THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16. 5 1920. I - 1 HUNDREDS OF CARLOADS E y VERY ERRATIC MARKET ,. ' Aside From Tillamook Branded Stock : Sales Are' Being Hade at Sharply ' Lower . Values With a Surplus. - Condition of the cheese trade la very far from satisfactory here, price be lnr quoted with a wide spread for every thing; outside of the No. 1 Tillamook took. : While-sale of Xo. 1 Till monk nee ar beinc made grnerallv at BSa a nound for triplet. the trad ha found it impossible to dispose of the product of other Oregon or Washington district. Triplets from ether district titan Tillamook era today being frly offered at SlttSiie a pound, with a ftncral inability to ciesn up umi noiainga, Tim Is much- offgrad cheese offering; Id tb trad at this time, but vn th first cisas took that doaa not carry th Tillamook brand i hard to all. Report Indicate that Tillamook la practically cleaned no on it branded goods and baa. n urplu whatever. , EGG MARKET RULES VEHT WEAK Market for egg oontinuaa to reflect vnkiM ..with th buying prte for current receipt at - . t0 a doatl Portland. Carload ahinmenta are now being made to the Eaat and thia indicate that th market will remain at the present f nc bar unless there la a chanf elsewhere. " - On account of th further drop in aaatera gg values during th day. torn of th r. o. b. ' ' firm will quote 4 So a dozen Portland Saturday. HIDE MARKET SHOWS ADVANCES firmer ton and hla-her nrices are srinsrln with an increased demand for hid from tan nra. Calf akioa ar up to 85o a pound hi the , weai mertec to enctr mae lint naa been vised. BETTER MARKET HOLDIXO WELL Market tor butter la showing a firm tone bare witn pnoea well maintained for both cubes and Srlnta, Cube demand la Increased for all offer gs, although extras continue ln best call. LOCAL APPLE TRADE IKCREABI3TO Trad In the local apple market continues to mora bat at unchanged prioea. In th Eaat th market are showing a dull ton generallv with a weaker ton, although bar and there th trad I itsady in spots. POREIOTT CALL FOB CANJTED MILK Increased foreign demand Is showinc for canned milk generally and' mora liberal shipment are reported. For the text week a total of .171,817 pounds of condensed milk and 429,008 pounds of evaporated milk war exported. I POri-TRY TRADE HOLDING FIRM 1 Market fbr poultry is holding firm along th i wholesale way with . prices well maintained. 5 Heavy hn remain Terr scarce and are finding an extremely gooa eau at th highest figure . uott BRIEF NOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Cacra bark Is up He a pound. Country killed hoes and calves steady at nehanaed nric.w : Onion markest is steady with th movement increasing. ' Hand lettuce in liberal supply with prices lOWrv. New telephone pes offering at 2Bo a pound. i WEATHER NOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather burean adiisaa: Protect shipments : doring the next 80 hour! against the following minimum temperatures: Going north, 44 de . siees; northeast orer B.. P. A 8. R. R.. 88 !' degrees; east to Biker. 28 degrees, and south ; to Ashland. 82 degree. Minimum temperature st fortlsnd tomorrow shout 4 4 degree. WHOLESALE PRICES IN PORTLAND . These are prices retsllsrs pay wholsaalars. xeept aa otherwise noted: Dairy PVeduct BTTTTKIt Selling price, hot lota: Creamery . prime, parchment wrapped, flSo per n.; prim firsts, Sle IK: firsts, 60981c per lb.: smaller I lota at an adrance. Jobbing, prices: Cubes, ei - trs. B7H8c; prime firsts, BK ' 58c pee IK: i cartons, 1c extra. Helling price No. 1 storage , butter. 82c: off grsde, BB(SR7e per lb. BUTTBitrAT Portland dellrery basis, QW 87c: country ststions, 88 at 84c. ..OLEOMARGARINE Best brsnds, 40e ordi nary. 83Hc; bakers. 83c; Nutmsrgsrin. : 1 lb. cartons, 82c per lb. CHEESE Selling prlc: Tillamook fresh Ore gon, fancy cream triplets, 8fta)86e lb.; Young America. 889S7c Price to jobbers f. o b. t Tillamook, triplets. 83c; Tnuag Americas, 1 8c, Belling price: cream brick. 40 942c; buying prlc of Coo snd Curry triplets. Sic: Toung i America. i'.tn id. t o. n. Myrtle rot nt selling pnc:Block Swiss. 48 0 49a; Limliurger, 40 0 ' . BfiGS Buying price; Current receipts, BOn; SJcnAd, sellinj price, B38jB8c; select, Bfl(?67c. I I1VE POITLTHY Heary hens. 88 ( Sfie lb.: light hens, 80c; spring light. S5e; hesty. 80c: old, 18920c; squaba, 88.00 f, dressed ducks. 48 .! gfCOo lb.; pigeons, 8 1.60 2.00 per dostn: turkeys, lira, I6e lb.; diessed, 4O045o per t ui. orssa geese, :objiio per ID. ' rreth V eg tables and Fruit FRESH FRUIT Oranges, 84.25(9 8.00 per r.swoi; bananas, 10 011c per lb.; lemons. 15.23 f 8.TB per crate; Florid grapefruit. 85.75 0 1 8. 7 ST Csllfornls grapefruit. ( ) crate; pears, i 82.2BS.B0; grapes. Emperlor. 12H015e lb. BERRIES Cranberries. 84.78 per bushel . box; eastern, 815.00016.40. APPLES Various farvsties, local, 11.23 0 . 8. B0. DRIED FRCTT Date. Dromedaries. $9.00 1 ; Fards, 88,75 per box; rtlalna, 8 crown, loose ; i Muses tel, 10c per lb.; figs, $8.6005.60 box. ONIONS Selling prlc to retailers, Oregon. ; i $8.00 per cwt; associated selling price, i ! carload, $5.00 f. o. b. country; garlic. 25 030c . per lb. I green onions, 40 per dosen bunches, j ; POTATOES Selling price. $4.60 05.00 per , ewt.; buying price for fancy large size, $3.7 5 f1 4.00; ordinary, $$.50 per cental; aweeti, 7 0 He per lb. TEOETABT.ES Turnips. $8.60 per sack; rsjtrota. $2.26 0 2.50; beets $8.60; csbbage. Iffagon. 4 04 He lb.; leUuce, 8101.S6 dosen; cucumbers, California, 80c par dosen; tomatoes, x $4.60 0 5.00 per lug; gg plant. 20e lb.; cauliflower, 82.00 0 2.25; bell peppera, 25c; sprouts. 17c per lb.; Hubbard squash. 6e lb.; parsnips, $3.00 03.60 sack; ruUbagss, $3.00 .. . cwt. Mssi and Preelalen COTTTTTRT MEATS Selling price: i Country bogs, 21 0 21 He per lb, for top blockers; heaey . hogs. 15 017c per lb.; best Teal, 2 Be per lb.; . hasty teal. 16 0 17e per lb. SMOKED MEATS Haa. 27 0 810 per lb.; . breakfast bacon. S2 05Oe; piaaica. 