BEAT, ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 BUSINESS SERVICE JT HF.NRT RUN. MAT 77. HERE ARK A FEW OF OUR WEEK END OFFERINGS TO HOME SEEK-? residences or the better A Real Snap $ 7,800 for a two-story room, thoroughly modern reaiderice. This houss is practically new, having been onn trocted only a short tlmi o. Paved street and cement sid ik lead to lb door. $2000 r.sli will be accepted sa first pay ment. A Beautiful Home $ 6,000 for a beautiful one and 'owe-half story 7 room modern bouse in Ir lngt.n. This home i finished in a, pleasing golden oak finieh. It is n.,w renting for 5 a month. $1500 iVh will handle thl exceptional Imjr. . A Judicious Buy f 4 2. 10 i the low price asked for, Una mod em up-to-date residence. It la In ,,ne of the bett location In Pori land H he one and one-half furies. You cannot duplicate thi ! tl.e price asked, t ' Startling Offer 3.800 for an ".-room, one and one-half story modern residence In the beet of condition. Tbla house haa 5 beaatiful bedrooms that will be tae rnvy of your friend. We will show It to you if you will call at our office. Excellent Location a " 1 00 and a real bargain. Exceeny located with paved streets passing ths door. Two itoriee with 6 room. 11000 cash all you need to call Una. cozy little home yours. BUILDINGS A Lifetime Opportun 35 000 for a 2 -story brick building that la now paylna 1 018 m2e1 ln" vented. Thia property can be made to pay more. IT 2 tin hy store, while there are about 40 office abore. Absolutely clear ab stract One-half cash will nanoie. $9 a Day 450 cash will buy a cash business that la now doing a business of 00 a day. The price Include all fixtures, such as a National caah register, Dayton computing scale, etc. A very good buy. BUSINESS SERVICE 817 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 6797. SERVICE COURTE8T RESULTS Do you wish to buy or sellt If you wish to buy call us. H you wish to sell call u. We will do the Test. Our auto is waiting to show you your new home. C. E. Scott Realty Co. Main 3353 TIB B19 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . TACRELiTURBT BUNGALOW" JUST VACATED Cosy 6 room bungalow, large living room; beautiful dining room with buffet running full vnitm im bedrooms and music or library room; finished in white enamel and mahogany trim throughout; mooeru nancy kitchen with all built-in convenience. Fine, Urge basement with built-in fruit cupboard and coal bin. See Mr. McCarty. 270 hi Stark at. or phone Main 1700. Sunday or evening Ta- bor B05T. . . ROSE CITY DISTRICT $4500 CLOSE IN $4500 5 rooms and floored attic, strictly modern, hardwood floors throughout, except kitchen, built-in bookcase, buffet, large fireplace. AU rooms large and light, full cement basement, furnace, full .60x100 lot. east front, about 5 f rait trees, paved streets in and paid, 1 hi block from Bandy blfd. Out of town owner must sell. Pee this at once. C. A. WARRIJIER. HITTER. LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ANOTHER NEW BUNGALOW Remember that last bungalow yon could not buy because it was sold before yon made up you snlndt Don't be disappointed again. I bave one that is better and that you will be proud to oaU your borne. Just completed by a I .oi Angela architect and will be told at cost. A beauty and must be seen to be appreciated. Flee Mr. McCarty, 270 H Stark at. or phone Main 1700. Sunday or evenings Tabor 6057. $500 CASH $500 BALANCE EAST Mere Is a neat 6-room bungalow with fire place, built-in bookcases, Dutch kitchen, full seml-oement basement, full lot and garage. Just one block from car and paved streets, for $2800. Clear of all incumbrance. Can you beat itf 0. A. WARRTNER, RITTER, LOWE A CO., S01-8-B-7 Board of Trade bldg. TO GET YOUR WestoVfer Terrace HOMESITES Ton May Phone, Call or Write HAROLD JUNGCK Secretary International Realty Associate Owner. 1307 TEON BLDO. 1 bones Office. Main 680; Res.. East 1889. 7 ROOM BUNGALOW $3800 CRE8TON Nioa 1 H -story bungalow, furnace, basement, bath, buffet, cabinet kitchen, oak floors, tray comer lot BOxlOO: fruit trees, small fruits, chicken bouse and ran; on E, 6 1st St., comer 2d ave. Price $3800 plus $109 city liens; 1000 cash and $25 per month. GRCSSl i BENNETT. S 18 Board of Trade bldg. Main 74 fj2. BCNGALOWS N. W7MT. TABOR DISTRICT . $2400 5 rooms, Dutch kitchen, buffet. I $31505 rooms, full cement basement, sightly lot, fireplace; $500 down. $3750 5 large rooms, fireplace, furnaoe, full cement basement, large lot, pavement, Dutch - kitchen, breakfast nook. $3750 Home, with large view lot, 4 bed rooms, fireplace, furnace, fruit, paving. H, R. WHITE. Tabor 8824. $5806 LACRELHTJRST $5800 , PRIZE rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modem, nothing lacking, full lot, garaga, paved streets all paid for, 1 block from oar; terms. Let us show you this. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $2500 $500 cash, bal. like rent; 7 room house and 2 full 50x100 lots; bath, gas; lota of fruit, on uara sunace street ; piocK to Union ave. near Piedmont. I,et us show yori. JOEiNSONDODSON CO. fl2. 083, 634 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. -ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS BIG SNAP , 6-room house, 3 hedrotsns, bath, elect., lOOz 100, fin oorner; $1300 worth of paved sts.. sewer and city liens all paid but $130. Some . fine fruit, garden, chicken house. 2 blocks to Irvington car. on E. 13th and Beech. Price 2iau; 3UU caen. IJU month, GRCSSl A BENNETT. SIS Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. $1800 $800 CASH. BAL. 820 PER MONTH 8 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, basement. some iran; cnicaen run, etc; lull basement; 1 , block to car and school. . J0HNS0N-D0DS0N CO. 683. 633, 634 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787, ROSE CITY PARK" $4250 buys- strictly modem home of 6 rooms and bath. Hdwd. floors, furnace, fireplace, all built-in. Full cement basement, wash trays. : un, en in ua paia. uoerai terms. J. A. Wickman Co. 204 By. Eich.. bldg. - Main 583. A5780 LACRELHTRST $5750 BIG BARGAIN 6 room bungalow, close to car; view lot Don't u to eee xrua oeauutui place, owner in the Kast wired to sell at once. See Mr. rteUhnnt at 270 V Btark at. or phone Main 1700; Sun day or evenings. East 2086. FOUR reom bungalow, nice modern place; full - lot. cement basement. Snap. $1600: terms. 600 caah. Berries, fruit; located at Tremont. Garland. 201 Id it BEAL Tit LL bungalow, 5 moms, reception hall and bath, property 80x128. complete garage 16x83. plenty of berries and lots of flowers; i teima, ., Fhoao D-1189.; t . BEAT. ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES fl 42 Acre Farm 1000012 miles from courthouse 19000 None better for the production of clover, wheat, oeUityatoes, vegetables, or grasses. SS ACRES CULTIVATED All eaa be col tl rated and la prac tically smooth land. Good orchard. Six room house, bam. other ont buiklinc. personal property includes potatoes, rratn, hay, brood mares, Jer sey cows. Implements, vehicles, and wood In shed. Reasonable value, 12500. The farm is worth the price without the personal property. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main 7260. 