THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, - POR TLAND, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1920. 18 HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES $3500 5 1750 CASH : . ' BALANCE TERMS . c lUwtrmme district, west (top tit i 'Tabor, 1H block from carline;! street . , improvement and paid for; 8 room " bouM, : eleeprnr ' porch, batb and: limn "" closet; ' full wblto enml plumbing; gat and lctrie light. Dutch kitchen, wax floor, canal dining room, large , living "' room, den and fireplace; built-in booh nw. .Full i basement, with laundry V trays. New first -c la l . "Diamond" aelf rgultlng furnace. CaU after p. m. Tabor (662. 1 HOSE CTTT PARS 6-ROOM BUNGALOW (5500 A REAL. BARGAIN Folki. we want you to see this nifty bunga low. - Ideally located In the rrry best section of Rom Clt,- one block from. car. Hardwood floon, fireplace, buffet, furnace, garage, etc. "All amta. paid. Do are this. . You will be more than delighted. . But harry I A. d: TEEPE CO.. 284 Stsrk at, neaf 3d. Matn 8002. ' . . Branch Office, SOtb and Sandy. ' What Is Your Answer? Continue paying rent and remain homelam or investigate Walnut Park place and OWN A HUME Of TOUR OWN. Lett are 50x100 . feet, with 16 foot alley; streets pared and paid for. Convenience of fire car lines; alao Jefferson high achool and library. Extra inducement -offered for fire more home tbia month. You : will make no mistake by calling on the owner. W. M. KilHingsworth Office 1149 Union Are. Office Hon 10 to 12 a. m. Phone appointment. .Wdln. 3304 or Wdln. 881. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN - S T K n . i 1 of thnu niftv tnctfiem hnnn. suwa mi usru w iinu, inu 11 vuus nu wouiu iia.u ( - . . 1. , . . J mm . .. I L - i to sen lor nuuu; n rooms ana patn aown. x . bed rooms and sleeninc oorch up. living room ' aerose entire front. French doors, white enamel finish in dining room, natural finish in living room, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, hardwopd floors, full element basement, wash trays, street tm- . provemente all In and Included In price, un, (, yea, there ia also a furnace. Let us show you. ' J. A. WSCKMAN CO. 04 Railway Erchange Bldg. Main 583. . ' Walnut lPark 84500 for a fin 7 room with 2 toilet, new plpelea furnace, hard surfaced streets: lot M)j 100 with bearing fruit tree, f 1000 cash. Phone Marshall H29.' F. L. Blanchard i 018-20 , nsilwsy Ei. rOB SALE LOTS 11 A Warming Ton will make no mistake in buying a home sit in Portland NOW. Ind values will sure ly advance. It I the only thing that has not Select with rare a location of convenience; also en that will increase in value. I'm sure Wal nut Park offers yon that location. Call on owner. ' W. M. KiiJingsworth Office 1149 L'rrton Ave. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. Phone appointments, Wdln. 3304 or Wdln. 951. 7 To Get Tonr Westover Terrace Homesites Ton may phone, call or write , HA BOLD JCNGCK SecreUrj International Realty Associates Owners, 1807 Yson Building. Phone Office. Main 680. Res.. last 1099. fOR SALE -Fine corner. 11200. 2Tot on oor, 26th and Emerson, curb and sidewalks In and paid for. east front, fine view, lot of treee. Will sell one or both and give terms, j By owner. Inquire 1061 E. 6th N. near Alberta. PRICE (225 LOT 50x100 1 H blocks from Mt. Tabor car, real bargain, fine soil. Phone Tsbor 5196 evenings. ROSE CITY I'AUKl'rlce (670. including hard eurfaoed street paid. Tabor 6441. ACREAGE (7 Acreage (1800 for 5H a., H under cultivation; 6 -room bouse and barn, 14 m. off Base Line; easy terms; a snap. , $2000 for 6 a. on corner In bearing fruit - treee; good aoiL near scbooj. stores and churches; would make you a fine line and only 9 miles E. of city; if you want a suburban home site this Is fine, and easy terms. I have others, from 7 to 15 acre tract, near Garden Home, highly improved, at very reason able prices. Come in snd see about them. F. L. 519 20 Railway Ex. WELL 8TOCKED AND EQUIPPED . 40 acres, located 3 miles from Ridzeficld, Wash., 30 acres under cnltivstion., 3I acre can be cultivated; balance in pasture and timber: creek and well; good fences: all exceptionally fine-aoll; no gravel or rock: 5-room house. Ism, granary, machine rbed. Price $."." 00. with 5 rows. 1 heifer, chickens, good young team, heavy harness, spring tooth harrow, spike tooth harrow, mower, rake, binder. 2 wagons, scales, cult i 1 vilor, cream separator, lots of tools; household " furniture, some wheat, oats. hay. straw and 16 acres seeded to grain; machinery in A 1 hate; personally inspected: photos at office. .ion r:r;Kiii bos, ' " tiertinsrer bldg. moveriTht IN 44 acres, located 7 S miles sontheait of Oregon City, on county road: 23 acres under cultivation, balance can be cultivated: creek and some be tenia m land; house, barn and chicken bouse. Price $4200. with 2 horses. 2 cows, 2 belters, 1 calf, 1 registered cow, .plow, harrow, wagon, disc hsrrow, spring tooth harrow, set harness, cream separator, some grain for seed. Complete household furniture. Not less than . (3500 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger bldg. 60 ACRES, located 1 14 miles from Appleton. All can be cultivated. Over 5 acres under cultivation, balance in light timber and pas ture; 114 acres orchard. Some berries: 4 room 2-story house, shed barn, chicken house. Good spring. Rural delivery. Cbnnty road. 'Some outrange for stock. Price (1000. (300 , cash. In Klickitat county, Washington. North ! Bank R. R. 'JOHN FERGUSON. - - Orlinger bldg. . CHEAP ACREAGE 13 H acres. 1 mile from Kslama. Wash.; iaall house, greater part of the land cut over; me soil, spring water, magnificent view of the Columbia river on county road. Plentv of - work at Kalama and good wages. Price (500. Term. ESTE8 A MAG EE. 909 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. 428 Oregon Bldg., Salem. Or. THIS WILL (iO 20 acre adjoining city of Newberg, 15 nndet eultivatkm, balance pasture and beaver dam; mining water fair 6 room house, new barn, family orchard; extra fine soil. Location, lay : of til land, churches, schools, etc.. can't be beat.' Crop in. A good buy at $6500; $2000 rh. balance long time at 6 per cent C. 'E. -wPranflll, 208 H 1st Main 4208. EIGHT MILES OCT Over acres, located arr store, church and achool. Right at Cedar Mills. All fine land, well fenced. Country roa4 Now -in pasture. Very easy clearing. Price' (1000 with only (250 cash. Thia is lesa than 8 miles from the courthouse and only SO minutes out. JOHN i FERGUSON, i Ocrlinger bldg. LOGGEDOrc-LANDS Tract 5 era up, located within 39 miles of ' Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water, work nearby: buy on your own terms; price (20 to (65 per acre. LUF.DDEMANN COMPANY. i 918 CHAMBER OF COMMKRC18. 4 ACRES on 47th and Ainsworth. bargain at ' (5000; also 18 acre at Geo re land station, 12500, or will trade both for farm Owner ; Wdln. 4195. 720 Prescott st. 1 ACRE. 3 V block from carline, 4 blocks - Peninsula achool: pavement into city. Will take auto as -first payment up to (1000 if in : good condition, owner. Wdln. 4388 1 It ACRES. 