2 7 a; cottage :.' roll, 80 per lb. LARD -Kettle rendered. . $1 Vi lb.; sUad. are $0c; tierce basis, eompouod, 27c riah and Snslrrtsh FRESH FESH Salmon, fall, tie Tb.; aflrer ,ld. 1c lb.; balibut, fresh, 2 So lb.; sturgeon ' 20c lb.; black cod. 10 0 lie lb,; sUrar smett. 10e lb.; salmon trout. 20 0 26 lb.: kippered saliaran, 82.8S per 10-lb. basket: kippered cod, . $2.88; Columbia smelt, 15e lb SHELLFISH Grabs. $3.50 per dosea; shrimp mast. See per aa; lobster. !0a lb. rf SUGAR Cuba, $16.76; powdered. $16.43; iiruit ana oerry. 615.90; yellow. X15.80; gran- " U?-. i-"0; extra C. $15.50; golden ft -s. $16.40. , HO.NET-,Nw. $7.60 08 00 per ease, y. RICE Japan style. No. 1. lHo; New leans, bead. ( ) ; Blue Rose. 16 fie oer lb. Or- SALT Cosras, half ground, 100s $17.00 par toe; 50. $18.50; tabto dairy. 60s, $20.50; balea, $$.16 0 8.63; fsncy Ub!e and dairy! $82.60: hunp rock. $25.00 per ton. BEA.VS Oregon (salsa by lobberslt Lady Washtattoo, JH 08o per lb.; pink. So; Unas. 161 bayou, 10He; Oragau bsans. buyuur prio. aaminal. 6H per lb. i CANNED MILK CarusBo, $7.26; Bordsn. Haselwood, $7.18 par ess. COFFUD Ross tad. 37051 is tacks or drams. . SODA ORACKCRB- In bulk. 17H per lb. . .NL'I?trLJ:?U-, 8 400 lb-i aUnonds. $8ei filberts, 8 So is sack lots; psanuta, 15 m lis; awsanfc S6e; BraaUs. 80. T ' ' Room, Faints, Oil , ROPE Shal. dark. lS Vki whit. S0 Ib.5 standard rnaolla. 28 He. " LINSEED OIL Raw. bbla. $2.06 sal: ket- Steet. Boada, Cottea, Grain, Ete. IH-I1I Board ef Trade BaUdlsg. t DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES - .j-v..'-...". -'i.-.:'! : .-.j.-- 1 Meat bers Chicago Board ef Trade ' -'- Carretpeadeals of :- Logah Bryaa ; CfeJeare ; Ken York Oveirbeck&CookeCo BASKET By Hyataa H. Cobea Sugar continues to be the mala topic of conversation among the average crowd of consumers and it appears as if much trouble is in store for every handler,, j Reports Indicate that some of the wholesalers have been trying to force the higher priced eane sugar into con sumption by forcing the retailer to pur chase mo many eacks of this stock In or der to secure a small amount of the beet product at the lower prices. Such action has been declared Illegal by the United States attorney, but much business haa already been done on this baslsy. Retailer who pay the extreme price for -sugar naturally are unable to sell It at the lower price. Their limited holdings of beet! are quickly exhausted, therefore much dissatisfaction will re sult when one grocer temporarily has beet sugar to offer at the lower price while his competitor has none. Retailers and ; wholesalers say they are powerless In the matter and the huge prices charged are the result ot the extreme quotations listed by the re finer. The latter make the extreme price but so far as known no attempt has been made to see whether they are profiteering. The following price ire averse ones that consumers are expected to pay at retail store. Qualit aneted is th arenas, fane stuff being slightly higher and inferior nrtuTT fractionally lower. Butter, best creamery, parchment wrapped. 8970e lb. : scsrtona, 780 74; best storage, Dsr-hment wraooed. 67c per lb. Eggs, freshly laid, 78 9 78 per dosea; fancy, fresh. 710 78c per dosen. Cheese, fancy, 40c per lb. Chickens, dressed, BOe per lb. : gees, dressed, 85c per lb.; turkeys. 65c per lb.; ducks, 60c lb. Sainton. 25 0SOe per lb. Flour, beat local parent, 83.25 per sack, 40 lbs. Potatoes, Burbanli. fancy. To per lb.; sweets, 10c per lb. Onion, dried, 7 0 8e per lb. LIMITED TRADING SHOWN IN COARSE GRAINS By Joseph . rMtohaed Ohfosao, Jan. 10 (I. N. 8.) Was minors abroad caused considerable strength to- develop in th grain markets at th opening today, but tbos who absorbed th offerings thought better of the situation lateT and liquidation by longs was the factor of the day. fosse were shown in all cnmmodit.1, com losing VlVe; ota were off H Tie; rj 2 (o 5c lower and barley 1 H c lower. PreTt-km were itrreti.lrd and unchanged at the close, pork being 30o higher v to 27 He lower, laid 7 Vi 20c lower and ribs 2tt 16c lower. Chicago. Jan. 18. (I. N. S.) Small lot transactions featured the opening of the ' corn market with prices unchangeal to r lower. Trade was light' and so far thiS week locals sup plying the scattered commission house buying. Osta started steady to fee lower. Pit trad ers were in rldnc with but little -commission bouse trading. ' Trade in proTtslons was quiet and buying sup port limited. The opening was steady to ISc lower for lard. Cbieago rang furnished by tb United Prss. CORN .Tsn 188H 138 186T4 187 H May 133 S 1884 131 132 is July 131 S 13214 130! 181 OATS May 82 H .82 s 8IH 81 H July 76 76 H 75 75 PORK Jan. 8850 3887 3875 8880 LARD Jan 2410 2410 2897 2897 May 2480 2490 2475 2475 RIBS Jin. ...... 1990 1990 1987 1987 May 2070 2070 3060 3060 DAIRT PRODUCE OF THE COAST an Francisco atarita Ban Francisco, Jan. 16. (U. P.) Butter Extras 68. Sgga Extras, 02; extra pullets. 64c; un xed pulletx, 49c. Cheese California flats fancy, 85c; firsts, 81c. aeeui Market SeatU. Wash. Jan. 16. (U. P.) Butter Bricks, 62c; cubes. 63c. Kggs Strictly fresh, 60 0 62c; pullets. 65c; storage, 63(f5e. Cbeeot Triplets, 820 34a. Le Anjel Market . I -o Angeles. Jsn. 16. L V. 8.) Butter California creamery, extras, 64c Kggs Fresh extra, 58c; cas count, 68e pullets 63c. Lire poultry Hens 8B87e; broilers. 82 g 30c; fresh, 35c POTATOES "ALONG THE COAST an franeUe Market ftsn Francisco, Jan. 16. (L. P. ) -t-Potetoea Rirer White, $5.00 0 5.25; Salinas; $5,60 0 5.75; sweets, 4H 06c. ' Onions TeUow and whit. $4.28 4.50; Australian Brown, $3.00 06.25. Los Angeles Market Los Angeles. Jsn. 16. (L !. B. Potatoes Stockton Burbsnks, fancy and special brands, $S.508.00; mosUy $5.60 0 5.75; others, $53505.50; Russsta, $5.6005.60; local tag boxes, $1.65 01.80; local Whit Ross, $5,00 0 6.40. Seattle Market Seattle, Jan. 16. Onions Oregon. 