624 Henry Bid. Rose City Park Here 1 the beet buy in Rose City Park: 6 mom bungalow, extra large living room, with fireplace and' bnlltin bookcase, dining room with handsome builtin buffet, inlaid hardwood floors, kitchen with all the builtin. 2 light bedrooms and beautiful sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace and laundry trays, full lot, street im provement in and paid, 9 hi blocks from Rose City car line; will take $2500 to handle. Hoe E. M. Padden, Hale Manager METZGERPARKER FERGUSON CO. Ground Floor. 302 Oak St. Broadway 3644 Alameda $55$ New 6 room bungalow, large living room, fire place, dining room with builtin buffet, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, bath room, white enameled plumbing, 8 beautiful bedroom, cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays and garace. street improvement, all in and paid. This is an ex ceptionally good buy. We can arrange terms to suit you. See E. M. Padden, Biles Manager METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO. Ground Floor, 302 Oak 84. Broadway 3844 Rose City District Lot 100x1.00. 5 room bungalow, living room, dining room, two bedroom, kitchen and bath, white enameled plumbing, good basement. This is a plendid buy, not far from Rose City car line. We can arrange terms to suit you. See E. M. Padden. Hales Manager METZGERPARKER FERGUSON CO. Ground Floor. 302 Oak St. Broadway 3644 $2700 ALBERTA 1H8TRICT $2700 CLOSE IN This to Just about what you are loking for. good 7 -room house with 2 bedrooms, bath and toilet on first floor, 2 bedroom above, good linoleum on pantry, kitchen and dining room floors, nicely arranged large pantry. Built-in conveniences, everything in fine shape , full semi cement basement, 6 good bearing fruit trees. Quick possession can be had. Only one block from car; reasonable terms. C. A. WAHRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK A BEAL BUNGALOW $6500 One of Rose City Park most beautitful bungalows, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, every conceivable built-in convenience, large living room with big plate glass window. The interior arrangement is so appealing so classy and yet so homelike that you are bound to like this beautiful home. Now completed and ready for occupancy. If you want a real home one of class and distinction let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. WEST SIDE, 16-ROOM HOUSE 100x100 - Small caah payment, low rate of in terest, suitable for manj purposes Home for a club, society, or organiza tion. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main 7266. 024' Henry Bldg. WEST BIDE1 REAL SACRIFICE If you are looking for a real snap, a place to double your money, take a look at the south east comer of 23d and Wilson. Ground lOOz 100 and 4 houses. Will sell all or separately at a surprisingly low figure. This is just about 4 blocks from the new Montgomery-Ward Co. site, and is also a wonderful building site. See this, then see us and make an offer. This must be sold. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE ft CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN $4750 buys 7 -room bungalow with sleeping porch, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, furnace, full cement basement, wash trays, imp. all in and Inc. in price. Large living room. We have a new home just like thia in Rose City Park that sells for $6500. This home only 4 years old and could not be built today for this money. J. A. Co. 204 Ry. Excb, bldg. Main 688. ALAMEDA PARK NIFTY BUNGALOW $5250 Folks, get busy see this. One of those real nifty bungalows with exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement, etc. ; full lot, assessments paid ; very reasonable terms. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 8d. Main 8092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. THREE UNBEATABLE BARGAINS HIGH CLA88 DISTRICT VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. 4 and 6 bedrooms in each, also sleeolna porches, very sightly location, and close to car, all In first class condition. Is a creditor's sale. Fins chance for a' party with a little cash to bny these three places for speculation. Will give reasonable terms. See Mr. Delahunty at 270 H Stark at. or phone me for further In formation, Main 1700; evening. East 2086. $2650 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. Attractive brown 5 room bunealow. raeenHon hall, paneled dining room, white enameled Dutch kitchen, laundry room, wash trays, fine bath, full basement 50x100 lot some fruit nice lawn and shads trees; 2 blocks Mt Scott car, near Annabel. This Is a homey little bungalow and tne price is right only 1650 down. See Mr. Mack. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE A SNAP 1 4 room furnished house and 1 S room partly furnished house. 1 block from Failing school. Income $85 per month, all for $3000. $700 down and $25 per month and 7 per cent interest I will give a large Inducement for cash. BY OWNER. 1154 49th ave. S. E. Near 80th at $3500 HALF CASH HAWTHORNE MODERN 6 rooms and sleeping porch: bath. ea. elec tricity, fireplace, buffet, furnace heat, full ce ment basement; on paved street; 2 blocks to car. J0HNS0NB0DS0N CO. 682. 633. 684 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. PARK ROSE A chance to beat that high cost of 11 vine- R- room bungalow on lot 150x100 ft, almost half acre. Located on Craig road near the car; has built-in features, fireplace; in fact just a cozy home, for only $3350, on very easy terms. A. U. TEiifE UU 264 Stark St.. near 84. Main 3002. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. $3000 SUNNYSIDE. Neat 5 room bungalow, large rooms. 2 fine bed rooms, good bath, handy kitchen, full base ment, laundry trays, lot 34x100, large garden space ; located 34th at : pavement paid ; 3 blocks Mt Tabor-Sunnyside cars; owner leaving cttj, must nave iouu cash. Borne bargain. See Mr. Mack. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon feklg. SOUTH PORTLAND snap. 7 room modern house, nearly new, partly furnished and gar age: bona must be sold, owner is going east Price $g00 and will consider any reasonable offer. House No. 1314 Corbett at; terms. John Singer, 420 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 478. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $5100 Folks, here truly is a bargain. 5 rooms and sleeping porch and garage. See thia to appre ciate its value. Evenings phone Tabor 8255. , A- G- TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark at, near Sd. Main 8092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Suburban Home cr?.fn1 1r'. are on easy terms. Tabor 1485. Call at 8932 66th are. S. near Lents school. JFORSAXE LOTS It To Get Yonr Westover Terrace ' ' Homesites i .TTL J"17 Phone, call rt writ. HAROLD JUNGCK. eteeretary International Realty ' Associate Owners, . To" Building. Phones Office, Mai n 680 R.. East 1090. lIATDesrhntes cRyTfres of Incumbrancer ab- a tract, mil trade for good oow. B. 1 B827 48th lit, 8. E, "Cfl" BE At ESTATE FOB SALE LOTS 1 BALE OR TRADE 80x1 OO lot, Rodney are. and SUdmotw at. Phone Woodlawn 1402. ACREAGE M Cows, Chickens and Equipment Nearly a acre located on good graveled road, close to electric depot. All under cultivation. Everything m the line of fruit and berries and walnuts. Good S room house, barn, fruit cel lar and other building.' Price 92050, with rabbits, chickens, horse, 2 fine cows and equip ment. Large cash payment. Personally in spected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON GERLINGER BUILDING SUBURBAN ACREAGE. 