THE OREGON JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, JANUARY. 12, ; 1C20. Ill t J: ! -3 kit SPECULATION GREAT OPTIMISM 'ELOPED IKET Quiet and Respectable Advance in '- Stocks and Reestablishment of 5- Inter-Ally Trade Needed Bf Broaden Wall Now York, Jan. 11. Develop- BEING DDI INSTOCKMAH merits in the past week have en- J gendered a great deal of optimism Into the Wall Street situation. The aplit In the Democratic party has : led the financial world to believe I that the next president will be a Republican. " This means a revision of tax laws I and other favors for investors. Hoover"s ; announcement that Europe has been jr malin;erlrig- economically has atlso I helped. If Hoover's statement is cor reel, and most people believe he Is a 1' man whose word can be takenwlth The Will It is will power that makes the difference between the success and the failure. The man who grits his teeth and goes - ahead, regardless of obstacles, sees all difficulties fade before him. -One man says "I can't save now; when the boss gives me a raise I'll start a bank ' account." Another says "maybe I can't save much, but here's two bits for a starter," and every week he saves some thing. Which is in line for promotion? If you possess grit and will power, you'll save in 1920, and not starve, either for the perseverance and strength of character developed jn saving will make for suc cess in other lines. National Thrift Week ! Beginning Jan. 17, 1920 LADD & TILTON BANK Oldest in the Northwest Washington and Third rSEMBiifn fEDRl K5BVT Combining the SAFE with the PROlJITABLsE in Investments OREGON Municipal Bonds constitute securities of proven "hiKh character, and should have prior choice in the selec tion f 1920 investments by loyal Oregonians. We can offer you a varied assortment of such bonds, ranging in return from 5 to 6 per cent, and free from federal income taxation. IP VOU OA Nil OT CALL, PHONt POt ONE OP OUR RBPRISENTATI VIS TO VISIT VOU CLARK.KtNDALL6 CO. MUNICIPAL BONDS From tli State atf OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO To Net 4.90 to 6.50 . K Exempt From Pmaat lacov Tax f. evepeaux Rtmfiany 87 Sixth Street Bfadway 1042 ' Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building . Boy tad SbD 3 S CovarnaTMat, Fortafn GoTtaavMat - lUilroad. Publi VtiUty, Uduatrial. MuakipaJ "t'z -2 1 . ' ' Qotatia lwla Blclw., Portlan!. Or. " IN STOCKS WANING safety, then European acceptances are safer investments than the world - baa supposed. : American exporters .. have been slow In taking-'advantage of the Ed re bill because they were afraid the acceptances received from Europe could not be sold. Hoover's statement will help this situation very materially. The Federal Reserve bank continues to enforce its mandate against extrava gant loans for speculative purposes. This is as It should be. Wall Street will be perfectly satisfied If the rule It ap plied against speculators in copper, cot ton, boot and shoes, woolen good and other commodities where the specula tion has become scandalous. There is no wild speculation In Wall Street and I all that the operators nope to so now IS to brine aooui a quiet ana respect able advance In the market that will discount to some extent the optimism that Is being- developed. The fact that a few American ships ; are returning from Europe without cargoes is not of moral Importance. The important thing now Is to set international trade started and do something to encourage the farmers to plant another great crop. Unless these two things are done the country will be facing a serious situa tion within a year, regardless of who may be in charge at Washington. The money value of four exports has broken aH records, but the physical vol ume has fallen down to a startling de gree. Hoover says Europe ; has been fooling the United States by pretending a poverty that does not exist. It will not be many months before Europe will be able to take care of itself and the United States will learn too late that mm II M T7n rmi m i 71 n 71 w ht. ivtijM n 1 "1 in ts itfiM iiii w irr n n 13 to Save INC. Upon flquet TaJeplioaa MarakaJ 655" Edited by Will F. Hessiaa it' has missed the greatest opportunity of a century, f .Topics Famished by Ovwrneeka A Cook Co. Annual report of Comptroller Wil liams says 1919 record year for national banks. ToUl resources $22,441,992,000 or 9829.000,000 more than