6 H 0 7c lb. Potatoes Taklma Gems, 8100; local $85 0 00; sweets, 6 He lb. Money and Exchange New York, Jan. 16. (L N. 8.) 011 money on th floor of the New York stock exchange today ruled st 8 per cent; high. 8 per cent: low, 6 per cent. Tim money waa firm. Rates were 8 H per cent. The market for prim mer cantile paper waa strong. Call money in London today was 4 per cent. Sterling exchange was weak, with business in bankers' bills at 868 H for demand. Liverpool Cotton Market Liverpool. Jan. 16. (L N. 8.) Spot cot ton opened quiet Prices firm. Sale 5000 bales. Futures opened quiet U koUwJ. bbl. 808; raw. eases, 82.31; boiled, eases, 32.28 per gallon. COAL OIL, WeUr white, in drams or iron, bbl., 1SH gaL; esses, 24a gaL GASOLINE Iron bbla.. 38 H 0 2(e; eaaea, $5 He; eugin distills t. lroa bbl.. 18c; cases, 36 H e WHITE LEAD Ton lota. 14e: BOO lbs.. 14 H e per lb. TOBPKNTINB Tank. 82.03; cases. 38.1T; 10 cse lots, le less. WIRE MAILS Basic price, $8.16. Hop. Wool and Hides FfOPS Nominal. 1919 arop, 80 per Th, HIDES No. 1 salt cured hide (under 48 lbs,), 27c; No. 1 salt cured hides (over 48 lb.,, 23c; No. 1 salt cured bull hid. 18c Psrtly cured Bides, 2 per lb. leas; green hides. Be per lb. less; No. 2 hides, le per lb. lass. Hair slipped hides, one third lees than No. 1 hides. CALF AND KIP SKINS No. 1 trimmed skins (up to 18 lbs.). 65e; No. 1 trimmed kip skins (1$ to 80 Iba), $5er; No. 3 skins. 2 per la. leas. Hair slipped skins, on third las than No. 1 skim. DRT HIDES AND 6KIN8 Dry flint aide (7 lbs. and up). 36c; dry flint bulla, 24e: dry flint calf skins (under 7 lbs I, 65c; dry aalt hide 17 Iba. and up), 28c; dry aalt bulls. 18c: dry salt calf akin (under 7 Iba). 0; dry eulf bidet and skins, half price. HORSE HIDES Green or salted Large, well taken ear of hides, 85.00 0 7.00 : potiv and small hides, 82.60 0 8.60; dry bora bides. $1.60 08.60; hide with beads off. 60c less' hots tail hair, par lb., 25c; horse mane hair, par lb., 15c. j PELTS Dry long wool pelts. Par ft., tO 0 40c; dry medium wool pelts, per lb.. 26 3oc dry (hearing pelts, BOe0$l.OO each; salt iess wool pelts. $2.00 0 4.00 each; salt medium Wool Plts. $1.6803.50 each; aalt ahaariapeS.. Toe 0100 each. ! - MOHAIR Long staple, 40e per lb.: abort nle. 86030 lb. ' ,Bon ALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow. 12o; No. 8, lOej Me. 3. Br. 9o; N. $ era, 'cHTTTisi OR CASCAKA BARK Sew pL 11 He par lb, ; i , k.WO2"V?;' ? Xartse sad Shrop shire, 60c; Cotswold snd Lincoln. 40 043c a.atted Cotawnld. SO 0 83; , timber talnd.-6e Per lb. lesa; lambs' wool, e per lb. less. h ST?" J?0. J'- Washington and California Wool Marino and Bbrombrre. bs 40o; baU blood Merino and Cotswold. 87 0 42c; Shropshire, 37t6c; Courwold and Lin oln, straight and aa, , 83 0 S6o: kurry. it per lb. leas; lambs. 4c psr lb. leas, . , trsossT 19 0Tlt,1? W"- ".rai OF POTATOES SSast Several Hundred Cars Already Pur chased for Shipment High Values Are Ruling at Primary Points. r Hundreds of carloads of ' Minnesota and Wisconsin potatoes have been pur chased by Pacific coast Interests for shipment to the Pacific slope as soon as weather conditions permit It Is stated that some of this stock waa pur chasedNIirect from growers around $3.25 per cental find the cost of landing it la a fraction more than 80c per cental. Oregon potato t growers ar showing gaora interest in selling their supplies at this time but moat of the bolder of first class quality ar asking $4 per centaj f. o. b. country points. Borne small' buying at this price has been re ported during tbe last few days but generally speaking the biggest .operators ar out of th market temporarily. Primary market reports: Greeley, Colo. Hsultng moderate. Light wfre inquiry. Demand snd movement moderate. Market slightly weaker. Wagonloads cash to growers U. 8. No. 1 and Xo. 1 Rurals and Prgri. mostly $4. .Idaho Falls, Idaho. Practically no hauling, on account of the condition of the weather. De mand alower, movement limited. Market weak, jto change in prices. All stock quoted is TJ. S. No. 1 grsde. Ws onloads cash to growers Rurals, $3.73: Russets, mostly $4. Csrloada f. o. b. casta track Practically no demand. No sales reported. Minneapolis. Moderate wire Inquiry. De mand and movement moderate. - Market steady. Carloads f. o. b. ususl terms Round Whites. Sartly graded, $4.10 0 4.80, mostly $4.20; lurbanks. $4.2504.40; Kings. $4.1004.25; Early Rose, $4.15; Irish Cobbler, $4.25. Car load f. o. b. cash track Blias Triumphs, few $8.78. Waupaca, Wis. Condition generally good. Carloads f. o. b. usual terms Moderate wire inquiry. Demand moderate, .movement limited. Market firm. Few sales. Round Wbit,. D. 8. No. 1, mostly $4.10 04.80. Soma present shipments are from previous sales, some con signed, snd sens ahipmenta rolled unsold. Prac tically no hauling on sccount of condition of roads. Very few sales. Round Whites, bulk, U. S. No. 1, at Waupaca, $8.60; at ether Wisconsin points, mostly $3.50 0 8.76. Prime Lambs Rise Quarter in Yard Market Up to $15.50 for East of Moun tain Stuff Hogs Hare Weak Undertone Here. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RCN Hoe. Fridsy 820 Week seo 197 - Two weeks sgo. -Four weeks ago. 388 : Year ago 351 Two years ago. 400 Three years ago. 652 Four years ago.l0G7 Cattle. Calves. Sheep. 902 1 448 None 111 25 3 86 1 2 4 28 B47 908 121 100 128 44 Nine cars of livestock came to North Portland for the Friday trade, most of these consisting of sheep and lambs. Kast of the mountain Mock was up 25c. Hogs were slow with a weaker undertone while cattle were steady. Market for lambs showed strength st the open ing of the Friday trade, with sales of east of the mountains stock at $15.50, a rise of a quarter above th previous high value. All mut ton snd lambs were strong. General sheep and lamb range: East of mountain lambs .......