18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8,- 1S20. ; HEtF WANTED FEMALE - i ' - " SEVERAL EXPERIENCED GIBUS ' ; lot private laundry. Board and mom famished. Coed Samaritan Hospital 23rd and Marsha 1L . ; HELP WANTED MALE r-'-' -, AND FEMALE l ' MOLERBARBEROOLLEGE ! Pay you white learning; .lt yon act ef tools; position secured. Writ for catalogue. 234 Bnrnsid si,, or phon Broadway 1781 'i RUTLAND Barber eolUg pan ioti whit. learning, Ton set o tool fro; position secured. 88 N. 2d st WEN, WOMEN. learn barber trade; wages white ; Urnlri position guaranteed, llfr. 23 ro. MprtaSKs. Oregon Barber College. 388 ado. WANTED AOENTB 9 WAJff ED 3 mora really lrr women, sucoe- . f Hi In or desiring to learn ' salesmanship: spe cial lino; bit winner; present workera earning regularly 340 to 81M per weak: success mean traral anywhere In th t'. II. if deelred. Apply k only it unemployed and ready (or work. We furnish suto for workers,' Do not phone, spply personally at atrlrtly only 10 to 10:80 Thursday morning at Be ard hotel, inquire for W. H. Lyon. 'AGENTS wanted. In each town in Oregon and Washington to represent liberal old Una com pany writing general fir and automobile insur ance. K-848. Journal. SALESMEN WASTED 83 W E hare an exceptionally food opening for a high grade, lira-wire salesman: prefer man who hss bad experience selling insurance, stocks tr bonds, A-341, Journal. SITUATIONS MALE M'HANICAtT engineer wants position in city. Wide experience in mechanical engineering, motor expert (gasoline). Can handle new or used ear to perfection. Finished gun part in spector and ineentor. -Can furnish recommenda tion, Married. Home in Portland, Or. Ad dress George A. Mulr. R, D., Box ,618. Port land. Or. FOR general repair work, iron or wood, all amaB oontracts. call Wdln. 343. Ask for J. Lrnd. IOUNO man with sale experience would intent 3300 with services. M 437. J primal, FOR painting, paper hanging and tinting call Tabor 8200. CARPENTER and cabinet ' work; estimates given; also shingling. Sellwood 2523. ROOKS Reshingled and repaired, work guar anteed. Beschsm. Phone East 1201. POSITION by experienced middle aged man; watchman or janitor. Tabor 9103. - EXfaOLblER going to school wants work, any kind, evenings and Saturdays. T-468. Journal. TOUNG-man-with-car-desires to work-nights or hare some evening work. X-488. Journal. E16OFS repTlreJi roof made- vnterproof7Phon TaboO200, Sellwood 960. CESSPOOLS dug" and cement work. Col. 797" SITUATIONS FEMALE 3 . MIDDLE aged lady with girl 9 would like posi tlon as housekeeper; day work, cooking or , ,ny kind of work. Address 3600 2d st 8. E. Ti.rtlsn1. klDDI-E atrd lady wants work, care of children, or would help in reMaursnt or small store; wages 830. phone East 2143. between 9 and 5. YOUNG lady wishe of fire work, oierHte type writer, some shorthand. Will lea re city if ' ''lhl 11-064, Journal. WANTED A position by exis-riencrd book keeper; can furnish best of reference. U 851, Journal. SCHOOL GIRL snts work afternoons and Saturdays, care of children preferred. Tabor 9293. ENERGETIC and capable Woman wants man agement apartment, house; hold experience. . P. O. box 80. city. M'ORK WiNfKDTWdars "d rricUjs by iij of hour. C'all Main 6522, after 7 p. m. KITCffEN'wall washed, windows cleaned, floors waxed. Reasonable. Phone Marshall 258. E-YPEftlE XI JED woman wants short hour or day work. Tabor 8677. DRESSMAKING 43 ALTERATION!, refitting and making of Indies' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed J. iteuptn. Ladles" Tailor, 408 Bush Y Lane bid PLAIN Sewing neatly done; aprons a specialty. labor 4JTO. tajl betfeen 6 and 7. St'RSES 33 PfJACTIfAI, nure decree confinement ca. -1'ilL R'lwO"i778. SfRSlNii Iv rffW-'-nt nurse: hospital traln- dig. Call EU 4483. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 78 MCE large room, twin bed, for gentlemen; breakfast If desired. 738 Johnson st. bet 22d and 23d. Main 3796. MCKLY furnished m-tair front room. aenlJe- man preferred .142 5th V. UNFXRSISHED ROOMS 13 Efirt'lKNt Four" unfurnlslied rooms. 624 Marguerite. ROOMS AWD BOARD 18 T HK MARTHA WASHINGTON, 380 10th, for bulnes girls and student. Marshall 1231. . ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FA MILT 7f RCHTm and board "in priVate faVnilj for one .5,'J!!lh'm", 2 b,ock from 2 car lines. Bell iilt'E- room, hest furnished, with or without oara. j9 l.rsno are. B. CllTLDnEN" to boardrbet-care7373naltwo schools. 5.10 H Williams are.. No. 4. WILL gir 1 or 2 children" good care. 1 008 Michigan are. Mlsslwjpplrsr to Huinbolt. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS g Fr-RMS HKIASD UNKPRMSHE D PL RN1SHKD . housekeeping rooms. 843 Haig Sell 1000. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ITEMS HE I) AND UNFURNISHED . PRIVATE FAMILY J$ TWO nice housekeeping- rooma for rent, 393 Grand ave., corner of Lincoln. Take bridge ear or Brooklyn. THftEB furnished h. k. rooms, including a. bt,h, 1j,ht hrlt nd fL No children. 1 Mock W-8 car. Phone HeglQQQ. 843 Haig st. 1 OR 3 furnished rooms, with bth snd kitchen" e"e: close .In. Phone Marshall 2319. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping iwn"492"lia7ket t near' 14th st 820 THREE furnished h. k. rooms. cottage". ; separate entrance, west side. Tabor 1114 FOR RENT HOUSES It fJ r l ttmiSHEP MEIER A FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, up to date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartment and flat with definite infor- nation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau . f great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. T EIGHTH FLOOR BUSINESS SERVICE VTb have added a rental department to our ; business and are In position to give you best of strvtee. Let us care for your property. We will snow you good results. ; BUSINESS SERVICE 31T Henry Bldg. Main 6797. THEN Torj move. USE NORTH- V.' '"-J mv, , r,, I. fs rj rstlKTH- . 0th and Washington. Broarlwsy 580. .' T ROOM bouse, 55 East 14th st. corner tak; ' a.r?' ' '83 Per month. Herman Moel 1wr. 1025 Gasco bldg. Main 1 480. 7 ( HOUSE for reut. furniture for aale. all or part 4826 61st st 8. E. , . CHEAP T ROOM COTTAGE. 0 14TH ST : 325 MONTH. EAST 273. HERDMAN FOR RENT. 3 room cottage, close In on Mor risen line. 313. 315 Commonwealth bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 3 FOB SALE Furniture of 8 room II. K reason' able; furnace, electric lights, a as: rtnt -130 Nice hone, good income. 66 E. 8th st near Btsrsr. . V FURNISHED HOUSES 33 , S4 - ROOM house, furnished for housekeeping, electricity, gas. bath, hot water. 630 West Clay si - VANT to rent house In Hawthorne or Rlch- . mood district' Will lease tf desirable. Sell wood 278 or J-80. Journal. :!OR RENT. 3 furn'stwd rooms; snd nrtvste bath. ' electric light and heat, west aid. Pboa Main 1862. 310 per-month. FLATS TO RENT, UNFURNISHED 13 ' 4 ROOM flat, on carline, $20.. uSlHDaunTaT: , ; inquire 833 Dskvua ave. . . , AFABTME3TTS FOR REXt 43 1 AND" 2 room fantished for housekeeping; steam heat, modem, cheap. 183 Sherman at. Marshall 8983. - " 4 IWMJMfi. lower floor, prirste resitlenoe, garage; furniehed or tuifurntthed. Tabor 428. WANTED TO REXT f HANTL1 By a couple, no children, up-to-date 3 or 0 room bungalow; long lease with privi lege of buying if suited; not -too tar ont, excel lent reference fumiabed. Plione Woodlmwa 1010 or 806 Kirby st, TWO furnirhed hinuekeepini room, walking distance, for lady and boy of 6 yean; best of reference. Mrs. M. E. Cline. 