" Txik OKiiGON DhlUi JOURNAL, PORTLAND WEDNESDAY,. JANUARY 14, 102a t -t VU: ,jf. ; SEAL ESTATE FOR HALE UOlSEft 1 MR. HOMESEEKER JVBT WHAT TOO HAVE BEEN - . i-' LOOKING FQB NO. 1 S toon bungalow, hardwood floors, furnace, hardsurfac trnU all In and paid (or; niom irult tree. SO. 2 CT7a",lfll room bungalow, 6O1IOO 9SOW toti nicely furnished. I hate many others from 12000 to 120,000 on which 1 can quota a homeseeker very deairabla price and term a. J. B. HOLBROOK " 114 215 Panama Bide. i. KAWTHOn-VE BUNGALOW BARGAIN 84750- One of tboM nifty modern bunga lowe so hard to find, and If built now would hate to ell for 18000; S room and bath down, 2 bedroom' and sleeping porch up, living room crass entire front, French doom, white enamel ' finish In dining room, natural finish in living ' -room, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floor, full cement baiters fit, wash trays, atreet im provement all In and Included in price. Oh, yea, there i alio a furnace. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO. . 204 Hallway Exchange Bldg. Main 888. ' $it OO ALBERTA district (2iUi" ' CLOSE IN JUST WHAT YOU WANT , . flood 7 room house with 2 bedrooms, beth ' ' and toilet on first floor, 2 bedrooms snore, good 5 linoleum im pantry, kitchen and dining room floors, nicely arranged large pantry. Iluilt-in conveniences, everything In fine shape; full semi . cement basement. 5 good bearing fruit trees. Quick possession ran be had. Only 1 block from car, Seasonable terms. . C. A; WARRINER. - " RITTER, I .OWE A CO., 201-B-5-T Board of Trade bldg. THINK OF IT ONLY 13250 An 8 room bouse with full cement basement furnace flrepUce. gas, electricity, etc ; on paved street and improvement paid; corner, R0x70, 1 Mock of Richmond car, at K. 21st st. ; only 8700 to handle. This is certainly a bargain. KASKH A RAINEY 688-826 Gasco bldg. Marshall 3125 $80(M5 Suburban Modern seven room bungalow wilh .our urn of ground in lug'i state of cultivation; has good Dam with garagi' in connection, and chicken ' house, fruit and walnut tree that will bear thla year. This property is located near Mil waukee within reach of two carline. and could inot be duplicated today for less than 11,000. fee Mai C. A. WAONKIi CO.. Main 6150 230 Stsrk ?t. WEST SIDE REAL SACRIFICE If you are looking for a real snap, a place to double your money, take a look at the southeast corner of 28d and Wilson. Ground 100x100 and 4 houses. Will sell all or separately at a surprisingly low figure. This is just about 4 blocks from the new Montjomery-Ward site. See thla, then see us and make an offer. This must be sold. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK 6 ROOM BCNGAI.OW (5500 A REAL BARGAIN Folks, we want you to see this nifty bungalow; Ideally located in the very het section of Rose City, 1 block from car: hardwood floor, fire place, buffet, furnace, garage, etc. : all assess ments paid. 'Do see this. You will be more than delighted. But hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO. 964 Stark t. near 3d. Main 3092. - . Branch Office, 50th and Bandy. ROOM1 BUNGALOW Located hi block from Bandy bird.; house has all built-in feature, fireplace, beamed ceiling in living and dining looms; double constructed, full cement basement, large lot, with an eastern exposure. Price 84000; 81000 cash, balance monthly J0HNS0N-D00S0N CO. 632, 683, 634 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. ' GUARANTEED BUNGALOWS ' Remember last week von, ubout made nrs. your mind to purchase that new home Well it'a been acid. Now let'a get down to business. Let me -show you some real bungalows, located near Leurslnurst park, built by day labor and to be sold at cost Must be seen to be appreciated. Set . A. MCARTY at 270. Stark st or phone Main 1700 evenings, or Sunday Tabor 6057. ' 820 PER MONTH (20 $1800 Large Grounds and Cottage $1800 Here la a good 5 room cottage in good shspe, full semteement basement, ground equal to 1 H lota. 6 good bearing fruit trees. 1 block from herd surface atreeta. 2 blocks to car. (00 cash. This wont last See it today. 0. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE A (X)., 201 3 5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 82200 6-rooiB cottage, light and clean room. Gas. electric lights and plumbing: basement and lot 60x112: 1 block to car. 2 o locks to school; (1100 will handle. Don't fail to see it today. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 882, 633. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. Walnut Park $4300 for a fine 7 room with 2 toilets, new pipe less furnace, hard surfaced streets: lot 50x 100 with bearing fruit trees. 81000 cash. Phone Marshall uu. F. L. ' r.19-20 Railway Ex Hawthorne-Sunnyssde 83130 This is one of the best close In residence sec tlona in toe city. A modem, well built 5 room Bungalow, close to enurcnes, school, stores and convenient distance to west side. About (1100 eash required. Quick possession. See A. K. Hill, Zto iiamoermena bldg.. Bin. and Stark sts. $8750 Fn?K rooms ana -recplng porch ; exclu - .-- v residence district: fiieplace. built-in book ease sad buffet, cement basement, laundry trays and furnace; pared street in and paid for; iiroaaway car. siuoo casn, Balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. MS. 838. 634 V. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE 8 ron house, pantry and patent toilet, hot and cold water, 2 full lots, house partly furnished, strawberries and ratBbarries, - sidewalk sad graded atreet. 2 blocks from Wood lawn car.- 31300; will take late model 1 Ford touring car as iart navment. bsl k'20 a monin it, t. cau eventnga. too Liberty St., city ROSE CITY PARK CAR ' .- ROOM BUNGALOW (3000 . Owner moving to larger house; must sell at one. . Will sell now for 88000. Let us show A. U. TEEPE CO. 864 Stark st near 3d. Main 3092. Mrancn twtice. sotn and Sandy. ' - WEST SIDE BUNffALOW. 82600 '' A well-built 6 room jlustered bungalow, full concrete foundation ana easement, with cement floor, modern plumbing, in a first class eondi- tion. on paved street, at 1004 First st. ; atreet ' work all paid. Splendid view; (600 cash. 325 .Vasonthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber ai tMaunerc. 1 SKLLWOOD 6 ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE .. i : . CilUO 1 ( Owner's sacrifice: modern house: eood fnnn v datktn. paved street, fruit; Lexington ave., half , piocw so car; si mm casn, peuwq .wub, owner. 100 lL BLOCK feOSiTcTftCAR. ., ' Good, cosy 4 room tent house. A-l ooVidi Bob, , electric, gas, sink, good floors, double t .walla, windows, etc.; tine roof, nice 55x100 lot. wsay ser . way pay rencr xaoor sasv. GOINCf HOMET6l6VARANCH Most sell 3 room and den bungalow, 50x . 100 lot; earaga, street imp., paid, some fur msnings, tzrvo. gizuv casn. Tabor 2884. - BKAUTTFT'L bungalow. 6"room. reception-hU - and hath, property 80x128. complete garage Kiss, plenty or berries ana lots of flowers, terms. Phone D-1139. CLOSE In Irving ton residence. 8 room, paved r streets, all improvements paid, full siae lot, garage, kitchen ranges included; price (40OO. Phone owner. East 2296. 