$14.50 015.50 Rest ligbt valley lambs 13.00 015.00 Heat neavy valley lamb 12.00 013.50 reader iamba TearUng Wethers Ewes 12.00 0 14.00 12.00 13.06 11.00012.60 7.00 0 9.50 a nvu nn v Only s smill supply entered the awlne alleys at North Portland. Fridsy trade opened with a very slow tone and an undercurrent of weakness was Indicated. No early sales were made. General hog range: Prime mixed $1 5.60 0 1 6.00 Medium mixed 15.0013.50 Rough heavies 12.00 014.00 Pisa 12.50015.50 Cattl Ten Nominal Just a pair of cattle entered the North land trade for Friday'a market. There lack of activity vrith little stock carried General trade considered steady. General cattle market range: Port was a over. Best steers Good to choice cows snd heifers. Medium to good steer Fslr so good steers Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers Good to choice cows snd heifers. Medium to good cows and half era. Fair to Medium cows snd heifers. Canner Bull Best light calves Heavy calvea Stackers snd feeders 311.00 0 7.760 9.00 0 8.00 0 7.00 0 8.00 0 7.7S 6.75 ( 4.75 0 12.00 9.00 9.78 9.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 7.75 6.76 3.30 .50 6.00 0 13.00 0 7.00 8.00 a 8.00 16.00 12.60 9.60 Thursday Afternoon Sales STEERS No, Ave lbs. Price. 3 7.25 9.00 No. Ave. Toe. Price. 1 750 810.00 1 880 1 980 COWS 1. 1. 1. 32. 1. 2. 1. . . 838 ,..1100 . . 820 . . 933 , . .1010 , .. 790 , .. 760 3 8.80 1. 6.00 8. 8.00 8. 7.00 1. 8.50 1. 8.73 1. 4.00 8. CALVES 812.00 BULLS 3 7.50 I 1. 6.50 . 820 . 966 . 786 . 946 .1110 . 970 . 738 S.60 7.50 6.60 6.26 7.50 6.23 5.00 280 . .1880 ..1050 .1220 8 8.26 HOGS . . . 178 318.75 1. . .. 100 16.00 5. . .. 238 16.00 1. . .. 160 16.00 7. ... 180 16.00 4. . .. 260 16.00 1. ... 213 16.00 2. . .. 176 10.00 4. . .. 211 16.00 1. ... 831 14 00 8. . .. 244 16.00 6. ... 219 16.00 8. ... 810 18.00 83. ... 17 14.00 1. . .. 102 15.75 1. . . . 188 15.75 1. 210 16.50 4. . .. 167 15.00 1. ... 250 15.75 2. ... 240 18.75 1. . .. 890 13.75 1. . .. 196 16.80 17. . .. 866 14.00 1. . .. 480 14.00 7. ... 248 15.78 1. . LAMBS ... 80 818.00- v EWES ... 160 $ 8.50 t WETHERS ... 120 818.00 1. Fridsy Morntnf HOGS Ave. lbs. Price. I No. . . . 190 15.00 L 1 ... 280 15.73 f 1 ... 218 $16.78 1 14. 6. 9. 2. 10 ". 61. 69 ! 56. 880 228 460 117 107 840 145 227 170 380 271 118 212 800 490 400 120 240 830 420 860 221 230 195 600 313.73 16.00 14.00 14.00 18.00 14.50 14.00 15.75 16.00 14.00 14.00 18.50 16.00 14.00 12.00 18.00 14.00 14.75 15.75 13.75 13.73 16.00 14.00 16.00 12.00 88. 1. I. 100 $11.00 No. 2. 8, 3 At. lbs. ... 660 ... 380 Prlc 18 00 13.60 I Forelara Boad Market .Furnished by Overbook A Cooke Co., Board Ask. 96 H 06 2U 28 9 92 93 99 83 Vi a rNa suug. A. P. im. Oct 1920 . .. U. K. 6 Hs, Kt. 1921... Uen Prancr fte, 191 Bid.- 98 H 934 83 M 2 , 98 r .1 H Pari .Be, Oct 1821 Russia Exta. 6H, 1821, nustaa IU. )si, 1S1...,. nam. 5s, April 1921..,..,, Dnm. 8.Apn lat.,..j. . Don. 8s, April 1926 94 H Antvaune to. May 1920..,.. 99 Doss. Canada 8s. 1987...... 89 H tVK. Hs. 183T.......... 90 V Xaval Stores Market New York, Jsn. jv (L- N. 8. ) -Turpentine aavaxusal). $1.86 H ; New Tor. 31-87. Rosin Savenuab. $18.60; New York, $18.20. - Saa FraacUee Poaltry Market San Fraactsc. Jan. 16. (C P.) Poultry Broilers, 86086r; large , hews, $9 0 38e: young rooster. $4 0 $3er eid roasters, 22c; frr ees, 34 0 Sue; ducks. Part. 80 032 ., ARE COMING IN STOCK LIST Strength at the Opening Gives Way to Decided Weakness la New York With Very Sharp Losses. Jew York, Jan. 16. (I. 14. S.) Th stock market closed weak today. Setting continued frem many source In the final trading, eeuiln. k further dree In' practically th entire list. Steel eemmon fell t 104, e teas ef 1 Y4 fee th day. Baldwin Leoe, after fallln to 110 V, rallied to 111 H. Republic Steel finished show ing lesa of over four saints at 107. BtaxU an Petroleum oentlnued under pressure and was finally 107H. Oaeisral Motors y I Ideal nearly 1 1 points to BOB V , with rally to SOT. Shall Transport react at the finish to SO V4 . Losses ? frem S to 4 points were suffered In nearly ell the ether ell. The rails and copper suffered setbacks f about an saint, American SmeUIn yielding at th em to 07. Oruclbl was f anally 204 t ; Tobacco Fraduoto B0 'a I Pkeroa Arrow SB Hi Middle Stat Oil, 40 Vb and Marin pfd. S6 V, . Saiesl 1,078,000 hares; bonds, $1S,S2,000. New York,. Jan. 18. (L N. S.) After some stocks showed gains at the opening of the stock, market today, the tone be came decidedly weak, with losses of from 1 to 6 points occurring In practi cally all the active Issues. Middle States Oil was again under pressure, falling 6 to 38. Mexican Pe troleum dropped 6 points to 192 ; Trans Oil, 24 to a new low record of 24 ; Royal Dutch, l?i .to 103; and Shell Trading, 2,i to 86. Pan-American Petroleum lost 4 'A to 92 H. Steel eommnn dropped 1 point to 106; Cru cible. SH to 2Q4; Baldwin. 2 H to 11114. snd Republic Steel. 1H to 1104. The shipping stocks were also under pres sure. Marine common falling 3H to1 41 '. ; Marine preferred, 2 points to 98 H. and Atlan tic Qulf. 8H to 159 H. Columbia Grapliaphane waa in supply, drop ping 8 points to 50. and Ameriosn Woolen last 2H to 150 Mi. Losses of about 1 point wers suffered la tb motor shares. American Linseed and Tobacco Produa: war strong exertion to the general display of weak ness, making upturns of over 1 poin'. The lesding issues reflected s better demend after tbe first half hour, and soaae good re core ries were made. Steel common rallied to 1054 and Republic Steel to 1114. Middle liUtas Oil rallied 8 H. to 41. and Mexican Petroled--S points, to 195. Marine common dropped further, to 40 H, aifS losses of from 2 to 8 points were suffered in th other shipping share. International Paper rose 2 H , to 82. The market was irregular during the afternoon with the railway shares becoming prominent, advancing slightly. " There was a general selling wsve during the afternoon. Mexican Petroleum broke from an early high of 198 to 180 H and Pan-American Petroleum fell nearly 8 points to 89. Shell Trading broke 8 points to 80 H . Steel common held quite steady, rahging between 1054 snd 105 '4. Baldwin yielded 2 points to 112. Southern- Pacific rose nearly over 1 point to 101 H. General Motors tell 10 H from the high to 306 H , and Pierce Arrow 8H to 69 H. Furnished by Ovarbeck A Cook Co., of Trad building: Board j Open High I Low Close TT ' f Ti" 48 49 47 Vi 47 H 30 40 Vj 49 4 494 80 91 53H 53 138Htl38H 185 4 188 25 HI 25 Hi 23 HI 25 i lilt I I Il07i 79H 79V 98 96 H 69 69 .67 67 434 44 43 43 : . . . 