THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY , 18, 1920. 9 - HOUSEHOLD POOPS FOB BAIB M ' JMUARY CLEAR-UP USED. FOWHTORE WM. GADSBY & SONS First and Washington' 'A Better Place to Trade Oak Mocker, good a new, special t only , fcolld Oak Kitchen Cabinet whit 'Mantel Interior Alt Bteel Springs, priced special M only Mattresses, ell tizea, priced a low - Miinmnu Coil Serine, priced special at .only . Dining Tables, priced ipecisJ at onljr . , ' IMnlng Chairs priced special as low a, , Breutex Gnat Rue. 8x10 to Bxlli Lama Buffet, priced eery special at Princes Dresser, almost new, at only ...... 4 Bed Davenport, bear? oak frame, for . . . .' Heating Stove of all descriptions a low aa . We have a large assortment of Steel $ 3M $ 8.50 S 2.50 $10.75 $ 9.25 $ 11.25 $ 6.50 $21.75 $24.50 $24.50 $ 2.10 $26.50 SONS Sngton nges, ail make and sizes, low a WM. GADSBY & First and Wash A WONDERFUL BARGAIN A great big comfortable overstuffed daven port, used just Ions; enough to call it second hand ; it measures 7 feet 6 inch in length ; 3 Marshal) spring cushions and spring arms; it is luxuriously upholstered in tapestry of very pleas Ing colors and pattern and Is splendid quality; eost $175 and priced at only $98.50; we alo hare a, coraforlahle overstuffed rocker, slightly nsed. upholstered in tapestry, priced at $24.75; easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 VIR8T ST. NEW BOUGHT OLD SOLD OH FTOH1T0M CO, ,209111 Second St. Between Taylor and Salmon. Day Main 0331 A-1209, Night Main 5788 A-3051. EXTRA SPECIAL AT 205-207 FIRST ST. 8 piece ivory bed room suite consisting of bed, dresser, chiffonier, triple plate dressing table, chair and rocker to match; special for Monday only $112.50; regular value, $195. Gevurtz Furniture Store . 205207 First St. t)"-BEAUTIFUL ivory bed room set $7.1; triple mirror dressing table with chair, good sized chiffonier with large mirror, full size hed-itrad. all for $75: this set is in perfect condition and look like new. ''STAR FURNITURE CO. THE STOUK OF BARGAINS 204 First St. Near Taylor. DRESSER BARGAINS " . TV, have a' large assortment f used dressers priced from $8.5il; In white enamel, oak, birds eye maple and walnut we can save you money on auy kind of furniture. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOIt LENS 189-1(18 First St. Near Morrison. BEATTTrFTJL golden oak buffet with" beveled French plate mirror; apecial for Monday. STAR FURNITURE CO, THE STORE OF BARGAINS 204 First St Near Taylor. GENUINE de hue bed spring, double colls, 25 year guarantee, for only $17.50: this is a real bargain; If yon want a spring don't miss it. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS 188-168 First St Near Morrison. GENUINE Royal Wilton rug. 8 8x18: can't be told from new; worth double; our price '$7.50. Gevurtz Furniture Store 205207 First St. TaATIGE lection of ne4 roll top dmki In til STAR FURNITURE CO. THE STORE OF BAROAINS 804 First St Near Taylor. A LARGE selection of nsed 0x1 3 rugs. Aimtn ater. Brussels and Wiltons; also carpets In larg. room Maes, at low prices. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 8ELL8 FOR LESS 168-168 First St Near Morrison. WOOD and coal range In good condition; special, $20. STAR FURNITURE CO. TltE STORE OF BARGAINS 204 First St Near Taylor. FOR SALE Victrola. oak dining table 5 4 -In.. chairs leather seat sewing anscblne. break fast table, brass bed, spring and mattress, ivory dressor, rockers, rugs, lawn mowsr, hne like new, telephone table end chair, piano, gas plat. 394 Guild st. Apt B. near 28d and Thurman sts. HIGH GRADE Circassian walnut dining room set In A 1 condition, hand carved blrdseye maple bedroom set, Simmons brass bed. mahogany chairs, 2 sll-over tapestry easy ("hairs, 9x12 old rose Royal Wilton rug. 8.3x10.8 body Brussels rut, dishes and kitchen utensils. h lamps. Msln 2778.. SPECIAL Quartered ekk top library table for only 112. JWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS B-168 First St. Near Morrison. FOR SALE Victrola. piano, 54 -in. oak table, 6 chairs', leather seat, brass bed, spring and gnattresa, rugs, breakfast table, new lawn mower and hose: reasonable. 394 Guild st. Apt. B. RANGE, cook stave, bed and springs, library table, stand, rocker, couch; also 80x3 H tire filler. Phone Tabor 661" er call at 6226 89th are. 8. E. , $150 COMBINATION range $90. Davenette. dresser, bed. dining room set parlor set com bination heater. 1188 E. Grant st. WE WILL move your piano for you at lowest rate; alae tune and polish. Oregon Ellen MrMie House. Phone Main 1123. FOR SALE Bedroom auite including mat tress and springs, 8 rockers, new gas stove; no dealers. Phone East 6722. S-ROOM house completely furnished, elso fuel, house for rent Phone Sellwood 8142. 1008 Ttbbett st. Richmond car. FOR BALE! Davenport, gaa range, combination wood and coal range, dining table and chairs. Iron bed and springs. Mar. 865. SINGLE bedstead enameled white and woven wire mattress; price reasonable. 695 . Ash at SCOTCH CHENILLE Axminster rug. 9x12, In good condition. 1071 E. Washington. Phone . Tabor 4 507. '0R SALEA small tapestrjr covered couch. KMt 818. V BLIGHT LT nsed $103 Universal range with 73 3823 42d st 8. E. bl-CK'S RANGE Good as new,' will sell tor 850. 85 E. 19th st East 4208. IjFOft SALE Furniture of 2 room apartment - nsed Tery little. Call Broadway 8627. HAVE kitchen rang for sale, $40. 600 Flint St. East 6906. , FOR SALE -Antique 3 -piece bedroom suite. - "s . .uiiiuuiv, A-11U8, g-. .. j. . . . 1 , ivu "Ai-n Furniture of 8 room apartment; wvjmum iw rrm eneap. t O N . 15th. USED furniture, ranges, beds, carpet, rest a u--rant cooking ate&dla, 884 E. Waahingtoa. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE M ' -WELL THIS IS GREAT CLOSING OUT ENTIRE Steele ' THE GREATER PORTLAND FTTRNrTURB 6TOKE, located at 165-187 First at., near Mor rison, is closing out its entire stock of furniture, stores and ranges at less tban actual wholesale cost, as all the stock was purchased before the big advance la prices. CONTINUOUS BALE Oat first week's gale ware greater tban we oipertert, THERE'S A REASON Why wait If you need anything in the home furnishing Unef NOW IS THE TIME FINAL- CLOSING OUT PRICES FOR THE COMING WEEK There are .till many piece of houiehold ar ticles on this "sale which wiU hate to bo lor considerable leas than regular prices. Take ad vantage of the following tale prices: Cotton Combination Mattresses. R-g. $8.50. BALE PRICE ....... All Cotton Maltresi-es. Regular $14.00. SALE PRICE Rockers, with solid leather loose cushions. Regular $17.50. SALE PRICE Extra Urge Rockers, with full leather seat and back. Regular $35.00. SALE PRICE Duofold Dsvenports. Keg. $05.00. SALE PRICE Columbia Grafonola, new, finished $ 7.65 $10.90 $112.90 $29.85 $53.85 $37.85 in solid oak or mahogany. Regu lar$50.00 siie. SALE PRICE. . ONLY A FEW OF THEM LEFT. REMEMBER, our Ranges. Stoves Crockery, Aluminum ami Craniteware are sold for nearly half what you will pay elsewhere. Nothing Reserved. GREATER PORTLAND FURNITURE STORE 185-167 FIRST ST. FURNITURE HEATING STOVES Ranges for Wood & Coal GAS RANGES vr ornnvn t r a vn AVE YOUR: DOLLARS Come to our low rent store; we will snake you one of our many customers. $35 00 50-lb. felt mattresses $28 50 $23.75 4.Vlh. felt mattres s 817.10 $18 75 4MI. felt msttresses SlfinO $60.00 leather rockers, very special. ... $37.50 $28.00 leather seat rockers $20,00 tJjM.OO davenports $05.00 The beautiful Charter Oak range installed in yonr home this week gt the extremely low price of $r. 75. including mils. W I Q Hi TM AN J O H NS ON FURNITURE CO., R8-90 Grand Ave Phone Fast 7768. BUCK'S PIPELESS FURNACES fill a long felt want They have many useful features, exclusive to this furnace. For in stance: Automatic water tank . filler, automatic draft check. Hut blast feature, which does away with any. waste of fuel or ga; and also does away with cleaning out the fire ox. Ash sprink ler saves any dust in basement. One'piece fire pot Don't fail to call and see this fine fur nace. Easy terms. No interest charged. Gevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL UNDER ONE ROOF NO BRANCH STOKES. 185 First St. REMEMBER. TWO DOORS FROM TAMHILL PUBLIC MAKKKT. SPECIAL OFFER FOR THIS WEEK Library table $ Chairs Hookers ...v 'oofc store 1 (ins plate Copper coil water heater 1 Iron beds Iron beds Bed springs ' Mattresses Kitchen treasures Breakfast t.tile '. Genuine leather seated dining chairs. . . . Round extension table 1 8 burner gas stove OU T, FURNITURE f'O ," SELLS FOR LESS 166-168 First St Near Morrison. Very special price on parlor lamp stands, mahogany finish. Double socket and long silk cord. Rig and handsome stocks at the extremely low price of $11.75, Monday and Tuedy only. Gevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL UNDER ONE POOF -s- NO BRANCH STORES 1185 First St. REMEMBER. TWO Doors FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET MASSIVE brass bed with 8 inch post, 14 1H inch pewta In head and foot; worth $52.50; soecial Monday only $42.50. Gevurtz Furniture Store 205207 First St. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK New 45 1b. blended Mt mattress, regularly $18, sale price $1250; this is a real snap. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS 166-168 First St Near Morrison. LARGE selection Gunn end Globe sectional bookcases, all as good as new; can be had at less than wholesale cost. STAR FURNITURE CO. THE STORE OF BARGAINS 204 First St Near Taylor. SOLID qnarter sawed oak library table with book ends, large roomy drawer; worth $41; only 3 of these tables; specisl for Monday' $27.60. Gevurtz Furniture Store 205207 First St. ROTTND dining tahje. light oak. 6 f00t exten sion; special for Monday, $14 83 STAR FURNITURE CO. THE STORE OF BARGAINS 204 First St Near Taylor. COMBINATION Stewart eoal and wood range with gas plate and hot water coil attached regular $56.50 Talne; slightly nsed; price $39.75 Gevurtz Furniture Store 1 205207 First St. BARGAINS Ephohttered leather couch. $15; 8 piece solid oak bedroom suit $20; silk floes mattress, $8: copper coil springs, $5; decor ated toilet set, $2,50; 1 white set 81. Call 2 HOlaE kitchen range and heater; fine hot water con, iKiiisueu swei up, nicseieo aoors and ad justable legs: been nsed only few mouths. Call 1221 Missouri, Sunday morning or after 4 p. m. MY PLAN of buying furniture, rugs, etc.. di reet from wholesaler will save you big money Let me explain. Phone any time. Tabor 1148. 5oif COUCH at a ba resin. Phnna 7ius Sunday HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SAtB Ct Specials in the Furniture Department Monarch. Chart r (nlu, Bur. Penin sulas, Univereab, Malleable, all quality u-ed ranges, and all guaranteed at about ball today's prices. Solid quartered oak Jacobean Period din ing . table. - like new, regular price, new. BS, special, $31.60. A good oak, and a rod pedestal dining table; bargain at, each. 810. Just a few aaed indextxuctible fibre trunks that retail fur $40, big special, each, $17.50. Rugs Rugs Rugs The values we offer yon in highest grade used rue will convince you that it is folly to pay fancy prices for cheap quality new onei. For instance note the savings: $105 WUtou velvet 912. at ..... $65.00 $ 65 Aiminster, 9x12. at $37.50 $ 83 Body Brussels, size 9x12. slight wear $15.00 landlords, here is the best stock of used ruga in town for rooming houses, etc Heaters A few still on hand, all good buys, will be closed out at a reduction of 25 per cent. Get those andirons, grates, screens, etc., for the fireplace now; syecial to clo&e out, 30 per cent oil. Solid oak dreaser, regular $25 value, special at $15.00. Princess dresser, Quartered oak, beinti ful bevel mirror, regular $40. ipcc'l $20. Big Special Just received 50 No. 7 cook stoves, used but a few feeks in the hop yards; ap'l $9.50. This Week Only ' Big, full size mattress, a regular $15 aeiler, special $10.75. Nice clean stock of sheets, bed spreads, pillow, esses and eorafortj, purchased at a bargain from a high class hotel. Prioea half regular. Oak davenports, Duofold, grade, imitation leather values, special st $4 7.50. in most durable coverings, $65 EIJ2CTRIC IRONS GCARANTEED ELECTRIC IRONS Regular $7.50, they but, $2.95. slightly used, while SEE THESE Genuine Rogers nickle silver knives and forks, speciai low prices, per set, $4.25. DISHES We buy op big job lots and have the bar gains. Cups and saucers, 10c per pair. Levin Eidw. & Furn. Co, 202-204-206 Salmon st GOOD USED RUGS AT RIGHT PRICES We have on hand a nusnber of good used rugs in Wilton, K.idy Brussels. Velvets, Ai minstrr and Tapestries in various sizes. We iii' iuiuo just " lev, . 8 '4x10.6 Very high grade Wilton for "1J 9x12 extra heavy Axminster for.... 9x12 high grade velvet, almost new. . . $4 9.50 42.50 f A 1 . A uai- iin.s?-is mr iii.iiv bou vxj. 1 yvan nig, wool through and through, for only $17.50. MISli FURNITURE CO., 188-190 FIRST ST. WILLIAM AND MART DINING ROOM SET consi-ts of handsome 4 8 inch table and 4 beau tiful chairs, upholstered in first grade Spanish leather. $87.60. This set is brand new, but just arrived here and was bought 6 months ago. Step in early Monday morning if you want it Easy terms. Gevurtz Furniture Co. Tihe Big Store ALL TTNDER ONE R 10F. NO BRANCH STORF.S. 185 First St. REMEMBER. 