1 ' T ROOM house 1 block off MonU villa car lioe ' $2200; near 62d sL: an exceptionally good buy; some terms. D. W. Marsh, 400 McKay bldg. Phone Mam 934. " . AO ROOsT house for sale on terms; 472 Sal . v ,. soa tU, between 18th and 14th sts. . - SEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 $35M$175 CASU , BALANCE TEEMS Hawthoma district, west elope Mr, Tabor, 1 hi blocks from carline; atreet improvements in and paid for; 9 room boose, sleeping porch, bath and linen cloeet; fnll white enamel plumbing; ga and electric lights, Dutch kitchen, wax floors, panel dining room, large Urine rorm, den and fireplace; .built-in book rase. Foil size basement, with laundry trsys. New first-class "Diamond" self regulating furnace. Call after 6 p. m. Tabor 8662. NEW BUNGALOW LACRELHUBST LOT 50il48 II rooms, finished in old ivory enamel and imported wall paper. OAK FLOORS. TILE BATH. Tiled in tab. pedestal Uratory. buiR in and composition drambosnl. All SOLID BRASS hardware with GLASS KNOBS. Linen elo-wt: large baement, high grade east iron furnace; TILE FIREPLACE; living room runa full width of house. Extra large bedrooms. Full length cement front porrh. 12x18 garage. This house was built by day labor of the beat material, by the Laurelhurxt Co.. to satisfy the demand , of the exacting purchaeer. who desires a small home of the hlghet quality. I"riced at less than coat of duplication, today. Term to suit. For inspection or further information in quire Mr. Koehler. LA URELHURST CO.. 270 H Stark -t. Main 1700. What Es Your Answer? Continue paying rent and remain homeless or investigate Walnut Park place and OWN A HOME OF YOUR OWN. Lots are 50x100 feet, with 15 foot alley; streets paved and paid for. Convenience of five car lines; also Jefferson high school and library. Extra inducements offered for fire more homes thla month. You will make no mistake by calling on the owner. W. M. Killingsworth. Office 1149 Union Ave. Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m. Phone appointments, Wdln. 8304 or Wdln. 951. IrvSmgtoEi Bargain A fine, up-to-date 6 room with 2 toilets, fire place, furnace, built-in buffet, hardwood floor, ftrw large Duto-h kitchen, rarage; every room large, light and airy and in first class condition, and only $5750. H cash. Phone Marshall 829 or East 7B37. F. L. Blamchard 519 20 Railway Ex. 2 BIG BARGAINR IN I.AURF.LHUR8T A good speculstion for someone. 8 and 6 room houses, in fine condition. One has 0 bed rooms, the other ha 4. Sleeping porch with each. One has hardwood floors in every room, the other down stairs only. Both places are very close to car and in the very choicest part of the district. Come to office at E. 89th and Glisan for keys or phone Tabor 3433. Mr. Delahunty. IRVINGTON 8 splendldhomes wil"ell""ar"bld prices; must have quick action. No shoppers. Owner, East 8015. rOB SAT. 15 LOTS 16 Yon will make no mistake in buying a home site in Portland 'NOW. Land values will sure ly advance. It is the only thing that has not. Select with care a location of convenience; also one that will increase in value. I'm sure Wal nut Park offers you that location. Call on owner. W. M. Kiillsngswortlhi Office 1149 Union Ave. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. Phone appointment. Wdln. 8304 or Wdln. 931. To Get Your Westover Terrace Homesites Tou may phone, call or write HAROLD JUNGCK. Secretary International Realty Associates Owners, 1807 Yeon Building. Phones Office. Main 880 Res.. East 1990. ROSE CITY PARK. 100x100(1340. includ ing hard surfaced streit paid. Tabor 8441. ACBEAGE Acreage (1800 for 5 a., hi nnder cnltivation; 6 -room house and barn, V m. off Base Line; easy terms; a snap. (2000 for ft a. on corner in bearing fruit trees; good soil, near school, stores and churches; would make you a fine htSue and only 9 miles K. of city; if you want a suburban home site this is finer and easy terms. I have others, from 7 lo 1 5 -acre tracts, near Garden Home, highly improved, at very reason able price. Come in .nd see about them. F. L. 519 20 Railway Ex. SMALL EQUIPPED DAIRY Located half mile from carline. iuxt outalde city limits. Good 4 -room house, with sleeping porch, gas and lights available. Barn for 12 cows and lots of room for hay. Chickenhouse and out buildincv 12 fine milch cows, reason ably worth (1800: horse, chicken and com plete line of equipment. The income from this ranch is 0OO per month. Trice for land and everything $4000, $3000 caah. Personally in spected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 10 ACRES Beeverdam All improved. running water. Good six room house, two barn, on hard surfaced road. 7 miles from Portland; hi mile from ' two railroad. Price (4 750. Term. Schiller, with INTERSTATE LAND CO.. (Formerly Scandinavian-American Realty Co.) 248 Stark st. BUY THIS FINE ACRE On 82d st. pared. Cannot be beat In city L""" 'JXl U'ri Kb ra.c. line rrmrni, i HJtr. cuickcu iwuw fruit nlr. wt.r .nrinkWi in vard : 5000. Lt -.Zi. II7...V r ..... v.. ".I... i" 1 casn. wnrcn more, out owner na otner in- teres bldg. Call for William. 810 ACRE FARM FOR SALE 20 miles from Portland; too well improved to fully describe in this ad. Soil very prolific. Had 100 bushels oats last year per acre. Fall crops now in the ground. Call at office and see plat and photos. This farm would be a fanner and stock raiser's delight. Call at 403 Stock Exchange bldg. for particulars. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW Over quarter acre, located 4 blocks from Oak Grove. Oregon City line. Fruit and shade trees; gas, house wired for lights. Large porches. Woodshed 14x20. Price (1600 with (1000 cash. Personally inspected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. LOGGED-OFF LANDS Tracts 6 acre up. located within 80 miles of Portlsnd, on railroad: good soil, no rock, plenty of water, work nearby; buy on your own terms; prices (20 to (85 per sere. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 918 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 4 ACRES on 47th and Ainsworth. bargain at (5000: also 18 seres st Groveland station. $2500. or will trade both for farm. Owner, Wdln. 4193. 720 Prescott st 1 ACRE, 2hi blocks from carline.. 4 blocks Peninsula school; pavement into city. Will take auto as first payment up to (1000 if in good condition. Owner, Wdln. 4588. 9 ACRES large fir and cedar close, to Gil! is station on Bull Run line: good soil. (1800; terras Broadway 1058. 209 Oregon bldg. 2 ACRES, just off Bsse Line rosd, close to rsrline, fine fir grove. 81000; terms. Broadway 1058. 209 Oregon bldg. 7 AND 1-3 ACRES with running stream near Mabery sts. on Bull Run line. 31400; terms. Broadway 1058. 20$ Oregon bldg. SUBURBAN ACBEAGE 76 2 ACRES. SUBURBAN (1 30 DOWN Over 200 feet East 82d st paving. Sightly. bet soil, natnral "hrubbery. 25 minute drive 4 th and Wash. Easy walk good car service. Over 16 city lot: (1800. Easy terms. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 805-6-7-8 Lewi Bldg. . SCBt'RBAH HOMES ?t (2000 1 ACRE in cultivation, selected fruit SUBURBAN 1 ACRE 8NAP Finest of garden soil, neat 4 room house and woodshed, fine well of water, eood matL 1 block from Foster road, handy to car; only 82000; Very satisfactory terms. Why not live where yon can have your own cow. - chicken and a pic if you want it? Close in snaps like these are scarce. uoms in. My auto is st your ser vice to show you. E. W. HUGHES. 