6 room house, electric liaht nu - bath end toilet, fine soil, close to Milwau- kle, few minutes walk to car; (2600, terms. p. W. Marsh, 406 McKay bldg. Tel. Main 934. ACRES large fir and eedar close, to C.lllis station on bud Kim tine; good sou.; $1800; ' xerm. , sroaaway loon, jvv uregon omg. 3 ACRES, Just off Base Line mad, close to . canine. line ' fir grove. (1000; term. roadway ibds. su Oregon nidg. AND 1-3 ACRES with running stream near '' Mabery ate. on Bull Run line. (1400; terms. Brordway 1658. N 209 Oregon bldg. SUBURBAN ACREAGE j ? - 4 ACRES. SUBURBAN. (1 80 DOWN Face on . good rocked road, few feet to (2d ft paving; sightly , best soil, very light clear ing. 2 ( minute drive 4th and. Wash. Easy walk good ear serriea. Over 32 city lota (1800; easy terms. -'-" : . JVC. CORBIN CO.; 805-6-7-8 Lewi bldg. HTCBCRBA HOMES 79 trees; ( room bouse, electric lighLa and water blocks north Bryant station. Taj lor a place. Waluga, Or. Inquire for REAL ESTATE - - WCBI;RBA?T1t"(.ME' - 79 BY owner: A I few choice aerea or half , acres ear Multnomah, on Oregon Electric city water, ga. beat of aoll.- bra ring orchard on part of this. Prised lower thaw any other de al rable ac re. g near city. Call Main 6 5 8l TOO who want a borne near Oregon City: ; Must aell before February 1. 1 acre, lire room hmiae. barn, 35 bearing; fruit tree. Remem ber, anap for 10 day. Tabor 2914. '., , Cherryman, 89j6 E. Harrison. Por-and. j- I 6 ACRES, on electric carline, all in cultivation. bent of eotlJ small house and barn, on good auto road ; good location for ft ore. Snap $2 W0. OAKLAND. 201 d at. corner Taylor. TIMBER? ss NOTICE Or SALE OF , -GOVERNMENT TIM' i BEB General Ijind Office. Weahlngton. Dl C. Jan. S, 1920. Notice is hereby giren that subject to the condition and limitations of the acta V. June A. 1010 (30 But., 2181, and February 20. 1919 (40 8tt, 1179) and the irutructiona of the aecretary of the interior of September 15, 1917. and September 28, 1919. the timber on the following land will be aold February 21. 1930, at 10 o'clock a. ra., at public auction at the United State land office at Roaeburg. Or., to the higheat : bidder at not lew tlian the ap praiaed ralue aa shown by thia notice, eale to be1 aubject to the approval of the aecretary of the interior. The purchase price with an ad ditional mm 'of one fifth of one per cent thereof. being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time uf sale, money to ' be returned if sale i not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which mint be removed within 10 year. Bids will be received from cittaen of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporation organized under the laws of the United' Sates or any state, territory or district therof only,' Upon application of a Qualified purchaser the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered seoaratehr before beins included in stiy offer of a larger unit: T. 27 8.. R. 13 W.i Sec. 25. NE. NE. fir 2500 M.. NWV , NR. i . fir. 2400 M.. cedar 50 M . HW. 4 NE. fir 1550 M . cedar 4 0 I OK. KK. fir 1700 M., NK. hi NW. ht, fir 1Z00 f., cedar 10O M.. NW. NW. . fir 12(10 M., cellar 2.10 M.. SW. . NW. 4 , fir 1000 M., cedar 250 M., 8K. NW. '4, fir 1000 M., cedar 100 M., NE. hi SW. 4, fir 810 M.. NW SW. 14. fir 1000 M.. cedar 100 M., 8W. SW. 'A, fir O0 M.. cedar 100 M.. NK. 8E. i , fir 1900 M.. NW. UK. "4. fir 1600 M.. SW. "4 HE. fir 1700 M. : See. Wt. 8E. U NE. . OA 1 , 1 , a n .. . . . ., .. M nr iuw m., ceaar viiu si., bv. 'k. rr.. fir fir ou si, cenar inu M.. NW. NW. 8lM M.. cedsr 200 M.. NK. 'i HE. u . fir 450 M., cedar SOO M., NW. '1 SB. 14, fir 600 M., cedar 100 M., SW. HE. 14, fir BOO M.. cedsr 150 If . SE. SE. '4, fir 1300 M:, cedar 150 M. ; Sec. 85, NK. 1i NE. "4. pr situ m.. cedar 100 M . NW. 14. NE. 14. nr oou M.. ceflar 300 M-. SW. H NE 14 . fir 7mj si., ceusr ioo m., tjE. 1 NE. 1 . fir B00 M., cedar 100 M., NE. 14. NW, "4. fir 1350 sj . ceaar 00 M.. hemlock 150 M., NW. 4 NW 14. fir 500 M . cedar 50 M.. SE. 1 NW. i. fir 850 M.. cedar 100 M.. none of the fir. cedar, or hemlock timber to be sold for less than $25 per M ( Signed ) CUAT TALLMAN. CommtsfcTpner. Onersl Ind Office. NOTICE of sale of government timber. Gen eral lend office, Washington, D. C. December 11. 1919. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and - limitation of the act of June 8. 1916 (39 sue. 218). and the Instructions of the aecretary of tb interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the follow ing lands will be sold January 27. 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction, at the United States land office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder, at not less than the ap praised value aa shown by tills notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the aecretary of the interior, The , rchase price, with an addi tional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale ia not approved, otherwise patent will issne for the timber, which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received- from citlxens of the United 8tates. associations of sr..h citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the timber on any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being in cluded in any offer of a larger unit. T. 4 S , R. 8 E.. Sec 21. SW 14 NW 14 . fir 1560 M.. NE14 BW14. fir 840 M.. NW 14 SW 14 , fir 1600 M., none of the fir timber to be sold for leu than (1.75 per U ; sec. 3.1, 8E14 vi'E14. fir 780 M.. cedar 23 M.. 8W14 NE14. fir I 850 M.. none of the fir or cedar timber to be ,ld foT an than $1.50 per M. T. 2 8.. R 4 E.. aec. 23. NE 14 NW14. fir 1660 M cedar 30 M., aU the fir and cedar timber on said subdivision to be sold for not less tban (2000; sec 29. SW 14 NW 14 . fir 710 M all of the fir timber on said subdivision to be fold, for not lesa than (900. T. 2 S.. B, 6 E . sec 19. NE14 NW14. fir 1600 M . SE 14 SW 14 . fir 1900 M., cedar 50 M.. hemlock. 220 M ; NW14 8E14. ftr 1395 M., cedar. 45 M hem lock 150 M.. SW14 SE14. fir 980 M.. cedar 235 M.. hemlock 400 M none of the fir tim ber to be sold for leas than (1.25 per M., and none of the cedar or hemlock timber to be sold for leas than 60 cents per ai. T. 3 8.. R. 5 E.. aec. 81. SW 14 SW 14 . fir 650 M.. none of the fir Umber to be aold for leaa than $1.25 per aC (Signed) CLAT TALLMAN, Commissioner General Land Office. FOR SALE 120 acres timber in Josephine county, Or., about 2. 000. 000 feet, good lo ertioti tor small sawmill. Box 262. Harrison, Idaho. FOR SALE FARMS 17 IF TOU are looking for close in acre age, farm or a ranch, it's to your ad rantage to call on u. We have large lining of farms of different size, in dif ferent place and at different prices. We handle farms, ranches and timber lands only. E. A. I.INDOHF.N SAVON LAND CO.. MS N-W. Bank bldg. Main 631, Acres, $150 Per Acre 25 miles from Portland, 1 14 miles from elec tric line, right in the Tualatin valley. 25 acres in cultivation, balance pasture; new 5 room house, baih, toilet, new barn and other outbuild ings, mostly woven wire fence, on milk, mail route, one of the finest, farms in the valley; $1000 rash, bsl. to suit, or will take a good houe as first payment, if price is right. 