THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY. . JANUARY 15, 1920. ' MARICA, EH ROUTE TO PORTLAND. IS HALTED BY FOG . Big Government Transport at Co lumbia City Coming From Ha waii for Flour Cargo. Because of the fog in the Jower ' Columbia river, there is little chance , Of the big government transport Marica reaching Portland harbor today. , Major Tlngley, officer in charge of the quartermaster's office, received a tele tram rrom the master of the Marica at noon, stating that the . vessel had an chored all night near Columbia City, Just above 8L, Helena, and was still there. The Marica is coming to Portland from Peart Harbor, Hawaii, to load a cargo of flour for an unnamed destination In the Atlantic. Her cargo of more than ! : 10.000 euhta tona wilt ho th InrerAat flnur shipment ever sent from Portland. COO IS LIFTING ALOX6 RIVER The Marica left Astoria at 1:30 Tues- ! day afternoon, and It was hoped to get her through to Portland by midnight. -, As the fog was lifting along the river : this afternoon, there was some hope of lining. The Offshore movement of flour from "Northwest ports Is now the most active , Of any commodity line. Three ships sailed from the Sound last week, and five will nave been loaded or will be in process -of loading here before the end Of the month. . Establishing a record which it is be lieved has never been equaled in the . Northwest, the shipping boRrd steamer West Hassayampa was furnished a ca pacity cargo of flour at Portland mills " In five days. The last bags were com ing down the chutes at noon and the vessel will be en route down the river, heading for the Atlantic, before night " fall, according to A. C. Stubbe. general manager of the Columbia-Pacific Ship- ping company, operator and manager, f -Work was started last Saturday, and f without any overtime the longshoremen ! stowed 7300 tons down to the winter "'draft mark by today, j DUQUESNE COMING FOB FlOtll -. It was announced at the offices of the ;" grain corporation today that the ship ping board steamer Duquesne. coming from Pearl Harbor to load flour for the Atlantic, will take cargo at several of the Portland mills and complete load ing at Astoria. UNION CONTRACT DENIED Shipyard Strike Not to Enforce Agree ment, Says Smith. "Tf union leaders are telling their men that the Metal Trades council has r" a contract with the Smith & Watson ! -Iron works providing for the payment bf the wage scale provided for in the ! San Francisco agreement becoming ef- L. infective October 1, the men are being , v..... .K.J ........ ; This statement was made by Alfred tF". Smith, president of the Smith Wat j son company, Wednesday, In reply to i -reports that unon men were striking at ! 'his plant to enforce a contract agree j mont. whereas. In the case-of abrogation ' V ill . TRANSPORTATION IP ADMIRAL LINK. S. S. "ADMIRAL GOODRICH" Sails from Portland 9 p. m.. January 15, for North Rend, Marbfteld, Eureka and Sen Framl-eo, connecting with steamers td Los Angeles and San Diego . WOUND TRIP EXCURSION FARCS IITWIIN SAN FRANOISOO AND SAN OISOO ACCOUNT TIA JUANA RAOt TRACK MIKTINO JANUARY IS TO 'IBRUARY 14. SAN FRAN OISOO TO SAN OISOO AND RK TURN tSO. TIOKIT OFFICt, 101 THIRD ST. Freight Office, Municipal Dock No. 2 hone Main S2S1 PAOIFIO STIAMSHIP COMPANY lEBEMEH UNI y 1 umsmumuu nutsKnjumwt rwartas aoraee 7 I NEW YORK HAVRE lAFAvrrrg .jam. 24 LASAVOIE jM. LA TOURAIRg pKsj 7 ROOHAMStAU peg' 14 NEW YORK BORDEAUX NIAGARA JAaj. 2 OHICAOO .....Ftl. 1 fuaaal Bros.. PaclOa Oom Atanta. 10 Oftem :, IW SatUe, T any Local Aecnt. N AVI AN ERICAN DtNMARK NORWAY SWEDEN Hellla Ola..reb. T II Fab. 11 iFrederlckVIII I I The Ohirwrt 1 70S td A., IjWn., or Local FrwdarkkVIIIMUr. 11 A tancy Saattla. Local Aganu m -hi ITttAVfCH ISCANDJ COLUMBIA-PACIFIC SHIPPING CO. EUROPEAN PACIFIC LINE From PORTLAND, OREGON For ROTTERDAM, LONDON and LIVERPOOL S. S. "WEST CAYOTE" i (IN Al) ' Sail From Manlclpal Dock No. 1 Aboat Jaaaary St, IK For HAVRE, HAMBURG and LIVERPOOL S. S. "CANSUMSET" . J (1M Al) .s Sails From Portlaad, Oregoa, Abe at Middle of February For 1 Port United Kingdom and 2 Continental Ports (as inducement offers) S. S. "EELBECK" (1M Al) Salle From Portlaad, Ortg-oa, Early la Marck Fer fall parttealare relative to rate aad reeerratlea apply COLUMBIA-PACIFIC SHIPPING CO. BOARD OF TRADE BCILDIXG, PORTLAND. OREGON of "the October 1 wage' scale at - ttaeJ Northwest Bridge Iron company, there was no strike because the unions sifned no contract.- i " - -' "At the time the San Francisco wage agreement became effective, we paid the scale because we were doing work for the shipyards," Smith said. "We signed no agreement nor was there even a verbal agreement. As long as we were paid on the ahlpyarda contracts, the compensation was such as to en able us to pay the shipyard wage rate. "When we finished the shipyards work, entering again on a competitive basis with other contract shops about the city, w were forced to return to the scale paid by the contract shops. Upon announcing this condition, some of the men struck. "If the unions have any contract with our company to pay the scale provided in the San Francisco wage agreement, I want them to produce it." PAID TO GET RID OF HULLS Rogers Authorized to Dispose of Un finished Li. S. Boats. An erroneous statement coming from local offices of the Emergency Fleet corporation Monday, to the effect that George F. Rodgers, president of the Rodgers Shipbuilding company of As toria, had paid 15000 for all unfinished government hulls on ways In the Unit ed States, was corrected today by J. W. Hall, assistant manager of the wooden ship division. Oregon district, with the statement that Rodgers was being paid $5000 a hull by the government to get rid of them. Rodgers has signed a contract with the Emergency Fleet corporation to get rid of these hulls. Hall said, and he may dispose of them in any way he sees fit, by sale or by sinking or burning them. Thousands of dollars having been expended by the government in partial construction of these hulls, it will now spend some $170,000 more to. get rid of them. Rodgers recently carried out the func Hons of a wrecker by completing two hulls on which contracts had been can celled on his ways at Astoria, to the point where they would float, then launching and beaching