i ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, JANUARY 5,' 1920. 12 XEWf TODAY Journal "Want" Ads RATES, DAILY OR SUNDAY - Per hne, per insertion ..13 Three evmeecnttv tnTtloae for pries of twe. , Each sabeaqsent nmgidn limit ton without , . r ... change a copy, par Una . . . . . , .Se T Coast all ttmi word to Ota- Hne I - Phones Main 7173, Automatic 560-51 For monthly ratM phone for eoueitor. LET U t SHIP T 0 V SECTION A I. GARAGE, Yon can aat n up in a few uoura. oanu xur was- irtted circular. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. - IU C lit St, Paoas Eul all PortlBBd, Or. Send Us Your Old Carpet. (We Call and Deliver) :: Old Rata aad Woolen Clothing:. ; We Hake Rererslble. Haad-WoTaa FLUFF RUGS Room Sis Fluff Ruga, . 'V Woren, $17.50 O . fiat Ban Wotsb All Sites Hall Orders Head for Booklst Fasthars Renovated Carpet Cleaning ill Bar. Steamed Cleaaed. 61. . WESTEE5 FLUFF BUG CO M Dilm At. Fboaai East 818 VV OALL FOR YOUR OLD OAR. FITS, ftuas AND WOOLBM OLOTMima. We Make Beautiful Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS i ,. Jill Work Turing Out Promptly. -Must Woven All Site. Mall Order Send for Booklet. Carpet Cleaned, Lais and Refitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Itf CAST KIQHTH ST. Phone Cast 8690. PORTLAND RUG COMPANY MANUPAOTURCRS OP FLUFF RUGS TMCRC'S A DIPPCRCNOI" WC WCAVB ALL SIZCS IN BOTH PLUPP AND RAO RUOS. LCT US OALL FOR YOUR OLD OARPCTS WORK WILL BC RCTURNCD "PROMPTLY." MAIL ORDCRS OIVCN PROMPT ATTCTION Wl CLCAM OARPCTS PORTLAND RUG COMPANY 1S7t CAST 17TH STRUT Pnana B-1S24. Cither Paolfla or Home TO GET YOUR WESTOVER TERRACE HOMESITES . You May Phone, Call on, or Write HAROLD J UNGCK, Secretary . INTERNATIONAL REALTY limnrf itts rt Phones Office, Mar. 630 ; Res., Eaat 1999 13U7 xepn Bldg. STORAGE SPACE iBTtttfirate Oar Plant aad Batea Why assume expensive leases under present high costs T CLAY 8. MOB8E, INC Drayaca aad Storage. ? Mtli Bad Gliiaa. . Papas Bdwy. 147s. Book ! BOOKS ! Books ! C0.000 NEW BOOKS ON ALL SUBJC0T8 AT PRC-WAR PRI0CS WB BUY SCOOND-HANO BOOKS JOHNSON BOOK STORE feoteVftCa aUlosraoBs Wsst Park aad Yamhill ! At 10 A. M. Tomorrow MEETIKONQTICES 41 X WhL ENCLAVE of wasnington Commsndery No. 15. K. T.. will held TueI T"ln- J 6. at s2t All aoimirnlni sir k!i.T! ' Ur "tendance. SLNNT8IDE LO IG K N oT To munteaTjyTSr'S! tTo P. In. Work to E. A hIpbtm Jwtor. welcome. ByAortT"f ' JAMES g. CAT JR., See. I HARMONY LODGE NO. 12. A. . A. M. Special commu nication this (Monday) eve., at 7 o'clock. Work in the E. A. t .v F' C.- Vulting brethren welcome. W. M. DE LIN, Sec. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Ivanhoa lodge No. 1. meets Tuesday eve ning at 8 o'clock, Pythian bldg.. Wast Park and Yamhill Pag rank. All Pythian welcome. GEORGE B. SMITH, C. C. ! FRAM ASSEMBLY: United Artisan.) wiU hold . their iaatallatioa of officers at the Multnomah ; hotel assembly room aaxt Tuesday night instead of the K. of P.. a formerly announced. After that they will meat at tba K, of P. halL 409 Alder st-. for, of 11th, i EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty; buttons, pis. charm. Jaeger Bros., 181-183 6th st DEATHS AND PUNERALS H ALLEN la this city, at her late residence. 1019 Oregon St. Jan. 4, Mary Henrietta Molly Allen, aged 67 years, mother of Robert H. Allen of Traoey, CaL. Percy O. Allen of this city gad Mr. Jessie Ball Jonaa of Lancas ter,.; CaL Arrangements la charge of J., p. : Flnley At Soa. -. . .... . : ; TR0XELL -Th funeral aervioe for the late Era M., Wife of Charlet C. TrozaH. will ba held at 3 B. a, tomorrow f Tuesday) froa the eaapsi-of Cbambara Co.. 248-250 Killingsworth a... near Will lass. - Friends invited. Ia term cat Boat City remetory. ' BlAf P60N Th " fune'ral aeVvice of the lata - T bosses Btmpaoa will be bald fram the chapel of tha F. 8. Dumtng.: Inc., 414 Eaat Alder, Taeaday. January 6. at 1 0 P. M. Friends Invited. -Interment Rose City cemetery. I BBL'NS Slgmnnd Bruna. Jan. 4,. at 'hi' late rasldeaeg iss Nonarup at, KoOoe of runersi DEATHS A7TP FTJNEBALS 78 ATTBNTIONI All toaruW of G. A. R. art requested to attend the funeral of oar lata comrade. M. A Robuuon. at B. T. Byrnes' under taking parlors, William eve. and Mason street, at 2 p. m-. Monday. Janus ry - e. Uoainda Robinson erred in Company I, 52d Illinois In fantry. Civil wtr, and wa eergeant major in Gordon Granger 1 Poet No. 49. ! E. E. COVET. Commander. i H. C. SUTTON, Adjutant. HARLOW At tba family residence, at Mil wauki. Or.,; Jan. S. Captain Floriao Ches ter Harlow, aged 78 years, husband of Mrs. Lydie A. Harlow, father of F. C. Jr., Lea lie 8. and Percy . Harlow of Milwaukie. Or., and John C. Harlow of BrookfieM. Wash. Tba funeral service will ba held Taeaday. Jan. 6. at 2.30 o'clock p. m.. at Finley'a, Montsomary at 5tb. Friend invited. Interment at River view cemetery. ; OLSON In this city, January 3. Hannah L. Olaon. aged 1 40 yeara. beloved wife of Frad Olaon. The funeral aerrice will be held from the Immanuel Lutheran church, corner Nine teenth and Irving, Tueaday, January 0, at 2:80 p. m. Friend invited. Interment Boae City cemetery. Funeral arrangementa in charge of F B. Panning. Inc., 414 East Alder atreet. flTOMSEN Jan. 8. Henry' Tbomsen, aged" 68 yean, late of 750 E. 7th L 8.. husband of Mr. Elizabeth Thomsen. The funeral serrice will be held Tueaday, Jan. 6. at 1 o'clock p. m., at Fialey'Sv Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Intenqeiit at Biverview cemetery. HKLET At the residence of her nephew. Ed ward L. Brown. 212 N. 20th street. January 4. 1920. Henrietta E. Seley. aged 85 years 8 month, wife of the lata Chapen 31. Seley. Notice of funeral later. HEED Edith" HTBeed. 920 14th, Jan. 1, 16 years; pulmonary tuberculosis. WATTS Elizabeth M. Watts. 517 E. 14th, Jan. 2, 74 yean; chronic nephritis. PERRY MonejF. Perry, Multnomah hospital. December 27. 85 Jean; uremia. THOMPSON Edward Thompson. Multnomah hospital. Jan, 1, 60 years; pneumonia. KBATZ Elizabeth Kratz. 909 Colonial ave., Jan. 1, 80 yean; cerebral hemorrhage. JOHNSON Edward Johnson, 721 2d, Jan. 1. 87 years; pyelitis'. NELSON J. M. Nelson. 412 Alleghany, , Jan. 8, 65 yean; pneumonia. LEACH Elsie H. Leach. 580 E, 41st. Dec. 81, 72 yean; hypostatic pneumonia. HAYS Charles j Hays, Good Samaritan hospital, Dec. 80, 40 years, septic meningitis. FLORISTS LUBL1NER TWO STOKES We strive to Pleas 848 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. and Park. Marshall 2S7 828 Morrison; Portland Hotel. Marshall 75S CLAHKE BROS., florists, Morrison tt, bet. 4th and 5th. Phone Main 7709. Fine Flowers and floral desisns. No branch stores. MARTIN at FOH8E8 CO.. florists. 854 Wa:h- ington. Main 269. - A-1209. Flowen for all occasions artistically arranged. a N.W. Bank. bldg. Main 0118 3 381 Morrison ft. Max M. Smith WVl: 144 H SIXTH ST. LAIANE OFPOSITE POSTOFFICE Flowen For all occasions. Main 554 5. TON8ETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington sU. bet 4th and 5th. Main H10Z. A 1181. THE PEOPLE'S FI-ORAL SHOP. 245 Alder st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Edward Holnian & Son Funeral Directors THIRD AND SALMON STREETS Main 507. A 1511 Lady Assistant Jo Po FIffLEY & Si Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ms'n 9 MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH A-1599 F. S. DUNNING, INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS 414 E. Alder st. Phones Est 52. B 8225 CHAMBERS rn Funeral Directors. AH the Convenience of a -Home Woodlswn S308. 