t . -l 1 :THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAJ. . PORT LAND, TUESDAY; JANUARY 6, 1920. FURNISHED ROOM U-rtlT ATE , FAMILY !- W NICELY FVRNISrTETKheated .tone mm; Ho fireplac: aoitabl for two geotUmsn- : 738 , Tlort Mm 2964, " i FURNISHED room for gntlma I" P f.mily. vacant Monday. Eat 4823. 1 369 M Wllltam ' !" ' f (5a RljMT,' S iSirnlshed room in flat for light ' kaOMkwptB( adulto only. 679 K. 3Xt at . Brooklyn 1 ear to door. BOOMS AKP BOABD-FBIYATB WANTED Man and wife or J ladle to borS . ta private borne; food horn evkin Lu ill Allan. 94 E. 48th.- Tabor 0663. Jftlife room, best finished, with or without ' hoard. urana av.. o. WrLfriira V P children good ear. iuu Michigan v. tinsrssnipi car " BOOMS A1TP BOARD It THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 10th. for businas tin, and students. Marshall J281. WAWTED BOOMS AND BOARD 8 RjfinnTon lo'bird troall boy, near, uavu ' school. . Monday to. Friday. UJt frctungt. 6 to 8. Broadway 4848. anAin and room wanted lor two Franklin Bign chord rtrls. W-B6&A Jon mal. ' BOrSEKEKPlXO BOOMS FURNISHED AND CNFURN1SBED ' SLEEPING room with us of kitchen for break fast Ckw in. Mar-hall 3780. " 1 ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS vrntukirrn AND UNFURNISHED . PRIVATE FAM1LT 73 825 fllRfcK" furnished h. Y rooms, including bath. light boat and fuel. No children. 1 block W-6 ear. Phon Sell. JWfAS43 Hig at l75THREK'7urnUhed h.'k. roomr tt cottage. separate ntranc. weat aide. Tabor 114. 824TWO lama furniahed H. K. rooma. 542 - K. 27th. Richmond car to 27th. 1 blk. aouth. FOB BENT HOUSES UNVUBNI8HEH It ' BUSINESS 'SERVICE 'Wo hara added a rental department to our bust neat and are in position to fire yon heat of ,,rvlr. lx-t us csre for your property. We : will ahow yon good result. - BUSINESS SERVICE 317 Hnry Bid. Mam 8967. t - FOR RENT iJttet what yon hate been looking for. ' r8-room bontalow. 2 V4 lot, -nth fruit and final era. good ear service, cloae to stores, schooL J. B. H0LBR00J r.-,- ' 314-215 Panama bldg. 'when tou move, uhe north- ' ' WESTERN ELECTRIC LltiHT 8ERVICR 10th and Waehington. Broadway 680. S ROOM home clow in, $10 a month 8-11 263. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE , FITRNITPRE of 7 roomed house for aale. House V lor tent. .481 East Ankrny. FURNISHED HOUSES 88 . WANT Jo rentTToiiMi in Hawthorne or filch mond dtatrirt. Will leaM if desirable. Hell wood 273 or J-80. Journal. FtTlNIHHED 1ku for-rent, modern 4 . room houae, 820 pet mo. Phone Sellwood 232.. . IfrOlifurniahad dunleV how. 83000; 783 Willlanm are. Wnodlawn 8360. ; W ILI ahare my home with employed couple. ' Light, gaa and heat 360. T-467. Journal. FLATS TO BENT. UNFURNISHED 13 - TJNFITSnIHHED 5 room flat, furnace, gju, electricity, waah tray in kitchen, walking distance. Mantrall l-'hit. : FURNISHED FLATS 33 fcl.KAN 8 and 4 room funilnhed (lata; garage. 854 H let 8. Main 4 HUH V AFABTMENTS FOR BEN T 43 MCKLV funUahed S-room apt with batli. laundry and aleeping porch, electric washer and telephone, 830 per month; reference. 428 71t 8. E. Tahor 61. WANTED TO. BENT WANTED By adulta, a 4 or '5 room, modeirnT furniahed cottage, by January 27. E-144, Journal. BEAU ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 81 4-ROOM home, newly papered, concrete foun dation, good basement, large front and hack porohea, 1 block to oar. ItOxHO lot; price only 31200, .8680 caah, balance 315 a month and Id Ureal JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 683. 688. 884. N. VI. Rank bldg. Main 3787. ... ANOTHER NEW BUNGALOW Remember that Uat bungalow you could not buy because it waa sold before you made up your' mind f Don't be disappointed again. I have , one that is better and that you will be proud to call your home. Just completed by a Lew. Angeles architect and will be sold at cost, A beauty and must be seen to be appreciated. See Mr. McCarty. 370. Stark at., or phone Main 1T00. tiunday of. evenings Tabor 6057. 6 - ROOM modern house, sleeping porch and, bath. 66 2-8i0 comer lot; 82.680; SSOO Oash, terms. 8 room modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, ftrapleoe; 82800: 810O0 rash. (20 per month. room modeip houae. hardwood floors, fire plaoe; lot 60x100; street improvements in and . paid; 82680, terms See Adams. INTERSTATE LAND CO. (Formerly Scandinavian-American KeaKy Co.) 246 Stark St.. Main K42H, FOR 8AI.E Well built 6-room modem bunas Jaw, Dutch kitchen, full basement, attic, double const roc ted. cedar tiding, 5 apple trers. Bgrtlet pear, 1 Royal .Ann cherry, shrubbery, earllne In front of bouse; 82800, 8800 cash, v balance tennis; or will consider dairy cows. . team and farm machinery as part payment. Thia place to. at 2090 K. YamhllL Mt. Tabor car to - 84th. Tabor 2858 between 8 and 6. except Sundays, 83669 buys 7 room home. 1 bed room and bath . down. I bed rooms up. furnace, full basement. Bear ear, terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 304 By. Exeh. bldg. Bain 888, Main 1084. I TO GET YOUR 1 -Westover Terrace . , J HOMESITES Ton May Phone, Call or Writ HAROLD JUNGCK :..i Secretary International Realty Associates ' : Own era. "- 1807 YEON BLDG. - rnemee Office. Main 680; Res,. East 1999 " lRtCJt5T0V BttMOALOW : ' i4 . 85100 V Folk, her truly Is a bargain: 6 rooms and teeeing porch and garage. See this to appreciate i o . Tlu- ' Sonaa nd evenings phone Tahor ' 8300, . . ... A. G. TEEPE CO.. Stark at, near (d. Main 3092. -Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. ... 826505 ROOM BUNGaTow: Attractive brown 5 room bungalow, reception un, paneled dining room, whit enameled Dutch kitchen,, laundry room, waah trays, fine bath tUU basemerrt. BOxlUO lot some fruit. lc. uwii and hade trees; 8 blocks Mt. Scott car. near AnnabeU This is a homey little bungalow and the prioa. is right, only (650 dowtf. See Mr. Maok. Ceo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Teon hhfo i ner si a real pscaun: nuked for 3 families; 4 n .?!." -"i1""1 l" 8 room house fur. rooms upstairs. 4 down: koVloo feJ ET A. Ea fnd 270 H Stark st or phone Main 1700; Sun iJ ieviT sL? I1,' hnd' to ' 'chol Q- or lngs. Esst 2086. f , v-sw.a-a- avMsw-jw i.tsai a Ynik. i"j4"a H Us? fl Estate Co.. 607 Journal bldg. Main 2858. 7, " ' ' ' $3000 8UNNYSIDE. " Neal 8 rootn bungalow, large rooms, 2 fin bed. room, good bath, handy kitchen, full base ment, Landry trays, lot (4x100. Urge garden spa; ; located 34th at ;, pavement paid; 3 block 111,, Tabor-Sunnysido oars; owner leaving city, most have 31600 cash. Some bargain. See Mr. Maok. Co. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon . bM - Small Payment Down , Houae of all sis and kinds, rang in prio from 3600 and up. . Tabor 1486. or call at 8983 56th av. k ' near Lt school. '. IBYINGTON 6 and 6 room, bungalows. I new and modem in every detail, -with Gaaoo fur naetw and garage; term and prices are right For sal. by owner and builder. 579 E. 26th at N.. bat. Knott and Stanton, from 12 to 4 p. m. thi rst ' . . . - SUNNTSLDfc b1rGAU4" ! v for sale by owner. 