507 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WASTED Bt adults, a 4 or 9 roem, modern, furnished cottaae, by January 27. E-144. Journal. VOt'N'i couple, email unfnrnisbeed house. Wdln. 2976. FIVE or 8 room house, Hawthorne or Sunny aide preferred. Plione Beil. 482. REAL ESTATE BtSIESS PBOPERTT 88 FOK REST . Automobile machine shop: folly equipped tools, lathe, drill press, etc. Plione Main 206. rent reasonable. FOR SALE HOUSES 81 JI'ST BEYOND LAURKLHCR8T NIFTY MODKRN BUNGALOW 33750. Say. folks, here is a home to be proud of. Hani wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays. Is rife attic, ga rage, etc Only 1 'block from car. Unasonable' initial payment, balance 830 month, including interest Now hnrry. A. U. TKKPK CO. 264 Stark Ht. Near Third. Main 8092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Irvington Bungalow , Two 6 room bungalows. In fine location, double construction throughout with three floors, hardwood throughout, hardwood doors, all butlt-ins, sleeping porch, break fast room, Ihitch kitchen, full basement, furnace, fireplace and garage, street im provements all in and paid for. In fact, as complete and modern homes as you will find anywhere. Price 86500; 31000 will handle. WAKEFIELD. FRIES . COMPANY 85 Fourth tit ROSE CITT PARK Fire Room Bungalow IS000. Within 100 feet from Sandy. Splen did home for SHOO0. You nerer expert to buy a homo like this st this time for so little money. Reasonable initial pay ment, balance 825 per month, including interest A. O. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark HI. Neur Third. Main 3092. Branch Office 30th and Sandy. CLOSE IN EAST SIDE BUNGALOW rooms with all the modern built-in romcnienres: large, and attrartire liTing room, exreptionally kooi! electrir fixtures, full conrrete basement, furnace and fire place: garage; corner lot: 34300; 81250 cash. Mr. Kerr. COE A. Mr KEN N A A CO. ' 82 KOt HTH ST. Main 4522. ROSE CITY PARK Six Iloouis and Sleeping Porch. 86500. Here is one of those real nifty Itone City Park bunifalown. Modem to the la-t detail. Let u show vou. A. ti. TEEPE CO. 24 Stark St Near Third. Main 3002. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. WE HAVE clients waiting for the following kinds of pr.terty: 3 or 4 rooms with 10(1x1 00 or more ft of ground. Hawthorne district bungalow. Rose City Park bungalow. 5 room bungalow, good district 5 room bungalow about tetllOO. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 632. 633. 631 N. W. Bank bdg. Main 3787. ANOTHER NEW BUNGALOW Remember that last bungalow you could not buy because it was sold before you made up your mind? Don't be disappointed again. I have one that is better and that you will be proud to call your home. Just completed by a Los Angeles architect and will be sold st cost A beauty and must be seen to be appreciated. See Mr. McCarty, 270 H Stark at, or phone Main 1700, Sunday or erenmgs Tabor 6057. IRVINGTON IRVINGTON Do not buy second hand houses when you can buy this new. nearly completed. 6 room bunga low, all on one floor, billiard room in basement, 2 fireplaces, shower bath, hardwood floors throughout, double gsrage, 18x20 corner lot, facing east: all improvement in and paid. Built by owner for home but will sell for cost to dis pose of M, as I have other lots to build on. Corner 19th and Freemout S. Peterson, builder. 5 ROOM bungilow located 4 block from Sandy blvd.. house has all built-in features, fireplace, beamed ceiling in living and dining room, double constructed: full cement basement. large lot with an eastern exposure. Price $4000, $1000 rash, bal. monthly. JffiHNiniNnAinisSirftM m v s-e us sv v-a vrswi vw. 631!. 0B3, U34 N. v. Bank bdg. Main 3787. TO CKT TOUIt Westover Terrace HOMESITKH You May Phone. Call nr Write HAROU) JUNGCK Secretary International Really Associates Owners. 1307 YEON BLDG. Phones Office, Main 680: Res.. East 1999. FOUR room bungalow with large attic, all floored, 2 large porches front and back, full basement and garage, 50x100 lot An extra good place for the money. Price 81900. 3500 to handle, balance 820 per mouth and interest at 6 per cent WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO. 85 Fourth St ROSE CITT PARK ' Beautiful 9 room home, modern in every re spect. "4 acre of ground, corner; bearing fruil trees, shrubbery, cement garage, street and aide- waias ail in: iiou.se alone worth the price. PACIFIC REALTY, MAIN 84 7 409 Spalding bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $3000 $1000 CASH 5 -room bungalow, fireplace and built-ins, ce ment basement, only 1 block to Saudy; balance $25 month, inc. int CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. 4 ROOM bungalow, large living room, fireplace, gas and electricity: full basement; located convenient to Sellwood carltne. Price $2400; terms if desired. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bank bdg. Main 3787. MARGUERITE AVE. BUNGALOW $3000 $500 CASH 5 rooms and recp. hall, fireplace and built-ins, cement basement, cabinet kitchen; $500 cash, bal. easy. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. Small ! Payment Down Houses of all sixes aad kinds, range in price from $6.00 and up. Tabor 1485a or call at 8932 56th are. S. E.. near Lents school. 8 3250 HAWTHORNEbunglow. 3 rooms and bath, full cement basement, ' laundry trays, lot 41x100, all improvements in -and paid. Come aee the bungalow and fall tn lore with In. Terms. 837 E. 51st st 8. Hawthorne or Mount Scott car. GOOD INSIDE INVESTMENT SNAP 100x100 corner, near East 12th and Ash ats.. big garage and 8 room houae, in good condition. St imp. all paid. Only 84750 and 81500 will handle. Tabor 2934. Suburban Home H acre and larger, are on eaar tsms , Tabor 1485. Cell at 8632 56th ave. S. E-. iimr xjstii.b uiKMJi. . 31950 ROSE CITY PARK TERMS Modern, cost 4 room hunnlne niatitAtstA I complete: plumbing, electricity, gas, full bai-e- KaiL, doui en ranees, auxiuu lot nice shade trees; mnst ell quickly. Tabor 6559. FOUR room bungalow, nice modem place: full lot cement basement Snap. 81600; terms. 8600 cash Berriea. fruit; located at Treinont imi, .VI i oa St. BEAUTIFUL bungalow, 5 rooms, reception hall , prolrT 80x128. complete garage ... A',,.;"0 no or i lowers; .i.iio. t mine XOV. FOR SALE By owner, nosy 4 -room bungalow. near car; price l00; terms 621 tilen- """" . . near muwauKte st Take Sell. oar. 6-ROOM cottage, lot 7 3s 100, fruit trees, chirk'- 203 OreiS 61""' Bn-dW" 1058- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 81 BUSINESS SERVICE 317 HE-RT BLDO. ' MAIS VJ97. HERE ARK A FEW OF OUR WEEK- END OFFKRISOS TO HOME SEEK ERS WISHING MODERN IMPROVED RESIDENCES OF THE BETTER CLASS. - - - A Real Snap 8 7,800 for a two-story 9-room, thoroughly modern residence. This houae is practically new, baring been eon stnscted only a short time ago. Pared street and cement aide walks lead to the door. 32000 cash wiU be accepted a first pay ment, A Beautiful Home 8 3,000 for beautiful one and one-half story 7 -room modern house in Irr ington. This houae I finished in a pleasing golden oak finish. It is now renting for 865 a month. 