r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 14 SATURDAY, JANUARY " 17, 1920. PORTLAND. -OREGON he Jfirst Congregatidnalist Church Hill Recall 3ts jfirst Hog Cabin Worship COMMEMORATION OF FIRST SERVICE TO BE CELEBRATED 70th Anniversary of Congrega- tlOnalistS Log Cabin Worship I . : - to Be Recalled January ZD. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the first Bervlcc heA on the present Ite of the First Congregational church. Park and Madison streets, will e celebrated Sunday. January 25. Dr. W. T. McElveen. pastor, will return from the Kast in time for th, service. Tile first Congregational servlccn rield in Portland were In a log shingle hop. Ten names appeared on the church roll. For almost two years the Congregational I ate were contenj with their meagre but comfortable quarters. Many were the allusions to the follow ers of the Natarene carpenter worship ing In a carpenter shop. In 1850 ground was cleared for the first church build ing, at the corner of Second and Jef ferson streets. This building was dedi cated In June, 1851. and for 20 years "was the spiritual fireside of the Con gregatlonallsts. In 1M9 this building was removed to the corner of. First and Jefferson streets and was used while a more commodious structure was erected on the old site. The cornerstone was laid on August 30. 1870. Dr. O. H. Atkinson, the pastor, officiated, and preached the dedicatory aermon in August. 1871. That building cost $20,000. In 1884 an organ costing $4500 was installed. In 1890 It was apparent that a more fpaclous church must soon be built. Frank M. Warren and James Steel, two loyal members, bought the present, site. Through the untiring efforts of Rev. T. E, Clapp, the pastor, funds were gathered and In January, 1895, the pres ent edifice was used for the first time aa a house of worship. All who at tended that first service are requested to attend and wear a white flower. Ralph McAfee, executive secretary of the Church federation, will address the current events class at 12:15- Sunday noon. His topic Is "All the Churches Cooperating." Sunday morning the pulpit will be occupied by Rev. Edward Constant of Highland Congregational church. At the evening service Mrs. K. T. Allen of . Urumla, Persia, will give an address on her missionary experiences. Rev. F. J. Meyer will preside. Dr. McElveen is in Chicago . attending a conference of 12 leading churchmen, who are planning for. an international interchurch con ference to meet in Paris next November under the auspices of the Federal Coun cil of Churches of Christ in America. Will Show Views On Sunday evening at the United Presbyterian Church of the .Strangers there will be exhibited stnreoptican views )f the New World movement. Thero will be scenes In Egypt. India, Sudan, the , Mountain Whites, the Negroes, and work among the French in America. This is the first time they have been shown on the coast. Saint David's Church I. 12TH AND BELMONT 10:80 A. M. The Bishcp of Hankow Central Chin. 7:90 P. M. A MUSIOAL FB8TIVAL "The Messiah" NOT! TIME AND PLACE REV, THOS. JENKINS, RECTOR The Unpardonable Sin! What it is; ,Who commits it; How to avoid it Explained From Ibe Standpoint of the . NEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH 381 JF.Fr F.KSOX ST. It: 44 A. M. WM. R, REECE, MINISTER FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALDER STREET AT TWELFTH REV. HOWARD AGNEW JOHNSTON, D. D. 10:30 A. M. A Witnessing Church 7:30 P. M. "Psychic Search for Immortality" 1:15 M'DAV SCHOOL 7:15 OROAS KEC1TAL BY E. E. CniTUSKJi SPECIAL MUSIC DR. EDWARD -H. PENCE PASTOR. WILL PREACH AT WESTMINSTER CHURCH TOMORROW AT 10:30 O'OLOCK on IS CHRIST'S EXAMPLE INIMITABLE?" "HOW NEAR AT HAND IS THE KINQOOM OF HEAVEN" WMlmlottor Quarts and Pip Organ Music. BIBLE SCHOOL AT 1S:10. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR AT S:80 A CORDIAL INVITATION TO THE - PUBLIO. - Hoan Hill gpcak wotCalks planned Blwhop I-osan H. Roots of Hankow, China, will upe&k In two Episcopal church Sunday. At rO:30 a. m. he will visit and preach In St. Davids rhurch on the wonderful work being done in China. The bishop has great admiration for the cheerfulness, pa tience and endurance with which the Chinese have fared new conditions. The hour of this service has been ad vancer! 30 minutes in order that th sneer! 