2 1B RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. o rk ;o.v city "Tin E ONLY $400 DOWN Over half an acre, located 5 blocks from Courtney station. On good graveled road, near the pavement Fruit trees, roses and shrubbery. 7 room houHe, electric light, gas, well. Good foundation. Fruit cellar. Chicken house and wood shed. Price (3000 and the balance on very easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. CHICKEN RANCH 5 acres, 2 14 miles from Ridgefield, Wash., 2 acres cleared, 1 acre almost clear, balance tim ber: house, family orchard, atl kinds of small fruit. T'.iis is very bent of soil. Ideal for fruit and berries. Price $H00. half cash. ESTES A MAGEE 009 Cham, of Jom.. JI28 Oregon bldg.. Salem. FO RESALE BY-OWNER 6 acres onion and vegetable land in high state of cultivation, all new buildings; with fur niture and implements (or without). This is located 7 miles from Vancouver, Is mile of St. car and thriving little town. Paved road to Portland with exception of 1 mile, which is also good. ChaaSagert. Sifton. Wash. 640 ACRE grain ranch ; 200 acres ready for plow, balance excellent pasture. No better land for wheat, stock or sheep falsing. Wheat yields 60 bushels per acre. (30 per acre. (6000 cash, balance to suit. No improve ments except fenced. Write for detailed de scription D. Cormier, Ibanon, Or. NEAR COTTAGE GROVE (2700. $1000 cash, buy a 140 acre ranch, 100 acres tills ble. 40 under cultivation. 2.000.- 000 feet of saw timber, family orchard, 6 room nousc, smoke house, log bouse, chicken bouse, 2 large bams; all fenced; 7 miles to Yoncalla. red vv. German Co., 782 Chamber of Com. Kilt SALE 30 acre ranch, on good road, and good soil: 20 acres cleared. 5 room house. large barn, spring water piped to bouse and barn, family orchard. 2 mile from good town r 2U00. sawmills and fruit cannery. Close to good school. Vert reasonable and terms. By owner. Box TOB, Kainter, Or. O. A C. RELINQUISHMENT $200 buys this splendid 40 acre tract. 80 acres of which are nearly level; fine black soil, X miles irom Million, 4 mile to Scott a Mills, about 400.000 feet of timber: let this sink in. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of .Com merce. mrTfarm landman! " Ask practically any worth while Oregon farmer wnat ne mints or ine "Oregon Country Life section of The Journal. The information you will get will show you why it is essential that yOU do your -advertiaine in Tha Journal lol- fled columns. FOR SALE Small . country home. II acres. suitable for berries and small fruits; well fenced, slightly rolling property; 6 room borue. uaro isi.i. wHii atied. poultry yard and house; mile to high and public schools, church, store and p. O. "Price" S 800 cash: no trade. Address, O. E. . Crow. Lorane, Or FOR SALE 160-acr ranchT125 acre in cult, balance pasture and oak snd ash tim ber; good barm rood i buildings; 2 H miles to carline: telephone in nmisiag) 4eii!r nail.- m. aa iw a t Dunuinga; i mues to carline; tele house, daily maili snap at $20,000. risher, owner, R. R. No. 3, Molalla ( n. A. Or. roK BALK 2, acres, 1 acre clear. 2 -room souse, fine. well, chicken house; $950. $425 ?- M,1,ofK""11' Ues out. 1 block 1cl.1fc,i'h? Place Sunday, . iir" " ". for sate; wonderful cli- JT' ? ""'7. of wodnet. no cross fail- EIToJ0!. ""Oote. good water, good r ihn'?l """"Peri'v prevail Writ T." . fcUndall, Freewat. Or. . t - J " , " V 1 . , ' t " - ' : - - ' - BEAT ESTATE FOB SALEFARMS T7 "FOR SALE BT-OWSER - tart onion , gad vegetable land fn high tat M cultivation, all new budding; wHh for. mture gad implements tor without). Tbia is located 1 talks fro VanoeeveT. Vs miss at at. ear and trinvmg htUe town. ' Paved road to Portland with excepUoa of 1 gaiV. which la else good. C-aa. oacert, - Bilton, wash. FOR SALE tO acre ranch lay - Rogue river - valley; bottom land. Price to suit.- D. C RuaseU, Merlin. Or. FOB BESTFARMS 14 FOR RENT 820 acre farm.' Northern Cali fornia, near Montague; small improvement. Thomasaen, Portland Y. -M, C. A. FARMS WASTED BEST OB BUT SS IF TOT! want to aell your farm, send ua detailed description of same, it lowest price and best term of payment. - Small close in farms in great demand, buyer waiting. Mountain region and out-of-ths-way place not considered. We han dle farms, ranches and timber lands ex clusively. . E. A. LINDGREN BATON LAND CO.. 928 N-W. Bank bide. IMPROVED FARMS WANTED Have 2 cash buyers for improved 80 to 50 I scree, on good road, not over 80 miles from I Portland, with or withont equipment. Jonn.i as-guson, Gcrllngar bldg. ! MR. DAIRYMAN, do son want to sell those cow and implements tor cash : If so I can rent your farm for cash and get you cash for every thing. I have some' experienced dairymen look ing for such places, tjive me a trial and be convinced. A. (i. BENDER, mi ten, ijvr. at v... 201 8-5-7 Board of Trade bfdg. DO YOU WANT TO SELL TOUR FARM! We are having lots of calls for improved farms, and our listings are short. We don't tell you we are selling ah Jir larnu in the country. Just try us' and see the result. STEWART A BUCK 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg; MR. FARM LAND MAN Ask practically any worth while Oregon farmer what he thinks of the "'Oregon Country Ufe" section of The Journal. The information you will .get will ahow you why It is essential tliat you do your advertising in The' Journal classi fied columns. iWANT to rent a farm of 150 to 400 acres for cash. I will purchase stock and equipment and crops, and pay cash for them. I am a new arrival in Portland from Canada. Will deal with owners only. H-123, Journal. THOROUGHLY experienced dairyman wants to rent .an up-to-date dairy farm ; will pay cum j for rent, and dairy nerd, implements and crops. Owners only; answer at once. H-122. Journal. ((AVE Eastern buyers want farm. J. ROBBINS, 801 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. WANT to hear from owuer of small farm for sale. P. R. Berg, 998 E. 11th su N , Port land. WANTED to Rent. Farm Small place with im provements, close in. for gardening: for term of years; rmnt be reasonable. W-544. Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE SI 40 Acres, $1150 Per Acre ; 25 miles from Portland. 1H miles from elec-1 .SALSO SALARY LOANS house, bath, toilet, new barn, and other outbuild-j Tu SALARIED PEOPLE ON THE1K NOTJCS nigs, inuBiiy wofen wire itnn, uu ran, man rouMS, uiie ui uie iiueni. iun ill uic tkiicj , $1000 cash. baL to suit, or will take a good bouse as first payment, if price is right. 215 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. LV0ME property for residence; will give or take pnee difference. Sunnyside quarter block. Well Improved. Income $1410 year. Mortgage $5700. Want residence for equity. $00(10. . Tabor 854 forenoons. 7 ROOM good house, near Mt. Tabor. Will take auto or small hou-e as fiiwt payment. Price $4500. Phone Woodlawn 6260. WILL trade for city property or sell 80 acrea unimproved, 45 miles from Portland. Wdln. 6940. WOULD exchange 100x100 S. VV. cor. 12th and Hall, bungalow up to (4000, some cash, term. Owner. Tabor 3432. ATTENTION, builders: Equity in 4 good build ing lots as first payment on bungalow. Phone Tabor 7681. 