THE OREGON SUN&AVIOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY MOR NINO. 'JANUARY 4, 1820. 4 T1TB5Mirm ROOMS hY-ALt, worn is auUHM lur lira "? Kiudiuws- given. ear. it 6227. t'ter 1 p. m. ' Close to M- 8. and ,11. A. tig n ietb a. 5 Apply BEAL ESTATE 4$ FOR RENT 2 partly tarnished loom 100 ft from W, S. ear At 1211 47th eve. 8. E. Hot ul eold water, bath sad rlcctrw lights wr Adnit only, 310 tf month. A KB LA KGS earing room. t walking: West UiAa.. modern quiet home. GwUose only Phone mate 8941, -- 84 MonUnrogry. I ' '' "' .." "' ' 1 BUSINESS P&OPEBTT Oarage Site Jut listed. splrrxHdiy located, at til Bortb- eaat corner of 88th, and Hawthorne v.. 87i 187 feet. Hfi an opportunity tnas win pay b$v $8800, ball eaah. balance mortgage. Y-., . CUB A, MCKKHWA At W., . - j 83 4te at. Mats -482S; T Vato B71. . FVSJSriSHZJ) BOOM rarrATB ' : " ' family r ' ? JUNIOR large room, suitable (or two, wen fur Blxhd ; heat, Uti ru-nmj water. Phone MfErr FURNISHED heated ekwy. room; also flraplao; rot two (Ewmw. - y .TW Main 294. : -1 MCKlt furnisUd room ia pri '"" trUtema pre(rrad. 883 K. Salmon near - ltu. FURNISHED, naora ! for gentleman Ja P s. fanUy, vacant Monday. . tart 4821. 809 WiltUm gv. - - - FO1fcl:NT--aSleepina room. wlU but, 8 a 'tWO lovely bwdraonw, $10 each. Woodstock ear to 60thaTa.102l E. 80tli at. g. DR7fe front modCW ind eui water, aulUbU sMn jt th. eorner of Clay. tfijL'Z and .omToruble Sidlnoni la private noioa. icov, MCK . furnished up-talrs front coon, (entie- rd. 842 Qui rt. BOOMS) ASP BOARD PRIVATE . FAMILY 71 HKS.'ONSIBIJi party wants to ears ior child, girl prerwrred, bet. eg of 3 and 6. B-675. Journal. f WASTED Man and wife or 2 ladies to board la priTste boms; food horo cookinc. lu ' tll Allen. 84 K. 45th. Tabor 9582. pianu. rnrVATB' fimili. beautiful borne, (ange, an oonrenJenew, deir married enn p wmi'kryxl nr two ywing men. Tabor 1443. VIM, aiir ohfld ood care In my borne. 1008 Michigan ae- , ' t-BM8ia:D room for tww. with board In mod- rn prlraU born. Eatt 6014. 974 . Antony. U5FUB5I8HED ROOMS 19 80S 8 an iiafae FOB KENT Uoora. unlnrnlohed. In PiM- ' mont dlntrtrt. Apply at 1240 Miehleaa aw, KICK front rooou and twth. at nr IJiilon t. i ROOMS ATTD BOARD 18 -THK MAKTHA WABHl.VGTON, 880 10th, lor . .-binlnini f!rt tnd stndmta. Minhall 1ZB1 .1 fAITTED BOOMS AITD BOARD 89 t5IlS one to board small boy, . acnool. Monday to Friday. U 8, Broadway 4940 near Da& Call erenlncs, 6 LADY teacher in Franklin high ehoot can find a . room and wua near on uawtnorne ; ; v tB45. , Tabor itUARJi and room wanted for two Franklin high i, aohnol girw. W-8o5. Journal. 1 VVANTEI Horn for boy of 5 "in prirata fai . f foXNO -bank olerk wantu room and with prirst family. ' X.-45T, JoornaL board nOTJSEKEEPIKO ROOMS PURS 18 UK I AJD TJNPLBMBHED TWO larae fnrnihed H. K. rooma. beat, lisbt -and phone. Rent 930 mo. Aia one attio room furniahed for light B. K., IS no. 820 Hall et Jn-t the tJiirur for a bachelor, BL.KKl'IN'5 room with une nf kitrban for bnak- faat. Vom in. Marshall 878(1. OESERAL HEAL ESTATE ; IS UC6Siy Bide" THotj. .100x100 brick bMc.. 8378: arlendid JaBdrr mU. ZZ Oregon bldg., Bth and Oak, .; - . OB SAtE HOUSES 1 - APARTMENT 112.108 bny thia 4 -flat apartment. TM U modern 'and urvbxiiit buUdma: will make a aeod home with an income. Lot 80x180, ee traUy located on Tillamook et. This la a gilt cdze realty tnreatmeat, one of the beat ever of fered to the pablUfc u you want a cooa boma UOa- i It,' Teniu. ; HOUSE ' 8820ft Let us show rou this beantlral home. Thi bnlldinc It doabie-canetracted and ia a oor- ner location. lxt xuroe enerry trees. one peach tree. IX rou are aeekuig a noma, yon will U Uua at Located on Hawthorne are. uons r 12250 win buy a nice home. 8 rooma. an lot 80109. 1 blcck off 'of Union are. earUne; 810OO eahh and balanea like pent, Thie la a wonderful buy. AOKXC? 448 Morgan Bid BUMNTBtDE. tISTBICT Fonr apartment flat, will pay 12 pa j on price, 18001); 13000 wiU tuuuilg it 9-room hooea. eorner lot. 82800; tam 8-room eottace. 82880; $800 down. 8-room. newly tinted, oorner lob $8200; Siooo cub. OUntoo near 84th, ftreptaoa, furnace, laundry tray, ftizao; 8ooo down. snap. . Tabor 1811. W. H. HawtelL SEPVICK COITH-rEHT , RESULTS Do yo wish to buy or aeltf If yon wish to buy eat! na. If ron wtah to tII call m. We will do the-not. Oar ante la waiting to show you your new borne. C. E. Scott Realty Co. Main 3353 T1B-819 ChambMT of Commerce bldg. FIVE BOOM BCSfiALOW LOT 158x100 CORNEB Located 1 block from Preacott it. Alberta. is a reay attractive B room bungalow, large floored attio, reception ball, fin-place, hut It-to lmftet 3 fine bedrooou. larce Dutch kitchen. full basement, laundry trays, twetrtifui lot 186x100. 10 fruit trees, lane ehinken house, room for 200 chicken, alloy, lota of room for marketable produce. Only $4750. noma terms. Free of Incumbrances. - RKK US. MACK GE. T MOORK CO. 1007 TEON BLDG. REAX ESTATE FOM SALE MOUSES 81 A FEW, OF OUR SIHAPS a t 1 flTMfl' ,houM' hmt, to :-m 7 III Hi eonditioa 0sl30; 6132 824 are.. near 6 lit at. Ffiee 811O0. 4400 eaab and-$50 ery moatUa, CITlHiA G1 ' cottage aleetrla, Bath. iff & J WW basemewt, pared at; tXaUoiy ae. near .Maeen; 8899 aaata, , . . Good 8 na. houae, bath, elect., baaa- t, on 88d nr. & Waea. tefaa. Tr(r . houae, 100100 ear.. (n paid; coat $1800: $59$ CaAB,. . - 18th and Beech. 2 block car. eTRlTfini Fi t. bgto.. bunt-toe,. lOOileO. tCAWV ! chicken houae; 80th are. aome terma, $323 OfVTlfOl ' (in bungalow, basement, bath. PXUP'U elect., caa, tot 4195. 2 btecka to ear. E. 4 2d nr. Franeia. $669 eaab. tfMTl GoaA "". cor. lot; B. th jpOAvlilt tni Brooklyn; lot 60x100; snap: $1000 eaab. Nice $ r, bgto.. t bedrooma, boftt int. lot 60x100; X. $34 Bear Gllaan. $1000 caah.' Nice 6 room bouse, basement, bath, elect, panel dlntuft room, garage, etc.. cor. - E. 34th and Market; - liens all paid; terms. ORU3SI & BENNETT 818 Board of Trad. Alain 74BX REAL ESTATE $i 'teVEHTBODT BEAD THIS -A gnat eftering. NoUung wafers tha wa knew ef ha been offered to eompara with Uns great bargain and sacrifice. J8o person ajnosa tudamant Is Worth considering a anylng wiU disagree with , a a) to the ralue of this place when we say; that tt ia eheap - for twice the amannt We efter to aatt-tt for; eloaa In to the bosbMes center, not any farther out tban Slat street in a good district, bigh and sightly, siistunt'tl iuma Adorned "ith m bea tiful shrnbbarx say nothing of the lino niee tion of fruit in full bearing of the beat nalty. Fn-st with tbi borne aoee s 14 of a btosk ef land, a corner, on the carHne, cement sJdewalk and curb. With an attrartira eemeet wall de fining the grounds. In the present condition the. STownd alone ahouU be worth cay nothing of the fruit which take years to produce $4000. Sow we cotnr to the house. No on traetor or carpenter wU rr a tear figura wan loOOO to replace thi house In its pest con dition. There. are eeren large, alegaut rooma, including a fin sleeping porch. AH of tbe down stairs are -laid With solid hardwood floors fa perfect order, gnd from anpearanco one would Judio that these floor were not a weak old. The hoiue ia 'modern, in the fall Sen of the word but not a- bungalow. It has a basement of large 1i""T"" with ! a good fur- nana. There is a new concrete garage which would east today at least 8700 or $800. This house ie completely luraixDsa from ton r hottnin with Trv fine exnennr furniture. The rug and carpet ant of good quality, all of the furniture ia oak and mahog any. A combination range, leather cots red chairs and rocker. Ia short, the . furniture tt of the best oualrtr and lots ef it. It B worttt more than 81260 ha caah today. The present owner La only himself and an invalid wife; in Douse it too large lor so small a ismuy, We hare a oonscrratire estimate of $12,000, The owners say to sell orerythuar house, land, furniture, earace, everything connected with the Place,, .for onlr loOOO. It la not a ease of wanting all th money; 82000 eastt and a long a time on th balance a yon wish at A pet eentM. J. CIXWflESST, ABIXQTOW BLDG. UOUSEKEEPISCk ROOMS V VUBXl(iUEI AND C5Pt'RMI8HED PRITATE FAMILY- 78 Z. TWO or three unfurnished rooms, modern eon , x. reUnetn. . 