. 645 Hamm avenue, r or sale by owner. OWNER offers good 5 room house. 1 Int. full cement hasement. hot and co d water to hall nd sink, gas, electrk'. garden snd chickens. 1 block to crs; price $2300; $730 cash, bslahcc to suit. 522." 39th re. S. E. For SaleHouse See Frank L' McGuire to insure against fire. Abington bldg. Main 1068. LAURELHURSX 7 rooms and S. T.. hard wood floors throughout, beautiful interior something out of ordinary; $8000. terms. Owner. Tabor 6286. BEAUTIFUL bungalow, 6 rooms, reception hsU and bath, property 80x128, complete garage 16x32. plenty, of berries' and lot of flowers: terms. Phone D-1139. FINE HOME One acre, 8 room modem house, just out city; near school, car line and hard surface road. $5000. Tabor 4 476. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW $3000 OWNER New ami modem, full concrete basement, Dutch kitchen, furnace. Woodlawn 6028 ' 1103 E. 13th t. N. FOUR room modern house, nice yard. 60x100 lot, garage, pared street, house in fine condi tion, white enamel-kitchen, full six basement: price$2850. 961 K. 7th N. $2000 I acre in cultivation, selected fruit trees. 5 -room bouse, electric light snd water; 3 blocks north Bryant station. Inquire for Taylor' placeWaluga, Or. BY OWNER Lot and-mcSntUrTTgoM condition. Term- ehesn V V .4iin,. - - . - .... , .U. 'Jllllll saain rtfld J. FOR SALE By owner, 6 -room bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, bulltins, 1 14 blocks to HaV- . .... L . . . uvm. laoor stii FOR SALE Two loU. 50x100, an Unfinished boos, in fine residence district; all kinds of 11 nis. nue . eiucaen noose, cneap. 1226 Taggsrt. MODERN 8 room bouse, bargain If taken at once, 688 East Kelly. Call owner. Bell- nrJ SO I OR sale by owner. 4 rocan cottage, fireplace. plumbing, electricity and gas, basement; small payment down, easy term. 822 E. Emerson st. YOU will be charmed with this cozy 4-room home, full cement basement, large chicken mik. 1 aoor SSIIt, ONE of the beautiful hunt lows of Inrelhnrst. P to date. Address S. L. N. Gilman, Box -. ro.en nome. Main 8480. TERMS Nearly modern 4 room cottage, close y- . mv smuj. owner, neiiwood 2204 Jti "llw Moexr Peninsula school, cheap m uiw wee. Last 400. FIVE room bungalow, newly furnished, for aale. -..,. .t.mi 11 ne-nreq. oazw Htn at. B. E. 1 ieS,T'.'ibOUW , lhl. ssrage, bare. ..a .t,u UUCRS. ISO. 1247. A 120ABT.Ebor!OsT6SOr " ; ' ?.fS2f . um 'or In SL John. Price "-"'" unpaTeq. Amhurst st Col. 1147 SE1 ,FI"k . McGuire o insure against fire. Abington bldg. t Main 1008 . - ... T7. , BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES I lAWMORNE 2 new 5 room bungalows, fust completed, cor ner 41st and Lincoln ate. ; tiring and dining room hT hardwood floor, . fireplace, tapestry paper and finished In M ivory: 2 large bedrooms and bath, kitchen and breakfast nook; these houses are- double constructed and in a fine location. Improvements ell in and paid. Shades and fix ture. "Price, corner house, $4300, other. $4230. J. H. lit land, owner. Phone Tabor 8703. What Is Your Answer?- Continue paying rent and remain ''homeless or rnrestigate Walnut Park place and OWN A HOME OB YOUR OWN. Lota are 50x100 feet, with 15 foot alley; streets pared and paid for. Convenience of five car line; also Jefferson high school and library. Extra inducements offered for five more homes this month. You will make no mistake by calling on the owner. W. M. Killingsworth Office 1149 Union Are. Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m. Phone appointments, Wdln. 3304 or Wdln. 051. WILLIAMS .AVE. $2000 for a 5 room with furnace, garage and poultry house: lot 50x122. $500 cash, bal. terms. Phone Marsh. 820. F. 1L. BLANCHARD 518-20 Ry. Ex. bldg. FOR SALE LOTS 1 A Warning Yon will make no mistake in buying a. home site in Portland NOW. Land values win sure ly advance. It is the only thing that baa not. Select with care a location of convenience; also one that will increase in value. I'm aure Wal nut Park offers you that location. Call on owner. W. M, Killingsworth Office 1149 Union Ave. Office hour 10 to 1 2 a. m. Phone appointments, Wdln. 3304 or Wdln. 951. CHEAP LOTS $5-$ 10 per manth. Near car line. 12x18 gsrage, sidewalk, water in, paved street. Take T .' 1 . - - Tl 1 L,tueriy ovim BOGGE8S. 151 Front St. FOR SALE '2 lots 30x100 each. E. 17th near Alberta Ht. Owner, Frances Leonard, Linnton, Or.. It. R. station. LOT. 50x10(1. on 70th sL, near Halsey; cement walks. Will sacrifice: make offer. 209 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1658. ACREAGE 7 FOR SALE 68 H acres, 38 in cultivation, 9 acres ycung prunes. 4 bearing; rich soil. Good buildings, near 5 towns, in the famous prune center section. Yamhill county. R. F. D. and school. Price $7350; $4138 can run on contract. 5 V years. A. L. LAND, Owner. Carlton. Oregon. FOR SALE by owner. 1 acre. 7 room house bath and toilet, electric lights, gas, excellent water, barn, chicken bouse and run, woodshed, berries, fruit trees, ' acre grapes; $3650. Oregon City car to Courtney station, 1 block south. CRANBERRY marsh; will net $130 to $1000 per acre. One planting in a lifetime will de velop for you; acreage limited. Owner, 340 6th st Main 7040. SEVEN and one third acres, with running stream. close to Mabery station, on Bull Run line; $1400. terms. Broadway 1658, 209 Oregon bldg. FOUR acres at Ruby junction. 2 room cot tage. I acre cleared, balance fir grove; $2100, terms. Broadway 1058. 200 Oregon bldg. FOUR acres, near Gillis station, all cleared, very beet of soil, 2 room shack; $1750, terms. Broadway 1858. 209 Oregon bldg. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7$ 6 ACRES on eleetric carline, right at station. 11 in cultivation, best of soil, small house and barn, fruit, berries, etc.; good auto road, good location for store. Sosp, $2000. Gar land. 20 1 3d. cor. of Taylor. SUBURBAN HOMES 71 MODERN SUBURBAN HOME FRONTING ON CAPITOL HIGHWAY 3 1-3 acres near Bertlia station, beauti'ul view, house built 2 rears. 