24 250 Killinaxworth ave. A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 6802-8804 92D ST. S. E., LENTS Phone Tshor 8207 Home Phone D-Bl Dunning & McEntee Broadway and Ankeny ts. Lady Assistant Phone" Bmsdwsv 480. A-4558 DOWNING A McNEMAR. successors to Wilson A Rons Multnomsh at E. 7th.. Irvinaton di-trlrt. Eat 54 McENTEE & EILER8. funeral parlors, with aD the prirary of a home. 16th and Everett Its Phnnes Brnerlwsv 21 3S. Home.-ft-tl 8. J?.Va" P. L. Lerch M.reht UNDERTAKEBsi. E. 11th snd Hawthorn. R. W. GABLE & CO.. J1"aon to W H- Hsmtlton . 1978 F Gl.,n , Ph.m- TsW 41 Vf TT r rn jiv to a rr .j v. ' ' rr a av, i. a . inufixnar'ni runrmi ai- rwtor Prfrt u low $20. $40. $60. WMnrton t Kiln Mn'.n A-78A5. R. T. BYRNES TSsttTt-, W'llisms sve Wnndlswti 220. Breeze & Snook VlU5f,ii A. R. Zeiler Co. tronroc UNDERTAKING CO. Main 415 43KeWesV5S2t Cor Third and Play 52 MONUMENTS Portland Marble Works 266 4th t. opp. City Hsfl. Nen Bros. 1 ? BLACSIMQ GRAMITE Co L a67-3PD ST. AT MAOlSOM .L.Q8T AND FOUND tt LOST A purse, on Fulton line, containing money and bank book, or between Virzinia and foot of Florida: belonging to Mrs. Henry Butxer. Address house boat foot of Florida st. Reward. Phone Main 8993. LOST Black bag containing eggs. glasses. scissors, between Killingsworth ave. and St Johns. Address 314 N. Willamette blvd, St Johns. LOST Black silk bsg in front of Liberty theatre New Year's eve., containing watch, intitials E. W. ; small change and key. Call Tabor 8964. Reward. LOST .1 tan leather pocketbook: contained a discharge and other papers. Please send to Ed I Foster and receive reward. 6111 84th st. B. E Tabor 1508, LOST Wednesday morning, on tha road be tween the Fulton carline and Palatine Hill road, man's open-face gold watch and a pin. Finder please phone Main 8017. LADY'S purse, strap handle, on Sandy blvd., at 68th or neighborhood containing small change, ease with glasses, repair check -for watch. Keep money, please return other contents. Tabor 8512. L08T Several kodak picturea January-2oe-tween 4 th and Morrison and Alcazar thea tre. Finder please call Sellwood 3608. LOST Boston male pup about 7 month old; will pay reward; lost around 23d and Mar shall. Phone Main 782 or Woodlawn 1724. LOST Black fur, on 23d t between Lovejoy and Hnyt Finder piesse return to Journal office or phone Main 7030. LOST Black handbag, st Owl drug store or on Mississkppi sve.. car. containing money and kej East 8584. Reward. COSfFox 'Terrier dog on road to Troutdale; "Buster" on collar. Little girl's play dog. Call Main 4208. LOST By widow, $88 in greenbacks on Van couver or Union ave. and Bryant . Finder plea-e call Wdm. 8548 and receive reward. LOST Blue pongee silk sash on Broadway or Williams ave. Finder please call East 8418. LOST -German -Belgian police dog; color, brown. Reward Information or return. Main 6076. FOUND A fraternity pin. For Information telephone Tbor 7748. LOST String of coral bead; reward. Valued as keepsake. Hollister. Main 104. HELP WANTED MALE 1 WOOD cutters wanted. 75 acre. Will pay tor fir. 82.25. and hardwood, 82.50. slash Every thing clear. $300. Take Vancouver car to Oo- lumoia, Bivo., go l Block north. Hansen. MAN TO TAKE contract to -break 809 acres wi -i-.ui. tor iniormaoon write IjOcs TATTJTbftlQ 1TTPWTIAU Strike still on in Portland. LOCAL No. 74 V MAN AND WIFE to work on ranch! gleady Job by th year. For farther particulars rite Lock Box 29. Enterpri-e. Ore.. WANTED Boy to deliver package and assist .(ma Z10';,. PP Detaier Woolen Co,. 148 ttta st. 5th floor.; WANTED Men to out. oak ad fir wood. A. Kriger, Wbiteaon, Or. R. l. . IsXPEUlENCED binitar and wife." King Albert Apt WANT api. wain bob. 885 11th st ANTED -Woodcutters. 8 par . cord. 169 Graham ave. WHJiN you aead help. Call fciwy. 2838." rt, - -i ... .M -,.ovf- . : . ... . i HELP WAlfTBD-MAtB 8 TEA ITT employment at toed wage open to toolmakers, lathe hands, planer band, floor hands and turret lathe operators. ' The eomaseraal sbopa and shipyard of the Saa Francisco bay district closed October 1 by a strike which still exists, reopened November 24 on the "American" ar "Open Shop1" plan. More than rixteen thousand men had returned to work December SI under these conditions. Address or apply to C. F. Braun sV Co., 767 Folsom straet. San Francisco. Johnson Gear company, Hants Copper com pany, 735 Folsom street, 8an Francisco. 20.000 LOGGERS WANTED to man l oyal legion Loggen and' Lurnbennea camps when they resume operations the first of the year. Go today to the 4-L employment of nee. register and list your occupation. Onl) Ameri cans or aliens willing to declare their intentions to become such and who believe in jur govern ment are registered. A?. SO MILLWORKEBS WANTED TO REGISTER. 4 L Employment Office 80 Third Jt.. Portland. Or. EXPERIENCED shoe salesman. Apply Mr. Moore, shoe dept., 2d floor Lipman, Wolfe A Co. WANTED Two farm hands, steady employment mostly team work, men with families prv f erred; house furnished. Do not writ but come and see at once if interested. W. J. Turnidge Talbot, Or., Oregon Electric railroad. Telephone Jefferson 88 r 22. WANTED- Live wire furniture salesman for Portland firm. Must be thoroughly experi enced in new and used household goods. Steady position for the right man. State age, experience, salary desired and reference in fint letter. G-864, Journal. MAN wanted to sell lightning change rim. Tires can be changed without trouble in few seconds. Must hsve few hundred dollars to se cure exclusive territory. Big profits. 831 Oak. WOOD working foreman, thoroughly familiar with wood working machinery, capable of run ning wood working plant; none but experienced foreman nerd apply. Hoodlum 1480. HELP WANTED MISC. 4t IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to investigate oub school and method of teaching. we will glad ly give you an outline of oub courses in construction and re pairing of automorh.es tractors gas engines carburetion ignition MAGNETOS GENERATOR AND STARTING MOTORS. ARMATURE WINDING 8 TO RAGE BATTERIES OXY-ACETYENE WELDING FOUR WEEKS' FREE TRIAL TO INVES TIGATE OUR SYSTEM OF MAKING AUTO MECHANICS. $50 DISCOUNT TO THOSE MAKING APPLICATION BEFORE FEB. 1. OUR STUDENTS RECEIVE BOTH TECH NICAL AND PRACTICAL TRAINING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. EX-SERVICE MEN GET 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT STATE ALLOWS 825 PEB MONTH WHILE TRAINING. APPLICATIONS WILL BE BECEIVED AT OUB MAIN OF FICE. 707 HAWTHORNE AVE. TAKE MT. SCOTT OR HAWTHORNE CAR AT 2D AND ALDER TO 20TH STREET, OR CALL AT OUB DOWNTOWN OFFICE. 124 N. 6TH STREET. 2 BLOCKS FROM UNION DEPOT ENTRANCE. CATALOGUES FREE. SCHOOL AND OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY ONLY. Hemphill's Trade Schools. Inc. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. INC. 432 HAWTHORNE AVE. AUTOMOBILE. TRACTOR AND AIRPLANE MECHANICS. EXPERT VCLCAN1ZERS. ACETYLENE WELDBRS. AND MACHINISTS THAT HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN OUR SCHOOL ARE IN DEMAND EVERYWHERE AT BIO WAGES. WE TEACH THESIS TRADES IN A FEW WEEKS' TIME. 80 PER CENT PRACTICAL WORK WITH CLEAR. UNDERSTANDABLE LECTURES AND DEM ONSTRATIONS BY EXPERTS. THE STATE ALLOWS EX SERVICE MEN 825 PER MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OCR SCHOOL. CALL. OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER To uphold holiday traditions we offer all students msking spplication for our regular auto and gas engine course, a present of rmr extension course in battery work, or a $35 credit on our extension course in electrical work. If you are not prepared to enter now. you can make a small deposit and arrange for Uter date of entry. Call or write for further information. School can be inspected week day from 10 a. m. to 12 noon. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO 8T. adcox auto school union ave. and wasco street the school that's different Owe week free To Investigate our aystem of teaching auto, tractors, gas engines, suto electrical and battery work. State allows discharged soldiers and sailor $25 per month while attending school. SPE CIAL ELECTRICAL COURSE FOR AUTO MECHANICS. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. CALL ORWBITE FOR 100 PAGE CATA LOGUE FREE. ASK FOR BOOK No. 2B. ' Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeeping and all other modern business courses. Day and night school Alisky bldg.,8d and Morrison. Main 824. NEW NIGHT CLASS THi'RHnAT jantiahv am ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. You are invited to inspect school and get full information Monday evening, January 5th, 6:80 to 7:80 p. m. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, bookkeeping. stenography, civil service, secretarial, special course. Expert teachers ; day and night; en roll now. Broadway 5083. POSITIONS ASSURED EVEBT GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKEB g BUSINESS COLLEGE, PORTLAND Enroll sny time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young even and women wanted.. Call 484 Railway Exchange bldg. 8piendid ' opportunity to learn a well paid profession. Free booklet Railway Telegraph Institute. EAST SIDE COMMERIRAL srnnnt. Miss Regina Bucket's private school; indivtd nal instruction. 122 H Grand ave. Eaat 427. GOING East or South? Household goods shipped i i.ico, nunoi ids pacaing. faciflo Coast Forwarding Co.. 403 Hoyt t Bdwy. 70S. ""ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY- Frank W. Welles, ex-assC State Supt, mgr. N.W. Bank bid. Teacher placed promptly. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free reai ....vm. .w 1 1. oroaaway Diog. (5BEGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. W. E. Richardson, sec Main 977. HELP Vf ANTED rEM ALE MT. HOOD FACTORY TO OUR OLD OPERATORS W need experienced operator on single and double needle machines for shirts, overalls coats, pants and plsyauit. If you are think ing of going to work, come in and we can give you employment and the prices are sure good. 238 Couch street EXPERIENCED iMultigrepn operator wanted tor food position. Steady employment with a fiaa concern. Two afternoon a month off on pay in addition to holiday. Answer, giv ing age, previous experience and telephone num ber. F-54, Journal. -L WANTED, girl or elderly woman to assist house work and children; no washing. 977 K. 10th north or Woodlawn 44 S. WANTEftrXPERlENCED "STENOGRAPHER! UNDERWOOD MACHINE. MAXWELL MOTOR BALES CORP.. 3D AND OREGON. MIDDLE aged experienced chamber maid- Done .other seed to apply; Box $16 per week. Call as tieaoe notci, sag rjaimun. In person. WANTED Girl or woman for general . boused worai swsi novae, mone eas-VT. GIRL to answer pbooe and-doTight bookkaen .IBS. .TsMg .480 eveningv TT HELP WANTED PKVALB PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN ' ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE OP ERATORS ABE NEEDED, DUE TO CONSTANTLY INCREASING BJC QL'IREMENTS OF SERVICE, PREVIOrg EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY. BEGINNERS PAID WHILE LEARNING. INCREASES GTVEN REGULARLY. VACATIONS WITH PAY ALLOWED. , EXCEL LENT OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT TO HIGHER SALARIED POSITIONS. APPLY AT TELEPHONE COMPANY ' BOOM 601. 6TH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK AND OAK STREETS HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE tt PORTLAND Barber college pay yon while learning, gives you set of toot free: position secured. 88 N. 2d t MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade; wages while learning, position guaranteea. Mgr. iez yrs. ekperience. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madjeon. SITUATION S M ALB EX-SOLDIER, married. wihes steady position as farm hand; experienced; no milking. Can give beat of reference; stale salary. T-460. Journal. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, elderly, would give efficient service for small salary. Best ; ref- erence. M-431, Journal. . j OWNER has a fleet of trucks and looking! for hauling contract would be pleased to hav an interview. Addres 1460 Mississippi ave. FOR painting, paper hanging and tinting call Tabor 8295; CARPENTER and cabinet work; estimate given; also shingling. Sellwood 2525. ROOFS Reshingled and repaired, work guar anteed. Beacbam. Phone East 1201. CARPENTER contract building, store, fittings or slterations. Msnny. Sell. 2421. FOR plowing or exesvating and general team work call Tabor 4427. DRUG CLERK: had several years' experience,,! Woodlswn 4NSO. BOOFS repaired, roofs made waterproof. Pbon Tabor 6200, Sellwood 960. SITUATIONS FEMALE NEAT experienced woman, 4 or 5 hour' work in restaurant or lunch counter. TeL Main 2996. . WANTED Day work by middle aged colored woman: 40c per hour. Woodlawn 4760. COLLEGE girl wants to work 'or room, board and some wages. VVoln. 043J, DRESSMAKING 49 ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladies' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteea. J. Reubin, Ladies' Tsilor, 408 Bush A Lane bid. PLAIN sewing neatly done; aprons a specialty. Tabor 4 570. , DRE8SMAKING Tabor 6997. Call FURNISHED ROOMS PBIV ATE FAMILY 1 NICELY FURNISHED heated alcove room; alo fireplace; suitable for two gentlemen. 738 HoTt Main 29B4. FURNISHED room for gentleman in private family, vacant Monday. East 4325. day Williams ave. FOR RENT. 3 furnished rooms in Oat for light housekeeping; adults only. 679 E. -lst st Brooklyn car to door. TWO sleeping rooms, $2.50, $3.00 per week. 406 4th st. LARGE-front room, hot and cold water, suitable for two. 321 6th. corner of Clay. MCE single bedroom and large garage. The Signature. East 786TL NICELY furnished np?tairs front room. genUe man preferred. 542 5th st BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 7 WANTED Man and wife or 2 ladies to board in private home; good home cooking.- Lu cille Allen, 94 E. 45th. Tabor 9562. WILL give 1 or 2 children good care. 1008 Michigan ave. Mississippi car to Humbolt FURNISHED room for two. with board in mod ern private home. East 6014. 