10 IXJVVJi Located on 82d St., ving, 2 & minute drive 4 th and Washington. Best of soil, very light clearing. Sightly, good neighborhood. CI wing out at from 1375 to 1830 per acre. Terms as you want them. We believe this to be the best opportunity, either as suburban bofnestte or as investment which ran be found. Advance in values arc certain. Work In town, lire in the country. Each acre contains over 8 city lota. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-0-7-8 Lewis Bldg. Oregon City Line One acr. all under cu.tiTt.tion. fruit and brm in abundance. Good 4 -room hou, on marmdamiKd rond. near i'nnrord tat ton and j nchool. Price f 1G0O; $500 cash. Personally . inspect d. JOHN FERGUSON GERLINGER BUILDING FINE CHICKEN RANCH Nearly 8 acres, '4 rail from city limits. Grants rta, Or., on Pacific highway, electric power line by place: all under cultivation: red shot soil; good well: 6 room house, bam, garage, woodshed. Price $1280. with $700 cash. Owner in town for few days and will go with any one to this place. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. Only $63Q$330 Cash 2 arres located less than 14 mile from elec tric depot. Good 2 room house, with large pantry. Place well fenced witJi wire. County road. Fine well, bricked lip to the top. Nice laying land. Close to school. JOHN FERGUSON GERLINGER BUILDING I.OGGED-OFF LANDS Tracts 5 seres np. located within 30 miles of Port Is nd. on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water work nearby; buy on your own terms; prices $20 to per acre. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 20 ACRES $1450 HOUSE 18 MILEM CENTER OF PORTLAND 4 mile Boring, Estcada line, 3 acre cleared. Cost owner $3000. Will leii for $1450, H cash, balance 6. J. V. CORBIN CO.. 305-fl 7-8 Lewi Bldg. 4 ACRES at Ruby Junction with 2 room cotr tage; on acre cleared, balance fir grove. $215000; terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Ore gon bldg 5 ACRES close to Gillia station; very best of soil, one half cleared, balance fir and cedar. A nap for $1200; terms, Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg FOR a few day only. 5 acres In city limits at 75th and Tillamook, for $3500 cash, or $2000 caah and $1800 mortcace, by owner. East 2189. 44 ACRES, house, orchard, 500 cords of cord wood timber. 5H miles of Lents: $5000; terms. 0704 59th ave. 8. E. 2 !4 ACRES at Rockwood station, cleared ; near Base Line road. $1650; terms, Broadway 165. 209 Oregon bldg. . SCBCRBA-N ACREAOE ? FOR SALE 6 acres good black soil, all clear, fenced. About 70 walnut and filbert trees. 600 feet from Orchards station, about 7 miles from Vancouver. Cheap at $1800. Address O. Ketchum. 146 E. 45th St., Portland. Or. SUBURBAN HOMES THEIR LAST MOVE MR. RENTER Girlie, we've gotta move again. (Mrs. R,, too weak to protest, wilts.) But never mind, dear, out Reaverton way, just fifteen minutes on board walk from the electric station, is 2 acres of fine garden land, with a dandy five room bungalow, gas. phone, beamed ceiling living room, lots of built ins; fine bam and workshop; garage; other buildings; all paint ed; gasoline pump; water in house. And it's only $3000, $1000 cash, and you. bet I'm going to be the first fellow in the line in the morning at the office of the RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce. SUBURBAN HOMES If you really want a fine home, just outside the city, call at once; either on pavement or hardsurface, ranging in price from $1800 to $15,000; terms from $300 to $3000, balance easy. Call at 8932 56th are,. S. E.. near Lenta school. Tabor 1485. TWO acres with 5 room bnngalow and a real one. too, at Beaverton; beamed ceiling, built-ins galore. There is a good stable and lots of room outside to stake your cow. Buildings alone worth (3500. Tou set it all for S3000 at $1000 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RALE FARMS 17 3 1 Acres Beaverton On Rock Road where value are rising rapidly. Here is 31 acres dairy farm, with new o room bunealow, fine dairy barn, and new silo; rock road cuts through the place. The price, $9500, is cheap, compared to land values in this locality. There is a fine herd of Holstein cow on the place that can be bought If you want something extra good, see this. RALPH-HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce. We're selling farms ; give us your listing. 51 ACRES $1000 CASH BALANCE ON TIME 25 In cultivation. 20 acres in good timber, on a good road near Oregon City; creek and water piped to house; 5 room house; 40 by 60 barn; close to school. A. J. BOCKHOLD 8th and Main sts., Oregon City. Or. Phone 877. . 115 ACRES Figure for yourself what that is an acre. Land all through the community is selling from $100 and up an acre, 45 acres in cult, lota more not hard to put in; living water; 6 room bouse, good new bam and family fruit This is i mile to car line and shipping point Haa some good timber on it. Will take $8000 aown, oaiance time at o per cent E. P. ELLIOTT A SON 7th and Main Sts.. Oregon City, Or. INSURE YOUR FUTURE 44 acres. 40 tillable, balance pasture, timber, running water, springs, level chocolate loam. !i bushels wheat, 87 bushels oats to the acre thia year, crop all in; 9 room house, fireplace, hot ana coia water, seer. large bam, fruit bouse, carpenter ahop. etc. Buildincs in excellent condi tion, 3 acre orchard, Italian prune, apples, pears, cherries, berries, etc; daily mail, phone, 23 miiea irom i-ortiana, Vi mile to paved road. H mile to thriving little citv. school, churchm. coilege. the very best. Sickness reason for ell- tng. c. je. cranrui, 203 H 1st it Main 4203. SMALL EQUIPPED FARM 25 acre, located 2 4 mile from Molalla. Or., on good graveled road, half mile to school: all can be cultivated: 12 acres under cultivation. 8 acres pasture, that can easily be plowed; no waste land; good fences. 2 acres orchard, all kinds of fruit; 8-room house, bam, chicken house and root cellar, with cement floor. Telephone and all rural conveniences. Price $4000. with team, 2 cows, chickens, crops, cultivator, plows, harness, disc harrow, buggy, etc; $2500 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. 40 ACRES $650 Located in Marion county, mile to school' county road by place, 1 mile to HuUt postoffice ; frame house, 16x16; bam, 12x18: well and spring; half of nlace fenced: lota of outrange none under cultivation; good black loam soil. Fine bee . or stock proposition; $150 cash and $60 per year at per cent interest JOHN FERGC80N. Gerlinger Building. FOR SALE 12 acre chicken and fruit farm' 7 room house, 54 ft chicken house and granary; about 80 fruit trees, small fruit nt gravity system water from spring to kitchen! w ., hi utwDie nignway; $3000, terms. At home after 5:30 and Sun day. Seth M. IU11. 