840 6th st Apply Sunday or ere- .. ntngs, ' ' Cheap. - i" fTUfft7BlftaED"room.:i and water, $22-50 per mo. 72 Cook are. , Misa, r- , - am'. fmnt hfurHrpinj' worn with kitrhpm- T eJ.e. 1 S t O ts AS. A nwe IP.. 1 4. ...1U. X Vf $ A A $ mini v m MsA wh I MiBw fiONRT'S WOfiTH OB MORE ALBERTA BUNOALOW - room, with nicely finished polished room, fireplace. built-in conveniences, full Dutch kitchen, large screened in bsck porch, full ce ment basement with concrete shelf around en tire edge, full lot, garage, all street improve ments In and paid, 1 chick from car. Price 82800; terms. C. A. WABBINER , BITTEK, LOWE A CO. 891-8-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. Main 889. - IOR KK.NT 1 large basement lKniaekaepinc S . room, suitable for 'gentleman; right In oily, s ' Broadway 2944, Monday. V; 4 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, lower floor, " private recirtence, garage. Tab. 426. 8 FL'ttNISUED housekeeping rooms with kit ehenette. 2fl0 Chsoman t. Main B8B8. TWO large housekeeping rooms, light, bath, gas. pnons; go per week, ova yutn nortn. FOB REST HOT18ES USFUBM8HED . 18 f MEIER FRANK'S " ' W FORMATION AND ,-' RENTAL BCREATJ Srliabte, 0 to data lists of desirable vacant aousee. apartmente ana riats witn aetlnlte infor mstion swrtaining to each. " Newcomers to Portland will find this bttresn 1 great valneMa helping them get properly and . tuicaij ioeatao. , . EIGHTH FLOOR ' ITTB rooms,, furnished, comer lot on B. tflth ' t, 3 block to ear, $86 per month. Sue "-Mr. ramsworth, ' . Interstate Inv. Co. or Phono Tabor 9483, Sunday. 410 Henry Bldg, ;" pV)h"'RENlt 880 " M0vThf.V My thoroualdy modern 8 room hururslow. 881 E. Kelly et, in Waverleigh Heights; good base . ment, lanndry trays, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, new ga range, and gas water heat- . er. Inlaid - linoleum on kitchen floor, built-in it areaser W batnroom, suxmo lot. Open for tn- 4 nenuon today J1:K() a. m. to 8:30 p. m fhena Rellwooo 1806 er call Woodlawn 8109 ; "tapraj. WHEN TOO MOVE, nsfi NORTH WESTERN KI.ECTKIO LIGHT BERVIOH 10th and Washlnean. ids iXlB' RENT Five room ootUge. elose in, ntar --oaruna. SI J.0 per month., inquire $87 Pnion eve. near Harrl-on. EQUITY FOB SALE Am leaving city and am compelled to teQ 8875 equity and part ef winter's fuel at a bargain. Balance $1450, payments $23 and 7 lnhreet. This is no shack, but a new modem 8-room bungalow with bath and breakfast amove; finuned atn Ivory white. It Bllxbo with alley. 407 Ashler et, 1 block east of futon are. and 1 block north of Ainsworth. Wdln. 806B. ONE OP THE FINEST liOMF.a In the city NOW OFFERED FOB SALB LOCATION Wistaria avenue, near th Ala meda drive. One of the prettiest view points in the eity. The home section of the elite, " r G BOUNDS Beautiful grounds. 'which are tri angular shape, being 90 feet , frontage, 124 feet one side, 165 the other; abund ance expensive shrubbery and beautiful shade trees. Double cement garage with ncreola ton. FIRST FLOOR: Oak floors, reception hall, den or librsrv. bniltin bookcases, large liv ing room with long plate glass window overlooking th city; fireplace, dining rbom, mammoth bull tin buffet; walls are tapestry papered: another window of plate glass running the width of room afford wonderful view of - Rose City Park. Complete Dutch kitchen with every modern convenience; extra large breakrast nook; extra lavatory and toilet. SECOND FLOOR 3 extra large bedrooms, each affording the same view, aa dining and living rooma; dressing rooms with 2 fuU length French mirrors; large bath, modern plumbing; attic unfinished, room for 2 more Urge vorens. BASEMENT Full cement; billiard room, large mains room; laundry and fuel room One of the most complete gas beating sytm in the city. PRICE The price for this beautiful residence is only $13,600. Owner leaving city and will qaote very reasonable terras to responsible parties. Shown by appoint ment only. Do not auk for cumber. We have antes and Its more than a pleasure to have you inspect this beau tiful ultra modern home. GEORGE T. MOORE CO 1007 Teon bldg. REAL ESTATE FOB, SALE HOUSES Ileal estate FOB SALE BOUSES 1 Hawthorne Bungalow $3250 '- On Stephen street, near 36(1, $ blocks from Hawthorn avemna. we bar for aal a a -room bungalow. The eVnef is leaving the city and will give tawnediato posstion. Reception baU. living room, oining room wiu ww" llJ kitchen, 2 beautiful bad rooms And bath, good basement; pew linoieun on kitchen and bath room floors which foe with property, together with a dandy combisalion range and beater for kitchen. f oOO canh, balance 928 nee month and interest. See . iL Paddcn sale managtr. v - Metzger-Parker-: . " Ferguson Co. Grotud Floor 802 Oak St Broadway 8644. Formerly Stanley 8. Topsoa Cav Near Irvlngtbn Car $4500 Cost present owner 5"0; 100x100 with Imp. aU in end paid. Corner; 7 . lwtiuiiB and bath flows, . iTi tHnU floora with building paper and ndwd floors down, double Qooia pp. r i rep lace, nuii-imi 4.K., Miih v.Wr. varnished floors up. TUonlrea 82000 cash aaawner is leaving -- for Kurope. J. A. Wickman Co. 204 By. ExenAng bldg. Main 683 And 1094 Rose City Park 85500 buys a dandy 0 room bungalow., all on one floor, earner, imp. paid, strictly mod ern in every detail. Garage, west of 46th and only ono block from Sandy bird, .Im mediate possaision. $5250 buys B room and sleeping poroh, also attic. Furnace, fireplace, built-in, bdwd. f lours, garage, imp, pd. $6000 bays comer new modern bungalow of 8 room , and bnakfast nook, with addi tional sleeping porch. Hdwd. floors, fire place. aU buiH-ins., furnace, full cement basement, wash trays, garage, never been occupied; imp. . ail is and included price. We have a large assortment of homes ta this desirable district and will be pleased to show you at your convenience. IT WILL PLACE TOO UNDER NO OBLIGATIONS. J. A. Wickman Co. 204 By. Exchange bldg. Main $88 and 1094. 609 HOMES FOB SALE vr. a, m1 onrinrt-nnitv for yon to seen re a modern, weU built home on V tj-rms. Every one of these home has been peMonaUy inspected and appraised. Rome w1." T photograph of each home, with full data regard In. . Hir.u. for vour insuection. Is auto at' your service. This ryjtem has sold c . n u .hi ur nrl I am sur we can be of service to you In locating Just the bouse you are looking for. SEfc L. McOUIKIts TO BCY TOUB HOME IhliMftnn Rnililme. Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sunday, $35Q4 Cash HAWTHORNE MODERN B rooma and sleeping - porch, bath, gas, alectrtcttv. Areolae., buffet, furnace heat, lull cement basement; on paved street, 2 blocks to ear. ! JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632, 63$. 