6 room houae m o.i. st. between t carlines, on paved at For par- tiruiare call xsoor iagrj. ... .;. j. MODERN 4 roos furnished bungalow. E. Sflth; 82600, -Owner. East 8225. j , A.... 1 ' .'"i. ii ill i..u j- a. man ana oungalow at Bryaat ata- tion.L' Inquir for Shapier't plaea. - I V BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES "il ' ' '' ' ... . frank L. Acquire BOMB BARGAINS "THE MoGCIRE 8T8TEM" elf per - sonaily inspecting., arpraising and pfao tographiDg each bona makea horn baying easy. We will put yon Imme diately in touch with the bouse you are looking for. 12 aotoa at your service. 600 photograph to select from. 85880 IRTINOTON HOME 7 room modern home, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, tire place, hardwood floors, built-in con venience. REAL BARGAIN. Wa have other bosmaa in thia .district up to 340.000. ; 85500 WEST SIDE BARGAIN Very attractive 7 room story and ! a half bungalow type home, located I on Vaughn at-, on Willamette Heights. Furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, large side porch with wonderful unobstructed new, 4 light airy bedrooms, paved street paid. Terms. 1 Mock to car. $5000 ARTISTIC ROSElCITT .BUNGALOW Here is one of the very attractive bungalows of Rose City Park. 6 looms, den and breakfast room, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in conveniences, large front porch full width of house, massive stone columns, low rambling bungalow Hues. Can arrange terms. $4500 PIEDMONT HOME 9 rooms and deir, concrete stucco home. Unusual bargain. $3800 NEW HAWTHOn.NE BUNGALOW Her is a dream of a bungalow. 5 rooms, very artistic typical bungalow lines, art brick fireplace, attractive light fixtures, tapestry wall paper, hardwood floors built-in conveniences. Vacant. We have over 80 homes for sale in the Milnnyule, Hawthorne and Mt Tabor district. Photograph of each in the office. 83250 WEST SIDE BARGAIN $500 DOWN; 325 PER MONTH 6 room siibhtantjal home; full cement basement, furnace and fire place, white enamel plumbing, elec trtn lights and gas. Lower Willamette Heights. $.1000; HAWTnORNE BUNGALOW 5 room very modern attractive bun galow tyre home, many conveniences, vary practical floor plan. Term. 33350 ; WALKING DISTANCE On K. 1 5th st., iiise to Morrison st., is an unusually xnteitantiaf' 6 room nvdern home. Oment basement, fnr nace and laundry trays, whit enamel Plumbing, electric light and gas. 2 blocks to grade and high school. House could not be reproduced for: S3,'00. Termi.. A REAL BARGAIN $2760 ARTISTIC BUNGALOW Very aUrartire A room homelike Iniiigali.w. iinKer brick fireplace, pan eled dining room, built-in conveniences, psved street. Terms. $2500; HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW On E. 37th st, on a corner lot. is a 5 room bungslow cottage. White enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, built-in convniences, hard sur tace street paid. Easy terms. $200: NdRTH OF PIEDMONT Full corner lot. liens paid, new, very attractive typical bungalow. White enamel plumbing, garage. 82200; SOUTH OF LAURELHURST On E. Morrison st.. near 81st. is a 7 room home. Sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, 1 block to Montavilla and Sunny side cars. Kasy term. 82050: SEM.WOOD HOME On Ridwll ave., close to car. is a 8-room home; white enamel plumb ing, electric lights and gas. abundance of fruit, herrius and grapes. Easy terms. We have over 20 other horns, in this district $800: PENINSULA COTTAGE Comfortable cottage with white enamel bath, patent toilet, electric lights and gas. (250 down and (15 per month. Liens paid. In onr show rooms are over 600 photographs of personally inspected and appraised homes in all parts of the city. 12 automobiles at your serv ice. This office sold over 850 homes in 1019. Largest home seller on the Pacific coast. We handle homes ex clusively. Inspect these photograph before you buy. Some wonderful bar gains. . SEE FRANK L. McGUfrRE TO HUT YOUR HOME. Successor to H. I). MrCulre Co., Established In 1880, "40 Years of Service.'!1 Ahingloh bldg. MsinF 1068. Ofice Open Evenings, Holidays and Sundays ROSE CITT PARK 5-room bungalow, built-in bookcases, buffet, paneled living and dining room, full cement nasement, large lot, faces east: price 84000; terms if desired. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO 632. 633. 634, N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. $500 CASH, balance $20 per month, buys a beautiful 4 room house on Alberta street, street improvements paid. Certainly a good buy at (2250. See Mr. Hens. INTERSTATE INVEST MENT CO. 1 Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. ALAMEDA. PARK NIFTY BUNGALOW (5250 Folks; get busy see this. One of those real nifty bungalows with exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement I etc. Full lot assts. paid. Very reasonable terms. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark at., near 3d. Mam 3092. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. 6-ROOM bunralow, plumbing, fireplace, gaa. electric lights. Urge porch, reception hill; rooms light and conveniently arranged; near Peninsula park. Price onlv 12700 tftnn balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633. 634, N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 82450 8600 CASH ; 8 rooms snd reception hall, buffet honk-easa. cabinet kitchen, cement basexnent, white enamel piummng, locate near 3th and Uncom sts. See this today. Phone 216-4 8. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Maui 6752. 1A 4 f ' ti V O K . - - -'be.rlnT.rOT" WeStlSto "$0 mlie. from t-ity between Base Line and Columbia hl.h. way. (6000. 81000 cash, balance ease terms. See Jones. Interstate Land Co.. formerly Scan, dinarlan-American Realty Co., 24 S Stark at Main 64j.. w$5750 LAURELHURST 35750 BIG BARGAIN 6 room bungalow, close to car; view lot Don't fail to see this beautiful place. Owner in the tn wirea to sell at once. See Mr.: Delahunty. KtliD. 7 mnm mMdern house, nearly new. nartlv tnrnlsherf anH nr. age : house must be told, ownsr is going east. rnc azouu ana win consider any reasonable offer. House No. 1814 Corbet t.n. John Singer, 420 Cham. of . Com. bldg. Main (3250 HAWTHORNE bungalow. 5 rooms and . ! f1 nent basement, laundry tray, lot 41x100. all improvement in and paid. Com see the bungalow and fall in love with in. Terms. 387 E. 61st 'st S. Hawthorn or Mount Scott car. Home H acre and larger, are on easy! terma. Tabor 1485. Call at 8932 66th av. 8. E-, ua c-uvgf ysaJttlU FOR SALE 61156. 8 room nous, furnished iov taxivv. in -year-old fruit ireee. street Improvements paid; terma (50 down, 816 per box 210. Salam, Or. T .... . . t' . O HRDUB L. . SMSW1 M W t H 6 ROOM wiodern bunsslow. 2 rnrt rnla AA; o.T. . ,. lu owner, Z. TcorT4 htel- m . FOR SALE Modern 5 room bungalow. block 724 & 68th iCTIOzT' rT1- Owner. East t2Ztm - ' REAL ESTATE ; FOB SALE HOUSES 61 Lug en e, o-rm. piaured, $8w walking djatancw. i. ' tff&efti $6x cava, nest bungalow. large PlOdX r,,,; Imtah kit. mod., neat, Anabel. sPt'U'sJ'ata.; 3 ,blka. Inrington car. ' QDAlTftirb Artistic bunt. 4 large ran., bath. JfcaVWUJfirtpi built-in. 60x100, fruit, eonr. Jeff, high acnooi.. blk. car. 10V4 Maryland, 3470 cash. S28J5I0 TITm" bnTtogtc" bungsjow. STOls"l9l Alberta, -rm.. paved st, 80x100. PssV?s block ear.. 8450 cash. ClfnirnnTl WavartaUh! firepL. buflt-in.. paved sitysyvfrt. .,tc; blk. ear; terms. CITsSfTa 8-Vm., ftrapL. garage, etc, Haw J3X5J'tji0fB, diet; terms. CIO f?f Nifty bung.. Hawthorn. 