THE OREGON .SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 18. 1920. ' 1 i i ' '. von hzxt HorsES CXFL'BSISHED- """ . JfEIEH rKAJfK'8 - . "f ,' INFORMATION AND " , RENTAL BUREAU f Tteltabl. no to data Hutu of dorlrahlc vacant nomtm. apartment and flat with dtfirtit infor - (Batten pertaining to rrh. Newcomer to- Portland win find this bomn of treat rata, is helping Umb get properly and - uickljr located. EIGHTH FLOOR TliKEK eitr lares room. SIS partly (or ' ntahed 120; fully fnmihd. 1 Sfcaratte. 3: ehicken house, fl.30. Apply corner 80th kiwi Eaurt Stark. Mi Tabor car t rJf, four blocks lOlt KENT 'room hrmse. 128 it. 46th rt. and Aider or Tabor 5932, HOC8EH FOR BEST FCK5ITCEE FOB BALE It Fl'HMTURE of nicely furnished S-rooio flat for sale, flat for rent- II Ton want some thing nine, look at thU flat Monday. Phone Bdwy. 180S. IIOl'SE for rent, furniture lor aale. 18th lit. 105 N FCRSWHED HOUSES COMPLETELY ITHMHIIKH Beven fiKm mnderr home on went side, com- I1-tefljr fnrrjl.lwd with all new furniture, inelud ( plyer piano, lineu. nilver, etc., walking dis tam-e; no children or pe'a; to dsdrahl tenant i II rent for H 00 a month Phon- Main i!T V ' "SlCKLY furnished rooms modern, electric. ga. niie flower, rose. .I3 montli. Stll Fremont t.. Woodlawn 6009. Take Union or William are. car. If OP It rovm furnished cottage, bath, gas, elec tricity and garden pot. 930 Alblna avenue, tPLJ'lTl!!2iLJl ' n-i"lprn car. t-ROOM" house, partly"-furnished.-and tt acre"". 12 per month. Irujuire 4 328 4tb enrwr 4Jth ave. TIIUr.K ami 6 room flats, $15 ami t2t, In cluding light and water. 4HLs 117th st. H. E.. naif block North Kern Park nation. Jr'OK RENT Furnished S ronirT iimire- on Snn nyside carline,. 40. Call between 0 and 12. 1ft 34U.nU ft ROOM aims comptetelyHfuTnlahed, 7m filet Houe for rent Phone Ncllwond 3142 Hunt Tibbett rL, Richmond ear '. yiVK mom hffliw, fnrnifthrd for houekeepinff ''' trtcity, bath, walking ditnrat. 5110 flay at w. fOK ItKNT rlnhurban home also cow and ehl-kenafor !e. (hnne 'labor fl."7l. . it KM A 1,1. 3 rottac. eleeTiiihOi. jink" partly farntohed. I IS. 421 2d. - flOiKB.V 4rw"rreoiiii 8fl F 24th-iT 30. flmne Kuft :p.2." 1809 R. '1.1th ,u N. room lmn. furnUhril. to rent, 12.1 per month ; will l'r. FLATS TO BEiT, CTTFCBIRHED IS rfaf. SIW per ruonth. fall Kaat 4239 g2 K. Taylor. JiU'K t roomj. only" $ 1 2.RnP2 rooms fnrnislie.l S. 75 K. 7th at. M-V -ar. 1 hit aouth. MrRNISHED FLATS CIKAN 8 or 4 room furni-lu-.l flat, garec. 8ft4 H lt at. 8011th rur, IVnnoyr ISI' f.I.i furnished a or 4 mora flat, fenbeln. corner Alberta. 1043 ".an Wdln. 1430 tiESIKABLK furniehed flat, atore lieaL; walhins diftanre; no children ; reference. Main 8011. AJPABTJI E!?TS FOB RE ST 41 FI'HMMIKn apartment for man and wl'e. tv, children; rout and t- to wife in en-hanc for chamlter work, man can f.'t' work near b "i,r H-4.11. Jmirnal fC'KNtKIIKU I rmmi cntUgi $2 ,1 ; iiso 5 nKm flat. 52 E. Hdi and Daria st. t'tione Kvtl I HO. . f"OR RKVT 8 lieatitiful liBhf room- on crticr. all furnished for houiekeeping. 2t51 lirund way. Main H14fl. TIIK JBKKEHY- -Two room ftiniiihed apartment lit, close in. vrner Unrnell and Kirby. hcU MI-t-tKippi and Villiem are SKAT U rwon furnlahed apt., close In. furnace heat. 5 HO ritb t. Vacant Tuesday. Pol R and fire rMm unfurnished apartments, reduced rate. $13. Tabor 72S. UTOHKS AMI OFFICES 11 FOR KKNT Two fctorf 2!.1 each, with evincnt basement, at 3f0 and 371 Front SL. Ejccllent licht; aottahle for fa-tory work, print ing or nut nt kind of btuineaa. See W J. Uawkina. 44S Sh-rrI.M:k building TWO connecting rooms, one rery larire and one smaller, suitable for meeting hall or other lines of huafnexs. 204 Alder at., near 3d: best location. Apply Monday at 284 Alder St., or Jhone Mniti 4S(4 5F It'll 'K In li'iTeo buildinn. furnished nr uiT furniahwj, with reception room; stenographer it neairea. i.-4ar. Journal. 3 AN1 4 1UKM furnUh.d apt. ; gas. water. light, garage. Tabor 42S. FOR -HALK- -Location on Yamhill at,; lease, low rent A N47, Journal. short FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 3S TWO connecting rooms, one trrj- large and one smaller, suitable for meeting hall or other line of business. 2K4 Alder at., near 3d: be-t location. Apply Monday at 2tI4 Altler. ht. or pnone .vain 4x04 WASTED TO RE5T To Rent TTe are In touch with hundreds of people Wanting to rent, homes. Let us rent and man age your property. FRANK L Mcd'HIE To Rent Your Horn. Ablngton Mdg Main inn I.N PRIV'ATK lomc. 2 Hie furnislied moms for rent: plenty . of furnace heat and hot vriiter; gentlemen preferred; buanl if wanted Phulie Fust (14 36. WANT to lease for 2 years, modem S room houke. close in east aide: no children; reter eaicea; only owners need apply. LVH60, Journal. 'RANTED TO RENT Bydult. a small" house with 1 or 2 seres. W 4 43, Journal. WANTKU To rent 5 or 6 room house, fruit treea, chicken house, by adtilts. Wdln. 23 . 3 . REAL ESTATE BEACH" PROPEBTY 4H ' SVift 8 ALE 2 beach lota at Brighton Or. Ad dresa K. Saunders, 200.s, N. 16th st. BUSINESS PROPERTY BCSI.VKSS J-ROPERTY FIlK SALE Store and residence with garage.- East Al s brta, food business location, large window fu ture and ahow rases. 4 living rooms 'and kltch eoetle. attire aic. atreet imps, viald: lot 50x 100: $3ij00 buys: attractive terms to relianle .party. See Mr. Ro, I LNTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bids. . STORK anX residence with garage. EastAlberta g.od bittiiicfts liK'ation. large window i.turea - and show cases. 4 living rooms and kitchenette, store attic: street imps, paid: lot 50x100: ; $3000 buys; attractive tenu to reliable p.irty. Be..- Mr Rosa. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT " CO.. 410 Henry tddg. . Main 1743. , FHAVK for sale Hie beat and higiest Hat of strictly ta.-t Side warehouse and lactory sites of anr agent in tlu city. w . 514 Kerns. witti Smith, Warner Co, change bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. Stock Kx- AI.BKKTA Bl sl X ESS COKNEH , Two loti. tnre building: on carline. By owner : will sell cheap. Phone Woodlawn 1 5 I . , WATERFlWXfr'est-Wde. tracksteTliaVed- Might lease. Owner. 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. TO LEASE 3 TO ANYONE that will lease my lot on East Side In factory district for term years nd put up building at agreed rental. I will give one year's Uase free. No agents. W-68. Journal. FOR KALE HOUSES II GO UiOK! $230T 5007 Ready to ni"tr into, a genuine bargain at ,940 East 18th st. north, near I're-cott A beautiful 6 room heme on 30x1 on tut. John Ferguson. Gerlluser bldg. Main KO'J'J; evenings, Eaat 1193. . BRAND NEW Bl'NGAI.OW S. W. coiner K. 2Sth and Weidler. five rooms; hardwood floors, plate glass windows, livinf aud dining rooms; fireplace, furnace, full ceient ba-sen.oiit and Uinndry travs Price $5000. terms. phone Briiadway 2424. ROOM house. Wil26 lotTsonrefruitTbaru". she'd. block to car; only $1100, $300 cash, balance $15 per month and int. -JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 32. 