ever before reported. - Wick wire Spencer Steel corporation with capitalisation, over $20,000,000 to merge Wlckwire Steel company and Chiton Wright Wife company. Canadian Pacific railway earnings first week January increased $215,000. . ... Federal reserve bank's ratio of re serve, 18.6 per cent ; new low -level com pared with 3S.7 per cent a week ago. Shell Transportation A Trading' com pany has declared an interim dividend of 2 shillings, free from tax. Fnrnshed by Hereto A Rhode, line. Ratification of the peace treaty wfU, It Is expected, mark a forward move ment of Important volume in copper production, and the surplus of the In dustry will be quickly reduced owing to large needs of central Europe. If the stock dividend case is decided it will be the key to immediate move ment marketwise. Any ruling adverse to corporations probably would produce but limited response. British Golumbia Bonds Are Offered The Freeman. Smith A Camp company Is participating with a syndicate which has purchased a new Issue' of bonds of the province of British Columbia. The total purchased by the syndicate was $2,450,000. These are 5 per cent gold bonds in $100, $500 and $1000 denomina tions and run for a five-year period. They are being sold to net the investors 6.(0 per cent It is expected to have these bonds ready for deliver- within a few days. PACIFIC COAST BASK STATEMENT Portland Sank! -Cleirlnfs. This Wnk. - Tsr A-. Monday .88.882.472 17 t 5.075.449.10 Seattle Banks Clearint Monday 9 8,09,41.05 Balance Monday 1.718.898.57 Spoken Bank Clcarinn Monday f 2.971.O200 Balances Monday 1. 108.615.00 Tacema Banki Clearin- Monday ....$ 058. 781.00 Balances Mondy 170,500.00 San Franelsco Banks Clearings Monday ....128,084.886.00 La Aaaelaa Banks Clearings Monday 111.902.807.00 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES Corrected daily by foratfn department of United SUta National bank. Opening nominal ratea for bank transaction : Cheeks. Cabled. T.ondon. Bounds steriln . . . $ 8.73 8 8.74 H Paris, francs 11.17 11.15 Berlin, marks 1.99 2.01 Genoa, lire 18.42 13.40 Copenhagen, kroner 18.20 18.30 Christiania. kroner 1 ft. 85 20.05 Stockholm, kroner 21.15 21.25 Honskonc, local currency. . -85. 50 98.00 Yokohama, yen 50.15 50.25 .LIBERTY. BOND SALES Stock ' -Onen. Migb. Ixw. Close. Liberty SHs 9S2 . 8S0 PPB0 9B0 Ubertr 1st 4. . . . B2K8 82SS 9284 9288 Liberty 2d 4s... 9180 910 8170 17S liberty 1st 4 Vis. 8834 9S24 0812 ASIA Liberty M 4 Vi . . 234 9240 0210 9220 Liberty third 4 'is 8442 8448 0400 8400 Liberty 4th 4 Vis. 92AO 9280 9240 0244 Victory 4s ... 8898 9808 98T4 9874 Victory Ss ... 9900 9900 9874 9872 $50,000 Vancouver, B; C. Short Term Bonds to yield 7 DATED March 2, 1914 DUE December 15. 1923 Principal and interest coupons (June 15 Dec. 15) payable in New York. These are old seasoned bonds the direct general tax Hen upon all the taxable property of the City of Vancouver. Denomination $486. f EXEMPT FROM ALL, TAXATION IN CANADA v 4y2 bonds at 91.41 to yield 7 Ask foe detail. Freeman GOVERNMENT, CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL BONDS TO NET FROM 5 TO 7 PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. CORPORATION BONDSin'clude some of the best; secur ities available aftd some of the worst. The specific merit of a specific investment is the thing to be con sidered. '"Tke Hooae Built Sq ware" . . 1 1 :. ' -Carstens & Earles, Incorporated 307 U. S. Nat'I Baak Bidf. south ppi : 1 eport Is to Effect That North west Steel Co. and Columbia River Corporation Amalgamated A persistent rumor along the waterfront that 'refuses to down, is the report, said to have emanated in the East, that the Northwest Steel company and the Columbia River Shipbuilding corporation, each com pany maintaining large yarda In South Portlan , hav, amalgamated and that operations will shortly be resumed -under the name of the NorthwestSteel company, i President J. R. Bowles of the first named corporation is now tn the East. REPORT 18 DENIED President Alfred F. Smith of the Co lumbia River plant was askedN of the matter today and denied the report. Stating that a union of the two plants would be impossible at this time because the government business of each organ isation has not been cleaned, up, and. Under such conditions, the government wobld not permit consolidation, i Moreover, Smith said, there would-be ,ho reason for a union