2 DOORS FROM TAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET. VERT BIG AND MASSIVE SIDEBOARD AND CHINA CABINET 1 he cabinet has round glass enda and the sideboard has an immense mirror of heavy jjrench plate Jhat would eost vou about tin price of the sideboard. Very massive and hand carved. ui can buy one or both at $i5 each. i alt and look at them. Polished oak finish. Easv terms and year r pay. Gevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL t N Dr. R ONI! RIG HOOF NO BRANCH M I ORES 185 First St. REMEMBER. TWO DOORS FROM TAMHILL USED DINING ROOM SUITE f"omrriing solid oak round dining table, 43 inch tp. 6 foot extension; neat royal oak buf fet with French plate mirror. 6 royal oak chairs and carver; an exceptionally good buy at $34 76; easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-100 FIRST ST. ALWAYS the largest assortment of good used pianos carefully regulated, cleaned, jwlished and tuned, at Oregon Eilers Music House, for instance, a Singer piano $200; Sterling, ele gant plain mahogany case, like new, $2S5: a Hartlnmn. cost 5.'.0 new. now . $25; a Smith A "Barnes, nice mahogany case, $185; also a Llndeman used and somewhat older model, but good tone, $85. Investigate our trial rental plan; rent paid applied toward purchase later on. Oregon Eilers Music House, Piano Dept. MirHiwvnT ii FOR SALE About 4000 ft. K In. wood pipe ,vi.iis.. ,ww iu neitu, a -1 conmuon, at nindation Shipyard. Phone Bdwy. 986. FOB SALE MISCELLAEOrS 18 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Your old sewing machine repaired as good as ever. Call Main 6833. ask for BeaL Singer Store. 193 4 tli st CORONA ROYAL camera, 5x7. no lena. long bellows, 6 Premo holders, carrying case, vel vet lined; good condition. Bargain $15. Broad way 603. War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds. Spot cash. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bidg., 2d floor. FOR SALE Cr. on a leading mercantile house of city; also want to meet 100 dissatisfied owners of Alcazar combination ranges. Tabor 3324. LADIES' two long coats, size 40; 1 sll wool dark blue velour. foil satin lined, nearly new. Tan coat, light weight, cheap. Phone East 6343. WE WILL move your piano for you at lowest rate; also tune and polish. Oregon Eilers MiHc Houc. Ptlffnc Main 1123. aT'ctib HONEY WARRANTED UNADULTERATED Quart ROc, quantity less; delivered. East 1418. FOR SALE Gents No. 40 fuil dress coat and vest; new, worn once. Call Sun. before 3 p. m. labor 2827J. NICE wood range atove, in good condition, for sale cheap. 84 8 Going st Woodlawn 1023. CHURNS 3 and 5 gallons, $5. 552 East 28th. seliwood 1916 6 p. m. Sunday all day. STEEL range with attached gas plate. $60. Wicker baasinett, $10. .183 E. Broadway. GENUINE Spanish leather couch. $35; 5 oak dining chairs, $20. 583 E. Broadway. LARGE oak library table, UTS"! ladies' oak writing desk. $-15. 583 E. Broadway. SQUARE oak extension dining table and 7 chairs. Call 412 Tillamook st LADY'S kid shoes, size 5 Vi B, 904 Williams ave. $6; cost $9. BLACK folding sulkey with top, $6.50. Broad way 3221. FOR SALE A few choice Indian pestles, eery rare. L-473. Journal. FOR SALE Pair satin damask portieres and model dress form. Bdwy. 3204. FOR SALE Handsome electriclable lamp, half price. star. j.itfM KOTTEO. cow and horse manure, delivered any- wbere in city- East 4807. APPLES $1 per box. Bring boxes. Delicious y botoe-sarmed peacbae. 672. 65th are 8. . FOB 8ALBwrSCEI,l.AXFOCS It Hardware Specials Sot the prices on this list of hardware. These goods are all first elaea sserchaBdis and absolutely guaranteed. Rolee. regular price 78c, this week. . S SB BeveJ squares, regular price, 75c, this week SB Machinists' ha an men, regular price 1 25. this week TB Carpenters' hammer, reg. price $1.25. this week .93 75 ft. steel tap, reg. price $7.60, this week . , 4.25 10 in. rachet brace, reg. price $2.23, this week . . ... 1.83 I.ys gdzes. reg. price $5.50, this week 2.23 - Ship axes. reg. price $5.60. this week 2.29 Top mauls, reg. price $1.50, this week 85 2 H in. White'a chuck, reg. price $4.50. this week . 3.75 3 In. Whitus chuck, reg. price $5.50, this week 4. 00 Race knives, reg. price $1.25, this week 4 5 " Mallet, reg. price $1 25. this week.. .60 JiaUeta.'reg. price $1, this week 50 Heavy farmer chisel at 60c on the dollar. Wood jack planes, special 2 25 No. 5 Jack planes, special 4 25 No. 4 smooth Joiner planes, special. . . 3.93 No. 7 jointer planes, spevlnl 5 95 No. 8 jointer planes, special 7.00 $2.25 hand axes 1.50 $3 B0 hand axe 1.05 $4.25 hand axes, special 2.25 $15 No. 45 plow planes, special .. 10.4 5 U to 4 la. No. 37 blacksmith dies. special 6 50 V to 1 Green River blacksmith dies. special 14.50 V to 1 in. essy blacksmith dies, spe cial : 19.50 til m inch Green River black smith dies, special 23.50 $16' forge, specisl only 13 00 $35 No. 400 blower, special only.. 25.00 150 lb. all steel anvil, special only 23 00 70 lb. anvil, special only 10.00 Cable and Blocks Prices cut In half on this line through out. See our stock of hand made blocks, choker hooks, swamp hooks and peaviua. 9 in. Try s blocks, new. reg. $15, only 7 80 6 in. .cratch blocks, new, reg. 09.50. only 1.75 1 in. swamp books, new, reg. $2, only 1.00 Teaties. new. reg. $3.50, now . . . 2.25 1H ton ciiain block, rog. J43. now 27.T.0 800 wire stretchers, pL. each only. . , 1 9 5 2d hand axes .50c to 1.25 2d hand picks, each 50 Waaron lanterns, each ,H5 Koluid point shovels, each 1.25 Nt w Simmons cross-cut sawa, 50o foot. Alt grades of roofing paper at price from $ I pet roll up. Levin ndw. & Furn. Co. 2tl Front at. Pipe Pips Pipe If vou want to save money on new pipe get our prices. We also carry a full -line of plumb ing sapplies anil can save you money. Esti mates cheerfully given. Get our price before you buy. Northwest Pipe Co. 187 Front st Between Yamhill and Taylor. Phone Main 8631. PSumibing Supplies BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES BATH TURS LOW-IOWN TOILETS CORNER OR F1 AT RACK R VEIN'S (complete) PIPE AND FITTINGS Get our prices before you let your contract. We also have some slightly damaged goods. A. L. Howard 208 FOURTH ST., bet Taylor and Salmon sts. This Ad States Facts I have a lartre aArrtnTnt of tin-mllrvi-for tailored sutM at pTie! that mil Btirpri.1? ymi. All -iz. patterns and etw, and immbpr they are ab olutely nw. not serond hand. I can fit you to a mi it that will please both your Lfeite and your pneketbook. I. Blum 164 Tenth at., near Morrison. Pipe Pipe Ruck and galvanized, new and second liiul friiii to 12- iii'-ti. 2-in.