8-rm.. flrs- atJti'pLi hd. wd. fl.. boUt-tna, fur., terma. ft lAjnjHt -5-rm. bung.. Division st, nr. Ladd's yjUHj'v 4i : firepL. furn.. hd. wd. fl.. room for garage; terms. 6-rra., near 26th and Taylor.: fire pL, fun., boilt-ina., gsr(e, 81000 cash. 1 5 lOTB 8-rm., 8 bedrma., firep., modern. 4Jyi 150x100; fruit: (100 cash. 022 Long are., near 30th and Holgate. K(fMn T--. 106x100; large btrn, adj. aPAOlinj' Laurelhurst, 8400 cash. Snap. eS'Trftnitfu 8'- attic., paved ft, fruit : bung.. f B W blk Belmont car: comnlat fnrnitura: $1500 cash. s5(PnTl 6-rm., f. e., bast, en. plumbing". WSWUrt.. -,. 50x100: frultt blk. to 2 earlinea. Paving and sewer pd., west; nap; worth 84500; terma. 874 Barter st Mam 4803. Q. C. GOLOENBERG Ablngton bd. "55 Trs. in Portland.". MT. SCOTT HOMES 82500 6 room, comfortable home In e-ood condition; 8300 down. 82150 Almost new, 5 room, classy little bungalow, low. rambling linea. verv neat. 1500 down. Tan other good ML Scott buvs. It ns show them to you. Call Main 1686 and a demonstra tor will come and get you, ahow you the homes witnoux oougation. BIHR-CAREY CO. 218 Railway Exchange. Main 1686. H ACRE NIFTT MODERN BUNGALOW 84250 folk;. If you want a real, niftv bunesJow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Imtch kitchen. oreaxrast nook, cement basement etc., with Vfc acre of productive soil, in a superior location. just beyond the city limits, we do want you to see irus. All ready lor occupancy. Very easy terms. A. G. TEEPE CO. 64 Stark st, near 3d.. Main 8092. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday). Sunday Phone Tabor 8255. $35(D0HALF CASH HAWTHORNE MODERN S rooms and sleeping porch, bath, gas, elec tricity, fireplace, buffet, furnace heat, full ce ment basement, on paved street, 2 blocks to car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633. 634. N. W. Bank bleg. Main. 87 87. $300 CASH and $80 per month buys a S mom plastered house. 2 blocks Mount Tabor car: fruit garden, etc.; built-ins good location, with alley. Price for quick sale $1500. 8ee Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVEST MENTCO. Msin 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $5500 buys a wonderful bungalow, strictly modem, of 6 rooms and bath, all on one floor: garage, corner; improvements paid; in best part oi nose city fart. A pleasure to show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 588. Main 1094 $200 DOWN. 325 per month, including inter est, buys 7 room house, 2 H blocks from nose uuy car; corner lot good plumbing, lights, gas. etc See Mr. Boss, INTERSTATE INVEST MENT CO. . Main 1748. 410 Henry Bldg. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW JUST VACATED Coxy 6 room bungalow, -large living room beautiful dining room with buffet running full length of room; 2 large bedrooms and music or library room: finished in white enamel and mahogany trim throughout; modern handy kitchen with all built-in conveniences. Fine large basement with built-in fruit cupboard and coal bin. See Mr. McCarty, 270 Stark st or phone Main 1700. Sunday or evenings Ta bor 5007. SERVICE COUREST RESULTS Do you wish to buy or tellf If you wish to buy call us. If you wish to sell call us. We will do the Test Our auto b waiting to snow you your new home. C. E. Scott Realty Co. . Main 3353 718-519 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 82250 100x100 LOT. all kinds of bearing fruit trees and berries, best of soil for gar den, 5-room cottsge. gas and electricity, sewer, street graded and sidewalks in and paid for Mt Tabor ear; $750 cash, balance $25 par month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 6S2, 633. 634. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787 THREE UNBEATABLE BARGAINS HIGH CLASS DISTRICT VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. 4 and 0 bedrooms in each, also sleeping porches, very sightly location, and close to car, all in first class condition. Is a creditor sale. Fine chance for a party with a little cash to buy then, three placea for speculation. Will give reasonable terma, See Mr. Delahunty at 270 H Stark at, or phone me for further In formation, Maui 1700; evening, East 2086. EQUITY FOR SALE Am leaving city and am compelled to sell (873 equity and part of winter's fuel at a bargain; balance 81450, payments 325 and 7 interest This is no shack, but a neay modern 8 room bun galow with bath and breakfast alcove, finished in ivory white, lot 60x66 with alley. 407 Ash ley at, 1 block east of Union ave. and block north of Ainsworth. Wnodlawn 3066. HAWTHORNE 8-ROOM BUNGALOW 83800 A nice 5-room bungalow with all built-in festures, fireplace, located on full lot Thia bungalow has no hardwood floors, but is a real ooxy home and you will be pleased when yon see T " v' '"If t, I 238 E. Bid at, J blocks north of Haw- thorn. For information call Tabor 8255. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE Six large, light rooms and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen and second floor white enamel, built-ina. fireplace, furnace, two toilets, full ce ment basement, laundry tray: full lot and gar age. Only 860O0; one third down, balance to suit 499 E. 27th North. This is a real home and underpriced. . East 7987. MALLORT AYE. COTTAGE $1700 Good 5-room cottage, bath, elect, nice condi tion, paved st snd liens all paid, on Mallnrv near Mason. Price 31700. 8500 cash and (15 per month. GRUSSI & BENNETT 816 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. 7 ROOM modem house, garage, paved street. An location, modern chicken bouse with 200 thoroughbred White Leghorns, clearing $5 per day; $4000. $2000. balance (20 per month. See Jone Interstate Land Co.. formerly Scandinavian-American Realty Co., 248 Stark. Main 8429. . - GOOD INSIDE INVESTMENT SNAP 100x100 corner. nar East 12th and Ash it., big gang and 8 room house, in good condition. St imp. all paid. Only 34760 and 31300 will handle. Tabor 3984. BEAUTIFUL bungalow. 6 room, reception hall and bathv property 80x128. complete garage 16x82. plenty of berrie and lot of flowers; ternr. Phone D-1139. i "MODERN 7 ROOM BOUSE AND GARAGE In good condition, corner lot. 60x100. Price 84800. Owner. 233 Skldmore treet- 6-UOOM cottage, lot 76x100. fruit treaa, chick en house. 81469; terms. Broadway 1658. J0 Oregon bldg. -..- (2900 BRAND NEW r BUNGALOW 82900. On. of the Beaten 6 room bungalows oa th market. 1070 E. S2d rt. N.. term, COZT i room bungalow, near tba Peninsula 32800, East 366. BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES. 61 Three Excellent Bunga lows in Rose City Park 6i 'te Boys a splendid fl room bungalow on full 50x100 corner lot; hardwood ' floors, furnace, one block north of Bandy blvd.. on 65th st Built just few years and very attractive. Fine garage, many tree and roses and lawn. Price sacrificed to awn quickly ; very easy terma. S465 BuT on Ro Gty' new CtX ifornia buncalowa, on paved street, hardwood floors, art brick fireplace, finished in white enamel throughout; numy built-ina; large 6 ft front piste glass windows; a bungalow of this design at this price will neve oe I found when the spring rush cornea. ' Cy Cdlj Buys a 5 -room new bungalow, on 86th it: hardwood floor, fireplace, nll cement basement built-in book easea and window reats, music room, Dutch kitchen. 