81500 cash will handle this exceptional buy. A Judicious Buy - 8 4,250 is the low price asked for this mod ern up-to-date residence. It is in one of the best locations in Port land. It has one nd one-half stories. Tou cannot dnplicate thi at the price asked. Startling Offer $ 3.800 for an 8 -room, one and one-half story modem residence in the best of condition. This bouse ha 5 beautiful bedrooms that will be the enry of your friends. We will how it to you if you will call at our office. Excellent Location 3 2,100 and a real bargain. Excellently located with pared street passing the door. Two stories with 5 rooms. (1000 cash is all you need to call this cozy little borne yours. A -Lifetime Opportunity 333,000 for a 2-tory brick building that is now paying 13 on th. money in Tested. This property can be made to pay more. Downstairs occupied by stores, while there are about 20 offices abore. Absolutely clear ab stract One-half cash will handle. a Day 450 cash will buy a cash business that is now doing a business of !0 a day. The price includes all fixtures, such as a National cash register. Dayton computing scale, etc A very good buy. BUSINESS SERVICE 317 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 67S7. ALAMEDA PARK NIFTY MODERN BUNGALOW $5230. Exceptionally large liring room, hard wood floors.' fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. etc. Finest lo cation in Alameda Psrk. Very liberal terms. I.et us show you. A G TEEPE CO 264 Stark St Near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. WEST SIDE. 16-ROOM HOUSE 100x100 Small cash payment, low rate of in terest, suitable for many purposes Home for a club, society, or organiza tion. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. SERVICE COURTESY RESULTS Do you wish to buy or sell? If you wish to buy call us. If you wish to sell call us. W will do the Test Our auto Is wsltlng to show you your new home. C. E. Scott Realty Co. Main.3353 715-519 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LAURELHTRST BUNGALOW JUST VACATED Coty 6 room bungalow, large living room; beautiful dining room with buffet running full length of room; 2 large bedrooms and music or library room: finished in white enamel and 'mahogany trim throughout modern nanay kitchen with all built-in conveniences. Fine, basement with built-in fruit cupboard and ml bin, 8ee Mr. McCarty. 270 Btark st or phone Main 1700. Sunday or e'enings Ta bor 5057. THREE UNBEATABLE BARGAINS HIGH CLASS DISTRICT VACANT MOVE RHJHT IN. 4 and 5 bedrooms in each, also sleeping porches, very sightly location, and close to car, all in first class condition. Is a creditor's sale. Fine chance for a party with a little cash to buy these three places for speculation. Will give reasonable terms. See Mr. Delahunty at 270 H Stark at, or phone me for further In formation, Main 1700; evening. East zuse. Emerson St. House Snap Good 6 room house, cement basement, elec tric light and good bath, 3 bedrooms, lot 50x 85; city liens all paid. Price a snap, izouo; $500 cash and $20 per month; on Emerson near 10th. Look at it It's a big snap. Qruissi & Bennett 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. FOR 8AI.F A SNAP 1 4 room furnished house and 1 5 room partly furnished house. 1 block from Failing school. Income $35 per month, all for $3000. $700 down and $25 per month snd 7 per cent Interest I will give a large inducement for cash. BY OWNER, 1154 49th ave. 8. E. Near 39th st. NICE 5 -room bungalow, fireplace, basement, cabinet kitchen, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage, corner, 100x100, 9 fine bearing Trait trees, lots of fine fruit, garden, chicken bouse and run, 1 block to car, corner 44th S. E. Price $3000. $1000 cash snd $23 per month. GRCSSI A BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7462. 3300 DOWN 6 room cottage, with lot 66 2-3x110 ft, on Peninsula, where industries are daily seeking locations. Price $2200; $15 per month. Mr. Mahoney, Coe A. McKeuna A Co., 82 4th st Main 6871. SOUTH PORTLAND snap, 7 room modern houae, nearly new, partly furnished and gar age; house must be sold, owner ia going east Price $2600 and will consider any reasonable offer. House No. 1314 Corbett st: terms. John Singer. 420 Cham, of Com. bldg. 94 78. 38730 LAUHELHURST $5750 BIO BARGAIN 6 loom bungalow, close to car; view lot Don't fail to see this beautiful place. Owner in the East wired to sell at once. See Mr. Delahunty, st 270 Stark st. or phone Main 1700; Sun day or evenings. East 2086.. TUST COMPLETED NEW BUNGALOW 33850 TERMS. $850 CASH. scant Modern 6 room bungalow, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, full cemented base ment, plenty builtins, doable constructed, block to carline, adj. Piedmont Phone owner, C-1182 or East 6316 for appointment 8 ROOM, full 2 story house, garage, on corner lot. comer tJoroett and Iowa streets. South Fortiand. Make very attractive price to anyone Interested." LANG A CO. FOR 8ALE1 $1150, 3 room house, furnished; lot 78x100, in 8-year-old fruit trees, street improvement paid: terms 850 down; 415 per month. 1513 Mobile st. Kenton. R. P. D. 8 oc box 219, Salem. Or. . IF TOU are looking for a modern bungalow, call Wood lawn 6207 before 8 a. m. or after 6 p. m; (die 5 to 9 rooms; price 32000 to 87090; term. $400 cash and up. All kinds of house. Car t your service. ROOM modern bungalow. , 3 corner Iota, con crete garag. free of incumbrance. Rose City Park, price and term reasonable. Call owner. room 202 8eward hotel, or write 812 Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma. - HOUSE, : "uueumrtteted. . cash buyer preferred, " Kenton car. 61 Holland st A bargain. Bee REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 81 . - APARTMK.NT . . $12,500 buys this 4 -flat apartment. This is modern and up-to-date building. Will - make' a - good home with sa income. Lot 50x180, eentraily located on Til lamook st This i a giltredge realty tn- TetmenC one of the best ever offered to the public. If you want a good borne, thi is it Term. HOCSI3 8 8,200 Let us show yow this beautiful Some. This building is double constructed and is - a corner location. Lot 43x94. Three cherry tree and one peach tree. If you are seeking a home, yen will like this one. Located on Hawthorne are. HOUSE $ 8,250 will buy a nice 8 room home, en lot 50x100, 1 block off of Union are. ear line; SI 000. eash and balance like rent kThis is a Wonderful buy. ON BC8INESS A FINANCIAL AGENCY 448 MORGAN BLDG. LAtTRELHTJRST FTTE BOOMS AND 8I.EEPING PORCH 36500. ; Here, folks, is truly a bargain. Juxt take the time off to see this downright modern home. Ideally loexted near car. Hardwood floors throughout Erery conceirable built-in convenience. Truly a home to be proud of. Yes, there is a garage. The owner is moving to Chi cago and is very anxious to sell, hence the extremely low price. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark St Near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office 50th and Bandy. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS To close an estate. I have a very at tractive price on a very modern and beau tiful home situated among the most dis tinguished homes of Willamette Height; 3 beautiful bedrooms and large sleeping porch, large living room, with an unob structed view of city and mountains; lot , 70x125, mostly in flower garden; concrete garage; improvements paid. For quick sale 1 am offering this elegant home at 3S000; 34000 down. Call me for apiintment Mr. Oerr. COA A. McKENNA A CO. S2 Fourth St. Main 4522. WILL sacrifice 9 room modem house. Sunny side district. Owner, W-H57. Journal. FOR SALE LOTS 18 To Get Your Westover Terrace H r,mesitu You may phone, call or write HAROLD JCNOCK. Secretary International Realty Associates Owners, 1307 Yeon Building. Phones Office, Main 630. Re, East199. Woodstock Av. Lot Snap j Lot 21. block 31, Treoiont place, on 00th or Woodstock are., between 65th and 67th st.. 50x100. no liens to axumc (250, terms to suit Qriissi & Bennett 31 Board of Trade bldg. Main J152. 