18 3& THE OREGON ; DAILY . JOURNAL.. PO RTLAND. ' FRIDAY, JANUARY 9. 1920. BEAL ESTATE FOB BALEHOUSES FRAN MQUiRE BOMB BIBOIDII 'THE MoGUTRE 8 T STEM" of pe so-aily Inspecting, aw raiding and pno tofrspbina eaeb bona make horn buying eaay, W will pat you hsmt-' Uately- in touch with th. bona ywa ara looking for. 2 autoa at your . aervioe. 400 photograph to aelect from. $5M0 irfVlNOTON HOME I 7 room modern hois, full cement Waamant, furnace, laundry tray, fire- Pce, hardwood floor, built-in eon r.nienoes. HEAL. BARGAIN. Wa have other home Is thia district p to 140.000. 5800 WEST SIDE BARGAIN Very ttraotrre 7 room atorjr and a half bungalow typo henna, loratad en Vaughn at., cm Willamette Heights. Furnace, fireplace, bard wood floors, built-in onveniences. Urge side porch with wonderful unobstructed view. 4 right airy bedroom, paved (treat paid, lama, 1 block to car. $6000 ARTI8T1C HOSE CITT BUNGALOW Kara la one of the very attractive bsngalow of Rose City I'ark. 6 looms, dan and breakfast room, hardwood ' floon, flrepUoa, built-in convenience , large front porch fall width of house. " atone column, low rambUnc bungalow Una. Can arrange term. $2960. WALKING DISTANCE 9 room unusually well built modern . borne in a 60x1 U0 lot, just aeruea the Broadway bridge on Rom st House could easily be converted into flat. Double garage. Yon cotitdn t build the bout for the money. The lot U worth (4000. Could rent the room fur $20 acb. Term. $4000 PIEDMONT HOME 8 room and den. concrete atucco borne. Unusual bargain. 4000 NEW ALBERT A BUNGALOW Here . la an unusually attractive n typical bungalow; beat material and workraaruhip: very attractive Unas; . large front porch, living room with cheery fireplace, built-in bookcases, pan - sled dining room with massive leaded Claaa buffet, hard wood floor, wood work in white enamel, full Dutch kiteoen, dandy cement baaement with laundry tray, two light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing; atreet liena paid; term. $3800 NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGAt)W j Here i a. dream of a bungalow. 5 room, very artistic typical bungalow Baca, art brick fireplace, attractive light fixture, tapeatry wall paper, hardwood floor, built-in convenience. - Vacant, We bare over 80 hornet for ale In the Sunnyaide, Hawthorne and aft. Tabor district Photograph of each, in the office. $3800; IDEAL HAWTHORNE HOME Very diatinctive modern 6 room . home. Large living room, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement baae ment, 8 light airy bedroom, beat plumbing. 1600 down. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS. ' -, 18250 WEST SIDE BARGAIN $500 DOWN: $28 PER MONTH 4 room eulMtantial home, full cement baaement, furnace and fire place, white enamel plumbing; elec tric light and gaa. Lower Willamette ' Height. $3000 PENINSULA BARGAIN - On Burrage street near Holism, on 100100, ia an unusually well built room modern home; whttevjenamel Plumbing; electric light and gas; very - . convenient floor plan; abundance of fruit, berriea and flower. Term. . .'. $3000; HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW ' room very modern attractive bun galow type home, many conveniences, very practical floor plan. Term. $3380; WALKING DISTANCE On E. 18th at., close to Morrison at, la an unusually aubsUntlal 6 room , modern home. Cement basement, fur j nac and laundry tray, white enamel ! plumbing, electric light and gas. 2 block to trade and high cbool. Hon-e oould not be reproduced for $3500. Term. A REAL BARUA1N. 3500; HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW On E. 87th at, on a corner lot, is a 5 room bungalow cottage. White enamel plumbing, electric light and gaa, built-in conveniences, bard ur lace atreet paid. Easy term. $2400; NORTH OF PIEDMONT Full comer lot, liena paid, new, very attractive typical bungalow. While enamel plumbing, garage. i 12200; BOOTH OF LAURELHUR8T On E. Morrison st. near sut is 7. room home. Bleeping porch, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and aa, 1 block to Montavilla and Sunny- ' aide car. Eaay term. $2080; SELLWOOD HOME On Bid well ave., close to car. is a room home; white enamel plumb ing, electric light and gaa. abundance of fruit, berriea and grapes. Eaay term. We liave over 20 other home In thla district. In our ahow room are over 000 photograph of personally inspected and appraised homes in all part of the city. 12 automobile at Tour nerv ica. Thla office aold over 850 home In 1919. Largest home seller on the Pacific coast. W handle home ex clusively. Inspect these photograph before yon buy. Some wonderful bar gain. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME. Successor to H. D. McGwire Co.. Established In 1880, "40 Tear of Service,1" Ahlngton bldg. Min lOdts Office Open Evening. Holiday and Sunday. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW . 6 ROOMS $4650 Folk, here is a nifty bungalow a home to ".Proud of. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. JJatch kitchen cement basement, furnace, etc. Full lot Ideal location. You never would ex 5 bny uch a home now in thl elegant district for o little money. Hurry. Let us ahow you. . ... - TEEPE co- 384 gtArk it, near 3d. Main 3092. THREE UNBEATABLE BARGAINS ' . HIGH CLASS DISTRICT -V5CAN'T MOVK RIGHT IN. and bedroom in each, also eleentn K. 7", fhU' ltlon, and close to allta ftnt class condition. Ia a creditor's sale Fins cb.nc. , for a party with a little cash to : ZH. pkc l "Psculatlon. Will 5u ,U.,Unn- k 8" Mr- DeUhunt, ai ; friwJrtJS?u-lIh,opbo,1 m tm '"tther in formation Maln1700; evening. East 2088 KS1?0R!1E BUNGALOW BA ROAtS ?71bB ' J""" bungalow with sleeping !b- rnSU?- 'ft. ltch kitchen, furnace! ' SS mTin PIvingV'hav. oU end could D?t be built today f o, Th'to mone" J. A. Wickmtan Co. g? Elch- Bld- Main 583. IS 6.00 iE R MONTH inTii lifted OROrai8 "and oofilGE00 fui?rie.,r,h.8-ro" cntu in Z b?nt ground equal to it 1 JL bearing fruit tree. 1 block from $s2 -ssrvfii- it ,o cxr- 6o "l .. . 'P. A. Warri'ner. r - BITTER, LOWE ft CO ' , 801-3-ft-T Board of Trade Bldg i ., t7S LAURELHIRST $5750 L - BIG BARGAIN 4 Mesa bungalow, close to car; view lot Don't tLS .thto ,btlt,u, " Oh, the at 870 H Stark t or phone Main 1700- SubI day or evenings. Eest208S. ,UU- BuB ",T.ffi1JI5."5! BUNGALOW"- ',. JlT" ' i0 CA8H. - t. , . - w.-, iiui vemexnea baae- . aosnt. plenty buflttns. double constructed. hlTik to carHns. adj. Piedmont. Phone ov.rTc-1 182 or East 6510 for appointment, ' 1 1 8 ' - B-roora bungalow.' fireplace, hardwood flam, all bwUt-ina, with French dootsTonSred ' only $1000 cash. . p as,. . 'v",WDIfiHT & Drbrir Mnhi 8 ! Tubing ton bldg. Sell 18KB ' "It 8150 ROK1? CITY PARK TERMS - - a enjaa Vnderm, corny ' 4 . room bnagtUow, tviMtetMl w-mik, - Ks(tvs., w;iJT:ij IUILjT, SU IUi Mt3- Bwot, toth .wanaeft. - 50x100 lot. niqc shade - .195x100, 20 bearing fruit trww, . 