- - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PO RTLAND.V FRIDAY. JANUARY 9,1 192a 19 4 V AUTOMOBILES AWP ACCEMOIUESM -it- BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS Thl th tim wf veer for ym to buy a eat. : Com and lor yoonen. - "Hudson S-iper His tnilter. Trh"' and repainted; en In first cUs condition. " :Hth standard urante the m ltlf Hudson Super Sl; nhnmto out hw. repainted Dd loos ilk m; told with ard (lungtn U sm as' on new .VT 1918 Hudson Supt 81.: overheuled nd - painted; guaranteed the iuu factory gusr- antoa on a new car l low condl . .$900 ' 1117 : Urn . , Coalmen; all in first cls : 11 CrUlmer t.lcht But; ovcrhnled " fainted ; ail In first class condition $107 f 191S Chalmers Light Six; fine onalily car: v a. - .Htt.Mi thmnehimt ana re- painted Maxwell bargains .8778 191" Maxwell; first claa condition and looks -oka new 825 , .11 S Miwn automobile: a treat buy; fine ronditioe. and renainted .' $680 sosvi? . .wi tftnflwlftirtn f eood tires reminder , . ..$423 liberty, UU modal and in food "Hon .$110 iM"inlT Karon: ood conditio 25 C. I BOBS AUTOMOBILE ro.. 4V15-417 Washington at.. Portland. USED CARS FOR LESS t . If yon are going to buy a used car. 1 can sav you irons o vo iuv vo hj imu. i" LOOK AT THESE 11$ Essex. Irian 4000 miles fits 6y new Ures 1919 Nash 6 Lata 1818 Hup $1400 1210 -lOIA Xann.m H4 -Itlt Maawell roadster with plate rear and ' ltd eurtatns. seat coter and new tires. 7 B0 .1018 Ford roadster, fully equipped..... 88S Two Ford bugs, Just completed, with top and everything. 1 tl 7 Ford, new top, seat corers. ' 4 cylinder Oldsmobile. - '1I1S Ford sedsn, lots of eitxas 000 101$ Ford aedan. electric starter 700 f CASH OR TERMS ( WILSON BROADWAY &347 - 00 NORTH BKOADWAI VFords Fords Fords 9200 to 7nn. Chevro8etsChevfoBets $450. to rao. MaxweIlsMaxwe.ls aaon to 7r. - BuicksBuicks $230 lo $11&0. IjPZ Podge. Patge. llndwin. ;naiinier. otitu, iteo speed wsgon. xepunuc trues. i.inerty nonos ai 'rwaface valwe. Easy terms. No brokerage. 330 Alder st C, Rroadway 1852. G. BLEASHALE WHEN TbtJWRTSCaT" KM AND BKND 'EM. HEK O. O, UEUBKK -THK RADIATOR MAN builds bodies, repairs re- dlators, bodies, fenders and ' all auto sheet metal parta- NEW LOCATION 11TH AND OAVIS OPP. THE AUMOKI. BROADWAY 1873 Real Bargains IN SLIGHTLY IKtl) 1919 LEXINGTON SPORT AND TOURING CARS Terms If Required. BRUNN MOa-OR CAR CO. 28 SO N Rrosdway. Open Sundays. M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks repaired and remodeled. Auto sheet metal work a spe- gabawr cisltj. ftoit Bums toe. Broadway .BUICK ROADSTER. '17 LIGHT SIX Thl one hs cords, one extra nd wind de fleetors, and other estras: alo bunrper; the low price $913. with $350 down, bal. easy lata you ride away with tliia one. BED FONT USED CAR CO., S05 Alder st Phone Automatic 618-67. OELIVERT BOOT WANTED .. Would like to buy a fipt-class delivery body far Ford awto. AT HTATT TALKINO MACHINE CO. 8.10 Alder St . FORDS! FOUDSI FORDS! THE CHEAPEST BUYS IN TOWN , 41 Y DAVIS ST. OPEN EVENINGS MAXWELL madntor, 1918; seats three com fortably; my little roadster look like new; costs little to operate; I will sacrifice and give 'terms to responsible party; act quickly. A-S43. Journal. ,1918 FORD tonrlng. like new: good tires. - guaranteed electric starter, speedometer; spot IbjM; only $378. Owner, Main 2428. Bdwy. 1764. VULOAN TIRE SHOP First dw tire repairing, bargains in new and used Ores. East 4896. , 41 Grand its. DODGE SEDAN, 1 !IM. excellent oundStion, ' wir wheeN. nin 2S00 mil', "par tire. Wnte em States Motor Co, 30-34 Gnnd ve. N. SAXON tonriiig. in -the best of condition : good tires, owner's sacrifice. $7AO, with terms. 30 '"Trahd ave. N., near Burnside. 1918 IOKD road ter, electric starter and lights, V demountable rims anil other extras. See Mr. Wilson, Broadway. 1572. or Woodmwn 3168. WHAT kind of a car do y:u wantf We have it and the price is right. 411 DA V IS ST. OPrX KVKX1VG3 F6RDf?OUrELET. in fin condition: new Ures. WJtl ell ai in and giv terms. Bit Gratia i avw. N., Bumside. .1919 FORD touring, all extras; will take in ' your old Ford or delivery truck. Main 8320, 1J13 Mill at ' FORD SEDAN, used privately. new tires, just T Ilka new; will sacrifice at $750, and give term1. 30 Grand ave. X., near Burnside. SMALL payment down. balanceeasy 'erms, will buy my Chevrolet in first clsss condition. Columbi S32. 1917 OAKLAND SeDAK ' Very fine condition; ;1. sold soon, only $650. Phone Sgllwood 1886. I STUDEHAKER FOUR.! in AI condition, good tires, and good paint a real bargain at $750. with term. 30 (J rand ave. N., near Burnsid. 1920 STEPHENS light six; a brand new par and never been run a mile and will sell it $280 , under price. Phon- Msr--" '".(). Apt 42. .. , FORD BARGAIN ' T Ford tourii.g i- . "l't:on. r w tires, hr t siTerhsnled. K'.'75. Call East 7145.. OVERLAN! 73 mmlr. 1917. good couditiuu. run. only .7000 miles in town. $.-,00. East 639 r vS ANTED To trad 800 share of oil stock i . ior aviv-ruru; musi aw in gooa condition and well epuipped. Write or call 881 IV Panw s. .- I trSlUra faatntu. 1UIT in r.u .... .". 1 v - - m. - . . .wuiuiq , U(ia f tire. A real banrala at 8393 and rise l,rm 80 Orand av. N.. near Burnside. ,. 1918 FORD delivery, curuiri body. Will sell ) fTery reasonable. . Mr. Wick, Broadway 1572 :;or: East 8747. ' i ' 1$18 MAKWEIX TOURING CAR SHAPE. $600. TERMS IF DESIRED. 630 A LI KK ST. 1 $100 POWN, baUnc nail payment, will buy touring rar. ssarsjiau 1428. fV.TH a fl a ffov imVTGn . ssKaWtoaVp. rtuwxMm FAINT CO., 186 1ST. FOW touring, 1919,; like new. m. real bargain. all aftor if K ta.. 343 E. 4t at. S, , rOH BALE Ford aedan. 1918 1 ai baisain. JSaill 0JS.-. . : AJPTOMOBILES ASD ACCESSORIES 44 USED AUTOMOBILES TermsiOivein ' 1920 CASK. 7 pan.. 1020 OVERLAND9 6 cylinder. nut . 