THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL' 14 SATURDAY, . JANUARY ' 3, 1920. PORTLAND, OREGON Portland SERIES OF GOSPEL federation of Churches S3s to Cbriduet ervices pedal (Evangelistic III HELD IN T Five: Prominent Pastors of Port land to Speak on General" Sub Ject "ReHgion Worth While." ' As a result, of the all day rally and i retreat r Portland ministers on De ' cember 1, there will be held In the Baker theatre at noon on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of thla coming week, a series of special -evangelistic services under the direction of thef Portland Feder atlon of Churches; Five of Port land's leading clergymen will 'speak ' In these meetings, The general sub ject of their addresses will be "Re ligionWorth While!" . On Monday, the speaker will be the TFtev, ' Edward HV Pence, D.. D., pastor ' f .-Westminster Presbyterian church, whose subject will be "Man a Religious i Being." On Tuesday the speaker will be the Rev. Joshua Stansf leld, D. D.. f - pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, whose subject will be "A Man's : ReUgton." On Wednesday the speaker '. will be the Rev. Walter Taylor SJumner, IX D., bishop of Oregon (Episcopal), whose subject will be "The Religion of ' a "Child." On Thursday the speaker will be the Rev. William A. Waldo, Ph. - p., pastor of the White Temple (First Baptist), whose subject-will be "The " ) Love of God." On Friday the speaker - will be the Rev. William T. McElveen, Ph. i D., pastor of the First Congrega tional church, whose subject will be Why the Church." The music will be tinder tbe direction of Walter Jenkins. BtTSICTESS ME2T TO PRESIDE The following business men will be the presiding officers at these meetings : F. C. tfnapp, Baptist; William Ladd, Presbyterian ; Louis V. Lundberg. Kng- llsh Lutheran; Marion B. Meacham, Christian; J.'B. Kerr, Episcopal. ' . ' In addition to the' noon meetings In the business district, the churches in every section of the city will cooperate by holding services throughout the --week.' . -- . . During: the coming week services will be held every evening; except Saturday at the First Congregational church. ' Dr. W t. McFlveen will speak on the . . different aspects of the question. "What :-.-'Is It to Be a Christian?" On Thursday Evening the church will hold Its annual meeting, at Which the. of fleers of the many societies xb the church will pre- sent their reports. v Special evangelical services will be the t feature of the week at the First Meth - odlst church.. Sunday morning and eve . : nine. Monday evening and Thursday evening the pastor. Dr. Joshua Starts field, will preach. The Tuesday, eve- . - nlng' service will be In charge of Bishop v W. T. Sumner of the Episcopal church, the Wednesday evening meeting in charge of .the Rev. Francis B. Short of "Wilbur Methodist church and the Friday evening meeting In charge of the Rev. f H. X Cox of the First Friends' church. Oospel solos ' will feature each service MEETINGS WILL BE KEATRE CHURCH OF OUR FATHER r j COB5ER OF BROADWAY ATVD YAMHILL REV. THOMAS L. ELIOT, D. D PASTOR EMERITUS , ' ! BEY. WILLIAM 6. EUOT JR PASTOR . X0RHI5O SERVICE AT 11 EVENING SERVICE AT 7i4i A Course of Sunday livening Lectures THE EVEXIXG SERVICE CLOSES AT I O'CLOCK THE PUBLIC IS INVITED ALL SEATS FKEE it ANSWERS Jan. 4 A to the Value of a Belief in a Life After Death" Joiu11"Am to the Possibility of a Life After Death' Jan, 18 "Am to the Nature and Origin of the Human Soul" Jan. 25 "As to the Worth of the Bible" . , The 'lecture' on January 25 will be transitional to a series in February answering doubts as to the nature of Christ, the value ot churches, the use of worship and other doubts characteristic of our day. The lectures will touch real and universal human problems In a straight forward, concrete and reasonable way. Christianity is primarily a life rather than a creed. But life may be less useful and happy for lack of religious con victions ; and a false philosophy of life may ruin a man or a nation. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' ALDER STREET AT TWELFTH REV. HOWARD AGNEW JOHNSTON, D. D. ' i !: A. SI. "Building Reserve Power for 1920" y ' . . i JiM P. M. .. ' ','Mr. Mordy and Prof. Tyndall on the Reality of Prayer"; lit I SUNDAY SCHOOL Itli OROAN RECITAL BY E. E. COURSES' Special Week Night Services at Westminster f .- At Weak Prayer feature, " neeUncn -win held at 7:45. K WedBclay, Trnmday and Fri- : day, with D- Ctfward H. Peace, -: Psoiy speaklnc e special aub . ; Jecta,-' . .-. : ,; - . "WHrn essrram Wthi yean' . r, : 10t0 AMD 7:M: RaVC SOULS WHO MAVlraOKB THI FUTURE UNAFRAID" . - ; are Dr. Fence' Ssnday anbjecte , QUARTET and PtPB ORGAN MUSlO 'SUKBrn SCHOOL AT 18:10 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR AT ' 6 :S " A CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALtV .f. Hocal itlinis ters Co Assemble in : . .;.