674 E. Ankeny. ROOMS AND BOARD 18 THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 380 10th, for business girls and students. Marshall 1251. WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD 89 SOME one to board small boy. near Dafis school. Monday to Friday. Call evenings, 6 to 8. Broadway 4348. BOARD and room wanted for two Franklin high school girR W-855. Journal. WANTED Home for boy of 5 in private fam ily. Call Tabor 9342. mornings. m HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED SLEEPING room with use of kitchen for break fast 'Close in- Mar-hall 378h HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 18 TWO or three unfurnished rooms, modern con veiences. 360 5th t Apply Sunday or eve nings. Cheap. 8 UNFURNISHED rooms, light, heat, gas and water, $22.50 per mo. 72 Cook ave. Miss, car. 4 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, lower floor, private residence, garage. Tab. 420; $24 TWO large furnished H. K. rooms 542 E. 27th. Richmond car to 27th, 1 blk. sooth. TWO large housekeeping rooms, light, bath, $ai, phone; $6 per week. 896 26th north. FOR ' RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED IS WHEN YOU MOVE, USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SEBVICS 10th and Washington. Broadway 580. 3 ROOM house close in. $10 a month. Sell. 268, HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 88 FURNITURE of 7 roomed house for sale, for rent 431 East Ankeny. House FURNISHED HOUSES 88 3 ROOMS, upir floprr partly furnished. quire 315 Tillamook. In FOB RENT Good 8 room house, close to oar and- school, paved street East 4MWH. FURNISHED FLATS 89 CLEAN 3 and 4 room furnished flat; garage. 854 1st S. Main 4868. 5-KOOM furnished flat Wdln. 688. APARTMENTS FOR BENT 48 NTCF.I.Y furnished 3 -room act with bath. laundry and sleeping porch, electric washer ana teleonono. I9 per moom . nnirao 4928 71st 8. E. Tabor 61 WANTED Young man share apt. Wheeldon Annex. Keller, Main 89. Mam Q04 1. WANTED TO BEN"T FABMEB. experienced, both garden and grain' farming, wants to rent a farm. Care Oregon Journal. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CLOSE IN, East Sid. 2 atorg, 100x100 brick bldg., $375; splendid lanndfy site. 224 Oregon bldg-. Ota ana oak. FOB SALE HOUSES 81 COZY 7 room bungalow, near the Pnlnsuhv choolhouae, $2800;. easy term. East 850. NEW 4 room cottage, oak floor 82800. Owner.- East 8225. E. 24th. COMFORTABLE 8 -room house on 2 lots 89x 1U0; a good bay. 6824 68th sve. SB. MODERN 4 room rurnianed Bungalow, JC sta; ' eZSOO. Owner, atae S2ZQ.. A MCE (trietly modern five room bangs low. Fries) 83000. Xarxnst inquire ex je, 84th. BBAt B8TATB FOB SALE HOUSES SI 850 . la Park rose, est acre tract. Con temporary cottage, lined with Beaverboard1: ebicken house, woodibed and also Partly finished, garage; ground au cleared except S or 4 fir trees around boa: excellent- soil: ideal location near Craig road; only reason for selling owner leaving city.. Terms naif cash. Ml no straight monthly payment of 115 per month, gee this at once. J. L. HABTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. LACRELHTBST BUNGALOW JUST VACATED Cosy 4 room bungalow, largo living room ; beautiful dining room with buffet running full length of room; 2 large bedroom and music or library room; finished in white enamel and mahogany trim throughout; modern handy kitchen with all built-in conveniences. Fine, large baaement with built-in fruit cupboard and coal bin. See Mr McCartT. 270 Stark st ar shos. Uud 'ITDA Bands or avenimn Ta-I w Rant f SERVICE OOUBESY RESULTS Do yon wish to buy or sell! If you wish to buy call us. If yoS wish to sell call ua. We will do jheTcsl Our auto 1 waiting to show you your new home. C. E. Scott Realty Co. Main 3353 715-519 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FEW BARGAINS 7 -room cottage, good order, lot 25x100; 83000. ONE 6-room. good order, lot 80x100; 84300. FINE 6-room bungalow, fine order; 85500. SPLENDID 6-room home, in Broadway, ga rage; S65O0. TWO MAGNIFICENT 9 -room homes, oak and mahogany finish, oak floor throughout, fine basement, large lots 60x100 and 90x100, very fine lawns, best locations, Irvington. East 273. Herdman. owner. ' THREE UNBEATABLE BARGAINS HIGH CLASS DISTRICT VACANT MOVE BIGHT IN. 4 and 5 bedrooms in each, also sleeping porches, very sightly location, and close to car, all in first class condition.- Is a creditor sale. Fine chance for a party with a little cash to buy these three places for speculation. Will give reasonable terms. See Mr. Delahunty at 270 H Stark st. or phone me for further in formation. Main 1700: evening. East 2086. ANOTHER NEW BUNGALOW Remember that last bungalow you could not buy because it was sold before you made up your mind? ' Don't be disappointed again. I have one that is better and that yon will be proud to call your home. Just completed by a Los Angeles architect and will be sold at coat A heauty and must be seen to be appreciated. See Mr. McCarty. 270 Vi Stark St.. or phone Main 1700. Sunday or evenings Tabor 5057. FOR SALEWeirbuilt 5 -room modern bunga law. Dutch kitchen, full basement, attic, double constructed, cedar siding, 6 apple trees, Bartlet . pear, 1 Royal Ann cherry, shrubbery, carline in front of house; $2800. $800 cash, balance terms; or will consider dairy cows, team and farm machinery as part payment. This place is at 2099 E. Yamhill. Mt. Tabor car to 84th. Tabor 2858 between 8 and 6. except Sundays. EQUITY FOR SALE Am leaving city and am compelled to sell $375 equity and part of winter's fuel at a baraain: balance $1450. payments $25 and 7 interest. Ibis Is no shack, but a new modem 3 room bun galow with bath and breakfast alcove, finished in ivory white, lot 50x66 with alley. 407 Ash ley st. 1 block east of Union ave. and 1 block north of Ainworth. Woodlawn 80f. IRVINGTON RE8IDENCE Six large, light rooms and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen and second floor white enamel, built-ins, fireplace. fu.-nre. two toilets, full ce ment basement, laundry trays; full lot and gar age. , Only $6000: one third down, balance to suit 499 E. 27th North. This is a real home and underprieed. East 7937. 5 ROOM eottaae. hardwood rVrs. furnace buf fet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, cement sidewalk, nara f-una red Htreet abundance of fruit and all kinds of small her rie. roses nd shmbery. Price $3500. $1500 down. $25 month. Ralph Ackley Land Co. 627 Corbett bldg. To see this place Sunday call Tabor 604. FOR SALE Modern Hawthorne bungalow, $3250; fireplace, china closet, cement base ment laundry trays, east front paved street, cement sidewalk. . 1 block from carline; this place can be bought on easy terms. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 527 Corbett bldg. To i tbis place Sunday call Tabor 604. $5750- LAURELHURST BIG BARGAIN -$5750 6 loom bungalow, done to car; view lot Don't fail to see this beautiful place. Owner in the East wired to sell at once. See Mr. Delahunty, at 270 Stark st or phone Main 1700; Sun day or evenings. East 208'6. . SOUTH PORTLAND snap, 7 room modern house, nearly new, partly furnished and gar axe : house must be soid. owner is goina east Price $2600 and will consider any reasonable offer. House No. 1314 Corbett st : terms. John Singer, 420 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 9478. $2250 H BLOCK. BOSE CITY ;CAR Nifty modern 4-room bungalow; fine new ptpeles furnace, electricity, gas, warm base ment; good garage; nice 50x110 lot: assessments sll paid; fruit, shrubbery, fine location. Tsoor nss. Small Paynnient Down Houses of sll sizes snd kinds, range in price rrom S600 and up. Tabor 1485. or call at 8932 56th ave. 8. E near Lents school. IRVINGTON 5 and 6 room bungalows, new and modern in every detail, with Gasco fur naces and garage; terms and prices are right For sale by owner and builder. 579 E. 26tb st N., bet Knott and Stanton, from 12 to 4 p. m. this week. Suburban Home acre and larger, are on easy terras. Tabor 1485. CaU at 8932 56th ave. S. E. near Lents school. FOR SALE 6-room bungalow with furnace, fireplace, built-in convenience. 50x100 lot Wdln. 4832. Owner. 1020 Vernon ave. Irv ington or Alberta car. BEAUTIFUL bungalow. 5 rooms. receDtion hall and bath, property 80x128, complete garage 1 Hxsz, plenty or oernes ana lots of flowers tf-rm-. Phone iH3H. 4-ROOM house, bath, station, tub, garage, cbick- enhouse, basement, lot 50x200, 9 Italian prunes; price $1600, balance $15 a month and 6. 8111 53d it 8E. 9-ROOM house in central Alblna, modern con veniences improvements paid; price $2300. Wdln 8737 5-BOOM cottage, lot 75x100, fruit trees, chick en house. $1450: terms. Broadway 1658. 2 00 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE! Modern 5 room bungalow, tt block from Rose City Park car; $3000; terms. 724 E. 68th N. Tabor 6022. 8UNNTSIDE BARGAIN For sale by owner, 5 room house on East 80th t, between 2 carline, on paved st For par- ticular call Tabor 7320. $2200 ONE acre and bungalow at Bryant sta tion. Inquire for Simpler1 place. MODERN 7 ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE In good condition, corner lot, 50x100. Price $4300. Owner, 228 Skidmore atreet $2M0 BRAND NEW BUNGALOW $2900. One of the neatest 5 room bungalowa on the market 1070 E. 2 2d at N., terms. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ To Get Your Westover Terrace Homesites You may phone, call or write HABOLD JUNGCK, Secretary International Realty Associates Owner. . 1307 Yeon Building. Phones Office, Main 630. Res., East 1990. BALE OR TRADE 60x100 lot, Rodney ave. and Skidmore at Phone Woodlawn 1402. , FOR SALE Lot at sacrifice, on Eaat 29th at Call Main 4485, weak days. ACBEAGE 87 5 ACRES. Clackamas. Excellent berry land, all tn cultivation. 75 bearing fruit trees, $2100, if taken at once. Terms. 224 Oregon bldg.. 6th and Oak. 4 ACRES at Ruby Junction with 2 room cot tage; one acre cleared, balance fir grove. 82160.00; term. Broadway 1658. 209 Ore gon bldg. 5 ACRES close to GiUi station; very best of oil, on half cleared, balance fir and cedar. A snap for $1200; term. Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg FOR BALE Improved 10 acre, buildings, wen, spring, fenced, large orchard, good road, near Scappooae; $1800. 4929 65th t 2 tt ACRES at Rock wood station, cleared; near ' Base Line road. $1860; terms. Broadway 1858. 209 Oregon bldg. FOB SAXE-FARMS IT INSURE YOUR FUTURE ' 44 seres, 40 tillable, balance pasture, timber, running water, aprings. level chocolate foam. 46 bushels wheat, 87 bushels eata to the acre this year, crop alt In;' 9 room house, fireplace, hot and cold water, sewer, large barn, fruit bouse, carpenter shop, etc Building la excellent condi tion, S sere orchard. Italian prone, apple, pear, cherries, berries, - etc.;' daily mail, pooae, 28 miles from Portland, H mile to paved road, tt mile to thriving little city, school, churches, college, the eery neat. Sickness reason for arll taav: C E. Cranial. 2081a let at. Mala. 4208. BEAL ESTATB FOB SALE FARMS 1 AN IDEAL DAIRY FARM FOR SALE BENCH LAND ISO acres. anilea from Woodland. Wash.. 49 sows cultivation, raat pasture ; family or chard, good 8 -room boo worth 88009, barn 40s70, good water, all fenced. 8 miles to grade school, 9 good cows, t team, 1 wagon. 1 plow, 1 raka, 1 mower and other Implements; .good road aad good soil; the beat, aad good neigh bors; want to sell on account of sickness; sacri ficing at 110,000; $8000 cash, bal. mortgag at . Woodland Realty Ofrtce, Woodland. Wash. W. L. STRONG. 28 V, ACRES, gU tillable, Umber or family use, 18 acres in high state of cultivation, fenced and erosa-tenced, very best of soil, well at back door, 2 acres bearing prunes: family orchard of assorted fruits, walnuts, cuastnuts and small fruit of all kinds; 7 room house, fair barn, large chicken-house, together with team, wagon, mower, hay rake, plow, harrow, cultivator. 10 tons of hay. 4 acre of potatoes, large patch of carrot and other vegetables, brooder, fine Jersey sow: only short distance from school, only a miles from ama. wash., and on good auto road. Price 85000. hal' cash. THOMPSON. SWAN LEE Third and Main Sta. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE 12 acre chicken and fruit farm. 7 room ' house, 54 ft. chicken house and granary; about 60 fruit tree, small fruit, creek gravity system water from spring to kitchen edge of good town, on Columbia, highway; 53000. term. At borne after 5 30 and Hun day. Beth M. HaO. 641 E 15th at 106 ACRE improved farm. 8 room house, large bam. new silo, hog bourn, chicken house. fenced and cross fenced, with woven wire, B. F. D. and telenhone. mile to school. 8 Va miles to Jefferson. Family orchard, an ideal stock and fruit ranch. Price "88500; terms. For more particulars address owner, Geo. Feiekert, Jefferson, Or. FOR SALE or exchange 160 acres. 15 in cul tivation, balance pasture and timber; 100 acre can be cultivated when clear. Watered by springs. Good 10 room house, fair barn; telephone and mail, county road. Good stock ranch. No incumbrance. 830 per acre.- Sam Arnold, Sublimity, Or. 10 ACRES AT ORENCO. OR. Nine acres in cultivation, hoswe. bsrn. and all outhouses; family orchard: 3 blocks from Oregon Eire; all modern conveniences; price $4200. cash $700, balance. 6 yrs. at 6 per cent H. M. Barton. Orenco, Or, FOB BENT FABMS 14 FOR RENT Over 80O acres best dairy farm in Clarke county; two fine houses, hot and cold water in each house, outbuildings. 70 to 80 acres cleared. 8 acres prune orchard on place. $1500 per year. See E. H. Wright sheriff, office. Vancouver. Wash. FOR RENT 88 acres. 40 acre in cultivation. complete set of buildings. 17 miles 8. W. of Portland, cash rent $875. A L-o have 1 s acres to rent near Orecon City. F B. MADISON. 216 7th st, Oregon City. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 88 IMPROVED FARMS WANTED Have 2 cash buyer for improved 80 to 50 srres, on good road, not over SO miles from Portland, with or without equipment John Ferguson, Gerlinger bids. HAVE Eastern buyer want farm. J. ROBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. TIMBER 28 NOTICE of sale of government timber. Gen eral land office, Washington, D. C, December 11. 1919. Notice is hereby given that subject to the condition and limitations of the act of June 8. 1916 (89 slat. 218). and th instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 15. 