10 ACRES unimproved, will trade for used car. Dodge preferred. J. P. Thomsen, Roule 1. Iiood River. WILL build Souse and take lots in good dis trict. Sellwood 1361. WANTED HEAL ESTATE 1 WE HAVE constant string of inquirers for suburban homes. Wbst have you in a good house. 1 to 1 0 acres, on good road? We can turn It if it's as good as yon av it t. Phone Main 5624. 827 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER LAND WANTED 8ms 11 tracts of timber, near a road and not over 40 miles from Portland; will consider rough land if the timber is good : must be handled for small payment down. Will consider high priced acreage close to Portland, if con venient to rock road. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bklg. -ROSE CITY home wanted; must be A -1 place; H. V. and fireplace, inside 4fith and close to Sandy;. have a (3000 Montavilla home and balance cash. Ralph Harris Co. 827 Chamber of Commerce. Main ."624. MR. HOUSE MAN The average "circulation of the daily Journal is now more than H6.000 Sunday more than 72.000. Besides The Journal has the largest duly average circulation in Portland and trading radius of any Portland paper. If you want to sell homes in Portland use Journal classified ad. IMPROVED ACREAGE WANTED We have several people wanting small places nsse towns or city with payroll Must have buildings and small payment down. Also buyers for cheap places near Portland. JOHN FERGUSON , Gerlinger bldg. WANT to buy 5 or 6 room house on one floor. mtdern. full lot. with garage, paved street. close to car line: must be bargain; cash or terms. Will deal with owner only. Phone Tabor 5298. Address 145 East 30th st. CAN sell your home, clients waiting, some with cash. Vve buy equities outright Main 4803. Q. C. GOLBENBERQ Abington Bldg. "35 Tears in Portland' rooming houses. apartments and Hotels for sale h 30 ROOM hotel, in a desirable downtown Iocs tion, furniture and furnishings good: net in come between (225 and $250. Rent, $125 with lease. Price $2500. 27 room apartment novae. White Temple dis trict,: elec. lights and gas; furniture and fur nishings good: net ineoufe (300; rent (115 Price $300(1; easy terms. C. E. SCOTT at CO. MAIN 3353 817-19 Chamber of Commerce bldg. OUR listings on hotels, apartment and rooming houses are as complete as any in the city. If you are having any trouble in getting located rau us up. C. E. SCOTT A CO. MAIN 8353. 517-19 Chamber of Commerce bldg. (650- SMALL r Tiling house, 9 rooms, walk ing distance. East 6835. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 39 (12,000 BUYS cne-fourth rich silver mining property: ho promoters- none but legitimate investors need answer. Cash needed for work on property. Keferencea given anu demanded. H-tl.B. Journal. SPECIALTY shoD. witli small, stock dry goods. also hemstitching, buttonhole and single needle machine, cheap or immediate sale. ltfl 11th st. James Long. FOR SALE Small restaurant. 34 seats, doing good business; good place for man and wife. In business center. Cheap, rent H 856 Journal. .War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bond. Spot cash. American Brokerage. 206 Morgan bldg.. 2d floor. BUSINESS CARDS ROSE CITT PRINTER! Yon must bring this ad. 120 6th at. COFFEE house and restaurant with ateady trade newly papered and painted; a bargain if taken soon. 889 E. Alder st. ABSTRACT of title business and well equipped plant in i-oruano.- aivuu wui handle, w 542, Journal. PARTY to manage main office and ihveet IlOO w have several branch offices; give phone B-4N4, journal. CONFECTIONERY store for sale in town ef 8009 people. Ada, box ana. North Bend. Ore. GROCERY stock and fixtures for sale, good lo cation, woodlawn lest. CLEANING and dyeing establishment for sale" good busmes. Tel. Automatic 81T58. FOR SALE A downtown , dairy lanch. In- quire 107 retirto t.- FOR SALE Laundry doing good busine delivery. WX-684. JonmaL - 1; auto (00 BUSINESS CARDS (1.25 Ryder Ptg Co.. Main B58. 191 H (d st. EOR EALS Shoe shoo et 192 ii at- BUSINESS OFPORTUKITIE9 - .... APARTMENT HOl'SB SACRIFICE INCOME NEARLY (14.009 Mnat have (26.906- cash, mortgage 115.000: balance (10,000; terms;, prominent West Sid corner; completely lorrtished ; unless yon are ready ta do busines. Oo wot coiner, . sew vw aaanager. Room 121 N; W. Bank bMg. -j-A NICE little paying business in Oregon City, which will invoice about (950. Will asQ very reasonable if taken at once; mnat be jcaah. Will accept liberty bonds for some. : Addles. 600 6 th and Main. Oregon City. Or. "ESTABLISHED VCIXASIZINil AND AUTO ACCESSOR! BUSINESS Tire for sale at inventory. tiorHM. vulcan izing, equipment for rent, or will aell: good clean stock. Will consider partnership. Wdln. 01. MOSET TO LOAS REAL ESTATE tl CITT LOANS. WO COMMISSION On improved property, or for improvement TD oesi ana ensress wnuwu w w loan is our monthly payment plan. I32.2S per month for 86 moothsor 521.24 per month for 0 months, or I IS. 17 per month for 90 muntb pars a loaa of (1000 and interest. Loan of other amounts In same propor tion. Repayment Privilege EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSN. S4S Stark aU Portland, Or. RERroENCE LOANS tMna for any amount at 6 H per cent for 8 to 10 years, fpaysble in monthly Installments: any part or all of the loan payable at any time. W loan money m ail towns oi tu nonnwm. Call or write. 18 S3 Northwestern Bank bidg. Marshall 8718. Evenings. Woodlawn 2481. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property, favorable repaying privilege : no commission or delay. THE OREC.ON MORTGAGE CO., LTTX. , 606 PUtt Bldg Main 687 L BEE VB TODAY W loan znons- on real ee tate; 8 and 7 per cent, long time, short time; monthly payments; pay as you can; snms te suit 123 Gasco bldg., 6th and Aider. CELLARS MUli TON CO. 30d. $400. $500. $750. $10O0 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. tier man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce building. Main 4 4 5. BUILDING loans on city nd suburban property, money advanced a work progresses. W. O. Beck. 215 and 218 Failing bld. Main 3407. MONET TO LOAN in amount of $100 to $5000 on city property. A.Ji. BELL, Kooms lO and llMulkey bldg 6 PER CENT will pay "off sour old mort gage at less 'rate. Ward, atty.. 407 Spalding building. (300 (400 (500 (600 (750 and up. lowest rates; quick action. Oorden Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce, Main 1370. SEE OREGOU INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cnsmber oi tjommerce. am ana ours. (1000. (1500, (2000 and up; no commission. F. H. DE8HON. 615 Cuam. of Com. bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS up to (6000, 6 and 7 pet cent. Fred 8. Williama, 60 Panama bldg. afORTGAGE'LOANS. 