607 Journal building. Main 2858. trees; 5 room house, electric lights and water; 8 block north Bryant atatfasn. Inquire, for Taylor's place, Waluga. Or. FOB 8 ALEFA KM 8 17 640-ACRE grain ranch; 200 acres ready for plow, balance excellent pasture. No better land for wheat, stock or sheen raising. Wheat yields 60 bushels per acre. 330 per acre; (0000 eash. balance to suit. No improve ment except fenced.. , Write for detailed de scrip.tion D. Cormier, Lebanon, Or. . FARMS, big. and small, for ale; wonderful cli i mate, great variety of products, no crop fail ure., good road, good cshoola. good water, good health and prorpenty " prevail Writa T S Kendall. Freewater, Or. ' SEAL ESTATE mi FOB B ALE F ABM 8 If MODERN FULLY EQUIPPED CHICKEN FARM Consisting of 60 acres) of the) Sneet land ad jacent to Portland, xaost all in the highest state of cultivation except 18 acres of first growth red fir timber cruising about 2000 cords, worth about 86 per cord oa the (round. There is a very fine absolutely new modern bungalow worth $4500, barn, modern chicken and brood er houses worth 62000, water and electric light plants worth 81200, electric Hghta and pressure water in chicken and brooder houses, 1800 pure bred White Leghorn laying hens worth (2O00. hay in the barn, poultry feed,, tools and ma chinery worth 8300; the income from thla place last year 86888.63 from the eggs, other products 8820, making a total of 87208.65 from only 1200 laying hens.' This place is only 20 miles from Portland on a good auto road, near school and 4 miles from a fine town. This is without, doubt one of the best paying and best implored poultry fauna in the Northwest: owner wishes to retire and in order to do ao at once is willing to take the sacrifice price of (14,000, half eash. It will pay yon to in vestigate thla as the first man who sees It and means business will buy it THOMPSON. SWAN at LEE. Vancouver, Wash. EQUIPPED CHICKEN RANCH 100 laying hens,, large chicken house and park, brooder house, 7-room dwelling, barn, all necessary outbuildings, together with team, wagon and harness, fine Jersey cow, mower, hay rake, plow, cultivator, hay, seed potatoes, carrots and all small tools, consisting of 28 hi acres, about 15 in cultivation. 2 acres bearing prunes. . large family orchard in fnll bearing, walnuts, chestnuts, shrubbery, small fruits of sli kinds, short distance to 2 -room school; county road on two aides, only S miles from good Columbia river town, in highly improved dis trict, on good auto road with all rural ad vantages. 12 miles from Vancouver. Price for short time (4750. Owner leaving country Terms. THOMPSON, SWAN A LIE. 3d and Main sts.. Vancouver, Wash. 2000 ACRE wheat ranch. 900 in summer fal low grain, 1850 under cultivation, good well, fair buildings, fanning outfit; price (70,000. With normal yield this crop rhould pay (30.000. 14 SO acre wheat ranch, f00 in summer fal low grain; fine buildings, large part of place fenced with hog wire; Modern 11 -room house, other fine bnildings, 30 head of horses, 90 head of hogs, 21 cows and calves, tractor, auto truck, full line of other machinery; 6000 gal. water tank, hot and cold water in house; price 335 per acre; this man nistit consider a good improved valley farm up to (30,000; remainder can stand at 6 per cent. Present crop should pay at least (20,000. L. K. MOORE, 817 Board of Trad. FINE PRUNE RANCH 40 acres, located 1 M anile from Sheridan, Or., Yamhill county; 1500 Italian prune trees. 4 years old; also apples, peaches, gooseberries, currants, loganberries, black and red rasp berries, pears, sweet and sour cherries, plums. qulncM, walnuts and asparagus beds. Good 5 -room cottage, painted: barn, chicken bouse. Plane well fenced, V0 acres under cultivation, besides the fruit. Balance in timber and pas ture. Creek and spring. Price (5500 with team of mares, Jersey cow. chickens. 5 tons hay and machinery. Half cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Oerlinger bldg. CLOSE IX CHICKEN-RANCH 5 acres, located southeast of Tigard: one mile from highway, rucked road within 5 blocks of place, will be rocked by the place this spring. All good land, 4 acre under cultiva tion, 72 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of ber ries, 5 -room bungalow, bath, bot and cold water. Gas engine and pressure tank: 3 chick en houses and runways. Ram, brooder house, fruit house, woodshed. Half mile to derot. Place well fenced with heavy woven wire. Per sonally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. Great Opportunity Improved 50-acre farm, midway between Port land and Salem, close to town, paved highway and railroad; land lies Ideal, rich loam soil; running creek. No better land for fruit, berries or general farming. Will sell on terms of about one half cash or exchange for Portland resi dence, flats or other income bearing city prop erty. A. K. HILL. 215 Lumbermens bldg. LANE COUNTY RANCH ON THE HIGHWAY. .60 seres, 6 miles from Eugene, Or. 55 seres nnder cultivation, good free soil, family orrhard, 6 -room house, barn 30x32, other outbuildings, well. Price $125 per acre, with 3 horses, 2 cows, 2 heifers, chickens, 2 wagons, cultivator, set harness, cream separstor, 2 harrows, spring wagon, 1 No. 1 John Deere hay press, gasoline engine. 1 circular saw, furniture, 35 tons hay and tools. $5000 cash, or will consider car up to 81000, balance long time at 6 per cent. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. WONDERFULLY PRODUCTIVE PLATE 22 miles east of Portlsnd, on a good auto road, is a splendid farm of 39 acres, 4 mile from electric station and village. The buildings cannot be duplicated for (4000. Price of (250 per acre includes complete equipment in way of machinery and tools to run place. 32 acres un der high state of cultivation ; 7 acres good pas ture. This is a money maker. Personally in spected. Photos st office. Good terms. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. 288-ACRE farm, 4 miles from Yoncalla, Doug las Co., Ore. All fen-ed and cross fenced with woven wire, over 200 acres rich, heavy bottom land, house has full line of plumbing, 10,000 gallon cement reservoir, 4 barns. 2 'big silo, several thousand dollars' worth of hogs, cattle, sheep and machinery with place; price $35,000. This locality has the finest water and climate in Oregon. Will consider a well improved small place near Portland up to about (10,000; some cash. baX to suit. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. FOR SALE BY OWNER 0 acres onion and vegetable land in high state oi cultivation, all new buildings; with fur niture and implements (or without). This is located .7 miles from Vancouver, hi mile of at car and thriving little town. Paved road to Portland with exception of 1 mile, which is also good. Chsa. Sagert. Bifton, Wash. NEAR OREGON "CITT 40 acres, located 5 miles east, all can be cultivated, over 20 acres under cultivation, bal. pasture; place fenced and cross fenced with woven wire; new 5-room bouse, barn, chicken house, hog house and other buildings; creek on place; orchard of all kinds of fruit. Offered away below value. $2500 rash. bal. on easy terms. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. for sale by owner A . . .j , , , . . acres onion sod vegetsb le lsnd in high Mate oi cultivation, all new buildings; with fur ' .. "j ii. "V. i. T.i. . -ii car and thriving httle town. Paved road to Portland with exception of 1 mile, which is also good. Cbas. Sagert, Suton, Wash. 4 ACRES BEARING PRUNES Eight acres, located close to Falls City. Polk county. Oregon. All under cultivation, lots of bearing fruit of all kinds. 3-room house. 2 wells, chickenhouse. Good payroll town. Price 81500 with (500 cash. No trades. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. NEAR COTTAGE GROVE $2700, (1000 cash, buys a 140 acre ranch, 100 acres tillable. 40 under cultivation, 2,000. 