-h pile... 14c foot 8 Inch plpe...1c foot 3 H -in; .t pipe.:ttlo tv. 4 ti li pipe. . .35c Ls.t All kinds plumbing supplioa less 5 per cent vfl.olnle pnc. Sand e S 209 27 1 FRONT ST. Mam 63'.'.'). poll SALE --$5000 Windfield Black Cap rt berry plants, 40 Early Crawford pesches, 125 2 and 3 year qUI Bir-g cherries, excellent ts-k. Ftierberg. No. 121 Wilson. Muttoen. New Oreeon and Ctyrk Seedling strawberry planLs, I,oranbeiry tips, Oregon Champion goo-eberries. Perfection currants and 6 to S ft Italian prune trees, sll fine stock: reasonable. Phone Sell. 2332. nsiiS Wocd-tock ave.. end of Wood stock earline, Portland. UNDER instructions from the heirs of former owner in California we have taken out of sturage a mahogany Autp!aiio with nearly $30 worth of mu;ic rolls; cost $GS three years ago; and are authorized to sell the same free and -clear of all encumbrance for $320 cash. St this at once, for unless taken by Wednesday wiil have "to ship to Imiierial valley. California. Piano Dept. Oregon Filers Music . II uise. HAY baler for sale or trade in on tractor. truck, liragsaw. Ford car, or team and wagon; will sell cheap for cash; value $4 00. Call Tabor -8457 evenincs after 6. See baler at ! Rase Line road and Jeffrey ave.. or write W. H. O . R. Box 4 84 A. WE ARE disposing of a variety of the latest dro;ihead machines, priced from $15 to $35, all as good as new; machines rented $3 per month: repairing. Soiger store (Moose bidg.). 193 4th. Main 6833. 1918 FORD, delivery exrress body; extras con taining 2 Hassler's springs. 5 oversize Kelly- Rpringfield tires, tail licfct, speedometer, brake on rear end, gas throttle, insurance and 1920 license ; $450. 20 Meade st. Main 365. 1 BLACK near soul coat; collar, cuffs and Lapels beaver; iz 38, length 26 inches; good as new; $50. Beaver on it is worth more. 7823 58th ave. S. E. "I JUST hate housework, things are so in convenient"; modernize your kitchen, make It more efficient, with cupboards and break fast nooks. Kitchen Expert, Woodlawn 5346. TRY the Bandbox for that new hat. We have some beauties at moderate prices. 286 Washington. Take elevator. SIX hole steel top range, new eoiis"j 1 gary folding baby buggy. Call Monday, 832 MiU st, west side. LEAVING city, wish to sell a natural hair switch, dark brown, 26 Inches. Wail at 931 East Flanders. POSTAGE-STAMPS for collectors; bought and sold. 301 McKay bidg. Main 1004. resi dence Marshall 3793. FOR 8ALE Lady's long black coat bookcase. twin bed, India.n eunos. Call mornings, 1652 Van Houten, St Johns car. FOR SALE or exchange, three single comb R. I. R. cockerels; $3 to $5 each. 660 Ne halem ave. .- WOULD like to buy f-.rst-cla-ss delivery body for new Ford. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. FOR SAIrE Soft drink place, cash register. safe, bar, tables and chair. Price reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 3006. FOUR hardwood folding chairs at a bargain. Call at 100 V Front st, comer Stark. Main 14 1 8. WILL pay cash, for a second hand turning lathe. State prices, 8-59, Journal. FOR SALE 1 heating stove, Nehalem ave. cheap. 660 FURNITURE of 4 rooms. 1435 Grand ave. N. Tas W. L. car to Dckum. 700 BURLAP feed snd grain sacks, first-claa condition. Tabor 782 L FOR SALE A7eeiibaby bugcy. good aa new; leaving town. $20. 914 Interstate svs. GIRL'S blue velour coat, ae 11 to 12 years; bargain Tabor 2825. FOR SALE Dry wood, stove length; also dry lab. Tabor 4780. GOOD steel range for sale cheap. Call Sunday. " 1140 E. KJllingsworth or phone Wdln. 4852. POT A TO ES and"apple3, cheapo CaB"2 f lEaat 74th N. Guaranteed not froxen. BICTCLE aud sideboard for sal. Tabor 4415. " FOB SALE MtSCELLAWEOrJS It Plumbing Supplies Bath Tubs Bath Tubs Just .rocwived a carload o! bath tubs. 4 H ft.. S ft. 5 "4 ft Five-foot tub, with future oompiate. 88. this week only. - ToiletsToilets We bars abont 100 high-grade toilet, silent ly used but In fine shape, helling this week st 23. Lavatories Lavatories Slightly used lavatories, a snap at $14. fix tuxtw compile SinksSinks 20 SO inch sinks, this week, it each. Lat est atyle. with strainers. PipeP2pePipe A complete line of pipe and pipe fittings, new and saound hand. T-et ns figure jour Job. with or without in stallation. Mail orders filled promptly. M. B. Mesher Pipe Co, 229 FROST ST. Br. Main and Salmon Main 5277 FOR SALE Very low figure, 15 floor cases, cigar and candy cases: Nati-inal cash register, ringing from 5c to $59. with tape and tickets: ice boxes, meat rack outfit: Toledo computing scales. 1 small register, counter eases, numerous other fixtures, refrigerator cases, r'nnv machine. 242 SALMON. WALES ADDING. MACHINE F'n Wales- adding machine with stand, add to 9.999,999.99. Repeat, correction, non-sdd and non-print keys. W id" carriare, all in fine condition. Coet about $350. Price $20, $25 down, $15 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine i o . 8.-o Alacr. CEDAR CHESTS Direct from Factory to your home. Ten ncssee ana Fort Orford cedar; solid stopper trimmings, latest deitns. Writs for catalogue. Factor). 1912-18-18 E Git sn. Tiber M08 WE SAVE yon money House wiring, lighting fixtures, electrical repair in. tnnnltes. Third St. Electric Store. 224 4 3dN at., near Salmon. Main 6055 700 LATEST MODEL COMPLETE VCL- Retrcad'ng outfit for $550. Duntley Pneumatic cleaner. $45. Second Land cash register. $10. We have a good line second hand bicycles, all sires. Itig reduction u tued Urea. All sizes. 233 Fiunt Main 5490. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New and 2d hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Complete line of parts for all makes. Machines repaired and rented Main !431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 1 90 3d. near Taylor st. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Rather than return our sale-man sample, to the factury we have placed same at the dis posal of the public at wholesale prices, consist ing of raincoats, motor costs and leather coats, in our salesroom at UNITED RUBBER CO., 720 Morgan bidg. C'li3 Electric Motors jjpjjt Bcught, sold, rented and repaired. iri Walker Electric Works. 413 Burn- tiJe. corner 10th. Broadway 3674 SAFES Fire and burglar proof, sales, new and secondhand, at rigiit i.r?"es. bought sold and exchanged. .NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO. 105 2d St. Phone Main 2048 "MUSICAL"" INSTRUMENTS." "Typewriters" and "Household Goods" sr. separata classifi cations. All advertisementx of these goods are published under their respective ciaaaiticationa LOOK THEM OVER FXH FA KM or r- Mrt: New JOth Century. 