1917, the timber on the follow ing land will be sold January 27, 1920, at 10 o clock a. m., at public auction, at th United State land office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder, at not less than the ap praised value a shown by this notice, ssleto be subject to the approval of the secretary of the Interior. The I rchaae price, with an addi tional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof. being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If sale la not approved, otherwise patent will inane for tha timber, which must be removed within ten years. Bids will b received from eituens of the United States, associations of scab citizens and corporations organized under the law of the United States or sny state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quail fled purchaser, th timber on any legal subdt vision will be offered separately before being in cluded in any offer of a larger unit T. 4. S R. 8 E.. Sec 21. BWli NW tt . fir 1660 M NEtt SWtt. Hr 840 hL. NWtt SW tt , fir 1600 M.. none of the fir timber to be sold for less than $1.75 per M. ; see. 83. SEtt NEtt fir 780 M.. cedar 25 M.. SWtt NEtt. fir 850 M-. none of the fir or cedar timber to be old for less than $1.50 per M. T. 2 8., K. 4 E, sec. 23, NEtt NWtt. fir 1660 M., cedar 80 M.. all the fir and cedar timber on aid subdivision to be sold for not less thn $2000; sec. 29. SWtt NWtt. fir 710 M., sU of the fir timber on said subdivision to be sold for not less than $900. T. 2 8., R. 5 E.. sec 19. NEtt NWtt. fir 1600 M SEtt SWtt, fir 1900 M.. cedar 50 M., hemlock. 220 M.; NWtt SEtt. fir 1895 M., cedar. 45 M.. hem lock 150 U.. SWtt SEtt. fir 980 M.. cedar 285 M , hemlock 400 M., none of th fir tim ber to be sold for lea than 81.25 per M., and none of the cedar or hemlock timber to be sold for les than 60 cent per M. T. 8 8.. R. 5 E sec. 81. SWtt SWtt, fir 660 M., none of the fir timber to be aold for lass than $1.26 par M. (Signed) CLAT TALLMAN, Commissioner General Land Office. FOB SALE OB EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 8$ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 160 acre un improved bench land, Lewi county. Wash.; house, lot, business, or what have you? J. Cun ningham. 735 Hoyt st EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE t foil SALE CHEAP 100 acres, about 10 cleared; small orchard; lots of water; small house and barn: 4 mile from two sawmills; will take some trade; 26 miles out 618 Upshur St. N. . WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 TIMBER LAND WANTED Small tracts of timber, near a road and not over 40 miles from Portland; will consider rough land if the timber is good: must be bandied for small payment down. Will consider high priced acreage close to Portland, If con venient to rock road. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. . IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list your house with me for sale. I have many buyers waiting. Your house will be given proper atten tion. Wateh Our Ads. We Get Kesun. C. A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE A CO. 201-203-205-207 Board of Trade bldg. OUR business is selling East Side property. List your bungalow, lots and business property wiui J. . OEDER CO. Real Esute 4 Grand Ave. N . near Eaat Ankeny. Phone East 81. IMPROVED ACREAGE WANTED ' We have several people wanting small places near towns or city with payroll. Must have buildings and smaU payment down. Also buyer for cheap place near Portland. JOHN FERGUSON (rerlinger bldg. WANTED To buy 4 or 5 room modern house, $300 cash, balance $23 per month. H 68 J. Journal. WANT to aell your Irvington home? List with me. East 273, Herdman. GOOD house with about 1 acre ground. Spot cash. Call Tabor 252. BOOMING HOUSES, APABTMENTS AND HOTELS FOB SALE 68 I WANT rooming or apartment house; pay cash. Main 8669. H. W. GARLAND, 201 Sd tt. FOR SALE. 8 room housekeeping, completely furnished, cheap for cash'; cheap rent 168 E. Sixth st BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES 9 SHELVING, coemters, showcases, soda fountain awning, postcard, and rack, fireproof abort account system, 6 2 -gal galvanized storage tanks, drugs and equipment any or all 999 Belmont War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bond. Spot Cash. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. WANTED Working partner with 82600 in growing business; must be a good office man. Forties, 972 tt Hawthorne ave. PARTNER wanted to buy half interest In garage; experience not necessary if willing to learn. Call Bdwy 1878. WANT isuras.ntativea In Jackson. and Benton eenntiee, wKh $150 each. Boou E8 STZ tt htswtnorne. sftfMl BUSINESS CARDS CtJ M V"U ROSE CITY PBINTERY PleW tow mwst bring this ad. 120 6th st, . FOR SALE Truck line, 2 trucks. 1 bug. bufld- tea end tot 60x100; lso stock, wood; mast sail on sect, of health. Bog 169. Woodborn, Or. HAVE one of the best garage sites on the pen insula; win build and lease or nil, OoL 1941, 800 BUSINESS CARDS $1.26 . Ryder Ptg. Co., Mala 6886. 191 tt 8d at, - CORSES eaaa scooary, private partyTtaat 6142, BUSINESS OPPOBTUWTTIES ' tt . . :. ' . BROADMEAD Country borne and blacksmith abon. 8 aeree fine land, new modern boas worth alone S2500, barn and other outbuilding: stork, crop, ma chinery and tool; blacksmith shop fully equipped, with established trade; block, to school and depot! owner going East: fine opportunity tor black smith and chicken farm: 64600 take all, ra- aonable terms. K. W. Behsa. Vancouver. Waan. WANTED Western representative for whole sale organlaaUoo In central west, to buy. contract for and direct shipment of lumbar, shinties and sptit red .cedar post. Salary or commission basis. la first letter state experi ence and terms dsairad: aiva references. BX-48. Journal. A- NON-RESIDENT aayt to sacrifice 12-room house, with 50x100 lot, worth 110.000. for S7500; within 4 blocks of the new Montr gomery Ward building. Have been offend 875 tier month for 5 -veer le-e Thl will pay 12 per cent on investment B-577. Journal. GARAGE FOB SALE Will sacrifice for quick sale account of poor health, building, concrete. 60x70, 2 -story, full of storage ; good tease; repair, accessories etc Office phone E. 8658, house phone Tabor 8520, io uaal Mormon st POOLROOM, candy, cigar and soft-drink stand; 4 stock In first-class condition, good fixtures; .n.i .ip ,jo per suraio, uns rooms, grapoopnoue: price oee Mr. Henry. Alder hotel. Main 5275. i VOtL SALE Sawmill. 20 M capacity, set up and in good running order: about 3 million i feet of fir cloas to mill; good location; price 83000. If interested write for full particulars. F. B. Madison. Oregon City, Or. , 812.000 BUYS one-fourth rich silver mining property; no promoter: none but l-gitimst-Lnvestor need answer. Cash needed for work on proiierty. Kferences given ami demsndi.vL H-6N9. Journal. Old False Teeth Bought We pay up to $25 per plate. American Brokerage. 205 Morgan bide 2d floor. LIVE man with from $200 to $500 can se cure county management for new automobile necessity. Being demonstrated at 8S1 Oak st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 88 WANTED A location for a garage in the vi cinity of Williams ave. snd Russell sts. ; n,u be 100x100. Q-2B8, Jonrnsl. GOOD meet msrket wsnted. A. Fitze. 