4 bedrooms, living and dining rooms, kitchen, full cement basemert, electric lights, gas. phone, new cement garage, barn, several chicken and hog houses. Price $8000. Six acres adjoining, both tracts under cultivation, can be leaped. This is an ideal home and location. FifUen minutes' auto drive to 3th and Washington st GEO. E. KNGLEHART CO. Main 7266 K24 Henry Bldg EXTRA CHOICE COUNTRY HOME 2 acres of perfect land. 100 choice fruit trees bearing. 6-room bungalow, hot and cold water, gas. electric lights; a beautiful grore of native trees near house, close to school and church and electric railway sta., 6 miles Port land courthouse. Price $5000, half cash, bsl. 6 per cent. You cannot beat this for value see it R. M. 'Gatewood A Co.. 1651s 4th st. FOR SALE FARMS 17 To Settle an Estate I am offering a 24 8 acre tract of land, lying about 4 miles north and east of Lebanon, Or., on a good graveled road and with a K. It. station practically on the farm, at a price which is at least 50 per cent under value. This place comprises about 50 acres of .Santiam rirer bottom, mostly under cultivation. No better garden land in Oregon. Then there is the first bench land, mostly in pasture, and men pasture, as MI be green while that the surroundiiu: country is brown as a berry InJ. July and August. Then there is tbe (srm land propef. consisting of about 80 acres, where oak trees grew; a few still remain for shade, and they are over 2 feef in diameter. This land is good for any kind of grain, and will produce abundant crops. U is all well fenced and cross fenced. House, 1 1 story, with 7 room.; large barn, outbuildings of every kind, good well at house and another at. barn, plenty of fruit and good garden. Now. if this appeals to you, don't bother to write but just come and we will meet you and take you out to see it. Price for short time only $35 per acre. We have other sized and priced places, and can fit anyone in tliat respect. And our prices are not inflated, come and get the benefit of the rise. C. 1 LEAVENGOOD. lebsnon. Oregon. IP TOU are looking for clfrse in acre age, farro or a ranch. It's to your ad vantage to call on us. We have large li.-ting of farms of different sizes, in dif ferent places and at different prii-es, W handle (arms, ranches and timber lands only. E. A. LINDGRKN SAVON LAND CO.. 935 N-W. Bgjnk bldg. Main 5381. .BEST BARGAIN LOVELY HOME 10 acre of land for sale at Oreneo, Or., 16 miles southwest of Portland; 6 acres cleared. 2 acre In woods, 2 acres in pasture. 140 fruit trees 10 years old, all kinds of fruit and ber rias, 5 room house, bam 20x30. chicken house 12x24. hog house and good water; beautiful place for chicken ranch; price $3000, $1500 cash, balance 3 years' time or longer; 14 mile from station. John Holmason. owner. Oreneo. Ot. THIS WILL ;o 20 acres adjoining city of Newberg, 15 under cultivation, balance pasture and beaver dam; running water, fair 8 room house, new bam family orchard; extra fine soil. Location, lay of tbe land, churches, schools, etc., can't he beat Crop in. A good buy at $6500; $2000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. C E Cranfill. 203 H let Main 4203. FOR SALE 400 acre stock ranch on paying basis; about 40 acres nnder cultivation. 180 acres in grass, balance timber; plenty of outside range, good building, good water; stock goes with ranch. Price $9000. Write owner for in formation. John It. HiU, Gold Beacb, Or. Curry Co. FARMS, big and small, for aale: wonderful cli mate, great variety of products, no crop fail nres, good roads, good cthool. good water, good health and prosperity prevail. Write T F Kendall. Frerwater. Or. FOR SALE 160 acres on good terms. 3 mile of railroad station, in Benton county, 60 acres in cultivation: young family orchard; run ning water: 3-roomed house and bam and other outbuildings. C. L Kilmer. Hubbard. Or. 120 ACRES On electric carline, 20 miles from Portland, 60 cleared, large creek running through land; make a fine dairy ranch. Terms. East 328. SHAWNEE. OKLAHOMA, center of a great farming country. Write for information. Board of Commerce, Sbswnee, Okie. 20 ACRES near electric. IS miles N. W. of Postiand. some cultivated. Trade for larger place or sell. A 626 E. Richmond st FARMS WANTED BENT OB BUY 88 1 HAVE purchasers tor close in acreage. If yoa bar the right land and your price is right I can sell your land for yoa. In answering give full description. J.: Haas, 626 Chamber of Commerce bide. - i, : HAVK Eastern buyers want farm. J. ROBBINS, 801 Railway Exchange, ' -; Mala 79L REAL ESTATE; FARMS WANTED RENT OB BUY $8 t '"' ... IF YOU want to sell your farm, send tu detailed description Of same, its lowest price and best terms of payment. , Hmail cloae in farm) in great demand, -buxn waiting. Mountain regions and out-of-the-way places not considered. We han dle farms, ranches and timber lands ex clusively. B. A. LINTXJREN SAYON LAND CO., S3 N-W. Bank bldg. IMPROVED FARMS WANTED Have 2 cash buyers for Improved SO to 80 acres, on good road, not over 30 miles from Portland, with or without equipment John ferguson. G: dinger bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEAD relinquishment with some m provement wanted for myself. L-474. Journal. WILL PAY cash .for luanestead or relinquish ment P-639, Journal. TIMBER IS NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER General Land Office, Washington, D. C, Jan. 3, 1920. Notice i hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the acta of June 9, 1916 (39 But., 218). and February 26. 1919 (40 Stat.. 1179) and the instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 15. 1917, and September 26, 1919. the timber on the following lands will be sold February 21. 