4 erlinder. jiikuan 4 pass.. 8 cylinder. 1010 JORDAN 7 r-aas.. 6 eyUndar. 1010 MITCHELL 7 pass.. cylinder. 1I CAHE 7 nasa . 8 cylinder. 1018 BTrOEBAKER i 7 pasa.. cylinder. 1B18 MITCHEIX 7 pass. 8 -cylinder. 1018 MITCHELL 3 paaa.. cylinder. 1017 MITCHEIX 2 pass.. 0 cylinder. 1017 VELIE 0 paaa., 0 cylinder. 1017 liVERLANp 5 paaa.. 4 cylinder. 10(7 MAXWELL 8 paaa., 4 cylinder. ' ' 1018 CHANDLER 7 pass.. 8 cylinder. 11I OVERLAND S paaa.. 4 orlinder. 1813 HTDTZ 2 paaa., cylinder. 1U CADILLAC 6 paaa., 4 cylinder. Several others to select from. Prices $550 and up. Libera terms siren. Will aooept your Liberty bonds at face value and take your bid car as part payment on some of the tbora, can. USED CAB DEPARTMENT MITCHELL, LEWIS &STAVER-C0. EAST FIRST AND MORRISON STS. Wast Side Salesroom Broadway at Oak St. Phones East 7272. Broadway BIB Automatic: 212-18 683-48. Why Buy a Cheap Used Car hen yon can get such oars--as a Packard Twin Six, whlcb looks and runs like new. and only favour i Abo v Psrksrd 5-48. -cylinder. 8 cord tires, and only $2000. Aaothtr 6-48 8-eylinder, a bargain. Th( ear would be a dandy rent or stage ear at 81750. Also a ?iab Sir Chammy priced at $1130. Over lend Nix. 7-pa.. like new. 00. A nice Rrucosi roadster, new paint. This la a llft nrvtl and nn'v $7S0. 1012 Cadillac tonrinf car, perfect condition; iota oi extns: wonoerrni buy; leuu. 1018 Stadebaker, 7 "paaa., ran only 6000 mUes. perfect condition. Prtee 7ea. a TRDCK8 GUARANTEED PACKARDS 1 4 -ton Jmdy and heist 1 8 ton body and hoi.t 1 8-ton wood truek, long body. ..31750 . 1600 , . 1630 Portland Motor Car Co. 421 BUBXSIDE ST. Fords t Fords Fords USED FORD CARS ' BUT NOW AND SAVE $50 TO $100 ; ... $225j 1914 Delivery, food buy 1916 Touring, new top and Urea 1919 Coup, self starter, speedometer, dash light, good condition 1918 Delivery open top, good condition. . . 860 I 675 473 pl9l8 Roadster , 275 1910 On ton truck, worm driv chassis. 673 ney 4LlHUKISh.lt FOKI) DEALERS 363 E. Broadway. East 802. 0 1581 USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 fine club roadster $11 no 1 Oakland aedan 900 1 Franklin 860 1 Bulrk four 700 1 Stodebaker six 650 1 Maawell 625 1 Maiwell . 600 2 Overlanda, each 4H 1 Ford 400 I 2 Ford" each 250 i 1 l-Snm. A i a .i'a 1 i ifjBji u riwti'icr . e . V 1 ran from $50 to $250. 8 trucks. 1 ton. $250 to $700. LONG A 8II.VA, 402 Hswthorne. HUDSON SUPER SIX TOURING CAR OR SPEED8TER: WILL SELL ONE OR BOTH AT A BARGAIN: GOOD CORD TIRES ALL AROUND AND LOOK LIKE NEW: 90 DAT GUARANTEE. CALL ADAMS, TOBOR 630 OR MAR. 3342. WINTON, 4 pass, roadster: will ssrriflce my car on a quick sale. The finest appearing clas roadster In Portland; just painted a beau tiful pea green, with five wire wheels; mottled gny upholstery, tan top: completely equipped; five cord tires: mechanically perfect: a power ful, comfortable, distinctive car, like 'new in every respect. Will ell on terms to responsible party or trade a smaller car. Price $2850. A 895, Journal Tl BRISCOE TOURING See this rar and you will agree with us that It is like new; has some extras and the low price on this light, dependable. fine running car will surprise you with $250 down. bal. long, easy terms that you can meet Take Ford in tnde. 505 Alder st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. OAKLAND8. SENSIBLE SIXES The popular light six. and they are the real candy. We have two and the price is, choice st SH85 with $250 down. bsl. ea-y. Come and see them and take a ride. Take your car in trade. 505 Alder sf. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. $100 LESS , Than Others Are Asking for Same Model. Ford sedan, electric 'starter, motometer. 2 ppotIisht.-i, speedometer, large steering wheel. Can Tabor 2418. DELIVERY BODY WANTED Wnuld like to buy tint class high grade de livery body for a Ford. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 860 Alder. A SAPPT BUT Will ftcll my 191(1 Ford roadster, all tires good, 1 fpsre; cut-out, electric horn and light; also shock absorbers,, all for $295, cash or terms. Call Tabor 7314 or 1406 itti'i i ..i.i jji.si, Co. AUTO TOPS. SIDE CURTAINS 409 Davis st bat. 9th and 10th. i Broadway 201 7. CASH paid for old can. condition bo object; parts for all makes of car. Oregon Auto Exchange, 129 Lownsdale. at 16th and Waab tngton. Phone Broadway 2668. 1918 FORD TOURING. 3 NEW TIRES. BUMPER-. SHOCK ABSORBERS. FOOT THROTTLE. CI.OCK AND OTHER EQUIP slEXT,. EAST TERMS. 630 ALDEB, ST. OVERLAND touring, in AI condition, good tire: Must ll. A bargain. $375. Terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Bumside. DIXIE demonstrator, run only 2000 (miles; like new: new car guarantee; terns. Th C. H. 8- Co.. "Marshall 3340. CHEVROLET tonrifg. In the best of condition; xt'- ; .1 t r- . Mu t "ell; t62fn. with term. 30 Grand are. N., near Burnside. t UitiAlNS and REPAIRING KOMS1TEK BROS. TOP CO East 364. Union at Pine. MAXWELL touring, 1PV0. used privately; must sell. Jl bargain, $073, with terms. 30 r.nml itT X.. near Burnside. FORD touring car: must sell at once: 1918'; looks good a new. Woodlswn 1.192. pb'-iHUPE, fin condition. $65 60 N 20th. I x BRINGING OP FATHER YOU tiCNT FEU nt c LLER OO ) a otrrrrcTivtr I Paed in the haul WELL'MERr! H I , THE Ars WANT AUTOMOBILES AKD ACCESSORIES 4 4 Youd Be Surprised At the ridicnlnusly low prices ost our wed sn tnajs wa are of ferine at our Removal Sale. This seems Hke a broad etatement. bwt all wa ask is an opportunity to SHOW T0TJ.' FORD BCS, fine fer lltaey. BUCK DELTVTEBT."-, 1 OVERLAND, new paint. RE0 R0AD8TEB. newpaint nd cord. FORD ROADSTER. I ! HUDSON SEDAN. s , HITMOBILE. f BCICKLIGHT "8." 