them. Some of these hulls are more than 50 per cent complete, and It Is expected that they will be finished and sold. The responsibility for this rests on Rodgers. The sales and supply division of the Kmereency Fleet corporation has been trying to sell these hulls for many weeks, and despite the liberal terms which meant that a purchaser could have them at practically his own price no buyers appeared, so Rodgers was employed to get rid of them. He is now in the East. ADMIRAL GOODRICH ARRIVES Steamer Brings General Freight Cargo From San Franciseo. The steamer Admiral Goodrich of the Admiral line's Portland-San Francisco passenger and freight service, reached Portland Wednesday with freight only and after going to East Washington street immediately turned about and went to the Columbia Digger's company's dock to discharge asphalt. The Good rich takes -the place of the Curacao on the passenger run, and will leave from East Washington street tonight. En route up the coast this trip the Goodrich towed the Admiral Mayo, auxiliary motor ship, which Is to load lumber for Australia. The Mayo was given over to towboats at the mouth of the river and brought to Portland. A VANCE SALE POSTPONED Motorship, Damaged in Storm, Has , Been Raised. Sale of the motorship Avance, to have been held at 10 o'clock this morning by C. M. taiall, receiver of the Columbia Engineering works, in his offices at 804 Lewla building, was postponed for 10 days on the advice of New Tork under writers. The new date Is January 26, at the same hour. The Avance was built last spring for a Norwegian concern which never took possession. During the blizsard last month the Avance took fire and finally had to be sunk by flooding to prevent complete destruction by the flames. The vessel has been raised and is moored at Llnnton. Notice to Mariners The branch hydrographic office in Portland reports the following : Captain Torn roth of the S. S. Cireinus reports having pa-ied a derelict about 200 feet long in latitude 4 5 degrees. 58 minutes north; longitude 12 4 degrees, 34 minutes west, at 11:80 a. m.; January 18. 1920. GEORGE E. GANDY. Nautioal Expert. ALL ALONGi THE WATERFRONT. The oil barge Monterey, sold recently in San Francisco by O. W. McNemar to Balfour, Guthrie & Co., and converted into a ship, will probably call In the Columbia river or at Portland late next month for lumber, according to informa tion received by the local branch of Bal four. Guthrie & Co. The Monterey was formerly a familiar visitor in Portland harbor as an oil barge. The motorship Admiral Mayo, recently purchased from the Pacific Steamship company by Robert Dollar, Is berthed at the West Oregon Lumber company, load ing cargo for Australia. The vessel ar rived in tow Wednesday afternoon. Warnings are being posted along the docks against radicals by the division of operations. United States shipping board. Bulletins cite the recent fire in the hold of ther Steamer Cockaponset at San Francisco, and ask cooperation of water front employes in the prevention of in cendiary fires. For the first time in months, Pitts burg street terminal, one of the dock commission properties, and located at St. Johns, will have an ocean vessel at its dock Friday. The coasting schooner Claremont of the Hart-Wood line, with general cargo, entered the river this morning, and will proceed first to Pitts burg street and finish discharging at Fifteenth street. The diminutive towboat Seon. used in the Yamhill river for towing gravel barges of the Newberg Sand & Gravel company, received 4ta annual - looking over this morning at Newberg at the hands of steamboat inspectors, ina Astoria-U waco ferryboat Nahcotta, a railroad administration property, at As toria, and the river steamer Olympian. at the foot of Taylor street, will be in spected Tiaay. facing steamsnip company nas neen advised by cable that the Waban of the Portland-Oriental line, undergoing re pairs on the dry-dock: at Shanghai as a result of storm damage, was reiioatea January 10. The Wawalona of the same service sailed from bhang Hal January for Hongkong. Make Egeria Lumber Schooner Sales and supply division of the Emer gency Fleet corporation will supply all material required to complete construc tion of the barge Egerla into a steam lumber schooner. The Egerla has been purchased from the fleet corporation by a syndicate of Portland men, headed- by H. E. Pennell. president of the Coast Shipbuilding company. It will be brought up the river from Astoria this week, and after discharging surplus Emergency Fleet supplies at St. Johns concentration yard, will be taken to the Coast yard for completion. K British Boats Comino Here Two vessels of the Harrison Direct line, sailing under the British flag, will call In Portland within the next two months, the Portland office of Balfour, Guthrie A Co., announced Thursday. The Tactician I11 be here in March to load lumber and flour for Liverpool and Glas gow, while the Crown of Castile will be here to start loading the morning of Jan uary 19. Only lumber has been booked for the latter vessel to date. The Crown of Castile, which Is now loading jit San Francisco, will sail for Cardiff and Glasgow. Position of Ships North Head. Jan. 15. Position of ships at sea, as reported to this station by radio at 8 p. m. January 14: Seattle Spirit, from Seattle for San Pedro, 88 rail un south of Cspe Flattery. Catherine D. Seattle for San Franciaco, 100 mile aonth of the Columbia river. Duqneene. Pearl Harbor for Portland. 820 milea southwest of the Colombia rirer lUchtshlp. Sierra, San Francisco for Bellingham, 45 mile south of Tatoosh. Cireinus, Portland for Melbourne, 100 milea southwest of Umatilla lightship. News of the Port Arrivals January 1S Marica, American ateamer, from Honolulu, ballast Claremont American ateamer. from San Pe dro, general. Departures January 1 S Admiral Goodrich. American ateamer, for San Francisco and way. general and paseengers. Rose City. American ateamer, for 8an Fran ciaco, general. Tahoe, American steamer, for San Francisco rim St. Helens, lumber. MARINE AtMAXAP Weather at River's Mouth North Head, Jan. 15. Conditions at the mouth of the river at noon: Sea moderate; wind, south, 12 miles; weather, cloudy. Tides at Astoria Friday High water. Ixiw water. 