034 K. W. Bank Bldg. Ma,ln 8787. TEW BARGAINS 7 -room cottage, good order, lot 25x100; 33000. ONE 8-room, good order, lot SOtlOO; 84500. FINK 6-room bungalow, fin order; 830UO. el'LENDID 6-room home, in Broadway, ga rage; 86500. TWO MAGNIFICENT 9-room home, oak and mahogany finish, oak' floor throughout, fine basements, large lot 60x100 and 90x100, very fine lawn, best locations, Irvington. East 273. Herd man, owner. 6 ROOM modem house, sleeping poreh and bath, fl 2-3x95 eorner tot; 82050; 3800 cash. term. f, room modem bungalow, Dutch kitchen, fireplace; $2300; $100 cash; $20 per month. 6 room modern house, hardwood floors, fireplace; lot UO-ilOO; st. improvements in and paid: $2680; terms. See Adams. INTERSTATE LAND CO. (Formerly Scandinavian-American Realty Co.) 248 Stark St. Main 8429. Near Lamrellhiairst : $3850 . 7, room house, only 1 block from Leujelhunt Park, 8 blocks to ML Tabor carline; Wtception hall, with French- doors leading into large airy dining room, beautiful built-in buffet, hardwood floors, large roomy kitchen, 3 bedrooms second floor, large bathroom, white enameled plumbing, full basement, cement foundation, lots of fruit and flowers. This is an extra well built house; hard surfaced street, improvements all in and paid. This is absolutely the best buy on the Mi. Tabor carline. $1000 will handle. See Ee M. redden, sale manager. Metzger-Parker- Ferguson Co. Ground Floor, 802 Oak St Broadway 8644 Formerly Stanley 8. Thompson Co. - Hawthorne Bargain CLOSE IN A dsUghtful ltttl 5-room modern bungalow. Right in the hrart of Sunnysid, Hawthorne district. On 85 th st. close to car. Price only (32BO. Bee A. K. Hill. 215 Lumbentnena J bldg. - Broadway 421. -Rose City Bungalow $560 New T room bungalow, with hardwood floors, extra large living room, with fireplace, dining room with built-in buffet, full Dutch .kitchen, bedroom and bath on first floor; 8 beautiful bedrooms' o&, second floor; full cement basement with furnace and laundry trays; full 50x100 corner lot on paved st; south of Ssndy blvd. below the hill: $1600 win handle. See E. M. Fadden. sales manager. MetzerParker Ferguson Co. Ground floor, 302 Oak St., Bdwy. 8644. (Formerly Stanley 8. Th.mpan Co.) $3450 -TERMS. PARKBOSU S BOOM BUNGALOW. Half acr tract; just outbid of th. eity HmKs, on macadam road and nly 3 blocks to Co lumbia highway, 5 very good rooma, bedrooms, bath and kitchen enameled, luiltin baffet and fireplace, both living anA dining rooms have large windows and face th street, Dntch kitchen, woodlift and laundry tray; ground cleared ex cept a few fir trees near bouse; ideal suburban location; gas, electricity and pressure water; lubo down, balaoce like rent, i L. HAETMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. Branch office, 46th and Sandy. Tabor 2904. Montavilla Bengalow $21110 WD bum 8 foom bungalow, on fan tot, 2 wi I tf r. Vw.w J - rwrntillr) nul. UUHTsUS ItUUI AwA. n svra - -w MFinc room, with built in bookcgvees, paneled j:... r,.om int kithfan. bathroom and 2 iWroiMZaa. fuU baaexnent: $300 cash. S25 per tnth. Sea K. U. Paddfn, aalea manager. MetzgerParker- Ferguson Co. Ground1 floor, 302 Oak st. Bdwy. 8644. Formerly Stanley 8. Thompson Co. ' i.Donu PI.ASTF.RF.D HOUSE T.M nn rhe Oregon City car line. 1 block from a station: electric light, gaa in street ready to in.-tall; well water, pnraped with gas engine; concrete block bs-vment, larga brn. 9 chicken houses with runs; 4 acre highly Lnri- 1 aira sat out to Concord eraDoa. 100 Lambert cherry trees, 75 apple tree;. 30 rwar trees, other fruiti: an trees are .ui. una r nt full hearing : parking set out to English wtlnuU $4000 to handl or will trade for Pemnula home. C E. SCOTT REALTY CO. MAIN 8858. 617-519 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Furnished Bungalow $3200 On 26th street, near Alberta avenue. B room completely furnished buugalow; bring room, dining room, full Dutch kitchen, 2 nice bed rooms with bath; cement foundation and good basement. Thi is an unusually well built" house and a real bargain. See E. M. Paddan, sales manager. MetzgerParker- Ferguason Co. Ground Floor 802 Oak st. Broadway 3644. Formerly Stanley 8. Thompson Co. 81860 i In IarVrose, on aero tract Oozy temporary cottage, lined with Beaverboard; chicken house, woodMied and also partly finished garage; ground au cleared except 3 of 4 lit trees around bouse 5-ROOM LOO BUNGALOW ooated on the Oregon City oar line close to fortiiuul; excellent ear .service; sightly home for -bujdneas man: electris lights and dm: Ku'l Run water. al own water system in-tailed at a cost of 8500. ams engine dudio: full hase- ment: all the conveniences of the city; 4 acres or : good sou, snaae t f-ienty of fruit 7 English walnut trees; $6500, terms. C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO. MAIN 8358. 517-519 Chambwr of Commerce Bldg. $200 CASH and $15 per mo., buys 6-room house, Mt Scott district, electric lights, gas, lot 55x118 fL. cement walks fruit, etc Price $1450. Be. Mr. Carlos. Interstate In v. Co. Mala 1748. 410 Henry bldg. THIS IS IT ' Just what yon have been looking lor. In short walking distance to business center, 8 moms and bath, small basement with cement side walls, electricity, gsa. 5 Oil 00 lot, 1 block tram East Broadway, close to bridge. Only 82200. term. C. A. WARRINER BITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE Well built 6-room modern bungs law, Dutch kitchen, full basement, attic, double constructed, cedar aiding, $ appl. trees, Bart let pear, 1 Royal Ann cherry, shrubbery, carline in front of house: $200, $800 cash, balance temus; or will consider dairy cows, team and farm machinery as part payment. This place 1 at 2099 E. Yamhill. Ml Tstror car to 84th. Tabor 2858 between 8 and 6. except Sundays. 33260 SEX BOOM RTTN'GATIW Here's a dandy 1 Fireplace, den, built-in buffet, bimti ceilings, extra large white Dutch kitchen, 2 nice light bedrooms, fine bath, full cement basement 23x50. furnace laundry trays, 80x100 east-front lot; located 48th st, 4 blocks Wood Ftock ear, among fine homes. Pay $1850 down and move in it' vacant; 8 years on balance. SEE MR. ACK GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 YEON BLDG. THREE UNBEATABLE BARGAINS HKMI CLASS DISTRICT YACXNT MOVE BIGHT IN. 4 and 6 bedrooms in each, also sleeping porches, very sightly location, and close to car, all in first class condition. Is a creditor sale. Fine chance for a party with a little cash to .ToM.n ii- m..i l r. a - ' uu' U1 " vcsa ior speculation. vvui . - -w.,,. "' nre reasonable urras. Bm Ur nel&htintv nt only reason for filing owner leaving eity. Terms 270 H Stark at. or phone me 'for fnrtlier to- half cash, balance of. 815 per month. straight monthly payment, i Bee uiis at one. ) 7 -ROOM hous.. B. 15th at. 829 Salmon st - Min 4789 or East 1963 morning or era. 312 $0 fOTB rooms, 1st jtnd"HaUs5T rEPOM nous, elos. In. 310 a month. Sell' 2 48. BOUSES FOR RENT FTJBKITTJRE FOR SALE 88 , , . . FtiNltL'BE of 7 roomed hous. for sale. Hons . . , .V tor 481East Ankeny. kist T-roon nous., - - rooms for sal. furnUur. af Call 675 B. UlUan at. rcRirisHED norsEs 86 .t f CRNftHEB 6 VoolinTnTn"galow 1b best 'reek ' r V ',. . Metric ' " - electric equipment, Viotrula, piano, lovely home. 8 ROOMS, nnner flooe, partly furniahad, quir. 816 Tillamook. ' FCBN'ISHED bungalow to rent for board of on, or will rent furnished. Wdln. 6105. ' "J FURNISHED $ roomed hous. for rwnt, 77 aauiiuwtItll taw-. In- taon down $3no 4-room plastered house, elect rie lights and ga. foil basement, bath and toilet, plumbing all In. two more room, can be finished ' up stairs, making a six room house; lot 44 by 125. Mr. Mack. Main 3858 C E. SCOTT REALTY CO. 817-619 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HEBE'S"! BABE ONE-' Clear of all Incumbrance. $600 cash, bal ance like rent, buys this $2.rt0 modern K room bungalow, garage, full 60x100 lot, just 1 block from oar and paved st. These -ar. few. C. A. WARRINER BITTER. LOWE As CO. 301-8-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. 