30 minutes in order that the members may take part In the welcome to General Pershing, who Is a member of (he Episcopal church. Sunday night the St. Davids choir will Flng 12 se lections from the "Messiah." Bishop Roots will give another talk on Oriental work during the Sunday evening service at Trinity church. Dr. A. A. Morrison invites the public. Major Gilbert to Preach on Sunday Major William 8. Gilbert of Aatoria, who will introduce General Pershing to Portland people at The Auditorium, will preache at Central Presbyterian church Sunday morning. In honor of the event a special musical 'program will be ren dered by the chorus under the direction of William H. Belcher. It will sing "Unfold. Ye Portals." and "The Heav enly Message," and Misa Hazel Hardie will sing "Out of the Depths." The Men's club will give its monthly dinner on January 23. The whole church is invited to come and bring well-filled baskets. Coffee will be served and Ice cream may be purchased In the club rooms. Rev. Ralph McAfee will preach morning and evening January 25. Sunday Afternoon Sessions Proposed , There Is a wide-awake movement started through the union of forces in the Warren Bible class and Warren vesper class, composed of young men and young women, tp present a series of helpful meetings ever Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock In room E of the church house at the First Presbyteriar. church. A musical program under the management of Miss Gertrude Hoeber and Granville D. Morgan will be pre sented, assisted by an orchestra of 10 instruments, followed by a lecture, sub ject, "Making a Success of Your Life," by Dr. Angela L. Ford Warren. The soloist will be Ira D. Morgan. Visitors re welcome. Entrance 454 Alder street. Lecture room on second floor. Woman Will Tell Story of Persia The pulpit at the First Christian church, corner of Park and Columbia streets, will be occupied on Sunday morning by Mrs. E. T. Allen of Urumia, Persia, who will use the preaching pe riod to tell of post-war conditions in the Near East. Mrs. Allen Is a Portland woman, her husband. Dr. Allen, having been a few years ago assistant pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Both spent a number of years in Persia and endured the horrors of the siege of Urumla. First Methodist Church Twelfth and Taylor Streets Rev. Joshua Stansft'ld. D. D. PASTOR 10:30 A. M. Baccalaureate Sermon For Graduation f'lsss Washing'ton Hieli School. 12:18 P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL PUSLIO FORUM DISCUSSION ON COMPULSORY VACCINATION 7:45 P. M. Prohibition Jubilee Platform MMtlng Celabratlna Advent of National Prohibition SEVERAL SPEAKERS Prominent in the movement ALL INVITED Rev. M. CHRISTEEN i WILL SPEAK I "After the Order of j Melchezedeh" WEDNESDAY, P. M GRKT PARLOR I Ml'LTMOMAU HOTEL h i A1 .? WESTMINSTER S v - CONVENTION WILL HEAR E. t KNAPP SSBHMSaiaBBMMBBSBlBaaM Sunday Schools of Multnomah County to Meet at White Temple January 30. K. C. Knapp, of Spokane, secretary of the Inland Empire Sunday School association, will take the principal part on the program of the Multno mah County Sunday School conven tion, to be held January 30 In the White Temple. This announcement was ' made by Charles X. Stave r. county president. During; the morn ing session Mr. Knapp will conduct a "problem shop," when he will an swer questions put to him by Sun day school officers and teachers. Workers are Invited to prepare ques tions for this session. During the afternoon seesion Mr. Knapp will hold an administrative conference when he will speak on the subject, "ilow to Make a Sunday School Grow." In the evening he will give a blackboard demonstration entitled "World Facts." The business of the convention will precede the afternoon conference. The nominating committee appointed to sug gest officers for the coming year are: A. A. Morse, Harley Hallgren, ' C. W. Miller, Carl Brown and Mrs. J. J. Hand saker. Mr. Staver also appointed a policy committee to outline a workable con structive program for the coming year. This committee Is: Elton Shaw, Rev. CJeorre K Taylor, Miss Mabel HInes, Dr. N. Morrison, Mrs. Clara G. Esson, Miss Ellen Stone, Miss Bernice Adams, Miss Violet Johnson and H. R. Scheuer man. Receiving Names For Study Classes Applications are now being received by the Rev. W. G. Eliot for member ship In the religious study classes to be conducted during the six weeks preced ing Easter. The classes will be open to all. Sunday night at the Church of Our Father, the minister will speak on the nature, origin and destiny of the human soul. DIRECTORY C I O I-.. Afi.. r!nLr., ' OetUllU OUI1UOY nilCI upiJJIiauj . . .. , . , uuiiurui duiiubj .7. v . "The Boldness of Peter nd John." Acta 4:181. Golden text: "Stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be fttsong. I Cor. 16:18. Young People's Topics Baptist Union "My FaToriU Psalm and Why." Pf. 121:1-8. Christian Endeator "Mr Farorite Pealm and Why." Pa. 1 J 1:1 8. Epworth League "A Worth-While Life. ' Pj. 87:18-40. Baptltt First Wh'te Temple. 12th and Tajlor Kef. William A. WaWo. 11. 7:30. Ea;t Side E. 20th and Salmon Re. B Hinson. Pt. H. T. Cah. amoclate. "Armenian and Near Kvit Relief Work." Major General Me-jmp .V Azaapetian of mnia: 7:30. "An Inspired Bible and a w. 11. by Ar- Hc- turning Lord.'' Third Vancourer and Knott 11, 7:80. Arleta E. 64th and 48th Te. net. Owen T. Dajr. 11. 7:30. CaWarj E Mh and Grant Rer J. B. Thomav 11, "Baptfjiti in Burmah": 7:30, Chrtstmai cantata, by United Presbyterian choir. -Cleneoe E. 45th and Malu ReT. F. C. Ilettc. 11, "Stirring Mewige From the Men pf Yi-terday tn the Men of Today"; 7:30, "The Di clple Whcm Je:us Loved." Sellwood Bethany Ber. Yf. S. Ferris. 11. 