6 and 7" per cent. Louis' Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES (7 DO YOU NEED MONEY ? LOANS MADE ON er-uvlTI'DV 1I1S HOUSEHOLD GOODS. .V vollR POSSESSION. WITHOUT SECURITY. IW IUUK rtl MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OK ON FURNITURE OK A Ul'OMOBlLK CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL, PAk THEM UP, ADVANCE XOU MORE MU, IF NECESSARY. AND TOC CAN KETAI CS IN SMALL MONTHLY FAX MEM Ta TO SU11 YOL'K CONVENIENCE. LGAL KATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806-807 DZKTJM BLDG.. 8D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AS3 N. Pboue Broadway 910. 894 Stark St.. near 10th. Loan on dismonds. watches. Vietrolaa. planoa. kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instrument and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER City and county warrants cashed at faee value CARRIE MYKU8-HKKMAN Manager. SALARY LOANS WE LOAN MONET CHATTELS on ahort notice to salaried or workingmen en their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEK ABSULUTELT NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, planoa. etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDG. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates: all articles held a year: established amce 1888. Dan Marx A Co.. 283 Wash. at. LOANS WANTED 89 1500 wanted for private party on farm land. 618 Chamber of Commerce. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 232 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL (1 1 WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND AT 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASIi VALUE (All due coupon Interest included.) J. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF 1 UADK BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH! MARKET PRICEI CASH FOR RECEIPTS. We LOAN money on BONDS. War Savings Stamps, 7 per cent. 725 GASCO BL1ML. FIFTH AND ALDER CELLARS-MURTON CO. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate tn Washington or Oregon, tx. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermen bldg CASH paid for realtj mortgage or sale con tracts; prompt attention, rename service. A. K. HILL, 215 Lumbermen bldg. FIRST MORTGAGE el $700 on house snd lot in Portland, for !e: will give reasonable dis count. H-H.w. Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 CAPITAL STABLES 287 FRONT ST. Just receited a carload of Eastern Oregon horses, weight 1200 to 1600 lbs.; aU good chunks. FOR 8 ALE, hire or exchange. 100 head of horses. 4 to 12 years old, weighing from 1200 to 1700 lbs. Harnesses and wagons of all kinds. Liberty bonds or approved notes ac cepted. These horses can be seen right in the collar. Phil Suetter. 285 Front at. Crown Stables. NOTICE Just arrived. 2 carloads of Eatern Oregon horses and mares; matched teams from 3 to 7 years old, ranging from 1300 to loOO lbs.; well broke and solid color; if you are in the market it will pay you to come and see these horses. J. S. Williamson. 240 8th st. corner Main. SELL CHEAP FOR CASH 1400 lb. black mare, 4 years old: 1 1200 lb. mare and 1 2300-lb. team: $35 takes 1 1000- Ib. mare and heavy single harness. 270 E. 7th st. between Madison and Hawthorne. AN Y 6 out of 12 head of horsee for salt ; weight from 1400 to 1800 lbs.: all good young horses. I am replacing three teams with a truck. Woodyard, E. 80th and Burnside sta. MV ear. O. T. STABLES. 17TH AND KEARNEY 25 good young horses and mares, some well matched teams; everything sold with a guar antee as represented. G. 0. WILLIAMSON. PAIR btocky mares, 2200 lbs.; pair grays 2100 lb., just from ranch; must sell at once. 387 Water. FOR SALE CHEAP Good saddle, large pair horses; several other nersea. Must go. 430 Hawthorne. HANDSOME pair black geldings, age 7. weight 3100. Price (500. Gresluun Height Farm. Gresham. Or. . . ' fiORSE and wagon. (1.60 per1 day; 2 bones and wagon. ((. J. Cohen. 646 (front. Main 2208. TEAM, harness and wagon, cheap, Atlaa WoodV yard. 827 Front. . - SMALL riding or driving pony for sale, cheap. Tabor 9083. LIVESTOCK 85 2 FINE Jersey -Guernsey heifers for sale. One 9 month, one 18 months. w r. -aiiea, 7 00 Imuey eve, aeirwooq car. . ; TOO aoata 1 vear old. male end female: horn" tees: (25 if aold before Sunday? (Ill 53d st. 8. E. v-t . - FOR BALE 1 73 High grade Angora sannie - goats, setertast tock, some regBterea. J. Buy. K. 1. bo 118. Ores TO, wasp. FRESH rows for sale cheap, or trade fox boiaea. 430 Hawthorn-- ' UTESTOtTK ' WE have establiabed a good market for dairy eowa at the stockyard at North Portland. If you wish to bus any 'good dairy eowa or has any to elL awe Mr. Brae at the Union Stock yard. North Portland. Qtv TEAR old Jersey Cow giving 5 gaL. fresh io days; . 1 cow and calf, also cow to freshen soon; some White Leghorn and Barred Bock millers 11102 hftth at. A K. ML Soott car. S TOC-NG Chester White' brood Sows, iuat ruTht for rbnun hrMrUne Georeeson. 2448 Hodge st. St. Johns car to PerumonUi a vs.. 5 blocis north. , 3 FRESH cow and two heavy springers. 1 young Jersey cow. fresh in April. t5. Sell or trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd.. 1 block north. FOR SALE Highcrade Hoistein bull. 15 mo, old. wt about bOO Ibn. : fine animal. 535. K mile east Okn Echo. Oregon City line. w. A. Smith. TEN very beet dairy cows. Holsteins and Jer seys, calves at side. aO fine milkers: will sell cheap or trade for beef cattle. 491 Flint at. 2 FIRST CLASS cows, Iresh 1 week; giving 4 U 6 gals.; 1 Guernsey and 1 Durham. Foster mad-and Bockleyave., 2d house norm. YOUNG fresh Guemsev-Holstein cow for sale, thoroughbred R. I. Red cockerel and five pullets. 155 E. 87th st. N. Montavilla car. SIX first-class fresh and coming fresh in few days, ell young and heavy milkers, 751 East Ash st. LARGE Durham family cow, 385, at 1619 Foster st, St. Johns car. FOR SALE 2 good milk goats. ,180 W. Rus- sett Ft. Phone Woodlawn 5B9R. POTJLTRt ASP RABBITS' 17 THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERS 1534 E. 12th N. Woodlawn 1485. BABY CHICKS S. C. R. I. Reds $30 per 100 8. C. Barred Rocks. 30 per 100 8. C. White Leghorns 20 per 100 Barred Rocks and R. I. Red hatching eggs. $2.50 or $3.50 per setting. Special pncea for large orders. FOR SALE 100 White Leghorn hens. 2 years old. (1.50 each; 2 4 brown Leghorn pullets, starling to lay, (1.75 each: 1 doz. fancy white Minorca hens. (2.25; white and brown Leg horn; Rhode Inland Red cockerels. $3 and up; baby chicks, any number. Phone SelL 3107. L. U. Ilulit. 1100 Henry are. NORTIWESTOULTBT-COBPOATIOS Offers yon the beat obtainable tn poultry. chicks and grown stock. Correspocdeno cheer fully answered. 8 2d st. 7Sd to 74th eve. S-K.. Lent station, Portland, Or. 200 WHITE LEGHORN, young hens, (1.50 each: Barred Rock snd Rhode Island Red pul lets, $2 each; also choice cockerel, baby chicks i . i . : . t , , . . . . f i r aim rKKft lor itau-llJiis. ml. iv. jnaKunu, i o Oregon st., comer 24th. 20 FULL blooded Rhode Island Red cockerels, 20 O. A. C. White Leghorn cockerels, Tancred strain ; 6 Ruff Orpington cockerels. 3 black Japs game cockerels, all fine thoroughbred stock. 300 East Morrison st. Eat 6122. DAY OLD CHICKS FOR SALE. Out of three hatches for my own laying pens during March. April and May. Reference. Master Incubator Co. F. C Oriffin. Greaham. Or., Jenne Htation. R. A. 100 O. A. C. White Leghorn pullets. 