3 8 500 FTYE BOOM BUNGALOW Flrwlaoe. hardwood floor in living and din ing rooms, attic, lot 50x100, street paved. Franklin nig a ecnoot aitner. 4Grend Aye. N. Near East Ankeny. "31600 8500 ' CASH 820" PER MONTflt Good 8-room house, bath and sleeping porch. Hot and sold water; gas. electricity, and good ba'ement. Chicken run and some fruit. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 682, 633. 634 W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $8500 FOB $2400 Classy 4 r. bung.; flcepL, built-in. 60x100. fruit; owner sick, .going away for health; 8470 cash; conv. to'Jsff. high. Golookl 1094 Mary land; bis-car. Main siana J. L. HABIMAN COMPANY, 7 Ctuunber of Commerce bldg. Main 2 OS. PI R.YISHED FLATS : $B FURNISHED flat for rent or flat for rent, fur- uau at flat A. niture tor aal. reaaonabl. 4 28 M Montgomsey. $C0 Modern 6-rinm flag, nicely furnished, with isui ounnay net. l ana p, bi., $93 Ptfi st,. or phone Tber $740. 4 room fnmijAa n.t; grse ) CLEAN 3 and 664 V. 1st S. Main 48AN 48 APARTMByTS FOR BEKT IMCM.I fUTTkidMd B-room ant with - Uundry and aleeping porch, electric washer ?'- 'Ton". a par montn; rer list n. k. Tsoor ol. " VVANfKD-Young man ahar. art. Anneav ausQar, Main 89. Main, 64t WheelSo TWO lsofsi fnrnished apartment! boat and 'gas - ' WARTED TO REJTT 1 st FiBMEB. exuerUnwrdkotii .rd.n .2l I, T farming, wanu to rent a farm. Care Oregon jaarnal. WANTED Immediately, east aid. or " 7 room modern houw, large living and dlnlna ; rooay Call Eaat 1067. . : f - , 8 OR 6 rnom bouse, preference with chicken nous and fruit; will consider one wet Oregon i r grtne. am v;nj. , ltf o til ga. REAt ESTATE "MllSESOfRlffPERlT" 4t K. .-. ' $285,000 APARTMENT BrTTJrsjrj t 1TVE-8T0RT M0DEBN APABMENT BUILD ISO. COVERINll 200X80 . FT. AN . UTiir. T SIDE, IS HEART OP- OUT. HAS 104 APAHT- MENTS, ELEGANTLY FCaNISHBDT - DC. it COMB 842.00ft PF.R YEAR. THIS CAN BB s. FAMILY INCKBARET TO 854.000 PER TEAK. THIrt IS ONE OF THTC BKHT REAL-KSTATB r, IVTfTSTMENTB ! EVER OFFERED TO THE PT-HUC. THIS APARTMENT BUn.DING IS - FOI R YEARS OLD, AND IS ARTISTICALLY DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED. AND IS ' tOMSIlHRED OSS OF THK BKHT APART i'J'KNT BUILDING IN PORTLAND. - TERMS .' OREGON BUSLNKSS A FINANCKL AQBNUT, -v . - fio MVSWa.1 W4Mf, . : 33000 S room. 1 H story house, slectrta Bghta, fuU basement, gamge, paved street, lot 60x100; 989 S. luta St. nortn. J. J OEDES CO., 4 Grand are. N., near E. Ankeny. Small Payment Down Honse of all sirs, and kinds, rang la price from $000 and up- . ' Tabor 1485. or call at 8932 66th av. S. E., near Lient scDool. T- 32500 $500 cash, bat Uk. rent. T room house and fall 60x100 lots. bath. gsa. lots of fruit, on hard surface street; block to Union eve.. near Piedmont. Lt us snow yon. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. I 682, 883. 34 N. W. Bank BDdg. Mala 8787 IRVINGTON 5 and room . bungalow, new and modern In every detail, wttft uasco fur nace and garage ; terms and price are right For sale by owner and Dutwer. 6TV ti. zatb st N.. bet. Knott and Stanton, from 13 to 4 ra. uua wees. - IRVING TON HOUSE! 84750. This 7 room. 2 story dwelling is on Broaawi close in, walking distance, and is an excepJ t tonally good buy on account of future business vabie. being zoned by the city as apartment property. It has living - room, fireplace, dining room, recaption hall and kitchen on first floor. 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor. The lot ie conservatively worth $3500. Be. us without delay. This bargain won't keep. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-0-7 Board of Trad bid. liet us write your Insurance, Immediate Possession Rose City Park New fire-room bungalow, hardwood floor, lurnace, n replace, plate glass window, mirror door, buffet, breakfast nook, swell kitchen in white enamel and other rooms are finished In old ivory; this boa was built bv day labor and from the bet materials. WllJ be open z to . rMJor-e Mam GMN3. Main 0456. ANOTHER NEW BUNGALOW Bemeraber that last bungalow yon could not buy because It was sold before yon made op your mindf Don't be disappointed again. have ono that Is better and that you will be proud to call your home. Just completed .by a uo Angeios arcniteoi ana wiu o. sola at cost. A beauty and must be seen to be appreciated fiea Mr. McCarty, 270H Stark at. or phon. Main 1700. Sunday or evening Tabor B057. formation. Main 1700; evening. East 2086. FIVE-ROOM plastered house, electrie lights and gas, houeb very nicely arranged, well venti lated rooms, large light hall upstairs, bath and lavatory, sewer connections, pared street, ce-m-nt sidewalks, nice lawn, rose bushes, two cherry trees 6500 cash, balance in monthly payment. Call Mr. Mack. Main 8353, with O. E. SCOTT REALTY CO.. 617-619 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OUT OFTOWN OWNEB MUST SELL 6 room strictly modern bungalow, located close to. In the Rose City district, just 1 ts blocks from Bandy blvd., full lot. fruit trees, paved Streets in and pkL Price $4500. term. C. A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. 8-ROOM home on a car lino, can be readily changed into two large flats; plastered house, alec trio lights, comer lot, foil cement base ment : gas water heater, east front; excellent car service. $3000. liberal terms." Mr. Mack, Main 8853 C. E. SOOTT REALTY CO. 817-519 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $37505 rooms and sleeping porch; I i replace, built-in bookcase and buffet; cement base ment, laundry trays and furnace. Paved street in and paid for. Broadway car. Best location. Ask to sea this, (luuu easo, paiance 4 per TKftTlth JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 688. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. " ALB IN A AVE. HOME NKAB STANTON FOB 32500 Cw t mmi , A sown and kitchen. 2 Tip and bath; full basement, street improvements in. good lot, some treat- tnis is w ei w Terms. , STEWART A BUCK 315 Northwestern Bank Bldr HAWTHORNE BUNOAIXJW. insn anno pahH. 8 rooma and reception hall, buffet, bookcaso, cabinet kitchen, cement basement, white enamel plumbing; located near o!tlh ana trfncoin " See this Sunday. Call 216 4 8th. CLEVELAND HENDERSON CO., 212 Hallway Kxohang. bldg. Main 6763. ?OlOOM semi-modern home on a lot 100 by i no ...n .nt sidewalk 1, res living room. paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen, lavatory on each floor, patn, garage, cement sucunu, Mr. Mack. Main 3353 O. E. SCOTT REALTY CO. 617-519 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOUR room house, newly . papered, concrete . foundation, good basement, large front and back porch, 1 block to car, 50x60 lot. Price only $1200, $550 cash, baiar.o. $15 a month and interert. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632-683-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. $2650 FIVE BOOM BrNGALOW Neat attractive S room bungalow, reception hall, paneled dining room, white enameled Dutch kitchen, lanndry mom, wash trays, fine- bath, full basement. 