of the plants at this time as no new business has been contracted 'for. Each plant Is inoper- jatlve at present, the Columbia River plant turning over lis lasi government, contracted steamer a few days ago. President Bowles recently said that no attempt to resume operations tn the near future would be made, but that I business might be taken when condi tions (referring to labor and supplies) became more stabilised. By some, Bowles' present trip to the East is taken as an Indication that private contracts I for construction of steamers is being sought. ipiittt ri.nnri.T iii.iFD The two South Portland plants are closely allied. C. D. Bowles, brother of the president of the Northwest Steel company. Is vice president of the Co lumbia River corporation. , There are common stockholders for both com panies. The large boiler plant of the Columbia River corporation 'built many of the boilers for the Northwest Steel company shipa As one man said to day, an amalgamation, in case of new business being accepted, would be highly advantageous, as overhead of two ad ministrative establishments would be eliminated' and as for physical joining of ' the organizations, the tearing down Iff a fence between the two yards would practically fix matters. INDUSTRIAL PEACE AIM Waterfront Employers Hold Confer ence on Puget Sound. With the idea of smoothing out all problems between union labor and the employers, the Northwestern Waterfront Employers association met at Tacoma Sunday with A. C- Stubbe, general man ager of the Columbia-Pacific Shipping company; Frank O'Cpnner, resident agent for the Pacific Steamship com-, pany. and Henry Rothschild, manager for Brown A McCabe, stevedores, attend ing. Results of tha conference have not been announced, but it Is kpown that the meeting was highly harmonious, and it is said that agreements will be reached entirely satisfactory to the unions and to the employers. Wire order collect Smith a Camp Co Mxwrmmssrtmi bank it "r3 Pkoaai Bdwy. 4108 STEAMER DELAYED - BY FOG West Kader Halted In River; to Lead Lumber. It is unlikely that the steamer West Kader. en route to Portland frees San Francisco, will go on berth at tb In-man-Pouisen mill Tuesday morning to load a cargo of lumber, as was expect, ed. The West Kader reached Astoria at 11 o'clock thin morning.; A dense fog prevailed at the mouth of the river to day and a start up the rjyer had been impossible up to noon. The West Kader will be 'Operated by the Columbia Pacific Shipping company while in the local harbor. Her cargo Is being fur nished by Dant 4 Russell and will be consigned to Shanghai. New Dredge Launched Kelso. Wash,, Jan. It. The. new dredge for diking district No. S. which has been under construction at the yard of the Portland Shipbuilding company, was successfully launched last week. The dredge is 42 by 100 feet In else, and Is almost fully equipped for opera tions in the diking district. Construc tion of the dredge was delayed by labor troubles and slowness In delivery of materials and equipment. Position of Ships North Head. Jan. 12. Positions of ships at sea, as reported to this station by radio at 8 a. m. January 11: Cordova. Tacoma for San Francisco, ISO miles sooth of Cape Flattery. West Kader, Ban Ftancisoe tor Portland, 4 miles south-, of the Columbia river. News of the Port Arrival! January 18 West Kader. American steamer, from Saa Francisco, in ballast. Arrivals January 11 W. 3. Porter, American steamer, from Saa Francisco, with oil. Departures January 1 t W. 3. Porter, American steamer, for Geviot, in ballast. MARINE ALMANAC Weather at River's Meuth North Head. Jan.. 1U. Conditions st the mouth of the river at noon Sea obscured; wind, southeast, 12 miles; dense foe. Tide at Astoria Tuesday Hfh water: Ixjw water:. 8:87 a. m...8 4 feet. 10:18 a. m...2.S feet. 7:21 p. . ...! feet 1:89 p. B9...2.1 feet. DAILY' RIVER READINGS 8:0ft a. m . Pacific time. STATIONS 1 6 I. n til linn fmarill 26 2.-0.1 0 00 Bnsene 10 2.j Oj 0.00 Albny 20 I 8.8 -0.1 0 . 00 Salem 20 1 . 8 -0 . 5 0 . 00 Orecon City 12 8 . 4 i -0 . 2 0 . 00 Portland 15 0.S-.4 O.OU (-) FaUiag. RIVER FORECAST The Willamette river at Portland will remain early stationary during the next two or three day, except as affected by the tide. AT NEIGHBORING PORTS Astoria. Jan. 12. Arrived at 10 SO a. m., ateamer West Kader, from San Francisco. 