81500 to handle. We have 25 Rose City Park bungalows of all descriptions. Call M. 1686 and a demonstrator will ride yon out to inspect them- Free. BIHRvCAREY CO. 218 Railway Exchange. Mam 1666. es for Sale Hera is a real opportunity for you to secure a modern, well built borne on easy terms. Every on of these homes has been personally inspected and appraised. Some wonderful bargains. A photograph of each home, with full data regard ing same, is on dtsplay for your inspection. 12 autos at your service. This system has sold over 850 homes this year and I am sure we can be of service to you in locating lust the noose you are looking for. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME Ablngton Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITT PARK. (4250 Let us show you this real bome. con venient to Rose City car, 6 rooms and bath with additional room for storage and trunks: hard wood floors, turnaee, fireplace, all builtins. full cement basement, street improvements all in and paid; liberal terms; vcant move right in. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 583. Six Room House, Corner Nice, large fl-rnom house, elect, panel din ing room, nice bath, cement basement, 3 nice bedrooms, garage, city liens paid, on E. 84th and Market Price 33500; any reasonable terms. f ff.onTirn js. iQicrVTMimr-r VH-VJJIJU ISA. ILlL-llNlt-, a U 818 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. 1 Hiprp Us jh nnnriv $205111 1 HaCre US 1 JJlgiiril&iy .PAyCm 5 room bungalow in Hawthorne, paved street ; all In ami paid; fireplace, 2 bedrooms. I.nitrh i kitchen, general condition A-l inside and out built-m bookcases, fine combination rtnre in cluded, trees, lawn, roses. (850 down. We have several other good Hawthorne buys. Call Main 1686 and a demonstrator will ride you out to look them over. BIHRCAREY CO. 219 Railway Exchange. Main 1686. FOR SALE LOTS 16 To Get Ymir Westover Terrace Homesites Ton may phone, call or writ -HAROLD JUNGCK. Secretary International Realty Associates Owners, , 1 807 Yeon Building. Phones Office. Maia 680. Res., East 199V). SALE OR TRA'DE ' 50x1 00 lot Rodney ave. and Skldmore st Phone Woodlawn 1402. 15fc NET on (5000 price for equity, 100x100, N. W. corner 34th and YamhilL Tabor 854, forenoons. FOR SALE Lot at sacrifice, on East 20th at Call Main 4485, week days. ACREAGE 57 4 ACRES at Ruby Junction with 2 room cot tage: one acre cleared, balance fir grove. (2150.00; terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Ore gon bldg. 8 ACRES close to Gillis station; very best of soil, one half cleared, balance fir and cedar. A snap for $1200; terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg 2 y, ACRES at Hock wood sUOon. cleared : near Rase Line road. $1650; terms. Broadway 1658. 200 Oregon bldg. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 FOR SALE 6 acres good black soil, all clear. fenced. About 70 walnut and filbert trees. 500 feet from Orchards station, sbout 7 miles from Vancouver. Cheap at (1800. Address C. Ketchum, 146 E. 45tb st, Portland. Or, SUBURBAN HOMES 73 SUBURBAN 6 room California bungalow, cob blestone veranda, French doors to living room, which has beamed ceiling and has a large fire place, dining room has built-in buffet, kitchen lias pantry with all built-in. There is V acre of ground with abundance of shrubbery, roses, etc : also garage and is located one block from pavement on rock street; 4 block to electric, near Evergreen station. Price (2650, with (1150 cash or completely furnished with piano and ex ceptionally nice furniture at $3160 with $1650 RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE FARMS 17 AH IDEAL DAIRY FARM FOR SALE BENCH LAND 120 acres, 3 anile from Woodland. Wash., 40 acres cultivation, rest pasture; family or chard, good 8 -room house worth $3000, barn 40x70, good water, all fenced. 3 miles to grade school. 9 good cow. 1 team. 1 wagon, 1 plow. 1 rake, 1 mower and other implements; good road and good soil; the best, and good neigh bors; want to se II on account of sickness; sacri ficing at $10,000; $3000 cash, bL mortgage at 6. Woodland Realty Office. Woodland. Wash. W. L. STRONG. INSURE YOUR FUTURE 44 acres, 40 tillable, balance pasture, timber, running waur, springs, level chocolate loam, 45 bushels wheat, 87 bushels oat to the acre this year, crop all In; 9 room bouse, fireplace, hot and cold water, sewer, large barn, fruit bouse, carpenter shop, etc Buildings In excellent condi tion, 8 acre orchard, 'Italian prunes, apples, peart, cherries, berries, etc.; daily mail, phone, 23 mile from Portland, H mile to paved road, H mile to thriving little city, schools, churches, college, the very best. Sickness reason for sell ing. C. E. CranfUL 203 H 1st at Main 4203. 15 ACRES, an cleared. 6 a. In 9 -year-old prunes. 1 a. mixed fruit, 1 a. loganberries; 6 room house; 2 barns: good well; in the famed Rosedale district, just aouth of Salem. 36375. $8000 cash. We also have numerous other good proposi tions in the vicinity of Salem, dairies, fruit ranches, etc RALPH HARRIS. CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce. TWO acres with 6 room bungalow and a real one. too. at Beaverton beamed ceiling, built -ins galore. There it a good stable and lota of room outside to stake your cow. Buildings alone woreh (3500. Tou get it all for $3000 at $1000 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce, FOR 8 ALE BY OWNER 6 acres onion and vegetable land in high state of cultivation, all new buildings; with fur niture and implements (or without 1. This is located 7 miles from Vancouver, mile of st car and thriving little town. Paved road to L Portland with exception of 1 mile, which ii also good. Chat. Sage rt. Sifton. Waah. FOR SALE 12 acre chicken and fruit farts, 7 room house, 84 ft chicken bouse and granary; about 60 fruit trees, small fruit, creek, gravity tyttera water from spring to kitchen; edge of good town, on Columbia highway; (3000. term. At bome after 6:30, and Sun days. Seth M. HaB. 641 E 1 5th at 108 ACRE improved farm. 8 root hlu, large barn, new silo, hoc bouse, chiekjsa bouse, fenced and cross fenced, with woven wtr. R. F. D. and telephone, 44 mile to school. 1U mflesai to Jefferson. Family orchard, an Ideal l stock and fruit ranch. Price 88600; Herms. For mora particulars address owner. Geo. Fettkert, Jefferson. Or.. . " 20 ACRESNEW BUILDINGS 8 room new bungalow, house, bam, dairy bam, silo, garage, chicken house, etc, all new; excel lent soil, crop all in. 8 V mile from town, nock road, to be paved; $5000, half caah. C. E. CRANF1LL, 203 1st St v Main 4203. FOR SALE or xchaaasi 160 acre. 18 ta cul tivation. : balance pasture and timber; 100 acre can ' be cultivated when clear. 