60x100 lot, soma fruit, nice lawn and shade trees, 2 blocks ML Scott ear, near Annabel. This is a homey little bungalow nd the price is risht Only $650 down. SEE MB. MACK CF.O. T. MOORE CO. 1007 YEON BLDG. IBYTNGTON RESIDENCE ' Six large, light, rooms and sleeping' porch, imtctv gitcnen and second lioor wlilto enamel, bui It-ins, fjreplaco, furnace, two toilets, full, ce ment basement, laundry iray?; full kit and gar age. Only $6000; on third down, balance to suit. 499 E. 27th North. This is a real home and nnderprtctd. East 7937. $4200 SELLWOOD 4200 rooms and den, strictly modem except hardwood floor, clear of all incumbrance, only 2 blocks from ear. 8500 cash will has die. bal ance like rent C. A. WARBINER BITTEB, LOWE & CO. 201-8-6 7 Board of Trad Bldg. SEE THIS TODAY Pvwtrw bnnoalow. well built, nearly bow. fireplace, oak floors, builtin, paved strset. re stricted district, $3500. terms. B. F. Ppnd Realtr Co.. Homebuilders. nanay oivq. Tabor 8825. Otflce open Sunday. Suburban Home- M acre and larger, are on easy tanas. Tabor 1485. Call at 6932 86th are. S. E.. near Lents school... ! FOR SALE -room bangalow with fsraaca. firanlaco. built-in convenience. 00x100 lot. Wdln, 4SS2. Owner, 1020 Yamoa avo. Irv- Ingtoa er Alberta ear. . h 4-B06m hous. bath, station, tub, garage, chick enhouae, basement. lot 60x200, prunes; price 81000, balanea sill;- ei. o&. - 9 Italian $1$ a swath and 4-ROOM eottage, cement basement, some fur nltur.. bearing fruit . trees, lot jKlxlOO. Bear Kenton: . price 31600; terms. Xb2 ! Omaha, Woodlawn 2U3. j- - - . BKAl'Tlf'UL-buagalew. 8 rooma. reception haH and bath; property 60x128; complete garage, 16x88; (haw? of berria and lot f Cewr terms. Phon. D-1139. ' ! t-KOOM hous. fua .cement bssement, tVuit treea ana eniaaea nana, pavec, strat,a un Brovement paid foe; ma. easb, balsao. aa rant, 86 1st M. Ms rs hall 4481. ' - i 9-ROOM hons. to central AlMaa, modem ooa- veoiertoes, improvement ped: price 32800, Wdin.r8737v " .j .., . . NEW 4-room eotuge, Mb ' floor; 82800. -Owner, iKert 8225. COMFORTABLETPi B. 24th, nonse on 3 lots ' S24 69th sve. SE. Ox 120;a good buy. stOOTtN 4 room furntsrrbuuglow, E. 2 3tE"; osouw.- sywaor, aaa$ CMBi. HAWTHORNE 8 ROOM BUNGAIXIW $8300. A nice 5 room bungalow with all bnflHn features, flreplae.; located on full lot. This bungalow has no hardwood floora; but i. a real coxy home end you will 'be pleased when you are it for $3300. Thi Includes all street work. located zss K. 32d et. 2 blocks north of Haw thorne. For information call Tabor 8255. ROSE CTTT PARK. A .REAL BUNGALOW 4800. This is a good one, S rooms. hardwooA floors every ooneeivabl. beiltin eoavenlenc.; large fire place, French windows, beamed oeilinga, full cement basement, A 1 furnaoe; many nioe tines ana roses; lot ovxiuo. Price $4500, term. Lt'KDDEMANN COMPANY. 918 Chamber of Gommirrea. M.fn aoee $?250 100x100 tot, AlflutdT of bearing fruit tiwsa ana , oemes. osn of sou for garden. 8 -room eottage. Gaa and elect ricits-- street graded and sidewalk in and paid. for. Mt. Tabor ear. $750 cash, balance '$25 cer mo. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 638. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BOSS CITY PARK district. $ rooms, hardwood floora, full -cement basement furnace, fire place, - aU modern - convenience. sarago. f rait trees, rwwi ana oerry DuanM ; aa Meal Home; terms; deal with owner. Phone Tabor 6915 ffeffKLSinOe-sfiXAPl " $8860 Haw. burg., $ r., attie hdwd. flrs.. (lrepi., su ptuii-na. main ssqj, TIlXSln;nraBoe is batter-than an ahstncT titlw. Tiue I rust Co., l 4tfc st. $36004 t. modern, near 2 2d and Upshur. - Main 4803 -j " i . jUJ " - . ' , ' . ' ii J ivs saui ny owner at a bargain,. 6 room oungaiow. sso t-iaaop sx, Betlwood. FOR SALE by owner. room house, close in, on rwved street, cash or terms.) Tabor 9132. TITLE in-nranoe require no attorney's opia- vo. ii ue es inisy yo.. vi ain St. A NICK- stnetly modern fire room bunealow Faat 48000. . Terms, Inqoir. at 90 E, 84th. Portland Heights Six room borne with fireplace and fumaes: well constructed and eOnvenlont to th. Car. $5000 on easy term. FTve-room bungalow 83250. Firs. room bun galow $4750. Main 6486. Main 6882. AN" abstract of title i not a guarantee ef J title, it Is merely a history of your titlo. Title Insurance Policy I a giatrante. of your title. Therefore wnen you Buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title ft Trust Co., 91 4th (t. "$2250 H BITEBOSECTtt cAtt Nifty modem 4-room bungalow; fine Bow pipelea furnace, electricity, gas. i warm base ment; good garage; nice 60x110 lot; ajsMssmetMs all paid; fruit, ah rubbery, fine location. laaor nap. $9000 IBVLNGTON BEAL HOME. ffEBMST Living room ivory mahogany, : dining room real mahogany, 4 b. r. and a, p. glass-inclosed. full lot, garage, an perfect condition. Kast 419. $3600 TERMS GBOVELAND PARK BUNGAIOW8 7 rooms, sleeping porch, $4500. S roora. gsrage.- $5000 5 rooms, 2 loU, garage, $5500. Fnmaaes. fireolaces. hard floor!, ptving, ota. H. R. WHITE. TABOR 9824 " ' ' HERE IS A BARGAIN Sir room bungalow, on paved street, every thing in and paid. Located on Skidmore. close to Union ave. Don't be surprised when we toll you thi can be bought for $2350 on the very best of terms. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. a Title Insurance policy is a guarantee by a responsible company that you will not suffer toss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a -line Insuranoe Policy. No abstract required. Title is. Trust Co., 91 4th st. TWO room shack. 62xl26H lot. block to St. Johns ear, now renting for 38 per month, sidewslks in: $760. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 032-688S34 !.W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. SOUTH PORTLAND snap, 7 room modern house, nearly new, partly furnished and gar age; farms must be sold, owner is going east. PriceT$2000 and will consider any reasonable efter. House No. 1814 Corbet at.; terms. John Singer, 420 Chjun. of Com. bldg. Main 9478. FORlALE. elose in. furnished houae. $155(5. $550 down, balance $25 month, including InteresA at 6 per cent, or $4,00 do a unfur nished Located at 640 E..80th st .South Take Richmond ear to 80tn st. xnum noose sooth. Home 1 tul 5 Sunday. BUNGALOW bargain! 8 rooms and bath fnr- 61 niture and wood goes with place. wa ligm. tot $0x100; fruit trees, berries, pi J fat nice garden; improvement all paid. : Pric.' $1800 with terms, owner. iz e. tayior. MUST sell, make aa offer, B 1 room modern ' bouse, z lots, garage, cmrxea nons ana run. H hearing fruit tree, and berries: 1 block from Mt. Scott ear. 63 IB 84th S. E. r. garage. majestic bung, typo homo. Division at.; furnace, built-in. ; Msin 4 AO ' WILL SELL, cheap. 6-room house, good barn, a rag, 2 chicken houses. 8 Iota; fruit tree. end berries; l blocs rroe ear , ana . store. Mt Scott Owner. 6103- 85th st MOMKN 7 BOOM HOU8E AND GARAGE In good condition, corner lot, 60x100. Price $4800. Owner, 228 Skid more street. LV INGTON Beautiful eorner. ft rooms, per- fsct throughoat, otment garage. $7500. East 1V. YOU ar. sure of yonr title U you insist on title bettor bo sal. ta aorry. nu e 91 4th at. insurance: A Treat Co., $2900 BRAND NEW JM7NGALOW 32900. the On. of th. neatest S room buna alow. market, - 107O E. 32d et N., terms. - COZY 7 room bungalow, near tie Peninsula . echoolhoaae, 32800:' easy terms.