1 Give oi rail and look over these oars and we will do our best to make a satisfied owner. W. H. WALLINUFORD CO., Ask for Mr. Little. I Used Car Department, 622 Alder at. Broadway 2403. Guarantee. Used Cars HI DSON SUPER HLX $1600 CHALMERS LIGHT SIX 1050 v BRISCOE, 078 OTERLASD . . . , 000 MITCHELL SIX r 975 KING EIGHT 1030 OLDSMOBILE EIGHT, Just like new... 1430 VELI, UU model V 1885 BUICK 8. late 1919. cord tires 1323 KINO EIGHT, foursome. 1019. run 3400 24W Broadway Used (Jar. Salesrooms Broadway at Hoyt St.. Opr. New Postoffiee. Phone Broadway 89 VELIES Votto: "Every purchaser a booster." W are distributors for the Velie. Every Valie we sell is expected to do its duty That duty is to tv the purchaser satisfactory service. They are pot in condition before tuey are sola. Your oar taken as part payment, balance easy payments. VELIE SEDAN 1919 model, strictly first class from appear ance to tire; trader! in on Peerless Sedan "a rsr of Quality and clam .' . .92000 .$1500 . 1475 . 1450 . 1800 1919 VELIES Cord Urea, like new New fabric tires New fabric tires 4 nuMRMr new onint . 1918 VELIES , Blue black finish, new tires. . iJt'V;cara and trticke. t Rlue black finish, new paint. . . . ! Maroon finish, new paint ' 1917 VELIES 1 ,1 oo 1300 6 passeiigeY; a good one 4 passenger, repainted 4 passenger, privately owned . . . $950 950 850 D. C: WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 88 N. Twenty thirj Main 780 KED AUTOMOBILES Oids 8. 7 -pass., new paint. 6 A-l Urea, truality and class. $1500. Ford sedan, elec. starter, etc.. 3850. Kord touring, mech. starter, $400. Overland 8. 5-psw.. $775. Overland 4. good tires. $300. Buick 4, new tires. $.101). Ssson 6. special top. $600. 8tudebaker 4, 5 tires. SA.'iO. Chalmers 6. a fine car, $7 00. elaioo 6, Onae., $750. We sell cm esy payments. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 38 N. 23d st Miy 780. Chalmers Hot Spot 5 PASS., A-1 MECHANICAL SHAPE: LOOKS LIKE NEW; GOOD TIKES; $1175 C.tSH AND TERMS. CALL TABOR 630 OH MARSHALL 3X43. NEW OVERI.ANDS MODEL FOUR Immediate delivery, easier terms, no red tape, better eervice. Buy from P. H. tPst) Ihinn. at bis own salesroom. 1652 E. 13th at- Sellwd 1893. 'IHER. AUTD SPRING 18,000 carried Oar snrtnas sold with a written guarante. W air you anvioa. 34 N. 16th t ' ONE Cole. 1919 model, run 5000 miles. 5 cord tires, 1 spot light 1 bumper, 1 wheel lock. 1 mirror, 1 set chains. 1 lap cover; only $2200. Sell by owner. Joe Lombardi, Row land hotel, room 411. , 90 OVERLAND touring, like new; has been refinished and it runs aa quiet as any one we ever heard of. Low price of $685. with $250 down, balance easy: take bonds. 506 Alder st THE RED FRONT. MAXWELL touring at the low price, of $400. with $150 down, balance easy; car has novelty job paint, dark maroon, ivory wheels, black tenners and looks better than a new one. See Lavellaat 505 Alder st FO'RD TOURING CAR 4 good tires, danhlight. cocoa mat speed ometer, self -starter, windshield cleaner, shock aottorbera andthey extra. $450. .Call Tabor 1210 after 8 p. m. ' FORDS DODGES CHEVROLET 1 Onr prioes are lowest; 411 DAVIS ST. make your own terms. OPEN EVENINGS. Why Pay Garage Rent? Garaees $10( up, on easy payment plan. See N. J. Famsworth. 410 Henry bijjg. MOTORSawara, bearings, wheel, axles; wa wreck til make of can and sdl their part at H Price- David Bode Co.. 106-107 N. llth st- 19T8 CHEVROLET SEDAN Jiist like new; $1050, easy terms. 623 ' Alder Bt Broadway 3411. i CHEVROLET, 1918. In the best of condition new paint good tires. a rtarprain si ano, some terny. SO Grand ave. N., near Burnside. BUICK Mht six, perfect condition. Driven 8800 miles; 3 good Urea; $1300. Box 36. Cor nelius. Or. ' MsXWKI.U 1918. 6 pass., will sell cheap: good looking, dandy little car; tires good: car not nseil much. W-B66, Journal. CHEVROLET "roadster, in thebest of condition, used privately. Owner must sell; $625. with tcTln . Hit Grand ave. N., near Bumside. TRADE" 4 clear lou and 6 pass, auto" for mod em fi room home, close in Rdwv. 38 aiur 4:30 p.4m. only, or write 835 Northrop st FORD. 5 pass 191S; mmt s cri'i.- mi csse-t .--'oj; e.rfect condition; tine appear- W-530. Journal. SB80 srv torn. In stock I - it m. TRUCKS AKD TRACTORS) St - 5 TRUCK BABCACs'S Packard. 4-ton .....$5100 Standard. 2-ton ... 150 Jeffery. IH-ton ,. 450 Panhard. 1 -too chassis 050 B-too log trailer . . 300 Baveral kinds of used truck bodies. Terms on any of them. 421 BURN SIDE. Ask for Jones. -, 1-TON Ford truck, side chain drive, coal oil burner, easy start!. Ig primer, all new except engine block; will furnish extra block; also four speeds tinder drive, at $300 chassis, or with body: temu. Call after 4 p m. . a Sunday afternoomv 1148 K. Lincoln c. not. Sgth. Portland. $330 QUICK SALE $830 1 ton truck, good running order; am sotnt away, will aoaept some eash. balance easyvternu; good top. Come and see. 3'-' Belmont Call Eat 8418. ask for Howell. Apt. 9, COMMERCE 1-ton rnck, completely overhauled, nearly mw Urea; Call Smith, Broadway 93. 4u BnrnsMle.e STITDEBAKEH. panel delivery. Jn-t overhauled; a bargain, with termX. Call Smith, Broad nay 93. 400 Bomslde, FORD delivery, 1917. gped tires, body almost new; a real bargain at (37. terms. 80 Grand are. N. near Bumside. FORD delivery in the beet of condition, good tires; a real bargain, $275. some terms. 80v .urn i7A near nummr 1918 FORD TRUCK U first clasa oondiUon at bargain. Phone East 5582, FOR SALE or trade. K -ton truck in first class condition. Marshall 3740.: 3 TON truck at a ban sin. Main 4190. AUTOMOBILES WAITED 78 CARS WANTED FOR CASH I will pay cash for your late model touring ear or roadster. Bring it to my plaoe and get money and not talk. We do. not handle can on pommifion or let yuu leav tbem to sell, but pay cash in your hand. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. 805 Alder St. Phone Automatic 513-87. WE PAT CASH for weed can. Be tar to see us before selling yowr car. BUTLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY BELLING CSKD CARS $67 E. Bumside. at approach ol Burnslde Bridge WE PAT CASH FOR LATE MODEL CABS USED CAR EXCHANGE 127 LOWN8DALE Phone Broadway 2656 WILL pay owner cash for second-hand touring oar in A-l condition, tiartarei or uoage pre ferred. 1919 model. Write R. T.. 807 Bth st. Oregon City, car G. C. Hoffman. SEE me before yon sell your car if it is a late model and In good shape. Wilson, 90 N. Broadway. IF "YOU want to sell your cur, bring it to 523 Alder t Tacific Atftn Co. - HKJHF8T price staid for automobile, condition no ohject 121 N 3d t. Bmsdwsv 2629 WAN-TED Ford, five-pass. body. Tabor 3076" AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 83 A GOOD SUGGESTION TO' AUTOMOBILE OWNERS This is the time to prepare for spring. Have your car repaired while not in use Consult us I Daiorv oaviua your wui uuue. , . iiiunwiiu I understand repairing on 11 make, of tmieins au maaes oi touring i BERG & OETZEN 64 DAVIS ST. BROADWAY S27 Cracked Water Jackets AND Scored Cylinders Welded With the Iwrenue PatenU-d l"t'el Elec trically With Silver and Nickel Alloy. The Oregon Auto Repair Temporarily located at the N Auto A W.iaon Works. th and Hoyt Hts. Phone Bdwy. 4477. A REAL FORD REPAIR 8HOP ONE OF THE OLDEST FOnD rV.PAUI - SHOPS IN THE CITY Business houses need no lay up their cars to be repaired, but bring them in after businesii hours and we will have them ready to go to work in the morning. No transaction complete until customer is aati'fied. Our prices are right TILLMAN 8 AUTO SERVICE 605-607 Fifr-41 St Near Sherman. FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 aires ground, carbon removed 8 Msyeto rechsrjed o We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc. whicn injures a perfect running motor Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed, GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO. 2H0 Front t. comer Jefferson. ACTO repairing. Rpecial Ford work, something that will interest you. Day or night service. Broadway 537. UAXWEI.LpecTaust, soma part. sSelL S7SS. 737 Division st , VU I .CAN IZ INO snd, retresding. ET sT Tire 8tatfon 109 llth st. near Washington. HAVE TOtTR ear repaired by auto machinist 10 v4rj experience. Call Wooiilswn 6114. TIRES Slightly used, $3 to $15 each. Expert tire repairing. 207 stanison AUTOS f&k HIRE AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS Model CVr- -tteasopshte Rstes FEARING ,B0BNETT CITE GARAGB 86 10th st. near Stark, Broadway 840. new Airros without drivers AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT pPIVFn8. ' SULLIVAN. FASHION 'GA RAGE. MAR 283 10th at YamhilL A-l 238. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVEKS ARMY GARAGE. 8D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 16K7. ALTHOFF BENNETT. PROPS. NEW Ford, get back. competent driver; go anywhere snd Phone Tshor 1028. NEW FORD sedan for hire; low taxi rates. Main 644 Call M0T0RCTCI.E8, BICYCLES S3 USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand Ave. Excelsior and Cleveland Agency. LAUNCHES ASD BOATS 4 FOR SALE 3 room houseboat and floats; come snd r it st foot of Bancroft are. Price $465 without furniture. TI. U. Broten. WANTED Morris or Old Town canoe, good con dition, reasonable for ca.h. Give particulars. E-l i6. Journal. UNFURNISHED modern houseboat 23 Wil lamette moorage. 5 ROOM housebest. with woodUied. for sale reasonable. 43 Willamette Moorage. PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 WILL sacrifice oak cabinet phonograph, $40 If taken tcvlsv A.R49 .Imirnal 1 A-84 WILL rent my new $350 piano for $4 per to 6 p. m. month. Main 283 from 8 a. m. CASH paid for "is.no . phonographs am records. Piano Shop, 254 Market st FOR SAJ.E Organ. good condition, cheap. GT K. l mn st. s. $104 LATE model Conn cornet $73., Ban, 128 Pint, near Washington. New- I PAY cash for player rolls. Harold S Gilbert a xamnm as. . FOR 8ALE-Voyal piano. 411 Roselawn at. Woodlawn V134. f Copyright. J920. by Service. I THOUGHT THAT tie Tn-fJ f"E LLE9 jO I WALED UCLOE TOriiM I I OOrn'T TO 1'T A -SOOO fpS WANT HIM LOOf AT Hi fJ PlN( HED FEATfjRtrV Xr-J AtiHEllT WIFE'S 5R0TrRi r Pgarvw ' - I M ! SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS Plan Flayer IUH. Brass and String Instruments, Pianos and Organs BOUGHT. BOLD. RENTED AND EXCHANGED NEWMAN'S MUSICAL INSTRUMENT . EXCHANGE Main 4495 -128 First. laoev viva. . 8798. , to runr sr. nlras l rmt ncnk ntaaoe ta I Portland Pianos 873, $196. 8266. 8366. si e I WW. til or oau ecuue w then $6. $10 or more monthly. ' Player pianos. $438. $398. $878. 8713 ta SSoO. 336 or 860 aenda one home, then tli 89AC OT 8BUIV mBKBDtAIXy. Parlor organ.:, 31ft. 826. $38, $46, $4 ta $65. $10 sends organ home, then $3 mriqrnly. Phonographs. 810. $28. 10.- $100. $126 to 8250. $6 or 810 In records purchased sends one borne, then i860, 8 76. 8100. $1.26 $8.00 monthly, - provided yon, boy before as moval: then at Increased prices prevailing Schwan Piano Co.. Ill FaurU St.. at Wash ington. ' GOOD aa new. left with us to nelL most ele gant mahogany ease genuine Iiecker make, which is the ultra quality player piano, with RA lu.n.ir.,1 uluttAH .i mik4i mil. nji M-ml lrDch to match, which nowadays would cost new over 81200; owner leaving Uie city ana says wrifice a. clean 3500.. all ca-h not neceary. See it at Oregon Kilers Music Houe. 27 Wah- infftinn st. below 5th. ' PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS $125 Path, nearly new (96. $150 Brunswick, look like new, $110. $175 Cremona. 