633. 634 X. W. BANK fMz. Main 3787. 8 RfKXM : modern; corner; 80 front by - 00; high class district; alJo small house on property pays the uvea. $5500. most all cash, ist- leant $2000 below value. No agents. J. P. Harvey. New Scott hotel. Broadway and Ankeny. i WESTMORELAND 7 room modern house, bath, toilet, electric Ughta, gas, liardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, faraire; hard t-urfaeed treet, 1 block to car. 12SMI E. 17th st. Phone 222-89. .A PORTABLE hwe or urd as garage sjxe . 10x20. Tabor 8482. : C . ROOM bouse for eale in St Jobna. Price . $1SH: aapaved. 942 Amhuret st. Col. 1147. PRICE $000 Jv'eat four loom plastered bun - ralow; food IocsUotl W-444, Journal. 1 BE AL ESTATE "OB"l8At!E HOUSES- 1 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Tn clow an estate I bare a very at tractine price cm a eery modern and beau tiful home, aituated among the moat jt- ' tractire homes of thin splendid diatrirt; three fine bedrooma and - sleeping porch, large Uring room; unobstructed view; lot .70x125:' garage; IS 000. t iktivotos 5 room bungalow with garage, on ear line: oak t).,ri. irory f.Tii-li. kit 50x100; fireplace and furnace, S&OOO. IRVIXGTOX 6 room bnngaiow, ona bloajk from ear line; fireiUca and furnace; lot 50x100; flue condition S5750. r;ROVEI.AXD PARK 0 room bnngaiow od car line, oak floors, food condltinn, fireplace, natural finiah woodwork 13100 EAST snn BrNfiAI.OW ) room bungii jw with garage, 2 blocks from car line, corner lot. full basement, fireplace, furnace: will giro quick poa?ea Jon 14 3.10. BKALMONT S room house on car line. lot. 50x100. hardwood floors, concrete basement, fire place i:i: furnace a rare buy $5500. COK A. M KKNNA A I'D . 82 fourth ht. Main C871. Apartment Site 7t 100- 1,10 f el north of Wash ington on 21st. west able: fl room bouse on property: ine-m 10 a mo. Price ONI.T KO00 (2500 will handle Thi property is easily worth 15,000. J. F. Hill fifti; WILLIAMS AVE.. IM Kaat 208. $3.100 TKRMS "brn-r 2Ht.h and Karier. 50tl00. fl rmm hntiae. pa.el streets, 2 carlin.-: thf loi-atjon that ia coming t the fro?it; $20O0 less than pretading iiricea. Main 4i03 Q. C. GOLDENBERG AHINOTON " 3 .1 ee rs in BI.Im; Portland.' . CMOS AVE. AT KKIIiMORK J RIMIM Kl'NOALOW $2300 5 ri'oins on first flotir. 1 up; fireplace, buf fcti cement ra-sement, wash tra.ys; all at. imp. in and paid. This hoU"c is clean and in gfl condition; $Hiil .cash, hal. monthly. This Is a huv Ntinihtv phon- 21H 4H. 'LKKI,ANO ilKMiKHHON l'4t . 212 IUila K'i. Uldg Main 07.12. O.VLT- $32.10. "on tlie IV eat sTde. clowTTn to Washington at.. Tttis is a case where Tru never will hare to pay carfare. Here is a 7 room nmdern. very substantial house, with a basement that cannot today be duplicated for a lets price than $1200 alone Tlili house was hnilt by day work in times when construction was well and substantially done. Half cash will handle it. M. J. CMiIIBSSY. ARINOTON Rt.nfi 4 ROOM bungalow, 14M Valcum at. Woodlawn. fult basement, large art.ic, large porches front and back, garage. .10x loo lot. Kitra good buy. $17.10, $400 down, balance asm" rent WAKEFIELD FKIK.S & CO.. 85 4th st. Portland Heights Six larifr. airy rooms, 1L la rift porr!,-. rocmI view. finMilarf, furnace, larpp Ui. flofmd and T la-1-red . Thi" U a r 1 hn rgn in; 7 0 OO . r n terrrw; will sell furnished : on paved street and rarline. l K CarifK-k. 1125 ileo bld Main TiISH. tft T;TON : TltVIN;TON! I)o not buy jterotid hand hnme-i when yon can aret thin ?i-Rrly rnn,ilpUHl ft room bungalow, all on one floor, billiard room in haenvnt, show er bath. 2 firpplaci-s : built by owner for home, but will HflH for cot to dispose of-of. a we have other lot to build on. Tomer 19th and Fremont Orn SunInv. 3. Petrfgon. ONLYT000 for Th17"i arr? of 'land withT 4 -room hou?e. 100 ft. from E. 8 2d st.; the house has city water. and efctric liaht and is only 4 blocks from a cartine. There are a dozen fruit trees in full bearing. This ia too cheap to waste words. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABiN;TON BLDG. 6 ROOM house on west aide, hardwood floors downstairs, fireplace, furnace, fin ish olo ivor-. .10x11111 lot. $47.1i: terms. WAKEFIELD FRIES 4 IX)., S5 4th st. $140' 5-rnom plastered house, close to Pacific Car & Foundry shops, close to hard surface atreet. lot .10x1 00, chicken house and run, 7 hearing fruit trees, small fruit; will accept good Ford with some eaidi, balance very easy terms. 1420 E. Davis st. Owner. IRVINOTON. biggest "bargain! Very-desirable : 2 hts, 100x100 ft., at very low figure; must aelL You are dealing with the owuer and you have no commission to pay. All improvements in. There Is a mortgage on it You can pay it off or leave it itand. W-536. Journal. ONLY $700 for a full lot with a 4 room house on East 53d st. No. 320O. This prooertly is lmated only 2 blocks sou'h of the Franklin hieh school. Can you heat it! M. J. .CI.OMESSY. ABINGTON BLDG FOR SAI E -7 room, house, strictly modern. electric and ga.s. full eeroent basement, wash room, laundry trays, every modern equipment A bargain if Ukcti at once. See owner at 1230 E. 1Mb N. FOR SALK .1 rmm house in good condition. on paved street ; large lot and full basement, wah tray, large pantry and hall; hsndy to car. Price $37.10 half cah. No agents. Owner, 1S4 E. Alder. Tabor 369rt. Sl'NNYSlDE bargain, $26.10; $1000 down. Good .1 room house, splendid corner SOtlOO. fruit trees, pared street, one block Belmont ear line. H H. Staub, 102 Belmont Tabor 219 or 218-51. : Sl'NNYSlDE buy, $2050; good 3 room houee with splendid corner .10x100, fruit trees, paved street, one block Belmont car line; $1000 down. It II Staub. W027 Belmont. Tabor 219 or 213.11. 5 -ROOM bungalow Lot 50x126 feet, with 10 ft alley, full basement, cement foundation: well huilt and comfortable: price $3000. Phone Sellwood 262. afternoons or evenings. No. 645 Harold avenue. For sale by owner. themoTernri n'g"al6w IS HOME 5 rooms, breakfast room, large attic, mxlel of c uiver.ieno". strictly to date; Rose City Park; sightly location: improvements p.iid Good terms. Call tialay. Owner. Talior S292 FIVE rooms, completely furnished, 50x100 lot, sewer and sidewalks in and paid, fruit and berries. 