8aa Francisco. Jan. 12. Arrived at 4 a. m.. steamer Johan Poulaen, from Columbia river. Arrived at 9 a. m., steamer Captain A. F. Lucas, from Portland Philadelphia. Jan. 10. Arrived. steamer Ulockaon, from Portland. London. Jan. 9. Arrived. temr Brfield from Portland Saa Franc iMo, Jan.. 11. Bailed at 8 last nleht. steamer Rose City, for Portland. Arrived at 9 last niiht and sailed at 1 a. m.. .steamer Wapama. from Portland, for Ban Pedro. Ar rired at 10 last aifht. steamer Avalolt. from Portland. Arrived at noon, steamer Delay, from Portland. Bailed at noon, steamer Tahoe, for Portland. Arrived at 1 p. m., steamer Klamath, from Portland. Seattle. Jan. 12. Arrived at 4 a. m., ateamer City of Topeka, from Portland, for repair. San PeSro. Jaa. 11. Arrived, ateamer Atlas, barre -98 and steamer Florence Olson, from Portland. Baited, steamer Claremont. for Port land. Astoria. Jaa. 11. Sailed at 8:15 a.-s., steaaea Santa Barbara, for San Francijco; at 7:50 a. aa.. steamer Lansinc. for San Luis; at S a. m.. steamer San Jaointo. for San Fran dseo; it 6 last night, steamer E. H. Meyer, for San Francisco: arrived 9:18 a. m:, steamer I Balliott. from Urays Harbor, for Atlantic port. Saa Francisco. Jan. lit. (I. n. s.l aj rlved, January 11. Necanicum. from Broofcincs. 8:25 a. m.; Homer, from SanU Barbara. 3:25 TRANSPORTATION IM-gVLlNES American Line NEW YORK-PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON nm Vert Fw 7 ahiuelphla J St. Paul rah. 81 BLACK SEA SERVICE NEW YORK-CONSTANTINOPLE-VARNA (Bulgaria) -CONSTANZA (Rounama) lack Arrow .Jan. 81 Red Star Line NEW YORK TO ANTWERP VIA PLYMOUTH AND CHERBOURG Lapland Jan. 80, Fb. 84 White Star Line NEW YORK-LIVERPOOL Cedrlo Jan. 84 Battle Jan. 81 OelUe Fee. 87 NEW YORK-SOUTHAMPTON VIA CHERBOURG, FRANCE rittle : Fes. 7 NEW YORK-GIBRALTAR-NAPLES-GENOA Oraalo Jan. 84 White Star Dominion Line PORTIJUVD -HALIFAX-LIVERPOOL From Fartland From Mallfai Fa. IB Fak. 14 Far seseevetlens and tlokot aowty to local aunts er Company s omae, A. a. DKnoy, 810 8oon Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Fbone Main lit. SanFrancisco S. S. ROSE CITY osFAirrt it bjoom. Thurstday, Jan. 15 PKoaa aiaiswoirTH dock FARI INOLUDKS BKKTH AMD MEALS OITV TIOKBT OFFIOB, S0 AND WASH. FHOMK MAIN OTS0 FRIIBHT OFFICE, AINSWOBTH DOC . FN ONI BROAOWAT MS SAM FRANOISOO FORTLAMD s. S, UMIB as aeto yen Plar. Toar Trio Abroad. Toa secure the benefit Of experienced taf osv station. Bare given Steamship. BooUma r apedal attaotioo foe the past 10 yeara. , ' Dorxev B. Smith. Manatrtsr TM ; Journal Treewl arte inrenriatlevt M JOURNAL BLOSs FORTLAMD, CsV a. sa.r Jeeiarma Bmrta. freaa Coe Bay, SHIS a. an.: Phyllis, fro lyes Ana), T-.60 a. m.; Nanerie, from Shahal. S;4t a. m. .- Acme, Bandon. 10 a. m.J Bertie U. ; Hanlon, front Mendocino. 10:10 a., m.; Daisy, from Astoria. 10:80 a m.; Anro Vara, Valparaiso, 11:40- a. mi Lasers, from lna Anselea, 1:45 p. m.: Tohe, Mara, from New Tork, 9:80 p. St.: Wallincford. from Kahuiul, 5 p. m. ; Klamath, from Columbia vivee, P- . ; Oeraraix. from Seattle. HI 5. a.; Prentiss, from lswreka. 8U18 p. m. Waited, unary 11, Tahoe, for Portland, 11:05 a. nr.: Marion Chlleott, for Amsterdam. 10 a. at.: Ytt Brace, for Valparaiso. 8:80. a.; Markm Chil ean, for inunlim. 1 s. ;bsw Him la. tn to of toe -Sea Eaate. for Port Ban Ums. 12 noon; Caspar, for Caspar, 1:80 p. m.; Crown t f Galicia; for Victoria. 2:5k p. at..- barge ruHr ton, ta tow Faartaes, for Port Saa l.uK, i 30 p. aa.j eurrey steamer W enema b, for cruise, 2 li5 . .: Tellowetone. for Coos Ba. V.25 n. m.: Wast Harts, for Manila. T :30 p. m.; Whitlicr, for Port San Luta. 8 p. m. Juneau. Jan. 11. (L K. 9 ) Sailed, steamer Northwestern, sou tb bound. S .80 a. m. Ketchikan. Jan. 11. (1. N. B.) Sailed. ateamer Jefferson, southbound, nooa. t-niuaerptiia, jsn. 10. (L N. s.) Arrired, ateamer Eelantine from fteetUa via Malhoa. ManlU, Jan. 8. ( 1. N. S.) Arrived, steam Iziom from Seattle. . A mred January 7. ateamer Manila Mara, from Tacoma and Seattle.. Hoackong. Jan. 4. (I. N. 8.) Sailed, steamer Grace Dollar, for Singapore and ports: Chicago' Mara for Seattle ria porta. Honolulu. Jan. 11. (I. N. S.) Sailed, steamer Windber for Seattle Tie San Francisco: M. 8. Bundarra for Seattle. Balboa, Jan. 9. (L N. S.) Arrired, steam er Jadden, from Seattle via Tacoma. Victoria. Jaa. 11. (I. N. a. SaUed. ateamer Canada Maru, for Sines pore ria porta, at 6 :80 p. dl . Vancouver. Jan. 