0:21 a. m., 8.4 feet 3:24 a. m.. 3 8 feet. 10:42 p. m.. 6.5 feet. 4:88 p. m.. 1.0 foot. DAILY RIVER READINGS STATIONS .f . 2 I'matilla 25 I 5.8 '0.1 0T02 Eugene 10 2.4 0 0.07 Albany 20 8.0 -0.1 0.O2 Salem 20 1.4 -0.2 0.00 Oregon City 12 3.2 0 0.04 Portland 15 0.T '0.4 0.01 () Riling. (-) Falling. KITEB FORECAST Th Willamette river at Portland will remain nearly stationary during the next two or three daya except as affected by the tide. AT NEIGHBORING PORTS Astoria, Jan. IS. Arrived at 7 and left up at 9 a. m. -Steamer Claremont from San Pedro. San Francisco, Jan. 14. Arrived at 8 a. m. Steamer Santa Barbara from Columbia river. Astoria, Jan. 14. Left up at 1:30 p. m. U. 8. ateamer Marica from Honolulu. Arrived at 6 p. m. Barge Isaac Reed in tow tu Be lief, from San Francisco. Seattle. Jan. 15. (I. N. 8.) Arrived: S. S. Saginaw, from San Francisco, vie Port Angeles, 12:30 a. m.; H. B. Lovejoy, from San Pedro. I a. m. ; Northwestern, from Southwestern via Southeastern Alaskan ports, 1 a. m. Sailed: S. S. Princess Enf,, for Brithb Co lumbia porta. 2:80 a. m. Arrived. Jan. 14: 8. 8. 'Lyman Stewart, from Port San Luis. 9 .80 p. m. ; Rainier, from Taooma, at midnight; Jefferson, from South eastern Alaskan porta, 8:20 p. an. San Francisco, Jan. 18. (I.N. 8.) Arrived, January 14. Collier Glacier, from San Diego, at II a. m. ; Admiral Schley, from Loa Angelea, at 1:50 p. m. ; navy transport Newport News, from Manila via Guam, at 5:10 p. m. ; British steam er Mosna, from Wellington, at 7:45 p. m. Sailed, January 14. Captain A, F. Lucas, from Cordova, at 11:45 a. m. ; Katherinc, from Eu reka, at 11:45 a. m. ; British steamer Waikawa, from Sydney, at 11:45 a. m. : British bark Raupo, from Auckland, at 11:55 a. m. ; Went Cactus, from Manila, at 1:60 p. m. ; Phyllis, from Seattle, at 2 :05 p. m. ; J. A. Moffett, from Se attle, at 2:25 p. m. ; Uniaiak, from Stewarts Point, at 2:35 p. m. ; Briti-h bark Daylight, from Manila, at 2:20 p. m. ; Xenia, from Ham bur, at 2:45 n. m PTentka from ttnrt Rraffir at 6:10 p. m. ' ! San Francisco, Jan. 15. (I. N. 8.) Arrived1 I davenport, Ios Angeles. 5:20 a. m. : Fred' Baxter. Ketlonrto. o :30 a. m. : West Port, Crescent City. 7:15 a. m. : Lurliue, Honolulu, 8 a. m. ; steamer Bandon, Hueneme, 9 a. m. : Japanose steamer Heinan Mam, New York, U a. m. ; G. 8. Lindauer, Mansfield, 10 a. m. ; Caspar, Caspar. 10 a. m. 5EW TODAY Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Biffs aad Wool a Clothing?. , W Mak Reversible, Hgid-WoTsi FLUFF RUGS Room Siao Fluff Ruga, Worn, $17.50 Raff Rtffi Wotb All SIm Mall Order Scad for Booklet Feather Renovated Carpet Cleaning xll Sag. Steamed Claad, 1A4 WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO, (4 Tjaloa Ave. N. Pkeaet Eait $S1 VI CALL PON VOUR OLD OAR. PETS, RUBS AND WOOLEN OLOTHINO. V Make Beautiful Man J kVee FLUFF RUGS All Work Tnrnad Out Prwmotiy. Ruo Woven AM Slgaw. MeJI Order Send for gel. Carpet Cleaned, Laid end Reflttee. NORTHWEST RUG CO. isa cast aioHTM trr. TO GET TOUR WESTOVER TERRACE HOMESITES You Mar Phone, Call on, or Writ HAROLD JUNGCK, Secretary INTERNATIONAL REALTY ' ASSOCIATES, Ownri Phonea Office, Mar. 30 ; Rest, Eat 1998 - 1S07 Yeon Bld. STORAGE SPACE iBveetlsrate Oar Pkaat aad Katee ; Why assume eipe naive leasee under present high coataf CLAY S. HORSE, INC. ' Drayage aad Storage.' . Ittk aad GHaaa. r Pkeae Bmj.U1. 5EW IODAT Journal "Want" Ads RATES, DAILY OR SUNDAY Per ttne. par tnesrrJoa ..Me Tare eoeeeenrtv insertions for price sf two. Each subsequent eonseearJ tnarUoa wttbont hang at toot, POT Baa .............. -6 -' Oooat six average words to ta baa Phones Main 7173, Automatic 560-51 for monthly lataa psoas far SECTIONAL GARAOE. fou can set it up in a few hours. Bend for Illus trated circular. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. m K. lit St. Phoas East H14 Pertlaad, Or. ACCTIOS SALES TOMORROW AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE. 109 178 2d et Sale at 10 a. m. MEETING NOTICES 41 BI; MASK BALL Bnrrka Connril No. 204, Se curity Benefit association, Monday eve., Jan. 19. east aide V. O. V. hall. East Hth and Alder. Six handsome prises (or the best dressed lady and gent; beet sus tained characters and moat comic: fine union music Ad mission 5So couple, 25c extra lady. M. L. JOHNSON. Sec. FKIDAY NIGHT. January 16, "Visiting Neighbor s niglit All members of the W. O. W who are in the city on this date are cordially mfiled. Special entertainment pro Tided. Multnomah Camp No. 77. W. O. W., East Sixth ana Eaat Alder streets. J, O. WILSON. Clerk. B. P. O. EI.KS No. 142. Regu lar communication this (Thurs day) evening. Elks Temple, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers welcome. M. R. SPALLDINC.. Secretary. JOHN SHANNON L. O. L. NO. 609, meets every Thursday, 8 p m.. No. 2lS 4 Third t. Visiting brother welcome. - THE MASTERS. WARDENS AND PAST MASTERS' ASSN.. w,U hold its stated meeting at the Acacia club. Central bldg., t 8 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) eve ning. Election of officers and other matters of importance to be considered. By order of the president. LESLIE S. PARKER. Sec. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 65, W. O. W., every Friday night in W. O. W. Temple. 125 11th at. Members re quested to be present. Vis itors welcome. H. L." BARBTTR, Clerk. PORTLAND LODGE No. 85. A F. and A. M. Special com munication this Friday evening, at 6 o'clock. Mifonie Temple. Work in M. M. degree. Stated com munication at 8 o'clock. Annua reports, etc. Visiting brethrt-n welcome. By order W. M. H. J. HOUGHTON. Secretary. OREGON COMMANDERY. K. T. Special conclave this (Thursday) afternoon at 4 o'clock and at 7 o'clock for the purpose of conferring th nrir of the temple upon' 17. Your attendance and mat oi sojourners will be appreciated. C F. WIEG AND, Recorder. MT. HOOD LODGE NO. 157, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication tomorrow ( Friday ) eve.. 7:30 p. m. Work in E. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. By order W. M. A. W. ENKE. See. 8ELLWOOP LODGE NO. 131, A. F. AND A M. Special meet ing tomorrow (Friday) evening, at 7:80 oirloek. Work in M. M degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. BUTLER. Sec. KENTON LODGE NO. 145, A. P. and A M. Special communica tion this (Thursday) evening, Jan uary 15, 7:30 p. m. Work in th. M. M. degre. Visiting brethren welcome. By order of W. M. P. M. ROBINSON, SecV ALBERT PlKE LODGE NO.162, A. F. AND A. M. SpecUl communication Friday evening. January 16. at 7 o'clock. E. A. degree. Visiting brethren wel come. G. W. COOK, Sec. OSEOXTA tribe No. 2, Improved Order of Red Men Regular monthly dance this eve ning at W. O. W. hall. E. 6th and E. Alder sts. Carlson's snappy jaaa music. Admission 65c per couple. Tickets at door. O. L. Dickel, ctanmittee chairman. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty; buttons, pins, charms Jaeger Bros.. 131-183 Hth t DEATHS AND FUNERALS 7i BORN January 14. 1920. at the family resi dence, 397 Monroe st, Mrs. Wilhtmina A. Born, age 72 years, beloved wife of John Born. Funeral services will be conducted Fridav. Jan uary 16. at 2 p. m., from the Second German Baptist church, corner Rodney avenne and Mor ris. Friends invited. Interment family plot Rose City Park cemetery. Remains at Pear aon'a undertaking parlors, Roaeell at. at Union ye. SMITH In this city. Jan. 14. Rev. Benjarnin Trueblood Smith, aged 38 years. The funeral services will be conducted Friday, Jan. 16. at 2 p. m., in the First Presbyterian church, 12th and Aider sta. Friends iavited to attend. Interment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy A Co.. 5802-04 9 2d at. 8. E.. in Lent. STOCTT In thia city. Jan. 15, Beasia Russell Stoutt. beloved wife of E. J. Stontt of Me Minnville. The remains will be forwarded by th. A. D. Kenworthy Co., 5802-04 92d St.. to McMinnville. Or., tomorrow, Jan. 16. where services will be held and interment made. NltSCHKE At "the" family " residence. 346R 34th. Jan. 14. Henrietta H. Nitschke. aged 49 yean 28 daya. She is survived by hnsbsnd. Robert Nitschke. and one son, Erville Moody. Remains at the parlors of Breeze A Snook, Belmont at 85th. Notice of funeral later: FREDRICK SON The funeral services of the late Hattie Fredrickson will be held Ftiday. Jan. 16, at 11 a. m.. at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment mt New berg. Or. McKEE In"thlTcity at his-late" residence 586 Everett at.. Jan. 14, John T. McKee. aged 58 years. Th. remains are at Finley's. Mont gomery at 6th. Notice of funeral hereafter. ADAMSON In this city Jan. 16, Mary AdanT son. The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at 6th. Notice of faneraj hereafter. FLORISTS ' LUBL1NER two stores . -sX We strive to Plea 848 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. and Park. Marshal 287 uiiiwsi, roruana noxei Marsaall 751 CLARKE BROS., florists, Uorrlsoa st, pet. 4th nd 6th. Poos Mara 7709. rtna Flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. fioriats. 154 Warb Ington. Main 269. A-1269. Flowin lor all vcwronq anispcaiiy arrangeq CIHnirain)iil'eN-w-Bp!t-,d. Main exit IT ir -- at Horrisoa at. Max M. Smith sll. SIXTH ST. LALANB OPPOSITE POSTOFFICB. Flowr rot an oeeanon. Man es4B. THE PEOPI.E g FLORAL SHOP. 246 Alder aj FUNERAL DIRECTORS - A O 7ollos Cr 62 Willlsm. .... "V CIICr,arJ. B.4088. a-1088 L K T VI 1H I r IOC rtriTEKAI DIKECTOBft Edward Holmari & Son Funeral Directors " THIRD AITD SALMON STREETS Main 107. A-lSir Lad? A Mixta nt. '. FIHIEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. F. S. DUNNING, INC. THE OOLDKJI BULK CNPKRTAXEPS 414 EL Alder at. Phones Ea S3. R-SS2S CHAMBERS CO. Funeral IM recto ra. An the Convenience of a Hoeae Woodlawn SS06. 248-280 KilHnwHh are. A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 8803-504 92D ST. S. T... LENTS Pnone Tehor B2S7 Horn Phone r-l Dunning & McHntee Broadway and Ankenr eta. TAdy Aasistant Fhorte flmadwae 480. A-4SKS DOWNINU A McNEMAB. suceewnra to Wlleon a Rosa Muttnomah at E 7th.. tmngton Ji-trirt. Kant S4 McRNTKE EILEMS, funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. ISth and Rverett its. Phone. Brnedwwv 21SS. Home. A-S1 SS. 781 D I I a.!. Mr. Lerch B1 a a S-a SwVli Will Assistant UNDKRTAlCKn R. ltth and Hawthorn. R. W. GABLE A CO. Soerensore to W H HaraQton 1ST T. r?llai Phone Tsbor 4S13 MII.I.EH ft TRACEY, Independent fun.ral di rectors Prirea la low as $20. $4 0. 160. Washington at Ella Mshi 291 A-7SS5. D T RVOMOS New residence a-v a AJ a il iLoJ . tabllshment. 90 Wllienr ae. Woodlswn 220 Breeze & Snook ToV'" QlL-omaroc WDERTAKWO CO Main 41.12 OKCWCS.2S21 OrT TVird nd Ce MO!ITJME?TTS Portland Marble Works 260 4th t. opp. City Hall Nen Bros. RfBLACSINQ GRAfllTE: C9 at7-3BO ST, AT MACMSPW. LOST AND FOUND 91 ARTICLES found on cars of P. R.. L P. Co.. Jan. 13, 1920: 6 purses, 1 bank book. 1 pr. glasses, I pin. 1 pr. gloves, 3 single gloves, 8 packages, 1 book, 1 pkg. books, 1 wrench. 1 coupling, 1 umbrella and 1 lunch box. LOSTAn Elgin- wrist watch' and gold brace let, on Miss ave. near Failing t. Finder please call Miss J. Tuttle at Olds, Wortman A King's drug dept. ijiflT T,,-trl. ..aninir & fnr hfmlder niece between East 72nd and East 73rd, between , Olisan and Pacific. Liberal reward if delivered j to 149 E. 73rd N; LOST About Jan. 10. meal ticket No. 868 on Multnomah retunnt; I'nioii and Oregon st. N. E. Finder call Eaat 44 S8. evening? to 9 o'clock, and receive reward. Ak for Mt Steven' LOST Diamond engagemrr.r ring, white go!d mounting. Reward. Wdln. 208. 1056 Wiliiamft ave. LOST Saturday, on Rose City car or between 6th and Washington and Owl drug store, black fur neckpiece. Tabor 8709. Reward. LOSTAt" Franklin" high school or near there, one laprobe. Please leave at J. A. Cornea. 6707 Foster road. LOST Saturday evening, a solid gold pin, a past officer's pin of the Degree of Honor. Finder please .call Main 2716. Reward. LOST Tuesday evening, wrist watch, mono . gram "E. M. D." engraved on back. Reward. Marshall 8839. LOST- Friday evening. January 9. at 5:30. on the Ilicbmend car. a black fur neckpiece. Return to 588 E. 3th t. and receive reward. LADY who founo" contract at Meier A Frank pattern dept. please leave with head cashier, flth floor LOST Tuesday evening on E. 16th rt. or Sandy, bundle work clothes. Reward. Tabor 2953. LOST Between $40 and $4 7 in shopping dis trict or department stores. Reward. Call Sellwood 2507. LOST Gentleman'a gold Elgin watch. Haw thorne ave. or street car. Reward. E. B. Haddox. Main 532. 1212 Gasco bldt LOST Lady's gold watch; initials 1 L.. on Yamhill, bet. 8d and 4th, Saturday. Call Tabor 2870. Reward. FOUND Lady' watch in MontaviUa district. Finder's address. 