3120. You need pay only 310 down and we'll pre sent you with 12 selections. WAKEFIELD MC8IC CO.. 427 Washington st A GENUINE Decker, beautiful tone, not the very latest style case, but an , instrument that will be appreciated by tne music-lover who ae aire the utmost in music Quality for an invest ment of $180. This, is almost one-third of actual value. Ree tonight or tomorrow morning at Oregon Eilen Music House. 287 Washington st. below Bth. f : 8ECURITT 8T0RAGH CO. CLOSING OCT $750 Steinway A 8on npright. cash $290 $650 sutoraatic upright piano, cash. . . .$165 i $475 Sterling upright piano, cash. . $340 , $475 Sterling upright piano, cash $240 Two small upright piano-: no ana o Parlor organs $20. $25, $38. $45 cash 109 Fourth St.. near Washington PIANO BARGAINS $108 and up Hardman, Decker, Irving, Laffamue and othen on on year exchange proposition guarantees them. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Muic Co., 125 Fourth st, bet Washington snd Alder sts. SCHWAN PIANO REMOVAL SALE Used pianos. 37S. 8165. 8290 to $436. Used organs. $25. $28. $35 to $05. New pian. $33V $305. 46. I62. Term $16 to $50 cash; $6 to $25 month. Ill Fourth :t. at Washington. After removal 101-8 10th. at Washington. KIMBALL organ, cost $75. trvd 8 months. looks like new. Ton xan buy it this week tor $42.50. Pay only $5 cash. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 427 Washington st . A WERER very elegant mahogany upright the Dtsl "VJW " a bciiuiiic r rwi -mauc l"uo eer . rti. smS . t.k hslfmsice if sold at once. See it at Oregon Filers Music House. 287 Washington st below Filth. Player Music Rolls Our sti ck is large and late. Will send rolls on trial to country customers. Write for jcata legue. Seiberling-Luca Music Co., 125 4th st NICE tone Kimball or Kin. in very bet ehae, oo.t new $96; will sacrifice for $37. Ako excellent. Cornish very elaborate beautiful parlor style for only 845. Oregon -Eilers 41uio House, 27 Washington st.below 5th. PIANO WANTED Higheat cash paid for used pianos and player pianos. Get our price and be convinced. 8l berling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st Main 8586. WANTED To buy a good piano or a player piano, also good phonograph ; must be real musics! instruments, no trash; no dealers. Will nay spot ca"h. V-S02, Journal. $100 DECKER, old style, in good condition fine practice instrument See it Seiber- ling-Luc Music Co.. 125 Fourth st LA FF ARGUE terms given. upright. like new, at a snap; Steberlini-Lacas Music Co.. 123 4th i-t. : $100 TO $150 CASH paid for nsed upright pianos. Call Mam S3':i security 8 torses Co.. 100 4th st. near Washington st 38 RIB Washburn mandolin, like new, cost $35 cash. Address B. Wiley, 610 Ramona ave. SeUwood 1187. BUFFET saxophone $35: Hayne hand piccolo. $37.50 (cost $70). Wood lawn 8360. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE $ aOSIHGOOT-ERIIRE ' Finiitire stock THE GREATER PORTLAND FURNITURE STORE, located at 165-167 1st st. near Morri son, Is closing out its entire Ftock of furniture. stoves and ranges at less than sctual wholesale cost, as all the stock waa purchased before the big advance in prices, CONTINUOUS 8ALE Our first day's sales were greater than we expected. THERE'S A REASON Why wait If you need anything In th bome fumi&hing hneT NOW IS THE TIME A few items listed below will convince yon that we mean business. Dining Chairs, Regular $2. SALT5 PP.TUE $1.65 Dining Chairs. Full Tsther Seat. Regular $8. SALE PRICE $4 15 Oak Library Tables. Regular $12.50. SALE PRICE $9.68 Large Com'ortable Rockers in Good Imitation 8pani"h Leather. ReguUr $20. SALE PRICE $128 Large Arm Rockers in Genuine Spanish Leather. Regular $55. SALE PRICE $41.88 We have a 'arge quantity of cooking utensils at half regular price. Wash Boilers. Regular J8.50. 8 ALE, PRICE $2.45 Sale Began pTOmettly MONDAY MORNING. JANUARY B Nothing Reserved. GREATER PORTLAND FURNITURE STORE 165-167 FIRST ST. Why let odd- and end- accumulate T(i go to waarte when someone who has use for them will pay real money for them? Turn your extra furniture, stoves, Ranges, dishes, garden tool or anythinz else you do not need into moneyTby advertising them in The Jonmsr "want" afc. Phone youT "want" ad to Main 7178 or Auto matic 360-51. Quick, competent, courteous service. Internationa Fetur Inc. I , I UNOERJTWiO iF t CAT(H HIM UP TO. ANN TRiCkvtR I'M TO. REfACi&T TO TOO" PIAJTOS, OBGAHS, MUSICAL - ' INSTRUMENTS ruy. ii? 7 i a ii lac til l ,M.i, . i HDUSEHOLD POOPS TOR WALE 84 HAVE lh tnmitMM of B :mn has (of rant. reaaonabte; no chSdreBj ' Q-848, JonrnaJ. TTTE WRITE TT GCARANTiED factory rebuilt typewriters, , "an asakes." sold ee month If paymeata. Send tor price list. The Wbolaaala Typewriter Uo.ratal dept., 321 Washington at. , , ALL make of typewriters rented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan Oregon Type wrtter Co.. 04 Bth n. MACTtlXtBT JH WANTED Combination wood 'working machine nr Ininer. bj.r and band 'air. rierular aw. j turning lathe. MuM be in food condition. Stat Pnce. g-49. JoarnaL 1 "ANTED A 4 or 5 h n. Caroline enaine: ...m-v ' iu kv.iu i HllUlllB (iiri null i HiiMiwun or can Eat 6771. S E. SOth -et I amis: . .B0I8TING engines for rent or sal, concrete 1 mixers, electric hoists. cnnt ruction aquipmenb i Standard Msch Co. 58 First St. - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It CHESTS Direct from Factory to your kjpme. Ten- ana port Ortord cedar: solid eorPr trimming--. Inert designs. . Write for catalncoeC Factory, 1912-16-1 E. Oljm. Tabor S08 ij iL. ui..i. futures, electrical repair- ; 'arvswvwaltsksa "Ttlltw. Mff Eiectrie Store. 224 H 3d st-.lmai Salmon. Main 5036 $700 LATEST MODEL COMPLbjTE VUL- Retreading outfit Cor 3530 Good used safe $25. Second hand cash register $10. We haV a good line second hand bicycles, all sisea. Sig reduction in used tire. AQ sizes. 