10 (I. S. 8.) Bailed, steamer Tyndaieus. for Seattle ria Comox. Aaacortes, Jan. It. (I. N. Si Sailed, steamer Robin Adair, for Cntted Kingdom ria Salina Crui and West Coast porta. Belllngham. Jan. f2. (I. N. 8.) Arrired. ateamer Hainicr from San Francisco. Richmond Beach. Jan. 11. (I. N S.) Sailed, steamer Silver Shell, for Martinei at noon. 1 Point Welle. Jan. 11. (I. N. S. Sailed, steamer El Segando, for 8an Francisco. Tacoma. Jan. 12.i (I. S. 8. Arr4ed. steamer Admiral Farragut,- from Seattle. Ar rired' January 11. ateamer Ketchikan, from Southwestern ria Southeastern Alaska: Tueemite, from San Francisco. Bt'ILOTNGoPERMITS Mrs. J. Sutherland, installing furnace. 132 E.I 8 2d at., between E, Morrison - and Aider; builders, Meier A. Frank Co. ; 1270. Mrs. Pearl Countiss, erectinv residence,'' one story, 1471 Missouri between Bryant and Mor (sn; builders. Phipp V Counties; 128.00. Rernhsrt Stone Estate, altering sales room and office. 831 Flanders St., between Rroadway and Sixth; builders, Erta a Wegmen; 8500.' Walter and Marjory M. Ioch, moving and ahering a dwelling house. 440 E. TAth St. be tween Division and Sherman; builder, same; 11000. C. A. Dawson, repairing and altering retideace 1800 Druid st between Willis and Hunt su.; builder, the same; $300. C. B. Peterson, repair residence 540 E. 28d st. between Brsxee and Thompson; builders, F. E. Roman A Vm.; 8300. HEW TODAT Journal "Want" Ads RATES, DAILY OR SUNDAY m Par Una, per lswertieai 19e Three consecutive insertion for price, of two. Each mbaeqaent consecutive Insertion vrltaoat abange of copy, per tin S Oouat six average word to the Uae Pbones Maia 7173, Automatic 560-51 For aacathj rates phone for aoUettoe BECTIOWAL OAEAOE. iou can ( It up tn a few hours. Uend for Ulus ir a ted circular. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. IU B. iiu St. Paoae East till Portlaaa. Or. bVI OALL FOR VOUR OLD OAR. FITS, RUOS AND WOOLBM CLOTH I NO. re BUke Baauttful Mend eVeees FLUFF RUGS All Rue eVeven All Stoaa. Hall OrOers Send lor Dekle OarpaM Otaanae, Latd end Ratlttaa. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Ill IAST KlflHTH ST. Ftvme Seat SAtO. Send Us Your Old Carpets CWe Call anrl Deliver) Old Bsf aad Woo toa Clothtae. . WeMake aveTartlbl. Uaad-Weres FLUFF RUGS Roan Sis Fluff Rags. ' Woven, $17.50 Kar K8a Weveo An Rises WaU Orders Ctae for Booklet Feathers Reaovated Carpet Claaninf SzIS Baya, Steamed Claaaed. $IM WK8TKKIT thVrr B.VQ CO, 14 Usloi Its. 5. Pfcoael Eist till TO GET TOTJB WESTOVER TERRACE HOMESITES Teu Mar Phone, Call on, er Write HAROLD JUICGCK, SeersUrv 1KTEBNATI0KAL BEALTT A8SOCIATE8, Owaers Phoaoa) Office, Mar. 620 ; Rea., Etxat 1899 1307 Teon Bldg. STORAGE SPACE lovctUcato Oir PUat Bates - Way assume expenntve leases under present hlTb costs f " ClAT S. HOB8B, IHC. Drayafe aa) Htorare. Utl ai GUaaa. Pkeae Bdwy. S47S. BoarftCo Maesroosss West rsrk aad Yes hill At 1LVA: M. Tomorrow JJEETIHOTICES di SCNNTSIDK Xodte 188. A. F. A aC Special eommonleation Toeadaj r. Jan. t. 10 p. m. Work in F. C. 'deerae. Visitor. weleerA. By order of W. at. (Sltaad) JAMI8 & OAT. Jr.. ' - Beeretary. KWIHT8 OF FTTH IAS, Ivanhoo lode No. 1, meets Toeaday ever. inf at 8 o'clock, Pythiaa bids. Wen Park and Temhill. Eaaoiro ran. An Fythlaae welorasfc Sr&un'iK, P. SMITH, V. C. PALK8TIXB UOTMiK SO. 141. mnnieation Tneeday.. Jan. I t. mt a. r. i.iw A. St. BPeetai i :w: - as. a Inn.. . .. a.u. C ... : mr . u ear. W. S. TOWN8&ND. Set;., L E T US SHIP t U V wm Z IS ife "V A , - warn 41 MASKED BAI,fc OleeS by Court of Honor, Jan. 14, it W. a. kali. Klaeentk (treat Uond saanc; goad floor; good prises.. Bring friends' and their frteada. wnijiMrrrg tribe ko. . Improved Order of Red Men, meets tonight (Menday) at Au ditorium hall. SOSt Third at. Visitors welcome. r. u Mcdonald. . - C. of R. "BfTTEft CONCLAVK . of Washington Commandery no. IB. K. T.. wiB be held Tuesday MMluif. Jann.rr la. at 7 .SO n. m at Eaat Kishth And Burn- i side streets. There wui be a bueinem iiwin ana order of the temple. A Urge attendance is da- aired. U. P. K1SMAN, Becordev. WASHINGTON LODUK KO. 48. A. F. AND A. M. Speeta! e munkUon thb (Monday I neon at 12:15 (a conduct tbs iitMral of mr Ute brother, V, A. Clark. All yt. M invtted. Funeral enmmli- netice. Please bring antpa. Order J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. HARMONY Lodge No. IS. A. . AND A. M. (taWd eoionnuiica n this (Monday) evening at 30 o'clock. VMting breUiren W. M. DB US, 8m r.WEI.RY a sprcislt. tiuttuu.. rim, Jegr Brae. 181-188 8th t Xlitfil statistics TrSirriJtges.BirtbS D&tbX MARRIAGE LICENSES Cyniv C. MoCrea, St, MTeTIio tret. nd Iouiae Monroe. 