5 rora s .anc4arit boose, 1 block oar; onljr $3000 $1000 CMtV , gWU. V ? v -: 'SEAL ESTATE FOB gALEgOTJBES $1 86500 Beautiful -New BnngaWrw On 4 2d at, 1 block from anT. " atreet, la a new double ecesatruoted bungalow M elever design and attiaetire featurea; 4 room, all on one floor; beat fomaee, fireplaee and hardwood floor mocey could buy; white enamel throughout; out glaa door knob; full cement baaement, fine garage with cement driveway: built for a borne, and flxtnrta are aoiid bra. Ton won't look further if you aee thla. Terma. Rustic Stone , Bungalow Juat off the Alameda drive; story and a half; massive atone pillars on porch; 5 rooms down and 2 up; every modern convenience) to last detail, in cluding $700 bot water heating system; paved treet, carafe. Sea this today. Eaay term. $5 1 SO 2 Story, Rose City Located on full paved corner: heart of Rose City; 7 room home; 4 room and den down, 8 up: hardwood floors, fireplace, piped for furaaoa; atreet lien aU paid; $1000 down. $4850 Bargain On 53d street. Rose City Park: story and half; pretty bungalow line; very elaborate Inter ior fixture an flnUb; hardwood floor, furnace and fireplaee; muic room, reception hall and den; beamed ceiling, tapeatry walls in dining room. Very easy terma on thia home. $4850, Typical Bngalow New Listing Today and a Rare Bargain. In the center of Row City Park; full paved corner; ia a very imposing, attractive bungalow: 6 roomr, all on one floor; hardwood floor, fire place and' furnace; many built-in conveniences, pleasing floor plan; located one block from 8andy, in a cluster of Rose City'a finest bungalows: splendid, well kept lawn, rosea and ahrubbery. At the price of $4850 thia la an exceptional bargain; term. $4350, Bungalow Snap How City I'ark, ja-t off Handy bird., I a cosy 5 room bungalow on full corner lot; bard wood floor, furnace; white enamel finish; ar tistic French windows; French door opening onto large screened veranda: garage, lawn, tree and wonderful climbing vine and shrubbery. Very easy terma; aee it today. Call Main 1686. Six real estate demonstrators devote their entire time .to showing our property. $4250, Rose "City 'Bungalow On R6th at is a new 5 room bungalow, bard wood floor, fireplace, built-in bookcase ; win dow eeati: very practical floor plan; unfinished attic: very good value. Terms. ALBERTA SPECIALS 84500 buys a two story, double constructed Alberta liome: 3 rooms down and 8 up; very well built and in splendid condition inside and ' nut; furnace heat; full cement basement; laun-: dry trays; beautiful shrubbery; one block to! Alberta car; $1500 down. I $3 II 50 Alberta Bungalow Folks, here is a real value in a pretty 5 room bungalow; large veranda; corner lot; paved etreet; furnace; convenient built-tns; excellent floor plan: clear of all incumbrances. A great bargain for somebody. $2750, 4 Rrn. Bungalow On 18th st In Alberta, 4 blocks from ear. ia a new attractive bungalow; combination living and dining room; 2 bedrooms, bath and toilet; Ontch kitchen, finished in white enamel; full lot; a very fine little home; double constructed; $500 down will take it; quick possession. $3875Iiawthorne If you home buyers will investigate tbia, your troubles will be over; location on 49th st ; hard wood floors; expensive gas radiator beating ays tero, operating cheaper than furnace; finished in cream throughout; splendid condition inside and out; $100 gas range goes with place; fireplace and ideal arrangement; paved street; $1500 down. $5800Alameda Park Brand new, 5 room artistic bungalow ; iut be ing completed; hardwood floors; Royal furnace; fireplace; pared street, all paid; white ivory fin ish throughout; French doors; a strikingly at tractive bungalow; concrete veranda; garage and concrete runway; beautiful lighting fixtures; $2000 down. $4350, Hawthorne Homme Close in-, on, Yamhill; paved corner; 2 tory, bungalow lines; furnace, fireplace: 4 rooms down, 3 up; full cement basement; garage with con crete runway; street Hens paid up; exceptionally built and pleaaiug appearance; $1000 to handle. $22004 Rm. Bungalow On 63d at. 2 block from Glfean rar, is a well built 4 room bungalow; full comer lot; living room, dining room with built-in buffet: neat and well kept: built ft years; fruit trees, berries and roses; $500 down and $25 per month. $ 1 200Montavilla B rooms. 1 H story; 2 bedrooms down, 1 up: fruit trees and berries; lot 75x100; $300 down, $15 per month. We hare hundreds of photos on our walla shotting good homes in nearly every section of the city. Come in and look them over; perhaps we have just the home you are looking for. Six real estate demonstrator with auto to show you homes at any hour of the day. BIHRCAREY CO. . 219- Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1688. ANOTHER NEW BUNGALOW Remember that last bungalow you could not buy because it waa sold before you made up your mind? Don't be disappointed again. I have one that is better and that you will be proud to call your home. Just completed by a Los Angeles architect and will be aold at cost A beauty and must be seen to be appreciated. See Mr. McCarty. 270 H Stark at, or phone Main 1700. Sunday or evenings Tabor 5057. WALNUT PAPIT ntsTn?T $3950 FINE LOCATION $3950 Hit rtrm a ind . 1 i t . - - - " oiccf iwrai, iirepiacv, built-in conveniencea, full semi-cement basement mi. ov, garage, parea gireet all paid for; only 2H blocks to best car service in the city. Quick possession can be had. V. A. HSKKL1EB, R1TTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON. IRVINGTON Do not buy Mcnnd hand hfltllM whan im n buy this new, nearly completed. 6 room bunga- l- - VI ' ,1 win, , . . " wkt iiuw, Diusira room in oasement, 2 fireplaces, shower bath, hardwood floors throughout double garage, 18x20 corner Jot, facing east: all improvements in and naid. lTnilt by owner for home but will sell for cost to dis pose of lot, as I have other lots to buOd on. corner mtn nd FTeemont S. Peterson, builder. ROSE CITY PARK CAR B ROOM BUNGALOW $3000 Within 100 feet from Sandv. Snlendi h.,.. galow home for $3000. You never never would expect to ouy a gome use tbia at thia time for so little money. Reasonable initial payment balance $25 month, including interest Hurry .. A. G. TEEPE CO. 284 Stark st. near 3d. Main 8092. Branch office. 60th and Sandy. TO GET YOUR Westover Terrace HOMES1TE8 You May Phone, Call or Writs HAROLD JUNGCK Secretary International Realty Associates Owners. r IOVI lEiU.l D1LSA Phone Office. Msin 680; Res.. East 1999 RORR rtfr sue ftMntlfnl O - I a f . a iuuui uuins, suiKiern id j r spec, acre of ground, corner; bearing fruit trees, h rubbery, cement garage, atreet and side walks ail in; bouse alone worth the price. - ! 409 Spalding bldg. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE of 6 rooms with aleepine porch. 2 toitato. hniltr in buffet fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace and garage. This place is in fine condition and a fine borne: $5750. with H cash. If you want SoK" bme l tbe right price, call Marahall 829 or Eat 7987. - ' HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW V $2460 $100 BONDED $000 DOWN roonus 2 bedroom. Dutch kitchen, bookcaass and other built-in feature: in Tery good dis trict, near 89th and Lincoln. , , CLEVELAND HENDERSON CO. I 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main T8S. Small Pavtrent Dnwrt ,toon8?ooo,.ud1 sr "" w ta pri- nJVi4' T ' 8th av iB. LOOK T linnue om"".i.'i Bellwood: paved atrsets. good district. 