- fiaet-gao TITLE insars nee eliminates delay in real estate deals. Tl. A Trust Co.. .1 4tn ay $3250 Eight room". enbstantiaL paving. $600 Ar.m i, ' mmmm Mr ,r T.ho HkQ4 CLOSE roue deal quickly through tzt Insiir- - anoa: tovsetigat. . 1ua tt trust sjo x aua. FOR SALE 6-room modern bungalow, hard wood Coots, flreplae, built-in 1 conveniences. $2000; term. Apply owner, 16 W. Webster near Interstate are. " : l280O$30O"CASn . - Snnaystd. cor., C r pared st.. 2 eartlne. . Main 4808. BEAUTIFUL bom. onghway, dose in, strict- 1 ...widen. -,11 a-11 n traa fnr f.ns fl.fiS2. Journal. , ' FRANK L.'McaUIRE ; , ROME BABGApiS ; "TTfJS MoGCTBK SYSTEM" of por. aoaally ipacting, anprstaing and pho togra. piling each Bow makes horn buying eay. We will put you imme diately in- too oil with toe. boos, you are loosing for. IS autoa at yasur aernoo.' $00 photugraUs to aeiaot Ixaot. : : , ' 86889 WWTNOTOK HOM T room modern home, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, (iro Viace, hardwood floors, built-iu eon venieneea, HEAL. BARGAIN. W. ' have other hums, la tl a distrlat U0 to $40,000. , , . $5500 WBST SIDE BARGAIN Very attractive" 7 room story and a half bungalow typo home, located on Vaughn st,. oa Willamette Height. Furnaso, fireplace, hardwood floors, bailt-in eCMveaieaoas, largo aid. poroh with wonderful unobstructed view, 4 light airy bedrooms, paved stnet paid. Tarms. 1 block to car. $5000 ARTISTIC BOSE CITT BUNGALOW Here is one of the very attractive bungalows of Horn City Park. 6 rooma, dea and breakfast room, hardwood floors, fireplace, . built-in convenience, large front porch full width of house, m ive I tons columns, low rambling bungalow Unas. Can arrange terms. $4769; WALKING DISTANCE roota unusually well built modern home on a COxlOO lot Jot ACMsa tlia Broadway bridge on Rosa at. Houae eould aasfly be eaaswrted Into flat. Double garaga. Yon ooukta't build th. house for th. money. The lot. is worth .$4000. Could rant (a. room for.$.0 each. Terms. , 84500 PIEDMONT HOME 8 rooms and den, concrete stucco horn.. Unusual bargain. $8800; ADJOINING LATJTtELHTRST Oorner lot on E. 29tb St., close to Rose City car. Paved street all paid, 6 room very attractive modern homo like new bnngatow. Full cemeVtt base ment, firepliuie, built-ia convoniertce. Tarms. $3800 NEW HAWTHORNS BUNGALOW Hera Is a dream of a bungalow. S rooms, very artistic typical bungalow lines, art brick fireplace, attractive lisht fixtures, tapostry wall paper, hardwood floors, built-in eonvenieuces. Vacant. W. hav. other 80 horn for sale in the Sunnyside, Hawthorne and Mt Tabor district, Ptoitograph of each to th 9 otfwe. 83800; IDEAL HAWTHORNE HOME Very distinctive modern 6 room home. Large living room, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement base-' meat, 3 light airy bad rooms, best plumbing. 8500 down, DON'T FALL TO BtK THIS. . 38500; MODERN HOLLADAY HOME ( Tory substantial modern 7 room at tractive home with distinctive line, full cement ba-sement, furnace and fireplace, -sleeping porch, built-in con veniences. On Clackamas eC Tonus. $3250 WEST SIDE BARGAIN $600 DOWN; $25 PEB MONTH 6 room lubstantial home, fun oement basement, furnac and fire place, white enamel plumbing, elec tric light and gaa. Lower Willamette Heights. $3000; HAWTHORNE BUNOALOW 5 room very modern attractive bun galow typ. bonus, many convenience, very practical floor plan. Terms. $29fl0i WALKING DISTANCE On E. 1 5th st., close to Morrison St., Is an unusually substantial 6 room modern home. Cement basemen!, fur nace and laundry trays, white enamel plumbing, electrie lighta and gas. 2 blocks to grade and high school. Hous. could not be reproduoed for $3000. Term. A BEAL BARGAIN. $2760 ARTISTIC: BUNGALOW Very attract: v. A room boioe-lik. bungalow. Clinker brick fireplace, pan eled dining room, built-in conveniences, paved street Terms. $2500; HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW On E. a 7th st, oa a eorner lot. ia a 6 room bungalow cottage. White enamel plumbing, electric light and gas, built-in conveniences, hard sur face street paid. Easy toruu, f $2400; NORTH OF PIKDMONT Fall corner lot, liena paid, new, very attractive typical bungalow. White enamel plumbing, garage. $2200; SOUTH OF 7AUBELHURST On E. Morrison st, near a 1st, is a 7 room home. Sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing, electric light and gas, 1 block to Montavilla enc Sunny aid, can. ttaay tonus. $2050: SELLWOOD HOME On BklweU ave., close to car. Is a -room bom.; wbit. enamel plumb log. electric lights and gas, abunitanc. of fruit, berries and grapes. Easy terms. We hav. ovr 20 other home, to thi district. $800; PENINSULA COTTAGE Comfortable cotrAg. with white enamel bath, patent toilet, electrie lights and gas. $250 down and $16 per 'month, Liena paid. In our show rooms are over 600 photograph of personally inspected and appraised homes in all parte of the city. 12 lUtornoblles at your serv ice. This office sold over 860 homes in 1919. Largest home seller on the Pscifie coast. We handle homes ex clusively. Inspect these photographs before you buy. Some wonderful bar- HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 BEAL ESTATE " FOB SAXE HOTJStS tl . Hawthorne District ( Donbl. Mnstraatei t -raora hot. oa GUna are., white .aamol kilnhaa gnd bath, paved ttreet, aU Improvements in. Fall, oemeirt baao meat Prtco 65000; 91360 oaaa, bal. $30 pot suoutJv Sao Mr. Farnaworth. , Itflntefstite- Inv. Co. Mate" 3748. 41$ Besur BldaV Railway Frrhangv. ;-- sCaia JtS.J Looking for a nomer Hon, hunting t vrr or hard Jug as you make it. Come to our show rooms and to. to. photos of huodreibi of botne. If yen hav. aa hour to spare leksst atveral that Jus about Jit yoar purs, and denioivstrator will driv. yoa out to look them over. So our first thwa try and implicate them .lsewbora. . Call Main 1686 and -e will give ro any la formation regarding homes we hav. for aato. THE CREAK OF BOSB CITT - ' 25 bungalow in Boa. City front -$$$0S to $9000; aech en. inapested. appraisod and pbo- tographed. - . $3600 Two .dandy 8 mora bunralowa. $4200 6 room bungalow oa $Tth at SPECIAL BOSB CITY . Her. Is a real coxy 6 room bungalow, at a itcrific. price and marked down to im mediate!; hsniwnnd flaors. furnace. fUU lot, 2 additional moms in attio. eUy fwboisd off; gtr .. tTMs, shrubbery and vtows,' only bnilt a tow years; $4350, tenos-T You wfll pay 8000 a Bom City bungalow Ilk. thi in a ttm m oralis. $4659 Hero U a brand now beauty; paved at. hardwood floora; fireplace $48506 room bungalow. ' $4900 5 room bunsalow. $0000-r-Kour to pick from. ; $52600 room elaborate and eompleto. $56t ft room bungalow oonioUta. $0000 Elaborate 2 story atone. $6500 New 6 room, tnioriana. Call Main 1680 and a to wffl drive you out Sunday to look them owe. UtRELttnisT BUNGALOW V .Y'-W JUSTf VACATED ' JY- Oosy S rooaa . bsuigalww. : largw Bvtat) resssl be n tiful dining room with buffet running; fuU length of foom: 9 large bodroorat tnd rausio ' ar library room; finished in white nl and , mahogaay trim throughout; modem . handy kltohM srith U ballt-ia eonvenianesw. . Fine, larg. bassuaent with bullt-la fruit eupboard and B coa all RM Nr. lictrty, 279 Star u or aheao Main 1700. Bun day at .rasing Ta bor 6037. QjMto ORoUS-bs AS'b cOtf auS UA WTROatN B DISTRICT Naarly a full acre of ground with aboat 80 good bearing trait tree and abnndane. of br- ' rie. an Hawthorn ear una, prists $3800. Caa b. bought on easy term. i O. A. i WARRINER ' ' RITTKRi LOWS A CO. 901-3-8-7 Board of Trad. Bldg. $T61CRlMS ils'oo "DOWN" 10 Room Modern .House ' On East 33rd Street NEAR- BELMONT CAR HAS FURNACE. IDKAL HOMK AND 1NVEBTMKNT A RARE BARGAIN PHONM TABOB 6198, It'EAT 7 -room bungalow near Peninsula Park. Flreplae. bockcaaaa, buffet, pntoh knrheai oak floors. H cement basement : 1 bedroom down. 8 up. 88769, $1600 oaah, beL moo thi. CeJ C. II. Johnsoa. ' JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 688, 638. 