198 Watt at, Portland. Or. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE SI CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $82.36 per month for 80 months, or a 621.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 month pay a loan of $1000 and interest Loans of other amounts In aasaa propor tions. Repayment Privilege EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark at, Portland. Or, i i RESIDENCE LOANS I Loans for any amount at 6 tt per cent for 8 1 to 10 years, payable in monthly Installments; I any part or all of the loan payaoi at any time. We loan money in all town of the Northwest Call or write, 1388 North west ere Bank bids. ; Marshall 3718. Evenings, Woodlawn 2481 MORTGAGE LOANS City or Farm Property, From 8600 Up. W. II. BRITTS 8 18 CHAM. OF COM. MAR. 2649. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm ami city property, favorable repaying privilege; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD, 606 Piatt Bldg Main 6371. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real es tate; 6 and 7 per cent, long tima, abort time; monthly payments; pay as you can; um to suit 726 Gasco bldg., 6th and Alder. CELLARS MURTON CO. PRIVATE MONEY Large sum. immediate loans; will divide. City, Acreage or Farms. 625 Henry building. Marshall 6858. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security at going rates of Inter est Otto A Harkson Realty Co.. 418 Chamber of Commerce. fiONEY TO LOAN in amounts of 8100 to 85000 on city property. A- H. BELL. Rooms 10 and 11 Mulkey bids BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, money advanced a work progresses. W. G. Beck. 216 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. $300 3400 6600 8600 $750 and' UP . lowest rates; quick action. Gorden Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main IS 7 0. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 28l Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark $1000, $150072000 and up; no commission. F. H. DESHON. 616 Cham of Com, bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS up to $6000. 6 and 7 per cent Fred S. Williams, 606 Panama bldg. WANTED To" loan-$500 on suburban prop erty O. E. R. R.. 8 or 5 yers. Sj-58, Journal. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 pel cent Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Belling bldg 6 PER CENT; pay off your old mortgage; com. Ward, atty.. 407 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO. LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES i, 67 DOY OU N E ED MON E V ? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES . FURNITURE. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS. OR ANYTHING or VALUE, SECURITY USUALLY : LaiFT IN YOUB POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLk? ON THKIK NOTKB WITHOUT SECURITY. IF IOUK PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OH ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARUE. Wei WILL PAX THEM UP. ADVANCE lOU MOKK Mo. IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO ttUli YOUR CONVENIENCE V LEGAL HATES - NO DKLAZ BUSINKSS STRICTLY CONF1DIKNTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED! 806-807 DEKUM KLDG.. 8D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N. Pbon. Broadway S10. 894 Stark St., near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches, Vlctrolas, punas, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical h instruments and anything of vslus. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER City aad county warrants cashed at face vara. CARRIE MTKKS-HERMAN Manager. SALARY LOANS WE LOAN MONEY CHATTELS on short notice to salaried- or woraingm.es ea their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payment -Eaeii transection strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We alto loan on household furniture, pis Dos. etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA -DISCOUNT CO.. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDO. ARE YOU IN DEBT? LOAN TO .WAGE-EARNERS ON THKfR CHARACTER AND EARNING CAPACITY. $10 TO $500 AT . 8 PKR CENT PER ANNUM: WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMKSTH THE INDUSTRIAL LOAN A INVESTMENT CO. 267 tt Oak St. Lewis Bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; all article held a year; established since 188" DanMara, 283Waahington st OEO. HAHVKI loans money on household good,' legal rates. '" Tabor 8806. LOANS WANTED 89 81500 wanted for private party on farm land. 618 Chamber of Commerce. SEE OREGON INT. A MOBTGAC.E CO.. 282 Chamber of Commerce, 4 to and Stark. FINANCIAL - 51 ANY" .LIBEfffY BOND 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All dda coupon interest Included. ) J. M. KEATING. Sll BOA MP OF I stAUB CASH paid for mortgage and sellers' contract! on real estate ta Washington or Oregon. H B. Noble, 816 Lnmbermen bldg. : HORSES. TEHICLKS. ETC 18 BARGAIN-! 4 mares 1160-1409 Iba, all good workers, harnee included. Atlas Woodyard, 827 Front - FOB BALE Team of horse S years old. 2600 Iba, 298 17 th st, corner Columbia st DEAD aors token quickly. , Cash for dead , eowa... Tabor 420S. v $135 TEAM. 2500 Iba! good ' hari woodyard. 827 Front, BOR8X and wagon. $1.60 per day; S horses and , 4. tjaaea, S jrreak Mala 3306. HO BSE 8, TEHlCtES, ETC J S ' FOR SALE 100 head of "horses, from 4 to lS years old. from 1200 to 1700 lbs. One fam ily cow. Harness and waeona of all kinds. VW4 roadster. ISIS model.' in A-l shape: will ex-j, L change for eattle, horse or cash. Liberty bonds Pr mnjnlA mil - . I . ' i . . ,M,,UWTy represent!. rnu oueiier, tno front t, urown HtaMe. all unuuv nean Kaaiera urecon Dorses aae marea weighing i 1200 to 1500 lbs.. and well broken to work, lust arrived. " Will I J sell nasonable to save feed ttnenae. Can be t seen and tried to Suit buyer at Taylor t. dock. ' j inquire st wooayaw oftlce foot Taylor st ft " FOR SALE T " t I 10 bead of first class horse and tnirei t from 4 to tt ytan old. weight 1800 to 1800 Iba. : 4 ' soma well matched teams; horse all guaranteed mm nimwRn; mil auowea. sanitary stables. V f S65 Union ave. eor. of Stevens, i L. Glass. I HAVE team, mare and eeldlna. w.l.hi about 1250 each. They know all kinds ot"t farm work; also a "plow and harness with them; i 8145. Boae City Park car to 29th t., I block north. Small bouse, No, 01. , 1 1 SPAN gmy horses, 7 and 8 years old. weight about 2500 with harness; good worker, and yeara okl. To be seen at lsundry stable. Rsst 0th and Hawthorne. Ka-t 8227. irutt SALE Tesm chestnut sorrel Relglsn msre. weighing about 2600 lbs.. 4 and 5 years old. gentle and well broken. 1087 Fmn eis ave. Woodstock car to K 86th st Tel Sell. 1212, 2400 lb. team, harness and farm wagon cheap. Mt Scott car to TrrmonV. station, 4 blocks south to 85tb ave., 1 west to 71st st 8. W. corner. O. T. STABLES. 1 7TH AND KEAliNV.V 25 good young horses snd mares, som- well matcnea teams: everything sold with a miar ntee as rprrrnted. G 1) WILLIAMSON TEAM mares. 2500 lb., with good Urn and farm wagon. $165. 