1 era, aoaas terms; hurry, gelL allot, T1 BE Ale ESTATE FOB. 6AXE HOUSES $1 BUSINESS SERVICE M HENRY BLDU. ' MAIN 7T. HERE ARE A FEW OF 0H WEEK - END OFFERINGS TO HOME SEEK ERS WISHING MODERN IMPROVED RESIDENCES OF THE BETTER CLA4B. - - - A Real Snap S7 llfTlOl to two-etory 9 room, thor J ongbly modern' residence. Thia bona ii practically new, having been constructed only a abort time ago. Paved atteett and ce ment sidewalks lead to the door. 82000 cash will be accepted aa first payment ' A Beautiful Home S 5; for a beautiful 1H atory T . room modem house in Irving-ton. Thia bouse ia finiahed in a plea a- ing golden aak finiab. It it now renting for $65 a month. $1500 cash will handle thia exceptional buy. A Judicious Buy g Jt TSSlTII fa the low price aaked for thia i tt, modern up-to-date residence. It la in one of the beat locations in Portland. It bas one and one half stories. You cannot dupli cate thia at the price aaked. Startling Offer $ a ifM for an 8 room, 1 H . tory mod i..Crillil em residence to the beat of con dition. This house has 5 beau tiful bedrooms that will be the envy of your friends. We will sliow it to you if you will call at our office. Excellent Location $ 2, and a real bargain. Excellently located with paved atreet pass ing the door. Two stories with 8 room. $1000 cash i aU you need to call this cozy little borne your. BUILDINGS A Lifetime Opportunity $35, for a 2 story brick building that 1 now paying 1 3 on the money invested. Thia property can be made to. pay more. Downstair occupied by stores, while there are about 20 offices above. Absolutely clear abstract. One-balf cash will handle. a Day 3 450 cash will buy a cash business that ia now doing a business of $90 a day. The price includes al) fixtures, such as a National cash Tegibter, Dayton computing scale, etc. A very good buy. BUSINESS SERVICE 817 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 6797. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW LOT 156x100 CORNER Located 1 block from Prescott st. Alberta, is a very attractive S room bungalow, large floored attic, reception hall, fireplace, built-in buffet, 2 fine bedroom, large Dutch kitchen, foil basement, laundry trays, beautiful lot 150x100, 10 fruit tree, large cbirken house, room for 200 chickens: alley. Iota of room for marketable produce. Only $4750, some terms, free of in cumbrances. SEE MR. MACE, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 TEON BLDG. SEMIMOreRNHOME" 6 rooms, on hard surface street, just outside of city limits, for $1800; terms of $400 cash, balance like rent ft rooms, on$tiard surface street, for $1000; terms. I have the lot and if yon have the money to bnild will five a deed and tike a mort gage and give you five year to pay for lot, and other good burs. KENNEDY at TILLMAN. Lents station. Tabor 4811. LACRELHCR8T BUNGALOW JUST VACATED Cozy 6 room bungalow, large living room: beautiful dining room with buffet running fall length of room; 2 large bedroom and music or library room; finished In white enamel and mahogany trim throughout; modern handy kitchen with all built-in conveniencea. Fine, large baaement with built-in fruit cupboard and coal bin. See Mr. McCarty. 270 H Stark at. or phone Main 1700. Sunday or evening Ta bor 6057. JUST BEYOND LAtfffijRST NIFTY MODERN BUNGALOW $3750 Say. folks, here is a home to be proud of. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays, large attic, garage, etc Only one block from car. Reasonable Initial payment, balance $30 month. Including interest. Now hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark at. near 8d. Main 8092. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. $2650, 5 Rm. BungaEow Neat attractive 5 room bungalow, reception hall, paneled dining room, white enameled Dutch kitchen, laundry room, wash trays, fine bath, full baaement 500x100 lot, some fruit, nice lawn and shade trees, 2 blocks Mt. Scott car, near AnabeL This is a homey little bungalow and the price 1 right Only $650 down. SEE MR. MACK. GEO. T. ftOORE CO. 1007 YEON BLDG. 3 Room House, 2 Lots Nice 8 -room house; gas heat all In fine con dition, 2 nice lots 80x120, on 62d ave.. near 61st st; price $1100; $400 cash and $50 every 6 months. 8 ?. QRUSSI & BENNETT 818 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. Sunnyside 6 Room Snap Nice 8 -room house, 8 bedrooms, fas, elec tricity, bath, baaement; lot 88 1-8x100: paved street; all liens paid. E. 83d, near Washing ton; price $2500: $1000 cs-h. balance to suit. QRUSSI & BENNETT, 818Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. FOR SALE A SNAP 1 4 room furnished bouse and 1 5 room partly furnished house. 1 block from Falling ichooL Income $85 per month, all for $3000. ' $700 down and $25 per month and 7 per cent interest I will give a large inducement for cash. BY OWNER. 1154 49th ave. S. E. Near 89th at. ALAMEDA PARK NIFTY. MODERN BUNGALOW $5250 Exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, break faat nook, etc. Finest location in Alameda Park. Very liberal terms. It u (how you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 284 Stark at. near 3d. Main 8092. Branch office, 80th and Sandy. IRVINGTON Two nifty new hunirlow just completed; 6 and 5 rooms, finished in, ivory and white enamel, all built-in featureaj hardwood floors throughout; Gaaeo furnace, electric fixtures, shades, breakfast room, garage, streets all paved and paid. These bungalows must be seen to be appreciated. Located on 26th and Knott Phone Wood lawn 4841. $ 1 00 Down $ 1 00 I 8 room house, 50x180 lot 1 4-room bouse, 40x100 lot 1 5-room house, 40x100 lot 1 6-room house, 75x250 lot. All on hard aurface; balance easy. Tabor I486, or call at 8982 66th are. 8. E.. near Lehts -schooL NIFTT BUNGALOW, FULL LOT, NEAR PEN INSULA SCHOOL; COMBINATION LIVING AND DINING ROOM. FIREPLACE. BUILT INS S BEDROOMS, BATH, DUTCH KITCHEN. BREAKFAST NOOK, ELECTRICITY. GAS; $2650; EAST TERMS. EAST 6779. $8280 HAWTHORNE ' bungalow. B room ami bath, full cement basement laundry trays, lot 41x100. all improvements in and paid. Cons see the lransaloir and fall ia love with In. Terms. S3T K. (1st at, 8. Hawthorne or Mount Scott THE owner is leaving the city for in tee rsts else where; nrnst sell st ooce "T-room residence, full basement, 80x102 lot This is a snap for $8(HI0.- and $1004 down. Call Mala 1088 or Main 44USI. B-ROOkfy cotta. lot 78x100, fruit trees, chick ea house. $1460; terms. Broadway 1868. son urvgon owg. JOR SALE, 9 roota bouse. $5x100 foot lot; 'tlk and aaaamoav. HWt, .-labs 434JL CHURCH THeANKS .JOURNAL FOR FIRST PRIZE MONEY "We thank The Journal for'fta fairness and promptness In awarding the prizes to the nKceasful winner in the Sunday School "Want" Ad contest Also we would thank the natrone of The Journal who so kindly ritaponded to the solicitation of our campaign manager, thus making her effort a auccea. We further thank. The Journal for it hearty eonaratala tiona, and in return wish them a pros perous New Year." The letter waa aixned by Rev. Walter Reynolds, pastor of the Cloverdale United Brethren church. Miss Winnifred Rey nolds conducted that organization' cam paign throughout the "Want" Ad contest HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 81 HOlJSES FOR SALE Mr. Honieseeker Here is a 5 -room cottage. 