50 Berred Rock pullets. 50 Rhode Inland Red pullets; all fine Hoganized stock. 300 East Morrison. East 6122. FOR SALE. O young White Leghorn-hens, all laring, and one thoroughbred cockerel, for breeding purposes; price reasonable. East 8038. ONE thoroughbred White Orpington cockerel, some White leghorn and Barred Rock pullets. 6102 85th S. E. Mt, Scott car. Pt'I.LKTS, young hens and males many varieties all prices. ('all 6 to 7 p. m.. EaatlOSl. J. A. Dennett. 257 Rus?ell. W K PAY CASH FOR POULTRY Pets. Puppies, of all kinda. Cash Produce Co.. 300 E Morrison, East 8122. BARRED-HOCK cockerels. Barred Rock eggs, special price incubator lots : Golden Seabright Bantams. 365 Kat Lombard. Wdln. 1656. F0USALE7 220Burkeinculrru'edoncS 865 East Lombard. Woodlawn 1656. FOR SALE 2 to- 3 dozen Barred-Rocks. Phone A-397 9. 240-280 EGG Tom Barron Leghorn cockerels, (3; 4 for (10. 1650 E. 17th at.. Portland. SIX fine Barred Rock pullets for eale. Tabor 4370. e FOR SALE Portable chicken house, large enough for 60 layers. Marshall 3978. FOUR Flemmish Giant does and bucks for sale cheap: big stock. Wdln. 5940. FOR SArEFine BarredTfock cockerels. Phone Wdln. 5966. FQR 8ALE Setting hens. East 84 6. PULLETS for sSe(O0eacir Tabor-8215" DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC 4( WILL SACRIFICE My choice singers and females; 1250 Williams eve. also cage. CANARY BIRD SHOP FEMALE FREE WITH EVERY SINGER AUTO. 322-17. 1151 E. 28TH NO. WANTED To communicate with owner of 1st- class registered male Irish setter dog for serv ice. J. F. .Wesely, Scio. Or. ENGLISH bulldog. Airdales. collie puppies. Speedway Kennels. Tab. 50H8. FOR SALE Pedigreed English bull (female) 8 months old. 107 9 East 28th st, N. LLEWELLYN male pup. 4 mos. old. (15. Plion Tabor 9501. BLACK-AND TAN terrier put for sale. W 53.. Journal. TWO St. Andreasburg Rollers for sale. East 3.n7. . I GREEN and yellow crested canary, fine singer. Mar. 4251I. TK2 Overton St. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 19118 Chandler Chummy 5 Wire Wheels A 1 MECHANH'AL SHAPE AND WILL REFINISH TO SLIT YOU AT (1450. TERMS. CALL ADAMS. TABOR 630. '19 HUP at a sacrifice, excellent condition. $1250. "Nuff sed." 90 North Broadway. Bdwy. 3247. BEST buy in town, 1920 Stephens Salient 6, sport model, demon-it rator. with extra equip ment, run sbout 1 200 miles. For demonstra tion call White. Bdwy. 3606 evenings. Mar. 941 FORD TAIL END DELIVERY. motor, tires snd chassis perfect condition; wonderful buy. (225. terms. 109 11th St. Bet. Stark and WssIl MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, aaleal vv wreck all make of car and sell their part at Ik price. David Bode Co.. 105-107 N. 11th at VTJLCAN TTRX SHOP First class tire repairing, bargains In new and nsed tires. East 4896. 41 Grand ave. 1918 FORD touring, speedometer, tires good. fine mechanically: bargain; terms. W-543, Journal, or Sell. 1159. HOLI.ISTER can supply you with a new tour ing body for your t ord. W ill rebuild vour Ford good as new. Phone Broadway 151. FORDS DODGES CUEVROLET8 lowest prices; make your own terms. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. FORD bugs, classiext bugs ever built, for $50 less than others ak. Broadway 3247. 90 N. Broadway. GARDEN OF EDEN for sale $1500: take Ford first payment and (15 per month, 6 per cent interest. E. 1081 6 A m. I SOLD three Fords yesterday: why? Because 1 sell lor less. Broadway 324 7. 90 N. Broadway. MAXWELL roadster. 1918. like new. (650; Carter Car. 5 passenger, (100. Weber's Ga rage, Belmont at 30th. BEST offer before Saturday takes Ford. Call Seaton, East 4136. MONARCH MOTOR CO.. 348 Vancouver Ave. ASK to see 1917 Hudson speedster; private car; in perfect condition. Price (1650. GLOBE GARAGE. MAIN 206. WILL sacrifice 1919 Ford truck, with body in good condition. (525. (225 cash. 1914 Ford ton ring $225. 5820 92d st., H. E. FOR 8 ALE 3 Cadillac 1 ft -ton truck, com- plete with bodies. 18 th and Thurman, Port- land. Or, FOR SALE 1919 Liberty Six, run 3000 miles. A-1 condition: term. 449 Bum- side st. ASK TO SEE 5 PASSENGER REO; PRI VATE CAR, AND A BAROAIN, $625. GI.OBE GARAGE. 5 NORTH 20TH. (100 DOWN. baL to suit, buys late model Ford touring. Columbia 832. AM leaving city, must sacrifice my Dodge car, 600 E. Davia at. BEST buy in town- in 1918 Ford roadster. Broadway 424T. 90 . rrroadwar. 1918 SAXON six. a good buy and very liberal terms. East 27B8. FORD delivery with panel body, first -elas c-n dirion mechanically. Call East 6627. FINE panel top body for Slodebaker, Ovrland or Dodge. Broadway 151. - - ' - -FORD chassis, fine condition, iuat overhauled cash or terms. Broadway 151. 889 Everett. 1915 4 CYL. BUICK roadster fog sale by owner; (500. Phone Tabor 8586. CASH tor Ford car; condition no object,"" Give : J , - 1 u m , , lirac tu nRiioe, guinai. LEAVING foe California; will aell Overland 8 4. A bargaia, Cooper, Cast, 3303. AUTOMOBILES AFP ACCESSOBTES 44 tl NEAR NEW" CARS 1919 Clean-up 1919 FORD ROADSTER. With delivery box. Boecb magneto -ration. Ideal car for light delivery 8275 191T FORD ROADSTER. flood aa new. new ton. oversize tires ....(400 118 FORT) TOURING. Mechanical! nerfect. 8 new tires. bumper, shock - absorbers, spotlight, clock, foot throttle and other estras 8475 1918 FORD SEDAN. 95 per cent new, tor Quick eale. .9700 1917 MAXWELL TOURING. Refinished. 5 cood tires., excellent me chanical condition 3550 1918 MAXWELL TOURING. Gabriel anubbera. Warner lens andH bumper ...... 8650 19 IT CHEVROLET TOURING. Newly painted. 5 good tire, first class mechanical condition $625 1919 CHEVROLET TOCRINO. Five tires, practically good as new $726 8TCDEBAKER FOUR TOURLNG. Motor overhauled, good tires. .(375 OAKLAND UCHt SIX ROADSTER. In fine shape, 5 good tires, spotlight, No-Glare lens, shock absorbers. .. $600 1917 BOCK IJOHT SIX TOURING. Thoroughly overhauled, original finish good, Gabnel snubbent ail around, windshield wings, spotlight, rootormetef, 4 cord tires. 2 spare tires, new top. plate glass in rear. . $1200 1917 BfICK LIGHT SIX-TOURING. Oood mechanical condition, 5 good tires, new top, plate glans in rear, $1000 1918 CHANDLER TOURING. 7 passenger, refinished. 5 good tires, new tup, plate glaaa in rear. A real bargain $14 50 1918 BTUTZ SIXTEEN VALVE Motor.' 6 passenger. 5 cord tires, bumper, motormcter. spotlight, No-'Jlare lens, run only 0500 miles (2350 OTHER CARS FROM (250 TO (2500. Dodge, Paige, Sagon, Buick, Reo, Speedwagon, Ford bug. REPUBLIC TRUCK. Liberty bonds at face value. Terr4nsNo Brokerage C. Q. BLEASDALE 430 Alder St. Bdwy. 1852 In Nearly Used Cars 1917 Buick 6. like new. 1917 Dodge touring, like new 1919 Maxwell touring, like new. 1911) Overland, 'model 90. like new. 1918 Buick 4. touring, like new. Fords Fords Fords We have 1916. 1917. 1918.1919 and 11)20 Fords. All guaranteed sliape. We will aell them at the most attractive prices. COME IN AND BE CONVINCED DEMONSTRATION CHEERFULLY GIVEN If you are unable to call, phone us snd we will gladly bring any car to your home for dem onstration. ' Associated Motor Sales Co. 19th and Couch. Broadway 3696. FIRST ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE OF USED CARS ALL GILT-EDGE VALI ES FROM A RESPONSIBLE HOUSE. 