000 feet of saw timber, family orchard, 0 room house, smoke house, log house, chicken bouse, 2 large barns; all fenced; 7 miles to Yoncalla. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Com. 81 AND a fraction acres, located one and a half miles from Oregon City. On fine road, 27 acres under cultivation, fine red shot soil. This is in the Mt. Pleasant district. House, bam. and outbuildings. Family orchard; cow. disc, etc., close to city high school, $1500 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent John Fergu son, Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE 30 acre ranch, on good road, and good soil; 20 seres cleared, 5 room house, large bam. spring wster piped to house snd bam, family orchard, 2 miles from good town of 2000, sawmills and fruit cannery. Close to good school. Very reasonable and terms. By owner. Box TOO, ttalnier. or. O. A C. RELINQUISHMENT ' $200 buys this splendid 40 acre tract, 30 acres of which sre nesrly level; fine black soil, 2 miles from Willioit, 4 miles to Scott's Mills, about 400,000 feet of timber: let this sink in. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com merce. ONE of the best equipped farms in this conn try; 10 cows, team. 100 chickens, 000 bu. grain, 100 sacks seed potatoes, 10 hogs, silo, silage cutter, feed mill, potato planter and digger; 7-room house and outbuildings, on main graveled road. Poor health cause of selling. Price 311.000. Owner. Inquire 290 Fargo at FOR 8ALE 40 acre ranch in Rogue river valley ; bottom land. Price to suit D. F. Russell. Merlin, Or. FARMS WANTED BENT OB BUY 68 MR- DAIRYMAN, do yon want to sell those cows and implements for cash: If so I can rent your farm for cash and get you eaah for every thing. I hsve some experienced dairymen look ing for such places. Give me a trial and be convinced. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 801-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM? We are having lota of calls for improved farms, and onr listings are short We don't tell you we are selling all w tanns In ths country. Just try us and see the result -STEWART A BUCK SI 8 Northwestern Bank Bldg. I WANT to rent a farm of 150 to 400 acres for cash. 1 will pnrchass stock and equipment and crops, and pay eaah ' for them. . I am a new arrival in Portland from Canada. Will deal with owners only. H-128. Journal. THOROUGHLY experienced dairyman wants to rent an up-to-date dairy farm : win pay cash for rent, ' and dairy herd, implements and eropa. Owners only; answer at once, H-122. Journal. HAVE atastern buyers wsnt fsrnTT ' ! J, ROBBINS, V SOX Hallway - Kxchangs, Main 731. - BE AL ESTATE FABM8 WANTED BENT OB BUY 88 i IMPROVED FARMS WASTED Rare 3 cub buyers for Unproved (0 to 80 acres, oa good toad, not over SO mils from Portland, with or without equipment. John fsrguson. (reiicger bldg. WANT to bear from owner of small farm for sale. P. B. Berg. 608 E. lltb. it. N... Port land. HOMESTEADS 47 160 ACRE .homestead relinquishment near Mnltnomah Falls: no improvement. For particulars inquire of C R. Kaylor, S20 Mor gan bldg. TIMBER t8 NOTICE of sale of government timber. Gen eral land office. Washington. D. C, December 11, 1919. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the set of June 8. 1916 (39 stsL. 218), and the instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the follow ing land will be sold January 27, 1920, st 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction, at the United States land office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder, at not less than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The 1 rchaae price, with an addi tional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, -moat be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will iaaue for the timber, which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from eitlsens of the United States, associations of i:h citixens and corporations organised under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the timber on any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being included-in any offer of a larger unit. T. 4. S . R. 3 E.. Sec. 21. 8W hi NW . fir 1560 M.. NE"4 8WU. fir 840 U.. KW 8W14, fir 1000 M-. none of the fir timber to be sold fox less than (1.75 per M.; sec S3, BE , SE. fir 730 M cedar 25 M.. SW 14 NE , fit 830 U none of the fir or oedar timber to be sold for less than (1.50 per M. T. 2 8.. R. 4 E.. sec. 23. NE NW4. fir 1HSO M.. cedar 80 M.. all the fir and oedar timber on i. w saa eeoar umoer on said y subdivision to ne soio lor not less man i (2000; sec 29. SW hi NW . fir 710 M.. all of the fir timber on said subdivision to be sold for not less than (900. T. 2 S.. R. 5 E., sec. 19. NE4 NW . fir 1600 M. BE M fir 1900 M . cedsr 50 M . hemlock. 220 M. : NW 14 8EV4. fh- 1395 M., cedsr, 46 1L, hem lock 150 M., SW 4 8E14. fir 980 M., cedar 235 M. , hemlock 400 M . none of the fir tim ber to be sold lor less than $1.25 per M., and none of the cedsr or hemlock timber to be sold for leas than 50 cents per M. T. 8 8.. R. 5 E., sec. 81. SWV 8W hi . fir 650 M.. none oi the fir Umber to be sold for less than $1.25 per M. ISigned) CI.AT TALLMAN. Commissioner General Land Office. FOR BALK 121) acres timber in Josephine county. Or., about 2.000.000 feet. goii lo crfion 'or small sawmill. Boi 262, Hamson, Ids ho. ISO ACRES timber land 2 miles from Colburn. Idsho. near Sand Point. Will trade for subur ban or city property. Call 520 E. Richmond st.. St Jr.hns. EXCHANGE BF.AL ESTATE t Alberta- Wheat Land Offerings 320 acres praine land, cloe? town, ready for plow, no improvements; (25 acre; will exchange for farm here or citv DrotiertV. 320 acres, highly improved, equipped; (75 per ; acre; excluinge for farm here. H00 acres, all under cultivation, equipped; (05 per acre; exchange for farm here. 3L!0 acre, equipped; $30 per acre; exchange for farm here or city projeny. CLAUDE ("OLE. 215 Lumbermens bldg. 80 ACRES cedar timber, good soil, creek, hi mile trom K. It. station: micht trade for nn improved acreage near Portland. B-486, Jour nal. ATTENTION, builders: Equity in 4 good build ing lot as first iayment on bunsalow. Phone Tsbor 7 681. WILL build 'ioue and take lots in good' dis trict. S-llwood 13R1. WANTED BEAL ESTATE 81 60 Homes For Sale THE LARGEST HOME SELLERS IN THE UNITED 8TATES If you are going to buy a home don't fall to see this wonderful display of home bargains in every part of the city at all prices and term. We hare more home bargains than any firm on the coast. On the walls of our show rooms is a photograph of every home offered for sale, amounting to over 000, di vided Into districts, with the price, terms, loca tion and full data regarding each home. We can put you immediately in touch with the home you are looking for. Every home is offered at the owner's price. Every home Is inspected and appraised personally by Frank L. McGuire. We look out for every interest of the buyer and advise you of the desirable aud undesirable districts, and see that all pa tiers and titles are perfect before your deal is closed. Our many years of experience and knowledge of val ues are at your disposal. 1 2 experienced real estate salesmen with sutos to show you prop erty. "THE McGUIKE SYSTEM" sold over $2,400,000 worth of homes lata year, amount ing to 869 sales. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Successor to II. D. McGuire Co. "40 years of service," Ab ins ton Bldg. Main 1008. Office open Evenings and Sundays. WE HAVE constant string of inquirers for suburban home. What have you in a good -house. 