- ee3sion ;jHonclay The" Portland Ministerial association will hold its January meeting in the T. M. C. A. auditorium at 10 :30 Monday morning. ,. President Harold IL Qrlffls has announced the following program : A paper will be read by Dr. C. E. Cllne on the subject, "Are the Religious Needs of the Times Being Met by the 'Min istry TV, The paper, will be reviewed by A, F. FlegeL The meeting' will close promptly at 12 o'clock in order 'that all the clergymen may. attend tht meeting In the Baker theatre at 12:10, when Dr. Edward H. Pence preaches under the auspices of the Portland Federation of Churches. at 7 :45 p. m. The official board and 100 families are pledged to the success of the "week's campaign, OBSERYJE WEEK OF PRAYER The week of prayer will be observed Monday and . Thursday nights at the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Howard Agnew Johnston, acting pastor, will speak on "The Kingdom of God in the World's Life" on Monday evening. Thursday eveening he will talk on "The Kingdom of pod ' in Our Individual Lives." This service will be preparatory to the communion service on January 11. Beginning Monday evening there will be preaching every night In the week except Saturday at the East Side Bap tist church. The services .will commence at 7 :5 and last for one hour, Dr. W. B. Hinson announces. Services will be conducted at the United Presbyterian ' Church of the Stranger every night next week by the pastor, the Rev. 8.' Earl DuBols. The week of prayer themes will be consid ered during the first part of the service, the remainder of the time being given over to an evangelistic address. The meetings begin at 8 o'clock and last one hour. , Woodlawn Methodist church will also observe the week of prayer with services each night during the coming week, an nounces the Rev. J.' H. Irvine, pastor. Likewise the Clay Street Evangelical church. Tenth and Clay streets. The Rev. Jacob Stocker will direct these services. SPECIAL 8ERTICES EACH XVEXIXG The Fourth Presbyterian church will observe the week of prayer with special services each evening. The Rev. Levi Johnson will speak Monday evening on "The Key Note for the New Tear." Dr. Howard A. Johnston will speak Tuesday evening on "The New Enlist ment," Wednesday evening on "The "Surrendered . Life" and Friday evening on "Reserve - Power." Thursday eve ning's address, "The. Leadership of the Church In the Life Currents of Today,"' I will be given by the Rev. Boudlnot Seeley. A series of revival meetings commenc ing January 4 and ending January 18 will be conducted by the Evangelists F. W. Suffleld and wife In the Nazarene church . on Spokane avenue and Ninth street. An unusual time is anttelpated by the members of this church. There will be three meetings each Sunday and a meeting every night during the week. COMMUNITY MEETINGS HELD -The Sunday evening service at Forbes Presbyterian church will be in prepara tion for the week of prayer to be "ob served by this church. A number of simultaneous community prayer meet ings will be held in the homes on Wednesday evening. The week of prayer will be observed TO DOUBTS WESTMINSTER 3f TRAINING SCHOOLS ". ; Second Semester of N ight Col lege Conducted by Churches Will Run for 8-Week Term. The second semester of the Port land Training school, conducted Jointly, by the "Portlaixi Church' fed eration and Multnomah County Sun day .J School association, wilt open January 21, at the First Methodist church, and continue ' for eight weeks. The - school is a night col lege for training in principles and methods of religious education. Cur ing the fall semester last year regis trations of Portland Sunday school workers numbered 182. The work of the coming term covers the eight consecutive Wednesday eve nings from January 21 to March 10. Each session is divided into three periods. Puring the first period, from 7 :30 to 8 :20, five- classes will be in session ; the second period will be a 20 minute assem bly period for the entire school, and the third period, lasting 60 minutes, will have flye courses. All lines of Sunday school work will be explained to teachers and officers by a faculty chosen from leading local church people. . Dr. R. M. Pratt Is dean and Miss Winifred Bassett, reg istrar. by Atkinson Memorial ' Congregational church with special meetings each night The topics furnished -by the Federated Council of Churches of Christ in Amer ica will be used by the Rev. E. E. Flint Evangelistic services will be held each night during the coming week at Hope Presbyterian church by the Rev. Henry E. Giles, pastor. The Mount Tabor Presbyterian church, the Rev. Ward MacHenry, pastor, and the Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal church, the Rev. E. G. Decker, pastor, will hold week of prayer services to gether. Tuesday night at the Presby terian church, the Rev. Decker will lead. DIRECTORY Second Sunday After Christmas Uniform Sunday School Lessons "Petsr Prwichf at PentcotM Acts 2:14, 22-24. 82-42. Golden text: "WboeoeTer shall rail upon the nam of th Lord shaU be aaTed. Acju 2:21. - Young People's Topics Baptist Cnion "Oar Belief in God." John 14:1-8. 