66x133 foot lot fruit trees, flowers, etc., and furnished ready to move into; only $2000. Tbjg i a work inoman't home. I have many others from $2000 to $20,000 on which I can quote a homeaeeker very de sirable prices and term. J. B. Holbrook 214 215 Panama bldg. Irvington Bungalow Two 6 room bungalows, in fine location double construction throughout with three floors, hardwood throughout, hardwood 1 doorsa all built-ina, sleeping porch, break fast room, Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace, fireplace and garage, street . im provement all in and paid for. In fact a complete and modern homes as you will find anywhere. Price $6500; $1000 will handle. - WAKEFIELD. -FRIES COMPANY 85 Fourth St WEST SIDE. 16 ROOM HOUSE 100x100 $ fl 2,000$ 1 2,000 Small cash payment, low rate of in terest, auitable for many purpose Home for a club, society, or organiza tion. GEO E. ENGLETIART CO.. Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. A BARGAIN Owing to deavth of owner, to set tle estate, will sell No. 750 E. Main. 6 room house and lot, cash or time; might rent fur nished or unfurnished. Make an offer. M. C. George, attorney, Washington bldg. Main 4139. FOB SALE LOTS 18 To Get Your Westover Terrace Hoinesites Tou may phone, call or write HAROLD JUNCCK. Secretary Intemstional Realty Associates Owners, 1307 Yeon Building. Phones Office, Main 630. Res.. East 190. SALE OR TRADE 50x100 lot, Rodney ave. and Skidtnore st Phone Woodlawn 14 02. . ROSE CITT lot. $"585 cash : 1' sewer and pave ment in. paid. Tabor 6441. ACREAGE S7 East Side Acreage 81S00 for 5 acree, half cultivated. 6 room hcuse and barn, 9 miles from center of city. $2000 for 5 acres on corner, 80 rods from Base Line, all in orchard. A fine place for a fine horn- Phone Marshall 829. F. L. BSanchard 510 20 RAILWAT EXCHANGE , LOGGED-OFF LANDS Tracta B acres up, located within 30 nUlee of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water, work nearby; buy on your own terms; prices $20 to $65 per acre. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 918 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. 32 ACRES. 12 in cultivation. 13 miles south west Multnomah courthouse, on good rock road, 1 ti miles paved highway, south slope, ex ceptional for berries and chickens; some improve ments. J. Van Zante. Route 1,. Sherwood, Or., owner, or phone Broadway 1413 week day morning. 4 ACIIES at Ruby Junction with 2 room cot tage; one acre cleared, balance fir grove. $2150 00; terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Ore gon bldg. 1 Vt ACRES, Kendall Station, "room bouse. $3300. Will take 4 -room house in Portland with chicken house to $2000. 224 Oregon bids.. 5th and Oak. BARGAIN FOR MAN WHO WANTS 25 ACRE FARM. 1 H MILES FROM CITY LIMITS OF OREGON CITY; PART CLEARED, FENCED: EASY TERMS EAST 5779. 5 ACRES close to Gillis station: Tery best of soil, one half cleared, balance fir and cedar. A snap for $1200; terms. Broadway 16.1S. '.'OO Oregon bid FOR a few days only. 5 acres In city limit at 75th and Tillamook, for $3300 cash, or $200O rash and $1800 mortgage, by owner. East 2189. 2 ACRE8 at Koekwood station, cleared; near Base Line road. $1650: terms. Broadway 165S. 209 Oregon bldg. 5 ACRES 3 4 mile from Salem, all under plow. 1065 Gorbett st Phone Marshall 3883. HrBTRBA-N ATRF E 7 FOR SALE 6 acres good black soil, all clear. fenced. About 70 walnut and filbert trees. 500 feet from Orchards station, about 7 miles from Vancouver. Cheap at $1800. Address C Ketchum. 146 E. 45th st. Portland. Or. SUBCRBAX HOMES 79 SUBURBAN HOMES If you really want a fine home, just outside the city, call at once; either on pavement or hardsurface, ranging in price from $1600 to $15,000; terms from $300 to $3000. balance easy. Call at 8932 56th eve-i S. E.. near Lenta school. Tabor 1485. SUBURBAN HOME- 2 acres all in cultivation, lay level, with a new 3-room bouse, just outside of city limits. For terms and price inquire at 9218 Wood stock ave. 8. E., Lents station. 7-ROOM double constructed bouse, H acre ground, fruit berries, on good gravel road near Paved hijrhwav. at Courtnev ststion. Ore gon City line. Phone Oak Grove 10-W. C. E. McCurdy. owner. FOB SALE F ABM S 17 ACRES 80 acres level, 50 acres in cultivation, large 5 room house, newly painted, good granary, garage. 2 barn B0x30 each; 150 fruit trees; S acres seeded to wheat and 8 acres to oats; good well and 4 good springs. Personal as follows: Wagon, hack, mower, feed chopper and other tools go with place, but the livestock can be bought or kept on shares. Price $8300. $2000 cash, baL terms. H. A, HEATER. 8th and Main its. Oregon City, Or. SUNNY CALIFORNIA 42 acres, about 35 acres under cultivation, balance in woods pastnre. Comfortable house of 5 rooms, fair barn, chicken and outbuildings, fine well at house and dandy spring and small stream, abundance of f rnits in full bearing, place fenced and cross fenced: 1 mile from railroad station, store, etc., and 8 miles from Ukiah county seat, and in thickly settled and prosper ous community. Price $8500, $3000 cash bal ance can be arranged, or will take a good ranch or income piece of property that is clear. THOMPSON. SWAN ft LEE. 3d and Main st., Vancouver, Wash. AN IDEAL DAIRT FARM FOR SALE BENCH LAND 120 acre. 8 anile from Woodland. Wash., 40 acre Cultivation, rest pasture; family or chard, good 8-room house worth $8000, barn 40x70, good water, all fenced, 3 miles to grade school. 9 good cows, 1 team, 1 wagon. 1 plow, 1 rake, I mower and other ftnplements; good road and good oil: the best, and good neigh bors; want to eil on account of aickne; sacri ficing at 810.000; 33O0O cash. bal. mortsag. at 6. Woodland Realty Office. Woodland. Wash. W. L. STRONG. FOR SALE BY OWNER 6 acre onion and vegetable land in high tat of cultivation, all new buildings; with fur niture and implements (or without). Tht ia located 7 mile sfrom Vancouver. mile of st ear and thriving little town. Paved road to Portland witit exception of 1 mfle, which ia also good. Chaa. Sagert. Si f ton. Wash. 108 ACRE improved farm, 8 room house, lares barn, new silo, hoc house, chicken bouse, fenced and eroaa fenced, with woven wire, R. F. D. and telephone. mile to school. miles to Jefferon, Family, orchard, aa ideal stock and fruit ranch. Price $8300; terms. For tore particuiaa addr owner, Geo. Feickart EEAL E8TATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 TOTTR OPPORTTNiTT MR. INVESTOR TOCR OPPORTUNITY MR. INVESTOR YOUR OPPORTUNITY MR. INVESTOR We hv fust secured what we believe to be the best money making proposition yet offered. A trifle ever SO acres of choice land only 25 minutes' antoide from the center of the city on paved highway. part in timber and part lashed and easily cleared. Beet of soil, city ca. electric lichts and telephone. Surrounded by beautiful and comfortable suburban . homes. Lead lay fine for dividina into acre tracta. The adjoining land ha been aold for over $600 per acre, none to for sale now at that price. For very good reason the owner, desiring quick ac tion, will dispose of the tract as a whole at $283 per acre.