1344 91 H 92 H 904 91 H 07 98 270. 258 163 147 H 19H 19H 19 19 . 61 H 614 60 H 60 H 82 i 83. 113H 114 110H 111 U . 8t t. 81 i . 954 934 . 13 13 12 12H . 27 H 27 H . t80 128 . 93 H 93 H 93 . 63 H 64 H s- 8H 8S 8H 8 . 33 87H 85V 85 V . 83 H . 84 V . 19H 19 . 38V 88 . 63 H 02 Ti . 42 42 41 H 41H 80 . 84 V 82 V . 204 204 . 13 13H 1SV 124 . 72Hj 71 .168 i7 . 317 805V .1 78 78 T 76 H 76i . 51 H . 88V 38H . 77V 77 . 80 35 H . 78H 79H 78 78 44 H 88 V . 106 H 105 V . 66 H 5H 64 H 19 . 126V 128H 44 41 . 24 H 24 H 23 V 23 V 15 H 15 H . 80 H SOT 30 H 30 H 83 H , . . . 82 V . 43 V 44 43 V 43 H 81V . 198 V 198 189 189 V 28 V - 49 V 49 - 25 25 . 83 H 84 V 83 V 88 V 80 - 16V 16V . 26 H 26 . 107 106 . 68V 68 V . 96 H 96 H 96 V 96 . 78V 79 78H 78 . 87H . 42 V 41 T4 86 I- 1V 61V I. 97 97 H 96 95 21V 21H . 07 H 96 V . 78 76 V 74 V 75 H . 28 V 26 V . 74 78 . 80 99V 21 H 21 H . 105H 105V 102V 102V .117 7. 116 l 17H 18V 17 17H . 181 1S1 181 131 11V 11 - 86 H 86 V . 98 93 V 90 V 90 V . 121 H 123 121 H 121 V . 128H 128 H 125 V 125H 70 V . 105 V 105 1044 104 V . 76. 76V 75 It 5 65 H 7 7 7H 7H . 87H 86H 82 V 62 V 62 V 62 V . 29 V 29 V 29 H 20 V Alaska Gold A Ills Chalmers. . . Alloy Steel Am. Agr. Chem. . Am. Beet Sugar. Am. Can, c Am, Car Foundry Am. Hide A I... c Am. Intl. Paper. . Am. Linseed, c . . Am. I.oco., c. . . . Am. Smelter, c. Am. Steel Fdy . . . Am, Sugar, c Am. S. Tobacco. Am. Tel. A Tel. Am. Tobacco. . . Am. Woolen, e . Am. Zinc Anaconda Min. ( Atchison, c Baldwin Loco. , c . . Balto. A Ohio, c Beth. Steel, "B... Brooklyn R. T. . . Butte A Superior Canadian Pacific. . Central Leather, e (hea. A Ohio... Chi. Gt. Western. Chi.. M. A Bt V. Chi. A N. W . . . Chit Copper Tliino Copper. . . . t'ol. Ttaa A Eire. Colo. F. A I Consolidated Gas. . Com Products, c . . Crucible Steel, c. Erie, c, General Cigars . . . General Electric . . General Motors. . . Goodrich Rubber. . Granby Cons. . . Gt. Nor. Ore. . . Gt. Northern Rj . Greene Cananea. . Gulf rHatee Steel. Ice Securities Illinois Central . Indus. Alcohol . . . Insp. Copper Int Agr. Chem . . Int. liar? ester. . . Int. Bfer. Marine, Int Nickel K. C. Southern, e. Lehigh Valley. . Max. Motor, c. Mexican rvtrolsum , Miami Copper ., Midvale Steel . . Missouri Pacific, National Enamel National Lead .. Nevsds Cons. . . New Haven N. Y. Air Brake New York Centra Norfolk A Western Northern Pacific Paclflo Mall . . Pennsylvania By People's Gss , . Ray Cons. Copper. Ry. Steel Springs. Reading, com. . . . Reck Island, e. . . 8 loss Sheffield .. Southern Pacific . Southern Ry., e. . Studcbaker, c. Stuta Motors .... St U A Baa Fran Swift Co Tenn, Copper . . . Texas Pacific . . . Tobacco Prod. ... I'nfcm. Padlc, c. . TJ. 8. Rubber, c. . V. 8. SmltARef. V. 8. Steel, c... Utah Copper .... Virginia Chem., c Wabash ;. Western Union . . Westlnghouse Elec Willys overland Total sal -Stocks. 1.078 OOA. () Ex-div. 1 per cant Xw York Boad Market Purnlahed by Overbeck A Cook C. 213-217 Board of Trad building. Bid. . 214- Ask. 79 66 H 88 78 85 V 77 11 8 76 8 82 H 84 99 80 104, 1 H ,82 V 83 V 79 V 88 Atchwum general 4 Iteltimor A Ohio gold 4.... Bethlehem Steel ref. 5s...... Central Pacific 1st 4 s, C, B. A Q.'ooL 4s .N St Paul general 4 V . . Chicago N. W. general 4s . . . . U A N. oat. 4s New York Ry. Northern Pacific P. L. 4s. . . . 78 65 86 75 95 V 77H 77 81 T 76 7 79V New xorc Ky. 6.... Reading general 4s....... I nkm Pscific 1st 4s V. S. Steel 6s.":........ Union Pacrfie 1st ref. 8. Southern Pacific eoav. 5. Southern Pscific con v. 4s. Pennsylvania cone. 4 Ha. . . Pennsylvania 1st 4 Vs.... Chess, A Ohio eonv. 6s . . . Oregon Short Line 4t . iv . 99 . 78 . 102V . 80 H . 91 H . 82 . 79 . 88 Med era Miller Report Chics go, Jan, 16. Modern Miller says un favorable reports coming in on winter wheat Very little spring wheat will be seeded la win ter wheat territory this year. Much wheat ts still in stock in Kansas. Spring wheat for seed will be insufficient and Northwestern farm era will be obliged to senrre seed free Canada. attlaaeapoDs Flax Market S Minn pott. Jaa. 1$.(L N. 8.) Flax No. 1, $.8 0$.1S; April. $5.08 0 6.11, . Edited br ttymaa B. Coliea EARLY RISE IN FLOUR FORECAST Millers Talking Seriously or a Sharp Rise In Prices Wheat Premiums Continue to Show Increase, NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Cars - Wheat Barley. Flour, Osta Hay, Portland. FrL. . . 80 3 1 8 Tear ago 15 v S . , ,8 Season to date. .5804 149 3518 8.878 1068 Year ago 6889 828 1686 671 2222 Taooma. Thar. . 88 Year ao 81 Season to date. .4244 Year ago 4320 Seattle. ThuraJ.