7:45. Grace E. 7th and Ah. Re. F. W Star ing. 11. "Houaehold SalT&tion" ; 7:4 5, "A Tonic for Faith." I'nifenily Part Re. S. Lawrenca Black. II. 3. Sw, d:h 15h and Hoyt Re. T. G. Slolan der. Evangelistic eervicea In charge of Re.T. E. Bjorkquiat. 10:30, 7:30. 8t. John 11. 7:80. Highland E Cth and Alberta Dr. W. T. Milliken. 11. 7:30. Mt Olivet (oloredl Broadway and Ev erett Rev. J. W. Anderson. 11,. 8. Cathotle Pro Cathedral 15th and Davia Rev. E. V. O Hare. 6. 7:15. 8:30. 8:45. 11. 7:43. St. Peten Lenta Eev. P. Beutcen. 8, 10:30, 7:80. s St. Lawrence 8d and Sherman Rev. J. C. Hughes. 6, 8:80. 10:80. 7:30. St French E. 12tli and Pine Rev. 3. H. Black. 6. 8. 0. 10:30. 7:30. ImmacnUte Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. 9. 11. 7:30. Holy Rourr E. 8d and Cbckama Rev. E. S. OUon. 6. 7. 8. 9. II. 7:30 St Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rev. J. O'FirrelL 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews E. 0th and Alberta Rev. J. Kiernan. 8. 10:30. 7:80. The Madeleine E. 24th and SMriyou Eev. George F. Thompson. 7:30, 9. 11. Aicenaion E. 76th and Yamhill Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10.30, 7:80. Rlemed Sacrament Maryland and Rlandena Rev. F. W. Black. 8. 10:3O, 7:80. Holy Cros 774 Bowdoin Rev. C. Raymond. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Igrutins 8220 43d Bt S. E. Jesuit rather. 8 80. 8. 10:80, 4. St. Stephena E. 42d and Taylor Rev Wai ren A. Waitt. S. 8:80. 10:30. 7:30. Holy Bedeemer Portland blvtL. and Vancou ver ave. Rev. William J. Divine. S, 8. 10:30. 7:80. St Phillip Nedi (PaulUt Fathers) E. lflth and Hickory Rev. M. L. Ferry. 7:80. . 10:30. 7:80. St Clement 8. Smith ave. and Newtnn Eerbite Fathers. 6. 8, 10:80, 7:80 Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rev. O. I:cb. 8. 10;30. 7:30 St Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev J. CommMty. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St Stanfelam (Poltth) Maryland and Fail ing Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30, 7:30. 8t Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Rev. B. Rnrrer. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St Michael I Italian I 4th and Mill Rev. M Beir-trx. 8:80. 10:30. 7:8I St. Claire's Capitol' Hill Father Aloysins. O. I". M. 7:20, 9:20. St Charlee E. 33d and Alberta Bev J P OVlyrm. K. 10:0. All Saints E. 39th and GUsan Rev. Father William Cronin. 8, 10:80 St Patrick 1 9th and Suvler Rev.: Charles M Smith. Masses 8:80. 8. 9:15, 10:80, 7:45. Christian First Park and Cotambta Rev KimU Ortffis. 11. "Post-War Cordltlona in the Near last. By Mrs. rc. T. Allen of Lrura'a, Persia; 6:15 to 9. school of mission. East SMe E. 12th and Taylor Rev. K H Sawyer. 11. 7:80. Kodner A venuw Rodney and Eaott Rev a e.an i niiaer. 1 1 , b. Monteville; K. T8th and GUsan. 11, 7:30 Wood lawn E. 7th and Liberty Rev. Joseph D. Boyd. 11, 8. Vernon E. 15tb and Wygant Rev R. TihM Matey. II. 7:80. Kern Par Rev. J. F. Ghomley. 11. "The Ministry of Reconciliation" ; 7:80, 'The Soldier." Christian Selene Isaon wbj-r: "Ufa." First 19th and Kventt. U.S. Second K th and Holladay. 11. 8. Third E 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fowrth TancooTer and Emerson. 11, g. JJotes of interest in Churches Ministers affiliated with the Portland Federation of Churches have been asked by the executive committee of that or ganization to preach tomorrow on some economic subject, the occasion being "Share With Others" day, a feature of Thrift week, which began today all over the country, under the auspices of the V. M." C. A. Methodist The Junior Epworth league of Mount Tabor M. E. church will entertain its friends Wednesday evening at the church with an illustrated lecture on the Grand canyon of Colorado In Arizona, the petrified forest and other wonders of Arizona. The Rev. E. G. Decker, paa tor, will be the lecturer. The regular receipts of the home mis sion board of the Methodist church for 1819, with only five months of the cen tenary available, are over three and one half times that of one year ago, accord ing to an announcement made by ft. H. Hughes, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate. Union revival meetings will be con ducted by the Danish Norwegian Meth odist churches of the city during the coming week, with the Rev. C. August Peterson of Seattle as evangelist. To night and Sunday night he will speak at the Vancouver avenue church, and Sunday morning and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at First church. The district superintendent of Swedish Methodist churches. Rev. A. E. Llnd of Salem, will preach Sunday evening at the First Swedish Methodist church. In the morning the pastor, Rev. Abel Ek lund, will speak on the reform move ments of the world. Presbyterian The new plan of "church night" on Thursday for members and friends of Hope Presbyterian church is proving popular, according to the pastor. Rev. Henry E. Giles. Major Thornton A. Mills, noted lec turer and son of B. Fay Mills, evangel ist, will speak twice on Sunday to the church. Rev. Levt Johnson, pastor of the Men's Resort, will speak Sunday morn ing at Kenllworth Presbyterian church. Rev. Ralph C. McAfee of the Portland Church Federation will speak. The ifenllworth young people are working hard to keep up the Interest In the church until a pastor can be found. Next Thursday night a new era dinner and conference will be held at 6 :30 In Mount Tabor Presbyterian church. Last Sunday the church welcomed 21 new members. A feature of the Sunday OF CHURCH Fifth 62d and 42d Te. 8. E 11. 