4 block to car: $1.1.10. $.100 cah.'bal ance 6 per cent interct. Interstate Lend Co.. 24 S st irk Main .14 20 S3T00 NEW 5 room bungalow, full base ment, wash trays, fireplace, bookcases, buffet. Initch kitchen, small down payment. No. 43L'4 Clinton, near 43d. Richmond car. Owner. Tabor 5361. OWNER offers good 5 room house, 1 lot, full cement basement, hot and cold water to hall and sink, gas, electric, garden and chickens, t I Mock to cars; price $2300; $75( cash, balance I '"L"' S"-25 jWth t'fS E. Bl'NGAI-OW, 5 rooms, pantry and bath. built- I ins, small basement, large porches, nice full lot Price $1800. 1-3 cash. $15 mo., 6 per I cent, , 1286 Grand ave. N. Woodlawn car to I Ainswonh, 1 block east. For SaIeHoue See Frank L" Ahlnirton bldg. McGuire to insure against fire. Main 1068. $3000 SNAP at 244 Page st. 6 room house; newly painted, on corner lot, street improve ments all in f $500 cash. Take a look and call Smmi-, 626 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6127. LACRELHCRST Yrooms and-S P.. hard" wood floors throughout, beautiful interior; something out of ordinary: $8000, terms. Owner. Tabor 6286. BEAUTIFUL bungalow, 5 room?, reception hall and batb. property 80x128. complete garaf 16x32. plenty of berries and lots of flowers; terms. Phone D-1139. FINE HOME One sere, 8 room modern house, just out city; near school, car line and hard surface road. $.1000. Tabor 44 76. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $3000 OWNER New and modem, full concrete basement. Dutch kitchen, furnace. Woodlawn. 5028. 1103 E. lith N. LEAVING tawn. sell my well built 6 room house, one block I car, modern, paved street; bargain. Woodlawn 4S49. FOR SALE- Modern 5 room bungalow with large bath, hardwood floor, electric stove, garage; term-. Phone Tabor 8103. SINNYSIDE 7 r. house, trees, garden. -Owner leaving city. Big sacrifice, furniture, 2 lots, pavement, fruit Phone East 5505. FOR SALE By owner, 6 -room bungalow, fur nace, -fireplace, builtlns, 1 blocks to Haw thorne ave. : 233 E. 50th. Tabor 4411. BUNGALOW Vernon avenue near Alberta, Bar- - tain; tern. Sea owuer. 407 Spalding bid. SEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 Wright & Rock $2150 i noma. Tth at. 8. E.; lot 81x225. S roomi. Alberta district. 12300 S room on Innxley ava., SeUwood car. 1 2950 5 rooms, E. Grant at., furnlahed. S3 500 5 room on Franefai ava. Hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-Ins.. French doors. 14400 Uo-e City dbrt. T noma atrtcQy modern. Will take lot tn exchange. 14 750 ff rooms modern, hot water heat ing riant, all improvements In and paid. 16000 7 -mora strictly modern. In Ladd ad dition. A-l condition. Home In all parts of tba etty and at all price. No trouble to- show. Three suU at your service. Tours for to buy yrwxr noma Wright & Rock Office, TABOR SO'JQ Main 5!l. 417 Abington RM. RES. - SELL. AUTOMATIC 1355 31104 $1800 11600 $1600 $1600 VACANT FEB. 1 Five room clone-in cottage, enamel pUimMng, basement, lights, paved streets, ewer, block car, frutt. lot worth the money. Interior in elegant shape, ex terior requires attention. Of.D RESIDENT DOtf'T NEED DEC I PES TO SELL CHEAP ONLY 13.10 CASH $15 and int. at 6 ner cent monthly. Clear of debt. Mrn J "113 G. Ct GOLDENBERG ABINWTON BMm; 8a j curs In Portland-" 1917 Five Passenger WELL HI ILT AND MopKhN For aale on terms. Nee them te-Uv at K 4"th and Hal.-ey ats. ; $40OO up. B V. Pond Realty Co.. homebuiMera. 1230 Sandy bhd. Talior 3S-..1 Office oin Sunday. PFKCM A JORDAN GOOD BUT EAST TERM8 M'aiern bungalow 7 room and Sleeping porch, Wavertelgh Heights; fireplace. bookcases. cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace.' 6 rnoni and bath on first floor. 2 room-, and sleeping porch on second. Oarage. Splendid view of Mt. H.tod. alar, west ern hills. All improvements in and paid for Price $4000 Cash $500. balance to Milt. See IiF.Kt'M A JORDAN. 323-4 fhaniber of Commerce Rldg. Fourth and 'ark Sts. Main 2233. The Best Buy In the City Two modern houses, one 8 rooms, the other ft roams, on .anten twin aie. The.-e bouses are up-to-date in eery way and are rented for $4!. I'T mnth. The b.t ia &0il00. J4250, easy term-'. J. F. SiOS Willitms ate. Ka-st 258. HOMEBVYKRH. AtTEN'TION"! We haie a number of eooJ buys and will be- clad to spend a few hours of our time shcrw ina you around so that you ran compare the Tables of what we haTe to offer with what you haTe already seen. It places you under no obligation and we cannot hope to sell you unless we have the bijgeit values in the city. 13 active years in Portland real estate mae ua competent judges of values. Sun. call Tabor U317. J. A. Wsckman Co. 'J04 Ry. Exchange bldg Main 583. SE CITY Beautiful 5 room buntfalow with lanre floored attic, 50100 lot, walk, lawn and shrubbtry. ga rage with cement floor and drive way. House ha hardwood lloorn, built-in bookfa.e and buffet and fireplace, cement basement, laundry Tray-.. All -treet iniprovemiits in and paid. Pric." tH'a'iO. cah 2250. balance $500 every ft n--nth JOHNSONDODSON CO. C52-633-634 N. V. Bank Ltldg. Main 3787. ALAMHDA PARK NIFTY Bl'NOALOW .V.-0 Folks, set busy see this, line of thnse real nifty hutiffalows with exceptionally large living room, harclwosl flwrs, fireplace, bufi'et. Ihitch riti-lien with breakfast r.ook. cement ha.s,'mt5nt. etc.: full lot; assessments paid; very reason able terms. us show von. A. O. TKFI'K CO . 2tl4 SUrk St.. near ,11 .Main 2O02. Main 3516 Branch Office 30th and Sandy iOpn Stinoay. i " Bit A D N KVN O v U K A I Y JUST THE FINK. ST FOR TWO PKOPLE Large living toom with bat closet, good sized bedroom with clothes closet; also fine bath with toilet and lavatory. cabinet kitchen; a fine big lot, 90x100; everythim paid; $-'450, 300 cash. SEE THE YELLOW SION Smatih, Wagoner Co. STOCK KM IIANOE 22SO$S0i CASH our room cory bungalow, motlern ; I foTvrlure: 50x100. near 34th and paTfd str"t, fruit, b-oi-k t. Msin 4 Q. C. GoSdenlberg ABINGTON BLIXJ. "3 r- years in Portlsnd. ' Ltl0- ASH I'JOO $1500 HOISE J1500 ' This 7 nom house with full lot. several good beating fruit trees, all for S1500. Can yon beat this anywhere? Monthly payment less than rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE a CO.. 301-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WAVKRLEIOH ireiOHTS " SIX RIH)MS. FURNACE 300 Dandy 2 rtory residence, neat, clean, large rooms, reception hall, fine kitchen; 3 light. siry bearooms; Tun cement hasement. furnace, laundry trays. 40x100 lot. bearing fruit, nice shrubhety. 