10; Mark f:17-24 ; Uark 11:22. Christian Endearor BeUere in God." John 14:1, 8-10; Mark 9:17-24, 11:22. Epworth league "Cominf to Know God." John 17:3; Pa. 46:10, 119:97. Baptist , First White Temple. 12th and Taylor Re. VUUam A Waldo. 11. 7:30. Et Side T5. 20th and Salmon ReT. W. B. Hinson. Rer. H. T. Cash, associate pas tor. 11, communion and baptism: sermon topic. ."Good Cheer lor the New Tear": 7:80, "The Attractlre Power of the Uplifted Christ." Third Vaneoti rer and Kiiotb Be?. Webiey J. Ret res, 11. "The Call of the Communion"; 7:30. "A New Tear Outlook." Arieta Ber. Owen T. Day. 11. "In tbe Betinnlnf God": 8, "A Critical Hour. Caltary E. th and Grant Ret 3. B. Thomas 11. 7:30. Gleneoa E. 4 5 th and If sin Rcr. F. C. Laalette. 11. T:I0. Sellwood Bethany Rer. W. N. Ferris. 11. 7:46. Grace E. 7th and Ah. Re. F. W. Star ing. 11, 7:45. preachlnf by Rer. Ausust Hunderup. Lnlrenity Park Rer. 8. Lawrence Black. 11. 8. Swedbh 18 th and Hoyt Ear. T. G. SJolan der. 10:30. 7:30. fit John 11. 7:80. . Hit-hland E. Sth and Alberta Dr. TT. T. Milliken. 11, 7:80. MX. Oliret (colored) Broadway and Er erett Rer. J. W. Anderson.- 11, 8. OaUialla Pro Cathedral 16 th and Daris ReT. E. V. OHsra. . 7:15. 8:80. 8:45. 11. 7:45. St Peters Lents Rev. P. Bra teen. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St Lawrence 8d and Sherman Bar. J. C. Hucbaa. 6. 8:30, 10:80. 7:80. St. Francis E. 12 th and Pine Rt. 3, H. Black. 6, 8, 9, 10:80. 7 -.80. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton ReT. W. A. Daly. . 8. 8. 11, 7:80. Holy Boaary B. 8d and Clsckamas iter. E. 8. Olson. , 7, 8. . 11. 7:80 St Rm E. 58d and Alameda Est. J. O'FamIL 8. 10:80. 4. . St Andrews E. , th and Alberta Rer. J. Klernan. 8. 10:80, 7:80. The Madeloine E. 24th and Siskiyou ReT, George- F. Thompson. 7:30. , 11. Ascension E. 76 th and xamiull Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:80. 7:80. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena ReT. F. W. Black. 8. 10:30. 7:80. Holy Cms 774 Bowdoin Rer. C. Raymond. 8. 10:30. 7:80. St Ignatius 8220 48d st 8. E. Jesuit Fathers. 6:80. 8. 10:80. 4. St Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor1 Rer. War ren A. Waltt 6. 8:80, 10:80. 7:80. Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and Vancou ver aTe. Re-. William J. Dirine. 6, 8, 10:30, 7:80. St Phttllp Nedl (Panlist Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory ReT. M. I Ferry. 7:80. , 10:80, 7:80. St. Omenta S. Smith are. and Newtotl Rerblte Fathers. 6, 8, 10:80, 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rer. G. Bob. 8. 10:80, .7:80. St Arathi rf. 16th and Miller Bar. i. 0mmsky. 8. 10:80, 7:80. 8t Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fail ing Rey. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80, 7:80. St Joseph (German) 16th and Couch Rev. B. R Hirer. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St Michael (Italian) (th and Mill Rer. M. Baletra. 8:S0. 10:30. 7:80. St Claire's Capitol HU1 Father Aloyataa, O. F, M. 7:20. 9:20. St Charles E. 83d and Alberta Rer. J. P. O'Flynn. 8. 16:80. AH Saints E. 80th and Glisan Rer. Father William Cronin. 8, 10:80 . St Patrick 19th and Sarler Ret. Charles U. Smith. Masaea 6:30. 8, 0:15. 10:80. 7:4 ft. Christian First Park end Columbia Re. Harold H. Grlffis. 11, "The Conservation of American ism": 7:45, "Assets ot the Christian Life." East Side E; 12th and Taylor Re. R. H. Dr McElveen Says: ' THIS VIA 18 NOT A NEW VKH ' UNLCt YOU ARK A NEW VOU a FIRST CONGREGATIONAL , CHURCH PARK AND MADISON STREETS Newness of Life ' 11 . M. - - - -.-.","T VTS"'otSS REVIEW OF 191 EXPECTATIONS .if-.. - FOB 1820 : ' 1S:8S NOON rAn Acceptable Year of ! ; v th Lord t :- ':; t. m, SUNDAY SOHOOL - y " CLASSES FOR ALIASES '4-Si- S:4B A. M. .f . , '..1 3,4.' CHRISTIAN ENOEAVOR , -4;-...v S:SO P. m. -r,,'. SERVICES EVERT NIOHT NEXT WEEK JSahnef ; Sunday Schools 2lre 35amed any rmenian "The three banner Sunday schools of the state, so far as present reports go, in the Near East (Armenian) relief, are the First Christian and East Side Bap tist of Portland and Flrstv Methodist of Tillamook." said J. J. Handsaker, state director, today. "Last year the First Christian broke the state record with a contribution of 48S. This year they pledged 8700 and at the latest reports had 81258.89 with more coming, again contributing ' the largest amount in the state. The East Side Baptist pledged 8240, but have now reported 8,1056.72, making, the largest increase Jn pledge to date! The Tilla mook 1 Methodist, numbering 70 pupils, reports over 8800, tbe largest per capita contribution of any In the state." HOOTER TO ADD' IMPETUS New impetus to this campaign ,1s ex pected from the coming . of Herbert Hoover next week. He is an active member of the national executive com mittee, and recently stated that he con sidered this the most desperate situa tion in the world. A few weeks ago, in discussing the situation with the execu tive committee, he told them that the situation in the Caucasus is