1919 Paige touring, newly refinished. l9l8 Reo. 6 cyl., 7 pans., in fine condition, cord tires, easy nding and very reliable. 1917 Jefferv. 7 pass., mechanically perfect, 7 cord tires, plenty of power and durability. 1917 Mitchell. 7 pas.. newly repainted We can recommend this car to be ierfectly reliable 1918 Maxwell, 5 pass., slightly used, ready to go. 1916 Oakland 6-32. one of the best, tlior ruglily overhauled and new top. 1917 Maxwell. 5 pass., tiecial equipment, A real good buy if you want hoinething good. 1918 Ford tmring. in good shaiie. 1913 Studebaker model 2T. touring, in very good :haie and at a low figure. HAMILTON MOTOR CO. 50 N. Broadway. Portland. Or. Phme Broadway 3606. Covey Motor Car Co's Servicable Delivery Cars Cadillac Graham 1 H -ton form stake body truck plat- (1400 1917 Overland, panel body delivery. .( 500 1918 Ford panel body delivery ( 500 1917 8tudebaker panel body delivery... ( 450 1916 Studebaker delivery ( 225 Covey Motor Car Co. Main 6244. 21st at Washington St FORD TOURING. 17 This one is the real goods, refinished dsrk maroon and has Nile green wheels: runs and looks perfect; low price anil (150 down, balance long, easy monthly payments. lake oonas lull value. 505 Alder st. RED FRONT I SED ("All CO Here You Are Pav us (100 'down and drive home any of these cars: Hup, Mitchell. Michigan. Pope, all in good conditi"n, with good tires. Phone Mar shall 1428 or 3540. THE C. H. S. CO.. OS No. 3H1 t BUICK ROADSTEH LIGHT SIX This one has cords and one extra and has been revarnished and looks and runs first-class and would readily pass for new. Low price of $1025, with $350 down, bslence easy. laxe bonds or Ford In trade. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. MAXWELL touring, 1919. A-1 condition, used privately. Owner muxt sell. A bargain at $950 with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burn- side. ' AUTO TRIMMING CO . . . T . irAiia .1 1 1 . t." CITtiT A VXTQ O.IAI, 1U 1 Will, OILU, v.V..o 1 inn r, 1 . U.K .ixl lllth Broadway 2017. IF YOU want a fine motor, chaasis and running gear for a bug. we have it. and cheap, wttb easy payments. 109 11 to He-net. sun ana vtasn CASH paid for old ears, condition no object; pert for all make 01 cars. Oregon -io Exchange, 129 Lownsdale. at 15th and Wash ington. Phone Broadway oe. FORD touring. 1915, A-1 condition, good tires, must sell. A bargain, 3o. some terms, ou Grand are. N.. hear Burnside. MODEL 75 Overland in dandy shape; a (600 bay for $475. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. FORD coupelet in the best of condition, good tire, nsed privately, a real Dargain. uv. Some term. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside.. ASK TO SEE FORD COUPE, A 8NAP AT (650. WITH TERMS. GLOBE GARAGE. 50 NORTH 20TH. STUDEBAKER foor. fine mechanical condition, good tire, a real bargain. $700. Some term. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. - FORDS I FORDS! FORDS! THE CHEAPE8T BUYS IN TOWN. MTERS AUTO CO.. 411 DA V IB. FORDS DODGES-T-CHEVROLETS Lowest prices: make ydkw own terms. MTERS AUTO CO.411 DAVIS. 1919 MAXWELL, looks, also guaranteed same as new ear. Hurry. (850, terms. ' . 109 11th St- Bet Stark and Wash. tOR SALE Ford roadster, in A 1 shape, or ex change for horse or cattle. Phil 8netter, 285 Front, Crown stable. OAKLAND eiglit. 5 good Urea, very cheap. Kat 2766. FOR SALE Cord Sedan, 1918; a bargain. (lain- 8(81. . ;, . .- - . 1919 VELJE six. like new. at a big reduction on very liberal term. Ma .nan nzs. fiAsoLtNfc 21 CENT8AQALLON. OILS AND glOUXXU PA1NZ UUw 1M XSZ. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES w 10Days 10 . Cars Below Cost Easy Terms on All Cars . Sedan 1918 Ford sedan, like new Price 8600 Coupe 19W Ford coupe, dem. rims shock absorbers and other extras. . .Price 8575 Roadsters 1918 Ford roadster, electric atarter, dem. rims, shuck .absorber and sev eral other extra ...s Price (475 1918 Ford roadster, several eitraa. .Price $475 1917 Ford roadster, like new Price $450 Touring Cars 1918 Ford toxiHne like new. some estras Price $483 11)15 FottI tonrine ha ran in Price $283 1917 Ford touring', a bargain Price (295 Light Deliveries . 1!18 Ford delivers, open side body . Price $4 5 1817 Ford delivery, side body . Price $450 1915 Ford delivery, open side body. Price(393 Bugs Bugs bugs 1915 F.ird bug .Price (895 191 S Ford bus.. very claasy, wire wheels and other extras Price (600 Bodies One roadster body. A I rondition. Two new touring car bodies.... .Price ( 33 .Price ( 95 Come early and get your choice of these ex ceptionally fine bargain in used FORD cars. E. Z. TERMS GIVEN Place Tour order now for that new Ford car. Palace Garage Company Authorized Ford Dealer, 11' Ui and Stark street. Bdwy. 1572 Autom. 524 4: You Can Do Better at' 5 n n4v-fv itrS ' t 111 I'ruin now tin until we more to our-new Iocs tlon. we are making a sjiecial effort ou our uied cars, and yon -an have yourself money hy bill ing a nr NOW. BUICK "4 " 2 FORD roadsters 3 LIBERTY SIXES, in splendid shape. FORD SEDAN, newly painted. REO ROADSTER, rewly painted BUICK DELIVERY FORD COUPE MAXWELL, cord tires HUP.MOB1LE 2 FOUD DELIVERIES AND NUMEROUS OTHERS W. H WALLINGFORD CO.. Open Sundays. Used Car Department. ( 52: Alder stteet Broadway 24 92. Ask for Mr. Little. USED AUTOMOBILES Terms Given 1920 Case. 7 pass.. 6 cyl. 1920 Overlana. 5 pass.. 4 cyt 1912 Jordan 2 pass., 6 cvl. , 1919 Jordan. 4 pass.. 6 cyl 1919 Jordan. 7 pan.. 6 cyl. 1919 Mitchell. 7 pas.. 6 cyl 1915 Pierce Arrow, 7 pass., 8 cyl. WK ALSO HAVE Cadillacs. Ovrrlands. Mitchells. Studebaker, Velle,. Mtutz. Maxwells. Prices (500 and up. I SEP CAR DEPT. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. Ea-I Fir I at Morri-on St. Wcwt Side Saleroom. Broadway at ak St. I hone : Eal 7272. Hroadway 613; auto matic 212-10. 533-43. These Are ASI Bargains 1917 OI.DSMoBlI.F 8 (1250 191K Ol.l KM illll E 6 ROADSTEH.. 1250 1918 OI.DSMORILE 6 TOURING... 1250 1917 MAXWELL TOC RING 500 1917 CHALMERS 0 TOURING 800 1917 IIUPMOR1LK 1050 1 9 I H OVERLAND CLUB ROADSTER.. 700 1 DODGE TOURING 550 OSdsmobiSe Company "BROADWAY AND COUCH. Broadway 2270. V7BEN TOP WRECK 'KM AND BEND 'EM, SEE G. G. OKBRER "THE RADIATOR MAN" -baflda bodlea, repairs ra diator, bodies, fender and ail auto sheet metal parts. NEW LOCATIOH 11TH AND DAVIS OPP. THE ARMOKI. BROADWAY 1878 1919 FOItl" cuupe, looks good and ia good; ran but little, epol light, speedometer, bump er and other extra. Just the car for doctor or salesman. Cash or terms. See Mr. Einmott, Album t'reasod Beef Co.. 182 Killingeworth. Wdln. 3887. STOCK USED CARS RIGHT NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. LATE model Ford sedan, "looks and runs like new: guaranteed; three brand new tires. Will sacrifice and give term. 109 lltu St. Bet. Stark and Wash. I PAIR NEW TIRES. S5r4 H . fits 84x4 rim. guaranteed 6000 miles: ((5 cash each, cost (54.55. 