50 liht ga plant ; out f 1 7 5 at factory'. Will take atock or ativthing tint look- like S5 to me Tabor 2U10. K. It. C.t 96 K. IUrn- tn st. SUMK f say dih.munU are hih, but ine f would hanlly think m if tluy wculd but enouch tn c-'inpa'1 ray pncf wtth rftriiUr pricv. Miller's (bearing House fr IrtjinvHitl.,, 353 Wash ington t., nff tn Nfajftic theatre. CHKKEItINO PIANO Kxeptiorialty line ;und rhifi.enrg piano, in bemifu! rnali 'Cany CiHj. with ueii'-h to l. Prff ??i50, J-J50 down. S25 mouiiUy. Kd.'ir Hriiyfield. P. O Hox 4. nty. GENUINE BUICK 6 SNAP First class 1917 Buick. splendid mechanical condition, bumper, leatrr top: good tires. Price only $s25, including new 11120 licpnse. $4U0 down, $50 monthly. E. B Hyatt, 350 Alder DESIRE to purchase well locau-d ruf-dem 2- si.ry lu,me of about 7 rivims from fMTjOO to $111, noo. Will pay half cas-h, balance $200 or mole imt month. E. R. Hyatt, 350 Alder. $ 2 2.53 to $ a 5 ' se'noinL Guaranteed We Rent and Repair 172 3d st.. near Yamhill. Main 1845, A 181 AUTOMOBILES. MOTORTCI.E8.' LAUNCHES or boats are seiiarate classifications. A Urge lifting can b. found under these different classi fications. ' CALL-East S0S8 when yon wish the Salvation Army truck or wagon to call for your cast off clothing or magazines, newspapera. furni ture, etc. Address 24-26 Union ave. HOT WATER TANKS 30 gaL $7. 40 gaL $9. Tested snd guaranteed stove and furnace coils. Gas heaters Installed. Expert plumbing repairing East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adsms st. E. 6516 FOR SALE Cbeap Hercules triple power stnmp puller in first class condition; also Hiirltfj-Davdson motorcycle in good running order. W din. 5040. 27 W. Simpson "t g,,FV.S New in(j secondhand; some with burglar chests, at reaonalile prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 4 8 Front st Bdwy. 19K0 a I.I." TOOLS, including lathe to start machine shop, for Kilo cheap. 180 W. Ruaaett street Woodlawn 5H98. GOrN'GEast or Southf Household goods shipped at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacific Coaat Forwarding . . 4UJ itoyt su uawy FOIt SALE Malleable wood and coal ratife, and A. B. gi ranee. Will deliver and con nect up for buyer. . Tahor 177L. rTtlNTfNG-T'OIi "LESS We are not In any printers' combine. Prompt service. Smith, printers. 218 Commonwealth JMgjRdwT298fJ. ILL" move your piano for vou at lowest rnte; also tune and polish Oregon Eilers Music House. Phone Main 1123 WOUI.Dlike to'bnv a h gh grade baby grunl t ,ano for cash. Hyatt Talking Machine Co, 3 r. o Alder. EX"cET"TION A I -I .Y fine toned vlclin. only $35. $10 down. $i munilily. Talking Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder. VIE nerfect ."d.sniond. weigh, 225-100. would cost about $22ou. rrice a i -w?. i.o uo n. $50 monthly. B. E. Foote.P. O. Box 4. city. DlXiioT;frringr over l'ik. white stone: g.iick sale. $375. See clerk at Hotel Arthur. 170 1 1 tli st WI'RLITZER electric orchestra, with motor, suit- able for rink, dance ball, movie show; no reasonable offer refused 2 N. 3d st FEJtTlLIZER Rotted cow snd horse m-nnre delivered In truck loads. Main 4 4 o"or Tabor2 704 FOR SALE S-t 1 1 tli ed. F.neyc. Rrittanica, India hnen, brown fheepskin binding, beauti- M lJ 75' ThoT 5:ir' : $60 WORTH of wood and coal.- ?40; 1 wissl heater 1 wood and coal range, with gas piste attached." 424 E. 4"th t N. Automatic 32435. BEAUTIFUL white diamond. $175, at great bar gain T-4 72. Journal. LL kinds of door"-, window, brick, pipe and nil kind o lumber. Hsin7296. 388 l.t SECOND-HAND lumber for sale. 1x4 flooring! 2x10, 1x12. East 1807. ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER A-l CONDITION. WDLN. 04 S3. LARGE restaurant gas range, hot water tank; sell cheap. 663 Hood. Marshall 3216. BTcYCLE, $30. Ivers-Johnson. almost new. Tabor 7247 WONDERFUL bargains la ladies' used apparel. Coats, dresses, suits, etc. Tabor 2825. FIRF.IPOO'F safe for sale cheap. Address for particulars, v-87 8. Journal. VACUUM cleaners, sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought Bentley Co., Main 4907. FOR SALF. 2 men's overcoat that are En good condition. Tabor 1846. FT)RBALE-Corcoraan band delivery carta. Main 2558 or call 404 McKay bdg. 6XAP8-in uncalled for tailor-made suits for salsT Modern Tailors. 89 N. 6th st. t CASH REGISTER. SHOWCASES. SCALES. SAFE 113 2d st. Marshal 24 38. UNCALLED for tailor-made suits, $V2.60 up, Taylor the Tailor. 289 1 Burnsttc st. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cl5rjer. 24-hoor day, $1. Delivered anywhere. Wdln. 1259. PLUMBING supplies!, wholesale' prices. Davis Co , 212 3d st Main 797. btirk- FOR SALE A Stewart wood range. Price $12. Call 308 5th st. s B-YEAR-OLD horse, also a saddle and bridle, $ 00 complete. Apply 1469 Mississippi srey CLOCK $7. mantle clock: 7247. bargain. Tabor FIREPROOF MeCaskey register, 320 accounts, cheap. 612 Clinton st. M.17MBrNO expert, repair any plumbing, gas. . eery reasonable. McCnrdy. Seliwood 1125. CASH-REGISTERS, FLOOR CASES - And other futures. 242 Salmon. Msia 8?2. NEW Wmcheeter 'special. .22 caL and ease. CaIl Columbia 747. GURLEY transit, complete, I N. 8iS ' FOB BALEWISCELtAKEOrS I LlRGE xixedWuriful TietreU la exceQent condition. Used abort time by wholesale dept. manager for demonstrating, and we fully enar ante it ever way. Great assortment of records. inctncung some Bed Meal This coat. ' new, $332.50. WiU discount 8117.50 fur Quick ale. Liberty bonds accepted at par. See Oregon Eil era Music House, phonograph head quarters, 3d floor, 287 Waahingtoa St. below otu, or pnone Main 1123. I1.ATER pianos, dozens ol different makes, latest model new ones also many nsed ones received In part payment for costliest type of self-expression eieexncally operated instrument. Before Investing in a piano consider cayefuTly a model player piano and enjoy the fascination of personally producing music. See the $8S aulopiano we are going to sell for only $320. Oregon Filers Muaje House. BEAL'TiFCL mahogany Victrola type phono graph in sjilendid condition. Cabinet contains a $30 variety of good records. Including some Red Seal McCormack and Gluck records; will sell for only $78. Liberty bonds accepted at per. See 3d floor Oregon Filers Music House, 287 Washington sL, or telephone Main 1123. FINE English " Wyettliemake" Dam."" brl'., 12 gauge shotgun. $15. Handsome ladies' novelty briiiuutt blue coat, 40 ' bust, coat $4, is like new. for $7. Man's wool, dark color overcoat, ize 87. $3. Indies fanry wool coat. 38 bust, 84; and other goods. 