1 block Richmond car pried streets and sewer, close in; $1200 cash required. SEE MR. MACK r.KO T. MOORE CO 1007 Teon Bldg 1 li Acre With a 4, 5 and 6 Room House Will sell all or separate, all in good shape, i acre goes -with each house. Your choice for $1600; terms. 215 Railway Exchange Bldg. Oten from JO unLil 1. ROSE iTTYPAKk 5-R00M BUXfiALOW $3000 No furnace, no hardwood floor but there is good value in this bungalow. iood loca tion, near Sandy. Full lot. Easy terms. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPr: CO.. 24 SUrk St, near 3d. Main 392. Main 3316. Branch OffW oOth and Sandy. 'Open Rundiy) . east portland hehgThits Seven room hou-e, hardwood floors. fruit trees, hard-surface street and sewers in and paid for. r1oe to Richmond car; $2500. Injaire 535 E. 32d st S. THIS moilem 7 room house, with full lot, full baement... hardwood floors, streets paved and all paid, near 32d and Woodward: $2500. small payment down. E. D. 8chomacker. 417 Spalding bldg. Main 1038 or 4408. WE HAVE new strictly modern 5 and 6 room bungalows, with leeiinT porches, double con structed, hardwood floors, builtin features, ivory finish throughout ; in good location, 2 blocks from carline: price and terms verv reasonable. Owners. Finer & West. - Tabor 6128. or Wood lawn 070. A NICE HOME Four room house, furnished. plastered; two big corner lots, near paved street, three blocks to car. at Gray Crossing; rhicren house., fruit tree-. At 6442 83d st and 65th ave. Price $1200. half cash. R. F. Chapman. . EASJ , TERMS EASY Good cottage, lit 84x116. bearing fruit trees, good soil; 4 blocks to car; $250 down, balance easy. Price H050. H-667, Journal. SL'NNYSIDK Owner, near Laurelhurst park. 7 room house, two lots; paved street, fruit tree, garden, chicken house. 05 E. 30th. corner Washington. i'hene East 5505. FOR SALE Ceiled house. Rose City Park; Uglita ras and water; $800. Including in terest. Tabor 2756. njtXSvT. srrT -naitr 'aenoo aawjra ami 'lirui j ya tpurxj 'Ut :j3Uvtn Kupts antj H 'sKq J patrnuijua n 'ooiOt m- 21 YB HOJ REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 41 ONLY. $5000 for this, positively the bant cor ner for Mantes purpose on iota ana Atoeira sts.. right tn tha heart of the btuineae spot. Hera is a corner lot, the very beat corner of the street intersection. This is a corner that will be always in demand for business purpose. It 1 a mil tot, and with this full corner lot goes in its present condition a food modern 6 room bouse with a full cement basement. This bouse could be turned around, facing 18th at . and that would leave the comer on Alberta at. ready for store and business purpose. Alberta st. is the only business street of any consequence on the northeast side. The corner lot, the street pavement in and paid for. with this mod ern 6 room house everything goes at the low price of $5000. This meaoa to the purchaser of this property a good house to live in and an independent income forever. Yon mutt have $2800 in rash to talk about It. M. J CLOHES8Y. ABINGTOS BLOT $2400 SNAP 60x200 -FT. LOT Bungalow. 4 rooms and bath. In Parkroae, just outside city limits, one-half block to car line, cldse to school. On maca'iam road, east front, gas and electricity. Terms half cash. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 20H. Branch office 4 5th and Sandy bird. Tabor 2904. A Real Home Modern 5 room bungalow on Van eotiTr t?. , firrptaW-v?. furnace, Thitrh kitchen, built in buffet. Pnce 300. Easy tertu. J. F. Hill 696 Williams are. Phone East 268. $3900 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW SIX ROOMS AND DE OWNER LEAVING CITY Here's a dandv large bnngaiow, hardwood fl'-ors, fireplace, large library or den, Inre built-in buffet, beamed cc:l:ng, white Dutch kitj-hen. 2 fine bedrooms and bath down. 1 bedroom up, full cement basement, la'indrv trays, east -front lot fine ahrubhery. ga Men space, lo cated near Hawthorne ave and 44th st Sure, there s a furnace, !ared streets, close to car. These home are liard to get at any price, and here's a bargain Terms. SF.R 'Mil. MACK OEO T. MOOKI. I'll 1H07 Teffl nidg ONLY $1600 buys alT of this." In the ritv on E. Hth st. in the heart of SeUwood, only 4 hlfeks from the business street ami carline. only 2 blocks from another cartine.' Here ia a corner lot. cement sidewalks and curbe. con n"ted with a eer and se:-r asesinent paid. With the lot gie a 7 room hou-e, not new what could yon cjpeer' ,1 f thr rooms are furnished : eTcrthing gie 'or the small handf-il of money of $ll!'iO. ;o and look at it the number is 1714 F. Oth ..t. cr. Sherrett. M. J. CIlHESSY. ABINI.TON BLDG. f :tsmi oil HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 5 room ounH'.ois. r.-n-er 1.', ail improve ments In and paid; a mighty good liuy. Alv 4 buncalow ntii k70O wort.h of fu-nh ture for $2V"0. Oniv one block truni car. cl'fe in. Tl-i is m- I; looking un piione 11 r. Delahunty, Main 1700. Sun and erenings Ea-t JOHll Kit" HMONP IKMK - ?:'.00 i WHIMS- - t.AKAi;r. rom and rrfp hi!l. full c t-in'-n haTnent furnace and wa.Hh trajs. ' rabtTiV't ki'rhen bear ing f mit trte, newly pat tiled and in fin con dititiu ; l.watd oti Hfttli ?t titMr .'uriux ; enib onh 4MM.(. I'nre $:iiu0 ; S 1 0OO ca-b. Pal r-ni I'riYincni . i'laKVKI -ANP-ntXPKRSOX C . 2 1 2 Railway Kvh. Hide M ain ft 7 : 2 . XiY $lftO0 (it n uhi hv all cnl room lniue with ! th reitr of the ri! Krfnt and iibh- t?t from the carime. X T'ir own lvtn and 1 kin; f 'r hin-se-, t. a ba-eni'-nt. practifHll m j ,y on wfit. side, i lo-f t- i and .inly about loo ff t w. if ytu want t own , Md'-t' hizh rent-- and Iup in. and aot t be : t'Tntptl in walking distance t bii-mt-. -n- i.rp, jn-t iii- Kniiiid hi Hi'uiO aii'l buy a hum that i rh.-wp enough 1div 'r S'JTiOO. M J r.(HKY. AliT:T( BI.Im; Hawthorne Sunnyside RAB;AIX 3150 One of bet rlo-e in reside nee erttons in city; tni'dem, well built 5 room bungalow ; concrete ment, fireplace, white I hitch kitrheu; loe to churche', whool, strTe, car and r-onvenirnt to wp-it side: about $1200 rash required, ijuu-k poftMsMon. Tabor 51i9 or Broadway 421. A-k for HUL OX KAST rOirif ST.. not any farther out than 30h. in the eerier of the haat Side district. Here is a m'nWn up-to-date 7 - room house with sleeping rrch. full rnient basement, furnace, ha nl wood floors, all improv nip-nt': in and paid' for, close to I.aurelhuit. Thi-; houe will readi'.y rent for $45 per month. Yon can occupy it immediately. 