233 Front ain 6490. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New and 2d hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Complete Un of part for all makes. Machines repaired and rented Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 3d. near Taylor U FOR SALE Loganberry champion goosebarrie. plant, strawberries, 1 and 3 years old; Concord grapea, perfection and Fay'a Pro 1 if to currants, red and black raspberry plants, French and Italian prune trees; reasonable. 5803 Wood- stock are., Portland. Pbon SeUwood 2332. Electric Motors Bought aold. ranted and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burn aide, corner 10th. Broadway 3674 Boilers, Engines NEW and second band, bought and sold. G. U. Machinery 60S Oertlnger bid. Pbone Main 8201. SAFES Fir and burglar proof aaies, new an3 secondhand, at right ir?nes, bought, aold and exchanged. N0RRIS SAFE A LOCK CO , 108 Id at Phona Main 2048 FOR SALE at low price. Toledo computing rale, two small registen. number of floor case, wall cases, counter case, small and large 'restaurs nt griddle cake and gaa plate, bntr.hen' meat rack outfit, adding machine. 24 2 Salmon. FOR SALE Good second-hand No. 22 Jewel furnace, with all basement pipes, cold air ducts and registers large enough for a 9-room house. Inquire evenings, bet 7 and 9 at Wdln. 2805. . "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Typewriten" and "Honarbald Goods' r asp rat classifi cation. All sdvertiseusemu: of the goods ars published under their respective classification. LOOK THEM OVEB CUTFREIGHT RATES On Household Goods Shipped Eaa and South. MANNING WAREHOUSE A TRANSFER CO.. 9th and Hoyt Pbon Broadway 703. A-1798. War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds. Spot Casli. American Brokerage, 2tJ5 Morgan bldg.. 2d floor. Old False TeettTBought -. Wa pay up to $25 per piste. American Brokerage. 200 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. i51h2.S)toS15 8ewdrmTcS Guaranteed We Rent and Repair ITSd t.. near Yamhill. Main 1845. A 1818 BITTMAN HARDWAJIE COMPANT ha a carload of guarante en No. 1 No. 2 and No. 8 -ply roofing paper for mM cbegp. 218 Front at Main Mil. , ACTTTMOB n.ES, MOTORCT6LBS, LAUNCHES or boat srs separate classifications. A urrg Ilstlngi can be found under the different eiasaie fiCTUon. , CALL East 3088 when yon wish th. Salvation Army truck or wagon to call for your cast off clothing or magazine, newspapers, furni ture, etc. Address 24-26 Union ave. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ! Wa pay what your diamonds are worth. American Brokerage. 203 Morgan bldg., fid floor. HOfwTTETTTANK 8 86gaT HT 0 gal $9 Tested and guaranteed stove and furnace coils. Gas beaten in tailed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Sid Welding 8 hop, 203 Adam st E. 8516. ONE Universal wood snd coal range with hot water coils. $40; one 3-nurner Vulcan gas range. 98. ' Facillc storag Co., B12 E. Madi son st NEW and' second hand dictating machine bought, sold, rented, exchanged and repaired. 602 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 2350. UNCALLED FOR OVERCOATS for aal. cheap; larg stock to rhoos from. Orpbeum Cleaners, 863 Stark. FERTILIZER Horse and cow manure delivered In truck loads. Mam 4486 I PIPE, plumbing supplies, new, second hsnd. esti mate given ir.'s cous msae snd tnstsllea. Main 627J. N. B Mesher Pipe Co.. 229 Front LADIES' APPAREL Stylish coats. snlts. dresses, evening gowns, slightly used. Tabor 2825. . SAFES New and secondhand: some with burglsr- chests, at reasonaole prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. 1966 GOING East r South t Household good shipped' t reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Uo.. 403 Hoyt su IMsry 70S. PhlNTLNG rOH Lt8 e are not In any printer- combine. lmmpt service. Smith printers. 218 Commonwealth hldg : Rdwy 20H6, FFRTTLIZER- " For roses, lawn and garden: good manure guaranteed. Tsbor 2704. TOUR diamonds sold on commission by BehP ing the Jeweler, 245 H Alder st. Msin l!l FIREPROOF safe for sal cheap, fsrtlculars, V-878, Journal. Addle VACUUM cleaners, sold, repaired, rented, changed, bought. Bentley Co., Main 4907! MAN'S overcoat, tan wool serge, size 38; $8. B30 Khone. SNAPS In uncalled' for tailor-made suits for Modern Tailors, 89 N. 6th at. CASH REGISTER. SHOWCASES. 8CALES, SAFE. 118 2d t Msr-hall 2438 ONE large and on medium vise flra-proof aanaT tor vai cneap i-av. journal. 12-CAUGE shotgun and esse, hammcrlms and aafety, for sal. $14. 18 Market. UNCALLED for tailor-made Taylor the Tailor. 289 H tut-, $1 2 50 up. Bnrn'ifle t FOR RENT Eleciric vacuum cleaner. 24-hour day, $1. DeliveW anywhere. Wdln. 1259. PLUMBING supplier, wholesale prices. Davis Co . 212 3d st. Main 797. Stark- ALL KINDS OF TOOT.S WANTED. Newman. 128 It. Main 4405, Tsbor 6T9) XMBINO expert repair any plumbing, gas. very reasonable. lfcCurdy. Bellwood 1125 FOR SALE About 75.000 feet hand Imnb-r. all grades and -irfxes. T second East 110. CASH REGISTERS. FT.OOR CASES And other fiitnras. 