1 to 1 0 acres, on good road? We can mm it if it's as good a you -ay it r Phone Msin 5ft24. o27 Chamber of Commerce. IT might be to your advantage to list your house with me for sale. I have many buyers waiting. I give each and every house listing prompt attention. Watch our Ads. We get Results. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER LAND WANTED Small tracts of timber, near a road and not over 40 miles from Portland; will consider rough land it the timber is good ; must be bandied for small payment down. Will consider high priced acreage close to Portland, if con venient to rock road. John Ferguson, Gerlinger hldg. IMPROVED ACREAGE WANTED We have several people wanting small places n towns or city with payroll. Must have buildings snd small payment down. Also buyers for cheap places near Portland. JOHN FERGUSON Gerlinger bldg. I WANT ROSE CITY HOME 5 or 7-room bungalow, btrictly modern, from 35000 to $8000. If you want to sell, call me. G. C. MOORE. Main 4557 J. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Couch bldg. HAVE client for 5 or 6 room bungalow. $700 cash, good monthly payments. See Mr. Cur rie, with GRU8SI A BENNETT. 318 Board of Trsde bldg. Msin 74 52. WANT to buy 5 or 6 room bouse on one floor, modern, full lot, with mirage, paved street, close to car line: must he bargain; cash or terms. Will deal with owner only. Phone Tabor 529l. Address 145 East 30th st Can" ell yonr home, cliefitn waitinf, some with cash. We bny fluitj"T outright. Main 4803. Q. C. GOLDENBERG Abington Bldg. "85 Years in Portland" WANT modern bungalow on East Side; any good location, Sellwood to Milwaukie. Must be first class place. Hsve four partiea waiting for this kind of sf buy. Write or phone Ralph Harris Co., S27 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. HAVE client for 6 or 7-room anodern house. Give full particulars with lowest cash price. Writf C. E. Cranfill. 203 hi 1st st BOOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOB SALE 68 28-ROOM HOTEL SNAP Fully equipped, doing very good business; owner la going on a farm; will sell for $1500; rent is only $30 per conth. See Cowling. McCLURE A 8CHMAUCH CO 306 Railway Exchange. Main 1503. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE , And I will show you some of the best buys in Portland. The old reliable J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502, Couch bldg. Bargain Hunters Here it is: 9 rooms, heart of city, always fnll. good furniture, for $393; $150 down, balance aa you make it Peters, 15 N. 5th at 9 BOOM FLAT." (200 DOWN" Splendid location, reasonable rent; must be seen to be appreciated ; don't miss it ' J. BRUCE GODDARD. 802 Cewcb bldg. I WANT a rooming house, 12 to 18 rooms, also 20 to 40 rooms; faty cash. Msin 8669. H. W. Garland. 301 3d st ---h- BCsnrEss oppobttjiitties t An Excellent Opportunity Must sell my tailor shop and buninsss A good proposition for somsotw who can Dandle it 62 H 6th st. APARTMENT HOUSE SACRIFICE INCOME NEARLY (14.000 Must have (25,000 cash. ' mortgage (15,000; balance $10,000; terms; prominent West Side corner; ' completely furnished; unless you are ready to do business, do not bother. See our manager. Room 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. ESTABLISHED VULCANIZING AND AUTO ACCESSORY BUSINESS Tires for sale at inventory, floorspaee. vulcan izing, equipment for rent, or will sell: good dean stock. Will consider partnership. Wdln. 6019. $12,000 BUYS one-tourth rich ailver mining property; no promoters ' none but legitimate investors need answer. Cash needed for work on property. References given and demanded. H-659. Journal. War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds. Spot cash. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. -StfMI BUSINESS CARDS ffj ROSE CITY PRINTERY sj M .HJU Yon must bring this ad. 120 6th st CREAMERY for sale, doing a large wholesale business in butter, eggs and cheese. Big money msker. N'X-164, Journal. COFFEE house and restaurant with steady trade: newly papered and painted; a bargain if taken soon. 380 E. Alder st. PARTY to manage main office and invest (100; we have several branch offices; give phone. B 4X4. Journal. FOR 8ALF A- downtown dairy lunch. In- qnire 107 Fourth st, FOR SAIi. I .sundry doing good business; auto delivery. WX-534. Journal. 600 BUSINESB CARDS 81.23 Ryder Ptg Co.. Main 3536. 191H 8d st. FOR SALE Shoe shop st 192 3d st. BCSLNESR OPPOBT UNITIES WANTED 68 I WANT CONFECTIONERY STOKE If you have a nice place and want to sell, call me. G. C. MOORE. MAIN 4 557 BRrCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE 87 CITY: LOANS. NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for improvement ' purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.28 per month for 36 months, or (21.24 per month for 00 months, or (15.17 per month for 90 months paya a loan el (1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in asms propor tions. Repayment Privileges EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN AB8N. 242 Stark at.. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS Loans for any amount at 5 H per cent for 8 to 10 years, paysble in monthly installments; any part or all of the loan payable at any time. We loan money in all towns of the Northwest Call or writs. 1833 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 8718. Evenings, Woodlawn 2481 MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and city property, favorable repaying privilege!; no -commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD.. .606Platt Bldg. Main 6jS71. SEE US TODAY We loan moose on ral es tate; 0 and 7 per cent, long time, short time; monthly payments; pay as you can; sums to suit, tta uasco mag., otn sna aiaer. CELLARS MURTON CO. $300, $400. $500. $750. $1000 and up at lowest rstes; quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce building. Main 04 4 .V BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONEY TO LOAN' in amounts of (100 to $5000 on city property. A. U. BELL, Rooms 10 and 11 Mulkey bldg (300 $400 $500 (000 $750 and up. lowest rates; quick action. Gorden Mortgage Co.. 031 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. 6EE OREGO?. INV. V MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and 8tark 810O0i(1500(2O00 and-up7 no commission. F. H. DESHON. 015 Cham, of Com, bldg. . MORTGAGE" LOANS up to $0000, 0 snd 7 pel cent Fred 8. Williams. 600 Panamajbldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 0 and 7 per "cant Louis Balomo n Co.. 408 Belling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. OK AN STRING OF VALUE. 8ECUR1T CSUALL L&JT1' IN VOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIK NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF SOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL PAX THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE Mil.v IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY CS IN SMALL MONTHLY PAXMEM'IS to Slitl YOUR CON V EN 1EN UK. L.EGAL RATES NO DELAI BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806 307 DJKUM BLDG.. 8D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N. Phoue Broadway 910. 894 Stark st., near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches, Victrolaa, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPT.K OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOKROWEB City and county warrants cashed at face value. CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN Manager. 