361 Russell st . nesr Union ave. Also fine cow cheap: fresh 2 day.. SEVERAL HORSES for sal. rheM7a work" Ing every day; replacing with automobile. 1029 E. Yamhill st; 2200 LB. team, harries and light" rggnn, $100; ' 3100 lb, team, $175: siian of 4 year old mare.s 2200JI... $80. 430 Hawthorne. FOR SALE 1000 lb. well bred mare. 7 yeri old; aUn $ year old Belgian filly. Hargain' 288 N 16th PAIR mares, wt. 2400. blocklly' built; giiaT snteed anywhere, with heavy harness and farm wagon; cheap. 5624 88th at. M. 8. cr. FOUR span of mares slid horses, age 4 to 6. weight 1400 lb 240' E 8th st FOR SALE .1 good teams of horses. Phone Local 8i522. LIVESTOCK II PUBLIC RALE!. Center; Wash. 19 mile north of Vancouver- take Pacific Highway Friday. January 0. 10:80 t. m : 16 milch row. 6 fresh with calves by side, 5 hesvy springers, 2 long spiiiigers. 1. beef cow, balance musing; part of thrse cows are high grade Hhorthnrna, 4 coming 2 and 3-year-old sprinter heifers, some yearlings and calves. 1 grade 1 -year old (red) Shorthorn bull, tuberculin tested certificate goes vrlth each ihead; 2 geldings, 2 and 3-year-olds, i red by King Alki. dam Queen C, ; 1 yearling colt one saddle pony. 2 doaen hens and inilleta, a.., ..it.... i . a .. i tn so i a . nr. i (, 1 1 . u., o I,,,.. , .v, I, 1 I III tl , mnin mMn nhnn mill mkh., tlrail Inn buggy. 6 shovel' rultivstor, 'saddle and bridle, , n. p. gaaollne engine, set double harness. other machinery and tools too numerous to men I tinn Elmer J Martin owner: (Vilnnel W H Wood, auctioneer. AUCTION "SALE tt mile, west of Rarbertos station 6 miles northesat of 'Vsneouver. Wash., on St. Johns road, Thursday. January 8, st 10:30 a. m., 15 milch rows mised breed. Ilol-stein-Jersej Imrhsm. some fresh, others oon; 8 yes r old Holstein bull: 4 coming 2-year-old springer heifers; 4 yearling hellers; 8 veal caives; 2 work horses; 2 driving horses; reg lst4red Poland China boar: 1 registered Poland China sow and 7 pigs. -2 Berkshire brood sows, 8 pigs; good Mandt wagon, iron wheel wagon, hack, J. D. bay loader, lot of farm machinery ana small loo is, nea-riy an oi wujho mi oes-a . used only one and two year snd I slmost like w1 new. ( srl Kaufman, owner. Colonel W. B lonei vv. , v Jersey cow y Wood, auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. AUCTION SALE of Holstein and will be held on Kernes place, close to Barnes school. I tt miles N. W. of Bevertoa. 7 tt miles from Portland, on Bob Walker road, sal to begin at 1 p. m. Tuesday, Jan. 6. 1920. 8 head fresh and 4 close up spring-art, 4 heaS heifers, 1 Shorthorn bull, 120 ton silo. Per fection milking machine, corn planter, milk cen. Bankable notes will be accepted : under 820. cash. Harold Nixon, owner. J. Kuratli, Auctioneer. 7- COWS, fresh and coming fresh: Durham. Guernseys and Jerseys; extra heavy rich milkers: will sell or take beef cattle In rxchange. 1128 Macadam at., South Portland car to end of line. 1 blk. south. I blk. east. WE have etablibeda iood market for dairy cows at the stockyards at North Portland. If you wish to buy sny good dairy row or have any to aell, see Mr. Braes at th Union Stock yrd, North Portland, Or. FRESH, 2 diys, Guernsey and Swim Jersey, S years old: rich milk. Cell alter tt a. m., 801 Russell st. near Union ave.. Alberta, Union ave. or Woodlawn car. 9 BIX very best grade "Holsteln cows, young, I week fresh, calves by side; all fine milkers, 5 to 6 gallons per day. Call at 491 Flint st MOVING to Washington, must sell ' my cows; some fresh and coming fresh. Hawthorne ta ble. FIVE fresh cows. Durham springs." $100. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd. Go one block north. FOR SALE Two young Toggenburg does, 1427 Olympia st. E. St Johns, J E R 8 E Y-O U F. li N SET , fresh in few days; trade for dry cows. 751 E. Ash, FINE family Jersey; good uiply rich milk; $150. 1245 Gay. Wdln. 5669. POULTBT AND BABBITS $1 THE CULVER YARDS H. C. WHITE LEGHORN'S Trapnested the Year Around. Choice rocks and cockerel for breeder from our high-rrcord pens Price $$. $7.50. $10. $15. Phone TsIkt 5069. 6735 69th ve. 8. . FOR a bargain in Flemish GlanT breading rab bits, write or call at Cooper' Rabbitry, Wyeth', Oregon. Have 16 doe and several bucks. About 40 young ones, 2 to 6 week old. All fine healthy rabbits. Will sell entire lot for $50 If taken at once. Sixty mile by auto on Columbia River highway or take morn ing train. 100 O. A. C. white Ieghora pullets and hens, 30 brown leghorn pullets. 12 illvtr Cam pines ; also some full blooded white Leghorn Rhode Island red. Ruff Orpington and Barred Rock cockerels. All fine Hoganised stock. Price reasonable. If you are in the msrket tor some good poultry are (lies before you buy else where. 8U0 E. Morrison st East 6122. NRTrBWE8T-POULTBYnBOBPOBATlO"li Offer yon th beat obtainable ta poultry, ess, ehlck snd grown stock Oorrsapowdeno cheer fully uuvsered. 82d st. 78d to 7410 are. 8-Jt Lenta stanon. Portland. Or. FUK BALE- 60 H P H. and Silver Canpln cockerel and rocks at $5 each. 60 B. P. R. and Silver Carmine pullet. 88 J each. All thoroughbreds. From prize winning stock. Mur ray's Blue Ribbon Henery. S12S 2d St. 8. E. Tbor 12S1. BAUlTiDHplymouth Rock cockerel, from beer laying strains. Farm It mil south of Kravi dall station in 6 2d t ; red fane poet. M. Blue stone. Mllwsukte, Or. ; - FOR BALE R. K.. R. I. R-, T roosters, raiaeoU from first prise hens, S hen 8 to 12 month old. Mrs. A Freeh. Mllwaukle. Or. R. 2. Box 12. ; WHITE-OSlHORN corkerela, "Tattered Royal pen, so, SB, iu eacn; newiowo uiani coat brooding stove $10; 250-efg Cypher incubator $20. Tom Morgan, Beeverton. Or. MT. SCOTT PGCLTRT TABDS Leghorn, B. Rocks, R I. Red ; cockerels, . $2 80 up. Write or phone for price en ben end pullet'. Tshor 6 895. S48 84th st. 8. g, WtfPAf CASH FOR POutTBf Pat. Puppies, of all klade. . Cash Produce Oa., 809 E. Morrison. Rest 919. .;7i. ii r.irrrr- mrr -ttt tz r "IV rA L,Br s.ooice young Jjeenovn ssni ssa , polleta. J. A. Dennett, 267 RusseU st. Phone f about 6 p. m,. East 1081, , mJ ytlU HALF His Is vine IlhvU tsl.Svt and ' ' White Leghorn crossed Pullets, $1.50 each, 900 S 71 t ave.. 8. E ; ' ' 6 BARKED ROCK pulleta, laying; 8 cock- re Is, from prize winning Hock, for ssle. - Want . setting hens. E. 8859. 190 E. a 1st t N. 26 WHITE LEGHORN pallets. $1 26 end up; aho some Barred Rock and Rhode Island Red. 6102 86th et alt Scott car. WAStEfJanrldgTWyandot'te Vinson. 1024 Holgata. Sell wood 1112. . WANfE65l6trVhito Ceghorn , irollete.'' JV 578. Journal ; f-WANT White Leghorn rooster. 2 years aid. Call Woodlawn 9879. - .. 20 BARKED ROCK pullets. 2 cockerel. $46, 698 g. Tyler et. Bt Johns. FOR SALE -Pedigreed Flemish Giant does aad bucks. Tabor 1996. COAL burning Colony brooder, like new, only nsed twice. Ptioe SI 5. Tabor 6S9. MASTER rtitqe7V3rs-siser3. V. 3. JUrk, St Peal. Or. " 8. C. RHODE ISLAND red ewaeMaTnifoli 885. 1489 Cleveland sve. RHODE ISLAND Bed crockerela for sale. Call Sateaday, 9814 46th eve. )v . . '. WANTED 8 or 4 used incubator aad brooders, v -H. Tf Plngbooae. Clackamas, Or.; - WANTED To trade rabbit (or chickens. Phone Sellwood 2479. .- ' I - - ."-'. BARRED ROCK cockerel for sale. GooV - atoca. ' 8eU 1089. 666 E. 80th et BULLDOG for sale clmap. Psoas Eaat' iiAeV."'" '