1 Watered by spring. Good 10 room house, fair barn; telephone and mail, county road. . Good stock ranch. . No incumbrance, 930 per acre, Aitvatd. Bubhaaitjr. Oe. - 1 BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 FULLT EQUIPPED DAIRT RANCH 383 acre, 828 cleared and under high state of euttivatioti, 60 scree of cot-over timber (ex cellent pasture), family orchard, frail, etc., black brown loam soil, s not good 8 room bouse, large barn, 2 silos and many ether buildings. Good spring of water. Thai fans lays fin, and will bear the most rigid ' invest lgstrkn. The Price ta (100 per acre and reauire 825.000 to handle it This farm can be bought fully equipped with all stock, machinery, feed, etc.. at a very low price compared to what rt would cost new today. Is located H mile from R. K. station in Willamette valley, vicinity of Salem. RALPH HARRIS CO. 8 2 7 Chamber of Commerce. 24 ta ACRES Gervais. near SeTem. In good neigh borhood: buildings are not the beat: the land is: and fur man with . It, r lu mnnv this is your chance and party win be in our office Wednesday to give you first hand data on this. race (180 acre, (000 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce. FOB RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT Over 800 acres best dairy farm in Clarke county; two fine houses, hot and cold water in each bouse, outbuildings. 70 to 80 acres cleared. 8 acres prune orchard on place. (1500 per year. See E. H. Wright, sheriffs office, Vancouver. Wash. FOR RENT 88 acres. 40 acres in cultivation. complete aet of buildings. 17 miles S. W. of Portland, cash rent 3375. Also have 1R acres to rent near Oregon City. F B. MADISON. 216 7th st. Oregon City. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUT 88 IMPROVED FARMS WANTED Have 2 cash buyers for improved 30 to 60 acres,; on good road, not over 80 miles from Portland, with or without equipment John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. HAVE Eastern buyers wsnt fsrm. J. ROBBINS, 801 Railway Exchange. Main 71131. TIMBER 28 NOTICE of sale of government timber. Gen eral land office, Washington, D. C December 11. 1919. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 8, 1916 (89 stat. 218). and the Instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 15. 1917. the timber on the follow ing lands will be sold January 27. 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction, at th United States land office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder, st not less thsn the ap praised value as shown by this notice, -sale to be subject to the approval of the secretsry of the Interior. The . rchsse price, with sn sddi tional sum of one-fifth of V per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be depoeited st time of aale. money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber, which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citJxens of the United States, sssocistions of si. :h citizens snd corporations organized under the laws of the United States or sny state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the timber on any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being in "? " " v "rr vision wiu o. oii.rea sevar.tev oein in- ,ua'n i"J ii nwu vwu i sflrY cluded in any offer of a larger unit T. 4. 8 ' . ' " ' ' .., 7., .; NE .?w- f,r. f..40,";- kW 5 i 1600 M.. none of the fir timber to be sold for less thsn $1.75 per M. ; sec. S.V SE VE, lir tsu ai., ceoar a... ow rB., nr 850 M., none of the fir or cedar timber to be sold for less than $1.60 per M. T. 2 S.. R. 4 E., sec 23. NEVi NW4. fir 1650 M.. cedsr 80 M., all the fir and cedar timber on said subdivision to be sold for not leu than 32000; sec 29, 8W H NW1i, fir 710 M.. alt of the fir timber on said subdivision to be sold for not less thsn $900. T. 2 S.. R. 5 E.. sec. 19. NE4 NW. fir 1600 M.. SE 8W , fir 1900 M.. cedar 60 M.. hemlock, 220 M.; NW 4 SEVi fir 1895 M., cedar, 45 M.. hem lock 150 M.. BWli SEU. fir 980 M., cedar 235 M.,' hemlock 400 M., none of the fir tim ber to b. sold for less thsn (1.25 per M., end none of the cedar or hemlock timber to b. sold for leas than 60 cents per M. T. 3 S . R. 5 E.. s. 81, 8WK 8W14, fir 650 M., none of the fir timber to b sold for less than $1.25 Pr M. - (Signed) CLAT TALLMAN. Commissioner General Land Office. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 85 ' HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT For sale or trade for horses or automobile. 'all East 72 or 480 Hawthorne are., ak for Billy or Jess. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 $2,409,347 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD DURING THE YEAR OF 1919 869 HOUSES This organisation can Sfii homes. Every house listed Is inspected, photographed and ap praised by Frank 1. McGuire personally and rejiort made on your house without charge. Ton know that 12 real estate salesmen, with automobiles, working in a well-organised office, which spends thoueands and thousands of dol lars annually advertising homes exclusively, must get result. We are in touch with the major ity of buyers. List your home with us for re sult. SEE FRANK . L. McGUIRE TO SELL TOUR HOME ABLNGTON BLDG. MAIN 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME? We have buyers waiting for nearly every kind of a home; sell now while me aemana is tremendous; hundreds will sell in the spring. Wie advertise extensively and can sell your home in short order. Call M. 1686 snd our expert rest estate appraiser will call and explain the system that ia so lucceasful. . BIHRCAREY CO. 219 Railway Exchange. Main 1686. TIMBER LAND WANTED Small tracts of timber, near a road and not over 40 miles from Portland; will consider rough land if the timber is good: must be handled for small payment down. Will consider high priced acreage close to Portland, if con venient to rock road. John '.Ferguson, Gerliner bldg. IT MIOHT be to your advantage to list your house with me for saie. 1 have many buyers waiting. Your bouse will be given proper atten tion. Watch Our Ads. We Get Result. C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-203-205-207 Board of Trade bldg OUR business Is telling East Side property. List your bungalow, lots and business property with J. J. OEDER CO. Real Estate 4 Grand Ave. N.. near East Ankeny. Phone East 61. IMPROVED ACREAGE WANTED We have several people wanting small places near towns or city with payroll. Must have building and small payment down. Alto buyers for cheap placet near Portland. JOHN FERGUSON Gerlinger bldg I WANT a bargain in a fractional lot, with or without house, south of Montgomery street, between 6th end 20th .eta. H-78 Journal I WILL buy your house or lot for speculUon if a real snap; spot cash. Tabor 854 fore noons. GOOD bouse with sbout 1 acre ground. Spot cash, trail Tabor 252. ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTEL8 FOR SALE 63 I WANT rooming or apartment house: pay cash. Main 8669. H. W. GARLAND, 201 3d st EF YOU want to buy a small rooming hous call up Broadway 5557. No agents. BUSINESS OPrORTUiriTIES Z$ Old False Teeth Bought Wc pay up to 825 per plate. American Brokerage, ZOa Morgan bldg., 2d floor. SHELVING, counters, showcases, soda fountain. awnings, postcards and rack, fireproof abort account system. 