11120. at 10 o'clock a. m , at public auction at the United States land office at Iloseburg, Or., to the highest bidder at not lesa than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price with an ad ditional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws cf the United States or any tate, territory or district therof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal ubdi vision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit: T. 27 g. 13 W.. Sec. 25. NE. NE. V. fir 2500 M., NW. V4 NE. 14 , fir. 2400 M.. cedar 50 M., SW. 'i NE. A, fir 1550 M., cedar 40 M., 8E. 4 NE. 14. fir 1700 M., NE. 14 NW. 14. fir 1700 Me. cedar 100 M , NW. H NW. 14. firajaOO M.. cedar 250 M.. SW. 4 NW.' 14. fir 1000 M . cedar 250 M.. SE. 4 NW. 14. fir 1600 M., cedar 100 M., NE. 4 SW. "4. fir 310 M.. NW. U SW. 14. fir 1000 M., cedar 100 M.. SW. 14 SW. 14. fir 600 M.. cedar 100 M.. NE. 14. SE. 14. fir 1900 M.. NW. '1i SE. 14. fir 1600 M., SW. i SE. 14. fir 1700 M. ; Sec. 27. SE. "4 NE 14 fir 1600 M.. cedar 400 M., SW. 14 NE. '4. fir 550 M., cedar 150 M., NW. 14 NW fir 800 M.. cedar 200 M., NE. i SE 14 fir 450 M.. cedar 300 M.. NW. i SE 4 fir 600 11., cedar 100 M.. SW. V 8t n! fir 600 H.. cedar 150 M . SE. SE. V.. fir 1300 M.. cedar 150 M. ; Sec. 35. NE. V NE fir 1500 M.. cedar 100 M.. NW. NE U I'JL63H M-- c,!dr 300 M.. SW. U NE V. (ir 600 M.. cedar 100 M.. SE. 14 NE. ht . fir 600 M.. cedar 100 M.. NE. 4 . NW. 4 , fir 1350 M.. cedar 60 M.. hemlock 150 M.. NW. 4 N" '4. fir 500 M.. cedar Kft Xt RV U vw Vs. fir 350 M . cedar 100 M.. none of the fir. r'.ol'o.h'mlrK'k t'mber to be sold for less ' than $2.25 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner. General Ind Offi NOTICE of sale of government timber. Gen eral land office. Washington. D. C., December H. 1919. Notice is hereby giren that subject to the conditions and limitations of tbe act of June 8, 1916 (39 stat. 218). and the instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1917, tbe timber on the follow ing lands will be sold January 27, 1920. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction, at " th ITrriteH Att land n((iim At t I . to th highest bidder, st not less thsn the ap praised vsiue as shown by thl notice, sal to be subject to the approval of the secretary of th interior. The rchase price, with an addi tional aum of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of aale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise pstent will issue for th timber, which must be removed i!hio ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of si .h citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United 8tates or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the timber on any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being in cluded in any offer of a larger unit. T. 4 S R. 3 E.. Sec 21, SW 14 NW 14 . fir 1580 M. NE SW14. fir 840 M., NW 14 SW 14 . fir 1600 M.. none of tbe ffr timber to be sold for less than $1.76 per M. ; sec. 83 SE 14 N'E 14 , fir 780 M.. cedar 25 M.. SWVi NE 14 , fir b60 M.. none of the fir or cedar timber to be old for lea than $1.60 per M. T. 2 S.. U 4 E.. sec 23. NE14 NW 14 , fir 1650 M.. eedar 80 M., all the fir and cedar timber on said subdivision to be sold for not less tban $2000; sec. 29. SW 14 NW 14 . fir 710 M.. all of the fir timber on said subdivision to be sold for not lesa than $900. T. 2 S., R. 6 E.. sec 19. NE14 NW14. fir 1600 M.. SE 14 SW 14 fir 1900 M , cedar 50 M.. hemlock, 220 M ; NW14 8Ei. ftr 139"5 M.. cedar. 45 M hem lock 150 M.. SW14 SE14. fir U80 M.. cedar! 235 M . hemlock 400 M., none of the fir tim ber to be sold for less than $1.25 per M., and none of the cedar or hemlock timber to be sold for less than 60 cents per M. T. 3 6 . R. 5 E.. sec. 81. SW14 SW 14 . fir 660 M.. none of tbe fir timber to be sold for leu than $1.25 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner General I-aod Office. NOTICE OF EXCHANGE IVpsrtment of tl.t . Interior, United States Iind Office. Port lrml. Or, January 15. 1920. Serial .06291. Notice is hereby given that The Kyan-Allfti Lumber Co. of Vancouver. Clarke '(unt. State of Washington, has filed .in this office an application to select, u,nder tbe provision of tie Art of Congress approved May 31. 1018 fin Sttat .0,31 srtH th r.mi!linii 4h,n.. under approTed July 17. 1918 (Circulnr 611 i. the N. F.. '4 of N. E. '4 and N W. of N. E. V, of Section 1 3. T. 4 S K. 6. W. Willamette Meridian. Any and all persons claiming S'lrer-ely the lands described or de.-orin;: to object because, of the mineral ehanietcr of the land, rr f-r any other reason, tn th dispo-al to tlie eppli cant, should file tliejr affidavits , of protect in this office without delay. (Signed) Alexander Sweek. Register. FOR SALE 120 acre timber in J'isephine county. Or., about. 2.000.000 feet, good lo crtion for small sawmill. Box 2S2. Harrisou, Idaho. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 86 I FfiTt eii r- , lr.,i. 1,,. .., i j 1, . ....... ... ,.j - iso i -i cre unaer rtunTation. and some choice lots, all in Ocean Park, Wash, S. Flin gerland. 