4 5O0 . $ 1 000 h will hand! it. M. J. 1I,olK,SSY, ABIXVJTOX RI.IW7 FOT'R (4) fUts. West Side. Couch ad dition: will nay in rents! $150 rwr mon h. all in first c'a condition. You won't hae to jtend m ncy t fsx thm tin. I.t 50x100 on c irnsr. all rlfar ; fine in TftmPTit. $12.0' T.rni-. IRIKS afe COMPANY S5 4tn St. HALF acre or lftp srround, M of truit.. f room hnnjralow and lejiina r'orch. nearly j nw. built-in,-, full baement. mK!ert,. ncr car, ini,;nTtd tr-.'t, nnr citv lnttit,-. 22-15 Kast I Ho.t it Key at 2221 LaM Hoyt S-e this, j $3500 fr.r all. ' o n-.v 5 room hon-r. 100x100 i fe.t. lotn of fruit; $2"O0 Ti-tp,- on bntJi.. See owner at 2221 K. Hjt or 1024 E. (ill -' -an r. 1 5 Room Bungalow ir'uiiiiu iijiaiiuiSeU On K 4 2d -t. tarjEe bt. b.iiltic- 'ru-.t tre- near far and ;.n; $275t. $500 bd lance on easy term-; Mum 5 5R. D. E. Carlock 1 VJ5 tASi 'o ; !h37 50 KIV E ri-onc and -1 miu; ;firl , eihi iy re idftice district, fir.-Td.ic-. built in hook -'a and hnffet. cement bsfemnt . laundry frays and fum3 e, pavetl r"ret in an aA P.roa-iwar C-T- 10O0 1;. hlUnw tnhT-.- JOHNSONDODSON CO. 32-B33-34 N. V. Rank Bldg Main 37S7 $700 CASH$40 "per-month! buys-attractive S-room modern buncalow and earaee: srreet Improvement paid: fruit and garden; 1 Mies Mississippi car; close to Jefferson hjgh. $3850. A real home Sec Mr Rons. INTKRSTATE IX VESTMENT CO. Main 1743. 410 Henry bldg. NEAT 5 pbsh hone and nice lot at S28 Lex ington av ( Sellwivxl carl, for sale cl.esp with easy termi. I am in-trncted to cut the price and sell this place. !ok it over. Make otter. SAMCEL DOAK n Bnnk 120 Hide. ONLY 2fl00 for tlm. The house alone rent for $25 per month. IWe is a 5-nxm cot tage with a lot, (inly 1 biock from, the carlinc in a section of the city where the homos, always rent. The number, 617 Vancouver ave. $1000 cash will handle it, M. J. CI.OHESST, ABINGTON' BIJsO. VANCOrVER IIOI'SE Five room h"use and 3 lot.-', nice garden, fruit, etc . for ale very cheap. w;th term- to uit. t rijrht party. Oood, substantial little heme. Bar gain. S A MI" EL rtOAK 1202 N'nrthvcnern Bliig SPECIAL BARGAIN T am offering for !a!e a special bargain in a 7-ro in hoive witli 1 ! 'l-rvrrn f1 -.vr r., ,t on: corner lot, near Hawthorne car. public school and Franklin high: 3 lots adjoining; large gar age; everything to make home. Room S Cham ber of Commerce. Main 5231. Tabor 8743. ViTstT 2 H BIXK'KSRi")Sri I'Y Ta it Nifty modern 5-rrx7m bungalow, hiree perches, electricity (nice nxtursi eonv.h-te plumbing, Ihltch kitchen, gas, f")l ba.-eni-"iir.. laundry -trays; nice 60x100 lot. Terms. Tabor ti.)30. ' SIX toom modern houe. 50x100 lot. 1 H blocks to Krsnklin high school; S2330. $500 ca-h, balance cay terra". INTERSTATE LND CO. 248 Stark St Main '.-42' HAWTHORNK D1STUICT For sale by owner: 5 room bungalow, built in features and fireplae-: $3300. terms; located on a full lot at 238 E. 32dt Call Tabor 471 H IXK)K 0NXY$ DiOO IA )K 4 room cottage on M:ch. ave. n-ar BQerh; Imn. m; 5988. lot worth $000. Tabor 300. Main FOUR room modem hou1. nice yard, 30x100 lot, garage, paved street, boue in fine condi tion, white enamel kitchen, full size basement; price 2S50. 861 E. 7th N. $20001 acre in cultivation, selteted fruit trees. 5-rooin house, electric light and water: 3 blocks north Bryant station. Inquire for Taylor's place. Waluga, Or. MODERN 0- room home for sale ty owner. Phone Selhvood 53 or call 95 5 Canton after 3 p. m. . Sunday. No real estate men answer. FOR SALE 2 modern 5-room bungalows, with improvement; good street; fruit trees, garage; at bargain. Owner. 1174 Holgate st- FOR SAfE 4 -r-wui fnmish-M h-Vie. small fruit, 80x100 lot. Inquire of A. R, Kennedy. Cooper and McCoy sts. Mt- Scott car. 6-ROOM modem house; best buy in-citySt. Johns car. 1701 Haven st. Owner. IOKT Key ring and keys, one string tied to. S-01. Journal. .mall with FIYE room bungalow, newly fumislied, for sale. cheap, terms if desired. 5328 68th st. S. E. 7 ROOM 2 story and attic house, near school and streetcars, close in. Wdln. 161. 1 LOT, a house tent, furnished, earage,' barn, cow, 2 pica and 9 duck a. Tab. 1237. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 Rose City District $2750 WILL TAKE AT'TO AS PART PAYMENT Lot 100x100, 6 room bnngaiow. liv ing room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, white enameled plumbing, food basement. Sunnyside liome $295 . $910 CASH. BALANCE $20 PER MONTH. INCLUDING INTEREST On East Taylor street, 2 blocks from Mt- Tabor ear. full lot, street improve ments all in and paid. 5 rooms and hall, living room, dming room, large kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath. whit ename9 plumbing, attic and full ce-t ment basement. Just East of Piedmont $3750 8trlctly modern 5 room bungalow . with garage; living room, fireplace, btnltin bookcases, dining room with bu.ltin buffet, hardwood floors, white enameled Dutch kitchen, bulttin break fast table and ironing board: 2 larir bedrooms, bath, white enameled plumb ing. Attic, full cement ba-sement. fur nace and laundry trays; double con structed bouse. This is a wonderful buy. For particulars, see E. M. Padden. sales manager. MetzgerParker Ferguson Co. Ground floor 302 Oak at.. Bdt 3644. Co.. Formerly Stanley Thompson Kirby Street MODERN RCH.M ('OTTA'iK Kirf'y t.. between FVptir.nt and Br"h. Tins prnperty i w 11 lo ated on hani pared .-.tTtt't. rifts t.t j;raiii indr ami biieh w -Im1 VjU e $ si 100; $S(MJ ca-ib, halBUue fa5. J. F. Hail ROti UA f AMS AK, rii-jne Ka-t -OS. hautht;e 6 room modern liouw, fult foment hwemfnt fumare, fii-opln'1. built in b'Mtk'-4.--s. la ri. lie., j r xni . pavf.1 ?t. ; corner lot , .2 biks. car, $I00U. about luilf trdh. I SKUAVOOP 7 rivum mn1rn bUTiga low. f nnute. nrplare. i aM InultiiLs; ravel st : near tr, $4.0., half j MTURYMKAK fi Ip.rrc rotitis, llfnrd tHr fur 2 morr moin h;ir!vvoiMl f loop : ?erytb. :g up to date and 'sinplt. ; est r.i n n H M nir1 sra run ; pav 1.. -m. .t(..'i40. ?L ; a 1 a:w m n -I TTTih i- tin en St. J00 ch i or. s b,il 4tb BAR' A1XS ll;iIUC, ' srr.KxniD G-r'H'm hardwof-d hardwof-I hardwo..d floors floors j floors j i thr-.tic!.- ut VKHY fin fs room borne, thr. ) -t. DANDY 8 room hrnoe, : thfough'rtit j MAt.NIKlVKNT 10 rrxari j floor- throughout. ! VKUV nice 7-roota horn. home, hanlwootf bardwxd floors , throughout. ! TIP'lOP 7 rpi'tn home, hardwood fioor. j Thete are below what thv can be built for ' All -hoire locatioits, Irvinctoii, tarage. 273 Herdnian. i HER!TlsY7"ru rHAri: 1 A dandy 3 larce room bun j low, elertri ( liehtfl. tas, lw mg; room 1 4 x 'JO. bfdrnntn 1 0t U ; kitf in-ntte ; al; the tiltimbintf is A No. 1; built in uphoartl-., 1 for dt -I al.