8. Rixtli Monlc Umpl. 388 Y.mhill. 11.8. HBTantb Holbrook block. St. Johns. 11. Ail entireties Wednesday, 8 p. Congregational First Park and Madison Dr. W. T. McEl veen. 11, "The Witness Eternal." by Rev. Edward Constant; 7:45, address by Mrs. E. T. Allen of Urumia, Perns. Stinnyside K 33d and Taylor Rev. J. J. Staub. U. "A Reliable Compass for Life's Voyage"; 7:45, "Satan Voted Out of Existence." Atkinson Memorial E. 29th end Everett Rev. E. E. Flint 11. "The Gospel of the New Era"; 7:46. "What to Do With Jesus." Highland E. 6th and PrescoU Rev. Edward Constant 11, preaching by Rev. G. W. Nelson; 7:80, "The Waiting Christ " Waverleigh Heights E. 33d and Woodward--Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 1 1. "The Divinity of Je.ls Christ": 7:30. "Personal Power." Lauralwood 4 5th are. and 65th et S. E. Mrs. A lieu M Handsaker. 11. Pilgrim MUsoun and Shaver. Rev. Robert Murray Pratt 11. "Is Humanity Really Free, or Is It Governed by KstrT" 7:80. "lKw Humanity Forgive It-. Own Sins, or Does God Pardon!" Vnlver-ity Park Haven and Lombard Rev. C. H. Johnston. Finnish Mawlon 107 Skidmora Rev. Sam uel Nevala 6. 7:80. St. Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond. Rev. J T. Merrill 11. 7:80 Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Rev. Ola Toraassen. 11.-7 :30. First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev. George Zoche-. 11. 7:30. Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Rev. Henry Hagelganx. 11, 7:30. Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Rev. J. H, Hoop. 11, 7:30. Dunkcrd Church of the Brethren Borthwick and Brai nard Rev. George C. CarL 11. 8. ' ' Episcopal Pro-Catliedrel of St. Stephen the Martn TU Rev W. T Sumner, bishop; Very Itev. R. T. T. Hicks, dean. :45. 11. 7:45. Trinity 1 9th and Everett Bev. A A. Mor rvon. 8, 11, 8. address by Bishop Logan H. UooU of Hankow. St David? E. 12th and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jeiikin-. rector. 7:30. 9.30. 10:30. addr.'.i by Bi-hop Logan IL Roots of Hankow; 7:30, 12 selections from "The Messiah." by the choir. St Marks 21t and Marshall Rev. J. G. Hatton. 7:30. 11, 7:45; daily. 7:30 a. m. est Andrew Hereford t, Plymouth Archdeacon Chamber in charge. 9. 11, 7:30. Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good ShepherJ Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 11. 8. St Michael and All Angels E. 43d and Broadway Rev. F. T. Bowen, vicar. 8, 10, 11. Church of Our Savior 80th av. and 41st st S. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:30. 11. Rifhop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Rev Frederick K. Howard. 7, 9:30. St Pauls Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. All Saints 25th and Saviet Rev. Frederick K Howard. 10. 11. St John Memorial E 1 5th and Hamey. Sellwood. Bev. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:80. St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Rev. W. A. M Breck. vicar. 10. 11. Evangelical First E. 6th and Market Rev. E. D. Hom iclmrh. 11, 7:30. Clay Street lOfti and Clay Rev. Jacob Rtncker. . 10:45. preaching In German by Rev. Mr. Lleb; 7:80. (English) "The Old Time Re vival, the Cnro for All Our IU"; 3, service at the Altenheim. Swrdhh Tabernacle N. 17th and Glisan. Rev. C. J. Ledin. 11, 7:80. Frea Methodist Central E. 65th and Flanders Rev E I Harrington. 11. 7:30. First E. th and Mill Rev. S II TJpton 11. 7:80. Alberta E. 80th and Wygant Rev. M. T Whetiell. 11. 7:30. St John E. Richmond and Hudson Rev E. D. Blackman. 11, 7:30. Lenta Rev. 8. H. Cpton. acting pastor 2 :30. 8 :30. Friends First E. SSth and Main Rev. Homer L. Cos. 11, 7:45. Secoud E. 92J and 61st ave. Rev. Lursna sa. lerren. u, f . West Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey Rev. Carey Jeuupri. 11, 8. Jewlah Congregation BeUi Israel lfilh and Main narci duiiau a. ie. neiom Hynagooue. Service Friday S p. tu.. Saturday 10:30 a. Congregation Ahavai 8hok,mi Park and Clay ts. Rabbi R. Abrahamaoo. Friday, 8 p. rn. ; oaiuTnay. av a. m. v Congregation Nevah Zedeck Talmod Torah 6th and Hall Ke. Abraham I. Bnsenrranta. rnoay B p. ra. Saturday 9 a. ra. Sunday 10 Latter Day Saints Chotvh of Jeros Christ of Latter Day Saints r.. snio ana uaaison neoer u. iverson, mis mis president 10. 7iI0. Lutheran Bt James W. Part and Jefferson Rev. William E. Brinkmn. 11, 7:30. At. Pauls K. 1'Zt.li and Clinton B a Krantc. 10:30. 