1 LOT Dewhutes city, free of incumbrance, ab stract, will trade for good cow. B. Leach. 5R27 4)tth arc. S. E. SALE 7SRTUADE .10x100 lot. Rodney are. and SMdroore st. Phone Woodlaivn 1401'. ACREAGE 47 Cows, Chickens and Nearly 5 acres located on good graveled mad. close to electric depot. All under cultivation. Erprytliing in the line of fruit and berries and walnuts. Good 5 room house, barn, fruit cel lar and other buildings. Price $2050, with rabbits, chickens, horse. 2 fine .cows and equip ment. Large cash payment. Personally in spected. Photo at "ffico. JOHN FERGUSON ;eulin;er buildini; Oregon City Line One acre, all urder i u,t.ation, fruit and berries in abundance. Good 4 -room house, on macadamized road, near Concord station and school. Price $1600; 8500 cash. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON GERLINGER BUILDING FINE CHICKEN RANCH Nearly 8 acres. U mile from city limits. Grants Pass. Or., on Pacific highway, electric power line by place; all under cultivation; red shot aoil; good well: 6 room house, barn, garage, woodshed. Price $1260. with $700 cash. Owner in town for few days and will go with any one to thi place. JOHN FERGUSON, Oerlinger Building. OnJy 63D)vS330 Cash 2 acres located less than H mile from elec tric depot Good 2 room house, with large, pantry. Place well fenced with wire. County road. Fine, well, bricked up to the top. Nice laying land. Clce to school. JOHN FERGUSON GERLINGER BUILDING SIX-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH Two miles from eastern city limits. 2 acres cleared, balance easily cleared: 4 room bunga low, some outbuildings, on good road. Snap price $1600. Sightly place. J. Haas, 626 Chamber of Commerce. 4 ACRES at Ruby Junction with 2 room cot tage: on acre cleared, balance fir crove. $2150.00; terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Ore gon bldg. 5 ACRES close to Gillis station; very best of soil, one lialf cleared, balance fii ami cedar. A snap for $12U0: terms. Broadway 165S. 209 Oregon bid FOR a few days only. 5 acres in clty.TTmlU at 75th and Tillamook, for $350) cash, or $2000 cash and $1800 mortgage, by owner. East 2189. 2 Vi ACRES st Rockwood station, cleared: near Rase Line road $1850; terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. 8UBCRBA5 ACREAGE 7$ POR SALE 6 cres good black soil, all clear, fenced. About 70 walnut and filbert trees. 500 feet from Orchards station, about 7 miles from Vancouver. Cheap at 81800. Address C. Ketchum, 146 E. 45th st. Portland. Or. SUHURHAJf HOMES 7t HOMES If you really want a fine home. Just outside the city, call at once; either on pavement or hardsurface. ranging in price from $1000 to 815,000: terms from 8300 to 83000. balance easy. Call at 8932 50th ave. S. E.. near Lents school. Tabor 1485. TIMBER 28 NOTICE of sale of government timber. Gen eral lend office. Washington. D. C. December 11, 19191 Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions snd limitations of the act of June 8, 1916 (39 stat. 218), and the instructions of the secretary of th Interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the follow ing land will be sold January 27, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction, at th United States lsnd office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder, st not less than th ap praised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the Interior. The i rchise price,' with an addi tional ram of one-fifth of 1 per eent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for . the timber, which must' be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from ejrisens of the United States, association of stih citizens and corporations organized under the law of the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the timber on any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being In cluded in any offer of a larger unit T. 4 8., R. 8 E., Sec 21. SW NW U . fir 1660 M.. NEH SWH. fir 840 M., N W 14 SW4. fir 1600 M., none of the fir timber 4o be sold for less than 31.75 per M.; see. 33, SE 14 NEK. fir 739 M., cedar 25 M., SW 14 NE 14 . fir 850 M non of the fir or cedar timber to be sold for less than 31.50 per M. T. 2 8.. R 4 E.. sec. 23. NE NW14, fir 1650 M.. cedar SO M.. all the fir and eedar timber on Hid subdivision to b sold for not lea than 32000; see. 29, SW 1 NW14. fir 710 M.. all of the fir timber on said subdivision to be sold for not less than 8900. T. 2 S.. R. 5 E.. sec 19; NE 14 NW14. fir 1600 M . SEIi 8 W 1 , fir 1900 M., cedar 50 M.. hemlock. 220 M.; NW14 SE4. fir 1893 M.. cedar. 43 M.. hem lock 150 M.. SW14 SE14. fir 980 M.. eedar 235 M.. hemlock 400 M , none of Ui nr tim ber to be sold- for lea than 81.23 per M.. and one of the eedar or hemlock timber to be sold for lew than 50 cents per M. T. 3 S.. R. 5 K., sec. 31. SW14 8W4, fir 630 M., non of the fir timber to be sold (or ksas than $1-25 per M (Signed) CLAY TALLMAN. - t Commissioner General JVand Office. 160 ACRES timber land 2 miles from Colburn. Idaho, near Sand Point Will trade for subur ban or city property. Call 520 E. Richmond st, St. Johns. ROUGH lumber. lx2: will aeU cheap. Hamilton ave. 181 FOR SALE FARMS IT FOR SALE or would take part trade, a small farm, building, tool, orchard: close to cannery u wiser, ju. a-oruana tusu. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 TOTTR OPPOHTTNITT MR. INVESTOR TOUR OPPORTUNITY MR. INVESTOR TOUB OPPORTUNITY MR. INVESTOR We have1' just secured what we believe to be the best money making proposition yet offered. A trifle over 30 sere of choice land only 25 minutes' auto ride from the center of the city on paved highway. Part is timber and part slaihed and easily cleared. Best of soil, city gas. elect ne lights and telephone. Surrounded by beautiful and comfortable suburban homes. Land lays fine for dividing into acre traets. The adjoining land has been sold for over 8600 per acre. None is for sale now at that price. For very good reason the owner, desiring quick ac tion, will dispose of -the tract as a whole at $23 per acre. A reasonsble amount of easb will handle. See us at once. MeCRILLIS-CLEAYELAND CO.. 324 H.nry bldg. Main 630. IL-EAL DAIRY AND HOG RANCH 320 acres, all rich land, about 200 acres under cultivation, 30 acres more very easily cleared, balance in woods pasture, watered by several springs and 2 fine creeks, spring water piped to buildings, good 10-roora house with fire place, larg barn piped for milking machine, hay fork. silo, granary, machine ahedis. garage, 3 fine hoghouses with pressure water system, stone dairy, fine orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing close to school, church, convenient to ! country town, cheese fctory. liigh school and 4 , miles from railroad and river transportation; all mral advantages at door; in thickly settled and prosperous community and 12 miles from Van couver, on good auto road. Includes 5 head of horses, 25 cows, several heifers, registered red Durham bull. 400 head of hogs. Moline tractor, milking machine, large cream separator. 