2034 E. Alder st. LOST A black ppryian cat. Answers to name of Prody. Woodlawn 4256. Reward. LOST Female SpitTdog. Please call at 872 H 1 st Bt. B. Reward. LOST A waist. Saturday night somewhere on Broadway. Call Marshall 1502. Reward. LOST Gold'nngget stickpin Sunday on or near Irving ton Park. Reward. Woodlawn 602. HElrP WANTED MALE LISTEN, MEN Let's get together. I want to organize a quartet. What I will need will be a first tenor, baritone and bass. If you can fill the bill, and feel that you can give one night a week, call me up, for there are great opportunities for such work. If you are not sincere do not an swer. Call Columbia 668 after 7 p. m. Thurs day evening. Think it over, fellows. TAILORS. ATTENTPON Strike . still on in Portland. LOCAL NO. 74 BARBER, steady job: two Saturday men. Ap ply Sam H. Howard, sec y. Master Barbers' Ass'n., 110 4th st. SALESMAN wanted to sell General 'Pushing ! victory transparent window flags. Call room i 603. 45 4th .t. NON-UNION piano player for private orchestra. Call Mr. Sea ton, East 41 8JJ. LIVE wire salesmen, make big money. See Mr. Jenkins, Hotel Oregon. WANTED Pla terer. m. Kat 101. 257 Russell. St.. 6 WANTED Male help, 1 first class re-saw man for planing mill. 240 Salmon st. WANTED Janitor, small apartment house. Call 207 14 th st. WANTED Four men to cut 400 cords of wuoU. 2 per cord 169 irraham ave. WHEN yon need help. Call Bdwy. 2339. HELP WANTED MISC. It VULCANIZING AND RETREADING LEARN TO REPAIR, REBUILD AND RETREAD ALL KINDS OF TIRES AND TUBES. EXPERT INSTRUCTION ON COMPLETE AND CP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT. , THE STATE ALLOWS EX-kERVICE MEN $28 PER MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OCR SCHOOL. DAT AND EVENING CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HA'WTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, Inc. 482 HAWTHORNE AVE. DEPT V. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOB HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. 7 HAWTHORNS ATJTO BOHOOL, INC.. 482 HAWTHORNE AVE. AUTOMOBILE. TRACTOR AND AIRPLANE MECHANICS. EXPERT VULCAN1ZEK8, ACETYLENE WELDERS AND MACHINISTS THAT HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN OUR SCHOOL ARE IN DEMAND EVERYWHERE AT BIO WAGES. WB TEACH THEHK TRADES IN A FEW WEEKS' TIME. 80 PER CENT PRACTICAL WORR WITH CLEAR. UNDERSTANDABLE LECTURES AND DEM ONSTRATIONS BY EXPERTS. THE STATS ALLOWS EX-SERVICE MEN 126 PER MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OUR SCHOOL. CALL. OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL UNION AVE. AND WASCO STB EST THE SCHOOL THAT'S DIFFERENT ONE WEES PRES Te Investigate our system of teaching atttoa. tractors, gas engines, anto electrical and battery work. State allow discharged soldiers aad sailors (26 per month while attending school. SPE CIAL ELECTRICAL COURSE FOR AUTO MECHANICS, DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. CALL OJt WRITE FOR 100 PAGE CATA LOGUE FREE ASK FOR BOOK No. SB. POSITIONS ASSURED VERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKK-WALKXB BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial, free catalog. HELP " WANTEDTo b more forceful, mora energetic, atronger and better developed, learn boxing and wrestling. Class forming. Or private leeaona by weilknown trainer. B-485, Journal. LEARN TELEGRAPH! Young men and women wanted. Oaf 484 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportnnity to learn s wall paid profession. Free booklet. Railway Telegraph Institute. LINE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, bookkeeping, atenography. civil service, aecreU.rte4. (pedal courses. Expert, teacher; day and night; ea roll now. Broadway lul. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Fran K. Welles, former Asst. State Stipt.. mgr. N. W, Bank bldg. Phone Main 8276. GOING East or South ? Hoaaeneld goods shipped t reduced rates; moving and peeking Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 70S. " EAST SIDE COM MER1CAL SCHOOL ' Ilia Regina Bucket's prlvste school ; Individ- sral instruction. -' 122 H Grand ave. East 427. I OREGON LAW SCHOOL, Alisky bldg.. Sd and I Morrieon. W. . Kicbardson. aee. Mala 977. 'HELP WAITED MISC. IT COSTS YOU " NOTHING TO rCTESTIOATS OTJB SCHOOL AND METHOD OF TEACHING. WE WILL GLAD LY GIVE TOD AN OUTLINE Of OUH COURSES IN OONSTUUCTION AMD I KaV PAUUNU OV . ATJTOMO BILKS TRACTORS GAS EVCINES CARBl RETION IGNITION MAGNETOS GENERATOR AND STARTING MOTOR. ARUATURE WINDINO BTORAUE BATTKHIKS OXT-ACETYKNK WELDING POtTR WEEKS' FREK TRIAL TO INTES T1UATE OUR SYSTEM OF MAKING AUTO MECHANICS SB0 DISCOUNT TO THOSE MAKING APPLICATION BEFOKJS TM.B . OUR STUDENTS RECEIVE BOTH TECH NICAL AND PRACTICAL TRAINING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. EX-SERVICE MEN UBT 28 PER CENT DISCOUNT STATE ALLOWS 2S PER MONTH WHILE TRAINING. APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED AT OCH MAIN OF FICE. 707 HAWTHORNE AVE. TAKE MT SCOTT OR HAWTHORNE CAB AT 2D AND ALDER TO 20TH STREET. OR CALL AT OUR DOWNTOWN OFFICE. 124 N. STB STREET, 2 BLOCKS FROM UNION DEPOT ENTRANCE. CATALOGUES FREE. SCHOOL AND OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED CHKUJTMAS DAT ONLY. Hemphill's Trade Schools, Inc. Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeeping and all ether aodarn buninasa eoorsea. Day and night aahooL Aliaky bldg.. 8d and Morrison. Main 824. HELP WANTED FEMALE Telephone Operating For Young Women Additional telephone operators are needed due to constantly increasing requirementa service. oi tne A good salary at the start. Regular and frequent increases. Excellent opportunities for promotion. Large, cheerful operating rooms. Attractive recreation rooms. Lunch rooms with meal served at cost. Apply at Telephone Co.. Room 601, floor. Telephone bldg. Park and Oak ata. 6th WANTED Neat appearing yoang penenced at aoda fountain, to store from 12 to 6 every afte phone. Rogers Candy Store, Yamhill st. WANTEI A competent girl for general work 3 in family: no children, good every evening off; no Sunday dinner 6282. 