'Tfcy Kingdoaa Come"; t":8o. evening service is a 20 minute com munity sing. The Rev. W. W. Mac Henry will preach morning and even ing. On Friday, January 23, the Rev. Ward W. MacHenry and other church leaders will meet the members of Vernon Pres byterian church in a conference on goals and methods for 1920. A luncheon will precede at 6 :30 p. m. Those received into the church last Sunday will be given an additional welcome at this service. Sunday night the Rev. I B. Quick will explain an old proverb to his con gregation at Calvary Presbyterian rhurch. If) Congregational Atkinson Memorial Congregational church believes U duty is to American ize as well as to Christianize Its parish. Moving pictures entitled, "Son of Dem ocracy." the life of Lincoln, are por trayed. A sermon accompanies the film. Sunday evening the second set In the series will be used, entitled, "The Call to Arms." Sunday night the senior young people's round table of Waverlelgh Heights Con gregational church will entertain the Bible class of the Sunday school at 6:30 o'clock. The Rev. O. P. Avery will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Letheran Instead of only on alternate Sundays, as heretofore, there will be services for the deaf every Sunday in Trinity Luth eran church, Williams and Graham ave nues. The services are held each Sun day afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock by the Rev. J. A. C. Beyer. All deaf are wel come. The Rev. A. Krause will preach a cat echetical sermon Sunday morning to the congregation of St. Paul's Lutheran church. The devotional service and Bible study for young people will be held at 5 p. m. Confirmation classes meet Tuesday and Friday at 4 and 5 p. m. Evangelical Evangelistic services will be held each , h. this week at the Clay Street Evangelical church by the Rev. Jacob Stocker. Sunday afternoon the congre gation will conduct a service at the Altenheim. Baptist A get-together supper and symposium will be held Friday evening. January 29, at Glencoe Baptist church at 6 :30 1 o'clock. The series of sermons on the 12 apostles, being preached by the Rev. F. C. Laslette each Sunday morning. Is attracting attention. Xazarene The Suffield meetings in the Sell wood SERVICES IN "What Must Wa Do to Save a Lost World?"! Our Savior K loth .ml i.ni r A Christensen. 11 (English), "When Clirist En- tent fh vrm- . , ' Trinity (Mimiri Svnorfi Willi., and r:i, - T tiV. Zw..t. "iioacii. iu:iu. -- iui ui oj nfi. j. i.ever, i ne I-ast Day of the World, a Day of Joy for All True Christians"; 7:80. Bethlehem Xorwenian Hth and Davii Her. Wilhelm Pettersen. 11.8. Grace I En.ltsh) K. 24th and Broadway Rev. C. H. Bernhard. 11. 7:30. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod ney. Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ris Rev. L. P. Kjoller. 11. 8. St. Johns Peninsula and Kilpatrick Rev. L. Lndwig. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney Rev. V. U. Ogren. 10:4 5. 7:4 5. Imuuouel 19th and Irtina Rev. A. V. An derson. 11, 8. Trinity (Scandinavian) Lovejoy and For tune. Rev. 8. C. B. Kneelen. 11. 7:30. Eion Evangelical (Missouri SynodV Chap man and Salmon Rev. H. H. Koppelmann. 9:15. 10:15. 7:45. Alberta English E. 17th and Alberta (Baker hall). 10. 11. Methodist Episcopal Heights Rev. G. 3. Brown. Carson 10. 11. Cntensrv E. 9th snc! Pine II't. Frsnk 1. Wemett 11, 7:30. prohibition victory meeting- Cential Vancouver snd Fargo lttv. A. it. Maclean. 11. 7:30. Clinton Kelly E. 4 0U) and Powell Rev. E. S. Mace. 1 1 . Epworth 26th and Savier Rev. J. Stanford Moore. 11, 7:30. first 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stans field. 10:30. 7:30. Flr.-t Nonvi-gisn Danish 18th and Hojrt Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11, "Law and Order," by Rev. Aufust Peterson; 7:45. Laurclwood E. 63d and Foster. Itev. A. C. Brakenbury. 11. So. Lents 86th t. and 58th ave. Rev. F. H. Sibley. 11, 7:45. lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A Ginn. 11,- 7:30. Montavilla F-. 80th -nd Pine Rev. Hiram Gould. 11. 7:30, prohibition jubilee. Mt Tabor E. tilw rd Stark. Itev E G. Decker. 11, "Tlie Prohibition Victory"; 7:30, "He Forgave Them Both." Patten Alberta and Michigan. Rev. George H. Bennett. 11. 7:30. Roue City Park E. 58th and Sandy. Rev. D. Lester Fields. 11, 7:30. Sellwoiid E. 15th and Tacoina Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11. 7:30. Rnnnyyide E. S5th and TamhiU Rev. W. F. Inesvn. 11. 7:45. St. Johns W. I.rsvitt and Syracuse Rev. W. E. Klrwter. 11. 7:30. wedih Beech snd Bnrthwi': Rev. Abl Ekhind. 1 1 . "Great Reform Movements" ; S. preaching by District Superintendent A. E. Lind of Salem. University Park Fike and Lombard Rev IL T. Atkinson. 11, 7:30. more and Vancouver Iter. A Chri.t..n treadling ny r.Taiigeim ausui reterf)i of Se attle; 11, prohibition victory service; 7:30. Westmoreland Milwaukie and Midway Rev. 1 E. S. Mace. 7:30. Wilbur Mtiltr.omah hotel How. Cm nets Bur gett Short 10:30. communion service. Wood'tock E. 44Ui and Woodstock Rev. L. C. Poor. 11. 7:80. Woodlawn E. loth ard Highland Rev. J. H. Irvine. 11,. "It Is Too Much for Ton to Go Up to Jerusalem" : 7 :30. "The Religion of a Warm Heart, a Clear Brain and a Stiff Bark bone." Wesleyan E. 53d and Glisan Rev. D B Hampe. 11. 