641 E 15th at 105 ACRE-improved farm, 8 room house, large bam. new Uo, nog bouse, chicken hoawe fenced and cross fenced, with woven wire, R. F. D. and telephone, mils to school. Stt miles to Jefferson. Family orchard, an ideal stock and fruit ranch. Price $8600; terms. For snore particular address owner,: Geo. FeJckert l.f f.ranti Oa. ! We Apologize : , Through an error. v tn'i advertise ment for rooms to rent appeared in The Journal "Want ads carrying the telephone number of Miss Regan, 433 East 49th St. '.Hr Miss 'Reran says: "I have done nothing but answer the telephone for two days in reference to a three-; room apartment that is being adver tised in The Journal. By a mistake, the 'Want' ad appeared ' above my telephone number. I feet that The Journal owes me the largest box of cartdy in the city for the trouble that it has put me to." ' The Journal is very sorry this error occurred, it does illustrate the fact, however, that Journal "For Rent" ads get replies. REAL ESTATE FOH SALE FARMS 17 51 ACRES READ CAREFULLY This is all level, the finest of soil.- 33 in cult., the bat light timber; all fine land when put In cult.; 6 room house, woodheuse, large barn; fruit; 2 good wells of water. This is on main road, only 2 H miles of Oregon City, side walk to town and mad all graveled, will be paved next summer. We want to tell you what this plsce is really worth. We sold 10 acres Just 300 feet from this place esterday for $3500, little barn, old house and some fruit. Land all around this is selling as high as $4 50 an acre, most all small places. This l an in vestment a well as a farm. We will take $8000 for this place, half cash, bal. time. Think of tfiat, only $160 an acre; you couldn't clear it and improve it for that, could your Tou can plat it and almost double your money on it. Three blocks to good school: fine community. Wake up to the fact that we are offering you something that is worth looking at. E. P. ELLIOTT Sl SON, , 7th and Main SU., Oregon City. Or. 12 ACRES 6 ACRES FRUIT All bearing, apples, pears, cherries, isome peaches and crapes : part of the orchard is 1 0 years old, fine, shape; good 8 room bouse plastered bp low; fireplace, bathtub in house; well water in house; good little barn, all painted; other outhouses: 11 acre in cult.,, the baL is in pasture, with spring water on it. Not a stone on the place: deep rich mellow soil, fine for anything; sightly place, will make anyone a fine home. It is 2 miles of the city limits of Oregon City to the place: graveled roads. Price $5500. Half cash. baL time at 6 per cent See u for good homes. ' E. P. ELLIOTT A SON. 7th and Main Sts., Oregon City. Or. 44 ACRES $15QK0 .DOWN AboutlSO acres in cult, close to 0 acres in good timber and only V mile to carline. in fact it is not a half mile to the carline; 6 room house, barn and outhouses, fruit living water; place on good graveled road, will be paved in the spring. This is worth more money, than the widow ldy who owns it asks, but it has been rented, the renters do not keep It up, she wishes to sell it; will take $6500 for it; $1500 down, alio, garage, chicken bouse, etc., alt new; eieel balance $500 a year. It is 5 in ties of Oregon ! lent soil, crop all in, 2 V miles from town, rock . 1 . a oiue iu gooa store ana traaing ana ehipping point E. P. ELLIOTT A SON 7th and Main Sts.. Oregon City, Or. 10 ACRE BEAUTIFU.L HOME 6 room bungalow, all painted, good as new; good barn, all painted, good cellar, concrete floor and part concrete walls; good hen house, wood house, wagon shed and all kinds of fruit 2 fine wells, team, wagon, chickens, plow; mower, feed cutter, cult, some other stuff all goes. ' It is a dandy home, has garage; on main rosd. 3 miles of Oregon City; graveled roads to town; nicely located. Price $5000. $2000 down, bal. time at 6 per cent E. P. ELLIOTT eV SON. 7th and Main sts. Oregon City, Or. Take Notace off This ' 310 Acres If you want something good we can suit you in this 810 acres. Only 10 miles north of Vancouver, only 1 mile Pacific Highway. 2H miles shipping both by rail or water. Fine 9 room house, hot and cold water, toilet and bath, bam 60x160, Cyclone silo, 110 tons; water plant cost $1800; water piped to both house and bam; stock shed 88x60: family orchard, 175 acre in cultivation, baL pasture, fall crop in' ground. Consider this the cheapest place within 25 miles of Portland at $125 per acre. nee o. it. Williams, 4 us Mock Exchange bldg. Phone Main 8075. ACRES" ;oo CASH BALANCE ON TIME All in cultivation ; good new plastered house with concrete basement, good bam and chicken house; bearing fruit and 114 2-year-old prune trees; plenty of grapes and berries; near town. A. J. BOCKHOLD 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or. Phone 377. AN IDEAL DAIRY FARM FOR SALE BENCH LAND 120 acres, 3 miles from Woodland. Wash.. 40 acres cultivation, rest pasture; family or chard, good 8-room bouse worth $3000, bam 40x70, good water, all fenced, 3 miles to grade school, 8 good cows, 1 team, 1 wagon, 1 plow, 1 rake, 1 mower and other implements; good road and good soil; the best, and good neigh bors; want to sell on account of sickness; sacri ficing st $10,000; $3000 cash, bat mortcage at 6. Woodland Realty Office. Woodland. Wash. W. L. 8TRONG. ONLY HALF MILE FROM STATION. 29 and a fraction acre, located 8 miles from Vancouver, Wash. ; 20 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture, good soil, no gravel or rock, bearing orchard, 5 room cottage, barn 60x60, silo nearly f nil of ensilage ; other buildings ; county road and all rural conveniences, price $6500 with good matched team, 1 cow, 1 heifer coming fresh, 3 yearlings, 100 chickens, wagon, mower, 2 cultivators, plow, harness, cream separ ator, harrow, spring tooth, gas engine and feed. $3500 cash, or will consider cottage or bunga low up to $2500 clear and some cash. , JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. 100 CORDSF-WOOD 40 acres, located on the Oregon Electric" at Donald, near Woodbura; all good land, when the timber is removed; small creek on line of 40. Price $4200 with $700 cash; or will sell in 10 acre tracts for $1100 each and $200 down. This is 1 mile from rocked road; also 27 acres, located northeast of Oregon City; 14 acres can be cultivated, balance ia rough; price $2000 with. $1000 cash: 1000 cords of wood on this place; halt mile from graveled road. 2 miles from river and paved road. , JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. NEAR M MINNVILLE 124 acres, located southwest of town, 90 acres can be cultivated, 59 acres under culti vation; 40 acres seeded to crop; 70 acres pas ture; good fences; county road, hi mile to school; all rural conveniences ; good 7 -room house, bam 40x52 and other buildings; one acre orchard; price '$80 per acre, with 4 horses. 8 cows, 8 yearlings, 2 hogs. 1 bull. 13 goats, 200 chickens, 5 turkeys and complete line of machinery; $3500 cash, or will consider timber as fint payment JOHN FERGUSON. 1 Gerlinger Building. GOOD DAIRY RANCH. 168 acres, located on rocked road, southeast of Lebanon, Or., 50 acre under cultivation, 100 acres can be cultivated, balance good pas ture, 2 acres orchard. 6-room house, barn, silo and sheep shed. Price $81 per acre, with 8 cows, 2 mares, Guernsey bull, harness, wagon, mower, rake, cultivators, plow, disc harrow, com planter, grain drill and lota of tools. Some feed. Large cash payment JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building. FIVE ACRES. SUBURBAN OME All under cultivation; located 'i. mile from Electric depot ; close to highway ; 2 miles east of Hilisboro; fruit tree and berries; all in fine shape; attractive 6 room bungalow, nearly new; bam 16x24. 