1025 Savter at. EXPERIENCED gir for general housework", family of 8 adults, no washing, good wages 4B K. 15th x. WANT hntuekeemr. a .xxi home for aged lady or woman with small babyr to 985 Interstate ave. MII.l.INEKY makers wanted, good wages. Elsie, Trimmed Hat Co.. 225 Beck bldg. PUcne Broadway 4393. WANTEI) Bookkeeper and typist. Union Sheet lletal Retinmng Works. 411 Union ave. N. WANTED First-rla'at makrrti and trimmers for out-o'-town and city positions. Apply imme diately MuUOTARwisoRoyaJJW WANTED Twenty ready-to-wtmr salesladies. Aply at once United Apparel Co., Park and Morrifton. YOUNG girl to awit witli work. 555 West Rroadway. cor. Lincoln. Main B81 (iIKl.8 wanted. Portland Paper Box Co.. 92 Front st. WANTEI) A middle aged woman to do house work, small family. 877 Long ave. CAN ne a few good live-wtr .alfwomen; big money. Bee Mr. Jenkins, Hotel Oregon. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE tt MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE Pays yon while learning; gives yon set of tools; position secured. Write for catalogue. 3S4 BJrn,ide i?rj?J?JBldw?Z-AI?A- PORTIIND Barber college pay yon whll. learning, gives you set of tools free; positive secured. 88 N. 2d st MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade; waea while learning, position guaranteed Mgr 22 Vrv experience. Oregon Bsrber College. 233 Madlaoa SALESMEN 1Y ANTED 88 SIDELINE salesman wanted. Attend to thl at pnre if you are railing on grocery trade. This will be to yonr advantage. 718 Dekum bldg. WANTEDA live salesman with auto to sell phonographs; liberal proposition to right man. Foley A Van Dyke. 106 6th st. SITUATIONS MALE HAN', especially trained in efficient storekeep ing, office management and real accounting wants an opening where this experience can be used profitably to you. and he may advance himself by learning your business thoroughly. This ad tells little. An interview will tell more. J-6S9, Journal. RELIABLE party with 1-ton truck wants con tract hauling anything anywhere. Best- of references and satisfaction guaranteed. Her is yonr chance to gat a good proposition at th right price. Phone Main 8410 or writ V-24. Journal. YOUNG man wants work, driver or chauffeur; willing to work for room and board and small wage. Can furnish best of reference. Ta bor 5603, 1332 Division. RELIABLE elderly man wants light Inside work at fair pay. Address Workman. 5028 64th st S, E. - CARPENTER and Joiner work, anything from bank fixtures to septic tank V-SO, Journal. or Broadway 2487. WANTED Work far. a 4-ton truck, by th bout or contract. Call Broadway 8848, ask for Mr. Monroe. NOW is a good time to do yonr inside painting and kalsomining before we get busy outside. Call Main 7910. Johnsen. YOO'G ex-service man with engineering ex perience wants position where advancement ue penda upon himself. N-166, Journal. PAINTING n.rMrhin1w rinrinir reasonable. Phone Marshall 3B5 evenings. CIVIL engineer, graduate with five years' experi ence, wants position. K-630, Journal MARRIED man. handy, wants job garage, battery house or general repair. C-420, Journal. ROOFS Reshingled and repaired, work guar anteed. Beacbam. Phone East 1201. ROOMS tinted, 131 painting reasonable T. MiclieK I 'hone Brcadway 3253. EXPERIENCED cabinet maker wants steady work. Call Marshall 2048. TWO married men want wood splitting or land . clearing job. W-640. Journal. Al CARPENTER, build and remodel cheap by contract Woodlawn 120. PLUMBING. e r)ainna. pain una. pa panes, ant ing. Phone Broadway 10Z1 ROOFS repaired, roofs made waterproof. Phoae Tabor 200. Sellwood 960. SITUATIONS FEMALE WOMAN wants position for light housework or hoosekeepmc in a good residence horn. W 583, Journal. RESPECTABLE middle aged lady wishes posi tion a housekeeper; no triflers need answer; must have full charge. W-667, Journal. ENERGETIC aad capable womaa want ' man agement apartment bouse; hotel experience. P. O. box 80S. ety A .HIGH school girl won Id like work after school hours; office work preferred. Call Woodlawn 2494 bet. 9 and 6. voir in canoa i s ensfjon. Um 1 1 I rBroadwajL and v ' J I See" Mnruse- Mitrflrt Mtn l i wL WASHING and ironing by neat laundress. Call befor 7 p, m. Eat 6949. EXPERIKNCD typist wanu-eoar work U do at home. , CaH East 7838, -. , '.-'- 'V".-'.''.' ''"'"' : '.'. - r- - ' - tt HHiH-CLASa rMsBakisier etreet sresar., . horns, drama, aprona. tc; ha, yoor sM it made into a draw; , maaxiwibla ' ratea. Mia. Kally. Ka-t T0T. ; :. ALTERATIONS, refitting and nuking el ladies' garmenta. reaaonabl. frkwa; work gnaranteed I. Reubia. tAdiea' Tailor, 4S Bnah Una bid ypHSEs EXPERIENCED nun, beat of reforenoea; ma temity eawes preferred. Main 1072. FCttKlSHEP ROOMS CXeAN. eomronable lMinf room. (2.50 per week.. 247 H Fifth. FUE3ISHKD ROOMS PRIVATE PAMILT fi T NEATt.T furniehed large' room, elect rio light. bath, furnace heat, fin location. 0 min utes' walk from postoffica: only lis month for 2 gentlemen, or $14 far one. Phone Main 587S, 2S 11th t. TWO Dleaaant rooms furnished for roomers or light housekeeping In a bungalow; will rent to married couple without children, or to firia. Call and aee them; mnat bring rafereooaa, 43 K. 60th N. Tabor 4682. NICELY &rnlhd upetain front room; genUa- min pretarrea. 04 2 Dtn at. NICE furnished rooms reasonable; furnace heat, walking distance. 10 N. 21st. Bly. 2142 NICELY furnished rooms in "Nob llffi dis trict. Phone 018-83. FRONT room.- refined, congenial family, west side, garage If desired. Mar. 8969. MOItKKN fnrni'lied room tor entlranan. 444 8d. ROOM 8W ANTED GENTLEma.V "want room wtlh' print fam ily, with use of Range. Eaat side p ferred. W-441, Journal. ROOMS AND BOARD U THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. S0 10th. for busineea girls and tudepta. Marshall 12fil ROOMS AND BOARD FBIYATB FAMILY T WOULD like to room and board 2 girli em ployed : rin. Eaat B14. CHILDREN to board, beat care. I lB ; Dear" "two school. B60H WUIiams are., No. 4 HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS S FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ONE 2-room housekeeping apt. ; 2 comfortable clean sleeping rooron. walking distance, Wt Side. Mar. 1185. HOUSEKEEPING rooma for men, 12.76 week. 215 Mill, corner First. alking distance. ONE large, clean room, kitchenette, running water, porch, reasonable. 