2 gang plows, 5 walkuig plows, disc drill, potato planter. corn planter, disc, corrugated roller, drags, har rows, mower, hay rake, wagons, buggies, all man ner of small tools, etc. All for only 855,000. half cash, balance to suit, or will take some good income property as part payment THOMPSON, SWAN A LEE. Third and Main st. Vancouver. Wash. 42 Acre Farm $9000 12 miles from courthouse $0000 None better for the production of clover, wheat, oats, potatoes, vegetables, or grasses. 33 ACRES CULTIVATED All can be cultivated and is prac tically smooth land. (,ood orchard. Six room house, ham. other ont building, personal property iucludes potatoes, grain, hay, brood niarvs, Jer sey cows, implement, vehicles, anil wood in shed. Reasonable value, $2500. The farm is worth the price without the per-onal property. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., Main 720U. 624 Henry Bldg. STOCKED EQUIPPED ISO acres. 100 a. letel and 50 a. rolling; creek. -40 a. in crop, bal. pasture and timber, dark loam foil. 11 foooi modem house, like new; 2 new bams, outbuildings of all kinds, I 125 prune and oilier fruits and nuts, cows, j horns', hogs, chi'-kens all kinds of implements i and tools to run a first class farm: 19 miles ; from Portland courthouse, iiaved road 7 miles , this side of Newberg; price $125 per acre, ; $18,750, $9000 cash. bal. 6 per cent, or will j tasc Portland proitcrty as part, payment, good dwelling or rooming hoiise, or apartments, tsee it. It. M. GATE WIN ID A CO., 105 'i 4th st I" ONLY 'HALF MILE FROM STATION. 29 and a fraction acres. located K miles from Vancouver, Wash. ; 20 acres under cultivation, balance in pasture, good soil, no travel or rock, ' bearing orchard, 5 room cottage, barn 50x00, silo uearlj- full of ensilage; other buildings; ( county mad and all rural conveniences, price . $6.00 with good matched team, 1 cow, 1 heifer ' coming fresh. 3 yearlings. 1O0 chickens, wagon, ' mower. 2 cultivators, plow. Iiamess. cream seiar j ator. harrow, spring tooth, gas engine ami feed. $3500 cash, or will consider cottage or bunga- low up to $250O clear and some cash. JOHN FERGUSON, f Gerlinger Building. I si nny California 42 acres, about 35 acres under cultivation. . balance in woods pasture. Comfortable house of 5 rooms." fair bam. chicken and outbuildings, fine well at house and dandy spring and sinall stream, abundance of fruits in full bearing, place fenced and cross fenced: 1 mile from railroad station, store, etc.. and 8 miles from Ukiah county seat, and in thickly settled and prosper ous community. Price $8500, $3000 cash, bal- j ance can -bo arranged, or will takeya good ranch f or income piece of property that is clear. THOMPSON, SW AN A LEE. 3d and Main st., Vancouver, Wash, 1500 CORDS OF" WOOD 40 acres, located on the Oregon Electric at Donald, near Woodbnrn: al good land, when the timber is removed; small creek on line of 40. Price $4200 with $700 cash; or will sell in 10 Bcre tracts for $1100 each ami $200 down. This is 1 mile from rocked road; also 27 acres, located northeat of Oregon City; 14 acres can be cultivated, balance ia rough; price $2000 with $1000 cash; 10OO cords of wood on this place; half mile from graveled road, 2 miles from river and paved road. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building. AS IDEAL DAIRY FARM FOR SALE BENCH LAND 120 acres, 3 anile from Woodland. Wash. 40 acres cultivstion, rest pasture; family or chard, good 8-room house worth 33000. bam 40x70. good water, all fenced. 3 miles to grade school. 9 good cows. 1 team. 1 wagon. 1 plow, 1 rake, 1 mower and other implement; good road and good soil; the beat. And good neigh bors; want to sell on account of sickness; sacri ficing at 310.000; $3000 cash. bal. mortgage at 6Ci, Woodland: Realty Office, Woodland, Wash. W. L. STRONG. NEAR M'MINN VILLE J 124 acres, located southwest of Tovn, 90 acres can be cultivated,' 55 acres under cnRf ration; 40 acres seeded to crop; 70 acres pas ture; good fences; county road. 14 mile to school; all rural conveniences ; good 7 -room house, bam 40x52 and other buildings: one acre orchard; prir $80 per acre, with 4 horses, 8 cows, 3 yearlings, 2 hogs. 1 bull. 15 goats, 200 chickens, 5 turkeys and complete line of machinery; $3500 cash, or will consider timber as first payment JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. SMALL EQUIPPED FARM 25 acres, located 2 1 mile from Molalla, Or., on good graveled road, half mije to school: all can be cultivated: 12 acres under cultivation, 8 acres pasture, that can easily be plowed; no waste land ; good fences, 2 acres orchard, a If kinds of fruit; 8 -room house, bsrn. chicken house and root cellar, with cement floor. Telephone and all rural conveniences. Price 34000. with team. 2 eows. chickens, crops, cultivator, plows, harness, disc harrow, buesy. etc. ; $L'500 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. GOOD DAIRY RANCH. 168 acres, located on rocked road, southeast of Lebanon. Or.. 60 acres under cultivation. 100 acres can lie cultivated, balance good pas ture. 2 acres orchard, 6 room house, barn, silo and sheep shed. Price $61 per acre, with 8 cows, 2 mares, Guernsey bull, harness, wagon, mower, rake, cultivators., plow, disc harrow, corn planter, grain drill and lots of tools. Some feed Large cash payment JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building. FIVE ACRES. SUBURBAN HOME All under cultivation; located hi mile flora Electric depot: close to highway; 2 miles east of Hillsboro? fruit trees and berries; all in fine shape: attractive 6 room bungalow, nearly new; barn 16x24, 2 chicken houses 10x24 and 12x 24; buildings all in fine shape; very fine soiL This is 10 miles from the Courthouse. Photo at office. JOHN xckhgttkon W Gerlinger Building. 40 ACRES 8650 Located in Marion county, 4 mile to school; county road by place, 1 mile to Hullt postoffiee ; frame house, 16x16; barn, 12x18; well and spring; halt of place fenced; lot 'of outrange; none under cultivation; good black loam soil. Fine bee or stock proposition; 8150 cash and 860 per year at 6 per cent interest JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. FOR SALE BY OWNER - 6 acres onien and vegetable land . in high state of cultivation, all new buildings; with fur niture and implements (or without). This is located 7 miles from Vancouver, H mile of st car and thriving little town. Paved road to Portland with exception of 1 mile, which is also good. Clias. Sagert. Sifton. Wash. 105 ACRE improved farm, 8 room house, large barn, new silo, bog bouse, ehicken house, fenced and cross fenced, with woven wire. R. F. D. and telephone. mile to school. Ilk mile to Jefferson. Fsmily orchard, an ideal stock and fruit ranch. Price 88300; terms. For more particulars address owner, Geo. Feickert, Jefferson. Or. , 20 ACRES NEW BUILDINGS 8 room new bungalow, hone barn, dairy barn, silo, garsge.- ehicken house, etc, all new; excel lent soil, crop all in, 2 H miles from town, rock road, to be paved; 35000, half cash. C, E. CHAN FILL, 203 H 1st 8t Main 4203. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUT S3 HAVE Eastern buyers want farm. J. ROBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main .931. WANTED, farm of SO to 100 acres; going eon erra svith some -prune preferred. Robert Butter. 