460 E. Davis ft. 1 EXCHANGE REAL H.ST ATE 24 XCHAMGi 150 ACMES ir -i ' , . . . rour miles from Baiera. on narn snrfaee rnad, 1 imll!it'in7!!r0alBUJllJ.e,r J,001, 5 frei Improved, 3000 cords of wood on balance. Price , HiLi"r rre' Wm cc,'Pt ctty ProV"ty to $5000. I S. O. DILLMAN. Sth and Main St. Oregon City, Or. FOR EXCHANGE 7 room house, close in. ' cheap: will take late model light car ami jive I . straight mortgage 6 per cent 486 E. 21st st near division. EXCHANGE lot on 13th st. Irvingtnn. for house in good district. No objection to tome repair. K-854, Journal. FARM and buildings, tool and orchard, close to cannery and creamery and school. Owner 81 E. Portland bird. LATK MODEL Chalmers 6 and 100x150 lot in Mt Tabor addition, first on 5-ron boive. Phone Sell. 717. WILL build house snd take lots in good dis trict Sellwood 1361. WANTED REAL ESTATE I TIMBER I .AND WANTED Small tracts of timber, near a road and not over 40 mile from Portland; will consider rough land if the timber is good; must be handled for small payment down, WiU consider tush priced acreage close to Portland, if con venient to rock road. John Ferguson, Gerlinger Mdg, IMPROVED ACREAGE WANTED We have several people wanting small places nesr towns or city with payroll Must have buildings and small payment down. Also buyers for cheap place near Portland. JOHN FERGUSON' Gerlinger bldg. WANTEI A 5 or 6 room bungalow, price not exceeding $4000. Must be In A-l condition, near car line, Hawthorne district preferred. No agents. In replying state price nd terms, -also number of rooms and other features. H-125. Journal. t WOULD. you like to buy a fine Laurelhurst lot with all Improvements In and paid for! Cash. B. E. Footey box 4, city. BOOMING HOUSES, AFABTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE it FOR HALE 20 room. aU housekeeping, all a tun: i2o will handle: good furniture: if yoa hsveu t 81200 da not bother; selling account of sickness. Owner. - Phone Main 8528. -aALL roonung-hoasa for sale at a bargain. Call 29 N. 17ta st Phone Broadway 2699 BOOMIXG HOUSES. APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE U FOR SALE OB KENT 58-room hotel, well Inrnashed, located 4$ mile from Eugene, on Mcaliane river; hot and ooht water; bath and toilet, all in good eoodi titm. Also a 14-room bungalow, furnished and used a sleeping rooms adjoining hotel ; shade trt " on lawn. Long distance telephone. Close to store, pos toff ice, school and gaining district. Daily stage. This is one of the finest summer reports in Lane county, is well located and good for fishhtg and hunting the year around. Fine roads. .Will sell or rent to right parties. Must give references, terms if desired. For further in formation inquire of H. E. Owen at Eugene, Or BY OWNER. 18 rooms, close in. cheap rent, good sirome. Phone Kast 7741. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ft APARTMENT HOUSE SACRIFICE INCOME NEARLY $14,000 Must have $26,000 cash, mortgage $15,000: balance 810.000; terms; prominent West Side corner; completely furnished; unless you are ready to do businc-s. do not bother. . See our manager. Room 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. ESTABLISHED VULCANIZING AND AUTO ACCESSORY BUSINESS Tires for sale at inrentory. floorspace. vulcan izing, equipment for rent, or will sell: good clean stock. Will consider partnership. Wdln. 6019. Res, phone Wdln. 4954. FOR- RENT or sale. 50 bbi. roller system, watcmcwer: flour and feed mill. Kos particu lar write owner. E. C. Lathrop. Myrtle Creek, Donglas Co.. Oregon. War ' Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds. Spot cash. American Brokerage. 203 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. 500 BUSINESS CARDS ROSE CITY PRINTER! $1.00 ton must bring this ad. 120 6th st. TO LADY BAUBE11S A 4-chair barber shop in live town, good location, cheap rent; price $800. 810. Journal. Portland. CREAMERY (or -ale. doing a large wholesale business in butter, eggs and cheese;: big moneT-maker. NX-104. Journal. MEAT market; good reasons fur selling. Clinton st. 612 FOR SALE Laundry doing good business; auto delivery. WX-534. Journal. 600 BUSINESS CARDS $1.25 Ryder Ptg Co.. M aln 5536. 191 hi Jldjit, BAKERY for sale; $35,000; doing about 1100 a day. Broadway 369. FOR SALE Shoe shop at 192 3d St. MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE tl CITY LOAMS. NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for improvement punoses. Tbe best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $16.17 per month for 96 months paya a loss ef $1000 and interest Loans of other amounts tn same propor tion. Repayment Privileges EQUITABLE SAVLNCS A LOAN A8SN. 242 Stark C. Portland. Of. RESIDENCE LOANS Loans for any amount at 5 14 per cent for S to 10 years, payable in monthly installments; any part or all of the loan payable at any time. We loan money in all towns of the Northwest. Marshall 371 .,.v MORTGAGE Call or writ. 1333 Northwestern Bank bldg. 8. Evenings. Woodlawn 2431 E LOANS On Improved farm and cify property, favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD.. 606 PUtt Bldg. Main 6371. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our owu money on real estate. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, automobiles, etc. F. E. Bowman ft Co., 210 Chamber Com. Main 3026. 8EEUS TODAY--We-loan-moneroa real eav tate; 6 and 7 per cent, long time, short time; month It payments; pay as you can; sums to suit. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Aider. CELLARS MURTON CO. $300. $400. $500. $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce building. Main 6445. , s BUILDING loans on city and suburban property. money advanced as work progreaees. W. O. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of 1100 to $6000 on city property. A H. BELL. Rooms 10 and 1 lMnlkeybIdg. TO LOAN $2O00! all or mU asnounts: must be good real estate security; no agents. H 671. Journal. $300 $400 $500 $000 $760 snd op. lowest rates; quick action. Gorden Mortgag Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. $10007 11500, S2000iad up; no commission! F. It. DESUON. 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS up to $6000, 6 and 7 pel cent Fred 8. Williams. 606 Panama bldg. MORTGAGELOANS. 6 and t per cent, Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES $7 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MAUK ON AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, HEAL ESTATE. BONDS. OK ANYTHING or VALUE. SECURITY USLIALLX Lata"!' L YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTK8 WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS 10 OTHk.lt LOAN COMPANIES OK ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, VV eS WILL. PA THEM UP. ADVANCE IOU MOHIC MUJi IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY. US IN SMALL MONTHLY FAKMluMs IO SUll YOUR CON V EN 1EN Cli. LEGAL KATES NO DKLAI BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806 307 DZKUM BLDG.. 3D AND TTAB. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN A3SN Phoue Broadway 910. 894 SUrk at., near 10th. Loans on dtamonds. watches. Vkrtrolas, ptaaos. kodaks, shotgun, furniture, musical Instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER .. . m ... t-ixy ana couniy wsrrsnLs casoea at ice vaina CARRIE MYKUS HEKMAN Msnager. i SALARY T.OANS WE TTIAN MONEY CHATTELS ! on short notice to salaried or workingmew on tbeir own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or , monthly payments Each transaction strictly ' confidential. i NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, plaaoa, etc., without removal. CALL AND IWFaTIGATal COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDG. I MONEY to aU loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal articles held a year: established Dan Marx A Co.. 283 Wash, at rates since 1888. LOANS WASTED 38 81500 wanted for private party on farm land 618 Chamber of Com merce. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4tb and Stark, FINANCIAL I 1 WnSTBUY ANY LIBERTY BOND 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All due coupon interest included. I J. II. KEATING. 617 BOARD OK 1HADI BONDS BOUGHT " SPOT CASH I MARKET PBICE1 CASH FOR RECEIPTS. ' We LOAN money on BONDS. War Savings Stamp. 7 per cent 725 GASCO BLDG., FIFTH AND ALDER CELLARS MURTON CO. CASH paid for mortgages snd sellers' contracts on real estate la Washington or Oregon. B. E. Noble. 818 Lumbermen bldg WE BUY first snd second mortgages snd sell ers' contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce, HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. IS MARES 2800-lb. team gray Pereberona. very chunky, gentle, serviceable, fine condition. Marion Fuel Co.. foot Taylor st . FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD SADDLE-. LARGE PAIR HORSES, SEVERAL OTHER HORSES: MUST GO. 430 HAWTHORNE. : HORSE aadawagoa. 81.60 per day: S hone aad wagoa. 83. J. Cohem. 648 Front Mais 228. FOR SALE. Two sets double harness: single noT-e. ouagy ana nemo, but water. FOR HALE AND RENT Horse and wagons, 3X0 Front WILL buy clieap snd disabled bones to ship out inf town 302 Fronv. JUST arrived - horse. 30! with some A-l farm and, work Front 2SO0-LB. team mare, young, gentle, well broke; cheaa. for ab, , ' Woodvard. foot Tavlor st - 18 MAKES AND HORSES -Just arrived, a nerload of Eastern Oregon borsea and mares; all well broke and ready for work: every one a real low down block y built chunk, witli lots of bone and quality, the kind that always rivea satisfaction. 4 to I years eld, I SCO to 1600 lb. ; several well matched teams. It yon want astiafaction at the right price call tod examine this lot. SANITARY STABLES. 868 Union Ave, Cor. of Stevens. I- GLASS. FOB SALE A team, weight 2375 lb., sound. good workers, tingle and double, gentle for anyone to handle. e-yr.-old mare, weight llOO lbs., harness and boggy cheap. Woodstock cat to 84tb. 4 blocks north to 990 Powell Valley rd. Will sell at bargain 3 teams of young homes. 1 team, weight 2200 Ins., 4 and 6 years old. Team of bays, weight XI 00 lbs.. 7 and 8 yrs. old. 2 odd work borses. heavy single and dou ble work : harness, wagons for all. Woodstock ear to Powell. 9 blocks east to 896 Powell Val ley ad. Phone Sell. 717. . 100 HEAD of horse more horses than any 4 bam in the city of Portland to pick from. You can pick them right off tlie job. Har nesses for every one. Will sell any one. Have some fine matched teams: giro a nice faintly cow, will be fresh in March. One' pair of good 4 -year-old mules, weigh 2400. Wagons of all kind. Ford runabout, in good shape; will trade er horses, mules or cattle. Phil Suettcr. 285 Front t.. Crown Stables. O. T. STABLES. J.7TH AND KEARNEY Five teams good young horses and mare from 3 to 7 years old. Everything sold with a guar antee. G. D. WILLIAMSON WILL sell at bargain, 2 team of young horses, 1 team, weight 2200 lbs., 4 and 3 years old. Team of bays, weight 31UO lbs.. 7 and 8 years old: 2 odd horses, heavy single and double work harness; wagons for all. Woodstock car to PcwelL. 3 blocks east to 896 Powell Valley read. Phone Sell. 717. NOTICE Just arrived. 2 carloads of Eastern Oregon horses and mare; matched team from 8 to 7 years old, ranging from 1300 to 1800 lbs.; well broke and solid color; if you are in the market it will pay you to come and see these horses. J. S. Williamson. 240 E. 8th St. corner Main. CARLOAD of horses, some well matched teams. 1300 and 1400 lb?. ; farm chunks, mares with foal, to fullblood horses. Price $100 each, upwards. Also fresh milch cows and 20 head of springers. G. K. Howitt, Portland Cnio6 Stockyards barn, t FOR SALE A team, weight 2273 lbs., sound. good workers single or double; gentle for anyone to handle. 6-year-old mare, weight 1100 lbs., harness and buggy cheap. Woodstock car to 34th. 4 blocks north to 990 Powell Valley road. JUST from tbe farm. 1 team young and sound. weight 2330 lbs.; 1 big team well matched. 3400 lbs.; team of ponies: 1 big horse, 1580 Ihs. One block south of Southern Pacific depot, Milwaukie. George Smith. I'OR SALE CHEAP Hare sold my farm ana have teft one team to sell, mare and horse, age 7 and 8. weighing 2800, well mated and low-built: harness and 3 ' wide-tire wagon, good as new. Mrs. Patterson, 3?9 Gibbv Take South Portland car. SPAN mares, weight 2800 lb., named and farm wagon; span of geldings, weight 2600 lbs. All gentle and good workers. Just tn off the work. Must be ohl. Ask for the old man's horses at 546 Front. TEAM, mare and hone, weight 2500 I barneas and 3 ' inch wagon ; will aIl cheap Woodstock car to 34th St., 5 blocks south to 1040 Schiller st LIVESTOCK 8i iioisiein, .iierney ana ournams: o "i to a gallons per day: will sell or take beef cattle In. I exenange. j 1.9 ssacaoam su oouu) i orxiana car to end of line, 1 block south. 