2 chicken houses 10x24 and 12x 24: buildings all in fine shape : very fine soH. This is 16 miles from the Courthouse, Photo st Office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building j FOR SALE BY OWNER 0 acre onion and vegetable land in high state of cultivation, all new buildings; with fur niture and implement (or without). This is located 7 miles from Vancouver, V mile of at car and thriving little town. Paved road to Portland with exception of 1 mile, which is also good. Chaa. gagert. 8iftoB. Wash. FOR SALE or would take part trade, a small i farm, building, tool, orchard: close to cannery and, creamery. , Qouai H. Portland bird. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS THREE SNAPS IN CLOSE-IN ACREAGE 53 acres, only 3 miles from city limits on Powell Valley Road; 40 aerea ia timber. 13 acre slashed and very easily cleared: sand lies fine for subdivision. Splendid soil, fronts on Posrett Valley, 2 mail deliveries a day. electric lights, city gaa and telephone; land immediately across the road haa recently sold for $600 per acre, and no email tract are avatTsbl. even at thi price. We are offering- thia land at the ex tremely low price of $850 pec acre if taken in as a whole. This ia a remarkable buy. Exceptional value in a tract of land of ap proximately 14 acre, nearly all In cultivation, only 81 miles from the heart of the city (20 minutes' auto ride). This tract is improved with a good twe story house, good well and some fruit trees. Ideal location ror a eeauuiui coun try home, or can be subdivided, havtug about 806 feet frontage on Powell Valley road: ad joining property cannot be had for $700 per acre: price for the tract, which includea $2500 improvements, $9500. Here is the rream of all the land between Portland and Gresham, 40 acres level as a floor, ideally located for subdivision, only 3 M mllei from the city limits on one of the most beautiful drives out of Portland: 30 sere in cultivation, balance beautiful fir grove. In fact there is no finer 40 acre tract anywhere. Small acreage in this vicinity greatly in demand. There is great activity surrounding this tract at the present time. Values are being made by leans and bounds; will be sold at $450 per acre, which is $200 to $500 less than the price of adjoining property. We have listed many farms in all sections, and at all priues. SEE US AT ONCE. McCRILLlS-CLEVELAND CO., 322 to 326 HenryBldg Mstn 530. 122 ACRES" A REAL FARM All level, every acre tillable; 100 acres in cult., more almost ready to plow; some nice oak timber on the place; 7 room house, with bath; 2 bams, all outhouses and hop house; fine lot of fruit. Tills is fine loganberry land, fine for hops, clover, potatoes, corn, oats, vetch, wheat. This year the com on it was 8 ft. high, real com for this last year. It is 4 mile of Canby, Or., on good graveled road; fine living water; good well at the liouse. This is as good a place as there is in the vslley. Black losm soil, no stone, deep rich and warm land, loose and mel low; can't beat it. The owner is a man past 70 years old; has lived there all of his life. For production you can't beat this place. Price $160 an acre; part cash, bal. long time at . E. P. ELLIOTT St HON 7th and Main Sts., Oregon City, Or. 1 1-2 ACRES $950 Mot all level; no waste land; some easily put In. the baU is timber; just a stone's throw to electric line; fine soil; will make a dandy little chicken ranch when fixed up. It is 8 miles out Price $850. H cash. This is a good investment We sold 10 acres, not im proved, just across the road from it for $140 an acre, last week. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, 7th and Main sts. Oregon City, Or. ' 2Trn.CRESNEAvTBTTILDCTGS 8 room new bungalow, horse bam, dairy bam. road, to be paved; $5000, half cash. C. E. CKAM LL.L.. 203 H 1st SL Mala 4203. FARMS MT ANTED RENT OR BUY $8 IMPROVED FARMS WANTED Have 2 cash buyers for improved 30 to 50 acres, on good road, not over 80 miles from Portland, with or without equipment John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. HAVE Eastern bnvers want farm. J. ROBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7031. WANTED, farm of 50 to 100 acre: going con cern with some prunes preferred. Robert Butler, 105 3d street, McMinnvllle, Or. TIMBER NOTICE of sale of government timber. Gen eral land office, Washington. D. C, December 11, 1019. Notice is hereby given that subject to tbe conditions and limitations of the act of June 8. 1916 (39 stat. 218). and the instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the follow ing lands will bs sold January 27, 1920, st 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction, at ths United Bute Isnd office at Portland. Oregon, to th. highest bidder, at not less than the ap praised value as shewn by this notice, sal to be subject to the approval of ths secretary of the interior. The ; rchaee price, with an addi tional um of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commission allowed, must be deposited at tim. of ale, money to be returned if sal. ia not approved, otherwise patent will issus for ths timber, which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citisene of the United States, associations of s-ch citizens and corporation organised under tbe laws of the United States or shy state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, ths timber on any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being in cluded in any offer of a larger unit T. 4. S., R. 3 E.. Sec. 21. SW "4 NWIi. fir 1560 M.. NE SWtt. fir 840 M., NW SW , fir 1600 M., none of the fir timber to be sold for less than $1.73 per M ; sec. 38, SE H ME "4 , fir 730 M.. cedar 23 M.. 8W H NE hi . fir 850 M.. none of the fir or cedar timber to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. T. 2 8.. R 4 E. see. 23. NE14 NW4. fir 16S0 M.. cedar 80 M.. all the fir and cedar timber on said subdivision to be sold for not less than $2000; sec. 29. SW hi NWU, fir 710 M.. all of the fir timber on said subdivision to be sold for not less than $900. T. 2 8.. R. 5 E.. sec 19. NE hi NW. fir 1600 M.. SE hi BWIi, fir 1900 M., cedar 60 M., hemlock, 220 M.; NW Vi 8E"4. fir 1395 M.. cedar, 45 M.. hem lock 150 M., SW SEW. fir 980 M.. cedar 235 M.. hemlock 400 M.. none of ths fir tim ber to be sold for less than $1.25 per M.. and none of the cedar or hemlock timber to be sold for less than fiO cents per M. T. 3 8 , R. 5 E., sec 81. SWK SW 14 , fir 650 M., none of the fir timber to be sold for lest than $1.25 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner General Land Office. ROUGH lumber, 1x12; will sell cheap. Hamilton ave. 181 FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 8t HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT For sale or trade for horses or automobile. Call East 72 or 430 Hawthorne ave., ask tor Billy or Jess. WANTED REAL ESTATE SI WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME? We bare buyers waiting for nearly every kind of a home ; sell now while the demand is tremendous; hundreds will sell in the spring. We dvertie extensively and can sell your home in short order. Call M. 1686 and our expert real estate appraiser will call and explain the system that ia so successful. BIHRCAREY CO. 219 Railway Exchange. Main 1686. WANTED 10 houses Ross City Park. 5 houses LaurelhursL 8 bouses Inrington. 