103 3d street. MeMxanviU. Or. REAL ESTATE FARMS WASTED REST OR RUT 34 IMPROVED FARMS WANTED " Has S cash buyers for Improved 80 to 80 acre, os good road, not over 30 mile from Portland, with or without equipment John I ercuson. Urhngr bldg. Farms Wanted This week we had three cash buyers for farms in out of f iee at one time, one of them from New York, one from South Dakota, the other from Canada. We are having many calls for ranohe. Let as sell yours. SEE or- WRITE Sam Hewey at J. L. HAKTMAN CO., 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. FOR 8ALB OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 8. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT For sale or trade for horses or automobile. Call East 72 or 430 Hawthorne ave.. ask lr Billy or Jeaa. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 14 I BEAUTIFUL 8 room modern home Portland,! xieiiiL, line view, 101 ivvi 39, garace; want' f.i-n, i.... An , (in MIr .oit.hi. i for bog ranch. Broadway 1668. 2 Or) Oregon bldg. 5 ROOM house for small house with acreage or large lot. X 403. Journal. WASTED REAL ESTATE 31 TIMBER LAND WANTED Small tracts of timber, near a road and not ever 40 miles from Portland : will rouirh lend if the timber is eoort- mit h handled for small payment down. Will consider nign priced acreage close to Portland, tf con venient to rock road- John Ferguson. Uerhnger bldg. OUR business is selling East Side property.- List . your bungalow, lots and business property with us. J. J. OEKER CO. Real Estate 4 Grand Are. V. near East Ankeny. Phone East 61. IMPROVED ACREAGE WANTED We have severs! people wanting email places j near towns or city with payroll. Must haxe i buildincs and small payment down. Also buyer ; lor clieap places near Portland. JOHN FERCVSON ierlinger bldg" WANTEI 4 to 0-room ruddem bungalow, any good district, up to $1000: clients waiting: 16 years' experience selling houses; we get results; list while the demand is good. GHUSSl A BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade. ' Main 74 52. 1 WANT a bargain tn a fractional lot, with or without house, south of Montgomery street between 6th and 20th ats. 11-78 Journal. . " - -- ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE ROOMING HOUHES,' ALL SIZES 8 rooms. gSUO, lialf cash. 9 rooms, $900. lerms. 12 rooms. $1000. snap 14 rooms. $1250. a dandy. 42 rooms, $3200. terms. 40 rooms, $2700, terms. Get In My Automobile AND I I.I. SHOW TO!'. BRUCE GODDAIID. 52 COtfll RI.DG. AM in the market for a modern brick pf. house on west side that $4 50O will handle. O 843. Journal. FOR SALE Lease and option on furniture of 50 rnoni apt. house clearing $300 per month. A-840. Journal. WANE1 Rooming or apartment houses. I have cash buyers. Main 3tltt9: H. W. Gar land, 201 3d st. nisi.ir.ss urrunii .vuir.s OREGON ni SINESft A FINANCIAL AGENCY 448 MORGAN BLDi;. G ROC Ell Y 114,000 buys one of the h-t pa.iing frocerj stores in Portland. This store has bell run by present, o-.vner for 10 y.-arp. and i- dcing between ."000 and $00011 per month. Nice clean stock and gmid U cation. If jou want a business that is making money, we can .show you the business that this M.ere is d'litig. GROCERY $ 5,750 buys this -.veil c-,-tHblt9hcd grocery, do ing close to $500(1 er month. This More is a gocd laying business and can show results. Rent $33 per lm-nth. located a f Side. GROCERY STORF. $ 3,200 for this rip to date soing business ; good j location on East Side. If you wnt a ' good business here is your chncc. Rent i $20. Get busy on this. I RESTAURANT I 3 S.oCO buys one of the best paying restaur ants in the city of Portland, dchiK close to $70OU per month hu-iness. This is one of the beat established money mak ing restaurants in tha city: corner h cation, and seme business. Party wish ing to leave country. Get busy on this if you want a good business. RESTAURANT AND SOFT DRINK PAKIjOH $ 7,500 buys one of the best restaurants and soft drink parlors. This business is do ing $4000 per month, lias four years lease and rent $115 per mouth. n a good location and a dandy looking place. Will sell at invoice or lump. Terms. CONFECTIONERY STORE A Nil FACTORY $ 1350 buys one of the best confectionery stores in heart of city, located on Washington st and doing good btrsirtese: sIto making cwn candy; rent $35, This is a good opportunity for one desiring to get into the csndy manufacturing" busitie.s. OREGON BUSINESS A FINANCIAL AGENCY 448 MORGAN BLDG. BUSINESS SERVICE We have 15 buyers for apartment houses priced st $1000 to $10,000. List your prop erty with us immediaU-ly. We can make a quick sale on desirable property. BUSINESS SERVICE, 317 Henry Bldg. M 6797. A Garage Snap- Brick, west side. be.t location, long lease at low rent: 00 car stalls; big used car business. This place will clear you $12,000 per year. PRICE $7000. ON TERMS. Forced sale, others' loss is your gsin. Take my tip, this is right Call G. C. Moore, Main 4557. With GODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg WE HAVE one of the most profitable industries on the coast if you are looking for an invest ment, men or women. Let us tell you about our proposition, it will bear investigation: we want your help; employment if desired- Will take Liberty bonds and Thrift Stamps at face value; good terms. W-856. Journal. ' D? YOU have $1000 to Invest and are looking for a safe, sure proposition with profits large, demand practically unlimited, no experiment, money sate, large interest on ground fhsar basis, with salary, see Brown at Hotel Oregon, room 432. 312.000 BUYS ne-fourtli rich silver mining property; no promoters; none but letritiinste investors need snswer. Cash needed for work on property. References given and demanded. H-6r.9. Journal. ' Old False Teeth Bought We pay up Brokerage, 205 to $25 per plate. American Morgan bids.. 2d floor MAN wanted to take county management for wtuderful new auto rim; changes tires without effort in few second. Must hve from $200 U $600. Apply t once. 331 Oak st War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bond. Spot Cash. American Brokerage. 205 Morgan bldg.. 2d floor. Yon must bring this ad. 120 5th t PARTNER wanted in' garage to bay 14 interest; experience not necessary if willing to learn. Call Broadway 1878 for Information. VvANTED To borrow $500. For further" in formation address H-666. Journal. FOR SALE Well equipped shop: good location. R-862 4 chair Journal. barber GROCERY stwk snd fixtures for sale. Good location. Wood lawn 1531. HAVE one of the best garage sites on the pen insula: will build and lea or sell. Col. 1041. GROCERY st3ck"nd fixtures for sale, good loca tion. Woodiawn LJ3L 800 BUSINESS CARDS $1.23 Ryder Pta. Co.. Main 3538. 19114 3d t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 8 EXPERIENCED real estate man back from th east want a reliable man with some money to Join him in the real estate business. T-466, Journal. MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ti MONEY TO LOAN in amount ef $100 U 85000 on city property. A. H. BELL. Rooms 1 0 and II Mulkey bldg. 3bf8400 $300 $600 8T50 ail IP. lowest rates; quick action. Uorden Mortgage Cw 81 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. 8EE"TllEs56rrr-INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 323 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th nd Start. $1000. $1500TS2000 and up; na eommlssiosv r. H, PES HON. 613 Chasm, of Corn. Mdt MORTGAGE XOANS op to $6000, and 7 per rent Fred S. WUhsas, 306 Panama bldg. MORTGAGi: LOANS. 