283 N. ICth st FoU SALE T'clee. driil." cheap. Wdln. 16S1. FOR SALE New black satin dress. Marsh. .1289. We want your used furniture., rip, carpers, stoves and all household goods and will pay tba niRiiest cash prices. Our Three Large Stores enable u to dl?roe of the? (oods t ohm, aod thTffore w cn py tl Top Market Prices We also bny and sell hardware, tools, sport ing goods, tents, bicycle, tynewrttera. adil'ng mscbinea and store and office furnitura. Whea you Lavs anything to buy, sell or tracts CaU Main 9072 Levin Hdw. & Furn. Co. 221-3 B FRONT ST. WE need nsed furniture, carpets, rugs, stoves, ranges, orfice furniture, etc We buy one piece or a h. full. Call Marshall 5s7; our hover will call promptly aud pay highest cash prices. ., i A. A S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205-207 First Street. BrWr-n Taylor and Salmon. SELl OS Tonr rMfl or Complete FnrTithlnfi We Pay Top Cash Prices Call Us for Promo. Conrteon Service portland furniture exchange 201 first st main 7 7 28. spot-Cash for usedfurn iture Main 8878 THE UNITED FURNITURE 8TORB 1 73 FIRST STREET wast rrxxv MAIN Star Furniture Co. 5Q64 24 First st Owl Furniture Co. NEAR MORRISON We want your ued furniture, stoves, carpets .rid pianos: we psy th. highest cs.h prices. 166 and 16S 1st st Call Main 4627. CALL MAIN 8951 ' If yon want to sol! your furniture and not give it away. Ask for Mr. Wolf. 191 2d st near I IB) lor. WIGHTMAN JOHNSON FURNITURE CO 8S 90 CrBnd ave. East 7706. Highest prices paid for nsed furnttnrw, ear pets., ranges, etc. W"e call promptly. (CAfHI p'l ,,ir furniture, stoves TlJll 11 ctrpels. rug", dresses, etc ranges. Phnn. Mar 2673. Hsrtzell Furniture Co.841lst st. 1 AM In the market for furniture 'rom private parties only. 409 H Jsckson st CALL MAIN 2117. $5on contract on Alberta house, good starrling. $20 per month; will exchsnge for furniture, priv-.te ..r rooming hon--e. 84 E. Washiogori. BEST-prices for used furniture." Main 8878 United h"urnitur Co . 173 1st st SWAPS (8 FOR SALE or trade, radiator, windshield, eh-o-tric motor, auto clock. Kui'lebaker bug. phono, graph, guitar, crmpe body, two 81x4 tires, traih-r. Fast 112. Ak for night man. Will SELlTc'ieap or trade for iivi-sus-'s . late m'del I'halmers six roadster. In cms1 running condition, 5 n-w tires, g.Kul looker. 990 Powell Valley r-wid. Plifine S.lwood "17. VILL sell cheap, or trade for livestock,. Iste mo,iel Chalmers G roadster; in u cl running ertndiion: r, new. tires: eood looker. 9iu Ro-B-ell Vs'ley Sellwo-id 717. 7 PASS. Chalmers, '13 nodei; me sn offer. Evenings or Sunday. 62 6 E. Rich mond st TO ENCIIWiiE papering or tint ing for typewriter, clo'iiing. or anything of value. I'hnne Sellowod 29f7. 1914 MARION B pass.. A-l condition, for Hahy Saxon; must be in good condition. 1286 Grand ave. V Fl R PALE nr trade, ehiekens for stoves; one wood range, one gas range; Initb in good snap-. 174 9 Portsmouth ave . city. ELECTRIC" heater "for 'wood ""heater. 6l2 ClirT ton st s WANTED To trade for motorcycle. 5 pass, ltecal anto. ...loo. Tabor .t2r.x CARPENTER E.i t Ms.1 work f tr groceries or anything. Room 1 j DOl'RLK-BARRELED shotgun for talking ma- ch n. inn Aot rev ! . Kenton I FEATHER bed. for chickens or" what" have you? Ma-.n 4 19i Monday. WHAT liave j tu to snap (or a good milk goat! Woodlawn 12 10. 84 6 Mississippi ave. PKNTAh wM-i-ic for i.siiT'Tni. M"ain4 4C.2. W A T F. I) M I SC F. L L A N F, O C8 T) t rv i vt r-rT m riTtrrvn L , ,-si' I U'ed suits 1 also pay full value -l 'i f for all kinds of other clothing. VV. Call us and he convinced. 167 .1 Firt near Morrison. Main 736. i GOLDBAUM. the Tailor. !TP,,eC. 7 OsS V A A PTU Tt5)wwct1 j VV COUll liMc Ljili FdlU o UsUivJflii ii eiiva TRUNKS, SUITCASES, HANDBAGS. BICYCLES TENTf. ELECTRIC FANS GUNS. PINTOI.S NEWMAN 128 Fjt Main 4495 Tabor 7M. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the Irghest cab prices for second band ht.u-e.hold g'sida No aacioUBt too large or too smalt Prompt attention ax. ir.. i .rt Phone Est 2203. 148 Rmwerl t War Stamps Bought LIBERTY-VICTORY - BONDS SPOT CASH Atn-ricsn Rn'keng". 205 Morgan Hldg .. 2d Fl GOING Ea-t or South? Household' goods shipped at rrdoced rates: moving and packing PACIFIC COAST FORWARDING CO., 403 Hoyt su Broadway 708. CALL us up. Mar. 2438. Wt will pay cash for groceries snd confectionery stock. With or wltho-n fixtures. OULD like to boy first-class delivery body for new ford. Hyatt talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder WOUlT) like to buy s hish grade baby grand piano for cash. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. WANTED Second hand typewriter. Will pay cash. I lealers need not answer. Call Wood lawn 367 1 Sunday morning only. WANTED Cash register;give fufi particu- Lirs and price and where it' can be seen D-H59, JeurnaL STEAM baths and massage, everytfiing sani tary and up to the minuter 1O03-4-5 Broad way hldg. PhoneMarshall 3187. WANTED 4 foot green slab a?;d block wood; will contract for one year. Call Eaat 8551 or address 1006 Schuyler Bt WANTEIV High power rifle "in "exchange for Remington automatic shotgun, 12 gauge. W 537. Journal. WANTED -Knitting mschine good as new; Mrs. C. Richter, 816 East Reserve it, Van couver, Wash. WANTED Flat top desk. Give particulars and price. X-464, Journal. WANTED To rent a duck lake. Bdwy. 2913. 839 Oak st TICKET for 'Frisco or will attend to business for part fare; references. R 552, Journal. VVANTED Large second hur.d sate7In good or der. Roberts Bros.. 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED Rifles, rhotguns. cameras, lei Hocb field. 85 3d st Phone Maln 8581. 16 GAUGE hammerless shotgun or pump gun. Marsha U4 376 after 5 p. jn. WANTED Office table and 9x12 rug. Give description and price. Z-856, Journal. LADY S wheel, Colombia; good cond-tidn. $15. 6825 E. Powell Valley, near 68th st WANTED Kerosene or "gasoline tank, about 40 gallon capacity. gr'lwood 889 WANTED Used gas range. Must be ennable. -Call Monday Tabor 8451. WASTED 12x14 teat and Hi. il-44.. .ouiual FrRXITCBE WAXTEP 74 lOUSEIOLD GOOiS fARTEB- We w what - your diamonds are worth. Spot cash any amount. Private offices, Boiae Confidential. Licensed by the ir of Portland. American Brokerage 205 MORGAN BI.DG.. SECOND FliOOR $112.50 to $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS OR OVERCOATS MEYER, THE TAILOR Pays more tot clothing and shoes. We eaTi day .vening, anywhere In the city. Call Mar shall 1228 or 258 Madison st. near Third st Showcases Cash Registers STORE AND OFFK'E FIXTURES RESTAURANT AND HOTEL SUPPLIES BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. Newman's Exchange 128 First, near Wash. Main 4495. Tabor 6798 WANT Some used bed spreads and hand towela; reasonable. Tabor 1114. JPF.BSOJCAL get" WELL-" tt FREE FREE FREE Every day from 10 s m. to 4 p. m snd ev enings on Monday, Wednesday snd Friday, from 7 to 9 and Snndsys