1 block east FOR SALE OR TRADE A good auto or any thing I can use; 1 team of block y brood mares weighing 1200 lbs.; nothing better for farm work : young sound and true as steel and ir fine condition. See Wilson. Eat 2656. jT.RSEY-DUKIIAM cow. tTeeh Jufy 1 . gives 31s gals, per day now; good young ranch team. Will sell cheap for cash. 990 Powell Valley road., cor. 84th. Woodstock car. Sell wood 717. WE have established a good market tor dairy cows at tbe stockyards at North Portland. If you wish to buy any good dairy cows or hsv sny to sell, see Mr. Brace at the Union Stock yards. North Portland. Or. GUERNSEY-DURHAM cow; will be fresh July I : giving now 3 hi gallon per day. Good young ranch team. Will sell cheap for cah. 990 Powell Valley road, cor. 84 th. Woodstock car Sellwood 717. 5 FRESH cows and two heavy springers, 1 young Jersey cow. fresh in April. $65. Sell or trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd., 1 block north. TWO first-class cows, fresh 6 day, giving from 4 to 6 gals.; 1 Guernsey. 1 Durham, FosVer road at Buckley ave.. 2d house north. Tabor 4474. YOUNG fresh cow and calf for sale, also large Jersey cow, fresh 2 week. 6102 85tb st. S. K. ML Scott car. FOR SALE 2 aoata. year old. male and female. I half Kansn and Maltese hornless, cheap. 811 1 53d st. S. E. M ANTED A good milch cow; will trade fur niture or farm machinery. Gey, 83J. E. Everett Est 6703. FRESH COWS FOR SALE CHEAP, OR TRADE FOR HORSES. 430 HAW THORN E FOR 8ALF 175 Hlgn grade Angora nannie goats, selected stock, some registered. J. L. Basye. R. 1. box 116. Orchards, Wash. FOR SALE 1 good Jersey family cow. fresh 2 weeks and 1 Jersey and Ihirhm cow. Call at 8047 83d ve.. or phone Tabor 470. BERKSHIRE brood sow, C. Trengore. 2OS0 E 10 mouths old. $33. Salmon st. FOR SALE One good farm horse and one good Jersey cow, fresh soon. Sellwood 899. FRESH dsiry cow for sale. 771 S. E.. end of Brooklyn carline. :1st at. 3 WEEKS' old Jeraty-Holstein heifer calf; drinks milk. Tabor 6972. WELL bred Jersey, will freshen March 1. Liberty st. Wdln. car 22d, , 729 HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC FOR SALE Family cow. or will etchauge for !....-- - - - - -hors. Call Mr.nday. 1967 F. Stafk. i BEAT buy in town. 1920 Stephen 8lieot 6, TJt-rt I V l.-,.n...l,. .A VI ,1'IUH I IT-U .riDTUlllU.UI I "4 one Jersey-Holsteln.. Call st 731 E. Ash st FOUR good-brood sows, two to farrow soon. Your price is mine. Sellwood 466. FOULTBY AND BABBITS S7 1 On n S , tl'Htt Mhnm nutlets Art. Itarreli I n.ir nn nhnHe I.l.nH M m.ll.i. , n f,ne lloganized stock. 300 East Morrison 1 r-sst 01. . . I BABY CHICKS I.eghorn. Reds, Rocks. Minorca: prices rea sonable. I'. N. Needharo, Salem, Or. 2 RABBIT hutches, portable, and 8 registered rabbits I have the papers $25. ami is les than hutchea cost me. Pbone 2PJ. Milwaukie. Or.. 1 block south of S. P. depot. Henry Smith. TANCRED WHITE LEGHORN pulleta' hatching eggs, chicks. $23 a hundred: brooders, in cubators. Tabor 3822, Park Rose Hatchery. Route A, PoHland. Or. PLACE your order now for Easter rabbit; ' fancy young stock 50e np: fries dressed to order S3c pound; bred doe $3.50 up. Phone Main 9414. ' FOR SALE. 9 young White Leghorn hens, all laying, and one thoroughbred cockerel, for breeding purposes; price reasonable. East 8038. 4000 PULLETS from heavy laying t rapneateil White Leghorns, Free catalog. Wattereon Pullet Farm. The Dalles. Or. FOR SALE 15 White Leghorn pullets. $1.50; 15 White Leghorn 2-year-old hens: all heavy laying stock. 511 Mississippi ave. East 2080. WANTED Second hand incubator. Cyphers 390 egg. Prairie State 390 egg. Jubilee 500 egg; state price. K-672, Journal. PULLETS, young bens and male many varieties all prices. Call 6 to 7 p. in.. East 1081. J. A. Dennett 257 Russell. WE PAY CASH FOB POTJLTBf Pets. Puppies, of an kinds. Cash Produce Co.. 800 E. Morrlsoa. East 8138. BLOODED cockerels. White Igliom. Brred , Hock. Black Minorca. IL L Red. $2.50 to $3. 5419 84th st S. E- Phone Tabor 1471. 24 BARRED ROCK cockerel, prize winning stock, $3 and up. IL W. Krapke, 1203 Clinton. Tsbor 8814. O. A. C. BARRED HOCK cockerel. $4 'nd $3 each. Corona Prk Poultry Yards, 2080 E. Salmon st BARKED KOCK pullets and cockerels. Golden Seab right bantams, 210 egg Buckeye incu bator. 161 E. 8 1st N. Tabor 1259. ANCONA COCKERELS Front exeell-nt layers, fin. healthy stock. Call Main 7679. WANTED -Late model brooder stoves. AX-852, Journal. FOR SALE 3 Black" Killwigeworth ave. Minorca roosters. 430 THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock roosters; 4 6 mo. old, reasonable. 248 N. 17th st ANCONA cockerels for aala, $2.60 up. 6723 85th ave. 8. E. THOROUGHBRED White Minorca cockerel tor wale. Call Marshall 4378 after 6 p. m. GOLDEN Seabright bersms, cockerel," ben and pallet. 88 tor all. 0637 8 2d. Tabor 4888. 11 MONTHS' old K.. I. K. cockerel, 14; Buff Orpington pallet setting, ejz.ao, Belt, zwi LARGE Jubilee style incubator for aale. Wate teraon Pallet Farm, The Dlle. Or. WANTED 2d band 260 egg incubators In good condition and cheap for cash. Main 8664. A FEW laying bena lor sale, . WootLswa ' i02T. 1 THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHKRT . 1934 E. 12tb N. Woodlawn 1486. BABY ClUCKPi. B. K. I. Beds. , . .80 per 100 S. C Barred Rock $30 per 100 8. C. White !.eghorna . . $20 per 100 ' Barred Rock and R. I. Bed batching egga $2 50. or $3.60 per setting. Special price for large orders. FOR SALE 100 White Leghorn hens. S year old. $1.60 each; 24 brown I-egborn pulleta, starting to lay. $1.73 each: 1 doc fancy wntte Minorca bens. $2.33: white and brown Leg horn, Rhode Island Red cockerels. $3 and np; baby chirks, any number. Phon SclL 3107. L. C. IluliW 1100 Henry ave. OWEN'S FARM EASTERN STRAIN 6 big red cockerel to choose from, $3 to 17. Phone Tbor 3107. MA;UIRBAY-OLD CHICKS Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks. $30 per hundred ; Whit Leghorns ami Brown leghorns. $25 per 100; the best chick from high grade lloganized stock; eggs for hatching: also choice eockeiels. J. R. Maguire. 787 Oregon at, Portland. NORTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION Offers you th best obtalaabto ta poultry. !. ebick and grown at nek. Correspondence cheer tolly answered. 8 2d st.. Td to 74tn eve Is-at.. Lents atatKin. Portland, Or. WHITE Leghorn hen. r"et and cockerels, Ancona young hens; Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red. White Wyandotte cockered. MT. SCOTT POl LTRY YARD, 6348 84TH ST. S. E. c TABOR 6895 125 THOROUGHBRED March and April laying pullets. Barred Rock. R. 1. Reds. Whit Leg horns end at me fine cockerel. Come and them. 1918 E. Btark at 75Ui st ML Tsbor snd Montavilla cars. WHITE "LEGHORN day-old .chicks, hatching egf and breeiling cockerels from high egg rec ord trai-nested stock. Tabor 7821? Base Line road. V4 mile we-t of Hockwood. QUALITY itU'LTHT FARM 100 WHIiTE LEGHORN yeatling hens, high grade lloganized stock. $1.80 each; White Leghorn pullet, si. 75 each; Barred Rocks and R. 1. Red pullets, $2 each. J. R. McGuire, 787 Oregon, near K. 24th. FOUR thoroughbred Rose Comb R. I. R. cock erels. A-l birds, for reasonable price to eitan up pen. Mrs. A. Breok. Ardenwald. mall ad diess Milwaukie. It. 2. Boy 12. I STILL hare a few high-clats W. 1,. day-r.ld chicks available for March, April and May; write me about them. F. C. Griffin, Route A. i;re l-m 'THOltut GHBRF.D White leghorn cockerel. Tancred strain, $5 each; booking orders for baby chicks up to 23,000. Tom Morgan. Bca verton. Or. 20 BARRED Rock pullet $2 each: 2 O. A. C. cockerels, not related. $3.50 each, or tbe lot for $40. 633 E. Tyler at.. St. Johns DOGS. BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 4 CANARY BIRD SHOP FEMALE FREE WITH EVERY SINGER AUTO. 322-17. 1161 E. 28TU NO. FOR SALE Black Shepherd farm dog; good sized: nicely marked. Lock Box 191, Forest Grove, Or. TOY Boston terrier for sale at 203 Chapman at. King Hill kennels. 3 AIREDALE puppies. 2 Collie puppies, 1 Spite puppy. 300 E. Morrison st. Kast 6122. FOR SALE Choice singers, $3 up; also Cafes. 617 Ilekilm are. I Woodlawn car). FOULTBT AND BABBITS tf-iEOK SALE Pedigreed English bull (female) I u 1.. -1.4 t A-O V OAsW S ! C UlUiiUjr 1IA I VIP I'alBI V 9 VU (.. w. BEAUTIFUL SINGERS FOR SALE Csll the Studio. Main 468. ST. ANDREASBURG female rollers: none bet ter bred. 442 Marguerite are. Tabor 1811. FOR SAI.I. registered. -Ronton toners all pedigreed and Phone E. 3967. ' . WANTED lio ton bull dog. 8 H. Hemphill. 07 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 8068. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 Quaranteed Used Cars HUDSON SUPER 6L . . . CHALMERS LIGHT SLY . OVERLAND , MITCHELL SIX , KING EIGHT , CHEVROLET, late model., OVERLAND, model 90.. . $1600 1050 900 975 1060 673 078 KING EIGHT, fnursom. miles BCICK FOUR rosdster. 1919. ran 8400 2460 Broadway Used Car Salesrooms Broadway at Hoyt St.. Opp. New I'o-toffic. Phone Broadway 89 WHEN TOM WRMCK EM AND BEND 'EM, 8KB 1 o. u. ntrtE,it "THE RADIATOR MAN" builds bodies, repair ra diators, bodies, fender and all auto sheet metal parts. NEW LOCATIOS 11TH AND DAVIS OPP THE ARMORY. BROADWAY 1878 HUDSON SUPER SIX TOURING CAR OR SPEEDSTER: WILL SELL ONE OR BOTH AT A BABGAIN; GOOD CORD TIRES ALL AROUND AND LOOK LIKE NEW; 90 DAY GUARANTEE. CALL ADAMS. TOBOR CJO OR MAR. 6842. I .U .jr................ oil. "JUT ment, run about 1200 miles. For demons! ra Hon call White. Bdwy. 8606 evenings. Mst. 941. MI ST sell my 7 pssenger Studebaker six. new paint, extra tire, first class shape throughout Can use smaller car. $1100. Call Main 2670 evenings, or Broadway 827 days. Ask for Mr. Stafford AUTOS FOR SALE Oakland. 1913 model. Ford. 1915 model. Just overhauled. Bdwy. 3603. G. KODGERS CO. 4 48 Flanders. STUDEBAKER 4, 5 paaeenger. in good condi tion, good tires, spare, 1920 license, lots of tools; am leaving town and will sacrifice at $400. 693 E. 22d st.. H block south of Powell. i Why Pay Oarage Rent? Garages 1100 op, on easy payment plan. Bee N. J. Famtwortb. 410 Henry bldg. STUDEBAKER four, fine mechanlcaT condition, good tires, a real bargain. $700. Bom terms. 39 Grand ave. N., near Bumaide. MAXWELL touring, 1917, In fin condition. good tires. Will sacrifice at $630 and give term. 30 Grand ae, N.. near Bnrnsld. 1919 STUDEBAKER six louring ur, ll7i)0; Mileage 2000. 346 Montgomery st Pbone Marvliall 228. $523 OVERLAND 75, fine condition, eix good tires, chains, other extra. leaving, must sell before Friday. Telephone Woodlawn 4243. CTiEVrOLET "tonringr In A I condition, good tires, must selL A bargain at $625 with terms. 30 Grand tve. N.. near Burns id. 1919 FORD sedan, in good shpe. no self starter, good tires, Purtlsnd Buick Repair Co., 16th and Jefferson t Main 8419. roRDHSedanTi9l8, almotnew, used privately. A bargarn. $760. With terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Bumaide. CUA.NDl7ER-toorlngr7 passenger. 1017. new paint new tires. Will sacrifice at $1100 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burrwide. FOR' SALE KinaefKar limousine and summer bap, first class condition, about 6000 mile usage. Call Main 8383. VULCAN TTKE SHOP First class tor rep Iring. bargain la aaf and ased tires. East 4896. 41 Orand ave. BUiCK roadster, like new; will take $976; need email, but wilt give terms. Phone Ullian Apartment, apartment 4. Marshall 1882. FORD touring, 1918, A-l condition, good tires, will sell at 9609 snd give terms SO Orand ave, N.. near Burrwide. eiSOLiNE22 CENTS A OALLON, OILSANTJ UREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 1ST. FORD sedan body for sale, or will trade for late model 6 p- body. Call Sell. 8327. DODGE for el by owner. 