24, 82T E. Hoyt street. Oeorse M. Clawaon. 4, Aowland boUl, and Ethel O. Anderson, 88. 6S hf Uraad avenue. Kieth K. Blakney, 22. 802 E. Stark street, and Frances E. Tunney. 18. 032 K. Surfc street William Grimes. 38. 800 Third street, and Louise Nugent. 29, 809 Third street. BIRTHS MEISK To Mr. andMr. M. H. Heis. 5129 4Ath sre., Jan.. 2, a daughter. -FUCKETT To Mr. and Mm. J. U Pnckett. n0O4 40th. Jaw. 8, a daughter. NIELSEN To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred N. Nielaea. 5009 89th. Jan. 7, a daughter. HO R TON To Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Hortoa. 828 E. 48rd, Jan. 9. a daughter. MATKON To Mr. and Mrs, Aael Nation. 4822 73rd, Jan. 2, a daughter. , PATT To Mr. and Mrs. Matbiaa Pett. 4507 72nd. Jan. 8, a daughter. WELCH Ta Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Welch, 821 Wasco, Jan. 5, a fcon. STERN To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stern. llfcB Weaco, Jan. 1, a Mn. BENSON To lit, and Mrs, RobL L. Bsnnon, 4 NO Davenport Dec. 27. a daughter. DEATHS AWDrTJNEHAtB It HOORHOIT8E tn this ctty7 at hi laU real drnce, 808 Weldler street, January 1 1 . Henry Moorhoue. aged 88 years, father of Harriet and E. H. Moorhouse of this city, t'ienrge H. Hnor house of New Vork ettv. P. C. Moorhouse of le ! Moines, Iowa, and E. W. Moorhnuae of Pbiladrl ! phla, Pfe. The funeral servieee will be held Tues day. January IS. at I o'clock p. m.. at Pinlry's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Inter I ment at Dea afoines, Iowa. J ROCKWEIC In 'this cityJanuaTy ''i8, foaeph ; A. Rocs well, aged 71 years, husband of Mrs. I Elizabeth RorkweH. uncle of 8. E. and E. K. Hock well of this aity. The funeral services will be ' held Tuesday, January IS, at 2:80 o'clock p. m.. at tlnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends ia , vited. Interment st Greenwood eenetery. I SHORT Thaddeus J aged "'" yeers, died at the family reaiflenee, 879 liarfield avenue, , Monday, January 13. The body is at tlfe parlors ! of Chambers Ce.. 24 8-280 Killlngsworth are. I Funeral announcement will appear in a later issue. - WEBSTER At the late residence, 8804 Wood ; stock ave.. Jan 12, Mr. Kate Wrbsur, aged AS years, mother of Itoreiliy Snd Edward Web Kter. Remaim are at McEnt A Ellen' nar- lor-. 1 6th ami Everett t. Funeral notice later. BLOCH At 800 Br 38th st, Jan. II. 192U, Max Bloch of Ia Orande, Or;, beloved bus bend of Mr. Hannah Bloch. Remaew at Hnlman's partors. Sd and Salmon ata. Notion of fimersl lter. Fi.AHACt In thte city. January loTTfair Flahaut, aged BO yean, late of 809 West Park (trert. The remains are at Flnley, Mont gomery at Fifth. Nolloe of fnneral hereafter. TOt'NG lancl Marion tounflSS 'lTth'," Jan. 0, 88 'year, asthma. WHITE Lee White, 811 Rodney af.. Jan. 0. . 74 year, chronic myocarditis. DORSET Norma C, Dovsey. St. Vincent hospi tal. Jan. 8. 1 years, embolus. ! JOHNSTON KsOiirine E. Johnston. 788 Williams are., Jan. 8, 8ft year, hypostatic -pnenmonia. BROJ'N Granville McKensie Brown. 874 8rd, Jan. 8, 88 years, organic heart disease. KENISON Orlo Leslie Keniaon. 022 Burr, Jan. . zz years, pneumonia. rLOBISTS LUBLINER vVXJSL. 848 Morrison, bet. Bdwy and Part- Marohan SST 828 Morrison. Portland Hotel. Marshall TB8 CLARKE BROS., florists, MnrrUoa st, bet. 4th and Rth. Hhone Main 7708. Fine Flower and floral deiga. No braaeb stores. MARTIN A FOKRKS -') . fiorist. 864 Wash ington Main 360. A 1219 Flower for all eerasions arritipally srrarrrd. Ch&ppeU'8M-w- :tx&rsiu Max M. Smith WITH. SIXTH BT UALANE OPPOSITE roBTomcit For alt oorsslona. Main 864 8. Flower TONSETH FI.ORAL CO.. 27 Washlnatnn St.. tvt 4th nd Bfh, Msln "10? A 1181, THE PBOPI.E B FUJIU?- SHOP'. 248 Aider at. FVNEBAL DrBRCTORaj Edward Hofman & Son Funeral Directors THIRD AND SALMON STBtETS - Main SOT,- A-1S11 I1. AwWlSt P.HRLEY&SOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN MONTOOMEBT AT FIFTH. F. S. DUNNlNClNCT THZ OOU5EN BCLlt TJHT?RTAKERf! 