7:45. District superinti-ndent. Rev. William Wallsce Toungson, D. D., 691 E. 62d t. N Tabor 2790. M. C. 8ouUl First Union and Multnomah- Rev. J. W. Byrd. 11. 7:30. IMxarene First E. 1tb and Weidler Her J. T. little. 11. T:80. Sellwood E. fh and Prvane Rev. J. G. BringedahL 11, 7 :30. Suffield revival meeting. Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th hi. He. C. 1J. Fowler. 11. 7:30. Highland Park E. 14th and JarreU Rev. W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 8, Scandinavian 948 Garfield Rev. DanM HaUstrora 11. 7:30. Prasbytarlan v First 12th and Alder. Rev. Howard Agnew Johnston of Chicago, acting pastor. Rev. Ivl Johnson, asidstant pa tor. 10:30. "A Witness ing Clwreh"; 7:30. "Psychic Search for 1m mortality." Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Bee. Edward H. Pence. 10:30. 7:30. Central E. 18 th and Pine. Rev. Walter Henry Nugent Preaching by Major Rev. Wil ham 8. Gilbert, of Atorts. 10:80. 7:30. Calvary 11th end ('lay. Kev I.. Hotiring Quick; 11, "Twentieth Century Leaven"; 7:30, "An Old pTo-verb." Mt Tabor E. sst.li and Belmcnt Rev. TTaM MacHenry. II, "Psychology of Prayer"; 7:39 "The New F.vangeHsm." ,VVm.iM- lc and Wygsnl. . Her Hrnce J. Giffeu. II, "Christ Live in Me"; 7:30. "A Saloon lew. Nation and the Promise of 8a loontea World.'' Piedmont Cleveland and Jsrrelt Preaching CHURCHES TO HOLD DRY OLL HCATION Passing of John Barleycorn to Be Observed, by Number of Portland Congregations. The death of old John Barleycorn will be celebrated Sunday morning and evening in the Methodist churches of the city. Great rejoic ing is prevalent among the clergy and laity over the extermination of this long-lived being from the United States. Never before have the funeral services of such a distin guished personage been conducted with such gaiety and glee as will accompany the meetings announced. A great service is being arranged for Centenary Methodist church by Dr. Frank L. Wemett. Centenary choir will render a specially prepared program of music and short addresses will be given by Rev. J. R. Hoadley, Dr. C. E. Cline and Dr. George B. Pratt. The commu nity is invited. Prohibition "victory" sermons are an nounced for Sunday morning by the Rev. Ellas Gjerding of First Norweigian Dan ish Methodist church and the Rev. A. Chrlstensen of Vancouver Avenue Nor wegian Danish Methodist church. A prohibition Jubilee service will be held In honor of the coming into effect of the eighteenth constitutional amend ment Sunday night by the Rev. Hiram Gould at Montavilla Methodist church. Sunday morning the Rev. E. G. Decker will speak on the prohibition victory at Mt. Tabor Methodist church. Rev. J. B. Glffen will speak on the prospects of a saloonless world Sunday night at Vernon Presbyterian church. N'azarene church have" been crowned with success. It has been decided to continue the meetings another week, closing Friday evening. Salvation Army Sunday at 8 p. m.. In the Salvation Army hall, 243 Ash street. Brigadier I Fletcher Agnew and Dr. A. E. Clem- ment, both of Chicago, will conduct a special service. Adjutant and Mrs. Henry R. Cozens, officers in charge of the local corps, assure the public it will be worth while for them to attend the service. Gospel services are conducted every Sunday afternoon In the municipal court room by David Lang. The prisoners are brought Into the room by the jailors at 2 :30 o'clock. PORTLAND by Major T. A. Mills. 11 7 1 it ' Tl. a w. . "The Prodigal Son .. . . eourtb Kir t rnd 'Jibfcj. Her Monroe O. Everett 10:30. "Bearing One Another's T-tin a.,,..., .'."..J anouiers Bur-, ' . Ken!lworth E. 34 th nrl RhMm. 11 prearning oy Kev. ifv! Johnson; 7:30. preach- - .. -uuim v . racAiee. Hope 7Sth and Everett Rev. H. E. Giles. I II, tardily Religion"; 7:30, "PrasumpUous I oin. 1 Roe City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11. 7:30. i Korbe GrahsroUnd Gantenbein Rev. Ward! :30. Trinity Virginia and NebnuikaRv Tbeo-1 dore p Smith li 7:80. Anabel f. H. Mli. u. , .30. 7:80 W' tirT' ,...., . J. ..nr.:" l i. 17,h od Mahu R- Mlzpab E. 'loth end ! Dlviirinn r.v r a Tlumpson 11, "A Churchman's Duty": 7:48.! riaying the 1'ooL Inity E. 7I! and Sandv Ilev. Seeman. 1 1 . "The Christian Idea of God "The Healing of Man." !. W 7:80. Seventh Day Advsntlsts .ote--Hegular services of this denomination are held on Saturday. Central K. 11th and EvereU U K. Dick son, pa.it.r. 10, 11:15. Tsbernscle 6th and Montgomery G. W. Petti tt. minbtrr 10. II. Montavilla E. 80th aud Everett J. A. Ger usrtt 10, 11. fx-nts 94th ft. and 58th ave. W. D. Hunt ington. 10. 11. 8'. Johns .Central sve. and Charleston A. K. lollicnberg. 10. 11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder at H. Went land. 10, II. Scandinavian 21 st. and 39th ave. Elder O. S. l.ee. 10. 11. Salvation Army Corpi Nr. 1243 Alb it Adjutant Utnn R. Coiens. 11, 3:15, 8. (-'oris No. 4. 128 V, l.t Captain William G. -i-iilth. 11. 3. 8. Sweden be r tin j Sew Ci.uich Society 831 Jefferson Rev. I William H. lieece. 