6 and T per centTLsrnM V tie., a Belling osug. MOfIT Tt Tff RrAf. FSsTUTE t " . - , -i , ., A' vt CITY LOANS. ' SO COMMISSION - On -Improved property, ,ot for impovot ' ; parnase. - The best and eede4 tsffthod of paying kn is ear monthly payment plea. 1 3 2. 5 8 oer month for 80 months, or 821.24 pet month for 60 month, or 315.17 per month for tto mouths pays a loaa f aiouo and interest. Loans of ether amounts fa as Mob. . Repayment Privileges EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 843 Stark U Portland. . Oc " RESIDENCE LOAN'S fjau for an amount at 0 H per cent for S to 10 yean, payable ia monthly installments; any part or ail ol th loan payable at any rime. We loan money tn all towns of th Northwest Call or write, 1333 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 3718. Evenings. Wood lawn 8481 LIBERAL LOANS We loap our own money on real estate. 1st and 2d mortgager, contract. ' livestock, notes, etc. F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and . , . city property, favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. TliK OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 506 Piatt Bldg Main 5371. BEE US TODAY We loaa money oa real es tate; 6 and 7 per cent, long time, short tliae; monthly payments . pay as you can; sums to suit 728 Oasco bldg., SUi and Aider. CELLARS MURTON CO. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security at going rates of inter at Otto A Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Chambei of Commerce BUILDING loans on city and suburban property. money advanced as work progresses, W. O. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. MOSEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES $1 DO YOU NEED MONEY ? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES rURNITUHE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODH. REAL ESTATE, BONDS. OH ANtTHlNO OF VALUE. SECURITY USLALLX LEFT IN Your possession. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. HK WILL FAX tul-u iri invivt-v vim uituK Slut j jv,- NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN REPAY US in SMALL MONTHLY 1'AlHL.titl t'O SUlt j yoCH CON V E.MEN UK. I LEGAL RATES WO DELAY ; BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL : PORTLAND LOAN CO. t LICENSED) 806 B07 DEKUM BLDG.. 8D and wasa PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N. Phone Broadway 010. 3B4 Stark St.. near 10th. -f.nans on diamonds, watches, Vtctrola. pianos, kodaks, ihntguni. furniture, musicai Instrument and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLK OF PO It 'IT AND TO PROTECT. THE BOIUIOWER City and county warrant cashed at face value. CARRIE MY EltS HERMAN Manager. t SALARY lOANS WE I,OAN MONEY CHATTELS on short notice to saisrirsi or woratngmea on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly pajm-nls Lach transaction strictly ...hr;.lnntt.l v-y 'mo(TGA:E NO 1NDOR8EB AHSIII.rTKl.T (tn SKn'RlTT I We also loan on household furniture. pianaa. etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. ( LICENSED! 218 FAILING RLDO.- ARE YOU IN DEBT? IJiANM TO WAGE EARNERS ON THEIR CHARACTER AND EARNING CAPACITY. $10 TO $50O AT 8 PER CENT PER ANNUM; WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. THE INDUSTRIAL LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 207 Oak St, IwisBldg. MONEY to loan on diamond, jewelry; legal rates; all srticles held year; established since 1888. Dan Marx, 283 Wsalingtnn at. GEO HARVEY loans money on Household good,' legal rates. Tabor 8806. LOANS WANTED 39 $1500 wanted for private party on farm land 818 Chamber of Commerce, 8EE-OREGON INV A MORTGAGE CO.. 233 Chamber ef Commerce, 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL $1 I WILL BUT ANY LIBERTY. BOND AT 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (AH due coupon Interest Included.) J. 11. KEATING. 617 BOARlOK I It A UK WKRpY 1st amiTlM mortgages and seller? contracts. F. E. Bowmsn A Co., 210 Cham ber of Commerce. CA SHpaTd for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon, H. E. Noble. 3 1 6-Lnmbermens bldg HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 WILL sell on trial one black mare. 1 1 50 lbs. ; me. team, weight 24O0. and 7 years old. with harness; one Win of ponies. $40. well matched and fat: one big horse, 1600 lbs. Phone 29J. Milwaukie. one block south 8. P. des-t. Milwaukie. Henry Smith. FOR-SALE 10 head of first class horse and mares from 4 Pi ti years old. weight 1300 to 1800 lbs.; some well matched teams; horses all guaranteed as represented, trial allowed. Sanitary Stable. 305 Union ave., cor. of Mfevens. L. Glass. FOR sale, hire or exchange, 100 head of horses, 4 to 12 years old, weighing from 1200 to 1700 lbs. Harnesses and wagons of all kind. Liberty bonds or approved notes accepted. These horses can be seen right In thescollar. Phil Htietter. 2K5 Front st. Crown Stables. FOR SALEl-woTd wagon, 2 cord and half rack, sll cunph te for $75; 1 surrey, 2 bug gies, good order; 1 disk. 3 farm plows, I harrow, 1 frwnoes, I dead truck, 3-t.m caissoity. $ serine nagon poles. Tabor 743. 102H K. Alder. ONE 2300-LB team, well matched, also on 280H lb. team, well matched. One good 100O Ib saddle horse, to be sold cheap for easli. Guaranteed as represented. 27 E. 7th st, be tween Madison and Hawthorne. 10 HEAD of marcs and geldings, good workers and gentle. A few blorky teams among them weighing 1 1 00 to 1700; wagons and names. One young Jersey fam'ly cow. Cor. E. 9th and Hawthorne. East 8 1 06 FOR " S A LESpen "steel gray horses, 5 and 6 years old. wcighir; about 2600 lb., gentle and tnie to work. Price $280. Inquire Marion Fuel.' Co. , Taylor t dock. O. T STABLES. 1 7TH AND KEARNEY 25 good young hones and mares, some well matched teams: everything sold with guar ante as represented. G. D. WILLIAMSON. I)SC T 1 lr l" O . J , ' .I....L. . VT.m Su lAnr.a , -m i uiu.ii iinin.i'uii. . ' bone mare, weighing about 2400 lb. : very gentle to work. Inuaire Mr. Wood, Taylor at dock. SEVERAL HORSES for sal cheap, all" work ing every day; replacing with automobile. 1028 rV Yamhill st. TEAM gray horse, weighing snout 2800 lbs.; sound and true. Price $220. Call wondyard. foot of Taylor st FORSAl TOOO lb. well bred mare, 7 years old; also 3 year old Belgian filly. Bargain. 288 W 16thr $240 BUYS team young bay mare, weighing about 2700 lbs. ; good ranch team ready to work. Woodyard, foot Taylor st. DEAD horses taken quickly. Cab for dtd cow. iimf sxuo. SMALL riding or driving pony. $85. tabor U033. HORSE Tod wagon, 3V.S0 per day; 2 hone and wagon. $3. J. Cohen. 846 Front Main 2208. SEVERAL horses, wagons, buggl' nesse for sale. 880 Front and bar- FOUR span of tnire and horse, age 4 6, weight 1400 llnv 240 E. Stli st. to 3600. POUND team, harness and farm wagon. bargain. Atlas w.odvartl. 3 Fr .nt t FOR 8 ALE at a liargain. team of bays, weight 8000 lb. Call E. Oth and Flanders. ALL kind horses, wagon and harne Front '80: LIVESTOCK It 8 THOROUGHBRED Duroe Jersey sows, wiirt. farrow in March; also one registered boar, same breed. Clackamas, Or.. R. F. D. I, Box 1 5 8. 415 Sunnyside. FIRST-CLASS 4-yer-old Jersey-llolitteln. Will . be fresh in three d7: also family Jersey, rich milk, $50. 751 E. Ash t A-l FAMILY eow: most sell at once, leaving city. Tabor 6628. . - - .