- A reasonable amount of cash will handle. See ua at. once. MeCBILLlS-CI.EAVELAND CO.. $24 Henry bids. Main 630. IDEAL DAIRY AND HOG RANCH 320. acres, all rich land, about 200 acres under cultivation. 30 acre more very easily cleared, balance in woods pasture, watered by several : springs and 2 fine creeks, spring water piped to buildings, good 10-room house with fire place. Urge barn piped for milking machine, bay fork, silo, granary, machine sheds, garage. 3 fine hog houses with pressure water system, stone dairy, fine orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing; close to school, church, convenient to country town, eheese fsctory. high school and 4 miles from railroad and river transportation; all rural advantages at door: in 'thickly settled and prosperous community and 12 miles from Van couver, on good auto road. Includes 5 hesd of horses. 25 cows, seversl heifers, registered red Durham bull, 4 00 head of hogs, Moltne tractor, milking machine, large cream separator. 2 gang plows, 5 walking plows, disc drill, potato planter, corn planter, ditc. corrugated roller, drags, har rows, mower, hay rake, wagons, buggies, all man ner of small tools, etc. All for only $55,000. half cash, balance to suit, or will take some good income property aa part payment. THOMPSON. SWAN ft LEE. Third and Main ' st. " Vancouver, Wash. 1600 ACRE WHEAT FARM IN FAMOt'S UMATILLA COUNTY 1200 acres under cultivation, 700 acres in wheat and 500 acre summer fallowed in 1919. Eight room plastered house. 2 big barns, 2 machinery sheds, 3 big wells always full and 50.000 gallon concrete reservoir. Located 6 miles from railway station, 1 mile from school and on good road. Worth from $75,000 to $80,000; price $64,000; terms $22,000 cash, bal ance on time. Will ai-cept good property in trade up to $25.0(10. Look this up, buy it and become independent. E. A. LINDCHKN, Savon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. 42 Acre Farm $9000 12 miles from courthouse $9000 None better for the production of clover, wheat, oats, potatoes, vegetables, or grasses. 33 ACRES CULTIVATED AH can be cultivated and is prac tically smooth . land. Good orchard. Six room house, bam. other out buildings, personal property include potatoes, grain, hay. brood mares, Jer sey cows, implements vehicles, snd wood in shed. Reasonable value, $2500. The farm is worth the price without the personal property GEO. E. ENGLEIIART CO.. Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 150 acres, 100 a. level and 50 a. rolling; reek, 4 0 a. in crop, bal, pasture nd timber, dark lom soil, 1 1 room modern bouse, like nrvr; 2 new barns, outbuildings of all kinds. 125 prune and other fruits and nuts. cows, horses, hogs, chickens, all kinds of implement and tools to run a first clas farm: 19 miles from Portland courthouse, paved road 7 miles this side of Newberg; price $125 per acre. $18,750, $9000 cash, bal. 6 per rent, or will take Portland property as part payment good dwelling or rooming house, or apartments. See it. R.M. GATE WOOD ft CO.. 165 4 4th st FOR SALE 440 acres of first class river bot tom land. 20 acres in cultivation, fair house and bam with other outbuilding, running wa ter, 10 head Durham cattle. 10 head hogs, one dozen chickens and farm implements. Price $16,000. $3000 cash, balance on easy terms. Would consider some clear income property. W. J. Turnidge, Talbot Or., owner. FORSAt7E or "would" take parTTrade. a small farm, building, tools, orchard: ciose'to cannery and creamery. Owner, 31 E. Portland blvd. FA K.MS WASTED RENT OR BUY 88 IMPROVED FARMS WANTED Have 2 cash buyers for improved 30 to B0 acres, on good road, not over 30 miles from Portland, with or without equipment John rguson, Gerlinger bldg. Farms Wanted This week we had three cash buyers for farms in out office at one time, one of them from New York, one from South Dakota, the other from Canada. We are having many calls for ranches. Let us sell yours. SEE or WRITE Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. HAVE Eastern buyers want farm. 801 RaUway Exchange. Main 7931. WANTED, farm of 50 to 100 acroirgoing con cern with some prunes preferred. Robert ButleT. 105 3d street. McMinnville, Or. TIMBER S3 NOTICE of sale of government timber. Gen eral land office. Washington. D. C. , December 11, 1919. Notice is hereby given that subject to tbe conditions and limitations of the set of June 8. 1916 (39 stat. 218), and the instruction of the secretary of the interior of September 15. 1917, the timber on the follow ing land will be cold January 27. 1920. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction, at ' the United States land office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder, at not less than the ap praised value as shown by tills notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of tbe interior. Tbe , rchaa. price, with an addi tional aum of ona-fiftb of 1 per cent thereof, being commission allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If tale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for tb. timber, which must b. removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of th United States, associations of u;h citizen and corporation organised Under the law of the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the timber on any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being in cluded in any offer of a larger unit T. 4 S . R. 8 E.. See. 21, SW 4 NW4. fir 1560 M NEVl SW. fir 840 M., NW (4 8W14, fir 1600 M., none of the fir timber to be aold for less than $1.75 per M.; sec. 88, 8E 'K!i. fir 730 M.. cedar 25 M.. 8W14 NEK. fir 650 M none of the fir or cedar timber to be old for lets than $1.50 per M. T. 2 S., R 4 E. sec 28. NEU WK, fir 1650 M.. cedar 80 M., aU tbe fir and cedar timber on aid subdivision to be sold for not less tbsn $2000; sec 29., 6 W NW. fir 710 M.. al of tbe fir timber on said subdivision to be sold for not less than $900. T. 2 S., R. 5 E., sec. 19. NEVs NW 14 . fir 1600 M., BE hi SW fir 1900 M.. cedar 50 M.. hemlock. 220 M ; NW 14 BE 14, fir 1895 M., cedar. 45 M.. hem lock 150 M.. SW14 SE14. fir 980 M.. cedar 235 M , hemlock 400 M . none of th fir tim ber to be sold for lea than $1.25 per M.. and none of the cedar or hemlock timber to be sold for less than 50 cent per M. T. 8 8.. R. 5 E.. ec 81. 8W14 SW 14 . fir 650 M.. none of tbe fix timber to be sold for less than 31.25 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner General Land Office. 160 ACRES timber lend 2 mile from Colburn. Idaho, near Sand Point Will trade for subur ban or city property. Call 620 E. Richmond at, St Johns. ROUGH lumber. 1x12; will sell cheap. 181 Hamilton are. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 94 PARTLY IMPROVED 180 ACRES IN LINCOLN COUNTY Four room house, barn, chick enhouso, smoke house. Water piped from a (print to noose, about 1 8 seres cleared, some im plements, household good and incubator. Located " mile from .railroad station. Price $2500. Will accept a house in Portland of! equal value. A good stock ranch proposition. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co S3 N. W. Bank Bide REAL ESTATE' EXCHANGE REAL JEST ATE 18 SSXCTIFTJL 8 room modern" home Portland Heights, fin view, lot 100x186, garage; want farm, must have 40 or 50 acre cleared suitable for hot ranch. Broadway 16S8. 209 Oregon 1. 1 - 80 ACRES, Washincton" count? ; coat mt $2000. ell or trade for anything hers in Portland. Phone Sell. 71T. 6 ROOM house for small house with acreage or lsrge lot. X-46S. Journal. WASTED 'REAL ESTATE 81 $2,409,847 WORTH OF HOMES, SOLD DURING THE TEAVf OK 1918 BY FRANK L. McGUIRE 69 HOUSES This organization can seal homes. Every boute listed is inspected, photographed and ap praised by Frank L. Mctiuire personally and report made on your house without charge. Yem know that 12 real estate salesmen, with automobiles, working in a well-orgaiiixrd office, which snenda thousands and thousand of dol lars annually advertising homes exclusively, must get result. We are in touch with tbe major ity of buvera. List your home with us for re sults. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO SELL TOUR HOME ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 1068 Want to Sell Your Home? We hve buywrs waiting for nearly every kind of a home. Sell now, while the demand is tre mendous. Hundreds will sell in the spring. We advertise evten-ively and can sell your home in short order. CaH Main 1680 and our expert real estate appraiser will call and explain the system that is o successful. BIHRCAREY CO. M9 RAILWAY EXCHANGE MAIN46S6 IT might be to your advantage to list your house with me for sale. I have many buyer waiting. I give each and every house listing prompt attention. Watch our Ads. We get Results, C. A. WAHRINER. HITTER, LOWE ft CO., 201-3-5-7 Bosrd o Trade bldg. TIMBER LAND WANTED Small tract!, of timber, near a road and not over 40 miles from Portland: will consider rough land if the timber is good : must be handled for small payment down. Will consider high priced acreage close to Portland, If con venient to rock road. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. OUR business ia selling East Side property. Lt"t your bungalow, lot and business property with us. J. J. OEDER CO. Real Estate 4 Grand Ave. N.,- near East Ankeny. Phbne East 61. ' IMPROVED ACREAGE WANTED We have several people wanting small places neir towns or city with payroll. Must have buildings and small payment down. AUo buyer for cheap place r.er Portland. JOHN FERGUSON Gerlinger bldg WANTED 4 to 6-room modern bungalow, any good district, up to $4000; clients waiting: 16 years' experience selling houses; we get results; list while the demand is good. GRl'SSI ft BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade. Main 7452 WANTED To buy a lot in Waverleigh Heights addition. Mnst be close to Powell Valley road and west of 31st st Phone Sell. 717. WANT a $6000 5 room and attic bungalow. corner preferred; in sood district Must buy this month. Call Tabor 3000. CASH FOR GARAGE BUSINESS A good garage or auto accessory busineea. 224 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak I WANT 5 or 6 room bungalow, R. f rark. $sM)00 To $3500; pay $1000 to $1500 cash. Phone Ka-t 5778. WILL Lrade late model automobile firt pay ment on 5 room house. Phone Sell. 717. BOOMING HOl'SES. APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE 5$ FOR SALE Lease and option on furniture of f0 room apt. house clearing $300 per month. A-840. Journal. WANTEIi Rooming or apartment houses, I liar, cash buyers. Main 3669. H. W. Gar land. 201 3d st. BUSINESS. OPPORTUNITIES 5$ BUSINESS SERVICE We have 1 5 buyers for apartment bonsea priced at $1000 to $10,000. List your prop-, rrty with us , immediately. W can make a quick sale on desirable property. BUSINESS SERVICE, 317 Henry Bldg. M. 6797. $12,000 BUI8 otie-fourtli rich silver mining property; no promoter: none but l-(ritimste Investors need answer. Cash needed for work on property. References citeu and demanded. H-"9. Journal. False Teeth Bought We pay up to $25 per plte. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg.. 2d floor. War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds. Spot Cih. American Brokerage. 205 Morgan bldg.. 2d floor. FOR SALE Shoe repair hop, plenty ma chinery, rent $5. 5529 Foster road. Archer Place. 50 rose'city pruvtert $1.00 Xou must bring this ad. 120 5th st PARTNER wnted in grge to bny hi interest; 'experience not necessary if willing to learn, rail Broadway 1378 for information. WANT Kiwfn" borrow-$500 For-further in formation address 11-666, Journal. FOR SALE Well equipped 4 chair barber hor; good location. It-852. Journal. GROrKRY-stock and fixtures for asle. Good location. Woodlawn 1531. HAVE one of the best garage sites on the pen insula; will build snd lease or sell. Col. 1041. 500 BUSINESS CARDS $1.26 Ryder Ptg Co.. Main 6586. 191 H it MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE rJ CITT LOANS. NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for improvement purposes. Tb best and easiest method of paying $ loan is our monthly payment plan. $S 2. 2 6 per month for 86 month, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 month pays a loaa of $1000 and interest Loan of other amounts la asms propor tions. Repsyment Privilege EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark at. Portland. Ot RESIDENCE LOANS Loan for any amount at 6 H per cent for S to 10 years, payable Aw monthly installments; any part or aU of the loan payable at any time. We loan money in all town of th Northwest Call or write, 1333 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 3718. Evenings. Woodlawn 2481 LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, 1st and 2d mortgage, contracts, livestock, notesf etc. F. E. Bowmsn ft Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and city property, favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD 806 Piatt Bldg. Main 6371. SEE US TODAY W. loan money on real -Mate; 6 and 7 per cent, long time, abort time: monthly payments; pay as yon can; sum te uit 729 Gasco bldg., 8th and Alder. CELLARS MUBTON CO. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security at going rate of Inter est. Otto ft Harkson Realty. Co.. 418 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loan on city and uburbn property, money advanced as work progresses. W. O. Beck. 216 and 216 Falling bids. Main 8407. MONET TO LOAN in amounts of 8100 te $5000 on city property. A H. BELL, Room 10 and 11 -Olkey bldg. $300 $400 $600 $600 $780 aadap. lowest rate; qaick action. Uorden Mortgas Co.. 081 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. SErTOREGW-EVV. ft MORTGAGE CO.. 22 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and 8 lark. $1000. $1600. $2000 and up; no commission. F. H. DE8HON. 616 Cham, of Com. bids MORTGAGE LOANS up to $6000, and 7 pef cent Fred 8. William. 