247 H 5th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FUBS1SHED - AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMIL 7$ $24Two large, tight furnished H. K. rooms, 542 R. 27th St. Richmond car to 27th. 1 blork south. ONE to three rooms , ail completely furnished for housekeeping, walking distance. st loa rate 504 K. Clay at. ONE well furnished H K room In prlvste family. $4. everything inclnrtcd: 8H bhicks north of Waahington st. Broadway 8221. 2FRONTrooms. gas nnge. elec. lights, bath. couple $20. 800 1a 4th. ONE clean furnished ' II. K. room. 640 K. Stark sU A irESIRABLE housekeeping room arlth run- ning water. 632 Flanders. FOB RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED It MEIER FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, np to date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite Infor mation pertaining to each. NewfOmera to Portland will find this bureau of gaeat valne in helping them get properly and located. EIGHTH FLOOR For Rent Seey'rank L. McGuir. to insure against fire. on Wdgi Main 10HH. idem 6 ronm flat. BfM Waah- 18th. walking distance; rea- J1EN YOU MOVE. USE NORTH- STERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SEHVICS. lOtk-efd Washington. Broadway Rge. 6 ROOMS, gas. elec., toilet, yard, close to Union 16. Houck. 110 10th st. FURNISHED HOUSE U briERN furnished cottage. adulta. East 1502 5 ROOM cottage, furnished; every convenience; up to date. 1291 E. Alder. Call after2 im. Ft'RN 18H EDhou for 'rmt 888E. 26th st 8. Phone Sellwood 1146. FLATS TO KENT. UNFURNISHED 18 6 ROOM flat over store. 784 4 1st street, with bath, in good condition; rent 821. C. A. WAGNER CO., Main 8150. 230 Stark st FOCR rooms, elec. light'snd bsth. "rent 810. C. A. WAGNER CO., Msln 8150. r.SOSIarist FURNITURE of 5 room flat for sale: flit for rent: close In aaat side. X-465. Journal. FIVTI room flat for rent furniture for sale. 4 63 V, 6th st Main 7727. FURNISHED FLATS it adults B ROOM furnished flat piano, close in; only; 187 60. Wdln 228. ' APARTMENTS FOR RENT " 4 6 WEST" SIDE APARTMENT 840 41 4 large, light rooms, closet bath, heat. Phone, ground floor, private entrance. Walking distance: man and wife. SMITH-WAGONER TO., STOCK EXCH. FRONT apt. consisting 2 large, light well fur nished rooms, suitable fnr 3 or 4 adults; clean, nuiet. exclusive. 117 N. 18tb HOUSEKEEPING apt.. working people or! bachelors. ('heap rent and close in. 98 Knott 2-ROOM modern apt. for rent, close in. fnr niture for le. Plione A SOUS or Main 270. ATTRACTIVE front apt. consisting of 2 rooms; clean, quiet, central. 247 to 6th st FOB RENT HALLS tt FOR RENT Hall, second floor, 210 Yamhill. WANTED TO RENT 1 To Rent . We are tn tonch with hnndreds of people wanting to rent homes. Let us rent and man age your property. FRAN IP I. MeOT'IRE To Rent Your Home, Ablngton bldg. Main 1068 WANTED TO RENT Hundreds of people are looking for rooms, fliu, apartment or bouses to rent Thes peo ple read Th Journal. If you hav a vacancy a Journal "want" ad will find you a tenant Phone in your ad. WANT to lease for 2 yean, modern 6-room house, close in eaat aide; no cliildrea; refer ences; only owner need apply. D-6ft0, Journal. WANTED TO RENT Houses. Will leas bouse or apt. near Roe City car. Evenings, Woodlawn 6738. WANTED To rent about 9 or 13 room house,, on Mississippi ave.. between Fremont and Shaver. Phone Woodlawn 413. WANTEDS, 4 or j foon furnished flat In de sirable location. Woodlawn 1009, after IP. a, REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY tt WATERFRONT. West Side, trackage, paved at Might lease. Owner. 1421 Northwestern Bsak bldg. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 i5 Rm. House and xi A. All in good shape- lust a dandy bttle home. 81500 $500 eah, bal. to suit. 6 per cent int 215 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. FOR SACE Close in 5 -room furnished house'. 50x100 lot, $1540. 85UO down, balance (26 month, including interest 540 H. SOtA. Rich mond car. No trade. 1 to 7 p. m. LAURELHCR6T 1 room and S. P., hard wood floor throaghout, beautiful interior; something out of ordinary ; $8000, terma. Owner. Tabor 6286. . ' 7BOOM Queen Anne cottage, full lot close in; steam heat; fine place; built-ins; worth $4600, my price $8500, $1600 cash. East 5779. BEAUT IFTTL bungalow. 6 rooma, reception bin and bath, property 80x128, compact 16xS2, plenty of berria aad lots of Oowmb; term. Phone D-1189. 7 ROOM house 1 block off MontaviUa eat Una, 32200; near 52d at.; an exceptionally good bay; some term. D. W. Marsh, 408 McKay bldg. I'hone Main 914. - IRYtSGt6N i"splendla home wUi'ssfl at old prices; as oat hav quick action. N shoppers. Owner, Eaat 8016. M0"bERN"4 room . bungalow, E, 24Ul. near Brooklyn shops', oak floors, fin plumbing; $2300; trrrmfa Pbon Owner, Eit 8226. . V Uit aALz-By owner. Aroem bnnaaJow, far . nee, fiseplsce. bnilrtna. It blocks t Baw tnorae v.-vt E. -6(Ha. r Tabor 441L. . .. DEK88MAXI90 REAL ESTATE- " "fORSALE HOtJSW IT 60)0 Homes For Sale ' THE LARGEST HOME SELLERS S IN THE UNITED STATES ' If you are going to buy a bom doaf fad to see thta wonderful dtspia of bom bargains in every part of the city at . all price and terma w hat mora hoai , bargain - than any firm on th rout. ' Ob ther wall of our ' show rooms te a photngraph of anry baas offered for sale, amounting to over 00, 41-' Tided into diatriet. with the prloa, tatma, loca tion and full data regarding each aoroe. V can put you immediately -in , touch with th home you are looking for, Errr ktoeao ks : offered at the owner's prica. Every horn la -inspected and apjirsised personally by Frank L McGuir. V look out for ry intaroat of th. buyer and adrie yoo of th daairabl and undeairable diatrirta. and aoa that all paper and titles are perfect before your deal ta alnaed. Our ; many years of experience aad knowledge of nt uaa an at your disposal 12 riperUnced real 1 stat Mlesmen with anto to show yott prop erty. "THE McGt'IRK SYSTEM" gold aref I2,400,0(ni worth of homea laat year, mouat tng to S69 sales. 