from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are Invited to investigate t niropracuc meuioos, wniru are per- manently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC I DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you, make a complete diagnosis of your cue and direct your treat ments WITHOUT ANY COST TO TOO WHATEVER CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe, sane, sure snd modem science of curing snd preventing disese. CHIROPRACTIC will permsnently curs 85 per cent of sll diseases CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns. The above service is all free to yon at the college building and may be bad in private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be bad In tollege building by numbers of the faculty, by either lady or m-n practitioners I'iLii III CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of Patk and Tanahill. Tel Main 1014. HOSPITAL In eonnertlon with college. Will handle out of town patients at a most reasonable rate In order to show what Chiropractic can do. Ad dreas ail communications to DR. O. W. ELLIOTT. President MONEY We come into the world without "It" And we Icare "It" when we die; We have to work to earn "it" Aud we need "it" when we buy. "It" goes for boor.e; "it" goes for shoes; "It" snes to pay the rent; "It" goes to pay the inrefust On the money that was spent "It" goes for breach of promise And "it" goes for railroad fare; "It" goes to pay the grocer And for the clothes you wear. "It" got -a a great deal farther Aa you can save much more On any SUIT. COAT. DRESS AND HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. 2d Floor Pittock lllk. 100t CIIIROPMACTIC SYSTEM Dr. McMahon, Mscleay bidg., Portland, Or., a paat-amatiur. a chiropractor of wide expen-,4 enoe inn - .1.1 ... ... it., i with rughest testimonials from patienta from tes familiar with best adtust- Eastern sta ments; a1o from Western and local patienta having unfortunately had I'-ss than loo per ct-nt chiropractic elsewhere, with, of course, corr.s ionUui disappoint ments in delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with my 100 rhiropractic philosirphy, experience and superior skill demonstrated in consultations, examinations. adjustments, ratea anil. ' finally, results. Tenth year in this city. Phone, call or write. 81 "treats $15 4 th AND WASHINGTON NEW HOMK, 647 E. SALMON ST. Co GEE WO BOOT AND HERB REMEDIES 1 62 H FIRST ST. PORTLAND. OB. Accomplished at Last Painless dentistry absolutely performed by the nerve blocking method, without after effects; let us prove it to you. W. make X-ray A-ray ei- animations of teeth when necessary, along with other oper.Uons. We specialize li first alas dentistry at reasonable fees. DR. A. W. KEENB DR. E. H. PR El IN Mslestlc Thestre bidg . 851 Vs Washington gt Old False Teeth Bought We pay up to $25 for old plates Don't matter if broken. Bndgework bought, old sold, silver, platinum, old jewelry silverware. Itring or mail. American Brokeiage. 205 Morgan bidg. uuoN dong" Whv suffer with tormeli trouble of any kind? Nernms headache, catarrh, rheumatics. If you I wish to feel well, try it Almost snd permanent relief Office, 347 II 15th at N.. Portland Or 2. WE WISH to bear from lady interested In lit erary work. Send n story. rlirle or poem. typed or hand written. If acceptable we pay v,,n eosl. if .imointed on staff will net- salarr. Tsuhmit MS. to Woman's Nat. Magazine. DaJi 623, Washington. I) C. GLASSES AT A SAVING I solicit your patronage on the basis of capf ble services. Thousands of satisfied psfrons. Charles w. Goodman, optometrist. 209 Morrison st No" "PROFITEERING ON GLASSES Dr. George RubensUin. the veteran optician, makes the best eyeglasses at very reasonable prices. Toric and Kryptoc, also the cheeper gradns. 226 Morrison t. Main 291. War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds. Spot cash. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bidg.. 2d floor. CHRONIC and nervous diseases a specialty; new . . I . 1,. 1 U.r II . , .! ,.. 4,.t... . . 1. Ulvilinj-v .,'1- . ,,",J'J,l, lU7Bl:ja.ll, 804 Ijrkum bidg. Mam 1160. Thi ad. good for free exannriatlon. ALASKA Ft its AT "AFTER THE SEASON" PEICES THE FL'Tt SHOP. 606 Swetland bidg. Fifth and Washington. COMIC In and get Doth your reet rtxefl op good for $1 by Dr Eaton, the CHIROPODIST that desn t hurt you; 5 yrs. in Portland; examination Ire. Globe Theatre bidg . 1 1 tb-W'ash. Bdy. 2824. War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds. Stiot cash. 1 1 .L .k. .... or,r. sfUH..K i.!.. e. MX Zifl-MVZ iT,TZnh,iy t.Tt" m. L i . J i!-i i .T's. 1 . h"l debts incurred by her after tins date. (Signed) l'ortiand, January 13, 12U. M. J KK.1SNKR. INVALIDS" and "infirm ople wThing comlort- tU" nome, witn careiui treatment ny exrieri- .need iiimi. ohon. Woodlswn 21. '.O reasonabl... ; pririte Furrnnndings. HAIR wools. Iim .ni.htv .w,lch. fir t quality .wishes curls and i?UHTISll)l N.2adKrt Phorte Main 407 transformations MADAM SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, wan, removed by 10 need es nielhod; trial free. Josie Flnlev. nn itusn dc l ane n;.ig. asain nsos. OPALINE Mrs Summers' remedies Ti of women, positive relief. 246 Lincoln. 9470. Main PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs, for disease of women. 844 K. 83d st. ScH. 2213. Plume mornings. COITKE, enlarged glands, peopl cure the ra se! te permanently A R Htrachan. Hill. y ro. or . Route 6. IF you are tirta and nervoua visit the Sun Horr.e Massage Parlor- -body, face and scalp treatment 4 27 Morgan. Main 1999. MYRILE i LAKK 8 manicuring parlor, face and scalp treatment. 784 Morgan bidg. alar- lilt. SACRY treats corns, irwrown nails and chilblains; pediucuring and 'manicuring. 808-' 4, 327 Wash. tt. Mar. S376. xtiiy BARBERS, shave 20c; haircut 88c; (ace massage ooc zoajtveretr ana sra. RENULIFE TudeTBy wIiiremoye your goitre. iFnone aiain loeo. HAIRCTTTING 3.1c; eioert work: ahlldi specialty. 315 M aeleay bidg., 6th at Wah. DR. E1NA gORL'NSEN. Panama bidg. Drnglesa, massage ror roenmansin, eonsripation (rpen eve. GRAVEL roofing repairing. William Pigeon, nroaoway H2 ff fl! xrV V Consultstlon FREE. All case. tt-eSLWJ'er 612 Belling bidg. Main 4898. TJR WILKINSON remove corns In 8 alnutesT Limp In. SIB nsnders at. near Stn. LADY barbers; shave 20c; haircut 35c ; face message 8 5c 203 Everett and Bd. FLOSSIE, call Hellwood 860, ' ' see you. Henry want EXt.HANGE Tnaasaae and electric treatments fug sesaou la drssinaaixt(. 1,480. iourual. 0FFICK of the sjuartermaiter general, elothina) ami equipage division. Munitions building. Washington. IX C. Sealed proposal i dupU-. eate will b-Teited here until 11a. m., Feb. ruary 8. 