3 bouses Alameda, 5 bouses Piedmont '. ' 8 houses Hawthorne district 4 houses west aide. Have clients waiting. Set me today. E. U. Padden, Hales Manager MEf ZGER-PARKER- FERQUSON CO. Ground Floor. 802 Oak St Broadway 3644 TIMBER LAND WANTED 8m U tract of Umber, near a road and not over 40 miles from Portland; will consider rough land if th timber is good; must be handled for small payment down. Will consider high priced acreage close to Portland, If con venient to rock road, John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. ' OUR business is selling East Side property. List your bungalow, lots and business property with 'US. ( ' J. J. OEDER CO. Real Estate 4 Grand Ave. N., near East Ankeny.. Phone East 61. IMPROVElk ACREAGE WANTED W havs several people, wanting small place near towns or city ; with payroll.. Mswt have building and small payment down. Also buyers for cheap places Rear Portland. . . J . . JOHN FERGUSON - . i ' Qtthattt bkic " " REAL ESTATE WASTED REAL ESTATE IT AM aaovinc to Portland from Canada and d sir. a snedern 6-room bungalow tn Irrwcioa or LaureUmnt. preferably the latter, up to $6500; can make substantial down payment; will make immediate decision; no acenta. S "50. Jos mat . ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMENTS ASP HOTELS FOB SALE tt FOR BAL Lease and option on furniture of 50 room apt noose clearing $300 per month. A-840. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 9 "GROCERY STORE $2500 buys one of the neatest grocery stares In Portland. Just far enough out to control a tint clam trade. Rent only eoO per month. In cluding good living rooms. WE8T BIDE GROCERY In the dose-in apartment house distriot Nloe, elean stock and the beat of fixture : government report on business, will invoice between $2500 and $3000. LARGE STORE $40,000 stock of hardware, stoves, furniture, bedding and earpeta. linoleum: will sell at la voice or lump it Am asking nothing for a first Class bualnea which books will show. RESTAURANT I can show one of the beat buys in the city for $2500. some terms if necessary. $800 RESTAURANT Connected with one of the best hotels is the city. Call and see it. CONFECTIONERY STORE $1750 buys a business in on of the best little towns tributary to Portland. Some terms. BAKERY I hsve a splendid business: the only one of its kind in a very thr'Jty town about 30 miles from Portland; $1200Twlll handle. F. RJfcRDON. RITTER. ISOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. BUSINESS SERVICE We have 15 buyers for apartment houses priced at $1000 to $10,000. List your prop erty with us immediately. W can make a quick ale on desirable property. BUSINE8S SERVICE, 817 Henry Bldg. M. 8797. IF TOU have 11000 to invest and are looking for a safe, sure proposition with profits large, demand practically unlimited, no experiment money safe, large interest on ground floor basis, with salary, see Brown at Hotel Oregon, room 432. $12,000 BUYS one-fourth rich silver mining property; no promoters: none but lltimte investors need answer. Cash needed for work on property. References given and demanded. H-6R9, Journal. False Teeth Bought W pay np to $25 per plate. American Brokerage. 205 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds, Spot Cash. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. 50)Q BUSINESS CARDS ROSE CITY PRINTERY Yon must bring thi ad. 120 6th t HALF interest auto repair shop and gasoline tank. $200 cash, $65 90 days. M-438, Journal. PARTNER wanted in garage to buy hi interest: experience not necessary if willing to learn. Call Broadway 1378 for information. HAVE one of the best garage sites on tne pen insula: will build and lease or sell. CoL 1041 GROCERY stock and fixtures for sale, good loca ' tion. Woodlawn 1581. 600 BUSINESS CARDS $1.25 Ryder PU Co.. Msln 5586. 191 H 8d st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED S EXPERIENCED real estate man back from the east wants a reliable man with some money to Join him in the real estate business. T-466, Journal. MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 7 CTTT LOANS. NO COMMISSION On improved property, cr for tmprovemtnt purposes. The best and easiest method of payinar a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $ 1 5. 1 7 per month for 96 months pays a loan ef $1000 and interest Loans of other amounts ia same propor tion. Repayment Privileges EQUITABLE SAVINGS sV LOAN ASSN. 24 2 Stark st. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS Loans for any amount at 5 H per cent for S to 10 years, payable in monthly Installments; any part or all of the loan payable at any time. We loan money tn all towns of tbe Northwest Call or writ. 1333 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 8718. Evenings, Woodlawn 2481. . LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, 1st and 2d mortcage. contract, livestock, notes, etc. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and city property, favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD.. 606 PUtt Bldg Main 5871. BEE US TODAY Ws loan money on real es tate: 6 and 7 per cent long time, abort rime; monthly payments; pay a you can; sum to suit 725 Gasco bldg-. 5th and Alder. CKLLARS-MURTON CO. MONEY TO LOAN On .real estate security at going rates of Inter est Otto V Harkson Realty Co., 418 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN In amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL, Hooms10and 11 Mulkey bldg BUILDING loans en city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. $300 $400 $500 $600 $750" and up. lowest rates; quick sction. Gorden Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1870. 8EEOREGO INV. V MORTGAGE CO.. 227 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. $T6o67 "$156o7$200d and up; no commission. F. H. DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS up to $6000. 6 and 7 per cent Fred 8. Williams, 606 Panama bldg. MORTCAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per centToul Salomon A Co., 408 Selling bldg. LOANS WANTED $ CAN plsce several first mortgage loans of $5000 and up on real estate within 90 mile of Portlnd. Security five time mount of loan desired. Call at .room 1030 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $1600 wanted for private party on farm land. 518 Chamber of Commerce. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 282 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Btark. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES DO YOUNEED MONEY? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS. OK AN X THING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLk LkisT IN YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THE1K NOTKS WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR "PAY MENTS TO OTHEK LOAN COMPANIES OB ON FURNITURE OK AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WK WILL PAI THEM CP. ADVANCE OU MOHB MO.N, IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHL MlkWiTS TO BUil YOUR CON VKN lENCkS. LEGAL KATES WO DELAI BUSINESS STKltrrLT CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806-807 DEKTJM BLDO.. 3D AND WA8R. POHTLANO REMEDIAL LOAN ASSTs. phon Broadway 910. 