- 98 T 20 1 183 889 129 809 10 S Ttar ago 8 2 a nn ts. rfst- an Ml 14 46S 491 870 Year sro 4481 48, 806 478 2080 An early advance In the price of soft wheat flour and perhaps In tbe patent grade Is forecast by the trade generally. While nothing definite In the way of an advance has yet been agreed upon, still the trade In general is talking of such a movement Wheat values continue to show great strength under competitiv buying. With mUlsrs freely offering 81 a bushel and sometime a fraction more sbovs the government basis for bard wheat and 25 to 30c a bushel premium for soft wheat, millers say that it is impossible te tell flour at a profit at the present price. Incressing business continues to be shove with th Oriental flour trade and prices all along the line are firm. , Coarse stains continue to show a very quiet demand, with prices nominal. FLOUR SaOlng'. prices, new crop: Patent. $12.33: whole wheat flour, $10.45: Willam ette valley. $10.39: local straight. $10:20: bakers' local, $11.50 011.76; Montana spring wheat, patent, $12.85; rye flour, $10.10; oat meal, $13.00; graham, $11.00. Prices for city deliveries in five barrel lota. HAY Buying price, new crop: Willamette timothy, fancy, $27.00; Eastern Dregon-Wssli-ingtoa fancy timothy, ( ); alfalfa, $$2.00; alley vetch, $25.00; cheat $18.00 0 20.00; straw, $10.00; clover, $24.00; grain. $24.00. GRAIN SACKS Nominal: New crop de livery. No. 1 Calcutta, IS In car lota; less amounts higher. MILL3TUFFS Mixed run at milla, sacked, $46.00 0 47.50. ROLLED OATS Per ton, $$0.00 061.00. ROLLED BARLEY Per ton. $77,00 0 $78.00. Merchant Exchange bids: FEED OATS January. February. March, No. 3 whit 6300 6350 6350 BARLEY - Standard feed T100 7106 No. 3 blue NO BID CORN No. 3 yellow 5800 6825 Eastern oats and corn in bulk, OATS 36 lbs. clipped 6000 6050 88 lbs. clipped 6100 6130 CORN No. 3 yellow . . 5850 6875 BARLEY No. 2 7000 7000 6800 6100 6200 5875 7000 SELLING PRESSURE 8ESDS COTTOX PRICE OFF EARLT New York, Jan. 16. (I. N. S.) Selling by Liverpool and the South, coupled with poor cables, accounted for a decline of 10 to 22 points at the opening of the cotton market today. Buying by the trade absorbed the contracts snd led to rallies of about 10 points from th bottom. At the end of the first 15 minute the list showed a net loss of 13 to IS points. This was followed by another setback, under which prices sagged to initial levels. The clone was barely steady at s net decline of 39 0 58 point., Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co.. Board of Trade building: Month. Open: . 3830 ! 3630 ', 3465 . 8315 WEST High. Low. Close. 8830 3790 3800 8673 3644 3593 3603 3480 3473 3413 3431 ... 3320 8320 3263 3270 8150 3075 3062 8010 3030 . 2096 3000 2956 2976 January . . . February . . March April Mar , i Jline July , . August i September. , ; October . . ' November . . 3001 .3000 December . AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PEICES Ohlcaao Hog B1B.40 Chicago, Jan. 15. (I. N. S.) Hogs n reipta. 44.000; mostly 10013c lower. Bult, $15.00015. 30; top. $15.40; heavyweight, $14.90 015.25; medium weight, $15,10 0 15.33: light weight. $15.15 016.40; light lights. 1 14.60 (S I 5. 25 ; heavy packing sows, smooth, $14.25014.75: packing sows, rough, $13,750 14 25; pigs, $18 60014.60. Cattle Receipts, 8500; alow and weak; calves 25o higher. Beef steers, medium anaVhaavywelght $17.75 019.50: choioe and prime. 817.7 5 019.50 medium and cood. $11.60 017.75: good and choice, $14.00 018.60; common snd medium. (9.00 014.00; bufher cattle, heifer. $6,75 0 14.50; cows. $8.7601325; bulls. $7,800 12.26: canrters and cutters, cows and heifers. $5.60 0 6.75; canner steers. $6.00 0 7.60; veai calves, ligkt and handywetght (17.00 018.26; feeder steers: $8.00 012.60; stacker steers, 37.23 011.00: stocker cows and heifers, 88.50 0 8.25: stocker calves. 88.00 010.75. Sheep Receipts. 8000; stcsdy to strong. Lambs. 84 lbs. down. $17.00 019.76; culls and common. $13.73 016.60; yearling wethers, $13.23017.73: ewes, $9.00012.00; oulls and common, $3.25 0 8.50; feeder lambs, $15.50 017.25. 1 Denver Hoes 81B.ZS Denver, Jsn. 16. (TJ. P.) Cattle Re ceipts 2700, steady to easy. Steers 811.00 0 17.60; cows and heifers, 87.73 011.00: stock era and feeders. 38.00 011.26; calves. 812.60 -015.75. Hogs Receipts 1900. steady. Top 816.26; bulk, 814.40014.00. Sheep Receipts 2300. lower to (toady. Lambs $18.60018.60; ewes, $10.00 011.00; feeder lambs, $15.76 016.50. Omaha Heat, $14.89 - Omaha, Jan. 16. U. N. S.) Hog Re ceipt. 18.500; 15 0 2Ot lower. Bulk, $14.50 014.65; top. $14.80.' Cattle Receipts. 6000. Killing grades, 16 0 25c lower; feeders, steady. Sheep Receipts, 7S0O; generally steady, a Kane City Hoe 81B.2B Kansas City, Mo., Jsn. 16. (L N. 8.) Cattle Receipt, 2500; dull, steady to lower. Steers. 68.00 014.60; cows sad hetfsrs. 86.00 018.00: stookers and feeders, 86.00 011.00; calves. $8.00 0 16.00. , Hogs Receipts. 6000: etoady. Top, $18.78? bulk, $18.00015.20; hearies. $15.00 016.20; mediums, $15.00 018.25; oehts. $15,000 $15 25; pigs. 813-000 15.83. Sheep Receipts. lSOO: stead v. Lambs. $18.00019.25; ewe. $9.60010.60. Seattle Host 318.78 EeattK Jan. 16, (L N. 8.) Hoes Re ceipts 240, firm. Prim Hghta, $16,25 0 15.75; medium to choice, $14.00018.00; rough heavies, $13.23 013.73; pigs. $12.60 013.60. Cattle Receipts 186, strong. Best steers, $11.50012.00; medium to choice, $9,600 11.00; common to good, $7.6009.60; best cows and heifers, $9.00 010.00; common to good cows, $6.5008.80; bulls, $6.00 0 8.26; calves, $7.00 019.00. , Chicago Dairy Fred ace Chicago, Jan. 16. (I N. 8.) Batter Re ceipt 8831 tubs. Creamery, extra 61 He; firsts, 55 0 60c; packing stock. 88 0 40c. Eg Receipts 8592 case. Current misc. receipUr 67 0 60e; firsts, 61c; cheeks. 38040c; dirties, 45 0 60c - Cheese Twins, aew. 80 080 He; daisies, 82 082 He; Young Americas, 82 He; Long horns, 82 He; brick. 29 He. Live poultry Turkey. 40e; chickens, 80e; Prings, 27c; roosters, 20c; geese, 27c; ducks, 84a Chicago Potato Market Chicago. Jsn. 16. (L N. 8,1 Potatoes Receipts 20 ears. Minnesota and Dakota. Ohio. 84,4004.60; Wisconsin. 84.4004.80. Xew Tork Metal Market New York, Jan. 18. (L N. 8.) Copper, ;uit: spot and Jan., offered. 19 ; Fee.. 18 ; March. 19. , Lead, firm; apof. Jut. and Feb., 8 Vb. 8 poller, quiet; spot, Jaa Feb.. March and April, 8.20 08.84). Ifew Yerk-Loadoa Silver Kew Tork. Jaa. 16.