so desper ate that unless large funds are secured at the Christmas and in the February campaigns no relief workers will be needed In the .spring only a committee of grave diggers.' Wednesday night at the Presbyterian church the Rev. MacHenry will lead. Thursday night at the M. E. church the Rev. Decker will lead. Friday night at the M. E. church the Rev. MacHenry will lead. There will be no union serv ices on Sundays. The public is cordially invited to at tend. Services at 7 :30. Address on Sunday The Rev. F. A. Starr will occupy the pulpit at Kenilworth Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. In the eve ning George Warner will deliver an ad dress on India. -Ht New Topic Series A new series of pulpit topics will com mence tomorrow in Pilgrim Congrega tional church. Popular questions will be answered in a. positive, constructive man ner. OF CHURCH Sawyer. 11. 7:80. address bT former Adlntant General G. M. Williams on "Christiao Ameri cantaation." Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Bai. 8 Earl CliiWen. 11, 8. MontavUla E. 76th and Glisan. 11. 7:30. Woodlawn K. 7th and Liberty Bar. Joseph D. Boyd. 11, 8. Vernon E. 15th and Wygant Rev. R. Tibbs Msxey. ll, 7.80. Kern Park Re. J. P nVinrmlev 11 "Xti. PbcWe'i Work Greater Than His Lord's": 7:30, The New Creation." Christian Science Lesaon subject: "God." First 19th and Everett 11, 8. Second B. 6th and HoRaday. 11. 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth Vancouver and Emenon. 11. 8. Fifth 62d and 42d ave. S. E. 11. 8. Sixth Masonic, temple. 368 Tamhill. 11. 8. . Serenth Holbrook block. St Johns. 11. All churches) Wednesday, 8 p. in. Congregational ' First Park and Madison Dr. W. T. McEl Veen. . 11, "Newness of Life": 7:45, "An Aeceptabla Tear of the Lord." Bunnyaide E 82d and TayloV Rev. J. J. Staub. 11. The Tear, the Race and the Goal"; 7:45, "Whitherscrer Thou Leadest" Atkinson Memorial E. " 29th and Everett Re. E. E. FUnt 11. "The Kaw Onnortunitv and New Life of the Church in the New Year"; 7:45. "The Remedy by Prevention." Highland E. 6th and Presern Re. Edward Constant 11. "Coveted Aspirations" followed by communion: 7:80. "The Onen Door te a Higher Life," Waverleigh Heights E. 88d and Woodward Rev. OliTer P. Avery. 11, communion serriee; 7 :30, "The Dream That Was True." Laurelwood 45th are. and 65th st 8. E. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11. ' . Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Robert Murray Pratt 11. "Is the Bible the Word of God.- or Is It the Work of" T:SO "Did God Make Man. or Man Make God?" university park Haven and Lombard Rev. C. H. Johnston. Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore Rev. - Sam uel Kerala. 6, 7:80. St. Johns 8. lranhoe and Richmond. Rev. 3. T. Merrill 11. 7:80 Danish-Norwegian E. 2 3d and Sumner Rev. Oie Torgessen. 11. 7:80. First German E. 7 th and Stanton Rev. George Z other. 11. 7:80. Second German E. 6th and Skidmore Rev. Henry Hagelgani. 11. 7:30. Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Rev. 3. H. Hoop. 11. 7:80. i Parkrose Bev. P. D. Holfman. 11. 7:80. Ounkard Church of the Brethren Borthwick and B rai ns rd Rev. George C. Carl. 11. 8. Episcopal Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr Rt Rev. W. T. Sumner, bfchop; Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, dean. Preaching by the dean. 0:43. 11. "A New Tear's Message"; 7:46. Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor rison. 8. 11. 8. St Davidn E. 12th and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30. 9:30. 11, 7:30. it Marks 21st and Marshall Rer. J. i ton. 7:80. 0:45. 11. 8. It Andrews Hereford st. Plymouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 11, 7:30. Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8. St Michael and All Angela E. 43d and Broadway Rev. F. T. Bowen, vicar. 8, 10, 11. Church, of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41 st 8. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:80. llT Bishop Morris . MemorialGood Samaritan hospital Be Frederick K. Howard. 7. 0:30. St Pauls Woodmere Bev. Oswald. AV. Tay lor. 4. All Saints 25th and 8s Tier ReT. Frederick K Howard. 10. 11. St Johns Memorial E. 1 5th and Harney, Sellwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11, 7:30. St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Be. W. A. U. Breck, vicar. 10. 11. Evangelical First E. 6th and Market Rev. E. D. Horn eehucb. 11.7:80. Clay Street 10th and Clay Rev. Jacob Stocker. 10:45 (German), "Gods Way la in the Sanctuary"; 8, Service at the AHenheira: 70 (Enclish), "The Church, Awakened by Her Opportunities." Swedish Tsbernaele N. 17th and GHaan. Bev. C J. Ledin. 11, 7:30. i Free Methodist Central E. 65 th and Flanders Rev. E. 1. Harrington. II. 7:80. First E. 9th and MID Rev. S. II. TJpton. 11. 7:80. Alberta E. -80th and Wygant Rev. M. T, WheUell. 11, 7:80. St Johns E. Richmond and Hudson Rev. B. D. Blackmail. 11, T:80. Lenta Bev. ST H. Upton, acting pastor. 