608 Panama bldg. 6 PER CENT I will pay off your old mortgage at less rate. Ward. Atfy.. 407 Spaldin. bMg. MORTGAGE-LOANS. 6 and T per esnL Louis Salomon ft Co.. 408 Selling bid. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, ' SALARIES 7 HONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates; aU article held a year; eetablUhed tlaca 1888. Daa Mart. 288 Washington at. GEOH A RDCYTmna in one? oa tOQbamTSX MOSEY TO LOAjr-CHATTELS,,: SALARIES 67 DO YO.UNEEDMONEYf LOANS MADE UN AUTOMOBILES rrRNrruRE.' pianos, huuiskmui.u ouour, MEAL KSTATV. BUS OS. OK A.NKTMI.Nli of VALUE. UKCUKITX CBUAiX UUrT IN TOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLIt ON THKIK NOTES WITHOUT 8ECTRITI. UP TOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES Oat ON FURNITURE OH AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, Wki WILL PAx THEM CP. AtJVANCK VOU MURK Hil.r IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN BKPA1 OS IN SMALL MONTHLX PAXUfcftTt) TO BUU fOC It CON Y EMEN Cat. LEGAL HATES NO DKLAI BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO.' (LICENSED) 808 807 DEKUM BLDG.. 8D AND WAtB- POBTLANtJ REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N. Pbocts Broadway 810. 894 Stark t. near loth. Loan en diamond, watches. Vletrola. pianos. kodaks, shotguns, lurnlture. musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWEB City and county warrants caehed at face valua CARRIE MYEKS-UKUMAN , Manager. - SALARY IXANS CHATTELS WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or wnrklngmeo on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payment Each transaction strictly confidential, NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W also loan on household furniture, ptanoa. etc without removal CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. J LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDG. LOANS WANTED $9 $loo wanted for private party on farm land. 518 Chamber of Commerce. SEE7)RYgOnTnVA MORTGAGE CO.. 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4tb and Stark. FINANCIAL 7WIiLBUTANY 'UBERTT"BOND AT $1 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All due coupon Interest Included.) J. H. KEATING, 617 KUAMD OK lUADH BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH! MARKET PRICE! CASH POH RECEIPTS. We LOAN menev on BONDS. War Savings Stamps. 7-per oenu 725 GASCo BLDG.. FIFTH AND ALDER CELLARS-ML'RTON CO. WE BUT 1st and 2d mortgages nd sellers' contracts. K. E. tBowman ft Co.. 210 Cham ber of t'ommerre. CASH paid for mortgages and seller' contracts on real estate tn Washington or Oregon. U. E. Noble, 816 Lumbermens bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 13 TEAM of young bays, weight 3100 lbs.: true and good workers in eer way. gentle lor any one to -handle: team, weight 2300 lbs., sound, gentle and good workers single or double; makes s dandy team for a small farm. One 4 Tear old black Belgian mare, weight 1200 lbs. One bay horse. 8 years old, weight. 1500 lbs., no better. 5 sets of heavy work harness. 3 farm wagons. 2 spring wagons. 2 bugcys, farm hack, plow, harrow, potato digger, also good family cow. to be sold for an reasonable offer. Take Woodstock car to Powell, east to 990 Powell Valley road. FOR-SALE Team chunky built by mres. 5 nd 6 year old. weighing bout 2600 lbs.; pan black Percherons. hor-e and mare, block built. 5 rs. old, weighing about 2o"0 lbs ; span bay Shire mares, weighing about. 2700 lbs.; imlr jrrav Percheron lit rws, 5 r oil. weighing about 2600 lbs.; chestnut sorrel II. Igisn tior.-e. 5 yrs. old. weighing about 1500 lbs.; gray Percheron mare, 5 yrs. old, weighing about 14 50 lbs ; 3 r. old roan Belgian hore. weighing about 1200 lb. This stork all gentle and brok- to wi.rk. In quire Marion Fuel Co.. Taylor Street dock FOR-SALEhire or "'exchange. 100 held of horse. 4 to 12 years oid. weighing from 1200 to 1700 lbs. Hsrues-e and wagons ofall kinds. Liberty bonds or al'i'mred notes accepted. Tli--horses ran be seen right in the roller. Phil Su'tter, 2HT Front st Crown StsMes. FOR 8 A I.E 1 womI wa"aTinr2ofd"'and "half rack, nil complete for $75: 1 snrrry. 2 b" gies. good order; 1 disk. 3 fsrm plos, 1 harrow, 2 t resp. , 1 dead truck. 8 ton capacity. 3 spring wagon poles. Tabor 743, 102M E. A!dr. nr llKADofmftre and geldings, good workers and gentle. A few block)' teams among them weighing 1100 to 1700; wagons and harness. One young Jersey fsmily cow. Cor. E. 9th snd Hawthorne East 0106 TEAM chunky built marrs, weighing about 2800 lbs., harness and 3 inch (arm wagon. 1 mare weiehins aboot 140 lbs.: hav no ue lor them. Will -sell cheap for cash 1087 Francis ! Woodstock rar to E. 3th st. Sellwood 1212. O. T HTABLESnif H AND KEARNEY 25 good young horses and mares, some well matched teams: everything sold with a guar antee as reprr-cnt-d li. D WJI.LIAMSON. $15 BUYS teYtiv-bay mare 7 year old, by horse 9 yesrs. 23011 lbs. ; good harness and wagon, guaranteed workers. 5624 86th at S. E , M S car FOR SALE 10 head of work horses, harness and wagons, weight from 11O0 to 1500 lbs.. from 7 to 10 years old. Can be seen at E. 76th and Alder. Mt Tahnr car. FOR SALE 1000,1b. well bred mre. 7 year old : also 8 year old Belgian filly. Bargain. "288 N. 18th. EXCHANGE for horse, harnes or wagon, good lot Alberta district value $60.0. V-301. Jour nal. DEAD horses taken quickly cows. Tsbor 4 203. Cash foe dead SMALL riding or driving pony. $35. Tabor 0033. HORSE and wagon. 81.60 per day; 2 horse" and wagon. $3. J. Cohen. 646 Front Main 2206. SEVERAL horses, wagon, bugcie snd har nesses for sale. 880 Front FOUR span of mares and horses, age 4 to 6. weight 1400 lb.- 240 E. 8th st. 2600 POUND team, harness and farm wagon, bargain Alias Woodyard. 327 Front st. All kinds horses, wagons and harness. 802 Front. LIVESTOCK $$ ONE young team, 2400. with harness, sonnd and true; one small team, 2100 lbs., $75; one bit horse, 1580 lbs.; U sound and true; one big young cow, heavy rich milker. I have got to sell. Phone 29J, Milwaukie. one black sow, at 8. P. depot. George Smith. FRESH cows, Jerseys and Jersey-Durham. 4 to 5 years old. 3 14 to 4 gals, a day; extra rich milk. Will sell or take beef cattle in exchange. 1128 Macadam st. 8. Portland car to end of line, 1 block south, 1 block east WE have established a good market for dairy rows at the stockyard t North Portlnd. If you wish to buy any good dairy cow or hv any to sell, see Mr. Bruce at th Union Stock yards. North Portland, Or. 8 THOROUGHBRED Duroe Jersey sows, will farrow in March also one registered boar, same breed. .Clackamas, Or., R. F. D. 1. Box 158. 415 Sunnyside. FIRST-CLASS 4-year-old Jerey-Holtein. Will be fresh in three days; also family Jersey, rich milk. $50. 751 E. Ash st 4 PIGS 10 week old, $10 each. Journal. O 850. FOR SALE Large Jersey cow. st Phone Columbia 9. 802 Pittsburg FOCLTRT AND RABBITS 87 BUFF. COCHIN bantam, coops, wire-1 fnen mesD: rabbit hutches, some good 2 Inch lum ber. 4204 64 th at S. E. Mt Scott car to Iurelwood. 8 SINGLE comb Rhode Island Red cockerels. dark red; fine laying strain. $4 and up. Wdln. 685. 