242 Salmon. M' GENTLEMAN'S dUm-nd cluster ring, sell foe V4 actual value. Write E-l 54. -lonmal. WEI L rotted fertiliser. Can Bellwood 460. ' FOR SALE Garden manure. Tabor 6634. JUSTJATCH HIM AN-NOTE THE TIME he COE OUT AN RETURNS i, Co.. for 8Atrljicr.i.iJiryKOCs i BODGHT, sold and EXCHANGED Typewriters. Cash Registers, Showcase. Desk. Adding Machine. Hotel and Restaurant Fix tures, Furniture. Memhandts.' Trunks And Va lise. Handbags, Shotguns and Kiflea. EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN ; Newman's Exchange 128 First. Main 4495. Tabor 6798. WlttY? Why Jet odds and ends accumulate and go to waste wWn someone who ha use for them will pay real money for them? Turn your extra anything 'else yon do not nerd into money by advertising them In The Journal "want aa. Phone your "want'- ads to Main 7173 or Auto matic 3H0-61. Quick, competent, courteous aervice. WILL SACRIFICE FOR QlICK SALE. LARGE FUR CAPE. CALL BKOADWAT 1786. FURNITURE WANTED 14 S" Wa srarrt vnnr nsell tarnltnr. rnas. careen. stovee and all household good Java wiU pay the H'" M ftm. uur inree Large stores enable u to dinpoae of these good at onoa, and therefore we can pay th Top Market Prices - We u boy and sell hard ere, tools, snort ing goods, tent, bicycles, typewriter, adil'nt machines and stor and office furniture. When you nv anything to buy, sell or tnde Call Main- 9072 Levin Hdw. & Furn. Co. 231-8-6 FRONT ST. SELL US Ymrr Odd Piece or Complete Pflmlshlng We Pay Top Cash Prices CaTJ Us for Prompt. Courteous Servlc HfRTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 208 FIRST 8T i MAIN 7731. , WANTED. USED FURNITURE Will nay tv t i) rices MAIN Star Furniture Co. 5064 204 First st. Owl Furniture Co. morriso W want your nsed fnrnltnn, stove, carpet and pianos: we pay th highest cash price. 166 and V8 1st st Cll Main 4687. SPOT CASH FOR USED 'FURNITURE . Main 8878 THE UNITED FURNITURU STORE 171JIR8T STREET yasTJ1 -Jofi WlGHTMAN-JOHNSfiN FTNTTTTtlCCO , 88-00 Grand are. East 7768. Highest prices paid for used furniture, car- pets, stoves, range, etc. We call promptly. I AM in the market for furniture rromprlst parti only. 409 H Jackson st CALL MAIN 2117. aAH fs'i 'or furnTtnre. stoves, ranges, v'fJll 1 carpets, ruts., dresses, etc Phone Mar 26TS. Hartxe.11 Furnitnre Co.. 841 1st st BEST prices for used furniture. Main 8878. United Furniture Co., 173 lt t ' SWAPS WILL sell cheap or trade for livestock, 1019 Chevrolet roadster in fint clan condition new tires snd extras. irione neu. in. w Powell Valley road. 7-PA8SENGER Studehaker, In good order, tor Orescent Universe! or Sidney Universal wooa worker or similar machinery. Bellwood '!2374 VACUUM cleaner for a roll top desk.' Wooulawn 5483- WAITED MIsrELLAKEOCS WHY? Why let odds and ends arcnmulate and go to waste when someone who has use lor urn will pay real money for them! Turn your extra furniture, stoves, ranges, dishes, garden tools or anything else yon do not need into money by advertising them in The Journal "warn son. Phone your "want" ads to Main 7178 or Auto matic -&40-51. Quick, competent, courteous service. $ 11 2.50 to $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS OR OVERCOATS , , MEYER. THE TAILOR Pays more for clothing and shoe. We call, day evening. nywhere in the city. Call Mar- Shall 1229 or 253 Madison st, .near Third st SPECIALTY ' In buying men's cast off clothing. I pay 81Q and op for men' suits aad over cost Call us and get th right cash prira. 167 " First t ear Morrison Main T88. UOLDBAUM tn Tailor WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay th highest cash price for second! hsnd household goods No mount too larg or toe small. Prompt attention. N. M. ii EATER, Phone East 2203. 148 Russell st DIAMONDS B0U0PT We nav what votir diamonds are worth. American Brokerage. 305 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. GOING East or South! Household goods shipped t reduced rates; moving snd packing. PACIFIC COAST FORWARDING CO.. 403 Hoyt st Broadway 708. Old False Teeth Bought W pay up to $23 per plate. "American Brokerger 203 MororJ)UU.,2dfIror. . War Stamps Bought Lrberty-Vietory Bonds. Siiot tash. American Brokerage. 203 Morgan bldg.,2d floor. CALlTns ip. Mar. .2488. W wtjf pay cash for" groceries snd confectionery stock. With or wlthont fixtures. WANTED Rifles, shotarurrs, earner. h Hochfleld, $3 8d st Phone Main 8381. POOL'Ublr: mtist b clieap for cash. Mr. Tree lore,' Broadway . 820. WANTED Beef nd veal. Tabor 2073. PERSOTTAIi 01d Fal.se Teeth Bought We pay np tn $25 per plate American Brokerage. 205 Morgan bldg.. 2d ffror. AI-ASKA FURS . , Finest quality, ready to wear and to ordar at ttbstair price. The Pur Shop. 606 Bwetland bldg.. 0th and Washington "DIAMONDS BOUGHT We pay what your diamonds are worth; American Brokerage. 205 Morgan bldg.. 2d floor. War Stamps Bought - Liherty-Victory Bonds. Spot Cash American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. fBE Simliom Massage Parior body, face and scalp tmatment. Dr. Ovidlee lraen, 427 Morgan bldg. Main 1999. MEANS money, John Watkins. Cecil or Theodore Rrandahl, formerly of 216 Olympia st, St Johns. Of., write U. Arthur, The Dalles, Or. HERVES Inmbsgo trfsted: honv 10 to 9. 413 Bnchsnan bldg. Main SOV). DR. ELNA SORENSKN. I'snams hldg Drogleea, rVha, - ma-ss for Theiimst'-m r"n-t(' ion Lawyer ConsnTtstion FREE -rr-. All rases. 312 Sellin: bldg. Msin 4998 TJR ' WILKINSON removes corns rn n mimttea. Ltmp in. 318 FTanden at. near 6th. By George McManus m rr-r watch t .' s cone: J 1 ill i-s ta GOLDEN BULK " . Tlx greatest asset In this, world , la the "coofidsBee" ia mankind. , When onoa "betrayed'' it make a loa -And friend at hard to find. i , If all th world were honest i- t And lived th Gnldra Kul. There d be no use for pnaehen . ' i Or any Sunday school. ' s : A" - '. And while ou doubt your fellow ma- A true friend is all gold: -Ton'H find a lot are but alloy J' When often tongue unfold. We try to live the Golden Rul v By savin you- much more On each new 81" IT, COAT. DHESS and HA1 At th PETERSON UPSTAIRS STOKE. ' SECOND FLOOR PITTOCK R1-0CK. 1 Accomplished at Last - Palpi denttatry absolutely performed hi th erv blocking method, without after effaota; let us prove it to yon We msk X-ray -aminations of tsetb when necessary, alung'rltk ' other operatlona W tparulti In first olaa aenunry at reasnnabl fee, DR. A. W. KEEVE DR. E.' H. PKEHN Mletle T "jest re bldg.. 861 H Wuhirrgron St Old False Teeth Bought We pay up to $23 for old hte. Don't mart. If broken. Bridie work bought, old gold, silver, platit.um. old jewelry, silverwsre. Brim i a mail. Amenoaa Brokerag. 