208 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash ington st., city. 1918 MAXWELL, all new tires; run less 4000 miles; new paint; tine condition; easy terms; (750. See Tom. Oregon Auto Top Co.. 14tb and Couch. Why Pay Qarage Rent? Garages (1 00 up, on easy payment pian. see N.s I. Farnsworth. 410 Henry bldg. t DSfcODEL'Maxwell 5 pass, touring car in good mechanical condition ana repainieu, ujo like new; a bargain, will give term. Phone East 1,196 2. 1 9 tS OLDS roadster, 5 new tire: car looks like new and perform better; try it out. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. ' CURTAINS and REPAIRING I WMtl ROSS ITER BROS. TOP CO -V Kant 84. Union at Pine. MAXWELL. 1918. A-1 condition, good tires. good paint, mtut sell, a bargain at (775. Some terms. 30 Grnd-r. N.. near Burnside. 1916 FORD touring. gl 50 down. $22.50 per month. See Tom. Oregon Auto Top Co., 1 4th and Couch. a OVERLAND touring, model S3. A-1 condition. Owner most sell, a bargain at (675. wit terms. SO Grand ave. N-. near Burnside. WHAT kind of a car do yon want? W. bav it and the price ia right, MYERS AUTO CO., 411 DAVIS. FORD' touring, 1918, A-1 condition, good tire. will aell at (500 and, give term. (0 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. FORD DELIVERY, (800; will trade for tour ing. Phone Main 206. GLOBE JA RAGE. 59 N. 20th at. DODGE for sale by wr.7(660. Call-East '9246 , WK put steel teeth in four old flywheel. s - B. Black. 6(4 Aider. Bdwy. 36(1. NEED money; highest cash offer take my Dodge ear; must be aofd by Tnesdar. E. 404. (100 DOWN buys claasieat tog fatrUgnd. 0 Jiortia Broadway. . . - ISP AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES Best Buys in Used Fords? Clean-up Sale si If you have any Idea of th value of u-ec i r orcl car and consider appearance ami oft"; ehanlcal conditions worth anything, you will . nsiiiir our oiienngs wis wecg aa genuine bargain. 1919 FORD TOURING.' excellent condition, looks and run a good a new. 1918 FORD TOURING, new body and top. liraj , A Devi electric starter and light, new tire-.; where can you get this value for only (550? 1918 FORD TOURING, demountable rim-, nrm ton; vins car is in llrst class conditions only 400. 1917 FORD TOURING, completely overhauled and made like new; has lots of valuaMs . extras; price $4 00. 1818 YORD ROADSTER, a dandy running car and many extra; a bargain t Moo. 1918 FORD with rodter body and delivery box. fine mechanical condition and the type ' car In great demand; one snap at (315. N- our list of Ford trucks elsewhere in thia paper. VERY EAST TERMS. William L. Siughson Co. OO North Broadway, at Davis St, Hroadvray 321. ' Authorised Ford lelen. Nnoe 1903. ttriiuine Font lait. Sere Lire SOME REAL BUYS BOTH NEW AND USED 1917 CHANDLER CHUMMY. 1919 CHANDLER DISPATCH, 1920 LEXINGTON TOURING. 1918 OI.D8MOBILE 6 TOURING. 1918 OI.DSMORILE 8 TOURING. 1018 OAKLAND TOURING. 1919 MAXWELL SEDAN. 1915 FORD COUPE; ELECT. STARTER. 1917 OLDSMOB1LE TOURING. 1916 HCPMOBILE. STUTZ TOURING. 4 PASS. 8TUTZ SPORT MODEL. 4-PASS. 1919 PAIGE LIGHT SIX. FOHDS AND RUirKS FROM 1915 TO 1019. Portland Car Sales Co. 631. ALDER ST. BDWY. 2796. Big Cleanyp Sale On Used Cars Must Move These Cars3 ' Overland Overland delivery Franklin Grin: roadster 1919 .Maxwell 1918 Maxwell 1917 Ford 1910 Ford. Studebaker, model 20 Reo LOOK NAME YOUR TERMS SEE TOM, OREGON AUTO TOP. Cor. 14 th and Couch. Fords. Ford3l Fords... USED FOUD CAR BARGAINS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ' 1919 Ford coupe, electric starter, speed ometer, dash light, fine shape ...... (67S 1918 Ford to'iring, speedometer, a good buy 425 191H Ford touring, stieedometer. good tires, new toil, fine shape 480 1918 Fold delivery, open body, good tires, good sliajie 500 1917 Ford touring, with 19-19 body, fine shape 400 1917 Ford touring, good tires, speed ometer . . 400 , 1910 Fori touring, speednmrler. good jf tire. 1920 license goea with this car.. 8 Jl) 1916 Font delivery, shocks, mieedomcUr, good rubber 860 1916 Ford touring, new top, good tire... (60 1916 Ford rosditer, speedometer, good -tires snd fn fine shape 800 1914 Ford delivery, a hargsin 228 - LOTS OF OTHER CAMS ygls't KneyTnZ AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS i n -.. ;.. 4ii) rn niu-uwaj Kt SOU. r- Chalmers 4 Pass. Speedster WITH VICTORIA TOP 2 NE TORO TIRES 8 OTHER CORDS A 1 MECHAN ICAL SHAPE AND FINE FINISH. SEE THIS, It $1200. TERMS. CALL ADAMS. TABOR 680 OH MAR. 6343. MARMON My clsssy 4 pass roadster, run 12.000 mils. Has bad best of care: mechanically perfect; paint good: maroon body: 6 yellow wire -wheel, cord ttrn. All extrs and complete equipment. Must sell; ra leaving city; 9 t 12 a. in.. 6 to H p. m. M sin 6297. 17 HUP TOURING This is the big boy. and It s the real good and we can take you to the hills and show youT. is in fine condition and low price oi witn $.100 down, balance long, easy terms. Bed Front, 605 Alder st - njATfLAND TOURING, LATE MODEL j This is the rl light 4epndahle light six and ;: be power to burn: low price of (725, with (2(0 r c.Il balance eaf.y. 505 Alder st. Red Frontf, Used Car Co. ; r ' BUICK 6. 1018. 5 pa.; cord tire. bumpevtV lense. pock-transmlsion, lock. spotlight, windshield cleaner, cigar lighter and other ex tras: mechanical condition guaranteed. Tabor"- - 0672. Bdwy. 3884; 1794 KYamhUljt. mTTTVERLAND touring, like newT owner wan in army: car haa not been used for year; every part first claia; see for yourself. (600, with terms. s 109 11th St. Bet. Stark and Wah. : iT)fiDJuring car, with new r920body i new tires: clasax: only ran 1000 mile. Will : .all m!l tiavtn-it down a.ttd monljilv inatalia. merit. Phone 813-92. - J 1918 LIBERTY light 4 touring ear, a nice o pass, cat anu in swu utvcsu inicai wmiimnij i will sacrifice and give term. Pbon Marshall', n 1950. apt. 4Z. 1020 MOON 4 6. run only 8000: owner must sail; guarantee etui on car; all lire ! new. The price it right Liberal term. Mar- hsir 8817. WHAT kind of a car do yon want? We have at and the price i- right. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. CHEVROLET roadster, 1918. best of condition, good tire. A bargain at (626; aom term. 80 (.rand ava. N.. near Burnside. OVERLAND, starter, generator and battery good order; must be sold: (250, ey term. See Torn, Oregon. Auto Top Co., 14th and Coach. 1915 FORD too ring, good mechanical shape;' 3 rmm Sim. on rear. Will sacrifice. Term if desired. Mr. Page. Broadway 1572 or A-4961. mis rurvnoi ct iirin, t.i.r. ilk e.- a rv.i n for someone ; ? MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DA Tig - 1918 FORD delivery, curtain body. Will sei wmrw iAn.hl, U, Wtek Xlent-aii 1678 oe F.aat 8747 ' ih W H AT kind of a car do you want! We hav tt and the price'l right. - & uvnti i rvo en avs vsavt .r K .. n v w., - K J - ' 1918 TORO f-adstev. electric, sta iter and light demoantabla nam and other est tm ee r. Wiln. Broadway. 1(7(. or Vfoo.ll.wn 8168. 1 19K FORD, Al eendition; fine tires; $450. .v East 284. i. Mm. Clark. Es 62(4. "lf9 FORD touring, fine eoodiLkia; wiU'deis.. oastrate. Phone oao-bS. I.STK-. nl Vli mil. ill enod Urea, new naiuL : IClnsn an t. (Wnatliis . ' '" tOgnUniMd i fotlewlng fas)