-o 1 (or rook mg ! utensils ; kitchenette white enamel ; house i j j ar;Ted ; lansliCiJ worn jut completed , eat j front, Urse front jorch C,x20. Full lot. side-! waits anil curb all paid. Albert and Tnion j ae. ca r. II you hat e Miine c.sli or bonds at j full value . tirt M:.H-nt. The Test easy tennn. : Pnce $1100. n:u K. 11th at. N., corner Kmerwtn. C K. Kinsley, owner. j it- MiM I'.l'NCAUlW I (4 0OO 1 Folks, here is a go-:! buy Right cm the car lATed .tr-et. Hardwood floors, fire place, buffet. 1'iTTch kiti-hcn. cement base ment, turiiace, tc The owner has m- ed aay from I'ortland and must seil. R'Hj'r.res $1.U0 cah. Balance $30, including interest at t per cent. 1-t us show you. A a TEEI'E CO.. 284 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main 3002 Branch Offic . o'rrh and S:mdy. -tim Sunday) . H AU ft I ( It N E BlrNl 'ALOW BARGAIN S 4 7 r.o Mn-t be sold before Feb. 1: 5 rooms and t'atli down. 2 and sleeping porch up. Furnace, fireplace, full cement basement. wah trays, livinc renm a-ro-s entire front. French doors, buffet, Iiufch kitchen, hdwd. floors. If j built toilay this home would have to cll for i oii(ni. Inim-tlialt- jvis-pi in a- owner is leav i ins city. Hundi-v cill Tabor 0317. I J. A. Wickmmain Co. 204 Ry Exchange bids. Main 5.1. 7 Roomm Hoose A13 Finrnjshed j At Mt. Tabur. in a ; ;r.e Ji-t net. hard surface it.r"eus, all fuTrii.-shed comulvte with fine furni ture, fine ri. piano. Pric- S35t'0. 15"0 1 f-a-h. 215 lU.iiwy Kxclianje Bitlg. Open from 10 until 1. ! MxW m ne Ten r.ftn btinaiovv ith lour acre of (round m hurh sUle of cultitirui ; ha ffod 1 : barn virli (raraBr m cohneti(n. and chicken ! hon.-w. fruit ftnl wabmt t ree- that will br j thii ienr. Tin- i-rotrVv i JtH-ated n-ar Mil 1 : waukie w:hiii rt of two carline---. and could1 I not be duf-iif'iini todtv for 1ch than $1 1.000 See Uil-4 at once. For further i-arucuiars caJl. , j C A WAUNKK CO., Main S 1 50 23n Sat at. j HOSK .'ITY PAliK AK--ftHOOO j 4 K( (O SI h I" X : A I AW r A K AG E t ITcre i! a nifty liitle bungalow. Jat as '; 'potlesfr and newlik as if it had been coro- rted yestfrd.iy. And tl-re is good ralue. too. Heguires about 1-9 0O ca-h. Iet xu show you. i A. TKKPK CO., 2f4 Start S , Near 3d Main 30T2. , Jt ranch Office. 5(th anl Sandy t Open S inday . mt T a v. ou' Wn ; aiw j 6 iOMS 45t Yu win'rer-iae the real Ttln here. Hard ! wood floors, firclaee, buffet. furnace, etc Splendid location. Fnll bit- Liberal term. A. TKKPK CO . j 24 SUrk St , n-ar 3d Main 30fl2 . P. ranch Office 50th and Sardy. 'Orn Sunday) . 4 IIOOM bungalow, large Vivinr mora. firerlace( cas ai;d electricity: full bM-emcrt. lrcatd rn renient to S--,luood carline. Pnce $2400 : term- if deir-'d. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. ! 032. 033. 034 N. V. BANK Bdg. Main 3787. FOR ssTLlTT) R TRADE MKlern 7 nKm li ue, 2 bathrooms, full lot vith cement waik-i and wili. all in good shape; , iruit an.i shrubs Iti-nts for $35 lr monrh. ; Ani 2 choice building Sor, all in Vuicouvrr, ' Will se'j or trade for I'ortiand riro!eny. Fur I oarKd)n ee owner at '.164 E 15th st N ' Portland. A ;I?NTI.EM AV S-H 1M E 11 roomi, strictly modem, lianlwood flrsin in all rooms, straru heat, fireplace, 2 sleepiritf porches, garage, 1 1 .500 s4. tf ground, pated -trt-e' : Wiilkiiiir ifl-tauce to heart of city; price $12,. 100 good tTiu. This home would coe-t to repDdin-e $20,000. R. M. OATE'.Vt MJD & CO. 1 65 Vj 4th st. ; GOir 0 room cotiage, newly tinted. r;om haht and conveniently arraujred, ara-. electricity. ! i I'lmhin-. 1 block to car, 50x1 12-foot lot- Pnce ' $'oim frm- ! JOHNSON-DODSON CO. i r.32-t33-B34 N W. Hunk Hid,; Main 37K7. ! $1700 ONE block 'rom Alberta car and i school. 80x100 corner lot, 5 mom honse. i lir? clrcken run. fru't and berries of all kinds; $.iOO rtowti h--,1s nee like r-"t JOHNSONDODSON CO. 6E2-633-634 N. W. Bank Bide. Main 3787 $1100 $10 DOWN AND $25 MONTH 3-RM. COTTA'IK. FRCIT. GAS. CHICKEN YARD Smith, Wagoner Co. STOCK EXCHAXllE BY owner: 4 room bungalow; large bath, white enamel Dutch kitehen. large screen porch; 3 blocks to R. M car. fi blocks to school; full cem -ht baAemei t: sidewalk and sewer in and paid: only 0 months old; $2000. terma SelL 3500, 1114 Tibbette. $500 TAKES IT Cozy portable 4 room home on rented ground: walking distance: electric light, gas and large garden space. Tabor 2230. MODERN 8 room hmw. bargain if taken at once. 538 East Kelly. Call owner, Seil- wood 323. FOR sale by owner. 4 rormu cottage, fireplace. -plumbing, electricity and gas. basement; small payment down, easy terms. 622 E. Emerson st. FOR SALE 100x100; By owner, 7 room utuae, lot fine fruit, also furniture. fall 12 Van Hontcn. Portsmouth station. i mornings, 16. f T F. TERMS early modem 4 room cotuae, cltKe lot 40x125. Owner, Scl.'wotsl 2204. to car; 7 ROOM bungalow near Penitvuia tebuoi, cheap if aoJ4 thi week. at 350. FOR SALE HOrsES 1 Frasft L OMEB Largest Home Sellers in the West WeOt-TRF SYSTEM" OF PERSONALLY INSrKCTrS'O. ArrnAi?r: AND PHOTOfJRAPHTNO EACH HOCSE MAKES HOME BT'YINO EASY. WK WILL PITT YOU IMMEDIATELY IN TOITH WITH THE HOCSE YOC ARE LOOKING FOR. 12 AFTOS TO SHOW YOf PROPERTY. oo PH rT(M ; RA 1'IIS TO SELECT FROM. ROME WONDERFTL BAKCAINH. THAT IS WHY THIS OFFICE SOLD OYER 12.400,000 WORTH OF HuMES LAST YEAR. 8! SALES. Rose City Park rWntlfaT bnnralow. on K. 4Sth atiwt. 1 blocV from the ir, on a fnM corner lot i rr-T nnnuatly attrartiTe tml- m! California bnnralow Verr dtitinrtWe line: lanr cnr.rr front rorch: rtHna room, clotber Hwt with full bTeled mirror: leoTe, fireplaee vm nnm. ttt rrttf t d'ninjr room with bniltin buffer. Tbiich kitchen with breakfast P-nk : iro-od cement baement. furrmr. laundry tray-:; ttractire lawn nd raniffe. $5884) Irvinrtoin Home 7 room m-xl'-rn fi.nme- foil cemmt basement. fnvrtf)--e and latinjr trf; firf?re; harT-T-wl f!r-ir btd"'n Mm euienee BKAT, BARCMX V? e other home In this district tip to $40, ft00. West Sc;V Ba'aii Terr att H-ri 7-T""T rrr ant! huTf bunirslow trni hm. li -1 ..o Chf" Vauithn Btrt on TVillnmette H- Fi-nfloe, fircolnee, bsrdw-Nid fin builtin roncnlrnr: lre !d pori-b with wonderol unobt meted riew i I'Sht.. alrx hMl rixm ; paved tr-et paid. Term. 1 bl-fk to car. Row Citv Hoime Very dtineive nod m"drn fi r bnm 'in n. 4th 'r-'-e. b-Tcw h" Furnare and f irplare hard'r -d Hr n2e ; afreet liens pa?d. Idea! hi Term. Artstfc Pn?e C5ty Bnn.rnsrs'.low n"" ts one of the sfTT-tive btinjTshiTTs of ne fitv IMr- ; f r"'m; d'n anl brkf---st ro.ffn : hi rlw xd n-'-.r-: fl rTlarr-; bu'in ?MiiYiiifTice, ; larpe f n-n t por-h f 'I II T-tdtb f hmi-p - mi'iT tun- ri.luin -i - : h'W rs mbling hn l.