- (L N. S.) Coamar- eial bar silver is SVe tower at 81.28. London, Jan. IB. (L N. &.) Bar silver is 2d lowes, at 774. Saa Fraaefsea Barley Calls ' Saa Francisco, Jaa. 1 6. Barley calls: May, 885 gales, August 288 bid. 287 ask, - - " December. 393 ask, " i a. - ' ' MILLER READY FOR . LECTIONS TAX COL (Continued frees Fag 1) neoaseary blanks. Any person who made an Income tax return tor 1918 who doesn't receive his form for 1918 must also apply for these forms, as failure to receive them doea not exempt a delin quent taxpayer from penalty. "At least one quarter of the amount of the tax must bo paid at tbe time of filing the return. "There has been a slight reduction in the rate of tax since last year. The normal tax this year on net incomes up to $4000 Is 4 per cent, and on amounts in excess of $4000. 8 per cent. The nor mal tax last year waa per cent and 11 per cent respectively." Baker county Deputy Collectors Mawncv and Dunton Haiaea, February 28, 24 snd 25 In clusive; Baker. February 26 to March 4 in clusive: Huntington. March 8 and 9 inclusive ; kichmond. March 11 and, 12 incluaiv; Half way. March 13, 14 and rB incluaiv. Benton county Deputy Collectors Wllhams snd Robert CorvaUia, February 28 to 2b in cluaiv; Philomath, March 1 and 3 inclusive ; Monroe, March 1 and 3, inolusive, Clackamas county Deputy Collectors CofMBi and Cayot Caaby,- February 6 to 7 inolusive; Molalla. February 5 to 7 inolusiv; Estacada. February 16 and 17 inolusive; Oregon City, March 8 to 7 inclusive. Clatsop oountyv Deputy Collectors Harper and Deegan Astoria. February 9 to 28 inclusive; Seaside, February 9 to 11 incluaiv. Columbia county Deputy Collectors Harper and Deegan St. Helens. February 2 to 4 in clusive; Rainier, February 6 to 7 Inclusive. Coo county Deputy OoUaotora Butterfitld and Davis Marshfisld. February 21 to 28 in cluaiv; North Bend, March. 1 to 4 incluaiv; CoquUle. March 6 and 6 inclusive; Myrtle Point, Msrch 8 snd 9 incluaiv ; Bandon, March 1 to 4 inclusive. Crook county Deputy Collectors Waillt and Howslay Prinsville, February 20 te 24 in cluaiv. Curry county Deputy; Collector Davbv Port Orford, Marcb 6 to 0 inclusive;. Gold Beach, March 11 to 15 incluaiv. Deechutea ounty Deputy Collectors Weill and Howaley Beend, February 9 to 17 in elusive; Redmond, February 18 to 19 inclusive. Douglas county Deputy Collectors Wimberly snd Dalrymple Glendale, March 6: Riddle, March 6; Roseburg, March 6 to 16 incluaiv ; Gardiner, February 18 and 19 inclusive, Deputy Collector Butterfield. Reed sport. February 18 and 19 inclusive. Deputy Collector Davis. Gilliam county Deputy Collectors Chamber Iain and Wilkinson Arlington, February 16 and 17 inclusive; Condon, February 19 to 21 inclusive, Grant county Deputy Collector Maloney Prairie City, March 8 to 10 inclusive; Canyon City. March 11 to 15 inclusive. Hsrney county Deputy Collector Psyne Crane, February 5 to 7 inclusive; Burns, Febru ary it to 14 inclusive. Hood River county Deputy Collector Weill and Ilowsiey Hood River, January 28 to 81 incluaiv. . Jcckaou oounty Deputy Collectors Wimberly and Dalrymple Ashland, Febauary 9 to 1 4 in clusive; Medford, February 16 to 25 inclusive; Gold Hill. February 26 to 28 inclusive; Eagl Point. February 26 to 28 inclusive. Jefferson county Deputy Collectors Weill snd Howsley Madras, February 25 to 26 in clusive. Josephine county Deputy Collectors Wimberly snd' Dalrymple Grant Pass, March 1 to 4 incluaiv. Klamath county Deputy Collector" Wimberly and Dalrymple Merrill, January 26 to 28 in clusive; Klamath Falls, January 29 to February 7 welurive. Lake oounty Deputy Collector Ruff. Janu ary 26 to 30 inclusive. Lane oounty Deputy Collector Butterfield snd Davia Springfield. January 26 to 28 in clusive; Wendling, Janux 26 to 27 , inclusive; Eugene, January 29 to February 4 and March 11 to March 15 inclusive; Coburg, February 9 to W inclusive; Cottage Grove, February 1 1 to 14 Inclusive; Florence February 16 to 17 inclusive; Junction City. March 6 to 8 inclusive. Deputy Collector Roberts. Ijncoln county- Deputy Collector Hsmmer Toledo. February 27 to Marsh 1 inclusive; New port March 2 te 4 inclusive. Linn county Deputy Collectors William and Roberts Albany. February 6 to 14 inclusive and March 8 to 6 inclusive ; Ibanon, February 6 to 19 inclusive; Bcio, February 16 to 18 in clusive; Brownsville. February 19 to 21 in clusive; HerrWburg. March 8 to 8 inolusive. Malheur County Deputy Collector Payne Vale, Janary 28 to 81 inclusive; Juntur. Feb ruary 2 to 4 inclusive: Brogan. February 17 and 18; Ontario. February 19 to 28 incrurivs; Na. Marcb 1 to S inolusive; Jordan Valley, March 4 to 6 inclusive. Marion oounty Deputy Collectors Collins snd Csyot Mill City, January 26 and 27 inclusive; ntayton, January 29 and 29 Inclusive; Turner, January 30 and 81 inclusive; Jefferson, January so and 81 inclusive; Wood bum. February 2 to 4 Inolusive; Sllverton, rebrnary 9 to 11 Inolu sive; balem, February 12 to 21 inclusive, and March 9 to 15 inclusive. Morrow County Deputy Collector Chamber lain and Wilkinson Heppner. February 26 to March 1 inclusive: lone, -March 2 to 4 Inclusive. Polk County Deputy Collector William and Roberts Dallas, January 26 to 29 inclusive; Falls City. January 80 and 81 Inclusive; Inde pendence, February 2 snd 4 inclusive. Sherman County Deputy Collectors Welllt arm Howsley Grass Valley, March 3 and 4 In clusive; Moro. March 6 and $ inclusive; Wasco, March 8 'to 18 incluaiv. ' Tillamook County Deputy Collector Hammer Wheeler. January 20 to ZS Incluaiv: Brigh ton, January 29 to 31 inclusive; Tillamook, February 2 to 14 Inclusive. Umatilla county Deputy Collector Cham berlain and Wilkinson Milton, January 26 to 81 inclusive: Athena, February 2 to 4 inrln aive; Pendleton, February 5 to 14 inclusive and March 6 to 15 inclusive; Echo, February 16 and 17 inclusive. Union county Deputy Collector Maloney Elgin, February 13 to 14 inclusive; La Grand, February ltt