208 Mnrgsn bldg. NO PROFTT FERfNrt 0!t rs"T.aiiFH'kl " Dr. Gonr Rnbensteln. th veteran optldsst, make the best eysglassws at very rsawonsbl price Tori and Krvoton. also tha ehaana gradss. S26 Morrison st Main 291. GLASSES At A stviStT I solicit your natrons aa act tha bads of capt hi arica. Tbonsanda ot aattatied patron. Charla W. QP"l"j-.'!nlq,Btr't. 80 Morrtww at C"0MEin nf gt both yoar fit fixed up goes! for $1 by Dr. Eton. th CHmOPODIST that dean t hurt you: 8 yrs. in Pnrtlsnd; exsmlnstjoa, fre Glob Thatr bldg., lltb-Wash. Bay. 282.r KOTICE8 I RECEIVER'S BALK Tfa Wooden notlrahln . . auiaa Wm at the company's wharf at Llnnlon, Or., 'o ue soia oi uie receiver or th rieJuwihla r.ugineenng woras at 10 o clock a. tn, Thursday. January 1$, 1830. at room 804 Lwts building. Portland, Or. The right I r-" served to postpon th sale, or to reject a"f nd all bids. C. M. MIALL. Beoeiver. I WILL not b responsibl for any mora bllll that my wife Gertrnde Moore, wUl mak ai tar January 9, J 920. Ira Moor. PROFESSIONAL AID BDSINESS WRECTORY ' ABBtBS' BUPPLII . f.EWTS STE4GER Bsrben'Bnppir',Co..' 10th nd Morrison streets. Th. pUo to bat barbers' ehalrs and assfipllea. Stock ota. furnltura always on band at right prtcaa. o7 La Km sinrist tfXHTr.M ANriJT01 109 " 2d "ATTiS book msnqfsctarsrs. A-$J$3. Main 1$$. , OOKB' EVV AND USED ROOKS, ALL SUBJECT! JOHNHON B BOOK STORK. 248 Main st bet ad And 3d. 0RPtITtr H$) BtHLOIN , CARPENTEOND BUlXWriemTinimbTi?. JI07 8d st , Main 6300 A. lahal CSWPKT. CttSaiiam ; We MakelFluff Rutrs From Your Old Carpets Rag rugs. n slam. UaU ardsra prompt, Rngs and carpeto rtesm and dry cImomL Pbot or wv. for r.rtc 1M. . Northwest Rug Co. - 188 K. Eights st Bast 9na Fluff Rugs From llfli (ncsH-sa I - Rag Huge, all alses Mall Orders Prnannt Send for Booklet 9ll2 Hugs. Steam or Dry Cleaned, $1.80. FLUFF RUG CO. , . 54-53 Union av. N. F,at 6816. B 147$. OKLLULOip -4tJTT0N "TiiE TnwrN,Horso!')MPATs-T- 887 Wtshlngton. Broadway 484. A-l 334, 0HIROPBA0T0R8 DP MeMA"ON i0 r.r-.nl adtotm-nt ess. Oy. carefully, permanent; si treataw. 815. Phona. HELENA W7 COMSTOCKhliiwctoTTTlff lath at Chroni trotihls. Main 8808. OOSL AND WOOD WE HELL IN LARGES"8MAf.LQirrrfttTt navy win n cry oisn, (lag and (JorSwood Star Wood & Coal Co. 348 3d at. Main 601 9. DRV HLAR 4 FT. OR 8AWK1 Slab and block miisrt Trtly dry. sasvsd. Special inriea In two losd lota. Nsthmal Fuel Co , East 8041, Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood 1261 Marartam . Phhn Main 4178, Otv. DRTWRECKAOE WbOb ' 1 Served to order, inside block, cord and sis. wood and coal. Modal Transfer at Fnal Cm. Phon East 8188. Boxwooda.siabwood Multnomah FnjCo.Maln 3340 A-3116. ' OREOON FI'EL CO.. WOODKAWN 4F5i" Psrtly dried slsh snd block wood, $8 80. : Oofc AND OAT V406PITAL CTTo TTmTTHM AlT bospltaTTTfo HritA gil r Grant East 1847. B-1083, S corner DUOATIONAL DAPIOINa PERSONAL' RTNOI.ER'S DANjCINO ACAtKUff" If you wint to dance or learn to dance, wtt t not a to th lsrgest and best school tn th eitf when th idvantages r greater f Ton , mass) - I more good dancers and can practice with man different esnert professional teacher. Saparato hall (or beginner and backward pupfls. Oaf ' bnsliMisa dsnclni. W know ho. Informal ' very evening Ladle. $1; gnta, $1. , 14th at Washington. Broadway 8880, A-880L, ; EAWTon5ANcl! 12 privet lessons $8; 4 lsn IS. 80S Filers hM , bet 4 th and 6ton Washington at, Main 6004. ' ' THBDnc StndTo"7Tl69 'Deknm bldg., WashinisV ton at Sd. Strictly private. Isasnns, half howt V or hour, lessons. Course lessons specially tirliisl Dally, 9:80 a. m. to 8 p. re Mis IrwUni -.. MRS " RUMMER'S Biirkeley-nnc1nf acAdemy! 129 4th. Leseoni day. era. : rlaaa Thara, Indies 82.80. gents $3. Main 8319. 91U8IO eOHOOL AWD TIA0M8S9 VIOMN, piano, harmony; all trlngdlnatr menta taught Kol' Ketiberk, 409 Tmhill. PROF. T. K tAwSftN? 20 yeasV vipvrese! Piano lesaon at your horn. 78. Tabor ItOA. OPTOwHTBItT - 1 gann""w" sriENTincAD.t-f listrt with mod-m Instnimcota, Olam fitted from $2 (10 op. - ' f A. K. BTTTtWITZ. Optometrist. t8 First at PAISJTIHO, TINTINfL PAPIWHASJOIIIB JTh7CI TrONTpln"t!ng tinting ', ppVTn$, i ' V. ITth tt. Bdwy. 44J4 . Wdln.. 2126- . PAINTIXG. paperini. fintlnr. hop80 "1 sTZ " Main 2714; Bellwood 8636. . rTT ATTOSmV COLDRERO. 67nWoveter bfrig. Maln'lflf.' FHV8IOIANS . DR" Tt" A'PHILLIPS. Brwidwsy bfc.r 'Bheav msMm stnmarh. bowel lung, liver. Itldoe. bladder, rectal, prctottc. femsl disorders, ski attecticn. high blood preasnra. - - ss.tlsjsio al ITIAM UPPLIt ' HUE t f kVn: fn. 4 ".87-tf rimtttrt. PWIMTINO. (NASA VINO. IMDINA Pr.ntinfndo.. firtisv" su. M 16 A. A ll 68 PA tJING. laiwrhanglag. dccorallo Woo TiNNtng JACOB I)SLI - j. J Tin. Shawttron and H.ooi VTork ' .. . In tt Pbon Mtn 1474. 810 TttAtaSPEH AMD flTORAC Oregon Transfer CoT Established 187B I Txarfst and Forwardin A eawa r 1 8TORAOE FRF.B THACXAUB !".,. f Of tic and Store, 474 tillaw ' IStb and -iUsav Broadway 121. A-l 1 69. ALWATS- PltK'THE T BEST b(CSEH(fT,T -GOODS SPfcClALIST . Storg, paekini, 5 ehlpptug snd moving. - Morse aad ant yaa -. BtMrial rates to all H'4nt. . 't, Ctti-'PICK TKAN8FBR A 8TORAOE CO, 2d and Pro. Brosdwa 396, A-1996. I V fLLA M ETTE" V AI j -ET TRANSFER C0T1S rrsl transfer snd 'nrwarding aatsou. y 114 -tA , 1 PACK1M1 MOVING STORAG 9 ; ! nSECUK ITTf 0R"a(TeXt51 N fi FEB COT" i 106 Park at Mahl H9 AlOrft. '; SXl'HEHH -xi M-a-e bvnlrd Is down, town dir ; trict, 25. ;, 21.-.,---; , ' I- :' - 1 VI -'