8ALARY LOANS WE LOAN MONEY CHATTELS on short notice to salaried or worktngmen on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDG. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; all articles held a year: established since 1888. Dan Marx A Co.. 28$ Wash, st LOANS WANTED 86 $2500, 7 PER CENT, waited on Rose City Park 7 room modern bungalow, worth $5000. Tabor 854, forenoons. $1500 wanted for private party on farm land. 518 Chamber of Commerce. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 233 Chamber of Commerce, 4 th and Stark. FINANCIAL 61 I WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (Alf doe coupon interest included.) J. H. KEATING. 17 BOARD Ok 1KADH BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH I MARKET PRICE1 CASH FOR RECEIPTS. We LOAN money on BONDS. War Savings Sumps. 7 per cent 725 GASCO BLDG., FIFTH AND ALDER CELLARS-MURTON CO. CASH paid for mortgages snd tellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. B. E. Noble, 816 Lumbermen bldg. CASH paid for realtj mortgages or sale eon tracts; prompt attention, reliable service. A. K. HILL, 215 Lumbermens bldg. HOBSE8, TEHICLES, ETC 18 JUST received a shipment of blocky-built farm horses from Eastern Washington, some well mated teams and well-bred mares with foal to imported horses. Prices very reasonable. G. K. Howitt. Portland Union8tock yards ham. O. T. STABLES. 1TTH AND KEARNEY 25 good young horses and mares, some well matched teams; everything sold with a guar antee as represented. G. D. WILLIAMSON. SPAN steel gray Percherons, weight about 2C00 lbs., 6-6 yean old. Any fair trial allowed. Inquire Marion Fuel Co., Taylor st dock. WANTED To rent team by month. Phone Main 5236 after 6 p. m. Inquire for Mac Donald. SALE, doable wagon, team, harness. 1 bay mare. 7 years; black mare, 1200 lbs., buggy. harness. 880 Front. EXCHANGE for hones, harness or wagons, good lot Alberta district, value 8600. V-801. Jour nal. ONE horse, weight about 1100 pound, and de livery wagon; a bargain. 217 N. Jersey. H0RSEand wagon. 81.50 per day; 8 horses sad V wagon. 36. if Oohen. 646 Front. Main 230, 8EVFRA lm . buawje sxbd har- tor sale.'- (80 Front, " H0B8ES, TEHTCLES. ETC 18 LARGE TEAM well mated Shire mares, extrs ; gentle and true. Alas on good big single mare. Stock used to farm work; cheap for eaah. One farm and harness. Wood stock car to E. 86th and Gladstone. Walk 2 blocks north la 1087 Francis. Phone Sell- wood 1212. FOR SALE, biro or exchange. 100 head of horses, 4 to 12 years old. weighing from 1200 to 1700 lbs. Baraeeaea and wagons of all kinds. Liberty bonds or approved notes ac cepted. These horses can be seen right in the collar. Phil Suetter. 283 Front at. Crown Stablea. NOTICE Just arrived. 2 carloads of Eastern Oregon horses ud mares; matched teams from 8 to 7 years old. ranging from 1300 to 18O0 lbs.; well broke and solid color: if von are in the market it will pay you to come and see tneae Dorses. J. B. Williamson. 240 K. 8th St., corner Main. JUST received a shipment of btocky-built farm borsea from Eastern Washington, some well- mated teams and well-bred mares with foal to imported horses. Prices very reasonable, u. &. Howitt. Portland Union Stockvards barn. DAPPLED GRAY mare, aged 6 years, weight about 1600 lbs.: also sorrel horse, seed fi years, weight about 1600 lbs. Very gentle and broke. Inquire Marion Fuel Co., Taylor sx. aock. SELL CHEAP FOR CASH 1400 lb. black mare, 4 year old; 1 1200-lb, mare and 1 2 S 00-lb. team: 833 takes 1 1000 lb. mare and heavy single harness. 270 E. 7th st. netween Madison and Hawthorne. TEAM of Belcians. mm and horse. affel 4 and 5 years, very blocky built, weighing about iDuu ids. Well nroke and gentle. Ask for Yi srd. W oodysrd, Taylor at. dock. 2000 POUND team, harness and farm wagon, bargain. Atlas Wood yard, 327 Front at. LIVESTOCK 8$ AM QUITTING the milk business. Nine splrn did cows for sale, prices $00 to $100. Cows tuberculin tested by Dr. Silver-wood One horse. 2 wagonsr lot of harness, 300 milk bottles, lot of milk crates, carriers, a 2-valvr bottler, large tank and wash tub. These must be eon by eqnosqay morning. ia4 Montana ave. EIGHT franh- cows snd 9 springers. 3 fresh cows. $00 each without their calves. These cow have recently been shipped in from the larm ; must, De sold at once. G. K.. Howitt i nion stockyarq barn. 8 FRESH cows snd 9 springers, 8 fresh cows, $80 each without their calves. These cows hsve recently been shipped in from the farm. Must be sold at once. O. K. Howitt. Union Stock Yard barn. North Portland. WE have established a good market lor dairy cows at the stockyards at North Portland. U you wish to buy any good dairy cows or have any to sell, see Mr. Bruce st the Union Stock yards. North Portland, Or. 5 YEAR old Jersey cow giving 6 gal., fresh 10 days: 1 enw and calf, " also cow to freshen soon; some White Leghorn and Barred Rock pullet. 0102 85th st S E. MU Scott car. TEN very best dairy cows, Holsteins and Jer-. ey, calves at side, all fine milkers; will tell cheap f.r trade for bee-f cattle. 491 Flint st. 2 FIKST CLASS cows, fresh 1 week ; giving 4 to 5 gala. ; 1 Guernsey and 1 Durham. Foster road and Buckley ave., 2d house north. SIX first-class fresh and coming fresh in few days, all young and heavy milkers. 761 East Ash st IX) R SALE. 2 good milk goats, sell st Phone Wdln. 5998. 180 W. Rua- POni.TBY AND RABBITS $7 THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY 1534 E. 12th N. U'oodlswn 1485. BABY CHICKS 8 C. R. I. Reds $30 per 100 8. C. Barred Rocks 30 per 1O0 S. C. White Leghorns per 100 Barred Rocks and R. L Red hatching eggs. $2.50 or $3. iff per setting. Special prices for large orders. NORTHWEST POULTRY CORWRATION Offers you the best obtainable In poultry, eggs, chicks snd grown stock. Correspondence cheer fully answered. 8 2d at. 73d to 74th ave. 8-JL. Lents station, Portland, Or. DAY OLD CHICKS FOR SALE. Out of three hatches for my own laying pen during March, April and May. Reference, Master Incubator Co. F. C. Griffin. Gresbain, Or., Jenne Station, R A. POULTRY "WANTED I will pay a premium price for your laying snd br---drir tcV we're m- or phone Sell. 8107. L. V. HULIT. 1100 Henry st BUFF COCHIN bantam coops, wire 1 inch mesh; rabbit hutches; some good 2 inch lumber: in cubator, feed grinder; also some carpenter tools. 4 20S 4th su S. E. MT. SCOTT POULTRY YARDS Leghorn. B. Rocks. R I Reds: cockerels. $2.50 up. Write or phone for prices on hens snd roller Tshor 8I5 094ft S4th st. 8 K. RHODE ISLAND RED cockerels, fine laying strain, reasonable; also 10 Brown Leghorn pullets. 711 Water st near Hooker. ONE thoroughbred White Orpington cockerel, some White Leghorn and Barred Rock pullets. 6102 85th 8. E. Mt Scott csr. WE PAY CASH totjLtby" Pea. Pumiies. of all kinds. Caah Produce Co.. 80O K. Morrison. Bast BUI wTTlTr LEGHORN. Buff"7rpington, R7T Redi BatTed Rock, White Wyandotte cockerels. Tsbor 6895. 8348 84th st 8. E. 11 WHITE LEGHORN pullets (lsylng), one rooster, six R. I. R. hens. 827 Irving st near Steel bridge. 60 FINE R. I. R. pullets 8 cockerels, 1 cock bird, for sale cheap; also 2 R. I. White cock erels and 3 pullets. Phone Tabor 5814. 1-YEAR-OLD gander wanted. 1R27 K. K. Call Broadway CHICKENS for sale. $1.50. White Leghorns and R Red. 771 Missonri ave. Joe David. FOR SALE Fine Barred Rock cockerels. Phone Wdln. B986. FOR "SAI.E S. C. Rhode Island Red cockerels. 1439 teveland sre. Phone Wdln. 585. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS. ETC., 48 CANARY BIRD SHOP FEMALE FREE WITH EVERY SINGER AUTO. 322-17. 1151 E. 28TH NO. WANTED To communicate with owner of 1st clasa registered male Irish setter dog for serv ice J. F. Wesely. Scio, Or. FOR SALE Three English bull pups. Call J Main 2744. or 287 hi Pirt st FOB SALE Pedigreed English bull (female) n montiit oio lum iast zstn st N. LLEWELLYN-! inale pup, 4 mos. old, $ 1 T Phone Tabor501. BLACK -AND-TAN terrier pups for sale! W 535, Journal. TWO St Andreasburg Rollers for sale. 3577. East AUTOMOBILES AND ACCE8SOBIES 44 FORlTto"uringT"$200"o7tnof"lxtrss," irTfine shspe, s snsp: terms to suit you. Come snd ee It. Fields Motor Car Co., 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. W A NTED Someone who wants 1919 Maxwvir. 3 pass, roadster, new tires, seat covers, ulate glass in rear and side curtain for (100 leas than others ssk. Csll Broadway 824 7. FORD 8EDAN7"used "privsteiyT-new Tires, just like new, will sacrifice at $750 and give terras. 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. 2 FORD bugs, c iest bugs, ever built $50 less than others ask. neoedway 324 7. 90 N. Broad way. for 1919 CHEVROLET touring. Just like a new car: a bargain for someone. Myers Auto Co., 411 Davis st GARDEN OF EDEN , for sale (1600: take Ford first payment and $15 per month. per cent interest. K. LOW 1 n p. m 1919 No.o"TfHETR6LET light delivery, only been 3000 miles as demonstrator. Must selL Wdln. 2387. I SOLD three Fords yesterday; why? Becaue I sell for k i, Broadway 324 7. 90 N. Broadway. 1918 FORD roadster, fine condition; must sell at $350 and terms. Comer 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. MAXWELL roadster. 1918. like new. $050; Carter Car. 5 passenger. $100. Weber's Ga rage, Belmont at 30th. BEST offer before Saturday takes Fori CaD Seaton. Eaxt 4138. MONARCH MOTOB CO.. 348 Vancouver Ave. ASK to see 1917 Hudson speedster! private 'enr; in perfect, condition. Price 31650. GLOBE OARAGE. MAIN 206 WILL sacrifice 1919 Ford track, with body in good condition, (525. 9225 cssh. 1914 Ford touring $226. 5820 92d st. 8. E FOR SALE 8 Cadillac 1 hi ton trucks, cons' plete with bodies. 18 th and Tburman. Port land. Or. FOR SALE 1919 Liberty Six, run 3000 miles. A-l condition; terms. 449 Burn- aide st. ASK TO SEE 6 PASSENGER REO; PRI VATE CAR, AND A BARGAIN. 8625. OI.OBB OARAGE. 6Q NORTH 20TH. 1915 FORD touring, good mechanical shape; 2 new tires on rear. Will rarrisice. Terms if desired Mr. Page, Broadway 1572 or A-4981. STUDERAKEB FOUR, in A-l condition, good tires and good paint, a real bargain at $750, with terms. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. MAXWELL TOURING. 1917. good tires. wiH sacrifice at $575 and give terms. 80 Grand ve. N. near Burnside. LIBERTY 6, Hke new. with extras. $1600 essK Phone Tsbor 1861. OAKLAND eight. 6 good tins, very cheap. Eat 27. FOR SALE: Ford Sedan. 1918; a bargain. Mam 8881. - FOR SALE Stndebaker car, 1917. 4-eyL, 6400. 4109 65th st- Tel. Tsbor 4019. 1919 VKLIE six. like new, at a bis reduction ' on very liberal terms. Marshall 1428. 1918 CHANDLER, f pass. 1917 Hudson Myers Auto Co.. 41I.TDens at, AUTOMOBILES AXD ACCESSORIES "NEAR NEW" CARS 1919 Clean-up 1916 FORD ROADSTER With delivery box. Boarh magneto ignition. Ideal car for lignt aeuvery wis 117 FORD 'ROADSTER Good as new, new top. oversise tires. .$400 1918 FORD TOURING Mechanically perfect, S new tires, tamper. hock absorbers, spotlight, dock, loot in rot us and other extras 6476 1918 FORD SEDAN 05 per pent new, for quick ssle. . . . . . .$725 191T MAXWELL TOURING Reflnlshed. 5 good tires, excellent mechanical condition gaou 1918 MAXWELL TOURING Gabriel snubbers. Warner lens and bumper, 8650 1917 CHEVROLET TOURING Newly painted. 5 eood tires, first class me chanical condition $526 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING Five tires, practically good as new $728 STUDEBAKER FOUR TOURING Motor overhauled, good Urea $376 OAKLAND LIGHT SIX ROADSTER In fine ahape, 5 good tires, spotlight No-glare lens, shock absorbers (sou 1917 BUICK LIGHT SIX TOURING Thoroughly overhauled, original finish good. Gabriel snubbers all around, windshield wings, spotlight, motor meter, 4 cord tireu, 2 spare tires, new top, plateglass In rear. .... .$1200 1917 BUICK LIGHT SIX TOURING Good mechanical condition, 6 good tires, new top, plateglass in rear $1000 191R CHANDLER TOURING Seven-passenger, refinished, R good tires, new top. plateglass in rtar. A real bargain . .$1450 1918 STUTZ SIXTEEN VALVE motor, six passenger, 5 cord tirea, bumper, mo tor meter, spot light. No-glare lens: run only 6500 miles $2850 TerrnsNo Brokerage C. Q. BLEASDALE 530 Alder St. Bdwy. 1852 1917 FRANKLIN; this ear has had the best of care; good tires, top and upholstering in splen did order; if you are Interested in a Franklin, it will pay you to see this one. 191H Bulck 0. just overhauled and painted, with good top and upholstering, brand new aide curtain.; tire are fair. Price $1150. 1918 Country Club Overland, up In fine condition, with brand new (75 top. good side curtains; good tire all around: ncwlv painted, robin egg blue, black top. Price $800. 1917 Stndehaker, with new cor tires In .1".,' j V ..... ... ...... p,mili , upno.swrmg anci top go.nl ; mis is a timrifi V ( r Will nxsikas sin amanf allu I - rtrina 1918 Ford light delivery, with good delivery top, very god Ures all around : has just come out. of the shop; in fine condition mechanically; good paint. Price $400. Butler Motor Car Co. East Bnrnside near Bndge. East 821. If you want a good USED CHEVROLET, Why not go to the CHEVROLET AGENTS, Who are interested in seeing yon get a good used car and become a Chevrolet Booster 1 FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. Chevrolet Agents 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. Oarages SPECIAL 10x16 5' READY-CUT AND PORTABLE e Houses MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO 1601 UNION AVE. WDLN 2418 AND 4205. HUDSON SUPER SIX TOURING CAR OR SPEEDSTER; WILL SELL ONE OR BOTH AT A BARGAIN; GOOD CORD TIRES ALL AROUND AND LOOK LIKE NEW; BO DAT GUARANTEE. CALL ADAMS. TOBOR 630 OB MAR. 6843. FORD sedsn. 1920, electric starter and other eitras, big discount. Buick roadster, light six, $750. Act quick. Overland 5 passenger, model 83, $580. MACK INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION, 10th and Davis SU. 10,000 carried in stock. Our springs sold nitb a written gnarsntee. We (ire you service 84 N. 16th st Free Free Free BpoUighta, wind deflecters, bumpers, new tools go with our used cars. This offer good for January only. THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Broadway at Bumside. 1919 cTlEVROLET' touHni ; luu nol beefn driven over 7000 miles and we have gone over entire car in our own shops. This car would give same service as new csr and you would stand no depreciation; (675 and terms. Fields Motor Car Co. 14th and Aldjgr. Broadway 240. STOCK USED CARS RIGHT NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. maxwelLt6uring"" It haa'been refinished Packard blue with gold stripe, add. believe me. it's the real goods ; low price of $485. with $200 down, balance easy. Red Front Used Csr Co., 505 Alder st : ' '18 "OVERLAND NO. 90 This one is Just new snd hsa some extras and will please you If you like this brand; low price of $685 with $250 down, balance long, eay terms. Take bonds or Ford in trade. 505 Alder at. Red Front. 