2:80, 8.30. Friends First E. 35th and Main Rev. Homer I Cox. 11, New Tear's service; 7:45, "Four Steps to Christ." Second E. 92d and 61st ave Rev. In ran s IL Terrell 11. 7. Wert Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey Rev. Carey Jeexupp. 11,. 8. Jewish ' i ' Congreaaelon Beth Israel lffith and Mam Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Beftorm Synagogue. Service Friday 8 TV n-, Saturday 10:30 a. m. Coxigregation Abavai Shelom Park and Clay eta. Rabbi R. Abrahamsonw Friday 8 p. m. Saturday 8:80 a. m. . - ' Congregation Nevaa EedeekyTslmwl Torab 6th and Hall Rev. Abraham L Roaeneranta. Fnday 8 p. ra. Saturday S a. m. ; Sunday 10 a. at.. Bcligioia school r -t. ;, ; '..-' . kattar Day Sainta ' " Cnnrelt of Jesus Christ of Tuatter Pay Saints E. 26th and Madison Heber C. IerKm; mis sion president 10. 7:80.. ';.: LuUtaran ': - ' ; - ; ' rt Jantea W. Park I and Jefferson ' Rev. rVillUm E. BriBkman. 11, 7:30. -:- . St, Panto E. 12th and Clinton Rev. A. Krause, lu:o, : - . V K- -K ft I- eft - V. X (Sifts glre. Histed Contributions to the Christmas offer ing received during the past week fol low: STJXDAY SCHOOLS XAMED Sunday schools Inside Portland: Forbes Presbyterian 8380, Sunnyside Congregational 8249.42, Calvary Presby terian 865.70. Sellwood Christian 814.80, Tabernacle Baptist $10. Sunday schools throughout the state: Klamath FsAls Christian 8100, Presby terian 871. Lmanuel Baptist 842. First Baptist 840 and . Adventist 811; Shasta View 826.87, Prinevllle Presbyterian 840, Kingman colony, Myssa. $38.15 ; Iliff M. E. $12. Waldport Presbyterian (sec ond contribution) $7.12, Forest Grove Congregational $40, Ashland Methodist $455,. Junction City Methodist $35, Woodburn Church .of God $25, Union Presbyterian $14. Dallas Evangelical 860, Heppner Federated .$86.25, West Chehalem 881.47. McMinnville Methodist 840. The Dalles Christian $48- Dufur Methodist $20, La Grande Methodist 817.90, Boardman Community $18.50, Perrydale Christian $21, Woodburn Christian $11, Rosedale Friends $28. Chemewa Indian school $75.81. Wlllard Congregational, Salem, $12.58; Silver ton Christian $35.15. Htllsboro Chris tian $12.86, Ilillsboro Baptist $87.75, Enterprise young people $7.20. Grants Pass Methodist (second contribution) $40. Night Services at Westminster Church Special week night services will be featured at Westminster Presbyterian church. East Seventeenth and Schuyler streets, as a part of the week of prayer being observed throughout the city under auspices of the City Church Federation. These will be held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7 :45 o'clock, and Dr. Ed ward H. Pence, the pastor, will speak on a special subject each night. Dr. Pence's subject for Wednesday night will be "When Jesus Mastered the Best Man of His Day" ; Thursday night? 'When Jesus Mastetred the Worst Woman"; Friday night "How Jesus Mastered the Worst CJty of Samaria." SERVICES IN Our Savior Christensen. E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. 11. 7:80. Trinity (Missouri Synod) Williams and Graham Rev. J. R. Bimbacb. 10:15, 7:30. "Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davis Rev. WUhelm Pettersea. 11. 8. Graae Engllsh) Mason and Amine. Bev. C. H. Bernard. 9:45. 7 45. Bethel Norwegixa (Free) Wygaot and Bod ney. Bethany Danish ETangelical TJadon and Mor-ris-Bev. L. P. Kjoller. 11. 8. St. Johns Peninsula and Kilpatrick Rev. L, Ludwig. 10:45. 7:80. Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7:43. Immanuel 19th and Irving Bev. A. V. An derson. 11, 8. Trinity (Norwegian) Loveioy and Fortune ! Rev. S. A. Stenmth. 10.80. . Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) tnsp man and Salmon Bev. H. IL Koppelmann. 9:15, 10:15, 7:45. , Alberta English E. 17th and Alberta (Baker ball). 10, 11. Mathodltt Episcopal Height Bev. G. S. Carmon 11. 7. Brown. 10. Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rev. Frank L. WemeU. 11, 7:30. Central Vanconver and Fargo Rev. A. . B. Maclean.. 11. 7:80. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rev. E. S. Mace. II. Epworth 26th end Sevier Rev. J, Stanford Moore. II. 7:30. First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stens field. 10:30. New Tear's communion serriee ; 7 :80. evangelistio service. First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt tier, uuaa ujerdmg. ll, 7:43. Laurelwood E. 63dand Foster. Brakenbusy. 11,7:30. Lnu 86th st'and 58th ave. Sibley. 11, 7:45. Lincoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln. Ginn. 11. 7:30. Monta villa E. 80th and Pine -Gould. 11. 7:80. Mt Tabor ft. Slat and Stark. Rev. A. a Rev. F. R. Rev. F. A. - Rev. Hiram Rev. E. G. Decker. 11, "The Open Door"; 7:30, "Chris- uanising America. Pttton Alberta and Michigan. Bev. George H. Bennett 11, 7:80. Rose City Park E. R8th and Sandy. Rev, D. Lester Fields. 11. 7:30. Sellwood E. 15th and Tacoma; Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11, ."The Big Business of This Church for 1920": 8. "The New Tear Is an Sunnyside E. 85th and TamhlU Rev. W; F. Inetoo. 11, 7:45. St. Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Rav. W. E. Klester. 11, 7:80. Swedish Beech and Borthwick - Rev. Abe) Eklund. 11. 7:30. University Part ' Fifke gad Lombard Bar H. T. Atkinson. 11, 7:80. Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid more and Vancouver Bev. A. Christeaseu. 11, 7:30. yearly festival service. Westmoreland Milwaukie and Midway Rev. E. S. Mace. 7:80. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. Francia Bur gett Short 10:80. "The Necessity of a Down town Church"; 7:30. Woodstock E. 44th and Woodstock Bev. L. C, Poor. 11, 7:30. Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev. J. H. Irvine. 11. "Man's Nearest Approach to Omnipotence Man Almost Almighty"; 7:30, "Revivala 1 Have Known." WealeyatH E. B3d and Glisan Rev. D. B. Hampe. 11, 7:40. District superintendent Bev. William Wallace Toungsoo, D. D.. 681 K. 63d st b'. Tabor 2790. Ml. E. Souta First Cnion and Multnomah Rev. J. W. Byrd. ,11. 7:30. , N axarene First E. 1 0th and Weidler Rev. J. T. Little. 11. 7:80. Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Rev. J. G. Bringedahl. 11, 7:30. Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th st Rev. a U. Fowler. 11, 7:30. Highland Park E. 14th and Eillingsworth Bev. W. P. Keebaugh. 11. 8. Scandinavian 948 Garfield Rer. Daniel Hallatrom. 11, 7:80. Presbyterian ; First 12th and Alder. Rev. Howard Agnew Johnston of Chicago, acting pastor. 10:30, "Building Reserve Power for 1920"; 7:30. "Prayer." Westaainetej' East 17th and Schuyler Bev. Edward II. Pence. 16:80. 7:80. Central E. 13th and Pine, Preaching by Rev. George H. Clarke of CorraLlis; 10:30. 7:80. Calvary 11th and Clay. Rev. L. Boa ring Quick. 11, 7:30. Mt Tabor E. SRth and Belmont Rev. Ward MacHenry. 11. 7:30. Vernon 1 th and Wygaot. Rev. Bruce 3. Giffen.. 11. 7:80. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Preach ing by Dr. James O. Reid of San Francisco, 11, "Communion"; 7:80. "Forgetting For ward." j ' Fourth FlrH and Gibb'. Bev. Monroe) G. Ba-erett 10:30. "The Mas With On Tal ent"; 7:30. "The Mission of Christ la 1930." "tenDworth E. S4tb and Gssdatowew 11. preaching by Dr. F. A. Stan; 7:80. seetsnw oa India by George Warner. Hope 78th and Everett Rev, H. E. Giles 11, "A Whole Ufa for Christ": 7:80, "Why Unite With the Chutrbf" Boa City Dr. Robert B. Muiligaa. 11, 7 JO..." , . , , - Forbes Grabim and Gantenbein Rev. Ward Willis Long. 10 30. church session; 11, coat manioc and reception of new members; 7:30, "Whea th Church Prayed," - Trinity Virginia, and Nebraska Rav. Theo dore p. Smith. 11. 1:80. Anabel Re. F. U. Mixaell. ,11. T:80. Millard A venae Rev. W. Le Grsr. 11. "All Hia VoUpwenf' ; 7 JO, : "Th . Mighty Sword.""' . 1 . . ' - Marshall Streab 17th. and Marshall Bat. A. 1" II ana. 11. :.J . , - BAPTISTS WIN IN VICTORY CAMPAIGN ' 1 -' ; Six Million Dollar Goal , in Big Drive Was Reached at Mid night Dec; 31, Says Message. Telegraphic announcement was received in Portland Friday from the New York headquarters . office of the Northern -Baptist convention, stating that the church had com pleted Its $6,000,001) victory cam paign . fund by midnight, December 31, 1919, and that they now laid claim to the $2,000,000 promised by I John D. Rockefeller. This gives the Baptists a fund of 18,000,000 to use for home and foreign mission work. This announcement, was made by Dr. O. C. Wright, executive .secre tary of the Oregon Baptist state con vention. Last May, at the annual meeting of the convention, Mr. Rockefeller prom ised a gift of $2,000,000 provided the church completed Its 86,000,000 campaign by the end of the year. This gift also provides that $1,000,000 shall go to the home mission society and the other mil lion to the foreign missionary society of the denomination. Since making this conditional gift, Mr.. Rockefeller has also made an uncondi tional gift of $2,000,000 to the ministers' and missionaries' benefit board. The above mentioned 810,000,000 Is entirely over and above the money raised for local missionary enterprises within the various states. By- adding the local gifts to the .$10,000,000 the amount given' during the past year by the denomina tion for missionary work would make a total of approximately $25,000,000. Meeting's Will Continue The "Holy Ghost" meetings started last Sunday at the Church of God. Union avenue and Falling streets, will con tinue each night during the coming two weeks, according to an announcement made by the Rev. H. Neal, pastor. PORTLAND MUpah E. 19th and Division Rev. D. A. loompson. n, uhrtat the Supreme Need" 7:45, "True Freedom Through Christ' Unity E. 71st and Sandv Rev. W See man. 11, communion and reception of new members; 7 :80, "A Heartening Assuranoe for Seventh Day AoVantlst Not Regular aervice of thla denominatlou are held on Saturday. Central E. 1 1th and Everett U S. Dick son, pastor. 10, 11:16. Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery G. W. Pettitt minister m. 10, 11. MontaTill E, 80th and Everett J. A. Ger hart. 10, 11. Lento 94th st and 68th ave. W. D. Hunt ington. 