1920. for furnishing .Over badge, pine . and bars for marksmen. Proposal blanks ana) Information furnished on request - . THE copartnership heretofore' existing between , L. L. Giles and Jacob Gallus, doing btiainnsi ' a the Montavllla Meat Market, baa been die. solved by nmtiial consent Jacob Gallus it to Pay all liabilities- is to coll-ct all bills dua the firm (Signedl U U C.ILEgT Jan. .8. NOTICE All storage accounts 8 months pest due, if not paid by February 18, 19JU, 's goods will he sold for "torag. charges. C, O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. . PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS MMCTORY BARBERS URPIIIB I.EW1R STENGER Harbers' Supply Co.. ' lOtll and Morrison streets. Th plan, to bay , :, barbers' chain and supplies. Stock of famltare - always on bsnd r- right prices BLANK BOOK MAKtRI - - T- DAVI8 A HOl.MAN. INC.; 100 "84 et, blasi " oooa manuiaciurera. a-ainn. stain isa. BOOKS I NEW AND USED BOOKS. ALL SCBJE0t' Jtill.snun B ItlHIR STOKE, 243 Main st bet 2d and 8dT" OARPINTC! aajo BUILDER CARPENTER and bulMeT If you want good. honest repair or new work call Wdlwn. 8197. 0ARCT 0LtNIM . ,. i We iViaKe IHlUlf KUCTS .T mil rvwio From Your Old' Carpets Rag rugs, all alxea Msll orders nmrnnt Rugs and carpets steam and dry cleaned. Phone or write for price list. Northwest Rug Co. 1R8 E. Eighth st East 8888. Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Rag Rugs, sll sizes Msll Orders Prompt Send for Booklet. 8x12 Rugs, Stesm or Dry Cleaned. 81.80. FLUFF HUG CO. 84 58 Union ave N East 6518. B 1478, CELLULOID BUTTONS THE IRWIN HODSON COMPA.NT. 887 Washington. Broadway 4 84. A-1S84. CHIROPODIST DR. KIMMELL. ohiropodl-t. 20T Alisky blda 8d and Morrison. Sundays. 10 to 1. OHIROPRA0TORS DR. LAURA E" DOWNING. 1008-4-8 Brosd-r- way bidg. Chtroiiractic. .team baths anal massage. Phone Marshall 8187. RUTHFTlPORlf LUTZ- Chlroprs.-tor. I Bmwgj Alts . 14th snd Yamhill sU. Marshall 68(18. Women snd children. . DP MeVfAVJON I Or) per i-st .dtn.tmnt 1IT. carerully. permsnent: SI treats., $16. Phaaeu HELENA W. COMSTOCKhlroprsetofriilf iin su ttironio troubles. Main onus. DH " " AI'gUHTA CLEESE. chiropractic. phyaC eian on i nesiim mug. GOAL AND WOOD t'E SELL IN -LARGR OR SMALL QrANTrft Heavy country Slab, Oak and Cord wood Star Wood & Coal Co. 84 8 8d st. Mala eoi Dry Wreckage WcvOd Sawed to order: cord wood and coal. Modal. Fuel Co.. East 6188 . BOXWOOD !,,, immediately by Fulton Wood C. v.m Phone Msln 4178. BoxwoodSlahwood .. Multnomah Fnel Co Main 8540 A-2118. DRY SLAB -4 FT OR SAWED Blab end block mixed, parity dry, wwed. flnecis) nrics) In two lod tnts Nations! Fuel Co., East 2041, OREGON FUEL CO" WOODMWN 410J, Partly dried .lab and block wood, 88.78. 16 INCH old growth best fir block wood. Fhcne Mllwaukle, HI COLLECTIONS NETII A CO.. Worcester bldg Main ITftS. No collections, no charge. Eslah. 1900. DOO AND CUT HOSPITAL ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, 418 F. 7th st, eor. Grant East 1847. B 19H, EDUCATIONAL NATIVE of "Paris will teach French or translate letters; afternoons or evening, private of classes; reasonable fees, 806 E. 12tn St, City. 0AN0IN0 RTNGIER'S DA NCI NO ACADEMY If yon wsnt to rlsnce or learn to dane whe- not go to the lamest and best school In the oWf ... . . . """" ." .'"'''7,. J,?? "T fJJ Z. ?,.". Le?i.I l!r0'?;,"r.Lt"Lh"'.-n?P'! buslneas Is dancing. We know How. Inform ale very evening Ledles, $8; gents, $6. 14th ar Washington, rlrnarlway SKHo. A-886L. T.EARN-TO D A SUE " 12 private lessons 16: 4 lessons $2. TTorlrl 10 a. m. to 10 p m 604 Ell.r bids, bet, 4th and 5th on Wash. Main 6004 THE-Danee Stvidto.R0 Dekura bidg , Wasblne ton st Bd. Strictly privat. lessons, half boot or boor, lessons Course leaaufu specially prices). Dally, 9:80 a. ra. to 8 p. m. Miss Ireland HAM IV. Uuglit In 1 J pnvaU, J.-wnw for IJl 2-, . Kiler. h,t, 4th "n'1 fiih . '" . Wa-blngiiwi, .1 M.ln 5004 MBS SUMMER'S Berkeley dsrictng "aesffenTy. I 129 4tb.- Lessons day,, eve,; class TnursV Ladie $2.60. gents $5. Main 8818. PRIVATE, dsn-'na alu English taught. 0 12 Conch tdda Main e,ow MU8I0 80HOOL8 AND TIAOHBRt v"ini !V. piano, all slringsd InstramenU UugbtJ . vocal coacning. . ; KOL KENBECK, 409 Yamhill. FROr. T. E. IM WSON." 26 yean' eiperienea. Piano lessons st your home, TBo. Tabor T208. .a. OttE'lON Conservstory (school) wyf Music, en ; trance 16fVt 4th t cor. of Morrison. ' OPTOMETRIST SUZ EYES BCIKNTinCAOPlfivrlS with mod I'm Instrument. 'Glassssl v fitted from I3H0 nn. A. E. HURWITZ. Optometrist. 928 First Sti PATENT ATTORN4IV I n ' L. 1 11 S WK HAVE recently associated with us 8 exam In ers from the U. 8 patent office. Mason. Fwr. ti wick A I.a retire. Iswsers. 600 F at.. Wash" Ington, I). C; 220 Broadway. N.-Y. City. Ill West Monroe st. Chicago. 111. Establlabed over half a century. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bin's- Mala IBSTT PAINTINQ. TIWTINO. PAPERHANOINO PAINTINf;. pair lianglng and tinting; winter prices now on. Plume East 1081 after f p. m PAINTING and tinting. I guarantee all work. Tabor 2861. H-.CLIFTON. painting, tinting, papering, lift V. 17th st Bdwy. 4414 Wdln. 21S8. 1 KoYTM S tinted, 83: painting reasosjable! NlckeTJ I on. i-none rviwy. jo. FAINTING, decorating ami signs. Tsbor tiTf. suvliniss I r-plTaiiain DR H A. PHTT.LIPR. Broadway bidg. Rhea. . " . ...... iiv.r. saiarr. M.V. ts-t."" i roatta. fern." 4r"K W b'" Pf"T.- t RLUMBINO ANO STB A 8$ SUPPLIES I FTTr M ft I N G SUPPLIES WHOT'efHATi PRICES. STARK-DAVIS CO., 212 $D ST. 7 HE M f. KLINE CO. 4 87-89 Front et PRINTINO, ENQRA VINO, BINDINd IDvMi4anv F. W BAf TEA A CO..' Isi IT $ His lallg snd Oak sts. Main 165, 611-85. STOVE REPAIRING WHEN moving, let MrCann move snd conned your ranges and water heaters; expert stora repelling- Tabor 2307. STORAGE --' -PRICE storage, packing etc! Edwards Furniture Co. Main 1827, A-2826. Dtere nth and Oak TINNERS JACOBTOSLI ; Tin. ShecUroq and Roof Work . ' 810 let st Phone Msln l484a j' TRANSFER AND STORAGE it'LA M ETT E V ALL E Y f R AN 8 FK K CO.. Geaw era! transfer end rorweratng agenia, w s. . tb et. Ktosdwsy 484. PACKING MOVINO STORAOS -.'-. "TsECtrRrftST5RAGB A TRAJTrFEB CCTT" , 108 Park st xstn oi a-iois. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer CoT Established 1870 Transfer and Forwarding Agent r ' STORAGE FREE T HACK AU$1 .? Office and Btorge, 474 GMsan. lStb and Glisan. Broadway 1281, A llSfc XCWAYii PTC4 THafTiMT HOCiEHOLll niwina Hi'! cial.IST Storaj. naeklnst. to I thrpp1ng sad snoring. Heeae and ate - vssav I Special rates to ell pofnrs. . . I C O. PICK TKANBHEK ETnnAOsl rn. U gad Fine. urgaow ss. aval 8 8. 1