191 8 LIBERTY light touring-car. a ni?e 5 pass, car and in good mechanical condition; will sacrifice .and glee terms. Phone Marshall 1950apt 42 CHEVROLET ROADSTER, in the beat of con dition, used privately. Owner must sell. $625. with terms. 80 Grand ave. N. near Bnrnside. FORdHKoADSTER AreTl bargain at $475; terms. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. MAXWELL. 1918. good" mechanical condition. new terms. paint. A bargain at 17-75. Some 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. MOTORS rearm, bearlnas. wheels, aslea: we wreck all snakes of ears and sell their pans st hi priest Dsvtd Bodes On.. 16-107 M. 11th st FORDS ! FORDS ! FORDS I THE CHEAPEST BUYS IN TOWN. MYERS AUTO CO., 411 DAVIS ST. CHEVROLET, 1918, in the best of condition. New paint, good tires. , A bargain at (625. Some terms. (0 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. WHAT kind of a car do you want? We have it and the price is right MYERS UTO CO., 411 DAVIS ST. FORDS DODGES CHEVROLETS Lowest prices; make yonr own terms. MYERS AUTO ' COv. 41 1 DAVIS ST. vTtlcan TIRE SHOP First (hag tire repairing, bargains la new snd need tires. East 4896. 41 Grand are. FORD COUPELET. in fine condition, new tires. Will seU at 8778 and givs terms. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. 1916 FORD yuat overhauled. 6 good tires."3J0 cash. East 1 12, ssk for night man. 4SOLTXEWcFTSir6ALLO!, OILS AND UREASE. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 184 1T. DODGE for sale by owner, (800. Call Ess't v824 ; - ' -WE pot steel teeth m yoer old flvwhset, B A. Black. 684 Aider. Bdwy. 268$. ilip gii iij $66. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 Here Are SOME REAL BUYS BOTH NEW AND USED 19 IT CHANDLER CHUMMY. 191 CHANDLER DISPATCH. 1920 LEXINGTON TOURING. 1918 OLDSMOBILI TOURING. 191 OLDSMOBILB 8 TOURING. 1918 OAKLAND TOURING. 1919 MAXWELL SEDAN. 1918 FORD COUPE; ELECT. START 1917 OLDSMOBILB TOURING. 1918 h u i'm o bile, stutz touring. 4-pass. stutz sport model, 4-pass. 1919 paige light six. fords and bi'icks FROM 1915 TO Portland Car Sa.es Co, 631 ALDER 8T. BDWY. 2790. We Offer the Following.. Bargains in New Cars 1917 2 35 Packard Twin Sii. 7 pas senger r $276" 1916 1 85 Packard Ttn Su. 7 pas "enger 2250 1916 126 Packard Twin Sit, 6 pas- " senger 210(1 1915 5 4M -cyl.. 5 psw 2000 1915 3 3K 8 cyl.. 7 -pass 1.10(1 1915 Studebakrr. run only 0000 miles 750 f 1 si i aiiiiiac touring 000 IttlN Nah Chummy ri.adster at 1150 Late 191(1 Kodjr, ft pas. touring, cord tires spot light, seat covers, ertra tire and hutuper; mechanically perfect; terms (04) Also a few good buys In used Parks rd Trucks. PortDand Motor Car Co, Bnrnide st Tenth 8U Telephone ll 521. FIR1T ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Of USED CARS ALL GILT-EDGE VALUES FROM A RESPONSIBLE HOUSE. 1919 Psige touring, newly refinished. I91M Keo. evl., 7 pass. In fine condition, cord tires, easy ruling and very reliable. 1017 Jclierv. 7oivi,, mechsnlrally perfect J cord Ure. plenty oi iower aim nursoiiity. B17 Mitchell. 1 pass., newly repainted W I .... ' . . w can recommend this car to he perieclly reliable. 1918 Maxuvll, 6 pass.. lghjy used, ready to go Iftlfl Oakland 6 .12. one of the best, thor oughly overhauled and new top. 1917 Maxwell. 5 pa., special equipment. A real good buy it you want something good. 1918 Ford touring, in good shsie. 1913 Studehsker mode) 2.' touring. In very good simps snd st s low figure. HAMILTON MOTOR CO. 60 N. rirnadwsy, portlsnd Or, Pinna Broadway 3606. , Fords Fords Fords HERE'S YOUR CHANCE 1918 Ford touring $395 1917 Ford touring (3f)S 1919 Ford touring (4A0 191S) Ford touring $450 1918 Ford roadster $450 1918 Ford coupe Jfl8ft 1917 Ford touring '$450 1918 Ford touring $4 78 1918 Ford roadster. $4 25 1917 Ford louring $4 50 1914 Ford touring $190 i 1914 Ford delivery $27( 1918 Ford delivery $550 1918 Ford delivery $496 1916 Ford delivery $4 76 Don't fall to see these csrs before yon btr Some of them sre practically new. Terms desired. FRA.4CIS MOTOR CAR CO. East 8770. K. 18th and Hawthorne a VS. These Are All Bargains 1917 OLDSMOBILE 8 81250 191 S OLDKMOBII.E fl ROADSTER. . 1266 1918 OLDSMOBILE 6 TOURING... 1260 1917 MAXWELL TOURING 500 1917 CHALMERS 6 TOURING 800 1917 HUPMOBILE 1050 1918 OVERLAND CLUB ROADSTER.. 700 1 DODGE TOURING 660 OSdsmobile Company BROADWAY AND COUCH. Broadway 2270.!? E9H8 Chandler Chymniy 5 Wire Wheels A 1 MECHANICAL snAPE AND WTL RErTNISH TO SUIT TOU AT (1450. TERMS. CALL ADAMS. TABOR 680. Real Bargains IN HI KIHTI.Y l HKI 1919 LEXINGTON SI'OKT AND TOURING CARS Terms If Heqiilrsd BRUNN MOTOR CAR CO. 2H-80 N Brosdwsy. Open Sundays. M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks repstred snd remodeled. Auto sheet metal work a spe cialty. 605 Burnside. Broadway 2200 FRANKLIN CAR for rale by owner, model 9B, 6 pass, touring, cord tire. front and rear bumper, spotlight latest model wing deflector, practically new car. priced right for quirk -sir; reasonable terms if desired. Phone East 7 709 '17 HUP TOURING This is the big buy and It'a the real goods arsl we can take you to the hills and show yon; as In rine condition and low price of (900, wills (800 down, balance lung, easy terms. Red Front, 6j5 Alder st A REGULAR feast of bargains In all makes ot c and we nlve $40 worth of extras with every used car sold during the month of Jan THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Broadway at Bnrnside. " FORD TOURING" '1 7 ' Thla one Is the real goods refinished dark maroon and has Nile green wheels, runs and look perfect: low price and (130 down, ha la nee lone, easy monthy payments; take bonds full value. 505 Alder st Red Front J'sed Hsr Co. LIGHT sii Htii.lehakar. like new. driven 3000 inilnn. oord tire, one new extra, luotmoetev, light, bumiier; must sell. See this car. Mver Auto Co., 411 Darts at I CHEVROLET TOURING, In the heat of rondl. I tion. I .Ota of ettrsa, good tires, must sell. (625, with terms. SO Grand are, N. near Burnside. ' ' OVERLAND TOURING, in A-l mmditloo. good tires. Must sell. A bargain, (575. Terms. 80 Grand ave, N. near Burnside. ' 1B1K OLDS roail-ler 5 new tirm: car looks " I like new and performs better; try it out ' , MYERS AUTO CO . 411 DAVIS ST. FORD BUG A snap: 8223 and terms; ready to run; drive It awsv. Field Motor Car Co.. 14th and Aider. Broadway 240. MAXWELL TOURING. 1920. used privately. Must sell. A bargain, 8976, with terras, 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. PIERCE-ARROW 7-PA88, 8750. DANDY CAR FOR STAGE LINE. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. 1916 FORD touring, good condition: tires in good shape: (850 and terms: mtxt be said. Corner 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. 1918 CHANDLER chummy roadster, wire wheels and good tires snd In A-l mecbsnlcal condition: will give terms. Phone Marshall 2766. S A XOtf TOUR ING. in the best of condition, good tires, owner's sacrifice. (750, with terma. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. 1918 FORD deliver, eurtsia bodr. Will sr. very reasonsbJa. Mr. Wick, Broadway 167$ U or Eat 8747. 1918 IORD roadster, electric starter snd lights,, L demountable rims snd other extras. See Mr. Wilson, Broadway. 1(72, or Woodlawn (188. 1918 FORD, Al condition; fine tires; (450. East 6284. J. Wm. Clark. KaetJJ234 1919 FORD touring, fine condition; will ' otistrste. Phon. $$6-68, v.' LATE model Vela sit.- all good Ures, new taunt " Cheep on terms, i liimhla 832, lOonUnued m 'llovlnf Pae)