11, "Christ, Pagan ori Devil. Unitarian Cljurrii Our Father Rroftrtwsy -ird Yarn- 1 hill Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11. "Conquering Ad I ver?e Cirrum tanres" ; 7:45. "Answers to Doubts! About the Nature. Origin and Dutiny of the Human HouL" j United Brethren Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc- I Dons Id. Hrst E. 15th and Mrrrisrn Rev. Ryrm J. Clark. 11. "Wliat About SanctificaUon " 7:30. illustrated Armenian lecture by J. J. Handaker. S -coiid - K. 2 7 Mi ard Sumner Kev. Ira Hawley. 11. "The Big Three"; 8. Third 67th ff. and SIM sve. S. K.- R-v. E. O. Shepherd. 11. "The Two Sides" 7 30, preaching by Evangelist Ira Hawley. Fourtii Tr'mont Rer. C. P. Blanchard. 11. "Share With Others"; communion service; :30 service in charge of women's society. Miss l I-utie Stearns speaker. United Evangelical First E. 18th and Poplar Rev. J. A. Goods. 11. 8. Ockley Grten Willamette blvd. and Gay Rev. It H. Farnham. It. 7:30. St. Johns Uev. A. P. Layum. It. 7:30. United P res ytwrlai First E. 37th and Hawthorne Itev. II. F. Given. 1 1 . communion, vereption of members and baptism; 7:30, preaching by Rev.- J. W. j rsioeaton. Church of the Strar.gr Grand and Wa-v- Ilfiv. 8. Earl Du B'-is. 10:30, "Tbe Opportunity That Pahed": J:30. stereopticon vie mi of the "New World Movement" Kenton IS" Wei Lombard Kev. George N. Taylor. 11. 7:30. Mlsoellanaeu Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 0th and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 10. 11. 7:30. liealizatlon Ieagn 148 1 3th Itev Edward Mills. II, "According to Tour Faith"; 8, "A Popular View of Schlatter, tbe Healer," by Rev. IL II. Reed. Cbristadeiphian 621 E. Washington. 10:30. Church of God 863 Failing Harry Neat 11, 7 .30. Evangelistic campaign. Gospel Hall E. 2th and Stark. 11. 7:30. Mea'a Resort 4tii and Burnid Rev. Levi Jolinon. iionerintendeni. 8. Divine Science Portland Hotel T. M. Mi nard. 11. "Oneness There Is No Separat'on.' Panteojetal Kir-t and Washington hev. Will C. Trotfr. 11. 3. 7:80. Glad Tiding (Pentecostal Mission) 244 H 1st. 2. 8. 7:80. Pentecostal church E. 20th and Ankeny A. W. Smi'.b. 11. 8, 8. Volunteers of America Mission 224 Bum aide Meeting every evening except Monday at 8 o'clock, and Sunday, 3 p. m. Portland Eeeleia Krisade!ptrian) 1897 Belmont Oeorge H. Tilling, secretary. II. Peniel Mis-ion 288 1st 8. 8. Services each night at 8. Church of Christ E. 79th and GUsan. It. Fir-it SplrHualtet E. 7th and Haalo. 3, 7:45, serw by n. W. Shaw of Berkeley. Fir rtnintnaJ Science 129 Fourth st Bet. Max Hoffman. 8. 8. International Bible Students W. O. W. Tem ple. 1 1th and Alder. S, T:80. air Jl 21 and j Oak Gospel service at 2:30 by David Una. JJittner i&oon 3o 2ake p (Extension 3Hork of (Church With the acceptance by A. F. Blttner of the position of Institutional director, Westminster Presbyterian church. East Seventeenth and Schuyler streets. Is ready to proceed with Its program of expansion in the field which It serves, according to announcement by O. W. Davidson, chairman of a? special com mittee which Is endeavoring to obtain a total of 150.000 with which to execute the plans. Mr. Blttner, who will soon assume charge of the work of the new position at Westminster, has for the last eight years been head of the department of mathematics at Jefferson high school .and, prior to that, was for two years Instructor In mathematics In Lincoln high. He has long been associated with the work at Westminster, being superin tendent of the Sunday school for seven years at a time prior to the war. He will have general charge of all young people s work and will relieve Dr. Ed ward H. Pence, the pastor, of much of the detailed work which ha has been carrying alone. L. K. Dickson Will Address Adventists; Church Prosperous Evangelist L. K. Dickson, pastor of the Central Seventh Day Advenllst church, will speak in Christensen's hall, Eleventh and Yamhill streets, Sunday night. At the anihial business meeting of the Central church last Wednesday night the reports of the departments showed an Increase over any previous year's work. The gifts of the members are: TlUie. 114.607.73 ; foreign" missions. 85805.49 ; educational work, 82919.97 ; ome missions and church work, 13981.45 ; Armenian relief, $648.13 ; needy poor. 8300.71 ; total. $28,063.48. The membership of the church is 357. making the average tithe per member $40.91. The average per member for the year, all funds, is $78.60. The total fund of the church for 1916 and 1917 was $21,977.55. The gain in 1919 over 1918 was $7,110.66. C. E. Planning on Rally and Dinner One of the big winter events for Mult nomah county Christian Endeavor union will be the rally and banquet on February 3 at the Klrnt Presbyterian church. The banquet will begin at 630 p. m. and will be followed by short talks Special music will be furnished by the orchestra of SunnyHide Congregational church society. Definite plans for the twin state conventions will be made at this meeting. The conventions will be held in Pendleton, February 13-15, and in Albany, February 20-22. Officers elected to take charge of the conven tions are : David P. Martin, Albany, chairman ; Herman De Hart, Pendle- i ton, chairman. Norman D. Guy has been placed in charge of the publicity I committee. I SeV Young People Will Rally at Methodist There will be a Bpecial young people's i rally at the First Methodist church at 8 :30 p m Sunday, with Samuel C. Lan- caster, state chairman near cast relief I committee, presiding, and chief ad- dreanes by General Mesrop K. Asgapetlan I of Armenia. Following Is the program; Organ voluntary, Mrs. Gladys Morcan Farmer ; hymn, led by Walter .1. Steven son ; scripture lesson, by Warren Morse ; prayer, by 13. T. Gruwell ; solo, by boy soloist; address by General Aegapetlan ; address, Mrs. K. T. Allen ; hymn ; bene diction by Dr. Joshua Stansfleld. NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY JOHN BARLIVOOftN IS LIQALLV DC AD. Funeral services will be held tram CENTENARY METHODIST CHURCH est Ninth and Pine Streets, SUNDAY E Vf NINO, January 1. a4 7.90 e'clook. Atkirwsea will be deBvavwd by REV. J. R. MOADLEV, D. D., REV. O. E. OLINE, D. D.. ne DR. AEOROE . PRATT. Special muslo hat bean prepared by Oentenary Cherut Choir. Burial will be under the auspice of th United Sutes Oevarnnsent. P tease oma flowers. A ORCAT TIME! YOU ARI INVITKOI FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. PARK AND MADISON STREETS SUNDAY. JANUARY 18 11 A. M. "The Witness Eternal" r REV. EDWARD OONSTANT Pastor ef Highland CeneregeUonal Ohurch 12:28 P. NL CURRENT EVENTS CLASS Talk by RALPH McAFEE. Topic "All the Chuches Cooperating' 7:45 P. M. Addetas bt MRS. E. T. ALLEN. rtcantly fraea Urumia. Persia, and Red Ores end Armenian Retlef leeder Serine and attar the war. S:4S A. M. OHURCH SOHOOL. :30 P.m. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. Leader, Ftoytf McKalson. SUNNYSIDE Congregational Church Rev. J. J. Staub, D. D. Paster. SUNDAY SOHOOL S:4 A. M. MORNINO SERVICE 11 SERMON RELIABLE COMPASS FOR LIFE'S JOURNEY" INTERMEDIATE amd SENIOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR :S0 EVENING SERVICE 7:48 SERMON "SATAN VOTED OUT ef EXISTENCE" MUSIO DV OHORUS OMOIN . A WELCOME FON YOU SPIRITUALISM IS TO OE SUBJECT OF Dr. Johnston Believes Effect of Cult's Findings on Christian Religion Should Be Explained. Dr. Howard Agnew Johnston, act ing pastor of First Presbyterian church, will deliver his second ser mon in the scries on spiritualism. Sunday night, taking- up this week the psychic tiearch for immortality. Th Society for Psychical Research was founded by several leading psychol ogists." said Dr. Johnston, "who believed It their duty to make nn unbiased In vestigation Into the psychic phenomena that were known to exist. .Such men as Professors J. II. Hyslop 'of Columbia university. William James of Harvard, Richard Hodgson of Cambridge. W. II, II. Myers of England. Sir Oliver Ixdga and Theodore Flourney of Oeneva, Switzerland, have done thla. It Is Im portant that the Christian pulpit define what their findings may mean for the Christian faith." Dr. Johnston will at tempt to do this Sunday night At the morning service Mrs. Blanche Williams Segersten will sing "Lamb of God," by Ulzet. and In the evening Otto Wedemeyer will sing "Turn' Thee to Me." A supper will be given fori the men of the church on January 0, at 8 :(0 p. m.. when Dr. Johnston and Ilev. Lvl Johnson will talk over church problems with the laity. A pro-Easter j program wlil be outlined. ! ; - Armenian to Speak From Pulpit Sunday Sunday morning. In the Eamt; Hide Raptlst church. Major General ' Mesrop N. Azgapetlan, a dietlngulshed 'Armen ian, who was division commander in the old Russian army, will speak at 11 a. m. upon the Armenian and Near East relief work. The Sunday school of this church has given about $1100 to this work. Sunday night the pastor. Dr. J W. B. Hlnson, will preach, continuing" his series on great Hihle fundamentals. Dr. Hlnson In now going to McMlnn vllle each Tuesday tp speak t to the student body at McMlnnvlIle .'college, Tpe B. Y. P. C. of the chureh have sent a Bible to the Rev. M. Burkett, a missionary in China. . I i YOUR OPPORTUNITY G R A C E BAPTIST CHURCH E. 7STM ane ASH ST. TOPIOS ' H . ' 11 A. M. , "HOUSEHOLD SALVATION" Tl4S P. M. "A TONIC FOR. FAITH' F. W. STARRING Pastor "DID CHRIST, THE APOSTLES . OR ANTI-CHRIST CHANGE THE SABBATH?" ; l- HEAR ETA5GKLIST , DICKSON IVE HNDK LIABLE EVIDENCE PROVIJ THE OI'ILTT PARTT. SOME 8TARTI.ISU REVELATIONS WILL BE UIVF.Jf Christensen's Hall ELEVENTH STREET BETWEEN MOIIRISOK AM YAMHILL; SUNDAY NIGHT, JANUARY IB AT Jt O'CLOCK MI MCAL PROORAM -( OMiRFiATIO AL MG PL R LIC MVITEII , THE FIRST AND SECOND ADAM OR ' - v tiip ti i rr. n r . a ww a m l MINISTER'S TALK: m v v "e- wat ' sri w a rr stn yv t-i I tS.tLJ 1 lWIIO KJr THE BIBLE Convincing; facte from the Bible prov ing? that Hod's plan provide one trial under full knowledge to everv indi vidual lK?fore brine; Judged lor eter nal life. THIS INTEHEcT!3n LECTURE DELIVERED BT C. W. FIELD BeplreMDtlnr tbe Isternstlaaal Bible Stedenta' Ataoetotloar Sun.. Jan. 18, 3 P. M. W. O. W. TEMPLE lit St. firt. rVatblartoa asd Alder BEATS FBEfS IfO COLLECTION