894 SUrk st, near 10th. Loans en diamonds, watches, Vlctrola. pianos, kodaks, shotaruns, furniture, musical instrument and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PWrPI-E OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER City and county warrants cashed at face value. CARRIE MTEKS-HEKMAN Manager. SALARY LOANS CHATTELS WK LOAN MONEY en short notice to salaried or worklngmes) on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments Each transaction strictly confidentisL . NO MORTGAGE NO IVDOBSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We slo loan on household furniture, ptaaea, etc, without removal- , CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO t LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDO. sTF-i UaktTlcV imna money cm tionasfcold aaode, i legal num. Tabor: S$0C TO LOANCHATTELS, SALARIES t ARE YOU IN DEBT? LOANS TO WAGE-EARNERS ON THEIR CHARACTER AND EARNING CAPACITY, $10 TO $500 AT 8 PER CENT PEH- ANNUM; WEEKLT OR MONTHLY PATMENTH. THE INDCRTRIAL LOAN A INVESTMENT CO. 267 Vs Oak Bt. Iewis Bldg,. MONEY to loan on diamonds jewelry; 1J rate; all articles held a year; establish d atnc 1888. Dan Marx? 83 Washington at FINANCIAL (1 TWXnKtNin3BERTfBOD 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All due coupon interest included.) J. H. & EATING, 617 BOAKU Or" 1MAOJI WE BUY 1st and 2d mortgages and sellers contract. F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Cham ber of Commerce. CASH paid for mortgsse and seller' contracts on real estate in Washington er Oregon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermen bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 1$ WILL sell on trial one black mare, 1 1 50 1J. ; one team, weight 2400, 8 and 7 year! old, with harness; one team of ponies, $40, well matched snd fat; one big home, IflOo It". Phone 29J. Milwaukte. on block south . 1. depot. Milwukie. Henry Smith. FOR-HALE 10 head of firt class horse and mares from 4 to years old. weight 1300 to 1 R00 lbs. ; some well matched teams; hones ll guaranteed as represented; trial allowed. Sanitary citable, 885 Union ave., cor. of Stevens. L. Glass. 'FOR sale, hire or exchange. 100 head of horses. 4 to 12 year old, weighing from 120U to 1700 lb. Harnesses and wagons of all kinds. Liberty bonds or approved notes accepted. These horses cn be seen right In the collar. Phil Suetter, 285 Front t. Crown Stables. O'E 2300-I.B. tem, well mtched. alo one 2800 lb. team, well matched. One good 100i lb saddle burse, to be sold cheap for cash. Guaranteed as represented. 270 E. 7tb at. be tween Madison and Hawthorne. 16 HEAD of mares and geldings, good worker and gentle. A few blocky team among them weighing 1100 to 1700; wagon and harness. One young Jersey family cow. Cor. E. 0th and Hawthorne. East 6106. FOR'SALE-SprrTsteel gray horses. 5 and yean old. weighing about 2600 lb., gentle and true to work. Price $280. Inquire Marion Fuel Co.. Taylor at dock. 2400 lb. team, harness and farm wagon cheap. Mt. Scott car to Tremont station, 4 blocks south to 65th ave,, 1 west to 71st st. S. W. corner. O. T. STABLES. 17TH AND KEARNEY 25 good young horses and mare, some well mttrhed teams: everything sold with a guar antee as represented. G. P. WILLIAMSON. $225 TAKES pair brown rhunkylrailt big bone mares, weiehing about 2404) lbs.; very gentle to work. Inquire Mr.. Wood, Taylor st dock. SEVERAL HORSES for sale cheap, all work ing every day; replacing with automobiles. 1029 E. Yamhill st BARGAIN mare. 1150 to 1400 lbs . U good workers, harneea Included. Atlas Wood yard, 827 Front. TEAM gray horses, weighing about 2800 lbs.; sound and tnie. Price $220. Call woodyard. foot of Taylor st TOH SALE! lOOO lb. well bred mare. 7 years old: also 3 year old Belgian filly. Bargain. 288 N. 16th. $240 BUY8 team young hay mares, weighing shout 2700 lbs. ; good ranch team ready to work. Woodyard. foot Taylor at DEAD horses taken quickly, cows. Tabor 4208. Cash for diad SMALL riding or driving pony. 0033. $35. Tabor HOR8E and wagon. $1.60 per day; 3 horse end wagon. $3. J. Cohen. 646 Front Main 2206. SEVERAL horses, wagons, buggies and har nesses for sale. 880 Front. FOUR span of mares- and homes, age 4 to 6, weight 1400 lbs. 240 K. 8th st FOR SALE 3000 lb. it a bargain, team of bays, weight Call E. 9th and Flanders. ALL kinds horses, wagons and harness. Front 302 L LITESTtOCK St PUBLIC BALE -La " Center. Wash, 10 miles north of Vancouver take Pacific Highway Friday, January 9, 10:30 a. m. : 15 milch cows, 6 fresh with calve by aide, 5 heavy, springers. 2 long springers, I beef cow, balance milking; part of these cows are high grade Shorthorns, 4 coming 2 and 3-year-old springer heifers, some yearlings and calves, 1 grade 1 -year-old (red) Shorthorn bull, tuberculin tested certiflcsts goes with esch head; 2 gelding. 2 and 3-year-olds, sired by King Alkl. dam Queen C. ; 1 yearling colt one saddle pony, 2 doaen bens and pullets, new riding, plow; 8 plows, 10. 12. 14 inch; mowing machine, chop mill, rubber tired top nuggy, a anovei cultivator, saddle and onaie. 1'4 H. P. gasollns engine, set double harness. other machinery and tools too numerous to men tion. Elmer J. Martin, owner; Colonel W. 8. Wood, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE hi mile west of Barberton station. 6 miles northeast of Vancouver, Wash on St Johns road, Thursday, January 8, st 10:80 a. m.. 15 milch cow mixed breed, Holstein-Jersey-Durham, some fresh, others soon: 3-yesr-old Holstein bull; 4 coming 2-year-old springer heifers: 4. yearling heifers; S real calves: 2 work horses: 2 driving horses: reg iatered Poland China boar; 1 registered Poland China cow and 7 pigs. 2 Berkshire brooa sows. 3 pigs: good Mandt wagon, iron wheel wagon. hack, J. D. hay loader, lota of farm machinery and small tools, nearly all of which baa been used only ope and two years and i almost like new. carl Kaurmen. owner, umonea w. o. Wood, auctioneer, Vancouver. Wash. WE have (established a good market for dairy cows at the atockyards at North Portland. If you wish to buy any good dairy cows or liave any to sell, aee Mr. Brace at the Union Stock yards, -North Portland, Or. 8 THOROfCGHBRED Duroc Jersey sows, will tarrow in Marco : aiso ons registered noar, aams breid. Clackamas. Or., R. F. D. 1, Box . - a A lift .... . A 1UI. , , U 1.11 ...! FOR SALE 5 Togxenburg and 8a an en milch goats, some coming fresh soon. ObO Balslgn st, 16th or 8 car. A-l FAMILY cow; must tell at once, leaving city. Tabor 6628. FOR SALE Large Jersey cow. 802 Pittsburg st Phone Columbia 9. FOR SALE Fresh young cow. Go to E. 60th and Fremont 3 blocks north. L. IJawson. YOUNG Durham cow, fresh toon, heavy milker. 142 E. 81t st N. Montavtlla car. POULTRY AND RABBITS l jKTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION Offer you tbe best obtain able tn poultry, eggs, ehleks and grown stock. Correspondence cheer fully answered. 