414 g. Alder st. Phones Bee 69. B-8918 CHAMBER! CO. rnneril Dtrertorc All the Convenience of a Wo Wondlawn 88O8 341 s-san 80 .mm A. D. Kenworthy & Co. Pbona Tshor 8587 Hove- Phnne tVdl Dunnintr & McEntee Broadway nd Ankeny sta, Udy aasartant Phones Rrrwdwae 40. A-4668 HOW.VIN? A MrNKMAB. meeaesor to WOwa" . J10". Maltnomh at Tta.. Imncton JWrlrt Fast 64. MeENTEE A EILEK8. toneral parlora with atl the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett tta ronivrm nnwuww. xinm. WOWSe. A-alHS. 5.T1 pit fsrrfl Mr. frrh " J aUCrCn Ametant CNDErtTArrPRB. T, 11th and Hawthorne a W aanr at a. M1' tT Si, OIHen Ptmwe Tsbor 48t8 MIU.EK TRACET, mdcparulewt fnneTdT vr. IL " .T .. ix 0 R. T.; BYRNES iTsoT ..sw. at f WW JHTHI gfrWI, A-7WBaj Breeze & Snook VlSV. A. R. Zeller Co. rioVa ?HriyaeNPERTAKnia CO. Main 4169 OACWC5,.M! . oor Third irJ CIy r- t" MOKtrmgyTm ' Portland Marble Works? S88 4th st. opv. Or HH. Is r Bros, ts.y-Pt; sjT. ArfiviPtL txuvt attp yopyp n LOST Lady'a . amaU cold . watch. . with name Alice Haaie, date 1688. enrted tnaida of eovefT Fhvjer pleae call Tabor 82S8. LOST Baby pUJow Sarnrday , afternoon b. tweeet Breodway Bd 224 K. , Mus 7880, Ffr!!jWtady' watrh. tjaR Main e2fTocall the: Under, No. 216 on phone, Matrhalt 'Jixt. C58T A pair of(lases : rn Alcaaar theatre --Wed. ova.: 'Phone Ken S0,V-- 8TRATED Thursday, (roe 710 E. Slst st . K; larse Airedale dog; reward. 4 2600. XEETIXCr WOTICB8) ... F.Ml. m 1 charms j ' : lost xnn roryp ; tt LOST Indies' gold wttst TOit, oa FrVday Bin(, a Alder st bet 3d and 8th er tu at. bet. Alder and Stark, or in Columbia theatre Thi watch veined a keeptak. Liberal reward ' . will be paid for Jt reUtru. Tlepkn Mako 1828. . . : i v.,- , jv,;:;"; . ' LOST A fraternity ptn arlta black, elameeid- . bsped eenUr, edged with pearls; S tireek sstters im the cenier and waine m the tack; e -Seoerrms reward. Call Tabor iSTaV IX1ST rriternit7"f ra "aftB"" blc dUroiwid shaped center, edged flth pearisi three Uraek -. setter la center, naas .n bee.; generous r ward. Tabor 8878, , -p . ' - ; LOST Will party ano ituiud black ambealla oa st. JoliAs ear Friday. Jiauary , betwvo 10 and 11 a. m., etU Columbia 858 and tacalee reward. : - ' . - - : ; tUST Oa Jan. 8. mmiatar medallion, ptoe- " ! ably on Kose City car; aa old heirloom of so value to finder. Liberal reward will be to finder if delivered to office of Baneoa boUl. UHT Bmwn leather btil" foidT'eoitwlntng ear- renrr. nhotoeraoba and Multnomah club card of falvln A. Finger. Reward. Tabor 418. or Maia 18T0. ' .-; ; -:- ' LOST Fridy night, oM-'fsshloned fold .org- ,l ' nett ere glasses, bet Heillg theatre and Swutl-nd's; owner grentiy attached nn aeeount " ; associations. Reward. Phone Main 8869. - i LOST-i-Ia Itooe City Park,' or ' viclnity, one ; ' i. browa auto robe. Tabor 41T1. r 495. East 61st North. Rswsrd. 1 C&"ST Bunch of key, between yfilcoi building ' - and IStk and Tasahiil; rstara to 1T4 IStbt, mm mm ! . ' ' . . . i," WU.I.'Ui tlud'lady wba helped partial Soma Dee. 27 pleaa call Mar. 8478 ia regard W a pocket knife t - v - . COST Whiu tot terrier: black ear,' black tpoi on back, bob tall: collar with Wo. . HT4. Can Tttwr SBOS. Reward. LOST eFridsjr night, old fasliiuned said lors nettel owner grfstly attached nn arennnl-of assoclatilins. Heward. Phone Mala 88t. LOST-elted sorrel bone with 8 wbUe feet and1 large whit, etae tn forehead, weight about . 1000 lb., 8 year old. Phone Tabor 8T8T. -LOST siiawl, WUlametta boulevard, bear Dele-v ware. Saturday evening. Call Mcavrober, Kast 1718. , , LOST Brown water spabiel, femal. Bmsrd given Call Tabor 125. - HELP WANTEDMALE San Francisco Offers ' Skilled Mechanics . ' Steady Work The Shipyards nd CoaatervUt Shop of Sas FrAcUco and adjacent cities, which were closed October 1. 1818, by a general itrlka, whleb jUU axJsta, reopened Neveatber 84 e the raster lean." or "Open Ubia." pis a. I , Announcement eras mad to the ate, that 18 dsys would be even the to reture In their employment; tnat if they did sot return per manent placet would he offered to workmen ! from other localities. More then 18,000 SMS re now working. W need more, and posi tion r now open to may taeuatsd mss si the following basic wtfes: Molders Core Makers, Machinist. hrp Fit ters, Boilermakers, Hlvetem and Cenlkers, SO cents an bour; I'stUrn Maker. 88 enta Cop persmith. 