684 W. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. room bong alow, atyl hous. bard- FOB BAl Wood floor. In S roams; a vers fin. fir Plan., buffet, many Ibuiltin feature, full Dutch kitchen, fuU cement bmettt and aleepln poroh: lot 76x100; variety of fruit treat, barrita and shrubbery; a vary flat horn and ouid not b. duplicated today at th. prion, $4600. E, X if JBST I OOlt AT THtS $2200 with only $300 down tokos a fin. Wn- Royal, telephone Q-I862 eaiow on ru:i suims int. oa oea ii. MrV, frrm C HiMt Mr? eOmhinatioVi liv ing and dining room, bath, 2 bedrooms, built-in HlrtfiEBOAT ' hnffaT till Mfflnt haaement 4 fruit tree. rie and load of rosea. Ring Main 1636 and will show today. $3900 HAWTHORNE- BABOABf South of Hawthorne, on 4th st. Is aa ex ceptionally attractive 5 . room bungalow, flrernae., hardwood floors; special gas radiator heating system, wood work finished In cream through- cut. A 1UU range goo are. wiw uo aw w- Term. - $2760 ALBKBTA BDTVUAIAJW On K ISth it w. hare a new 4 room bunga low; 2 bedrooma, oement buunot, fall lot, $600 down. 88000 3 STORY ALBKOTA Folks, her. is real value in a neat well kept home, Urge and roomy, lust 4"f Union ave. and 1 block from cUlltmpiwortn. a rooms uown and 8 light, airy bedrooms up; full lot beautiful grounds. Yoa can't build the hous for $3600. Easy term. ALBERTA BCNOAI-OWS FROM 6,1900 TO ' 35000 Several real snap. Call Mala 1688 and get a demonstrator to ride yon out to thes TODAY. BEAUTIFUL MT. SCOTT DISTRICT 82500 $300 DOWN Boys a 6-room house on an 80$ 100 lot; 8 bedrooms; fruit tree and bsrrlaa, 8m tt to day. 10 MORE IN MT. SCOTT TO PICK FROM $2125 5-rolgn almost now bifcigalow, bnlltiaa and quite nifty. $500 down. $1860 Buys 5 room cottage, 41xl40-foot lot. $500 down. Chick auhouae, fruit tree. RICHMOND SPECIAL 81800 5 -room cottage, paved street ta and paid; 18th and Taggsrt its.; gas, bath and toilet; 3 bedrooms, pantry, base ment. Hons, in good condition. $400 down. Vacant, move right in. Six real estate demonstrator with ante at your service ail day Sunday. You won't be urged to buy. Call Main 1036 and let us show you. Attractlva Being room. 12x18 Badreaaa, Vafb, kite Ken. aereened aleephig porch and larg. float ing on good togfloats; lectrtetty, , telephone an4 city wttrr; unfurnished. xmp. for store gad gas, water htter $1.00 H-6CX Journal. , 6T80 "BUiBOAIhT "" room bungalow, close to oar) view lot Boal fall to e this beatjUful place, Ownar In th. East wired to sail at once. See Mr. Delahnnty. at 270 W Stark at. or phon Alain ITOOi Bun day or evenings, Kast 20M6. I' TITLE' lNSUmieSf3LlfJY II I gtiaranto. 01 mt uu to your noma, wnta you buy your horn hv the title Insured. Better b. , sar. tnan aorry. sTitla A Trust Co., tl 4th st 18 FOR SALE LOTS ONE acre, all In tmlti ration, H bine to Cats ave., oa bard street, located where value are Increasing. A real buy. Priao $2250, term 8.0 oaen, za per moats, , Be Mr, Graham Interstate Inv. Co. Main 1748. $18 Henry BWg. s- " SJ -1 To Ct Your Westover Terrace Homesite Ton may phone, eall or write XIAKOI.D JUNGCK. Bscrstery International Realty Associate Owners, 1807 Y.on Building. Phone Office, Main 680, Res., Eatt 198$. IBV INGTON 75X100 "" -"'" $60 DOWN 76x100. tnstdt wist front, oa B. Iltt Bear Enott, 80-foot pared street, sewer and imnroea. - menu In ami paid, beautiful homes aurronndlng. , i7.or. w nnsnwtj oar. rnw only, .itouo, $650 down, balance: 9 year, at 6 per cent. - BITTEB, LOWE A CO., , 801-8-6-7 Board of Trad, bids. Open Sunda and Evtninga, 218 Bailway Excliang. Main 188$. FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUB HOME. Snoseesor to H. D. Mcfiuir. Cow .Established in 1880, "40 Year of Service." AMngton bldg. Main 1068. Otic. Open Evenings, Holidays and Sundays. Mortgage Foreclosure1 Bargain $2500 Present owner foreclosed oa this and redemption period is now up. 2 flat build ings of 0 rooms andi bath first floor, 6 rooms and bath np; only 100 feet to car. Lower flat rent at $17.50. upper at $18. Photo at office. J. A. Wickman Co. 204 By. Exch-ng bldg. Main $88 and 1084. The Wright & Rock Co. $4200 in Rose City Park, a 5-room modem bungalow; garaga, larg. lot, 3 block to ear, 31000 cash. $4200 In Piedmont, 8-room modern; out-of-town owner advise its to tall at oaoa, 61600 cash, term on balance. $4750 In Hawthorns, a 6-room extra mod ern; ailk tapestry paper; woodwork in French gray. The most classy finished bungalow in this district About 32000 cash. 83630 In Hawthorne, a 6-room bungalow, 1 block to car, $1000 cash, terms on balance. We have many good buys in all parts tat the eity. Call for listing or information. The Wright & Rock Co. Sunday, Tabor 8000. SeU. 1858. Main 5989. tfACRE" NIFTY MODERN BUNGALOW $4250 Polk, if yon want a mal nifty bungalow with hardwood floor, fireplace, bnffet. Dutch kitch en, breakfast nook, cement Basement, etc., wiua H acre -of productive soil, in a cunariar loca tion. Just bevond the city limits. w do want yoa to see this. All ready for oooapaaoy. Very easy term. A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st, near fid. Msln 8093. Branch Office: 50th and Handy (Open Sunday) Sunday 'Phone Tabor 8255. GOING TO BUILD f ITesVi ronr- opportunity. Ffn. lot, 8 Oil 96, an B. 36th tt. asros th street from play ground of Ksn'lworth park. All Improvements ia and paid; 8776 for cash If taken at sue. ' BASER A BAINaTY. 898-6 fiasco bldg. Mrhall 8126. APABTMRNfOtJirTSTTar HalT Block 100s200. Walking Distance, Fast Btda, toono. 3. J. OEDER CO., 4 Grand gr, N. near B. Anteny. BEAUTIP'LLT woodej 6o"il60 lot, $3"09,",S8 acre ohOA bb lot. 150 arson high HOSE CITY PARK 6 BOOMS. $4260 ' Folks, here is your opportunity to gat a real good horn. In a first claa location for lit tle money. Hardwood floora, fireplace, buffet, cement basement. furnAco, ato. Assessment paid. Tory liberal terms. Let as show you. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 284 Stark St.. noar Sd. Main. 8093. Branch Office 50th and Sndy. (Open Sunday) OWNER Is building S, houses in Idds Add. ; 6 rooms, modern in every way. In order to get income from lots I offer these at actual cost of lots tnd buildiuo; good terms; built as yoa would build a homo. Look at these white under ooest ruc tion; take Sellwood, Richmond or Wood -took car, get off at E. Harrison. 1 b. oast. Owner will be on ground today from 2 to 4. $1650 4 ROOM modern bungalow, sleeping porch, large lot 8 bearing fruit trees, lots berries, near Btowarta station. Term. East 6829. 5-ROOM cotua. lot 75x100, fruit trees, trick oa boose. 81430; terms. Broadway 1058. 20 Oregon bldg. ' - EYEBY purchaser of real estate should have hie title insured. Better bo seta thaa aorry. Tttl. A Trust Co., 91 4th st 81600 4-BOOM asodarn bouse, garage, ebickeo T boa.: half eaab, balance glT.AO per aao. in- cmding interest. Tabor 6513. . , , . - ' ' YOO"eaa resell your place without delay" If yon - have a title jnwirsjce policy. Titto A Trust Co... 91 4th St. y : -j- Y FOB SALE Modern 5 room bungalow, block from. Ko. Cnw Park - ear; $3000; . term. 724 E. -68tli B. Tabor 6028. ; - $150 CASH $2478. Y . 