1180 Greeley t WE PAY CASH-FOB POCLTRf Pets, Puppies, of all kind. Cash Produce Co., 800 E. Morrison. Bart 8 1 21. BARRED ROCK egga in incubator lot; coeSer ela. Golden Seabrigbt bantams. Mrs. Evans, E. Lombard t Woodlawn 1656. PULLETS, young hen. Leghorns, Cempine. Hamburg and Plymouth Rocks. J. A. Ben- nett.25 7 Russell st East 1061. FOR RALE Cboice young Lecborn hen and pullet, i. A. Dennett. 287 Bnn.il st Phone about $ p. m.. East 1031. FOR SALE Six laying Rhode Island and White Leghorn crossed pullets. 81.60 each 9O05 7 1st ve.. B. K. 0 FINE K, I. K. pullet. 8 cockerels, 1 cock bird, for ale cheap; also 2 R. I. Whit cock- . ... ... sr. i - , c . , ere is ana a puiiexa. rnone iww r nan FOR SALE 25 cbickeo, mostly puUet. for $26: Phone Main 40. CHOICE thoroughbred Plymouth Rock cock erels. $2.50 each. Sellwood 3789. WANTED, three go'den Omplne pullets, 1 rooster. 800 E. Morrison. East 6122. RlTCKENS for a!e. $ f. oOW!i t Leghorn and R. Red. 771 Missouri Ave. Jo David. DREE baas and avnngon deUvwnd. Tabor -$ - -- . e,,.-.. ,-.s... If TTSagctreTTday JojT' chick r i - ---- v a -vaaM V a-V CI 8 4 , Rml1 UlMlbfl TtmAm mn in. I ti i - . " --m-VM W. Ul STXt Satfl.'kf!, WOW par hundred; White Leghorn and Brown Leg. KetWM. I ft 41 A A .1 . a.. -vrt ivv; vn$j orsi cmou from Mgit Itldi Hnuni4 atneV k.t.t.t. cttok cockmla. J. O. Mfsgtuin. 787 6r w, tss: via nu, 800 WHITE rgGHORTi pu'lleia. Tanerel train, laying 60 Buff l-eghorn, pullet, lay ing.l 20 Aacona pullet, hying; 12 White Pekia ducks; Whit I-eghoru. Birred Rock. Rhode Island Red. Buff Orpington cockerels; all fins) Hoganiaed stock. 800 E. Morrison. East 61 2JI. NQRfHWESTeLfRTW Offer you the best obtatnab! tn poultry, ess, ehlck and grown (took. Coirsapondenee enawr fully answered. 82d t, TSd to 14U ava M-fL. LenUtatlon, Portland, Or. , CHOICE S7cni rRrco7kfrUfTr"iir Owen strain. $5 and up. Com. and sn No Sunday sales. 1818 Burrag. st Phona Wdln. 4 0KK 200 tVinTV I.t-i'inAosi .u.u.2 i V. , fvsiuHi urns, nogan iaed stock. $1.50 each; Barred Rock and R. L Red pullets, $2 each; also choice cockerels J. R. Maa-ulre. 787 Oregon st. POULTRY WANTED " I will pay a premium price for ynur laying and breeding stock; write me or phone Srllwood 3107. rrs"(HifT POCLTitY" YARDS Leghorns. B. Rucks. K I Red. , cockerel $2 60 up. Writ or phone for prices on btnt nd pullets. Tbor 0S0.V 884 S Mth t S K DflOJs, BIRDS, PETS. IC, FOR HALE. English Setter. mle. 4 yrs, old, trainrd, pedigreed and regt-tere'l. iin dis play Routledge Seed ft F1orl Co. IIS M .1 ONE Boslon Toy TrrrTer. registered; UinrPo Terrier miltliiM llir.- 4inill. iitiiH.t.. .. CHOICE singers and trained rollers from import- ea iiwi, nary nird Shop iiprn Sundays ' 'Btl evenings. Phon' 322-lT- 1 1 5 1 IK. 28th t N. j VAVf EI - To communlnate with owner of tst- nlsss revlslerMt mt!, 1 i-ial t A.n ... . - ice. J. F. Weely, Sclo. ir. aft -4 nmr.i'si.r, rirnrn Pedigreed, registered parents. $25. Spcedwsy Kennels, Tsbor 508N. FOR- SALE PedigreedKngli,h hut! rism") 8 months old. 1079 East 2Sth ,t, n. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 ROADSTERS, LATE MODELS nmCAs Light sir rosdst!. os cords and other eitr; lias been refinished : look and arts like new, at low price, wlfh $350 down, bal. eaay. CHEVROLET '1 ROADSTER ' This late model ia the reliable Chevrolet, always takes you there and bring you back. 1 price of $485, with $150 down, bL eaay. Car is like new. '8 ltodg-e. We have another on. of these hard to-get ones and this is a real one Has 5 nearly new tires and other extra. Iw prici, $850, with $300 down, balance easy. SPEEDSTER. $250 $100 down, bal. easy, will let yon driva th!$ one borne. Big value for the money. RED FRONT USED CAR CO.. 805 Alder at. Buicks Fords Sedans" BOTH NEW AND USED CARS 191 8 Ford coupe 1920 Islington touring. 1919 Chandler Dispatch. 1917 Chandler chummy. 1918 Oakland touring. 191H Hulck roadster. 1919 Paige light 6 roadster. 1918 Oldsmohlle light 6 touring. 1918 Oldsmobile 8 touring Buick touring cars. 1915 to 1918. ALL GUARANTEED PORTLAND CAR SALES CO. 531 Alder t Broadway 2788. Fords Fords Fords HERE'S YOUR CHANfH -1918 Ford touring $395 117 Ford touring $398 IH1W Korrt lourtns IB0 1918 Ford tourlns 191 S Ford roadster 1918 Ford roup 1917 Ford touring BO 36 no 1918 Ford touring $478 1918 Ford roadster $4o 1917 Ford touring 1914 Ford touring 1450 1190 127$ 1580 1914 Ford delivery 1918 Ford delivery 1918 Ford delivery 1495 1916 Ford delivery $4 78 Don't fail to see these car before yon buy. Roma of them a: practically nw. Trm If desired FRA.4CIS MOTOR CAR CO. Eat 8770. E. 13th and Hawthorn va. GARAGES SPECIAL 10x16 $ HEADY -CUT AND . PORTABLE Houses MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO. 1601 UNION AVE. WDLN, 2418. TIUCSE ARE ALL BARGAINS 1917 OLDSMOBIIJC ' $1250 ' . ,. . o ..ti.uxf.tutii.- m u,,A fiUTL'ti i nun 1 W 1 H in.l'.iU'OIlT, .. in .,,,.... a ', 1918 OLDHMORH.E 6 TOURING 1250 1917 MAXWELL TOURING 500 1917 CHALMERS 6 TOURING H00 1917 HI'PMOBILE 1050 1918 overland club roadster . . 700 1918 Overland, model io 550 oldhmobile company BROADWAY AND COUCH. Broadway 2270. DODGE 6-pm.. 1917 8 t30 Buick Six. 1917 850 Olds Eight. Ill 1H 1150 Reo roadster. 1818 650 Overland 85-4. 4-cyl 860 Nash Six. 11U 1150 Chesterfield Six 760 4.1 Bt'RNSIDE ST. Aak (or Jones. 9 Chalmers Hot Spot TOURING CAR. A-I CONDITION. 6 TIRES, 4 RUN vkht little. ; a nartuai.n at ( WILL TAKE $500 DOWN. CALL TABOR 830 OR MAR. 6842. BRISCOE ROADSTER 16 MODEL This one is new. has tbe '20 liceenae. and all the new tires and spot light and lot other extra; low prirl on thia of $688 with $254 a Uirwri, '. vmr-g VI Ul, w . '"J Take bonds or Ford In trade. 605 Alder st RED FRONT USED CA R CO. BIG USED CARS S. STOCK NO MISREPRESENTATION. Covey Motor Car Co. OAKLAND SIX touring, late model and 1 In fine bsp. W have low price of 6675 and 8260 down, bal- VOTJLTAY AWT mniti ance eaay: ItU you drive it bom. Red Front Used Car Co., 606 Alder t 1A; HUDSON 6-40. repainted, new top. overhauled. ! givn same a factory gusrantm; $BB0. term ' I , ..4.4 Will . - I . ;? i wins,. ' in ill . snuui "il uwitt. t e-tcrn State Motor Co.. 80-84 Grand ave. N. MAXWELL touring. 1917, good Ures, will -rifice at $576 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. near BumskJ. LEAVING city, will sell 1917 Maxwell tutirlni 4r in fine condition, many axtraa. fur $450. E. zetn ax. n. MAXWELL, 1918, good mechanical eoiMSou, new paint A bargain at $776. Soma tarsi. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burruid. FORD ROADSTER, GOOD AS NEW ; OVER SIZE TIRES, $400. TERMS IF DESIRED. 630 ALDER ST. 1816 FOKD ton ring, good mechanical shine: 2 new tire on rear. Will seerillc. Term if " oesirea. Mr. pace, Broadway J & 7 2 or A-swei. 1918 HI DNii.i speeOster, claasieat one in town, fine condition: mu-t sell: shan. 60 N. 20th. A 19iTT"ELTETTlk new; most sell this wsekf tint class abap. East 2768. 1919 FORD tearing ear,, kssst of shape, lot ei extras. 490 Bumaide. WE put steal test a tn yeur eld flywheel. a Black, 684 Alder. Bdwy. 26H1. TtTFWeicB7Zri., fe-paL7mnU.ir?ti aad Coach at, 118 CHANDLER, fm condition, new pmt ' goodf mbb-r; $1176. omo term a. 80 N. gOtha ? (OoOUnuesI m Fsfavwlrn Paaw) , l.-r-; 1 1 .