88c. Position osea to experienced foreman tad asalatast foraata st i adHBoed rates. . ' . i Yrd and shops offer Mesdy employment-1 gualifird men IJalon or. Naa anion without disrrimlnatloa Wood wages under Mealiest living aoortUloe. Cos of living lowmt In th country. Cllmst makes it posribTe to work 868 days ia ba rear, t.ood sebonls: unecjualad sllmate and healthful piece for children, For fuithrr particular apply : Metal Trades Clearance Bureau 228 Sheldon building, ten Fr arise. Oat. PORTLAND RROKKRAGE A PACKAGE con cern requires the service of aiperieitoed fro- : i eery brokerage salesman tv tak charge f eity .sales: also eitenstoo of territory, - I Chance of becoming branch mtrittrr j ot one or manaaint bead will be (ovtrned en tirely by ability to produce result. In first letter write fall BirtieuUr about yourself and state eelarr aeoaiiUbl untU lube time a ability eaa ba demonitratad. Corr spondenoe strictly confidential. Q-88I, Jowenal. "MAN WAHfBfi) " A sheet meUl workar. Will par highest wages 10 a food sieany nun, psmtnent Job. J Wriu t once to Martin Ludwlg, plasjftar, Ai- bany. Or . ' I MAN to take slightly used truck aa4 lumber I eon tract: must have 81000 first payment) j contract guiranteed for oa year, Sundays or evening. e;ast tosw. ' . MEN wanted.p0t" eortWood ' 8 jTf 8rs1. ' aut'ting ' and spHttlps 82.3b. tumlah your own tool. Barton, Or.; permeoaat work. Haailat, 08T, 8 2d. T bor 488S. - ; i WANTED Few eaperleaeed weaver, steady work, good wages. Apply Fortlaad Woesea Mills, Ht. John. Strike still on tn Portland. - LOCAL SO. 7 aV VOI NO man wanted" a aaslsunt window trlnv mer. Apily at Uvitt atora, 4th sad Wash ington sta. . "WAS-TED One heat metis worker. tTnioa Sheet Maul V ReUoalac Shop, 411 L'ttioa are. N. ..'., WXSlTltr Solderer worker, pleoa woraTlBlost Sheet MeUl A Retinntne Shop, 411 Caloa ave. N. . . . . WAN TE ;rw Arn'rnUrwborwork"-fnrViJ nine hop. Union Hliost Metal A Ketlnnin Shop, 411. union ave. N. -, EiPERIENCED' advertialiu sollHu"rJwaBt4. 9s..Jrjnonj6lSilUln btda. WANTKIs. Knur merTto cot 40U ourde oTtrootT, ' 2 per oord ."ISO Uraham ave. - vTUEX yon aeJ help. tU B"fr SilS. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 IT COSTS YOU NOTHING it Til TNVESTiriATB OOH rK71041f, AND -METHOD OF TEACHING. WE WILL OLA la. t LT OIVK TOO AN OCT LINE Of OCN i COURSES PI CONST&l'CTUJJl AMD ' HAV i PA1K1NU O , ATTTOMOBILEB ' TRACTORS ' r-'"' OAS ENOINE8 CARRl'ltETIOM ' : R;n!TIon MAGNETOS ' ' , f GENERATOR AND STAKTIBO MfnOBaV ARMATURE WIMHINQ, . , f 8TOHAUE BATTERIES . 1 1 OXT ACETTENE WKLOtNO ' ' 1 FOijR WEEKS' FREE TRIAL TO INVB8-1 TIOATE OUU SYSTEM OF MA&INU A0TU i MIX HANICR. 660 DISCOUNT TO THOSat MAKING APPLICATION BEFOBB FEB. L j OUR STUDENTS RECEIVE BOTH TECH- , N1CAL AND PRAUTIOAIe TfcAJNUlU , IN KVERT DEPARTMENT. EX-SERVICE MEN OCT tS FEB CENT MROOUKiT STATE ALLOWS 121 ftft MONTH WHILE TRAINING. - AITU0AT10N.-I i WILL BE RECEIVED At OUB MAIN OF. ! riB. T07 HAWTHORNE AVB. TAKB MT. I SOOTT OR HAWTHORNE CAB AT 9D AND ALDBR TO 90TH STREET, OB CALL AT OUR DOWNTOWN OFFICE, 194 M, STM STREET, t SLOCBf tWUH CM ION CXPOl ENTRANCE. 1 - -i CATALOGUES FREBL - . " SCHOOL AND OFFICES WILL M CLOfXO CUitUTMiA DAT ONLI. ,j Hemphill's ; Trade Schools, Inc. i Typewrwlnt, aoeiptoasetet. bookkeeplae aad H ether aodera bwalaem aaataaa. Del aad attht, aeawok AUaky bide.,, Sd aad Morrtaoa, Maia Sa4.j BAILWAT MAII, elerk eaam I naUonT P"-t J "lZ Jaa. 17. Uondrede needed. 61S0O-Sa6OO.i Ate 16-88. Ksperience . nnnssssisry. , Fee tree particuUrt write I. Leooard (forater eivll service etaminsr) , 1008 EquitaM Bld.. : Washinctoav D. O." . POflmoKO A8rlRErj Ti EVERT GRADUATE OF SERNKE-WAUUB BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND - I Enrol any tha.' Teleeraphy, etewoevaphy heaains. bwokkoeptaSj aeeretartat Free eatatos., 'QuMniiJeanArl.i '"' f - Tonne eaea end woaiaa wanted." 1 Call 484 Railway Eaobaaea hide. Spieadtd opportanltj to leers a well paid pvofoaaiaav . Fra boosieu BUwy Telea-rapb taetttote. - ,.,.- 1 M-Ha'S BUSINESS OnULXaE, bookkeewiaa, stsno(rphy. eieil aarvlee, aecretartal. epeciai eenrsea, aspen laacoera; aavy awatl ear roll now. atroadwey 60S 6. . 1 fiSCSTT Wf rteaer55awneyTlTnro"T ire rrSrTS K. Welles, former Asst. State Sept., aaaz. Jk W. Bank bWi Phone Main 8276. - .- GOINfJ East or Sooth t Husnehsfat aood ahlpyed at rwdaeed rat: aeoetns aad pact in. Paeifiq Ceaet Fntwardtne tja,. eos Woyt at. Pdwy. TO KAflT llE OOMUERICAL SCHOOL Mia Retina Buekela private school: ladl eat jnst nicuow. li J H "rend ave. ; 1 OREOON LAW aUOoTT'AIuwTlSda W. E. Riebardeoa. see Mai (OanUfnied a) PeHewino Paee) ! 7 - ' r