10, 11. - St John Central av. and Charleston A. R. Folkenherg. 10, 11. , Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder M. H. Wenttand. 10. 11. Scandinavian 62d St. and 89th ave. Elder O. 8. Lee. 10, 11. SivatiTi Army Corp No. 1248 Ash at Adjutant Borj E. Cozens. 11. :15..S. . Corps No. 4. 1281 1st Oaptaia WUUam G. fcoiith. 11. 3. 8. weoaviborglstn fw Church Society 811 Jefferaog Bev. William R. Recce. 11. Unitarian . Church of Our Father Broadway and Tam htll Rev. W. G. EUot Jr. 11. "Is Life Fatal and Providence Ficklef"; 7:45, "Th Faith of a Free Church: 1. An Answer to Doubta aa to the Value of a. Belief In a Ufa After Death." United Brethren Cbnferenc superintendent Rev. G." E. Mc Donald. First E. 1 5th and Morrison Rev. Byron J. Clark. 11, "Preparing the Way"; 7:80, "The'f .Business, Second E, 27th and Sumner Rev. Ira Hawley. 11, "Earth's Greatest Calamity"; 8. evangelistic aervice. .Third 67th st and 82d are. S. E. Bev. E. O. Shepherd. 11, "Gladness Brought Out of Sorrow"; 7:80. "Gods Law Not Changed." Fourth Trejnont Rer. C. P. Blancherd. 11. "The Awakened Church"; 7 40. "Why the Week of Prayer!" St Johns (old .constitution) 446 J setup Est. Walter Reynolds. 10-. 7. 8. tliyted Kanlcal First E. 16th and Poplar Bev. J. A. Goode. 11, 8. Ockley Green Willamette bird, and . Gaj Rev. It. H. Farnham. 11, 7:30. St. Johns Bev. A. P. Laytoa. 11. 7:80. Unrtee) Preebytartan First E. 87th and Hawthorns Rev. H. T. Given. 11. 7:30. Church of the Strangers Grand and Wasco 1 Bct. 8. Earl Du Bo 1a. 10:80, "Paying Our Vowa in the New Tear"; 7:80, "Gtyioc the Bread to the Multitudes." Kenton 120 West Lombard Bev. George N. Tajlor. 11. 7:30. Mlsellfleus Christian aad Missionary Alliance E. Btbi and CUy Rev. Joba E. Fee. 10. 11, 7:80. Realisation I-etgue 148 18th Rav. Edwgrd Mills. 11. "The Larger life," by Dr. 3. P. Green of St Louis; 8. "The Beat Is Tet to Be," by the pastor. Chriatadelpbian 631 E. Washington. 19:30. Cbnrch of God 863 Failing Harry Neal. 11. 7:80. Evangelistic campaign. Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark. 11. 7:30. Men's Baaort 4th and Burnsida Bv. Lri Johnson, superintendent. S. Divin Science Portland Hotel T. M. Mi nard. 11. "Th Christ Healing." Pentecostal First and Waafaingtoa Bev. Will O. Trotter. 11, 8. 7:8. Glad Tidings Pentecostal Mission) 248 1st 2. 3. 7:80. Pentecostal eburch E. 20th aad Ankeny A. W. Smith. U. 8. 8. . Volunteers of America Mission 224 Burn side Meeting every evening except 'Monday at 8 o'clock, and Sunday, 8 p. m. Portland Eeclesia (Chriatadslphiaa) 4697 Belmont George H. Tilling, secretary. 11. Peniel Miseion C68 1st 3, 8. Services each night at 8. Cbnrch of Christ K. 79th and Glisaa. 11. First Spiritualist E. 7th and Hassaio. 7:43, serriee by O. W. Shaw of Berkeley. Flrwt Spiritual Science 129 Fourth st Rev. Max Hoffaua. 8. 8. The Members of tbe erican urch OORDIALLT INVITI TOU TO CROt1-LK0TVRS "In the Beginning t or the' Limitless Chorstos" Y THCIH ra'STOS IN Christensen's (lower) Hall tf: SWTTIAWOS CIS YABHlii TS ' sTMrtiN iiTir'sjo irrtt tm.': ::f-- wshihy hialins) kkviok. Am Ch Br. Solinston taiili preach onrayerat Jfirst Presbyterian Dr. Howard A. Johnston will occupy the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening. At the morning service he will preseut a theme for the opening year. In tbe eve ning he will discuss the subject of prayer. "Perhaps no other subject In volves a greater variety" of opinions In our day as to its reality and walue than the subject of prayer, said Dr. John ston. "Many modern scientists, in cer tain conspicuous Instances, have de clared against the reasonableness of sup posing thst the mighty ruler af the uni verse of worlds, would ' ba affected by the prayers of a human being on this HiOe planet, which is but a speck amid me systems or suns and sure. Mrs. Virginia S. Hutchinson will Sing Lead Kindly Light" at the evenine- serv. ice. The educational classes for tke University of Oregon wjll be resumed this week. Mrs. 11. M. Sent Will conduct the class on public speaking Monday and Wednesday evenings, and W, It. Boyer the class in music on Tuesday evening. ; i- Minister to Speak ' On Assets' of 1919 Sermons in keeplne wltA the Kew Year spirit will be preached Sunday morning ana evening at the First Congregational church by Dr. W. T..Mcfclveen. In the evening- he will indicate how much proK resa ctMlisation made rn 1919. , lie will apeak more of the anseta than of the liabilities of the past year, commenting on , the passing of a discredited secret diplomacy, the Increased desire for economic Justice, the lessening of relig ious bigotry and the augmented, will tng- nesa to give both money and self for the aervice of the nation. l?e will venture on a prophecy of the outstanding gains of civilization for 1920 s After the aer- mon there will be opportunity for ques tlons and discussion. Similar economic subjects will be discussed Sunday noon in ur. McElveen s current events class. e4 e Evangelist W,ill Conduct