-w lines. Can arrange term!. Rose City BtiJow One of the TerT at rm-l i re bnirilnws of lbie "itT Park; -u-l lMif,.ni4 bunca'"W li'ie t'v mdem snd r-'m Tete in f ttt detail : ter's prarth-al tb-mr plan ; bard w (Hid fl xTs-' minv btititin n Tenierice : furnace and fir'obice ; dig porrh : white enamel nlntrbire fit n Cn arrange terms. On Alameda drive, near Randy. 55000 Prie Rose City Bmr?alow Fun-maTlT artb-tir. . hnnfTn'W lines: furnar; nrenlnre; bsrdw'wl fn.r-. ; builftn buffet; white Iutrh kitrben: hou ItV n-w Ju t the b'-me vu hflT bren looking for O K. .'i6th Btreet, H block to Alameda. 54600 Rose City Bargain On 5-Jth street. en to the car. nn a full lot, with p:tT-d t-trpet Hf-n ra id Is a Terr nubtanfial B mom att-ariie home. ,Fu!l rninnt ha-pment furnace and fireplace : builtin r'rTnienrs ; icvadwork all in old imrr; 3 Ibrht. airy Mronnm; rprainfed inside and out. Iike m-w. Terms. 54500 Piedrraomt Home room and den. ronrrete stucco hfme. Tnu.-nial barcain. New Alberta BonsraEow TTer is an unusually atfrartiTp nw, t-nifra' bTingalw; bst- materiHl and worktna nhln ; Terr a-ttraTlT" liney , lrgp front por-'h ; lirin- rtni with chprry fire plare ; builtin bokr,-vr. - oanplcd 1 i r i ? g room with masiiye ladpd g!a.- bufft . hardwood floor-: wo -'work in whit t amel : full Dmch kitrhpn : dar.dy crmnt hiMiQ0Pt with laurdry trays; 2 light, airr bo.lrT-mj-: white enamel plumbing, street hens paid. Terms. $3950 Real Peninsulla Home On a HvSillOfoot lot, rm flTTmeTTs rtreet on Pniirtjimouth avenue, i a Terr at-rartire 6 nern, motlpm. nnunsllr well built home; white enamel plumbing: elec tric lirht and gap; an Ideal pipele fur nace; slee-nin.T porch; all kind-- f fruit, bfinei and flowers. This U a real home. 53800Dist5nctive Hawthorne Home 7 rcv-ms; rery attractive lines; fur nace; fireplace: full remont basern'-nt ; white enamel plumbing:- many bui'!n ronTPnienres ; paf-d ?tret liens pajd. House like new. $500 down. 53800 New Hawthorne Btis ruga How ITrra is a dp-am of a bnnealow: S ffioms. very artistic, typical bms.ilow lines: art brirk fireplap: attri'-tirr lijlit fixtures; tapestry wall parwr: hardwood floors; builtin ronveninres. Vsrirht W hv B0 homes for sale In the S-inny-sile, Hatrthdrne and Mt. Tahnr district. Pliotciraph of each in the office. 53750 Rose City Home 10 rooms: modem plnmhina. etc. Full lot. ConM easily be converted Into flat. On E. 57th atreet. tt Uk to car. TN OCR SHOW ROOMS AP.E or Kit fiOO PHOTOr.nAPHst OF PEKSONAI.I.Y rSSPECTF.n AND APPRAISED HOMES IV All. PARTS OF THE CITY. 12 AI'TOMOBIIES AT YOT'R KEHYICE. THIS OFFl' E SOLD OVER 850 HOMES IS I.ARtlEST IIOMR -SEI.f ERS S THE PACIFIC COAST. WE HAN Tt,F, HOMES FXCM'SIYECY. rVHPK T THF..F. PHOTOOKAPHS HEFOP.E YOf BI'Y WE HAVE THE REAL BAKOAINH. THAT IS WHY fri ll OFFICK SOLD OVED 2 400 000 WORTH OF HOMES S09 SALES EST AIM.I.SIIIMV A .NA TIONAL ilECORD. SEE Frank ILMeGiir to but tour novfr. 6CCCE8SOR TO H. D. MctiCIKK Cf , ESTABLISHED LV J8S0. "40 TEAKS OP SERVICE." ABINGTON BUIlDtSG. MAIN 108 OmCE OPEN EVES1.NGS AXD SINDAYR II McGnlr TOE SALE HOrSES ARMS S3S8Hawthornc BurcccaSow Barasn rmuallT attm-dre S room modern bunpalow; larffe front porch; tet plumb ins fixtures ; fuO frnient bnement ; fur nace : many bull tin com rnie tires ; ery practical fl-vor j-Un: hou- like new S3S1M5 WaverSv District 7 -room diotlnrtiTe typ bnntnlnw ; huiitin conrentfnc1 ; 3 brht. alrr b1 "rooms; wF ire fnmd phnnbinj : l-rtr1'" Hshti ami f-i: jmrpd street in and paid in Woodward RTenue. East of Piedmmont TTOrtO ffsnt eirnr 1ft -n F ?fh "-ret ; T-ry njh-tantial room TnH!ern h. rte; licit warrr h'-atinff plant. Snap. 53 2 Wet SMe Bargain $ft00 ft wn und ? 2 " per month V r'm HiibtantUl li'-rtif: full re-men t brse n-ft ; fnrnitre . firiIiife ; white rr-atn! '1'imMn:; '-rfrh- lights and ri1 !wer AViHr'tneitr Ueici.!-. 3 2 TI Rose Catv Byaralow .ftt-st think of a rrorn mfn1ern bunt? tw r-tli Trv dint iru-tlTe hues, on -a full !. ;,0Tlf0, ri.Kf to Dir. ,.4r. fur thl i . -- I'ret t v llf 1 n g r" 'in wit b f i rrplfarr ; nli'tr en;innl lu!nl'ini: : htidtni n-no n I r tv '!, 7 ." d w n We I'lif rnt n j Yfher'h'-mv. in thi IKtrict for -,! e. Furnished Filats I'motml ha fga in i n two ft mi r, cicb r-.t-t-v Ininc 4 hite n,iinl T'iiniit'ine f i t 1 1 1 r - . "Ifv'ri hsht- n nd (rn-: bt."-V, ft'-n 'ar (tn . recti t;rx-d utr--tiue ad, 'itiiiitf ot v pa rk a 'id pi 'ty ground.-!. S3 2 50f lawthorne Buirstrallow 4 rihiirs urn! : --i i f jr porrh : llinr Tt rfim ; fi rr j. i - ; hm! f f n b k k'-a-ks , doi'tis r Mm wih h-nrtf-d tm'fct . wliit- fiiti-h k'tfti-Mi m-i4prt phBrd-me; strf't. K "i'd jtrtd. near Hw tlntrne. Modem Bungalow I'ipeles f ti rr r ; fireplace: builMn -nTMi ire ; hft ri wo- -d whi'e e? f tn--1 plnTMhiner : f lM-t rif UtrhM a nd ga-. fn K. t.h.sAii stret. rTiue paid. Fulton! District S-rxm Tf-ry comfortahb bungalow rrt tifi' liWo ri'-w ; nn i '-rtvr l-'t pr rd .f-tof n.m naid; whit en'iTil plumbing, elrr-trir hght-s six! aas. $."00 down S2650 West Side Homme Oti rHf tre-t. cbe to Market, on a ich.tlv bwaflon." is a trt "iih-tHntial h'.tne. white enanv! plumbing. -!-c-trie iifiht.i and gn-. 1'nur.ual bargain. fbm.-e prart : rally new. 52500 Hawt ho rne BmnaSow On F. 3 1 it f rt . r.n a mm lot , is a T rym hi!ngabw ftttae ; wbit e'- irl plumbing; e!-ct hr lmhtu and builtin ri.jeuiences. J"a.-ty teirnv 52400 PeoinsuSa BynsjaSow On RrtTd w in tri--ft . ? bb-rk t- the rur aid -'-iiM I- nn unt)-UM!ly dtlraititi Tprv pb-tititMl 4 rt.'im bnmr-Jrw: wlte ermmel ;!unihifg ; ie'-t rir light and gai I 'nusual (-jiJjeiik pla-'p. S23S0 Waverlesgh Heights District On a corner lot on Clinton atreet ia n unu-uftl bargain in a ft-mum modem bungalow , f.lrttf enam'd plumbing; -lr-tric llcitfl and ga. Vacant, imme'lm te p-wiwii'ia. Kasy terma. 52250 Kenton District ThU ts one of the biggest bargain we baTP eTpr had it a T, r'm modprn bunga Jrtw in Xh di-rirt. Irf-ry living rom : paneled dirtnn- r oin with builtin buff-t ; Thitrj -kmchen ; i-l-cttic. light and gan ; 2 litf!:t. n ;ty h?d rooms : white enamel plunibrng; gofl cmi'-nt baemnt; rfirner lot. n Alhina awiue, close to Kentin rar. Kaiy terms. sum South of Laurelhurst On E Nfrriv.n -tree. Ibt, i a 7 -room home; sleeping porch : white en amel' ; p-!"t rir liptiii and gn : 1 Mork to MfntA villa and Suniiytide ears, i.tiy b rill.. 52200 Ciose In Home On .Ivy street, '4 block from Wil-lism-i avmi". on a 41vl00-foot lot. Is a Mibs-antia! tomBalow tyTe home; svhile ensifi-! i-iumV-inif : 'ret liens in and paid. Easy Una. KKAL BARGAIN. 52500 - Woodstock District - rf-roon-i romf'irtiible bungalow cottace; modern r'unlMna ; fruit, btrries and aar aee. Easy terms. REAL EST ATB r ' fOR SALE I1ULSE& A FEW OF OUR-SNAPS II fi fifl) Nlra It rna. house. ' ga llHt, In flat afJB UU' coodituin; 80x120; 18S 68d near 6 1st at I'rio (1X00. 