8800. CaU East 8248 WK put steal teeth m year old flywheel. U. B. Black. 834 Alder. Bdwy. 2681. 1919 FORD touring, fine condition; wiU oei onstrate. Pbone 686-68. FORD coupe, like aew, with new license, 3350. 486 E? 21st H. Sellwood 108. FOR MALE Ford touring ear body, practically new Woodlawn 1304. 1087 E. 26th at. N. . FORD SEDAN" like new. $673. Owner. Tabor 4007. BEST boy in. town la 1918 Ford roadster; Bdwy. 3247. 0 K. Broadway. FOR RENT Barn roosas for 2 automobile. 480 Ktllingsworta ave. FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet, Call East ' 82 if. ATJTOMOBILBS AND ACCESSORIES Extra Good Bargains NEARLY NEW CARS ; 1919 HAINES SIX. ALMOST NEW, A WON DLRFUL BUY. 1920 AUBURN R B A IT T T SIX. AVIHB WHEKI.H. CORD EQUIPMENT. USED AS DKMONHTRATOR, WILL SELL AT BIG DISCOUNT. 1917 BU1CK SIX. CORD TIRES. OTHER VXTRAS. SPECIAL TOP AND PAINT JOB. 1919 MODEL 90 OVERLAND. FIVE NEW TIRES. SPECIAL TOP WITH PI. ATI. GLASS WINDOWS INSIDE AND HEAR rrjTl.UiHT. HI.MI KK. lif.MI 1,1 CF.NSE. IXMIKH BETTER THAN V NEW ONE. THE PRICE WILL St R Pit IKE YOU. 1919 MAXWELL. RUN LESS THAN THREE THOUSAND MILES. LOOKS I. IKK NEW. FIVE T1RL8. 1918 ''"E' 90 Q KIM AND IV FINK SHAPE. GOOD TIRES; PRICE. Vi:i;jk snaF 1917 Bl ICK ROADSTER. NEW TIKLS. ORIGINAL PAINT. AT A SNAP. ' 1918 OAKLAND SIX. LIKE NEW. 11)19 r I lllll TOURING. WK ALSO HAVE mi, mil. 11MH AND 1915 FORDH SOME OK TIIKSK CARS CANNOT KB TOLD FROM NEW ONER. ALL 1.1 FIRST-CLASS MECHANICAL SHAPE, COME IN AND BE CONVINCED DEMONSTRATIONS CHEERFULLY GIVEN IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CALL, PHONE US AND WE WILL SEND ANY CAR TO YOUR HOME FOR INSPECTION WE SELL CARS ON EAST TERMS Associated Motor Sales : Company 10TH AND COUCH STREETS PHONE BROADWAY 3H96 You Will Save RY INVESTIGATING THESE Itl Al BUYS NOW: BOTH NEW AND USED 19J7 CHANDLER CHTJMMT. 1919 CHANDLER DISPATCH 1920 LEXINGTON TOURING. 1918 OLDSMonit.E 6 TOURING. -1918 OLDSMOBIL.E 8 TOURING 1918 OAKLAND TOURING. 1919 MAXWELL SEDAN. 1018 FORD U0LPE; ELECT. flTARTPR 1917 OLDBMOBILE TOURING. 1016 HurMonii.u. STUT7. TOURING. 4 PASS. 8TUTZ 8 TORT MODEL. 4 PARS. 1919 PAIGE LIGHT SIX. - 1918 DODGE ROADSTER. CORD TIIIES. FORDS (Ml RUK'K H FROM 1913 TO 1019. Portland Car Sales Co. 631 ALDER ST. RUWY. 2796. MTF.RS AUTO CO , 4 I 1 DAVIS. GOOD BUYS louring 1913 Ford .$333 . 373 . 373 , 4 25 ISO . 47S . 47.V . 550 . 673 . Toll 1916 Ford touring 1916 Chevrolet touring 1910 Maxwell touring 1918 Ford roadster 1917 Overland louring 1917 Chevrolet roj.4strr 1917 Chevrolet 1916 I lodge touring, . 1918 Overlind chummy - I 1919 Maiwell I 1918 Oakland louring . . . , 1918 Chevrolet Milan . . . 1918 Chandler. 7 ia ... 1918 Olds. 8 n:.. roadster 1919 Ktudfhakrr 923 191 "Hudson ieed.'irr, cord tires. vire elieel anil 6 MYERS AUTO CO., .411 DAVIS ST. aMHER. AUTO SPRING 18,600 earner In stoet. Our apnns aoM with a written gusrante. We gire yoa aervlee, 84 N. IBtb st. WHY not buy the t in I 1 lodge for thl sum mer? We hsve. on hand, a 1916 Tkwlg and a 191$ Ford. Both cars are in good mecbank-sl condition. UNION DEPOT GARAGE CO. Cor Bro1wy and Hoyt NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. W A STEIiSf meonewlio wsnts 19ll Msxel 8 pass, road-ter, n-w tlr-s. seat, corer. plsta class in rear and side curtafna for $100 less than othsrs ask. Call P.rodwy 3247. FOR RTLKBy owner" light d-lltery, old model Odillac. (II new parts and aew tires and tubes. Main 8780 after 7 s. m. Mon day morning 289 Front st. ONE 3f7l Y. Studebsker engine, magneto, carburetor and rnne clutch, just overhauled, 330. H 676, Journal "18 TTfi'. V ROLET nevr tire, bumper, spot light, ftn-t-clsas oondition. $600. T 474. Jour-, nal , CHEVROLET roadster. 1918, best of condition, good tires. A bargain at $626; some terms. 80 Grand sve. N near Bumaide. . . ---- cUHtAINgTndlTEPAIRluVil IV. Yc9fl BOS84TER BROS. TOP CO. E-t 884. Union st Pine. IF YOU ARE looking for a good used ear nae new. guaranteed.' call Mar. J. IT and " my mow Sloon sytt. MA X WELL. J 91 8. X-i condition, good tires! good Paint must sell, a bargain st $77$. Borne term. 80 Grander. N.. near Burnt td. , ..iARbv or EDEN ' for tale $1500; take Fort first payment and $18 per month. 6 per cent interest. E. 1081 6 p. m. MT 1918 Maxwell, raa about 4000 miles': woolei almost pass for new; good tire aBd aoot llglit; sacrifice $660. Tabor 3830. 0LY"8773; very easy tefmT extra' e.rly 'f 7 Dodge; in A I hape. Mut e He Mr Showmaker. 1 652 VirgvrO. Mai IIOftT BABY 7) ERLan D roadster ; looks and runs ilk new; tire almost new; only $50O dowa, $30 per month. Broadway 8411 323AHer ,t PANEL delivery body, or wiOrad for' Fort touring Conidr roadster body for part Bdwy. 161 after Sunday. . H0lXi8TEBan supply ynu with a new ToTiritii body for your Ford. Will rebuild your Ford good as new. Bdwy. 181. 1914 FORD with 1918" motor blor-TTtann-1 good tieea: tuM- iwrfMH ' aova. iiaa $20 per month. 628 Alder t Broadway Silt! THE BEST Overland 8 pa-, rosd-ter In" th, city. 6 cord tires, like aew. 3800 down. long easy term on balance.-. Call Mar. 3817. iSOLD 3 Fords yesterday; wbyt ' Becauset sell for lee. Broadwky 3247. 90 N. Broadway. FORD coupe let In the best ca,eltioogo73 -. J '"'""I rai oargain, u! Some terms. 30 Orand gve. aear BuroMdo. WANTED Small spaea la torn garage or la soma good locality for avioaaobil elect rt - j hop. J-662.-Journal. 1918 FORD touring car, food tires, easy pay wienta. Cd. 82. ; , , S1:VV' Ford roadster wits ' wifaUrter. "" .'t'-tSlf. MALL payment dawn, balance easy terms, bays : a good lata model Velie Big. East 8766. ": 1919 LIBERTY SIX. raw 3O00 will; term! -City Aalo Laundry A Garsffe. 448 Bnraside. , lOaotimiea an Pellewma Faaal t