to 21 Inclusive. Wallowa county Deputy Collector Maloney Joseph, January 26 to 29 inclusive: Enterprise. January 30 to February 7 Incluaiv; Wallowa. February. to 11 lnclusiv. Wasco county Deputy Oo Hector Wailis and Howsley The Dalles, February 2 to 7 inclusive ana Marcn is; sxaupin, reoruary 2; ana a B in clusive: Shanlko, March 1 and 2 inclusive. ' Washington county Deputy Collector Dee gan and Nutting Hillaboro, January 26 to 28 inclusive; Forest Grove, January 39 to 31 in clusive. Wheeler county Deputy Collectors Chamber lain and Wilkinson Fossil, February 22 and 2$ inclusive. Yamhill county Deputy Collector Collins. Cayot and Hsmmer Newberg, February 19 to zi lnerasiv, Deputy collector Hammer; Ism hill, February 28 to 25 inclusive. Deputy Col lector Hammer: Sheridan. February 23 to 26 inclusive, Deputy Collector Collins; Amity, Feb ruary za to zo inclusive. Deputy Collector Cay ot; Mcatinnville, February 26 to March 2 uv clusiv. Deputy Collector Collins and Cayot 7fw York Batter and Eggs Kew York, Jan. 16. (I. W. S.) Batter Easy; creamery extras, 62 0 64 He; first. 60 0 63c: higher scoring. 62 0 63c; state dairy m os. postic; xenovatea extras, OOtfOUHe; imitstion creamery, 610 62c. Cheese Irregular, 82 088c; lower grade, 20 0 30 He. Eggs Unsettled : nearby white fancy, 86 0 Sec; do brown fancy, 78 0 80c; extra, offered, 76c; firsts, 72 0 78c, Sew Tork Coffee Market New York, Jan, 16. (TJ. P.) No. 7' Rio. 16V 017c; No. 4 Santos, 26V026c. Two Granted Divorces Oregon City. Jan. 1$. Decrees of di vorce were issued Thursday to Sophia G. Courtway from Augustus LeRoy Courtway, 'and to Anna. belle C Tlcer from Glenn H. Tlcer. MALE and FEMALE Starts Tomorrow Orchestra Matinee Daily Saw Al--Pac 2 "1 Rosewater Sells . ; : Bee, Quits Politics Omaha, Keb., .Jan. H. Victor Rose water, editor of the-Omaha Bee, a national figure in politics and tsho was chairman of th Republican national committee at the time of the Taft Roosevelt break, baa sold his newspaper and announced that he will retire from Exesspt From All Domlaloa Gorerameat Taxatloa 7 Imvestmemih The following group of Canadian Municipal and Pro vincial fronds are ail direct tax obligations and are payable in GOLD COIN of the United States. The bonds which are in denominations of pounds are payable in. American dollars in New York, the same as the dollar denomination bonds. ' Owing to present conditions this ig an unusually p portune time to bay Canadian securities such as wo offer. WE OWN AND OFFER 1,89 Alberta, Province ef. Guaranteed 4tt JiJ 11,484) Beglaa, City of, Saskatchewan 4Va JJ 148.860 Saskatoon. City of. School. Saikatebewaa.I JkJ 8,888 Yaaeoaver, City ef, Previa ee ef B. O 4tt FaA 1888. 83.11 1,80$ Greater Winnipeg Water DUtrtet..... 8 A AO 1821 84J8 PRICES: TO YIELD 7 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If you must fl your Liberty or Victory bend, ssll to u. If you oen boy mere ttbsrty Victory bones, buy from us. Wabuy and w soil Liberty and Victory bends at th market YOU CANNOT DO BBTTBR VOU MAY DO WO USB Today' opening N York mrkt. which estsbllsbe th governing price for United States Liberty and Victory bonds all ovr th world. I aa follow. W dvrU tb prion daily In ordr that you may elwty have the highest market prio before yo and know th exact valu of your Liberty and Victory bonds: ,. 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Victory Victory SH 4 4a 4V 4 V 4 V 4 V 8 V a 4V Markt prices.... 98.60 92.26 91.00 92 98 91.22 93.64 91.28 980 98.48 Accrued tutemt.. .30 .34 .88 .87 .72 1.43 1.01 .82 .41 Total us. wo ua.oo i.eo When buying w deduct 31c on a $50 bond tb New York market plu Ui accrued inter. Burglar and Fireproof Bat Deposit Boxes for MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. THE PRlmlBR BtUNIOIPAt BOND HOUSE CPITL ONE MILLION DOLLARS, Morel Building, 308411 lark St, Btt Bth and Sth. Telephone Broadway 81 81. Establishes Over Quarter Oenturpi To Mexicans of Sctandinavian Extraction You can make a profit of 30 at the present mompnt by sending your savings -to. a Norwegian bank, owing to the rate of exchange. Pay in any amount you wish to our credit ' at the National City Bank of New York, NTv York, or send us a cheque. As soon as this reaches us we will at once place the amount to your credit in kroners, calculated at the best rate of exchange for the jday- If you are thinking of coming over to Norway in the future, buy your kroners now. We pay 5 to 5J interest on deposits from January 1, 1920. Embrace the present opportunity. The Norske Handelsbank was founded in 1885 (Trondhjerns Handlsbank). It has now a capital of " 41 million kroners and a reserve fund of 40 million. ' The address is KirkeGate,Kritiania and Sondre Gate, Trondh jera TRONDHJEM, KRISTIANIA, 22nd November, 1919. DEN NORSKE HANDELSBANK "Your tavingt will be free from taxet in Norway" MUNICIPAL BONDS From tbe State ef OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO To Net 4.9(o to 6.50 N Exempt From Proaant in coma Tax 87 Sixth Street Brotd way 1042 Ground Floor WellavFarso Building IT Arthur Berridge & Company ' Certified Public Accountant and Auditors ' Income Tax Specialists and Advisers ' 619 Worcester , Block. Mala 8621 . -V Your books tell some story of your business, 'either tru o " " j or false." If truelet us verify It. , If false let us rectify It - . Let us sotw your Income tax problem CONSULTATION FREE - . the political field. The Bee will become) an Independent newspaper, r but will . support the Republican ticket this year Woman Wins From County Oregon City, Jan. 1. Nina C. Keller waa awarded' judgment of 1 100 against Clackamas a Jury n th, cir cuit court Thursday f or damages re ceived when she was thrown taom horse on a bad stretch of road in they vicinity ef Dodge. - J 1914 81.11 19 MM mi tut !". and $2,60 oa a $1000 bond, W aaU at 1 Rnt Open Until S p. m. en Saturdays, v.