8 2d t. 78d to 74th ave. tt-JC. Lents station, Portland. Or. CHOICE S. C. R. L Red cockerel for sale. Owen strain, $5 and up. Come and see. No. Sunday sals. 1318 Burracs st Phone Wdln. 4986. MT. SCOTT KOULTKY YARDS Lertioms. B. Rocks. R I. Ileds: cockerel. $2.80 np. Write or phone for prices on hem snd pullet. Tbor n5. BUS. H4th st. H. JC. WE PAY CASH FOR POULTRY" Pet. Puppies, of aD kinds Cash Produce Co., 800 E. Morrison. East 6123 FOR SALE Choice young Leghorn hen and pullets. J. A. Dennett, 257 Russell st Phone about 6 p. m., Esst 1081 FOR SALE Six laying Rhode Island and Whit. Leghorn crossed pulleta. $1.60 each. 9005 71t ave.. 8. 15. WHITE LEGHORN pullets and young hen. Ancona and Buff Leghorn ben. Tabor 6893. 6848 84th St. H. E. JUST 12 White "Wyandotte pullet left, will sell tbe last 12 at $2 each. 112 E. 91st st N. Tabor 4286. WANTED, " three golden Campine pullets, I rooster. 800 E. Morrison. East 6122. CHICKENS for sale. $1.50, White Leghorn and R. Red. 771 Mississippi ave. Joe David. FOR SALE- Partridge Wyandotte cockerela. 1744 Fiske st. University Psrk. DRESSED hens snd springers delivered. Tabor 6893. MASTER incubator, 432 egg sise, $25. Kirk, St Paul, Or. in. DOGS, BIRDS; PETS, ETC 4t CHOICE singers and trained rollers from Import ed stock, Canary Bird Shop. Open Sunday and evenings. Phon 822-17. 1 161 E. 28th t K. WASTED To communicate with owner ef 1st class registered male Irish setter doc for tn- ice. J. F. Wesely. Sdo, Or. A FINE Llewellyn setter cheap. Pbona Main 4989. ACTQMOBILES ANT ACCESSORIES 44 MAXWELL touring, 918. to "ood mechanical condition;, $876, with term. 80 Grand eve. N.. near Bnmstde. pZlGE toarina, wire wheels, extra tire, newly painted; a real bargain at $197$, with terms to Grand ave. north near Bnrmide. DODGE sedan, 1918, A-l condition ; used pri- vately: will tell at $1780 and aivs Urma. 10 Grand ave. north near Burnittde. WE put steal teeth in your old flywheel. TC 9li B. Black, 684 Alder. Bdwy. 2681. TllTllCICK. 4-eyl., 6-pes.. guarsDteed. ad Couch st fwO Stwdebaker cars, ons 191$, $400, and one 8300. - East 2271. Epler. FOR SALE Ford sedan, 191$; ; bargain. Phone Mala 3t L H03EY AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES BIG A1VANCE , IN OAR PRICES NEW CARS ARE ON THE JUMP -Good Used Car Are In Demand and Prices Will Go Up. YOU WILL NAVE MONEY By Coming to Onr Nhowroora NOW WE HAVE REAL BUYS RUCKS COLES DODGES HUDSON 111 PMOBH.E HATNES MAXWELLS OAK LANDS OVERLANHS STUDEBAKERS FORDS ROADSTERS, I. ATE MODELS BUK'RS Light sir roadster, has cords and other eitras; has been ref mistier): looks and act like new, at low price, with 8.M down. bal. rvr CHEVROLET 18 This late model I the reliable Chevrolet, 1 wy tskrs you there snd brings you berk. Low price of $485. with $160 down. bal. easy: car la like new. IN Dodge. We have another one of these hard to get ones and thia is a real on; has firs nsriy new tire nj other extras. Low price. vo.iv. witn j-m nnwn. baianr. ay. Ofl.f.llNltll. S'Jftll $100 down. bal. easv. will let von rirlva this one home; hig value for the money. HfclP FRONT USED CAR CO., 505 Alder St GARAGES READY-CUT AND PORTABLE Houses M1LLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO 1601 UNION AVE. WDLN. 241$. USED AUTOMOBILES Olds 8, 7 -pass., new paint. 6 A-l tires. quality and class, $1000. Ford sedsn, elec. starter, etr.. 60. Ford touring, mech. starter, $400. Overland 6. 5-pasa., $7711. Overland 4, good tires, $300. Ruick 4, new tires, $800. faxon 6. special top, $000. Studebaker 4. 6 tires. $650. Chalmers 6, a fine car, $700. Kaxon 6, 5-pass., $750. We sell on easy payments. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 5 8 N. 2d at. Main 780. WHEN YOU WRECK 'EM AND BKNU 'EM. SEE ft. O. GERBBR "THE RADIATOR MAN" builds bodies, repairs ra diator, bodies, fenders and all auto sheet metal parts. NEW LOCATION 11TH AND DAVI) OPP THE ARMORY. BROADWAY 1878 DODGE 5-pss., 1017 $ 750 Buick Six, 1917 860 Old Eight, 1918 11A0 Ren roadster, 1018 fltlO Overland 86 4, 4-cyl 650 Nash Hit, 1019 1150 Chesterfield Six 7 50 421 BURN8IDE ST. , Ask for Jane. M. B. FISCH Radiators, fender, bodies, hoods, tank repaired and lamodeled. Auto sheet metal work spe cialty. 605 Bumslde. Broadway 2209 19119 Chalmers Hot Spot TOURING CAR. A-l CONDITION. 5 TinEH, RUN VERY LITTLE: A BARGAIN AT $1350. WILL TAKE $500 DOWN. CALL TABOR 680 OR MAR. 6342. Broken Cylinders Dd you forget to drain your cylinder dar ing this cold weather f If so, 1st us quote you on welding them. OREGON WELDINO A MACHINE WORKS. 805 Gllwn. cor. 5th. Pbona Bdwy. 404. 90 OVERLAND touring, like new; has been tr finished and it run as aulet as any on w ever heard of. Low pries of $6HS. with $250 down, balance easy; take bonds. $05 Alder st THE RED FRONT OAKLAND . SIX touring, 1st model, and is in fine ship. We have.low price of $675 and $250 down, bal ance easy, let you drive It borne. Red Front Used Cr Co.. 606 Alder at MAXWELL tooting at th low price of-IT59 with $160 down, balance easy; car has nov elty job paint, dark maroon. Ivory wheels, black fenders and looks better than a new on. See I -a veil' t 505 Alderat; - SISck USED CARS "MM NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. AT A BARGAIN if token t once, n Elgin port model, 1919; one Ford, 1919; both have been run about 8 months, In first class shape. At Auto Rent Carat, 10th and Salmon sts. Msln 3287. Mr. French ONE Cole. 1919 model, run 6000 mile. 8 cord tires. 1 spot lUrht. 1 bumper, 1 wheel lock, 1 mirror, 1 set chains, 1 lap cover; only $220U. Hell by owner. Jo Lombard!, How hind hotel, loom 411. FORD TOUBlNG CAR 4 good tires, daihlight cocoa mat speed ometer, self-starter, windshield cleaner, shock absorbers snd other extra. . $450. Call Tsbor 1 020 after 6 p. m. - EaTE modal Ford touring car; shock absorbers snd other equipment; like new; $423 and term. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. L4th AUUr. B. 240. 17 HUP TOURING This Is th big Hup and is ready for trip around the world. Low Price, $960, with $800 down, balance easy. 605 Aider et. f919 CHALMERS Hot Spot 5 pass, touring car a nice. Ilglit six and ia fine condition, and 5 good tires; will sacrifice rod give tenm. Phone East 1 12. PA K;fc touring, new paint, wire wheels, some eitras; owner's sacrifice, $1276 with term. 80 Grand ave. north near Burntid. OVERLAND touring. 1917, good mechanical condition, good tires. A bargain, $600, terms, 80 Grand ave. north near Bumslde. FORD sedan. 1019; tast'lik new: a real bar- t gain at $776, with term. $0 Grand ave. M.. near Burnsid. ' : WHAT kind' of a car do you wantf We hsve it and the pries is right 411 DAVIS ST. OPE EVENINGS 1818 LIBERTY 6 pass, touring, a light sis, snd in fins condition, st s bargain; will glv terms. Phone MrhU 1 960, Apt 42, MAXWELL tearing, 1920, eoly run a few dsys; owner must selL A bargain, $1000; term. 80 Orand ave. north near Bumslde. CHEVROLET touring, ftHTllne conditioi. good the, bargain at 1675, with term. SO Grand ave. north near Bamsid. 1 9 lTTFO Rb cliaasis, 4 spedtranilalnn, over hauled, smw tires, $825. 124 K. 6th. near Morrison. . ' r BRISCOE touriag, A-l condition, awn tire: owner most sell. $62$, with tons a. 80 Grand av. north near Barnside. Isli'ANb iir ford roadsters, snap for oaf 126 E. 6th, near Morrison. flbO-DOWN, balance assail payments, will boy a Hupp, touring csr. Msrsneil 1428. . (JisOUNf .2 CENTS A GALLON, Oft AJJt UREA8ES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 1ST. : DODGE roadster, fins shape, $700. 126 th, near Morriaow. (OoMilHeS4t ) FrnkMrtrn) Pssyt) , 5T3 AND WASHIN6TOB SPECIAL Lui.4:: ! v O