- - FOK SALE I rge Jersey cow. 802 Pittsburg t Phone Columbia . FOR SALE Fresh young eow. Go to E. 80th - and Fremont, 3b locks north. L. Dwon. ; FAMILY Jersey cow for sale. Have so Must at at, m. 35. Tabor -8. ' LTTRSTOCK th friKbHl oows. Jerseys and3eny-Durbsnts. 4 to , Hi to Ml, a days extra rie . milk. Vim sell or take beef cattle tn exchange. 1128 Macadam st-. H. Portland ear to end of line, 1 block south. I block east. ;'.! WE have established a good market for (Wire cows at the stockyards at North Portland. If you wish t buy any good dairy oows or have any to sell, see Mr. Bruce at the Union Stock yard. North Portland, Or. TOITNO Durham cow, "fresh soon, heavy milker ' 142 K..3Ist st N. Montavilla ear. - 4 FOULTRT- ASP RA BRITS ' 87 Si5HWIi8T" POTJLTOY''RPOBloIr- i; Offers yon the beet obtainable tn poultry, legg. chicks and grown stock Vrrari.tim mir. fully answered. H2d at. 7Sd to 74tb av. .H.t.r Una station. Portland. Ihr. j r CHOICE 8. C. R. I Kid cockvrUforsTle. Owen strain. $5. and up. J'ome and see. No Sunday sales. 1813 Burrage st. Phone Wdln 4tt. 200 WHITELElTH()RN' yearling hens; TTofaii'-"" ired stock. $1 30 each: Barred llocL and R. L Red pullet.. $2 each; also choice cockerels. J. R. Magulre, 7H7 Oregon st. MT. rlCotTTbTLTRY-YAftDs Legtioms. B. Rocks. R I Reds. roekereK $2 50 no. Write or phone for prices on hn nd f.ollet, Tabor 0H5 WS4S 4th t S E. BIFF CfK'HIN Issnuiii. cooim lire" 1 inch mesh; rabbit hatches, some go,id 2 inch luni ber. 4204 64th st. tf. E. Mt. Soon car to Laurrlwod. - WePA f llAHli " FOR" PflfJLfR Y Pets, Puppiaa. of all kinds. CashProduc Co.. 800 E. Morrison East 8133 FOR SALE Clmlce young Leghorn huns and pullets J. A. Dennett, 257 Russell at. Phone about 6 p m I juit I0S1. FOR SALE- Mix m.viiui 'liTinde IsUiici and While Iegliorn crossed pullets. $150 each 0005 7Jtsvr., S.K. W HITE LEGHOHV pullets and yotni" hens"'' Ancons and Huff Leghorn hens. Tabor 6805. H84M H4Jh st. S E. JUST 12 " White Wvandott pSlelT'lefCwiil aril the laHt 12 at $2 each. 112 E. Plat at N. Tabor 4 256. 00 FINE It I. R. pullets. 8 cockerels, 1 cock bird, for sale cheap: also 'j It I White cock erels and 8 pullet. Phone Tabor 5114 l'H)!flALlf 25 chict ens, $25. Phone Main 3040. inonll) pullets, for FOR SALE - 6 Brown leghorn . cheap. Phnne Wnodlawn 4 00. iilii'ls, very WANTED, ttiree golden Campine pulteU, I - rmwter. 300 E. Morrison1. '.ast 6122. CHICK KNSf cT"s"le7$ iVsoTWWlTLTghSrns and R. Hid 771 Mississippi ave. Joe David. FOR R ALE Pa rtridge W yarTdott cock ere Ti. 1744 Flske St. University Park. DRESSED hens and apringers delivered. 0805. Tabor DOGS, RIRDS, PETS. ETC. 4$ CHOICE singers and trained rollers from Import ed stock. Canary Bird Shop Open Sundays snd nvenlr.gs. Phon 322 17 1 151 E. 28th st. N, FOR SA1.F.-T -English setter, male. 4 years old; Iraincd. ;KMllgreeH and legistered, on -display, Rnuttedge Seed A Floral Co., 145 2tt WANTED To cxMnmunicate with owner of Ists class registered mal Irish setU-r dog for serv ice. J. F. Wesely. Mcio. Or. Foil V.. SALE Male Fox Terrier puppy, $5. yd 72d st north. MonLatills car. !A KIM I 40H0. Llewellyn setter cheap. Phone Main YELLOW female E. 7lh N. ird with new rage, $3. 167 AUTOMOBILES A7TD ACCESSORIES .USED CAR BARGAINS 1 fine clnb roadster.. $1 100 , !IO0J 85' 7IM O.'iO 'J.1 500 4 00 400 250 250 : 1 Oakland seilnn 1 l'rankliti 1 Bnii-k four 1 Stud.-t.aker six i Maxwell 1 .Maxwell 2 Overlanii. each 1 Ford 2 Fords, each 1 Fcrd road t. r 10 cars from $-"0 t.i $250. 3 truck.. 1 ten. $25o t $700 Long SII.VA. 40- llHMthnnm. WHEN TOU WRECK EM AND BEND KM. SER O. U- UKUBER "THE RADIATOR MAS" builds bridle, repairs ra diators, bodies, fenders and all auto sheet mot si pari a NEW LOCATION 11TH AND DAVIS OPP. THE ARMORY. BROADWAY 1873 HUTt'K ROADSTER. If LIGHT NLV This one has cords, one extna and wind de flectors, and other extra; also btnnissr; the low price $985. with $350 down. bal. easy let you ride away with this one, RED FONT I SKI) CAR CO.. 5o5 Alder st. Plione Automatic 513-67. IB, 0OO carried In stocx Our spring wild with a written guarantee. We give you srvlc 34 N. 15th st. BRISCOE ROADSTER IH MODEL This one Is new. hs the 'jo llceenses and all the new tires and spot lights rd lots other extras; low price on this ot I6M5 with $230 down, bal long easy terms that yon can pay. . Take bonds or Ford in trade. 505 Alder at. ' RED FRONT USED CAR CM- roc- USED CARS NO MISREPRESENTATION jCovey MctorCar Co. ,t AT A "BARGAIN ft taken at onoe. n f.igTn sport model, 1D19: one Ford. 1013; both hve Isjen run about 8 months.- tn first class shate. At Aoo Ret Garsge. loth and Salmon su. Main 32H7. Mr. French. Ti)lR I'OHD b-urfng like new; good tires, guaranteed electric starter, speedometer; spflt light; only $376. Owner. Main 2428. Bdwy. 1764. AUTO TRIMMING CO. AUTO TOPS. SIDE CURTAINS 01 Davis at, bet Vth and IUUl Broadway 2017. SASH paid for old cars, condition Be oblents part for all make of ear. Oregon Ant Exchange. 121 Lownsdal, at 13th and Wasa tngton. Phon Broadway 2668. MAXWTCi.iT-touring, 1B20, only run a fe days; owner must sell. A bargain, 11000; terms. SO Grand ave. north near Bumstde. LEAVING city, will sell 1917 Maxwell touring in fine condition, many extras, tor $450. 47 E. 31th st. .V CJ IK V Ut iLKT tooring7 101. fine condition,, good tires, bsrgain at $075. with term. 30 Grand ve. north near Buriialde. . l&Ifs CHEVROLET SEDAN Just like new; $1060, ey term. 623 Alder st. Broedway 34 II. ; 19i1FORDrhsis7 4 speed tranltiulsslon, over, hauled, ne tires, $323. 126 K Oth, nsf Morrison BRISCOE tou rin. Ai condition. giKxl tires; owner roust sell. $525, wlta terms. 30 Grand ve. north near HUrnsKl. MAXWEl-L touring, 1018, in good meclianica condition: $H75, with term. 80 Grand v N.. near Burnside. ) 111 1 . " j 1 1 y -m PAIGE touring, wire wneeia. extra tire, newif uainud: real bargahi at $1073, with tem. 80 Grand ave.. north near Burnside. DODGE" sAlan, 1818, A-l condition; used pri v.tely; will sell t $1730 and give tunas,' SO Grand are. north near Hnniwd. Si! Ill ICK light six. perfect condition. Driven 5800 4 miles: 5 good urea; 13UU. ox 30, KMT nelins. Or. , FORD roadster, condition, some extrv" $425. with term. 80 Grand ave. north near Burnside. ; - MAXWELL touring. f870fir eollOon7t"od ' tire; $876, om term. 30 Grsnd ava..N., .'' near Bumnid. , ; CHEVROLfef touring, "Iirii87in A-l ctmdiOon! a bergain. at $050; term. 30 Grand arm, ; north near Burnside. .' FORDtovnii, II 1 6. good" mechanical eondT Uon; 8373, with term. 8o Grand are. L, :t near Burnside. -r TRADE 4 elear loU and 3 pass, auto for an o era 6 room hone, close In. Bdwy. 3888 after 4:80 p. m. only, or write CSS Northrup st. ' 1313 FORD twiring. lthxtrMV'$2(8T335 cash, balance 325 month. Phone 318-02. WE put tl teetn in your old flywheel. rL -B. Black, 834 Aider. Bdwy. 3681. r$17eTcXr4-L. Bpaaa.. gurni and Couch t. Ut tWS" Studebaker car, on 101$, $i00, SOst one $300. East 2271. F-plr. FOR SALE Ford sedan. 1918 j a . bargain. Phon Main 8381. J- 1913 AND 1317 Ford roadster, snap for cash, . 1 26 K. 6uv near Movv-on. i , - s $100 DOWN, balance small" "payments, wTll buy a Hupp, taurine car. Marshall 1428. ' ttffiat&TTc.t'TriSAiniU oils Ivl -RKAaE3. PIONEER PAINT C0.181T. 1 DOIMlE roadster, fin ahape. $7'6o. 126 Kait ! 6th," near Morrison. I . , - ' " j REAL bargains. 1917 Ford touring. $285, - 1813 Ford de tlvetf, 8265. Self wood 1 655.. Morrison. ' - tCwttUnue. on Fellow in- Pa)