62-caL galvanized storage tanks, drags and equipment any or alt 999 Belmont War , Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds. Spot Cash. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. WANTED Working partner with 82500 in growing business ; must be a good office e.-i ForHci. 8T2H Hswthorne ave. Vi ANT reprnaentaUves in Jackson. Linn and Benton counties, with 8150 'each. Roou 38 872 tt Hawthorne. 500 , BUSINESS CARDS a a fog BOSK CITY PltlNTFRY .?M.xU Tow must brine this ad. 120 (th st HATE one of th bast garage aits oa the pen insula: srtll build and aeaae or twit Cot 1041. GROCERY stock asvd fixturo for aaleTgood locav tioa. Woodlawn ISSl. ,0 BUSINESS "CARDS $1.26 .'. Ryder Ptg Co.. Main 6686.. 191 tt 3d tC - CORNER cash aroeetr. private party. East 5142. ' BUSINESS OPFOBTPNITIF.S S3 tT TOD ARE SEEKING TO-GET INTO A GOOD BUSINESS COME TO US, WE HAVE WHAT TOU WANT. IF TOU WANT TO BUT A GOOD HOME SEE CS FIRST. WE HAVE THEM. IF TOO WANT APARTMENT HOUSES, HOTELS. OR ROOMING HOUSES WE WILL 8HOW THEM TO YOU. IF TOU WANT IMMEDIATE RESULTS WE CAN GET IT FOB TOU. Oregon Business & Financial Agency 448 MORGAN BLDG. BUSINESS SERVICE We have 15 buyers for 'apartment houses priced at 81000 to 310,000. List your prop erty with us immediately. We can make quick sal on desirable property. BUSINESS SERVICE. 817 Henry Bldg. M. 6797. A NON-RESIDENT aaya to sacrifice 12-roora house, with 60x100 lot. worth (10.000. for (7500; within 4 blocks of the new Mom. gom.ry Ward building. Have been offend 875 ner month for 5-vetr le"se Tr! will pay 12 per cent on investment. R-577. Journal. IF YOU have (1000 to invest and are looking j i or saie. sure proposition wiui preiits terse, i . demand practically unlimited, no experiment. 1 money safe. Urge interest on ground floor basis.1, with salary, see Brown at Hotel Oregon, room 432. FOR SALE SawmUl. 20 M capacity set up and in good running order; about 3 million feet of fir clos to mill; good location; price (3000. If interested write for full particulars. F. B. Madison, Oregon City. Or. . $12,000 BUYS one-fourth rich silver mining proiierty : no promoters : none but leaitimst--investors need snswer. Cash needed for work on property. Reference given and demanded. H-659. Journal. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES WANTED 68 EXPERIENCED real estate man back from the east wants a reliable man with some money to join him in the real estate business. T-466, Journal. WANTED A location for a garage in tlie vi cinity of William ave. and Russell sts. ; n,u-t he 1 OOt I 00 Q-288, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 CITT LOANS. NO COMMISSION On Improved property, or for Improvement punoses Th best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment pun. (32.26 per month for 36 months, or (21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 month pay a loaa ef $1000 and interest. Loans of other amount In same propor tions. Repayment. Privilege EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark st; Portland. Or. residence loans , f amount at 5 per cent for 8 10 Pyble In. monthly Installments; any part or all of the loan paysbi at any rim. w ta iom orthwt or wrtta. 1833 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marsh 11 3718. Evenings. Woodlaww 2431 MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property, favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE -OREfKIN MORTGAGE CO., LTIX. 606 Piatt Bldg Main 6371. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real es tate; 6 end 7 per cent, long time, short time; montbly payments; pay as you can; sums to suit 725 Gasco bldg., 6th and Aider. CELLARS MURTON CO. PRIVATE MONET Large sum, immediate loans: will divide. City, Acreage or Farms. 525 Henry building. Marshall 6856. MONEY-TO LOAN On real estate security at going rate of inter est Otto A Harkson Realty Co.. 418 Chamber of Commerce. ; MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of 8100 to (5000 on city property. A. a BELL, Booms 10 and lUMulkey bldg BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 216 and 216 Falling bldg. Main (407. (300 (400 (500 (600 (750 and up. lowest rates; quick action. Gorden Mortgage Co. . 631 Chamber, of Com mere. Main 187 0. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 223 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. (1000, (lCOO, (2000 and up; no commission. W. H. DESHON. 618 Cham, of Com. Did. MORTGAGE LOAN 8 up to $6000, 6 and 7 per cent Fred S. Williams. 606 Panama bldg. WANTED To loan- $500 on suburban prop erty O. E. R. R., 3 or 5 years. 8-58. Journal. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per oent Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg MONEY TO L0AJ CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 doyouneedmoneW LOANS MADE OS AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. OK A.NITH1MU or VALUE. SECURITY USUAJK LEUT IN YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THK1K NOTtis WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OK AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PA THEM UP. ADVANCE iOU MORE Mi. IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN REPA1 OS IN 8MA1.1. MUMHLI raia&flia i tun YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DKLAI BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806 307 DEKUM BLDG., 8D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N. phon. Broadway 910. 894 Stark St.. near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches, Victrola. pianos, kodaks, shotgun, furniture, musical instruments and arthing of value. ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER City and county warrants cashed at face valua CAKR1E MYEKS HERMAN Manager. SALARY LOANS WE LOAN MONET CHATTELS on short notice to salaried qr workingvnen on their own notes. Weekly, serai-monthly or monthly payments Each transaction strict confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INTJOBSKB ABSOLUTE IaT NO SECURITY W also loan on household furniture, piano, ate, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDG. ARE YOU IN DEBT? LOANS TO" WAGE-EARNERS ON THEIR CHARACTER AND EARNING CAPACITY. $10 TO $500 AT 8 PER CENT PER ANNUM ; WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. THE INDUSTRIAL LOAN A INVESTMENT CO. 267 H Oak St. Lewis Bldg. MONEY to loan oa diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; all article held year; established sine 1888. Dan Marx, 283Wahington t GEO HARVEY loan money cm household' good,' legal rate. Tabor 8806. LOANS WANTED 86 (156 wanted for private party oa farm land 618 Chamber of Commerce. SEE75rT5GONINV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 232 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL 61 rwrtL BCf "ANiHLIBEBTT BOND 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All due coupon interest incradad.) 1. U. a. EATING. 617 BOARD OF 'IRA US CASH paid for mortgage nd teller' contracts en real estate ia Washington or Or agon. H. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermen bldg BOBSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 BARGAIN 4 mar" 1150 to 1400 lb, all good worker, harness included. AOs Wood- rard. 827 front. FOR SALE Team of horse 6 years old. 2600 lb. 295 17th -at. comer Columbia st Room 5.- . DEAD botsc token quickly. Cash for deai cows.' Tabor 4306. ' ' HORSE and wagon. 61.80 per day) 3 horse, aid" wagon. 63. J. Co bass. 646 Front Maia 3206. SEVERAL borssw, wagon, kugxies and - har neaae for sal. 380 Front. FOUR spaa of tsar and nor., - age. 4 ta 6. weight 100 lb. 246 E. 8th at FOR-SALE at a bargain, testa of bap, weight 3000 lbs, ' Call E. tb aad !., ' - HORSES. TEH1CLEB, ETC 18 FOR SALE 100 bead ofbor. frog 4 to 13 year aid. from 1200 to 17 DO lb. On fam ily cow, - Ham and wagons of all kind. Ford roadster. 1918 model, in A-l shape; will ex change for rattle, bona or cash. Liberty bonds accepted. . all stock guaranteed a represents. Phil Suetter. 285 Front at. Crown Stables. CARLOAD 24 bead Eastern Oregon horses and mare weighing 1200 to 1500 lbs., gentle and well broken to work, just arrived. Will sell rsonbl to v fed expense. Can be seen and tried to suit buyer at Taylor st. dock. Inquire at Wood yard office foot Taylor st WILL sell on trial one black' mare. 1150 lbs.: one team, weight 2400, 6 and 7 years old. with harness;, on team of ponies. $40, well matched and fat; one big horse. 1601) lbs. Phone 29J. Milwauki. one block aouth 6. P. depot, Mllwaukie. Henry Smithy FOR SALE 10 head of first cia horse and mares from 4 to 0 years old, weight 1300 to 1800 lbs.: some well matched teams; horses all guaranteed a represented; trial allowed. Sanitary Stable, 865 Union ave.. cor. of Stevens. L. Glass. FOR sale, hire or exchange, 100 bead of horses, 4 to 12 yeanr old, weighing from 12011 to 1700 lbs. Harnesses and wagon of all kinds. Liberty bond or approved notes accepted. These horse can be seen right in the collar. Phil Sueuer. 285 Front st. Crown Stables. ONE 2300-LB. team, well matched, also one 28011- b. team, we 1 matched. One good HUM! lb saddle horse, to be sold cheap for cash Guaranteed as represented. 270 E. 7th St., be tween Madison and Hawthorne. . . .... , . "A , " " ". bout 1250 eseh They know all kinds of farm work : also a plow and harness wrth them 143. Hose City Psrk car to 29th ist. block north. Small house. No, 901. 1 SPAN ffrsv horse. 7 and 8 years old. weiaht shout 2500 with harness; good workers and gentle: aln 1 bay horse weight about 1O0O. 8 years old. To be seen at laumlry stable. East Htn and Hawthnmr. F.at 3227. . FOR SALE Team chestnut sorrel Belgian mares weighing about 2600 lbs.. 4 and 5 years old. gentle and well broken. 1087 Fran cis ave. Woodstock car to E. 36th st TeL Sell. 1212. FOR SALE Snsn steel arav horses. 5 snd yesrs old. weighing shout 2000 lbs., gentle snd true to work. Price (280. Inquire Merlon fuel Co.jJTaylor t. dock. 2400 lb. team, harness and farm wagon cheap. Mt. Scott car to Tremont station, 4 blocks south to 65th ave., 1 west to 71st at 8. W. corner. O T STABLES. 17TH AMI KEARNEY 25 good young horses and viiares, some well matciied teams; everything sold with a guar ante, as represented i;. Il Wil l IAMSON. 3225 TAKES pair brown chunky built big bone mares, weighing ahmit 2400 lb. ; very gentle tc work, inquire Mr. Wood. Taj lor st dock. TEAM mares, 2500 lbs., with good harness and fsrm wsgon. (165. 351 Huw-ll st , near Vhion ave. Alo fine cow cheap: fresh 2 .lay SEVERAL HORSES for sale cheap, all work ing every day; replacing with automobiles. 1029-J Yamhill at TEAM gray horsesTVeighiruj-about 2800' lbs. sound and true. Price (220. Call woodyard, loot of IS) lor st FOR SALE 1000 lh. well bred mre. 7 yesrs old: also 3 year old Belgian filly. Bargain. 288 N. lth. PAIR marcs, wt. 2400. blockily built: guar anteed anywhvre. wilh heavy harness and farm wagon: cheap. 6624 86tb st M. 8. car. 3240 BUYS team young bay mares, weighing about 2700 lbs.; good ranch team ready to work. Woodyard. foot Taylor st. ALL kinds horses, wagons and harness. 302 Front. " FOR SALE 3 good teams of horses. Local 6522. Phone LITESTOCK 31 PUBLIC BALE La Center. "Wash, 19 miles north of Vancouver- take Pacific Highway Friday, January 0. 10:30 a. m. : 15 milch cows, 6 fresh with calves by side. 6 hesvy springers. 2 long springers. 1. beef cow, balance milking; part of these cows are high grade Shorthorns, 4 coming 2 and 8 year-did springer heifers, torn yearlings and calves, 1 grade I -year-old (red I Shorthorn bull, tuberculin tested certificate goes with each head: 2 geldings. 2 and 3-year-olds, aired by King Alki. dam Queen C. ; 1 yearling colt one saddle pony. 2 dozen hens and pullets, new riding plow; 3 plows. 10. 12. 14 Inch: mowing machine, chop nilU. robber tired top buggy, 5 shovel cultivator, saddle and bridle, l.'t H. P. gasoline engine, set double harness, other machinery and tools too numerous to men tion. Elmer J. Martin, owner; Colonel W. S. Wood, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE H mile west of Barberton lallnft A riIIm nnrthMil f V.ni.nt1.r Wash on St Johns mad, Thursday, January 8, at ' nJLLLJ'Mr'Jl 8 rA"- A1 MECHANICAL SHAPBJ; atoin-JerMy-Durnam. aome fresh, others ". lTyooK8 LIKE NEW; 6 GOOD TIKES: (1IT8 .."Hrh.VfV TERMS. CALL IsBoH (III springer heifers; 4 yearling heifers; 3 vel u muuii i a? calves: 2 work horses: 2 driving horse.-, reg OB- MARSHALL 6248. istered Poland China boar; 1 registered Poland China sow and 7 pigs. 2 Berkshire brood sows, 8 pigs; good Mandt wagon, iron wheel wagon, hack, J. D. hay loader, lot of farm machinery and small tools, nrsrly all of whlah ha been used only one and two years snd is slmost like new. Carl Kaufman, owner. Colonel W. S. Wood, auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. 7 COWS, fresh and cemmg fresh. Durham, Guernseys and Jerseys; extra heavy rich milkers: will sell or take beef cattle In exchange. 1126 Macadam st.. South Portland car to eud of line. 1 blk. south, 1 Mk. east. WE have established a good market for dairy cows at the stockyards at North Portland. If you wish to buy any good dairy cows or have any to sell, see Mr. Bruce at the Union Stock yards. North Portland. Or. FRE8H, 2 "days. Guernsey and 8 wist Jersey, 6 yean old; rich milk- Call after 0 . in., 851 Russell tt, near Union ave.. Alberta, Union ave. or Woodlawn car. A-l FAMILY row: must sell at once, leaving city. Tabor 6626. JE Kg K Y-G UE R N 8 E T , fresh in few day; trad for dry cows. 751 E. Ash. FOR SALE Fresh young cow. Go to E. 50th and Fremont 8 blocks north. L. Dawson. YOUNG" Durham-cow," fresh soon, heavy milker. 142- E. 81st st N. Montavilla car. FINE family Jersey; good supply rich milk; $160. 1245 Gay. Wdln 6659. POULTRY AND RABBITS 87 THE CULVER YARDS 8. C. WHITE LEGHORNS Trapnestad tbe Year Around. Choice cocks and cockerels for breeder from our high-record pen. Pric $5, $7.50. $10. $15. Phone Tabor 5069. 6783 69th a v.. B. E. NORTHWEST roUL"T RtCORPORATioN Offer you the best obtainable In poultry, ears, rhickt and grown stock. Corretpoiidenc cheer fully answered. 