Services A series of evangelistic services to last through February have heeti planned for the members of Sellwood Methodist church by the Rev. W. 8. Gor don, pastor. The Rev. Charles E. Gib son. D. D., la to be the evangelist. Sun day morning and evening the pastor will preach New Year sermon , showing the door of opportunity lying open to the church at the beginning i of this year. Music will be given by the; choir and or chestra under the direction of Professor F. C. Streyfeller, i Church to Sing Song Composed by Pastor The aervice at the) First Friends church Sunday morning will be of Interest. The pastor eacK year announces a motto and makes It the theme of the 1 first Sunday of the New Year. This motto will be disployed on the wall and will become the watchword for the next 12 months. A feature this year will be the singing of a song composed, by the pastor with the motto as it subject and which It ia ex pected will become the battle song for 192Q. Come and bring your, friends. CENTENARY METHODIST CHURCH art ninth and Pine. ! UTMS. FRIENDLY OHROH" TOMORROW Dr. Frank L. Wemett SPEAKS ON THI rOLLOWINO TOPICS) 11:00 A. sij. . "His Dying Bequest' : 7:80 P. M. "America's Most Imperative Need' CHORUS CHOIR mn4 SOLOISTS MBLI; SCHOOL :48 A. M. VOURO PIOPLI'S SOCItTY S:1S P.M. THIS OHUROH- 1RVITSS VOU Saint David's Church C. ISTH'AND NCLMONT A New Year's Message "The Motive of Life" 7. -SO P. St.: A RW SIRIfS "Things One Ought to Know and Believe"- REV. THOS. JENKINS, RECTOR Rev. George H. Clarke - AT . CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH F.. 1ITH A3rt FIHF. 8T8. Rev. Clarke Is student- pastor at. O. A.C. Corvallis. Oregon. He Is the - young man's friend, lie will preach morning and evening. You are WELCOME Special Masle r Cherne Choir 1 We Join Citywide Evangelistic Campaign. Attend. Bring Other I ArMl "RIGHT iTITH GOD sM'TTt HEI1!I.P OTHERS TO GET KWHr EPWORTH i ' M. E. CHURCH ., fSTH AXD SATIEK STS. ; ?! T. U. ETERT TflOHT, i .TO I, ASD SCSDATS . i Ml Y IN CUY OBSERVE Baptismal Services and Reception to New Members to Be Held in Few Churches. Holy communion will be celebrated ,' the first Sunday in the new year , In many of Portland'- churches. f: Baptismal services .and reception of new members will also tako place in ; CHURCHES a few. The ministers for the most '?! part will preach New Y ar sermons. pointing out' to their congregations the great . possibilities" for service. during 1920. With the War ended and the world waiting to adjust it. self, Meep thinking church workers i see a wonderful opportunity to en large the work of the church by setting the laity awakened to its i . opportunities and responslbUitles. Special evangelistic meetings begin nlng Sunday morning with New Year's communion and covenant service, will be the feature of the work at the First Methodist church next week. The mem- ' bers of the official board arid 100 fami lies of tho church are pledged to the ' success of this special week's .mission. TO OBSERVE LORD'S SUFFER The Lord's qupper will be observed at the close of the Sunday morning -preaching service at East Side Baptist " church. Following this service. Dr. W. B. Hinson will baptise candidates who ' have presented themselves. .;-' Reception of new members and cele bration of the Lord's supper will be ob served at Forbes Presbyterian church : Sunday at 11 a. m. At 10:30 a, m. the session will meet to receive applicants, for membership. ..' Highland Congregational church in . augurates the new year with special services on Sunday. Following the morning sermon the Rev. Edward Con slant will administer the holy com- . munlon. In the evening there will be a' new year song service with an ad dress. , ' Atkinson Memorial Congregational' church Is to use the first Sunday la". the new year for a communion aerflc and reception of new members. :. In the evtnlng the pastor. Rev. is. K.' Flint, ' will deal with Rome of the- dangers -that, . nave tnreatened life and the world In the past year. , - y , . FORGET THE PAST, IS ADTlSBD The New Year communion irvlce will be presided over by the Rev. James Clement Held of Hat; Francisco at Pied-' mom Presbyterian ' church on Sunday morning. In .the evening he' will give an address in which' he-will advise Ihe forgetting offthe-past and looking tor? Ward to brighter things. , White Temple TWKLPTH AND TAYLOR STNttTS WALDO, Ph. P.. 'A NtW VISION POR A Nf WTAIK" COMMUNION SIRVICt , 7:SO P. SJ.i "RBPSNTANOK OR THE OONVIOTCO . LIPS" PIOIALl Kvsnttllitle Services (vary Nliht This Wees - . Why I Don't Keep Sunday (The confession of a minister's ton) " EVANGELIST DICKSON , will give his clear cut reasons from the Bible for keeping the seventh day instead of the-first. They are unanswerable. , THIS LECTURE " HAS CONVINCED HUNDREDS CHRISTENSEN'S HALt, . . . (Comfortably heated) " Utk Sb Bet 3IoiTlot ssd TarahM SUNDAY-NIGHT. JANUARY 45 . . i 7iM O'CLOCK ' SPECIAL. MC8ICAL FKOGSAX SEATS FKEEFUBLIC IKTITED I iff ' 1 Patter. i ' '' A ,1; . .!- '. ' - . ,. : ...V r.-