'Watt side, S mis took. 343 S -airmen at . . ... . Main 4803. - - - BEAUTIFUL room bungalow. 60x100 lots. furnace heat bookcase, buffet lots of fine fruit, eent front, large porch; $3000, $1200 ea-h. balance Ilk. rent. , JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 683-633-684 M. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. $200 DOWN. $25 per mo.. Inc. int. buy 7- room house. Z H block from Bo. Ulty car. eorner lot: good plumbing, light, gaa and- elec tricity. So. Atr. liose. Interstate Inv.. Co. Mala 1743, 410 rlonry bldg. S ROOM eottage, hardwood floor, furnaoe, bnf fet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, cement sidewslk, liard surfaced street; abundanos of fruit and' all kinds of small ber ries, rose, and shrubbery. Prtaw $8800, 81500 down, 326 iwonth. Balph Ackley ad Co., 527 Corbett bldg. To to. thi plan. Sunday call Tabor 04. K Modern HawUiorn. cash. 810 monthly. . Also tracts, easy term, near Jefferson snd Peninsula Park. 18 minute. otuU- JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 432-638 684 N. W.. Bank BMi. - Mala 8787. istumttrwrjtxt CIjOHK IN 88600 ' S. CorasV Fast Bth and East FUndtrg StA tjottage. I. J. OK DICK CO.. 4 Grand ar., near E. Ankeny Bt, EU.LrDOSWOBTU NEAR UNION Dandy 80x160 toot lot for 8650. ewment walks, earns, graded street, eloa to 4 carlla, several acbools. Will mat. vsry may torm to riauit party m miwb a vjry,, 201-3 6-7 Board of Trad. bldg. "T?EAtrn60ERSBECnEnFATlT0RT SnUndld lot. 60x100. luwwssed vale. 643B owner refuted 31609 for thi lot 7 year ago: you may aow bars tt (ur $430 oa any Stud of tnBA m , , , FRED ORRMa!! I . 782 Chamber of 'Coma.rr. Bldg. ' ' trosnivar: Bear Bnmskto St.. Cor, Lot 60x100, $8000. For partictilgrs at. J. J. OKDEB CO., 4 Grand Av..; N. But E. Ankeay. tESTtfDE "lot, riarr ear: oonveniant to 'fae torio. ihipyards. ato.; only $990, rry aay terms If desired. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 682-688-684 N. W.I Rank Blda Mla 3767. i mtvuiTtfr-ptcirTF Owner Instructs n to sell at hi erpms. fin. 100x100 earner on Thompson at. All ianrrwv ments paid. This Is a rwl snap. Don't fsfl to ot a at once. BITTER, LOWE CO.. a 201 -3-6-7 Board , of Trad. bid. BY OWNER, a 6-roora eottagw bangalow in Hawthorne district. Sell furnished for-S2HB0. tmfumishod for $2600. Hotn and furniture la good enndition. Term, oaa bo arranged. Tabor 8090. ' BCWNYSIDB BARGAIN For sal. by own.r, 6 room house on Bast 80th tt, between 2 carline. oa pared at. For par- ticnlar can Tabor 7330. EES THIS. Caah talka, 4 room house, close in, nic lot with garden and chicken boasot has tamo. - flreplae. and alt conveniences. At 14 K. 80th st. East 8590. S BOOM-MODERN BCNGALOW-lSOOO With coaoreto basement, fnrnac, 69x100 tot nearly new house; torus. Woodlawn C028. 1108 East'ieth tt N. - - IRVINGTON To e)oo estate, will sell at ree aooabte pric and torm modern, weU-bnilt residence, eor. 20th and Brass. Donald Mae lood, 1901-2 irstldirig bldg. 8450 CASH $2930 Alberta, t., 80x100, 1 Main 4808. FOR SALE Four roos house, m-e blk. oar, paved taa, Duteh E. Farra- kttetm. Can befor. 2 as gut near Mfawstppl a.. $2200 ONE acre and bungalow at Bryant sta- tioo. - Inqaire for Blmpler plsoe. SIX pvw, bByi, electric" lights, na: furnShed; walking dlwune. Owner. 64 3 Vsneonwwr ave. IRVINGTON, $6500. 7-roova swrnl-bupngalfw, full tot, garatn. I Eth and Stanton. F-ast 419, IF A AsMao i worth, buying, th UUo ia worth lasorinc. TlUo A Trust Co. 91 4th at, FOR SAI.K Modern Hawthorne bungalow, 83250; ilreplao. china oloeet,. oement bsse ment, laundry tray, east front, paved trrM, eemvnt sidewalk 1 block from carline: this rriao. oan b. .bought "on easy term. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 627 Corbett bldg. To sot thi place Sunday call Tabor 604. 3- ROOM bouse on a paved street, eorner lot 60 by 100, small basement, toilet, ga and water in how, cement sidewalks, all improve ment raid; 4 fruit trees, lorsn berries. $160 sash, bavianoe 31$ per month. Mr. Mack. Main 8863 C. E. SCOTT REALTY. CO. ' 617-619 Chamber of Commew. Bldg. FOR SALE Neat 4 room bangslow oa lot 60f 100 feeft, eement sidewalk, graded street, rleo trie liehts, baffet and kitenen; shrubbery, rose, and town: 1 blocks to Bos. City Park ear. Price 82100: small payment down, easy term. Balph Ackley land Co., 827 Corbett bldg. To see to. place Sunday call raoor sin, COZY 4-roem bungalow with large living room, tireplsee, fall plumbing, gss and electricity, 50x100 lot. tTlosa to ear and school. 62400. 'Term If desired. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633. 634 K. W. Bank Bldg. . Mala 3787. " " $8978$760 CASH KB. 89TH AND HOLOATE, OONY.AV F. SHOPS Sr. mod.. 8 bed eh,: eieg. eonditioa, vaoaat; 169x100; flrtpjAoe. modem, fruit, snap. Mala too. TtT3- WsLiTifce is th. mode'ra way of W dliagt title, to real estate. Quicker, eeeta lesa and no betrat reosiirsd, TBI. A Trust Co 81 4th st, wrtfn . ns Burchae. tour nom. have the tide Inswred. Ct a Title Insurance PoUey. Title A Tr Co.. Tttl. and Truet Bldg. $2000 MODERN 4 room bungalow, elos. In. . aU lTnpnrrewients ia and paid aosd $12O0 cash. Pbon. Wdln. 6899. 71 nooyirig CLOSE, tour ml estate deal without am - details by using a Title Insoranee Policy. No abstract required. Title A Trust Co., 91- 4Ch St. WHEN you gist a Tiifi Inauraiws. poJio'y yocTde - not need aa abetrsot.ot nut, - oat premium pays for all time. Title tt Trust Co., 91 4th tt $3930 ": Nesr rungalow. all ianTwwvi Irvingtoa dMtriatv. Tabor 7883 smut tnohsdd. 88S. . . T2oo : Union av..! and, Cor. IM 60x100. Both streets pared, sll stmntt pctA J. 1. OBDEB CO . 4 Grand av. ' N. aear M. Anktn. ONE of the beat earner lot In Alataoto Para, ur at aia. I a JOHNSONf D0DS0N CO. 632-683-684 N. W i Bank Bldg. Mala 6787. KOtR CITT BEAR. BARGAIN E. 47 th at, att improveroena paid ftt. flgtit . wui a among th new bung alow. tarau as? will aserlfte. for oath. KITTI K, i M)WE t tAJ., 801-3-8-7 Board of Trad bldg, G'mnd Ave, taov snake aa Corner Lot, 47kl00, 8.' B. Oonet at Orand are. and Portland Boulevard, ( I. I. OEDEB OA. 4 pAjnd ar. N. near E Ankaay tt. tRVIGTOk diatricti fin. eorswr lot, dOilO. asr AO: street. ftalAl A Mg ba resin. ,( JOHNSON 632-938 684 N. W DODSON co. Ramt Bldg. Mala 8797. Tfi?!Sa6trT$ t i otT Eet Seventesmth near Knott, beautiful east front. 80 foot paved. strt, food house, aU ma pro renuots paid' Juwt think, only 82600. BITTEB, i LOWB A 00 . 201-8-3-7 Board of Trade bldg. 08ECrfT PAffiSTlSTp 8 2d at. east front. Only 3600, easy Owner cot of town; must b. seid. f BITTEB. I LOWE A CO., 201-8-8-7 Board of Trade bldg. - MUST U cheap, 7 loU 25106 saob; soroari all fsnoed, 4 blocks to school ra Railway d dIUoa; your own torm. I. M. 8prl, B. 1. Bos 69. Aurora, Or. -, - .- 60100, 3169; 109x100, $800; on E. 66ta ; St., 6 blka to Mt. Tabor ears (ftst wrvioe). 9 blocks off Base Lto read (hard suffaee).. Osrnwr. H. P. McCoy. East 686. - ;' FOB SALE On. 80x100 lot, Itotto O-rt ad dttton; efaoap for aash-er win trade for ussd . ear In good condHtoea W. B. Bane. Baleas, Or. - - - - BAIi OB TBADkT " - ' 80x4 00 lot, Bodaey ava aott Sktdmorw St. Phon Woodlawn 1492. ' - LOT 50x100. on rweteyi -. at a bargain if , taken this week; ' 11 -at, ioanrevommto ia and' paid. O. Hofstand. H 374 H Grealy st. -..... 8nap 3 good fall lot. ltvL lay 1 ft, above sidewalk ;-shade tressi ' Tsbor 6359. FOft Wr.K tot-ai'awrifHc.: kaat 2.lTtI C-B Mats 4466. we daya, h