8 2d st. 7 3d to 74th ava S E.. Lents station. Portland. Or FOR8ALER. K , R. L R., 7 roosters, raised from first prize hens, 6 hent 8 to 12 month old. Mr. A. I'rech, Milwaukle. Or, B. 2, Bof .12. MT. SCOTT POULTRY YARDS Leghorns. B. Rock. R. L Reds; cockerels. 82 (0 up. Write or phone for prioee on hent nd pullets. Tthor 6895. 6846 84th st. 8 E. " WE PAT CASH FOB POULTRT . BIB. t'i"- , V. au. . Cash Produce Co., 800 E. Morrison, Kasf 123. r i -a. FOR SALE Choice young Leghorn bent and pullets. J. A Dennett, 257 KutU st Phon about 6 p. m.. East 1081. FOR SALE Six raying Rbode Island and White I .eg horn erwed pulless. 81.50 etch 9005 71t av., 8. E 6 BARBED ROCK pullet, laying; 3 cock erelt. from prize winning stock, for sale. Wsnt setting liens. E. 3850. 100 E. 21st st. N WHITE LEGHORN pulleu. $1.25 and np; also seme Barred Rock and Rhode Island Reds. 6102 85th t Mt Scott car. CHEAP 6 laying 1-year hen. 1 25-year guar antee coil spring. 1 bedstead. 165 Sehofield tt Call before Thnrtdsy. Kenton. WHITE LEGHORN pullet snd young hens. A neon a and Buff Leghorn hens. Tabor 6895. 6848 S4th tt H. K. JUST '12 White Wyandotte pullets left will ell the last 12 at $2 each. 112 E. 91st st N. Tabor 4256. FOR SALE Partridge Wyandotte cockerel, 1744 Flsk at. University Park. DRESSED hent and tprlngers delivered. Tsbor 689S. - . FOR SALE 2 thoroughbred R. J. R. cockerel 11 -months old. 38 50. Hell. 2051. PWANT ED PartridgTW y andotte cockerel. C Vinson. 1024 Holgate. gellwood 11 IX. , WANTED 1000 White Leghorn pullet. JE 578. Journal. 20 BARRED ROCK pullet. 2 cockerels, $46 633 E. Tyler st. St Johns. FOR SALE Pediareed Flemish Giant dove snd bucks. Tabor 1996. COAi. burning Colony brooder, like new. only used twte Price $15 Tabor 5969. MASTEBlncubatot. 432 egg size, $25. UTT. Kirk, St Paul. Or. WANTED to trade rabbits for chicken. Fbon Hellwocd 2479. POOS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC 46 THREE Fox terrier puppies; 8 Alredal puppiaa, 2 Botton bull terriers. 1 Airedale dog. 1 shepherd doc. 1 CoUi. pup. 8 Oil E. Morrison st East 6122. CHOICE atBger aad trained foliar fret import ed stock. Canary Bird Shop Ope Sunday! and evArin. Phw 822-17: 1161 E. 26th .t. -V. A FINE LwOy Mttar cheap. ' 4939. ' ; - Pbon Main BEAUTIFUL St Andr-burg Tollers and bras cage.' Phono Taboc 7654. . - - BCLLIXK. tor , i abaaa, , Phon East 1649. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 BIG ABYANCE IN CAR PRICES NEW CARS A HE O.N 1.1K JT MP Good Used Cars Are in 1emand and PritM Will Go UP- YOU WILL By Coming to Our Showroom WE HAVE REAL BUYS BUICK8 COLES DODGES HlfDSON HL'PMOBILK HAYNES MAXWELL OAK LAM'S. OVEIllJtNDS STUDEBAKLUS FORI S 1573 AND WASHlNwTOl Guaranteed Used Cars HUDSON SUPER SIX . . CHALMERS LIGHT SIX BRISCOE , ...$I600 1050 075 OVERIAND . . . . 900 MITCHELL SIX 615 KING EIGHT 1060 OLDSMOBn.E EIGHT, just lik. new... 1450 Broadway Used Car Salesrooms Broadway at Hoyt St. Opp. N Postoffrca Phone Broadway 89. Packard Bargains One 7 passenger 2 35 Packard. One 7-passenger 1-55 Parkarrl. One 5 passenger 1 -25 Packard. One 8-passeng.r 6-4 8 Packard. One 7 passenger 8 38 Packard. Portland Motor Car Co. 421 BURNS1DE ST. WHEN TOO WRiCf" U AND BKND 'EM. 8KB n. G. GKHBER "THE RADIATOR MAN" builds bodies, repairs ra diators, bodies, fender and all auto shstt metal. Parts. NEW LOCATION 11TH AND DAVIS OPP. THE ARMOKT. BROADWAY 1878 Chalmers Hot Spot Real Bargains IN HLlGIITLi I rilvll 1019 LEXINGTON SPORT AND TOCHINO . CARS Terms If Required. BRrNN MOTOH CAR CO. 28-80 N Broadway Open Sundays. ' BUY-FROM OWNER Studrbaker "4.1' latest model, lik new, 6 good tires, including 2 cords; also humiier, radiator, cover and Weed chains Will take cash or reasonable terms Phone Marshall 1490 or Main 8542. LATE FORD coup., electric self-starter and storaue battery, driven only abort time; looks and runt like new; $660, terms. 109 11TH, BET. STARK AND WASH. 1914 0YERLAND at a bargain: electric lights and starter and new gear and battery; A 1 mechanical condition. 257 E. (ltt it Tabor 7968; .819 MAXWELlT"tourinf,-ilk nw"; lutt""beri overhauled, guaranteed; will trad on Ford, blnce terms. 109 11TH. BET. STARK AND, WASH. AUTO TRIMMING CO. AUTO TOPS, 8IDK CURTAINS 409 Davis st, bat 9th and 10tp. Broadway 2017. FIVE-PASSENGER machine in good condition; pleas. - mak. offer. Tabor 6207. 1078 Di vision. . -- 1 " ' -, CUHTAINS and REPAIRING I 1) -J ROSSITER BROS. TOP CO. tJtU3U K.t 664. Union st Pin. VULCAN TIRE SHOP First etass tire repairing, bargain ta bW and nasd tire. East 4896. 41 Grand av. FORD FORD Ford roadster for (2O0 Motor Car Co. East 8770. FORD bargain. Francis 1918 OLDHMOBILE. Sportster, mechanically perfect, extra equipment For demonstration call Tabor 8647. FOR MALE Immediate delivery. 1R20 Hudson Super 6 stwedsU-r. never hat bean off th floor. Bdwy 4828 CHEVROLET touring, in good mechiniealow dition. good tires; will sell at 64 76. with terms. 80 Grand ve. north. nar Burn side. PAIGE touring, new paint wire wheel, some xtras; owner' sacrifice, 81276 with terms 30 Grand v. north near Bamtld. 1817 HTTiSON speedster. Just b..n rebuilt, guaranteed, (1 880, terms. 109 11TH. BET. STARK AND WASH. 5TEKLAND touring, 1917, good mechanical condition, good tire. A bargain, $600, term, 80 Grand v. north near Burniid FORD-sedan, 1919; just lis nirw'; a real bar' gain at 8776, with terma, 80 Grand ava, N4 near Burnatd. ' WHAT kind of a ear do you wanCf W has it and th price Is right 411 DAVIS ST. OPEN EVENINGS. 1918 LIBERTY 8 pas, touring, a light tlx. and In fine condition, at a bargain: will gtv terms. Phon MrhU 1950,Apt 42. MAXWELL touring," 1920, only run i few days; owner must salt. A bargain, 81000; terms. 30 Grand v. aorth near Burnatd.. CHEVROLET touring. 19 IT.-fin condition, good tire, bargain at $673, with Urma. ' 90 Grand ave. north near Burnaidc. . rl8 FORD oliaasit. 4 rdtrnm1inn, over hauled, new tires, 8888. 126 E. 6th, near Morrison. BROICOE touring. A-l condition, good tires; owner matt aell. 8525, with tsraxSr 80 Grand sve. north near Borrnide. MAXW1JLL tonring, lOln, in good mcbantcal condition; 8675, with terms. 80 Grand ava. N., nea burnsid. PAIGE touring, wtr whoal. extra ttr. newly painted; a real bargain at $1076, with terma. 80 Grand av. north war BnmMd. rOtUDEBAKEB. t paaatngar, 6"7y7ire3er; sport saodeL I ata leaving town and will tell cheap; wo raaannabla offer reftaad. East 88(9. DOIXiE sedan, 1918. A-l condition; used "pri vately; will aril at $1750 and giv terms. 30 Grand ava. north near Burnsid. FOB SALE- A bargain, a m jeering city and will aell my Reo. ran and, look lik new; terms If deal red. Phon Main 7676. 19 f 5 AXD"l917Forrl roadster, swap for caah! 190 K. 6th. near Momaon. ' . Si'.." yuur If out with a Ford, A-l eondi- tlon. -vertel uric $826. term. East 4186. SA$OTtNB.t2 CENTS A OAUdM OILS AND wREA3ES- PIOWCTR FAINT CO.. 166 1ST. REAL bargain. 191T Ford tonring, 82867 1919 rorn Oeltvrry, (26. . Hellwood 1665. 1918 FORD touring. 328. ' ! TTiV8 Mllf IMIfl 1917 HUDSON super six fine. snap. mat ba sold ax once, 147. -' wall Main 06." Ill D0DGE Umrin car $660eah. 2ll - - Front ' rt. orwer Jefferson t ' (0At4nu1 aw FaBowtof Pag a 1 - -J