8EE FRANK1 L. McaUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME " Succeeaor to U. D. MrGttln O, , ;"40 xeara of serf u-a. " , - Ablngton Rid. Main 106$. Office open Evenings aad Sandaya. $3500 SI 750 CASH : BALANCE TERMS .kJ ... Hawthorn district, waat sl.p aft. Tabor, 1V blocks from carlln; sireet Improvements In and paid fori 6 room house, sleeping porch, bath and Unas closet; full white enamel plumbing; gaa " ' and electric lights, Dutch kitchen, was fioors, panel dining room, lart . llvinj . " room, den and fireplace; built-in ttook ' case. Full site basement, with laundry ' trays. New first-class "Diamond" ' elf regulating furrar. Call after p. m. Tabor 8662. ROSE CITY PARK 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $5500 A REAL BARGAIN 1 Folks, we want you to see this nifty bang. low, ideally located in th. very boat section of Rose City; one block from car. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, furnace, gang., "etc All easts, (laid. lh sea thta. You wilt h Btorr than delighted. But hurry I A. O. TBEPK CO.. .-I 264 SUrk et. near Third. Main 809f. Branch Office, Fiftieth and Sandy. , Suburban $8000 Modern seven room Uunizalow with four of ground in high state of cultivation; has good barn with garage in connection, and chlokan house, fruit and walnut tree that will bear nils year. This pmperty is located Bear Mil- -wenkte within reach of two earlinaa, and eonld " not he duplicated today for leas than 811,000, See tills at once. For further Particulate oaiL C. A. WAGNER CO.. Main HI 50 280 Starir at $250-$50D Cash 6 rnnm luiusa, gas, plumbing, atreet Hard surfaced and paid for; on an exceptionally nice 100x100 ft. lot: fniit trees and shrubbery: ntcc. rlesn district; near Kllliugsworth and Union aves. Owner 111, desires to leave city at onre. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. U32. 688. 614 N. W. Bank bldg. Mala IT87. rTRNlHHED rUiNOTfcoW NEAR CATHOLIC "NVENT ' Here i a real bargain, in Itedmont district. Owner leering Portland and must sell his nifty A rnnm bungalow, with reception hall, large t tic, fireplace, full cement basement and furnonav Ho will also Include sll of his household furni ture. rugs, range, dishes, fuel, te.. fog th price of $4 500; terms. I.UEDDEM ANN COMPANY 918 Chsmber of Commerce Main 8B6T. to get mm Westover Terrace HOMESITE" Tou May Phone. Call or Writ HAROLD JUNGI'K , Becntsry international Realty Associate Owner. 1807 YEON BLDG. Phones Office Main 630: Res.. Past 199. vi'ESf SIDETT'ROOMiriToOd'' ' " NEAR CORBETT ST., Located Pendlxtnn st, nsar Oorbctt, T room 1 house, 6 on 1st floor, 2 extra bedroom np, good hath, fair sire rooms, lights, water, garage, good lot fine view, close manufacturing plant 1 blk car. Here's e bargain in South PotV i land for largt family ; terms. . .' SEE Mil. MACK, GEO. T. MOO HE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg, ' GUARANTEED BUN'GAlXJWi- "- Remember last week von ubout mad up tiror mind to purchas that new noma Wall tt eeaa) gold. Now let's get down to bnsineaa. Let tn show yon some real bungalows, located Bear Lanrelhurst park, built by day labor and to be sold at cost Mart be seen to be appreciated. .' See J. A. M'CARTY at 270 H Stark t or plione Main 1700 evenings, or Sunday , Tabor 6057. Walnut Park 84600 for a fina 7 room with U toilet, new , plpeless furnace, hard surfaced street; lot.fiOg 100 with bearing fruit trees. $1000 cathv Phoae MsrahsIJ H31. .w- F. L. Blanchard ' ' r, 19-20 Railway Kx. j , FOR SALE 8 -room bona, pantry aad patent " toilet, hot and cold water, 2 full lots, house psrtly furnished, strawberries snd ruptrirnes. sidewalk and graded street 2 block from Wo4ilswn car: 8I300- will aka Xmtm ,wl.l Fnrd touring car a nart payment, bal. tUO a. ' j month at t. Call evenings. 700 Liberty M., i c V. , , " .- . iNICE B room bungalow, flreplane, base m at, cab- inet kitchen, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, g- rage. corner, 100x100, 9 fine bearing fruit trees, lots of fina fruit garden, elite San hoaa snd run, 2 blocks to car, corner 44th S. K. Price $8000. $1000 cash and 125 ear mouth. , URTJflSI sV BENNETT, " 816 Board of Trade Bldg. Mala T451. 8 ROOMS, GlllNlO'VET" tlllQI Mil, .VU, Olsnn v., near Sherman, t room plastered Cottage, sleeping porch, hath and toilet, gas, : water, fine lot. paved ata., aewer. I la ad y pise for $2200. on terma. Six fruit trsea. . SEE MR MACK GEO. T. MtMIRE CO., 1007 Tob bUg. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. S3S00 " A well-built 6 room plastered bungalow, fart concrete foundation and basement with cement floor, modern plumbing, in first cles condi tion, oa paved street, at 1094 Pint at.,' etreet work all paid. Splendid view; $600 cash. -128 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 712 Cbasabef of Commerce. GO"OD 6 room cottage, neatly tinted; . room light and conveniently arranged : (a, glaetri- ity. plumbing; 1 block to car; 60x112 ft. lot. Price $2200; terma. ' - JOIiNSON-DODSON CO. 682. 683, 684 N. W. Bank bide Main 177. SELLWOOD ROOM PLASTERED HOL'SK - 62100 . - - , ,' Owner's sacrifice; modem house ; food foun dstion. paved street, fruit; Lexington v., halt blork to er; 81000 esh. 8-llwd 276, owner. For SaIe-aiouse " V 1 . Is Prank L' MoOoir to Insur against fin. Abington bldg . Main I0H6. BEACTIPtjr rRVIxilTON HOME""-, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, absolutely aeoo'era. mahogany finish. - If sold this weak price : is $6600. worth 16600. See this today? MarshsH 766. Union 81 Deposit A Trust Co., .84 Oak st Jj ; 4 Room and y2 Acre A good, comfortable bom. Price tISft" $500 cash, baL to suit, 6 per cent Intereet- w..- ' 2 1 5 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDO. - T"RO0"M bungalow, a n6e-ilttl home. Jot 6 Og 126 ft, cement basement, bath, toilet bttBt-ta effect. 1 well bnilt home, well located oa seat side. Snap,. $1600; easy terms. Possession at once. H. W. Garland, 201 3rd. corner Taylor. -$3600 NEW ' 5 room bungslow. fDjlbast nent, wash trays, flrepUe. bookcaisi. eulfat, -Dtitchj, kitchen, small doe payment N. 4821 . CHnton, near, 4$d. .Richmond car. Owner, Tabor 6861. ' " , GOING HOME TO IOWA RANCH,. Most sell 6 room and dea bungalow, - tot 100 lot; garage, street , Imp. paid, aom far nishings, $2700, $1200 cash. Tabor 2084. CRDtELXNlFpAEal -"'V $8150 - , . Y ' Six room modern horns, 6 2d and Dividoay snap. Owner. Main $9$4, t , ,;-- $I10nt$5rTX)WN, ' $20"MONTH tfftw 3 room cottage, fruit, gas, chicken -'yard. SMITH-WAGON KB JCOSTOCK EXCHANGH T-BOOaf bnnglorTHhcgs from Pwiiisula school, cheap. Phone Eaat 850, Mrs. Seeley. fLOTl bow tsrrt, ltnlsh. tra,aarai oew, I ptg ane; aots. se. i-ei. , (Cewtieoed esv rHeWfl fae