400 cash and tSO avary moallta. S f rfThOi OocA S r. cottaa. aWctrlo. batb, "'-'- basement, pa'ed t.: MaUoa t. near Maaun; $500 raab. P-TEPijf! O wl 6 rm. hnnac. bath, atoel., baaav aP-aSs m,nt on 38(1 r E waah.; Urma . 526i 5 r. hungalovi 34th. Terms. Salmoa sear S-J-yETk e r. house. lOOilOO opr.. navsd Ot'ti W ,ts.: So00 cash, mtb and Beech. - blinks to ltvmatua car. ffiJ(fTufl Nice 5 r. bungalow, modern, on V&JWIV k. -iflth near ;oig. T5 cash. Fine R r. bglo , built ins. . 100x100. cliicken bouse: &0h ava. S. fH; some tertna. 0 r. fine bungalow, basement, bath, eleot.. gas. jt 1l.r.. 2 block to car K. 4'Jd nr. Krancia. H30 email. Oood fl r bouse; cor. lot; E. ' th nd Hrouttbn: lot 50x100; aoapp tl0l rash. Nice H r. bglo . S bedroonja, btlllt Ins. lot .'.OjIOO-: 1. 03d Baat l.llsan. $1000 cash Nte fl room bouse, basement, bath. e!e-t.. ratiel dining room, garaga, elc, .sir. K. 3 4 1 h and Market! li"tis all i.iid, terms. 52900 53200 53250 54000 flne 7 morn house, modem; eor. E. 2Mlli and Prescott; ftoina term. GRUSSI & BENNETT 31S Hoard of 1 railr. Maui 745. RaHph Harrcs Co. -i?7 ("lund-rr ff fVmmen-e $7"u huv-. a i hunping 0 room coin Dial r-iyb- fji.ine on th cuct -de. ai-lcndid ditnrt, f uU v modern, fin-place an1 lots of fnlts. nir-e Un, garden iuitrb. all "kinds btrrie., rnrrimtn, rbubab, eLo. Ile miriahle cadi pa moot. t?00 will buy x f. MiiH bnngaUi. etmpl,t--'v f itrni.he . fin.- In'iivn tin mt . bfrlwood H'H.rv. the tirmfy. (e-turv-. 1 1 f-ah. Ve ba te id n r of her home in bt dia-tr.-ta from H'-V-OH to $1'.u0f), which we w.mld be piffle d to .h .t oU , alo a grouting of le. pre! en t jttu-i homes whth rt- j 1 1 i rr a h u v i u - n t of on I v $ ,1 UO , i-fi i ha Inc to S Ar re f ground, and all in dc irah'e and healthful loraltltrft. all and t lis lell ymi rtl! a bout t 'trill ir. i n n n - iiipini irnarras o. briinb.-r .f tirtitm-rce 535005 fl 750 CASH BALANCE TERMS lUwtliorn dlstrbt. west slop Mt Tal'or. I 'i blorks from carime; tret iiori?f miiiti in and paid for, 0 room liou-e. slf-epirm jor h. bath anl linen clo t : full niiite cnsno-l tiliitiilnnff : gas and flrctno lilit, lut h kit' lien, vrat fl 'fs, i aoel dlllif.a room. large livin ro. tn. H n and fiii-iilnre : l.uilt. In lwt n,f Full M.e baf-iof-nt, Willi Islln trs firtitass "lilnniond" s... lf,;iilu I furpai.-e. t all afd r fl p ni Tabor 3002. HONK CITY PARK tt It-ii I ion. Ilotnebuvi'rs! We have lioiiui In tins d .irshle district from amino up . We will be p!-.rd to show yuu and it will plai-e ou all -'iluP-ly under rio obllga ii' n- I'ur liu-iine-s i. U) show our vre. Tboy will sell tluaiu-rl ves when you mak cora l's i ' f. 10(10 buys, a 6 room bungalow with firaptaoa, Ihip-li kitilou. rw.. lilnTii ternu. tt bKx'k to rar. :i:i50 huys btingalo of 4 rooms and bath down, 1 rooms up, full lot. garage. jiu lawn, hrul' aud roses t.'ioiiil l'ui a beautiful Imnualow on eoriier, tfrlt-Cy iii"d-rn, gsraa ami all imp. fiaid. We biK i. in Ui- district at all prices and terirfV and can suit yon. Sunday oaTJ laliur !i17 J. A. Wickman Co. L'04 111. Kv l.anse bldg. Mala SSJ DEKI'M A JORDAN, lllll'SE PAIlCAIN OMV $:t.oo 1 r ,,,, htit;i;H 'ow, lMitl- tjMlct,. caf.. elec tn,- hu-lit". r,(i,l OO fl lot tine blork tn str, et. ar i , ,od ,-l.i, k,-ii l",un-e and yard. !! t. cist,, balance Ilk rent See DEKI'M A JORDAN. .TJ't 4 CPjiniH-r of Coiiiim n-e Hldg Main V-33 4th and UlanV ts. What Is Yoor Answer? ' ont mile pay! tig r. ut and remain hnmeleM or in t.-ht lieal Hbiut I'mk pU-e and O-A IN A IIOMK OK YhlU OWN Lois are 50 it (Ml f--t. with fool hII'J, t reels paved and paid for i otivenieiicv" of f i ar liTi : alM Jfferon high M'hotd miJ libmry. Kvtm indurcmenttt of terd tor fie more bonien thta month. You will make no mirik hv railing on tb trwTMr W. M. K i SI jngs worth (iftue 1149 I'iiiuo Ave. Otfire Hours 10 to 12 a. m. apiaiintmrnts, Wdln. 3304 or Wdln. 951. Phnne HOSE CITY PARK i KlMIMS $4450 Folks, ymir oTiportimlty to gut a real horn for little money in tl'e poimlar Roe. Cttjr dia trirt, Hardw'"sl fluoTA, fireiilaca, buffet, ev- : merit ba-enionl. tuniace, ru Street awta. ! Paid hou rash will handle. Let o allow ! you. . I A C.. TEEPF. CO . C4 stark St . near 3d Msln 30if.', Main 3fil. I'.r tir-li (i!fK... r.Otli and Sandy ' Open S-indayl . ROSE CITY PARK ' riVf n-un bungalow wiijt all built-in feature, firrdnce bt-ymed c-il!;ig. bf-drrxmi. large and t li vfiitn ted, rom;h 1jp mt i tn, full cement ba-'emMit, Urge lot. i'nt'v $4 0')lt, term if de- J0KNS0N-D0DS0N CO. WSJ S3n 34 N W U-nk Hid Mln 7S7. 5100 TO 5300 DOWN MT. SCOTT AND WOODSTOC K 3. 4. . and 0 lious,, n hardaarf, in jr:'-'- 'rom lo $3000. IHe trim 40 to lOOi.'lHl or lurser; if yaa look jmi will buy. Ver) a-y tet;us. Taljr.r HW or Inquire t sB32 f6tb . .0. E . war !C.'d ut. . V At'AN'f , MOVE RKiHT IN . S.I .lull buvs ;, room and attic wifh firrplaca. buffet, Ihitch ki'clieii, full cement basement. wa-,1, trays Trm-. New and never occupied. , Munday call Tab r 317. j ' J. A. Wickman Co. ; ;04 Ry. Exchange bM Main 8H - i fil'TlMI "COLON IAI- A SNAP ! fl rocijM nd rath. full t,a.- BiTil, fuinac, j fireplace, hnclwotwl fto-,r down tairs, 3 fine j sici-i'iPK rrK.m". !,cnt lawn, fi tine fruit trees, j cicijtlofully iarge lit, fine . Must b i seti t ) be appr, -r-iatml. Si-e J. A. McCarty at J E. Sftth and tili-an Ht. o"l Tabor 433. l Evening and Sunday Tabor 50)7. j NOB HILL j Seven room .lioa. bath. ea. electricity, fnr nace arul full cmnt l,s-ment. lot 41x100: . mii't be wdd tn elos- ar, .-jlate; price tdfiOO , Mrs tut, 62H ; Momaromery street, raorninc. t Suttdays or alter i p in I '. ' ' j NEW 4 rnviii buiiirnlow. witli rc for two -' additional ronnis in aitir: house ta doobl ; ' constrncted: lias full plui.ilimg. ga and e'e. j trfcity, bufret, ready to wruw, Prica 13330, t.Mlll all , JOHNSONDODSON CO. " b3'2. 633. 034 N. VV. BANK Big. Main 87ST iJL BLl-"- ON ST Ri :'f EI 3 nnim boose . (nil plumbm- and batli. full "-ernent basement, est ; lOOxlOO (Tomer lot. with all kinds of Irnit and . N-rrie just half way between t nion are. and..: MiiOse'rpid rarlines: $2500. small down paj mept. bs lance morthly J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO.;. H32 033 034 N W Bank Rid ' Main 8T7. .. f(00 ItOME CITY CAR MB" 100x100 CEMENT WALKS, 04TH KT. Snniatih, Wagoner Co. STOCK EXCHASOE , , " ' t'2S50 IF YOl WANT, 7 room ' and batli wph ('irnace ami full baacanctit, csaxll tortrl Tabor 9317. During weekd; call Uaux SilJ.